run r,r:E: omaha. ninisiuv. noyemukij 17. mm. i ( ( V OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished llouaekeeplns; Room. Nit K.I, Y f urnl'tiM housekeeping- rooms. Sinn ntvl hunr.; cn-lialf blink from street r line. 112 Pacific St.. Douglas ; two fi llcbt hot. TWO front mom, furnished complete for llcbt houekc;-,n:. 71 ft. itith tu 1st flat. TUB MA.NLKL. Twenlv-first and How- Bid; 2-iooin apartment; heated. ( ii 00. (INK nill of mtelnr'i, light housekeeping room, 1M4 TWO front rooms for housekeeping, fur nished ronipet: gas for cooking and light 'i-u Deaven worth. ' " Two lata rooma tn Dundee with iis nt kitchen, 110 or better to amall family. Harney 7I. week day. 100 N. 45th Ave. Fort RK NT Couple furnished rooms; modern, for light housekeeping, private family; good location: heat, gan and latin dry. ii i:. nth Ave. Harney till. TWO rooms In modern hou, warm and clean. Harney 2103. , FOB RF.fsT Six furnished rooms for liitlit hou-t-kerping; ml no sleeping rooms. lWJ Dodge M. Tyler 100& FUR Rfc-NT Nice housekeeping rooms. 007 n. arnh st. FOB HKNT Three nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. S'OA Pratt St. FOR RENT Nice housekeeping rooma. DWI 1 lamer Bt. ( FOH KIONT- Nleelv furnlHhed room Tor housekeeping. 619 S. "2nth -flt. Foil RENT Two Urge rooms for house keeping, l'.ij DeavMrworh Bt. FOK RENT Two ntco rooms for house keeping. 4 J N. 17th Bt. iFOH. nKNT-Tu'D modem rooma for housekeeping. Kj .California Bt. FOR RENT I ArRA room, two closets, team het, cooking. gAa,' good location. UU Capitol. Ave. FOR RKNTl-MrnlshecJ. room for light housekeeping. S017 Leavenworth. V nt uraiahril JIoniekeeylnsT Booms. TWO rooms, partly mrnlshed; atrlctly modern; reasonable. - WO N. 23d. VnlaieBlasie4 . Itooma. THRFTB unftirnlKhed ' rooms. private bath, small store rouvn and outslda porch, all modern except hent; no children. 217 N. lJth bt " " " THREE rooma. modern, complete, 2328 a 12th Bt. Tel. ; Douglas 6at& I ROOMS strictly modern; very cheap If taken at onct, 40J4 Burt bt. Nowata Land and Lot Co., New ork Ufa Bldg. Tel. Red li, A-1721. ' BIX first Class' unfurnished rooms mod ern. Price reasonable to rellabla party, Prlvata entrance. 1722 S. 13th Bt. i THREE unfurnished' tooma, 1720 8. 13th St. Apply In rear. VXn RENT Upper Uhed. 707 ,S. 17th. Wt floor, partly fur- FOR RENT Two nice front rooma, heated. 2418 Capitol Are. Uoug. 6580. FOR RENT Thfea vM7 nloe rooms; use of phone. N. W. corner- Mth and Plnkney. FOR RENT Four rooms, unfurnished. t20 Grace St. FOR RENT Thfwa unfurnished rooms with alcove bath on aame floor gas and tlectrld light; furaacau g,Hl Dodge bt . FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; -bath. 4ilo Webster bt. Pwralabrd Haaea T. W. BLACKBURN, lawyer, 400 Paxton block, has a furnished beuaa to rent lor the winter. ''. -ROOM modern house, lift. West Faxuam d.strict. 'Phone Harney lvul AB YOU read Una ad. ao will thousands read jreur ut, t,,U it is la, The Bee. Boneea auad Cettagea. S-ROOarMODBnr4KUtCamblna4ioBi fixtures; east (rout. 23d and Webster, HO.ixX (-room all modara bt Luis flat, U N. .trt ki Lu 00. 7-room all modern house I20S Locust Bt, 125.00. -room brick all modern house, 2008 Wll ' 4 room's in apartment Tat. 123 N. 18th St lis fro " 6. u: bAchmann, 4S8 Paxton Block. i A. ROOM modern house with caraca. In best residence district, $60. Keys at of floe. E. Becker Co., tlo alee mug. TO PERMANENT tenant, good 7-room house, modern except heat; adults only. Caldwell. Web. 8721 , SIX-ROOM modern house except heat, tig. 10. 2615 Blnney St. Tel. Web. 1763. 221 MAPLE bt. S-room. modern. $17.00. NEW MODERN' HOUSES N0IIT11 PART , 136.00 S905 N. lSth, 7 rooma and reception hali; four bedrooms; downstairs In oak; strictly modern. 430.X-3S N. lth St.; rooms and recep tion hall; I bedrooms; strictly mod ern; fine square house. I27.W-41U N. 17th St.; t rooms and recep tion hall, strictly modern. 2.00 tilt N. 17th St.; -5-rooin bunftalow; very nobby little home; modern ex cept furnace. , The above houses are brand new and ready to move into. Thay are all In firxt- clasa location, handy to car. stores, etc., and are priced at a tow -xoniei to secure tenants at once. . - 8HTMKR at CHASE CO., 109 8. 17th Bt Both 'Phones. 1945 8. 28th. S-room cottage.. $10 00 Ituil Howard, e-roorn, close In ltts) t 8. 26th ave.. 4-rooro. close in 14.W lmj gewai-d, 6-rooiu, city water 14ii0 2111 N. Itith. $-roo(m all imnlei n .... 80 W 8I& 8. SRth Ave.. !-r.. all mod. new.... 4t)0 StS MandTsofl, l-room... 16 00 2710 Parker- -room, mod. ex. heat.... 1H.O0 11T 8 26th Ave., l-room. all modern.... MOO 2o24 Bpruce. t-room. niodtrn 17 50 1J 8. 11th, 6-roum. cloas in.. UM THE PYK'N REED CO., Phone Doug. 7, A-J83. 212 8. 17th Bt - tlROUND riAXR SfAClfi. There is a large apace )uat oft the court on ground floor that wlil be remodeled to ault satisfactory tsusat. This location Is near Farnam St., convenient to uiaia entrance of building. Loon before renting - ' Don t reut batore looking. THB Bits; BUlLDINU COMPANY. It W. Baker, bupu ITtb aod Farnam. 21t 8. Et .'U AVE AN l-ieeni. atiKtly .Uiudern, detached bouse; new hardwood floors and uewly decorated. Price $40. PA V.N K. SLATER CO.. Sole Agents, tit Floor. N. Y Life Bldg. 'Phone Dou;uji- lolft. FOR RENT JO'.T Howard, rooms, modern. 17 Howard, (i roonia, rfiodern except fur nace; inspection invited. Reference. Doug. t "PUTNAM CO.. $24. Bltuidele theater Bldg. MODk,ltN 10-room house, lmiutre i.eit dour ouxlv.n HI S. rid Kt t-room. modern except heat walking dis tance. . Pbuue . W u. l'Jlo. NEW 7-room hoiuse, strictly modern, hot water furnace. Xili Chicago BL Tel. Har aey av4. ...... i SNAPS t-room, all modern houae. nicely deco-att-d. two blocks from Farnam line, $j; 0. S-rooni boute. a'l modern. H14 N. 40th, $40. 