Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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High Cablet Give Wheat ft Strong
Opening on Local Market
Corn Market la Mroa nnI Falrlr
Active nn Cortriif hT Bhorts,
Wno Wasted to Oct Ont !
the Market. .,
OMAHA. Dec. H. 1W.
Higher opening cables gave wheat ''"P"
openlnar. Tho early advance u h .'l-..
the strong rah situation In the southwest.,
where complaints of lark of moisture are
attracting traders' attention. Receipts are
moderately heavy, but the tone 01 y
market Is quiet and fractionally higher tor
Corneas strong and higher with wheat.
Consignments are increasing and rcnf
are running heavier than estimate. Mawj
cash equation look weaker, conditions
being asalnst any advance In Pnc ff .
Liberal receipts of wheat had little "Ject
and shorts bought early on the nigher
cables. Milling and cash demand do noi
seem to warrant the advance, which may
only be temporary. Cash prices wera"
vanced 'ir. on the strength shown In soum
west markets. .
The corn market wa strong and fairly
active on covering by shorts who w ere
not inclined to .lay In the market becau.e
of the government figures to be l"""1 ,
morrow. Caih markets were Jn
local sales were reported unchanged to u
higher, -.a via hu
Primary wheat recelf.ts w,r6.i..iSu?t re
an.l shipments were 11-1.0U0
celr.t lust year of 610.000 bu. and shipments
of 34O.0U0 bu. ... M hl, n.i
Fr.mary corn receipts were 934.000 bu ana
shipments were 410.000 bu.. aSal' rJPl
last year of ali.OOO bu. and shipments ol
France, were U.OW bu. of corn .CO0
bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to
1!lJvrpo'ol dosed Ad higher on wheat and
VI hlf-hcr to Vd lower on corn. .
The following cash sales were reported .
WHKAT-No. 2 hard, 8 cars. WHc. No "
hard, 1 car. Wc; 1 car, 89tc; No. 4 hard,
1 car, Kt'c; 1 car, 85c; No. a durum. 1 car,
82roUN-No. 8 yellow. 9 cars, 39"j,c; No. 8
mixed. ears, SKHc; No. 4 mixed, 2 cars,
OATS-Jo. 8 white. cars. 80c; No. 4
white. 8 cars, Vi No. 8 yellow. 1 car,
" Omaha Casta Trices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. WK3e; No. S hard,
R7'J;'H2i; No. 4 hard, 2tfilc; rejected hard
72Vn.V,o; No. 2 spring. KKUitfc; No. 8
spring. W-S910: No. 8 durum. 811240.
fOKN'-No. 2 white, 4rifi42V4c; new, B9'4
frshVs; No. 8 white. 41V424c; new, m(p
Zc; No. 4 white, 41VMU.c; new.
Xic; No. J yellow, 42'r42'c; new, 8V
Wc; No. 8 yellow, 414'.i43V,o; new, 24tf
SHVc; Noi 4 yollow. 41Vii411eC: new. SlU
39Vc; No. 2. 41Vfl42'4e; new 8939Jc; No.
8. 41VfM2c; new, W'4c; No. 4. 41u41V4C,
new, 3S-..039C; no grade. 3&40c; new, 3b(,
OATS No. 2 white, vftrXM,C: "t"1"1"
MMiJOc; No. 8 White, 23 Va 30c ; N o. 4 white,
mijart.o; No. 8 yellow, 2SV4(330c; No. 4
yellow, zmiWVjc. moo-
BARLEY No. 8. 70-g7fic; No 4. 64370c.
No. 1 feed, EttaCOc; rejected,
RYE No. 2, 76'ST7Vc; No. 3. .5tt8tt
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 661 242
Minneapolis ...
Omaha i i? 82
Duluth x- '
Features nt the Trading and Closlnaj
Prices on the Ilonrd of Trade.
CHICAGO, Pec. 14 Important resting
orders to buv wheat overcame unorganised
selling opposition today and the market
gradually hardened. I-ack of rain was re
ported to be Injuring the winter crop in
Illinois. At the close prices showed a net
advance of tiVc. latest figures for corn
were W4o to ,c higher than last night,
oata were up VfiSc to VJTbo and provi
sions dearer by mito 374c.
The finishing In whcaX was firm and
practically at the highest point of the ses
sion. Although t.ade did not amount to
much early, the market broadened out
later, as the hears grasped at disappear
ing profits. The bulls crowded their ad
vantage and displayed cable dispatches
stating that the persistent support in Chi
cago was being noted at Liverpool and
elsewhere. .-.'(Special Interest developed In
the Illinois offlolal report, which put the
winter crop condition for central counties
as low aa 88 per cent and in the southern
end of the state still further below, at 75
per cent. A little rain In Texas formed
the only exception to dryness wherever
fall sown wheat Is In the ground. May
ranged from 5o to WHO and closed 'o
up at 86VuitfVc. ...
Corn advanced on liberal purchases. Mav
fluctuated between 47o and 47o and
closed hWia net higher at 47g47'c. Ca.h
corn was firm. No. 2 yellow finished at
Hu'ytng of oats proved sufficient to bring
about a rise. May sold from 34c to Si4
84HO and In the end was Ho above laat
night at 84VW3414C
Hoks today, for the first time this sea
son could be profitably cut up to make
contract provisions. After trading ceased
pork was 337,0 more expensive than
twenty-four hours previous, lard up 17Hc
and a rise of laVfeSiKs In the cost of "ribs.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y,
Dec.... May...
Jan..., May...
Jan.... May...
J an. . .
91V4( 92 91
MS Sti ;96HitS
3Vt 3S W
46 4f.V3'-j 46
47 i-,'0 47
81SI 81 31SSH
84 34t''1l84f34
SlHi 31
84 8H
84 MViol &3-k
18 87 19 20
U 20 I
18 Z7Vsl
18 87S It 17H
17 8l U 27
18 87
17 W
17 VO
10 15
10 22HI 10 SaVh 10 221 10 32H
8 ViSti 10 10 W 1U 10
9 S7SI 10 05 I 87m 10 07M
9 62HI 7Vsl 'V
9 bo
Cash quotations were as follows:
Fl-OUR tUow.
1 . : I VI 4 fit IX.
11ARL12Y Feed or mixing, 6g70c; fair to
choice malting.
SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, 82 30;
No. 1 northwestern, 82 434; Timothy, $10.uu;
Clover. 816 00.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbL, 219.13I4
fills 26: lard. Per 100 lbs., JW.TJ1; short rli.s
sides Uoose). 8a. 7t.'a 10.25; short clear sides
1 boxed I. 8.4.X.Q'10.S7St.
Tothal olHarances of wheat and flour were
equal to 1U6.0U0 bushels, frnuary receipts
were 76. (A bushels, compared with tiio.on)
the corresponding day a year ago. Esti
mated recelts for tomorrow: wheat, 17
cars; corn, 320 cars; oata, 126 cars; hogs,
27.U-) head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
Vfi''o; No. 8 red, DlVUtSo; No. 8 hard,
tMvdc; No. 8 hard, 91Uv4o; No. 1 nortliern
spring wheat, 81o&S&lo7Vs; No. 2 northern
spring, 81.OK0.1.U6; No. 8 sprlns;, 81U3'tl 06.
Cornt No. 2 caah. 4(uA8Sc; No. 8 cash, 4S-J)
48So; No. I wulte, 41.uhiWc; No. whlta.; No. 8 yellow, tlc; No. 3 yellow,
6iiWSo. tats: No. 8 caah. SlonSo; No. 2
white, 3&3o; No. 3 white. i'!tu-V.c; No. 4
White. UVt'A'i-o; standard, 32)1ho.
Carlot lievelpta Wheat, l uais; corn, 661
cars; oats, 342 oars. Estimated tomorrow:
Wheat, It cars; corn, 80 cars; oats, 26 cars.
11 1' TT K R Unsettled ; Creameries, 232!c;
dairies, 21'(j26o.
EOlS Steady at mark, cases Included,
19VitfSc; receipts. 1.S61 cases; firsts, 81c;
prime firsts. SSo.
CHEEHK Steady: daisies, 14trl5c;
twins, HVc; young Americas, 14Val4c;
lung hornB, 141aic.
I "OTA TOES Finn; choice to fancy, 4Q
48c; fair to goo1, 3vJ42c.
lOULTKY Firm; turkeys, live. 17c;
dressed, t'.c; fowls, live, ll'jc; dressed, 12c;
splint, live. 10c; dressed. 12c.
VKAL steady; 5t to tiO-lb. weights, fr?10e;
fid to t-lb. weights, llullVtc; tu to 110-lb
w el tilts. 12c.
