tttp. bvf; (wum. qTTTprv rvTrrvvmrT? in. 1010 17 OFFERED FOR RENT l."frnleae Rmu r (tallowed. FOUR rnomi for housekeeping, with ox Ulhout liui and light. I.J N. litt St For RENT-Two roon i. steam heated, Sood location. (01 8. Jth St. TOil RENT Two large unfurnished roorus. south front Z Firnim St. f araUkrl flea KICKLT furnished he ma. 1J0 8. Kth At FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RK.NT tfio.OO per month; 11 rooms. 120 o. 2th Ave., strictly mndtrn and nlcaly furnished. Lsei-e to ba arranged GEORGE & CO.. r City Nat. Rank Bldg. OFFERED F0 REN f (Continued.) Stare Office. FOR RENT Of Pie roe-m. CS. lc-td oa lop Poor, facing court, iro usr fset. Us- tlwd'ig vau.t; rents for l-t moMS, TUB bkS BUILDING COMPANY OFFERED FOR SALE Far I tar. STEKL RANGE. S-hole, wood. beating S'ove; iron bed wltb fining. Cheap for sanh. C. IM. Baa. l-room cottar, nlcaly furnished. IUH California, B-1.J6. TWO Radiant Homa baseburnera; cheap. Doug. I1S7. !' ul Callage. fobTuent 8 rooms and bath. $30 per mo., at 3220 Burt St Modern except heat, Y2 block from two car line, Harney and Cumicg. Asphalt St. Seo owner at 3216 Burt St., or Phone Harney 2491 FURNITURE for mla vary reaaonabl. C2.'4 So. 19th. Typewriter. BCT u U C Smith Bro. typewriter, r. wnso In. Distributer. Ml ar- am It. TOU ran rent an OllTr typewriter with oak stand. P monthly, from manufacturers, moat Interested In satisfaction given. Oliver Typewriter Co., SECOND-hand typewriter aold. repaired. Ctntial Typewriter Exchange, 107 Farnara, WARM ROUS F 8. -room house, city atur, ;n N. ?2d tU SO. J-morn houe-e. city water. T01 N. 2,1. liO. U- PAltROTTE. Board of Trad. SXATS l-room alt modern house, nicely deco rate, two block from Farnam line, 137. fiO. -roora hou, all modern. U N. Mh, 10. ft-room huuaa, all Bodtrii, good location. $27.(0. B. D. MKRCER CO. 704 City National Bank. Douglea 153 I EIGHT rooms, strictly modern. Marcy, $30. Phon liarney 27u6. TYPEWRITER Easily worth $12 60 cash, 277$ Hurt Bt. FIVE-RooM bniiw and I acrea for rent at 40th and N Bta.. iviuth Omaha, $8 00. The Byron Read Co. phones, Dougiaa 27. A-&34. --R. and reception hall; entirely mod.; No. 3 N. isth. Shinier A Chase Co., 0. 17th EC rxCIPTluNALLT convenient, modern, roropaot. S-roora brtok; f.niabed one yea go; cboloaai neighborhood. 33d and Pop pietnn, includes water, care ef lawn, aaew. mc r-eere Tru Co. N. V. Uf NICE coir evan-roooi bouse, all mod- ein. exce'lent furnace. Klaht on the t4ih Bl. car Una, No. 2!U N. Wih St. V, 111 rent lor J& or will sail on easy terms. Tel. Harney ix. ROOM, all modem eottage. rice loca- tlin; paved Strett: one block from car. UVi Bpalllng. Phone Web. W. f-ROOM cottase; modem, exoept furnace; beautiful lawn and trees. Na. t" Mouth 171 Ave. Rent only A per tax. telephone uouias eou. NICE tOth Bt. (-room modern cottars. 1431 N B1X-ROOM houae. U3 B. list. 20. Harney 370. Phone (,-r , mrd.. beautifully located; easily arstea; ia; water pa. it a. yrth. vveb. i-ROOM houne strictly modern, with laundry and clsteraf water in basement. I"H a. 24th at. Ll0UfN In all parts ef the dir. t rrlirh Sons Co bee Bid Maple St.. -rtom. modern. PT. C1NCUES. Two all modern, eisht-room houne a 1711 Case and 1020 N. 13d St. Rent la reduced very low. . lelnphone Harney 0. Hsrrr Put nam. $140 Hurt 81 FOR RENT Two (-room brick houses. all newly remodeled, all modern, north pari of city, ttS. A nice (-room rottaxe, all modern except lumace, ttmu Hamilton ax.. Sia. 4 room apartmtnt Tat. loSl No. Uth U, t rooms. :91 Clark Bt. m C M. MACHWANN. J Paxton blk. Offloe. R. I. Rea.. D. Ua. COTTAC. 1C N. Kth St. Tel. Harney 6064. fob IKL"GUA8 street. 1 rooms. Ill M. BRAND nw. T rooma tiled bath, oak finished, laundry basement, two blocks to three uar lines, nice walk down town. Act quick If you want this fine home. l(M H. lulfi Ave. Phone II. 4411. S2D AND POPPI.KTON AVE. F.lht room modern brick fiat; on car line; t- to good teiianu rlKiU isbury. gut 8. lflth Bt. I'hone L. UO. HOC&EHOTJD COODS Packed, forwarded cheap f 1 eight rates; movlnc and storios. t liiraro s oeiivary V.O. tel. uoug. M Om. Van A Storage Co. packs. movss, stores rausenoid goods, irirepruoc storage, sV4 S. lth. Branch, su a. 17ltv. TeL 1. 4xal A-lSi. HOL'SIC FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. ulte tU New Yurk U1 Bids. Ud Uta ROOM, modern brtok. nearly new. Burt. 1 Bymea an ROOMS modern, food repairs. tiSH 8. M Ava. ca TeL Harney IMa. NEW. rooms, all modern eioeDt heat. KOI 8 roth Ave . I black south of Central pouievara ana victoa sctiooi. Tel. Tyler lit!, , SKVF.-N rooma. all modern; parlor, 11 Tin room, kitchen, din! us room, three sleet 11 rooms; quarter-sawed oak floors: In net feet condition; full cement basement, paved street, permanent waik; one block to car lint. Morinwest corner of (kth a Webster bis. j per month. W. i. btRMuDY INVESTMENT CO.. 1114 City National Bank. Tat D. tit. NEW alx-rootn house, all modern aj 2Hh W. J. UEKMOUT INVESTMENT CO.. U14 City NsuouaJ Bank. Tel. D. TM. MX.RDOU Niturt -ltv . In good repair. 