10 TTIE BEE: OMAIIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1910. REAL ESTATE '"A ft M An B.CII l.A.VU FOH BAI.K M Isrel la aeons Toatlaaea. WANTED TO BUY ' There are thnayands of people In low th.it want to buy farms improved and un improved In nettled and unsettled district. Tim nay to best reach them Is through the clarified page of THK DEH MulNKg CAPITAL. Average circulation last month 44 444 copies. Published for twenty years at Des Mnlnea. la., by Lafe Younr. REAL ESTATE LOANS $500 to $6,0(0 on Omaha homM. O'Keefe Real Ktat Co., HIS M. T. Ufa. Douglas or A -2 161 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Fa mum fenfth V Co., 1320 Farnara St WANTED City loana. Feters Trust Co. MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. GARVIN BROS., 2d floor N. T. Life. $500 to $100,00) on Improved property. No delay. LOANS' to home owners and noma build ers, with privilege of making; par Ual pay menta aeml-annually. W. H. THOMAS. MS 71 rat National Bank Dldg. -4 $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. Wead. Wead Blfl(r 18th and Farnam. D. LOW RATES. FEMI8-CARLBERO CO., tlOjH randelTheaterBlrtg, REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have CASH BUYERS for GOOD bus iness and TesMenre properties. WK CAN Bh'LL your property If worth the money. ONEIL'B REAL, ESTATE AGENCY, Tel. TyleY 1024. - Ind. A-3313. ir Farnam treet, Omaha. f12 North 24th street ')uth Omaha. SWAPS WE echnt properties of merit. H. H. I Culver, 612-313 N. Y. Life. Douglas 7866. 480 ACRES irrigated, Colo., for Income or cheap land; $43,000, Mtg. $4,000. Eq. $89,000. H. H. Culver. 812-813 N. Y. Life. 820 ACRES valley land, Canada, equity $3,040, for what have you? Kuan proposi tion. ttU N. Y, Life. 6,000 acres clear land In Nebraska. Trade for Omaha and assume reasonable amount; Incumbrance. Will trade all together or divide. NOWATA LAND ft LOT CO., (6$ N.Y. Life Bldg. Phones Red 1999. A-1'721. ONE brand new No. 70 Colt's acetylene gas machine and gaa range to trade for good hogs, eowa or chickens. 4066 Uraud Ave. Phone Web. . 4794. TEN rooms, all modem house, paved street, car at door; lot 60x150; fine location. Price $7,0o9. Double brick apartment house; 9 rooms ons each side. Large lot Price $12,000. NOWATA LAND ft LOT CO., 668 N. Y. Life. bldg. Pbonea Ked 1999,A-I72L. 160 ACRES, half cultivated, north of North Platte; 7u0 loan, 6 years at 6 per cent; equity of $1,000, for vacant lot or equity In house In Omaha. Address P 481, Bee. WANTED TO BUY BEST prloe paid for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel D. 3971. SECOND-HAND clothing; party after noon dresses, John Feldman, D. 31.8. A-2633. WANTED-Medlum size hotel range Herrlck Hotel Co.. Ravenna, Neb. WISH to lease or buy fixtures of only meat market In Nebraska town of 600 population or over. Addrewa Y 3H5. Bee. WANTED TO RENT TWO young mechanics desire room and board In private family within walking distance; can furriah beat of referencea. Address A 498, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS V YOUNO man desires place to work for board and room In private family while attending college. Boylea College. Both phones. UIKL wanta a place to help night and mornings and go to school. Telephone South U62, South Omaha. WOMAN wanta a place to work In small family or restaurant. Telephone South 652, fcouth Omaha. WANTED A number one specialty to sell, by . first claas, experienced salesman. Have been with the present firm 12 years stilling a regular line. Bekt of references. Nothing but a good, reliable line consid ered. P. O. Box Ml, Lincoln. Neb. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE tO BRIDGE BUILDERS Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids for the construction of steal and wooden bridges that may be built In the county of York. Neb., for the year 19U, will be re ceived at the office of the county clerk of said county, on or before noon of January 10, 1H11. All bids to be In ac cordance with plans and specifications adopted by the Board of Supervisors and now on file In the office of the county clerk and accompanied by a certified check for $.V00, made payable to the order of the county clerk, which sum shall be forfeited in caae contract Is not executed where award la muile. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. . Witness my hand and the sua! of ork oounty, Nebraska, this 26th day of November, laiO. H. F. CHAPIN Dec. 12-13-14-16. County Clerk. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OFFICE of Lee-Ulas-AndreeHen Hardware com pany, Omaha, Nebraska. December !. laio i" 1,herey J!lven to tn 'tockholdera of Leo-Gtaas-Andreesen Hardware Com pany that the animal meeting of the stock holders of the company win be held at the office of the said company, corner of Ninth ami Harney streets, in the city of OmahuL in the state of Nebraska, on Tuesday Janul aiy. 10. A. D in. at 8 o'clock p. m , for the nurpo8e of electing a board of directors for the company to serve during the en suing year, and to transact eJch "the, business as may be presented at such meete H J- LfcE. President. Attest: W. H. CLASS. SretarT . GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTni'CTINU QUARTEBU master. Ion Omaha, Nebraska Decern br 1. 1910. vaii proposals. In triplicate, .uliject to the uauat conditions, will be r! celved hers until 11 o'clock a. m.. central standard time. December 30, 1910 tor tha conatrucllon of a crematory building and Karbage crematory at Fort Omaha Na biaHka. Full Information furnished o'n id. plication. 1 mted States reserves the rlnht to rejuct any and all bids. Uuvel..pa con taining proposals to be marked "Proposals for Crematory." and addressed to Captain .M ' U V'lf rk".' "'"'"fuctlng wuartermas-t-r. Fort tmwha. N-brsBka. rl-a-13-14-7-a OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Ztptn ett fr Sr. Mtat mn4 Trpmi (Vuias Hti aulinai DM rwu, . , y T Bermuda Cba Jims Ira wT" On alurmat ui4rn W w mi Imi.t mUI n.Mi.F. -Trent- BANDUtCON SON. 81-34 tat Street. .. I Ball St, Caloaga. , U . t liUCkL. s arnain l. WINTER CRU1SFS JAN.. K'M., at MAstCst. Iit ff. WEST INDIES ?L;,r $. $. uoitie A.w CniUM tc tka OrUat, soais auierka. and AroutMl lb WorM It .4 MHUHU.ANfe.HICA.! IISsI U tUOiklh St, l'blrj, ill., r ixcal aavULa. TMtL CpI de. Luxe GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Dome$tic Markets Go Up on Strong Cables from Abroad. WHEAT RULES SOME FIRMER Cora Yalaea Hold rally Steady la Sympathy with Wheal Cash Valaea Are larhanajed from Satarday. OMAHA. Dec. 12, 1910. Late cables were strong and gave domes tic markets a sharply higher opening. The advance was due to leas favorable world's crop news and nervousness by short. Heavier worlds shipments eased prices later from the high ints of the day. The strength shown In corn Is credited to wheat and buying by shorts In the De cember contracts. Statistics are bearish and selling In the