THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. XOVEMBEtt i;, mm. on i n our ypportpnixy m T T Y lie few We(f tj0 ! f C alifs p o i .... . . . -V , ;. I - - - . , . . : .. V., , ' ' .: . 1L - ' v -J When Horace Greeley said: bt.Go: Wst wfc-? ii. 1. 1 si l ii ft -wianai. ..u; .. 1 v ,: sr.. liHiiiiti lS'ii I iiiftntitftilii :tu t tfjJt I 111' If ill I will 1 . . mm I - -mm ' 'yrTTOK.! Yo Man it G He realized, as few did, at that time, the wonderful possibilities of that marvelous country known a "tho West." Thousands followed his advice; they wanted to build homes and make a greater nation, so, in the face of innumerable difficulties thev made their way, and after long, toilsome years found success. uum-uiucs, uiey the nation the'r chi,dre? turn-ed thc wi,derness into granaries and gardens, and are today the most independent, contented people in There is room for millions more There are thousands of new acres being put under irrigation every year, and there are hundreds of growing towns and cities where business ventures promise arreturnsfor people are commencing to realize the west's possibilities and are going out by the thousands One railroad alone reports 50,000 colonists settled during 1909. J v K K y nc mousands- So that we may again repeat Horace Greeley's advice: ....;.. . ' . . o wesU young man where there's a chance to make good The wilderness has befittciTfor. further development, and the young man with brains and brawn, persistence and a little capital can make more here for himself and his family than in any other place in the nation. The W Land-Products Exhibit, v To be held in Omaha January 18 to 28, 1911 ...... - " . Will bring the whole West under one roof, thus enabling you to sec for yourself what its people are doing everyday. The exhibits will be made up by the richest and most promising communities in the states of Colorado, Wyoming Utah Idaho Montana, Oregon, Washington and California, and they will be in charge of men who will be anxious to answer all your questions and to discuss. your particular case. v 11 Ihe srinn &; 1 Wi6h to convince the people about the wonderful possibilities of the west, and they are backing up the "Western Land-Products Exhibit because they realize that an exhibit of this kind will show people more of the real truth about this wonderful section than any amount of pure talk and the real interest in the upbuilding of the empire is due to the fact that they realize that it is upon the west that Omaha must depecd for its future progress and greatness. Go west and mhgrow with it! r 1 ' ! V-.V. I i x a .T Land information bureau So raaiiy of our readers have written us from time to time, asking us for reliable information as to soil, climate and value of land in localities in which they were thinking of locating or buying for investment, that we have decided to establish a Land Information Bureau. This bureau will make investigations and gather data, so that it will be able to either answer inquiries direct or give par ties wanting information the names of reliable persons to whom you can write. "When writing, address, Land Information Bureau, Hie Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. Go west and yruiv Willi it: i . v ... v'. V' -iaa 1 -" " ir" '"' 1 " "" ' ' ' " """ iiiiiiii it i i i a i in iiiw Bi.M.itMfni.mi n, , m tlr , -n M , mw,tmm mmmmm , .iinnn n rum i im i , a.a m iifiiHi Mi'jfrp u M h'BiMS 'iMMwifc. M J 4 1 i u r I v.