8. D. MKRCKR CO.. 223 Paxton Bik.. Douglas ilii. EXCEPTIONALLY winvenient. modern, compact, t-room brick; f.nished one year ago, choicest neighborhood. Jd and Pop pleton, ti, incluj.a water, care of lawn, now, etc. Peters Trual Co. N. Y. Life Bdg. -R.. modern residence. 41at and Cali fornia. $JJae.Tt. ii. . evenings. ' IN WKST FARNAM IIHTR1CT. 104 and lot bu. two very fae. titctly modem, brick dwellings, tn choto- residence district in the city; win co rile to suit tenant Special price to hi ijurty. PATNH sui tit I'J . Sole Agents th Floor N Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglaa "u OFFERED FOrt RENT Houses and le(tnr - oallanril. " N. Kh Ft. t-r mod. apartment, t-'Ot I'M i ntuitu si., I r , apartment. I'i. iyxi.1 Bristol bt., -r . all mod., tarn, t-". J. W. RASP CO.. fcvj BRANUKIS BDD'l. fc-KooM house, etrl tty modern; hot water heat, newiy papered. Tei. Red 1177. fKVK.N room house, modern except heat, at JA N. 33d Kt l-ii '! te-r month. W. J. lirrmodv Investment Co.. Tel. D. 7s. i,14 City National Hank Hldg. 4-ROOM cottage; modern, except furnace; beautiful lawn and treee. No. fni South Ave. Rent only -i per mo. Telephone Loug)aa i40. OMAHA Van A Ptoraga Co., pack, move. tor household goods; storehouse. 1130 J4 N. uvth; office w 6. 17th Bu Tel. Louglaa UV Houses In all parts Sous of Co.. tha city bee Bldg. 7-room house, near park, IZo. loll S. 28th. 7-ROOM, atrlctly modern, 2X01 N. 24th St. cor. -Maple; low rental. Tel. owner, Harney Uol. N I N E-ROOM modern hoime In Hanacom lark district; house in first-class condi tion. An Ideal noma for the riKlit party. Can b seen any time. Call at -nil 1'acUio street or phone Harney 2J4t. UJOI) ftve-room cottat. No. 3.VM Tatrlck Ave., only $12 50. Onialua Mutual Realty Co., I'axton lilk. IIA.VSCDM PARK PI8TRJT. l-room modern, brick flat, on car line, only WO to (I. a, table tenant. WRltJUT A LASBURT, D04 8. 16th St. Phone. Doug. 172. TWO eight-room bilck apartment houses, ail modern, nortn part of city; Just newly remodeled and will be ready In a few days; good locatiun for rooming house. C M. BALUilAN. U6 Taxtnn Ulk. Ofllce Phone Red 2639; Residence Phone Lougiaa 6Ub4. HOUSES FOR Kii.NT. NOWATA LAND ANli LiT CO.. Euite bU New iurk Lite Bldg. Red 19M. Houses, flats. Garvin tlroa.. Id floor N.I.L, MODERN 7-roora house. 125. 1M7 S. Bith. 140a N. 2ith bu, s rooms. Pnana Harney FIVK-rOom house, modern except heat at M7 N. ath st. M.uu per montn. W. J. Dermotly Investment Co., Tel. V. 7S& 1CI4 City National Bank Bldg. 7-ROOM modern house. 2,02 California bt Call Douglas 2717. 25-.8 Douglas street, S rooms, 127.60. 6-R. MOD. cottaKe. very nice, beautifully located, t. 719 b. 37 tb bt Web. 11-RoOM modern brick residence and barn, 17s B J2d avenue, facing llanscom park, t'. JOHN W ROWHINS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. STRICTLY modern 4 and 6-rowm flats, 122.60 and S per month; fine residence dis trict Telephone Harney NEW 7-room house, strictly modern, hot water heat. 2713 Chicago bt. Tel. Harney 204. SEVEN rooms, Dundee, modern; car and school. Phone Harney 4M. 6-ROOM cottage, 1416 N. SSth. FOK RENT 6-room house, S15. 1315 So. 6th bt FIVE-ROOM house til South 24th. Mod ern except furnace, J IS. 6-ROOM cottage, modern, 22tf No. U tb. Street HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Kxpresainen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. Ski. (-ROOM, all modern house, paved street oue block from car. 244 Spauldlng Bt 'Phone Webater S407. CONSTANT GAINS. 1.E00 inches gain for Omaha Bee. 1,100 Inches loss for nearest competitor. This Is the record tor want aus ior octoDer com pared with the corresponding month a year ago. NINE room, strictly modern house on JSth St., near Farnain, 14& per month. Call riarexiiit, FERRIN Exd. Storage. 1U Cap. D. Il EIGHT-ROOM house, modern: location central. Inquire T. J. Beard & Bro., 1410 Douglas at. rnone Douglas zm. NEW six room house, all modern, at IXtl IN. utti bt. ter niontn. W. J. Dfrmody Investment Co., Tel. D. 7116. 1614 City National Bank Bldg. 716 N. 22 d Bt, rooma, modern, and large barn. 13a. 6 ROOMS, modern, good neighborhood. 2010 Elm Bt Rent reasonable to right parties. Tel. Harney 1610. IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. 104 and 10s So. tilth Bt.. two very fine. strictly modern brick dwellings, In choicest residence district In the city; will decorate to suit tenant, bpeclal price to right party, PAYN10, SLATER CO., Sole Agents, 6th Floor N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Phone, Douglas 1016. 6"i2 Chicago, mod. ex. heat, T-r., $26. 2167 Harney, r., all mod., $fi0. 4o6 No. 2ilth, b-r., mod. ex. heat. $23. 40S No. iih, f-r., mod. ex. heat, $:'t 7o4 o. L'4ih, new brick flat all mod., close In, $42.50. B1RKE7TT & TBBBEN8, 43 Bee Bldg. Phones: D. 47D4, A-1TU. THREE new strictly modern houses; choice locations. 'Phone "W' abater 66J2. Sterea and Offiees, STORE FOR RENT Has bake ores (or bakery. 23"S N. 24th. NO equal In city; grocery and meat mar ket with flxtuiee Apply 2?t N. ttd. OFFICE room, 11 N. lGth St . opposite postofflce, $7 per month. 408 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Conrad Young. Doug. loiL BTORKhOOM FOR RENT Poutneast corner lth and Douglaa Sta, rerm I.h:o 'eet. PosseaaioB given about September 1. 1910 CITY NATIONAL BANK. OFFERED FOR SALE Fernltar. CHINA cabinet, mahogany, beautiful piece, cheap. Apartment i. The Wlnoua, 2oth and Dewey. TeL Harney UJTt. COOK stove, gas stove, hard coal burner, couch, upholstered chair. Sold Uaaon Sl DINING table, china, muslo and kitchen cabinets; sanitary couch and pad, eta; nearly new. aus N. lata. Maslcal Instruments. KIM BALL upright ptano, $75. 108 McCague. MANDOLINS, Oultars and Banjos, $G aud up. Olbson Mandolins and Guitars sold on small payments. Francis Potter, Barker block. UPRIGHT piano, standard make; owner leaving city, will sell cheap. 4114 Chi cago bu to STEEL RANQb, 6-hole. wood, heating stuve; iron bed with spring. Cheap to.' cash. G. 23. Bee. FOUR soft coal heating stoves for eais cbvap. Apply 'luo Redden. 