MlnaeaoolU Grala Market.
MtNNBAtNlLia. Dec. 14. WHEAT De
cember, 810l'; May. 8l.04f 1.04S; July.
81.04'. Cskh: No. 1 hard, $1(W; No. 1
northern. 81.o2"'ul 0TH,: No. 8 northern, lUc
ft101: No. 8, HM-j 81.0V
FLAX-4'IOSed at 83. 41.
CORN No. 8 yellow, tiSo.
OATsi No. 3 white, 30Hi3uSc
RYE No. 2. 7ku77-iO.
UtAN-In ll pound sacks. 821 0521 60.
FLOl'R First patents, 84.76ui.: second
patents. 84.h6ifi.l5: first clears. 83.Jujia.65;
SKCund clears, (2.15it2.7u.
Philadelphia I" rod ace Market.
Steady; extra western creamery, iJc;
nearby prints, 34c
JtAiUS Lowri i'oiuisylvftuia aAd other
nearby firsts. .tSc at murk: current receipts
In returnable cases 8tc at mark; weetern
flrs's. f. c. 88 e at mark; current f. c. SOo
at mark.
l"Hh.RSF-F!rm: New York full creams,
fancy. September, lSc; October, 14alic;
fair to good, ltuli'tc
Oaotatlons of the Day oa Varloas
NEW YORK. Dec. 14. FLOUR Quiet;
spring patents. So.Kt.YtjO; winter strnights.
H 15v4.3v; winter patents, 4.W"a4.76; fP"n
clears, 84 iui.; winter extras. No. 1.
Ut.H. winter extras. No. 2. .) vu 3-60; Kan
sas straights, 4.wci4 76. Rye flour, steady;
fair to aood, 4.wo4.2n; choice to fancy,
84.&'fc4.4. Buckwheat flour, steady; W
per l pounds.
COKNMtALr-Uulet; flna white and yel
low, 81.afal.25; coarse, 81.1u.; "'n
dried, $2.i5.
WlltlAT Spot market., firm; No. Z red.
'Jc elevator, and Hnae f. o. b. abloat; No.
1 northern Duluth, al.l!H f o. b. afloat.
Futures market up.s uulet. but firmer on
cablea, dry weather In the southwest and
covering, closing &Tc net higher. De
cember closed, 97tic; May. 81.v8ul-02T4.
closed, 81.02 ; July closed 81 Receipts,
none; slUpments, &.o;u bushels.
CORN Wiot market, steady; no. i new
Z3c f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was
wlttiout transactions, closing w not au
vance. May closed at 66c. Receipts, 118,
12i bushels; shipments, 1,47(1 bushels.
OATS oot market, steady. Futures
market was without transactions, closing
iiiirhHinivi tn io net hlaher. Uecemoer
olosed at 3Sc; May, 40ic; July, 4oo. Re
ceipts, S0.825 bushels; shipments, 8,408 bush
els. .
HAY Dull; prime. 8110; No. 1, iwnw
1.1V. No. 2, $1.0u; No. 8, ra.oo.
HOi'8-Firm; state, common to C"01,0..
Ul crop. lK23o; 1WS crop, I6&I80; Fac fio
coast, litlO crop. 14'17c; 1K0K crop. I(al3c.
HIDE'S Wulet; Central America, 21'io;
RoKota. 22'rfJ3c. ...
I k'.ATU l..ll-PI,ni' hemlock firsts, 231n(
2Bc; seconds, 21Vtr23c; rejects, ltKtflfc-
I'ROVIHIONS 1'ork. steady, iow,i.'i
21.01; family, 822.mVa24.00; short clear, i-V.W
4j22.00 Reef, steady; mess. US.Wa 14 Ou; fam
ily, 18. ts 18.50; beef hams, 824.&Og 27.00. Cut
meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 1 lbs.,
813.50U1B.7B; pickled hams, 812.60. Laro,
firm; middle west prime. 810. Vu 10.60; re
fined, quiet; continent. 810.80; South Amer
ica. 111.50; compound. 8"io9.00.
TALLOW unlet ; prime city, nnas..
7c; country, TVSKc.
HUTTBR Firm ; uncnangec.
CHKESE-Steady. .. .
t..i-I 'rivll.i airnnc western CIUCK-
ent, r,c; fowls. 144c; turkeys, lo. pressed.
Irregular western chickens, - 12Ht! lbVic;
fowls, lltlTc; turkeys, lKfg24c.
EXJQS Kasler; western gamer wii,
43c; fresh gathered extra first, a.&SSc;
first, 86fc3Sc.
Area of Depression OTerlles tha Lake
OMAHA, Dee. M, 1910.
inn area ol niun 1" t-nnu. . -
tended over the entire country during the
. . . . Jn,4r,Uhi1 linff the
last inree uuyu. imo 1 ",, . j i
northern boundary, and a well defined de
pression now overlies the lake region and
Ht. Uwrence valley. Increasing cloudiness
is shown throughout the lake region and
eastern states, and snow flurries are re
ported In the lower lake region and east
ern Canada. 1 ne weamer 10 m.uw..
from the Missouri river east over the
. 1 . 1 1 i . ..1 , v. a loli. reirlnn
and eastern states. No Important change
in temperature nas oauntu
tions Since 1110 ijiowiii'i
tied weather continues In the west guir
. . 1 1 ..ill.,. mt nnlnt In
Stales, anu rani in i'i" - -
Texas. It Is generally clear In all other
.1 . . 1. . Mlaalaolnnl iVT n fl
portions WPHl Ul A.i.i-a. - - -
the outlook Is favorable for fair In this
vicinity tonlgnt ana inumuajr, nuu uu.
much' change In temperature.
'temperature anu pi rv;iyiii.iuii
durtng the last twenty-four hours, com
pared with the corresponding period for
the three preceding years;
1S10. 1909. 1908. 1907.
Lowest last night 28 19 87 30
Precipitation 00 .03 .00 T
.. . n, J
rs ormftl temperature ior xouay us
nefiriencv in Dreclpltation since March 1.
14.56 Inches.
Excess corrosponaing penoa in issw, 4.m
1 ef lcie.icv coriesDonding period In 19US,
4.08 lnohes.
L. A. WEL-BIi. Local forecaster.
St. I.ools General MavUet.
8T. IX)UI3. Dec. 14 WHEAT Higher;
December, 95c; May, 97,ci July. 2S'a2'f40.
Cash, higher; track. No. 2 red, 98od81.01;
No. 2 hard, 94C081O2.
CORN-Higher; December, 46Mc; May,
47e. Cash, firm; track, No. 2, 46o; No.
white, 4(j(iC.
OAT&-Hlgher; December, S2c; May, 84o.
Cash, steady; track, No. 2, 314S32c; No. 2
white, 83140.
RYK Unchanged, at 81 o.
FLOUR Quiet; fed winter patents. 84 40
4.S0; extra fancy and straight, 83.6Oiij4.30;
hard winter clears, 83.30Qt3.90.
HEED Timothy, 85.0iv((4.!)o.
RRANfc toady; sacked (east track) 81.04
HAY Steady ; timothy, 2H.00ai9.00; prai
rie, 812.0O-lflEi.0O.
PROVISIONS Pork higher; Jobbing,
819.oO. Lard higher; prime steam. 810.02VH)
HI.12't. Dry salt meats steady; boxed extra
shorts, 10.62Va; clear libs, 812.12H1 short
clears, 812-37ft.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 6,(iJ0 14,"0
Wheat, bu 43.O0O 43.000
Corn, bu IO9.O0O 72,000
Oats, bu 63,000 C2,0u0
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
cember, 90So bid; May, 94Sc, sellers; July,
DO-Vyjo'-jo, sellers. Cash, unchanged to 'c
higher; No. 2 lvard, 92Vi-97c; No. 3, 93910;
No. 2 red, 97c; No. 3, B-fy'Wc.
CORN Decemler, 43'4 Uftc, sellers;
May, 46i4Hc bid; July, 4ti;c. sellers. Cash,
unchanged; No. 2 mixed, 43c; No. 8, i2lnai
42',tc; No. 2 white, 43a44',,c; No. 3, 42Vjc.
OATS Unchanged ; No. 2 white, 3234o;
No. 2 mixed, 3Hi'fj'32Ho.
RYE No. 2, 7t7tic.
HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, 14.00
14.60; choice prairie, 812.
' Receipts. Shlpm'ta.
Wheat, bu. . 76.000 61.000
Corn, bu. ,.30.000 83,000
Oats, bu U7.0U0 ,000
I.lTerpool Grata Market.
