Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    TTTT. r.
DaTATTA. Till KSDAY. XOVRMP.Kli t7. 1!M0.
gare ftoot Print It.
r. J. Creadon a long -oil.
Take Tonr muting' to the Tillies.
0es riatarss Btwgsaa-araadea Co.
hip Yoor Klaaa to Smith. Omihi,
tnhrl-rnotnnrplier. llth 4k tsr'm.
Bast Dry Clseniag of garment. Twin
l..ty Dye .Warkv )7 South Fifteenth.
Bent Moitf 1 the landlord profit
at i a .,avlng anouiit witu Nek. oavinge
& Loin Anv'n to provide a fund to ulij a j
junio. no Karnaru, Omaha.
peaking of Buboer Coata We hav
.l.r rif-npst ubci and th n ftl-t oms. Wa j
an III your prison and your purae. An
nsprrtlon of our line may ie a rerlalion
10 you. Tli O-rti&lia Ruhlr t'u. K. !l.
il.iag'ip, (ire Id ml; iw Ilmnev slre-'t
Just around tlia to in pi"
Seten BlTorces Granted l- auk tio.J
Jard was mntl a Irrre of IHrre- from
!nls5' Oodrlard In rllstrtrt co'i.t Weilncsilay.
Anna M. JlasbuiKli wax granted a ii cire of
llvorc from James K. Jiuxbui nh. Myrtle
Itenfro s granted a ilivon-e from .John
J. lttnfto. HarrW'ttc 1 Folden was given a
livotce from .la men ( i. Kolilen. Oswald
t ucchenhof f was given a divorce from
Bn tha Kuechcnltoff . Nora M. Iluhhi rum
uiuH" an aollon for clivuice against iuy
Vv'. ltobba. "
Old iove la Kevlved Having courted
Ms divorced wife over attain and reivon
lier Jove, Alfred V. Foots, aged l, of
Columbus, Nb., went with her Wednesday
aftarnoon to tin county court office, where,
u.ey. acourtd ; t marriage license. They
neve divorced about a year a so. Hinre
then Mrs. f oots haft lived at Kuslnille,
.Neb. She- la only H years old. Smiling
over their reconciliation and their new
lova they left the court bouse in search of
a miulster to tie tha knot.
To Inspect Lodging Xouaaa Health In
spector Kd Moriinon - and K. J. Daemon
111 atart immediately to investigate tha
lodging housva of the city and see that they
are put la Hood condition for the winter.
The city uouiicll put aside 1100 for that pur
pose at the meeting Tuesday night and the
work will consist of visiting the houses that
appear to be aomewbat unsanitary and
clean them up. -Tha Inspector are allowed
to confiscate auch things aa clothing and
bed clothing that la unfit lor use.
Commissioners In pact Bridge County
Commissioners Ilckard, Brunlng, Bedford
and Trout on left for Valley late Wednes
day morning to Inspect the reconstructed
Valley bridge over the Platte liver. They
war met at the bridge by the county com
missioners of Saunders county, which, by
agreement, is to pay ona-fourfh of the cost
of the reconstruction of the bridge. The
bridge, formerly a 100-foot ateel span, was
carried out by tha ice last spring. It has
been rebuilt by the addition of 300 feet of
teal, making It 'a KOO-foot span.
Type write Jtxpert Here- H. O. Blals
dell, the world's champion typewriter oper
ator, arrived In Omaha Wednesday morn
ing, and is the guest of II. B. Boyles,
president of Boyles college. Mr. Blalt Jell
lives in New York City, and woo tha
championship for speed and accuracy In a
contest held in Now Torn, October 7 of
this year, at which time for an hour's
duration he wrote an average of 109 words
per minute. I3 will . demonstrate dally
the remainder of this week In the Boyles
college booth at the Council .Bluffs Horti
cultural chow. .
