Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 10, Image 18

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NV .
vou vc ever
season in
Oniiihii Q
iZ "Fill
week at Havdcn's always a week of y the greatest inter
est to buyers. This season ir is made s tenfold more at
4 I
All the winter
underwear will
go at about half
tractive by the magnificent bargain offerings from the
B. Lowenstein & Bros. Million Dollar Stock
Alexander Smith & Sons, N. Y. auction and several other big special cash pur- . ah the men's
chases. Not a disappointment in these special sale offerings for yu. The quality is in them the and ladies', fur
prices lire matchlessly low. Assortments insure satisfactory selection
ti,ffr.tM a .ajLu,"jgJXL"li I'M1 '.',v it1 . - ii : a1,: ,; ' .ijsa ti T,iiaa
Come Momlav, ami vou'll he tliankful
Fancy Art Needle Work
From the Lowenstein S ock
Monday Ave will place on sale nil the fancy goods from
this great stock, including all
Center J'hm . h. i Crochet Silks. Kmbroidery Hoops,
lirofwr Scurfs. Luce Hraids. Dollies.
Silk Floss. I Fashion Forms. I Pillow Ruffles.
Mexican and .Japanese Drawn Work, stamped Linens,
etc., at greatly less than actual worth. Now is the
time to luiv for the holidays.
Ji.V Laundry
I Or, full w.e
of fine, iiuallty bat
teen, In iilaln col
ors on sale Mon
day, at 10f
Ilas l low Tops 25c val
madti ' ... , . .
ties, an stauipeu iu
50c Stamped Linens
10c Frpm 7 to 21
inches square, and
Be to 50c values
sale prices Monday,
choice 10 2C 4c, 7ic, 10c, 10c
l M.Mtifnl Ihioiii.- Drawn Work in This Kale A Dig line ior se
lection, nearly all new holiday goods, scarfs, center pieces, din
ing table covers, etc.; values from $1 to $7,
at. choke 49. 98S $1.50. $2.50 nd 83.50
llublHT Kmbioidery Hoop, pair 10
l'in Cushion Forms ut Half.
Fancy Pillow Cases, regular o5c to 75c values lf) and 3Q
i; r u s n c In ami
llutcliews L a c c
CiirtiiitiH, worth
to $16.50 pair,
on sale, pair,
(Tuny CtuiuiiiK,
bea u 1 1 ful pat
terns, worth to
110.50, pair, at,
Cable, Fillet antl
Hcotch Net Cur
tainn, values to
97.50, pair, at,
French It en a Is
ttaiiee I .are Cur
tains, neat pat
terns, on sale,
Nottingham Cur
tain Double
thread, 54 ins.
wide, 3 yards
long, at, pair
Hope I'orl teres
Big assortment
of in a t c hless
values, at
Bed Spreads, Sheets
and Pillow Cases
Heavy Knotted 'Fringed Bed Spreads,
full nize, assorted designs, worth $4.00
each, at each ,; ... .$2.50
Large size Knotted.Friiiged Bed Spreads,
assorted patterns, worth" $3.00 each;
at each ...$1.98
Hemmed Bed Spreads, full size, assorted
patterns; worth $2.73 each; at. $1.50
Heavy Seamless Sheets, size 81x90, made
from one of the best' muslins inaiiirfae
tured; worth $1.23; each.'.'., i '. .
"Well made Pillow Oases, .size 45x3G;
worth 20e each; at lS'L'C
Well made Pillow Cases, size 42x30,
heavy and strong, worth l'Jc; at 12li't
Tremendous Rug Bargain Offerings Monday
Alexander Smith & Sons, N. Y. Auction
A magnificent showing of high class rugs in newest fall 1910 patterns. No mismatched rugs,
no seconds in this great purchase, every item a bargain. You'll find it impossible to duplicate
quality considered, in Omaha.
