Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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    'ill i rt m A i I A"" 1 1 1 ; i i IT" Xtn IVm ii-Ar b A'K
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Commercial Club Will Stag-e Largest
Ever Omaha Dinner.
nnxo nuDRED on
lie ItrM Friday I" arUtma
UrL, When All nrprrirnUllvM
of Mnolrsale 11obo rr
at Hmr,
The Commercial cluh will Rive the bia-C-rt
dinner ever held in Omiln on the
nlaht of Friday . December SO. The club
v. Ill tren mtrrtriln "t the Auditorium the
1 :.(V traveling men who represent Omaha
, l.u'.f mil" house.
The InrxPHt previous dinner in the his
tory of Omaha was the one Riven ri-eRlder.t
Taft, then secretary of war. three stars
ngo. anuTt If declared that m people who
present at that. The Oood Fellowship din
ner of recent time was pot much Inrscr
limn this. If at all.
The dinner to the. tiavellnn men will
mark the heKlnnln of an era of concerted
.ootlnB for the ante City by all traveling
men repierentlnK Its houses. Traveling
men are recoKiilited to have aided Greatly
in the paet. but they have never been In
ny way organised a booster, even In
formally. The dinner was planned at a rcrent meet
Ins of the membership committee of the
club, and a peclal commlttre to airing the
dinner has been announced with the fol
lowing members: O. K. llaverstlck, chalr
ip T swnbe. Paul nurlelnh. f '.
"hna'e. I.athm Davis, H. l. Kelly. V. T. I
B. Martin, V. I,. Hurgcus, u. n. vinin,
V. K. Zeller, Oonld Dletz, V. I. KUlck, K.
A. Hlnrlchs, W. II. P.hode and T. 1J.
1-Very Cmaha house will undoubtedly ap
prove, of the dinner aud ure Its nun to
attend. The dinner will bo held In holiday
lima and practically every omaha-llvin
aalesman wlil be In the city. It is m-vcnil
days after Chrlrtmas and those traveling
for this city but not living here cyn npend
Christinas at home and then get here by
the following Friday. Most of them live
The. committee In charge of tli dinner
h,is vlxlted a number of houses and each
and every one approached Is red hot for
the affair. Those to Tar seen are the fol
lowing: M.-K. Smith Co., Hyme-H&m-mer
Company, Paxton & Oallajiher, Allen
Bros.. TVrlght Vllhelmy, Ittchardson
Irug company, carpenter Paper company.
Hay ward Bros. Bhoe company, F. P. Klrk
rodall company, Midland Paint and Glass
company, Vetter Wall laper company,
David Cole Creamery company, Pietx dum
ber company and the Omaha Crockery
Names of all traveling men will be se
cured and a personal Invitation sent each.
I imn (.aluina- Freedom from Long
eenee Jaaaea J. Heeit Repass
Kindness Tilth Ulfia.
Tom Flynn, street commissioner was pro
lonted with six brasa ornaments for his
lewk Faturday by James J. Heed, the man
a-ho waa pardoned from the penitentiary
by Governor Shallenuerger after acrvlntt
ten years of a nenteneo for murder. Reed
a as an employe of the Cnlon Pacific shops
In Omaha and waa convicted of killing a
.woman who had promised to marry htm.
He was sentenced for life, had this term
oommuted once, by Lieutenant Governor
Hopewell, and has been finally released.
While be was In prison he devoted his
pare time to making for Flynn four paper
weights, an Inkstand and a file with the
street commissioner's name stamped on
tJirtn. They Show considerable mechanical
HUM and are wrought from heavy bra.-
Vnd -copper. .
'fTlte reason given by Heed for spending
him lime In making a gift of this sort waa
'.Mat when he was In the county Jail Flynn
wm Jallsr and treated him squarely and
ktrrdly. fteed has been offered a position
la outside railroad work, but will probably
i e-mail! In Omaha.
U. II. (mrrns Hay Tract for (11,000
Fall alea In Heglon Agalo
Largest of Year.