Swift "Comas Back" Can an Oraahan
come backt" Bure. No matter how far from
home one of the elect wanders. If he has
Imbibed the Omaha spirit he does not re
sist the return pull very long. The latest
"come back" Is Thomas I,. Swift, eon of
Thomas Swift, president of tha Douglas
County lloncers' association. After two
k er"ln"Kaiis4 'xltf tt a salesman for
cement and brick companies he' returns to
tils home city na reaident agent of tha
Mammoth Portland Cement company of
Humboldt, Kan., the largest of Its kind
- Ui that state. Tha Omaha agency will have
charge of the territory north and west of
Kansas and Missouri and will employ sev
rial EsJaanien,
Resolve to Tell
Ltigrne of Commercial Clubs in Idaho'
the Truth Only
ENTHUSES OVER THE LASD SHOW. Elchange passfs Smng Hf-.olution
on Subject of Honeity Would
Expel All Fibberi. 1
Bis iJUplay Will He Made at I a a
Prailart !hon ItT Hi'lnrm Mea
la Ue Hirer Galley
f Idaho.
i Membfis uf the oniHiia lt-l lKie
! . I suae nirveye.1 Omai.a Wetlncsilay inioil
from the roof of Hie City National bank
' buildlDK. v;nthuila!m over the building
ItK.XHl htl. Idaho. Nov. li; -i.-';. Ul.)
1 be l.eace of fommercial Clubs of lhegnj (,e view was consldr : able, but soon
Uler Snake river salley Is no v.- colli ctina; ; , various members' rt began to foi'lis
an exhibit to tend to the WiMein Land
Proiluoi exhibit In January aul It will be
accompanied by C. l. Keller of lt"bi.rit.
a ho van a former Oinshsn. at one time I
In charge of the office force of fewlfi - Co.,
and later that of the Nebi aska-Molliie
flow company. Mr. Keller left Nebraska
In l!il on account of poor l. a'.Ui. N'ot
only has he renHineil lil lieal.h nihl inbUd
h') pounds In weisbt. but he bus added
to bis material welfare as well. He
planted Ton acres In wheat this fall r.nd
last week purchased another l"b acie. al
ready seeded to wheat.
As chairman of the ruiblliiiv .iininilue
of the Irtague be Is now boosting foi the
Omaha Laud Miow and xajs, "We iMini to
show the people buck there what can
raise and what we have. We rive good
schools and good churches and this is a
place which a woman will fel Is ore
abere she will want to make a borne. A
man can rulse big crops of wheat i nd he
can also raise all kinds ol farm crops and
fruits, but It Is tine home iiucstion that be
wants to look up first and that Is all right
here and I ant to show my old friend
at Omaha what an opportunity they ara
Mr. Keller Is one of the big-haaitcd men
of this section, and the reception he gave
the land show representative is but an ex
ample of th Interest that Is folt by the
people who have come here from tmiuha
territory In the "folka back at home."
The people of Idaho are alive to the fact
that the people of Nebraska, Iowa. Mis
souri and Kansas are the ones vlio are
most Interested In their country and they
are planning to show what they have done
In the "new west." While this is not a
bonansa farming section, still one company
near this city threshed 61,000 bushels of
wheat this fall, and. while this Is true In
this case, it Is the exception for, on the
whole. It Is a section of homos and riot of
large acreage.
on various sections of the city,
".-ee l. -at high giound oxer theie. Tuat'S
where our new addition 1; bti-t thins now
on hand in Omaha; lots from J5 up;
ciose In, all Improvements," and so forth
Other tongues talked of other sections
in which particular interest for the i)etik-
rrs inhered.
The ex. haute, befoie it went on tills
Inspection tilp, passed unanimously a
motion expressing "appreciation of the
eflorts of (the men ho have erected tills
A new by-law came befoie the- luffUnS
for informal consideration. It revived ap
pioval and will be later formally adopted.
Tills by-law. which wa offered by I. C.
