Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1910, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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Bowling Tournament Continues to Be Big Sporting Attraction for All Omah a
Experts Finish with Mark that Lands
Seventh Place.
Dehnqae Rnnlm (iptrf Third PUm
In Doable from Steele d Eklanaai
of (hlrad
Omahen Drop
rivS-Ven Team
imffya, St. Loots, Clilotfo. . . .
Illinois Athlatla club, Cblcago
Bu4w1sts, It. Xoul
Otore Dials, at. Koala
Two-Man Tiuni
ri an n r and Collier, Chicago...
raets and Steer. Chicago ,
Ca! and Bowers, Dnbuqne....
Steele and Zhlman, Chicago...
Hlchcla and Tracy, Omb,...
Xnlman, Chicago
J.. gohmldt, St. Ionia
Xlchter, Chloto, Maishalltown, X
Collier, Chloago
a. to
, 1.77a
. . 648
. . 838
. . 638
. . 635
.. 618
AU Bvent
Collier, Chloago 1.88B
Jtlcht.r, Chloago . . 1.831
Eobmldt, Rt. X.O&1 1,818
manner, Chicago 1,778
Lembar, Chicago 1,698
"Can they coma back?" They not only
could, but did. Tha five old star bowlers
who composed the Oreater Omaha lm In
the MM-WMt turned tha trick on the
youriK'-r etemtnt and finished with a score
of S.tM), the bl geat score of the evening,
which place them In seventh place In the
. Kr a time It looked a If the Omaha
Bicycle would make high for the night,
but a whirlwind finish by the Greater
Omaha roller placed the Omaha Bicycle
la aecond place with 2,Ko.
In doubles of Thursday Cale and Bowera
of Dubuque took third place In the tour
nament from Steele and Ehlman of Chi
cago with a score of 1.192. Thl place the
- Omaha men. Nichols and Tracy, In the
fifth place.
Bower of Dubuque also took first honor
in singles for the day, finishing In 698.
Five-Men Team.
1st. 2d.
lid. Total.
199 671
O. O. Franclsod
Reynold ..,
Totals ..
1178 SIR nr )t
1h trl 1.1
r-.'ioniOTl JfflO J'
Heinrlch 12 Jul)
Mnrk 1K3 til
Oilbralth io
?-rp is, til
Totals m :6 874
lt. 2d. id. Total.
lonnaon i;,7
H" Kit
"rigg j4j
Krye 12J
Hull )0
71 SS9
1st. 2d.
841 2.518
3d. Total.
f pi tin an .
I tt
Coffey ,.
'(7 2.7
Match name.
Int. !id.
' 1S 204
157 2i)l
170 lu5
lsl H!l
ia .
M. Total.
!! 6M
Btrot ....
Miles .....
Kninlit ...
Coflin ....
864 U54
1st. 2d.
SS9 1,607
3d. Total.
InS 42
TllOlJIHS ..
McMartln .
llHlncr ....
H, Martin
-.' Totals .
S2 913 !,4oS
Cole and Bowers of Dubuque
MuCauiey and Marun of Oinaha!'.'.'.','.
'uuiu aim mohh oi vmeituo
yiMticr and Mct.'artey of Den Moin'e.
Locker and Kniant of Des Moines....
ipe and vUberUon of Des Moim-s....
Nagie and Miles of Des Aloines
fftiol and (Juittn of Dea Moines
Kiddie and DikuIvu of Des Momea . ,
byrne and Overman of De Moines..',
ViHsers and Meyris of Des Moines...
i-letsciier and Mtvtni of Des Moina
i'aul and Mackln of Dubitiue
Jack man and ,tolt nt vv .trir.
J. Klrfumn and vy illlams of Des Moines sl'7
. w,cniiii ami omun ot uea Moines, sss
iUckey and lilldtbrant of Des Moiilea. 048
liaii and Damson ot De Moine us
Bower of I)ubuuue iqo
MwCauley of Doa Moines ,
c. ovennau o( l iHumus
KIilnlil vl iJes Monies
Dusold of v aterioo
Miulli ot Waterloo '."
i-aui of Uaieiioo '
i-iaiier of D Moines
MUcKin oi le Moines
Amen son of luhuque ',
Vintjera of les Moines '."
Mot Hriey of Des Moines .',
Mnnliale of vateiioo .'.
Muxse of Waterloo
Coffin of Des Moines '.