LIVERPOOL, Dec. 14. WHEAT Steady ;
No. 2 red western winter, 7s lVtd; futures,
quiet; Iecember. es9!d; March, 6s llHd;
May. 7s &.
CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, 6s
3Vd; futures, dull; January, 4s 6d; Feb
ruary, 4s 3!d.
Mllwaakee Grain Market.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, fl.06S1.0Stt; No.
2 northern, 81 OkirlOfi; May, iHiVuati'BO.
OATS (Standard, 32Va33c.
liARLEY Samples, t0u6a.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, 111., Dec. 14.-CORN Higher;
No. 1 yellow. 43c; No. 8, 4&c; No. 4, 4ac;
sample, ZPifo-iOc.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 white, 82c; stan-
aaro, c; no. I wmte. Slc; No. 4 white, alo.
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA, Deo. 14. HAY No. 1 upland
812; No. 2 upland. $11; No. 1 coarse, $10; No.
2 coarse. 89; lacking, $7; alfalfa, $14. Straw:
Wheat, 8iW; rye. $i; oata. 87.50.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Dec. 14.-METAL8 Stan
dard copper, weak; spot and December,
812 Sifj 12.3o. January, $I2.SV.. 12.85: February.; March, 312.3&,ii2.46. London
market firm; spot, i.6ti ua fid; futures.
57 8s 8.1. Arrivals reported at New York
today were 796 tons. Custom house re
turns show exports of lo.3!4 tons so fur
this month. Iuke copper, $13.0on;'13.L6;
electrolytic, U.7.,.13.X: casting. 81260-J
12.. 0. Tin. Ollift- tw.r 4'fQ .r. -iy .'Jt . 1 l-..
ler. January. February and March. 838 40
u.imun market steady; spot and
futurep. i.175 17, M. Iad. steady; $4 46
4A New York, and $4.37Mi!S4.40 at East
St. Iouta; Ixindon. 13 5. 8relter, easy;
8o..5.uai, New York, and 36.55e6ti6 at East
t-t. Ixiuls; London sot. 24. Iron, Cleve
land wan-ants. 49s 9.1. Locally Iron was
reported unsettled: No. 1 foundry north
ern. 315.26m 15 06; No. 8. 14 7541 1A. To : No. 1
foundry southern and No. 1 foundry south
ern soft, $i6.2t 15.76,
Oils and Hosla.
TINE Firm: 74Vu74Vv. sales. 644 bbls; re
ceipts. 715 bbls ; shipments. 2.1 bbls.:
stocks. M.401 bbls.
ItiiSlN-Flrm: sales. S 2M bbls.. receipts.
8.015 bbls.; shipments, JSH bbls.: stocks.
l". J-, ''?; ". 8i.ii:SS.7: F, $6 TMf
. o. 1 . (i a twi ; ii A87U. j5 96; I. 8H0'S
Kv8tn; M. r-SO: N. $7.40. WO, 7.66S WW,
$7 70.
SAVANNAH. Dec H.-OIL-Turpentlne.
firm, at 74 iUe.
RodlN Firm; type F. $6.S2Vi; Q, 85. S3.
Market Hu Slightly Better Tone, but
.8 Otherwise Unchanged.
Aanaal Report of Sonlhern Pacific
Company Shows Rsrslagi of Thir
teen Per Cent Money In De
mand In London.
NEW YORK. Deo. 14 Apart from Its
slightly better tone todays' stock market
differed In no essential feature from that
of the preceding days. Ruslness was at
much lower ebb, though displaying a
broader tendency which took In such spe
cialties as General Electric, Western Mary-
and and American Beet Sugar, but the
t ulk of the trading was limited as usual to
less than a half score of active Issues,
The annual report of the Southern Fa-
clflo company for ISOMO, showing earnings
at the rate of almost 13 per cent of the
common stock, an Increase of about 3
per cent over the previous year, imparted
a firmer tone to the Harrlman group. The
gain, however, represented In large part
the cash receipts by Southern Pacific for
its former holdings of Wells-Fargo stock.
Money In xndon was in excess of all
demand and the lower private discount wss
proDaDiy based on the expectation or a rur
ther reduction of the bank rate tomorrow.
A small addition to the Bank of England's
gold holdings was announced. In this
market London bought sparingly of Har
rlman Issues, t'nlted States Steel and
Amalgamated Copper.
Foreign exchange advanced almost as
sharply as It declined yesterday. Implying
that tha fall was almost entirely of specu
lative origin. Nevertheless, the rate Is
still within the Import point and the belief
that some engagement wll be made
before the expiration of the year still pre
vails. The bond market was steady. Total sales.
par value, 81.659,000. United States bonds
were unchanged.
Number of sales ana- leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Balsa. HI ah- Law. ClniM.
aiiis-4 Timin pra
AmalgftmAted Oopper
(.000 4 64 .i4a
1.M0 47 4 47 H
1.4.10 04 1 3i
100 14
100 M 6 63H
..e tl
ees lrfi
U,8"0 Th'i Ui 7i,Vt
(HO 10SJ 1"4 106
loi) 42 42 43
100 1H US 116
l.a 1424 14 IS 141
boo at4 'i i
1,004 loot, 100 hh
100 101 103 10l
700 119 118
K) loevt 10 lil
t0 744 744 74
200 us ia m
1.700 wvt so ao
e 80
1,400 m m ia
yo sis si si "4
68 67V4 (7S
too m 1S2S. 13344
100 164 H lf
100 aevi 6tvi
auO r4 17V4 27S
. R3
"iioo Js" ifs
1.J00 123S 123 122S
500 66H UMi t"4
ln 1H 14 1
6314 M14 r.34
too 111 111 111
tut) 40 40 4H
800 18 1 17
3U0 30 SO
100 104 104 104
10W 141 141 142
Am. Beet Buffar
American Can .,
American C a F...
Am. Cotton OU
American H A U pM
Am. Ice Securities
American Linseed
Ammiran Locomotive .uu
American R A r
Am. S. A R. nfj
Am. steel Foundries
Am. Sugar Refining.. .....4
American T. A T...
Am. Tohaoco pM
American Woolen ........
Anarorula Minlns Co
Atohraon pfd
Atlantic Coast Lin
Baltimore A Ohio
.Bethlehem Steel .....
Brooklyn Rapid Tr ,
'anadlan Pacific
OenLral of New Jersey. ....
Dhesapeake A Ohio
Chicago A Alton
OUcago Oreat Western. ....
V. a. W. pfd
Chicago A N. W
C, M. A 9t. P
O., C O. Rt. u
Colorado F. A I
Colorado A Southern. .....
CoDaolldated Gas
"orn Products
Delaware A Hudeon
Denrer A Rio Grande......
D. A R. O. pM
niatlllers' gecuiitlea
Brie let pfd M.
Erie id pfd ....
General Electric
Oreat Northern pfd
Great Northern Ore otrs...
Illinois Central
Interborough Met ..,
Int. Met. pfd
International Harvester
Int. Marine pfd
International Paper
International Pump .
Iowa Central
Kanaaa City Southern
K. C. So. pfd
Laclede Gaa
LnuleTllle A N
Minn. A St. Louis
M., St. P. A B. 8. M
M., K. & T
M . K. A T. pfd
100 3
100 46
100 111
60O 61
t'700 iii"
Ularourl Paclflo
National Blacult
National Lead
N. R. R. of M. Jd pfd....
New York Central....
111 111
N. T.. O. A W
. .....
... .000
Norfolk A Western..
North American
Northern Paclflo
t.400 11 115 lit
Paciflo Mall
200 2
... 1,700 124 128 128
reopiea uu ......
P., C, C. A St. L
Plttaburg Coal
Preaeed Steel (ar 100
10 t
Pullman Palace Car.......
Hallway ateel Spring..
Republic Steel
Republic Steel pfd
Kock Island Co
200 St SI
. 4) 148 147
100 II 81
4 4
1100 10
Hock Island Co. pfd...
St. L. A S. F. Id pfd.
"100 'ii'
St. Louie ft. W
St, L. 8. W. pfd
81.H!-Sheffield S. A I.
Southern Pacific
Southern Railway
So. Railway pfd
Tenneeeee Copper
6.600 114 118 114
Texas A Pacific
T., St. L. A W
300 23 22
40 62 62
T., St. L. A W. pfd...
Union Paclflo
I'nlon Paclflo pfd
t'nlted States Realtr...
United States Rubber..
United State Steel....