Tlit second sale this week In Falracres
was closed Saturday when the Dundee
Realty company disposed of two acres
to M, 1. Cameron, vice president of tor
I'eters Trust company. Mr, Cameron's two
ores cost him t,m). The tract lies a little
north of the W. A. Faxton place and la j J
one of the choicest hill-top sites In Fair-j
avi rs.
Mr. Cameron and It. C. I'eters had a
landscape architect on the ground Satur
day morning, this being Howard Fvarts
Weed of Chicago. Mr. Weed will conduct
extensive work un tho I'eters and Cameron
land preparatory to the completion of the
tenets by the erection of handsome rest-Uence.-t.
Kailler In the week Allen M. F.ibiuson
bought two and one-half acres in Fair-1 fur $3,009. He also Will build at an!
early dale.
Just as lat year, more ground has been
sold In Fairartes In the late fall than at
any other time of year, and H Is some
what curious that nt a season when nie-i
would be kupposed to think most favorably
of a downtown residence or an apartment
lions piuponltion, they are buying country
place K, although,, of course, Falracres is
not wry far from the tenter of Omaha.
FUr glnrlea nf Steel in lie II eared
Mlthln Helen Days. Promises
Baperlutrndrat Mueller.
Four floors of steil construction or i.WJ
tons of aterl girders and trusses are to
be placed on the hew headquarters of the
I'nlan Faclflo In Omaha inside of seven
days. The ste Is on the way now, seven- '
teen carloads of It, and as soon as It at-j
lives Superintendent Charles Muelle.- ptom- )
Isen lhat If good weather holds, Omaha.
pr.jle will tee the four floors rise In
cVoii uiva, making a total of l.t'j tu:is i
of steel In place. I
Liuiing the last week the steel woik has!
beeu delayed because of I lie luck of steel, j
but woik on other purta has progressed
well. At piescnt cement construction of i
th floo:s la beginning, the s:M re-cnfoi cc- ;
n.rut rods bcinj placed. i
The main gianlte for tho busing mid
the tone w hich will be the consti ui '
tiOo ,of tho flrt four floor are on the'
wpy and work in this line will begin in two
vvii'ks. I
Latest Snlndle la flae in W h
Womea t olleet for Ureasrs Tbr
.Never Hellier. 1
Another con game la bclnii worked sue- :
cossfully In Omaha. Three women, dis
piaVing a Urge and beaut ful variety of j
drcu Koodu. are taking the incisures of
lnntrtut householders, collect n:j Unlr :
ni'.rWy for new dresues, and then failing :
I r". t" sliver the goods.
Cwi.ipl aims have beer, coming Into police :
headquarters from all parts of the city
avalnst th women.
Chief vf Detective Savuge bus detailed !
I.leccjves la bung in the Women.
Star Actors in Big
Show at Rome Hotel
Dinner to Ak-Sar-Eei: Working Crew
Followed by Theatrical
Omaha tl rater managers may think they
' cfTT fitra giK'il attractions toalnnln S'.in-
day, but the really pr ze and pitm.i "show"
I wl!! be at th" Home hotel Monday evening,
lit w II follow a dinner given by 0,c Hard
of (lovcriior-i to the Ak-Sar-i'.eu working
and Initlntinc crew.
I 1.1st to some choice bits from tho piu
giam: I Skelch by the Kdwin linoth Thompson
I lliutiii liir rompnny, sketch being entitled.
"The f'oudliiK House Horror" or "Who
I sed My Toothbrush ?
Dnnce by the p'c:le. perls. 'i'erpM and
Dutch tlioloRU'- by Oscar ond Wild tLhben
and lnKraham.
Dancing "turn" by Uenee and Pnylova.
"McCulIough's Mad Scene." executed by
Snlvator Slowconie Hamilton, a
Monologue by William Wappl'-h, "Hoards
I've flVrn and Peers I've Met."
Tho program will also Include Mere Music
done by tho Klks' quartette and the Ak-Har-Ben
quartette which last Includes Clin
ton Miller, John Jamison, Jack iirennan
ami James Swift.