Byers of D-s Moines '
Kiddie uf Des Molne i
J. Overman of Des Mjlnea
Wale oi Des Moines
Htiot of lei Moines
Stivers of Des Moines
J. Kirfman of Dea Moines
t'ala of Dubuque
Harrison of Des Moines "
Stolto of Waterloo
HIlantH of Dea Moines ,"
Dlaalvu of Dea Moines "
Locker of lies Moines "
Hall of De Moines
Miles of Des Moines
M of IV Moines. ,,
Meyers of Des Moines
O. Jackman of Waterloo
H i lie of Ix-s Mo.ricH t
J'.lcksv of Des Moines ".
I'ieiocher of Des Moines
Locker of De Moines
. 6.H
. tu2
. ud
. 6ofl
. 6.1
. 641
. bo
. 16
. iV4
. 624
. 6a
. &J3
. W7
. 61ti
. 614
. UU
. 6 il
. 4:ij
. 4li
. 44
. 4!4
. )
. 4,
. 4i7
. 4K3
. 4A2
. 4H
. 4 .0
. 4
. 4.57
. 447
. 4.s
. 4J;l
. tu
. Ml
("latter of Ike flae.
Hull of the Waikln's Lumber team of
houtli on. si, a took h'gii same tl.or, t r
t.'ic night wan 2ia.
Des Moines leuve for home thl evening
wtll KatUritd witn the Impi enMion u mad
on the tournament bihI oh umaiia.
A box of 1.1 aro claan hu been put up
at the Miet tuiirna-nent as a pi -lie to
Uia man uitikl.ia- the ii'glieal sIiiks came
A Vand will be one of the feature that
is fcoum to help 111 Met boys win. Athletie
l.ioonieis. In gray mid irreen will be worn
by tn Meia team; lust eer seen in
All of lie Oi eater Omaha bowlers have
howlrd ifieen eais or over anj four of
'""' ,ie"-lsco. Giotte. Jlevnolds and
o.':i-a together four eais ago a
the Uiiimodi.
Kvery ilmo O. o. Framrs.-o nocld ben4
his buck meii hB sliut the tall duttn (h
flev a etilKO resulted. As he j:Jt the
Inquest score of h:s tani, lie evideuiiy had
..una crooks.
Greater Omaha had the nigh game score
of the evening acol in- V.i. Tut Omaha
bicycles started out fi.i It. all Dim players
c-scej.t Mil. mi, m scoring over 2iiy. Cut lie
ril oown Willi the low scots of tiia nislit
in that game, ending w,u, 1J1. kl9
,ia. lu ally all aplita.
The D ill liurh.Miis of Des Molneg and the
IVtu 1,,-iis of Omaha polled off a match
kuie in wi.k-li tl,e Hull Durham lock the
'" beam, the uinaha team by a
nrt of i.iti', to 2 4mj.
Two team of 81. Joxeoh. Mi, arrived In
oinahu tins aiternuon to bowl tonight in
lament the Columbia aoj the
Ad ilub learn i The AJ ,mb tram is com
tn..l of t. Iieiiholm, y x. Kec.on. K.
J Je. Kurnek Kay sl .4c'i. and
tha Columblaa five consKts of M. K. Ktnne
nian. V . I. Morse. J. W. Wolfe. K.
t'enowell and 11. F. Bieman. Siemens is
the man who holds the only record which
ha not been broken In the tournament
this year, the slnglea score of 646.
1 Illy Martin of the Pete Ixichs challenged
any of the Hull Durham to a match ga lie
for $Ji a aide afterward. In which Hilly
Coffin took him up. Martin took the match.
tt"U to DM. (Score:
1st. 2d. Jl. Tot'.
Martin 20 jjs ITU 6t
Coffin 178 IM 224 61
Martin had seventeen strikes, trillion
spares and three breaks. Coffin bad thir
teen strikes, seventeeen spare and no
bieak. -
Harvey's Colt took two out of three
games from Andy' Colt. Moyna for
Harvey- Colts got high game, 172, and
high total. 4fci. heesman for Andy e Colts
got high game of 181 and high total of 608.
Decern tier i Derby Woolen Mill against
the independents. fVore:
1st. 2d. 2d. Total.
Haster 169 12 130 41
Nelson 144 157 149 4M)
Moyna 168 164 172 4s2
4 473
1st. 2d.
IM 14
! 179
M. Total.
Irtl m
lr, 4f5
11 4::i
Sesnman ..