Money refunded if goods are not iust as represented. Only a
few of the many splendid bargains here listed.
and Oriental
i i s i i fi i i i r ft t
vou did. msmngs ai aooui U Uii U U LlJ LZ3 U'ijU
lii If '
- J-
$30.00 Axminster Rugs Floral
patterns. !.12 size, in Mon
day's salef at
120.00 Velvet Itugs
Kxtra heavy quality,
9x12' size, choice new
patterns at. $12.88
$25.00 Axminster Rugs Floral and Oriental
patterns, 8-3x10-0 size, in Mon- ff T C
I For high spire tap
l estry Brussels
) Bugs, wool sur-
iuced, v!ixl2 size
regular $12.50 val
ues on "Monday
day s sale, at .
Tapestry Krnssels Hugs
0x12 size, seamed,
Seamless 10-Wire Tapestry Brussels Rugs
8-.3xl0-G size, regular $10.5!) values, choice,
at . 7. .......... .$10.75
Seamless 10-Wire Tapestry
9x12 size,, regular
at :..
Brussels Rugs
$20.00 values, choice,
$S2.0Q Hurs 17.73
. ; Earned Wilton vel
vet, In 9x12 'size
. splendid . assortment
of patterns and col
ors. '
$5.00 Velvet Rugs, 36x72 size, at.-. . . . . .
$5.50 Axminster Rugs, 36x72 size, at. . . .
$2.00 Velvet Rugs, 27x54 size,' at . . V.
e on s
V v I 40.0O Huirs S21.75
Seamlesd 10-Wire .Tapestry Brussels Bugs, 0x9 size,
$10.00 1 value, choice
. . . :$G.48 'v
Seamed Wilton Tel
vet, 8x12 size, choic
est line of patterns
and colors iu Omaha.
Grandest Silk Bargains
f)f tllO Van Mi Silks from tr,t
of iiie rear LoWnsiein shk
A ill he offered at prices less than actual wholesale worth
of the merchandise. Here's a few for Monday.
Thousands of Yards of Beautiful New Silks-Xo el tv
checks and stripes, plain Taffetas. Poplins. Messalines,
Peau de Soies, etc., in every Avanted shade, ch-an, high
class goods, matchless bargains in this 0O fO
le, at OOC"4oC
$1.00 Silk Messalines, Taffetas, Peau de Cygnes, 59c
Fifty pieces in the lot, 25 different shades. iuw fresh,
clean silks, 27 inches wide; regular" $1.00 val- rQ
ues everywhere in the land in the stile, tit dJC
Four Great Black Silk Bargains
$1.25 Peau de Soie 36
inches wide, Mondav,
d 85c
$1.00 Black Taffeta 3(i
inches wide, Monday,
"t 69c
$1.25 Black Messalines 30
inches wide, Mondav,
ft 89 c
$1.50 Peau de Soie 30
inches wide Monday,
't $1.10
Thanksgiving Week Specials in Cloak Dapaitment
i that will establish a njv reconl in bargain glvinx In thU .. ' lietter. bio-Rains would be 1m-,
IKjHiWe la January clearance ami you have now complete lines from which to make your wo
Blankets, Comfortables,
.Bed Spreads, Cotton Bat Is, Comfortable
Cloths, Etc.
All 11.00 Blankets ami Cumfortnblot .
All 11.25 Ulnnketx and Co 11 fort .hies.
All II. 50 lllankrt.i and ComfoMahlerf
All J.d0 nilankPts and Comfortables.
All IU.f.1 HIiinkcLs and ComfoitalileH.
All I.I.OU Klnnkets and Comfortables.
All ;U.l Hlenkels and ComfortableH.
All 11(H) lllankets and Conifortab es.
All 5. V0 lllniikpls and Coinfortables.
All II. 2D Hod Spreads at BSo
All Ki'd Siread ai $1.33
At 60, 7o, 100, ISHiO, ISo, 18c, 85o and Vp
All $3.00 Red Spreads at S3.bti
CotnfortabU Olom So, THc, lOo and 18iO
. . . na
, ...a.5
. r. .2.7S
. . . -8J.19
Keep Posted on Current Market-rRead Hayden's
Grocery Prices. : '
You will always find
a 8Ylurf ol' .5 pir
tent to 50 per cent;
It pays.
