tiii: m:r,: omatta, Monday, novemhkh inio. Western Bowlers Make Strikes and Spares in Competition for Mid-West Prizes 10 DUFFYS LEAD IN FIRST DAY! I St Lonii Bowlrri Boll Up Score of 8,909 in Annual Mid-Wnt j TWO CHICAGO TEAMS COMING Illlaal Atdltllf flah aw Ibalmer I e Ire. It I IN nwurri i . . OlimkM aa Jfll" ISal Top Ton!"!. Tying the h'.chrM s.we marie t th tournament last vr.ir the Puffy 1enm of St. Louis bowled MV at tl o ..iMtilns of tti fourth annual Mid-West How lion awwla Hon tournament at li undni'd ' Saturday night. An cnthuilnstk' yelling crowd that Vt foot hull rooter to shame fillet the hull ami cheered s eaih man rolled hi .tall fur a strike. Opening nrffflif" were made ty Fost mster P F. Thorn. rrrslilent of the ;imn!.a MM-Wi-M l'.o ling ss.iiatlin; .leorise Miot. ir. sl.li-nt or tho Mid-West ksMtciation: Acting Mavor of Omaha. Prurkot; P.nlpU Sunderland, president of tho Ac? club. Htiil t'l.ngreseman-eleel t O. obeok. "AH strikes and no spares." i Thomas' riotto anl "Weli-one ami Sni'oem tl All." a tli pl"t of tleorge Stroti talk. lohcok and Hrtirker l'th nave welcomes but Ralph Sunderland had the real mes sage. "I don't know anything about bowi ng." ha admitted, "hut you look good to me and Omaha and tho Ad club aelt-ome ou here." Thomas, libera. Sundorlnnd ntwl Prui kei each rollod a tail to Unit the gam. Thomas and Sunderland uinnag.'d to diai; down seven I'lna eiuh. Lobock four, but Prucker got ol'ly llirre. v rerltiia t . Howling was slft and fust for th rest of tha evening The L'nffy took tha firat tame si 4, to tha Hudwelsur und l'iela' sec ond with W. and Hie OJto Slufi'1' Th liudwalaers caina atrong In the second with a l.CM game, but the Puffya, when It eame to totala on tha three games, had the high at aiora. Tha aeeond squad on the alleya connlatod of tha thre St. l4ul tem-the Falataffa, ! Pot on. and th American Howling tun gresi tournament team; and tha Kansas City team, the Urunswlck-Iialke-Oollender Cvo. The Kansas City team ciiino firm 'of tha four ending with 2.T1 and the A. B. C.'a next with 1.564. The Landlng of the eight teams la a folio wa; OUFFTSI, ST. LOP1S. 1st. '.'.I. S.1 Total. o: M7 t.HUU Total. fcs2 b, 404 Martin Kern T. Lmpei tL leu .... J. I'flurgar Ai Jellleon . 2.(7 1KI 1 73 1X1 171 242 172 140 20l Total Kit 976 1.07 UUDWEISKR. KT. LOUIS. 11. 2d. W. J. Wllaon 1 S4 203 B. O'Hrlen W7 177 ls3 U. Uruiia 14.7 IH ltd C. A. Yogel 14 221 14H A. lie'.l 177 2.IU ISO Totala K8 1.030 Ks4 UKOROB t)IKLil, ST. LOT.' Pi. t.772 1st. 2d. id. Total. W. n. Uualck C. M. Parker . jB. Oruhb tl Vlaeaon .... 4uie be bum t .. , l:0 . 4 , 127 . ls5 , 20 lf7 i;4 24 ls 244 201 4k4 but 147 210 1M Totala V& t,7 CITY. BRU N S tV 1C K-B A LK K, KANSAS int. 2.1. 3d. Total. K. Spellman j, Gorman .. L Siwllman K. bhepherd . lUley .... ltd 1 174 7 lil ll! 1M 14& 1M lii 177 4V.I (.; 60,. Ml. 622 tl? BT. 11.H lsi 2M Totals 843 845 93 .MtlUCAN BOWI.IXU CONQRK.S8, . . LOC18. 11. fllmer Vaughn 1 . J, Bweney 1m B. H. OUhuley is, tarl Waller Si U. A. Unk 1M Id. d. Total. P7 11.7 524 111 178 4.8 134 170 4n lf7 17 it l&S 170 617 788 371 1.654 LOUIS. 2d. td. Total 151 l.W 4"0 175 175 Mi 146 143 4.2 2v2 140 6J8 165 177 60V 828 778 1,474 8T. LOI1S. 2d. 3d. isatal. 159 h0 K 117 174 4. 141 142 4.4 1M ls 637 142 ltM 603 742 870 2.414 . ixa'is. 2d. 3d. Total. 124 141 414 13ti l.S 424 174 1H3 6 126 171 U 176 ltt 515 736 K!3 t.421 ef Tmsu, Totals 8H O8. ST. lt. 171 UA 134 lvi 177 tV. Orop.... tk. Franck W. JackM r. Khuska 4Y. thaw Totals 1st. ..ISO ..lt ..141 ,.14 ,.1S Jack Selbert... A. GreMiow..,. J. Itly P. Pitta U. B. Jarrctt.. Totala .....H..6 FAXSTAFFS. ST 1st ...153 ...11 ...1W ...205 ...17 Jaoger Him on BielnrrauX Idaain Haiti , Totala....... S5i t. Lla Pr.al St Louis la proud of the seven teams It Bent and they will undoubtedly give a good account of themselves aa all are orgar.tsa lions with a good record behind them. The Bit of teams la: Budwelser, with R. J. O'Brien, captain; Puffya, with J. J. Ffeu- ger. captain; Oeorge Dials, with C. M Barker, captain; Otto F. Stelfela. with B. E. Jarrctt. captain; Falstaffs; Da Kotos, 1th Chaw, captain, and tha A. B. C.'a. The Kansas City five Is captained by II. Oorman. The Budwelaer team holds the present championship of the middle west and Is going to try and keep It. The team average of tha five Is SCA and It holds the St. Louis lilgh score for one game, L076. A. Bell and R. L. Hliss of the Budwclaera also hold th two-men championship of middle-west bow I era George Urupe, one of the members, holds a high average of SlO. From these records It will be a fast five men that knock down more plus than this 8L Louis bunch and take the prise money. Lsurtt Issi 1 PrUee. A meeting of th association officers was held Saturday afternoon and the list of prises made out. Another meeting will be held Sunday afternoon and another pre si dent and the officers for the coming year cbosen. Prises for the 1)14 tournament amount to I23S6. Th following Is the list: ' All Kvents F1rt prise, 126: second. 120 third. fourtn, !0; firth. liO. Total V. rive-Men Team rlrst prise. 1176; second t'50; third, tl2u; fourth. HOO; fifth, 175; aixth, 1; aevenlh, too; eignm. o. ninth. ti5 tenth. o; e eventh. JjO; twelfth, 2i; tlilr- teenth. 8. J otal, K3. Twu-Men Pirst prjse, 1138; second. t115 third, tivw: fourth, (a0; fifth. V. sixth. tv, seventh. $40; eighth. 130; ninth, t-v); tenth, t'.5; elevenui. lii; twelve pruts of 10 each. Total, :. One-ii an First prise, 1100; second, tVyi tUrd. i.i: fourth. jVi. fifth. 856; mxih. li evnth. 4o; eighth. J.O; ninth. ; tenth, Jji; e.eventh, 1-4, twelfth, 1.6; fifteen prises f lie eacn; twenty-one prises of 40 eacA, Total, liu flatter of tha Plaa. Tho first gajne all the t'lel men got strike, borne ciaaa there. Al Jelllaon has a beautiful hop on on foot, when he gets a strike. Mania Kerns u the first man to roll ait error. In spite of this ha got away u 1U1 Des Molne bowler will 00m In Wednes day noon on Sxn lul train, biul and all th.i.ga Tbey waul that tournsjiieui. "lf tt,y nuke me bowl after o'clock I'll ta up fcll nlgJit." threatened Swney. "You -e 1 have to be awake at 8 In tl. luol III UK " To Chluao tttnii arrive today, th P.l.iuia Ai .. iio ciuo ai.U the Cualmeia- ln'roit T'.ey wll b'Wl In Jhe evening ilia tjiuutibu team of Ooluiuutia, THK 1.I.AIMNO PATSMKN WHO 0ndll w Y.-rk. : Uitotliv Poann ; M,(wv j'h la.lelphla. - rnilell, Ptitnl.iira iiiimn, t htrano .ni-nUr.!i Ntv Yoik, auner. I'ltlKhurij COMPM-.TK HKi'(H!S OP HATSMKN, 1 14 Ah. It. IT 17 I's i;o m K.4 14R 114 LIS Th. ll 2 .1 J :J lil Knneichy, St lOU:a 'hm-c, I'hliaco Mrrkle New York Ilohliliell, ' nciniiBll l"lnn, INi IntiuiK Ooyle. s- Y'ork llucKlns, St l.nula ", n, t'h oiiyo Kiinl..., rhllHdcli'hla .... I.oherl, Clnrlnnatl I;yrne. PIMnIuiib Mowiey m l.o il tiiant. i'hllailelphln .... tA'airner. Pittsburg Tinker. I'h rnk'o Ptiilwell, Ne York I 'ow ney. t'lnolnnntl Sweeney, Itoaton Ooolan. Phllndrlihla Zimmerman, fhleiigo .. IHntt. Putehiira YhiIi, Philnilelilnn Knne. ChlraKO Mi:ivren. Hro.iKlvn I'lctrhrr, New York Si (4 7i. r. :u !; 101 -7 7S 41 lot 141 I A nil ri 11 1 :: i;i m; 4 ; .l &10 175 1 11 l' 124 251 so ls:l 210 us .5 KM 178 l!l ! .114 1 IS I'oj 178 i:ts l.'w 178 l.W 1 I'i 102 !.:;! 141 95 4i! ) r 4S 2.8 29 172 92 15 127 152 149 MS 152 M7 MS 8.1 172 141 ht I. '.2 ST" 70 554 473 4'iJ 87 8 ' Wl! 315 1 .5 212 112 21.1 1. .. 6l! 477 ;fi 4'8 4 659 r6 90 4S 74 43 41 tS ;t5 19 23 11 19 12 15 110 42 S3 119 91 92 93 C.3 79 48 19 7S 78 132 141 !"! 117 143 Rl 41 117 30 t4 44 23 164 74 135 112 131 130 1i4l mi 83 18 !'.". .12 4? ?13 12.1 211 171 : i 1-9 2.11 lsl 65 2M omlo. Motion .Mmko. I'IiiIhiIi lohla hipI'IhII. rMlsbuiii Ilofniau. ChlHci noiliirxaa. New Yolk... Patea. Phllndelnhla I v ore. New York rhillle, 1'hlcnKo l'akeri. C ni'lnnntl Mitchell. I 'Incliinatl 141 MA f.v3 130 IS3 4.1 IM ir.il liiii tov Millrr. I hl-Homon 1'ecl.rr, New Y'ork Wheat. Hrooklyn Murray, New York Wllron. Plitaburg Peck Ponton I .eat It. I'lttNhiirg I'liiimiont. riilciico 14S r.53 153 2i8 14H 5.W 69 143 r.a r.7 i0 153 571 2.17 1S9 59 96 133 1-29 173 287 Ill 46 76 Ml 76 SeMiiour, New York Meyer. New York oithitm. ltoton HreenahHii. St. I.oul.. Clnrke. IMnrlnuatl Kllng. fhoauo Wllaon, New Y'ork Phelpa. Ht. I.oula lhon. I'ltthurg Archer, Chicago Crandall, New York 41 71 10 tS 31 I 4 1 0 ..143 Am, Nw York (1 1 ; 11 IB 1 0 1 t 0 .177 Wllhelm. Hrooklyn 15 1 t 10010 .SI YVUtaa, New York..!.... 8 74 It 17 4 0 0 6 1 .17 I'rennan. Philadelphia.. 212f 1 7 T 00001 .tl M. Prown. Chicago...... 4tl03 I IS 13 12061 .175 White, PoHlon-llttahurg S3 52 14 17 10 0 10 .2 Ferguaon, Ponton 2I40 1 7 11 10120 .175 Hum. Clnrlnnatl... SI 61 ft pt 17 10 0 10 .2i;2 Schettler, Ph ladolphla. . 27 41 6 7 7 00011 .171 Mclntire, 4'lilcag-o 24 rg t 17 22 I 0 1 S 0 Wlllla, Ht. I.oula UStW 6 11 13 01040 .H!7 Mathawaon. New York. 38 107 tS 8S S 1 1 4 1 .2t4 PUKRa, Cincinnati 3(1 8 7 14 0 1 1 0 1 0 .15 Piiruer. Hrooklyn 35 104 7 24 .11 t t 0 t 0 .231 Peeb. Cincinnati SIS 71 I 12 14 0 10 10 .14 Cole. Chicago 33 SI 7 11 2fi 110 8 1 .231 Mattem. Boston 61 M I . II IS 1 0 0 10 0 .lfi3 Moor, Philadelphia 4 87 1 20 24 I 1 0 t 1 .230 Koxen, Phlladel-Phloe-go 11 26 1 4 4 00010 .1'0 Rowan, Cincinnati 42 S3 1 11 in 1 0 0 1 1 .2.1:4 Raymond, New York.... 11 1 I 10010 .H6 Push. tit. lul MM I 11 n 1 t 0 0 t .2M Moren. Philadelphia M 71 8 11 1(1 11001 .149 Kw'nx, Phlladolpha 34 M 7 20 27 5 1 0 4 0 . 223 McQuillan. Philadelphia 14 47 I T 8 10060 .149 Phlll ppe. Pittsburg 31 41 1 (13 10 110 .230 Curtis, Boston 11 II I 12 13 1 0 0 2 0 .146 Pnicke. New York 34 70 8 13 23 Silt 0 . .214 Boll. Brooklyn 44 7 B IS 14 1 0 0 2 0 .134 Maddnx, Pittuburg 20 21 S 6 7 10001 .214 Camnlti, nttahura; 81 M i U 15 10 17 0 .12n Pucker, Brooklyn 41 110 6 13 H 1 0 0 4 0 ,2 Overall, Chicago 14 41 4 I 6 1 0 0 6 0 .12-2 Richie, Boston-Chicago. 32 44 , 15 4 10 10 .2i Oaspar. Cincinnati 4 87 t 10 12 1 0 0 1 0 .115 Scanlan, Brooklyn 84 S 1 14 17 , S 0 0 1 0 .203 Packman. Ht. Ioula MSI 14 7 11000 .114 Charles Brown, Boston. 4H 81 6 16 24 8 1 1 6 0 .193 Kallee. Ht. Louis 13 87 1 4 4 OOOtO .108 Corridon, Ht. I-oula 80 M 1 10 12 t 0 0 1 0 .1 Reulbach. Chicago N It 4 6 6 0 0 0 1 .107 Adams, Pittsburg 84 83 14 19 1 0 0 6 0 .11I Stack, Philadelphia..... 2086 l't t 00 011. 083 Frock, Plttsburg-Doaton 4il 84 6 1 1 0 0 0 6 1 .10 Pessau, Brooklyn 19 15 111 0 0 0 1 0 .W7 Burke. Boston )2l 1 4 6 10010 .190 I.eever, Pittsburg 26 81 i i i 00010 .065 Harmon, Ht. Ixinls 48 74 11 14 20 4 1 0 4 1 .1S4 Knetier, Brooklyn...... 20 88 K i t 0 3 1 .053 Lelfleld, llttsburg 40 60 11 IS I 0 0 0 .183 j R. It. Th. 715 1 391 1854 711 1333 1922 O. Ab. 165 60.11 154 4977 154 6125 166 6121 New York.. Chicago .... Ittxhurg .. 656 1364 1813 Cincinnati . 620 1326 1703 NOTES Number of plavera participating In rae. 254; Cincinnati. 41; Pt. Louis. 86; Boston, SS; Philadelphia, 33; Pittsburg. 83; Brooklyn, 81; New York, 28; Chicago 27. Ten played with two club. Played full schedule: Mitchell of Cincinnati and Whont of Brooklyn. Most runs: Msgee 110. Stolen bases: Besoher. 70. Pac.riflce hltsi Knabe, 37. Single game hntt'mr feat. team. Boston against Philadelphia, October 422 hits, with total of 17 bases. Individual: Zimmerman. at Cincinnati, October 8 t hits, with tolal of 11 buses. Most home runs: Schulte and Beck, 10 each; triples, Mitchell, 11; doubles, Byrne, 43. Neb., and th Jotter Gold Top of South Omaha. D. J. Sweeny, who holds all kinds of high score records, got loose In hi second me and finished with the low score ot Hie night, 112. At the meeting today the election of of ficers and the place ot next year tourna ment come up. Ht. Joe, Ucs .Moines ana Kansas City all want the event. H Masson started with a beautiful pickup. "Nothing doing." said B. U. Bar rett and duplicated. "Watch me," warns Bell, lie got two of tnrm, both splits. Two teams scored over 1.0.X) In a single game, the Budwelaer five taking l.(W) for lis seiNiiia game auu ins I'uny s i,ui ior their last game. Home strikes there also. J, Wilson of the Budwelser team got the first strike. Wilson was the only lutt handed bowler of the first s.iuad, but h gave a fine account ot iiiinseii, making cm. Jack Klebert waa th only man with a head gear. "What you got th cap for, Hlebert?" waa asked. "Sli-h-h. It keeps my hair from rising, whan I'm nervous and soared." Jullua Schmltt mad th high score of the evening, getting a to total, ms nign rst game score waa U44, which by the way was tn hlaiiest tame score or tne evening. 11. Dean came a close second to him, how- aver, getting Mi. Seventeen of th wire aocomnanld their husband to th tournament. Home of them ascert that th men ain't In It wltn tlH-m, when It come to real bowling. "Men re Just lucky only they're o low they don't know It," said on. She rune the bank account at home, too. BOWLING STANDINGS OF WEEK Perveataae aatl Marks of I.ooal Tea rta Player. Following era th standings of local bowler for tha week and team percentages: Commercial l.eaane. P. W. L. Pet. Pete Loch 27 22 6 .SIS Lu&ua SO 24 t .3(0 Omaha Bicycle Indiana.. 27 21 t .777 Btodegaard Crowns 24 15 .tiJi h rank a Colts 27 12 16 . 444 O'Brien's Monte Christo 27 7 20 .iV) Schroeder's Ht. James.... 30 4 24 . 2o0 A. Frick 41 Hon 30 4 26 .Ui Kuiw Usnwa. At. 1 Namaa. Oamas. At. 11 17 17 1TI 14 144 1H ...... 4 1U I! ll 17 lat U ltl 14 IM n 1J QilbrMlh 193; aoiomoa Martin tar lnw.awa.iar .... lhoaorg ....... M. Martin .... 11 (HlaiiacS w ar Cannaa lialiar W aakas Vuwa ttlt.rtcha COx'hrmA , 1H wra ....... Thotnas Klau.k , Lalar So4iumachr ... Nalaoo . .-.. w.U Brwc Kahr ktman gutlon ........ baaalls llll 6iinll ... 1 LayaiKlackar 1M. Kavl IU Svhuli 16 111 ainaldar . 84 U, ragrbrf .. tl UK, V'aniilar 81 l.i liougu M 114 Hrim.nl M. , II 114 K Vtorna . , 14 174 Huwi .... , II l: krug , tl 1 ri HcwTurS .... . IT lib Traj nor ... , 21 111 S4imas .. I lis Karr . II 13 Ooitiaimar . , SO 1711 Ihi.ihar .... , IM 113 Wllaon .... . a i s j. Morn . . 11 HI UOM , 1! 171 Kuah . tl Uv Kiki ft) 1, It 14 II l. II la7 It 15 21 l6 15 1A5 V IM II 1 it 14 , XI 154 II l.J U lit II Ht t Hi Metropolitan League. P. W. L. Pet. 15 II 4 .7.13 .... 24 17 .7t .... 24 16 8 .... 24 14 t .... 24 11 11 .641 .... 21 11 .SV .... 21 S 13 .M .... 27 16 17 .8.1) Harvey' Colt .. Maney Suuklat . PuHiofftca lnd'pendent lerty Woolen . Peselin Mixer ... I nets Association IdlewllJe Andy's Coll 21 4 15 .2V 21 IS .P At. Namaa. A. ... in Bartou Ul ... 11 How lal ... 7l. Laeuon 11 ... 1 Arnaaan lit ... W Lint. M ... la gputia l , ... 1. Hi((.na ' ... lau raaron 147 ... 4tV (infiub Ill ... 14 tlwima 17 ... ill Kuf. 144 ... 14J JacAaoal lil 1;X T l loamaaf ...m,.,. 1.1 , lw. sua w . u Pally N Ntiiua t'tt allormlck ... Ujnua brian (Ulihaia lduian ........ g. itu.uiaa ..... Illbaon Pol. l.r hayliaak M.,ru. Ortruaa Kalaon .. National League Batting Averages for Season 1910 p A HTPM PATF.il 1M F1FTKKN OR MOflK tl Ah. n. IT. Th. tit. HlVllr Kh.Hh pel. l Ah. R. II Th. 2H. tlt.llr.Sh th Pet. t :i in r : 14110 .ati wiiheim. Hronkim m ia 2 a loozo :n.; ?! M l.S m 41 N 4 0 4 5 .xr; l ol.crt. Clm lnnntl. :0 S14 41 f7 134 1 ?") 41 . 1.4 Mi II. I 171 S.1 S 17 6 ft 4 t: I Hntea. Phlldel.hla.. . . . 1:)1 4 l '1 ; Mil 1 19 ." 71 :2 4.' W if 3 5 4 12 17 . levore. New York 1 4 "0 w H'i ll 11 10 2 f 4.1 .3il !' 477 S.I 1 ! ?i H S .10 ? ..!.'.'. Konetrhv. Ht. Iula 144 f.M k7 ir.7 "I VI IS .1 11 1' .3"2 112 :vi ft 1 7 171 t l.t ,T1 ..IJI Schulle, rhlrago 1W !:i l:n ?'.7 IS 10 Z! I'i V 'M ! 17S Ii II I I M U 3-D l'askert. ClnelnnaU 141 r'H i 1 .t 1 1 6 2 1 M ri.ASSIFIKP ACOOHP1NO TO FIF-LIINO FIRST HASEMEN. 211 jn llr.Mh Sb Pet. 11 Ah. R. II. Tb. Pauhert, Prooklvn Ill 652 67 116 215 l.nileru, Clicni:o-Phlla. S; 122 15 .31 41 Bransfield. Philadelphia HO 427 Si loj 1 Sharp, Plttsburg-Hoalon 117 '455 32 los 1;3 ;.i 12 85 24 10 21 16 11 13 6 43 24 15 S 25 15 9 22 31 16 6 8 0 8 t 16 14 14 12 .2"'! .2.3 .274 BKCONfl BASFMF.N. 19 .39 .2S5 FKn, Clneinnatl.... 19 34 ,2'." lliimmMl. Hrooklyn. 13 28 2il3 Shean, Bomon 37 15 ,2i,l Miller, Pittsburg THIRD HASF.MKV. 20 41 .309 Pevlln, New York 10 26 .'""I Lennox. Hrooklyn 10 21 .283 Sle nfehlt. Chicago 34 26 .-I'.s MrrioK, Boston HIIORTSTOPH. 20 24 . 311 Hnlnwltt. St. Trills t 18 20 0 20 14 2 17 It 6 17 2.9 1 12 16 .29 .2711 .ro .2.17 .1X1 llR.mer, St. I.oul . McMillan. Brooklyn-Clr Totiv Smith, Brooklyn. Stark. Hrooklyn SPBSTITPTKS. 7 7 .24 McK.x-hnle. Pittsburg.., 0 8 .263 Phelnn, Clnclnnnti 12 5 .248 Belcher. St. Ixiula 8 2 .242 (lets, Itoaton 9 6 .225 Woodruff, Cincinnati... 8 .224 Ward Philadelphia OIJTFIKLoKRS. 5 4 39 17 9 6 24 10 22 8 26 11 11 10 4 5 .337 Clarke. Pittsburg 22 49 . 331 PHia. Ht. Louis 12 17 . 326 Sheckarif, Chics go .30 29 .325 Oikf, St. Iiils 13 S3 .321 Beschar, C nclnnatl 19 31 .305 Coulnon, Brooklyn 7 43 .not Collins. Boeton 10 27 22 . 301 Fvsns, Ht. Irfiul 1 16 61 .3i TIHiB, Philadelphia 6 22 3f .26 Pavldson, Brnoklvn 1 18 17 ,2S Ward Miller, Cincinnati 1 8 11 .2l H. Smith, Brooklyn 1 It 16 .2S4 Huron. Brooklyn 4 23 67 . 277 1'allon, Brooklyn 4 16 8 .27(1 7.acher. N. Y.-Rt. Louis 10 10 8 . 275 Abbott, St. I.oul 4 20 19 .270 Thomnn. Philadelphia. . . 1 4 .267 J. H. Moran, Boston.... 1 10 10 .265 CATCHF.RS. 119 423 27 126 131 14 7 1 6 4 .2 Pooln, Philadelphia. 881 SO 80 101 18 4 4 10 .242 117 365 26 104 1-6 19 0 1 IS 6 .285 Smith. Boston 88 147 838 42 40156 .238 91 291 31 82 99 13 1 0 6 .2s2 Morn. Ph ladelphla 66 199 11 47 66 7 1 0 8 6 . 236 79 214 36 63 86 15 8 0 8 13 . 278 Rarlden, Boston 49 187 1 5 81 41 6 1 1 6 1 -2-'6 66 161 19 42 61 6 6 1 7 1 .273 Jiieklltach, Philadelphia 17 61 7 10 13 S 0 0 1 0 .1'.'6 86 297 31 90 107 17 2 1 7 8 . 269 Schlel, New York 49 99 10 It 23 1 1 0 6 4 .192 26 f.J 10 14 ai 4 1 0 8 1 .269 Krwln, Brooklyn 8 202 1589 46 81193 .188 80 270 25 71 79 4 3 0 10 8 .263 Neertham, Chicago 18 76 14 19 8 1 0 6 1 .134 143 4S2 63 125 163 22 3 7 .269 Miller, Brooklyn 18 66 6 11 14 8 0 0 1 1 .167 89 813 86 81 116 17 1 10 .250 Bergen, Brooklyn 8 149 11 40 44 I 1 0 18 0 .161 riTCHERS. CLUB BATTING. tB. 8B.Hr. Ph. Hh. Pet. 4 83 21 193 282 .275 Philadelphia .. 219 84 84 234 178 . 268 St. Louis 214 83 83 198 148 . 266 Boston 160 TV 23 182 810 .269 Brooklyn gchnddsr 101 Andy W ard lo; iMnhart Hurler IhSi Brhnxdsr Laird M 1MI Anlbrc Uaatsr 164 Postofflee l.eaaae. Glass 1 leading with 163 average. 14 , lit , 111 , 101 Utt Pet .889 .666 .667 .444 .416 .111 A. .. 147 .. 145 .. 141 .. 1-40 .. 140 .. II .. 11 .. 133 .. l't .. m .. Ul Pet. 1 In second place. Won. Lost Fact Male .... 7 1 5 4 8 4 4 6 6 S 1 S Av. I Names. ... ml Brown ... 14h Lyons , ... !(:. Plii ... ims Mori , . .. Ui. Ruppart ... IN! Mtlaan ... 1M. Klly , ... 162 wnht , ... 161' Wlniars ... 164 0'('.nnrs ... 141 ltaal Osiska Howler. Hawk , Huperba Cascareta Bronks Karly Riser . Nsmea. Olu lit Marlon litrrur Bnwruia ......... uatlup Nlson (Yomt Nugwit ., Crlas Kay m oath P. W. L. 6 6 6 8 15 18 14 IT Jetters 24 1 .783 Htelllng 24 It Hhaiiuocks 24 18 Fetnss 31 11 O'Learys 21 J. O. Catch 24 t Bakke Bakers 21 6 Peterson & Mlchelsen 11 4 Individual average: .792 .760 .619 .26 .11 .238 .190 Kama. A'. I Kama. 10 HaniUMa ... 1 Hal. da 171 Wall. m 8 Wlntsre... i: Tisa IM Hancnrk lat M.Htallaja .. 146 Krwi , lal, Allan 11 C.k , 1S.M MnNally .... 14;1 Graane Hi Marrltt ... 141 CWvsnauak 111 Maugan .... IM Wuairloti ... . 1N4 Laurlns .... , 14 Claybuni ... 1VI l aliar IM Ktlar . 1ST White , liT Roauarfawd . 164 Urllfan At. FWman . IM . lo4 . U4 . IM . IM . 151 Kennedy ... Uhnaawrg dtiadd Hunt hakar 9.ajTaan ... Nalan '. Winter.. Laplnaal .... Tarn brink ., Ham Clark Kwlla Mi-ro.ll Murvby ..... Mstut Krlits Punbr 3Valla Vollaladt ... Fan Baai . U4 . Ill . 141 . 141 . 1H . )' . 14 . 141 . 14 . IM . 114 . 124 .. 131 ,. Ill .. Ul ,. 114 .. 1 BELLARES FIRSJJN LONG RACE New Tnrtc Athletlo Clwki Mia Win A. A. V. Seailor National Cro Coaatry Hare. NEW YORK, Nov. 17 Fred J. Bellare. of th New York Athletic club won th American Athletic union senior national erra-country race at Celtio park tolay Willie Kramer, last year winner, finished second; 41. F. Holden cf the Tonkera Young Men' Christian association took third honor. B. 1. 'Wtt. wa the first man represent In; the PlttHhurg Athletic club to cro the line, but he finished In ninth place. Twenty aeven runners completed the full course. Pel. are's time for the six mile wa S3 OS. Alhletlea Made Compalaorr. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 57 -On the arround, It Is said, that students of the university have pot heeded his appeals to partldoate In college athletics aa thev should. President CrsJxhesd has announced that hereafter Tulane vlll enioy the taste of compulsory athletic. Kverv freshman and sophomore at the university will b compelled to tke a certain amount of ex erclie prescribed by the faculty. Outdoor worn will ronstltute the greater part of the physical requirements. Old diary "lal do. NICW YORK. Nov. 27.-W1th sales aggra gtinc lu .o tor the week, the annual "Old Olory" horse auction In Madison Sonar Garden rain to a clos tonlxht In all. 7.j horse were sold, brlnrtng an average of abot't 1416. Bualn for th wek e.iilled that of tit banner year. 1906 and I 1U. 'omaa I Araaltted. SHERIDAN. IVyo.. Nov. 17. Mra C. r. Smith of Hulet who charted with killing her husband by ahooting him through th head with a Hfle while he lay aaleep, waa acquitted la th tUsUlut court OAMFJ DrRINIl FBASON OF 1S10. POSIllONR Pl.AYF.D DI'RINO 8KASON. W. 8H.Mr Sh Sb.rct. 15 15 8 31 21 .' 3 0 1 2 .114 17 4 3 13 10 .219 14 4 0 20 4 . 237 , 134 474 70 114 137 11 5 0 83 41 .216 163 679 67 111 2o3 21 13 6 14 21 .!M 118 613 62 1 30 166 12 7 8 17 16 . 2S US 444 45 101 137 13 10 1 25 11 ..'-' 147 493 71 129 161 17 6 1 28 28 . 260 100 :W 19 131 19 4 8 10 7 .2-9 128 448 70 113 142 21 1 1 31 10 .21.2 lift 380 61 96 lift 241 1 t ' 13 'AO 12 133 9 S3 44 7 1 0 1 R .519 48 181 20 44 62 4 2 0 8 1 .243 118 .375 37 77 94 7 1 1 11 15 '-',r, 16 322 22 69 69 ISO 15 11 .13 KW .321 31 68 73 10 1 I 22 9 .181 30 lOi 7 17 20 3 0 3 2 .165 60 212 23 46 61 1 1 0 8 4 .217 17 41 7 0 0 0 1 6 .214 27 89 7 18 20 10081 .22 47 144 14 28 30 0 1 0 1 2 .194 21 61 6 9 10 1 0 0 t 1 -I's 33 124 11 13 22 t 1 0 10 1 .115 118 429 57 113 If 3S t 29 12 . 263 141 660 87 4t 1S8 18 8 4 15 26 .2: 143 607 82 1: 184 27 6 6 81 22 .26h 127 468 60 118 144 14 6 0 13 18 .252 150 689 95 147 199 20 10 4 8 70 . 250 26 39 14 22 36 3 4 1 1 9 . 217 161 f.84 67 111 170 4 7 1 16 36 . 241 151 606 73 122 165 21 8 2 12 10 24 142 635 91 129 174 26 6 S 16 2 241 1.11 WW 48 121 148 1 3 7 0 1 2 27 . 2 26 126 ti 80 36 0 0 7 10 .2" 16 76 6 18 20 2 0 0 0 4 .237 83 852 41 83 100 8 8 1 " 71 273 83 62 82 9 4 1 12 6 .227 39 132 T It 11 6 1 0 7 8 .212 21 70 I IS 17 110 8 1 .196 90 71 T 18 17 0 1 0 2 4 .11 tonu 8 0000 .119 US O. Ab. R. H. Th. IB. SB.ITr. Ph. Sb. Pet. 1319 J760 223 71 22 205 199 . 265 1217 K.69 167 70 15 158 179 . 249 12i 1624 173 49 31 181 162 .246 1174 1561 166 73 25 183 151 .229 157 6171 163 4911 674 637 157 6123 4I 166 6126 497 Work Starts Monday on New Ball Park on Vinton Street Fence Will Be Moved Much Farther Back and Will Be Baised Four Feet Higher. Pa Pvourke start work on hi new ball park Monday morning. The fenc Is to go down and the grading finished, and at the aame time th work on the grandstand, that la to house th fans next summer, will proceed. Tha wark ha been held off up to date, because of th foot ball season. Th fence of the new park will be ten to fifteen feet farther back and four feet higher so, unless a strong wind 1 blowing, It will be some batter who gets the ball over that fence. Th grandstand, a 130,600 affair, will b of cement and It 1 expected that It can be done tn plenty of time to tart th season there next spring. CLOSE FINISH AT LOS ANGELES Tkre Car rtnlah Lraa Than Fifth of eront Apart, LOS ANQELBS, Nov. 27 A thrilling fin lab marked the automobile raoaa at tha Lo Angela motordrom today. In th fiv mil free-for-all, the three car entered finished lea than on flftn of a aeoond apart Th Bulok won In 4 minute, 31 H seconds, 1-100 of a aeoond ahead of th Cutting, and th tlm of th Durox car, whloh finished third, minute, 13 aeoond. new record wa mad In th oompe- tltlon for distance In one hour. Four out of six entries finished. The Knox giant cov ered seventy-four nilla half a mil better than th record set by Harroun last year at the Motordrom In th Marmon. Contract Bad Releases. CHICAGO. Nov. 17 Preatdent Chtvln-. ton of the American Association of Profes sional Base Ball clubs today announced the following contract and releasea which have been received and promulgated since uciooer li. Contract: With Kansas City. W. A jsmes. Charles Stengel. 1911; William Pow ell John Cocash. Releases: By Columbus, B. K. Photten to M. lou e American Ueague club; by Kan aas 4. liy John t'ocasli, O. Woodruff to Seattle. Thomas Battery to Wilkesharre by Louisville. Catcher Pauxtla to Cincin nati. Outfielder Covaleekle to St. Louie American League club: by Toledo. Fred Abbott to Loa Angelea. Fred Lamllne, Clar ence Miller and E. T. Anderson to the Port land. Northwestern league. Woltaat Will Ma-rt Meraa. CADILLAC, Mich.. Nov. 17 Ad Walgast champion llghtwelg-Ut pugilist of tha world, tonight declared h wa wllllruj to meet Owen Moran, who defeated Battling , Nel on at San FTanclaco, naxt May, If he wer Insured (12.600 and war prmlt4td to nam tha referee. Whan told that Moran had whipped Nel son, from whom Wolgaat won th belt. Wolgast said; , "Th fight want a I expected, and as 1 hoped, Moran la a good fighter, and a worthy opponent. I am willing to meet lilin In tha spring, preferably la May, If he agree to my term" Vlgat ha established permanent train Ing quart era at Lak Mitchell, where lus la working 41117 t kaoa la centUttotv Western Basket Ball Schedule .Arranged For Present Season No Coaching Allowed from Side Lines Home Team Responsible for the Behavior of Spectators. CHICAGO. Nov. 27-The Western Inter collegiate Basket Ball association at Its an tniHl o eitln here tonight adopted a play ing schedule for the season of 1911 and de t i.o il mi rules for the. season. Mont Import ant In the chai.ges of the rule were those relating to conduct of the games. Hereafter no coaching will be allowed from th !((. nr and the home team will he held responsible for the conduct of the spectator. The association comprise Chicago unl verflty, the universities of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Northwestern university and Purdue university. Ir. Joseph K. Raycroft of th University of Chicago, waa re-elected president, and Pr. L. W. Cooke of Minnesota, re-elected secretary. According to the schedule Iowa and Illinois universities play the following games; lowa-February 11. Minnesota at Minne apolis; February 17, LcwIh institute at Chi cago; February 18. Northwestern at fclvans- lon; March 4. Y Isconnln at Iowa City. Pre liminary games will be ployed December 23 w ith Chit ago at Iow a City, and on Janu- ry 28 with Northwestern at Iowa City. HllnclK .lainiHiv 7. I million at 'hamoiilirn: January 14, Chicago at Chmpalgn; January 20, Minnesota at Minneapolis; January 21, Wisconsin t Madison; January 28, Purdue nt Champaign; Kehruary 11. Indiana at lloomington; February 24. Chlcaito at Chl- cmko; Kehruary 25. Northwestern at Kvans- ton, March 2. Minnesota at Champaign; March 10, Wlsiom-ln at Champaign. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Folll Levy Knallr Wins; Illdalao tJelllnsj "takes at Josrei. JUAREZ, Mex., Nov. 27. George M. Odom's Follle Levy easily won the Hidalgo selling stakes, five furlongs, at Ttrrazas park today. She stepped the distance In Otv,, which Is within a econd of the track record. She wa favorite and won by two length. Favorite won the majority of the races. Summary: First race, five furlongs: Sieuard. (Mur phy), 4 to 6. won: Fred Kssen. (Kennedy). 6 to 1, second; Little Friar. (Kent), twenty to one, third. Time, l:02fc. Pitapat, Prao tloner and Lady Tendi aiso ran. cecond race, alx furlongs: Bob Lynch, Mol'enworih). 7 to 1. won; Hidden Hand, KeUig), 7 to 5. second: Otilo. (Washing ton. 8 to 6, third. Time. 1:15. Bon Ton. Barney Oldfleld. Ed Hollv and Bardonla alxo ran. Third race, five and one-half furlonirs: Sterling. (Molesworth). S to 5. won; Uncle lien, li to s, second; ftlucklei, (Gam), 6 to tnira. Time, l:l. Outfielder also ran. Fourth race, five forlorn.': Follle Lew. (Rice). 6 to 5. won: Roval Cnntive. Ken nedy), to 1. second; John Griffin II, (War rington), 7 to 1, third. Time, 1:0UH. Clint Tucker, W. T. Overton also ran. Fifth race, five and one-half furlonirs-. Harmls, (Reynold?), 8 to L wbn; Gene Wood, iJoniiHoni, lb to 1, aeeond; Lena Lech, (Irmce), 9 to 2, third. Time, l:0s. Preen. Nr Barry, Dr. Mack, Tom McUrath and He Know also ran. Sixth race, one mile: Dorante. (Kennedy). 7 to 10. won. Fred Mullhooland. (Rettlg), 9 to 6, second; Jeanne O'Arc. (Warrington). 6 to 1. third. Time. 1:41. Only three start er. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Nov. S7.-Ideal weather and an attractive card drew a large crowd to Moncrlef park today. The Speed handicap, valued at 11,400, went to th public choice. Jack Parker, who beat out Besom In a hard drive by a neck, with Lady Irma taking the small end of the purse a length back. The time wa 1:12H. The disappointment of the day waa Hoff man, a 1 to 1 favorite tn the third race, T. M. Green beating him horn by a narrow margin. Three favorite finished In front Summary: First race: Eye White. 9 to 6. won: Anna L. Daley, 2 to 1. second; Claque. 6 to 6. third. Second race: Jack Denman. 7 to L won: Via Octavla, 7 to 10, second; Antenor, 6 to 1, third. Third race: T. M. Green. 1 to 1. won; Hoffman, 1 to 6, second; Hey burn, 1 to 4, third. Fourth race: Jack Parker, 11 to 5, won; Besom, 1 to t, second; Lady Irma, 7 to 10, third. Sixth race, selling: 1400. S-year-old and up; mil and one-eighth. Arondack, 3 to 1, won; Aylmere. 7 to 10, aeoond: St. Joseph, even, third. Time. 1:54H- My Gal, Billy Pullman, Live Wire also ran. OAKLAND, Cel., Nov. 17 Meltondale proved a surprise by winning tho Altamax handicap at Emaryvllla today. He found th muddy going Just to his liking and closing; fait, won In a drive, from Coppertown. Jack Payne wa third. Seacllff, tha favor ite, uffrd early Interference. Jim Basey wa an easy winner of th two-year-old event First race, futurity cours: Belle King- stone, 4 to 1, won; Camera, 9 to 1, second; Fhiiuitina, it to i, third. Time, l:i;fv Second race, five furlongs: Jim Basey. 9 to 10, won; PawhUHka. 6 to a, second; Picka ninny, 12 to 1, third. Time. 1:02. Third race, five half furlongs: On Parole, 6 to 5, won; No Quarter, 6 to 1. second; Chepontuc. SO to 1. third. Time: 1:09". Fourth race, Altamsx handicap, one mile: Meltondale, (Garner), 8 to 1. won; Copper Town. (Kedrls), to L second; Jack Pain. (Buxton). 10 to 1, third. Time. l:4:tv.. Sea cllff, Raleigh, A ranee, Madeline Musgrav and Noon finished aa named. Fifth race, futurity course: Swagerlator, (Fischer). 4 to 1. won: Burleigh, (Garner), 16 to t. aeeond, Zlck Abrams. (W. Cotton), 11 to 1. third. Time. 1:13V David Boland. Nahranka 1-ass. Platoon. Little Buttercup, Balreed. Yellowfoot and Temblo finished aa named. Sixth rao4, seven furlongs: Prosper, (Archibald), i to L won; Jim Cafferaty (Garner), 6 to 1, second: Lescar. (Forehand) to to 1, third. Time. 1:31. Belmere, Deneen Gold Ball and Poppy finished as named. PENSACOLA, Fla., Nov. 27. Favorites fared badly at Kupfrian Park thl after noon, not a single first chotc taking down a purse. Sandlver and Blu Tie, both held 4 to 1, wer medium of sharp backing, but It remained for B. M. Rebo, at 20 to L to furnish the main surprise of th afternoon. First rsce, four half furlongs: Sandlver, 6 to 1, v. on; Cry Baby, second; Blair Bag ley, third. Time. 0:67. Second race, six furlongs: B. M. Bebo, SO to 1, won; McAndrews, second; Falcada, third. Time, 1:1!V Third race, four half furlongs: Bright Maiden, 10 to 1. won; okolona, aeeond; Molly Mog, third. Time. OH). Fourth race, five fiv half furlong: Bysvgy. S to I. won; Bodkin, second; Ex plicit, third. Time: 1:114. Fifth race, t2O0, three year old and up; on mile, selling: Orlflat, lot, (F. Jackson). i to 1, 4 to ft, 1 to 6, won; Cull, lflu, (L. Jackson), 4 to 5. I to 1, aeeond; Warden, 10, (Vlloe), I to i, third. Time, 1:46V Emmy Lou, Zymol. Alt McDonald, Vanen, Vir ginia Maid, Brougham, and Broken Tie aino ran. Sixth rare. 1200, for three year olds and up; one mile, selling: Blu Tie, 104. (Quin len), 6 to L. 1 to 1, even, won; Osvtan, lot, (Pauley), 4 to S, 1 to &, second; Algronel. loo. (Bergen), even, third. Time: l:47Vfc. Sir Walter Rolllne, Omieron. Pleasing. Warner Orlawoll, Albion li. Carw, Night Mist also ran. l.fcakar Win Again. BERLIN, Nov. 27 Dr. Emanuel Lacker today won the seventh gams of the chess match for the world's championship with D. Jankowskl, after three hoars' play. The game waa opened by Laaker on Thursday with a queens gambit declined. Present eccre: Lacker. 4; drawn, S; Jankowskl, 0. Ta Dissolve th t'aloa of stomach, liver and kidney troubles and cur biliousness and malaria, take Electric Bitters. Guaranteed, Mu, fet 4us by Beaton Drug C DURAND TELLS0F FRAUDS Census Director Gives Results of Re count of Seattle and Portland. INTENTIONAL FRAUD DOUBTLESS Corrected Retwrn Are Made Patillc One F.nwmerator 1ls Bern I dieted for Violation of Census Art. WASHINGTON. Nov. 27. In announcing tonight th correct population of Seattle, Wash., and Portland, Ore., aa 237.194 and 207,214 respectively, Censua Director Durand Issued statements giving the result of the re-enumeration made necessary In certain districts of th two cities by evidences ot tho padding of the original figures. "The original returns from Seattle con tained 24S.382 names, or 11,188 more than the final figures." said Mr. Durand. Thl difference represents name eliminated from various districts a not entitled to enumeration and In the esse of Dlstriot No. 63, the difference between the orig inal enumeration and a re-enumeratlon, which waa found necessary. Corrections were made In the enumeratoln of fifteen districts out of a total of 170. A consider able number of other districts. In which the original returns Indicated the possibility of Incorrect enumeration, were found to be ubstantlally correct. The original returns for Portland con tained 222,16 names, or 15,746 more than th final count, the latter number being eliminated on a careful re-checking of cer tain districts. Printed Klip Vsed. A private organisation In each city, tn Portland, perhaps, more than one organiza tion, had slips printed containing the cen sus question and name ware added by the enumerator from the slip thus col lected. The organisation In each case col lected name of many peron who "claimed not to have been enumerated and to be entitled to enumeration." These lips, th census bureau discovered, con tained name of many transient In the city and other not entitled to be counted. Several enumerator In Portland "as signed large number of names from these Hp to vacant lota or building contain ing no resident." On enumerator on checking up such slips handed to him "found that his own name appeared on five different slips as not having been enumerated." One. railroad grading gang "which pos sibly at one time wa employed In Port land, but which at the time of the enum eration was tn the state of Montana, was numerated." One district enumerator "listed over 1,100 persons as residents at om business es tablishment." Over 100 persons were enumerated as "residents of a Japanese church." The crews of several vessels, not having Portland as their home port and In one case the passengers on a steamer which rrlved at Portland were counted, the cen sus bureau declares. Of th fifteen enumerators In Seattle found to have padded their return, "It Is Impoalble," says the statement, "to say with certainty how many were guilty of In tentional fraud. But In the case of dis tricts 62 and 107," it adds, 'In which the greatest number of names wore eliminated, there Can be little doubt that Intentional fraud was perpetrated.'