country Is more liberal. nen ruiea urm ana nigrer tnrougnoui the day's trading. Liverpool cables were strong and higher and late news from Argentina rave a decrease In the export table surplus. Cash premiums are still be ing maintained and saiea on the floor were unchanged today. Corn values held fajrly steady In sym pathy with wheat, prices ranging a shade lower than Saturday. Sentiment is bearish and receipts are Improving. Cash values were unchanged to c lower and demand was not active at these levels. Primary wheat receipts were 1,158.000 bu. and shipments were 126.000 bu., against re ceipts last year of 812,000 bu. and ship ments of 152.000 bu. Primary corn recelte were 1.224.000 bu. and shipments were :(M.0"0 bu., against receipts last year of 778,000 bu. and ahlpmenta of fS.OOO bu. Clearances were 137.000 bu. of oorn. 1.000 bu. of oats and wheat and flour, equal to 610.000 ba. Liverpool closed lt4d hleher on wheat and K1 to Hd higher on corn. i ne roiiowing cash sales were reported: WHEAT No. 1 hard, a cars, fseml dark). 90o; 4 cars, 90c; No. 8 hard. 1 car, Mr; 1 car, 89c; rejected, 1 car, 8.ic No. 4 spring, 1 car, SSHo; No. mixed, 1 car, 0c; 1 car, 89Hc; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 0c; 1 car. 89c. CORN No. 8 white. 1 ears. 4U4e: Wo. I yellow, 1 car, Kc; No. 8 yellow, 14 cara. (new), 4'ic; x cars, sc: No. 4 yellow, 7 car, 'new), Sc;. No. 8 mixed. S cars, (new). 40c; 8 cars, (new), 3!c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, (new). 3Hc; 8 cars. 39c. OATS No. 1 white. 1 car. SOVo: No. 8 white. 14 cara. 80o: Nn. 4 white. 1 car. 29Vc: 7 cars. 29c; No. 8 yellow, i cars, S0c; 2 cars, c; No. 4 yellow, 5 cara, 29c. Omaha Cash Price. WHEAT No. 1 hard. 88Uiff92Vie: No. t hard, 8V59H4o; No. 4 hard. 81tthWic; rejected hard. 72?WSo: No. 1 spring. 89Jr 91 Vzo; No. 8 spring, RfitfW4o. CORN No. 3 white, old. 42W4:C : No 2 white, new. SS'vfilOo: No. 3 white, old. 42fi42V4c; No. 8 white, new, S9'.4i?40c ; No. 4 wnite, old, 41S4Zc: No. 4 white, new, TOT 39Hc; No. 3 yellow, old, 42f42'io; No. 2 yellow, new, 8iH4ci4rtc; No. 3 yellow, old, 42&42Vrc; No. 8 yellow, jiew, SH4fi'40c; No. 4 yellow, ilA?c; No. 4 vellow. new, 3R? 3!r; No. 2. old. 42V4r4ie' No.' 2, new, 3Hf?40c; No. 8, old, 43r4:iHo; No. 3. new, 3!H.fM0c; No. 4, old, 41Vt4j-42c; No. 4, new, 391 39Hc. OATS No. X white. KKiiRIWio: standard. 2MiT30o; No, 8 white.. 2W30c: No. 4 white, 2Wrc9'4o; No. 3 yellow. 2'JS'30c: No. 4 yellow, 2!vg2)Ho. HARI.ET No. S, 70ff76c; No. 4. 6470o; No. 1 feed, 56?0c; rejected, 64i3,2o. ItyiiNO. Z, 7BV4W77Hc; No. 8, 75V4(5F781,4jO. Carlet Kecelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago ...r. '....25 ' 383 216 Minneapolis W....W7 '. ' ... Omaha 44 64 63 Duluth 84 CHICAGO OR A IV AND PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on the Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 12. Renorta that pros pects were deoldedly unfavorable for an average crop In Oklahoma or the south west part of Kana3 tended today to ad vance the prlo- of wheat. A speculative advance In IJverpoot tied also considera ble effect. The close here was at a net gain of Mo to ao. All the other leading staples showed losses, corn finishing ffo down, oats off HMo to sVjS and provi sions 12415o to H7Hc. Rising quotations, for wheat, were In tha face of an unusual array of bearish news. World shipments were much larger than a year ago and there was said to be an Increase of 84,664,000 bushels in the Russian yield as compared with the previous twelve months. Primary receipts, too, were greatly In excess of those of a year before. On the other hand, rain in North Argentina, drouth In the Punjab, floods In France and Italy, es well as crop conditions In the American southwest received greater attention. According to one authority 59 per cent of the wheat 4.500.0ii0 acres of Kansas and Oklahoma has not germinated. Largely because of this alleged handicap to the winter crop the close was not far from the top figures of the session. May ran between 9TVtO and D&Ttc, with last sales at 9fc, a net gain of 4C Corn consignments were large from Iowa and Illinois. May ranged from 47 o to 47 Vfl 47c, with the close c net lower at i"Vc. Cash was weak. No. 2 yellow finished at 6Ku61HJ. In oata shorts helped prices up early, but weakness followed. May varied from 8474c to S4Ho and In the end was He off. at S3Vt34c. Business in hog products Was on a de cidedly big scale. Last sales .left pork down 36u37tte, lard off 12Ms'iilao to 16c and rlba at a decline of 1517Vfcc to 20c. Leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open.j High.) Low, Close. Bat y. Wheat! Deo.... May... July... Corn Dec... May... July... Oata Deo.... May... July... Pork Jan.... May... Lard Jan.... May... Riba Jan.... May... ttVa' 9f.4 4RH- I 47 U 9t tb. 4i54' 47Sv 4U 4H 44 1 "4 47H 47ft 48VjJ4 81U mK.sri ua7A 3m34! 31 Sl4 i 8374 S37 is n 18 16 84 34 hi 1 10 18 16 10 25 4'.1i j 1 86 18 40 33' 13434'i 18 75 IS 80 10 10 19 12H 18 16 10 28 ' 10 VP 10 3 10 10 10 10 10 18 873j ! 7MS 10 00 0 o 9 30366 mt 9 97 TO T7H ( 60 60 70 fash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady ; winter patents, $4.05 ii .... . t mt,t IM8 BLIISI11B, $43f"rr4.0; bakers. $3.6ii4.&. Ii vr.' t- cis on - BARLEY Feed or mixing, 60972c;.. fair to choice malting, 82i&8Sc. SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern. $! 28 No. 1 northwestern, $2.41. Timothy, $10.00. Clover, $14.75. PROVISIO.VS-Mess pork, per bbl.. $18 76 fll9.U0. Ird, per 100 lbs., $10.10. Short ribs, sides (looae. $U 7Mi 10.25; short clear sides tboxed). $10.2501 10.S7V. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 610.um bu. Primary receipts were 1.18.000 bu.. compared with 612,Ot) bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage dereased I.sm.OuO bu. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No 2 red 93Vp9:c; No. 3 red, 91Mij:!'ic; No. hard' 94'lic; No. 3 hard, 9KuS4c; .v0. ! northern' $1.0tl.t7H; No. 2 northern, $lWff 1.06V- No' $ northern. $1.04'(il06; No. 2 spring 98cffl $1.06; No. $ spring. 94cff$1.05; velvet chaff 90c1i$1.02; durum, (rn2c. Corn: No 2 4Wii 49c;No. I white. 48' 49c; No. 2 yellow 61(tf 61c; No. 3. 4n4Hc; No. 3, new. 44'atJ4.',ic No. 3 white. 4M)4S',,c; No. 3 white new' 444,11 46'c; No. 3 yellow, 6OS50Hc; '.No 3 yellow, new, 44'945',c; No. 4, 47f(i474c; No 4. new, 4i!H4ac; No. 4. white. 47'o47Hc; No' 4 white, new. 44t43c; No. 4 yellow, 474 4So; No. 4 yellow, new, 42Vfi 43jc. Oats No. 2. Ili;tl4c; No. 2 white. Saifl.U'ic; No 3 white. 31'Vu&!c; No. 4 while, 31U32'c; standard. 3iSl'3c. BUTT KR Steady; creamery, 234j2Sc; da!r- KC.(i.S-Hecel)ts, 1.6W5 cases. Market steady; at mark, caaea included, 19'iuJ2Vc tlista. 31c; prime firsts, sac. CllEEijlO-Steady; daisies, HfTlSc; twins. 14'ifHc; Young Americas, 14'iil4c; long hoi n a, 141".! 16c. I'OL'L'rKY titeady. Turkeys: IJve, 17c; dretsed, 2 c. Chickens: Fowls, live. Ho; dreswd, L'c. Bprngs: Live. Ivk-; dressed, L:c. 