Patterson, reads as follows:
Kvery statement made by ci.e member
to another In the course of any negotia
tion shall be made strictly in good wiHh.
and lie the truth to the best of bis knowl
edge and belief, and any member alio snail
wilfully and knowingly deceive or mislead
another, touching any matter or tiling re
lating to any bargain or negotiation be
tween ihe parties, shall be liable to ex
pulsion from the exchange.
in a case Where any person not a mem
ber of the exchange shall In any negotia
tion or bargain lu which a member Is
party, be guilty of any flagrant
of good faith toward
the committee on
uch a member.
arbitration shal
on complaint of such member and on being
satisfied as to the fact ot such a Dreann
of faith record In a book to be kept for
that purpose the name of such person
which book, properly Indexed, shall be kept
for the private u.e of members of the ex
Gigantic Purchase from Alexander
Smith & Sons' New York Auction, j
Meat otesarta.y "ale of lllak lass
II ua 1'ier Held In Oataka T
Window T)lla Are .
trartlas l.reat At
tention. a announce for next Monday. Nov. il,
the most extraordinary sale of high grade
iiiks ever known In Omaha s history. We
bought the choicest lots from the great
Alexander Fmlth ions. New York auc
tion sale at such bargains that every
woman who bu s a rug here w ill be sure
of a big saving.
The Alexander Smith rugs ate the finest
rugs made, and ilianueis secured the most ,
desirable lots. We have made great prep- i
a rations for this sale and will devota the
major portion of our third floor to this;
display and sale.
Here are some of the extraordlnay bar- '
$:' Seamless Wilton Velvet r gs nil! go
at lT.rS.
fc'a Axminsier in 12. will go at.fLZ.H.
Highest quality si 13 Wilton rugs, wotth
up to $65, at r.W.
Axmlnster rugs, Kx'Z, tu vaiuei, gj at
Room aize llruaeela rugs, up to xU, fit
values at 7.!.
A.rmlnster rugs, 27st. worth up to iZ .50.
at ll uD.
$12 Seamless Brussels rugs at trtlR.
Fine Mohair rugs, 18x!K, worth 13. iM) at
And scores of other grand bargains from
tha Alexander Smith stock.
brandeis h Turks,
Macaroni Maker
Suffers Loss of
Arm in Machine
Mano Feranta Accidentally Hai His
Arm Caught in Mixer and
is Mang-led.
Accidentally catching his left arm In the
rollers of a macaroni mixing machine,
Mario Fersntl, Seventh and Pacific streets,
was fearfully Injured about 7 o'clock
Wednesday morning. Feranta received his
Injury at the Nebraska Macaroni factory,
131( Howard street, where he was em
ployed. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital
and his mutilated arm was amputated by
Dr. R. B. Harris and Dr. Blsnop, police
Two Brothers Sue
Third for Libeling
Ad Appears in Program "Knocking"
Tirm Under Same Name
Suit Results.
Competitive advertising In the programs
circulated In Omaha theaters resulted In
the beginning of a $5,0U0 damage action
against Louis Kneeter, ladles' tailor, 60S
South Sixteenth street, by Samuel and
Charles Kneeter, ladles' tailors In the
Continental block, In district court Wednes
The plolntlffs allege that after they be
gan advertising .in me programs mo uo
fendant published a libelous advertisement
against the other two. All three men in
volved are brothers.
Mti Hepreaentlaa; Every Organisa
tion to Be at Head of Beya
Affair a.
A committee, to hav charge of the Eoy
Scouts of Omaha, waa chosen Tuesday,
repreaentlng every organisation Interested
in the affairs of the boys. Following are
.hose who form the committee: K. U. Uep
ton, M. O. McLaughlin, chairman; Super
ntendent of Schools Davidson, E. F. Pen
nison, Tlahbl Conn, C S. Elgutter. E. V.
iraff, George Wallace, Henry Kleser, Mogy
Bernstein, Judge Sutton, Charles Fos
ter, Harry Kaaton, lu C. Kennedy, J. H.
Franklin, 8. D. Bostwlck. C. A. Wallace,
Judge Slabaugh, Ous Miller snd Karl Allen.
