TIIH OMAHA SUNDAY" UKK: PECT.MHKR 11, 1010. A f 0 - Jo t puneral of geo. b.tzschuck Late Treasurer of The Bee Publishing Company Laid to Beit. CEREMONIES ARE IMPRESSIVE Fellerr Rmplnres nf Tn Rft Attend tkr (hare a BerTlre I a Bor Her. T. J. Markar Deliver the Address. The funeral of Oeorire Tt. Tsschuck. late treasurer of The Pes Publlahlng- company, wa held yesterday afterno n at All Paints' churfh at ! o'clock. Rev. T. J Mackay, rector, condurted the service. The service were attended by a large HumUr of old friends ar.d associates of Mr. Ttsrhuck. Krnploycs of The llee and of flora of the company attended In a body. Besides tlirm it irreat number of members of the Woodmen of the World were present, paving trloiile to foe memory of a beloved member of the order. A robed choir of four young women and men marched ahead of the casket In the Impresslvo nroirress to the altar, and there aang several funeral hymns. Those who composed the choir were Miss Tatlence Walker. Mrs. Edllh HelRren, Claude Iewls and Charles Haverutock. - From a passage In Corinthians Rev. Mr. Mackay delivered his nermon over the body of the departed. Touching upon the great problems or lire and or oeatn, nr. Mackay pictured the final departure of a ; aoul from earth as In reality a birth. "Peath la swallowed up In victory.' he rest problems of life and of death, rr, aid. "The pnaslng of the aoul la Ita final littnrr after n llfs nf sorrows nT trlbu- 1 latlons." Dr. Mackay declared that life ! wa a greater mystery than death, and that the advent of a being Into the world la . a moment of greater concern and a matter really to be considered more In sorrow than 1s the taking off of a hu man being to his last resting place. The clergyman through his Inspiring sermon y. pictured the life of, George H. Tzschuck, j, whose body lay at the foot of the altar, as having been one of the noble lives, , the epd of which Is the victory that comes n death. The body was taken to Forest I, awn cemetery and placed In a receiving vault, ..to be held temporarily there till members of the late Mr. Tsschtick's family have returned and viewed It. A splendid offering of flowers In several large designs, decked the altar and repre- aented the expression of reverence from Th Bee, the several orders to which Mr. ,tTachuck belonged and many Individual friends who presented them. i . The active pallbearers were: Pwlght Williams. J. J. I bright. , Joseph H. Campbell, William Cole, W. R. Adair, J. D. Weaver, Honorary pallbearers: '" ' Harry Haskell, C T. Knuntze. W. It. Baker, C. C. Hoscwater. T. W. McCullough, K. J. Hoel. . . Robert Hunter. r . Panama Canal Bond Issue Will Be Made to Avoid a Deficit Farther Legislation Necessary to Meet Problem of Providing Market Without Complication!. WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Machinery waa et In motion today to provide for an Issue of Panama canal bonds to end a drain tipon the working balance of the treasury, which now threatens a deficit. Seotetarj- of the Treasury MacVeagh had long conference on the subject with Hen- tor Aldrlch, chairman of the senate com mittee on finance. It waa said that several complications had arisen and that further legislation would be necessary If the proposed new ecurltlea are to find a market without de pressing the more than 1700,000.000 of I per cent bonds now outstanding. Under the authorisation for tho leant, t292.Ono.00O additional Panama bonda It waa . provided that they might bear I per cent Interest. Most of the government securitlea new outstanding bear 2 per cent In order