'EL l?teady; 50 to 60-lb. weights, V3 k lb weight, llUHc; to 110- Ib. weights, 12c. Visible ftupply of Grata. NEW YORK. Dec. 12 -The visible supply of grain In the I'nlted 8tatea liocmitwr 10. as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, was as followa: WbcaU 2.ti0.oot) bu.; decrease, 324. 009 bu. Corn. l.r.in.ono bu. decrease. 3n.io bu. ttats. l.S.MS.OnO bu.; de crease, 4I9.0"0 bu. Rye, 471 .(no bu.; decrease, M.uitl bu. Barlev. 1.744. 0) bu.; decrease, Mh.tmn bu. The visible supply of wheat In Canada Saturday, Iiecember 10, was 10,- .ki,wo du., an Increase of 133,04 bu. KE W YORK tiKNKnAL stARKRT Qaotalloaa at the Dai Varloas C'amanodlllea. NHWI YORK, Iec. 12. nOT.'R Steady spring patents, $5.1u'u5.60; winter straignis, $!.16(u4.ai; winter patents, $4.4Vu4.7i; cpring clears, $4.15ij 4.40; winter extras. No. 1. 3.40 fa3.70; winter extrss. No. 2, $.t.4(ii 1.60; Kan " straiRhts, $4W"o4.76. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $4.14.25; choice to fancy, H tf.ii 4. 46. Buckwheat flour, quiet; $2.26 per iu) pounds. CORNMliAL-Steady; fine white and yel low, $1.21.25; coarse, $l.l.tfl.ao; kiln dried. $2.95. WHEAT Spot market, eteady; No. 1 red i0 elevator, and io f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.17' f. o. b. afloat. Futures market waa firm at the start on bullish cables, sold off on favor able Argentine news, but was steady late In absence of pressure, closing unchanged to c net higher. December closed 9bo; May, $1.01&l.oa 7-l. cloaed, $1.02; July closed at $100. Receipts, ru.000 bushels; shipments, l6,f63. CORN Spot market easy; new Na I spot, 66c f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was quiet, but prices were easier on predic tions of larger receipts, closing c net lower; December closed at 64V); May, 6fti 65f)c. closed, 6TSo. Receipts, 11,376 bush els; shipments, 126.8S6 bushels. OATS Spot market. easy; standard white, 88c; No. 2. 3&c; No. 8, 38c; No. 4, 87 He Futures market closed at Wo to Ho net decline: December.. SMc: Mav. 89Vo: July, 89V:; all bid. Receipts, 21,300 bushels. max yuiet; prime, $1.10; No. 1, $1.07!8 1.10; No. 2, $1.00; No. 3, 80ti85o. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice, 1910 crop, 19230; 1909 crop, 1618o; Paclfio coast, 1910 crop, 14'ol"o; 1909 crop, 10yl3o. HIDES Quiet; Central America, 219c; Bogota, 22g23c. LEATHER Firm : hemlock firsts. 230 26c; seconds, 2m&23o; rejects, lfi17o. ' PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess, $20 50 21.00; family, $22.(Xy8 24.00; short clear, $J0.00 4J 22.00. Beef, firm; mess, $13.0fii 14.00; fam ily, $18.00ca 18.60; beef hams, $ Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 ins., $13. wxu 15.76; pickled hams, $12.60. Lard, firmer; middle west, prime, $l0.4O(ij)10.5O; re fined, firm: continent. $10.80: South Amer ica, $11.60; compound, $S.60ft8.87H. TALLOW Steady; prime city, hhds., 7c; country, 7Wo. BUTTKR Firm; creamery specials, 31Ho; extras, 3ofti30!,xo; third to first. 2.V((28Viro; held oreamery, second to special, 24a30Vio; factory, June make, 23ij 24c ; factory, cur rent make, 22&23c. CHEESE steady; state, whole milk, September quality, speolala, 16i174o; fancy white. 154c; fancy choice, 14!615!c; skims, 2(3 13c. EGOS Fiim; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, white fancy, 65c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, gath ered white, 404i55c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, brown fancy, 45tr48c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, gath ered brown, 42fr45c; state Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, fair to good, 3iVfl40c; west ern gathered white, 36(i4ue; fresh gathered extra firsts, 3Sy40o; refrigerator, special mark, fancy. In local storage, 26c; refrig erator, firsts, 24Vx8254c; refrigerator, sec onds, 234r24o. POULTRY Alive, nomina' Dressed, firm; western chickens, 10Gj'17c; western fowl, 10(tfl7c; western turkeys, 184p24c. WEATHER IX THE GRAIX BELT Preaaure High All Over Upper River Valleys Probable Snow Here. OMAHA, Deo. 12. 1910. With the exception of a barometrlo de pression that is developing in the extreme northwest, the pressure is very high over the entire country, with the crest of the high overlying the upper Missouri and upper Mississippi valles and upper lake region. Cooler weather has prevailed over the central valleys during the last twenty four hours and tempeartures are decidedly lower in the upper valleys and lake region this morning. Tha northwest depression is accompanied by a very decided rise In temperature and the extension of this low down the valleys during the next thirty six hours will cause lnoreasing cloudiness, with probably snow, in this vicinity tonight or Tuesday, with rising temperature. Temperature and precipitation at Omaha during tha last twenty-four hours, com pared with the corresponding period for tha three preceding years: ,.1910. 1909. 1808. 19V. Minimum temperature.... 10 a 22.. 33 31 Precipitation .00 '.07 .09 .03 Normal temperature for today, 29 degreea. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 14.41 Inches. Excess corresponding period in 1908, 4.50 inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1908, 4 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. St. Louis General Market. BT. LOUIS. Dec. 12. WH HAT Futures, higher; December, 94V4c; May, 97 'c; July, 92'c. Cash, firm; track, No. 2 red, 97V.C0 $1.00. No. 2 hard, McJ1.02. CORN-r-Flrm; December, 44Vio; May, 40H 4j4bHc. Canh, firm; track. No. 2, 44Vc; No. 2 white, 444j45c OATS Lower; December, Slc; May, 33c. Cash, steady; track. No. 2, 31531c; No. 2 white, U'ifXi'io. RYE Unchanged, at 81Hc. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4.40 4.80; extra fancy and straights, $3.60(4.30; hard winter clears, $3.30(3.90. SEED Timothy, $9.60. CORNMEAL $2.40. BRAN Firm; sacked east track, $1.04 L05. HAY Lower; timothy, $14.0019.00; prai rie, $12 0015.00. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; jobbing, $18.75. Lard, lower; prime Bteam, $9.82Vg 9.92. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $10.76; clear ribs, $10.75; short clears, $11.25. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $12.26; clear ribs, $12.25; short clears, $12.60. POULTRY steady; chlckena, 9c; spring, 9c; turkeys, 19c; ducks, 13c; geese, 9o, BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 2ia29!rio. EOGS Firm, at 2929-o. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls, Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. Oats, bu. .. 1,400 9,600 . 67,010 .I;i6.oii0 . 92,000 24.000 Sl.OitO 35.000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Deo. 12. WHEAT December, DO'aC, sellers; May, 93HC sellers; July, 89!SS9c, sellers. Cash, unchanged; No. 8 herd, 91a'&'9Hc; No. 8, 90VrS97o; No. red. 9firt7c; No. $ red. 93fifl6c. CORN December, 43H'&4aHc, Fellers; May, 45c. bid; July, 46He, bid. Cash, unchanged to Vo lower; No. 2 mixed, 43ft44tyo; No. 8 mixed. 