U. 8. Steel ptd
I'tah Copper
Va.-arollna Chemical
13,200 let 168 1H
904 13 82 13
M.600 73 72 73
700 11 110 lit
800 4 4 46
1,(00 62 61
Wabaah pfd
Western Maryland ....
1.SO0 47.
700 8
600 73
Weetinghouea Electric
Weatern Union
Wheeling L.
luo fA4
Lehigh Valley
... 16.800 181 17M4 19P
Total sales tor the day. tt.1,200 shares.
London Stock Market.
LONDON. Dec. 14. American securities
opened quiet today. Trading was light dur
ing the forenoon with prices ranging from
above to oeiow parity.
Consola. money 7S LouIstIII A N 147
do aooount 7 M., K. A T 32
Amal. Copper 66 N. T. Central 11&
Anaconda Norfolk A W 100
Atchleon Id do pfd 80
do pfd 106 Ontario A W 41
Baltimore A Ohio... 10 Pennarlianla ........ 66
Canadian Paclflo 198 Rand Mine 8
Cheiapeake A O 3 Reading 76
Chicago O. W 23 Southern Rr 16
Chi.. Mil. & it. P. .12 do pfd 6H,
tie Beers 17 Southern Paciflo 117
Denver A Rle O It Union Paclflo 174
do pld 72 do pfd 84
Erie IS I'. 8. Hteel 75
do 1st pfd 46 do pfd li
do Id pfd 16 Wabaah 1
Grand Trunk 14 do pfd 14
Illinois Central 136 Spanlah 4s 80
HIL.VKR Kar, steady at 26 8-ltd per
MoNET 2ffZVi per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills is H4 per cent; for three
months' bills, HbH per cent.
Boston Closlngc Stocks.
BOSTON. Dec. 14. Closing quotations on
stocks were as follows:
Allouei 88 Mohawk , 4C
Amal. Copper 63 Nevada Con 18
A. Z. L. A 8 24 Mplealng Mines ... K
Artiona Com. 14 North Butte 2
Atlantic 6 North Lake
B. A U c. A (. M. Uoid Dominion .... )7
Butte CoalMloo .. 18 Oeceola 117
Cal. A Arlioaa 48 Pamxt 1. A C I.'
Cat. A Herla 646 Qulnoy , 70
t "enlenmal 14 Shannon 1144
Ooppee Range C C. 47 Superior 42
Rant Butte O. M.... 12 Superior A B. M.... 6
Tanklln I Buperlor A P. C... 1!
Olroux Oon 4 Tamarack 67
Granby Onn M U. 8. 8. R. A M... 35
Greevie ananea ... T do pfd 4H
Iele Royale Copper.. 17 Itah. Vn 12
Kerr Lake 6 t'tah Oopper Co 6
Lake Copper 14 Wmona 8
La Salle Copper.... t Wolverine 114
Miami Oopper 18
Aiaed. Bid. - dividend.
New York Cork Harkfl.
The following quotations are furnished bv
Logan & Bryan, members New York Stock
exchange. 816 South Sixteenth street.
Uay State Gas.... M Inspiration i
Boston Con mrose H
Butte Coalition .. lSNevada Con 18
Cactus Newhotise 88
Chino 22 Ohio Copper 1V4,
Chief Con 1'iRawhlde Coalt'n.. 4
Fraction USHRav Central I',
Javls-Ialy lwlft I'kir. Co....l0?
Ely Central lO'iSears-Roebuck ...ISO14
;iy Con 41 S Iver lick 7
Ely Witch lmsuparlor P 14
Franklin "4Tonopah Mining..
Olroux 1 Trinity Copper .. 44
Ool.l. Florence ... lHNorth Ike 4
Uoldfield Daisy .. 5'i Bohemia l
Greene Cananea.. 7 OJlbway 6Vj
Iterk Eukssge Cloaca.
NFAV YORK, Dec. 14. The board of gov
ernors of the stock exchange voted today
to cl'.ee the exchange on Saturday Decem
ber 24. preceding Clarstnia day. The sx-
chanse accortllngly will be cloed from ,
r rid ay afternoon until Tuesday rmn.iing.
Jfew York Money Market.
NEW TORK. Dea 1 A MONET On call,
steady: svai per cent; ruling rate. per
cent; closing bl, 8 per cent; offered at SH
.er cent. Time loans, very dull; sixty days
and ninety days, u4 per cent; six months,
4u4 per cent.
per cent.
tual business In bankers' bills at 84210(
4.S225 for slxty-dav bills and at 84.6640 for
demand. Commercial bills. 84.8mT4.81.
SILVER Bar, 643; Mexican dollals. 4".c.
Bt)NI3Oovernment, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
I'. 8. ret. la. nf.i
do coupon ......
V. 8. It. r(
de coupon .....
.lonTnt. M. M. 4a,
.liS Japan 4a
6t ;
101 do 4a
im K. C. 80. 1st 3a
TJ. 8. 4e.
116 U B. deb. 4a 1931.. M
do CHjpoit 11 L. A .N. unl 4
Allle-Chal. let 6e.... 74 M K. A T. let 4s 7
Am. Ag. ne lot do gen. 4s 85
Am. T. A T. ct. 4a.l"4Vo Pacific 4e 76
Am. Tobacco 4a 80 N. R.R.. of M 4e 4
do U 1 N. T. C. t 3a IS
Armour A Co. 4s. 82 do deb. 4s 8.1
Atchleon gen. .... 8N. T.. N. H. A H.
do cv. 4a l'H CT. 6s 133
do CT. 6e 104 S. W. 1st O. 4a 8k
A. C. L. let 4a.... 4 do CT. 4s H
Bal. A Ohio 4s :No. I'tclflo 4s 89
Jo la 12 do la "
do 8. W. la ... 80 O. S. U rfdg. 4s.... 82
Brook. Tr. cv. 4s... 2 Penn. rr. ts 1S1J.. 85
On. of Oa. ta 7 do ontj. 4a Ion
On, Leather 6a .... 8 Reading gen. 4a.... 88
C. of N. J. . 6S..12I S. LAST, fg 4s 81
Cliea. A Ohio 4a..l01 Ao gen. 5a X
do ret. 6a 84 . L. 8. W. c. 4a. 7J
Clilcaro A A. 8s. 70 do Ut gold 4a.... R
C. U. A U. 1. 4a... K 8. A. U 4a
do gen 4a 87 Bo. Fac. col. 4s...
a M. A 8. P. ( IHe W do or. 4a
C. R. I. A P. s. 4s. 7! do lat ref. 4a....
do rfg 4a t So. Railway 6a...
nolo, ind. 6a T4 do gen. 4e
Colo. Mid. 4a 86 Union Paclflo 4s.
C. A a. r A s 4s 87 do ct. 4s 103
P. A H. ct, 4a M Mo lat A ref. 4a. "
D. A R. O. 4a 94 U. 8. Rubber 6e...l"t
do ref. 6e. ........ 80 V. 8. Bl eel Id 68...10S
Distillers' bs ....... 77 Va.-Oar. Chem, 6a.. 90
Brie p. 1. 4a 84 Wabaah lat 6a lr
do gen. 4a 744 do let A ex. 4a.... 63
do ct. 4a. eer. A.. 71 Ik Weatern M.d. 4a.... 86
do aerlea B 68 West. Blec. ct. 6s.. SI
Gen. Blec. ct. ss. ...150 Wis. Central 4e 93
III. On, 1st ref. 4s 97 Mo. Pac cv. 6a.... II
Int. Met, 4a... 79
Local Securities.
Quotations furnished by Burns, Brinker
& Co., 44 New Omaha National bank build
ing: Bid. Asked.
Beatrice Creamery pfd 87 88
Ctty of Omaha 4a, 1911 98 99
City Nat. Bank Bldg. 4s, 1930 96 97
Cudahy Packing Co. ta. 1924 91 8JT,
Columbua, Neb., B. L. 6. 1914 93.1
Colorado Tel. Co. (par. 60) 66 66
Fairmont Creamery lat g. 4 per cent 88 100
General Motor pfd 7 per cant 71 76
Hardy. Neb., municipal ... 99 100
Howard Blova Co so
Iowa Portland Cement lrt 99
Kanaaa City Home Tel. Co. 6a, 1831.. 16 7
Metropolitan Bt. Ry. 6a, 1913 ag
Michigan State Tel. 6a, 1964.......... 99 0O
Omaha Oaa 6s, 1617 97 974
Omaha Water 6a, 1944 T. 98 99
Omaha St. Ry. 68, 1914 99 101
Omaha C. B. St. Ry. 6a, 1921 94 7
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. pfd. 6 p. a.. 83 34
nn,.i. A. C R Ht Rt.. nom aft a?ix
Picliera Nat. t?aJlk etnek. So. Omaha 140 1H0 !
