IS THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER. 10, 1910. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Foreign Bids for Wheat Are Out of Line. CORN SUErRISES THE BEARS F.levatnr rnnrerne Are Flr Bayers, Fllllnsj fthlpplna Orders aad Tan Checking the De cline. OMAHA. Deo. . 1910. All foreign bid for our domestlo wheat are ,ar out of line and cable how fur tlmr weakness. Gossip among the wheat traders la bear ish, claiming that hull lenders had dis posed of mtiKt of their holding. Extreme dullness characterizes the mar ket ai d prices rant alow and narrow. Corn proved a surprise to the bears, who regarded the market a being poorly sup ported and pointed to the Increased re celpls. Elevator concern were fair buy era, filling shopping orders, cheoklng the decline and giving the market a stronger tone. Wheat opened yery dull and eased off on weak cables and bearish foreign new, nulla were fair buyera on the decllna on reports of sufficient moisture In the south nt belt. Local demand very dull ana cash valuea wera unchanged. A fairly active demand for corn strength er.ed the market In face of bearish ntl ment and mora liberal receipts. Buying wa mostly for filling of early sales, al though shipping demand haa not Improved. LocrI rash valuea were c higher. Primary wheat receipts wero 628.000 bu. and shipments were lfiOfltiO bu., against re ceipts Inst year of 282,000 bu. and shipments of Iw.oiiO bu. Primary corn receipts were 794.000 bu. and shipments were 4OS.000 bu.. against recelpta last year of 345,000 bu. and ahipments of J71.000 bu. Clearances were 15,000 bu. of com. 800 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to 171, 000 bu. Liverpool closed WrtA lower on wheat and d higher on corn. The following cash sales were reported today: Wheat No. t hard, 1 car, 90Ho; No. 3 mixed. 1 car, Dl'o. (,'orn No. 8 white. 1 car. old and new, 42c.; No. 4 white, 1 car, new, 40c; No. J yellow, 2 cars, new, 41c; 1 car, o; 4 car, 404c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, new, 40Wc; 1 car, old and new, 40Hc; 6 cars. new. 40Vo; No. 4 mixed, 2 cars. 3fl'.4c; ! cars, 2Vic Oats Standard, 1 car, 81c; 1 car, S0io; No. 8 white. 2 cars, 30'io; 3 cars. 80'c; No. 4 white. 2 cars. 3014c: No. $ yellow, 2 cars, tc; No. 4 yellow. 1 car, 804.0. Omaha Cash Prices. WHSiT-No. 2 hard, m92o: No. 2 hard, rli92c; No. 4 hard, 82Tl!c; rejected hard, W.n9-, No. 2 spring, MiKc; No- 3 spring, 87(tf91c. CORN No. 2 white, old, Wffi2c; new, Vy41c; No. 8 white, old. 421yM'.,ic ; new, 40VU410. No. 4 white, old, 41'34-c; new, S9yfi4oc; No. 2 yellow, old, 42it 1.34, new, 40H'i41c; No. 3 yellow, old, 42V?3,e; new, 40i(jj41o; No. 4 yellow, old, 41VrT42c; new, Sflitfi-UJc; No. 2. old, 42M2Vc; new, 40(ff-KHo; No. 8 old, 426-!2Hc; new, 40(tf4OV4c; No. 4, old, 4KM14c; new. 39(iW94c. OATS No. 2 white. &f3me: standard, tOWif&Vic; No. 3 white, SoftoOc: No. 4 white. 2Qafic: No. 8 yellow, W3QSic; No. 4 yellow. 29WS"4c. BARLEy-No. 3, 70(3 76c: No. 4, 84370c; No. 1 feed. 5(i70o; rejected. M2S2c. RYE No. 2, 72W77Hc: No. 8, 764764e. Culot Recelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 16 816 163 Minneapolis 290 Omaha 33 84 80 Duluth 79 4d; future, tiuiet; Jsnuary, 4a 4V1; Feb ruary, 34d. PEAS-Canadlan. firm, at 7s (d. FLOUR V inter patents, dull, 28a M. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS ItF.W YORK OKS RRAL MARKET 4atatlons f the Day on Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK, Dec. 9 FLOUR Steady; spring patents, 8fi.hVu5.50; winter patents, $44"1t4.7; winter extras. No. 1. $3.4ou.l. io; Harass straights, 4.U'4.76. winter straights, 4.1iM4a6; spring clears, $4.1i.o) 4.4m; winter extras. No. 2. 83.2i31.40. Rye flour, firm. yer K0 lb. COKN M EA L Fteady ; fine white and yel low, ll.lswl.ifu; coarse, Il.lutfl.l6; kiln dried, 8J.Mii. WHEAT Spot market Irregular: No. 2 reH ',A.iv elevator, end 9c.c. f. O. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 81.17V f. o. b. afloat. Future market was dull, and after holding steady early on covering, due to buying by large interests on southwestern crop complaints, declined late under liqui dation, closing He to Vto net lower. De cember. tiim ite; closed at wtce Jiy. $1 .02'yl.(e 11-1H; closed at $1,024. July closed at ll f bid. Receipts, 8,4oO bead; shipments, none. CORN spot market easy: ro. I new, toe, nominal, elevator, domestic basis to arrive, and Mo spot, f. o. b. afloat. Futures mar ket was barely steady on easier casn mar kets, closing 4W4o net decline. Decem ber closed at 6o. May, ' U7" ; closed at 664o. Receipts, 8,000 'bu.; shipments. 8,298 bu. OATS spot market steady, sutures mar ket was without transactions, closing un changed to io advance, December closed at Unto, May at 400 and July at 40c, all bid. Receipts, 24.400 bu. HAY-Steady; prime. $1.1001.12; No. 1, $1.10; No. 2. I1.00&1.OS; No. I, HO&S6C H1DEH Julet; Central America, 21c Bogota, 22ti23c. L-liATHliR Firm; hemlock firsts, ZtQ 20'c; seconds, UVs4j2Sc; thirds, likaJOo; re ject. Iii'ril7c PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mesa, 830.00; family, 821.004jM.00; short clears. Ji).(XKJi 22 00. Reef, steady; mesa, 2l8.Oy0n4 (W; family, 811.u0all.00; beef hams, J4.60ff 27.00. Cut meats, unsettled; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., 313 6015.7f; pickled hams, 812. ri. lard, steady; middle west, prime, $10.2O10.3u; refined, quiet; continent, Mtauy; bouth America, 811.60; compound, 8s.MKi9.00. TAL1A)W Dull; prime city, hhda., 7c; country, llAtala. liUTTBK-Firm; creamery specials, 81c; extras, sacttfSOc; creamery, held seconds to specials. H4 VyjO'-iic; factory, June make, 2Ji24c; factory, current make, 2230. t HKlvttty Sleady; skims, 12c. EUU Firm; western, gathered white, 352i46c; fresh gathered, extra first, 88U40c; freHh gathered, first, 8.Mj37c; fresh gath ered, seconds, iOuiia; refrigerator, special marks, fancy, In local storage, 2tc; refrig erator, first, 24Vx425VsC; refrigerator, seu ondH, 23 i'a4c. POUlrRiT Alive, firm; western chick ens, l-"(; fowls, lHaHic; turkeys, IV a lbc. 1'resHed easy; western chickens, Iikjji 17o.; western chickens, fowls, 10i&17c; west ern chickens, turkeys, lty23a Features of the Tradloa; and Closing Prices on Bonrd of Trade, CHICAGO. Dec. i. With favorable condi tions attending the harvest In the Argen tine and with cargoes from there being freely offered In Europe at reduced fig ures, the wheat market here yielded and at the close was easy, 4c to So below last night. Corn finished unchanged to o higher, oats a shade to '(i? up and hog products at an advance of 2'ij2fo to 60c flat. W heat finished within a shade of the bottom prices of the day. During most of the session, however, stubborness cropped out whenever the market approached 860 for tliu May option. At that point there were resting orders to buy ana no break occurred. In the last quarter of an hour the price went to 8.'9ic. Dry weather In the winter wheat belt of the United States acted more or less as a counterpoise to the news from Argentina. In consequence cash wheat was firmly held here and elsewhere, although the demand could not be classed as anything but poor. A prospect of more floods In France helped for a while to sus tain the market, but In the end the re ported pressure of offerings from La Plata and Manitoba exerted the greater effect. May fluctuated between 9"4c and 9t)S64o, with the clone at WS'.7c, a loss of 4o compared with twenty-four houri previous. Complaint of car scarcity tightened up prices for corn. May ranged from 47"4c to 47-Vi and closed exactly the same as laHt nlkht. 