41 So. 20tu. HARD coal stove, used one season; cheap. 261 Burt A GOOD base burner for sals. KM. Hainey ROUND Oak heater, good as now; will sell cheap. 1 hone Webster b2w. Typewriters, BUY an L, C. dmith aV Broa. typewriter. E. F. bwautoa Co., Dlsuioutera. uxt Far am St Sr-CONIVnand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Fxchange, 1wj7 Farna.u. T PK WRITER tl, all makes, large stock Standard Visible Writing Machines aud others Vi l- infra.' prices, tor aula or rent, rent applied. Ask for list and offer. B. F. bwauaoa Co.. Ult Faiuaux YOU ran rent an Oliver typewriter with oak stand. i monthly, from manufacturers, moat lutrrrsted la satisfaction given. Oliver Typewriter Co"t9mtk OFFERED FOR SALE Ty pen rl tera -( ontlnaril, FOR FAT.F.-New vlshle No 10 8mlth- Pretnler typewriter. . 1 Raldwla A Co. 510 First National Iiank B'dg. M tare I la aeons. VT-V Ull'lt m ft.n. a f I.I, rniiFii win, ii w wti. iui in, t"ii,a ri u Ttey ar fine for rnln ws'er it a."'"!. Call at preaa room. Bee l'ublUhing Co. i . . : URlus at cut rnces. rretgnt raia on an $10 orders, catalogue free. Sherman HcConnell Drue: to. Omaha. NeD. OVERCOATS. ttlKhtly used, st a bar iL V naln. A. B. 8INUKR, 416 N. 1-ith. WANTED Good wide-awake traveling salesman to enter big sales force of a re liable merchnndlse store; big opportunity to good, hard-working man. B 342, Bee. FOR SALE Lady 'a fur coat Phone W 1194 FOR RALE New and second-hand bil liard and cool tables. We lead the world la cheap bar fixtures: easy rayments. Bruna- wick-Baike-i.oiienoer. tin B. luin Bt About 40 feet of l-lnch diameter No. M snare calvamxed nine, with four 4f-lnra elbows and T. This was used for ventllat- ri purposes and Dine la In good condition. The Pee Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam. FAFES Overstocked with aecond-hand safes all sizes and makes; bargain American Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam St HORSE blankets, heavy white canvas storm blankets; 14 per pair, worth $3. Ml Bennett s Harness Dept.. basement. Pfl AT. rrnsce tump a ton fi ()0 CUAIj Harmon Weath. WebMs. ,$O.UU TOR WALB t-room bouse to be removed. 611 N. 17,1. Make offer. Apply Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming St Doug, and "-ot. ONE butcher's ice box, 8x5, cheap. U13 Pt. Mary's Ave. GOOD buffalo overcoat for sale; can be seen at 3415 N. 2Mh St. FOR SALE Nearly new stake dray bed, 4x14 feet. Cost at factory :175; will sell cheap if taken at once. For particulars and description, address Y 704, Bee. PATENTS D. O. BARNKLL. Paxton Blk. TeL Red 7U7. PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOI T OPERATION OR PAIN. PAT WHKN CURED. DR. W. C. MAXWELL. (24 BEE BLDU., OMAHA. DOUQ. 1424. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Dr. King, lff24 N. i!4th Bt Web. 3b5v. Ind. D-1836. QC1 ATT massage a specialty, sure curs OiJ-u. (or paldness; facial massate, manicuring and shampoo work; satisfac tory work guaranteed. 415 Paxton Block. atl'TTnrVS'fom ccmblngs, $1 SO. Mrs. A T'TIS Vapor, alcohol and massage, -' 1605 Dodge, Sd floor, opp. poat offlce. Mme. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 7W6. PROF. DINJIAN-Orlental massage. 4S Brandels Theater. 'Phone D. 8t3. MAnNF.TTR t'tment Mme. Bmlta. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 74 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. PRIVATE hone for women during con finement. Address Bog U7, Florence, NaU Tel. Florence ttfl JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under World Sewer," at all book stores. Price, 11.64. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins. Ramge Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing In fact, auythlng you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 134 N. ilth St.. for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 413a and wagons will call. E. L. LOVEJOY repairs sewing machines and warrants them. 2.KI2 N. tlsL Web. th. I ATIK Scientific massage, 1617 Dodge Bt. t' A10 Bsemeut flat 10 a. m. t p. m. CHINA painting lessons, firing, order work, stenciling; tiring, call and deliver. Mrs W. V. Irwin. 2616 Blondo. Tel. W. livft. STRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption. UU Davenport Ht , QnriTnVioa from combines, $1.50. Mrs. 8. OWlltUeS Mathew, jo4 Neville blk. D6263 YlrnQ and toupes for men. Griffith, VV1UO u ,nd M FKENZER BLOCat. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Iud. A -163; Douglas 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, lith and Harney Sta. MRS. A- HUSTER. Millinery. 221 N. lflth. . TlTTP'K'"rT! Specialist in diseases of Ull. .DU DilVDi women. n. E. Corner 16th and Douglas, Omaha. Call or writs. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re moved, no pain, no los of time, no injury to the skin; work guaranteed;, lady attend ant. $10 McCague Bldg., iith and Dodge. t AWAfiT? treatment, Mrs. Steel, 111 8. THE OMAHA HOUSE and WINDOW CLEANING Co., furnaces fired and base ment kept dean, storm windows washed and put up. 'Phone Red 1212. MAflNTlTTn Treatment H. Brott, 72$ a. luh BL XeL rud icon. ENTERTAIN your srlrl for 10 cents bv visiting the Parlor theater. Polite vaude ville. Matinee naif price. MASK SUITS to rent at L1EBEN S. REFRESHMENTS and Servloe by Alfred Jones, head waiter at Omaba Field club last season. Tel. H. 186$ ind. A-48.1 DR. EOGERS, Private confinement home, Ult Martha St, Omaha. Tel. Douglas t-M. pAl?TlTf Millinery, tmti Krebs. izl 1-AXVA-Afiv Seville Blk. Old hats made new. YOUNQ WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young W omen's Christian Association building at Seventeenth street and bt Mary's avenue, wbrre they will be directed to suitable boarding, placea or otherwise assisted. Look (or our traveler's aid at the Union station. -Jnritnrv HA1RDKESSINO PARLOR oumiaiji Take Mannello maaaages for a good complexion, sol paxton Bis. D. 4a7L A HOME for women during con'nement. We find homes for babies whom mothers cannot care for tbaux Babies boarded For terms address Mra Martha L. Lee, 4A Bancroft bt, Ouiaha, Neb. 