President C. H. Ph-krns will open th
ball with a few words of welcome and
after him comes Charles Plack ami Fred
Paffcnrnth. who will chew tho cud of re
mlnlveence, their tb"tne being "M-morles
of last summer's show as tourhln' on and
appcrtalntn' to Dimmick's orchestra and
the Initiation crew "which Is "consider
able sihjrfM."
The dinner will bcfiln nl ti:.1iV The initia
tion crow, the actors nnd near-actors on
the program nnd representatives of the
pnpers will be the select and privileged
lew prrnont.
If. O. Hlaisdell, la Inhibition at Coin-t-ll
Uluffa Khun, Dora Fast
est Work.
Kclwcen tho hours of 11' o'clock and 2
o'clock Monday. II. O. Bluisdell, tho
world's champion typewriter operator, now
vlsltlnc In Omaha, will give a demonstra
tion of speed and accuracy In the Commer
cial club rooms. . During tho hours men
tioned, representative business men of
Omaha throng tho club rooms dally, and as
every man of business Is more or less In
terested In fctenographlc work, It Is ex
pected that the appearance of Champion
Uialsdcll will attract much attention. The
record on which Blaladell won the cham
pionship In Now York during a contest
which was held October 27, was 109 words
a minute, but In Council Bluffs last Thurs
day afternoon, he smashed his New York
record by writing 1"5 words from dictation
In one minute, and that without a single
All Orders Most Be Secured Through
the ( lerk of the Board lit
the Fa I a re.
In order that a better check may be kept
on tho expenditures for supplies of the .n home and other county instl
u the Hoard of County Commission
er .iui adopted a resolution requiring that
all supplies be purchased through the office
of the clerk of the board.
Heretofore the brads of the. Institutions
have simply purchased needed or up
posedly needed supplies from time to time
and had the costs churgod to the county.
In proper time the dealers tiave submit-'
ted claims, which hav been paid. Here
after the department 'heads muttf go to
Henry Ostrom, clerk' of the board, or
whoever In clerk, tell what they need and
secure tin order for It. Then they may se
cure It at tho stores and have It charged.
Our prices are always the lowest. Compare values here with those elsewhere. Prove
sausiacuon triat wnen you buy here you positively save maney on every purchase. Ploreover, we
guarantee every value to be exactly as represented and every article
nere to be ot standard quality.
Here Are Our Six Floors Overflowing With
rfC tai$u.s, djxixu chAikk, ni;i koom Thanksffiviiig Special
U ; -j lTHXITl UK. Odd Dressers, Chiffoniers, Dressing TAbles, Ooldtn oak extension table,
X- Xaisoleoii IWmIs, Wash-stand, lWde. Hotel Dresser, cIaw' Tli nnd C JpthPr
, A "eat golden oak. dining
FIFTH 1 late llnck. Seieim, ete. on will find on this floor the chairs Value 5U
FLOOR Most A.M.ZIX(i liAKfiAIXs Kver Shown in Omaha. Sale Price, 30.00
I J C urtains, Holding, lira and Iron ISeds. Our ne lal INGRAIN CARPET
Uli ,mk UiUKsels Hug, valin- $17. Sale 50
FOURTH JI,C' $9.'? 5. d two-incii solid lira? Hed, o.oii Coton Chain
FLOOR iue, OVKU THE LINK I'ltlCK, glQ.50. 30(. tf) dose
kJ' r PARLOR TABLES MORRIS CHAIRS Lar&'e solid oak Library
6 r Combination Desks, Ladies' Desks, Library Dining Room Set
SECOND Cases, Electric Lamps and , Value $5C0.C0;
FLOOR 0ur Five-Rooin Furnished Cottag-e Complete. Sale Price, $250.00
firt'-h r-AHOAIN IIASI'MENT Kto- and lUnges, all (he SANITARY COUCH
if! " T loading iimkes are reiu-eseiiL-d; the home of the glaj cstjttitat
V" r-Lr uvea door range; ali-o the .New Vrot-ess lange and oil SPECIAL
V - stoves; also child's chair, cribs, beds, wardrobes. SmuU VnliiA Hd lO-
FIRST u,y Murium, Window Shades, Kitchen Ware, Washing P uv,
FLOOR Mtu-hluea, Kitchen Cabinet. Kitchen Tables, etc. Sale Price, $2.75
Tlic M;tc,
Postmaster Thomas is Ke:ipient
Some Queer Requests.
