Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1910, Page 12, Image 14

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a o a zz tx,ia:a a d a .a a anno a ca n can
" ' Special Sale
at $10.00
flrores of pretty up-to-date
styles In coats that
are .practical for winter;
Ions seml-fltted styles
, .plain colors and imtrt
14 IlllAlurrB. . .
"' "' "' ' " '"" """" 1 1 ' i" mm..w ima
Special Sale & Vool Dresses - $6.98
01 51
We bought 400 stunning new
wool dresses, very stylish new
creations of serges, veilings,
worsteds, broadcloths, etc.
they are plain tailored and
trimmed nil the newest style
iieas of the season colors are
navy, black, brown, green, light
blue,' tan, wisteria, rose, etc.
' Many of these are samples and
odd garments.
These Pretty
Dresses Are
Worth $10.00,
$12.50 and .
$15.00, at
SJ, Special Purchase of Women's
m Pure Thread Silk Hosiery
yjh Plain and fancy silk embroid
ered boot patterns, , all silk
: fand silk ,with wide lisle' gar
iter tops, lisle soles, double
ttfyv hjeels and, tbes, black, white,
'$nk; ' sky ' and other colors.
j) Actually worth up to $1.50 pr.,
'".just'the. thing to fi
Wr buy now for a V
Lf. Christinas present. . v V
(fl) M
AU Mlss.s- and fe'M l
Hats and Iff JH Ivhli'iuJ
- flJdini v i aznai aa m vc
i . 1 1 .yu
Uii iiusiui y
Sig visit our loy and lion imposition ibis Week
TIH IS OlrtlBO WTtl-Wi ar showing- a much larrsr and fat
ar frada of Toys ana XoUs th ysar than srar osfors. I.t th llttl
ou thJa latcrvntlnr diapUy. They'll rvmambcr It aa btnr on of Uia
batipt hnara of their lit: Coma and ty aa long- jon with.
7 T7T TTT3 Enfn
(1 10 KM St I i IV
WbUa down town at soon time, taka your noon
lonoliooB Is out Taa Boom Bakary.
Special Sale
at $5.00' J
Up-to-date, knew atyla
la Totles." sanamis. wor- kH
ateda and aergt -blacks
and all color ahlrta that
are worth up to 8. '
in i t m r
H I I i 1 I
S3 0
' All Oar Wobii'i
Munslng Underwear for women,
misses and children fine,
medium and heavy welghta
fleecy lined, etc.
Women's Union Suits Fine rlb-
. bed cotton, fleecy lined; white
only; worth up to
$1 at
Children's Underweary
rlbbed, fleecy lined
Pants and Drawers,
all sizes at, pair. ..
a. y .
Ml. , .
"u u Another Demonstration of the
The Cjnljr insured sewing machine a twentieth century r.iaarvel.
Mr. Fltxgerald, the factory expert, here for three days: commenclnK
j jqursuay, uewauer i, in new sewing macmne aeyariment. .
ruurniAa book.
1 Ign J
Firt lfew Builiing of tlia University
.1 1 U ::. ot'Ojnalia. ' v V ';
Dr. H. H, Marnsrd, Ir tho ' Corner-
' ion and W. T.' Graham riarra
' Valaablea .Therein-Balldlaat
thm Gift of Hair.
.Tha corncrttonS Of tn gymnasium of the
Vnlverrlty of Omaha, ,tha first building to
be arected on the campua, was laid, Wed
neIay noon. '-Tha atrvlcea, owing to the
cold weather, ,wer brief. Tha program
consisted of! Invocation, Rev. J. S. Eber
sole oflhe Ipjmanue) Baptlat church;
placing ; box In the stone by W. T. Gra
ham, secretary -tif tha Doard of trustees;
pitting o.Ihe cornerstone. Dr. IL H. May
nard, vice president; dedication prayer. Dr.
F. T. House ; addresa,-Judge Howard Ken
nedy; address, kac Carpenter; address
and benediction! '"Iter.- 'Julius 8. ' SchwarU.
Tha Jbo , contained ' the copies of the
three dally newspapers of November 90; an
announcement of tha university,' published
June 10,. 1910; tlje Poomerang, the first stu
dent publication, or November 19.' 1910; the
nivereltjv Reporter, j(vnaei date of ,De
ormher 1; a Copy of the charter artd by
laws; an alDhabettft t of tha students,
faculty and Viitt 3,ljf; trustees.