to equalize the two classes of bonds, when used for bank circulation. It was provided that the I per cents should be Used I per cent, as against one-half of 1 per cent paid by the I per cent bonds where So used. Secretary MacVeagh advanced the idea that if the new I per cent bonds were made nonavallable for bank circulation tt would prevent a curtailment of the demand which exists for the t per cents, as the latter would continue to be required by the banks aa a basis for circulation. ' An issue of bonds without circulation privilege. It la pointed out. would be In the nature of an experiment. FRIENDSHIP STIRRED HEARTS Tet ( Them Throb as e I'nder the Persuasive lafloeace of Gnn. Tha conductor on a western freight train saw a tramp stealing a ride on one of the forward cars. He toM a brakeman in the caboose to go up and put the man oft gt the next stop. V.'iien the brakitmun approached the tramp, 11. e latter waved a f big revolver and told him to keep away. "Did you put him off?" the conductor .) asked the brakeman, when the train waa y under way again. ; "I didn't have the heart," was the re Ply. "he turned out to be an old school v mate of mine." "I II take care of him then," said the : -t conductor as he started over tl.e top of : .-c-j (.- , , " i i&vili Alter tne train hail made anothtr stop i xt. and gone on the brakeman came Into caboose and said to the conductor: "Well, did you get him off?" "No,' he turned out to be an old school friend of mine, too." Norman K. Mack1 Monthly. EXAMINATIONS FOR TEACHERS Testa to Be Held IH-ceinber XT for Ap plicants for 1'oaltlons Nest Kali. A teachers' examination will be held at the high school Devomber 37 'for those w ho , wish to get positions next year In Omaha school. All graduates of normal or uni versity courses are aJlowed to take posi tions after passing the examinations, but high school graduate must have had three years' teaching experience. Teachers are taken on the high school list If they r university graduates only after they have had two years' experienc In accredited high schools. CONFECTION SHOP BLIND PIG oak Cn4lta ressa Contain l-iirr Proprietor la Arroateel In Police Hl. Tli cigar and randy store conducted by M. L Levy at 714 North Sixteenth street waa raided Friday night and Levy, together with a, number of other occupants of th pJaco arrested ind a Quantity of liquor confiscated. In polloe ccurt Ievy was plaxed under a bond of $U&0 and the follow ing poreone were bald to be tried with him Monday morning: John Stout, Katie Lun deil and 1-aurr- Miller. Total Population FTATE3. 1010 t'nl'd States, ecl've of Philippines..! M :. ! JI Continental I'nlted Htates Jt.7'.2 Alabama Arlaona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Inlaware I'tstrlrt of Columbia ... 2. mo. ... HH.V4 ... i.r.71.4 . .. 2.377. M ... 7'.ii.-4 ... 1.114. 774 ti.:s2 ... MI.IH'4 ... 7i2.h15 ... ItWi.l.'l , . . W.-I.5M ...5 R1S.fc.il ... 2.TO) S7 ... 2 i24.771 ... l.'itM.yJ'.' ...2 2v. !.:, ... l.iVt.itVI ... 742.:i71 . .. 1.2 '.34fi ... 414 ... 2.P1A.1-S ! Florida (ieoigla Idaho Ill nots Ind ana Iowa Kansas Kentucky IyOiilsiana Main.) Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi 2.07.'i.;iH 1.77.ll M ssourl 3.2H3.: Montana 37B.D-M Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico 1.10 J 214 m.so-i 430.572 2.M7.1K7 3:7.-01 w Tork 9.1 14. till North Carol na 2 2J.7 Iota rn.a Oklahoma ; 1.657!i; Oregon (772.7 7.tWi 111 Rij.ttio l,:,ir. 4w 6S3.HSS Et"".'' Rhode Island . 8outh Carolina South rakota . Tennessee .. 