to lbs. best Uianu
latt'd Sugar 900
The llest lliali 1'atent
r'lour, per 48-lb smcK,
at 1.jO
V bars Diamond u oi
or Heat 'Kin All
bonp 850
8 ltis. best Kolit-d
flreakfttst Oaliueal.
fur lit
6 lbs iHid Jupnii
, Hb iao
drape Nuts, ka...lOo
t'orn Klitkes. pkn., 8l0
Tbe best obi ur tes
ter t'ruikeix. lb. .70
Tbe best iriip l'ret-
z'ls, lt CO
1-lb. can AsaorU'd
Soups 7ljO
Dried Fruits, Etc.. for
Your Tuauksrivtcg-raddtag-,
Piss, Cks.
Kancy Muscatel Cook
ing HaiHinti, lb...8'i;
l''aticy Mulr l'cucne.
per 11, loo
I'anry t'Hllioi niii
less KuIhiiis, lb.. lOo
J"ncy Jtailan 1'iuiics,
lb ml
I'd iu' y lOvHpnrated
1'euis, I.hIvc.i, per
lb 170
I-'wncv Moor 1'urk aij-
rb-ots, lb 17HO
Tho best l.enuiu, n-
iinge or Citron Peel.
per lb 3oO
Buttsr, Chas aud
BatWrlas hpolls.
l-'aiit-y ISu. 1 iviuuery
I. iitt;. tb 3"0
l'uniy No. 1 liuiry
mmcr. Hi 8d0
I'liiK-v No. 1 Country
lluitir, lb...i...8o
Knni'v l'i 1 1 Cream New
York Clie'-Ne, lb.. ISO
l'uncy l'ull Cream
WlhOonshi Clieebt at
II 800
2 lbs. Rood Ilutturine,
for a bo
1-1 lj. brick, equal to
Creaineiy Buiter, at
lb ISO
Trash Vttla froiu
ths Boatta.
2 bundles Hoets,
at lOo
3 bujitbes Fresh Car
rol, at IOC
3 bunches fresh 'i'ur
nlps, for loo
Fancy ripe Tuiiialoes,
per 11 il'.&o
Fresh Brussels
Sprouts. lb ISO
4 bum-lies l''rosli L.eai
lettuce, Rt,....w..CO
2 buiielind Oyster
Plant. foi Co
I.arita Heads Cabbage,
eaeli So
Lai Cucumbers, at
ear Ii 10O
Uead this, then think
what you ran save by
trmliiK at Hayden's
for Orocerles.
1 'TKS ; FI HS Fl'ltS
Fine French Coney Fur
. i Coats Just 20 of tbenj In
the lot. Skinner satin lined;
are well worth $35.00 at,
"choice ...... .'. .$ 19.50
Genuine .Marmot Fur Coats;
$75.00 values, 30 Ins. long,
at , 949.00
liie H 11 h a 1 11 11 Pony Fur
Coats $250 valueB.'juBt 1'
of a kind, with fox flounce
and large shawl collar; on
sale at Jj5149
Genuine Jap Mink Fur Coat,
52 inches long, $400 value,
perfect beauties, at, your
choice ... . : $269
XXXX Seal Coats with mar
ten collar and flounce
$200 value, at 98
' Fur Sets, Hearts, Muffs at
delightful bargain prices in
this sale.
Long ltlack Cloth Coats, iu
kerseys and frieze,' $15.00
value, from the Lowen
stein stock ..'....
Long Caracul Cloth
. . i . . . -. .
iuoiu iiupuiur luau ever tuia ',y
. Heasoii. b r e a t 1 v under-
Sealette and Velvet Coats-1- J; '
,.A .sweii new. line jusi ro- (
ceived, matchless values at
$25 $29.75 i to $45
lOO .Itain and" Auto Coats
from the Lowenstein stock,
all colors and sizes, worth
to $20.00, at .$8.95
100 of them, all sames, no
two alike, worth to $45. 00.
at $25.00
Tailored Suits; up to $20.00
values, newest styles, fab
rics and colors; at, your
choice . . $10.00
Croats V-rfcJ
Ml Our Fine Evening Gowns Dresses at Half Price
its n-'-rT.- :wk
Linen Specials
tor Monday
Best Irish Damask, 72 inches wide,
grass bleached, assorted designs; worth
$1.00 a yard; at, yard $1.00
Best German Pattern Table Cloths, sil-
Te'r bTfe&aJedfr size 8x10;" worth $3.50;
Monday each .$2.35.