'Itaao CarunteV srtoke of the value 'of
the college to Omah and mankind arid ofX
thA pleasure the Students will enjoy In
attsr -ears-tor having been the first stu
dent i,s v i ' ' f'
Judia Keanedy, entl'haslsed the fact that
thl bujldlna.lA-iiot Jha gift of one man.
Soma have gWQn money, aorne time and
others materia'. J.He-said In closing that
this la to be tply" the precursor of a num
ber of buildings pljlch are to follow.
Rev. Boharti has f ba supervision of the
areotlon of jilvf gyrpaaslum and has been
vary active Jn gathering the materials used
ltr -lta construction. : The foundation was
gathered from msny places, and, is' Mr.
6ch warts skid, ;V;'fhia Is symbolical of the
prent student, body, for they are 'the
real foundation of 'the institution and be
caysa of tli ,(,arl(y of students.
The bulldljtg' la Sax 101 and faots the east
Tbere are u;ii roenjs which will be used
by ah (h lt adir-otor and alliletlo man
agers. TUe foundrJon Is, eight feet deep
and 'on thla rest, tM walla of. red pressed
brtca. ',. . j: . ' "
1 ' ' ii i I . '
American Musio Hall
to Reopen This Year.
Says EmiPBandeis
Owner is Kot Nowe'parisd to Say
Just what the Attractions ,
WiU Be.
The American Muslo hall will be re
opened before the first. .of year," raid
Emll Brandels. "You can go as strong as
you like on that. More I can't say now.
It Is a long way between New York and
Chicago, and San FrBcB.T ,t
Manager Pile left Wedjfed'ay for New
York where he has a pfjfortv Mr. Hie
could have had the , in W;V brent of the
house again when it reoUensl ut he 'pre
ferred to accept a .Newl York r offer with
William Morris. Inc.
Week of New IUunU 4 l-trtduotlona.
The up-to-the-minute rbrs from the
new operettas and munlctl comedies re
cently introduced In AhK-rrCa Kav-" Jye'. 1 een
transplanted to this cltr-T new Victor
Records for December. Include .a rjiOBt at
tractive list of production fynbers, given
by the best singers and 'pWars, and every
one can now enjoy tbe,Wyr of the big
musical successes. , . i
The pretty, ballad, 'The Virl of My
freams,". f rom the nlardf1. th same name
is pleasingly rendered Tiyry Maodon-
ough and the Haydn Quartet. "Alma" is
a most entertaining little number from
"Alma, Where Do You Live t" rendered by
Mlsa Barbour and Mr. Anthony.
The records of a new trombone aolo by
Arthur Pryor h worthy of particular men
tion because thla artist hasn't had much
time, to devote to solo work since the or
ganisation of his band, and thla new num
ber "Polka Fantastic", shows the same
wonderful skill and golden tone which
made him celebrated as ' the greatest of
players on this Instrument Pryor'a Band
plays two new successes the rollicking
"Orlssly Bear" and the graceful two-step
tntermesso. "Indian Summer" and a
movement from the great "Pathetic'; 8ytn
pnony ay xscnalkowsky. "Way Down In
Half Million Christmas "Pasters!' on
' Sale Tomorrow." "
Governor, and Mayor Expected to Call
jAttentloa of Public to Charier i, .-
t Registered IV arses Boost'
.- ' ' t ' ..."
Today Is 'seal day. In almost every
town in the United Htates the red cross
seals sold to bring In revenues for the fight
against tuberculosis will go on sale. The
Omaha! office of . the ' Anti-tuberoulisls as.
sociatlon. which has charge of Nebrarh
sales, has 400.000 lalea out through tin-
atate and 100 merchants in, 0:naha will
offer 100,000 of them. In tin automobile fur
nished by the Derlght Automobile company,
Mrs. K. R. J. Edholm, executlvo secretary,
will ; deliver stamps nnd have them in
readiness. Post cards wilt be sent out la
all fScal and state merchants no that tlie
will be reminded that today . Is the day to
oegin their work for the cautd..
The governor has been asked "to issue a
proclamation concerning the seals and to
use them on official stationery . and It' is
probable ,that the mayor will be asked to
do the same thing. : . '
In Omaha 'several devicea for furthering
tne lae never before tried are betn
plsnned. The Nebraska . Association of
Registered Nurses, through the efforts of
the local office and th,e national secretary
of the .Red Cross society hfes bean given
permission to establish a booth In the cor
ridor of the postofUce and sail tha seals, '..