Paclflo T. A T. 51. 1917 97 97
Rocky Mountain Bell. Tel. Co. 60 69
Union Stock Yards atork 86 67
Weatem stats Oaa A Blec 100
New York Btlnlnir Stocks.
NEW TORK, Dec. 14. Closing- quotations
on mining- stocks were:
Alloa 115 Mttle Ohlet 5
Com. Tunnel ttock.. 18 Mralrsn 76
do honda II Ontario M alio
Own. Cal. A Va.... 80 Ophlr 105
Horn Hirer ......... 96 Standard .., 126
Iron Silver 170 Tellow Jacket 20
Leadviile Con. ..... 10
Hank Clearlnars.
OMAHA. Dec. 14. Hank clearings for to
day were 12,534,772.09 and for the corre
sponding date last year $2,439,787.72.
BUTTER Oeamery. No. J, delivered to
the retail trade In l ib. cartons, 31c; No. 2,
In 30-lb. tubs, 29c; No. 2, in l ib. cartons,
29c; packing stock, solid pack, 19c; dairy,
In 00-lb. tubs, 22U-23C. Market changes
every Tuesday.
CHEESETwlns, 16Vigl7Vo; young Amer
icas, 18c; daisies, 17c; triplets, 18c; Urn
burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 18c; Imported
Swiss, 32c; domeetlo Swiss, 24c; block ISwlss,
POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 2 lbs..
$6.00 per doi.; over 2 lbs., 12c; bens, 12c;
cocks, lOVsc; ducka, 18c; geeae, 13c; tur
keys, 28c; pigeons, per doa., $1.20; homer
squabs, per dos., 84.00; fancy squabs, per
dux., 3.00; No. 1. per dos., 3.00. Alive,
broilers, under 1 lbs., 16c; over 2 lbs., 8Vic;
hens, 6V(i9c; old roosters, 7c; old ducks,
full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered,
Dc; turkeys, ldfrlec; guinea fowlif 26c each;
pigeons, per dos., 60c; homers, per dos.,
83.00; squabs. No. 1, per dos., 11.60; No. 2,
per do., 60c.
FISH-(all froken) Pickerel. 11c; white,
18c; pike, 14c; trout. 14c; large crapples,
20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, 18c; had
dock, 18c; flounders, 18c; green catfish, 2oc;
roe shad, $1.00 each; shad roe, per pair,
66c; frog legs, per doi., 60c; salmon, 12c:
halibut. 11c.
BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1, 16; No 2
12Vc; No. 3. 8a Loins: No. 1, 17c; No. 2'
13c; No. 8, 9!c. Chuck: No. 1, 7! No 2
6Hc; No. 2. mc. Round: No. 1. 9c; No 2
Vnc; No. 8, 7c. Plate: No. 1, 6c; No. 2.
6c; No. 2. 6ic.
VEGETABLES Potatoes: Early Ohio In
sacks, per bu., 90o; Iowa, Wisconsin, white
stock, per bu., 75'jc. Sweet potatoes: Vir
ginia, per bbl., $2.60; Kansas, per bbl.. $2 Oft
Onions: Iowa, red and yellow, per lb. 2c
Indiana white, per lb., 3c; Spanish, per
orate, $1.40. Garlic: extra fancy, white, per
lb.. J.5c; red, per lb., 16c. Egg plant: fancy
Florida, per dox., $2.00. Celery, Michigan,
per dox. bunches, 36c; California Jumbo, per
dox. bunches, 76c. Rutabagas, per lb., 10
Ct cumbers, hotlious, IV. and 2 dox. box",
$2.00. Tomatoes: California, per 4-basket
crate, $1.60. Cabbage: new, per lb., lo
String and wax beans: Per-market basket!
$1.60. Lettuce: Ext.- fancy leaf, per dox
too. Parsley, fancy home grown, per dox
bunches, 40c. Turnlpi: Per market basket'
ibc. Carrots: Per market basket, 40a Beets:
Per market basket, 86c.
Cotton Market.
NEW TORK, Deo. 14. The cotton mar
ket opened steady at an advance of 8ylO
points on covering and bull support In
spired by higher Liverpool cables, reports
that leading EngllBh statisticians reiter
ated their estimate of 11,600.000 bales for
the commercial crop and estimated the
season's consumption at bales, and
private advices from the south pointing
to very bullish ginning returns for the last
period. Kealixlug was extremely heavy on
the advance and alight recessions oc
curred, but prices held within a point or
two of the top, during the middle of the
Spot closed barely steady, 10 points
higher; middling uplands, 15.16c; middling
gulf, 15.44k'. Sales. 2,6uu bales.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 14. COTTON Steady ;
middling, 13Sc; sales, none; receipts, 6.140
bales; slupments, 6,106 bales; stock, 19,&
The leading cotton futures range as follows:
Months. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Tes'y,
Deo 14 76 14 90 14 78 14 87 14 89
Jan 14 M 14 94 14 82 14 01 14 76
Mar 16 14 16 23 15 0H 16 21 16 06
May .... 15 35 15 44 15 29 15 22 16 29
July .... 16 32 15 46 15B) 1522 15 23
. Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Dec. 14. COFFEE Market
opened steady, at an advance of &d8
points, In response tu higher European
markets and a better feeling as to the
situation In Brazil. There was a big de
mand from March shorts, apparently, and
at one time during the day prices ruled
about 1 jh'-J points net higher, with March
contracts selling at 11.22c. 01 a new record
for the season. Later, prices eauej
slightly, under realising, but the close
was steady, at a net gain of lf'u 17 points
for the day. Sales, ko,!60 bags; Decem
ber, 11.20c; January and February, 11.16c;
March, 11.16c. April, 11.06c; May, 11c; June,
109oc; July, 10S2c; August, 10.76c; Septem
ber, 10.70c; November, lO.tiGc. Havre was
IS franc net higher. Hamburg closed 4
itg. higher. Rio, 76 rels lower at 7 $..5o;
Santos, Inactive; 4s, unchanged at 7 $u"jj;
7s, 60 rels lower at ( pM. Receipts at the
two Braxlllan ports, 4o,ofi0 hags,
46.'i0i) baxs last year. Jundialiy receipts,
,13,doo bags, against K.400 bags last ji-ar.
1 New York wholesale deliveries yesterday,
1 2o.ul bacs. against 22,o43 bass last year.
' U.,, ,.ft .....Iv Rln K'n 7 1'Jl
Santos, No. 4, 13;c; mild coffee, steady;
Cordova, 133Tic.
Dir Goods Market.
ton goods rule very quiet with prices
holding steady. Underwear and hosiery
for Immediate delivery are in better tall.
Silka are tendkig alglier. Yarns are dull.
Not Much Change in the Values on
Best I.laht l ambs About Steady, bat
Heary I.ambs and heep of All
Grades Are Twenty-FUw
Cents Lower,
POCTH OMAHA. Pee. 14. 1910.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 6.0U 6.3U W-r,12
Official Tuesday S.0T4 9.h 6.8.S
intimate Wedneeday ... 4.&0 .67i 10,340
Three days this week. .1S.2! 21.401 26.703
Same tlays last week ... .21.743 13.: 23.21
Seme days 2 weeks ao..m.iT 1H.322 81.13.
fame days S weeks aco.. 16.707 19 o4 8"'.11
Mma tlavs 4 weeks ago.. 26.778 16.0H4
Same days last year ,5y0 2S.R1S 2?.314
The following table shows tne receipts of
cattle, hots and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to data, as compared witn
last year:
1910. 190 mo. io.
Cattle 1.1W.629 1.0M.3O4 . 103,22a
Hoks 1,817,600 t.Ot.T.aM 2,,iu6
Bheep 2.9U6,4fJ 2,100,tk 83&.6&1
The following table shows the averass
prices of hogs at Houth Omaha tor the last
several das, with comparisons;
Dates. I 1910. 190.19Ug.1907.19O.19O6 li)O-
1 26,
? 46
7 40",
I 5 68 4 67
8 12' 4 84 4 41
I ln t H3 4 40
8 211 4 Mi 4 36
I 1
8 it
8 !
8 80
4 71
6 41
6 42,
5 4l
4 3
7 1
I 44 I
7 68
7 J6V.I
6 16 4 87
I 4 84
4 t
4 471
4 82
4 38
8 33
5 63
4 34
8 86 6 411 4 49, 6 14! 4 79i
I 6 i'l 4 711 "Si 4 Ml 41
8 291 I 4 491 6 051 4 88 1 4 41
8 2s 6 8S 4 M 0S 4 86j 4 W
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union Stock lards. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. yes
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, li r e.