Totals 443 629 432 1.404
On the Metropolitan alleys last night the
Monte Chrlstos bad a runaway with the
I.uxiik by taking all three games and bowl
ing one of the highest games of the season,
with J.atey hitting the pin for a single
game of 225, and totals of nofi, while Colonel
Haehr shot high totals, with 613. Tonight
the St. Jam against the Pet Loch.
Score :
lt. 2d. d. Total.
Tray nor 205 192 181 678
Letey 1W) 225 191 80
riaehr 210 If 2"4 I3
Carter 1:! 17 213 6S
Johnson P3 191 18T (41
Total 91 994 968 2.921
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Ohnesorg IK) 164 211 641
Cogswell 142 152 144 4X8
Berger 170 181 171 5-'2
Nelson 198 IKS 201 62
Beselln 2nl 173 186 659
Totals... 877 853 912 t,842
Willie Hoppe Makes '
New Eecord Average
Billiard Champion Run Off First
Block of Five Hundred Points in
' Fifteen Innings.
NEW YORK, Dec. 2. Willie Hoppe of
thl city, who holds the world's champion
ship at 18.1 and 18.2 balk line billiards, mad
a new world's record average of 33 M5 to
night In the first ha'f of hi 1,000-point
match at 18.1 balk line with George Slosaon,
the former champion, - who 1 the chal
lenger. In making the record average Hoppe ran
off the first block of 600 points In fifteen
Innings. The former record average was
tl made several years ago by the late
Frank C. Ivea, who died in Mexico In 1899.
Sloason made 207 points In fourteen In
nlnga and showed only flashes of Ma for
mer brilliancy In two of his trials at the
Hoppe won the bank, but failed to oount
on the opening shot. This, however, wai
the only cypher In his score. At open table
play or close nursing; . the young player
seemed to be equally effective, though
many of his runs ended abruptly, through
seeming- carelessness. He ran up over sixty
points in four of his bnnlngs and had a
winning lead early In the game. The match
will be concluded tomorrow night. The
Hoppe-0, 81, 4, 48, 84. 88, V, tH, 81, 4,
bl. 8. t6. 27, 23. Total. 600. Average, 13 6-15.
High runs, 88, 65, 64.
Robert Hooper Heads
( the Auto Association
Ninth Annual Meeting of American
Organization Closes Endorse Fed
eral Aid for Highways.
NEW YORK. Dec. 1-The ninth annual
meeting of the American Automobile asso
ciation closed tonight with the election Of
the following officers: President, Robert
P. Hooper, Pennsylvania: first vice presi
dent, Frank M. Joyce, Minnesota; second
vice president, F. C. Donald, Illinois; third
vice president, C. L. Bonnlfleld, Ohio;
fourth vice president, F. O. Webb, New
York; fifth vice president, F. L. Baker,
California; secretary, John N. Brook, Con
necticut; treasurer, H. A. Bonnoll, New
A resolution was adopted calling on the
officer of states Issuing registration, li
censes to inform the executive officers of
the American Automobile association of
any violation of state laws by visiting
motorists so that the association might
take. action. The association also endorsed
the principle of federal aid In building
highways, calling on association clubs to
encourage amateur competition in track
and road events.
Lunarf ' Keller.
DKTROIT, Mich., Deo. l-Hugo Kelly,
througn in n. igtlt arranged the
preliminaries fur u f.ght with Ham Lang
ford in Los AngcieH, January 12. It will
be for twenty round. Langford s manager
in California wired the terms under wbioh
the black pugilist would fight and Kelley
agreed to them. The winner will get T5
per cent of the gate receipts. Kelley Is
appearing la a theater here.
Camrelagr Darby Held.
WAYNESBORO. Ga., Dec. 2.-There were
twenty-one entries In the Derby stake cf
the Continental Field Trial club today
Kiuthern Belle, owned by H. 6 Dunbar
Bi'JNaVor. S2S2r
K? SSi.W- T- -'-VrrwVr.
Honey lhit Buying Those
Suits and Overcoats
Sold up to $30.00, at
Reason-Small Lots
Stock We Wish To
Expert Clothes Fitters
107 South Sixteenth Strset
Tr-Trr r:
Boys Give Annual
Circus at Y.M.C. A.;
Youngsters' Pranks
Zouave. "Injuns," Cowboyi and Ath
letes Entertain Audience
of Three Hundred.