I'n rents M ant
ilren til
f ome
Search for hll
nf IteOcl
Time l
If Postmarter Thomas wcie to paste all
of the frrak letters he receives Into a
crap bock, within tho coimo of a year or
so he would l ave a most Interesting collec
tion. Peiiiops the same may he true of
any ether postoffire, but ju-'t now the
Omaha offlco teems to ba deluged with
letters of peculiar angle.
U Is a rulo of Postmaster Thonms to
never make public tiie names of persons
who wrlto such letters. The signatures he
reunrds as confidential, but l.e sometimes
indulKos In discussion of the content".
The general presumption among a certain
class of people seems to be tliat the post
master Is a sort of x)oh bah who has
Jurisdiction over a wide range of city af
fairs, not only matters of a public nature,
hut the conduct aud habits of private In
dividuals as Well.
For Instunce, u U'uir woman has written
Mr. Thwnns announcing that her husband
Is In receipts of a "chain prayer" letter
from a woman In Omaha. She Is not sure,
hut she thinks she knows the name of tho
sender, and while she has no objection In
a general wy to tho contents of the prayer,
she does object to it being sent to her
husband, Iwuuse she looks upon it as an
entering wedge to further correspondence.
"Why can't she jUMt say her prayers,
anil cut out the writing?" the woman asks.
Mr. Thomas not being a prayer expert
i unablo to give t lie Information. Perhaps
it would do just as well to say the prayer
instead of writing It, but that is a matter
ovtr which the postmaster lias no Juris
diction. However, the woman evidently
thinks ho has power to net, for she con
cludes her letter with a command., "I want
I you to have this stopped at once."
Woman Wants llnaband.
I Another Woman fl om Alliance, Neb.,
i writ' s the postmaster aaklng him to in
form her if he knows of a middle aged
man, widower preferred, who would like to
take a wife with a sheep ranch thrown In
for good measure.
"I am a widow," she writes, 46 years old,
generally considered good looking, and as
my sheep ranch is too big a proposition
for me to manage, I have decided to take
a husband, if I can find a suitable gent,
and let him take charge of the sheep. I
am a good cook and I will feed the man
well three times a day. I am not seeking
a man with means. I have plenty of
money, and will pay railroad fare to Al
liance for the right man. All I want Is a
good, strong, husky man to handle the
pesky Bheep. I am so tired of sheep I
never want to taste lamb chops again. He
need not be an educated man I've got ed
ucation enough for both of us."
Once In a while there conies a letter of
more serious strain something to arouse
pity in tho heart of the reader. Mother
often write the postmaster in quest of in
formation concerning wandering sons, and
now and then a heart-broken wife asks
the postmaster to inform her If her missing
husband Is In Omaha. One woman even
went so far as to request the postmaster
to search the city for her husband, assum
ing that ho could bo Identified from a de
scription enclosed. Most of these absurd
favors are asked by people living In vil
lages, who do not take Into consideration
that the postmaster of .Omaha Is a bug)$
man and that however amiable nd phiU
nnthroplc he may be, he has no time or
sleuth work.
As a general rul, wherever possible, Mr,
Thomas grants requests, and every letter
of a respectable nature gets an answer.
l yam
tll la
This Man from Greece;
Speedy Action Taken in Federal
Court for Violating the Anti
Pass Law.
"Next time I get the railroad pnss. I
don't get him," said Apotolos, In
mixed Creek and Fnulisli. as he ambled
out of Judge Munger'sy ourt room Satur
day morning r.n his way to the Douglas
county Jail, where, accord ng to sentence
of the court, he must be held prisoner until
he pays a fine of SlOrt.