47'iH7c. Cash corn was easy. No. t, yellow flnishd at Bl&olHc Rr.nrts in oats were Influenced by the strength of corn and turned buyers. May had as high and low levels .14'ic34o and 84c, utih the finish at 34434V4c, a net gain of a shade. There was a lively trade In nrnvtu'lnna. Pork closed 40c to &0c. higher, lard 15c to z-"iO up ana ribs at an advance of 22Vt(3 27jo to 30c. leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. I H1gh. Low. Close. Yeay. 93 I 92 3V93H'itf 46W 47H' Mi 4SV I 31 , 34V V4 341! I 4frffH 47 Wheat Dec... May... July... Lorn 1 I eo... May., July..' OkIb Dec... May.. July.. Pork- Jan....! IS 80 1 18 75 May... H 17 75 81H 91 92 9.VV95V'7MV',4 93 I Mai3Hw I 4641 45i 4B V.!47Hfli'47VO'H 48'47T4(S4Sj 4SH1 4i 31 S4V,'IJ 34'- WBATIIF.R IN THB GRALPT BELT Indications Are for Fair 4 Cooler for Saturday. OMAHA, Dec. 0. A marked barometric, depression haa de veloped In the northwest since the preced ing report and Is extending south along the eastern Rocky mountain slope. This depression Is attended by a very decided and rapid rise in temperature, and the weather la very much warmer this morn ing In the upper Missouri valley, the north west and throughout the RocTky mountain region. The area of low pressure will con tinue eastward over the central valleys and will bring cloudy and somewhat unsottled and warmer weather to this vicinity to night, followed by fair and cooler weather (Saturday. The weather has changed to colder In the lake region and eastern states and temperatures below lero are reported In the upper lake region and St. Lawrence valley. A slight but general rise !n tem perature has occurred throughout the southern states. Temperature and precipitation at Omaha during the last twenty-four hours, com pared with the corresponding period for the three preceding years: 1910. 1909. 1908. 19U7. Lowest last night 22 8 25 28 Precipitation T .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 80 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 14.40 Inches. Excess corresponding period In 1909, 4.46 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1908, 8.91 Inches. ti. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Wall Street Derives Satisfaction from Decision in Coal Cam. GAECS IN STOCKS MOST AFFECTED Market Is DU and Narrow Daring Altrnnoi Session In Sense of Congestion In Thro leaves. NEW YORK, Deo. . From the decision of the federal court of the Pennsylvania district, enjoining the Temple Iron com pany, the selling agency of a number of large eoal carrying roads, but acquitting the latter Interests of evasion of the Inter state commerce laws. Wall street professed today to derive much satisfaction and gave vent to Its feelings by a general rise In prices. The stocks most affected by the news made the greatest gains. Reading and Le high Valley advancing ever 1 points In the Initial transaction. The market continued dull and narrow during the afternoon session In the sense that three-fifths of the business was in three Issues, Reading, Union Pacific and United States Hteel. In the final trading revival of gold Import rumora Imparted fresh activity and higher prices, with sub stantial net advances through the list. One of the anomalies of the market was the strength of the St. Louis Southwestern Issues, particularly the preferred stock. In which a dividend reduction was announced yesterday. A rise of 18 points kn American Tobacco common "on the curb" excited ome attention. London bought quite ex tensively here, purchases being reported at 15.000 to 10.000 shares. London's own mar ket steadied at the close after an Irregular opening, consols participating In the rally. The bond market was firm. Total sales, par value, 83,337,000. United States bonds wera unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: ales. Klsh. Low. no. f0 M0 800 16, 500 AUI-aisJrars pM Amalgamated Ctopper 21,8n0 Amerioan Agricultural .... 600 Am. Beet sufar Nx) Amartean (an American C A F Am Cotton Oil Amarlcan H A U pM.., Am. Ira Securttifls American Unwed ....... Amarlcan Locomottrs ... American S. A R Am. 8. & R. pfd Am. Btnel Foundries.... Am. sugar Harming.... American T. A T Am. Tnbao pfd, ex-dlT American Woolan Anaconda Mining Co.... Atchlaon Atcblaon pfd Atlantic. Coast Una Bajtlmora A Ohio Bethlehara Btael Brooklrn Rapid Tr. Canadian PaiHfio Central Leathr On, Leather ptd, ax-dlT... Central of New Jeraey Cheaapeake A Ohio, ax-div 10.100 Chicago A Alton Chicago O. W., new too C. O. W. pfd , Chicago A N. W., ax-dlT 84 Mi ti a 4 4" 4K fi ttVt 87 8 P74 50 4H (0 67 67 67 to 17 n4 im 114 a;.' sr. 1, jf.4 14 74 lO-'H 801) 48 41H 41 0 11J4. 114V, 114VI . 141 140 HI 800 04 94 M 400 12 81 8OI4 700 4014 ! 40 ,J0 1oO4 loo loo ttJO 102 108 101 115 700 105'A 106 100 H ! tt i -dtT t.lwi 74 "S 744, BOO Id!'. 182 191 8,900 80 UV4 ios 886 0 78 SO so 88 81 811 43 140 cresaed 1 015, Onn marks; notes In circulation. decreased 4".(A.t00 marks; depos ts, de creased 43'l.O) msrks; creased 7,2,000 marks. gold In hand, de- REPOHT OF THK CT.KARI'XG IIOCHK Traaaartlona of the Associated Itanks for the Week. NEW YORK, Dec. . Prarlstreefs bank clearings report for the week entllng De cember 8 shows an segregate of 3.4J6.s43.iiO. as ajtainst Vt, lvS.f;.fi0 last week and 83.482,l)il,ou0 In the corresponding week last year. Following la a list of the cities: , . CITIE3. Clearings. Ino. Deo. M. A St. P 10.700 1824 lil 122, loo too 1.000 800 too 8,500 400 800 St. Lonla General Market. ST. LOTJI9. Deo. . WHEAT Futures, lower; December, 94Hc; May. 97c. Cash, steady; track. No. 3 red, fl.001.01; No. 2 hard, 94cti 81.0114. t'ORN Weak; December, 44c: May, 4M-o. Cash, lower; track. No. 2, 45o; No. 2 white, 4rff4Ho. OAT8 Unchanged; December, ila; May, 33c. Cash, lower; track. No. 2, 82o; No. i wr.ltf1. 33'ic. IfYR-Unchanged; at 810. FLOUR, dull; red winter patents, $4.40 4.80; extra fancy and straight, 33.60g4.30; hard winter clears, V1.3O'ii8.90. SrCED Timothv, 8.009.B0. COHNMKAL 12.40. H KAN Higher; sacked, east traok, fl.04 LOG. JIAY Fteady; timothy, 315.00319.80; prai rie. I2.O0V1B.O0. I'ROVl.-lONS-Pork. higher; lobbing, 31K 25. Lard, higher; prime steam, 39.S2Mr1? U.!2Mi. lry salt meats steady; boxed extra shorts. 310.7.1; clear ribs. $10.75; short clears, $11.00. Paeon, stear'y: boxed extra shorts, $12.00; clear ribs, $13.00; short clears. $12.25. I"OLTLTHY Firm ; chickens, 9Hc; spring, 10c; turkeys, 19c; ducks, 13c; geese, 10c. BUTTER Firmer; creamery, 25ff29V4e. EGGS Firm, at 29H. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbts 8.000 9.000 Wheat, bu 41,0"0 Corn, bu 64,0iO Oais, bu 66,000 C. C, O. St. L. Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern,... Consolidated Gas Corn Products Delaware A Hudson.... Denver A Rio Grand. . D. A R. O. pfd Dlatlllers' geourltles 8.60O Erie 8,000 Erta lat pfd Brie 2d ptd Oaneral Rleotrlo Greet Northern pfd Ureat Northern Or ctni.. Illlnc. la Central Interborough Met Int. Met. ptd International Harvester . Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kansas City So K. C. Bo. ptd Laclede Gas IxmliTill A NeshTlll.... Mum. A Et. Louie M., St. P. A g. S. M M K. A T M., K. A T. ptd Mitiaourl Pactflo National blacult National Lead, ex-dlr N. fa. R. of M. Sd pfd... New Tork Central N. Y.. o. A W Norfolk A Western , North Amerioan Northern Pfcolfl Pacific Mall Pennerlrania People's Uaa P., C , a A St. L Pittsburg Coal , PreaMd 8tel OaCr Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring Heading Republic Steel Republic Bteel pfd Rock laland Co Rocki Island Co. pfd St. u. A S. F. 3d prd... St. Loula 8. W St. L. 3. W. pfd Sloes-Sheffield 8. A I.... Southern Paclfio Southern Ra.lway So. itallwar pfd Tenneseee Copper Teiaa A Paclllo T., 8t. L. A W T.. St. L. A W. pfd Union Pacific t'nlon Pacific pfd United State Realty United Stale Rubber.... United State Steel U. S. Steel pfd Utah Copper a. -Carolina Chemical .. Wnbaah wabash pfd Weatern Maryland 28,000 I Weatlnghoua Electrto .. n f aim 11 iiiiMi .......... Wheeling A U K Leltlgh Valley .... K 5 Kt ) K SO 6( 8,800 183 112 133 SX 16 16 16 800 13 600 at 400 9 12 88 4 4 300 1M lilt 88 H II 87 43 83 1M 1S 87 f 2 t 44 83 1M 1.SUU 1224 1214 122 300 ti b U 100 ISO 1W 130 700 80 30 JO 1,4'K) 64 64 M 800 110 110 110 10 II II 13 404 4M, 4014 18 17i 17 80 30Vl 80 4 800 1034 ll 103 100 142 143 142 ""ioo iH ijiii 137 400 31 804 81 'i.' 400 'it" 44 46 400 111 110 109 100 61 61 61 10 16 26 lb 8.S.0 U2 111 111 40 8,700 87 MH r IK) tf2S S2 1 4M 114 U4 114 800 80 31 10 T.M0 12 128 128 luO 104 104 1"4'4 86 ZOO 17 18 17 600 8044 80 80 16 lei.'zoo i47i iiiii 147 100 80 y M4 New Tork.............. Chicago ... Huston Philadelphia St Louis Kansas City , Pittsburg San Francisco Paltlmore Cincinnati Minneapolis ....,,..., New Orleans......... .. Cleveland ............. I'etrolt OMAKA Los Angeles. Loulsvtllw Mllwsuka) Seattle Pt. Paul Buffalo Denver Indianapolis Atlanta Providence ........... Portland, Ore Memphis Richmond Fort Worth Salt Lake City Washington St. Joseph Columbus Albany Tocoma Savannah Bpokana Toledo Rochester Nashville) Hartford I 'es Moines Peoria ,..... Norfolk New Haven Pioux City Wichita Orand Rapids Byracuse At'gusta, Oa Biimlngham Springfield, iMass.... Kvansvllle Dcyton Oakland Oklahoma City Jacksonville, Fla.... Portland, Me Worcester Little Rock Knoxvllle Wkeellnr Charleston Crettanooga Lincoln Wilmington Mobile Topeka Dsver.port Wllkesharre Ktilamaioo Fall River Ctdar Rapids Sacramento New Bedford PjTingfleld, 111 Macon Youngstown Fort Wayne.... Helena Ftrgo Columbia, 8. C Akron Canton Lexington Erie filoux Falls Rockford Qulney Bloomlngton Springfield. O , Ctester, Pa , South Bend Lowell , r.lnRhamtjn , Jackson, Miss , Decatur Mansfield , Fremont VUkRburg Jacksonville, III Duluth , Scranton Houston Galveston Tork, Pa Wraterloo, la H2.0i.0!M.(XM 2'.3'M.i lT7.0O7,t . lt,7B3.0nO 0,4ti".,tXiO 62.7K.ta W.Tllt.'iio 4.676. SS.GTiS.O'iO 25,429.000 26,121,0110 24.9,tX) 19.376.000 i,pos,ooo 18,423,000 19.23o,(i0 12,ou2.00t 14.290,000 11,187.000 is,e:.9,ooo iaiM.000 9.671.0' 10 8.215.000 17,Of!3.0uO 8.727.000 11,436,000 10.42o.00i 7.94S.000 ,1I2,0"H) 8.fKH,0il 8.807.000 6,347,(K'W 6,747,000 6.4fi7,0O0 4.4S6.0H0 .2:10.000 4,133.000 6.897.0IM 4.6.IO.O11O 4.274.0X) 8,9,0OO 4,0t".l,000 4,270,OX) 2.662.000 2,790.0001 3,727,000 2.67,000 2,762.000 3.8W.OHO 2.922.000 2.416,KM 2.271.000 2.119,0".M) 3,739,000 271,000 2,857.010 2,mt00 2,237.000 2,733,CI0 1,683,000 2,170,000i 2.692.000 2,0M,OX 1.725.000 1.626,0iX) 1,817,000 1,662.000 2.145.01 Ki 1.628. OOOI 1.670.000 1,373,000 1,203,0001 1,736,0001 1,341,000 1,108,0001 l,624,OtX) 1,351,000 1.164.000 964,000 940,000 1,293.000 908,000' 934.000! l,272.r 810.000 1,1S6.000 710,000 . 6.9 2.8 11.4 9.0 4 8 12.9 6.9 10.6 . 2.4 8.7 28.4 11.9 8.6 20.6 6.2 11.1 24.6 7.6 2.0 6.3 26.4 7.3 SI. 8 86.7 10 sr.. .81 6.8 8.41 13.6 24.8 ".8 26.31 "i.i 9.6 16.0 13.2 "s.i 80.8 7.61 M.4 84.6 84. 2 B.B ..3:7I 85.0 11.0 20.0 26. 28. 32.4 '23"9 31. Hi 23.5 17.2 4.4 23.01 19.3 46.9 .4 13.6 83.8 23.6 19.1 10.2! 18.9 26.7 I3r7 26.8 "i'.i 6.0 6.1 2 8 6.8 9.6 18.6 10.5 88.9' 29.0 2.7 38.1 3.6 81.4 28.2 13.7 20.7 .7 20.7 "i'.7 770,000 631.000 629,000 642,000 611,000 6H.0iX) f02,000 703.000 441.000 454.0001 822.000 849,0001 827,000 .8 8,760.0001 24.820.OOOI S8.SOLO0O 30.61 19.93R.0O0l 28.6 1.101,000 1,117.000 10.6 11.0 13.4 38.9 11.81 29.3 18.0 20.1 "is'4 23!i HOO ID 2M4 100 I'lO 800 400 ss 244- 1 44 8 69 4 3 10 1 U 24 1 41 U.n 114H H 11-174 uO 1444 !A 2444 r, 69 68 14 36 14 14 ar 2f 26 21 21 21 f- 64 63 .137.700 1694 1ES 1SU to 47 8M4 .140.700 78 72 73 , 7,200 11 ll.'. H 1.600 4ii 4f 46V4 6o m II). 16 83 81 200 1.A00 D0 S'10 7O0 604 loO 4O0 70.000 36.000 9 97V, 10 12Hi 8 87m 92i t 874 9' 18 60 17 46 81H 81Sl31VifM4 34 i34H'(t'!S4V.'T-S, S3 34( 34 18 75 17 70 974, 10 10 8 82'! 92V1 I 9 Tl 9 9.1 67 ',i 62 60 I 62i IS 20 17 30 87V, t 65 37 V, Jan May... Jan....! May... No. 1 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $4,009 4.70; winter straights. $3.7;.'(t 1 6ft; spring traights. $4.'?r4.60; bakers, $S.5t)ffl4.86. RY10 No. 2, 61Hc BARLKT Feed or mixing, 6fUi7!c; fair to Olx lcrt malting, KVyMSa. 8KED Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $2.33; No. 1 north western, $2.46; timothy, $10 00 clover. $14.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, por bbl., $18. Wl 18.76; lard, per 10 lbs., $10.10: short ribs a'dea (loose!. 89 62Mi(i(l0.?5; short clear sides (hoxedl, $10 00ru'10.3&. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equul to l'ii0"0 bu. Exports for the week, as Pbovfu by Ki-adstreet's, were equal to 8.473,) bu. PrimKty receipts were 62000 bu . oomimred with .OOO bu. the corre T'onillng day s yum no. Estimated re !ipts for lumurrf.'c Whmt, 17 cars: corn, , cars; oats, t!l oa.:- hove, 13,0m) head. Chliairo Cash Prtfiwi W'f:eat: No. 2 red, Jtomso: No. 8 red. iy,p,w. No. 1 hard tow'; No. 8 hard. 9is.i'ac; No. 1 northern (1.0W1.10; No. 8 nortlorn, 41.0&471.M; No torthem. 81 04t.08. No. 1 iiprlng, itrfttLW N 8 spring. V4$-:.0o ; velvet chaff 90vi tl.Cl; durum, StutVic. Cnirn: No. J. 4Stvg No. 1 white. 4KV,yJo; t,o. X yellow, 6lj-. lc: No. S, itr48W; N. new. 46'iJ'4f4c; No j wh;t. lcV-4KSc: N-.. 8 white, new, 46-tfifAio' No. .1 yeiUvs, TOvjT-Ic; No. I yellow, new' Sttttf..- N- 4, 47H7Hc; No. 4. new. isA 4!'io; '. 4 white. 47ti4T4c; No, 4 wfcitle. new. 4'JH4'4S'.4c; N 4 yeilow. 7HtSo; N 4 yellow, new. 44X44ja. Oats: No. 2 whltav a-.'a'-i.ioc: r k wmis. MfTio; No. 4 whPc. HVWlSio; stanianl. Jaiw1illo. Kl'TTPH iHwt.Vy; crejuuerw. 2330' datHe rrT7o. tMtS hlasady; receipts, l.oi nssos; at nuirk. naraaa InrltKlmi. lWvlt3'o; prime fll-t.a. SVl. fcmK 8tetv: dalstea, 144fJUc; twins tl4ir: young AJnertcsus, 14tlt.o; Ion: hum. lac. l-OTATtifa-r inn: h(ce to fsUksy, 4EM 4i.; fair to good. t4Ja. HOLl.TKT ury turkey. Bwe. T7e; dreweJ, Xtc; fowla. Ihre. 11c: dranswil. 18s; si'rirg-. I". c; dresswd. Itc VK 11 !i4uly; t 49 lba.. XflOe; to j& llftllc; ta to lio lbs, lie. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS C1TT! Deo. .-WHEAT De cemhpr. 9tH4c. sellers; May, 93"tiC bid: July, K95,o bid. Cash, unchanged; No. 2 hard, 9.Wv; No. 8. 91V4(69i3',c; No. 2 red. 9666c; No. 8, 93STn5e. CORN December, 434e bid; May, 4oT'3 46c, sellers; July, HriAirc. sellers; Cash, unchanged; No. 2 mixed, 4'!Hi441c; No 3 43c: No. 2 white, 44c; No. 3, 43Wc. OATS Unchanged; No 2 white, 83(3 84c: No. 2 mixed. SU4iJ?S3c. RTF No. I. Kxti'ic. HA V Unchanged: choice timothy, $14.00 14.M); choice prairie. $11.5012.00. HUTT Kit Creamery, 2Hc; firsts, 25c; aeo onrls. 23c; packing stock, 19c. WH!- Extras, 30Sci firsts, 28Hc; seo onds. 19H. Receipts. Shipments. , 59,OnO 30.000 , 21.000 82.000 13,000 8,000 Wheat, bu Corn, bu , Outs, bu... M tnnrapolts Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Deo. -WHFAT De cember, $1.00!4c; May,. H.OS'i'fflM; July, $1.044c; cash. No. 1 hard. $1,084: No. 1 northern. $1.021.03: No. 2 northern, 890 $1014: No 3, 9c; $1.01. , SF.KT-F1ax. $2.43. CORN' No. 8 yellow. 4ff48c. OATS No. 8 white. 804'n,314o. RYB No. 2. 764rT74c. HRAN In 100-lb. sacks, $20.6Vf 21.00. FIAUR First patents, $4 flo Sf; second patents, $5 CF: first clears, 3 3t3.Sf; second clears, $2.2.V2.fi5. Mllwsike Orslsi Market. Mn.WATTTEB. Dec t FLOUR Wsadr. WHEAT-No. 1 njrthem. IWAurl Ki; No. 2 northern. tl.OMfl.06; May, 164 if96To. OAT!-Standard, S34c BARIJ-;if iiaxnpena, wn44c. ItmlatB krala Hukat. DnjTTIl. le. l-WHElAT-reosnbr, $li4-; later. lLtt: No. I onrthars. I1.VS4; h&l tiers. 4VuC(S.rLaV OAT-S43, lliu il ensJai Market. jjTEKrooia a WHKAT Spot, tr.ic: '- rel wwtari winter , 7s 3d; futr -. .: lxrnr. a i; Majvn. Viay. 11 Vt. CAJit MiiiiX. -w. is1sa sailed. Is Markrt, PinORIA. Deo. . OORH-4edy: No. t yellow, 44f4o: No. 8 mixed. UJHa; No, 4 mixed. 4;"r4a4c: sample. 40c OAT-Qulet: No. 2 white. 0c, No. t white. S24c; Btsndard. S4. Isaports of M rrkdlae, . NEW TORK. Dec. 8 Imports of mer ctuuidise and dry goods at ths port of New York for the weiS endlser Dscaunser 1 were valued at irnporls at e:le foe the rort of Jitm Tork for the week ending; today, were $K3 974 silver, and $1Sx3o4 gulA Txports of specie fr the week were $1A'3.CH8 . stiver, and 83S.710 gold. Dry Goods Market. KRW TORK. IVc 9.-The receipt of the cotton eatimaie In cotton goods markets ouunrni ntue or no rhanv In the attitude of buyer. TT.ey are still operating from hand-to-mouth. Cotton van rule steady and quiet. Pulled souls In this market are In slightly better Inquiry. Omaha Ilsy Market. OM AHA. Dec. t -HAT No. 1. upland, $1!: No. 2 upland. $11; No. 1 coarse, $10; No I coarse, $9; parking. $7; alfalfa, tit; btraw; Wiit. e&.ju; rye, t; oat. $i.6u, ioo 100 m 70 . .... 81,600 170 17T Total sale for the da jr. 630,100 ahar. 6 1M4 88 44 8 68 S 17H I. oca I Seesntla-s. Quotations furnished Dy Burns, Brlnker A Co., 449 New Omaha National Rank building: BI4. Aim. Neb., municipal M City of Omaha 6a. lata lul.9l Cllr of 4a lliS 103 City of Omaha 4a. ln'ii 103 City Nat. 8a. Side 6a. 1900 95 cudany racking t o. m, lit n toiumbua. Neb.. B. L. I. U24 1 Chicago Telephone Co 121 Colorado Tel. Co. (par 60) 66 Falrinoat Creamery lat a. I par cant 19 liardr. Neb Onunlrlpal) 94 Hydraulic freaaed Brick pfd M Iowa Portland Cement lat.l 7 Kanaa City Horn Tel. Co. 6, 123.. U Vtetropolltan St. Itr. Co. , lit 13 sllchltan Stat Tel. la. 1334 t VlKhinn Stat Tel. Co. pfd New Entltnd T. A T. Co. 4a, 1910 Omaha Oaa 6s, 1117 Omaha Water 6. l4t Olli.ha St. Ry. 6a. 1K14 , M Omalt A C. B. S. K. 6a. 1934 II Omaha A C. B. St. K. pfd I per ol 13 Ouiah A C. B. St Rj., eon) 44 Pacaers Nat. Bk. atoca, south Omh 140 Pacific T. A T. com 44 Pactrio T. A T. ta. UTJ ; Hocky Mountain Bell Tel. Co 40 Union Slock Yarda atock, ai-dlr M western ttlectrlc Co. aa. 1J1 4 tl 74 AakeA 100 lt'2 1114 a 'ii'ii ioo 100 IS 94 6714 M 104 l 7H MS4 loot 7V4 160 46 4 44 104 'Not Included In total because cnmn,i. vuam .1 c IllVUIIIfliece. "Not Included In totals because contain ing other Items than clearings. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Dec. A Mrtvirvn. it firm; 8S34 per cent; ruling rate, 34 oer cent; closing bid. 84 Per cent; offered' at o-it per cent nme loans, dull, sixty da-ys ana ninety days, offered at 4 per cent: six months, offered at 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 6S64 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady at de cline, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.82KbA8i30 for sixty-day bills and i .B4w tor oemana. Commercial bills, $4.818 424. , SILVER Bar, 6c; Mexican dollars, 4c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on bonds Were as lOUDWI 18 , 881 73 93 48 C. 8. ref. Is, rag. ...1044 Itt M. M. 44.. do coupon 10014 Japan 4 ' U. B. 8a, re 108 do 4Wv, o coupon 102 K. C. Bo. 1st S.. U. 8. 4e. reg 1164 L. 8. deb. 4a 193'... do roupnn 11S'4 U A N. unl. 4a... Alll-Chal. let 6.... T6H M. K. A T. 1st 4.. 7 Sj, . mi -ao 44 M1. Am. T. A T. ct. 4.104H Mo. Paolflo 4a 7m am. Tobacco 4 SO a.N. R. K. of M. 4H 444 lu . i. u. g. V4 Armour at uo. 4.. 43 do deb. 4 80 4 . - won -n. i. rt. a. M "do cr. 4 106 ct issu iui it. at w. it o, 4a... Hit do ft. 4a 094 .. as no. raouio 4S JtH .. 214 do Is 7014 ..90 O. 8. U rfdg. 4a It.X, .. S2"4 penn. cr. SV4a 1915.. W.14 awn uo con. B. 104 .. H neadlns sen. 4a 9.14 ..1214a St. I. A R V tm Am fit li Ce. A Ohio 4H..1'1 do en. 6a MI '1 ref. 5.... 4414 Bt. U 8. W. c. 4.. 77 -l.lloaso A A. IV4.. 69',, do let gold 4 ("4 v,. o. m v. J. o-t s. A. L. 4a do ten. 4 9744 o. Pec. col. 4 C. M. A B.P. g IH 92 do CT. 4 C. R. I. A P. c. 4. 724 do lat ret. 4a... do rff. 4a 89V4 So. Railway 6e... Colo. Ind. S 76 do en. 4a Colo. Mid. 4a 46 Union Pacing 4a C. A 8. r. A a. 4Ua MT4 do ct. a do or. 6 A. C. L. lat 4a... llal. A Olilo 4e... do 14a do 8, W. 14a.. Brook. Tr. ct. 4a.. On. of Oa. 6a Can. Leather 6e... of N. J. s. 6 OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Litrht, ""ith Prices Stef.dy with Thursday. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN CENTS UP (sheep and Lambs Tern to Fifteen Cents Iflsher and Active st the Highest Polni. of ths En tire Week. SOUTH OMAHA. Dee. 9. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheen. Official Momlav 8.4M $.H 3.9SH Official Tuesday 7,R2 4.R.r.5 11.817 Official Vednestlay .... 6.75 B.87S 8,014 Official Thursday 4.M3 7.135 8'7 Estimate Friday l.lKK) 8,600 4.000 Five days this we.k..r7,2r J4.37) 81. W Pa me days last week . . . .1S.2H io.f.4 47.040 Same days 8 weeks ago.. J8.020 2n.4'i9 Same days 3 weeks ago. .32.548 W.708 118.141 Same days 4 weeks ago.. 14.817 71.49:) Same days last year W.498 18.577 80,at7 The following table sbows tne receipts ui cattle, hogs an:, sheep at South Omaha for the year to date. compared wltn last year: 1910. 1909. Cattle 1,170.9$ l.Ong.0.18 Hons 1.79i.OSO 1,022. 84S Bheep 2,907,434 $.074,667 The following table sbows prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Ino. De. 103.929 130,795 881.777 . tne average Dates. 1910. 19O9.1908.19O7.W06.19O6. 1904. Dec. Dec. Deo. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec Dec. 1.... 7 13 8 0? .... 7 1? 8 W 8.... T VVt 8 03 4.... 8 03 6.... 7 2fiV 6.... 7 4CVi 8 12 7.... 7 4"4j 8 22 8.... 7 81 8 22 9.... 7 44V, 8 30 8 791 5 to 4 ' 5 Ml 4 841 6 59 R 58 4 631 4 87 4 71 4 63 t 051 4 92 4 87, 8 081 131 4 81 6 13! 4 W 161 4 88 6 41 6 421 6 48 4 47 21 C 15 4 92 4 87 4 841 4 a 4 48 4 48 4 4$ 4 40 4 35 4 29 4 S3 Sunday. Recelpta and disposition of live stock st tne union stock yards. Tor twenty-rour hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's C. M. & St. P 2 Wabash 1 Missouri Pactflo 2 Union Pacific 8 C. A N. W. least) 1 C. & N. W. (wt ... 15 C Bt. P.. M. & O.. 2 C, B. & Q. (east) C. B. & Q. (west)... 7 C, R. I. & P. (east).. 2 C, R. I. & P. (west).. .. C, G. W 1 II. A H CT 4... D. A R. O. 4... . do ref. 6 Dlatlllara' 6 Erie p. I. 4a do sen. 4a do CT. 4a, aer. A do aerie B flen. Elec. ct. 8a.. III. Can, let ref. 4. 1 Int. Mat. 44a. 80 Bid. tftT4. 94 do Ut A ref. 4a. 44 4 V. 8. ltubbar ... 90 V. 8. Stevl td 6a.. . T644 , 92 . Wl( . 94 4 .107 4 . 76'4 .1'"4 .10344 .11124 77 Va.-Caro. Oum. 6a. 100 84 Vi'ataah lat 6a... , 744 do lat A ax. 4a.... 724 Weetern M4. 4a OS West. Elec. ct. 6 . 147 'Wia. Central 4a Mo. Pao. ct. 4 109 . Mi 4 , 84 , 91 , 93 . 41 londo Stock Market. LONDON, Deo. . American securities were quiet suid steady during the first hour today. At noon the market was steady, with prices ranging from un changed to H higher than yesterday's New Tork closing. closing stock quotations: .. 74 loula. A NaataTtll..144 ..'4 1-14 Mo., Kan. A Tea... U .... Near Tork Central. ..116 .... 14 Norfolk A Western.. .....1034 do pfd 40 1044 Ontario A W eat era.. 414 naltlmor A Onto. .14 r annayivani 46 '4 Canadian Pacific ...1I4 kaj.d Mine 64 (Yieeapeak A Ohio.. ti Raadlns T64 rhl Great Western... 13 Southern Railway .. 34 Ohli, Mil. A St. y..l do pfd 41 t Beer 14 Southern raclfla ...lit IwnTer A Mlo O ... 4 Inion Pacing 1714 , oo pi a am , Wl4 V. B. Bteel 74 , 44 do pfd IH14 , 14 Vacaatl II v , 114 V ptd , 411 134 Bcaniah 4 40 BILVtR Bar, steady at ittd ps r oimco. MONEY 2'inl per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for khriit hills l SS per cent; for tnre months' bills, SV43H Per cnt. London Conaota, money do aooount .. Amal. Cojiper . Anai-ond Atohlaon do pta do pfd rl do lit ptd... da Id ptd ... nrand Trunk . Illlno'a fantral yrir York Mining; Stoeke. NEW TORK. Dec . Closing quotaUons cn mining stocas were; Alice 116 Com. Tunnel stock.. 1 do bond Con. tvi, A Vs., Horn Sllvr Iron Silver aleadville COB. .. Vtlar4. 14 . . 17 .16 . 14 UtU Chief ... S4 ax Iran Ontario (Hhlr .4tajidanS Hallow Jacket . 8 . 74 .1' .1 . av Baak of Gcnessy Btilemest. BERLIN, Dec. The weekly bank statement of the Imperial Hank of tier many shows the aVillowtng changes: Caah In hand decreased T.kli.tM) marks; loans, decreased 17 f" two mark; filcount. d craeil tw,0vl.Ou0 marks; treasury bills, d- IV ear York Curb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Bay Btat Oa 84 inspiration Boston Con I4 Laroa Butte Coalition .... 174, NaT. Con Cai'tue . . . . t tl Newhoua , Cfilno U4 Ohio Cooper Chief Cone 14 Kawhide Coelltlon Fraction 14 Ha Central IaTli-ualy 1 7-14 Bwift P. Ob 10t Ely Central 14 Heara-Hoabuik Co.. .1,94 Ely (Yin 41 Bllver Hrk 7 Kly Witch 11 Superior A Pltteburg 134 Franklin Tonopah Mlnln .... I O'roui t North Lake 44 w i-.ii.m r HilTOCf .. ji tinnetni k J14 uuiuiimu uaisr .... a UJIDW ........ Green Oananoa .... T 44 44 II 94 14 44 1 14 Dottnn Stork and Bonds. BOSTON. Dec 9. Closing quotation! stocks were as follows: is XeTada Con ... 134 Nlplaaliif Mine ... . .. 4 North nutt .... 14 North lA ... 64 )id Dominion ... M. 134 Ox-role 10 ""Parrott 8. A O.... Qulnry Shannon Alloue Ama). Copper ... A. Z. U A 8 Arizona Uoui. ... Atlantlo B. A C. C. A S. Putt ColMlua . Cel. A ArtiooA 47 (al. A Heel 6.1U 1 on 14 l.4 i !7 131 70 11 43 64 Centennial 14 superior Copper Han C. C 64 Superior A B. M, Eaal Butte O. M.... I24 Bupertor A P. C IS4 1- rank I in I, Tamarack 64 niroua Con IS I. 4. H. R. AM.. .114 Onanby Con do pfi 4, Giwene Canana .... 4: t'tah t 'on u lale Rorale typpr.. 81 Vtah Copiwr Co 4.s; U (4a.ll tVifper 74 Wlnon t Miami Cupper 14 wolverine 117 tlo'iawk 4 Uid. Ifla-dlT. Aak. nk Clearing. OMAHA, Dec. Bank clearings for today were $2 644,76 64 and for the corre sponding date last ear $2,231,857.99. Rnarsr Market. NEW YORK, Deo. 9. SUGAR Raw, firm; Muscuvudo, 89 test. 3 56c: centrifugal, 94 teat. 4.08: molasses sugar, 89 teat, 1 inc. Rt fined, firtr Total receipts 41 6 2 15 5 15 2 1 11 2 1 1 GO 21 & La. Omaha Pkg. Co.... Swift and Company. Cudahy Pkg. Co Armour & Co Benton Vansant Hill & Son , F. B, Lewis J. B. Root & Co , J. II. Bull McOeary & Carey.... S. Werthwlmer Iee Rothschild Smith A Polsley Mo. & Kans. Calf Co... Sol Degan Kline & Christy Other buyera DISPOSITION. Cattle, Hogs. Sheop. Hil 2f-7. 841 1.12 . 1 87 4 30 8 18 2 4 4 63 18 48 13 678 1.001 1,307 1,011 1,318 1.194 1 1,966 Total 1,802 8,900 801 6.037 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were light this morning, 40 cars being reported, but the total for the week Is large, amounting to 27,000 head, as against 18.000 head for tha same days last week and 28,400 head for a year ago. In spite of the fact that It was so near the end of the week packers were out In the yards In good seascn and everything desirable In the way of killers sold readily at good, steady prices. A bunch of year ling steers and heifer sold aa high as $6.75. For the week prices on beef steers are around 25o lower than last week's close. Cows and heifers were In good demand and they sold quite readllv at steady prices. Still for the week the market Is around 10il5o lower. There were only a few feeders In sight, but they sold readily at about the same prices aa prevailed yesterday. For the week strictly good, well bred light or medium weight cattle are about steady, but the less desirable kinds and the heavy, fleshy cattle are around 10(815o lower. Quotations on native cattle: Qood to choice beef steers, $6.i0S8.76; fair to good beef steers, $3 4OJ6.20; common to fair beef steers $4.50ft6.40; good to choice cewa and heifers, 4.wvp5.26; fair to good cows and heifers, $3.764.50; common to fair cows and heifers, t3.00&3.75; good to choice stockers and feeders, 14.5uTt5.60; fair to good stock ers and feeders, $3.80y4.50; common to fair storkern and feeders, $3.25(3.80; stock heifers, 13.0OTi4.16; veal calves, $3.50&8.25; bulla, stags, etc., $3 25rfC00. Quotations on range cattle: Choice to prime oceves, $5.60iid.2S; good to choice beeves, J5.00&5.50; fair to good beeves, $4.40 4.80; common to fair beeves, $3.704.40; choice cows, $3.804.40: fair to good oows, $3.30U3.65; canners, $2.7Bi&3.50. Representative snles: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. At. Fr. 1 430 I 85 6 9J 4 40 7 801 4 10 8 1070 6 00 8 136 4 60 1 1130 6 10 14 7 4 65 tl 1077 6 80 2 425 4 76 i 636 t SS $.. 664 4 88 20 1028 8 40 COW S. 1 940 I 00 4 I8S 8 7V 8 1060 I 00 1 1U1 I 40 t 1036 8 10 3 lb6 I 80 4 810 8 16 3 946 8 49 9 781 3 20 2 90 4 00 1 976 3 36 9 1160 4 00 4 1000 I 36 1 1200 4 06 11 940 I 30 1 136 4 10 9 8fl I 30 I ....1046 4 10 1 976 I 30 3 ...1210 4 10 2 474 I 30 13 low) 4 10 t 746 I 40 4 837 4 It 11 J7 I 40 4 1117 4 20 11 fc". I 45 1 1260 4 20 ) 1030 I 60 7 920 4 26 9 1030 I 60 $ 11U0 4 36 1 911 8 66 4 1U37 4 90 6 Bt I 66 1080 4 36 1 1100 8 60 6 UM 4 40 2 410 8 46 1 811 4 46 14 I'll I 70 1 1094 4 60 9 4U3 I 76 6 1044 4 60 14 407 I 76 21 1164 4 Ti HEIFERS. 4 414 I 60 4 740 4 95 1 6D6 8 60 7 iol 4 36 $ TOO I 70 T 650 4 84 I. 630 3 76 8 4H1 4 40 I 641 I 46 11 116 4 46 6 44 I 86 I 474 4 66 9 7l 4 06 ' 1 1020 4 76 4 196 4 40 BULLS. 1 640 I 78 1 139 4 85 1 '. 970 4 00 1 160 4 S 1 670 4 00 1 1176 4 40 1 1090 4 00 4 1S77 4 40 1 730 4 10 1 1760 4 40 1 1410 4 10 1 144 4 60 1 1I0 4 IS 4 90 4 60 1 1M 4 1J '1 1660 4 60 1 ltt.O 4 1 40 4 46 3 11S 4 11 1 1269 4 71 1 iuo 4 :s CALVES. ( 270 4 00 4 144 T OS 1 170 4 00' 1 100 t 00 I s 4 oo i no 7 00 1 411 4 60 1 130 1 14 1 4K0 4 46 3 1H0 T 16 1 140 I 00 1 110 1 69 p) 3vi t 0 3 166 1 60 t SS 60 9 140 7 19 lsi I 60 4 10 t 76 1 110 60 8 186 1 78 J 100 4 40 STEKRS AND HEIFERS. Jl 981 4 76 11 441 I 78 at l'. l.irht h4r sold at as low as $7 40 where they ver pet very pood and as high a $7. Mi for the beat. while one car of rhol- butcher weight Id tip to $.t0. whh-h was the tup price. It will be noticed from this that weight does not cut so much figure as quality. although the lighter loeiis or the same quality bring more than the heavy weights. It mill also tie nole.1 that the light hog did not bring the top price, the preference being given to choice blocky butcher el ulits. Representative sales: T. ... 4.... 10.... I.... 10.... 16.... 800 6 00 BTOCKKRS 4. I 76 710 140 , no 1015 , 7l AND I. FEEDERS. ...V 1 4 10 737 1015 141 4 66 4 40 4 16 4 70 . 972 .1070 ey Wyo. 31 steers.. ..1098 69 cows 10M 4 40 3 75 4 90 4 2a 4 4. , 4 00 66 4 10 11 4 40 1 4 40 WESTERNS. James Huston Wyo. 49 steers.. ..1211 6 20 6 steers.. 17 cows Ii1i2 4 25 3 oows . B. Plx 15 steers.. ..1218 b 05 8 steers.. ..12i'S 4 4 10 uit 1174 3 75 D. C Brt-ger Idaho. 12 feeders.. M3 4 05 20 steers.... 9S8 4 40 4 steers.... "-"7 4 15 Scows 1W4 4 00 $ cows HO JM S cows 978 3 36 F. W. Funkhouser Idaho. 23 feeders.. 877 4 75 12 cows 10r,3 3 75 6 heifers... "ibi $ 75 6 bulls ISM $ 00 HOGS Hogs opened this morning a good 10c higher and In many cases ltro li'.c hlKher than yrsterday's general market. The tratle wu active at the uiivanre, but after iiiiUa a number of hogs had changed hands It suddenly weakened and for a time there was little or nothing doing. Buyers in some cases went back on their early bid and the market was quite a little lower than early. 1-ater on the trade again re ivrd and the close was not very much different from the morning, possibly not tjuite so active or strong. Eer thing in si hi sold In good season. W hile very heavy hogs, especially if they happened to he a little rough or course bold down to $7.36, the better grades sold ha . Incd to be a little rough or coarae largely at $7.40, with s few light good cars No. . Bh. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr. 8 Irl ... 1 ti 46 11 40 T 46 14 IV) ... 7 h 49 Ill ... t 46 44 346 ... 1 36 60 ! 40 7 44 6 ... t 15 8 4M ... 7 44 91 ri ... 7 174 . 83 SM (0 7 46 64 S6 40 7 174 4 3M 10 t 45 ft 1V4 SO 7 40 4. t3 0 7 46 7 14 170 7 40 t.4 170 124 T 46 47 !' 40 1 40 JS 376 ... 1 46 64 314 440 1 40 II 144 ... 7 45 44 311 100 I 40 44 177 140 1 46 II .119 ... 7 40 71 Kt ll'O 7 61 144 ... 1 40 67 40 7 45 44 143 ... 1 40 41 2M ... 1 44 17 34 140 7 40 9 tl 40 7 45 6 9 ... T 40 44 9x1 140 7 46 1 171 ... T 40 76 ? ... 7 46 14 M 10 1 40 46. Kit 1M 146 60 1 ... 1 40 49 tit 130 7 60 M...M...I48 1M TM 14 146 200 7 60 II. 2 40 7 40 41 K ... 1 60 46 2?1 40 7 40 37. ...... .130 ... 7 60 M 36 ... 1 40 64 HO 40 1 60 8 174 19 1 40 4 10 ... 7 60 61 117 190 1 40 71 141 10 1 W 44... .....174 Ml T W 44 ZIS ... 1 624 10 .176 ... 1 414 71 134 ... 1 634 44 180 140 1 41 4 77 Ill ... 1 66 II t4 140 7 414 II 134 ... 168 61 171 90 1 424 61 Ill 40 7 66 M .941 130 1424 66 130 ... 7 64 87 4M 40 7 42 4 64 I'll ... 7 66 44 144 ... 1 46 44 863 ... 7 40 4W 174 40 1 48 SHEEP Recelpta of sheep were mod erate again today and at the same time buyers' requirements were quite large. The result was that the market opened early In the morning with everything selling freely and with prices unevenly higher. To call the general market lovgnso higher than yes terday would Just about cover the situa tions. This means that sheep are around 25c higher and lambs and ewes fully Boo higher than the close of last week, tlood ewes sold as high as $3.85, with old wethers up to $4.16, and with quite a string of old wethers, with s sprinkling of yearling on them, at $4.85. Straight yearltncs sold as high as $5.10. Good shorn lambs sold at $5.80, and a big string of range lambs from the best fields of Idaho sold at $4.00. Good native lambs sold up to $i.2S. The market as a whole was very satis factory to the sellers and the tone to trade good and healthy. As s matter of course the high prices paid are to all appearances the direct results of light receipts. There were very few feeders of any kind In sight this morning, but, as has been the case all the week, the demand was very urgent and there were plenty of buyers on hand to take anything that might put In an appearance. Under such circum stances it Is hardly necessary to add that the feeling on feeders Is good and strong. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, $o.&fru.2u; good to choice heavy lambs, $5.2ufi6 75; fair to good lambs, $n.2&!.85; good feeding lambs, $J6.00W6.40; fair feeding lambs, $4.&Orf?6.00; light common lambs, $3.0(V?M.00; handy weight yearlings, $4.7Mf5.15; heavy yearlings, $3.8(Kf4.50; feeder yearlings, $3.75g4.35; good to choice wethers, $3.77ifi4.15; good to choice heavy wethers. $3.50(ii'3.90: feeding wethers, $3.263.75; good to choice light ewes, $3.503.8.6; good heavy ewes, $3.25ru3.R0; feeding ewes, $2.262.65; canners, $1. SOS 2.00. Representatives sales: No. At. SOI Idaho lambs, feeders 61 1315 Idaho lambs, feeders 87 119 fed yearlings 10?-. 75 native lambs 80 58 native lambs 78 406 fed wethers and ewes 125 250 fed wethers 114 4Ti6 fed wethers 22 fed lambs .... 848 shorn lambs . 840 shorn lambs , 209 fed ewes 4 native lambs 1 fed lamb 492 fed yearlings 189 fed ewes 617 fed lambs .... 113 65 79 82 113 118 104 Pr. 6 40 6 00 4 60 6 26 6 25 4 15 4 25 4 25 00 6 80 6 80 5 85 6 75 6 25 5 10 8 60 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Steady Hogs and Sheep Hlsrher. CHICAGO, Deo. . CATTLE Receipts, 8.000: market steady: beeves. $4.40(fr7.?0- Texas steers, $4.WE'5.30; western steers, $4.10 63XS.20: stockers and feeders. $3.2fy7r6.0: cows and heifers, $2.25o.00; calves, $7.003.00. HOGS Receipts. 21,000; market 10c to Ha higher; light, $7.30(.70; mixed, $7.26m70; heavy, $7.364'7.66: rough. $7.26i27.40; good to choice heavy, $7.40tfr7ft6; pigs, $8.767.55; bulk of sales. $7.6O7.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10.000; market lOo to 25c higher; native. $2. 501. 10; western, $2.75S4.40; yearlings, $4.2T'!75.50; na tive lambs. $4.25(36.60; western, $4.7Exg6.6C. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Financial and Business Sentiment Conservative and Cautious. Kansas Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Deo. . CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,500 head, Including 6)0 southerns; market, steady; choice cattle, $7.30; dressed beef and export steers, $5.50f(7.80; fair to good, $4.66rB.dO; western steers, $4.2fl6-S0: stockers end feeders, S3.8606.2O; southern steers, U-XS.M: southern cows, $3.0Ofii'4.5O; native oows, $2.76i'rrG.OO; native heifers, $4.00 4)45.75; bulls, $3.6O6.0O; calves, $4.01X611.25. HOGS Receipts, 6,700 head; market 10c higher; bulk of sales. $7.55(37.60; heavies $7.57Ht(00; packers and butchers, $7.55(3 7.86; lltfht, $7.45(37.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5 000 head: market strong; lambs, $5.2S(R6.35; yearlings, $4.J66.6; wethers, $3.60i)4.25; ewes, $3.2533.76; stockers and feeders, $3.00 0.75. St. Louis Lira Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 9. CATTLE Receipts, 1,600 head. Including 800 Texans; market steady to 10c higher; native shipping and export steers, $.Wra7.2f; dreesed beef and butcher steers, $6.004t7.00; steers under 1.000 pounds, $5.00C(j6.60; stockers and feeders, $3.60 fi.2o; cows and halfers, $3.76(8.75; canners, $2.75(53 26; bulls, $3 2Bir5.0O; calves. $5.2SV9) 6.00; Texas and Indian steers, $4.60fu.50: cows and heifers, $3.00(34.60. HOGS Receipts, 6.500 head: market 15e higher; pigs and lights, $7.607.75; packers, $7 F0(Ji7.65; butchers and best heavy, $7.60 7.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 900 head: market 10c higher; native muttons. $3 509 4 no: lambs. $5.50(!il.50: culls and bucks, $2.60 3.00; atockers, $3.25(33.26. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Deo. 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 600 head: market steady; steers, 34.75 tfMVW; cows and heifers, 3 035.75; calves, $4 008.25. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head; market, 5!rl0c higher; bulk of sales, $7.467.55; top. $7.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 100 head; market, strong; lambs, $6.00(36.30. Stock In Slab. Receipts of live stock at the five prln- Pouth Omaha St. Joseph Kansas City .. St. Louis Chicago Totals Cattle. 1.000 , 600 2.500 , 1.5O0 , $.000 , 8.600 Hogs. Sheep. 4,ono 3.0(10 100 6.700 t 6.300 900 21.0OJ 10,000 40,600 20,000 Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Dec. . COFFEE Futures opened barely steady at a decline of S-fiflS points under liquidation and In sympathy with lower European markets. There was aulte a sharp rally during the middle of the day on covering and a renewal of hull support, but the market later weakened again under heavy realising and bear pros sure, wth the close weak at a net decline of 12f)23 points. Sales were reported of 96 M0 bnRS. Closing bids fo; ow: December. 10.9fc; January, 10.90c; Febru ary, 10.8o; March. lO&rtc; April. 10.78c; May. 1070c; June. 10 63c; July. 105c; August, 10 61c; September, 10.46c; October and No vember, 10.37c. Owing to the holiday there were no ca fe from Brazil. Havre closed at a net decline of Kt(l frano. Humburg was 1 pfennig lower. New York warehouse de liveries, 8.H95 bags, against 14.7M last year. Spot quiet: Rio, No. 7. 13'4jc: Santos No. 4. 13c. Mild quiet; Cordova. 13VU li-ic. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 9.-M KTALS-Stand-ard copper, easy; spot, $l2 20nl2 35. De cember and January, $12.2iy 12 X7; February and March, $12. aWj 12.40. London, firm; spot 08 l'is 8d: futures, i,7 lis 3d. .Lake cupper, $18. ,'! 13.26; electrolytic, $12.87Vtt' 130o; casting. il2.6(12.75. Arrivals rrpurted at New Yolk today. 90 ton. Exports, ac cording to the custom house returns, 6,4o8 tons so far this month. Tin, t-asy; spot, eU.8Va3o.40; I.'ece.iiber, $3.2f.-.t;v!.lfi; January, February al l March, $.tfi 2tXu3 35. London, firm; spot, 1174 15s; futures, 174 17s 6.1. lfid, iuit(t; $!..! 4 55, New York; $ 4 87'i, East St. Louis; London, 113 8s 91. fpelter, quiet; $5 fconi.00. New York,; $6 7Vrf 5 W, East ht. Loula; London, 24 3 6d. Iron: Cleveland warrants. : 9d In London. Lo t allv the n. a: ki t wan very uneltW-d and quotations are uncertain. No. 1 foundry northern, No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft, $16 25T16 26. nominal; No. 2 foundry northern, $14 7:Vy 16 75. ST. LullS, Dec. 8 M KT ALS Lead, steady, $4.40; spelter, lower, $6 70. DRY GOODS HOLIDAY TEADE QOOD OMAHA WHOUULK PRICES. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 9 CT)TTON Spot cloned steady, 30 points advance; middling uplands, 15.10c; middling gulf, 16.3bo; sales, 7,300 bales. Cotton futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open.j High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Dec. Jan. Mar. May July 14 60 15 06 14 38 14 84 14 64 I 15 ri I 14 43 I 14 87 14 74 15 35 I 14 66 16 14 14 K9 16 60 I 14 aO li 80 . 14 88 16 46 14 76 I 1628 14 45 14 60 14 72 14 b 14 88 Some Improvement la Bhos Trade bat Baslness Is Considerably Belorr Normal for Season, of the Year. NEW YORK, Dec. .-R, O. Dun tk Co.'g Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: nnav Hrawtno to a OloSS Will DS notable for Its harvests, the money value of Its farm products bolng computed at close to $9.ofl0.uoo,wJO, a record figure. This fact forms the best possible basis ror in dustrial advance next year. There Is, however, little change In fi nancial and business sentiment, which rs- malns conservative and rautlus. Continued restriction of output has not prevented steady accumulation of tl Iron stocks and the movement to ourtali opem tlons Is expected to be carried still further. In the dry goods markets, the holiday trade la shaping up well and re-orders for merchandise are going Into Jobbing houses steadily. The cotton goods and cotton yarn markets are hampered by the difficulty of getting prices commensurate with high cotton costs and curtailment continues While there Is some Improvement In the shoe trade, business Is still considerably below normal for this season of the year. Prices on footwear are not strong, but no concessions of cure are reported as values are already low, oonsldeilng ths cost of production. BRADSTRERT'S REVIEW Of TRADE Seasonable Weather and Approach of Holidays Help Ilaalnesa. NEW YORK, Dec, 9. Bradstreef to morrow will say: Snow or rain, followed by cold weather throughout considerable areas, have tended to stimulate retail sales of winter goods and wearing apparel, while the approach of the holidays has helped specialties adapted to the season. Jobbers and whole salers catering to this class of business have apparently done well as a whole, re plenishing of broken stocks giving A slight Impetus to trade In seasonable goods. In regular wholesale trade the approach of the Inventory sea-son made for quietness and spring buying In general Is reported of rather light volume with conservation still ruling trade for distant dates. Collections, as a whole, will not class better than fa!r. Business failures In the United States for the week ending December 8 were 267 against 217 last week, 269 In the like week of 1909. 