Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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    T1IK P.KK: nMAHA. SATfKDAY. XoVK.MHKR : r.uo
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention.
Ttis Council Bluffs offlos ef Ths
OmU Be la at IB Scott Btrsst.
Botli 'phooss 43.
I'avls, drug.
"orrls;an. uiidsrtaksrs. ThoDea
Matlo raiurs. P. C. Da Vol Hdw. Co.
IMctur fratnlnc. Jtnssn, Masonlo tempi.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tal. J.J.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. Thons
-ee liorlck first for painting, 11 S. Main.
i tumor's aiii Ptors Malt Extract fur
ale by J. J. Kline Co., liU UroaJway.
The KnlKhUi kill Ladies dunce. Matical.ft
I. ail. Krulay ninii,. ivveniOer Ij. A1-
II 11 1-Mloll L'.iC.
Have unr lmi fittrd or repaired by
J W. Terry. optician. 4U Urund'ay, offtua
with U-iiiy (.ic-rncr.
.-. a display hi us- Fpe.iBtR in i, .'. J- auble
A. .o. s .All t!uit vvimkiH.. J.,o LiMai
ifuimi ily C. h.. Alexaiidt-r si.
Alcohol, extracts, lventmky whiskies
and California wines. Jlu-wifuiu l-aiiiily
l.l'juor Huuni-, Dl South Alain mret.
Ivaohoe oommandcry Nj. 17. Knlhta
' r tiijjiar, wlii in.-, t ui Maewnl,! trniole at
i ( sharp on Friday eveiunii for drlu. Ail
fraiers aj requested to be preent.
A. party of flfte-n men from I'lormr
b., n.'ttl.'d by I... I'lati. rd.Ior of U.i
iiiuuii, aiieudea tlm rxiu.llliui
The Climax," mhlrh tt 111 Ka titn Dl tliM
Iohany, la tlia jrrwatetit siici-i-ns f tlie sasuu. It la the ono big, powerful
irauia of tuu y.-ar. uml It bus been re
velvad with great favor ever where. It
liaa played to large reeolpm In all of the
ultlaa. In many tneaier tnere liaa been
liotlilng Lut alandina, room left after b
oiock ou the tilif Lit of Hie performance.
Jamea Thompaon, 49 year old. diod -erday
aftor a two-days' lllneas from acute
pneumonia at Mercy hospital. Mr. Thomp
son u taken from his apartment in the
Ligden hotel, whore he renldos vvltli hie wife
and family of three children, whim the db
doveloped. The body wu removed
K Cutler's undertaking- room to bo pre
lard for transpurtaUou tu Wailing u, Kuu.,
Mm former hoiu.
A Counoll Bluff amateur photographer Is
rri aalisflsil jnsesor of a photonraph
mad by himself showing the moon's
ollr. Th phoiouraphlu Ions was stiuiiKth
rned bjr a good objective mounted for the
purpose, and tha apparatus, hurrldly pre
J.ard, did 1U work excellently. The peri
phery of the earth an cat In cliudow on
th moon presented a euw-toolh outline
Th photonraphio negative when thrown
tjp a llttlo, clearly gliowa what may be
mountain silhouettes.
JFlr alarm bo No. 61, loVated at the
rorner of KlKhth street and fifth avenue,
Hvas pulled lant eveunitf by some vicloualv
Incllned man or boy and a false alarm aerit
to th fir department. The box In ono i.f
the modern pattern with the push button
protected by glass, which inuet be broken
when an aiitrui 1b turned In. The Klaus ha
been broken aeverul times lately und tbo
firemen have had useless runs. Tim law
prov.dcs a fine of t-A) and a Jail sentence,
but the difficulty of catching the offenders
le fo great that ho bo will probably lie
removed and placed In a Fafer environment.
