Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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it 3
rly Cables Send Wheat Up a Little
; This Morning.
j cash coeh is orr half a cm
matrr Ilooaes Sell Trfore Freely and
I. oral Demand la ot Active
Hajrra Da Not Favor aa
OMAHA, 'ov. 2J, 1310.
v I. "at . strong and higher rarly on
I.uIht cable ni r.porti Of serious dam
mkh to Argentine cron from recent drouth.
I In idvan' e was flu entirely to specula
tive buying, an milling deie-and 1 not im
proving and the opening Ji1 not hold.
Later the wheat Blinnped off rea.lllv ait
the general opinion In that the Argentine
il;nnen Is being enakKerat'il. A nervous
market can be expcct-d .. until after the
Aigeniirie. crop has been harvested.
l oi n Is decidedly k, country uttering
are freer and receipts are picking up, whi.e
ilemand is not active. Lur values were
expected and no one la being disappointed.
, Lack of any marked Improvement In tlie
V -hipping demand and the hevy tone In the
1 ,' it lire market caused cs. sir-wheat to sell
' .- lower today, outsiuu markets were
f rnier at the close and may cause a. more
ait ve local market-
i'ah corn aold off another '.c on liberal
consignments and trier tilling by country
Local demaiei la not active and with Ub
lul receipt fronv- now on buyer are not
inclined to favor alli ance. -
Primary vheat receipts were 734,0110 hush
eli and ehlirmrnts were S22.WK) bushels.
against receipts lat year of iOs.OOQ bushels
I shipment of 6J9.000 bushels.
'rimarv corn reoeiiit. were 71t.unQ bushels
and shipments Were 8 0"0 bushels, auainst
ii-i-etpta last year or f.ll.flno bushels mm
shipments t of MAO bushels.
clearance were 100,4 bushels of corn,
mm of mii and wheat and flour equal to
..i.iss hiiKhele. '
Liverpool elosed. "4d lower. to Sd higher
on wheal and Vd higher on corn.
Omaha, Cash Price.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, fyu!2c; No. t hard,
87 fi Wire; No. 4 hard. (I'Jwu.r; rejected hard.
TJ'-mzv, No. 1 spring, o(j9.iei No. I spring,
coKN No. 2 white. 44Vj4"e: No white,
44W.i4.c; No. 4 white, 4 1 41 44 'so; No. 2 yel
low. 44Vi4.:."c: No 3 vellow, 4441i4..WCi No.
4 yellow, 44S14444c; No, 2. 44lu"C; No- 3.
4 IS'" 4,'s:; No. 4, 4.44Vc; no grade, 414-c.
ovTrV-No. 2 while, 30';iti3ire; standard,
MKCW'ic; No. 8 ' while, - EiU'oe: No. 4
white, H'iv :Hr, No. 8 yellow, atv(ii30c; No.
I 4 ellow. Jjiplio.
HAKI.KY No 8. IOwKc; No. 4, t4ft70c;
". 1 feed, M'g; rejected, iH2o.
Jt Y"K No. 2, ifu74o; No. 8. ll'it'iic.
Carlot Kecelpta.
. v v 'heat Corn. Oats.
I'hlcago 41 4X!) 218
Minneapolis 243
Omaha Hi t 4
Dulutn T
Featarea of the Trading Mad t'loaln
I'rlcea on Hoard of Trade.
CllICAtlO, Nov. 22. Drouth losBea as
KieHt aa ) per cent to the wheat crop near
Buhla Hlanea, In the Argentine Itepuhlio,
put up the price of wheat herft today. The
market closed strong; at a net advance of
Mi'nis to l'u. Corn made an irregular
fltilth, (ii"V; down to Vo'ic "l- Oata
were Ho (a NVr'tO higher than lust night
and provisions varied from , 10c gain to
U'.jC decline.
Argentines new was the thief fuctor In
the wheat nit from the start. After a
loads were r-ported from the Atlantic eea
Jioard. Another circumstance that attracted
aitent n Was the continuance of dry
weather in the winter wheat belt. The
nervousness1 of 'shorts became more and
more evident and price at. the end of the
ession were within a shade of the highest
if the d:iy. The range tor the Alav option,
taking trade' as a whole, waa from iWc to
1, '-wc, with laat afca l"rflVo net higher at
fl-VtiiC'.Sc. ,..-
Corn ilroppi il to a lowr level todav than
fur Meveiiil years. May ran from ii'n ic
10 4iVS''i4'ic. closlnir' firm a shade up at
.'yi4iKji Tn eaa4M jnarket wue weak.
No. yellow finiHlied at Cl'-iarilc.
'Tin re Yi.M a Kojd trade In oats at prices
governed bv corn. May reached as extreme
low no. I h.'lrh flgtiria Xil'iC and 3Tc. with
the cloHo- at the laut named limitation, a
gain of 'i!,. compared, with twenty-four
hours previous.
1'rnvtnliiti, -except lard, Were firm. The
laiest aalcs 1 Were Va Irtc higher for pork,
svulii'-ao off for lard and 60 advance for
i ll s.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
llclea.l Open.( Illgb.l Uow. Close. Yes'y.
W heat I
(I Tr.
.Ian, .
H''itrr 'MiH-wiOt'.1 97V'
m WIM. "-'nl W:a VS
44VliV 41 4S!44'i'&,l'
-4l,Vi ":4V(l4i.H, 4bVtQlil
4ii-l 4;S47HH',4
AO's 30-Vfi 'x
17 15
J ikrong opening there was a temporary
I jr eMotlon. due to- corn weaknews, but a
jS freah grist of dlspatchca from .South Amer
( jT lea brought out important buying. Almost
nt the same time export aalee of forty boat
17 15 17 15 17 JO 17 IS
lti 27 10 16 1 'i f li
10 20 10 07H 10 07H 10 20
06 774 o v w
66 4."i 45 y U4
IS 05 t 12V,! 074
M j M'si 4i 874 -'4
ltf 17H
1(1 20
r N
0 07W!
No. i,
cash ouofatlohs Were aa fellows;
FLAJUK- ririn;- winter patents.
4t, winter straights, 83.juu4 3o; spring
straights. J4 20''4 4..; bakers, J.ioni4.70.
Hi. K NO. 2, l4C.
BAKLliY Ffie-1 or mixing,
to choice, mailing, 7.j'THe.
6iKii70c; fair
HlOIHiS F'lax; No. 1 suillh western, 2.4;
No 1. northwestern, 8--62. Timothy, 8a. W.
Clover, 8I4.. . ,
FKOVlslo.NSAMesa pork per bbl., 8l7.2f,g
17.60; lard, per HM lbs., 810.0,4; short ribs,
sides, loose. 8 OOulOij; short clear aides,
boxed, . 8S.7i'i 10 t"".
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
riual to "Jnft. ins bushels. Primary receipts
were 734. Ouu busUsKi. oompared with K2,ouo
bushels tho coresponding day a year ago.
The world's visible supply as shoao by
Hiadstreet's Inoreasod e . 1 1 g ,000 bushels. Es
timated rauelpta for turn or row: Wheat, 26
tars; corn. 2oa cars; oata, 170 cars; hogs,
2..W0 bead.
chit-ago t'asrl I'rii'oa Wheat: No. 1 red,
HIV, No. 3 red, 14v:; No. i bard, VJVi
'.-; No. 3 hard. t(3c; No. 1 northern
uili.g, 81.0i.ijl.lW; No. 2 northern spring,
l l.t;; No. spruig, 81.02'u l.Oii. Corn:
No. 2 cash, tiuVveO'sc: No. 8 cli, aOVic; No.
2 white, .'ih't .-0-ne; No. 3 Wlilta, boyuoc;
--o. jeiitiw, Di-vtioif c; ro. yenow, oitf
itil'id. Oats; No. 8 oaah, 3oc; No. 1 white,
t ;.' (33c; No. 3 whlta. aivv'c; No. 41 white,
1 iln.iISc; standard, 32 11 3240.
f! KiitJd tileusly; receipts, 2 4tf7 rases
awka, cases Included, J4j224c; firsts,
riine firsts. Sic.
1'OL'LTHV Xteady; . turkeys, lv,
turkeys, dressed. . ic; lieu'a live.
tpniigs, live, 10c.
. Laala Oaaeral Market.
T. IaIUIS, Nov. s 22. WHEAT Steady:
tisuk. No. 2 red, at;'.'.'!-; No. 2 hard, ..u
ll.tC. Close futures wheat higher; Decem
ber, 2',c; May. !s''fliSc.
CORN Lower Daceiober, 43Uo; Msy,
4.ia4i).Vv Cash, lower) track. No, 3, 4,"4
(U,i4c: No. 1 white, (0c.
OATS Weak : December. ,c: May,
J4e. cash, lower; track. No. 2, 3o4c; No.
3 white. -"rC .. , ,
IIY K Vnchaiiged, Tsc.
FLOl'n Dull; red winter patents. 84 4t
4 80; extra TanCy and stralglit, 8J rAii4.),
brd wtater liears, 8i.i(l !sX
rfa.Kl 1 i liimthv. 3imii41.
Co K N M K A L 82 ,
ItKAN Oulet; sacked, east track, $1.01
HAY f teaeyf Uinothy. 14.lB l 00; prai
rie. 312 tuVfi 16 00.
I'KOVltflONS Fork unchanged: Jobbing,
117.50. Ird.' lower pi line steam. 8tooi.
Dry suit meats tboxedt. higher; extra
shorts, 8 0.4O, clear ribs, 310.60; short clears,
3 0 75. I bo if it I higher; extra shorts.
I2 00; clear ribs. 8!2iW; short clears, t!.S:i.
ItHLTHY-Kasier: chickens, 4c;
aprtngs. Us; turkeys. ISc; ducks, lie;
geese, hk
ri'TTFR-Mtaadv; creamery, z&o31c
iJU.-4 Weak. 274c
I 1 iteeetpis. Milptnents
f J Fteur. bbla hi. v.i 10 7.j
f a heat. . bu 74 is s; no
, H Corn, b'l Mm) is i 0
Oats, bu .tv Mull
,V A.all.hl. ...,He. of UU.
' "S NKW YOHK. Nov. 22. Sfieulal cable and
- ' teierHPhic contiiikinicatlons receited bv
lirailstiY-et's show the following changes in
A statlitil supplies as ismiiwted with pre
vious ai-coiuil: Available supplies: Wheat.
Laliad Sintri, east of Kuckies, IncrcKMeJ
reaped, "l.i'"i bu.
'anada, lncreaed.
Imjlieli. AfluBt for and In
I :urnpe. Inrrfaied w i.4 bophela. Total
Amerirnn and Kuropean ai'l'i'ly. In
rreHaed, MU.OM bu. Corn. I'nlted Statea
anil Canada, decreased lnjl.'V! bu. !,
I lilted ciuiua and Canada, deereaaed, Jt.1.
bn. The leading decraiK-a reported
this week follow: Increase!". Manitoba, !!.
! t.u ; 1'i.rtland. Me., SI-2.0K) bu ; Akron,
,.' bu. Iecrejea: Chlcaco private ele
atori, bu.; Nashville, i"J.i) bu. ; Mll
waukee private elevator. bi.UO bu.
Qaetatlon. f the Day oa tarloaa
Co as mod It lea.
NKVV YOttK. Nov. S. FLOCH-lMill;;
JPring patents, 85. 1 vu 5 ini, winter straights,
" '""I "'; winter patents, 84 4ii4 7f.; spring
cleHis, $4 I.V(,4.40; winter extras. No. 1, 3 40
4I.T70; winter extras. No. 2, 8.i.2.iiH.4U; Kan
sas Ktralghts, t.ijiti4.7o. live flour, firm;
fair to good, 4 ti 4.2T.: choice to fancy,
84.iVq4.4i. buckwheat flour, firm;
(.Hi per Km lbs.
I OK.VM KAI-Steady; fine white and yel
low, l.);Vul.2o; coarse, 81.10ul.15; kiln dried,
8J. N 'u i .
W11KAT Spot market firm; No. 2 red
9Vc elevator and KtiSc f. o. b. afloat; No.
1 northern Ouluth 81U7 f. o. b. afloat.
Futures market was firmer on reports of
damage to the crop In -Southern Argentina,
firmness In ituenoa Ayres and Liverpool
and a tietter export demand, closing 1'alMio
net higher. Iiecetnber rr1.-'.!-; closed
!'e. May 81 0 l-ltVyl04', clos.d 81-041;
July closed 10l'. Itccelpts 35,100; shipments
l-'URN-Spot market easy; No. 2 corn,
now, f. o. b. afloat to arrive. Futures
market was without transactions, closing at
lt to Se lower. I wceniber closed Mn; May
.44c Keieipts none; shipments none.
OATS Spot market steady. Fiturea
market waa without transactions, closing
at ',1: decline to c advance. November
closed ,ve; December aBc; May gyo;
July .. Heceipts lOM.Hi'o; shipments hone.
HAY (Joint; prime. H.W-b; No. 1, $l.V7Vi'&
1 .10; No. ;, S7c'u81.00; No. 3, tt90c.
MOl'S Steady; stnte, common to choice,
ir10 crop, lH-aiWc; ln crop. l.Vpl8c; J'acific
const. HMO crop. 14-i lo; 1MW crop, 1iVii14o.
Jill iB.S-yteady; Central America, 2-c;
Hogota, 21 '11 22c.
l.tiATHKH-Flrm; hemlock firsts, SIM,
E.e; seconds, 2iruUc; thirds, 19ii20c; rejects,
Ifu 17c.
FKOVISIOXR-I'ork, steadv; mess
81i'i0: family, J22.rilkfi2ii.00; short clears, 821.00
Si22.50. Heef, easy; mess, 814 OfrulR.OO; fam
ily, 20.00; beef hanis, 8-'4.tu 27.00. Cut
nieats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs.,
814 .7riil.7i'.; pickled hams. 13.60. Lard,
weak; middle west, prime, 810 3541 10. 4fi; re
fined, weak; continent 81100; Houth Amer
ica. 81210; compound, SJU&cuU.OO.
TA1.IXV Hull; prime city, hlids., 8c;
country, 7'vo'c.
li't'lti-Ha'rely steady; refrigerator, spe
refrlgerator, special mark, firsts, 241'ac-
BUTT K IV Kasy; creamery aiwclals, :IV3
32o; extras, 30Hc; third to firsts. 24'n29c;
held creamery, second to special, 2.Vt!.111io.
CHEKSE-Steady ; state, whole milk, spe
cial mark, fancy, In local storage, 2u"ift'Ac;
fancy white, lfH4til6Hc; skims. Utilise.
IUUI.THV Alive, steady; western chick
ens, 13VMc; fowls, lSiWHc; turkeys, 14fi
22c. liressed barely steady; western chick
ens, IKiITSc; fowls, lfyisc; western tur
keys, 1KW26C.
Cooler Weather la the Predletloa for
Wednesday In This Ylelaltjr.
OMAHA, Nov. 22, 1H10.
Tlie area of low pressure noted In the ex
treme northwest In the preceding report
now extends from the Saskatchewan valley,
Canada, south over the Missouri valley and
eastern Kocky mountain slope, with the
center of the depression still over Canada.
A very decided rise In temperature accom
panies this area of low and the weather la
much warmer this morning from the Mis
souri liver west Into the mountains. The
weather is somewhat unsettled in the up
per Missouri valley and northwest and
rains are fulling in Houth Dakota, and
Wyoming. An area of high pressure, with
cooler weather, Is moving In over the Pa
cific slope and will follow the low over the
central valleys, bringing cooler over this
vicinity by Wednesday afternoon. The
pastage of the low over the valleys will
cause cloudy and somewhat unsettled
weather In this vicinity today, but generally
fair weather will continue tonight and
Wednesday. Generally cloudy conditions
prevail in the lake region and eastern
states, Willi light snows in the upper Ohio
1 einperature and precipitation aa com
pared vmUi the last three years:
' - - - lfllO. liwS. 190S. 1907.
Lowest last night , 35 23 47 32
precipitation 00 .32 T .00
Normal temperature for today, 38 degrees.
Deficiency In precipitation kiiice L
2. 40 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In IsO.
4.13 Inches. L. A. W'ftLSH.
Lucal Forecaster.
Kansas City (irsln and Provisions.
cember, H07,c; May1, !Ki4'ir964c, sellers; July,
iioc. Cash wheat lc lower;, No. 2 hard,
Wi'ifir; No. 3, 1)2(0 i3e; No. 2 red, Wfjiiic; No.
3, oMc.
COUN December, 42,e, bid; May. 44,4J
44vcs sellers; July, 4.V.,i hid. Cash, un
changed to 40 lower; No. il mixed, 4k1)4k);
No. 3. 43v'(i47c; No. 2 white. 40; No. 3, 4to.
OATS I nchanged; No. 2 white, 3V'4 3Dc ;
No. 2 mixed, M'a&lr.
KVK-No. 2, 7tVu74c.
HA Y Cnchanged; choice timothy, IM.QOti
14 HO: choice prairie, 812.2iV(12 is).
nUTTF.K Creamery, 30c; firsts, 27c; sec
onds. 2,'ic; packing stock, 21o.
KUGS-Kxtras, 314c; firsts, 294c; sec
onds, 20c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 43 0 2S.0O0
Corn, bu..... 22,000 In O 0
Oats, bu 2.000 3.0U0
Minneapolis (irala Market.
M1NNKAFOL1S, Nov. 22 WHEAT-December,
I1.02S: May, 3106",. Cash: No. 1
hard, tl.Ori-S; No. 1 northern, 31.O4H01 0&H;
No. 3 northern, 31.014'u 1.044; No. 3, jaa
l.02S- 1
FLAX 82 57:4.
CORN No. 8 yellow, 4iri47o.
OATS No. 8 white, 2S430c.
HYK-No. I. 74c.
H RAN In 100 lb. sacks, 3-'0 O0r JO.iO.
FLOl'R First patents, 34.KVlS.3o; second
patents, 4.T.'i6.2S; f.rst clears, 83.263.60;
secend clears, 32.20CI2.7S.
Peoria Market.
PKOR1A. Nov. 22. CORN Steady; No. 3
white, old. 60c; No. 4 white, new, 43c; No.
2 yellow, old, 60c; No. 8 yellow, new, 464c;
old. 60c; No. 3 new. 4.c; No. 4 new, 43c;
sample, new, 3e4"404c,
OATS Kasy; No. 3 white. Sic; No. 4
white. 304c
RYE Steady; No. I, 7ej78Vo
Liverpool Grain Market.
LIVER FOOL. Nov. 22. WHEAT Spot,
strong: No. 2 red western winter. Cs 2'.1:
I futures, quiet; December, 7s .,d; March,
im 00: may. is n.
CORN Spot, firm; American
Id; futures, steady; Ueceniber,
February. 4s 2,d.
mixed. 5a
4s Sgd;
Mllwankeo Grain Market.
MILWAUKKE, Nov. 22. FLOUR Steady.
WHhlAT No. 1 northern, 31 tilil "."4;
No. 2 northern, $1.0440 LOb1; May, KUo,
OATS 414c
BAULKY Sample, 6Vy90',o.
Ilalulk Grain Market.
ri;Ll'TH, Nov. 22 WHKAT Oe.-etnber,
$1.05; May, 31 No. 1 northern, 31.064;
No. 2 northern. $l.u?4 to $1.0.14
OATS 314c.
toffee Market.
tures oiiened steady at an advance of S
to 13 points, which, of course, carried all
the active months Into new high ground
for tha movement with January contracts
selling at lu.jou. an advance of fully 4c
in less than a week. The continuation ot
the upwsud movement was encouraged by
strength In the Kuropean markets, fur
ther advances In Ilrazii and private cables
from Dojiios reiterating the unfavorable
outlook for the new crop, but realising be
came heavy late In the day, alien there
was also some selling for a speculative
reaction and prices e-sed off quite sharply
from the opening. The oiuae was steady,
net 3 points lower to 8 points higher
Sales, M.2.V) bags. November. Decern tier
and January, 10. 40c; Februarv. 10 8c;
March. April, May. June and July 10 Joe;
August, 10 Doc; September, 10 14c; October,
10 17c. Iu positions were relatively easy.
Havre was Kul frano higher. Hamburg
closed 4u pfenning net higher. Klo. IM)
rels higher, at 7 llii. Santiua, higher.
4s 7 tWi 7s 7 8"0. braalhan exchange on
Iondon &-12J lower at liis 82d. Receipts
at the two Hrasliian 6orts. 43,00 bags,
aralnat P twga last year Jundiahy
receipts. S.' wl bags, asauast iv708 bags last
year. New York warehouse deliveries yes
terday, 11.813 bags, ax al net 81.4.14 bags last
year, wikji cortee, linn; Rio No. 7. 13 c
Santos No 4. 134c; nuld coffee, firm; Cor
dova, nvji'.o.
agar Market.
NEW TORK Nov. 22-srGAR-Raw.
tea.1 ; muscovado. M teat. 3 J.c; centrifugal,
W test. 8 87c; molascea sugar. 38 test. $ uc
Refined, uiat.
l..".:. bushel. aHim
Market Neglected and Price Fluctu
ation! Narrow Correspondingly.
Prlmirr Heqaislle ow Money Market
Is to Flad Means for TwkloK
I a Railroad Boad
NKW TORK, Nov. 22 The stock market
sank Into deeper neglect today and the
price fluctuations narrowed correspondllgly.
This quietness Is considered seasonable and
desirable by the banking element.
In the opinion of hankers and financiers
of authority the primaty requisite on the
New York money market Is to find means
for taking up bond Issues, which are In
contemplation by the great railroad cor
porations. An active stock market specula
tion which should take up banking re
sources as fast as they are released from
the task of moving the crop would Inter
fere with coming bond flotations.
The Mexican situation was not without a
disquieting effect on speculative sentiment.
The unsettled outlook In the steel trade Is
a potent factor In the speculative situation.
Reiorts of a cut In prices of structural
steel by the Carnegie company were cur
rent. An Interview with Chairman Hill of
the Great Northern railroad was not cal
culated to stimulate speculative enthusi
asm. The annual report presented by the
executive committee to the Railway Busi
ness association also waa circulated and
the Industrial prospect which It painted was
not of a cheerful effect on sentiment, al
though allowance was made for the effect
Intended In strengthening tho railroad con
tention for higher freight rates.
Money conditions were not materially
Honda were steady. Total sales, par value,
31.714.000. I'nlted Slates bonds were un
changed on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
fairs. Hlrh. Low. CIom.
hiiw-i nannera pit
AliialffamAte.1 O.ppFi- ..
Amrl.n Aghi-nliursl ..
Amsrlran best sugar, ...
Amarlran Can
American l a F
Amarlran Oottrni CMl ...
Amarlcan H. 4t h. pfd..
Am. Ica Bertirltles
Amarlran Linseed
Amerit-an Locomottva ...
American a. R
Am. 8. R. prd
Am. SI eel Foundries. . , .
Am. Sugar Kaflnlng..,.
American T. a T
American Tobacco pfd..
American Woolen
Anarimrla Mining Co...
Atchison pfd
Atlantlo Coast Line
naltlmora a Ohio
Behlehem steel
Brooklyn Rapid Vr
Canadian Pacific
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd
Central of New Jersey..
oheeapeake a. Ohio
Chicago as Aloo
Chicago O. W., new
a. w. pM
Chicago A N. W
C, M. 81. P
f., C. C. Ac St. L
Colorado F. Jr 1
Colorado tc southern....
Conaolidated Has
Corn Products
Iielaware Hutlaon
Denver 4k Rio urande...
D. R. O. pfrt
IMstlileni' SeiiuTitlea ....
Erie ,
Brie lt ptd
Brie Id ptd
General Klfsirta
7.0H0 70 'J e"4 I
?V 7n S7S 7ii
t,2"0 10l Ifti Mi,
JiH) (44 fclt Ml,
100 C4V U 44
1S ,
100 124 1214, 124
7.M) II a4j Ami,
20l) llXli, 104 lis)
100 474 474, 4!
.4O0 ur 141 14il4
!"0 f, 7, .,,
n oS sii1
im 41 s 4iH 4114
4.KI0 1113 14
100 101 1"! 101
I0 lit 1184 114
4' 1074 '1H74 1"74
1.1") rr4 32 - S3
4.600 784 774 7714
Jno 1." 1 iT,
100 a?4 s:-, .14
6,200 K SC. K44
1.000 147 1464, 144
4.fsl izat, i-i
lis) 7i, 74 47
2.110 r,4 M S44
ion 59 (
io l-.i.i, i:u i4 4
(00 14', 16 Hi,
". . 7s 4
l.iou 33i, : 351,
l.aio 111S4 2s 21
HIO 4H 4i, 4
2l S74 74 37
l"0 lr.1,4 is i,v,i4
1.700 K'4 12S4 VA
9 0 M4 twu
HO 14 l;:4 las
t.V0 Jrt 204 21114
l.MiO SV4 iVi, f.t,
400 1124 lis 112
"0 1x4 1S4 1.114
60 44 444 444
i.OOO S314 43 31
l.ono lOS ll4 1174
1464 14614 14!14
4 1.164 1344 1444
600 844 34 34
100 614 61 '4 41
- . loo
100 44 t74
' 1.4.10 SS14 I4 S.
t,00l 1LT4 11S4 IH14
6.000 M !lf W
1.400 114 1164 114
1.100 110 1244 1114
4m 34i 14 M4
2"0 lti 1644 I"1-!
46,4110 1114 lfvi", la,
1O0 44 S414 '414
7 4
14.400 RCi, 124 134,
LOUD 474 47 Sill,
300 424 414 41 14
v.:;: ::::: &
6K 614 61 60
,7o llkl, 1174 1174
1.000 274 27 27
"0 U 41 4:4
1,800 474 87 37
700 2 24 24W
J0 67V. 674 84
47,100 174 177, j77H
100 kl S)
74. W 404 7S14 74
eoOv 1IH4 1141a US
l.o.l 604 s4 41.14
le;l 41 4j 4i
t"0 174 17i, I-14
ot 474 164 t4
SUO 73 72 7114
Oreit Northern pfd
Great Northern Ore t-tfs.
llllnota t-ntTsl
Inlerhorough Met
Int. Met. pfd
International Harreetar
In. Marine pfd
International Paper ....
International Pump ....
Iowa n t ra I
Kansas City Ro
K. C. Bo. pfd
Laclede Gaa
Loularllle & Naahrllls...
Minn. aV. St. Loula
M , Xt. P. B. B. M ..
M., K. A T
M., K. 4k T. pfd
Ulaaoari I'uWMr
National HUcult
National Lead
N. R. It. ot M. Jd pfd..
New York Ontral
N. V.. O. a w
Norfolk 4k Western
North American
Northern Paclfio
Pacific Mall
People's lias
P.. c. c. a it. l
Pittsburg Coal
Pressed Steel Car
Pullman Palace Car
Railway Steel Spring....
Republic Steel
Republic. 8leel pfd
Kock ialand Co
Rork Ialand Co. ptd....
St. L. a B. F. 2d pfd...
St. Loula 8. W
St. U 8. W. pfd
8loae-8herrle!d 8. 4k I...
Southern Pacific
Southern Railway
Ho. Railway pfd....'.....
Tennessee Copper
Texaa . Pacific ,
T., Ht. L, A W
T., St. L. W. pfd
t nloo Paclho
t'nloa Paclfio pfd
t'nlted gtatee Really. ...
t nllej Slates Realty...
I'nlted S la lee Rubber....
CM led Slates Steel
V. 8. Steel pfd
Utah Copper
Va.-Caro. llierulcal ....
Wabaah pfd
Weatern Maryland .....
Weetlnghouae Uleetrio ,
Weatern tnlon
Wheeling L. B
Total aalea for the day, IM.toO shares.
4ew York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 22. MONEY On call,
easy; 24&24 per cent; ruling rate. 24 per
cent; closing bid, 24 per cent; offered at
2 per cent. Time loana, easy; sixty days,
44 per cent; ninety days and six months,
44 per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at 34.821Vu7
4 $21a for sixty-day bills and 84 ttw for de-
mana. commercial bills, S4.lll4'4.8lv
SILVER Bar, 564e: Mexican dollars. 46c.
. RONLi4 Government and railroad, steady.
Closing quotations on bonds wars as
V. 8. ref. la. reg.... 194 Int. Met. 44s 404
4e coupon 10.14 Japan 4 tnu
V. 8. aa, reg 101 4 do 4Ha tu
4o suupon 1014K. C. a. let 8a 7Ji
$J. 8. 4a, reg 116 L. 8. see. 4s 11.... H
do coupon 1164 Id. A J. unl. 4s. kxii
Ailia-Oial. 1st 8a.... 74 M. K. A T. 1st 4s s7w
Am. A. is 1V.-4 ado gen. 44a 44
Am. T. A T, ct. 4a. . l'K" Mo -. iriu ea 774
Am. Tobacco 4s 44 N. R. R of 84. 4W M44
do 4s
Armour A Co.
Atchison gen.
l"1 N. Y. C. g. 34 44
tit do deb. 4a Kilt
a.-.. 1.. n. a. a H.
do cv. 4a
do cf. 6e
At. C L. lal
.... 1014 ev. 4a
....104N. A W. let e. 4e
44 tU cv. 4a.
.... 44 No Pa.-ino 4s
.... 414 ado ta
tut. a Ohio 4a
do 84e
do a. W. 8'ie
Brook. Tr. ct. ea. .
i-en. of Ga. 6a
fen. Leather 6a
.'. ot N. J. g. ka.
.. ttk
. 41
.. 4--4
.. tot.
.40 O. 8. U rfdg. 4a .
. "4 Penn. cv, 4laa 1416
.104 do con. 4a
. hi Reading gen. es...
lN St. L. A 8. r. fg. 4 11 1
I'uea a unio vta...iuia ao gen.
do ref. 6e 4414 Bt L. 8.
W. c. 4a.. 76
Ciilcago A A. IV,.... 70 eja let gold es
.... S04
4,'.. n. M id. J. s.... re sea boars A. L, 4a
do gen. 41 1714 80. Pacific out. 4a
C. k. k i. P. I I4s 44 do cv. 4c
C. R- I. A P. e. 4... 74 Mo let ref. 4a..
do rig 4s So. Railxar 4s....
Ci.kTado In4. 4s T7I4 do gen. 4e
Colo. Mid. 4a 7 I'nion Pacific 4a...
. A s. r. A e. 44a 744 do cv as
IV A H. cv. 4a 44 do let A rW. 4e
ep. A R. O. 4a 44 V. 8. Rubber 4a...
.. 7.4
.. 4Z14
.. 74
.. 44
.. 714
..101 4
.. IK14
do ref. 6s tl V. 8 Steel Id 6a
Brie . I.
774 Va -Oaro, Dhcan. 4a.. 104
44 W abaet, let La .
do gea. es
do av. 4s. ser,
do eertee B. ...
. 74, do Ut A ej. ia
74 cetera kid. 4a. .
W Jio. Pa, ct. 4a..
nen. klec. cv.
...144 Y.t. Blec. cv
Ml. Oan 1st ret. 4a. 474 Wla OeolraJ 4a .
es.14. tlere4.
8al 6eenttet.
tuotatlona furnlsbao by Buraa. Brlnkar
A Co.. 44g New Ouialia Nat l bank building-
Bit Aeaedi
eaiericaa L. a r. yia. s per eenl..
H. .yd (V).. Neb., warrants. 6 per osnt
CUr at Uniaha 6a,
CM f of Onna 4a, 1J
City NeC fevank Rldg. 4a, 1494
Cudahy Pai-hlr.g ('v., 4a, lk4
leaver O. A Ik. 4a. 144
101 t
lalrnaont Creamery let g. 8 ser cefit.. 44
Hardy. Neb IM mlt I 4a 4
Rydraallc Pi i ei I Brick ptd 40
Icre Pertland lemeut let 4s M
lnterburougll It. T., 146g lul
Lyon Co . Iowa. wj- 4 per east ... 4
Iji.cola Tel 4a, 104. a
Nefraaaa (Nan,-e . war. 4 per cent ...
stlenisea Saate Tel 4a, 1S44 M
Mlnieepnle O U Co. 4a, 14M 4
Omaha Water 4a. U4 . t4
Omeaa A '. a, 84. Rjr. pig 4 per eeat u
truehe A I'. B. St. Ry. is. 14.-4 47
uaua at, Hi. 4a, Ui4 is)
1 '
miha c n. H B pM
(j .-,
... 1
a a'i
s ri
Hi I?-.
'H H
l I -a
Pit. k--ra Nat Bank ti k. So. lni
P.ul l.aa Co . g. te. M4
si Leiia h-vwlna Asanas. 1M. .
S'ate Insurance I o
t -ilon stiw-lt Yariia etis-ae
Triply R. L, prd
London jitoek Mavrltet.
LONDON Nov. 22. American securities
were iiu.e and featureless during the
early trading today. At noon the market
:is atenav, with prices ranging irom un
changed to 4d higher than yesterday a
New York closing.
Closing quotations on stocks:
Console, money Ti4i Louisville a N..
do account 7 M., K A T ...
Amal. Copper 71 N T. Ontral...
Ana. on, I, US Norfolk A W...
Atchteon Iiwt, dn pfd
do pfd 10414, Ontario A W....
fisHlmnre A Ohio. .. I ti'i Pennsylvania ...
I anadlan Pacific ...'( l:mJ Mines ....
.. li'i
... He
.. Hi
... 'H
... sH
... i
... 71
... !s
... 44
... J"4
... 14
... 4
'tiea4eke a Ohio.. 74 Heeding
Chlcaeo . W HnSn. Railway .
I'.. M. A 8t. P 17 do Pf'l
Ke Peers 17 So. Pacific ..
lenver A R. a S4 Inlon Pacific
do pfel 77 do pfd
Erie T4 V. S. Steel...
do 1-t pfd bO do pfd
do td pfd 2 Wabash
Grand Trunk t4' do pfd
Illlnnla Ontral n Si.anl.h 4a ...
HILVF.K Har, steady at 25 y-16d per ot.
MONBY 4ro?v per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills is 4V per cent; for three
months' bills, 4Vg4 7-16 per cent.
llnatnn Mlnlnl Stocks.
rlOSTON, Nov. 22. Closing quotations on
nvnlng stocks were
4:444 Vohawk
. 44
. 4
. 1"S
. 4
. I
. 414
. 1
. 7S
. 11
. 47
. 74
. 144
. 40
. 4
. 44
. 17
. 44
Amal. CVpper
A. Z. L. A 8
Arizona Com.
H A C. ( . A 8. M.
Hutte CnalltKin
Cel. A Artaona
Cel. A Reels
Copper Range C. C.
I'.aat Butte C. M
rranklln ,
tltroux IVin
llranby Con
Oreene Canaaea ....
Isle Rorala Copper..
Kerr Lake
Lake ijper
l,a Salle Copper....
Miami Copper
bid. Asked.
Nevada Con.
. 4 Nlpiaeing Mines ..
, 17 4 North Butte
. 7 North lke
14 Old Pomlnlon
14 lHceola
. 644Parrott B. A C...
. 17 giiannon
, 71 Siifierlor
, 11 Superior A K, M..
11 Superior A P. C.
, 14 Tamarack
. 44 V. 8. S. R. A M .
, 74 do pfd
, 14 fteh lon
7H Vteh Copper Oo....
. 84, Winona
. 74 Wolverine
, 194
New York Cnrb Hsrkrl.
The following quotations are furnished by
Lopan & llryan, members Boston Stock
exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street.
Omaha :
Par State Gaa
Poeton Con
Pulle Coalilon ...
1 hlef inn
T.W Con
Ply Witch
UoMfleld Florence.
Goldfleld iMI.r ....
Greene (-ananea ...
34 Laroae
04 Nevada Con
S', Nevada-t'tah
J3 Olilo Copper ,
244 Ruwhlde Coalition
13 Rsv Central
24 Swift Pks. 'o
14 Seere-Rctiuck Co.
47 Silver Pick
124 Superior A P
.114 T.monah Mining..
. 74 Trinity Copper ...
14 North Leke
, 74 Bolif mla
. 74 OJIbway
. 84
.. 2o-
1 1 14
.. 14
.. 1
t 7-14
.. 7
.. 144
.. 4
.. 44
.. I
.. 44
.. 4
tfew York Mining gtoeks.
NKW YORK. Nov. 22. Closing quotations
on mining stockB were:
Alice 3110 'Little rniet
. 1
. 44
. t
Com. Tunnel slock..
do bundH
Ophlr . .v.
Yellow Jacket
Con. cal. A Va..
Rorn Silver ...
Iron Silver
CLrailvllle Con.
. 5
. SO
. 10
nan k Clennnva.
OMAHA, Nov. 22. Hank clearings
dav were 82.bin. 3W. 73 and for the
for to
cor re-
gponding date last year $2,798,031. &4.
BUTTER Creamery. No. 1 delivered t
the retail trade In 1-lb. carton. S3c; No. 3.
In 30-lb. tubs. 32c; No. t. In 1-lb. cartons.
31c; packing stock;, eo'.ld pack, 20c; dairy.
In 60-lb. tubs. 24tf24c Market changes
everv Tuesday.
CHEESE Twins. 17JE17Mo; Toung Amer
icas, lattc; daisies. ISc; triplets. 18o; llm
burger, 18o; No. 1 brick. 184: Imported
Swiss, 32c; domestic Swiss, 34c; block Swiss.
POULTRY Dressed brotters, under t lbs.,
$6 00 don.; over t lbs., 14o; hens, 14415o;
cocks, 104o; ducka, lac; geeae. lf.c; turkeya.
t6o; pigeons per dog.. $120; homer squabs,
per dos., $4-00; fancy auuaba, per dog., 83 W;
No 1 per doa., $3.00. Allvas Broilers. H4o;
over 1 Iba.. 84c; hens. lOo; old roosters. 7c;
old ducka. fuU feathered. JOc; geeee. full
feathered. c; turkeya. ri18c; tTUlnea
fowls. 2o each; pigeons. jer o., oc;
homers, per dog., $3.00; sguaXg. No. t. par
dux.. 31.50: No. 3. per dor... BOO, :
FISH (all frosenp-Pickerol 12c; whlta
fish 18c; pike. ISc; trout. 14c; large orso
nles'. Kc: Spanish mackerel, lie; eel, IXo;
haddock 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish.
!0c- roe shad. $1 00 each; abad roe. per pair,
46c; frog lega. per dog., sOoj aalrnon. 13c;
halibut. He
BEE" CUTS Ribs, lolna and chucks
lust same. No. . round. c; No. 3 round
No. 3 round, 7 4c No 1 Plata, 7c;
No. 1 plate. 6c: NO. I pjate. .
K-KlIl'i B uranitea vaiuui
86-126 sizes, per box, 33.26; small aires, per
box $3 5003.76! Call fornla Velenciae. good
alxes. per box. $0 60; 86 else, per box.
$5.00 lemons Whlttler brancl. extra
foncy. 300 sire. Pr box. $6.60; 860 slie,
t - -. .n. . 1. , i eOO nne tin.
per oox, cnu.t".
Jumbo, per bu.ich. - $2.768 T6
New VorV Kelfer, per bbl., 84 60;
, nr.n,. KJellia t,er box. 82.88.
- . . . . l ea tkb ea
nn.irn - i. a . u. , . .. .
ni. v. . .rr- -'-.,-;- i,' ea
ktmne-arOWIl COOklng,
A OA. Mlnenurl JOnatlia1.
par bbl., $4 76;
ui.ahH V'.n tlavla oer IiOL. 13 60; Mla-
sourl Wlnesapa. rer bbl.. $4.00; Miaaourl
Oano. per bhf. $S 75; other varieties, ptr
bbl $4.00; New York Greetilng and Bald
win, per bbl.. $4 40; Colorado Jonathan;
ner box, $1-75; California Oravanateln,
tier box. $2.10; California Belleflower. per
box $160; Waahlngton Grlmea Golden
and Jonathan, extra fancy. 88 to 126
sixes, per box. $8 35. Orapee California
Lmpiror, per crate $1.60; New York
Catawba, per -lb. baaket, 10c; MsUga.
60J iba. frosa, per keg $5.60 6.00.
Cranbarrlaa Per box. $2.60; per bb .
$6.76; Jersey, per bbl.. $6.26; iaconsln
Bell and Bugle brand, per bbl.. $7.36.
Dates Anchor brand, new . 80 ; 1-lb. pkgs.
In boxes, per box. 32.00; bulk In 70-Tb.
boxes, par lb.. Figs New California.
18 12-ox Pkga.. 85c; 36 12-oa. pkga . 32-40
60 -oa Pkgs. $2.00 Fig Turklab. 7
crown. per lb.. 16c; 6-crowo. par lb, 14c;
4-crown. oer lb.. 1 8c
VEGKTABLEH Potatoee Earlf Ohio,
In aacka, per bu.. 0c; Iowa and Wiscon
sin white atock.Per bu., 7586c Bweel
Potatoes Virginia. per bbl.., $2.6'J
Onlona Iowa, red and yellow. per
ti , 2 c- Indiana While, per lb.. 3o;
faicy. white, per lb.. ISc; red. per lb loo.
1 Plant Fancy Florida, per dog., 31.06.
Celsry Michigan. per doxen bunches,
liio Rutabagas Per lb.. 14c. Cuca.ti
ber'a Hot house, 1H and 3 dog,, par bog.,
$2 00. Toroatoea California, par 4-bag.
bava New. per lb., 14)0. String and
Wax Beana Per market basket. $1.26.
Lettuce Extra fancy leaf, par dog. 45c;
Paraley Fancy home-grown, per doa.
bunches. 0C. TurnTpa Par market
baaket. 860. Carrota Per market baaket.
40c Beta Per market baaket, 86c
Dsr lb, 2o: California No.- 1. per
lb 18c; California. No. t. par lb., 16c
Hlckorynua Large, per lb., 4c; snall
lb.. 40. tuiuanun vi mm-m.. 1..,.,
dos. 66c Honey New. 24 framee.
8 8 66. Cider New York Aall S. per H
bbl., 13. 7o; per bbL. 34.7 6.
t'otton Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 22 COTTON Spot,
, I closed quiet, 6 points hlgtier; mldililng up-
...... .1.-.. 1.11!. 11 lln V..
lanns, 14 00c, iiii.iu.iiib a"". .-
ST. IijL1S. Nov. 22 COTTON Market
unchanged: middling. 147c; sales, 12 bales;
receipts. 6.60O bales; shipments, 4,4.12 bales;
stock, 13.548 bales.
New York cotton mark -t. as furnlshea
by Logan A Brysn. members New York
Cotton exchange, 1L& South Sixteenth street,
Month High. Open.) Low. Clotte. Yes'y.
Y'aol Marker.
BOSTON. Nov. 22 WOOL The volume
of trade In tha Boston wool market shoas
a downward tendency, although values are
well maintained. Moderate trading, how
ever. In territory wool and scoured wools
are In some demand, fine Arlxona being
held at 6aoc Fleeces of half blond and
quarter blood are selling well, and Ohio
lines bring Jio and 2Hc respectively. Busi
ness In Ten as wools Is fairly good and
6.':Jc Is being paid for twelve months'
stocks. Pulled wool moves fairly well and
Is higher.
BT. LOUIS. Nov. 22. WOOL Dull; terri
tory and western mediums. 224234c; fins
medium , 2uu21c; fine. 14013c.
Omaha Har Market.
OMAHA, Nov. 32-HAY-No. 1 upland.
8110U. No 3 upland. $!0o: packing. 8" l"J;
a.iulfa. IiJiO Straw: Wheat, 84 00; rye,
$7.uu; oats. $ 00.
The Key to the Situation Baa Want Ads
Dec. ...114 53 111 114 46 114 66 114 60
Jan. ... 14 61 . 14 few 14 46 14 6 14 6
" Mar. ... 14 72 It M I 14 hil 14 84 14 77
May ... 14 6.1 15 OS 14 77 14 84 14 83
JJ July ...14 8l 14 88 I 14 76 14 8J 14 88
48 "
Desirable Cattle Steady to Strong-,
Other Kindt Slow.
Very Moderate Ran of fcees) anal
I ambs Compared veil Laat Week,
Vhlle Trices Kfcoar Verr
Material Advances.
Receipt aeic:
Official Monday
Estimate Tuesday
New. Nov. 22. 1910.
Cattle. Hogs. Btieep
... 7.4.9 4.44 20,49
... 4.H00 7.-70 13.000
Two days week..
12 24
34. ON
31 8.'S
Fame days last week
Same days 2 weeks ago.. 7. 878
Same days 3 weeks ano..2.l
141110 days 4 weeks ago..21.M-4
Same days last year....lo.J8
The followina- table shows
the average
prices of hogs at South Omaha lor the last
several days, with comparisons
I'ates. I 1910. l!4O.jl9O8.lMn.il06.m.l4-
Nov. 13... I 1 gg
Nov. 14... 7 744i
Nov. 16... J u.'aa 7 87
Nov. 16... 7 iki I
Nov. 17... 7 43 7 M
Nov. lg... 7 83 7
Nov. 1S... 7 201 7 U4
Nov. 20... 7 84
Nov. 21... 7 04
Nov. 22... 6 S7,j 7 SS
4 0l
4 7 1
4 9
4 84
4 b4
4 71
4 67
4 3
6 06
4 7"
101 4 -"
3 06
4 87
t 0T
ft. ui a Mi g 02 4 88!
6 7ti 4 4- 6 11 4 ! M
I 4 32 ltl 4 64 4 61
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the I'nion block lards, South Omaha, fur
twenty-tour hours ending at 3 p. in. yes
I 74 4 ;o
3 6a 4 ea
4 94
su 4 a
6 64
S o! 4 83
C. M. Bt. P 4 7
Wabash 2 2
Missouri Pacific 3 4 1
L'nlon pacific. 48 IS ti
C. At N. W., east 2 10
C. r N. W' west 31 24 17 1
C St. P. M- a 0 6 X
C. 1. A (J., eaat 2 14 1
C H. A Q., west 71 'M So
C. R. I. A P., east... 2 K
C. R. A P., west 1 1
Illinois Central 1 2 .. ..
c. a. w 1 3
Total receipts.... 174 1J2 44 2
Omaha Packing Co 4:15 1.230 Wi2
Hwlft A Company 9i 1.9K1 J,71
Cuilahy Packing Co. ... a 2.&22
Armour & Co tall 2,341 L.4K
Murphy 4N
Hill A Bon S3
F. 14. Lewis ih
Huston A Co ft
J. B. Root ft Co
J. H. Bulla 2 ....7
L. F. Husz 174
1 Wolf 277
McCreary A Carey 141
8. Wertnelmer 17H
H. F. Hamilton 87
Mo. A Kane. -Calf. Co. ... 44
Kline A Co 8
Rothch:ld A Co tit
Other buyers tM 4,01
Totals 5,b6 7,861 lt,143
CAT'l LE Receipts of cattle were moder
ate today so that the total for tha two daya
this week show a tailing oft ot over 4,uuu
head as compared with tne same daya last
week and ot almost 4,144) head as compared
with the same period a year ago.
1 lie handy weight steers sold at prices
that looked anywhere from strong to 10c
higher than yesterday, tha feeling on that
kind being quite a little better. Lesa de
sirable kinds commanded about steady fig
Cows and heifers sold anywhere from
steady to 10c higher, according to kind
and quality. There was quite a broad out
let lor this kind of cattle and the offerings,
as a rule, changed hands In good season.
The most desirable kinds of stock cattle
and feeders commanded steady to a little
stronger prices, but all other kinds were
slow ana tne feeling, 11 anything, weag.
Uuoiationa on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers. 8o.0OflH.75; fair to good
beef steers, 30.0O4i6.7b; common to fair beef
ste. rs. 34.00445-00, good to choice cows and
heifers, 34.0044. 90; fair to food oowa and
belters, 83.4iKu3.li6. common to fair oowa
and helfera, l.&tni3.2f; good to choioe stock-
era and feeders, 84.60(do.2b; fair to good
Blockers and feedsrs, 83.yotii4.40; common
to fair Btockers and feeders. $3.00fJ3.76;
stock heifers, $3.104.26; veal calves, $3.26f3
7.26; bulls, slags, eto , $3.0aiH 50.
uuotauons on retire cattle: Choioe to
prima beevea. $o.6O$6.00; good to choice
oeeveg, io.oo-uu.oO; fair to good beevea, 84.40
C.o.00; common to fair beeves, $3.7oJ4.40;
4ood to choice heifers, 34.uvm4.70; good to
ci.olce cows, 84.00r(i4.50; fair to good cows.
83.60.(14.00; canners, $2.764,3.60; choioe to
prime feeders, 34.80476.25; good to choice
feeders, 64.2iu4. ;5; fair to good feeders,
83.7fci.i4.25; common to fair feeders, 8300a
3.76; stock heifers, $3.0044.00.
Representative sales:
No. At. Pr. No. A. Pr.
1 4 40 4 4?4 8 60
7 4 40 14 1121 6 40
6 Ilia) 6 4 lua 6 40
84 1116 6 On 10 1144 6 U
80 1237 6 46 44 10U3 6 it
2 440 8 40 8 1114 3 76
4 44 8 16 7 Ml IM
4 040 I le 8 1174 8 40
8 7' I 4 460 8 44
4 477 8 4n 4 1161 8 46
3 1140 8 60 IS 408 4 08
4 1002 3 70
86 t'.S 8 44 8 4U 4 16
4 704 8 t 47 4 H
6 84 8 74 4 417 4 4
1 1080 I 40 1 U10 4 on
1 1200 8 40 1 1810 4 14
4 76 4 26 6 474 4 76
1 J -6 4 lav 1 WO 4 40
4 3- 4 70 8 26 4 26
1 4 4 70 1 140 7 110
aTOCKERet ANu FEo.Ok.rUi.
4 664 3 70 84 711 4 46
16 Toil 4 14 44 874 4 44
80 401 4 46
H. W. Moore Colo.
117 feeders. 612 4 66
F. T. Kelsey MonL
8 steers..
4 sows...
.10X3 4 66 8 cows..,
. 61)2 3 50 12 cows...
3 90
3 W
Spear Bros. alont.
.llbJ 4 60 g sows
12 steers.
847 3 86
A. N. Hotuhkiss Mont.
66 cows...
. 844 3 l.'i 17 cows
.12M 3 a 10 cowa
,11H) 4 46 3 calves...
. 213 4 60
J. 8). Jacobs Mont.
. 235 4 60 6 cowa
. 3ssJ 4 60
3 70
3 30
6 00
5 bulls....
8 hellers.
6 calves..
7 calves..
3 calves..
780 8 S3
Large Bros. Neb.
31 ra. A ha. 8M 3 86 7 cowa...
1002 40
U cows..
8 36
. 873
. 676
. 827
J. Heppe Neb.
8 60 10 cowa...
4 80
E. Young Neb.
8 80 7 cowa...
8 06
36 cowa...,
30 feeders.
1 helfera..
4 cowa
80S $ 10
78$ $06
Gulllckson 8. V.
7 cowa..
871 $ 26 14 oowa.
8 76
I 2S
4 30
5 33
('. R Kloharria H D
16 cowa 1037 8 66 7 cowa
Western Ranches 8. I).
79 Steers.
,.1178 4 80 bit steers...
Hoist A Coyle Wyo.
.1126 4 60 il cowa...,
17 feeders
10 cowa...
11 feeders
..1U37 8 70
Pool Broa.-'Wyo.
. 8f. 4 i 17 cows 940 3 85
.. 912 3 16
18 corns.
Beaver Creek Co. Wyo.
13 cows...
e0 8 73 21 cowa 843
3 30
$ 23
t 75
3 00
8 00
3 86
3 86
3 00
$ 18
H. r. Smith Wyo.
.in 4 60 a, coai ro
.. 8v0 8 86
F. M. Whltten Wyo.
.. 787 3 60 Is cows 773
William L-fcllrfer Wyo.
.. M0 8 26 lv cowa 741
H A. Tlbbs Wyo.
.. 7K3 3 20 29 cows 878
D. A. Simmons Wyo.
. 7S0 4 70 & cs. A h. 8K4
. 7a t "0 8 cs. A hs. 788
W. J. Willlama-Wyo.
.. o60 $ $0 16 cowa 827
G. V, Blaine Wyo.
.. . 3 66 7 coa 904
IS steers..
U cows...
4 cows...
8 cowa...
33 oowa...
4 feeders
7 feeders
4 cows...
9 cows. ..
