D w.rvfmVlb'sMnlMH Ifr; 11 4f BMf f . i i y u m vj u w ml w j ii nil llil hvjlw h OFFERED FOR RENT FaraUhed Rooms FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for rouple of gentlemen. 214 N. Win kit KOR RENT Nice modern furnished room. H7 Chicago bt- FOR RENT Nicely fw-in. 2203 Douglas furnished front NICK room for young ladle, laundry Viivtleges. 2'J27 Harney St t FOR RENT Couple modern rooms. 618 N. mh St FOR. RENT Nice pleasant room. Chicago St 1813 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room; good location. 2&13 St. Mary s Ave. FOR RENT N lea front rooms well furnished,- healed and lUhted; hot and cold water; good location. 2411 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nlca steam heated front parlor for two. Doug. 463. 24 S. 24th 6t FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; mod ern; good location. 2018 St. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room one block from 24th. 2218 Grace Bt. Webster 1758. FOR RENT Nicely furnished heated. 2106 Douglas 8t. FOR RENT Nlca front room, nicely fur nished ; steam beated; good location. 220 N. 20th Bt. FOR RENT-Two nicety furnlahed rooms; good location; private family. 500 B. 28th Bt. FOR RENT Nlca steam heated sleeping rooma, gooa location, uii ixavenworlh; top floor. FOR RENT Front room for gentlemen. C24 in. ann ot FOR RENT Tha rery best housekeep ing rooma. uio m. mn bt. FOR RENT Nlca modern room for tws ladles, zui Chicago Bt. NICELT furnished rooms. 201S Bt Mary's SOUTHWEST room, strictly private family. 1620 & 10th 6 1. modern; Shirts. 6e; collars, le: cuffs. 4o. CARET Hot) ana Laundry, inn and Howard ih . " ............. ii -K-ui.n luvu- ern rooms; reasonable; breakfast If de aired; no sign en house; conveniently lo cated, in n. wn bu neaaisn. FOR RENT Large south room modern private family, breakfast If desired, K0 urace Bt. weo. 7-ROOM furn1nhed house; all modern; fins location; easy terms to middle aged ceuple. f. D. weao, uui iiratm tit. COMFORTABLE furnished room In nrly. ate family to gentlemen, $8. Address G-850, Bee. TWO finely furnished rooms, with board. In private home; strictly modsrn; conveni ent! v located. Mrs. Frank Van Brunt, 834 b. Kith st Tel. Harney ewe. f ELEGANTLY furnished parlor reora modern; also smaller rooms. 2213 Douglas. NICE front room for lady; breakfast If desired, Barms park. Harney xa. FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern; auitaoia lor two. sai in. isa. 1724 UAVKNruKT, large front room: clothes cloaet, hot and cold water In tha room; l beds; nawiy furnished; warm. A NICE, room for gentlemen. Ill N. l.h. TWO larga front rooms, suitable for four: reasonable, lsit Doage. LOVELY south front room and aloove; neatea. mot naruey ol NICELT furnished room; private family t not WKier uwi. aoja ivivij, LARGE front room for gentleman;, mod- ern; private, we n. ivtn NICELY furnished front room, hot water and bath. ZU weuster. NICELY furnished rooms. atrleu modern, close in, reasonable prloes. Tyler lo.. 1S1 V.pilOl Ave. COMFORTABLB riouaekeeping rooma, aiao Sleeping roomie, iiv o. ivta Bt WARM and comfortable room, close la. Tel. Harney sjos. NICELY furnished ream, southern ti cosure. private family; modern, bow house fine location. 2618 Marcy street, on block south of Mtrawonn. LARGE front room, suitable tor en two gentlemen, nui av got Ave. STEAM heated room; breakfast If ds aired, i&i Dodge. Harney tin. SOUTHWEST room, strictly modern; prl vata family, iuu b. iinn en. WARM, newly furnished rooma for sleep ing or housekeeping; modern; pnooe; walk' lug distance. XiV uoage at. NICELY furnished steam-heated rooiaa good location, uii rarnam. DE'.V EY European Hotel. Uut h Farnam, (OH RENT Nicely furnished room couth room cloeet, gvud locaU4W Sads Ciuul Ave. TOR RENT Room with bath for om! ef two gentlemen, private fauuly. iAlt Corby. . FURNISHED front room; private fam lly. (18 N. be. lei. tiea m THREE furnlahed rooma, strictly mod ern. 24 Pratt. TeU Webster U. FINE large steam-heated, rooms. W. at. Hotel, 411 8. 24th Ave. Faralskel HeesekveplesT Reetsaa. TWO rooms In modern house, warm and clean. Harney U&a. FRONT room, strictly modern, nicety furnished, la private fnoully, Ptiuu Har ney ... NEWLY furnished rooms, modem. Hot bath. h. 1WT7 Cuinlng ! Dougiaa i FOR RENT 81 furnished rooms for light housekeeping; alo sieeplng rooiua. lull DcHtge tit. Tyler Iw. NICELY furnished front rooms for two or three with board; tuoaera. leu nea waT, tut N. lid fat. Uetels A bms rt as eats. NICELY FXTRNISTfED ROOMS fur fee. tlrnien. 1HK CHATHAM. US o. Utla at. DODOS HOTEL 13th aad Dodge. All eut aide cool rooms; speoial rates by the week. to! IT-AM heated reema 12 te IT per week. Ogdn hetel. Co an oil bluife. tlM Tt .'i-k vp; meal book. 86 H. