14 THE BEE: OMAITA. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1910. REAL ESTAIE FARM AMIJ HAM II I. M) FOR SAL (Con:lnuwV Kanes. ALFALFA Isno. laim isnrts In wmiih Kanas 1 oiiote. ant ( lo pii i'ioui n e, S. W. l-ao-.-!i shsllow n,.r minlfn 'and t 25 per acre; J4 m.ua frijiu M,..'ue N. K 11 li-a. ickkJ Mheit; oi irujni vji n land. 113 Ppr acre, 8 rnile fr m v.:un n- ,u i oc. U. D. Card Bcott Cm. kan BAKU A I M. lf trm rliocf Inml; l.onn nrrn of it In whnl; wll lo-alcd. well Improved; $; it gr acre; will xrl;nni;f for amener. A fin plantation of man- acrea rail locatexi and well improved. Ijula ana. 4 per acre; trade. Modern liW-barrel flour mill and elevator, doing Rood business; rrntial Kanm; too, and cash for ranch. tM acres good wheat ilv, Tirvl central Kansas; M per cr; for rental. 1 have aoina choice farms nnd rsnrhee I In caatern Kama and wat'in Mitvmrl, I any aiza and r.i e s on aiii: some will ev- ' chanxe. Whm you wnn; 10 tuy, evil or I exchange land, merchandise or ni thins lao of value, i vroulu like to b ar from you. FRANK CIKK. I.wrcnce. Kan ) ACKKS :n Andersoi. acrea isature, balance n,-' per acre. Noil liownun rett. Kan. county. Kan.; '.n nJ. price, ill Land Co., Oar- Mleaoorl. BAROATV eo-aere farm- 4 mllea from Warsaw, M.; 2 acrea cultivated balan- rstara; Beer school en, I H eh; prim terms easy. Address T. l. Oweu. Warsaw. Mo. IfiO ACRKS-4 miles to town. good, level, well drained land; on ma I route and clionl bouse on one corner of the farm; l-room house, new. barn '0x0: hog end 'eow house, windmill. plent water, about acres timber. This is a good place price-' 1 $06 per arte. U. E. CKUTCIIER. Drexel. Mo. M1HSOUP.S LANP for sal. K acres to l.duu acrea: termit and price to suit P'ir cbssrr. Writs for particul.na. VV. M fctevena, Cllntor.. Hry 7o.. Mo. HALF 1NTKKLST, laid Willi siro and Webb City. Mo. 40-a ere farm under lead. T. Chapman. sm ACHES AND "08 ACHES IN OOOD id Cass county, bo mii iroin H'luua City; both well Improved: fins black limestone land; bargain; choice f'io per acre; guod tanas. K. V. Burdett. Uarden City. Mo. A BNAP If taken In 60 days Fine valley. 40 acres. Impmved. In the heart of Caet county, MISHuurl, 1 mlVs from county seat; deal with owner; save commission Addrest Kox VS. H. f. D. No. i. Harrlaonvllle. Cass count), 4o- THREE! high class Improved northwest tflasouil farina lor sale; corn, clov-r and blue giaaa land, you' choice, $TJ per a ore. Writ for pi.-Ucuiare. Baxel J Mean, wner, K O. box toi, I'hllllcoina Vlo. Mexico. LANDS. MWXICO I have for sale several fine tracts of tropical lands and transportation especially suitable for fruit and stock rais ing. Cheap on quicK sale. Live correspond ents wanted. None but responsible (irms or parties need answer Keferenoes given and te.iiined dHr-sa J. ferrln Kent. Tlacotalpam, Ver Mexlca Ulsneiats. . FOR Sale Cheap Good farm; 1M aeree: II under cultivation; small buildings; I aniles west of Hawley, Clay county. Minn, Address Uox 4. Muskoda. Minn. E20 ACRES, clay soil, well timbered, wit it hard iwii, located near this city; a bid oargain. mca. in per acre. r. n. iniei man, H. Cloud. Minn 1 CHOICE! FARM LAND In Rook and Pipestone countn.s. MtnneNota, J6 to tub per acre; easv terms. Ad'lr'sa BNCitliKE'lON LAND CO . Jasper, Minn T Kebraaka. FOR SALE OK TRADE 500 a. ranch In Man re Co.. Neo. : larite house. 2 larire cla terns, large sinokeliouse, lion houaoa, barn lor 40 :ieaa or uorses, x large corn cribs, blacksmith shop, 1 bog houaes, large ntut aiiea, lav a. in anaita, nog tight 15S a. under plow, balance hay and paa tura. Will acceDt a good rnercliandise stock. If a live one, up to 116, UOO. Call. write or phono. Rector At O'iiare, North Uend. Neb. "NONRESIDENT AFRAID - OF - DEMO CRATS. . Just received a wire from a nonresident to offer bis section of lund five -inilea front tlds city at ti per acre, which he has been I IIAVH Just accepted the agency for Vft.OuO acres of Cheyenne and Kimball counties' best lands. .Nearly every section of this land is level and can be plowed with a steam plow; soil deep black loam; yellow i lay sub-soli; crop report best In Ne braska. Price from iJ.So to fJO.OO acre. Write for full particulars. A. B. Lathrop, ill bee bldg. asking $12 per acre for; It Is one of the best in the community; only three-quarters of a mile from school, it will take cash; balance five years' time; no trade. Wire or wrlto me when you will come and t will meet you. K. C. 6EHJY. SOMERSET, Neb. TWO Hlli BARGAINS." 9j(V H mile to town, in Perkins Co., Neb. Uest land. $.5O0, SO 8 miles to town, in Buffalo Co., Neb. 'l-room house; 60 in corn. o.jo. Only U.WO cash, balance long time. STOCK S LAND CO., KEARNEY. NEU. FOR SALE On account of sickness, my 160 acres, one ml'e from Brunswick, at a -acnfloe of 110 per acre. This farm Is all fenced and cross-fenced, part hog-tight; 24 acrea in tame pasture, 18 in clover and timothy, 8 In alfalfa and balance all under cultivation. This Is a very productive, gently rolling farm, adapted for both grain raising and nock. Large ' well built new barn and seven-room house, well, wind mill and other Improvements. Price for a -hort time ihO per acre half cash. C. Wels, Brunswick. Neb. T. W. BLACKBURN, lawyer. 