13 cows. 3 10
Hlggius A Knlghten Wyo.
is feeders.. 7l4 6 60 j feeders. .1016 4 7(1
44 00 s 844 3 70 88 cows Ml 3 H6
16 heifers. 4 26 14 calves... til 6 2
o calves... 86 I 05 So calves... SSI 4 73
Tl heifers... 816 4 IS 23 steers... .1148 4 86
24 heirers... 4ol 8 76
Tolland Oattlo Co Wyo.
146 cows ... 770 3 30 efws 766 $ 73
IIOGs Advlcea from all selling points
Indicated a atlll further break In tha mar
ket tills aiornlng, and as looaj receipts
were heavier than anticipated buys, a al
this point were ready to bear down good
and hard. 8a a a reauit heavy hogs sold I04J
uo and light hogs mostly Zoo lower,
with tops an lower. Tha trade waa nat
urally slow, as Is very apt to b the case
when the market la breaking ao badly, but
still the big bulk of the hoga changed
hands In fair a aeon. It will be noted that
mora waa a decided tendency to bunch
sales, and It was nearer a one-piioe market
than for a long time bauk, but there waa
nothing In the nature of a eurprlae In that
fact, aa prions at other market points have
tor some time ahawa a narrower range
than at Omaha.
'Ih raaaon for tba sharp break tn light
some days such bona have been
very much higher here than nt otner mar- 1
ket points. Thus the top on light hogs
nnoted by Chicago papers yesterday was
only 37 Of., while the top here yesterday as
37.3.S. Today bu vera who have been paying
such a high premium for light weights re
fused loliger to do so. with the result that
light bogs at this oolnt dropped down to
their legitimate level, the best selling
37 Of..
Representative sales
v SV.
. .
..4 1
. .M-4
. ..V14
. .S47
. . KJ
. Ill
. Tt-e
. .!
. .M
. ll4
. .!
. .i-i
B. Pr.
... 4 T4
... 4 74
44 4 74
, . . 4 70
80 4 70
40 4 74
80 4 44
... 6 0
... .274
... .J'
... .1"4
. .. .Me
... J74
4 4
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 so
4 o
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 M
4 4.1
4 a
4 40
4 40
6 40
4 40
4 '.
4 W
4 W
4 S8
4 46
4 46
1 00
1 oo v
1 00
T oo
1 00
t oo
1 00
7 ia
1 M
1 00
7 no
7 oo
7 oo
7 on
7 00
7 i
7 06
T 04
T a.".
1 04
t 06
7 06
40 ..
44. ..
44 ..
.. ,
41 ...
44 ..
41 .
70 .
6! .
41. .
40 .
40 .
4 Ml
4 '
4 40
4 no
4 re
4 44
4 4
4 6
4 av
4 K
4 M
I 6
4 KK
4 86
4 44
4 ea
4 45
4 at.
4 4g
4 S6
4 14
4 6
4 as
4 U
4 St
4 44
4 W
4 M
4 46
4 14
4 ta
4 46
4 86
4 46
4 44
4 4
4 13
4 at
4 46
44 . .
64 M4 40
74 .
64. .
4 44
..106 ... 7 00 17 104 ... 4 76
1 ih 40 7 34
Stl rLl Recelpta looked small this morn
ing and the total for the two dais or the
week shows an enormous falling off as
compared with the same days last week.
'1 lie arrivals were largely from the range,
with a sprinkling of cornfeds. About hair
of the receipts consisted of wethers and
yearlings and the proportion of killers was
larger than on some days.
The market on fat stuff was In very sat
isfactory condition and prices ranged any
where from steady to quite a little stronger,
depending upon the kind and just how
badly buyers happened to want It. Weth
ers at $3. fa) and yearlings at $4.26 were fully
steady with yesterday. Fat lambs sold up
to $ Taking tha two daya of the week
into consideration tha market la safely lo"?
2fc higher than last week's close on sheep
aud fully 25c higher on lambs. In addition
to the advance there Is a good healthy
tone to the market and the feeling decid
edly good.
Tha supply of feeders was very moderate
this morning, while there was a good de
mand both from country buyers and com
mission buyers, ao that the offerings as a
rule met with very ready sale at prices a
little stronger again than yesterday. Feed
ing wethers that sold at 33.26 yesterday
commanded $3.30 today and feeding ewes
soli at $2.60. As was the case with fat
stuff the feeling waa very good and the
market came to a standstill early in the
morning for the want of more stuff to sell.
Prices puid today looked Just about l.Vjii'K.
higher than those prevailing at tha close of
last week.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to
choice lambs, $.1 Go'o'i.oO; fair to good lambs,
$5.0Otia.4O; good feeding lambs, 34.6lKu6.Ol);
fair feeding lambs, f4.0O4W.6O; light com
mon lambs, $3.0U4f4.00; handy weight year
lings, 34.1fVj4.60; heavy yearlings, $3,704?
4.26; feeder yearlings, $3 75(()4.25; good
to choice wethers, 33.6041 4.00; fair
to good wethers, 83.2'43.60: feeding wethers,
$3.U.'63.40; fat ewes, $3.0ta 35
$2.lVg2.76; canners. 31.60(32.00.
reeding ewes,
Representative sales:
No. Av.
260 Wyoming ewes Kt
60 Idaho lambs, culls 72
S31 Idaho lambs, feeders 04
8t Idaho lambs, feeders 6$
2 00
4 76
4 90
4 90
4 90
3 75
6 00
5 60
3 26
8 2o
3 26
8 25
2 15
$ 00
4 00
3 30
4 )
4 50
3 65
3 65
2 50
2 25
1 W
4 80
4 80
4 60
4 t
4 40
3 06
3 60
8 50
3 60
4 25
2 30
3 60
3 76
3 25
3 26
1 76
4 50
4 60
4 50
4 60
6 60
3 50
3 50
330 Idaho lambs, feeders 67
lay Idaho ewea 110
188 Idaho lambs, feedera 69
416 Idaho lamba 77
350 Wyoming wethers, feeders. .102
374 Wyoming wethers, feeders. .103
84 Wyoming wethers, feeders. .102
6S Wyoming wethers, feeders.. 101
480 Wyoming wethers, feeders.. 101
173 Wyoming ewes, culls M
4i Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 63
150 Wyoming yearlings, feeders 6
276 Wyoming wethers, feeders.. 84
23S Wyoming yearlings A wetha. 91
l,li4 Wyoming lambs, feeders..,. 60
1.8 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 34
SSit Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 39
1,010 Wyoming ewes, feeders 94
602 Wyoming ewes, feeders M
637 Wyoming ewea, culls 81)
178 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 60
627 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 60
4XHJ Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 60
260 Wyoming lambs, feeders .... 62
272 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 64
238 Wyoming we'.h., fdrs., culls. 81
319 Wyoming wethera 8
451 Wyoming wethera 87
669 Wyoming wethera lou
379 Wyoming yearltnga, feedera 90
Z7 Wyoming ewes, feeders 88
11 Wyoming lambs 42
175 Wyoming yearlings, fdrB.. 80
278 Wyoming ewes, feeders..
. 96
. 88
. 84
. 63
. 68
. 64
. 47
. 63
377 Wyoming ewes, feeders..
71 Wyoming ewes, oulls
674 Wyoming lambs, feeders.
63 Wyoming lambs, feeders.
430 Wyoming lamba, feedera.
232 Wyoming lamba, feedera.
113 Wyoming lambs, feedera.
133 fed ewea and wethera
643 fed ewea and wethers....
Demand for Cattle Steady Hoga Are
low Sheep lllaher.
CHICAGO. Nov. 22. CATTLK Receinta
3.0)10 head; market steady; beeves. U.'Ma
7.30; Texas steers, $4 164(6.40; western steers,
$4 25416.60; Btockers and feedera, 68.3Mi6.70;
cowa and helfera. $2.26&6.3G: calves. ti.UXa
10 00.
HOOS Receipts, 24.000 head: market Blow
at early decline: light. 8C.6&4T7.10: mixed.
3ti.8047.2o; heavy, $o.754i7.2o; rough, $0.764
6.90; good to cholco heavv, $4904j7.20; pigs,
$o.2i.i7.oi: bulk of sales. 8s.isVtf7.15.
8HEKP AND LA MBS -Receipts, 3.600
bead; market bu 10c higher; natives, $2.2541?
3.96; westerns. $2.504j 3 90: yearlings. 34. 00x1
d.w; native laiuos, 44.w4ja. W1; western lamba,
Kansas ly Live St4M-k Market.
celpts, 13,000 head, Including 400 aoutherns;
naraet steady to strong; yearlings, 37.30;
dressed beef and export steers, 36.uOif7.30;
fair to good, 34.so4Y6.00; western steers. 34 00
iD.0o; Blockers and feeders. 83 . .MtS.2f.;
southern steers. 13. &(;. M); cows. 8a.oy.i4 25:
native cows. 32 754i4.76: native helfera. 83.001
6.76; bulls. 33.2fu4.50; calves, $4 00.uH.00.
HOGS Receipts. 11.000 head: market 6rfrl0o
lower; bulk of sales, $7.0&ti7.10; heavv. $7.06.
ft-7.15; packers and butchers, $7.0t".Q-7.15;
light. $7.oou7.10.
BIIEKH AND LAMBS Receipts. 9.000
head: market steady to lOo higher; lambs,
$4.604iS.76; yearlings, $3604.35; wethera
3.nt3.75: ,. 32.TC4jS.50; Blockers and
feeders. $2.5o4i2.jO.
St. Louis Lira Stock Market.
fiT. LOUIH. Nov. 2i. -CATTLE Reeelpla,
$,9u0 head, Including 1,000 Texans; market
steady to loo higher; native shipping and
export steers. 34 Kii7U; dressed beef and
butcher steers, pi 'M-at 00; steers under 1I0
lbs., 86.0oi4.W; Btockers and feeders. $3,609
6 26; cowa and heifers. $2 7541125; canners.
$275413 26; bulls 83.i86.00; calves, 86 .2r.f
9.0u; Texas and Indian steers. $4.604 6 60;
cows and helfera, $3.0o-u!4.6O.
HOGS Receipts, k.suu head: market lo
lower: pigs and lights, $7,004)7.10; packers.
87. 104)7.15; butchers and best heavy, $7.0. -if
SHEEP AND LAMB-Receipts. 8o0 head;
market strong; ni xed muttons. 83.0Or3 2r,;
lambs. 3r..nUh-6 26; culls and bucks, $2 60i J
$.00; stookera, $2.2518.2.
St. Joseph I, lee Stock Market.
Receipts, 3. 4i4) head; market steady; steers,
$4 6tM4i.50; cows and helfera, I2.6oa6.60:
calves. $3.0048 2o.
HOGH Ke.-eli.ts, 7.600 head; market fTlOo
lower: top, 87 16; bulk cf aalea, 3f 0o.a7.10.
bHKEP AND LAMBS Heceipts. W head;
market 10415o higher; lambs, $4.6uOC.86.
Stoek la Slghc
Receipts of live stock at thS five princi
pal western niariru yesieraay
South Omaha 4 ouo
ht. Joseph ;)
Kansas C tr 18.m
r-i Louis 3 9u0
Chicago ..: $.0uu
hogs Is to be found In the fnct tha
Hoga. Sheep.
7.7') 13,w)
7 &O ,V1
HOoi 0,iaj
8.SOI) Ml)
24.0110 it, W0
$!,( r7.oo
Total receipts.
First Presbyterian Bu.vs Sannden,
Tract on Tbirtv-Fourth Street.
Old l.nt at seventeenth aad Dodge Is
on the Market Neve Bnlldlna to
Coat One lloadred Then
sand IVnllara.
Tha First Presbyterian church has
bought tha northwest corner of Farnam
end Thirty-fourth streets from Charles
Saunders, paying $12,000 for the property,
which la ninety-five feet on Farnam and
140 on Thirty-fourth street. The congrega
tion will at once erect a new church on
the property, the building to cost $tO0.000.
Plans are to be drawn forthwith and
work will begin aa soon as these are done.
The church has been negotiating for a
Farnam street site for several morthg
and looked Into the tvountae property itt
tha oorner of Thirty-sixth street and tha
Stephen Bangs' tract bet awn Thirty-sixth
avenue and Thirty-seventh. Mr. Rings
asked $120 the front foot, which a as
more than the church would give.
In the Saunders deal Alfred Kennedy
acted for tha church and A. P. Tukey JS
Son represented Mr. Kaundera. Tha Firs
Presbyterian church building at Seven
teenth and Dodge has been on the market
for some time and several offers havn
been made, but no agreement reached.
Members of the church have long felt
the necessity of joining In tha genaral
trend westward and the r'rc'sa J"
mada gives another Illustration of inl
Taft Enjoys Storm
at Sea on Board the
Cruiser Tennessee
Vessels Battle Against Forty-MiU
Gale and Are Tumbled Abont
on Turbulent Sea.
Via Wireless.) President Taft, en routs
home from Panama and Guantanamo,
waa In reality upon a high aea yesterday
when the United States cruiser Tennessee
and her convoy, the Montana, was tossed
about by a northwestern Btorm off tha
northern coast of Florida.
For houra tho veaselB battled against a
forty-mile gale and were tumbled about
on a turbulent sea. The president demon
strated that he Is a good sailor and thor
oughly enjoyed the blow. When the storm
struck the sperd of both vesssls waa re
duced from seventeen to fifteen knots.
Kai-ly today tha gale cleared and In a
fresh breexe the veaaels steamed with re
newed speed toward the capes.
It Is expected Cape Hatteras will ha
reached rarly Tuesday and that the presi
dent will disembark at Norfolk Tuesda
Mrs. McMahon is Free,
Temporary Insanity
Jury, After Deliberating- Four and
Half Hours, Clears Woman of
Murder Charge.
STURG18, S. D., Nov. ,2.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The Jury In the murder case
against Mrs. Nellie McMahon, after being
out four and a half hours, brought in
verdict of acquittal on the grounds of ln
sanity at the time of the tragedy. The re
port was made at 9:30 o'clock tonight.
The state called two witnesses In re
buttal. Addresses were made for the state
by State Attorney Milek. For the defense
Harry P. Atwater and. A. U. Oardnef
talked this afternoon.
Mrs. McMahon killed Lawyer Thomas on
the morning of July 30, last, after a
quarrel. At a certain atage In the pro
ceedings Thomas la alleged to have reached
for his pistol, but he never succeeded in
getting It out. Mrs. McMahon Immediately
drew her own weapon from the folds of
her drees and fired, the bullet piercing
Thomas' head. He died within a few
moments. Mrs. McMahon was armed with
a ,33-callber automatic revolver.
The trouble leading up to the tragedy
waa of several months' standing. Attorney
Thomas had his office with Mrs. Mo
Marion's husband during his lifetime, and
there had been more or less trouble be
tween Thomas aid the accuased woman
over the office building following the death
of McMahon, who for thirty yeara had been
a resident of Sturgis and Meade county.
Crowd 6We Mea la UnrnlnaT OH lloase)
Try to Grope Their Way
tn Safety. .
DES MOINES, la., Nov. x2.-(Speclal Tel
thelr way through dense amoke and blind
ing flame In a burning oil house on the
BaJtlmore at Ohio railroad today, Howard
Vlukenfloff and Wllbert Elery were burned
to death. The men had worked all of
Sunday and part of the night and had
gone to sleep In the oil house. Sparks from
a passing engine fired the little building
and they could be seen running around, en
deavoring to find the door, before they
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23. METALS Stand
ard copper, quiet; apot and futures,
12.90; London, spot M 16s 3d; futures, (b
15s. Lake, locally, $18 00 'u 13 i; electrolytio,
$12.87V4a 13.00; casting, $12.64rl2.7o. Tin quiet;
apot and futures, $j6 8r.4j36.P0. London, spot,
flt7 10s; futures, fli4 los. Lead steady; $4 4$
4H.66, New York: $4 2ou4 45, Fast rit. Louis;
Indon, 18 lis 9d. Bpelter nominal: $;.b6'i.
6.90. East Ht. Ixiuls. london, spot, 124 2s lid.
Iron, Cleveland warrants, 49s 4V1 in Lon
don; locally steady; No. 1 northern, No. 1
southern and No. 1 southern soft, $15.76411
1 ; No. 2 northern, $16.6041 lb' 00.
BT. IXJC18, Nov. 22-ilET ALU-Lead,
$4.42H. bpelter, $5.90.
Philadelphia Prod nee Market.
Steady; extra western creamery, 33c; extra
nearby prints, 340.
KGG8 Firm; Pennsylvania and other
nearby firsts, free cases, 8k; at mark; cur
rent receipts, in returnable cases, 13o at
mark; western firsts, tree cases, .c at
mark; current receipts, free cases, 83o at
CHEESE -Firm; New Yiuk full creams,
fancy, September, 14'c; New York full
creams, fancy, October, 14Vlho; New lores
full creams, fair to good, ItaHViC.
Oils aad Hoain.
TINE Firm at iiVT7fSc; salea, 750 bbls.j
receipts, H23 bbla.; shipments, 643 bbls. ;
stocks 12,eul bbls.
HosUN bales, 2.?9 bbls.; receipts, 4.073
bbls.; shipments, 1 043 bbls ; stocks, ko.a-g
bbia. Wools; B, 36 47 V 75; 1), 66 7vgo;
K, 85.70(10 so; F, $V73 vue.fcti; O, $...7rr6o;
H. $'..82 "(id. 90; I, IA Kv(I, 96; K, $ vj.e.
M, $6u; N, $6.90, WG, $,.16; WW, $7.3-.
Dry Goods Market.
cotton goods market waa steady, but d.d
rot reapond to the stronger cotton markxt
following the recent government reports.
Itlda for small lota of China goods are still
in the market, but prices are too low lo be
attiactlve to mills. Yarns are barely
steady. Men's wear lines are iiuict.
Persistent Advertising Is the Ituad to Bis;
ft (turns.