The annual meeting of the Danish Hall
association was held on Wednesday even
ing:. The old officers were re-elected unani
mously, 1-eler J'eterson, the well known
contractor, belm; elected president, mid M., treasurer. The financial re
Port showed the affairs of the association
were in such excellent shape that a divi
dend of per cent on all of the stock wan
declared. It lias been three y.ars sine all
of the stock of the bulld.nK was acquired
'.v me iookus ana aurinp that time divi
dends of T, per cent have been declared,
l'urinn; the h- year a kood deal of money
tins been expended on Improvements of the
iMilldlnK or the dividend would have been
lariicr. The Danish lodges have a mem
t'etbhip of about WO men and women and
Urn bulldlnr Is becoming too small for
Hielr accommodation. Tha necesa.ty of
adding; another story to the rear pnrt was
tliNcussed at the meeting, and the Improve
ment will probably be made next yeur. '
Due of the Greek track workers employed
ty the Milwaukee lUtilroad couujitny was
broimht to tbo Kdmundson hospital yester
iay urternoon for surgical treatment made
necpMsary by a distress ng accident He
was working near Munilla, la., driving rail
pikes into a hard oak tie. He had given
li u few light tups 1 start It and then
truck a full forco blow with the heavy
n-diiei. n new out, striking him In the
corner of the iIlIu eve. drtvimr the ball
Jiom the socket anil leaving It suspended
m his cheek. Mandates were placed over
ho injury and he was hurried to the hospl
kil where Dr. MaiU'ae ooerateil uimn htm.
i no eye win. returned to its place and Dr.
Macrae said last evening that there waa a
Volubility of saving; the sight. The un-
lortunate man cannot speak a single word
of English and the hospital authorities will
bo tillable to secure his name until It Is
ui ven tu them by an Interpreter this morn
ing. Klro Chief Nicholson returned esterday
from Hloux City, where he attended the
annuul ii,eetin of the state Firemen's
association. A predicted,' Des Moines went
Into tho meeting with an overwhelming
number of votes and secured th firemen's
Mate tournament-next year. When It came
to vote upon the tourney guest I on the meet
ing was Instantly transformed Into a Des
Jlolnes Juhlloe, No other town had even a
look In."' The date of the event la never
fixed at the annual meeting; but left to a
local committee actlug In conjunction with
the board of control. All of the old officers
of the aiocialion were re-elected for the
ensuing year. George M. Kellogg, chief of
the Sioux CHy department, president; 13. K.
Lambert, chief of tlie Newton department,
first vice president ; Thomas Price, the Clin
'un chief, second vice president; Chief
Nicholson, third vice president; K. I. Alder
man. Ccdur Kaplds, treasurer: George
l'rancis. lies Moines, financial secretary;
V. K. I'aiJon. Mai ion, recording secretary.
The board of control Is composed of the
chiefs of departments of nine cities. When
tl Des Mollies local committee decides
upon the time best suited for the tourna
ment the board of control announces tlie
IS amber of Those at Moux City Meet
ing Inspect the -Workings of
Drvartraeat Here,
A numlier of firemen who attended the
liieetlng of the State Firemen's association
t Sioux City, returned from there yester
day In company with Chief Nicholson and
icrs his guests during the day. Nearly all
of them were members of the board of
control. They were Frank Savvman, chief,
nd U. E. Ovlatt of the Shenandoah de
partment; A. J. Seefeldt, chief of the lied
Rk department, and J. II. Kaferty and I.
S. Cuok of the same department; C. V.
Mulhn. II. T. Honker and II. Kerson of
the VUllsca depaitment.
The firemen sient a pleasant day visiting
the exposition and the local fire stations.