2.1f4.7'!! Texas 3.r4i Cah '. .'7:1.3)1 Vermont ,V.5.9r.S Virginia 2 0;i,rti2 Washington 1 141, pno West Virginia 1.2.'l in Wisconsin 2 :m.K'i Wyoming Uri.lMi Alaska Hawaii Porto Rico Military and naval. M.r.ll .. 1H1.WW .. 1.11.012 Includes 953.243 persons In Porto Rico for comparison the population Is Included in under the direction of the War department. BRIEF CITY NEWS Have oo rrint XV 9. 3. Creedoa Sods Coal. Take Tour Printing to the Times. aWadlng- Lamps Burgesa-Orandsn 1o. uaenrt Photographer, llih Kar'm. Bent Money Is the landlord's profit. Start a savings accobnt with Neo. Savings It Loan Ass'n to provide a fund to buy a borne. 1806 Furnam St. Berea per cout on your money guaran teed $200 to $2,000, any length of time from aix months up. Hasting & Hey den, 1 61 4 ' Harney stredt. Publlo Berries Corporation- We claim to be one. Service to clients above ev erything In all lines of insurance. 'Phone Crelgh, Baldrlge & Co., Douglas 200. Omaha Snbbar Co, "K. H. Sprague,' president." 1AIS Harney street. 'Must around the corner." "Only first quality" rubbers retailed at our store. Automobile accessories. "Let us equip your auto." Verdlot for Company Verdict for the defendant was relumed in district court Saturday in the. suit of Samuel nrugsteln against, the street railway company for 2,&i for personal Injury. Kiss Fhllbrick Is having a holiday sale of her Chinese embroideries, carved Ivory, beautiful necklaces, mandarin coats, Jade and cloisonne, porcelain, etc., second floor. Wead building, 18th and Farnam. 'Phone Harney fioOC. Keep all your life Insurance policies, rotes, contracts, deds, elc. In the bugrlar and fireproof vaults of the Omaha Safe Deposit and Trust Company. A private safe for 13.00 a year. Street entrance ltilt Farnam street. lis Pbllbrlok Is having a holiday sale of her Chinese embroideries, carved Ivory, beautiful necklaces,' mandarin ooats. Jade and cloisonne, porcelain, etc., second floor, Wead building, 18th and Farnam. 'Phone Harney &50S. Barg-ess to Talk C. C. Burgess will address the Omaha Philosophical society Sunday at S o'clock p. m., in Barlght hall, Nineteenth and Farnam streets, on "The Moral Teachings of Jesus." Borers Paroled to Wife Frederick Rogers, charged with forging a check for 135, pleaded guilty before Judge Estelle In dlstilct court Saturday morning and was paroled to bis wife. The county attorney's office gave Its approval of the parol after Rogers had made a showing that he Is not naturally dishonest, but committed the of fense whllo drunk. Lotare at Auditorium Pastor Russell of Brooklyn tabernacle. New York is to deliver a free lecture Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock In the Auditorium, his topic b iny, "Hereafter." Pastor Russell, by In vitation, has during the last few months nUircf-eU several Jewish mass meetings on tlio question of "Zionism in Proplhesy," siu h intetings being held in the New Tork nlppoiVome, London, England, Albert hall, Miino""ter, Glasgow, etc. Bigger, Better Busier That la what advertising in The Bee will do for your busineFS. 'lAre You Deaf? iilavs Ycu Catarrh I as ss BSk a a a ASt llliaor UrQnChlf IS? Xh Cure These and Many Other Chronic Diseases. We Remove the Cause. Have Had Years of Success Others and Feel That We Can Help You. Tih ft'eeVs Trea!meat FREE W e lea'.lse that there are many who are Ui.kbl to pay Urge fees for treat f.wnt. i.'iiM of tne uncertainty con nected Willi th usual methods, so a ha'.' decided to give people a proof that w can cure them, and the ou'y cliarg we will make will be fur ineulctnas actually used. If you can not vail writ us and w will explain tow treat you in your own home. Address, Bsrlin Medical Institute Bye, Bar. e aa Throat npeetalists 4OO-40T ldg, . . Omaha, He. of United. States in -ri to tfi. 1V 7.2;Vi.tn KW R!.7i.7ii No. IS Iffi.Wl 15 P77,il i.4.."7.'i 6: 7.7H 1. fcs.KC l.f,l3.41 .TOi.rw; p; 9 .HS w 1 t 17 IU'2!'tl s.24:t K1.4J.1 K;.2 :vi s 17 is 1.S1I M4 1.12S.211 3 ! mSTJ IS 25 21 1.4S.M 1.213.21 W.tW 10 I 27I.?A 2'. 