Laughing until their sides ached and ap
plauding until their palms tingled, nearly
809 people Immensely enjoyed the first per
forance of the slgth annual boy' circus
In the Young Men's Christian association
building last night. After the conclusion
of the "big show" the crowd saw the five
"side shows'' and then went home happy.
Ice cream and lemonade were served,
adding to the circus atmosphere.
The ' main show opened with a grand
pageant. In which the entire troupe of boy
performer appeared. The pageant wae
headed by an Individual of lmposfflg ap
pearance mounted upon a snowy "steed."
A detachment of Zouaves, a company cf
boy scout, a band of wild Bloux Indians,
bristling with feathers and smeared with
War Dalnt. a tronna nt rnvhiwi with chart
And spurs and red neckerchiefs and "shoot
ing iron ready for Instant use, A choice,
assortment of clowns ajid numerous wild
Animals appeared In the grand march.
By clever arrangement several boys car
ried cloth horse bodies o that they Ap
peared to be riding spirited animals. Tha
horse reared And plunged And bucked. At
time it Was onlv hv most nvim natttna'
and by the use of the most reassuring
words and tone that the riders quieted
their mounts and escaped "being thrown."
The second number was a series of hip
podrome races. An elephant And a camel
vied for the speed record. In the home
stretch the camel stumbled and felt And
Jumbo won the heat ana race. The baby
elephant and the donkey from Council
Bluffs next tried conclusions. The race
ended Just In time, for In the heat of the
contest the forelegs of the Infant pachy
derm nearly lost his trousers.
The giraffe, said to be the longest-necked
beast of the kind In Nebraska, ran A
spirited race with A clown, winning by a
A fast and furious contest by four boys
on mock horse closed this number.
Hardly had the crowd ceased laughing
and applauding when the Sioux braves
pitched their teepee In the center of the
arenA. A wlld-eyed cowboy, who had filled
up on "plsen." lassoed the little tent And
threw It to the ground. The "Injuns" were
about to dal roughly with him when other
cowmen, who had been riding the rang
nearby in search of a gang of pesky sheep
herders. Appeared on the scene. The
"punchers" formed a circle around the
redskins and emptied their guns at their
feet while they danced for mercy,
' A drill by twenty-four Zouaves was tha
prettiest number. The" lada gave fifteen
minutes of good entertainment in the way
of almost perfect execution of Intricate
marching orders. They marched by fours
and In single file. In circles and in square.
Uniformed In the baggy yellow breeches,
purple boleros and red fesea of the real
Zouave they . presented a handsome ap
pearance. . i
Tor ten minutes the troupe of clowns
made the audience roar., Tumblere, acro
bats and a pyramid troupe gave exhibitions
that looked very different from the work
of amateurs. A diminutive clown "brought
down the house" with a, song, "Any Little
Olrl That's a Nice Little Girl Is the Right
Little Olrl for Me," and responded to the
encore with "Haa Anybody Her Seen
Kelly." . .. .. ' . . , '
Feats of strength by Mr. SulUvau of
Omaha, an exhibition wrestling match and
A aertee of living statuary models closed
the main show.
Good movlug picture, a fishing pond full
of surprises, A muslo and vaudeville en
tertainment And an exhibition of aquatlo
eporta were the aide showe.
Th performer were elated over their
aucceea. Many persona who have attended
the annual clrcuaea ever since their in
auguration declared the present one to be
th best they ever have aeon. Not only
are there more laughs tban ever before
they say, but there Is more genuine en
tertainment' In the form of exhlbiUona of
athletic prowess.
Th will give Ita elns-n.
Anc. at 7:80 tonight. Th aid ahowe open
Immediately after th conclualon of th
show In th "big top."
All-Western Stars
Making Schedule
Tentative Agreement with Denver
University for Game During Holi- -days
is Announced.
BOUTH BEND, Ind.. Dec. 2.-A t.n.ativa
agreement with the Denver university foot
oau team ror a game with the All-Western
team which ts organising under Coach
Frank Longman of Notre Dame university
tor a trip to th Paclfio coast wa an
nounced today. Th gam probably will ba
played during th Christmas holidays.
Th western stars are to play th Mult
nomah Atbletlo club of Portland, Or., on
January 1.
Th AU-Wstern team thus far has re
cruited McOovern of Minnesota, quarter
back; Rosenwald of Minnesota iu4 vr.vt.
ohn of Michigan, halfbacks, and Johnston
ui aiinnesoia, fullback. Th team will play
four games during Its trio. Thinm.i..