Napkins in half dozen lots, good size,
warranted pure flax; worth $3.50 it doz.
Monday G for'.;. 98c
Large size heavy twisted thread snow
white Turkish Bath Towels, regular 45c
quality; Monday each : , . . . ,29c
Hemstitched lluck Towels, large size;
worth 35e; Monday, each 19e
Extra large fancy Bath Mats, assorted
patterns, fast colors; worth $2.00; Mon
day, each $1.00
h'torla SutliM,
rood patterns and
colors, aluavs N).l
at 3!ic; Alonday,
Striped I'or.fceH.
for Mklrilnas, irood
value nt iue; Alun
duy only (
SO-liieh Poplins,
pijod colors,
quality; for thla
fale al
Aberloyle (iiuu
liuniM, ill. bje,
Kuod asortment
1 :! and I 3o values
Munduy, yard
Wool Dress Goods Sale
100 pieces Wool Dress Goods, black and colors,
that sold at 59c and 75c yard, at, yard 38
250 pieces of V hoi Dress Goods that sold at 86o
to $1.00, yard, at gg
200 pieces of Wool Dress Goods that sold at
$1.25 and $1.35, will go at 4t
$1.50 to $1.98, will go at $1.19
100 pieces of Wool Dress Goods that sold at
$2.50 to $3.00, will go at $1.8754
150 pieces of Wool Dress Goods that sold at
to $3.00, will go at $1.87?
10,000 yards of remnants of Wool Dress Good3
at half price.
Tolle. lu Nord
and A. V. C. tana
haniti, ftood assort
ment oT color
and patterns, yd.,
K I K u r c d und
striped Colt o 11
PoriKee, a 1
styles; lor tills
Sli-in. Pereiili:.i,
good line of colors
aiyl putterns, ai.
FIeeci Lined House Di-csws $1.50
values; special for-Monday at. .85
Flannelette - Dressing Sacques Regu
lar $1.25 values; In Monday's sale,
at G9C
910.00 Dress Skirts 4.H5 Voiles,
serges, Panamas, In all new styles
and colors; Beiured at 50c ou tho
dollar misses' and women's in
cluding extra large sizes. .. .$4.95
Long Crepe Kimonos Worth $3.00,
light colors; on sale Monday, $1,45
Eiderdown and IManket Itobes Fine
quality, in all colors; on sale Mon
dav at $3.95
Sheetings, Muslins, Flannels
And all kinds of hcavy,domesUcs in our Flannel and domestic Ilooui, from 11. Lowenstein & Bros, stock
Genuine Pepperal,
9-4 bleached
they jobbed at
2G'e, our price
Monday. 19i
10c Silkoline. yard
wide 7W!
10c Outing Flan
nels 5
Genuine Indigo
Blue prints, fast
colors, neat flg
u r cjs , Alon
day 2
lUc unbleached
- muslin .... 5
9-4 Uub 1 e a c h eti
Muslin t h ey
jobbed at 25c a
yard, Monday
at lOHc
Fruit of the Loom,
Lonsdale and
Hope they job
bed at 9c, our
price 7'iC
All kinds of prints,
American Samp
fttns, Pacific and
Co., the very best
standard prints
made, jobbing
price is Cc, our
price 3?a?
The Busy Hardware
Department .
llu.00 ulniier VN'asli Machine $0.98
110.00 ICasy Vunkeo Washer. .84.98
$5.00 Kound I'lieeda Waiher $2.98
Square V'estern Washer $8.98
1-Kallon Aali Cull, with cover. 9eo
IS-gal. Ash Can, with cuver, $1.33
Liomestlu Wringer, 3 year guaran
tee, at $2.98
i'Oo Corn Popper free with tho (Jcn-
uin Savory Uoatter for 980
Knameled Itoanters only 35c
Itfo.OO Universal Steel Hange 839.93
140 Steel Hangi-, btbt brand $35.00
Garland Detroit Jeiiel und I'liiver
sal Stoves und ltangcs sold here.