Thursday We Offer Some Bare
fj Values j'a Ladies' Wearing Apparel
Ladles' Wool Dresses Regular
m $18 ivalue, Thurs- 1
J day 'only. at.. VlaCf
M TbeW,'dresRes are all wool panamas, in
Black, Navy and Brown, plaited skirt.
trie a!st tailored with the wide-shouldered
effect, and Gibson plaits on the
slde-iTheir are our regular $18 dresses
reduced specially for
i only. . .i. '.
SO Bsantlfm Tailored Telvst Ureases Just
purchased by our New York buyer at
a 'greatly reluced price on acount of de
lved shipment and canceled orders. They
kra .well mede in soft dslnty Velvet
ehadYa of Navy, Green, Brown, Wine and
. Hlack. .Trimmed to give the very smart
. est New York style effects. Made to sell
.. ana actually worth S5, quick selling ot
ler ior inursaay, your
. choice for
A hour' 60 women's tailored suits made of
plain Broadcloth and light mixture goods.
our regular tit suits, special
Thursday, '.at.
Ctantlnnatioa Bala
Choice .of . any of
our . hand talloied,
high, grade Ladies'
Wool Units. Including
th- famoas. Woollen
garments also all
black --wool suits
T.?.p.t... $5
Any Ladles' Col
ored Cost In
the housn worth
up to $45, un
reetricted choice for only
II 13 X
LLJ1 ,i
it u
1 f U
n i
(Jor Twice a Year douse Dress Sale
I Every slit rrlontha we go through our large
stock (of house dresses and take out all the
broken sU,.put them in one great lot re
gardless or "their former price and sell them
uli at one greatly reduced price.
Yesterday was culling day. Thursday we
will place'oit sale about 275 house dresses
-. actually worth from. 12.60 to (3, made of
fine- gingham and percale in light and
dark colors,. CI
at, only .. .-L 1.V9
.One Large .Table Heaped , full of
dressing sacks for women made
of fancy- striped Eiderdown in
Blue, Pink and Gray
at ...59:
New Lot of Taffeta 811k
Waists Tailored Taf
feta Silk Waists In
Brown, Navy and Black
Exceptionally values
at $5.00, Thursday big
special at
-A big
Jersey Top Petticoats 91.93.-
. aaie inursuay of about 200 popular
Jersey top petticoats with deep
flounce of black mercerized cloth
and satin, rexularllv sold at II 75
ana a.oo reduced Thurs- 1 c
day to.
fee) sort of "SURE" about
ear and looks of a shoe ifs
Hmaker, .?? Is it to you
;v3 You
r A the i
-1 "Tin
Agency f ir lr. UchI'm Cushion Bole
Shoes for Men and Women.
Regent Shoe Co., 205 S. 15th St.
All ' Present Indications fihovr
December Will Be n Bis;
Month. '
: ' v 't
eunsaali Of lielals Deelao to Re
ptsie Ikt' 'Darsra Plant at '
V s ',' 'sr.
At, a meeting WsOnesday morning of the
dlrrrtors t National Lumbar, Box. and
J'ackage cr(3j sny, t w hose plant at Tenth
an.l toward striata was destroyed by fire
Tuesday alghtv it ,was decided to rebuild
th flant at onta. ' )
L. J. N.lia, - provident of the company
saij1 that th4 iisw phvnt would probably be
Hrker than tha 'one' which burned.
""e have not derided the matter defl
nilyl' k. tT. '"and -cannot at thla time
saywhat will i t tis coet of the new plant,
but wi intend to rebuild immediately and Id
all probability on a larger plan than before.
had used W plant since the company
we.1 orgSulsed two years ago. Tba bustnesa
had au' Increased , that wa had InUnded,
bulkling on, to It"
Kr, !.'lur. aaJd the fire was thought to
have started by Someone who slept in a pile
of hsy at the south of the building. - "The
rr started in tt.e shed of the plant against
V.U h tha hay had- been piled. "The blase
esjqhl not havo started from defective elec-.