Ing two date have not been arranged.
t Painter Heaae gt. Loala .
ST. LOCIS. Dee, t.-Earl Painter of pe
kin, IU. was tonight elected captain of the
St. Loui university foot be. I team for
nyxt aeason. Painter ha the reputation
of being on of the best haltbacka In the
middle west. H is in his third year at
the university.
Close, (r
'l (
! Ill
til J 1
Bowman is Elected
Foot Ball Captain
Omaha High School
Popular Halfback Gets Position for
1911 Season Fourteen "0s"
David Bowman, a popular athlete, was
elected unanimously the captain of the
foot ball team for neat year by the present
members of this year's victorious team.
Captain-elect Bowman has played two
years as right halfback and has proved
himself a good man for this position.
Weighing about 160 pounds and very fast
on hla feet he is an Ideal player. Bowman
Is II yeara old, a member ot the Junior
class of the high school and haa a fine
record a a student. The meeting of the
foot ball players took place Friday after
noon And Athletic Director Cams presided.
He awarded "O's" to the following players:
Payne, captain; Bowman, captain-elect;
Howes, Klopp, Iow. Underhlll, Baldridge,
Voyle Rector, Virgil Rector, Rachman,
Carson, Andrua, Gall and Golden.
Sea CUer Win the Featare at
Ilnier? Hie Track.
OAKLAND, Dec. 2.-Sea Cliff won the
Dainty handicap, the leaiure of the card
at Emeryville today, by a nose from Jack
Baine, an outsider, heeulta:
First race, alx furlongs, selling: Ada
Mead, 4 to 1, won; Captain John, 2 to 1,
Second; Evran, 4 to 1. third. Time. 1:22.
Second raoe, futurity course: Donoaster,
8 to 1, won; St. Heller, 18 to 6, second; Ot
sabar, 4 to 6. third. Time, 1:10.
Third race, mile: Roman Wing, (Buxton'i,
4 to 1, won; Crx, (Kederis), 6 to 1, second;
Rosevale, (Vandusen), 9 to 6, third, lime,
1:40V. Lescar, Edwin T. Fryer and Keep
Moving finished a named.
Fourth race, five and one-half furlongs:
Seacliff, (Thomas), 14 to 6. won; Jack Paine,
fage), 10 to 1, second; Metropolitan, tSel
den), 8 to 8, third. Time, 1:05H. Fernando,
Roy Junior, Thlstlebelle, Early Tide and
Likely Dleudonne finished as named.
Fifth race, mile and seventy yards: Mar
burg. (Taylor), 4 to 1, won; Nebullosus,
(King), 16 to 1, second; Irrigator, (Cotton),
10 to 1. third. Time, 1:44. Ronla, Oreen
Bridge, Buena, Howard Pearson, Tansy,
Charles Green and Catallne finished as
named. -
Sixth race, six and one-half furlong:
Rinlnl, 11 to 10, won; Edna Scarlet, 3 to 2,
second; Sully, to 1. third. Time: l:21Mj.
JACKSONVILLE, Dec. 2 First race, five
?nd one-half furlongs: Ladatette, won;
iusky Lad, seoond; -splinters, third. Tim,
Seoond race, six furlongs: Abrasion, won;
O'Em, second; Shawnee, third. Time, 1:1614.
Third race, selling 8-year-olds and up, six
furlongs: Claque, won; Anna L. Diley, sec
ond; Ida D. third. Time, 1:14.
Fourth raoe mile: Donald MacDonald,
won; Master Robert, second,; Bob R, third.
Fifth race, six furlongs: Salvoltlle, won;
Mon Ami, second; Edwin L, third. Time
Sixth race, mile and one-sixteenth: St.
Joseph, won; Splndler. ,econd; Banbury,
third. Time: 1:484.- '
FliNNSACOLA, Fla., Dao. I Autumn
Rose Annexed th feature event In today's
races, Incidentally making It three wins
for her since the opening of the meet.
Cold weather accounted for a big slump
In the attendance. All the winners were
liberally supported. Summary:
First race, six furlongs: Rebel Queen,
2 to I, won; Mae Hamilton, second; Lucky
Mate, third. Time. 1JH.
Second race, five and a half furlongs:
Sweet Owen, 4 to 1, won; H. M. Sabbath,
second; Rampant, third. ' Time:' LUSH.