409 Pax ton block, offers section 1S-1U-M. Keith county, at 17 60 per acre for quick deal. FOR SALE rectlon" lend In western Nebraska: will make good farm; only 8 50 an acre. Ad dresa owner, P. O. Box tl, Omaha. IMPROVED farm of about 200 acres In Colfax county, K'ebraxka. all geod 'evel and, new building's, 60 acres In wheat iss close to town. U. P. R. R. runs through the farm. Price. 990 per acre, would take some city property. L N. Hauimoud, 831 board of Trade. goat si Dakota. HALF TRADE. HALF CASH. 8087-acre bo. Dak. ranch, located 10 miles from good R. R. half bottom land, balance rolling, pasture and ha land; all fenced and cross fenced; the bottom land Is black loam and the vary best of aoll; nearly level; lust sloping enough to drain, which is Mostly under plow; 150 acres alfalfa; about rM acres good timber: well watered by fins ' prill-, two good wells and river frontage; jno set of buildings. Prlci t5 per acre. Vlll take naif in guod Income rlty prop erty or good tuna land Address P. O. Box lei, Dallas. 8. D. DOUBLE TOUR MONET Do you want to buy a goud townslte? We -sv ii juai rresn rrom tie government, Mill perfect title. 110 lots now surveyed anj ibout 80 ot them sold with about 4) bullj m(S now completed in the loan on a rail, vad that has K dally tialna. with cellent service Thla town fits Includes ltd acre of the very beat ot aecond bottom oti wnn ritie timber for pa k and , a fine aires in of water running through It t'loe opnut:a for almost all kinds ot bust neaa. especially a La.'k. hotel and eii-vaior A grand bargain if sold in thirty days Ad -ireaa Poiaeil Land A Loan Co. Powell dlAuly coun'.y. 1, Lat week's want ad business was another winner for the Oma ha Bee. Over the correKpondiriE week a year ago, the Heo gaiued 51)9 V- inches. The nearest comietitor shows a loss of 133 inches. Comparing last Sunday's business with a year ago the Bee't gsJn U mora than one-third greater than its nearest competitor. PEAL tilAlE I UH r (MM II Htll roRHI.B nelli PiT.oik ( nntlnned. WHY PAY HKI't RF.N'T? atr farmer, inme 10 fcouth Dsknts: etos paylne high rrnta, own ur own 'arm. aind the monev for our impi o einent Hat ou are a,n In lo In high rent . Ha own twenty uuarers of ;nd here that I we ran aell ou lor 1.-.". to I'm ter acre (in tenia ou can t leat. 81c" to doin I stance on I'ayn-fiii. at ier cent. Coni ! Iti opfore the ana pa are all cone. For ; lull Infoi rnatlnn r'.:e Dixon liroa. or Bank ef evnera, i-aiilk co-inty. S. U. I "THE 1DF.AL JIOMIC" OF M ACRF.5 I fituated In the Ills Mum valley, four mllea I south ot Css'.lewood. the county aeat o! I Hamlin county. outh Uikoui. 440 acrea of i dep black licm unilT rrlv cultivation lim acre in pasture and i"0 In the beautl I ful aprlnsj-fen .ak Floience with In aian acent and sparkling waters, deep nd pure an J fil'-d with linn and camt In aeaaon, and nearby la the home, a 14- room horse, large barn, two KiAnarles. chicken bouse, hog nojae and wren-wlr pasture rrti alio, machine house, small barn and uumcious small buildinua. all in good con di'lon. with windmill, three wella and els tern, all surrounded by u ijeandtu. fcio.e I'rUe. li.UiNJ. on good terms, by U. J. Hue aell. Caatlewcwd. K. P 6FCTION" ef Urexory county iHouth Pa kotat land fo' aalr. This section has tim ber, running water fed by eprlnta. lots of bay; 64 acres bioken; IhO a crew can be plowed; all fenced; one-half mil from School, three miles from one r'lietd town and six miles from another; good soil and the very best all-around farming and stork raising section In Uregory county. SoutH Lakota. Call ou or wrlto to Charles Mtlnar, wnar, Fairfax cW U. Texas. WINNIE, TEXAS. COME TO .THE Gl'Lr' COAST OF TEXAS and get away from the cold winter. If you are looking for a good investment in farm, truck and fruit land, conn to t In- nie, where we crwn i&.Wo acres oi fuou corn, oaiK, alfalfa, oiange and" fl land. We will 11 In any size tract you want at from 15 to per acre. Ail prairie. Buy from the owners. Cheap excursions to our land on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Next excursion November 15. For Informa tion write or call at our office, 21o S. 14th tit.. Omaha. Neb. T11EO. F. KOCH & CO., INVESTORS Big Returns on Your Money I.tiOO acres of the richest and most fertile land in Texas within from six to twelve miles of Houston, the greatest commercial Uty of Texas. This land Is admirably adopted for fruit and truck gardening, ail within one and half to three miles of railway stations. Rig money can be made on this if sold ID five and ten-acre tracts. fr.ls land can be bought very cheap ana will net a large profit on the Investment I have not enoukh money to handle tills proposition; but can handle the selling end to your positive advantage wuuia one rear. J. A. WILLIAMS, (20 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1817. WELL IMPROVED ranch of seven sec tions for sale by owner; lq center of Gray County, Texas; well watered; priced