Apotolos' antipathy to the railroad pass
grows out of the fact that his tW fine re
sulted from a charge to tho effect that the
defendant had sold or jrlvrn nway an em
ploye's pass on the Vnlon Tnclfio rail
road, contrary to tiie stipulations of the
interstate commerce law, governing rail
road transportation.
Apotolos was worklnir for thi t'nlon Pa
cific at ogden. Ho obtained a Vnund trip
pass between Ogden and this city. lie
journeyed to Omaha and liked the place
so well that he decided not to return to
the 1'tah rlty. Then he had an unused
return coupon, which ho either sold or
gave to Peter Karpusos. a follow country
man, who wanted to go to Ogden. Special
Officer Canada of tho Fnlon Pacific
learned of tho dal and lifted Karpusos
from a train at Fremont as he was speed
ing; westward. Apotolos waa arrested sev
eral days ago and was arraigned Saturday
before Fnited States Commissioner Ander
son. 11" demanded spoedy trial, and, in
asmuch as the commissioner's court is
only preliminary, Apotolos was sent over
to Judge Munger, where he entered a plea
of guilty. In order, as he stated, that he
might "get it done tip quicklike.
Judge Munger proved to be equal to the
speed requirements, and Immediately after
the plea of guilty was entered the penalty
was assessed, and it was all over. It Is
understood that the fine will be paid at
once probably this afternoon, so that Apo
tolos will not be a prisoner very long.
When the prisoner appeared before Judgo
Munger the Judge said:
"What's your name?"
"Cius," replied the defendant.
"That won't do, it's worse than that,"
answered the Judge.
Then "Qua" annexed the "Apotolos," and
the hearing proceeded.
Karpusos. who waa held only as a wit
ness, was discharged after the proceedings,
and he declared that next time he starts
to Ogden he will be sure that he la not
traveling on transportation that Is supplied
by violation of Interstate commerce stipu
lations. It Is possible to Impose a fine as high as
fl.CO for violations of the pass laws, but
the fact that Apotolos pleaued guilty prob
ably caused Judge Munger to withhold the
higher Sentence.
More Than K from West and IVortU-
rrest Took Advantage of Club's
Refund Scheme.
More than WO merchants availed them-
sselvfs of tho rates offered by the Com
mercial club of Omaha through the Job
bers and Manufacturers' association in tho
"Fall Merchant's Meeting." which lasted
from July 1.1 to October 13.
These merchants came from Nebraska,
Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, South Da
kota, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and . Minnesota-
Slore than H' registered. As
many more came from the same territory,
but did not care to avail themselves of tho
refund offered. i
Sale, on tho floor of the leading whole
sale houses have been far heavier thin
ever."' before and definite report to this
efft la mat! to the club by the Byrne
Hammer company, M. K. Smith Jfc Co.,
Oate C(!y Hat company, Omaha Crock
ery company, F. P. Klrkenaall & Co., and
the Martin-Colt Hat company.
If You
It Here,
li s lUk-lil.
Tables Show Reason for the Decline;
somh Omaha lias Ilren 1 oraln lo
the Front This Uiir with ( on-
Idrrnhly l.araer Itreelpla
Thus Last A rnr.
The mnn whoe duty it is to provide the
family larder, housewives and others in
terested In the living problem, find much
to Interest them In the South Omaha mar
ket reports these days These reports
when carefully analysed throw new llalt
on the recent reduction !n too price of !
meats, and incidentally confirm the some- I
times disputed theory that price Is rcu-
laled by visible supply. I
Receipts of cattle, sheep and hogs at
South Omaha are much greater this year I
than they were last year. For example, !
for the six c'.avs of the week Jut ended i
cattle receipts wero ;.!11!. asalnst IT, Old for
the samo period last year. Hog compari
sons for the same periods snow 81. Zi'),
scalnst M,:!6S, and sheep receipts have in
creased even more than cattle and l.oits,
for the last six days brought 113.111 to the
Soutli Omaha yards, against 37,!.Vi for the
same period last year.