In the afternoon Chief Nicholson brought
out the new aerial truck and gave them an
exhibition, showing the efficiency of the
apparatus and th ease with which the
Council Hluffs firemen acquired mastery
of tlie new apparatus. Just at noon, when
all of the visitor were at the central fire
station an alarm came in, fortunately close
enough In to permit the visitor reaching It
In t.ina to vee how the department dis
til arges lis duties. The fire waa located in
the rear of the brick building at SID llroad
way, occupied by Mis. LCiumt Pfeiffer as
a millinery store. A shed had cuught fire
und was going nicely when the firemen ar
lived. It was of such small dimensions
that it was turned over to No. 3 chemical
for treatment. Tha loss was practically
.-rveral of the vlaitinif fl.emen went to
Omaha during th afternoon aud all re
turned to their homes on the evening
tl a I ns.
4 He Knit Bale.
the P. C. DeVul Hardware Cos.
un. low for T.s.' to tl values In pocket
knives fur 4ic. ,
N Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. -'.). Night. I-Kul.
The Key tu the Siluatie lie Want Ads.
Council Bluffs
Numerous Prospective Hurry-,
in; Work on Trousseaux. :
Chance far Aspirants Hill Open, bat
nerlsloa M Await
t unseat f One fond
l olber.
"Cupid" Keehne. n'.Iiis Wllliaio d
ti e busie-t Individual In Coun. il Bluffs yes
terday. He m nv-min with applications
from willing and anxious brides and grooms
-to he rho-pn o the fortunate couple to
h mniie. In tie Auditorium Saturday
evening, in toe presence of an audlem-e nf
ninny thousand people, mil from the con
spicuous place iie center "f ''if
rotrum where a marriaiie bovver is to be
Several brides hip working frantically,
rushing the completion of their trousseaus
In time to announce Its finish hn after
noon. Several application have come from
Omaha, and Mr. Keellne has the heavy
responsibility thrust upon him of selecting
th fortunate coupla, the bride who must
be pretty and th groom who must be
"nice." The most promising couple Is a
well known young man, 22 years old. who
I passionately In love with the "sweetest
and loveliest girl In town," but who, un
fortunately is only 17 summers old. Her
mamma thinks she Is too young, but pupa
savs the young man Is more than "nice."
and he le Inclined to Join In the nttack
tipen the maternal citadel and force a sur
render. There were earnest pleas to be
tiwde la.u night, und If mamma's consent
ran he secured. Mr. Keelltie's telephones
will buzn noisily until the fact Is communi
cated and the entries declared closed.
The chance thus Is still open for new
aspirants for the honors of having the fin
est and most elaborate public wedding of
the season, and thef may call Mr. Keellne
Until late this afternoon. He lias lots of
trouble and doesn't care about a few
The point of greatest interest at th ex
position till, afternoon will be the auction
of the coin and grain exhibits that took
highest prlxes in the Corn show. All of
tho prize winning cxhlbltB will be sold to
th highest bidders. The auction will bs
held In the Corn show section and will be
Interrupted every half hour for an Inter
mission of fifteen minutes, which will be
devoted to music by the band to permit
Conversation between bidder being car
ried on with the least danger of being
The belief is that the winning ear exhib
ited by Prank 1. Moore, the 16-year-old
youth of Sargent's Bluffs, la., will bring a
big price. There will be many bidders
from abroad for it.
A big pile Is also expected for the cham
pionship prixe wheat, exhibited by John
Frasaur of Fort Crook, Neb.
Today's I'rogrsm,
"Northwestern Iowa Day." "Kagles'
Kducatlonal Prog-ram, 10:30 a. m.:
Address, "Apple Culture In th North
west." Frank C. Stephens, Nampa, Idaho.
Address. "Co-operative Spraying," Prof.
R. A. Kmerson. Iancoln, Neb.
Address, "The Nerve of Some People."
Mr. K. M. Cobb, traveling passenger agent
I nlon Pacific railroad.
Address, "Relation of the Producer to
the Dealer," Mr. J. F. Summers, Mal
vern, la.
Address, "The Practical Value of Show
ing Corn," Charles O. Garrltt, Mltchell
ville, la.