right Apply to ki. u. Lovetu fauioa, iox. Wlacoaala. (0 ACRES LEVEL LAND. X cultivated, balance pasture, i-room house, large barn, chicken house, spring and trout biook on farm, 1 miles from station, school on land, tl.Suu, esby terms. Tom O. Muson, Island City State, bank, Cumberland, Wla. HARDWOOD timbered lake frontage farm at a bargain; 6H aores In Polk county, Wis.. 60 miles from twin cities; heavy clay loam soil; half mile lake frontage, lots of hardwood saw timber, small clear ings, oil buildings; good neighborhood; only li.O; on easy terms If taken at onoe. Owner N. 8.. Box. A. 81 Croix Falls, Wla. Mlseellaaeeas. HAVE TOi; A FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE? Or do you want to buy one? Make your wants known through THE DK3 MOINES CAPITAL, the - want me dium of Iowa. Kates: 1 cent a word for each insertion. 6 cents a line. 70 cents an Inch. Circulation, 41,000; largest of any Iowa dally. Uive ua a trial. Address The Capital Land Dsp't. Dea Moines. Is, REAL ESTATE LOANS tM0 to tt.COO on Omaha homes. O'Keefe Reul LMate Co., JOls N. V. Life. Doug, or A-ileZ. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co, LOW RATES. HKMIS-CARLBEKU CO.. Iiu-iu cranoeis Theater tiiag. GARVIN BROS.. 2d floor N. T. Ufa. 8600 to iiuu.uou on improved property, no de ay., LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay. uaoti senu-annuauy. W. H. THOMAS, - 603 First National bank Bldg. CITT AND FARM, JOHN N. FRENZER MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, $100 to 810.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. WANTED City loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith & Co..- 13J0 Farnam 8t REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT to bur, only from owner, good farm land In west part .Iowa, east part Me or ask a or southeast corner south Da kota. If suits me will pay' 81.000 quick and more March 1. If not cheap and prioe. numbers and good description not given do not answer abou; It. WU not listen to Agents. Swan Rasmusaen. Honey Creek, la., K. jr. l. SWAPS FOR SALE OR TRADE 2SO-acre farm t miles from David City, for general mer chandise, hardware . or implement stooa. box 206, David City, Neb. ROOMING HOUSm 2 blocks of 18th and Farnam, paying big Income. Will take one-balf laud, small amount cash, balance eay payments, rnowaia Lena it iot Co. 41.D New York Life Bidg. Phones Red UM. Ind. A-1T2L ONE of the finest residences In Oman beautiful In every respect; leaving city and will exchange my equity of 60.000 for clear land. Address -348 11 ee. DOUBLE brick apartment house, 9 rooms each; excellent repair; best rental location. Nowata Land and Lot Co., 6T8 New Tork Lite Bldg. TeL Red 1S)9. A-1721. IF see YOU have anything to trade sr A. B. LATHROP. 421 Bee. sll 87,600 IMPROVED farm nar Omahi on easv term or exchange lor Oinah props Web. roperty. Call Doug. 1 t J ; evenings. 4tl. ess nrsnueia uiug. IS.OuO STOCK In Howard Stove Co. and American Mica Mills Co.. considered aaie sa cash: will trad for clear house. 818 N. Y. Life Bldg. tv K rirntni, properties of merit. H. H Tulver sntfil X T. U?e Douglas 7K4V . TO EXCHANGE A well improved South Dakota larin for farm machinery or atocit merchanvliae Might conaider other prop erties, r. M. Kendall. I'l ederlck. S. D. WANTED-TO BUY H EST carprti. price paid for Id-hand furniture, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 8WL fcECOND-hand clothing: party afternoon oreres John Fcldmen. D. 312. X-tbi. WANTED TO BUY (Continued I THJS beet prices paid for broken watches and oil gold. Net nan. Ht S. lltte. A ins sell 1.11 TI.K mottdage note of $100, bear u ier cen, wnichowner authorlit- to for loOl City .National Hank Bldg. V. Afd a LO iliUAli'JuS GOOD Japanese wants to work In private family. Aauress A Mi, Bee. MAN and wife want steady work on farm. G. M. OiacK, i2 N. JJtllevue. Hastings, feb. YOUNG man desires place to work, for board and rem in pruate family while atiemiliig coliese. iloylea College. Hoiti phones. WANTED Position as chambarraald. Tyler i&i. AH MANAOF.ll, salesman or similar po sition requiring trust and experit-nce by educated ma.r.ed man. Firt class refer ences. No objection to out-of-town propo ntlon. k'-Sn bee. LINOTYFE OPElTtATOR wants situation In country town; married; union. U. Ml, bee. WANTED Position as porter, Tyler 1S2. TOI'NO man. roeltlon as salesman or collector; good, references. Tel. lnd. V 1641. SITUATION wanted as housekeeper In widower's home. ' Respectable parties only. F I, Bee. . RAILWAY TIME CARD rNIOIa" STATION Tealh and Marey CbIob Pact fie Leave. San. Fran. Overland L..a :15 am China and Japan F. M..a 4:10 pm Atlantic Express Oregon Express a 4:00 pm 1-oa Angeles Limited. ...al2:46 pm Colorado Special .011:48 pm Denver Special a 8:47 am Colorado Expreaa a 3:M pm Oregon-Wash. Limited.. aiS:50 pm North Platte Local a 6:15 am Grand Island Local a 6:30 pm Lincoln Beatrice Local. .bl2:40 pro Arrive. all:3Q pm a t:46 pm a 0:46 am a (:10 pm a 8:30 pm a 7:42 am al2:30 am a 4:M) pm a S 20 pm a 4:46 pm J0:S0 am b 1:30 pm Chicago, MllwM":ee St. Psal . Overland Limited... tll n pm a 7:6 am Omaha-Chicago Ex b 7:16 am Omaha-bavannah Ez....o 7:16 am Colo.