4 12 21 22 7SJ 41.1.245 2f:i:i 4.0 IJii. lid l.fi ..;! 31 :'l k 421 7i't.2.M 21"'. 3:t 2! 7 i'2. .J 217 2 2 20 1M.7:Ci 1KS.4M.I 17.5K7 H.5 K.2'2 .H 4 4! 4:' 27 "in t o.jsa r.2.;iit in s i ;y, : .n u 42 IWs.BtS :tK1 422 221.011 42.4 l:'.7.12 X..Q 34 :i.' :':! 2,21fi.;M l.f:r7..lo3 3'2.Kifi 17 7 37M ;ii S, H in 11 12 VA.772 M..-4K 12122 11 3 7:1.224 K' 7 IH 47 47. 4.S21 J.2H.W.a KI7.nl Pi. !"'". 1 '1 21 l S 3 3 2.SW 42 2 1 '2.44 1M4II 7.3 324 O'-S H.S 9 H Si 2.2'1.V.,3 1.M2 297 7.4W2 .3 ."K.-Vf, 1H 7 IS 10 10 1,470.4. 1.42J.HW 22W. 47. 1 17..0 42 ,",7 3.0 22 22 I I 2.147.174 1 .-.." 112 7.11 . 2--S r.:i'i 1., 5 14 1! 11 l.iWl. 412,1 1.11..V8 271 7SI 19. ! 2''. 3.037 23. S 24 ivl 2") M 4'W Wil OMi 47.!Hi .!) :l:l.sn ft 11 :Ti : :x ltlsx.014 1.4M2:S0 Iii7.3'i2 9.0 1'5.ir.4 14 0 27 2i 27 2. sofi.34 2.2..i7 M1.P70 20.0 fn ;::: 23.3 ; 7 1 2.420 92 2.V.R!ft .".Will 11 f" C'2 11 r, s '1 0 1.7.M.3!i4 1.3102V3 3:4.314 IS 5 441 Jit 3.17 11 1!( 2 15f.1.27( 1 .29 VOn 2".4.S44 1"i s :i liTO 20 3 21 20 21 S.KH.hC. J.ti79.IM lltti 7I '10 427. 4'0 f, A 7 ft r. 243,:t29 142.924 132.721 64.5 lu0.407i 70.3 41 14 44 1.0:.30O LOIitiTji 127i.9H III 3.044 0.3 29 27 ?i'. 42.31S 47.:.'.'i 39540 93 4 s .i,02.) "10. S 51 52 49 411.M 37K.SIO 1R9HI 4.fi 3'i.Os J to :K ;:; l.gs:i.H9 1.444 933 1C.3.49S 34.7 4:W.7! ,0.l 11 1H IS HCi.310 1H0.2J.2 131.991 67.5 :.U23 21.9 40 4.1 13 7.2d8.!M C.OK1.174 1.S14.?".4 2S.4 1.2rri7'0 21 1 1 1 1 VIO l r.n :112.I77 11 5 275 Wl 17 1 Hi 1.1 Hi 319 14i 19SS 27.7.910 4).(t K!.m r.7.1 41 41 4.157.515 3.i"2.22'4 W1..".7fl 14.7 ,V5.210 13 2 4 4 4 790,391 2.8.167 8'..71 100.7 531.734 20R.B 23 738 4 413.531 317.704 2.11 2. "9 12.7 95.S32 30 2 31 35 33 .302.1IS 6 258 113. 1,312. 901 21.6 1.044. 0"2 19.9 2 2 2 428.554 345 501 114 054 20.1 f3.0fw 24 0 30 34 25 1,340 311 1,151.149 171.0S4 13.1 lW.ir.7 11 4 K 24 23 44)1.570 3 48.ll"0 182.318 46.4 52.970 16.2 37 37 37 2.020.111 1.717.518 . 114.173 8.1 253.098 14 3 17 14 13 3.048 710 2.236.527 847. '2 27.8 813.1S3 31.4 5 17 271.7 '"4 21 1.779 91.102 34 9 1.i,'.70 31.3 42 43 40 343.141 332.422 1 31.1 3.1 11 219 3 4 4 1 40 31 1.854.184 207.428 11.2 198.204 12.0 20 17 1.1 618.103 , 357 232 123.887 120.4 110.871 45.0 30 33 34 ftls.KfK) 712.794 212. ?p 27.4 Ifl.oni '.", 7 2S 2S 28 2i'.'42 1.113 330 214.818 1 2.7 37.1.712 h.2 13 13 14 92.531 62.663 53,1:4 57.7 2:1.971 47.9 .. ,10 47 CR92 32.0T.2 7'4 1.2 31.540 98.4 .12 51 70 154.001 37.908 24.6 .... 49 48 tr53.24.1 91.219 (1899 census). Decrease. t Indian Territory ranked 39 In population In 1900. but the Oklahoma figures, tt According to the census of Porto Klco, taken in 1S99 WITNESS MAKES A SENSATION Declares He Believes the Erdman Jury is Fixed. LAWYERS WOULD PROSECUTE Judge Uetelle Refuses to Take Any No tice of the Man's Matemeot, . . . Althoaarh It Is Made In Open Coart. Exchanges of tarenstic fllntts by County Attorney English and John O. Yelser, at torney for the defense, and grilling cross examination of witnesses marked the clos ing hours of the taking of testimony on the trial of Frank Erdman, charged with attempting to kill Tom Dennlson with an Infernal machine. More sensational than any other Incident of the sitting was the