Ktanduid Oil Co.'s Perfection
Heaters, Hie No. 1UU on sale for
only 83.33
We are headquarters ou tdovea.
Four-burner !as Haniiu with 18
incn oven, only
Two-burner Ouh Plates ...
Three-burner Gas I'lates.
7"e Furnace Shovels, only
40c Parlor Mrooms
Solid 4-uuurt A lulu Ilium Sauce
Pans 630
u-quai t . . . .80c, and i'-i jiu I . . . G5c
. .81.13
. .$1.78
. . .450
, Ma
liiiKonai Silks
nil colors, mwavs
"ells u0i ; .Moiulu'y,
Fail to Becord the Voters as They Ap
pear to Vote.
oula Mai.o Mnlerlal Cut la
lb Vati r O. l.oberk If
tbe l'recluet is (
t uualed.
Thi owing out the entire vole tat in the
second lleclnot of tlie Second ward, Omaha.
I tho election of November ! may result the failure of the Judges and clerks
ot e'.eit'on In that precinct to write the
names of the voters In tho poll books. The
discovery thut the books contain no vote s'
naiiiea wua inado by tiio official election
cutivas.tin board ut Its slttins In the
County buildintf Satuiday inornlim. Whether
not the vole w II be thrown out was not
determined.. Takii.g- of such action would
reduce ChaVles O Lobcck's majority over
Joiie A. I Sutton (or conKiesfinail from
t'i tt lcnly-teveu vote
j County Clerk 1 M. Jlaverly. cliulrinKii of
' the board. Fald the board does not know
' what It will do In ttte matter.
; Alviu Johnson, secretary of the re
1 imblican couxi'e&stonal committee and
.lu.tKe Sutton's representative (luring
I the cuiivajj. :'aid: "I am looking the mat
ter up. I don't know whether or not we
J shall ask to have the vote thrown out. 1
! ian'1 say anytlilu" more than that at this
j time."
' Ji a understood thai if the Canvassing
I b,wud, either on Its own Initiative or at
i requert of Juiige Sutton. attempts to
j throw out the precinct vote, lxtbcck will
, start legal proceedings to prevent eucIi
After each voter has cast his vote Hie
I election boanl is supKi.seJ to "write his
: name ;n the poll book so that he cannot
; return and vote again. For this purtKis
i sufficient pages are placed in the poll
I books. In the poll l.ooKs of tho See md
j precinct of th Second ward these papes
I wore b nu. From them it appears that
j the election board had no way ci l.nowliu
I whether or not any one voted two or mor
I limes.
I County Clerk II welly confessed that Oie
j failure of the poll boons to show the names
! of any voters .'s the most serious matter
j that yet lias come up in connection with
j the election.
Tho returns from the Second ot the Sec
ond i-how 317 votes for Lobecl: and l'" for
j Sulton. a majority of 1SS for l.obeck. His
i total majority Is 1'13. Tin? throwing out o(
j this vole, therefore, Would reduce his total
majority to -T. It Is' quite possible that
the canvass of the baluncu of the ntuins
I might .show errors that would swiiii; the
; general re.'ult In Sutton's favor,
j When the board adjourned until Monday
! at noon It had completed the cuiivas of
1 returns from all of the First and Thiru
I wards and all of the Second ward exi'tpl
the Second precinct. Aside from the en or
iu the Seceond precinct of the Second ward
only a few Inconsequential errors in tail
ing totals from tl.e machines onto the poll
books wore found. They were not suffi
cbnt to materially effect the results.
The returns showed that In Cie Third
and Fifth precincts of tho Third ward the
elec.tioti boards forgot to take down the
totals ou asscshor. The machine 11,'rures
will Loused.
John P. Breen Prepares Bill for the
Proposed Heqnlres oter tu
Make I ron In Fruit ut F.aeU Niuif
lie Wishes ote anil Urates
Ml Aid from Others.
lilggcl. Hitler, liusier That is wiji' ai
ertlslug lu Tiiu will Oo fr you:
The enactment of a bew ballot law pat
terned after the Heading ballot law of Mas
sachusetts, which will have the effect of
removing the party circle from the Aus
tralian ballot and requiring Ihe voter to
make a croi'S In front of the of every
candidate for whom he wishes to vote,
will tie asked of the Nebraska legislature
by John P. Fo'een. Omaha attorney and
Announcement that he is preparing a bill
for such an act Is made by Mr. Itriten. lie
declares that the general dissatisfaction
ith the voting machines and v.ith the ballot noir in u-e lu the ttatt .
demonstrates beyond a doubt tiiat change
Is needed. He said he believes the law
he will propose will meet the f-anie ap
proval It has met In Mas.-achuse! ts.
"I believe It" will be passed." be "aid.
"There is every reusoii why It should be.
Jt has been tried in Massachusetts and
fought through the courts on the question
of constitutionality. The supreme court
upheld It.
"The law differs from our Australian bal
lot law in three Important features: tue
abolition of the party circle, the placing
of the candidate's square to the hft In
stead of to the right of the candidate s
name, and the prohibition of aid to voters.
"The abolition of the party circle makes
It necessary lor the voter to make a
separate cross for every man for whom he
voteti. It prevents poor candidates, who
could not be elected on their own inerlta,
from being" 'Carrie 1 Ihioiigh' by popular
candidate at the head of tl.e tickets. It
compels every candidate to stand upon
his own feet and win or lose. The only
way a man can 'vcie It uralguf Is to n.ut
at ttie top i f the column and mal.e a cioss
iu the squaie of each candidate all the wav
ilowu. It uould g ve us buter u.e i In
lull. or o.'fh es.
"The piaciis of the square O Lie left of
the candidates name would be of benefit
for similar reasons. That is the natural
and loh al place fur It.
lien in 1 of till Help.
"Tne prohibition of aiding voters makes it
iinpos: lt,le for a inaij to vote who Is so
Ignorant be lias to have help. If he knows
so little his opinion on who should be
elected is practically worthl-ss and if he
has an opinion it is a likely as not that
he will be instructed in such a way that he
will vote against !.ls wish.--.
"If a man can't voiu without help he
timply doesn't vote. On 1'ils tcatuie con
stitutionality of the law iva:: tested. The
contest was made on the ground that it
dlsfiatii liised some Intelligent . men, blind
men. men who had lost one or bot,h hands,
and others. The supreme court held that
while luis is true the number of intelligent
men so disfranchised is ahuu t l;if Inltesinial
and is not suflh-lent to make the feature
objectionable. Tho law seeks the greatest
good for the gietet number and cunnot
take Into account an injustice worked on a
handful of scattered individuals In a great
rtale cf many thousands."
ptisisteiil Advertising is the Jtoi.l tu
lhg ltctui'iis
Mieliaelsen l llown Itules l
em I ii ill lileclrle l.lubls In
Holiday IIWplu.
The waiilen ami the city ii. i i. ia .
are beginiilng a cunipa.i'n to wrn in. r-
chains against th dangers of i a -eie . i i'
'arranged wiuilo.v d:-pluys uf liol'.la ii
I "The u-ie of electrh itv Is :i"t ihingei .i
I said Mr. Mlcliaeiseii. Satnrdiy, "In f . t i.
Is the safest possible tott ol" light that i;.:i
be obtained fur the piup. t. but io:.ic t. -cautions
ure absolutely neces-aiy. T c
use of cotton batting Is e-pcc ully ilun.r
ous. as It is very eailly Ignited. All l.i
flammable materials should be kept una.
tiom electric wires and the liisuljti.u
should be very carefully g"iie over.
"Tinsel draperies ihould be kept i i w . i
from the sockets of the lumps, charged
wires should not be used us suppi.rto.g
curds and drop curds, und fixture she . d
be Kept clear.
I "There are a number of other rules that
i should be oh.-ervid and w e e ect to con
fer with at munv merchants as p.s.;i.ii
'so that we can give li'ili uit iuns tor i.c-h ncular cast,''