Irla. wiring. Thera wore no wires la the.
abl," ae sal - 1 ' . j
Cotton Town." a pretty , littler ballad ail
about a southern village and a Dixie .sweet
heart, la sung in quaint minstrel dialect
by Billy Murray, supported by the'Xmerl
can Quartet. . .
Three Christmas numbers are to ba- found
in the list of Red Seal Records. Evan Wil
liams sings them and he haa perhaps no
equal as an interpreter of the tenor muele
of the Messiah and is at his best In these
two lovely aire, "Ev'ry Valley ghafl Be
Exalted" and "Comfort ' Ye My People,"
as well as In a famous Christmas song,
"The Star of Bethlehem." Maud Powell
playa superbly a violin -number of rare
beauty. "Der Zephlr," by Hubay, a noted
Hungarian composer. A famous Kipling
ballad. "Rolling Down to Rio." la brilliantly
sung by Herbert Wltherspoon, who gives
.... JU mi ioucn or numor It re-
quires, and this artist also gives a most
Impressive rendering of a Stabat Mater air.
Johanna Oadakl sings two Mo tart num
bers and her auperb renditions make It
fully apparent that she has the euaUflca
tlons to properly Interpret the musc of this
master; and Marcel .Jouraet Wnga -Lepor-ello's
famous "Catalogue Pons" from nF.
pOtorannl with all the sly humor, 'gaiety,
t enument ihch It require
' ' ft Money la Identified
TArOO CITY. Mlsa, Nov. 0.ldentlfl
cation of the allefced bribo ' money was
continued la the bribery rase of L-.C.
Dtllaney. bar. today. J. J. Mcerbrough
coahler it the Bank of PoplarvlH.. IdenU
fied on. note of his bank. It mas issued
March 1, laiO. ten days sfter th. alls4
payment i.f th. last lnsiallm4t of the
bribe money. -
Big receipts In primary markets are ecc
I pected by all grain centers ' thU month:
The expectation is not without Justifica
tion because of consignments already made
and n transit and of the orders -sent for
consignments. '. '. "
Receipts . for November, 1918,' in Omaha
as in-all other primary markets are lower
tban last year'e. ' :
keep your teeth
vvhiteavnd sound,
your breath
sweet until old
;a?i Uemove
tat tar, will not
cratch en&meL
25 50a
at All DrugaUta.
Special Sale in
B o 7 ?
Blouces for
Reruai kab'l e
at. .3
Thursday We Offer Some Wonderful
Values in Boy's Suits.
, In our Boys' Clothing department you will find
the very best makes of boy's clothing. Tailored lu
fabrics that were made to defy the rough knocks
that boys always give their suits.
For Thursday we will sell all the odd sizes of our
' regular 13.60, 4 and 14.60 suits at a quick cleanup
price. Thesa suits come In Cheviots, Berges, Cassl
meres and Worsteds In all the proper shades for this
year.: The pants are made plain or Knickerbocker.
They are all well tailored In styles that makes th
uwy prouu ui niiuaeii. xnursaay
Values,, at.
No Better .Diamonds and Watches Any where
Than those ,ln tha Bennett's Jewelry department We have entered. In the
diamond aind 'watch business determined to make Bennett's the largest
and most reliable merchants In the Middle West in these high grade llnea
Our' stock' lnvoices over $26,000. Nowhere can you find a larger and more
Alert stock to phnnmtt from '
Ladles '0' Vise Jilgln watch in ai Men a Elgin. 16-Jeweled watch in a
guarantee!! '20-year gold filled case.l . Jo-year guaranteed gold filled case
-W'i:!! ,wa!!;h.'fh.u.r.";$9.98 &rUlJ, r.b.?; $9 98
Men's, ThlrfiModel Amerioan Genuine Gun Metal Watches ti na
special .At. .i 4.Vo
All sizes of Elgin, Waltham and Hamilton Watches sold here'" Come In
and You'll be surprised at the completeness of pur stock.
I - da
Early winter social functions at hand.
Get the correct in footwear HERE.
"Dorothy Dodd" dress styles dainty as
slippers In a varley of patterns for
afternoon teas, dinner parties or for the
theater. Priced most moderately at
$4.00, $4.50 and $5.00
. Sole Agents in Omaha.
Cincinnati Routo
IF D P B d : B
Through Sleeping Car leaves Chicaco t 9:05 P. M.
Arrives Jacksonville early second morning, via
Big Fomr Koytie
Choice of many routes poing and returning.