Main building, 1 p. m.; Auction of prize
winning seed corn from platform, con
ducted by Prof. Bruce V. Crossley. This
auction will be interspersed at flfteen
mtnute Intervals by selections from the
American L riles' Jand. Introductory ad
dress by Prof. S. ,. Ho man. secretary of
the Iowa Corn Growers' aasociatlou.
Hand concert. 7 to 9:30 p. m.
Concert by the Concordia Ladles' Ping
ing society of Omaha, forty voices, 3: IX) to
9.X) p. m.
Hand concert. 9:30 to 10:30 p. m.
The management extends a hearty wel
come to our visiting guests from north
western Iowa and to fellow citizens and
their families members of F. O. E. No. 104.
Heal Kstate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
Be November 17 by the Pattawattamle
County Abstract company of Council
Martha J. Sohlckner to Frank
Hchlckner, nij hw-' nwl Ho-70-41,
and purt nn'i tiwV. 90-76-41. w d 100
Marlnus Hodlnus I.ouis liourlclua to Jo
hanna Pauline iAiulse Bourclus, lot 34,
block 5, Kabbltt liuce, add. to Coun
cil Bluffs, w. d 65
Two transfers, total
i Marriage Licenses.
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday
to the following named persons :
Name and Address. Age.
3. M. Towner. Oklahoma City 26
tilna C. Walker. Des Moines 26
G. C. Case, Council Bluffs tifi
Salina Smith, Council Bluffs 67
Harvey Bailey, Mills county, Iowa 3ii
Clara Wilson, Mills county, luwa 40
George White, Burlington, la T,
Gertrude Stromsberg, Burlington, la 1
Details of Mexican
Plot Are Uncovered
Origin of Revolutionary Movement is
United States General Rising
Had Been Arranged.
BAN ANTONIO. Tex., Nov. II. Federal
Heeret service officers who have been work
ing here for the last several months, today
learned ninny details of the revolutionary
plot In part uncovered by the Mexican gov
ernment. A general rising along the border front
Nogales, Arlt.. to Brownsville, Tex., was
et for Sunday. November 20. Nogales is
headquarters for the Junta operating In
Sonora. U ha been In existence alnce the
raid on Las Vacas two years ago.
The brains of the revolutionary movement
are lo the I'nlted States. The revolutionist!
are liacked by a seemingly Inexhaustible
supply of money, which has been used to
purchase arms In this country.
Federal authorities In Washington were
apprised of these facts, but aa yet the
revolutionists have committed no act that
can be construed as overt under the federal
statutas. Consignments of arms are under
surveillance In San Antonio and elsewhere.
When an attempt I made to take them
acrosa ti e border they will be aelxed.
According to federal offWr here, the
revolutionary propaganda Is:
The release of all political prisoners.
The wen ninths of all political exiles.
The establishment of a popular govern
The capture of all custom bouses.
Hemoval from office of Dlaa and his
Mast Kod Is Poison
to the dyspept.c. F.lectric Bitu-rs cure dvs
pepala, liver wad kidney complaints and
debllltv. lYice 6oc. Sold by Beaton Drug
Co. Koarthi t itH Game.
BFFH.IN.' Nov. It D. Janowrkl and
I. mil Lasktr began the fourtn game of n
match of eight games up for the chess
championship here today Janowakl opened
Willi a uueeii's gambit, linker refused to
accept the paan and lost a rook In
tlie middle game, thus practically loalug
the gauia
Taft Sails for Home
Well Pleased with
Work on the Canal
Presidmt Says Proems on Isthmus
H Bffn v Satisfactory '
m Visit
'OI,.. Nov is Pi-evident Taf; sailed
for loi.estoii at o'cloi k last evening
ahoSTd the armored cruiser Tennessee,
which was convoyed by the Montana after
four interesting djvs on the Isthmus. Be
fore leaving, the president said:
"This Is the fifth time 1 have visited th
isthmus and I have gone ov-r the whole
Hue and looked Into every pal t of the Im
provement. It is about twenty-two month
since 1 whs lust here, and In that time
the progress made he been most satisfac
tory. Jnded. It is remarkable.