1411 Michigan Ava, U4 per W. j. DERMOOT INVESTS! ENT CO.. 1414 City National Bank. TeL D. Til RFDt'CFJJ RENTS. .t w rvi aiapie c-v, 7-r., ail mod., new furnace, in splendid shape, good location. tlS H Mandereon rl.. -r.. mod. e: heat, splendid shape; water paid. ! tT Hartley, -r., strictly mod., newly patwen. oaa nnian. cioae id. X'll Leavenaorth, 4-r , mod. ex. heat. O-l.H Ontario, S r.. mod. ex. heat. M.J-7it bnatol. e-r.. all mod., new. 4 Chleago, 7-r., mod. ex. heat. 4w No. Hth. 6-r.. ukmI. ex, heaL jo eil So. Hat. e-r.. ail mod. ex. heat. $ 1 ij-U r'omier Ava, s-r., part mod Ii7 .io mi Caldwell, e-r., mod. ex. heat. t-l-le No. Xth He, -r., all mod. Xj-Hue mi. t-r.. ail mod. ex. beat, lie 4iul LAlk. 6 r . mod. ex. ht-au ItlKKETT A TEvbHCNS. a Pee bid. Phones; L. 47&4. A-1TH. Kit NORTH Uth St.. new, all modern, t-room bouse, liil -6 Bristol. -rim. all modem. (30 (O. i. W. Kaxp Co.. Doug. la.4. FERR1N Exp. Btorace. liU Can. D. IUH BAPE BURNER, steel range, gas ran. urmture ani carpet, cheap. H N. 24th. M. for MONARCH Typewriter, perfect condi tion, for sale cheap. 621 Bee Bid. M Ucellaaeoaa. WB RAVH ee esnd a anmbee ef tat herrets which we wll. sell for M rente ears Tcey are fine for rain water or ashes. Call si press room, uee ruoiianiag Co. f'(l AT, Reeder Cooking; housewife's de- light. C. A. Westerfleld. D. 200 OVERCOATS, slightly used, si a bar galn. A. B. BINUER, 41 N. 16th. FOR AI.B New end second-hand bll (lord snd pool tablta We leed the world cheap bar fixtures; ease payments bruae enck-KAike-colieoder. S37 av WIS Ht, fA FES Overstocked with eecend-hsnd Safes, ail sines and n skss; bsrgalaa Aacerlraa Supply Co.. Ills Farnana ML About st feel ef 0-Inch diameter No. g-oaae. galvanised pipe with four 4s-'o-e elbows and T. This was used for venillat- rig purposes snd Pipe Is In aood ronditioa The Cee rubUsblng Co. 17tb snd Farnam, CALENDAR pads. Burkley Printing Co. nOATj Furnsce lump, a ton. ft fifl (Cunilnued 1 x & s L s-"'J'" Brandos Thea. 5tapre. 44' Ph. P. A1 PRINTING Arkansas. ARKANSAS FAIUl! Rig llrt; barsains; weit ftee. Write tixiay. Captain KIkss. I ayettevilis Ark. Lew W. Baber, iYintr Bee Bldg. Entrance on Court. MIU.ER JAM1EMON. Ull Douglas Ft Both Phones. f MONF IND. A-RS for good printing Lisgstad Pnntlsg Ca lath and Capitol . RIKS HALX Pt. Co. 1( M. 14th. Ird A.Wt REAL ESTATE ABSTM4CT OF TITI.aU Midland Ouarantee snd Trust rompaay beaded abatractera ITU Farnam Bt PETER JE88EN. Jr.. Co. TeL Doug. tS RIAL EITATI DaULEKs, ftrED ABSTRACT CO.. Fst 1M; rrmmvi get oar price. SJS tfrsusesis ueaisr PENIAM1N R K. CO . 4TT Brandels Bids REAL E8TATB TITLK TRUST CO.. Fif taenia Floor City National Bank Building ADDING MACHINES Our own and other masee, second-hand, rebuilt. Bur roughs Adding Machine Co., JS Bouth Uth street, Omaha. fll.W) takes practically new black lynx fur set; latest style; best shirred eatiu lining; worth t6S. F 471 Bee. citt rnorEitTT FOR balm IF YOU HAVE $300 Tou cannot Invent It In anything better or safer than to use It as the first pay ment on one of our New Five-Room Cottages that have recently been completed and ready to move lato. We have them In different part of the city. We want you to take any carpenter you cnoose. ana have him look the houses over, to satisfy rou as to how they are built. We can sell our houses quicker to people well posted In building than people who are not The balance after the first payment is about the same as rent. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 1614 Harney St. THY our own mined Kinsas coal. M.7S ton. Southern Coal Co.. 1'lst and Paul; Web. !ft4. DRY kindlin-. tl per Webster tMS. lud. B-bXiL load delivered. Masleal Instruments. , LATEST patent Edison Dhonoerenh. 150 select reoords and oak cabinet case at half price. Addrees Krwbbs, 1108 North 26th, South Omaha. OSTEOPATHY A Boa Johnson. IUS-1 Brandels Theater Bldg. KATHEEYN Theater. NIKOLAS, S4- Brandels PA f EMS WILLARD EDDT. registered Practitioner In U. 8. Pat. office. Gt Pax ton Blk. R. 1861. D. O. BARNK1X. PaxtoB Blk. Te Red 7U1. PERSONAL MECHANO THBRAPI Drugtess trCHtmeot of stomach trouble. Tr. Margaret HsUoran. U Neville Blk, D.T78L L R. BUGERS, prtvata confinement home. 151S Martha HI., Omaha, Tel. Douglas Si. PRIVATE maternity bom. Mrs. Dr. King. 1J4 N. Itta Bt Wen. t4. la D-l3. STRICTLY private home for connne- ments; excellent care; babies far adoption. ttU Davsnport. YOCTNO WOMEN coming t Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women a Christian Association ouuaiag al tevrnteenth street and bt. alary a aveaua where they will be directed to suitable bcard ng placee or otherwise assisted. Ixtes. lor ur traveler s aid at lae union statiaa. f AdNTYTICj 'tment. Mme. Bmlta. PRTVATa ROMS WsMm tor adoDtlon. tarluia. 1 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. during eonflnsmsst; Good Samerltaa Baae- JOBIK WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world sewer." at all book a 10 rea price. U.M. OMAHA tammararsr La. Rasaga Btdg. THE SALVATION ARMY aoUclta oaat-eff Vothlng In fact, anyuung you ae net neeel. Ke collect, repair and eell at U4 N. iitk Ct tor cost of collection, to the worthy poor Call 'phone Douglaa 4UB and was a as will rail. nil A MT1 View Maternity noma, private uiuuiv borne lor woman a tiring eanXlne- mnt Address AioK Ul. loraao. 