I'lnlnar Day ta December I'lral, Wlira
Many More Will Ha
Dlatrlbytt ia.
Tha red cross Christmas seals of the
Anti-Tuberculosis association are now dis
tributed for sale In the state of NobrasUa
to the number of 2nouuo, and twice, that
many more will be sent out and rearty for
the opening day of the aale, lect.nler 1
It was intended originally by the executive
secretary for this section to try :o' rell
.".00000. but there have been so many calls
that the number lias been Inci easel to
Tha executive ecrotary has opened up
an office at 807 Brandels building and any
merchant or dealer in Nebraska who wants
to become an agent for tne rule can bend
a reuueat there. This jffio has tilso a
plentiful supply of attractive potters, win
dow cards and sign board bills and tney
ill be sent out to uelp adverti:ie tha sale,
Only responsible merenunts ara nl.owtd
o undertake the work, and wh -n it la un
lertsken it must be done with .ililhu.- a.-m
ind with every effort to niako it a suc-
: ss. Schools, churches, lodges. Uuba, a: a
HI organisations of good standing are
tHked to help and no oae is u I lowed to de
nt any profit or any vouimurcial jd-
tantage from having the agency. All m-
Kild seals are returned to tha central office
n Omaha and M) per cent or the grora pro
ceeds in each city Is returned to the local
ed cross organisation. If there Is one, to
belp In Its sanitary reform and antl-tu-aerculoala
Sixteen Machines - v
. Show No Change
Examination of Voting: Machines
Shows First Returns Are
Figures on sixteen Omaha voting ma
chines, examined by the canvassing board
In the basement of the city hall Wednes
day morning, proved to be Identical with
the returns from them sent to County
Clerk Haverly the night of the election.
November 8. No gains nor losses for. any
candidate resulted from the examination.
Examination and recording of the ma
chine figures was resumed Wednesday af
ternoon and will continue through most of
The machines examined Wednesday morn
ing were those of the third and fourth
precincts, First ward; third and fifth pre
cincts, Second ward; first precinct, Fifth
ward; first and second preceincts, Seventh
ward; first preclnot, Kighth ward; first
precinct, Tenth ward; third and fourth
preclnots, FJeventh ward: second, fourth
and fifth precincts, Twelfth ward; two
precincts, Benson.
Mrs. Kdwnrd Harden and Mrs. Ralph
Brcckearlda-e Elected to tha
Mrs. Kdward HayeJen and Mrs. Ralph
Breckenridge were elected directors of the
Visiting Nurses' association at a business
meeting held Wednesday morning at the
Social Settlement. Their election makes
the board complete, tne otner airectors
having been chosen at the annual business
meeting In October.
Subscribers to the Visiting Nurses' asso
ciation In the past are to be reminded by
the members of the association that a
continuation of such subscription will be
appreciated, Is. In fact, necessary for the
carrying on of the work. At the meeting
Wednesday morning the subscription list
was divided and apportioned to the mem
bers for canvassing.
The meeting was held at the Settlement
on Invitation from that organisation, which
on-nnerates with the other association In
much of its work.
from Council
Among other men present were T.
New Orleans Man
Quest of Banquet
J. L. Travis Receives Greeting and
Texas Ken Speak for the
Colonel J. 8. Travis of New Orleans,
was the guest of honor at a banquet given
Tuesday night at the Hotel Rome by
Messrs. George T. and S. H. Wilson of
this city, to the representative ,of the
World's Panama exposition, at New Or
leans. Both the Messrs. Wilson are
staunch advocates of New Orleans as the
point for holding the exposition In 1915.
Colonel Travis and several representatives
of the Louisiana delegation came over
liluffs on this occasion.
A. Nor-
rls, J. Mack Sholl, ex-national bank ex
aminer of Illinois, and William Hughes of
Kansas City, Charles M. Btanley of To
peka, William II. Walker of Wichita, and
M. O. Hodnette of Austin, Texas, besides
several very prominent cltlsens of Omaha
who are very much Interested in the New
Orleans exposition.
George T. Wilson acted as toastmaster.
Colonel Travis, replying to the toast of
"San Antonio and Texas'' said:
"San Antonio is perhaps, from Its histori
cal and traditional associations, the most
Interesting city west of the Mississippi
river. The flags of six nations have waved
above Its battle-scarred missions, and to
every flag it was true and loyal until they
were pulled down by Its own consent"
Mr. Hodnette spoke tor "limitless Texas."
W. H. Walker answared to the toast of
"Bleeding Kansas." .George T, Wilson made
an eloquent speech for the twin cities of
Omaha and Council Bluffs. He paid a high
compliment to Kansas and Iowa, and
stated that the Cqrnhuekers of the Platte
were ready at all times to feed and wel
come their brothers of the valley.
Frlahtenrd lata Fits
by fear of appendicitis, take Ir. King's
New Life Pills, and away goes bowel
trouble. Guaranteed. 25c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Child May Die from
Hprrible Scalding
Joseph Vendito Suffers Burns About
Body by Falling: Into Boiling:
Water Tuesday.
Nine-year-old Joseph Vendmo la at tha
point of death at his parents' home, 151
rkiuth Twenty-fourth street, as the result
uf fearful scalds about the limbs, resulting
from a fall Into a pot of boiling water
Tuerday. The child1 received his injury
while playing at tha Smith Brick company
plant. Taenty-aecond atreet - and Wool
worth aven.ue. He walked and crawled all
the way home, tearing the burned shreds
of clothing from him as he weul. It Is re
ported he may die from the alio k and
n The genuine Scran ton Hard Ooal haa enabled ua to hold ens-
C IB I tomass for the peat twenty-eeTea years. It has laaa eUakera, ia
e er- ST- asaa 1DvUr and lasts longer than any otker hard ooaL
Onr Oarboa Soft Coal, at 7.00 par ton, la clean, hot and gnlok to atart. It
takea the place of higher priced coal and la aura to please yon. We also sail
Ohio, Hook prlags, Cherokee, Walnut Block, Coke, Wood, Kindling and Steam
OrriCX: tlO South ITth St. Telephones! Songlaa 30; Independent, A-3930.
Where Formerly It Took Week
It Now Requires Only
Days to Cure.
Our buaincaa it crowing nw haur and
Mving th life of old hair..
Arc You Interested?
A free bottle of " WmvnlocJf the new
hair t rower and hair saver, can be had
by sending 10c to help pay for packing
and insiling saroa. Address
The Wavenlock Ca
' Devest, kite.
Will livid Dlasrr aalardar MsM
Ike lleaahaw" Kalkakellrr la
The Mistourl Valley Association of .l'ni
ferxlty of Michigan alumni will hold Its
' ,'iiat meeting of the year In the Henshaw
rathakelltr Satmday night. A dinner will
be served and the meeting will start the
organization for tha year. About fifty
nen are espeoled to be present
The dinner will come on the night after
-lie Minnesota-Michigan game, which will
srobahly decide the aenlern foot ball cham
pionship, and the alumni will sing foot
ball song to ctrUbiate the occasion.
Tha committee of the local alumni In
cHargr conalsta of Lyman I- Hryaun, chair
man; Ollbert M. Hitchcock. John R Web
ster. ChaMee U Mi Ponald. KranW fraw-
d K. J. Waters
In tie treatment or aiconoiiam tne re
rrkhle results obtained by the ad- I
ministration of the Seal S-Pay l.lnuor
t'ure have long been recognlxed. 1 lie old
custom of placing alcoholic patients un
der from four to ai weeks' treatment
with the necessary "' ' i'" '"' i
money la a thing of the past.
Three davs are all that are required to
cure drunkenness. eillier periodical or
habitual-at the Neal institute In (Ml ha I
. , .r0j South Tentn street, and tl.e cuie;
la efiectea wmmui u.v r.w
hypodermic Injectlona or Injurious drusa.