2m'ic; No. 2 white, 43Vi8444c; No. 8 white, 48c OATS Unchanged to He lower; No, I white. 33c; No. 3 mixed, SlS3ic. RYE No. 2, 73-8760. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $14,009 14.60; choice prairie. $12.00. Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu 14S,0"0 2S,iO Corn, bu 67,000 14.0"0 Oats, bu 22.000 9,0u0 Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 12. WHEAT De cember, $1.00; May, $1.03: July, $1 044. Cash: No. 1 hard, $1.03; No. 1 northern, $1.01M M: No. 1 northern. 99o&$1.01H; No. 8, 97V"ii41.00. PI,AX Closed at $2 39. CORN No. 3. yellow. tlUig-Uc. OAT8 No. 1 white, 30ffl301'o. . RYE No. I. 76U77e. H RAN In 100 pounda-aacks. $20.50fj21.00. FLOUR First patents, $4 7585.25; second patents, $4.6f.y5 15; first clears, $3.25365; second cleara, $2.16(2.76. Philadelphia. Prod ore Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 12. BUTTER Firm: prints, lo higher; extra western creamery. 32c; nearby prints, S4c. EOtJ9 Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearbv first, free cases. S9o at mark: cur rent receipts in returnable cases. 37o at mark; western firsts, free cases. 39o at! mark: current receipts, sic at mam. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, fancv September. 15o; October, 14lil5c; fair to good, 14'jl4c. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Deo. 12. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 1 red western winter, 7s ld; futures, firm; December, 6a 9d; March, 6s lld: May, 7 M- CORN Spot, steady; American mixed. Es 4d; futures, steady; January, 4s 6d; Feb ruary. 4s 37id. FLOUR Winter patents, 2Ss M, dull. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Dee. 12. CORN Lower; No. 1 yellow, to've: No. 1 yellow. 44:i44c; No. $ mixed tiK-M'- No. 2 mixed, 42tj43c; sam ple, 4e. OATS Steady; No. t white. S2Vfi33c; standard, 3i'c; No. $ while, 31c; No. 4 white, 21c. Mtlerasikeo Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 12. FLOl'R-Steady. WHEAT No t northern, $1 OtJ'8 1.07; No. 2 northern. $104S10S; Mav 95c. OATS Standard. 32iWc. BARLEY tramples. aAutoc. NEW YORK STOCKS AND B0MB! . Courso of Market Unimportant, with IU Undertone Firm. OPEXEfO REPORTED IRREGULAR Grata Movement in West Coatlaaes to Ba of Moderate Proportions, aad Money Market Shows Greater Ease, NEW YORK, Deo. 12--Apart from Its fairly firm undertone the greater part of the session the course of today's stock market was unimportant. Trading was light and again confined to the better known speculative leaders. The market opened Irregular with pro nounced weakness In the Harrlman Issues, t'nlted States Steel and the other metal Issues. Following Its general recovery In a movement led by the coal stocks the list held fairly well until the final hour, when reports of another meeting of the steel and iron interests and advices from Chicago stating that a large majority of the en gineers employed on the western roads had voted to strike, sent prices of active Issues to the lowest level of the day and caused a weak closing. The grain movement In the west con tinues to be of moderate proportions, al though last week's receipts at Chicago, amounting to 6.600.000 bushels, is an ln orearo of almost 1,100,000 bushels over the previous week. The western money market shows greater ease, but this tendency Is attributed to decreasing business in many lines. Keen competition for the $3,600,000 gold received in London resulted in an advance of Hd. with a division of the metal. $1.5u0, 000 going- to Berlin, the balance being equally distributed between the Bank of England and India. Domestic exports for November showed fairly large Increases in shipments of corn and cotton, with an extraordinary falling off In wheat. The bond market was easy. Total sales, par value, $2,307,000. United States bonds were steady. Number of sale and leading quotations on stocks ware aa follows: alee, Hlti. Lew. Clou. Allla-Chalmara pit Amalcamt apoar lt,TC0 K4 11 4.1S Anitm.n Aaricultural no 4T 4U 4'. Am. Beat Ouxar IO.Mio 404 t IK Amartcan Can K ( s Amarlcan C. A r ax-dlr 700 toa 4T4 4'4 Am. Cotton oil 1.000 IM l Ms A marl can H. A U ptd..M 21 Am. lea Securities. ..... ..... 17 American Unaaed 100 11 11 11 Amarlcaa Locomotive , 84 American 8. A R M.SW TFH 774 74 Am. 8 A ft pfd 201) 104 104 104 Am. Btaal Foundrlaa. i0 44 43 41 Am. 8uxr K(lnln.... . no 115 116 114 American T. A T 800 141 141 141V American Tobaoco pia..ta 94 American Woolen aoo it n i 100 . St) 1,700 100 100 100 100 102 101 101 117 700 lot 106 106 HO 2 t 19 100 74 7J 79 900 1Z 111 111 tOO 10 10 80 Anaconda Mining Oo. Atoniaoa Atchlaon prd ... Atlantic Coast Una Baltimore A Ohio,. ., BaUilehera Steal , Brooklyn Rapid Tr.- Canadian Paclfio Central Leather ........... Central Leather sM lot Central of New Jerser. i Cheaepeako A Ohio. 8.SO0 90 7S 7 tilcajro A Alton.... 10 Chlcaco Q. W. . narr....- 300 22 21 12 C O. W. pfd 4 Chloaxo A N. W.. 100 141 141 140 C, M. A Bt. P . 4,000 123 121 131', C C, C. A Bt. L... ...... n 66 Colorado F. A I ... too II 11 SI Colorado A Southern...... 700 M 67 67 Connolldated Oas l.O'H) 18 182 132 Oorn Producta too lf, 16 15 Delaware A Hudaon 900 1 13 1(3 Denver A Rio Grande. D. A R. O. pfd Dlatlllera' Securities Brie Erie 1st pfd Erie Id pfd General Blectrlo ...... Great Northern pfd.... 100 2 2 ta 400 l! tt 12 t,0rt. 27 27 27 400 46 44 44 83 . 800 153 163 162 1,100 122 122 122 Great ' Northern Ore ctta... 65 131 lillnola Central lnterborough Mel Int. Met. pfd International Harreatar ... Int. Marina pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kaneae Cttr go...-, a K. c. go. pfd V Laclede Gaa ..n....V boularllla A NaahTtlla..M 800 19 19 1 1.600 63 63 63 1,K 111 111 111 100 ID 14 16 600 11 11 1.000 40 40 00 1 17 100 - 10 10 100 6 18 40 17 80 4H K) 104 104 104 100 142 142 141 Minn. A St. Loula 27 M. ftt. P. A g. BAJC. . 100 121 121 128 M.. K. A T...........J.... 81 M., K. A T. pfd 100 Mleeouri Pacific 800 National. Bleculrf .. ..... ...... National Lead 400 42 46 '(2 1 68 46 46 ..... lo 61 61 JJ. R. R. of M. Id pfd. 86 New York Central ... 4.600 112 111 111 40 ... 8.1O0 11 17 97 ... t0 42 W 62 2 8.204 116 114 114 10 ... 1.700 12 12t 121 ... 100 106 106 106 ..... ..... 94 .'.'. "ioo 'itiii ii 17 700 81 11 30 169 82 ...U1.40 14S 144 147 N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A Waatern.... North American Northern Paclfio ...... Paclfio Mall Pennsylvania .......... People's Oas P., C, C A St. L...... Plttlburx Coal ..... Preared Steel Oar Pullman Palaoa Car.... Hallwar Steel Spring.. Reading Republic meet .. 'Ravubllo Steal pfd 400 11 80 30 too a us ftock Itland Co 8,100 10 19 29 Rock Iiland Oo. pfd........ 100 60 (0 40 at. L a B. r, u pra. V , w P im "H" "is" 24U. i"" 7,k IS fl w 5 JilUfcZ S thern Paclfio 10.100 113 112 112 St, fit Sloee-Sheffleld fVMi Rnuthern Railway - 600 14 84 So. Hallwar pfil....... . 