TIIE BEE: OMAIIA, SATURDAY, DIXTMHETl 10, 1910. A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION. Men's Fancj Vests In all new pat ternstiny man will appreciate one worth up to $2.50, at $1.25 rSl sssssssssssssa saaasaiasssssisssssssssssssssi ssssssswssi sssssassssssssi 1 See K ' (-"t : V '-.. Yv VM 'A Mt Let Your Gift this Christmas De of a Practical, Sensible Character Urandeis Stores is the ideal place to buy a gift for a man, because it always carries the clothes of sterling quality with re fined patterns that men of jiood taste like. This is always the p lore for men who need a new suit or an overcoat in order to be well dressed for the holidays. No waiting for your clothes until yon ioope patience. Your suit or overcoat is leady for you to slip on here. "We satisfy the most particular men in Omaha. Your Particular Overcoat Is Here Stylish, Perfectly TalUred, Refined in Pattern Time are few stores that can show the equal of this splendid group of overcoats at any price. Brandeis is the only one that offers hand tailored clothes of such excellence at prices that are really moderate. We also oifer special groups of suits all wool creations, in pat terns that the best dressed men choose. Choose as fancy dictates from these groups, at ; .$15, $18, $20 mm Jf v it-- 1 tfwrmi Sensible, Serviceable -Overcoats and Suits for Men Who Favor Moderate Priced Clothes Plenty of men consider ten dollars enough to pay for an every day business suit or overcoat They are men whom we can satisfy, for there is nowhere else that ten dollars will buy an an overcoat or suit that is as good through and CIA ft I through as these. V-I-veUU Brandeis Special Christmas Ad 1 On Pago 12. Only 13 More Shopping Days Until Christmas. Start Your Gift Buying Now. The Christmas Gift a Man Really Likes Is the Useful Gift Buy ft man a gift that he can use and enjoy every day. A serviceable gift is something that he is slow to buy for him self, but quick to appreciate when someone else buys it for him. We offer many special prices on articles very suitable for Christmas gifts for men. Men's Sample Bath Robes in Blanket and Terry Cloth An opportunity to buy Christmas Bath Robes and Loung ing Robes at about one-half their actual value. All th Bath Robes, worth up to All the Bath Robs, worth up to 3 00' at 2.25 17.60. at 4.08 And S.98 All the Bath Robes, worth up to All the Bath Robes, worth up to ?' ' ' ' '3-80 nd 308 I1I.00. at 9 7.RO, 98 and 99.08 All the Bath Robes, worth up to $30.00, at. .$17.50 and $2L50 MEN'S SMOKING JACKETS AND HOUSE COATS High quality smoking jackets In the new shading or trown, wine, oxford, gray, blue, etc. excellent values In these welcouo pifts ftt 3.D8 $5.00 90.50 97.50 "d $10.00 MEN'S AND BOVS' WOltSTirn huititcii rvniu aw uooa yuamy, worth up to 2.oo, all colors, at In white and neat effects, coat styles- worth up to $3.00, at 98c and $1.50 Men's Negligee and Golf Shirts, worth up to $1.25, at 39c and C9c The Clothes for Gentlemen Rogers-Peet and Hirsh-Wickwlre Superb Suits and Overcoats When Omaha men want the highest class clothes, that will hold their own with the best tailor-made garments, they com here, because they know we sell Rogers-Peet and Hlrsh-WIck-wlre Clothes Suits, at .... $21.00 to $35.00 Overcoats, at $25.00 to 0-15.00 Manufacturer's Surplus Stock of boys' Clothes This offering makes it possible to buy your boy something that is useful and high quality at a minimum price, ine overooats, ages 3 to 9, in Russian, Converto or Presto styles are the newest the market affords. Also over coats for the larger boys, sizes 7 to 16 years. Boys' $3 and $3.50 Overcoats and Suits, at . . . .92.30 14 and f 6 Overcoats and Suits, ages 8 to 16, at 98.30 16.60 and $7.50 Boys' Overcoats and 8ults, at 94.S0 $8.60 and $10 Knickerbocker Suits and O'coats, 96.50 Men's ti-tO and $1000 Hultl and Ovreoats $G.56 Hoys' 12.60 and 3 Over coat, age t to I. at $1.39 Boys' $$.60 Russian Suits, at $1.2Q Boys' $3.00 Overcoats, a$l-98 If Slippers h Are Gifts that Men Always Appreciate There is nothing so essential for real house comfort as a pair of nice slippers; No Christmas gift pleases a man more. You can buy here and be sure of the quality. The assortment is splendid. , CI MEN'S SILK NECKWEAR Imported Silk, in French folds, special, 45C USc and $2.00 Christmas Neckwear and Suspend er Sets, worth up to $3.00, at per set ."...