1 si. Flurenc M. MRS- A. Hl'STEB. Mllllnafy. UX N. Uth. K. L. LOVEJOT repairs sewing machines and warrants vnein. uvm rt. usu nn. sua T-TTrrrTTT?T7' pile, etc. cured; no knife IVUl AUiuj book free. German Doc lor a 420 Broadway. Cgunoii blur a. ic T A 'rTIJ Salt glow and massage, ban Dodge, 3d floor, opp. pos office. Mme. Auen of Chicago, Doug. tov. WIGS and toupee for men. Griffith, 11 and 14 HENZan, LOCk; SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re aoved. no pain, no loss of time, no Injury t the ekln; worn guaranteed; lady attend asL MoCasua bldg.. lith and Dodge MASK SUITS to rent at LICBKN'S. TABLFTf will build sua bs,LL DRUG OG. eraee. E. Brott. "11 Tel. ited 4dba STritrhoa from rnmb ngn II 60. Mrs H. WllCUeB Ualhews. bet Ne vtUe bl k. DI4s WE RENT and repair all kinds uf set lag rr... hlnes. lad. A-16'4. I'ujk.u logl. NE11KA8KA CYCLE COMPANY, littb and Harney Sis. New, in Dundee, $4,200 Large S-story bungalow . Vina). Harrison & Morton 960 A. $60 an Acre Sarpy County (Ail level ). Harrison & Morton $450 CASH. BAfcAfCE siOriTHLT, buys new, modern, s-room cottage, wun amu, furnace heat, lot 6tixl, closs to school, church and car. Price. 12,726. WALKL'P REAL ESTATE COMfAXxr ITTl-TS Brandels Bldg. Douglas HBtl A-St. $4,000 buys 8 rooms and bath at 3220 Burt St. In fine condition. Very desirable for a home. Half block from two car Bnes, Harney and Cuming. Asphalt street. See ow ner at 3216 Burt street or Phone Haruey 2496. 4 Room Cottage in growing section of Omaha, convenient to school, one block from Sherman Ave. car. Large lot, nice lawn and gar den. rruit trees, grapes and strawberries. This is a new place and the price is right $100 Down will handle it Address L 380, Bee. REAL ESlAlt . FARM A.D HA.wtH 1. A . D FOR S A Lb California. PAN JOSB Income Home Orchard. tfi.K ( a., adlnimnf the cltv limits of Psn Jose; aeeorted fruit orchard, pars ( per year; two good new cottages; rem for 44 per month; mill snd tank and an outbuildings; lend sdjlmng reilir.g f"t tlit jver s.: let proposition In tie stste. J. M. NELSON. 24 N. 1st tt-. San Jose. CiCML CilAlt FARM A w D RANCH L1MI FOR SALR Mlrhlaan- ntlnaed. FOR SALE-1T0 to per acre; H cash. balance long term; the laet of tne big ranenna to be colonised and In tne greatest .. ,n me uriu. where escli .mi owner nas equal rig in to wster and . never gives out; rich, level, sandy loam; rows from 6 to 7 crops alfalfa yearly; .airy products cslled for each day bv tne .our big creameries; no land anywhere ..ear so cheap, any where In distort: will jouble in value In 1 years; Investigate .in. Turlock Garden Land Co., Modesto, 1. A HOME with an Income cheap 140 acres. 1 miles from Auburn; good house, I looms furniture, barn, sneds. farming tools, 1 wagons, harness, lu milch cows, JO acres bearing orchard and grapes, 11 seres grain land, 26 natural meadows, 1 aifaifa. baiance pasture; 6 living springs; an under alien; finest climate on eartn; 1 miles to R. R. Pnoe $., 12 tM) cash, balance per cent. R. E. Lea, Heal estate broker, fc.. vuDurn, taL ltO I'OO down ; 10 acres good level land, 4 nines lrom Merced, adapted to alfalfa, fruit, etc.; 1 mile from school; small house, sheds, water right H.VMtMV down; 20 acres good level land, miles from Merced, adapted to alfalfa. orcuards, etc.; wster right. J. E. RUSSELL. Merced. Cal. SUBDIVIDE Have lit acres of choicest land In ranta Crux mountains. I miles from same Crua, f miles from Gi en wood ; W acres cleared, balance In timber and or chard; county road runs thrmigh land; deep rich soil: price 136 per acre; can be subdivided in small tracts at 1100 per acre. John Dubuis. hanta Crua, Cal. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME TO SECURE a 1 to 6-acre home at Hay ward at low price and on eaay terms; we are closing up the Horry W. Meek eslate. and buyers must act quickly; the electric from Oakland runs to the tract every o minutes; 8. p. and Western Paciflo runs through the lands; only 6s minutes to ban Franc, sco; one crop will more than pay ror the land. Beans produce fuo per acre; peas, (ear liest In the state) Mti per acre; gar Ho, POO: tomatoes. 111. cherries and apricots, from low to e3r; local buyers have purchased over IlUO.OuO worth In last 60 days; they know Its value; only about So acrea of the suodi vision left. Come out at once; free information: electric cars stops at our door. ROBINSON GUNNING, General Agents for lands of Meek estate, (S3 Castro St., Hay-ward. Cal. FOR .SHLE U.CV acres of unimproved fruit and farm lands In elsht townships In Lake. 0roia and Mason counties, Mich igan; formerly hard wood timber lands, situated In well settled country; title per fect, attract furniahed. Hepresfntatlves at 1-and Show and at Hotel New jiouthern. where sampl'-s of soil and products are hn. H. W. Marsh, Owner, Man istee, Mich. REAL ESTATE FA R M A n HMH l.U FOH (Continued Mississippi. MISSISSIPPI IJtNl Thousands of acres of the very best of fsrm and timber land for sale In Wilkinson county, Mi'islpi'l. at from k" to 1J0 per acre. Wilkinson countv Is In the healthiest part of this country, with a climate unsurpassed: ail kinds of crops can be grown here, and horse, mules, cattle, hoes and poultry can be raised very profitably. Have tracts from 10 to WW acres In one body. I can furnish splendid propert'es for colonisation at very low prices: elsi fine tin-her tracts. If you want land In any other part of this stste. or In Loulslsna. I can furnish It. If Interested, call on or write to G. A. Wettiln real estste asent, and county director of the Mississippi I.f.nd Development Association, Woodvllle, Miss. 1 ACTtrw 4 mile te tows; good, level, well drained land; oa mall route aad school houae on one comer of the farm: I -room bouse new: bam KxSO: hog an4 sew bous windmill, plenty water, about I acres timber. This Is a good plaoe prieed SI p per aeve D. E. CRUTCH ER. DrencH. Mo. BBS ACF.B" AND ACRES IN OOOO ed Css county. 