confession on the witness stand of H. O. Brass, a South Oniajia undertaker, who Is active along lines of prosecuting liquor law and gamb ling law violations, that he recently de clared that Erdman will be convicted be cause the Judge and the Jury are fixed. Many lawyers who had dropped into the court room to hear the testimony heard Mr. Brass' statement, which v.as wrung frtm him by the county attorney on cross examination, who bitterly resented It. C?i mi n as And LIBERAL SI Down brings you this 2S-plec genuine Wm. A. Rogers Silver Set- This high-grade set contain KNIVES. FORKS, 6 LARUE SPOONS, TEASPOONS. 1 BUT TER KNIFE and 1 SU GAR SHELL. All are made In the beautiful new vineyard grape pat terns, in th French gray finish. The entire 2 pieces are put up In a handsomely lined leatherette cm, a hown In Uie Illustration. S9.C0 Oak or atB0ga&7. Just the glit for your sister, mother or wet- hoart- llMt quajlty materiaJ used r'reuch plate mirror. Roomy drawer. AVor'.h 11. 00. prclal low price, now Census of 1910!CITYDADSR1,1EREFORM mi:asi:.- HANK IN IDl'l I. Ti N - II'IO. I!kl. ISO. y to !!. ret. No 14.27C..S.4 Pet. .11 22.1 Several attorneys expressed themselves In favor of Instituting contempt of court proceedings against Brass. It Is not likely, however, that any action will be taken. At noon the state and the defense rested and an adjournment was taken until 10 o'clock Monday morning, when the argu ments will be begun. H. J. Pinkett. a negro attorney, and J. M Leldy, superintendent of the Omaha district of the Nebraska Anti-Saloon league, were placed on the stand by the defense to show Erdman was In Omaha at the time the state claims . he wax In Louisville. For the same purpose Brass was placed on the stand. To show that witness Is prejudiced Tor the defense, the county attorney wrung from him his con fession that at a dinner In South Omaha a few evenings ago he declared the Judge and Jury are fixed. "That was my private opinion," said Brass. "I didn't want to state It here." Packlnar House for Oinilniiuil, DEAD WOOD, 8. D., Dec. 10. (Speeclal.) Representatives of the packing house of T. II. Slncluir A Co., Ltd.. of Cedar Rapids, la., are In the city Investigating the possibilities of locating a branch house In this city. A tentative site has been etdected and temporary arrange ments being made. The company has been sellng pork and other like materials here for twenty years. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Adn. 1 F! F1 PrB CREDIT ON HOLIDAY GOODS Quar tered Oak Rocker Si!5 Imperial Leather Solid Oak Morris Chair so.59 Have ad i ustable backs, full eprlng Beats, carved and u bstantlal frame Of fered at a most re marks bly low price to Induce early hopping. Made of se lett er solid oak or mahogany fin ish. Are broad and spacious, with shaped seat and carved back. Fully worth fg.00. A great Induce ment to buy now. is-pizca wm. a! iooeii Ooaraateed kllrarwar ht . . . , I4I4-I6-I3 Douglas Believe Big Saving touid Be Made by Following Suggestions. MAYOR ALSO lAtES THE PLAN tacresa Aehlevrd In the City llsrrr'i llppnrlmrnl Aronses In terest of Other orfJrlnls -Tried at mnll Kxprnse. Members of the fimince committee of the i'itv council Hiul Km of t tie other offi cials are strongly In favor of the proposed revolution In city bookkeeping that would follow the adoption of Deputy Comptroller Cosg!0es atamlunhzt'd system of ac counts. Jmlne Peika and W. r. Sheldon of the finance committee and President Brucker uie very strongly In favor of It because It affords a means of determining at the close of each day