'Phone Doug' laa U1U. T AITTi'"!' coats rellned. Miss Chase, "i"'"J" M Paxton Blk. Tyl ler Vaut. MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Rlttenhouse. R. tot Old Bostun Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entiance. 1 8 lata. n?X T A SfTTTI Exhibit and aale chine, for Christmas. Phone loug. o; Res., Doug. VSl. Room 207, 1M4 Howard. HINDOO TAJBLKTS will build braeel Strengthen. 60s. fa ELL DRUU CO. POULTRY BRADLEY'S Strain Barred Rocks. This years breeders fur sale. Cockerela, $2.60; pui eta, $1 60. Yarda. vi Franklin. Phone V ebsiar null Call Sunday. FREE Liberal package Conkey's Laying Tonic and 6oc poultry book. Bring ad to NeLuasvka. Seed Company, 161$ Howard St. ARE your chickens eneesing, wheezing, mgpingT That's roup. Conkey's Roup Remedy cures. Nebraska Seed Company, lblii Howard bt PRINTING RI Ed-HALL Ptg. Co. 10 8. 14th. Ind. A-3U4. Lew W. Raber, Printer Z'lVxm. iitr? Bldg. Entrance on Court. 'PHONE IND. A-fcS for good printing. L Dgatud Printing Co.. ltth and Capitol Are MILLER & JAJlIEON, 1212 Douglas St Both phunea. REAL ESTATE AnvniAt Ts or Tin a, rn"tn JENSEN. Jr .Co. Tel. Doua- imi Midland Ouarsntee and Trust company, bomU-d abstracters. 1714 Farnam St. HEtl. KSTATK DKAI.RRI, BENIAMIN R R. CO . 4H Prandels MKJg REAL FPTATE TITLE TRCST CO.. liOl and 1602 City National Bank Bldg. RFED ABSTHAl.T CO . Est. ISM; prompt Service; get our prices, 2n4 Hiu.1ela theater. CITY PHOPICHTY FOK ItLI. Investment Snap Brick Flat, $5,500 Income $630 a Year 2MS AND ?20 WOOLWORTH AVE. A nearly new, very well built two-apart-mrnt St. Ijouis flat; has always been rented to Rood tenants and the rent Is cheaper than other St. Ixiuls flats in that part of the city. One S-room and one fi-rootn apartment, entirely Si pnrate; two furnaces; entirely modern and complete In every way; nice lot. 40x110 feet; sodded yard, ce ment walks, paving all paid. $3,000 cash, and the balance at per cent. The Income w 11 be J'i O, the Interest on the mortgage $i::7.S0. which, after deducting Insurance and taxes, will leave a 13 per cent investment. This w ill be quickly picked up--so see us about It today. Norris & Martin, 4O0 Bee lildg. Douglas 4270. NEW HOUSE WALKING DISTANCE A Very Choice Home, Excep tionally Low Price and Terms to Immediate Purchaser. This Is a fine new house of six very lame rooms and reception hall, all modern, oak floors, furnace, combination pas and elec tric light fixtures, full cemented cellar, laundry, cement walks, paved street, large trees, nice level lot, 2-ft. terrace; a com plete Inside home, well situated, 15 min utes' walk from postofflce and close to three car lines. Only $u,8u0, and will make liberal terms. Good 7-room, all .modern house, valuable location, near Sherman Ave. and Maple; an unusual bargain at $2.00; rental terms. Here's an Interesting Proposition Combined home, rental apartment and building site. Large double residence, 12 rooms in each, all modern, best condition, fronting east on paved street, paving paid, cement walks: lot 60xlS0 ft., leaving 60x115 for building cottages, flats or apartments. You can occupy one apartment of the house, rent the other for nearly enough to carry the whole and have vacant ground clear for building. Price complete, $6,500; $00 cash, balance $60 per month. See us about this today. RUSSEL & McKETRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney St aiOICE CORNER FOR APARTMENT OR FLATS $11,000 For the southeast corner of Park Ave. and Dewey Ave.; 21.140 feet; close to schools, churches and West Farnam and Hanscom Park car lines; a hlxh, sightly lot. In a first class location. Investigate at onoe. GEORGE Ac COMPANY. City Nat l Bank Bldg. 24TH AND DAVENPORT, t-room house, modern , but heat; a good buy at only $2,200. i. P. O. NIELSEN Sc CO.. 703 N. Y. L. Bldg. Phones D. 2i04. A-4340. FOUR new modern houses, fine loca tions; roust sell. 'Phone Webster 6622. . $800 BALANCE MONTHLY? tuys 8-room mod ern house, gilt edge location; 4 good bed rooms; paved street; close to car, achool and stores. Price $4,600-" STi'S- Brandels Bldg. Douglas 2SM, A-3456. WALKING DISTANCE $3,750 -room strictly modern house. paved street all specials paid; good neighborhood, near school and churches. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 490 Brandels Bldg. . Doug. 3382. NEW COTTAGE Five larae rooms and bain, pedestal open ing between parlor and diuing room; floored attic, cemented casement, lurnaca and laundry sink, in faot, completely modern; paved street; four blocks north of Ames avenue car. Bargain price on reasonable terms. Phone W-Ua. 21 Fowler Ave. NEW 7-room. all modern house, oak floors and finished in golden oak; oement basement and laundry; combination fix tures; adjoining West Farnain district; was built for a home; can be bought at a bar gain; location 714 8. 3eth St.; will be open from t to 6 Sunday. TeU Harney or Harney 1598. FOR SALE House T rooms, water, sewer, toilet etc.; nice tree and shrubbery, sh aouth list fit 4-ROOM COTTAGE. Location Is right. Condition of propel ty la right. Price is right Terms are right. $100 down will swing the deal. Address B $71, Omaha Bee. SNAPS 0-room, strictly modern house'; close In, near California on 19th St $1.360 6-room house, lot 60x130, on Daven port St.; close in. C. O. Ed ling, &1 N. 19th St Ten acres on paved road, with house, barn, chicken house, two horses, wagon, buggy, etc., all for $2,600. A great bargain. RKED BROTHERS, tot Brandels Theater Bldg. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY Six-room modern house, 44 feet front, 20 feet alley. Price $3.oo0. Terms. NOWATA I .AND at LOT CO. 6M New York Life. Omaha, Neb. Phonea A-li-l, Red Unfi. 1 NEW cottage and full lot In Benson, U.700. This was built fur a home, has cement walks, water and bearing fruit. Easy terms, TLRKINOTON. BEE BLDG. FOR BALE Two lots, UZxlW, on aoutk 16th St. near Vinton; all special taxes paid Will sell as one piece or divide, willing lo sell at sa critic. Apply at &2f Hon La tut St 10 PER CENT NET INCOME on your Investment near town. New cottages, mod ern and both rented. Correspond with owner. 21$ Park avenue, Harney 6490. Two Good Cottages Worth $2,500.00, Will Accept $1,900.00 On easy terms If sold by Saturday. One house has four rooms, the other haa five roc ma. Good corner lot fenced; fine trees. Rentals S.i.00. We are selling the houses for less than they are worth and giving you the lot The biggest bargain we have offered lor a year, it s a snap! OMAHA MUTUAL REALTY CO, CI2-4US Paxton Blk. . FOR SALE Fine building lot south of Hanscom park, on boulevard. Tel. Har. Ha REAL ESTATE rilK AMD RANCH LAID VOR WkVn Ala ha san. SOUTHERN colonisation bargain; t.OM actes; good land; 6 uilles nr. Mary s liver frontage; Ideal climate; fine fishing and bunting; only It per acre; worth $i. Wal ter E Baruea, Avondale Station. Birming ham. Ala. ArkasaUi ARKANSAS FARMS Big list; special bargains; arnt free. Write today. Captaie Risks. Fayetleville. Ark. BARGAIN KO-acre farm, near Waldron. Scott county, Arkansas; 40 acres tilled and In meadow, balance umber; good houses, barn, excellent water. Price, $i,UW. U. Cox, W aidroa, Ara. REAL ESTATE FIRM AMI 1 II l.Xli FOR Si ,F. Continued ) t alltnrala. CALIFORNIA LANDS .lust ar'lveil with a few tracts cf choice lands. An oppmtune time 1o make an In vestment, li.iy before Panama canal is ci n pi. led and triple your money. Suipplni; here for a tew days. Call and see us at Room 4. Uee 1'.!). Haidin A; Asbill. A FINE 10-ACRK PEACH ORCHARD in Ontario. Cel.. value IA.oOO to trade for good Minnesota property about same value: con sider Dakota or Sioux Falls. Several ftns California orange droves, fiom Ho.ouO up. fe e and trades. Have one called the f nM piece In southern California, price tl JO m beautiful property will pay big return also If you have eastern property to trade for southern California, send description. Trades effected anywhere. Fa thful per sona) attention given to your matters. In alliance, sales, trailes, rentas. Investments ete. References furnished. Jamra M. Van Deusen, iiOS Uraley Bldg.. Pasadena. Cal. FONTANA oranae lands Is the bert In vestment In Southern California $3 K and easy Installments buys five acres and Inde pendence. Ettuer live on land or company will plant and attend orchard. Write for terms Fontaiut Development Co., 617 Wil cox Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. 40 ACRES Finest Orange land naj Fresno. California 11.600. F 4. Bee. TMA1M 11. tiO WEST. IJve ten years longer, twenty years hap ier in Southern California. Write us be- ..... ...... .... V )..'! i. , . ,., n, l.A luri in iiu iiiiicri ii vniuMi inn. it i un I'fl- for you bo. We tell you how tn make money In the w at. Rest fruit, grain, ranch and speculative properties, city prop erties, houses, cottages, stores an-ihlng you want best prices. We ennirHi t. buy, sell and build your houses and bungalows anywhere. Mining engineering; our spe cialty. Save money by writing before start lug went. The Ileigpu-KelloKK Develop ment companies, iillS West 4th St, anLa Ana, CaL Canada. FELF-SUPPORTING HOMES In the glor ious fruit district of southern Britlsa Columbia for S10 cash and $10 monthly, without Interest. Annual profits, $i,oo to 1 000 per acre. Orchard, garden, poultry; scenery, hunting, fishing, busting; delight ful, warm climate; church, school, post office, store, big sawmill, dally trains close to market, unlimited demand for prnducts. Write quick fur maps, photos, fiee information. Westlvootenay Fruit Lands Co.. Dept D, Drawer los7. Nelson. British Columbia. Colorado. IF TOU are Interested In "Grand Valley, Colo," fruit lands and want reliable in formation, ask for Chaa. A. .Smith or N. A (llasco, at the Colorado exhibit of the ap ple show, Council 1 Huffs, up to the 19th, COLORADO LAND. I have $.000 acres of Improved and unim proved land for sale at from $10 to $2f an acre, within from one to ten miles of town; all good tillage; write me for particular D. O. BEAN, BOV1NA. COLO. FOR RELIABLE. BEST located fruit tracts In Colorado, on easy terms, lowest prices, write Rev. W. H. Collins. 1010 & Uth Ave., Denver. Colo. Florida. FLORIDA LAND BARGAIN-17,001 acres finest of farming land; two crops yearly; deep water laidlngs; two railroads. $4 60 per acre. Walter E. Barnes. Avon dale, Ala. FLORIDA We have millions of acres of Florida timber, cut over, farm and coloni sation lands. Estate Journal. Big bargains, nice homes; we ran suit you. National Realty Agency. Jacksonville, Florida. FLORIDA LAND. " Florida You cannot lose on any well se lected property In Florida. S"t wre sure of Quick and substantial proms. We have many good properties for colonization, fruit and vegetable lands and Improved farms. Pope & North. 901 Atlantio Na tional Bank Bldg.. Jacksonville, Fla. Iowa. Farm Bargain Near City Schools 160 acres. S miles from Council Bluffs city limits; electric line station mile; level road to city; acnooi nouse on iarm; two food houses, large new barn, new enclosed corn cribs, cow and hog stables, granary, chicken houses, tool house, windmill with water piped to house and barn, good orchard and vineyard, and, In fact, everything that goes witn a higii- rade farm. All now In cultivation ex cept 16-acre pawture. Price, (110 per acre on unusually easy terms. March settle ment If too big. neighbor would buy 40 acres. Surrounding farm all valued at $126 per acre, but not one in the neigh borhood fur aale at any price. Just the place for a man who does not want to spend half his time on the road, wishes to have his family to have the benefit of almost city conditions and to educate his children in the city schools. Land hear the city and car Mne will go to $1100 per acre quickly. Send for description. Will F. Siedentopf. 