Another dsairabla action of the medi
cine uaed In the treatment la tha rap
idity with which It raalores the general
. v.tuni to Its normal condition. From
., wrr first dose almost all rravln
..r alcuholio atlmulanta Is destroyed
a parfect cure la effected In only three
day a' time.
It haa been demonstrated that thfcre
It no such thing aa a am ret cure for
Irunkennesa and you era (aktng great
.... ... .Jmi..laUrin, II.
risa 1 1 1 .-r. . ..... , ...
h . - r. 1 1 I m I t ,,t HI I 1 d I r...l I
in Neloaslta niy at tiiand li-Und and at
i.o: boulh Tenth stiert, Omaha. Ni.
Address N'eal Institute t o., . li . livi
t-ouih Tenth street, Omaha, Neb.
Have you a
safe deposit box?
A aaf deposit box at
surely low-priced aecurii
enlals we charge
We Invite you to call and Lave the superintend
ent show you the vaults, as well a the various
sized rooms for
Directors' and Committee Meetini
These rooms are for tne free use of our customers
to Vaults, ,
, I .. , . . .m . e :
is !l
l !.
II IX JZ II 1 . .
Will save one-third of the cost of their boys' clothing by
attending Our Annual Sale of
' SuiJS and OvCFCOatS
Saturday., ISJov. 19tl
Particulars will be printed in Friday Papers.
The House of
High Merit."
Pemsylyania. Station
In Newl&rk GityS Busiest Spot
. 2; ' 1 r ' a.i osi L I n a
,,. si' na. nn. W"erB.R. n.i on
; .!.:. k g rVi " llial" aaaa, J
;aios- a. ? aissum oa.aa m
V t 7 " - (tQriMk. kmi V
-i;'-,5 A fc f Tll Om fMM M M
. I S t i runt tra, I M
Y y u ir YUMMa1 ff,
m eiMsfviAj.iA." . . .v;L re.a.s.ioitt&Mier:"! m
a .5iat - ";,iwJ.,V I i oar..d'ii. , - j M
msm etiiii pirM'StW-eA I 7 f S
beg inn i no November 27, 1010
New York Trains Over Pennsylvania Lines
Arrive at and Depart from Pennsylvania Station
Downtown New York passengers may transfer to local trains at Manhattan
iTransfer (near Newark) and go by way of Jersey City Station, either through
the Hudson and Manhattan tubes to the Hudson Terminal; or to Pennsylvania
Stations at Cortlandt Street and at Desbrosses Street.
Through trains from and to the West connect in Pennsylvania Station with Long Island
Railroad trains which include frequent service to and from Flatbush Avenue Station, Brooklyn.
(' Consult Agents for particulars, or address
W. H. ROWLAND, Traveling Passenger Agent
319 City Natloaal Dank Building, OMAHA. NEB.
Chicago -Nebraska
6:08 Every Evening
Arrives at
aaiiajM-aF"W "IW '3rsr.s TjEtaj",' -l-t -Oi.tK: s -r.1rvm4.mul& .? - 7- -, T - , ,,
'"1"m ''''
a mmmmm aaaaBM aasaj M mm m aaaasjaaaBMaBaasas M ssBaaaaaa ssVaaHBaaMBaaaaaaaaBBaw
La Salle
In the Heart of
the City
Carries drawing-room and observation
sleeping cars and free reclining chair.
Steel equipment; electric lighted
throughout. Superb dining carservice.
Provides all comforts and conveniences
of modern railway travel.
Tickets, reservation, eic ti ciif
14th mnJ Fa mam Strwtt
DwUion Patungar Agent
is a straight whiskey,
whose excellent qual
ities have long been
recognized throughout
the civilised world.
yrA?, Vfclm. Ill
1he United States Gov
ernment does the ageing
and bottling. The Gov
crnment's green stamp
overlapping each cork
certifies to age and
At First Clmu
Clubs, Bars and
J msnutxs
I 1
L9r aUuilUr.ia tba
Ia .nai ,