OFFERED FOR RENT AyulMtata Ml ritll t oatlawed. THREE room. best and llgrht furnished; fX pr month. SOTO Muun. 'Phone II Jfc.. 16 fit. Louts fist, east of Hansnom park. 2iih and 24th trt can, also 4-room, $4. lei. Harney 8vil CHEAP WINTER RF.NT--room flat, $14',, N. 224 St.. close In, vary chnsce, $22 60. 7-room rnttacn. Atft JAnkeon St., edice of W Kirrim district, only $20. Telephone owner, Red 6W4. FEVF.N-ROOM, new, modern brick Tat 2ol4 Dodge. HA Harney 1. ttaateeaoottlaaT Rf TWO of three nicely furnished front rooms, completa for housekeeping. 201 Davenport. COZY noma furotsF.ed cnmpleta fof houkMpini; four laria beautiful rooma, closet, pantry, electrlo lights. (11 do. 49tn fct. Leavenworth car ona and a half block FOR RENT 81 furnlahad rooma fof light housekeeping; alio leaping room. jU Dodge St. Tyler 160. NICE largo room, furnished completa for light housekeeping. 2u24 Harney. 1JOHT housekeeping and gleeplng" rooms. 1UL Jones bt. TWO modern furnished rooma for light liousekeeplng; strictly private famhy; walking distance. 211 S. th Ave. Phone Harney 6111 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, also room and board; one-half block from mreet car Una. lOli Pacific St. Douglus 70:U THE Irving, rooma and board. tlOl Lea en worth. . Islsrslakts lloaaekeeplagt Itoosaa. FOR RENT Nice large parlor and kit then. SU a. 18th Bt. THREE rooma furnished or unfurnished for IlKht housekeeping; gaa and heat. Ml Leaveuworth St. FOR RENT Two rooms for housekeep ing; gas for cooking and light 2223 Leav enworth nt. tOR RENT Modern rooms for house keeping. 2011 Burt ft- FOR RENT Two rooma for housekeep ing. 2b24 Davenport St. FOR RENT Two rooma for housekeep ing.. 2w4 Davenport bt. FOR RENT Housekeeping and sleeping rooms; haat, gas, bath and telephone. 2114 Chicago bt FOR RENT Rooms for housekeeping, modern. 2218 Douglas St. FOR RENT Three nice rooms, unfur nished' for housekeeping. 4311 Webster Bu TWO nice front rooma. for housekeeping. Hi N. 17th St. FOR, RENT Two nice steam heated rocnu ftr Uaht bousekeoytng. aril Chicago BU TWO nice rooms for lght housekeeping. 2026 Farnun Bt. Pntl t? I.- XT T Thr.. mftHArn .... rooms for housekeeping. 1662 Sherman Ave FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for housekeeping; gaa and heat. 2220 Grace BU FOR RENT-Three modern steam heated rooms; good location. 201 B. 24Uu TWO or three rooma for housekeeping; furnished or unfurnished. 1509 8. 26th St. t FOR RENT-Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, till 8. lritn BU FOR RENT Three unfurnished room for housekeeping. 164 N. 17th BU FOR RENT Unfurnished room housekeeping. 1547 N. 17tb BU for FOR RENT Four furnished rooma, mod ern. 2421 Dodge Bu FOR RENT Large front parlor for housekeeping. Ul Chicago St. FOR- RENT Nicely rurnlshed room for housekeeping.' tVTi Bu Mary's Ave. jmtt SIX first class unfurnished rooma mod ern. Price reasonable to reliable party. Private entrance. 1722 8. 13th St. THREE unfurnished rooms. 17 8. 13th fit. APWly In rvax. FOR RENT Couple of rooms on second floor; water aud gas. 1046 8. 2uth BU FOR RF:NT Desirable suits 6f unfur - nished room; south front; but water, bath; privata fawily, 2402 Cass Bu FOR RENT Nice unfurnished room for light iiuseksaplng. 6tU 8. 2Mb. BU FOR RENT Two unfurnished room for housekeeping. 2fU Dougias BU FOR RENT Four room for housekeep ing. 2221 N. Wlh BU FOR RENT Couple of rooms for hous keeping. IMS N. lMh Bu FOUR unfurnished room. ?3t N. 16th Bu FOR KENT Three desirable rooms. 1411 N. 17U Bt. - VarwUked Hews. T. W. BLACKBURN, lawyer, 409 Paxton block, has a furnished bouse to rent for the winter. 7-ROOM house, all modem; walking dls tanc. 'Key terms to responsible coupla P. D. WMsd, lbul Parnaui ttu TO LET Nicely furnlHhed house; reason able.' Call at luJO Marcy Bu Haases mad Cot taa;ea, 1-ROOM MODERN HOUSE Combination fixtures; east front, 23d and Webster, M0.0U, 6- roora all taaodera BL Louis flat. 716 N. t'd St.. IJu.OOl 7- room all modern bouse 1201 Looust SL. 136 (W. s-room brick all modern bouse, 2000 Wll. liae Ave.. I. 00. 4 luuma sa' apartment flat, 1621 N. 18th 61 . 112.60. C. U. BACH MANN, v 4M Paxton Blook. EXCEPTIONALLY convenient, modrrn. conipaeu 4-reom brick; finished one year ago; choicest neighborhood, tid and Pop. pleton, M, Includes water, care or lawn, anow, ate Peters Trust Co., N. T. Life Bldg. 6-R., modem residence, 41st and Cali fornia, MioTeL H. 436, avenlnga N. 17th St. -r. mod. apartment, 13a & Cuming St., 4-r., apartment. I t. tMM Bristol St., t-r., all mod., barn, 125. J. W. RASP CO.. BRANDE13 ELDQ. 1211 MAPLE BU (-room, modern. 117 00. NINE rooms, all modern; West Farnam street; 122 60, If taken at once. Nowuta Laud and Lot Cn,, 1st Now Lark Life bldg. Phone: Red. 1; A-1721. SIX-ROOM modern house except best, 111 6a. 1611 Blnney 0k ToL Wen. 17(2. One stream of Omaha Bee gained 590 inches in want ads last week over the corresponding week n year ago. Omaha Bee gained C6 inches last week over the pre ceding veek of this month. Omaha Bee gained 103 inches last Sunday over the preceding Sunday of this month. t k ....' One stream of losses. Tlie World-IIerald lost 123 inches last week over the corresponding week a year Ago.' . . i. The World-Herald lost SO1,? inches last week over the preceding week this mouth. The "World-Herald .lost 52 inches last Sunday over the preceding Sunday of this month. OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and CollitM .'ntlaaed. t nnoM cottase; modern, except furnace; beautiful lawn and trees. No. South Sl Ave. Kent only $-6 per mo. "telephone Luuglaa 4"40. 7-KM houpe. modern, except heat, 719 N. 2isU South Omaha. Tel. 8. 20-1. lVto 8. 1Mb. e-rciom cottace lino lt.-l Howard, 8-room. close In 15 00 H B. 25th avs., 4-room. close In 14 W $' FewHrd. 6-rooin, city water. 1 4 j Zlll N. inn. s-roorn, ail modern w uw Ma 8. Sith Ave., i-r., nil mod. new.... 40' t.A3 Mandersou, t-room IS w l,i l urker ti-room. n-.oa. ex. neat.... jd-w 117 8. 2Eth Ave.. room, all modern.,.. 600 i5 Spruce, 6-room, modern 1? W 6i2 B. llth. (-room, close In U-iiO THE HYRON HEED CO., Fhone Doug. 2W. A-3834. 212 8. 17th Bt. Ill 00-2712 and 2714 Phlrlay St.. (Center) 6 rooms water and gas. W.W-1.1.T7 1'ark Ave., 8 rooma, an raw , conilitlon. $37 501010 (ilmwood Ava. (Bemla Park) 8e rooms modern. ki.(s KH2 Harney St., I rooma modem; good condition. 1). V. F HOLES CO, 913 Cltv Nst onal Uank .Fldg. Phones: Douglas 2. Ind. A-3M0. IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. 104 and lt 8. .Kith Bt., two very fine, strictly modern, brick dwellings. In cholo rst residence district In the city; Will decorate to ault tenant. Special prioa to right party. PAYNE A BI.ATER CO., Sole Agon's, 6th Floor N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Liouglaa 10M. OMAHA Van A Ptorage Co., pack, move, store household good; storehouse, 1120-M N. uttb: office W 0. 17th Bu Tak Douglas ttia 7-HOOM house, strictly modern, at 2402 S. 24th bt. NEW 7-roum house, strictly modern, hot water heat. 2713 Chicago St. Tel. Harney 204a. tlnncoa ' parts of the elty. UUU&eS Crelgh Sons Co- Beo Bldg. 7-room house, near park, 125. 1511 8. Hth. EIGHT-ROOM house, all modern, hot water heat. 6-2 S. 2lth Ave. Tel. R. 2177. BTR1CTL.Y modern 4 and 6-room flats, III W and S er month; fine residence dis trict. Telephone Harney 12. Houses, flats. iarvln llros.. Id floor N.T b FERIUN Exp. Storage. 16U Cap. D. 11 716 N. 22 d St., rooms, modern, and large DSIU. OQ. CONSTANT OAINS. 1.D0O Inches gain for Omaha Bea. 1.101 Inches loss for nearest competitor, i his is the record lor want ads or October com pared with the corresponding month a year ago. FOR RENT 6-room house, 115. 1312 So. 6th BU HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing, bxpressmen s Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. aM FOR RENT Seven-room house, alectrlo light, one acre or fruit, one block from car. Phone Webster YJ3H. Seven room, modern. 2203 N. 18th. 130. Uemls-Carlbertr. 312 Brandels Theater. NEW. 6 rooms, all modern except heat. $1S per mo. Siiol S. 20th Ave., 1 block south of Central noulevard and Vinton school. Telephone Tyler 1027. 1415 N. RfTH ST., 5-room cottage, city water, sewer, gas. In n nice neighborhood. 114. inquire at 3212 uncoin Blvd. TWO eight-room brick apartment houses, all modern, north part of city; Just newly remodeled and will ba ready In a few days) good location lor rooming house. C. M. BACHMAN. 434 Paxton Blk. Office Phone Red II Residence Phono Douglas 606. HAN8COM PARK DIBTRIT. S-roorn modern, brick flat, on car Una, only Uu to uimratile tenant. WRIGHT & LA SB CRT, 60$ S. 16th Bu Phone. Doug. 151 HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. Red UN, MODERN T-room house. 136. 1607 S. Smb. 6-R. MOD. cottage, very nice, beautifully located, 4. ii a. s,tn fou wsd. wu 6-ROOM. all mode n house, paved street, one block from car. 2444 Bpauldlng Bt pnone weuater 4Uf. 1406 N. 16th Bu, 1 rooms, Pbona Haraey HOUSE FOR RENT. Five rooms close in, 114 per month. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. 65S N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone: Red 19), A-1721. 6- ROOM modern cottsge except heat. 711 Hickory wt. inquire aw u. ltu. J. P. Bergqulst. 6-ROOM cottage. 1416 N. 18th. i p. f-ROOM house, modern, easy walking distance; always rented ror u; win reduce rent for winter. Call 674 Brandels Bldg. Tyier it5. TWO houses. 6 and 1 rooms. Call 2813 Leavenworth Bt." X66S DOUGLAS ST.. 1 rooms, 127.60. 8EVHN-ROOM house. 1614 N. rth St 118 per month; In fine condition; key at 24i Mammon fcu Tel. wenster sva. 1 CHEAP RENT. 5-R. house, city water. 709 N. 82d. 110 00. 8-R. bouse, city water. 3:37 Evans, 102.60. J. 11. Parrotte, 1-ioara of Trade. FOR RENT For the winter nicely fur nlHhed elKht-room house. 111 N. iHLh Ave nue. Apply at house or Phone Harney 2403. GROUND FLOOR SPACE. There Is a large space Just off the court en ground floor that will be remodeled to suit oallsfactory tananu This locaiiea is near f arnam ni . convenient to asaia entrance or building. Look before renting. Don't rent before looking. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. R. W. Baker, SupU 17th and Farnam. MODERN 10-room house, . 531 & Kd Bt Inquire next dour south. 1-ROOM modem house, located 1000 So, tsth St. Call at 212 Pacific St., or phone llarhey ZiM. 6-HOoM house, 810 S. 24th. modern axcept rurnace, lis. REDUCE YOUR RENT. These must be rented at once. Sea the houses and we II make rents and condl lions suit under our special winter plan 7-r.. all mod., choice. 13U5 B. 27th A e-r., mod., paved St., 2,12 Caldwell J5 6-r., mod., rebuilt new, 1 14 N. 31st 115 o-r., city water, 302 Parker 11 6-r., li "N" sr., Bouth Omaha 1T -r., two lots, ins N. 4,th ae ti 8-r., all mrxl., 2719 Hickory ; it., city water, 6th and Ixcust I 4-r., mod., close, LV7 N. 17th U KL i-srvLL, Ac McKITKICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. lbth and Harney gains. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoiipt aad (ettacra tlai4. 14 a 11T1I ST.. 6-r., mod. x heat, HL 2 "1 Bristol, -r.. ail mod., IA. 23 Chicago, 7-r., mod. ex. heat, $21. 27 Harney SL, -r., all mod., $46. fc.'l a list Bt., S-r., mod. fl. beat, 130. 1" N. 4th SL, 6-r.. ail mod., $JL Iai3 I'aik Ave. 12-r.. all mod.. Including large garage. B1R.KETT eY TKBBtNS, 423 Bee Blig. Phones Douglaa 47b. Independent A-17M. Slarea ana Uflleva. TORE FOR RENT Haa bake own for bakery. 23u( N. 14th. NO ecual la dtr: srrocery and meat mar ket with flxtuiea Apply 13t N. Ud. OFFICB room. Ill N. lth St.. opposite postofflce, 17 per month. 408 Brandeia 1 beater Bids. Conrad Young. Doug. luil. FOR RENT Offices In new "Pullman building." next to Burlington station. Bo. 10th etraet; very dewlrable for railroad or out-of-town and South of viaduct business; elevator, steam beat and up-to-date In very way. InrKRlAu INVESTMENT CO., 641 Bea Building. Tel. Doug. 1(11. I 1 1 SiUnshUtiH FOR HINT -outnat corner ltitb and Douglaa Sta . arm Kill 'eet. Possession alvea abeal September L li UTI NATIONAL BANK. FOR RENT Store In new "Pullman building." next to Burilngton station; a very desirable location for millinery and dress making or hardware, notions, novel ties or other business to oaten out-of-town and south of viaduct trade. IMPERIAL INVESTMENT CO, 648 Beo Building. Tel. Doug. ISIS. OFFERED FOR SALE Varaltar. CHINA cabinet, mahogany, beautiful Mace, cbeap. Apartment 6. the Winona, Mth and Deway. Tel. Harney 6371. COO at stove, ass sieve, hard coal burner. ouch, usholstered chair. SOU Mason St- DIN1NQ table, china, musle and kltcbea cabinets; sanitary couch and pad, elo.; aaarly new. 101 N. 19th. iron km hnm,r wajihlna ma chine, household goods. Tel. W. Matt. 38:0 N. llth. 1x10 RUO, sowing machine, buffet. kitchen cabinet, refrigerator. Must sell ulck. Tel. B-3194. STEEL RANGE. 6-hoi a. wood, heating stove: Iron bed with spring. Cheap for cash. O. 213, Bea. MUST sell at ones furniture from a 6- room house. 363 Leavenworth street. FINE base burner for sale cheap: mov ing. Harney 1029. 4116 Nicholas. COMPLETE household furnished, as a whole, or by piece; will sell cheap. Call at 8030 Marcy St. Maalcal lastrasaoata. KIMBALL uptight piano, 175. 103 McCague. MAX DO LIN S, Guitars and Banjos, II and up. Gibson Mandolins and Guitars sold on small payments, crancia rotter, Barker block. fovea. FOUR soft coal heating stoves for salt cheap. Apply Tha Redden, 411 So. 20tb. NO. 1 RADIANT HOME for sale. Good repair. 3616 Blondo. Typewriters. BUT an L. C. Smith ft Broa typewriter. B. V. Swansea Co.. Distributers. Ula sar am SL SECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. Standard Visible Writing Machines and othera "4 1-6 infra.' prices, for sale or rent; rent applied. Aak for list and offer. B. F. Swanaon Co.. 1116 Farnam. YOU can rent aa Oliver typewriter wit oak stand, IS monthly, from manufaoturara most Interested in satisfaction given. niiirai Trnatrritor Prt ''hone J r " Doug. 291s. MUcellaaeoas. WB RAVB on hand a number of Ink barrels which we wll. sell for 60 cents each Ttey are tine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. WANTED Good wide-awake traveling salesman to enter big sales force of a re liable merchandise store; big opportunity to good, hard-worklag man. Addreea aV-Mi, Baa. DRUGS at cot prices, freight paid aa all 0 orders: catalogue free. Shermaa A cConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. OfY) OVERCOATS. Slightly usod. St a -w gain. A. B. SINGER, ill N. llth. bar- FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. Wo Isad tho world la cheap bar fixtures; aaay payments. Jlruas-Wlck-Balka-Oolleadar. 407 U. lata att. FOR STA LB room hmiso to bo removed. 611 N. ttd Make offer. Apply Chris Beyer, ltd aa) earning SL Doug, and K-X. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all alses and makes: bargaiaa Amerlraa Supply Co., Ill garners UL About at) foot of V-laeh diameter No. If guage. galvantsed pipe, with four 46-1 a aa elbows and T. This was used for ventilat ing purposes, and Hps la In good eoaditlo Tho Boo Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnaaa, ONE butcher's loo box. IxS, cheaa. 11X1 BL Mary's Ave. (Y) AT, 6y ton or basket delivered any vv"'-"-iJ place. 'Phone Tyler lw; A-161s. CALENDAR pads. Burkley Printing Co. CCi A T Furnace lump, a ton, ft fA wmj Harmon A Weath. Web. 848. TOP buggy and harness, cheap. Harney 2&. Call PATENTS WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In U. H. Pat. offlce. Cll Paxton Blk. R. lal. D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. TaL Red Till PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT OPERATION OB PAIN. PAY WHEN CURED. DR. W. C. MAXWELL, 114 BEB BLDG.. OMAHA. nOUG. 1424. YOUNG WOMEN ooming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Seventeenth street and bt. Mary s avanua where they wlU be directed to suitable bearding places or otherwise assisted. l.oe lor our traveler a aid at the Union etatioa. MUCHANO THKltAPY DrugleKS treatment, stomach trouble. Dr. Margaret Halloran, i-t Neville Blk.. D. 7761. XfTc'C iOF, r'r Benda s massage iLioJiijiJ treatments recommended by leading physicians. 2J0 Paxton Blk. PRIVATE maternity home. Mra Dr. King. 1124 N. Itlli SL Web. 166J. Ind. D-1121. tjp it 1) massage a specialty, sure cure for baldness: facial tnssesKS, manicuring and shampoo work; satisfac tory work guaranteed. 411 Paxton Block. Vi VVTTfTIFKfrom ecmblng. 11 U). Mra 0ui 1UjM. U Peck. 1M0 N 24tb bt. ltATH Vapor, alcohol and tAAAA'J 1J6 Dodge. Id floor. mashasa. opp. poi. efflca Mma. Allea of Chicago. Doug-. 6da. PROF. D1NJIAN Oriental massage. 441 Brandets Theater. 'Phone D. eoX t A iTMV'TTP testment Mma "mlta. 4""v,i" v La 6. lata. Third 1 bird Floor. PRIVATE HOME during eonflnemeet. babies f r adoptioa. Ooed Garnarltan baal Urlurn. 71 1st Ave.. Council hiuffe. Ia. WILL any of tho iartles who saw the lady thrown from the rar at ltlih and Ciark on Bunaay, Novcinher 20. at ID r. in., please telephone Phillip Bchlalfer. led 441( or Douglas 1100. JOSIE WAGHBITRN'S book. "The Under world newer. " at a book stereo. 1 rice, (1 H PERSONAL tConUnue-S.) OMAHA Stammerers' Id a. Ramge Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off Clothing In fact, anything you do not need. Ve collect. meur and sell at l.4 N. llth Kt., for cost ot collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'pbona Douglaa 41J6 and wagons will rail. E L. LOVEJOT repairs sewing machines and warrants them. XJui N. list. Web. 8TRICTLY private- home for conf'ne ments; excellent rare; babies for adoption. tils Davenpo-t WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-163; DourIss 14. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. 16th and Harney Sta. Q,-r-;tnVioa from combings. 11 M. Mrs S. WllCneS Mathewm, 304 Neville blk. D2J WTrtQ and toupes for men. Oiifflta, VY 1UO u .nd u FKKN2SR BLOC It. MRS. A. HUBTER. Millinery, 221 N. 16th. DR.BUBKE S"o7n of l(th and Douglaa, Omaha. Call or write. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re moved, no pain, no los of time, no Injury to the skin; work guaranteed; lady attend ant. HO McCagua Bldg., lbth and Dodge. THE OMAHA HOUSE and WINDOW CLEANING Co., furnaces fired and base ment kept clean, storm windows washed snd put up. rnone tea zu. M A OTVFTTfi Treatment E. Brott, 721 MASK SUITS to rant at LIEBKN B. REFRESHMENTS and service by Alfred Jones, head waiter at Omaha Field club last season. Tel. H. 1K1 nd. A-4J71 f ACQAnV treatment. Mrs. Steele, 111 MAiXAUi g 17tn SL M floor, room 5. CONFINEMENT CAPES csred for at my heme; 120 per week. Mrs. Mary L. Smith, Waverly, Neb. 'Pbona Automatio ML PAPTOT? Millinery, Emll Kreba, 121 I AAVLiUX. NavUi Blk. Old hats made Kiinitnrv HA1RDRESSINO PARLORS. OUlHltu v Tmk uarinu0 massages for a good complexion. 101 .Paxton Blk. D. 47L A HOMI1 for women during conf'iameoi e find homes for babies vhow mothers eaanot oare for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mra Martha L. Lee, 401 taneroft feu. Omaha. Neb. 'Phono Doug laa UU. fiTiANT) Vlow. Maternity home, private uibruiu home for women during confine ment. Address Box 117, . Florence. Tel. Florence 292. 1 A DTPW' coat rellned. Miss Chase. lirtHHiO M Paxto Blk. Tyler MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Rlttenheuse, R. tvg Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance. 10 S 16th. R ATTTQ Scientific massage, 1617 Dodge St. UJlA11 Basement flat. 10 a. m. 1 p. m. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. Strengthen. 60a BKLL DRUG CO. DR. EGGERS, Private confinement homo, 1616 Martha St., Omaha. Tel Douglas 6220. POULTRY NOX-I-CIDE disinfects and kills the germs. Mixes with watsr and la cheap and effective. Use It now and prevent dis ease. Nebraska Seed Co., 1613 Howard St, THOSE free packages Conkey's Laying Tonlo and Poultry Books going fast. Uet yours touay, sure. Nebraska Seed Co., 1613 Howard St. PRINTING Lew W. Raber, Printer SSSm. Beo Bldg. Entrance on Court. "'PHONE IND. A-2S20 for good printing, L ngstad Printing Co., Mth aud Capitol Ave MILLER JAMISSOM, Ull Douglas Bt Both phones. - e, vtr. rv. 1i ft 14th. Ind. A-3824. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS UP T1TLK. PETIR JESSEN. Wco. ToL Doug. ESI Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam SL REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est 1861; prompt service ; get our prieea, 2ui Brsuvtsls theater. BKNIAM1N R. K. CO., 477 Brandels sUdg REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. 1601 aad IMf City National Bank Bldg. citv PRorcuTr roR ialb. LOOK AT THIS We will sell or rent fine -room, modern house, 2021 Howard 4 blocks from business comer. 1 blocks Publlo library, ' 4 blocks High school. Wo will rent 1017 Howard,' next door, room, modern ex. furnace. Price rent or sale very low. Immediate possession. In spection any time to suit you. PUTNAM CO., 126 Brandels Theater Bldgr ACRE PROPERTY Close to a large populated community Is the best possible investment. There never was a person who bought well lo cated suburban aore prope-tly, but what made good money. You can make good money on any of the following tracts: 20 acres, all in fruit, about one mile northwest of Ralston, and one mile south of Center street. Has nice 6-room cottage, good barn, large chicken liou. This Is ons of tha nicest and most pro ductive fruit farii.e. in Nebrjxka and would make an lde.U country home. It can be bought right. I, 19, 26 or mora aores In Ralston Helfthts, not over a quarter of a mile to the Papllllon Street car extension. This addition Is now ripening Into Ideal suburban property, overlooking, aa It does, tho cities of Omaha and Kouth Omaha This property can be bought now st from $226.00 to 176 00 per acre, the best buy In acre property now. 6, 10, 20 or more acres In- Ralston Fort Crook boulevard. On one tract there Is a good well, and some fruit, prices from 1175.00 to 125.00 per acre. O'NEILS RKAL ESTATE AGENCY. Tyler 1024 and A-J81J. Ind. F-im South 1(1 1506 Farnam Street, Omaha. (11 North 24th Street. South. Omaha. 4-Room Cottage in growing section of Omaha, convenient to school, one block from Sherman Ave. car. Large lot, nice lawn and gar den, fruit trees, grapes and strawberries. This is a new plac and the price ia right. $100 Down will handle it. Address L 3S0, Bee. GRASP THIS OPPORTUNITTI We have lust listed a new 6-room rot- isge, newly pepred; south part of town fine modern riumblig; furnace heat: r ment walks; first class neighborhood. We rati aell tnls all modern home for lu) aown, UBiaure iiKfl n-ni. PAYNi; & i-UTER CO.. Kole Aents. Ill N. Y, Life Bidg. Phono; Doug. lull. REAL ESTATE CITY PHorKHT Y FOR IA1.B. (Continued.) You Can Make $350 by buying a south front lot In Kountie Place, located on Spencer near 24th. Has raved street, all paid, sewer, water, gas and brick sidewalk, tak-foot front. There Is no other lot that csn be bought on the same street for lews than Owner has Instructed us to ee.l for I1.1&0. Don t let this bargain slip by. HASTINGS & II EY DEN, 1814 Harney Ft. STOP PAYING KENT Make tlie first payment on a house. These two houses can ba sold on eay payments. . 2930 N. 25th St. This la a five-room cottage with rlty water, gas, complete, bath room, in fair condition. On easy payments, for 11,750. 2932 N. 25th St. A good seven-room, two-atory house, with city water, gaa, com plete bath room and furnace, on payments, for 12., t A Tou would make no mistake In buying either one of these houses. See or phone. CItElGII SONS & CO., Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. Hanscom Park Home An eastern client Is here for a few daya and says he wants an offer on his house. Has rooms. 5 bedrooms, large attlo, east front lot, barn, close to two car lines; houso Is nicely decorated throughout. If you can use a house of this slie think we can give you a barraln. Your own terms. Call us up for particulars. Field Club Home Choice 8-room nil modern home, on Sfith Ave., near Wool worth; has fine living room, four good bedrooms, largo attio, room for two more bedrooms. Owner might consider good lot part payment. SELBY, Douglas 610. 436 Board of Trade Bldg.1 Farm Home 25 A. -Near Florence One of the prettiest locations on the ridge road north of Florence. Retiring owner a successful horticulturist has made It his home for twenty years. The plant ing and location are Ideal for a beauti- ten acre vlnevard; larKe shade trees and flower-In shrubs. Including several thou sand ncnnlea. House la a small cottage, other buildings very good. Price 18.000. Not olten aucn place on the market. Harrison & Morton. ' YOUR OFFER MY PRICE. On southwest corner Park Ave. and Har ney, a modern 8-room frame, 60x176, space for another residence on Park. Don t miss a rare chance and act quick. Owner de termined to close out. Six lots near Fairaores, full olied; a rare speculation for sure gain. Bouth omana Lot 4. diock si: a store. with rooms above; 60x168 on J6th St., be tween N and O 8ts., opposite Millers hotel. ritHLI H. I1AUKA, New York: Life BJdg. Douglas 43S4, FOR SALE House 7 rooma water, sewer, toilet, etc.; nice trees and shrubbery, mi South 21st Bt. Pollock Blk., $32,000 66x132, N. aide Farnam. 132 feet B. of 24th. Harrison & Morton. Scovern Blk, $45,000 87x132 on N. BlUa Farntvm. (A littl 2. of propoBea lui bu Harrison & Morton. TEN-ACRE fruit farms for sale on easy teinis yield from 1200 to 1600 an aero when developed. Address w. rl. tforohoralng, bll-12 city rsat. uana jsiug. FOR BALE Two lots. 121x140, on souta 16th Bt near Vinton: all spsclal taxes paid, Will sell as one piece or divide. Willing to sell bt sacrifice. Apply at 121 Souta Cat Bt. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOB IALR Alabasaa. SOUTHERN colonisation bargain! 6,0M ores; good land; miles 8t Mary's river frontage: Ideal climate: tine rishing and bunting; only as per aore; worth U. Wtl tr ID. Barnes, AvondaJe Station. Birmlng Arkaassa, ARKANSAS FARMS Rig llstt special bargains; sent frea Writs today. Captala KiKtis. ayeitaviiie. Ara. BARGAIN 0-acre farm, near Waldrua Scott county, Arkansas; 40 acres tilled and In meadow, balance timber; good housea barn, excellent water, frlo 61.000. a Cox. WaMron. Ark ' California. FONTANA orange lands Is the beet In vestment in Southern California. 1300 and easy Installments buys five acres and Inde pendence. Either live on land or company will plant and attend orchard. Write for terms, f ontana Development Co., 617 Wil cox Bldg., Loa Angeles, Cal. 40 ACRES Finest Orange land Bear rreano, California. 