600 Tenneaaea Copper ...... 100 Texas A Pacific..... .... T.. St. L. A W 00 (0 84 "ivi SO 14 ii 60 14 16 12 T.. St. U A W. pfd 400 63 63 62 Union Paclfio .. 40,100 170 348 ls 98 70 100 13 83 83 ..102,400 73 72 72 400 114 114 116 Union Pacific pfd United States Realty... United States Rubber.. United State, steal.... U. A Steel pfd Utah Pnoner ...... J-100 44 46 46 V a, -Carolina Chemical ... 1,800 62 16 1 16 Waheeh 400 16 Wabash pfd Western Maryland ... Weetlnxhouae Kleotrta Western Union Wheellnc A U 800 46 46 46 100 44 44 66 800 71 71 71 4 89.800 181 178 180 Lehigh Valley ... Total sales tor the day, 449.900 shares. London Stock Market. LONDON, Deo. 12. American .securities were dull and featureless during the early trading today. First prices showed frac tional gains, but the market reacted and at noon prices ranged from unchanged to lower than Saturday's New York Closing. London closing stock quotations: Consols, money do acoount ... Amal. Copper .. Anaconda Atchlaon 7 Lmtsvllle A Naan..l4 .79 1-11 Mo., Kan. A Teaaa.. 2 ... 66 Mew York Central. . lli , ... 8 Norfolk A Wee tern.. 100 ...103 do pfd 90 ...106 Ontario A Western.. 41 do pfd nsltltnora A Ohlo....l'4 Pennsylvania 66 Canadian Paclfio ....197 Rand Mines 8 Chesapeake A Ohio.. 83 Reading 76 (lit. Oreat Western.. 22 Southern RAIlway 16 Chi., Mil. A St. F..10 do pfd 61 Da Basra 17 Southern Paclfio ....114 Denver A Rio 0... Union Paolflo -174 do pfd 71 do pfd 94 Erie 1 C I. Steel 76 do let pfd do pfd 11 do Id pfd I Wabash 1 Grand Trunk 28 do pfd 86 Illinois Central 136 Spanish 4a 90 SILVER Bar. steady at 26Vkd per ounce. MONEY 2g24 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 3 per ce.it; for three month' bills, ZMiUi per cent. New York Curb Market. The following quotations are furnished by LoKan & Bryan, members New York Slock exchange, 316 South , Sixteenth street, Omaha: Bay State Oas...... 86 Inaplratlon 9 714 Hoeton Cone larose 4 llutie Coalition ..... 11 Nov. Consolidated 19 tsrtni Chlno , Chief Cons Fraotion Iavla-Daly Kly Central Ely Consolidated Kly Wltuo , Kranklln 83 Newhousa 98 1 4 1 21 Ohio Cupper 1 Kawhlde Coalition , It Ray Central 1 Swift Pk. Co. .! 14 Sears-Rnrliui'k O....lso 4 Silver Pick 11 Superior A Plttsbur It1 9 Tonorah Mining 4 Trinity Cupper .. Glroua 4 4 8 Uoldfleld Florence M 1 North Lake Oolrifteld Daisy 1 ftihamla . Urerna Cananea .... Tie OJIbway .. Loral Secsjrllle-s. Quotations furnished by Burns, Blinker A Co., 449 New Omaha National Bank bunding: Rid. Vtl ki 91 Asked. tu 99 97 92 66 li 76 46 6 90 94 t; iu 98 !' v; 9 10u 1 Peatrtoa Creamery pfd City of Otaalta 4s. 1911 City Nat. hank IJ. 6a, 1620 Colunibua Nefe.. sV U 6a. 1924... Cu daily Paklnf 6s. 1924 ( oloiado Tsl. Co. tPar. 60) 66 Fairmont Creamery let f. f per eent f General Motor pfd. 1 per cant 71 tieueral Motor euro ii Hartty, Neb , munl Ipal V9 Hyjisullc Preaerd Brick pfd (i Howard Stove Is ..... Iowa Portland Cement lat 6a 97 Kansas laty Home T. Co. as. 1928.... 64 LaeaJle Hutel aa a M.tropoinan Bt Ry. 6a. 1918 Mlrklaan State Tel. 6a. 1934 e Omaha Uaa 6a. 1917 r7 Omaha Water 6s. 1944 On.alia St. Hy. 6a lit ke Oiutba A O. B. 8u tt. 6a. 1Z M - fS? eant . H rom 46 Omaha.. ln racuio T. a T. rom ! I'ai'irie T T ( 1ST7 "'jV'iij;.1;.;;:: HI New York Money Market. NEW YORK, leo. 12. MONET On cU, steauly; S'u'- per oerlt; ruling rate. 3H per cent; closing bid, 3H per cent: offered at 8 per cent, nine loans, steady; sixty daya and 90 days, 4 per cent; six months, 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER per cent. , STERLING EXCHANn E Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4. 82 J 4 8J for adxty-day bllle and at $4 S.'40 for demand. Commercial bills, $4.81Ht'(i-4 81, SILVER Bar. 64Sc; Mexican dollars, 46c BON lfc Government, steady ; railroad, easy. Closing quotation on bonds today were aa follows; V. B. nr. 2a,' res.. ..loo jajtan 4s H do rmipon l' do 4tt 4H V. I. Sa, rc 10 K. C. So. 1 U do coupon 102 L a deo. 4a tt V. s. 4a, rac ..1H.4 KAN. anl. 4a H do coupon Ub M., K. AT. lat 4a.. 74 Allla-Chal. lat 6a.... 70 do n. 4a Am. At U in:4. Mo. Paclfio 4a 7't Am. T. A T -CT. 4a.. 104 N. R. H. of M. 4e M Am. Tohacoo 4a m N. T. C. a. IVta do (a .....10V, jo dab. 4a 3 Armour A Co. 4s.. fi N. T., N. H. A H. Atchlaon tan. 4a. M' cr. a 1 do ot. 4a lmi4 N. A W. lat eon. 4a f' do or. a 1C7 do ct. 4a 1"S At. O. U lat-4a...... US No. Pactno 4a 100 Bal. A Ohio 4a V do ia 70 do llti 2Vt O. . L. rfdf. 4a 97 do 8. W. IVta o Pann. or. 3a lilt... Oi'a Brook. Tr. ct. 4a.... 82H do con. 4a 1 On. ot Oa. ta 1S Raadlni rn. 4a On. Laathar ta g. L. A 8. P. rg. 4a 81 ot N. i. g. ta....m do (an. a thea. A OTilO 4a..l01 Bt. L. 8. W. a. 4a... 74't do rat. Sa MS do lt (old 4a Oilcaao A A. 84a.. 1 . Seaboard A. L. 4a.... 77 C. B. A q. ). 4a fM Bo. Pas. eol, 4a 24i do san. 4a 97 do ct. 4a r C. M. A B. P. ( $4a HH, do lat rat. 4a (" C, R. I. A P. e. 4a 72 to. Railway ta io7vt do rfx. 4a tt do sen. m 7t.S Tola. Ind. ta 7t Union Paoine 4s 1oo Colo. Mid. 4a 06 do CT. 4a V3 C A S. r. A a. 4a. 7 do lat rat. 4a.... M D. A H. ct. 4a M C. B. Ruhbar to lot D. A R. O. rat. 6a.. V. 8. Steal M ta 101 TXstillara' ta T7 Va.aro. Cham. ta. .1"0 Erie p. 1. 4a 14 Wabaah lat ta.. .1 do tan. 4a 74 w do lat A ax. 4a.. . 61 . . 91 . 3 . 1 do or. 4a, ear, A. do aerlea B Qn. Rlac. ct. 5a. ... III. Can. 1st rat. 4a. Int. Mat. 4i Int. M. M. 4Sta Bid. Offered. . Tt Waatern Md. 4a.... Waat. Blec. ct. ta.. 144 Wla. Central 4a t Mo. Pao. ot. ta.... 78 4 Boston CloalnaT Stocks. BOSTON, Dec. 12. Closing quotation on stocks were a follows: Allouai M Miami Ooppar 1 Amal. Copper 48 Mohawk 41 A. Z. L. A 8 Itv NeTada Con 1, Ariiona Com 14 NIpliiHin Mines .... 10 Atlantic. t North Butte 29 . A C. C, A 8. M. HI North Lake Butte Coalition .... 1 old Dominion ...... M Cal. A Ariiona fU Oacaola lit t l. A H'Cla.. ..640 Parrott A A C 12 Onteunlal Copper Han re O. O, Beat Butts C. M..., Franklin , 1 Qulncr 71 47 Shannon 11 12 Superior 43 Superior A B. M.... 6 Gbroux Cn. .... Oranby Con. .. UreeDe Cananea t Stierior A P. 0 14 .... 40 Tamarack ....i 66 ... U. 8. 8. R. A at... 86 Iala Royals Copper. Kerr Lake lke Copper La Salle Copper..., Bid. Asked. 11 do pfd 4 lUh Con 13 88 Utah Copper Co. 46 7 Winona 9 Wolverine 117 New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, Dee. 12. Closln gquotatlons on mining stocks were: Alice 126 Little Chief ........ 19 Mexican 86 Ontario , ...200 Ophtr 106 Standard 120 Yellow Jacket 80 Com. Tunnel stock.. 19 do bonda 19 Col. Cal. A Vs.... Horn Sliver Iron Silver Leadvllla Con, ... Ottered. . M . 80 .170 . 10 Dank Clearlngrs. OMAHA, Dec. 12. Bank clearings for to day were $2,052,740.13 and for the corre sponding date last year $3,298,851.71. OMAHA WHOI.K9ALK PRICES. BUTTER Creamery, No. 8, delivered to the retail trade in 1-lb. cartons, Sic; No. X in 30-lb. tubs, 29o; No. 2. in 1-lb. cartons, 30c; packing stock, solid pack. 19c; dairy, in 60-lb. tubs, 22&23o. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, 16g17ttc; young Amer icas. 18c; daisies, 18c; triplets, 18c; Urn burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 18c; imported Swiss, 33c; domes tlo 8wls 24c; block Swiss, 20c. -r POULTRY TJressed brollerf. under 2 lbs., $5.00 per doi.; over S iba, 14a;- hens, 139 16c; cocks, 10-c; ducks, 18c; geese, 13a; tur keys, 23c; pigeons, per dox., $1.20; homer squabs, per dox., $4.00; fancy squabs, per doz., $3.00; No. 1, per dox., $3.00. Alive, broilers, under 1 lb., 14 He; over 2 lbs., 8c; hens, 8V44j10c; old roosters, 7c; old ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered, 9c; turkeys, 12ijl8c; guinea fowls, 26c each; pigeons, per dos., 80c; homers, per dos., $3.00; squabs, No. 1, per doz., $1.60; Na 2, per dox., 60c. FISH (all froxen) Pickerel. 11c; white, 18c; pike, 14c; trout, 14c; large ci apples, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; ee, ISc; had dock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, 20C; roe shad, $1.00 each; shad roe, per pair, 6c; frog legs, per do., 60c; salmon, 12c; halibut, Uc. HKKF CtTTS Rlba- 1 ia. VT . 2V4o; No. 3. 8o. Loins: No.' 1. I7n- i 13Vic: No- B- Chuck: No. L 7o No. l" c; No. S. 6-c. Round: No. 1, i; No No yo. Plate; No. 1. 6XC-; No! I c. No 64p y nuj-.tuBbii.-j-x-oratoes: tarly Ohio In sacks, per bu., 90c; Iowa, Wisconsin, white stock. Per bu.. 7tVSS5c. Sweet nninu.. ,m. I glnla, per bbl., $2.50; Kansas, per bbl ' 22 Oil" I ? Taws . ii T ' .v, , , rw iiu yeuow, per id 2c Indiana white, per lb., Sc; Spanish ' per orate. $1.40. Garlic: extra fancy, white per lb., 15c; red. per lb., 16c. Egg plant: fancy Florida, per dox., $2.00. Celery, Michigan per dox. bunches. 36c; California Jumbo, per dox. bunches, 76c. Rutabagas, uer ih 1 .V2,Ci cumbers, hothousj. 1 and dos. box! 2 $2.00. Tomatoes: California, per 4-basket crate, ai.ou. laDoage: new, per lb lUc String and wax beans: Per market basket' $1.50. Leituce: Ext.- fancy leaf, per dos' 40c. Parsley, fancy home grown, per dox bunches, 40a. Turnlpj: Per market basket' B6c. Carrots: Per market basket, 40o. Beets : Per market basket, 85c. MISCELLANEOUS-Walnuts: Black per lb.. 2c. Hlckorynuts: Large, per lb.. 6o small, per lb., 6o. Cocoanuts: Per sack' $5.60; per dox., 80c. Honey: New, 24 frames' $3.75. Cider: New York Mott's, per H-bbl ' $3.76; per bbl.. $4.76. Christmas trees: 4 to i feet, 12 ir bundle, per dox., $1.50; 8 to 8 feet, 12 bundle, per dox , $2.26; 8 to 10 feet 6 In bundle, per dox., $3.26; 11 feet, ea'li 60o; 12 feet, each, 76c; 13 to 14 feet each $1.2.Vo;1.60; 15 feet, each, $1.76j2.50; 18 feet' each. $2.75(33.60; 20 feet, each, $3.60Q4 &o' Wreaths: Evergreen -wreathing, natural or dyed, 20 yds. In coll, per coil, 85c; in 6-coii lots, 80c; natural, extra heavy, 20 yds. In coll, per coll, $1.00; 6-colla or more, per coll 90c; evergreen wreaths, with Immortai flowers, per dox., $1.25(51.60; with holly per dox., $L25ijl.50; holly .wreaths, fancy Dela ware, per dos., $1.26 1.W; extra fancy Delaware, ixtra heavy, per dox., oo magnolia wreaths, per dox., $1.26 l&o' Holly: Blanches, Delaware, 10 lba In bbl' per bbl., $1.60; heavy weight, six of cases' 2x14 feet, per case, $4.00. Mistletoe: per lb ' 20c. Needle pines, per dox., $2.V0. '' Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 12. METAL8 Stan dard copper, gulet; spot and futures, $13.30 &12.&0. London market weak; spot, iio Us ed; futures, 157 7s 6d. locally, lake was $13.010 13.25; electrolytlo, tl2.1iu 18.00; cast ing, JUI.oOdjU.76. Tin market, quiet; spot and futures., iii.45iiJ6.87. London market easy; spot and futures, 1176 6s. Lead, mar ket quii-t; 4.4&'u4.5o. New York, and $4.4 4.37, East Hi. Louis. London spot, tu 3s 9d. ripelter, easy at $.6.j5.W, New York and to.tuu5.75 at East Kt. Louis. Lon don, LA 2a 6d. Iron, Cleveland waiants, 4is 7H1 in London. Locally iron continued unsettled. No. 1 foundry northern. No. l southern and No. 1 southern soft, $16. 254 16.26; No. 2 foundry northern, $l4.75iilj.75 bT. LOUIS. Deo. 12.-M ETALa-Leud eteady; $4.40. Spelter, dull, $5.70. Turpentine and Ilosla. SAVANNAH. Ga, Dtc. 12. TURPEN TINE Firm; 7474c; sales, 3:3 Tbls.; receipts, 4 bbls.; shipments, 21 bbls ; stock 17.623 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales, 2,102 bbls.; receipts, 2.145 bbls.; (shipments, 9M) bbls.; stock, 76,106 bbls. B, $5.70; D, $6.72; E, $5.75; F. $6.77(16.50; f J. $a.w.4j(ii6.8,"i; H, $0.il; I, f, 15 K. $d.;5; M. $7.15; N, $7.20; VU, $7.46; Ww! 47.56. Huttar Market. NEW YORK. Deo. 12 -SUQAR-Raw, firm; Muscovado, 69 test. 3 55c; centrifugal, 96 teit, 4 tic; niolassfa sugar, 89 teat, l.joc; refined, Heady. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 12 WOOL-Steady ; ter ritory and weatern mediums, 2lJf22c; fin mediums, 17(ul9c; fine, Ual3c. El In Batter Market. ELOIN, Dec. 12 BUTTER Firm at SOc Output 630,3m pounds. OMAHA LIYEJTOGC MARKET Cattle Receipts Are Heavy and Trad ing' Opens Dull and Slow. HOGS ABE ACTIVE AND STEADY Practical! r Eve rr t kins la tkt Is Sold by Tea O'clock Sheep Are Steady to Flfteea Cents Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. Peo. 12. 1910. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen- Estimate Monday R.PnO Same day last week.... 8.4n Same days 1 weeks agn.4.945 Fame days 8 weeks ago. 7.459 Pann days 4 weeks ago.ll.73 Same dav last year 6.761 6 851 13.3"0 8.98M 13.1 20.49 84 Ml 10.021 t.8"7 4.4 $.63fi 8.137 The following table shows me receipts or cattle, hogs and sheep at Bouth Omaha for the year to date, aa compared 'ltn last year: , 1910 1909 Ino. Dec, Cattle 1.177.143 1 072.730 104,413 Hcgs 1.A4.0CO 1.0.874 ti,843 Bheep 1.923.02S 1.077.1B7 846,868 The following table shows the average prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates. 1910. 108.1908.1907. 11806.11906. 19t4. Deo, ..., Dec. 4.... Dec. ..., Dec. ..., Deo. 7..., Dec. 8... Dec ..., Dec. 10.. Deo. 11... Dec. 12... Tl 7 !$' I 03 031 a t 11 8 851 I 69 b 6 4 641 $ 081 I 4 48 4 83 $ 13 4 BV 4 67 4 71 t 12i 4 Mi 4 41 $ 11 4 831 4 40 7 46 7 40 7 31 7 44 8 2 6 41 4 63 $ 21 4 91 4 86 4 8! 4 29 4 841 4 82 8 22 6 42' e 15 8 80 5 48 4 471 7 68 8 83' 6 53 4 4 8 21 4 38 8 85 6 41 4 49 6 14! 4 79 1 68W 6 S2 4 71 6 0S 4 8S 4 43 8utiday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at S p. m. yes terday: RECEIPTS CA RS. Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.H'r's. C, M. ft Ft. P 17 Missouri Pacific. 1 Union Pacific 40 C. A N. W.. east 13 CAN. W., west 61 C, St, P., M. A O.... 6 C. B. A Q., east 6 C, B. A Q., west 97 C. R. I. St P., east... 7 Illinois Central I Chicago Ot. Western. .. Total recelrts 244 4 ii ' 8 9.. 20 0 1 4 8.. 4 6.. 21 8 4 8.. 4 1 86 67 1 HEAD. DISPOSITION HEAD. Cat t ie. Hogs. Sheep. On-.aha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co 1 Armour (k Co Armour, from Denver.... W. B. Vansant C Benton Vansant & Lush. Hill A Son F. B. Lewis...... Huston A Co J. B. Root A Co tx!6 :i4 1.2!'6 787 1,349 2.7'IS ,014 1.382 2.4.S7 487 1766 2,464 22 125 27 4'4 188 47 129 37 331 162 96 60 81 .... .... 