"The first thing that strikes one Is the
fact that wotk Is being done apparently
on every foot of the fifty miles of canal,
and done under an organisation of men,
plants ami materials thut opeiaies as
economically und effectively us If It were
a machine, with Goethals In control of a
lever which nets and keeps the whole ma
cldne in operation.
"When I was hei e twenty-two months
ago tlie main question wtm the confirma
tion of the Judgment of congress In having
adopted a lock t.v pe of canal Instead of a
sea level. The extent to which the Oatun
dam and the locks have been completed
has removed from every Impartial ob
server the slightest doubt of the wisdom
of the li-ii-ioii made and the feasibility of
the plan adopted."
On the eve of President Taft's departure,
1"0 bollermakers. dissatisfied that, after
hearing their complaints last evening, the
president would Kiv no Immediate answer
to their demand.--, gave five days' notice
of quitting their work and sailing for
home. Several of the unions of ma
chinists and blacksmiths are threatening
similar action.
It Is not pioposed to strike, but simply
to resign and leave the IsUiihuh. Only
hourly employes, constituting LTi per cent
of the force, are likely to be affected. The
canal officials are Indignant at these em
ployes for trying to force their demands,
which the officials regard as unreasonable.
President Taft promised to consider the
matter fully and cable his answer from
Charleston, but this did not satisfy some
of the hot-headed among the bollermakers.
Bigger. Better, Busier That Is what ad
vertising in The Bee will do for your
h:eiy hat oil th floor must
be sold tomorrow to mak room
for my shipments of mid-winter
Every hat In my stock worth up
to 12. ou, comprising all new
iiS lie
ntyles, made up lu
the finest mater
ials, have all been
put Into the first B
lot; on sale at th f
"onnd-Pp"alerloe.. mmmm
Balance of my hats. Including all
tha highest priced In my regu
lar stock, many worth Sei9
over 120.00; all go in K'"'
the "Xoun-TJp-' Kale fj
at the low price of
xifTima took or wiubor
riDMfi to be sold at ft dlsoouat
ef 40 per oent.
Cut Prie Milliner
Third Floor Paxten B ock
Where Formerly It Took Weeks
It Now Requires Only
Days to Cure.
In th treutment of alcoholism th r
markabl results obtained by th ad
ministration of th Neal 3-Day Liquor
Cure have long been recognised. The old
custom of placing alcoholic patient un
der from four to six weeks' treatment
with the necessary loss of time and
money la a thing of the put
Three days are all that ar required to
rnre drunkenness, either periodical or
habitual at the Neal Institute In Omaha
at South Tenth street, and the cure
Is effected without the us of dangerous
hypodermic Injections or Injurious drugs.
Another doslrabl action of the medi
cine used In the treatment Is the rap
idity with which It features th general
system to Its normal condition. From
the very first dose almost (ill craving
for alcohollo stimulants la destroyed and
a perfect curu la effected lu only three
days' time.
It has been demonstrated that there
Is no such thing aa a secret cure for
drunkenness and you are taking great
risk In administering these remedies.
The genuine Neal Cure Is administered
In Nebraska only at Grand Island and at
HDt Mouth Tenth street. Omaha. Neb.
Address Neal Institute Co., O. 11, 160J
South Tenth street. Omaha. Neb.
Shctcct IfctmcfI
Cit thi Cr!lnil tod Ctnulas
Thi Food-drink for JUI Hgtu
Foe liif ant. Invalid, and Gro win g children.
Pure Nutrkioo, up building the whole body.
Invigorate, the nurting rnother and the aged.
Hich rnillt m)ter prainf in powder form,
A quick I uack prepared fa a Baiatit.
Take bo wUtirate. Aklor HORUCt'S.