Figures for the year 1910. so far as time,
has ticked It off. and a comparison with
,he. twelve months of 190, Including cattle
and hogs, Fhow as follows:
Total receipts of cattle 1M
Total receipts of cattle so far ll'KI
Total receipts of Iioks PV
Total receipts of hots so far 1!W.,
1 S..r.e?.l
Considering the fact that there are six
more weeks of activity left In li'10 It Is
obvious that when the whole year shall
have been rounded out and computation Is
made there will be a big Increase in evi
dence. All Mork la I. oner.
Saturday prices on hogs, cattle and sheep
are low, not only on tho South Omaha
market, but on all the other big markets of
the country. South Omaha, In fact, has
been paying lo cents a hundred moro for
hog. than Chicago has been paying, hut
the decllno now under way promises to go
still further. The decline in hogs is from
10 to 15 cents within the last week, cornfed
steers are from ' to 40 cents lower than
they were a week ago and rango steers
have within the week dropped from 10 to 15
Wherefore, say well Informed stock
men, the secret of the lower prices of
meats to the consumer is made public t a
glance simply the operation of the law of
supply and demand.
There Is a division of sentiment among
Omaha meat market proprietors over the
decline in retail prices. Many of the subur
ban markets In residence sections profess
to have had no Information whatever con
cerning a reduction In meat prices, but the
more enterprising downtown meat shops
were quick to announce the slump and as a
result their trade Is growing by leaps and
bounds. Eventually the suburban meat
dealer w ill Join the procession, most likely,
for much of the trade that formerly went
to residential district markets now comes
to the big shops In the heart of the city.
Is the era of lower living coat here to
stay? That Is a question the householder
la asking many times a day. Most of the
authorities on the subject aro inclined to
believe that lower prices will prevail Indefi
nitely, for the bumper corn crop of Ne
braska, Towa, Missouri and other midwest
states Insures plenty of fattened stock
from the farms and such plenty naturally
has a tendency to Keep prices down.
The situation as to prices of Thanksgiving
turkeys in Omaha is not yet fully defined.
Retail dealers, as a rule, have not yef per
fected their arrangement) for turkeys, but
announcements along this line will bo forth
coming In a few days.
rersistent Advertising Is the Road to Big
of merchandise
-nvrt" 4is2l1 fS l l8riiiS
Lff (H HUH LlJ
Meeting to Boost
the 'Tree Bridge" ;
Council Bluffs Club. Commercial Club,'
Railroad Men and Congressmen
Will Confer TiKBday.
A meetimt will be held Tiles, In' nliilit of
tho sped. 'I committee ef the Coicro rc.a i
club on the Council l;tffs "Free Fridge"
with the West Side Improvement club of
Council Fluffs. A eomirt ttee from the i
Real F-stnte enrhanKe, to be appointed by j
Presldi nt C. C. Ceorce, w ill also be n !
hnrd and Ocnrrul Managers Mulder ol
the Fnlon Pacific nnd Walters of the ,
Northwestern will also attend.
The Commercial club's committee In
cludes IX A Iteti'Tf. chairman; H. II.
HaldrlKo, C. M. W dm and W. F. lhi
ter. nnd in its personnel Is one of the
strongest committees of the club Special
effort In behalf of the bridge Is to be
made now because state legislatures will I
soon convene.
Also expected to be nt the meetlir; lire
Coimressmnn Walter I. Smith. Senator
elect Hitchcock aud Congiessman-elcct C.
O. l.obcck.
More f om mod loua Quarter Allotted
to the Dqnail nt the Oninhn
II Uh School.
Finding Itself considerably hampered by
tho small quarters alloted to It, the mill
tnrv department of the Omaha High school
made a requisition. Now the room of the
military In the High Is four times as huge
a before nnd by the new system a central
ization of forces was found cuslei, and
all the departments aie placed together.
This department of the school has Im
piovcd wonderfully during the last few
years. This year discipline Is stiiet.r than
ever, the punishment squad having found
to be a fine plan for tT suhdJlng of
too exuberant spirits. The drill has ad
vanced well this year, the regiment pre
senting a very military appearance upon
tho streets each Tuesday und Thursday.