Just how the funds stand in all the departments. The city en (..ncer and his stuff who have been us in,: It for a year are enthusiastic In praise of it. Councilman Lee BrUlaes is rather inclined to hesitate because It might prove costly. "The system Is very much like the one that is req-.ilied In all Ohio cities by the state low with modifications for our local conditions." said Mr. Cosgrove. "Omaha is in a position to have It established at very Utile cost because the comptroller's office could make uee of the information col lected when I made a trip through thlrty foi.r cities In the east. Chicago paid i'i.OOi to a company of expert accountants for In stalling a similar system in their city of fices and llOO.ocK) more for extending it. Baltimore paid $50,000 for an examination of its books and $70,000 for an installation. The Omaha city government paid about $700 for my trip and the system In the city en gineer's office alone has saved more money than that in one month's economy. The cxlia expenditure for installing this-system In all the departments here without the help of experts would be about $500 for stationery. " Mayor Duhlman Is another member of the city government, who Is much In favor 'of a complete change In the city's methods of keeping books and will favor the ordinance. The opposition will come from employes, whose Jobs will be en dangered by decreasing pay rolls and from officials who may take the change as a criticism of their former methods of doing business. Settlement with Swope Nephew. , KANSAS C1TV, Dec. 10. That attorneye or the estate of the late Colonel Thomas H. Swope have settled the claim of Felix Swope of Midway. Ky.. nephew of Colonel Swope. by ,the payment of $70,000 to the Kentucky man, was the statement made upon good authority heie today. Felix Swope arrived here yesterday, It was said, with tho Intention of filing suit to break the will of Colonel Swope. RHEUMATISM ADVICE Gives Prominent Doctor' Best Pre scription 1 Xasily Mixed This prescription was previously pub lished here and by using it many of the worst cases of rheumatism and lame back were cured in a short time. "Get one ounce of syrup of Sarsaparllla compound and one ounce of Torls compound. Then get a half pint of good whiskey (or sherry wine if it la preferred and add the other two Ingredients to It. Take a tablespoon ful of this mixture before each meal and at bed time. Shake the bottle each time before using." Tha good effects of this treatment are said to be felt after the first few doses but it should be contin ued until permanent results are assured. Any good druggist has these ingredients In stock or will quickly get them from his wholesale house. Adv. f!D ra n c r" Is all we're charging for this set, far less than possible to buy it else where. EACH PIECE ta stamped WM. A. ROQ ERS, th famous silver smith, and are ABSO LUT ELY GUARAN TEED. The pattern 1 entirely new. Nothing finer could be desired. This set will make an exceptionally elaborate Christmas present, and Is worth far more than we ask NOW. A speci ally low price to Indue 11. Ilday buying. $7.50 WB.IXIB70 DEIE, Bolld Quartered Oak. $6.25 Should ell for double the above amount. Select materials .used. Well arranged. design. Special low price this sale y :Wwi. ,t;0 i 3TZ '.n-? 87 Old People Everywhere Say . VxMrs.SA. I - " RoOER3. 