18 19 7 .... . .... 116 488 .... 1.273 ,606 6.331 10,278 J. H. Bulla M L Wolf McCreary A Carey 8. Werthelmer H F. Hamilton..- Sullivan Bros Rothschild Smith A Polsley Mo. A Kan. Calf Co Cllne A K Other buyers............... Total t CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very liberal this morning 236 cars being reported. At the same time other market points were largely supplied, Chicago especially having a very heavy run. With most all markets heavily supplied and with early telegrams Indicating a lower tendency to values, the trade at this point was natur ally slow and backward, although receipts were really none too large to meet the requirements of the market under normal conditions. Thus It happened that the fore noon was well advanced before enough business bad been transacted to really es tabllsh a market. The market on lightweight beeves of all kinds waa Just about steady with last week's close, but heavy cattle, the same as they have been on most days of late, were low and if anything the tendency was weaker. While the Hunt cattle generally sold in good season in the morning holders of heavier kinds found It alow work un loading. Cows ana heifers were steady to possiDiy a little leaoler on some kinds, in trade waa fairly active on the better grades that appeared pleaolng In tha hand of uuyvjie. Oood feeders sold very xreeiy at steady prloes, but other grades were slow and weak. Quotations on native cattle: Oood to choice beef steers, $6.206.76; fair to good beef steers, $0.406.20; common to fair beef steers $4.fxX(6.40; good to choice cows and heifers, $4 6V6.26; fair to good cows and belters, $3.764.50; common to fair cows and heifers, 18.0tjii8.75; good to choice, stockers and feeders, $4.606.60; fair good stock ers and feeders, I3.80&4.6G. common to fair stockers and feeders. 13.254i3.50; stock heifers, $3.0064.16; veal calves, $3.6038.26; bulls, stasis, etc. 13.26s66.00. Quotations on range cattle: Choice to prime oeeves, $5.&if6 26; good to choice beeves, $6.oo&5.fi0; fair to good Deeves, $4.40 tI-4.80: common to fair beeves, $3.7004.40: choice cows, $3.80(4.40; fair to good cow a $3.3&&S.65; canners. $2.75il.&u. . Representative sales: BEEF STEERS, No. At. Pr. No. At. Pt. 4 777 4 66 6 910 4 86 9 900 4 86 19 1121 t 46 COWS. I. 10. io! M0 1.. 927 I 16 11.. ...103O 8 80 1148 1 90 670 3 90 1120 4 00 1121 4 00 10M 4 00 1045 4 10 1169 4 10 1100 4 10 10M 4 16 1126 4 16 IW) 4 tO 1026 4 26 817 4 IS 1187 4 80 1141 4 86 970 1 11 837 I 10 9:8 8 80 876 8 SO ......... W 8 40 .. 931 8 40 1033 8 4 941 1 60 1016 3 60 1030 8 0 - 10S8 1 16 1018 1 70 110 1 "8 10S9 190 10. u.Z It.'., '.'.'. It.'.'. it... 6... 1.... 8... 6... 41.... 7... 6... 4..., 1... 1..., 1.... 1.... 1.... 1..., 8..., 1..., I.... 1..., 1..., 1.... 6... 1..., 7..., 1.... 10..., 1..., 1.... 17.... U 1 10 1180 4 66 HEIFERS. .. 630 1 76 11 .. 688 8 86 19 .. 642 8 90 1 .. 630 4 16 7 .. 664 4 16 81 .. U 4 86 1...... .. 871 4 80 l...M. 968 4 80 787 4 60 320 4 60 38 4 60 941 4 60 646 4 60 476 1 00 BULLS. 1160 8 70 1 13IW 4 18 1X10 1 70 1 U9 4 25 1170 8 90 1 1M0 4 26 1490 1 90 1 12V 4 18 1460 4 00 l.... 1170 4 10 1440 4 00 1 1 1610 4 60 1490 4 1 0 - 1 mo 4 60 1250 4 10 J CALVES. 140 1 60 8 80 4 86 810 8 76 18 til 4 76 860 4 00 1 80 4 71 670 4 00 4 126 I 60 464 4 00 1 214 00 441 4 16 l. 150 8 60 4 40 1 110 7 00 190 4 60 1..., 211 7 16 241 4 60 1 100 7 15 ........ 886 4 60 1 144 T 76 S4 4 60 BTKKRS AND HEIFERS. ,. 846 6 60 COWS AND HEIFERS. 706 4 1 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. ..441 4 10 8 6 4 86 .... 61) 4 10 .... 171 4 16 ....1016 4 .... 411 4 96 ....190 4 40 .... 4s5 4 40 8.. 80.. 11.. 81.. 4.. 17.. 1 . ... 494 4 4-1 ... 4J4 4 46 ... St. 7 4 49 ... 8X7 4 76 ... i6 4 86 ... 878 4 90 ...IrM I 00 4UJ 4 43 711 4 60 HOtiS As compared with Saturday ther waa not enough change In todoy'a hog mar ket to talk about. Some hogs eaily may have sold a little easier, but there were alao strung spots In the darket as well as weak spots and after allowances wei made th general market was lust about where It wa at the close of lust week. This means that a large proportn of ttie hogs sold at $7 603 7 ho, with the lietter giades of light and light butchers round tr.6uai.65, and on up as high as $7.70, which waa the top last week. One choice load of Beikshires sold up to $7.75, the highest price paid u far this month. The trade wa fairly active at prevailing prices and everything In sight was sold by 10 o'clock In the morning. The mar ket as . whole waa in a good healthy con dition and ao far as tha selling interests Ttera concerned, a lalrly satisfactory con dition. As has been pointed out frequently In these columns, shippers should take not that while the beat light ai.d butcher hogs are still selling at a small premium, buyers are paying more and more attention to quality than to weight, while Inferior loads even If they are light will not bring as much a better loads although of heav ier wt'ght. Representative sales: Na. J.. 64.. 41.. 41.. 40.. 41.. a.. AT. ..141 .144 h. Pr. ... I 46 40 1 60 No. r. Sa. Pr. ru t w ,967 1 .0 7 40 .Ml ... 0 ,.Ul 110 7 40 so IMJ 7 to .197 ... 40 . 340 IH 40 69 71 I 64 67 7 60 .194 240 1 60 .til so t 60 ..2v4 90 f 60 ,.4sJ M I 60 6 M ... IM J 76 ... T 0 lt .8 1 lXt ll .- .. .H ... 10 M. ..,.... ... IM M 9 ... t SO i IM 90 7 fi 43 . ...... ! 40 t l 2l t 7 66 ...... .7 ... t 1 fc.l i t .is i...... 11 ... T 0 14 il ... 7 65 14 IK ... 1 90 . ,H4 lfl t f.6 8 1"0 ... SO 6n r; i vi i ...... to T t tyi. so ran 1 66 v.. Jso ... t 61 W IS) HI M , ?4 W 7 e t ... t 66 61 4 940 1 44 46 2t 110 7 h 44 m 100 T ea 9 n ... 7 64 60. 2K . t 40 64 t6 110 IM 41 ..J44 ... 70 I 911 ft) 1 66 6t. 1 T M l ;) 7 66 ....... .14 la) 7 ao 6 S:t7 t t-6 76 904 ... t U M 6 100 7 66 II ...... .) ... 7 44 U .. Ill . . t 6 40.. l7 40 7 44 67 11 140 7 65 15 9) j 61.- 117 ... 7 6i ' ' T ... T It) Ml too 7 66 -, Wl 940 T 48 49 HO 1MI 7 66 e6.l....tl ... T 60 5T 20 7 ! M 191 40 T n 244 ... T 66 ; , 117 K IS 74 276 lft 7 6! 41... t 110 1 S t4. :M ) 7 66 90 Ot ... 1 4 ! 100 7 66 4i....M..9M ... 1 T 64 'i.M 0 7 66 47 'l 80 t 70 70 "t T 67 74 134 ... 1 70 84 XI ... 7 67 H IM ... t 64 117 160 7 67 0. ...... .IM ... 1 70 61 241 ... 7 40 7a......lM ... 7 79 M r 40 7 Ml 6 8. 6 4 T TO 48 S-'-l ... 7 40 l 116 ... T 79 76 227 ... 1 80 10 219 ... 