6 miles from Kansas city bath well Improved: fine black limestone land: bargain: choice I HA per acre, good K. V. Burdett. Garde City. MO. HALF INTEREST, laid with si no and Vehh Mty. Mo. 40-acr farm, under- T. UlAillllsa A SNAP If taken in t day Fine valley. 40 acrea. Improved. In the heart of rul rounty, Missouri. I miles from county seat 4al with ewaer; save commission Addr. Kex Tl R. F. V. No k UarriaonvlUa Caa county. Ma. W asklnatoa. FOR PA1.F. 'hesp 10 acres o,l land, about 1 aires elashcd. good well, new pump and sheil: for fvo; V mile to Sherl An dork; 15 mlnutis' r1' to Premi-rton. Addresa Ilov 5T&, Bremerton. Wash. TWO H-arre tracts, fronilns on 1 ake Che Inn. Wash ; 1-rear-old winter apples fine axil I. fine lake, fine el. mate, ftne fishing and boatlns; low pr ce to close an estatn. Address W. 11. Norrls TSl l.'th Ace. N. F. . Seattle, or C. I". lWnnctt, ljkelde. Wash. CHICKEN RANCH. Five acres of good alder land, partlv Cleared, near rond; good new houie and chicken house: 0t laying hens dncKg and a lot of pgeons. two m'les from good new town, near bont land ng; ten miles frun cltv of CO.nim people Price, l"; "" down, balsnre 110 tr month Pre lir. Morrison. 2s53 Bond St., FA'erett. Wash. RAILWAY TIME CARD-' I hlrsie (.reat Western- CMraro IJiolte.l Twin City Linked.. Twin t'l'v Kxioess I'hleakM I xpn i I 1 It pm b s :i pm a T M am a ' sin a pm a t 6 ptn Mlssoerl Parlflr K. C. A St. L Y.t a 9 K c. fk St I. y.t., ex cept Saturday all K C St L. K, Saturtlays only 12 Illinois tealrat Chicago Fxprps M larellaaeowa. Successful Fruitdale IS THE PLACE FOB YOU Land la this established gulf coast colony ts the best lnYrxtmcnt now being offered In the entire south; good land, cot whits sand; no negroes; fine marsets; big piofit country; not a new thing, but established for 18 years and success proven; healthful ctlmste and beautiful winters; water puis; rainlail ample, no Irrigation required; $1 per month buys a farm In this district, where ten acres can be made to produce tfHuO a ear; prices low now and makes splendid Investment, as land Is lapklly in creasing In value; nothing exactly like It anywhere; send for our big book of pan orama views. Agents wanted. Fruitdale Development Company. 647. 41 Chestnut St.. 8U Louis. Mo. Colorado. GARDEN SPOT OF ARAPAHOE COUNTY. Now Is the time to get ready and buy a choice garden tract for next spring; have a choice lot to select from. Home good hanrnjns In ranches, chicken ranchee. Call on The J. R. Harris Realty Co.. lis Ma.n St,. Littleton. Colo. S TH-acre tract, or part, plenty of fruit; also suitable for chicken ranch; a bargain, if taken at one; close to car line. Call or 'phone Roland & Hoffman, Real Estate. Arvada. Colo. Florida. FLORIDA LAND. Florida You cannot lose on any well selected property In Florida, but are sure of quick and substantial profits. We have many good properties for colonisation, fruit and vegetable lands and improved farm. Pop A North, Wl Atlantic National Bank Bldg.. Jacksonville, Fla. MISSOURI 1.ANDS for sale, W acres to l.OuO acres; terms and prices to suit pur chaser. Write for particulars. W. M. Steven. Clinton, Henry Co., Mo, RAUGAIN 50-acre farm; 4 miles from Warsaw, Mo.; 25 acres cultivated, balance pasture; near school and church; price Jl.txio; terms easy. Address T. G. Owen, arsaw. Mo. Minnesota. FOHEOLOSfRE SALE OF LAND Ws have over lo.OOu acrea Minnesota land to offer at foreclosure prices; about one-half value: liberal terms; part or v. hole: grand opportunity for retailer. E. W. Taylor A Son., Nat Ger.-Amer. Bank Bldg-.. St. Paul, Minn. "WANTED TO BUY There are thousands of people In Iowa that want to buy farms Improved nnj un improved in settled and unsettled districts. The way to best rearh them Is through the Classified pages of THE DE.S MOINF.S CAPITAL. Averse circulation last month 44.4ti copies. Published for twenty years at Des Moines, la., by Lafe Young. Chicago Untiled Minn. -St. I'aul V.x... Minn -St. I'aul Ltd... t abash Omaha-St. lni'P Ex. Mall and Kxprr-s. ..a f .b 7 . .a .a K a !9 am 15 pm .0 pm on am pm am iV pin T it am a 6. 50 ptn a I 4S pm I i am a 1 00 am so pm :i am oo pm Stanb y Lol.ifrom C.H )b 6 (klcaao A -Northwestern NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a f .W am Sioux City Local a I 4A put Minn. A Dakota Fx a 7:( pm Twin City 'ltd ter. Sati a : pm Twin City Ltd tex Sati.all 50 pm EASTLOl'ND. Omaha Express a . am Chicago Looai a!2 X pin Colorado-Chicago a a. 10 pm Chicago siMciki a 6. 02 pm 1'acilic Coast-Chicago, .a t.iA pin Los Angeles Uiiuted. . .a . pm Uvenand l.inuicd . ... . .all o pin lener Si-cml ili W (in Carroll Local a 4..s pm Fast Mail a K0 pm WESTBOUND. Linroln-i. hadron a i , am Nortoik-1 aiia-s a J M ani Long l'lne-.-Hi. l'latte...b 2 Is pm liakilngs-fuperlor b 2 .14 pm lieadwood-liut t-irnif,s a o.iki pm Ca.