$1 $1.25 and $2 Christmas Neckwear and Hose Sets, worth up to $3.00, at per set....$l $1.25 and $2 Christmas Hose and Neckwear Sets, all shades, 76c values, at 85c Christmas Suspenders, Armband and Gar ter Sets, worth up to $2, 60c, 78c 08c Christmas Neckwear, In open end and re versible ties, 60o values, at SWo Christmas Neckwear in Boxes, 60o qual ity, at 20o Men's Silk Pyjamas, In blue, white and pink, worth to $16, at 90.50, 98 and 90 aise. J $1.98 Jersey i $4.98 08 nd $1.39 AJ1 the men's high grade Sweaters Coats, worth up to $10.00 at $2.50 to Men's Cardigan Jackets and Coats, worth up to $7.50 at $3.50 and Men's $1.50 heavy ribbed Union Suits at 79c Manufacturer's samples Silk Reefers, Mufflers and Squares, worth up to $2.00, at ...... ..75C and 08o Men's Sweater Neck Mufflers 50c quality, at 25c Men's Silk Mufflers, dress protectors, In black, grey, pearl and white, 91 to 94.BO Men's Outing Flannel Pyjamas at $1.80 to 94-08 Men's Sample Street and Dress Gloves, worth up to $2.00, at 91-25 Men'B and Boys' Fur and Fur Lined Gloves and Mittens, at. .91.25 to 922.50 Men's and Boys' Lined Work Gloves 60o quality, At 25o $1.00 Quality, at BOc and 75c Men's Gloves, worth up to $3.00 at DBc, 91. 80 and 92.00 SSM1'''.':''..""''";' '.'"'."I'T.''"!1 'll ' Mil'" Men's Cavalier SlippersHigh cut, in brown, red and dark green; on . sale at .v.. ;... $3.50 and $4.00 Men's Comfy House Slippers A. gift that any man will appre Tan and Black Romeo Slippers at.... $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 Men's Kozy Slippers, at $2 and $3-, Special Sale of Suit Cases and Traveling Bags at 2S8-J358-$493 Manufacturers samples of fine leather suits cases and traveling bags, cowhide and black walrus leather, linen and leather lined, positively worth up to $10.00, divided into hes 8 Jots, Saturday at $2.08 $3.l"3 and $4.08. SPECIAL SALE OF MEN'S HATS AND CAPS Men's Opera Btyle Uppers In all cor rect colors, at 91.25, 91. SO, 92.00 and 2.B0 elate, at 91.00 and 92 Men's Crochet Slip pers Extra warm. A. fine Christmas gift, at 91.50 Specials in Basement Men's Slippers in various styles, at , 69c, 08c And 91.25 Imported English Derbies, m&d by Joph Wllnon Sc Sons, Ltd., Danton, England, 13.60 vaJuos. it aa.so John B. Station Soft and Stiff Hata. at S3.SO Brandeis Special Soft and Stiff Hats, at ta.OO fcUH6ry Cravehttte Ilati' and hlsh grade samvtes of Soft and Stiff Hats, at Sao Men's Genuine Sealskin Caps, at 94.0a, SS $10 BRANDEIS STORES t...l...MI.I.M.H..fiW Hen's Fur Cans. mtil. nt hlorir nm.i.n squirrel, at fl.eo and Sa.BO Wen's Sample Caps, silk lined with fur un Boys' and Children's Winter Caps.gse and .soe BRANDEIS STORES WANT STATEJHELP ROADS Highway Convention Will Be Held at Des Moines Last of Kontn. TYPHOID CONTAGION KEEPS UP Woman Found Muritewd atl Werl ltd I'olloe Are lloldlnai Ptninber nl Mea on SBxplolon of omillrltr. , (From a Staff Correnpondent.) DK8 MOINKS, la- Tec. .-(Speclal Tol g'ram.)A mettlng of men In ths stata in trreHtod In Rood roads In the southern part of Iowa was held here today for the pur j io or arranging a ' program tcr a hlgh wuy convention to be hld here Decem bm' ::. Many members or he leulHlature will be invited to participate and an organ isation will b fti-cted to secure a state appropriation In aid of Hood roads. A Klmllar convention held last spring cams to naught but it l believe that now some results van be secured through the legis lature. Ihri'r !rths front Trpholit. WJille the cliy hralth officials claim that the typhoid fever epidemic is on the wane, tjirue ilenths have occurred In, L'es Moines in the lat tnt -four hours. More than 100 cu.se are under treatment In local hos pitals. W win n it M ) tri liul Dead. Mrs. leo Zanies lies dead at Van Wert with a rruKltVd egull and five young rueM ar in Jiul as a result of a drunken quar il In . which Zanies was anaiked UH'I hl wife ruahed ' his assist ance, only to be knocked down . wltn H club am.! killed. Sheriff Andrews rour.oVU up five young men. two biolhoi nanitJ Yuunt, and throe brothers i.air.ed Teale, undor suHplchm. They ad mit lavln beun at the amus hotaa, but cay ti ny bad nothing to do with the kill ing. TriiiiH rnuce Mcrtluft;. IViaporatico people of I 'cm Moines are to day huM.ug fauug and pravr services in cth t.ctlon of the city. The meeting be kun In city chuixhba at I 'J u'vlock and oun liuui'd all i;y without Ui..ia;ioii for luucb The laioun nun enyemed to dlu tbelr rupe tlUiiiis Monouy. Arruugeruenta have beon iiiauv (or t.'