'fry i r- vA Mr JR. ' h 1 7 x4Tv" fifth ; t 'nt nil Fifteen Yean. Mrs. 8. A. Rogers, LeMoore, Cttl., writes: "I had chronic catarrh of -fifteen year' standing, and death seemed to stare me in the face. 1 tried several 'so-called' catarrh remedies, and without avail. I took fifteen bottles of Parana and five bottlea of Mana lln. and I am completely cured. All the, catarrhal symptoms are gone, my digestion Is good, my appetite Is good, and I rest well at night. 1 am seventy years of age , and I hope to live many more years to praise t'eruna to all my friends who suffer from catarrh as I did." Buffered Forty-five Years. Mr. J. K. 1'rlnre. K. R. i, Cattaraugus, N. Y., writes: "I am not very well sat isfied with the picture that I am sending you, but when the reader look at this picture If he could only reallxe that the original suffered for forty-five years, the best of his life, until your kind advice and prescription cured him, he would know from whence these wrinkles came. Next month 1 shall be sixty-six years old." vouu Prostration. Mr. Martha Avery, 28 Graham Ft., Leominster, Mass., writes: "Four years ago I had nervou pros tration. I employed several doctors. One Would say I had catarrh of the stomach and bowel, and other nervous- DOCTORS ness and another enlargement of the liver. My stomach waa in a bad shape. There LYRIC THEATER 19th and Farnam Sts. BCMZ. TAT KAJtJIOYAH, BFIKIT FOWIK ZK TUI.I. LIQKT. Every opportunity afforded for closest Investigation. All week except Wed. Door Open TilS Beano 8:15. Admission 8 So. Wo Seats Bsserved. Our Prices arc lor food, not Show Stop! -- One death in every caused by Tuberculosis. You can helb stamp How? Cost Anyone may sell them. Everyone should buy them. Distributing headquarters for Nebraska: 807 Brandeis. Phone Tyler 1687. ADDRESS TUBERCULOSIS SECRETARY. ENGRAVED STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS All correct forms in current social usage engraved in the best manner and punctually delivered when promised. EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 1210-1212 HOWARD ST. PHONC D. 1604 Pc-nwia is Good for Coughs, Colds and Catarrhal Diseases, am ft' vt vi... - s r- ;X 11rt.ijL.Niv1 y fx Merz. was nothing which ceemed to do in much good. "I tried other remedies, but did not gain any flesh, until I commenced taking your 1'eruna, whloh built me right up. I hav taken several buttles, but have not taken any now for about six weeks. "I am seventy-three years old. 1 never expect to be. entirely well or young again, but I am thankful for what 1'eruna has done for me." Feels Ten Year Younger. Mr. Henry Merx, 1505 West Kranklln St., Kvansvllle, Ind., writes: "When I first wrote to you I had bronchial trouble for four years, and had tried several doctors, but they could do inc. no good. I had pain and rattling in the chest, cough, expec toration, especially at night. "I took 1'eruna and can now say that I am entirely well. 1 feel ten years younger since using Pern no. 1 recommend peruna to I IB 77 ., , . , .1 TEAM 0I I all my friends, for I '1 1 waa in bad condition. "I am an old soldier and am seventy seven years old." .1 1 f I si V 7 A Cafeteria on Uia principle that Its patrons car more for food than for Bhowincss. Hence . we put very ltttl ntudy in huwliies, but or great deal in the food we serve. If you are looking for "show," others can serve you bet ter, but If you are looking for food, prepared In sanitary quarters, and in a wuy you can relish while eMing and be satisfied with after wards, you are looking for the Qniokserr, Breakfast, O to 10. Lunch, 11 to S. Supper, S to 8. CITY NATIONAL nANK Ul'ILDINO. Entrance) on Sixteenth Street. Think! ten in your locality is out this disease. Use Red Cross Christmas Seals on your Holiday Letters and Packages. One Cent Each. ari