-p r-Iander a s uo pm r reiiioiit-Aibion b 6.30 pin a as am ail 1.1 pm blO.U am a 10 30 pm a 1 2 pm a 15 am a 7 .i am a I SO am al2 3ft am 3il pin a t pm a 7 U am a I A piu lU M pin a :& am a t ii am aio o0 am I.m pia all 00 am al0.4 pin b 6 j pm b b Ai pna a fc pm 1H") am a 1.56 pin Uerlluatou Matins loth aad Maaon. GOOD land for sale In North Dakota, Montana and In many other slates. In quiries cheerfully answered. Svea Real Fstate Co., 714 New York Life IlldB. FOR BALE Best cut-over land In north ern Minnesota and Wisconsin; 12.75 per acre and up; farm, timber and Iron lands. John Q. A. Crosby, A Pallsdlo Bidg.. Duluth, Minn. FOR SALE BY THE OWNER 1.0 acres In Mower county, Minn.; well Improved, all tillable; 1 miles to town, half mile to school, 12 miles to Iowa line. Price. 170 per acre. Seth A. Cheney, Grand Meadow, Minn. 640 OPEN MINNESOTA PRAIRIE at IIS. Terms: 112.000 hardware and implements and 1S.04 bu.ldlngs for farm to match In corn belt. Box lte, Adrian, Minn. Nebraska. IMPROVED farm of about 200 acres In Colfax county, Nebraska, all good level land, new buildings, 60 acres in wheat, lays close to town. U. 1'. R- R- runs through the farm. Price, taO per acre, would take some city property. L N. Hammond, SSi Board of Trade. Georarla. FOR SALE How 1 this: A lot 60x140 feet In a progressive city, and 40 acre farming land, ail for pi, on term of $10 caxh and 110 monthly. Address, F. L. Thomas, J2t0 River road, Columbus, G 640 ACRES CHEAP 640 acres Dawson county, Neb., 110 per acre. 6 miles from good railroad town. This Is a snap. Write or call. WARNER A WILLIAMS 442 Be Bldg. Omaha, Neb. - Oralakomn. TEN Improved farms for rent or sale on crop payment. J. Mulhall. Sioux City. Ia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA TRAVERSED BY THE ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM eV ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crops; all the money crops of the South plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country, its soil, cli mate, church and school advantages, write W. H. LEAHY, Geo'l Passenger Agt., Dept. K, Atlanta, Ga. Illinois. FOR SALE 1,100 acres In Cheyenne Co. Colorado; H level, Vs gently rolling; ad joins two towns, U. P. R. R. frontage; Vi surveyed for Irrigation ; own my own water lights; all alfalfa, wheat and potato land; shallow water; country settling fast; H.OOj acres valley land; great ranch or ool onir ic g proposition; all fenced and crossfenoed; greatest bargain In eastern Colorado, at $10 for quick aale; liberal terms, low In terest, lnqjir owner. Jas. G. Bailey, Delaraa. 111. IHUt) CASH BUYS . Figrht-room modem house, Bemls Park, fine location; close to school, car and new cathedral, nice. 14.600. WALKUP REAL ESTATE COMPANY. g71-7 Brandels Bldg. Phones Do ugLas mus. Independent A-tXg. FOR SALE Tw lea. lUxiea. est seats Kth St near Vlntoa; all special taxes pal. Will eell a e piece or divide. Willi da to sell at eawsrirjoa. Apply at as aWuia bat St. FOR BALE Houee T room water, arwar toilet, etc.; aloe trees and ahrubbery. uj South list St 3730 N. 36TU AVE. 6ven-room. new; fruit; small house n rear; very large piece of (round. Look at It and make offer. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. SDS N.T. Ufa Bldg. phone lied hut. A-172L SIX-ROOM modern cottage, for sale oa eaay term by owner. 1124 Miami St. f-ROOM modem house, good location. cKue to depots, mi S. 11th St. Ioug. Hub. RENTERS, READ. THIS! We have 1 vacant noose. 1 to rooms; It M to IrO 00: clout In and suburban loca tions; modern and part modern; 1 with belt acres. These must be rented at nito. and we will make moet liberal reductions la rents: also any reasonable repairs or linpro etnenia required. I'lione us D. 867. Also h rvs f"r sale on mill terms. RUSSELL A M KITHIOK CO.. 2 Kaluga Bldg. l.'.th and Harney. - Persistent Advertising Is the Road to r.eiurna I WISH to anuounce that I have opened massage pariora in my com ana am pre pared to give massages, salt glow, swedisn movement, vibrator, a radiator, treatment for rheuiTiatlsm, pleurisy, stomach trouble, pneumonia, etc. Thanking my old patrons for support in the past, I ea.-nectly Sol I 'It their patronage for the future. Mrs. 3. 11 Snyder. The Duneauy, Room C, loth aud Iterc Sis. Red U. VIBRATORY M ASSAGE Dr. Rittsmhouse. Old Bosto Store. 4th foor, elevator entrance. 1:4 a. lkih. Open s from I a. m. to II p. m. 1)1? lil TI? rvF eolalu.L Diseases of cor. 11th A DougUa. innal.a. Call or write. f SvM3K treatment. Mra Steele 111 ji.ioo.iuii 8 J7!h tt fcl floor toom t 8 NET Kountze Place Home Owner Is offering to sell this fine new S-room, strictly a. 1 modern, home. In one of the beet localities in Kountse Place: which ha hot water heat, the finest kind of plumbing and oak finixh ,on the urst floor, for tc.'ot); and agrees to rent the houne for a term of five years or less and do all the repairing necessary to pay all taxes, fire, ss.l guarantees that there will be no expenses whatever on the interior of the house for at least three I years, fco it will net the purchaser I per orit on the purcnaae price. 1 Ms is a g od, safe proposition and It will pay yuu to in vestigate same. Hastings A Heyden. M14 iUraey Bt. FOR RALE Or exchange a splendid 330 acre wheat farm In Manitoba's most fav ored district, near town and school. What have you to offer? W. D. Ferguson, La Grange. 