Dining Car for all meals.
Tlekcts and full Information on application to your
- . Looal Acent or to
Osn. Agt. Pass. Dept., 1
383-4-8 City Mat'l Bank
Bldg., OMASA
Osn. Psss. Agent
Warran J. Lynch
Pasaenger ' Traffic J
. Manager '
Us for
Our system of midday dining service Is such
a decided advantage over the old bill of fare
method that many people seem to think ours Is
a luncheon service, pure and simple. The fact
of the matter Is that our brekfasts and suppers
are even more satisfying than our luncheons,
admitting pt course that betterment is possible.
Try them once.
Breakfast, 0 to 10. Lunch, 11 to 8.
Supper, S to 8.
.Entrance on Sixteenth Street I
tit Fountains & Elsewhero
. Ask for
Tht Criminal and Genulnt
r.lALTED r.i I L(
Thi Food-drintc for ASI Aget.
I At restaurants, hotels, and fountains.
; Delicious, invigorating and sustaining.
Keep it on your sideboard at home.
Don't iravel without iU
A quick lanck prepared In a rnlmife.
Taks no imitation. Just tay UORUCK'S."
in fJa Combino cr Trust
bautiful Tooth
Ti j
Tbsr are but few people who have
tbeiik. Good Tea-lb everjr one mlgbt have
l they would g to Dr. Bradbury, lb
auicseet. easiest and least painful are
tbe only ' uiatnods employed by us and
SundredS uf ' our pstlents, both lu and
out of th city, will gladly tell you abuui
Vlie good dental worn and our up-to-dal.
ays of doing things. Crowns snd br'ls.
worK from- ti.OU per tooth. Plates thai
fit from 14 0 to Il2.l. painless extrac
tion of teeth. Mervea of tseth reuiove.l
without -hurting you. Work warrant!
ti ii sara..-. ,.
IT ysaxa sama location.
IMS Taraam ruif S. 1731
: .Id518 Douglas St.
- Candy special for Friday.
Qenuine Mexican Penochis, reg
ular 40c1drid, at per iound 25c
rrwd fonJ. ,1'rea. . M. A. Bhaw. Mgr
tUs.oo ipBdd in rsuiodling. f urnlabiog
sr.a 4u.uo., Ins.. rooms with not aae
oeid wer bath nearby, ll.tu au4 up pr
asy. 1Si rooms wlia tub-, nail auowar baiu.
vliculaHi't.e 'watr. $2 ana uu per aay.
Kewnsf sad finest cafe la the city, with
the must .Laautiiul einctrlunl iouotaln is
Aiiierla. Our favilltlaa fur blgh ciaaa ar
tea sie unscptiuual. and similar to ius
bat hotels la his Torn. Teu can pay
guubln hm ratan ft yeur aooooiuuKiaUuma
Ku g nnrtuing (wiiv
The season of Colds, La
Grippe and Pneumonia is
here. If you want to pro
tect your health
Avoid Cold Feel
"We have a shoe that is a
sure cure for cold feet and a
protector of health, in our
Cushion Sole Shoes
Both a non-conductor of
heat and cold any one who
has suffered from cold feet
can find immediate relief in
these shoes.
They are made on a com-'
mon sense last and fitted
with a soft, porus felt cush
ion insoles that give a soft,
firm foundation. The only
real cushion sole shoe on the
Men's . . .
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam St.
WiTaiTs Dante! Rooms
17th and Farnam is the ;
Ideal Location for An Attorney
The nearest office building to the court houso
and to. the city hall, is the most convenient loca
tion for the attorney. Naturally, the courts and '
city and county offices are the centers of the
greater part of the legal work in the city. If you,
are looking for an office, this reason is in itself
sufficient for you to selecl
The Bee Building
Room 820 On the third floor; room 20x19 ft., haa
vault, fronts north and west Price 40.00 per month.
Iloom 218 On the second floor; room 8x20 ft.,
fronts north. Price $12.00 per month.
Room 613 On the sixth floor; room 15x16 ft.,
fronts on the fine court of the building. Price $18.00
per month. , -'
Rooms 420-428-430 Now divided Into four rooms,
but may be changed to suit tenant. Has 1167 square
feet floor space with large vault. Fine north and east
light. Rent $115.00 per month.
The Bee Building Company
Dee Business Office
17th and Farnam Sts