Third race, six and a half furlnmra. full
8 to L won; Osalan. reoond; Walter Mo-
Liean, mira. nine, i:z,v
Fourth race, five furlongs: Gerando, 4
to 1, won; Brown Tony, aecond; Ben Sand,
third. Time, 1:05.
Fifth race, mil and a sixteenth, all
1OU can't mistake
the young man
who is dressed in one
'of our smart suits or
overcoats. You may
not know he is wear
ing Hayden's clothes,
but you do know he's
well dressed.
He's teetotally different, ho
looks like somebody and not like
Distinctiveness means a lot in
dress and that's what you get
along with superior quality in
our Hart, Schaffner & Marx Won
der clothes.
We Are Satisfied With Less Proft Than
the Other Fellow
and that's one of the reasons for the phenomenal success of our Clothing De
partment. We've attained a leadership in clothes selling wWich is not an accident but the inevi
The best way to settle the cloihesv question and settle it right is to come
direct to Haydcns Clothing Department. The man vh buys here must go away satisfied; if not
wcVc failed in our purpose and we don't intend to fail, for our guarantee of satisfaction comes not
only the time of the purchase, but weeks and mohahs after. If you are not pleased with what you
bought vvtrek or even months ago come in and let us satisfy you.
We've told you a whole lot
and Overcoats at 14.50 and we feel that their merits
caunot be too strongly emphasized. They're in a class
by themselves pure wool and worsteds always and (strict
ly hand made, honest $18,00 values magnificent assort
ment of best fabrics in the wanted shades of browns, tans,
grnyg, fancy serges, plain blues and blacks; (f -f - J?n
the best ever, at : 4)lLKDU
Be one of the throng of
the Holiday Gifts. . '
MnPiCf f rxnici11
HOUSe L0niS in
ages, purse fl'OO: Autumn Rose. 10H (I,.
Jaoksoni, 4 to 6, 2 to 5, out, won; whip
Top. 112. (Griffinl. 4 to 5. out. aecond,
Sysvgy, 91. (Burton). 3 to 5. third. Time.
lf'V Morman. Neoskaleota, The Mutk
and Mls Vlgliant s!-i ran.
Jl'ARi;,. Met.. Dec. 1-Helen Barbee,
the 1 to 2 favorite, made a runaway race
In the Rio Grande selling stake, fiva slid
a half furlonss. at Terrlnas park todav.
Phe dsohed Into a ten-length l-ad early
and won, eased up, by eight length.
Ollpln scored his second vlctorv of the
meeting when he won the third race by
six lengths. Summary:
F1rt race, five and a hslf furlongs:
rit-a-Pat. (Rettlg). 5 to 2. won; Red I,as,
(Gang). S to 1, seoond; Csrl Cloud. (Smith),
TO to 1. third. Time, All Usance,
Practitioner. Prince Withers, Footfall and
Oblivion also ran.
Second race, sl furlongs: " Tim Mc
Orath. iGsns). 3 to 1, won; Little March
mont, (Reynolds!, it to 1, second; discus,
(Murphy), 4 to 1. third. Time. 1:11
Sporting Life. Periwinkle, Cellaret and
Lewndale Belle slso rsn.
Third race, five and a half furlongs:
Gilpy. (Rice). to 6, won; Rio Pecos,
(Gams) U to 5. second; Mark Kennedv,
(Murphy). 30 to 1. third. Time, 1:07V. in
trinsic and Jeane D'Arc also ran.
Fourth rnce. Rio Grande stake, five and
a hslf furlongs:. Helen Barhee, (Nolani,
1 to 2. won: Flying Wolfe, (Murphv), 6 to
1, second: Mockler, (Gam), 13 to 1, third.
Timet 1:07. Juares and Aragonea also
ran. J
Fifth race, six furlong; Fannas, i Rey
nold). 8 to i, won; Ramon Carona, (Gans),
8 to 1, second: Gibson, (Nolan), to f,
third. Time. 1:14'. Joe E-hrlch, Spooner,
Himalaya and Fusller also ran.
Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth: John
Iwls, (Uani), 7 to 6, won; Pedro,
( Henschoten), t to 1, second; llovle,
(Kent). 3 to 1,' third. Time, 1;4. Shelby
and Tug Poat also ran.
Pa Rourke Buys New
Seats for the Stands
Omaha's New Park to Have the Lat
est Designs in Comfortable
Two thousand new chairs for Omaha's
base ball fans were contracted for by Pa
Rourke Friday to be placed In the new
grandstand next spring. The new seats
are of steel frame, with oiled beech seats
and backs. On the side of the iron work !
a base ball and bat. Indicative of where
they are to be placed.