35 Baldwin Block. Council Bluffs, la. Bell phone, Blk. 77; independent 4 Blk. IOWA FARMS. Write for my large Illustrated Dat of Madison county farms, from 10 acres up to (40 acres, all prices; good liberal terms. See Madison county before buying. Best all ground county in the state. Adreaa J. O. SHRIVER, Wlnterest la. T7H-ACRhl IOWA FARM, t miles of Council Bluffs, all fine land but I or 4 acres, which Is seeded to alfalfa Large house, good barn and all kinds of outbuildings. Fine o.r-hard and vineyard. With a little care the fruit will more thaa pay Interest on entire cost of the place. Good aprlng and one ef best meadows In the state; was green all through this dry summer. Farms no better have sold for $160 per acre We offer this for $116. H'OEB REAL ESTATE CO, 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. 4 ACRES, t blocks of Omaha car line. In Council Bluffs, and walking distance of Omaha. The very finest of garden land and can be cut Into city lots aud sold any time; 2,&u buys It. M'QEE REAL ESTATE CO. 14 Pearl St, Council Bluffs. TEN Improved farms for rent or aale on crop payments. J. Mulhall, Sioux City, la. tet-ACRE Improved farm, northwest Iowa; three-quarters mile from town; lot acres tillable; fc per acre, clear. Owner will trade for good business, take balance back on land. JuNfc. LAND CO. Peterson. Ia. FOR BALK 47 acrea, well Improved, at 167.60 per acre for short time only; 640 acres, all valley land. Improvements cost sbout $4,000. A bargain at $70 per acre, 'lerms W. H. KENNEDY. CASTANA. I A. Georgia. GREAT SOUTII GEORGIA TRAVERSED BY THB ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM A ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to the widest range of crops; ail the money crops of tha Souta filentlfully produced. For literature treat ng with this coming country, its soil, cli mate, church and school advantages, write W. H. LEAHY, Oen'l Paaeenger Agu Dept. K. Atlanta, On. Ka ALFALFA land; farm lands In western Kansas. I quote, subject to previous sale, S. W. 1S-20-U. shallow water alfalfa land, at $26 per acre; 3Mi miles from McCue. N. E. li-H-A good wheat or broom corn land, $U per acre; miles from Manning, ,n Ma Pea U. D. Card, bcott City, Kan. BARGAINS. $00 acres land. 1.000 acres of It In wheal; waii located, well improved; per acre; will exchange for smaller. A fine plantation of nearly 2,uu0 acrea well located and well improved; Louisiana: tic per acre; trade. Modern luO-barrel flour mill and elevator, doing good business: central Kansas; I. tuu. and cash fur ranch. 20 acres good wheat, etc., land, central Kansua, JO pr acre; for rental. i have acme choice farms and ranches In eastern Kansas and western Missouri, any sixe and price you want; some will ex change. When you want to buy, aell or exchange land, merchandise or anything else oX value, I would like to btar from you. FRANK GEE. Lawreooe. Kan. let ACRE in Aadersob county, Kan.; s acrea pasture, balance new land; price. 114 par acie- Neal-feowuiaa Land Co., Uar leu. REAL tSTAIE FARM Al It M II I M FOH ALU (Continued ) M laeourl. BAROA1V eo-acre farm- 4 mt from j Warsaw, M ; t acres riiltlatd tsis-i . feature, neaur eokool an I e ch; grtee 1 ; mi. tei ins ay Address i. O. uavu 1 Wareaw. Mo. I 10 ACRES t miles to town. good, level, well drained land; on ma.l route and School bouse on one corner of the farm; l-room house, new; barn JOxhO; hog and row house, windmill, plenty water, about k acres timber. This Is a good place pr.ce a 1 J'i per acie D. E. CRUTCHER. Drexel. Mn. MISSOURI LAND for sals. SO acree to I wo acres; terms and pricei to suit pur chaser. Write for particular. W. U. Stevens. Clinton. Hry Co.. Mo. HALF INTEREST. 40-acre farm, under laid with sine and lead. T. Chapman. Webb City. Mo. CO ACRES AND 0 ACRES IN GOOD e'd Casa county. 6 miles from Kansas city, both well Improved; fine black limestone land; bargain, choice n& per ecre, good terms. E. V. Burdett Uarden City, Mo. A SNAP If taken tn W days Fine valley. 40 acres Impioved. In the heart of Cast county, Missouri, $ ml lea from county seat, deal with owner; save commission. Addreat Box 78. R. F. D. No. 6. Harrlsonvllie. las tountjj AJo. THREE high clasa Improved northwest Missouri farms for sale; corn clov r and blue glass land, you' choice, $7a per acre. Write for particulars. Baii-I j Meaa. owner, V O. box Ml. Chllllcoii.e Mo. FOR bargains In OZARK LANDS, either FARM LANDS. (UtAZI.Ntt LANDS or FRLTT LANDS, see us. Prices from $T. to ti per acre. Over 600 to select from. A. U. LATH HOP, 41 Bee Bldg. Mexico. LANDS. MEXICO I have for sale several fins tracts of tropical lands and transportation especially suitable for fruit and stock rais ing. Cheap on sale. Live correspond ents wanted. None but respons.ble tirmt or parties need answer References given snd required. Address J. Perrln Kent Tlacotalpam, Ver Mexico. Minnesota. . FOR Pale Cheap tlood farm; 19 aerea: all under cultivation; small buildings; I miles west of Hawley, Clay county, Minn, Address Box 4. Muskoda. Minn. 20 ACRES, clay soil, well timbered, with bard wood; located near this city; a big bargain. Price. $1S per acre. P. R. Total man, St. Cloud. MIdji CHOICE FARM LANDS In Rock and Pipestone counties. Minnesota, $ to $0i per acre; easy terms. Address ENGh-BRE'l SON LAND CO.. Jasper. Minn. Montana. FARM LANDS. We own 4.0"0 Seres of the best orchard land in tho Bitter Itoot valley. Will sell entire tract or will divide to suit. An ex cellent proposition on which to form a syn dicate. Will make liberal terms; small cash payment balance ten years. We also have a bearing orchard well improved con taining 6J0 acres. We want to get In touch with some live ones who can handle