-Cal. Ex 6:00 pm Colorado Special 7:57 am perry-Omaha Local b 6:15 pm Chicago A Norlhvreeterov NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:60 am filoux City Local. a 8:45 pm vtmn ju Dakota Ex a 7:00 pm b :80 am c SO am a 8:26 pm all:S3 pm bll:06 pm a!0:80 pm a t:XS pm a 0:16 am Twin City Ltd (ex Sat). a 8:46 pro a 7:80 am Twin City lta tex oiw ii.tw yiu i v am EASTBOUND. Omaha Express e7:wam aU:86 am Chicago Local : aE:06 pm a 8:28 pm Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 pm a 8:28 pm Chicago Special... a 62 pm a 7:66 am Pacific Coast-Chicago. ..a 8:06 pm a 8:28 pro Los Angeles umiia.,..a e.w pin axa:su pm Overland Limited. all:46 pm a 7:46 am Denver epeciai an:w am a s:u am Carroll .Local w Pm aiu:iu am Fast Moll ,;a0 Pm 8:85 pm WESTBOUND. Ijneoln-Chadron a 7:60 am all:00 am Norfolk-Dallaa a 7:60 am al0:45 pm Long Pine-So. Platte... b 8:lu pm b 6:20 pm Hastings-Superior , b 2:18 pra b 6:20 pm Deadwood-Hot bprings.a 2:6a pua a 6:20 pm Casper-Lander .'... a 8:66 pm all:00 am Fremont-Aimon- b 6:80 pm a 1:66 pra Cklcago, Rock Islaad Pacific - EAST, Rocky Mountain Lta..au:xa am aio:4S pm Chicago Day express. .a d.k am m areu pm Chicago Local Pasa....bl0:8i. am bl0:l pm Dea Moines uocar rass a a.vu " mit.m pm Chicago kixpresa a :4U pm a i:it pm Chicago Liinitea ui a s.ua am - WEl Chl.-Neb: Ltd., Unuom.:wua a 6:47 pm ColO. ft Cal. ' t-xp i: I"" a a:av pm Oltl. Texas b-v -v pro Rocky MOUniOMU iw m.mv muui (.kicaaro tireat r Chicago Limited a 6 pra Twin City um"" avi.Mam Twin City fc.vt.reaa a 8:00 am a 8:80 pm Chicago Exprewa. a 8:46 pm W abash . Omaha-St Louis Ex. ...a 8:80 pm a 8:26 am fcta.ll and Expresa ....acsuam au:ispm t. tan by Lcl.arom C.B.).b 6:00 pm bl0:U am Mlssonrl racino K. C. St. UiBt.. a 8:20 am a 7:16 am c Kt t-t. u. n.x.. ex cept .Saturday... ali:16 pm a 8:60 pra K. C. ot.. L. i H.X., Saturdays only... u:w pm Illuois Cesitra Chicago Expresa a 7:00 am a 8:46 pro Chicago JUUiiueo.-. a :w pm a s:w am silbll. st- aui Xu press . o i:wam ation.-rtt-.Paul.UnUted.a 8:00 pm a 6:00 am srltnaTtoB , Statloa 10th aad Maa Barllnstoa ; Denver A California. ...a 4:io pra a 9:9 pra ...a 4:10 pm a 8:it pm ...a 8:20 am a 6:10 pm ...a 4:10 pm a 14 pm Puget Sound n-xpresa Nebraska points ... Black Hills Lincoln Mall, Northwest Express ... Nebraska points ..... .Nebraska kxpreas.... Lincoln . Local ' Schuyler-Plattsmouth ...b 1:20 pm al2:16 pm ...all:2S pm aVoOara ...a 8:20 am a 6:10 pm ...a 9:16 am a 8:10 pra b 9 0 .n ,.b 2:06 pm b!0:20 am Lincoln Local Plattsmoulh-lowa ... RaiUviin-Plattsmoutn ...a 7:25 pm a 7:60 pra ...a 9:18 am a t:b am ..all 50 pm a 2:40 pm ...all:26 pm a 7:00 am Colorado Limited ... ( hicaao f.pecia ...a 7:16 am all:ti pra ...a 4:20 pm a 8 66 sm Chicago txpress Chicago Fast Express.. a 4:80 pm a 8:u0 pm Iowa Local,.. a 8:16 am ai:M am Creston Is,; Local a 8 80 pm alO M am Et Louis Express ....a 4: SO pm all:46 am K C A -St. Joseph al8.4 pm a 8:46 am It C Av8t.iJoseph a 8:15 am a 6:10 pm K.. C. A- St. Joseph a l. pin . s. " Webster gtatloa ltk aad W skater. ' - 1 - I MUsowrl Paetfls Auburn Local...... b 8:60 pm bl2:18 pra rktcaaOi Paal M laaeapella A Omsk a Sioux City Expreaa b 1:00 pra bll:46 ara Omaha Local..: c 4:20 pa Sioux City Passenger b 1:80 pm Twin City Fsssenger.;,.t 6:30 ara Houx City Local c :&, am Emerson Local b 6:66 pra b 9:18 ara (a) Dally, (b) Dally except Sunday, (c) lolly except 'Saturday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ei!nv rar W. In rnnd Trvpicol CValWwf Weakii Buu.i Craaa Saw rirt, X. B . Ml. w . m . n . I BeinaaM fuuiea . i.M rva tiua-sata Satareara a? aallirii, ata'l iMiaM aae laiarvwnins SaUiritavaey lOe . r.m.s.p. "TitENT" ,::. ANUEMSON A SON. 21-34 Slate Street, H.T. . XVa 8U01 UU OUoag-o WINTER CKUISES JAR 1KB., A MAsVCIO, Ta THE WEST INDIES By the (11 to 1 M I I Vfl, ,( S. S. U 3 IT IE Aia Orslaea t the Orleat, ' a . Aaiark-a. aa4 rp4 tsa Wafiil HAMftl (Ui-AMKRICAfl USi l-e Sraa4war, T. ' Or Local Agents. THE SUNDAV BEE Is anxiously awaited by those who axe specially interested In lands, tha eort that bay and aell and encourage others to do likewUs. rff Oelces dc Lux .J , fl y Twba -Screw vWT "AVON" BANK STATEMENTS No. r:. RETORT OF THE CONDITION OF Ike I ailed Mates National flank, at Omaha. In the Stale of Nebraska, at the close of business November II, 1'10. ' RF.SOl'RCFS. Desna and discounts. I .17S.J' M Overdrafts, secured and unsecured jx.ir;j.x. V f bnndt tosecure circulation 4.rA0On. V. 8. bonds to secure V. S. dopos ts iMona.BO Ponds, securities, etc. 79 J. . Hanking house, furni ture and fixtures... JOi.MO.flO Due from national banks (not reserve agents) t f4 215 48 Due from state and private banks and bankers, trust com panies and savings banks , Due from -approved lfil.219.74 reserve seents 1.116.173. 75 Checks and other cash Items -. . Ex hanges for clear ing house Notes of other na tional banks. Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents Lawful money reserve In hank, vis - IS 910 W j,B46 . sn.omvort ei om on Legal tender notes... 