The same kind of chairs are being used
In Comlskey's park In Chicago and In th
big league parka at Detroit, Plttaborg,
Cleveland and other eastern cities.
Th grandstand of the Vinton park and
th fences are all down and the rest of
th week will be spent In clearing th
field In readiness for the erection of the
new structures whtoh will begin Monday.
When finished It will hav 6,000 grand
stand seats, 2,000 of them reserved and
1,600 bleacher seats, making a total seating
capacity of 7,600.
"I hop w will b able to fill It to the
utmost and hav th biggest crowds w
ver had often next year," said Pa, as he
proudly showed the good qualities of his
new seats to soma of the fans.
Capitol Pool Tourney.
A large crowd witnessed Swanson defeat
Reynolds Thursday evening, 100 to 91. The
game was close and hard fought all the
way through, first one in the lead and then
the other, Swanson finally reaohlng the 100
mark first. Friday evening Riley and Mots
w'll play at 7:30 o'clock. Score by Innings:
Swanson S, S, 11, 8. 10, 6, 4, , 16, 12, 0,
11. 12. 6-108. Total, 100.
Reynolds 12, 10, 4. 12, t, 9, 11, 6, 0, 8, 13.
IV 8, 898. Total, 91.
Scratches: Swanson, t; Reynolds, 7. High
runs: Swanson, 17; Reynolds, 17.
, Played. Won. Lost. Balis
Swanson 4 2 2 14
s ' aWW,'
43svrlkt Hss) ScasAaar If Mara
about Hayden's Wonder Suits
Aim i "
mm j
I i if i jI jr
w is. t I TJ ,
buyers Saturday; let us show you how to spend money and save it. None too early to think of
8how 'ou the best ne cf $4.00 to $3.00 values ever shown C a- J fMf, a
Omaha-?2jr, $:U)5 and $i.05-big assortment. if770 JaCKetS
Big Offer for Frank
Gotch to Make a Tour
Bonus is Put Up to Klank and He Sub
mits it to the Great Hat
Frank Gotch may yet leave hi winter
lair for the mat and put In mm lively
evenings also profitable onesthis winter.
Emit Klank, ' that versatile king of com
merce, who has guided Frank to many a
S. R. O. house, writes from New York
to ay that he has Just been hit In the
eye with a cash guarantee (he nam the
price, but we won't) from a Chicago man
If Frank will mak a mld-wtntor tour of
the states, from the Atlantlo to the Pa'
clflc. taking on all comers, "foreigners In
cluded." by which one might easily gather
that the foxy Emll refers to Br'er Hack
enschmldt, who has had his tall fairly well
twisted once by Gotch and Is now over
her picking up easy suckles himself.
As soon as Klank got this offer he hit
for the train making the quickest tlmo be
tween New York and Humboldt, la., to lay
the matter before Farmer Gotch. He
promises to let out the news as soon at-
he gets It from Gotch.
MeGoorty Wklp C'aponl.
OSKOSH, Wla, Dec. 1 Bd.lle Mc
Goorty of osiikosh won a fast ten-round
fight from Tony Caponi of Chicago tonljrht.
Neither man was punished much, but Mo
Goorty had a comfortable margin at the
end of the tenth round.
Pickering: Mlnnfi-tn Captain.
ST. PAUL, Dec 2. JSarl Pickering, end,
tonight was elected captain of the Min
nesota foot ball team at a banquet given in
honor of the team by the St. Paul alumni.
wealthy'wqman is murdered
Mr. Elisabeth Allen ttl MstervUle,
W. Va., Strangled and nobbed of
Three Thousand Dollars.
8ISTERVILLH, W. Va.. Dec. 2.-Mra.
Elisabeth Allen, aged 87 years, a wealthy
widow, was found dead today In her horn
In Shirley, near hear. A wallet In which
Mrs. Allen Is known to have had more
than 23.000 Is missing and the coroner Is of
the opinion she was strangled, after which
the robbery wa committed. Mrs. Allen
lived alone.
The rooms were In confusion, showing
she had fought bard for her life.
In a house twenty feet away Mrs. Allen's
son John Is dying from tuberculosis.
Iowa Neves Nate.