.u tehiyei m-e people to ban quet that night to oritanlie for securing aji witbdiaals puSalbla. I ual IIhIvi l.ovrrvil. Th.' Iowa Uoaitl if ltallroad CoinmlMilon- is annuuncxd a material leducdon in fieigbt rates on soft luiip and nut coat Mitluii luot. The rates on ateam or alaca c al ivn.ain unchanged. Urccimt. i'ir.iarul ( Hank. It nil announced today that Congre ran Albert F. lawson of the Second luwa dloiiict, the only Iowa congressman who din not sk re- eluctii. will become pres.dent if the First National baak of 1avrnioit on hla retirement In Maroh. This Is Uii) oldest national bank in existence.- l'lior to his election Mr. Dawson was a newspaper repoiltr and had been kucrevary ts Senator AUlson. Starltas the Keuyaa Siua . , Judge W. H. Kenyon. formerly of Fort rodgt. ailstatit. L'nited Stales solicitor at ashlngton in charge of the anti-trust I rvsecutiuna, arrived la the oity today, accompanied by 8. T. Meservey, W. I. Chantland and other prominent politicians of ngrthern Igwa, and straightway It was announoed that Mr. Kenyon will be In the senatorial raoe before the legislature to win. He haa received assurances of strong support irvm both factions and is re garded aa acceptable to both of them. It is expected that an active oaavass will be made at once. ' Dcfead the Parole I,aw. Speakers before the state conference of heads ot institutions today stoutly de fended the state parole and Indeterminate sentence law. ..arden Barr of the State reformatory for wen declared that the parole system has come to stay; that It is now accepted everywhere as right and that in Iowa the results have been ex cellent. Chairman Robinson of the Board of Control called attention to the fact that under Hie system the terms of offenders to prtroii are longer than formerly. DevancratM Foav in Drink Water. The democrats or the state were to have held a conference here next week to con sider matters relating to the legislature, but so many of them wrote In declining to come that it has been postponed. The chief reason as stgnod was that the re ports from here indicate that because of the typhoid fever ep demio A is danger ous to drink the watur furnished here. M' Travel ivlili Conference. The Institution conference approved a bill which had been drawn up for the amendment of the luw relative to stat conferences so as to permit them to be keid eh-twhere than In lue. office of the state board and especially to be held at the various stale institutions. The desire of the superintendents Is to have the confer ences held at various Institutions so as to permit of general Inspection of these Institutions. Arrangements were also made for a conference of the stewards of Insti tutions. llraddyvllle Is u Off. The town of BradJyvllls compla.ns to tie state health bua:d of the strict regu lations tl.at have resulted in cutting the tun off from the outside world. The Mlt. buuii towns just aci'oss the line placed a quarantine against the town on account of smallpox and later C'larlnd and otiier Iowa towns did the same. Now the rail road refusss to sail tickets at the station and nobody can get out ef the place. Theie have bn no deaths. ! Kewa Voles. IDA G HOVE J. li. l.ahr sold the Ida Gruve Crystal laundry lo Clint R op of this city and will move to iimalia to go into the lauudry business there. IXK3AN The senior dans of tho Ixisn High school will give a class play in the assembly room of the school buud.ng 1 crniber U,to raise funds for . libiary pur- pCS. 3. LajCJAN Olen Jackson, a former gradu ate ot the ljui;an schools, won second honor at the t u vuiicge recently in the orator ical contest, according to information Just received from the college. IOWA FALLS Key Kushnell and Mian Alia R Myers were msrrlrd by Hev. VV. ll. r-'pence of II. Methodist church at l' oi t Idge lUunday. Mr. and Mrs. Itushucil will niaae their home at Glad brook FA Ft It AG I'T While opcratini.