436,000.00 ,E7.B74.M Redemption fund with I". S. treasurer (6 per cenl of clrcula- tion) 12.500.00 Due from .U. S, .treas- urer X7.600.00 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and . taxes . paid Due to other national banka 11.978.852.18 Due to state and private . banks and bankers 1.63 8,216 25 Individual , deposits subject to check.... 6.093.404 49 .811.8118.475.01 800,000.00 141,125.44 Demand certificates of deposit Time certificate of deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks out standing United States deposits Deposits of U. S. dis bursing officers Reserved for taxes... 83,787.94 69 55.21 13.fc.8 96 78.562 06 56,893.79 93,106.21 .9o7,7T7.08 6.742.54 Total..........; 811.608, 475.01 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, as.: I. W. E. Rhoadea. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. E. RHOADES, Cashier. Correct Attest : C. E. TOST. A. D. BRANDE3S, . S. S. CALDWKLU Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me thin 14th day of November. 1910. , ,0. WILLIAMS. Notary Fubllo. No. . REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THH FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at Omaha, In the State of Nebraska, at the Close of business November 10, una. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. $ 7,083,964.61 Overdrafts, . secured and unsecured 68,617.11 U. 8. bonds to secure circulation 200,000.00 U. S. bonds to secure U. 8. deposits 150.On0.0O Bonds, securities, etc. 622,997.68 Due from national banks (not reserve scents) ' 8 6T7.279. 14 Due from state and private bank and bankers, trust com panies and savings banks 480.6RS.71 Due from . approved reserve agents 732.661.10 119,191.27 172,868.02 26,000.00 , 238.81 Checks and other cash Items Exohangee for clear ing house. ' Notes of other, na tional banks Fractional paper cur rency, nickels . and cents Lawful money reserve In bank, vis.; Srjecie :..'.. 871.in.00 Legal tender notes... 400,000.00 8.468,538.16 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (6 ner cent of circula tion) 8,400.00 Due from U.. 8. treas- urer 8.600.00 Total $11,813,817.48 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In I Surplus fund.... 600,000.00 760.WW.00 Lnulvlded proms, less expenses and taxes pa.d ' National bank. . notes outstanding Due to other national banks S3.SS5.4M.4I Due to state and pri vate banks and bankers 1.668.778.04 Due to trust compa nies and savings banks (2,440.81 Individual deposits subject to check 8,606.937.41 Demand certificates of deposit 153.024.20 Time certificates of 191,724.61 196. 400.08 deposit 8,090.979.36 Certified checka... 8.7V6.72 Cashier s checks out standing United States deposits Deposits of U. 8. dls . burslng offloers 61,411.88 71.064. Ii 42,839.41 1,003.69.81 Total.!......,. '. $11,843,817.42 Stat of Nebraska, County of Douglas, sa: 1, T. L. Davis, cashier ot the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. L. DAVIS, Cashier. Correct Attest:' CHARLES T. KOUNTZE, F. H. DAVIS, JOHN D, CKEIGHTON, Dlreotors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Hui day of November, 1910. JOHN tl. BlU-VX-UN. ' Notary Publla REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Rsal estate transfers for November 14, 1910. furnished by the Midland Uuarantee tm Trust Co., bonded abstracters, 1,14 J ar- nam street. Tslephone Douglas W. Henry itrash to M. M. Abrahams. part ol lot , capitoi aaaiuon '.obq E. H. Bcott and wlte to Laura Bcott, eu ol., sub lot 3 of lot a. Capitol ad dition Henry Brash to Iewls Brash, et al.. part of lot I, Capitol audition I A. L. Hoot and wife to Li hie Abram ovltx, part of lots 1 and 8, block 13, Parker's addition 8,080 Fred S. lladia and wife to Chernoph, lots 4, 6 and . Park forest addition 800 Frank E. Wllheim to A. L, Root part ot lots 1 and 2. block 13, I"arker's addition - 1 Wliinefied D Witt Swanaon and hus band to Oeorge K. Howell, lot 12, block 87, Kountse Itaoe 3,708 Charles Coll to N. P. Dodge, jr.. lots 87 to 91, inclusive. In Beiisoo Heights I N. P. Dodse. Jr., et al., to & 8. U. McMsnnatua, same property as last above 1 South Omaha Land Ou. to Thomas (illlesple, lots 8 and 9. block 2t4, South Omaha 826 John Benson to C. J. Hrottb. part of lots lb and 16, block 3, Hillside No. 1 , 1,000 James H. Pratt to Oeorge M. Man gold, lot 10, block t, Bennington 780 Louis Ltshmann to Bessie Lehmann, lot 19, block 4, tlulpiiur Springs ad- dlUon 1 Oeorse H. Barker to Mary L Rasgor- stiek, lots I to I, lnoluslve, biota 74. Benson 1 Thomas J. Paul to I Jails Trouton, lot 41. block 6, Jerome Pork 3.809 'William M. Sweeney and wife t Ed ward Sealer, lot 6, block 1. Maple Grove addition 10 B. 11 Hastings to Isoae Abrahomeon, let 8. block 6. 