111. FOR SALE Corn farms; 161 acres In Bu reau county, Illinois, $112 SO; to acre. Ogle county, $40. O, A. Holcomb. Aurora, III. FOR BALE Bsst 600-ecr stock grain farm In state; R. R. station, store and elevator on farm; gravel road; will bear closest Investigation. Price iiuu.OOO. M. A. Brock. CUana Park. Ill laws, FARM LANDS. WO ACRES FINE PRAIRIE LAND. Situated miles from a good countv seat town In North Dakota. Everv foot tlllable; will trade In a town dwelling to amount of 11.500 to $2,000. Address Lock Box 211. New Albin, la. K. a wows. 160 ACRES In Andereon coxtnty, Kan.; SO acrea pasture, balance new land; price, 114 pr acre. Neal-lowman Land Co., Gamett, Kan. MUSICAL At Liberty, String bass, double P. B bass In band Comet, double, vtoliu. planiste. theater or dance .ork. Hefcrrnce (A F M i A. T. D-se. Omaha. Nao. ilea IellvrV Here is what a north side lady says of The Bee's quick service: "I cmfloyed a capable servant this morning before breakfast from tli sd la last nlgbt's He." - MRS. H. P. HAMILTON. 2001 Blimey t PRAIRIE PaRK HOME rooma living room across front of house, very well ALFALFA land; farm lands In western KariMtr. 1 quote, subject to previous aale, S. W. l-a0-U, shallow water alfalfa land, at 14 fr acre; 14 miles from McCue. N. E. 11-17-li. good wheat or broom crn land. Ill per acre; $ mile from Manning or Mo Pac G. D. Card. Scott City, Kui. TWENTY QUARTERS for sale, every acre tillable, no sand or rock, lies suishjUi, daik loam soil, price 1 uoO per quuxier. Frank Mashek, Scott City. Kan. MexU-e. LANDS. Mrxirn-I have for sale sever, flna tract ef troploal lands and Iran sport alios tapecisiiv suiisb lor fruit and stock tais. log Cheap oa rnick sal Live correapon.l- is wanted Non but responsible Xlrmt er parties aeed answer Reference gives ml i..i,ilrd Arti' i. Perria r.eak tfaaotalpaa. Vae Mexlo. it Icklsss. MICHIGAN FARMS IN FRCIT BELT. No. 1. 4o-A.. all ciearta, lug house, frame built arid arranged, strictly modern, fine 1 barn, nice creek. $t. testing )isdi. ioi srxiij. pavea street, ssust sell bsfore Janoary 1 l rt( $4. WALKUP Ki-AL FitTIATK TMPANY i;i-7k AiiaJiJwis bidg DTiUBI-E building, close in. f jr pa: ticular Inquire of owner. Red l-vl No. 2 f-A., 14 acre cleared, new house. level. g'od Soil. $.J. K.. 1 sit seres, all cleared, bull.llrr. a Dwugia . a-jSSi. miivs town. : p. sen. other fru.t. $1 uuu. No. 4. o-A.. S aores cleared, balance eut over, hou. tine stream. 1 (axl. No. A-. uiumproed. 4 miles town, gcod Istid. 11. No. . eA.. onimprovea. level, csn be $js) CASH BUYS S-room, modern bouse: 3 bed noma, tear decorated, fine lot. laved iiv ri.ared. 1. O 'street, some fruit BEMiS PARK D13- I .No 7. tv-A . uuim proved, level, heavy 11 RUT. Piice. Ha. ! WALK LP RKAL L STATE COMPANY. I S7J-7V Btaudeis Bldg. iS A-SSji. PRA1H1K PARK Six rooms, all modern; easy terms Owner, let Web. UU. Blcgei. Better, bktmr That ta what i JMlilni In Tb Be will . i fir your basluea blaik land. $l.iaa No. k. 1J0-A .. unimproved, level, heavy black soil, tl.osx) Ail on fi-v terms others list free THE UYANS-IKjLT CO . Mich. FARM BAP. OA IN. Best e"i"-S'-re fsrm in M -ti : Mark sanlv loam: 14 bldgs: I mi's from town: net ea'ly earl 'lis Is.fO. K Aroogssl. Klooue. 1-flel d. N. i OKLAHOMA. For oil. farm or gracing land add rea care of Roberts Realty Co., Nowata. Okl., or Nowata LanJ A Lot Co., 85. New York Life Bldg., phone Red 199. A-1721 Oregon. KLICKITAT APPLE LAND. (W acres only $ 00 per acre. Address L. D. Oakes, Gaston. Ore. Pennsylraala. FOR SALE 150 ACRES ALL EQUIPPED, $1,800. Income $74s besides produce consumed by owner's family; M acres tillage; julcv pasture for 18 cows; l.Us) cds. hard wood can be marketed In Center at IS per cord; orchard produces f0 bbls. In season; at tractive 7-room painted houne with spring water; big barn, wagon shed, poultry and sugar nouses; owner, paving oinrr Busi ness, will sacra floe for quick sale and will lnolude pair horses, 1 cowl, sugar-making and farming equipment, fcr only fl,200, part cash; bera's splendid chance for a man with a little money to get out Into God's country, be happy, Independent, make mnnev and keeD his family 'n comfort and pienty; read all the retails of this and an other of 47 acrea for $io. page 1, "Utrout's Biggest Farm Bargains Copy free. E. A St rout Station 'Jit Union bank bldg.. Pittsburg, pa. AS YOU read this ad, so will thousand read your want ad it it is in Tne Bee. Tea. WELL IMPROVED ranch of seven sec tions for sale by owner; In center of Gray count, lexas; wen watered, priced rigat Apply to IL B. Lovett. Pampa. Tex. TEXAS. For ( to 100.000 acres call or addrs art? Scan Ion Bldg., Houston, rex., or Nowat Land and Lot Co., 6ft New York Life Bldg. phone Rad 10. A-17ZL CHEAP RANCH Gret bargain; 1.020 acrea, near Foteom, N. M ; s-room ranch bouse, outbuildings, fruit trees: SW0 acres can be put In alfalfa and Irrigated; It rprngs. natural shelter for cattle; control l.OuO acres In pasture; 2u-mlle fence; 210 per acre, half cash. T. 11. Pence, White Wright. Tex. W lareaal. STV4 ACRES, 15 cultivated, balance wood and pasture, alx-roum house, barn, clilck-en-huuae, well. 1 from station loou. :ta) cash, balance five years. lora u Mason, Cumberlind, Wis. COME TO VILr- COUNTY. WISCONSIN. Good land cr ' ? and on very easy terms form 10 to 1- aore. 40 acres for 110 DOWN AND 110 A MONTH. No Interest, no taxes. Insurance clause In the contract. s.ll. plenty or rain t'jod ruada. good market, gooj schools an! churches. Send for map and book to Dept 2, G F. SANBORN CO.. Engl River, Wis. TO exchange 120 acres good level farm land, tineida county, Wisconsin. near i a. 1 road and town; country rapidly settlu.g i n and puces adxuncing: puce clear: want good, sound young registered Perch- cion or neigian stai.on, to wvign no leas tlifn I Wi p.unds and a sure foal getter. Address Lock Box i-J3. Rhlnelander, Wis. ""BEST land In AVIsconsln; any s'red tract; wlioleau'e prices. Grimuier Land Co.. Ms.'