- his patr ratter. Jaines Johnson, eldlor of 11 ar rui Ixadur. was quite Severely injured when tb er broke, throwing hi in In such a manner that his right limb was doubitd undrr, tearing some of the tendons loo'o and twisting the joint in a painful loam or. LOG AN Workmen en the court house In process f erection here will have the siuiie Moik completed o vr before the close of December. Columns for the front ot the building are on the ground and shipments of steel for the roof are now being re ceived. ' G R INN ELI. Fire that broke out early this afternoon did damage of ti OuO te the handsome residence ot ueorge L'uffus, on the outskirts of this place. The contents of the house were also badly damaged by the water thrown. The loss la covered by insurance. NI5VALA Dana Warren, a farmer liv ing south of here, was fatally injured to day when an old-fashioned dinner bell that was hanging in the dooryard fell and struck his hend while he was ringing It 'ilia edxa ef the bell cut a deep gsjsli in bis sgull, fracturing It, MASON CITY Mrs.' Bessie Li. Moore has been granted a divoroe from her husband, Engineer Bert -aoore, who came so nearly being the victim of an assassin's bullet iai tiatuiday evening. Mr. Moore offered no resistance and the matter of alimony was fixed up out of oourt. SPENCER Luther Shattox, aged 21 years, had his hend caught In a corn thredder and before It wan stopped his Sim was si badly mangled that it had lo be cut off close to the shoulder, (inly lust week this same machine caught Mar vin Dnpps and took off three fingers. IDA UKOVB it is announced that Miss Marjorte- Sykes, daughter of A. Sykes. the ioin.ee Ida Uiove man who is now presi dent of the Corn Belt Meat i'ruduceis, association and lives in Des Moines, is to marry I'aul I'rlce Finkcrton, a prominent young attorney of Oklahoma City, for merly of ls Molnsa. MAKflHALLTOWN Officer were elected and action was taken looking for ward lo raising mure money for perma nent improvements on the grounds at me unnual meeting of the Marshall Cuunty i air association, which was held '1 hurs jjay afternoon. The officers elected were: ivMd.nl. Warren Nichols of Mareltte; vice president. Ueorge Lewis; treasurer. C C. t. Clair, and aecretary, VV. M Clark. MASON 'clTV Miss Florence Baston, a young woman formerly of this olty. Is suing the Chicago, .Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad for j5,wu. She claims that wane tv lc Christmas, while st Plymouth junction, ticht miles north of this city, the Milwau kee' twsaenger collided with the Koog js:and frtlght and er spine was at that time be badly injured that she will be an invtilid for life. The trial l being held lu St. Paul. MAlJiHALLTOW.N-Kev. J'hn H. Nib lock, a former Iowa pastor of th I'nltfcd Presbyterian oiiurch, wlio iilno -served a Nebi-aaka thuroh al one lliw. died Thurs dnv al lKealdo hosjiital, Milwaukee, ao cy.dlng to a telegiam received by a daugu ler living here Re. Mr. Ntblock was pastor here and at Cedar lupida and at Kearney. Neb. al one time. H a.eo a prolessor of Coe college, Cedar Riplds, jars ago. Th body will be buried In Osbkosb, Wis. CRE8TON The funeral of J. R- Brink, a well krown cltnen ot this place, occurred today. Death was the rerult of pneumonia. He ti w years of ax, a Vetera of the civil war, serving In ihe t-lghth New York artillery. Nine months of bis service In tho war was spent in Llbby, Belle Isle and North Carolina pri.ons. He had been in tailing health for ome time. His wife Is seriously 111 also and the shock ef his death has prostrated her. A on la Clileage is the only child. W I NT Kits KT In an attempt' to light a fire with what she supposed to be kerosene, but proved to be gasoline. Mrs. T. J. Alex ander, acd i ears. wife of a prominent real tsla'.e dealer of Wlnterset. Is dead ' th 1tos she received and the home they occupied was destroyed by the fire. e ot inu woman s sons, were badly buiteJ in a .tempting to recu ner. One of the. sons baa Just computed a raagn.f icent residence for Vis parents, Into which they were about rdy to remove when the acci dent ha) pened. STOR.il LAKE Four young people, two young mm and two young woiAen. nr owlv esuaped drowning yesterday w nea the Iceboat being sailed by Henry and James T. Jones ran into an a:r hole end went down in twelvi feet of water. Ihe o'ner two occi'pant of th boat wei Mr. B. F. bk:l and M'ss' May fllddl All clung to the boat and were rescued, but Mrs. Skills collapsed soon after from fright and exhaustion. Bh if the wife of the sheriff-elect IOWA CITY-Mrs. Ix)uisa Hahn. alleging slander, today inotituted suit In Judge Howell's court against Henry Lump for I10.01K). MONTEZUMA The 18-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Swain, living foiir mile from here, died today