81, inn s addition 8.809 Prairie Trust Co. to M. J. Curran, lot 12, block t. Prairie Park 4.000 V. F. Kuncl to Oeorge Oroea, part of lot 6. block 74. Wouth Omaha 4500 Lena Maad to Olga feUiuta, tot C bloek 2. Hediu Park 2,898 VLehoei i. O Legkiia t 2UW4 to, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Continued.) Strr.hle. et tix.. n1 of lot 2. block J, 8onth Omaha 1.600 1 8. Iioxie Clerk snd wile to Henry J. j I.ee, lot 4, block 11.. citv 26.2S0 , Oeorjte M. Plstner and II to II F. t ady lAiniber o., lots 2 and 4. block 1 S, Holcyon Heights 1 Globe Htillding Co. to H. H. hherman, lot 4. l"rit' sundlvision II Ixiuis K. Harding to Nettie Harding. t lot 6. block 4. ilai bach s second ad- ; dltlon i . 2,000 Cara E. Curtis to Chsrles F. Hast Iiiks, und. W Interest in and to lots 4-7 and 10. block 1, lots 7, 8 and 10, block t and lots 2 and 3. block 4. Curtis A Stone's addition 932 Peter AlllFon to J. ri. Smith, lots 11 ard 12, block 2, Foster's addition.. 1 Cornelius J. .Smith to Caroline A. Smith, ui.d. i Interest In and to e. 12 feet of lot 15. and the w.i of lot K, block -'. Hillside addition 1 Mary L. Ross to H. C Hehrens, w. H of lots 8 and 4. blook If., 1 at rick s second addition 1,000 BANK STATEMENTS No. 1R33. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TIIK OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, at Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business November 10, 11110. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured U. ii. bonds to secure circulation V. S. bonds to secure U. 8. deposits Premiums on U. 8. bonds Bonds, securities, etc. Vaults, furniture and fixtures Due from national banks (not reserve agents) 81,668,452.64 Due from state and ttivate banks and tankers, trust com $ 6.962,776.81 8.0C1.97 750.000.00 400,000 00 47.175.00 8S7.016.N0 100,000.00 panies and savings banks 429,981.32 821,021.00 Due from approved reserve seents Checks and other cash Items 111.196.86 279, 128. 12 Rschancei for clear ing house Notes of other na tional banks 90.335.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents 4.20C.80 Lawful money reserve In bank. v s. : Specie 8!l0,O38.00 Legal tend er notes.. 190,165.00- Redemption fund with U. treasurer (5 per cent of circula tion) 84,500 00 4.469.010 6S Total LIABILITIES. .21S.8S9,OT9,61 f 1,000,000.00 200,000.00 Capital stock paid In. Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes raid 833,608.24 760.000.00 National bank notes outstanding Due to other national banks 33,385,551.91 Due to state and pri vate banka and bankers 1,742,436 87 Due to trust compa nies and savings banks 7,410 50 Individual deposits subject to check.... 4,464,179 84 Time certificates of deposit 718.2S1.88 36,6111.60 Certified checks Cashier's checks out standing United States deposits Depos ts of U. 8. dis bursing officers 827,818.79 86,780.04 288,479.97 11,065.431.87 Total $13,889,089.61 State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, as.: I, J. DeF. Richards, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. DeF. RICHARDS. Cashier. Correot Attest: J. H. MTLLARD, C. H. BROWN, L, C. NASH, Dlreotors. Subscribed snd sworn to before roe this 14th day of November, 1910. L. D. SPALDINCJ. , - Notary Public No. 2775. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF" THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, at Omaha, In the State of Nebraska, at the close of buslnees November 10, 1H10. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.. 84.B61.815.S8 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 5,388.56 U. 8. bonds to secure ciroulaUon 380,000.00 U. 8. bonds to secure U. 8. deposits 160.000.00 Bonds, seount.es, etc. 72,102.78 banking house 100,000.00 Due from national banka (not reserve agents) t 495,004.98 Due from state and . private banks and bankers, trust com panies and savings banks 248,(46.02 742,194.92 20,840.25 103. 684.63 44,800.00 1.416.18 Due from approved reserve agents Checks and otner cash Items Exchangee for clear ing house Notes of other national banks Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents Lawful money reserve In bank, vis.: Spec: &29.M6.20 Legal tender notes Redemption fund with 141. 540.00- XS27.8S3.08 ii. H. traaurer tt oer cent of circulation).. 19,000.00 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In.. Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding Due to other national banks t 8S1.7U.6S Due to state and prl- . . ,87,676,180.80 t 500,000.00 400,000.00 139.SH0.1O 280,000.00 vate banks and bankers Dividends unpaid 884, 6S0.B6 1,872.00 Individual deposits subject to check 1,308,116.28 Demand certificates of deposit Time certificates of deposit Certified checks Cash er a checks out standing United States deposits 76.00 866,612 66 12.066.18 113. Jos. S3 14O.0UU.UO 6,-R29 70 Total... 87.676. 1S9 NO State ef Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss.: 1, Fred P. Hamilton, cashier or tne aoove named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier. Correot Attest: LUYHER DRAKE, FRANK T. HAMILTON, Q. SAM ROUEKS. Directors. Cubscrlbed and sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 1910. LOUIS VV. WETMITLLEU. Notary Public. Kwlaf Watteraoai Pleads Insanity. KINOBTON. N. T.. Nor. 14 .