298 in 1908, 284 in 1907 and 220 In 1906. Business failures In Canada for the week number 32, which compares with S2 last week and 30 for the corresponding week In 1909. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1 delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 81c; No. 3, In 90-lb. tubs. 29c; No. 2. In 1-lb. cartons. 30c; packing stock, solid pack. 19c; dairy. In 60-lb. tubs, 22a23c. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins 16ttI17He: young Amer ica , 18c; daisies, 18c; triplets, 18c; Urn burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 18o; imported Swiss, 82c; domestlo Swiss. 24c: block Swiss. 20c. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 1 lbs.. $5.00 per do.; over 2 lbs, 14o; hens, 13Vsv iuc; cocks, ioc; uucKS. loo; geese, 18c; tur keys, 23c; pigeons, per doz., $1.20; homer squabs, per doa., $4.00; fancy squabs, per doz., $3.00; No. 1, per doz., $3.00. Alive, broilers, under 2 lbs., 14Hc; over 8 lbs., 8 Vic; hens, S'-i'oloc; old roosters, 7c; old duoks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered, 9o; turkeys, llii'lSo; guinea fowls, 26o each; pigeons, per doz., 60c; homers, per doa., $3.00; squabs, No. 1. per doz., $1.60; No. 3, per doz., 60c FISH (all frozen) Pickerel, He; white, 18c; pike, 14c; trout, 14o; larga crapples, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel. 18c; had dock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green oatflah, 20C! roe shad, $1.00 each; shad roe, per pair, 65c; frog legs, per doz., 60c; salmon, lioz halibut, Uo. BEEF CUT8-Rlbt No. J, 16o; No. S. l?Vio No. 3. 8'A Loin: No. lfl7o;" No? u2o: No. $, 90. Chuck: No.l 7Ho; No- 7?o No. 8. 7o. Round: No. 1, 9o; No 1? 7io: No. I, 7c. Plate: No. J, tio; No. 6W No. 8. 40. TRHITJ- ETC.-Oranges: California na vel, 96-126 sizes, per box, $2.763.00: small sizes, per box, $3.60413.76; Florida all sixes per box. $3.60. Lemons: Laurel brand, n tra fancy, 800 alze, per box, $6.00; 860 alxa per box, $6.60; choloe, 300 size, per box' 16.60; 860 size, per box, $6.00; S40 ,im. 50o per box less. Qrapa fruit: Florida. 46-64-64-80 sizes, per box, $4.26S4.60. Bananas Fancy select, per, $2.26(22.60: Jambo" bunch. $2.76175. Pears: California Win ter Nellls, per box, $2.86; New York Kifer per bbl., $3.764.O0. Apples: Home-grown cooking, per bbl., $3.60M4.00: Missouri Jona than, per bbl., $5.00; Missouri Ben Davis per bbl., $3.75; Missouri Wlnesaps, per bbl., $426; Missouri Gano, per bbls Urn other varieties, per bbl., $4.00; New York Greening and Baldwin per bbl., 84.60; Col orado Jonathan, per box, $2.10; Washing, ton Gravensteln, per box, $1.60; California Belleflower, per box, $1.60; Washington Grimes Golden and Jonathan, extra fancy 88-126 sizes, per box, $3.26. Pineapple: Per case, $4-50. Grapea: California Emperor per crate, $1.75; New York Catawba, Per 6-lb. basket, 20c; Malaga. 604iu6 Ids arross per keg, $7.00&;8.00. Cranberries: Per box $2.75; Bell and Cherry brand, per bbl ' $8.00; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle and Lat'i Howe brands, per bbl., $8.60. Dates: An chor brand, new, 80 1-lb. pkgs. in boxes per box, $2.00; bulk, In 70-lb. boxes per lb 6M;0. Figs: New California, 12 12-oz. PktY' Uo; 86 12-oz. pkgs., $2.40; 60 6-os pkgs! $2.00. Figs: Turkish. 7-crown, per lb' 16o: 6-crown. per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb 18a' VEGETABLES Potatoes: Early Ohio In sacks, per bu., 90o; Iowa and Wlsoon sln, white stock, per bu., r5ca86o. Sweet potatoes: Virginia, per bbl., $2.50; Kansas per bbl., $2.00. Onions: lows., red and yel lo, per lb., 2o; Indiana, white, per lb 8c; Spanish, per crate, $1.40. Garllo: Ex tra fancy, white, per lb., 15c; red, per lb 16c. Egg plant: Fancy Florida, per doz' $2.00. Celery: Michigan, per doz. bunches' 85c; California Jumbo, per doz. bunches 76c. Rutabagas: Per lb., l"4c Cucum bers: Hothouse, 1H and 8 doz., per box $2.00. Tomatoea: California, per 4-baaket crate, $1.60. Cabbage: New, per lb., IVio. String and wax beans: Per market bas ket, $1.50. Lettuce: Extra fanoy leaf, per doz., 40o. parsley: Fancy home-grown, per doz. bunches, 40a. Beets: Per mar ket basket, S5o. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuta: Black, per lb., 2c. Hickory nuts: Large, per lb., 6c; small, per lb., 6o. Cocoanuts: per sack, $6.60; per doz., 80o. Honey: New, 24 frames, $3.76. Cider: Mott's. New York, per H-bbl., $3.76; per bbl. $6.76. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Deo. S.-BVA PORA.TE1J APPLES Firm, with small offerings. On the spot, fancy Is quoted at 12140; choice, 11c; prime, 9'&'10I4c. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, strong on r ports that western operators are buying lr. the eastern markets. Quotations rang from BvfeCG'lOc for California up to 30-4O and 8VUiuc tor from 60s to 30s Oregon Apricots, Inactive but steady, with llttl pressure to sell; choice, lvj'13'4c; extra choice, 13V13Ac; fancy, 13(ij'l4o. Peaches, In better demand and prices are firm; choice, 7V'7c; extra choice, SKtmVko; fancy, 8V49c- Ralslna, quiet, with buyers holding off on account of the firmness In prices; loose muscatels are quoted at bWit 6c; choke to fancy seeded, (in'(l!lh'tO; seed less, 54j4c; London layers, $1.2uul.3&. Terpentine arnd tlosln. SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec . TURPEN Tl N K Firm, 74V; sales, 28 bbls.; receipts, 44K bbls; ahipments, 292 bbls.; stock, 11, Ul bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales, 3.072 bbls.; receipts, 2.346 bis.; shipments, 6.175 bis.; stock, 73,'Ai bbls.; B, $6.70; D, $5.7l4i; E, $5,724; F. $b.7i; G, $6.80; 11. $5.90; 1. $6.25; K. Pi.lo, M, $7.14: N, $L2o; WU, $7.46; WW, $7.66. Ilaak at Mat-on, ill., t lwsed. DECATUR, HI., Dec. 9 The Farmers and Merchants batik, at Macon, III., failed to oien today, following a run yesterday. The InalittiUon. a private bank, has been oper ated for forty yar by J. L, and E. L. 1 light. There are deposits of $100, VU0.