of burnt re ceived yesterday, when It set fire to It clothe while playing with matches. FORT DODG K Rev. C. J. Andrews, pa, tor of the Swedish Mission church for sev eral year past, has resigned to accept a pantorato at Turlock, Cal. No euoceasur haa bten chosen by the local cuurch. ARMBTRONU The Armatrong Journal last week waa sold to Tom Doughty and in the future iwlll be edited by Kaper Faltlnson. Mr. Faltlnson, a number of years ago, was editor of the Journal. IXOANMls Liiile Clulow of togan and Mr. Charles Clark of Council Bluffs were united In marriage here yesterday afternoon at the Christian church par sonage, Rev. Mr. V. U. Crwdson of ficiating. LOGAN Delay of pole In transit Is th cause of the Bullock Public Service com pany not turning on the lights at Magnolia as formerly planned. When the pole are received here work will be completed in a abort time. IOOAN Miss Mary Thompson, aged 60, who died of cancer at her home northwest of Magnolia Sunday, was burled Wednes day at Magnolia cemetery. Elder A. M Fyrando In charge. One brother and two sisters survive. LOOAN Though Prof. P. A. Dletrichson was at the school building the first of the week to assist his brother who came to tak charge of the manual training de partment, yet h Is reported not being so well yesterday and today. IOWA CITY Th trial of J. R. Curren of Shenandoah in the Johnson county dis trict oourt for forgery lias been dismissed for lack of vldence on the part of the state. Bruce Patterson of Shenandoah la the other principal in the case. IOWA CITY Lee Ward, wanted for al leged wife desertion at Pierce, Neb., has ben arrested by officers in Iowa City jul has be rv taken tack to the western city. He had been employed In the Bon Ton i-estauiant at Iowa City for some time. HARLAN Elmer Steele, a farmer resid ing fou( and one-huif mile nuriiieast cf this city was eveJelv burned about the body Wednesday afternoon by the explo sion of a ga'oljne engine with which he as working-. Hi injuries ax . not considered permanent. MASON CITT-Roe Neberg.ill. a woll known resident of tnl city, was serlouely Injured in a runaway. lie was thrown from a wagon and the wheels passed over him. breaking the bone of his arm aud in. jurlng him Internally. He is in a very serious condition. E3THERVILX.E Estnervllla lodrre No Ki Odd Fellow at a recent meeting elected the following members as officers for the ensuing year: J. J. Buckley, noble grand: C. F . Carpenter, vice grand Charles 8. Andersen, recorder and secre tary; II. O. Sillge. financial secretary, and James Fspeset. treasurer. FORT DOIHJE-R. B. Crone, superintend ent of th Fort Iode chorIs for the uut year and a ha.f, l.iu answered the call of the simple, life and will go to farming next March on I. is big farm near tUiervl.i. Mr. Croi has considerable real estate, all farm la rids. H oonn to other farms beside th on on which he will live and has spiu t yot) for Improvements In the lust two years. FORT IOIOE-The death of a pioneer lowan, Mis. M. H. :!Uj, occurred' re cently In Pasadena. Ca,, and burial fol. lowed tnere by .the side of the deceased's husband. Mrs. Illl.-s lived In Fort Dodge over forty-five year egg end taught In the Fort Dodge public schoi Is w hen shs was Mlse lannle Arncld. Her husband waa once elwk of the district courts in Wbstr county. He died several years ago. A Soil urrtve, who lives In Call, foiala, III Al P.ntrer.s .rKe,rV In the abdominal region :s prevented hy the ua of Dr. Klnr New L,fe Pills. t ralnlrs purifier. c For sal by Btaton Drug Co Soon we'll be flying through the air like the birds. Nearer and nearer come the days of practical aviation and with them will come a new race of fighting men. The new days will have food and drink problems, just as we do, for on proper sustenance depends the daily battle. The aerial righting man will demand a beverage which will nourish and strengthen him and keep his n-rves at highest strength. lMliM0(9j GROUND CHOCOLATE us iSlW". e-S will be the favorite beverace then as it is novr, for it U the best of all beverages; it contains the greatest percentage of nutri ment that nature has concentrated into any food substance Chirardelli's Ground Chocolate is absolutely pure ; not only purity which conforms with the law, but the purity that comeg j from perfect materials and scientific processes. D. GhirardelU Co. Since 1852 r. v .4 J 7 iiV: . ; ua U0 s ,,