Cv M. & St. P 6 6
Wabash 8 .. ..
Mo. Pac , 6 1 ..
Union Paclflo 42 28 10
O. N.-W. east 4
C. N.-W.. west .... 43 86 8 1
C. St. P. M. & O. ... 14 7 6
C. U. & y., east ..4 ,, 8
C. U. & 14. west .. 40 17 8 1
C. 1L I. & P.. east... 12 6 1
C. R. I. & P., west.. Ill 1
Illinois Central 2 8 ..
C G. rV. ...a........ 8 1.
Total receipts.... 175 102 48 I
Cattle. Hosts. Sheen.
Omaha Packing Co 38 1.003 328
Swift & Co 1.0&7 2.0U5 1.761
Cudahy Packing Co 1.0.16 1.903 2.445
Armour & Co 1,06 1,683 1,610
W. B. Vansant Co 8
Benton Vansant & Lush 207
r-tephen Bros 4
Hill & Son 212 .....
F. B. Lewis 83
Huston & Co 6S
J. B. Root & Co 196
J. H. Bulla 170
McCreary & Carey M
L. F. Husz 85
8. Werthelmer ........... 13 .....
H F. Hamilton..... 6
Lehmer Bros 6 .....
Lee Rothchlld 89
Smith & Polsley 18
M. Kan-calf. Co 110 ,
Sol Degon 59 ,
Cllne & Christy 117
Other buyers 920 6:
. Total 6,056 6,594 7,671
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were fairly
large again today, 170 cars being reported
In. The receipts for the week have been
quite large at all points, especially at Chi
cago, and prices have accordingly suffered
considerable declines, this market suffer
ing along with the others. With still fur
ther shrinkage In values reported this
morning local buyer, were very slow about
getting down to business, and It was late
In the morning when the market was
finally under way.
In spite of the fact that early advice
and conditions were all against the selling
Interests, there was one thing In their
favor, the local demand was good, while
the supply was not burdensome. The result
was that the market Instead of being
weak, as it promised to be early, turned
out strong to 10c higher and fairly active.
Some right good yearlings for the Christ
mas trade sold up to $7.15, the best price
paid in some time.
Cows and heifers were generally strong
to as much as 10c higher In spots.
Good feeders commanded firm prices,
with Inferior grades only about steady and
not overly active.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beet steers, $6.206.75; fair to good
beef steers, 16. 404. 20; common-to fair beef
steers $4 50ii6.40; good to choice cows and
heifers, $4.60jrrfi.26.' fair to good cows and
heifers, $175414 M); common to fair cows ana
heifers, $3.00ii3.76; good to oholce storksrs
and feeders, $4.605fl .60; fair - good stock
ers and feeders, W.SOtit.tiO common to fair
itoekerl and feeders. $3.253.S0; stock
heifers. t3.0O-34.15: veal calves, $2.6038.26;
bulls. stSKs, etc., $3.26(6.00.
Quotations on range cattle: Choice to
prime Peeves, $5.50'16.25; good to choice
beeves. $5.00fi5.50; fair to good beeves. $4 40
64.80; common to fair beeves, $3.7G4 40;
choice cows, $3.80(34.40: fair to good cows,
$38062.66; canners. $2.753.50.
Representative sales:
.. 787
.. M
.. 100
.. 84
.. IU4
.. 649
.. 947
.. 878
.. 146
.. 971
.. 868
.. 886
.. 821
.. 770
. .11S4
.. 118
.. 120
.. 118
.. 768
.. 115
.. 728
.. 641
.. 630
.. tta
.. 611
.. 742
.. 4h3
.. 660
.. 731
.. 442
.. 43
.. 7H0
.. 718
.. 860
Pr. No. At. Pr.
1 10 16 M IN
10 17 1084 I 86
I 10 18 81 I 86
I 10 2o 141 4 00
I 16 14 1071 4 00
I 26 10 1046 4 00
I 26 1 1040 4 10
I 36 I. 1180 4 10
I 16 10 ..1023 i 10
I 60 16 896 4 10
I 66 1 1044 4 10
I 10 4 1141 4 15
1 46 7 1342 4 26
t 46 . 7.... lull 31
I 76 14 884 4 30
I 75 1 1800 4 40
1 76 10 1230 4 40
1 71 10 11J6 4 60
I 76 14 li 4 86
I 76 1 1236 4 86
I 25 840 I 84
I tt 1 1130 I 80
3 36 1 920 I 86
I 36 6 1152 3 86
I 60 7 1182 4 00
I 60 7 1116 4 00
I 60 81 846 4 06
1 66 16 1181 4 10
I 70 16 Itf 4 15
I 70 18 10.4 4
I 70 11 1462 4 20
1 70 4 lll 4 26
t 75 1 4SI 4 16
I 76 11 1216 4 4
1 76 1 1310 4 40
I 80 4 1310 4 60
I 16 610 4 40
I 60 18 IKK) 4 05
I 40 4 727 4 06
I 86 1 6o7 4 10
1 46 11 70 4 10
I 76 1 110 4 16
I 86 4 ) 4 60
I 86 11 I 4 75
8 86 1 8,16 6 00
I 10 1 611 t 26
4 00 4 118 4 86
I 46 4 8.0 4 10
3 75 IS 84 4 16
5 75 4 7 1 7 4 50
4 00 14 lot 4 40
14 !
.. Ill
4 26
875 4 40
1 1 32
6 80
4 40
6 40
6 46
6 60
6 65
6 70
6 70
I 76
I 8
4 60
... 177
... 7o5
... til
... Ml
... !
4 40
4 60
4 M
4 60
4 70
4 75
4 86
5 00
6 06
6 10
18. .
6 15
I 80
4 16
4 ?0
4 60
4 60
4 SO
4 60
4 ti
4 76
6 00
4 00
4 in
4 '
4 00
7 00
7 60
7 60
7 60
I 00
4 II
4 75
..... t3 1 36 10 to
lit 4 20
S0 I 65 16 Isl
7 16
I 60
.... Ii'l
.... 121
.... 781
.... 61.0
.... 8i
.... 841
.... 611
.... 624
4 60
4 60
4 50
4 60
4 66
4 46
4 86
4 13
4 76
4 74
4 76
4 86
I 16
I 86
4 80
4 16
4 M
. 075
. 680
. 71
. I ll
. 815
. 28
. 680
. 727
. 710
. 101
. 141
.1J 1
I 86
4 00
4 15
4 20
4 J.
4 25
4 16
4 85
4 40
4 40
4 ..
11. ..
4 40
4 46
120 1...
165 1 ...
I 76 I....
T 17 4 1 live 4
1 1 4 (M 1 i:w 4 4
1 lSiJ 4 (VI J Ill,) 4 1
.... 1I18 4 00 1 I7'W 4 4a
1 140 4 00 1 1710 4 40
I 1.1 Kl 4 ! 1 KHt 4 VI
I lis. 4 II 1 170 4 fro
1 1'"' 4 18 1 '?' 4 !0
1 ! 4 N 1 1710 4 f"
I im 4 to ' 1 is t ei
1 1K0 4 1, 140 4 TT.
1. 1.ViO 4 ti 1 0 4 76
1 1IM 4 H lOW 4M
1 1.'W 4 2
4 steers. ...1155 4 50 6 cows 796
10 cows 117H $ 4 heifers... 667
8 XI
8 50
10 cows 1115 8 70
Vinton Uve
50 feeders.. 957 4 00
Stock Co. Colo.
2 feeders.. 957
4 00
6 25
4 15
8 40
8 35
3 65
8 75
6 00
26 heifers... 974
T. Yonkc Wyo.
4 45 2 !twrs....l6
8 feeders..
9 heifers...
21 feeders..
15 cows
20 cs. & hs.
941 6 00
$! 4 15
807 4 65
6'3 8 85
4 heifers.
27 cows...,
14 cons...,
22 cows...,
803 8 70
B. Daw Wyo.
27 feeders.. 900 4 65 23 heifers... S95
Warren Live Stock Co. Wyo.
126 feeders. 12o9 6 30 24 feeders. .1113
19 steers. ...1124 4 76
R A. Walker Wyo.
22 cows.,
6 steers
. 616 8 26 8 feeders.. 896 4 65
.1243 6 00
John Slmms Wyo.
. 979 4 10 29 feeders.. 990 4 85
14 cows.