.' In th latter dlstriot th methods pur sued ar reported a '"particularly fla grant." Th correot enumeration wa 1,763. whereas the enumerator presented 3,966 name. In the other district th original numeration showed 8.63T names, the re count 4.491. The former enumerator ha been Indicted for violation of the cansu act. Th othr enumerator, it 1 said. Interpreted hi In struction so liberally that he Invented out of his own head information where it was lacking. In one place the enumerator In District 62 reported 121 persons living in a building which a recount showed contained only nineteen regular lodger. In another district the recount reduced the enumera tion from 4,129 to 8.347. Th Key to the Situation Be Want Ada imllj Trade Cha. Stors, a-ix, ', J 120 1230 1 Indepenuent 11-1201 if 17th and Farnam is the Real Estate Man's Ideal Location The nearest office building to the court house and to the city hall is the place where the real estate man should have his office. Naturally the public buildings are central to real estate and financial activity. If you are looking for an office, this reason in itself is sufficient for you to select The Bee Building Room 532-634-J130 A gulte of three fine room on the fifth floor, with over 800 quare feet ot floor pace, large vault, a gtatlonary waih gtand In each room. Windows facing north and eait. ReDt $80 per month. Room B26 On north aide, fifth floor, with a. parti tion dividing tha room Into two. Stationary wash at&nd. Size over 200 square feet Price 118.00 per month. I loom 606 A corner room on the sixth floor. Win dows facing south and weat. 420 feet floor space. Has fault and stationary wash stand. Rent $40 per month. Room 8243 On the third floor, with over 400 squars feet of floor space. Vault and stationary wash stand. ' Fin north light. Specla.ly adapted tor draughting work. Price 140.00 per month. The Bee Building Company Bee Business Olfico 17th end Farnam Sts Colonel Wetmoro is Dead from Injurie3 Former Democratic National Commit teeman from Missouri Succumbs to Concussion of Brain. ST. LOP78, Nov. 27-Colonel Mole a Wetmore died this afternoon a th result of lnjurle suffered when run down by a wsgon. Colonel Wetmore was run do wa Wednes day afternoon. Ill lnjurle consisted of concussion of th brain and a fractured shoulder. He waa unconscious when he died. He was formerly demonratlo commlttraaa from Missouri and waa once chairman ot the finance committee of th national democratic organization. He had be) active In politics for many year and wag an Intimate personal and political friead of William J. Bryan. BIG GAMBLING RAID IS MADE Forty-Trine Prisoner Ar Take la Re-Called Social Clat) la Now Yorlt ' NEW TORK, Nov. 27. The blg;et raM on an alleged gambling house that New York has seen In many days was led by Deputy Commissioner Drlscoll In person against a so-called social club on East Forty-second street. ' Forty-nln prisoner were taken. It took ten minutes' hard work wit axes and crowbars to battor down a hug door that barred entrance to th club. Biliousness Is due to a disordered condi tion of th stomach. Chamberlain's Tab lets are essentially a stomach mtdloln. Intended especially to act on that organ; to cleanse It, strengthen it, tone and in vigorate It, to regulat th liver and te banish biliousness positively ' and effeo lively. For sale by all druggists. GLAVIS' WIFE GETS DIVORCE Spoatso at . Farmer Chief at Field Division ot Land Off loa in. Seattle Secure Ikeeree, SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. r.-Maud B. G la vis, wife of Louis R. Glavta, former chief of the field ;d!v1ilon of th sreneral land office in Seattle, obtained a divorce yesterday In the superior court. The divorce wa granted in a cross oorq plalnt charging desertion and cruelty. Property valued at $14,000 waa divided out of court. Mr. Otto Paul, Mnwauxee, taris., says Fo'ey' Honey and Tar 1 still mors tha tha best He write u. "A't tho that bought it think It I th beat for cough and cold they ever had and X think It la till mor than th best Our baby had a bad cold and It cured him In on day. Pleas accept Jianks." Cobs are honest, free smoking, rich tasting cigars. . Everything most economical but the qual ity of the tobacco. ( If you don't get a green package, you don't 9 for 15c "VEST POCKET EDITION" So for packet of 3 L LEWIS CIGAR MFG. CO.. Makart, Newark, N. J. Th Lrgt IipaaTdnt Ciftftr Factaw-y in tit wwrlti Allon broo. Co. Distributors i3r r: SnpLtexl by Phone Webstar (COBS is