., ntele. Wis. REAL ESTATE LOANS ICoO to STi.OOO on Omaha homes. O'Ksiefe Real Estate Co., 1016 N. Y. Lite. Douglas or A-2162. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam smith A Co., 1330 Farnam St. LOW RATE8. REM IS-CARLBEKG CO., 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. LOANS to home owners rnd home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. ft03 First National Bank B!1. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. GARVIN BROS.. 2d floor N. Y. Ufe. TW to llUO.OoO on Improved property. No delay. $100 to I'.O.nw made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., ISth and Farnam! Uarllogton Denver A California a 4:10 pm l'ui,et Sound Express. . .a 4.10 pm Nebraska pom is a I Sj am Black Hills a 4 10 pm Lincoln Mall b 1 .v pm Northwest Kotpress ....all L pin Nehrnhka poinn a I -i am Nclna-'ka Lxpress a y.15 am Lincoln Un a I Scliuyler-l'lHttvniotiih . b 1 06 Lincoln Local a 1 Jt I'lattsmnuth-Iowa a :1.H Hellevue-Plaltsmouth ..aU.3u Colorado Limited all A" ChlcSKO Special a i:l.'i Chicago Express a i JO Chicago Fast Express.. a low a laical a 1.1 Crcston, la.. Ixical a 3 . St. IaiuIs Express a 4 30 K. C. & St. Joseph aid 4S K. C. & St. Josi ph a K 1.1 K. C. A St. Joseph a 4:30 pm pin am pm pin am pin pin am pm pm pm am pm a 1:4(1 pm a 1:46 pm a (10 pm a 2:4fj pm all Is pm a 1 . am a t 10 pm a 1 10 pm b v i aiu bio: 20 am a 7 M) pm a f ,vi am a I AO pm a 7:00 am all :06 rm a 8 (h" pm a l.uO pm a 10 . 30 am a 10 W am all 45 am a ' 46 ant a 5.10 pm Webster Statlow Inth and Webster, REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have CASH BUYERS for GOOD bus iness snd residence properties. WE CAN SELL your property If worth the money. O'NKIL'S REAL ESTATK AGKNCr. Tel. Tyler lf"4. Ind. A-S313. 1W6 Fnrnam street. Omaha. 612 North 24th street. South Omaha.' SWAPS WE exchange properties of merit. H. H. Culver, K12-13 N. Y. Life. Douglas !. ONE of the finest residences In Omaha, beautiful In every respect. Will exchange my equity of tb.000 for clear land. eU N. Y. Life. $2,1X0 STOCK In Howard 6tove Co. and American Mica Co., considered same as cash; will tiade for clear house. Mi N. Y. Ufe. 480 ACRES irrigated, Colo., for income or cheap land; $U,0o0, Mtg. 11,000, Eq. $33,000. li. 1L Culver. el2-kU N. Y. Life. 120 ACRES valley land. Canada, equity $3.i40, for what have you? Rush proposi tion. tU N. Y. Life. 6,0u0 acrea clear land in Nebraska. Trade for o in ana and assume reasonable amount; Incumbrance. W1U trade ail together or divide. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. to! N.Y. Life Bldg. Phones Hud ltttt. A-K21. ONE biaud new No. 70 Colt s acetylene gas tnachlue and gas range to trade fur good hogB, cows or chickens. 4005 On .Mid Ave. Phone Web. 47)4. TEN rooms, all modern house, paved street, car at door; lot Ouxl&O; fine location. Price $7.0u0. Double brick apartment bouse; 9 rooms on each side. Large lot. Price $12,tA. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. 6uS N. Y. Life. bldg. Phones Red 19,A-1721. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel D. 3a71. Mlssonrl Pacific Auburn Local b 2:50 pm bl!: 15 pm Chicago, St. Pawl, Minneapolis t Omaka Depart. Floux City Kxpre b 2.15 pm Omaha Ical Sioux City Passenger Twin City l'ni-senger...b :30 am Sioux City Loral c :& am Emerson Local b 6 f5 pm b 9:10 am tb) Daily except Sunday, tc) Sunday only. Arrive. bll:4S am c S) pm b 1:20 pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Tho Royal Hail Stun Packs Company Ureases de l.eie te Cubs-West lat1les-PaflsmaBennada Itrm BASIS-rip-rlm-lu Iks Wast IsSisa PxaMngsr Trsas. Ri MaSlFf Thlrv AVOM" 'rewe its. el rt s I4 as-rek. laiaaMilltsAsa-Mar. S(laVays) A as. rAe ewly il Infu OrwttinQ fftfmmrr sertollr CvtutrucUd se Trfntml Sjrvie. Weekly Sailings frsai Mew Pier a, N. It. , K. Y. iermuds-Cuh-Jimlcs e""."sTse or A Itermie Sstiirdsy br w sal Issls ksi Blaimin af.4 lntrv-eo s HainrdaTt st la R.M.$.P.'TRlllTM,;i SaHBUSWK Ml. 11-14 Stats SL. Mew TerS A-i9 Sails kw wuioatTd W. E. BOCK, 1524 Eainaiii u osuaiTTFrL CRUISE TO THE ORIENT SO DAYS Leaves fi Yrk JAN. ICS. ieii. iV.S.S. CLEVELAND 929 ap Tbs rles ef 11 years exaertssw'e. 41m Cruises te the West Ineiee, Soatk Aasertra. A ArosnA lbs Wstld. HAMBl nti-AMERICAf LI3IB i:. Kannllb Rt . CTilcaso, Ul., or Locsl Agents. Man Murdered in ' New York Mistaken For Strikebreaker SRCOND-HAND rlothlng; party after noon dresses. John Feldman, D. 11118. A-2634. WANTED Medium si is hotel Hernck Hotel Co., Ravenna, Neb. range WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man desires place to work for board and room In private family while attending college. Boyles College. Both phones. AN experlenred bookkeeper and office man wants work to do evenings. B 152, Bee. LEGAL NOTICES STOCK HOLDEKH MEETrNO - OFFICE of Lee-Glase-Andreei-vii Hardware com pany, Omaha, Nebraska. December . 