-Bwlng Wat terson. son of Colonel Hsnry Watteraon of Louisville. Ky.. who "shot up" Michael Martin's saloon at Saugertte last summer and Injured the proprietor, for which he was indioted for aaeault In the first de- ftre todsv Interponed a defense of Inaan ty when arrajgned In the county court. A commission to determine his sanity will be appointed by Judge Canllne tomorrow. Here is what a north side lady says of The Bee's quick service: "I employed a capable servant tblg morning before breakfast from the ad la last night s B.M MRS. II. P. HAMILTON, 1001 Blaasf It. r Our L-ttcr Box Contributions oa Timely Bnbjects Kot Xxcesdlnf Two Hundred Word Are Invited from Oar vsaders. tretrblng the Mr. OMAHA, Nov. 10 To the Editor of The Bee: We notice In The Bee an unreason able request, it seems, of the street rail way company for more straps In the Ben son cars, while we people In Orchard and Walnut Hill are thankful It the cars hap pen to stop at our corners In the morning snd give us a chance at a tooting on a car. without the thought of a strap or the untold luxury of a seat. What we are looking forward to In this age is more cars on the line or longer platforms, as we are told that the seats are all taken when the cars start from the end of the line and more than full when they leave Benson. We hope that the street railway company will soon wake up to the fact that Omaha has grown, and they ought to endeavor at least to keep up with the procession. In stead ot remaining behind the times Lin coln fashion. ONE OF THE PLATFORM CONTING ENT. Words ot Praia. DAVENPORT. Ia., Nov. 10-To ths Editor of The Bee: Allow me just a little spaoe for a rew words of praise for the men who worked so nobly during the fir of the Falrmount creamery, especially Mr. Ed Rector. God bless such men as he Is. Think of the work he hss done In superin tending everything so as not to lose one day's work for the men who depend on that work for bread for their families. I repeat, Ood bless such men. I wish we had more men who had ambition enough to use their brains and hands. Our or phans' homes wouldn't be so crowded nor our Jails nor Insane houses. Please print this and oblige A FRIEND TO THE RJDCTORS. Am Echo f the Csnpslgs, KENNARD, Neb., Nov. 11. To the Editor of The Bee: The conflict Is over. You know the result. : I, along with many other democrats, voted for Mr. Hitchcock, not because we thought him Innocent of the charge ot borrowing state money from Bartley and neglecting to put It back, but because we could see a scheme to hold up Mr. Hitchcock for hush money, and the state 'would receive no benefits thereby. Your proofs were surely Convincing to any rational thinking man. Let Mr. Bartley come out and submit the proofs against everyone that got state funds and failed to put It back, and then takeup a popular subscription to raise funds to prosecute them, and he can raise enough funds to send everyone of them to the pen and have a substantial reward left. A DEMOCRAT. Another tret Car Baavestloa. OMAHA, Nov. 12. To the Editor of The Bee: The street car company Is having heat In the cars, but the transpms are closed and the air Is Just killing. I think It would be advisable for the street car company to direct the car men to have all the transoms wide open, which would be appreciated by the passengers very much. A PASSENGER. Searching City for Missing Teacher Sixteen-Year-Old May Dougherty Dis appear! from Her Home at Fonda, la. Reporting the sudden disappearance of his 16-year-old daughter, J. A. Daugherty of Fonda, ' la., secured the aid ot Detec tive Dan Lahev In a search of Omaha Monday. . Mr. Dougherty told the police his daughter. May, who had been engaged as school teacher In a country, school, had completely disappeared October 29. The girl is described as large for her age. Bhe had taught two months and was under a contract to resume teaching De cember 16. She left home apparently to visit an aunt at Redfleld, la., but It was later learned she never appeared In that town. A conductor reported the young woman had got off the train at Lowers vllle, la. eott Jett Fatally Woanded. KNOXVTLLE, Tenn., Nov. 14 A special to the Sentinel says: in a difficulty at Mendota, vs., touay, originating over tne settlement of the Jett estate, Bcott Jett was fatally wounded and his rather, Wil liam Jett, and his brother, Clarence Jett, sustained serious Injuries. The Jetts are prominent In southwest Virginia. DLQQD DISEASES COIiTAGIOUS TROUBLES Contagions Blood Poison more thorovi ghly permeates the system than any other disease. Its infectious virus contaminates every corpuscle and tissue of the circulation, and for this reason its symptoms are of a varied nature. When it enters the blood it is but a short time until the mouth and throat bepin to ulcerate, the skin becomes spotted, rashes and eruptions appear on the body, sores and ulcers break out, the hair falls, and fre quently nails on bands and feet thick en and come oil. Mineral medicines which simply ehut the poison up in the syotem should be avoided, for when auch treatment is left off the old dis ease will break out again, often worse than before. S. S. S. cures Contagions Blood Poison permanently, ami it does ao because it thoroughly purifies the