HOGS Receipts of hogs were very lib
eral again today making the total for the
three days the largest that It has been In
some little time, although not so Inrge as
for the corresponding period a year ago.
Other markeis were also largely supplied
and early messages generally Indicated a
sharp break in prices all along the line.
Under that Influence buyers here generally
started out bidding 6ulOo lower, and they
bought quite a number of hogs early on
that basis. Later on as It became apparent
that the local demand was very good and
fully equal to or In excess of the supply,
the marked firmed up very rapidly until It
was fully steady with yesterday, the de
cline being entirely regained. At the best
time the trade was very active and the
hogs changed hands at a rapid rate, every
thing in sight being disposed of before
10 o'clock In the morning.
A glance at the eaes will show that the
decline was largely on the light hogs, a
considerable string of the light loads hav
ing sold yesterday at $7.60, with four or
five loads at $7.65. Today there were com
paratively few sales above $7.46. Heavy
hogs on the other hand sold largely at
$7.36iy7.40. with a sprinkling of the rough
heavies under these figures. The bulk of
all the sales was about the same as yes
terday being $7.S6'ijvJ.45, and the market as
a whole might be described aa a shade to
5c lower.
No. Av. Sh. Pr. So. . 8h. rr.
I 471 ... 7 tO 17 Ml 80 7 84
II 8F.8 1 7 10 41 26 40 1 36
40 170 ... lU 74....... .4 10 7 36
II 184 ID 64 8o4 40 7 86
!e 181 ... 7 10 18........m ... T 15
67. ....... 80s 130 7 80 14 M ... 786
M Sk) 160 7 80 48. 24 130 7 36
61 318 1 40 7 30 M. 174 180 7 39
61 810 180 7 30 48 180 7 16
41 287 ... 7 10 64. ...... .874 180 7 86
U 186 80 1 JO 68 171 10 7 35
II 244 10 7 30 &S. ...... .277 80 7 86
44 S;i4 40 7 HO 88 814 ... 7 36
61 311 40 7 66 278 180 7 84
61 281 120 7 60 44 28 10 7 36
17 120 80 7 80 40 273 80 7 85
1 318 120 7 30 41 28 ... 7 86
, 73 267 120 T S2V, 143 28 80 7 86
48 881 ... 7 12 8 268 ... 7 36
64 267 80 7 16 88 288 320 7 86
48. .301 ... T 16 M. ...... .2.16 tiO 1 86
61 281 40 7 36 87 140 ... 7 40
67 211 120 7 36 18. ...... .27 120 7 40
M 277 80 7 16 47. . ... ... 264 180 7 40
17 Ill 40 7 36 20 J2-6 ... 7 40
60 224 ... 7 16 t...M...24l 10 7 40
. JX ... 7 86 27....S41 ... 7 40
84 233 40 T 86 68 8b ... 7 40
66 273 180 7 86 67 131 ... 7 40
13 826 ... 7 86 li ISO ... 7 40
40 M 10 7 16 76 141 ... 7 40
II 321 180 7 81 44 2U 40 7 40
78 172 ... 7 35 73.. ...... 20 40 7 40
89 198 ... 7 34 1 47 ...89 ... 7 40
84 273 140 I 34 67 iti 120 7 40
61 287 80 7 86 61 248 120 7 40
61 100 ... 7 86 66 120 400 7 40
M 811 40 7 16 3.. ...... 178 80 7 40
, 11 277 60 7 86 67 Y ... 7 41V
77 127 40 7 16 67 230 ... 7 46
14 22 10 7 1714 l ... 7 46
41 248 ... 7 I7vt 60 Ill 10 7 46
6I 2-.'4 80 7 40 74 207 ... 7 45
71 2:14 ... 7 40 238 60 7 46
73 211 ... 7 40 76 1 ... T 46
11 240 44 7 40 87 201 ... 7 46
74 24 140 7 40 74 ItJ ... 7 46
61 264 HO 7 40 82 244 80 7 46
44 w 80 7 40 46 187 . 7 46
72 264 120 7 40 40 228 ... 7 46
64 222 40 7 40 64 2.10 ... 7 1.0
44 110 ... 7 40 71 244 ... T 60
66 180 ... T 41 80 119 ... 7 66
47 230 ... 7 40
SHEEP There was a very decent run
of sheep and lambs here today, bringing
the total for JJie Uiree days up to 28,700
head, a gain 01 .2,500 head over last week,
and a falling off of over 2,000 head oa com
pared with a year ago. While receipts
consisted largely of sheep there was quite
a sprinkling of lambs, but mostly on the
heavy order.
The demand for choice light lambs was
good this morning, the same as it has been
nearly every day of late and as there
were very few of that kind In the yards
the market did not show very much change,
the best here selling up to $6.15. On the
other hand heavy lambs were extremely
hard to move and prices were 2Gc lower
than yesterday. The market on wethers,
yearlings and ewes was very dull and all
of 26c lower than yesterday. Even at the
decline buyers were not very anxious for
the offerings owing to the unfavorable re
ports received from their eastern houses. As
compared with the close of last week It Is
safe to quote the market on everything ex
cepting only best light lambs at KkouOc
Quotations on sheep and lambs; Good to
choice lignt lambs, $5.7641.15; good to
choice heavy lambs, I6.0oij5.50; good feeding
lambs, $6.0U4j6.40; fair feeding lambs, J4.5o.ij;
6.00; light common lambs, $; handy
weight yearlings, $4.50&4.75; heavy year
lings, $3.80&4.6o; feeder yearlings, li.lM
4 50; good to choice light wethers, $3.60t)
8.60; good to choice heavy wethers, JJ.&tHi
8.60; feeding wethers, $3.253.76; good to
choice light ewes, $3.30(43.60; good heavy
ewes, $3.00(33.30; feeding ewes, $2.252.66;
canners, $1.6ft2.O0.
Representative saleai
229 fed ewes 102 8 65
216 fed eyarllngs loo 4 50
40& fed yearllnKS 108 4 15
87 fed yearlings 117 4 IS
60 fed lambs 72 00
559 fed lambs 83 6 16
10 fed lambs, culls 71 6 00
261 fed lambs 71 6 00
208 fed wethers 107 8 &
63 fed wethers 107 8 60
34 fed wethers 1"S 8 60
418 fed wethers 117 8 60
632 fed yearlings 97 4 36
0 western bucks 101 2 00
838 western ewes 88 8 10
43 fed lambs 96 6 26 .
219 fed wethers 115 8 80
129 fed ewes ion 8 So
199 fed ewes 110 8 40
844 fed lambs 69 6 76
4 native ewes 119 8 25
10c fed lambs 69 6 60
66 fed wethers ... 11 8 66
232 fed wethers 1"6 2 65
456 fed wethers 107 $ 05
64 fed wethers 122 8 40
477 fed wethers 110 3 15
6 fed lambs 68 I 00
173 fed lambs 63 4 75
36o fed ewes 101 8 25
2" fed ewes 115 8 40
173 fed lambs 63 4 76
208 fed ewes 115 8 40
fed yearlings 97 4 85
83 fed ewes 119 8 30
28 fed lambs 119 2 30
Kan wis tlty Live "lock Market.
ceipts, 8.000 head, Including 1,000 head suuth
ernv; stceiB sttady to l"o hiKlier; cows
weak ; dressed beef and export steers. SJ.50
4(7.00; fair to good. $-18041540; western
BtccrH, $4 0c4i6 j0; stockers and feeders, 1-1.
fej.35, southern steers, $4 ..'tv 60; southern
cows, $3.i444.2&: native cows. $2.8&4i3.uO; na
tive heifers, $4 0Oi6.2D; bulla, $.).75'j4.0o;
calves. 4.i0.'S.25.
HOGS Receipts. 10.000 head; market
steady to 6c lower; bulk of sales, $7..V
7.55; heavy. $7.46a7.56; packers and butch
ers, 7. 0017.65; light, $7.454 7.56.
head; market. 1&2.'.C lower; lanil.s, $62.'.,i
6 te; yearlings, $4.0vj4.76; wethers, $3.5oy
896; ewes, $J.0tKjj3. 50; Blockers and feeders,
$J.7.r'j3 50.
Si. I. nuts Live Stock Market.
RT. LOUIS, Deo. 14 CATTLE-Receipts,
1,7.0 head, including 4.0 lua.i Texans; mar
ket steady to loo lower; native shipping and
export steers, $0 4O'a7.10; dreted beef und
butcher steers, J;.0OH'i.!0; steer under 1 .")
lbs., $5.fl'r;.50; Blockers and feedors, $3.75
(y5 15; cows and heifers. S3 26'ii.f); canners,
$J. 753 26; bulls. $3 25fi A; calvfu, $."25()
91; Texas and Indian a'rs, (4 5.i.ii.j0;
cows and heifers. $J.i.i4.6o.