1 79 TIGS. i ... i oo io (i ... t m SHEEP There waa a liberal run of sheep this morning, 68 car being reported In, there being a heavy gain over the light run on Monday of last week and a alight gain over a year ago. The arrival con sisted very largely of killers with only few cars that would do for feeders. Buyers were all out In the yard early in the morning and they seemed to have use for everything In sight, but advice from other market bear down the market. As compared with th high point last Fri day, sales looked all the wav from steady to iodine lower, mostly lottflio lower. A lower market usually means a slow mar ket, but still buyers picked up offering quite readily and there wa considerable activity to the trade, the big end of the receipts changing hands In good season. riony gooa Kinas or lamps sold up tea. $1.15, with yearlings at $6.00. old wether high aa $3.86, and right good owes at $3.7. There were a few bundle of westerns la sight that went to the feeder buyers at good steady prices. As high as $5.36 waa paid for good lamb to go back to tha country on feed and $3.15 for good ewes. . It might be added In thi connection that the demand for feeder Is far In excea of ' the aupply. Quotations on sheep and lamb: Good to . choice lambs, $5.S6-gfl.26; good to choice heavy lambs, $5 265.75; (Air to good lambs, $5.25(ii6.86; good feeding lambs, $5.00(35.40; fair feeding lambs. $4.6v4!.00; light common lambs, $3.Ofa4.00; handy weight yearling. $4.75riT6.16; heavy yearllnns, $3.N0(!?4.60; feeder yearlings. $3.7564.36; good to choice wethers, H 7.Vif4.00; good to choice heavy wethers. $3 60U3.90; feeding wethers, $9 2r-fS.75; good to choice light ewes, $3.693.76; good heavy ewns. $3.25(i, ,1 50; feeding ewes, $2.25(3366; canners. $1. 602.00. Representative sales: No, Ar. 114 34 4f 87 93 ......... 68 .... .126 Pr. 3 66 t 00 1 60 4 00 6 60 4 20 t 16 $ 66 I 86 4 66 6 60 4 60 16 f 16 5 86 $ 95 1 00 I 86 6 00 $ 86 00 6 60 $ 66 4 20 I 86 ( 35 1 16 t 00 1 90 I 60 00 423 fed ewes 617 fed yearlings . 49 fed ewes .... 35 fed wether . 157 fed lambs ... 193 fed wether . 197 fed ewes .l' ,108 .127 , 88 v red ewes 4I fed wether 270 fed yearling 14 fed ewes ,..115 D4t red yearling .... 106 ui led lamb 28 fed lamta 138 fed lamb 3M fed ewe . 76 . 74' 72 106 11 fed bunk .....14i a 1JW 96 ......100 78 62 fed ewes ..... 31 fed lamb ... 106 fed ewes 260 fed lamb ... 11 fed lambs . 209 fed ewes ... , 70 126 221 fed wether 116 292 west lambs, feeder 49 1.6 western lambs, feeder 49 450 western ewes, feeder 92 6 western ewe, oulls 78 39 wcttern lambs, cull 39 36 western ewes ...106 4 western lamb 0 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle , Slow Ho Are Higher sheep Steady. CHICAGO, Dec. 12. "CATTLE Receipt, 41,000 head. Market slow and weak. Reeve,'1 $4.35uv7.20; Texas steers; $4.O04.25; western steers, UOOfrtUO: stockers and feeders, $3.s4V (U&60; cow and heifer. $2.2666.00; calves, $9.00. ' HOGS-Receipts, 42,000 head. Market 60. higher than early. Light, $7.663-06; mixed,:, $7.eo.M8.10; heavy, $7.66(u8.06; rough. $7.66t) 7.75; good to choice heavy, $7.758.06; pigs,' $7.0041,. M. Bulk of sales,-$7.trrs.00. , SHEEP AND LA MUS Receipts, 40.00Q head. Market cteady. Native, $2.fcVa4.60; western, $2.75(34.60; yearlings, $4.60(t6.76;-. native lambs, I4.60r.8t); western, $5.00w.70., Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Deo. 12. CATTLE R4)-l celuts. 18.000 head. Including 600 southern M.rb.l nl..rfu n l.U. 1 .. ur r - tnn t ! 9F. . 1. .. 9 I . A . A V . and export steers, $5.&037.26; fair to good, V $4.704(5.ou; western steers, $4,254(.60; stook ers and feeders, $4.00Q6.30; southern steers,, $4.25(6.60; southern cows, 13tXti4.50; native cows, $2.75'a4.76, native heifers, $4.0Oj.50; bulls, $3.404.75; calves, $4.00u.26. HOOS Reeclpts. 7.300 head. Market So to DiUL.n e.iiu iv.uoi ., ui vimoviu . 10c hUher; bulk of sales, $7.007.82. Heavy, li.tkyg'.mf; pactters auu uuicners, at. ioi. aeft; light. $7-654l'7.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000 a head. Market steady to 16c lower. Lambs, T $5 2.6.60; yearllnKs, $4.506.25; wethers. $376 ij6.35; ewes, $3.2uU'3.90; stockers and feeder! J3.0U.4S.75. , St. Loot Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Deo. 12. CATTLE Receipt 6,700 head. Including 2,600 Texan. Market, steady to 10c lower; native shlpp.ng and ex port steers, $6.4007.10; dressed beef and butcher steer, $8.0ot(ti.90; steers under 1.000 lbs., $5.0icitj.5o; stockers and feeder, $3.75 (ft B IB ; cow and heifer. $3,251(6.60; canners, $2.7603.25: bulls. $3.2.Mtf6.00; calves, $6.25 9.25; Texa and Indian steers, $1.6ft'o6.0O; cow and heifer. $;i.txxg I.W. HOGS Receipt. 10.400 head. Market, 60 higher; pig and lights. $7.7uti8 85; packer, $7.My7.90; butcher and best heavy, $7-76 4)7.90. SHEEP A Nil LAMBO Receipts, .WJ V A VfU.. .t...lu , I . . a Miillnn. $3 Ml a 4 00; lambs, $5.50fo 6.60; cull and buokaj $2.50; 3.00; stockers, $2.26(a3.26. St. Joseph Lle Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 12.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.500 head; market steady to 104 lower: steers, M.iauti.oo; cows ana neuers. $3 On u 6. 25; calves, $4.008.26. HOOS Receipts, 1,500 head; market slow; steady; top, $7.76; bulk of sales, $7.66'4V7.70. SHEEP AND LA M f 8 Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady; luJiibs, $6.7644.80. Stock la' SlKfct. Rerelnts of live stock at th flv principal western market yesterday: cattle, nogs, oneep, South Omaha.... ........ 6.900 6. o ht. Joseph Kansas City..... ....... 2.600 lB.OiW 6.7oO .......41.000 3 500 7.300 10 400 42.000 St. Louis Chicago Total 73,100 69,000 . 71,309 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 12 COFFEE Future opened barely teady at a decline of bitl nointa under scattering local liquidation and bear pressure Inspired by nervousness over the Brazilian situation which, in spite of reassuring press reports, wa augmented by the failure ot tne omciai cautea irom Hlo to aive any quotations or to Indicate any receipts at that port. Offerings wer pretty well absorbed around the Initial figures, but the market continued very ner vous and with the late French t ables easy, price eased off a few points further dur- ng the afternoon, i ne cioae was atuaay st . net define or yy " points hales, Kl.iM uaa. December, 11.13c; January. 1097c: February. 10 95c; March, 10.91c; April. lOAOo; i Muv lo:f,n' .Inna. 10.67c: Julv lOiUi,,: Auir. 'muw,- Hititembe.r 10. rale: firmer and November, 10 4-ic. Havre closed at a net de cl ne of franc; Hamburg was pfu. net lower; Rio, umiuoted; Santos, un changed. Santos receipts. 24.000 bags; Jundialty, 18,200 bags, aalnst 21,600 last year. Spot, nominally unchanged; Rio No. T, 13c; Santos No. 4. Uo. Mild coffee, quiet; Cordova, 13i&15?.c. , Pry iod Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 12. DHY OOODS The cotton goods markets wer dull, and firm on staples, and with a steady business In some few speulaltiea. Yarns opened firm and quiet. Underwear Is reported as In better demand for prompt shipment. Holi day trade Is rising In volume. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Deo. 11 -COTTON-Spot clcsed quiet; middling uplands, 15 0Tc; mid- 13. I0 12 IHK3 4O.OU0 n id- j. rn- : a'l-K gulf. 16 !io. Hale, 12503 bale. ST. LOUIS. Lec. 13 COTTON changed; middling, UKc: sales, 60 bales; receipts. Ja bales; shipments, l.lal bales; tock, 20.4U bale. rn. f