1110. Notic-s Is hereby given to the stockholders of Lee-Glaax- Andreesen Hardware Com pany that the annual meeting of the stock holders of the com; any will be held at the office of theaid cfimininy, corn r of Ninth and Harney streets, in the cltv of Otniha. In the state of Nebraska on Tuviliy, Janu ary, 10. A. D . imi. at I o'clock ti. m.. for the purpose of ele ting a board of directors for the companv t. serve during the en suing year, And to transact such other bumnecs as may be presented at surh meet ing H. J. LEE. President. Attest: W. H. GI.AS8. Secretary. RAILWAY TIME CARD FOH SALE Cheap, good Improved farm, ll ii"i half down. Lalsm-e easy terma. Geo. Ive ves. Mauston. Wis., K- 4. A BARGAIN .vuaCre farm, stock ni ichinery and all for $i.!ou. small innei.t down, acres under plow; new ni.Kieiu seyen-riKim house: t w j miles from Mauston. Wis.; act quick. Ad dress 11. M. GKIMSKUD. Wes'.ly, Wis BT ACBE3 LEVEL LAND a euif . ts ance pasture, l-room house, lerge bar o tktp bo'jse sprlrg and inxit U auk s farm. 1 miles from tst'oo. sh.Kil oa erd I: Alio, easy term Turn O. Mason lslaal CHy State fcenk. Cuieher se.d wis. DANDY LAKE FRONT DAIRY FARM: 52 acres; only 1 miles from Cniturla. Polk countv. Wis : excellent roll, hardwood tim ber. j srres under ci.i isthm; good ftnme Imiiko, log barn, small fruit an t shn 'e trees: qt. artrr iiulx ti.ntai;e on beaut. ful luke with f ne Inerh; nl $",. on ensi terms. Owner. O. E. C, Box A St Croix Pais Wis. ' Persistent Advertising I the P.osd tn Big Return l.MO STATION Trslk and Marry. t n'on Part le ss n Fran. Overland I. China and Japan F. M Atlantic Express Oregon Expr.'-s Mm ABKrifi l imited ... ( olorado Special Iener SoeciHl. a Colorado Express a Oregon-Wash. Limited a North Platte Ixiral a Grand Island lotnl a Uncoln-Heatrlce Local! (kleagu, HocU Island 15 am 4.10 piu 4 1 pm 12 Ai pm 11 4- pm '. l am t 'A pm 12 :n pm F S' pin M pm 12.4U piu all a I, a 1 a r. a s a 7 a!'.' a 4 a sin aiu b 1 1 pm 15 pm 4". am I" pin So pm 4.' am 30 am W pin ) pm i sin ' am ti pin A Par If If- FAST Rocky Mountain ltd . all f. am Chicago Day t threes i 4 4'. am Chicago Loral 1"hss l."t to am lies M.nniJ Uxal I'aas a 4 l pin ;tin Ku E re s a 4 4 piu l.lcsKO I.liiot.d a t.;l pm WEST. rU .Nm Ud.. Lincoln. .a Colo. & Cal En a 1 kl A T(m t.xpre..aU Kocky Mountain Ltd. ..aiu alO 4T a 4 3u hlu lu all Id a 1 li a b 2 ( Birauu, llllwvskec A Overland Limited all Onial.M- liti s,,, Ex b 7 1. am omaha-Savaiiiiab Ex...c7 'oio.- al. Ex a t Colors lo Sp lal .a 7 l erry-Oinal.a Lcxal I V) atn a 5 47 !' pm a 4 J) i piu a 1 m i pm a 12 ) Al. Paul tl pm a 7 'c' !j am U' piu M llll l!i pm b v c 1 a 1 ail M ta ci pm m I m pin pm am I ni pm pm am am win au. pin pi., pm Three Men Held ia Connection with Killing of Young John Warner e-f Highwood, Conn. NEW YORK, Dec. . Secrecy was main tained at police headquarters regarding th Identity of the three men made prisoner late yesterday, but there seemed to be good reason to bellev today the met ar In custody in connection with the murder of John C. Warner, the young engineer of High wood, Conn., who was stabbed te death on Seventh avenue more than a month ago. Whil the detectives were not ready to admit this. It was learned they feel certain they have solved the Warner mystery and that he met his death through being taken for an express eirUe b renter. Through the statements of th three men detained the iKillce men detained, the police today said they expected soon to liava th real murderer In custody. The names of these men, all of whom were Adams Express company helpers, were later made public. They are Charle Klteman, Peier J. O'Connor. Harry W. Morton and James V. Mulligan. O'Connor, tho oldent. Is bui 23 years oid. They ar charged with aiding and abetting In the killing of Warner. The authoritUa ar-i said to have th i, nine of a fifth man, who all of tb wit nesses mires plunged a knife many U-nes Into Warner in the belief that he was an armed uard or atrlkt breaker. BANKERS' AGREEMENT MAY VIOLATE ANTI-TRUST LAW rederal (Ira aid Jary lavesAlaate t nlforui Rate of l irbaaie on Oalslde Cheeks. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. .-Is the agree m'nt. 'Which Is In effect among the bank ers In th principal titles of the country to ihiirff a m.lforin ra'e of exrhanse n I I out-of-town dicks a violation of the s:.erinHii antl-truht law? thii- Is the position cf the Depart ment of Justice aid that Indictments ar to 1 biuuclit asjin.l New Oilcans bank ers It I. in tie nut few days, was Intimated here todav upon api'ari-iitly reliable au- I thority. The federal J,iand Jury now In seosioii has been Inv tetlv i ting the sjr.Jecl for several days and It is raid IndlctmeriU hnye been pitiar.d by the district attorney. .rw. will Hm Hanker. DA V 1 IN 1 '1 .T. la. I w . I It was in. no m.-ed l.ete to.'i,v that Congressman A P. la"ii o' tie tecund luwu district wl'l be elertel pr.-He:it cf the Urst Nt , t' wal hai k of Cos city and will reninvt 'from I'irtli li, la, to Davrnport at the 'fn 'ialh.ii of h:s present cuntreaalun.' term In March.