HOGS Receipts. 14.500 her.d; market
stead ' to 6c lower: plKS and lights, 1.21'n
8 00; packers, " 5Xa7.60; butchers and best
heavy. $7.40j7 60.
SHEKH AND I.AMF1S Receipts, 3 0
head; market. 10fil5o lower; native mut
tons. $3'f35: lambs, lb culls and
bucks, $:.6O'.i1.00; stockers, $2.0t"jS.CJ.
St. Joseph Live stuck Market.
ceipu 2,000 head; tuaiket slow, steers, R50
Ii 5n: cows and heifers. $3 OM16.6O; calves.
$. Ml)8 ii.
ll HiS-Ilerelrts 8.600 head; market 6tH'l
lower; top. $; ; bulk of sales. l7.SiMrt.46.
SHEEP AND liA MHS4-Receipts -')
head; market slow, weak; lambs, $45i.i6 .
r v. w i.i 1 r, . rv -
nd for tattle anal Sheen Weal
Hobs More Active,
CiTlCAOM, Deo 14.-OATTT.E ReeelrMa,
23.0HO head; market wesk; beeves, $4 (
7.00. Texas steers. $3 90ii50O; weatern ster
f3 !Xti."k.H0; Mockers and feeders, $.V25(i 46.
cons and heifers. $2.2."tf5.Sfi; calve, Sr.fV
ttv .
HOGS Receipts, S9.000 hend; market trior
active, strong- to 6c higher; light, $? '-'
7.5."; mixed. $7 lWi7.55; rough. $7 2u7 :V;
yood to choice heavy, $7S"i7.55J pigs, $6 09
41 7 4:.; bulk of sales, ..:'. 7. W.
Nil HHP AND LAMH.-Recrtpts, M.0TW
head; market weak; native, $2 v,f4 20;
western, 2U.40r4 ?5; vearllngs, $4."k"6 5l
native lambs, $1.0iVij 80; western, $4.Wj.3u.
Stock In Slant.
Receipts of live stock at the five princi
pal wkestern markets yesterday:
South Omaha 4. 8.6O0 10.oi
St. Joseph 2 0.10 8.600 2 5O0
Kansas City 8.O1H) 10.0"0 6.0HO
St. I,otils 1.700 14,500 S.ftW
Chicago 23.0HO 89,000 $3,000
Tolals 88.900 7R.600 5.X)
Snsar Market.
NEW YORK. Pec. 14 8TG AR-Raw,
unsettled musrvivado. "9 test. S60c; centrl
fiiKal. f.) tet. 4(H-: molsssrs sugar. 89 test.
3.-.c; refined, steady.
Wool Market.
ST LOUIS, Dee. U WOOL Unchanged;
territory and western mediums, 21df7;2c; fine
mediums, 17'19c; fine, 12.il3o.
Says Rates Are Ton Illh and that
the Commissions A rc Ex
orbitant. NEW TORK, Dec. 14.-raward J. Tap
pins; of Milwaukee, testified today about
fire Insurance matters before) the legis
lative committee and Admitted that many
of the rates prevailing' were now too high,
and that commissions paid to agent In
many instances were, exorbitant.
3 1
One or
$100 Bontis
6Vi't Interest
will mnke a gift
valued by every re
ceiver, a sun or
daughter especially.
It cannot be
It does not de
preciate. It encourarea Bav
ins; and thrift.
The interest Is
paid at our offloe
every six months,
on demand. Also
the bond Itself,
when due. or any
time before.
100, 8iiSo, 9500,
E&TABuaneD 1886
4r4ccmrx rat to 1907
Tho Royal Hail
SCnata Pacini
Vralaws ate t.nse l
Cubs-West ladies-PiruQU-BcTtavtia
ItVfrTt XBW' Kia-rtenneln
the Wees lstllea faeaeajrer Tnule.
R.M.S.P. -"AVOH"
Jna. SI (T Save. A -te. la
l8J8fflla-alar, 6l(l8aan
aaa a
TtalMfMI iM tat he..
Weekly Haitian fmea New Mer 41, W. I. , 81. T
Bormudg-Cuba-Jamaki wtTe?e,
Oa aWaa4e Naliirdare bT Weat leriie Mail
o4eamnae4 lrerTata Salarawv 6v ike
SaKDrasos a soti, 11-74 sunt St. Hew Terk
149 Z.a Balls St.. Chloafo.
W. E. BOCK. 1524 t'arnam bt.
I of about three sua see half
. montha' duration by the lar.a
TretiBatlantle ateamer CI.EVK
I.AVD. rirat em lee to leave
, Kew Terk 6ev. 1,111 1 1
. aeeond to lenve Has rranrlere
Feb. IT. 191 a. Also erulaei
to the Orient, West Indies,
and Rente. America.
Coit, lselsdlsg all saeeeaary eipeoa-a. ASO up .inn I.11. , 168 Handolb St.,
"hl.'bg.i. 111 , or lfal Agenle.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids
for the construction of steel and wooden
bridges that may be built In the county of
York, Neb., for tlie year loll, will be re
ceived at the office of the county clerk
of said county, on or before noon of
January 10. lull. All bids to be In ac
cordance with plans and specifications
adupled by the Hoard of supervisors and
now on file in the offiae of the county
cleik und accompanied by a certified
check for 8000, made payable to the order
of the county clerk, which sum shall he
forfeited In case contract Is not executed
where award Is made. The Board of
Supervisors reserves the right to reject any
ami all bids. Witness my hand and the
seal of York oounty, Nebraska, this 2tn
oay of November, W10. 1L V. OHAJIN,
Dec. lit-Li-14-16. County Clerk.
of Lee-Glaus-AnUreeeu Hardware com
pany, oiiiiiiiu, Nebraska, December 9, 1 a 10.
Notl. e is hereby given to toe etoi kliold. is
of Le-(Jiaa.- Andreenen Hardware Com
pany lhat tlie annual meeting of the stock
holders of the company Hill be held at the
o;'fl e of the hald company, corner of NlritA 4
un. I Harney sii.-etw. In the city of Omaha,
in tlie htute of Neljiaska, on Tuqeriay, Janu
ary. 10, A. D, mil, at 3 o olock p. m., for
tho purpose of electing a board of directors
for the company to kerve during the en
aulng year, and to transact such other
l uame&s as may be presented at such meet-In,-.
H. J. I.Kli. President.
Attest: W. II. OLAHS. Secretary.
Shuh of Nubiaska, Office of Auditor ol
1'iiLIic Accounts, Lincoln, Dec. otn, lino
It s hirehy certified, Unit the Farmers
Iiimui uine company of Cedar Rapids. In
thii stale of Iowa, lias compiled with the
iriKiirunee law of this stats, applicable to
Hiich companies and is therefore authorized
to iiiiiinai i the business of fire. Ilwhtnliur,
tornado, windstorm and automobile Insurant-,
in th:s state, for the current year
enilliiK January 31t, llU. Witness my hand
and the seal of tho, auditor of public ac
(01 nts, the (lav and year first above
written. SILAS R. MARToN. Auditor of
1 ul. II.- Accounts. J. K. riKRCii. Deputy.
wi-B f if lice of the Constructing Quarter
mauler. Fort Crook, Nebraska. November 17.
lulO. Mealed proposals, In triplicate for the
coriHti-uctmn of a reservoir and well at
Fort Crook. Nebraska, will be received at
this office until 11 a. nt.. December li, laio.
and then publicly oiei.ed. A guaranty of
lo per cent of the amount of the proposal
niUHt accompany each bid. 1'lans and
!! .'If.i Miioi.s may be seen at this pout,
i.rticcs of the Chief Quartermaster, Omaha,
.Nebraska, CoiiMrucuug Quartermaster,
Fort In a Moines. Iowa, and 'oiistrucllng V
QuartermnBler. Fort Leavenworth. Kanaaa.'
1..U111.. 101 ma un. inroi luatlon rurtilslied ati
I 1:. lllnll A ,,lu....a Ur I. .1 1.1 ...7
. .- . . , I . .... I . I 1 1 1 1 . .J c ,111
domed "Fropoaals for Construction of Ke
rrvolr and Well'' and addresed lo Captain
1 aini.neu r. Liabcock, Quartermaster
ourtli lnfajitry, Construi-tlng Quarter
Otevsler. M7-U-l-U Dis-ls.
1 1
1 1