some of thla. Write for further particulars. O. W. KERR, 209 Andrus Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. Ae bra ska. "NONRESIDENT AFRAID OF DEMO CRATS." Just received a wire from a nonresident to offer his section of land five miles from thla city at ii per acre which he has been asking $12 per acre for; It Is one of the best In the community; only three-quarters of a mile from school. It will take $2,70 cash; balance five years' time; no trade. Wire or write me when you will come and 1 will meet you. R. C. 8ELBY, SOMERSET, Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE 600 a. ranch In Nance Co., Neb.; large house, 2 large cis terns, large smokehouse, hen houses, barn for 40 head 01 horses, a large corn cribs, blacksmith snop cattle shed, 160 t hog houses, large . In alfalfa, hog tight; 2b0 a. unuer piow, Daiunce hay and pas ture. Will accept a good merchandise stock. If a live one, up to $16,000. Call, write or' phono. Rector & O Hare, North Bend, Neb. 1 HAVE Just accepted the agency for 20.000 acres of Cheyenne and Kimball counties' best lands. Nearly every section of this land is level aud can be plowed with a steam plow; soli deep black loam; yellow clay sub-soil; crop report best In Ne braska. Price from $.2.60 to $30.00 acre. Write for full particulars. A. B. Lathrop, 421 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE On account of sickness, my 160 acres, one mile from Brunswick, at a sacrifice of $10 per acre. This farm is all fenced and cross-fenced, part hog-tight; 20 acres In tame pasture, IS In clover and timothy, $ in alfalfa and balance all under cultivation. This is a very productive, gently rolling farm, adapted for both grain raising and stock. Large well built new barn and seven-room house, well, wind mill and other Improvements. Price for a short time $0 per acre half cash. C Wels, Brunswick, Neb. SEC. 21, T. 13, R. 61, In Cheyenne Co., Neb., all nice, smooth land, black loam soli, clay subsoil, all fenced. Price for a quick sale, io A, ft casn. A. u. Lathrop, 421 Bee. IMPROVED farm of about 00 acres In Colfax, county. Nebraska, all good level land, new buildings, 60 acres in wheat lays dose to town. U. P. R. R. runs through the farm. Price, $90 per acre, would take some city property. L N. Hammond, 232 Board of Trade. T. W. BLACKBURN, lawyer, 408 Paxton block, offers section 18-18-36. Keith county, at $7.60 per acre for quick deal. "TWO BIO BARGAINS." K.0 H mile to town, In Perkins Co., Neb. Best land. $6,600. 02 miles to town, In Buffalo Co.. Neh. l-room house; 60 In corn. $6,200. Only $2,200 cash, balance long time. STOCK'S LAND CO.. KEARNEY, NEB. Texas. WELL IMPROVED ranch of seven see- tions for sale by owner; in center of OraT eounty, Texas; well watered; priced right Apply to H B LovetW Pawoa. Tex. oath Dakota. HALF TRADE. HALF CASH. 1067-acre So. Dak. ranch, located 10 miles from good R. R. half bottom land, balance rolling, pasture and ha:' land; all fenced and cross fenced; the bottom land Is black loam and the very best of soil; nearly level Just sloping enough to drain, which is mostly under plow; 160 acres alfalfa; about IjO acrea good timber; well watered by fine Eprlng; two good wells and river frontage; one set of buildings. Prlct $25 per acre. Will take naif In good Income city prop erty or good farm land. Address P. O. Box 16. Dallas. 8. D. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY Da you want to buy a govd townelteT We have it )uat fresh from the government, with perfect title 1J0 lota now surveyed and aoout 10 or tnern sold with soout 4 build ings now completed In the town on a rail load that haa six daily trains, with ex cellent service. This townslte Includes 1st acres of the very beat of second bottom Da wKn fine timber tor paiks an.i aiae a fine stream of water running through It Fine openings for almost all kinds of busi ness, especially a bank, hotel and elevator. A grand bargain if sold In thirty days Ad dress Powell Laud 4k Loan Co.. Powell, btanly county. a O, WHY" FAT HIOH RH3NTT Mr. Farmer, come to South Dakota; stop paying high rente; own your own farm; spend the money for your improvements that you are paying In Iowa In high rent We own twenty quarters ol land here that we can aeli you for 126 to $30 per acre oa terms you can t beat; II uuO to II. WO down balance on paynteuu at t per cent. Come bore before the snaps are all gone For full lnfoituatlon write Dixon Broa. or bank ef beneca. Jfaulk county, . D. "THB IDEAL HOMI" OF 644 ACRES situated in the Big bioux valley, four miles aouth of Casllewood, the county seat of Hauilln county, skiuta Dakota 1 440 acres of deep bleu loaon, under yearly cultivation luu acres la pasture and lai in the beautl tul spring-fed lJe Floience, with Us lvaa scene and sparkling waters, deep and pure and filled with fiaa and game lo Season, and nearby Is the home, a 14- room bouse, large barn, two granaries, chickaa bouse, bog neuse and wo en-wire pasture era alio, naciune bouse, small barn and numerous small bullmags. ail in guod con anion, with windmill, three welis and oie- tern. all surrounded by a beautiful grove, priue, tat.ouu, on guud teruta, by ai. J. liue- eii, tfeeUewwrd. at, D. REAL ESTATE FA It H M Hliril l.Al rHtl" inlh Dakota Continued. SECTION of tlreaor) county (South Da kota) 'an.t for aale. Thla section haa tim ber, runninti Water fed by springs, lots of bay; 0 acres tuoken; 10 acres can bt (lowed, all fence), one-half tulle from school, three miles from one rirsd town aod six miles from another, good soil and th very beat all around farming and stock raising section in Utcguiy county. Noma Dakota. ( all 011 or wrlto to Charles Milner, aor. f eir:ax b D. Isenasln. SO ACRES LEVEL LAND. :"5 cultivated, balance pustuie, 6 room house, laige barn, chicken house, spring aud trout Ik 00k na fiirm. i inliea from siatiou. school on land, II, NV, 1 a.