One of the features of this yiar Is the
fine band. Each Saturday the band has
appeared at the foot ball games, playing
lustily for Omaha nnd Is getting to be
quite a well known feature of the high
school games. Commandant Haskell and
I'rof. Bernstein, who have charge of the
military department aro greatly pleased at
the showing made so far. They are al
ready looking around and planning the
annual camp, and think that tho camp In
11)11 can be made the most successful that
the school ever had.
iluerr Industries.
Tin complexities of metropolitan life de
velop Innumerable queer callings, honest
and otherwise. The unsavory callings ex
cel the honest ones In number and variety.
The eminently respectable woman who for
ten years past lias been trying to get back
to Krisiklvn on borrowed dimes Is still with
us. The familiar blind man, with upturned,
sightless eyes, still patrols Broadway by
day, nnd spends his evenings In the tene
ment house that he owns. The alien with
a remote Mronx address written on a soiled
card Is still working the lower part of
town, and the "bread thrower'' continues
to pounce upon crusts In the crowdod
one quaint Industry has suffered tem
porary eclipse in the conviction of the
woman who falls from railroad trains and
sues for damages. She has suffered no
less than sixteen of these profitable mis
haps during the last four years, hut the
last one landed her behind the bars. New
York World.
Municipal I.odalnir House for Women.
A municipal lodging house for women
and glrlH has bc.eij, elected In Manchester,
F.ngland, ul jTiiysl of i0j,0. It Is the first
iiiMltullon of tho kind in Kngland. The
building Is four stories high, and will cc
coinniodato 1125 persons. Among tho rooms
provided to be used In common by the
s-uo.sU aro an inner hall, a recreation hall
rind a dining room. The sleeping quarters
aro not spacious, rcsnrdod from the isjlnt
of view of tho Individual, as each woman
Is to occupy a cublclo ubout eight by five
to your own
r We Pr-iTa
You r
Mnneu I
?Crtif.t.s V M Ire
rTrM Av v , n
Where Formerly It Took Weeks
It Now Requires Only
Days to Cure.
In the treatment ct alcoholism the re-mai-kai'lo
ttsuts obtained b tie ad
mittiNti nt Ion et the Neiil .t Pay
l ine have long been recognize I. 1 tie old
lutein of 1 bieliii; alcoholic patient- un
der troni four to si weeks' 1 1 cm I men t
with the nei 's arv loss of tin e auj
aionev W a tiling of the pst.
Thice day- are ad thai are required to
cure ili-ui'kennrss, either periodical or
hHt' nt i Ik- Neal Institute in Omaha
lit; South lentil street, mi me corn
effected without the use iP ilangeroua
bypodei into lipeeilona or Injurious drills.
Another .".liaole action of the meol
rltie used in the treatment Is the iap
Iditv with which it lotonw tho general
system to It not nial . condition. From
the very first dose utmost all craving
for a rohollc stimul inis Is drstroved n;id
a perfect euro is effected In only three
days' lime.
It has been demousti ated thst there
is no such tiling as a secret cute for
drunkenness mi, I you are taking RreMt
risk in soniinistei ing these remedies.
The genuine Neal Cure is administered
In Nebraska only at Craud Ixlmid and at
l.'O.' South Tenth, streel. inn, ilia. Neb.
Address Neal Institute Co., o. H., 1604
South Tenth street. Omaha. Neb.
Humphreys Seventy-Seven
Breaks up Grip and
As a Preventive
"Seventy-Bovpn" as a preventive,
is most efficient; It preoccupies tin.
system and prevents the invasion.
If you get caught in a cold storm
with insufficient clothlnjr or wrap,
"Seventy-seven" is your protection.
If you get wet feet, ."Seventy-seven"
will keep you out of danger, until you
can get home and change.
A small vial of pleasant pellets, fits
the vest pocket. All Druggists 25c, op
Humphreys' Hnmeo. Medicine Co.. Cor.
William and Ann Streets, New York.
Your bnrbpr is lad to give
you a stiampoo with tho
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druff troubles.
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