61.6UW. a, Ueo. A FINE 16-ACRB PEACH ORCHARD la Ontario, Cal., value 16.000. to trade for good elder Dakota or Sioux Falls. Several fins California orange groves, from 114,000 up. sa'a and trades. Have one called the fmett Dlaca In southern California, price tUt.UA Beautiful pioperty will pay big rat urn. also. If you have eastern property to trade for southern California, send description. Tradea eriucted anywhere. Faithful u.r- onal attention given to your matters. Ia emence, sales, trades rentals. Investments, ste. Kcfereuces furnished. Jamas M. Vaa Ueusen. bus vraiey uiug.. raaadena. Cal Caaada. etCLr-PUPPORTlNQ HOMES la tha w. tous fruit district ot southern Britlsa Columbia for 110 cash and liO mnnthlv without Interest. Annual profits, loot) to il ooo per acre, urcnaru, git roan, poultry; scenery, bunting, flailing, boating; delight ful, warm c-uuiaie; cnurcn, achool, poat atflca store, big sawmill, oaiiv train eioee to market, unlimited Oeuiand fur producta write Quick lor maps, photoa. fice information. Weal Kooieuay Fruit Lands v.o., utK. u, urawer luev. Nelaoa, brlttsn v-uiuuio.a. Colorado. COLORADO LAND. 1 bare lOoO acres of luiuruved and unlm proved land for aale at from lit to ti aa acre, wiimu irum one to ie mus ot toai all good illlase; wrlie me .-r particulara D. O. BEAN, BOV1NA. COLO. FOR HK1.IAULK. BKBT located fruit tracts la Colorado, on easy luruu, lowest prices, write Rev. v . n. tuiuui lum a latu AVI.. I'ruvrr wtta. CONDITIONAL SALE Will sell 10 acres t-year apples In Grand Junction valiuy to party who will cars for 12 acres on one side and J) aires on opposite side; will pay Ijo a year for at least 2 years. Geo PTortda. FLORIDA LAND BARGAIN 1T.S66 cree rneat or farming lanu. two crops 1 early; deep water lasuings; two railroads H ia) per acra W alur E. Barnes. Avon cais. Ala. FLORIDA Ws bavo millions ef acres ot Florida timber cut over farm and eninni. tation lands. Estate Journal nig barsalna rice houiea; we can suit you. National Realty Agency, JacksoavUla, Flofflite. REAL ESTATE FARM AN II H A.N III I.AM FOR 141 R Plnrl da Coat tawed, FLORIDA LAND. Florida Tou cannot loae on an? well se lected property in Florida. V't are sure ot quick and substantial from a We have many good proprtlea for colonisation, frutt and vegetable lands and Improved (arma Pope A North. Hut Atlantlo Na tional Bank Bids.. Jackeonville. Pla. GREAT S0UT1I GEORGIA TRAVERSED RY THB ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adsutable to the widest range ef crone: all the money crops of the South plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with tms coming country, its soil, cli mate, church ar.d school advantages, write W. H. LEAHY, Gen'l Passenger Act. Dept. K. Atlanta. Oa Isws. IOWA FARMS. Write for ray large Illustrated list of Madison county farms, from to acres up to 640 aores. all prices; good liberal terms. Sea Madlsoa county before buying. Beat all around county In the state. A dress J. 11. BHRIVKH. W Interest, la. IOWA PERFECT FARM 106 acrea, 10 miles out. Every Inch tillable and now In u. Level, no overflow. Soil very ferule and shows pplenclid crops this year and every year. The land has not a defect from corner to corner and there la simply nothing better out doors. Five- room house, two barns, crib, gin nary, hog sheds and all as good an new. Price, !1U; terms ensr. This Is just such land as every farmer and city man has wished he nillit some time own. It certainly Is a snap. Will F. Sledentopf, 86 Baldwin Blk., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. Bell Red 778; Ind. Its Red. Red. Nearby Iowa Farm $80.00 Per Acre 232 acres, 10 miles out. M per rent level to gently rolling and nearly all can be farmed. 175 acres now In corn, wheat, al falfa and timothy, and shows high grade farming. Good 6-room house, laiae barn. etc. In good condition. Two-acre orchard. Price, 1MI per acre. Terms are easy. Build ings wronsly located and road arrange ments could be better, but the land and fertile soil Is there, and Is worth over $100 per acre to any farmer who wants to farm. For description address Will F. Bledentopf, 36 Baldwin Blk.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. Bell Red 778; Ind. 149 Red. FOR BALK 471 acrea woll Improved, at 167 50 per arro for short time only: 640 acrea all valley land. Improvements cost about H.oou. a bargain at 1,0 per acre. Terms W. H. KENNEDY. CART ANA, I A. 67H-ACRI9 IOWA FARM. I miles of Council Bluffs, all fine land but Lor 4 acres, which Is seeded to alfalfa irge house, good barn and all kinds of euthuuaings. cine o.tmara ana vineyard. With a little care tho fruit will more thaa nay Interest on enUre cost of the placa Good spring and ona of best meadows la the state: was gren all through this dry summer. Farms no better have sold for liWl per acre We offer this for 1115. M OKU KUUUj HO 1 A I K CIA, 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. M6-ACRE Improved farm, northwest Iowa: three-quarters mile from town: lot acres tillable: tul par acre, clear. Owner will undo for good business, take balance back on land. JONES LAND CO. Peterson. Ia. 4 ACRES, 6 blocks of Omaha car lino, In Counoll Bluffs, and walking distanoo of Omaha. Tho very finest of garden land and can be cut Into city lota and cold any time; 21.606 buys It M'OEB REAL. ESTATE! CO.. 14 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. TEN Improved farm 4or rent or sale on crop payments. '. aiulhall. Sioux City. ia.. Kaaaaa BARGAINS. 100 acres choice land; 1.000 acres of It In wheat; well located, well Improved; 12.(6 per acre; will exchange for smaller. A fine plantation of nearly 2.U0O acrea welt located and welt Improved; Louisiana, 126 per acre; trade. Modern 100-barrel flour mill and elevatap doing good business; central Kansas; 125.- sou, and casn lor rancn. 