-y l"t ins. Turn O. Miison, Island City Slate bank, Cumberland. Wis. HARDWOOD timbered lake frontaae faim at a bargain; 64 acres In Polk county. Wis., 60 miles front twin cities; heavy day loam sell; half imle lake frontage, lots of hardwood s;w timber, small clear ings, old buildings; good ne:g iborhood; only $l..u), 1111 ea terms if taktu at ones. Owner N. 8., Box A. St Croix Falls, Wis. Mlacvllaneowa, HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE OH TRADE? Or do you want to buy one Make tour wains known through TUB DES MOINES CAPIl'AL, the want me dium of Iuwil Rates: 1 ceut a word for each Insertion, t cents a line. ;i cents an Incli. Circulation, 41.000; largest of any lust dally, tilve us a trial. Address The Capital Land Dep t.. Dee Moines, la. 10 ACRES in Keith county, Nebraska; .V0 acres In Oclilltre Count)-. Texas; all choice Ian, I, fur nale. Would consider a trade fur Omnlia property or a good gen erul mei chanillse stori-. Also an improved section In Swisher County Texas, six miles from Tulln, a county al town. 1 would put some money In trmle If necessary. W. It. SwjKiud. 41u Hie Hide.. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESI Al $2 LOANS $.00 to $0.0t)0 on Omaha homee, O'Keefe Re t I Estate Co., 1016 N. IT. Life. Doug, or A-2162. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. LOW RATES. HEM 18-t: A RLBKRU CO . llu-312 Biaudels Theater Bldg. GARVIN BROS.. 2d floor N. T. Life. $0t to $lou.0u0 on improved property. No ds'ay. LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay. incuts semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 60S First National Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., mil and Farnam. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 13J) Farnam St REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT to buy, only from owner, good farm land In west part Iowa, east pari Nebraska or southeast corner South Da kota. If suits me will pay $i,00t quick and more March L If not cheap aud price, numbers and good aescription not given. uu IIU) hrvui .1. 1 ) I ( uu UltrD 9 gentn. Swan Kasmussan, Honey Creek, I WANT to buy a good 40-acre farm with good improvements, All tillable land. Olve full description and price. Will pay caah. Address C. F, Creely, Fremont, Neb. SWAPS FOR SALE OR THA DE 280-aore farm. t miles from David City, for general mer chandise, hardware or Implement stock. Box 36, uavid city, weo. WANT OMAHA PROPERTY. $1,600 euultv In Improved farm, eastern Oklahoma, near Muskogee. xi.oiio eiiulty In Improved farm near Mus kogee, okl. 1.000 (Hinting plant, clear, for residence. $5,000 equity, Clarke county, Iowa, an Im proved farm. 116,000 equity in improved farm near ned- fleld, 8. 1). $16,000 equity in improved farm, Madison county, Iowa. I40.oto equity, Texas land, near Hereford. .Balance hack on the lands INTER-STATIC LAND , CO,, SIDNEY, I A. DOUBLE brick apartment house, rooms each; excellent repair; best rental location. Nowata Land and lot Co., 6t New York Life Bldg. Tel. Red 1:K9. A-1721. IF YOU have anything to Undo or sell see 1 A. B. LATHROP. 421 Bee. WE exchange properties of -merit H. H. Culver, 812-813 N. Y. Life. Douglas 7806, A Nebraska farm of 160 acres, clear, price' $3o per acre. Will exchange for house and lot In Omaha. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., 668 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phonea Red 1M, A-1721. WANIED-I Q BUY BEST price paid for id-hand furniture. carpets, clothing and thoea. Tel. D. W1. THE best prices paid for broken watches and old gold. Nathan, low a Uth. A LITTLE mortgage note of $100, bear-' Ing t per cent, whtchowner authorises to sell for $90. 1601 City National Bank Bldg WANTED SI TUA t IONS GOOD Japanese want to work In private family. Address A tl. Bee. TOUNO man desires place to work for board and room in private family while attending college. Boyles College. Both phones. WANTED Position as porter, Tyler 13l SITUATION wanted an housekeeper In widower's home. Respectable parties only. F to8, Boe. YOUNQ gentleman wishes to work for room and board In private family. I) $73, Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSAL FOK RESERVOIR AND well Office of the Constructing quarter master, Fort Crook, Neb., November 17, 1.110. Sealed proposals, In triplicate for tha construction of a reservoir and well at Fort Crook, Neb., will be received at thla of rice until 11 a. m., December it, 1D10, and then publicly opened. A guaranty of 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal must accompany each bid. Plana and specifications may he seen at tills post, offices of the Chief yuarlei master, Omaha, Neb.; Constructing Quartermaster, Fort lies Moines, la., and Constructing. Quarter master, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Blank forms arid information furnished at tha above places. Proposals should be in dorsed "Proposals for Construction of line, ervolr and Well" and addresaed to Captain Campbell H. Babcock, Quartermaster, Fourth Infantry, oiuttructing Quarter' master. N'17-ln-JJr-ZJ. Dle-li. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Tho Royal Hail stS S Crease ge Las te Cuba-Wett lodiet-Paaamg-Benandi snvasTV ginna ta Ua Wei lailiae ruaansM Trad. .ft I fo A mp-Mmr. JrW 4X1 if Wftt -ttTTeW V . BttOmt WMkuy SaUliiM tftm Vow htfit, V. N. T. ermudi-Cbba-Jtinaica rm? On All4roml4S Xnnimi by WtMt Itvil kail 8luer nl IntrTfi"tr Mfttnrdafg by tM R.M.$.P.MTREHTM lAIIDUKteM a, 21 24 Mais St, Hew est i49 La aaiie wacsg-n AROUND THB WORLD CRUISES TWO UftASO CattlStLS of abuut taraa see aa Salt aiuottia' dorallaa bj tba tarae 1 rnaliaa'le iimihi C1.E H ! AM). Hr.t rrulae te leave New York Nov. 1, 11 1 arenad to irava aa rraaeuwe Feb. IT. lia. also rruiMa ta ta Orteei. West ladlee, end Soaifa a H.rl.a Coat. iBiiodiai all ssouuxry ripeaaea. S)ttA4 ae Daaiiuiii'iaciiiitii iini, M BfMawap. a. I. Or Local A gents.