In No Combine or Trust
Wrf a
TO your wardrobe complete for Thanksgiving Day? Rushing off to just any
J- old store at the very "last minute" for some article of dress is risky business
especially if it's a Suit or an Overcoat; come here, and the kind you will find at
this popular Store, aud tho moderate prices vre are selling thorn for warrant an investment to lo thankful for.
In their ptyle, worth, fit and
economy, they give clear proof
of the policy of this store "to
serve you "always a little bet
ter". Suits and Overcoats
$2.50 to $15
We make
of every
"Useful Things
One Day Only,
Bed Spread
White crocheted Bed
Spread, for brass or iron
bed, full size, snowy white
and good pattern; Satur
day ppecial price
95c (
Curtain Swiss Special
One lot of 42-inch snowy white plaid Curtain SwidH, for
bedroom curtains; Saturday 8jecial price -4 r
per yard 1 JQ,
"Thanksgiving" Special
Osnulna Stag Horn Haa
dl CaJTlnK Set ! 3
pieces la aatla lined
case; Imported Ectlisa
ateal; regular f (.00 aet;
Saturda special price
Orchard &Williebn
t ' i V'- - -- A' '
7; V !(...l 'K) .
w, U -
Swell new shades in silk Four-in-lland? .... 50c
Silk Half Hose 50t
New arrivals in Shirts $1.50
New Gloves for street wear, undressed aud dressed
kid, up from $1.00
Dress Gloves, pearl or gray $1.50
Cotton and wool mixed Underwear Shirts and
Drawers garment 30c to $3.00
Union Suits
Cotton, cotton and wool, all wool aud silk mixtures,
a suit $1.00 to $5.00
it, n.l i - - . ,,,n .,,.,, an-ppnsna .. i . .1 . ML n 1.1. L.I I 1. I 11.1 .Si U . I . . i
at Little Prices
Arm Rocker
Golden oak Arm Rocker
shaped wood seat, wide curved
anna, double braced; regular
price $3.00; Saturday special
V Floor.
Extra heavy, finely
woven Sea Island Cotton
Blanket, full size, eleven
quarter; white, gray or
plaids; regular $185 per
pair; Saturday price
$1.95 ( JSS)
WW KlNl'i; ' r
Uf .- v-v.YwA -a
yi C w
TOO j fe- "22-58 to 35J
Cravpnette and
HalnconU and
Automobile' Coat 9.
- . - "Z.
w . Vs SO
Why All
Are Using
Prnerpssivft merchant
the wonderful Cneral Electric Mazda Lamp an
immeasurable benefit to their business. This lamp
radiates' brilliant white rays nearly like thqse of
the sun. 'This superior quality of artificial
light is produced by a rare metal filament that not
only radiates a perfect light, but gives nearly three
times as much light as the ordinary incandescent
and costs no more to burn. It is this remark
able combination of facts that is causing thousands
of people to have theif houses and places of business
wired for electric light. In fact, this new G-E
Mazda Lamp is swiftly revolutionizing artificial
lighting. It is making electricity the universal
You owe it to yourself to at least come in and tee
this wonderful lamp. We can show you to your own
satisfaction that thi G-E Mazda Lamp immensely in
creases the advantage oi electric light.
The Bee Prints the News
'iirH J!i.liiiiiwf'liB?'g-LJI'ii i1 JAM
for Men and
-aissil, C ...'..SK!t
t: '. .".'? '.'
--sasa.. asis jtknmt iBBit,isiM.'j4sVss' "Jjas?
All the new blocks in soft felt---pencil
edge and telescope, velour,
plush and badger hair, in new
shades of brown, pearl gray, blue
pearl, tan and black
Caps for 1'aU and winter.
$2.50 to $6
Guaranteed Hose
Stetson Hats
Lion Brand
pvervwhpre have found "fl
lior n l ei
r -
r- s
- "
to i
u- :
)f ;
- i
in -
- i
II v
0 I
itit ;
' ui :
I. i