126 acres good wheat, oto., land, central Kansus: 120 per acre: for rental. I bavo some choice farms and ranches in eastern Kansas and western Missouri, any also and price you want; some will ex- channe. When you want to buy, sell or exchange land, merchandise or anything else of value, I would Uke to bear trout tou. FRANK GEE. Lawrenca Kan. ALFALFA land; farm lands In western Kansas. I quote, subject to previous aale, B. W. U-tO-U, shallow water alfalfa land, at 126 per acre; 314 miles from MoCue. N. K. U-17-32, good wheat or broom oorn land, tU per acre; miles irom Manning, on alo. ao U. D. Card. Scott City. Kan. 160 ACRES In Anderson, county, Kan.) t acres pasture, balance new land; price, 111 par acre. neai-uowman Land Co., Gar Ittt. Kan. Mexico. LANDS. MEXICO I have for sale severai fins traots of tropical lands and transportation especially suitable for fruit and stock rais ing. Cheap on quick sale. Live correspond ents wanted. None but responsible firms or parties need answer Kefereocea given and required. Address j. rerrui Kent, Tlaoolalpatn, Ver Mexico. Mlaaeiala. . FOR Bale Cheap Good farm; U6 aereo: all under cultivation: small buildings: I miles west of Hawley, Clay county, Minn, Aaareas rtox t, Muskoda. Minn. 120 ACRES, clay soil, well timbered, wit A bard wojd ; located near this city; a big bargain, r-nce. s per acre. r. u. 'im el- man, bt Cloud. Mlba CHOICE) FARM LANDS In Rock and Pipestone counties, Minnesota, IA to M per acre; easy terms. Address ENQEBKETbON LAND CO. Jasper. Mlna WANTED People for homesteads, write to J. 11. lleltmunn, Baudette, Minn. MlesoarL MISSOURI LAND for sal-s 60 acrea to low acres; terms and pricu to suit pur chaser. Write for particulara W, VL fetaveua. Clinton. Hry Co.. Mo. 160 ACRES 6 miles to town. good, level. well drained land; on mall route and cnool bouse cu one corner of the farm 1 room nouae. new; barn 30x4; hog and cow house, windmill, plenty water, about t acres timber. Tbia Is a good plao at u6 per acre. D. E. CKUTCHER, Drexel. Mo. BARGAIN W-eere farm- 4 miles frora naraaw. Mo.; 25 acres cultivated, balan baataro; Bear solsool aad a ch; prioa :,vwu, terms eaa. AO uj ass 1. u. owe Warsaw. Mq HALF INTEREST, 40-acre farm, under laid with alno and load. 1. Cua, City. Mo. ItiO ACRE3 AND 406 ACRES IN GOOD Id Cass county; s miles from Kansas City both well improved; tine black liuieslons land; bargaiu. choice toe per acre, good lei us. a., v. tsuruett. Uardua City, Mo. A SNAP If taken In 60 days Fine vallev 46 acres, Impiovad. In the heart ot iat county, Mlsaourl, I ml las from county seal, teat wlin owuer, save commiaaiuo. Addreat Bos 16. It. F. D. No. 5. LarriaouvlUe. tea THREE high class Improved northwest Mlaaourl farius for sale, corn, clover anj blue giaaa land, your cnotce, ,6 per aura Writ for p&rtlouiar. Basel 1. Mcea. owner, r. u. pox w. Chlllic4ua Ma Moataaa. DAWSON COUNTY, MONTANA. 1.20 acres slock and grain ranch, 6 miles f 1 om a live town, 4 m.les from a new rail road, 7u0 acres plow land, Joo acres ready for crons; all fenced and cross fenced; good 6-rooin house; large barn and ail neceaaary ouibu.ldings; best of water; stocked with blooded stuck, and all necessary machinery, IncluiIiiiK a gasoline plow outfit. I'rice of ranch, $:M,otf; eusy terms; fur particulars address It. A. i ulta, bldney, Moat, REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAM II I. A.M COR gAl.H Mom taaa Coat letted. FARM LAYS. We own 4,'lui acres of the beat orchard land In tha Hitter Heot valley. Will sell. entire tract or will d:lile to suit Aa ex-. rrllent proposition on which to form a syn dicate. V HI tnaKe literal terms; sinaii ca.xh payment, balance ten years. W al have a h"rtng orchard wen improva cn ts'nlng f-M acres. W e aunt to set tn touch with some live ones who can handle some of this. Write for further particulars. O. W. KERR. 2o Andrus RM. Minneapolis. Minn. Rearashaw "NONRESIDENT AFRAID Or DEMO CRATS." Just received a wire rrom a aonresldent to offer his section of land five miles from this city at 16 per acre, which be has been asking 111 per acre for; It Is one of the best In the community; only three-quartern of a mile from school. It will take 11.126 cash; balance five years' time; no trade. Wire or write me when you will coma and 1 will meet you. R. C. SELBY, SOMERSET. Neh, rPNAP 640 acres, 10 years' timet eight rocm house; 150 acres broka; fenced and cross-fenced; 1 cattle eheds, barns; good well; black soil, all level; 1 miles from town; price 114 per acre, 1 will taka ama.ii payment down and let balance run for 16 ears at 6 per cent Interest. School house on land. Write for particulars. GOODWIN REALTY OX, K1MBALU NEB. "TWO Hill BAROAtNS." sfiO U mile to town. In Perkins Co. Neb. Bent land. $S,500. 801 miles to town, in uuriaio uo., rven. ( room house; 60 In corn. 15,200. Only 11,20! cssh, balance long time. Of 111. K ft KEARNEY, NEB. DOUGLAS COUNTY ISO ACRESt Mile to e-ood town and paved road to nn, aim 1 miles to lAth and Farnam Pts.t well Improved; second bottom oorn land. SARPY COUNTY 160 ACRES. Five miles to Oretna. 6 mlleo to town en Rock Island Une. Improvements Include new well and barn; lliO acres In grain, bal ance pasture. WASHINGTON COUNTT-100 ACRFjo. Three miles enst of Calhoun, only T miles north of Florence; good buildings. Prices and terms on above sent yoa, WlU take Omaha Income property up to one-half value of land. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New York Ufa Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Bell and Independent Phones. T. W. BLACKBURN, lawyer, 401 Paxton block.- offers section 11-16-16, Keith county, at $7.60 per acre for quick deal. IMPROVED farm about 100 acres la Colfax county, Nebraska, all good level land, new Duuiungs, tw acres 10 wneai. lavs close to town. U. P. R. R. runs tlirouKh the farm. Price, 190 per Aore, would take some city property, a. Haiiimonii, 132 Board of Trade. FOR BALE OR TRADE 600 A ranch !n Nance Co., Neb.; large house, 1 large cis terns, large smokehouse, hen house, barn for 40 head of horses, large corn cribs, blacksmith shop, 1 bog houses, Isrgo cattle shed. 160 a. In alfalfa, bog tight; 260 a. under plow, balanoo hay and pas ture, will accept a gooa mercnanaise stock, If a live one. up to 116,000. Call, write or phono. Rector t O'liare. North Bend, Neb. XT c- , eu a T U -O K r-l,AVAnMA Co., Neb., 6 miles north Potter. All A No. 1 land. 120 acre. 8E,. 21, T. w, it. M, cneyenno I..TX, hid., all good black loam soil, oiay subsoil; fenced; sacrifice $16 aero; half cash. A, B. Lathrop, 421 Bea. oath Dakota. DOUBLE YOUR MONBT Da vou want to buy a coed townsUeT Wa r's ve It Just fresh from she government. with perfect title. 110 lots now surveyed ana about 10 of them sold with about 10 build in as now completed In tha town on a rail- resa that ties six aaiiy trains, vim ex cellent servtca. This townslto Includes 161 acrea of the verv best of second bottom and with fine timber for parks and also fine stream or wster running tnrouga it, Fine openings for altrroet aH' kinds of bast reus, eapeclally a bank, hotel and elevator. A grand bargain If sold in thirty daya Ad dress Powell Land A Loaa Co.. Powell, titanly county. sV - SECTION of Gregory oounty (South Da kota) land for sale. This section has tim ber, running water fed by springs, lota ot bay; 60 acres broken; 160 aores can ba plowed; all fenced: one-half mile from school, three miles from one rlre.d town god six mlleo from another; good aell and the very best all-around farming and stock raising section In Gregory county. South Dakota. Call oa or write to Charles M liner. Dir. Fairfax D. WHY PAY HIGH RBNTT Mr. Farmer, come to South Dakota! atoa paying high rents: own your own farm: spend tho money for your Improvements that you are paying In Iowa In high rent. We own twenty quarters of land hero that wo can aell you for $26 to $30 per aore oa terms you can't beat, tl.OuO to $1,606 down, balanoo on payments at 6 per oenL Come bere before the snaps are all gooa For full lofoi motion write Dlxoa Broa. or Bank of Seneca. Faulk county, a. D. -4 "THE IDEAL HOME"- OF 646 ACRES. situated In tho Big bloux valley., four miles south of Castlewood, tho oounty seat of Hauilln county. South Dakota; 440 aoree of deep black loam, under yearly oultivauon; loo acres in pasture and 100 In tho beauti ful spring-fed Iake Floienoa, with Its sylvan scene and sparkling waters, deep and pure and tilled with ttsh and game la season, and nearby la the borne, a le-roone bouse, large barn, two granaries, chicken bouse, hog house and woven-wlre pasture; arrn silo, machine bouse, small barn and ' umeroua small bulldlps, all la good con dition, with windmill, three walls and cis tern, all surrounded by a beautiful grave, prtco, 126,000. on good terms, by M. J. stiae. ell, Caailoweod. S. V Oklahoma. FOR fine farm land In mild climate, good water, good land, write or call on li. W. Parks, Hooker, Okl. Texas. WELL IMPROVED ranch ef srr tlons for salo by owner; in center ot Gray county, Texaa: well watered; priced right Apply to H U Lovetw Pautoa. Tag, Washington. . 10 ACRES CLOSE TO SPOKANE. On eleclrlo line, Hublrrigated, near $760 land. Cheap. Part cash, balance 1 years. 11. T. ROBERTS, Box 1238, bpokauc. Wash, WUeaails. (0 ACRES LEVEL LAND. M cultivated, balance pasture, 6-room bouse, largo bar a, chicken Louaa, spring and trout biook on farm, 1 miles from station, school on land, ll.ouO, easy terms. Tom O. Mdi"n, ltia&d City Stale bank, Cumberland. Wis. MlaeelLaaeoaa. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE OH TRADET Or do you want to buy oneT Make your wants known through THU btH MOINES CAPITAL, the want me dium of Iowa. Rates; 1 cent a word for each Insertion, 6 cents a line, 76 oents ao Inch. Circulation, 41.000; largest of any Iowa dally. Give ua a trial. Address Tbe Capital Land Dep t.. Dea Moines, la. Successful Fruitdale IS THE PLACLi FOH YOU Land In this established gulf coast colony Is tne ben InveMtiuent now being offered In the entire south; good land, not white tand; no negroes; fine markets; big profit country; nut a new tbijt-, hut fcautblttlied fur 18 years and succee proven; haalthful ill mate and Leauliful winters, Mater pure; raintall ample, no Irrigation required; $j per month buys a faun in this district, where ten acres can be mud to produce $0,000 a ear; prl e low now and makes aplendld lneM;nent, aa land Is rspldly In creuMing In value; nothing exactly like It anywhere, send fjr our big book of pan orama views. Aticnts wauled. Krultilale Development Company, 047, 42 . Cln.ato.ut St., ril. Louis, Mu. REAL ESTATE LOANS $j00 to $6,000 00 Omaha liomaa, OK acre Hen I Eatal Co.. 101S N. Y. Life. Duwg. or A-Ui2. LOANS to home owners and homo build ers, with prlvileKS ot making pavi ual pay tuaiits fcemi aiiuually. W. H THOMAH, 6T4 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans, pour Trust Co.