blood. S. S. S. goes into the circulation, and drives out the last trace of the destructive germs, adds richness and vigor to the cir culation and allows it to nourish the diseased por tions of the body back to health. S. S. S. is purely vegetable, being made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, without a particle of mineral, audits vegetable ingredients always hasten the cure by toning up the stomach and digestive members. Home Treatment book and any medi cal advice free to all who write. TUX SWIFT tr-ECXTlO CO., Atlasta. Ca ii NEWS STANDS WIlEKK THE OMAHA 11 EE IS OX KALE. Atlanta, f!a N orld News Co Atlantic Uty, N. J. Poardwnlk News Co. (Juaker News Co. S. Potter, 2117 Kailroad Ave. Palmer Pros.' News Asency. rvltlmor Mil. Haltitnoie News Co. Iiaton Itoiiff) Pony. The Cigar Man Hillings, Mont, 1. K. Wolfson. . IlirminKton, Ala. V orhi News Co. BoIhp, Idaho. Wade Gray, Vi Jefferson St. Boston, Mass. Young's Hotel. Vrndumo Hotel, nuftalo, N. Y. Hotel Iroquois. fieneaee Hotel. Snm-iel Colin, 1HS Elllcott St. riuttr, Mont. Keefe Hros. Chattanooga, Tenn. World News Co. Chicago, Hi. Auditorium. Auditorium Annex Empire News Stand. Jackson & Oearborn Oreat Northern. Chicago Newspaper Ag'y, 178 Madison. Grand Pacific Hotel. Queen City News Co., T Jackson Blvd. P. O. News Stand. 17 Dearborn. Kalserhoff Hotel, 274 Clark. Cincinnati, Ohio. I,. Teterson. M West Ninth. Kountnln News Co , Fifth and Walnut Cleveland, Ohio. Hollenden. Colorado Springs. Colo. Antlers Pharmacy Co. Colorado Wholesale Newspaper Agency. Dalian, Tex. H. E. Turner. Deadwoori, H. D. Kishel A Co. Hlack Hills News Co. Franklin News Co. Denver, Colo. H. P. Hanson. Ms.iestlc News Co Kati News Co., l'ith and Champa. Anderson News Co., I'nion Ieiot. Western News Agency, 100 17th tt. R Wldem. Kendiick nook Slat. Co., Sll 1Tth. Brown Palace Hotel. Dea. Moines, la, Fred Gels, 817 W. Sth St. Lewis Hyman. Moses Jacobs, 800 Sth Pt. Detroit, Mich. Metropolitan News Co. Edmonton, Alt. Canada. Dominion Cigar and News Stores Co., o2 Jasper Avo. Excelsior Springs, Mo. S. D. HlKhee, 2mi S. Marietta St. W. C. Slsk. Fort Worth, Tex. Fldler rt- Sullivan. Victor Market, titock Yards St. Fresno, Cnl. Your Home News Co. Helena, Mont. W. A. Moore. ' Hollywood, Cal. Hoffman News Agency. Hot Springs, Ark. T. Marks. 83 Central Ave. Fort Pitt News Co Dan A. Shannon. 134 Central Ave. C. If. Weaver Co. ' Arlington Hotel News Stand. M. Khermnn. Houston, Tex. White News Co. Internal onal News Agency. Indianapolis, Ind. Yoma News Co Elmer Haddlx. WashlnRton AV Kcnn Sta Paul Selglc's News Stand. Illinois an'l Washington Sis. Jacksonville, Fla. Florida News Asrency. World News Co. Kansas City, Mo, Yoma News Co.. "IS Wall Pt. Reld's News Agency, 400 K. Sth. Hotel Baltimore News Stand. Los Angeles, Cal. IUH)M1 rvvuifj. Independent News Co. T . . V. ... - Louisville, Ky. Kentucky International News. f'o. Memphis, Tenn. World News Co. Milwaukee, Wis. Hotel Pfister. Frank Mllkcrn. Grand Ave. and 3rd St Minneapolis, Minn. Century News Co., 6 So. 3rd. Nicollet Hotel. W. J. Kavenaugh, l So. 3rd. World News Co. Hotel Hadlsson News Stand. , Nashville, Tenn. World News Co. Newark, X. J. Metzky Bros.. 17S Halsey St. New Orleans, La. Hotel Grunewald. World News Co, New York City. Imperial Hotel. Knickerbocker Hotel. Hoffman House. Grand Union Hotel. Holland Hotel. Murray Hotel. Hotel Belmont. Waldorf-Astoria. Hotel Manhattan. Astor House. Harry J. Bohult. Times Sauar atatSoav Oakland. Cal. F.nqulrer Nws Co. Ogden, Utah. Harrop ft Oodaard. 1). I Boyle, 110 24th St. Lowe Bros., 114 Suth 8L Gray News Co. Depot News Stand. Pasadena, Cal. H. ti. Steadman oV Co., 106 BL Colorado. Philadelphia, Pa. Quaker News Co., 800 Green Bt. Bellevue Stratford Hotel. Arthur Hatallng, 838 Pierce St. Pittsburg, Pa. Fort Pitt News Co. Portland, Ore. Oregon News Co. Central Cigar more. Tit wash., Cor. 4th. Bowman News Co. Northwest News Co. i Portland News Co. Rochester, Minn. Queen City News Stand. Bt, Augustine, Fla. De Slo News Co., 80 St. George St. St. Joseph, Mo. J. Berger, M3 Edmotld St. Hobldoux Hotel. B. Berger, 212 8. 6th St. Hoyal Clear Store, 117 N. 8th St. St, Louis, Mo. Southern Hotel. K. T. Jett. fit. Panl, Minn. Edward G. Fltxpatrlck, 837H Poket St. N. Pt. Marie. Sacramento, Cal. Capitol News Co. Salt Idike City, I'tah. Kenyon Hotel News and Cigar Stand Frank Polansky. Hotel Knutsford. Charles Ludwla. Kosrnfeld ft Hansen. San Antonio, Tex. Sam Rosenthal. fian Antonio News Co. San Diego, Cal. R. M. Chllds. San Francisco, Cal. ' North Wheatley News Co. Hotel St. Francis. I'nltrd News Agents. 114 Eddv St Msrket St. News Co.. M 6th St. I,. Meehan. 811 Asbery St. Seattle, Wash. A. lsserlls. Chsrles II. Gorman Frank B. Wilson, 107 Pike St. W. O. Whitney. Sheridan, Wyo. J. C. Jackson. Warner ft Csnfeld. H. A. Floyd. Sioux City, la. West Hotel. W. F. Duncan, Iowa Bldg. Marshall Pros Gerald Kltzjtibbon. Spokane, Wash, John W. Graham. Stockton, Cal. W. D. Miller. Washington, D. C. National News Agency. New RaleU'h Hotel. Columbia News Co. Arlington Hotol. frisks House, War Ors4orft Tk Fair (as.