NORTH ENGLISH Mrs. Joe Lindsay of
this place died Thursday a A result of
injuries received in a runaway Monday,
when she was thrown out and her skull
IOWA CITY The Boston Piano and m'ubIo
company has incorporated at Iowa City
with a capital stock of 8100,000. W. F.
Main Is president, his son, Fred W. Main,
vice president, and Miss Susan F, Lus
combe, secretary.
NEWTON A phase of mystery surrounds
the death of Gorge Neshet. A miner of
eevers, who was found dead In hi
brother's home Thursday. He waa In his
usual health laat night. The coroner haa
not yet heen able to determine the cause
of the miner's- death.
MARSH ALLTOWN Frank B. Garvin,
.. .v
- .i . . rc?J
Bunnell .,
Frsllck .
Porter ....
fhepard .
Mots ....
'-r mi r . t gr i
A Mid-Season Purchase of 500 Suits and Overcoats from
Hart, Schaffner & Marx, coupled with our present big
stock, enables us to offer you for Saturday helling a lot of
$25.00 and $27.50 Suits and Overcoats at $19.75 An
unusual opportunity at this reason of the year. Overcoats
in nil styles', short or long, velvet or convertible collars,
etc. Suits in all the latest weaves, colors and models, in
cluding the new "shape maker" models
Saturday '. . . . .
aged 68 veer, who for more than twr-ntv
year haa heen local freight agent for the
Northwestern, and who is one of the het
known railroad agent In loe.a. hss been
adjudged Insane and committed: to me ii
hospital at IndotKMulence.
BANCROKTSeatlng her 2-year-old Idld
In a high chair. Mr. T. P. Jacob went
to hang up some clothing. She was gone
only a few nilnutea, returning to find that
the child had 1iptert over on a red hot
stcva. Tha child was burned 0 badly
that It only lived a short time.
IOWA CITY One Saturday morning of
this week ten member of the Young Men's
Christian association of the Stat Univer
sity of loa will go to Orliincll. la., to.
attend the gospel team training conference
of Iowa rolleifes which will be held there
cn Saturday and Sunday of this week. Dele
gates from all other college or tn stai
of Iowa will attend.
LANSING Mall Carrier Sandeer Johnson
was iiorry for a time that he didn't have
two cork legs Instead of one. In hltchlnsT
up bis team he accidentally fell and broke
his good leg. He lot his cither leg some
five years ago by blood rnils.n. H hsi
already spent about two year In a hos
pital on account of hi leg and noW be
ha gone to La Crosse to try It again.
FORT DODO E Because the bonding com
pany withdrew surety In the caa of six
Minneapolis ft. St. Louis conductors, after
a recent Investigation, It Is stated here
they have been suspended from service.
The bonding company recently baa made
an Investigation sucrt a I made period
ically by such companies. The name of
the suspended men have not been divulged,
but thy have runs between Des MiMnes
and Albert Iea.
Catarrh is a deep-seated blood dis
ease, one which no amount of local
treatment will ever permanently cure.
The beneficial effects of washes,
6prays, inhalations, etc., are only
temporary, and when left off the oM
condition returns, because the blood
is infected with catarrhal matter and
impurities. This impure condition
of the circulation irritates and in
flames the delicate mucous mem
branes and tissues and produces the
well known symptoms of ringinp;
noises in the head and ears, mucus in
the throat, headaches, watery eyes,
partial deafness, sore throat, general
impairment of health, etc. This con
dition will remain, growing worse as
long as the catarrhal matter is al
lowed to remain in the blood. Beino;
a specific blood impurity, there is only
one way to cure Catarrh, and that is
to purify the blood. Nothing equals
S. S. S. for this purpose. It attacks
the disease at its head in the circu
lation -and by thoroughly renovating
the blood and
cleansing it of all
impure mattet,
makes a perma
nent and lasting
core of the dis
ease. For forty
years S. S. S. has
been recognized
as the best blood
purifier, and the thousands of cases of
Catarrh it has cured is proof that it is
the very medicine needed by those
who suffer with this trouble. Book on
Catarrrh and any medical advice free.
I 2 XX 8WUX ItEOITlO CO, AUaata, Ok.
F you want to keep
in touch with the
style of today, keep
in touch with us.
It you're the kind
of man who comes
for quality in clothes,
you echo the thought
of this house.
We place quality first, quality
of material, quality of workman
ship, quality of service in every
thing we sell, guaranteeing to
you the best obtainable, the best
produced, at any given price.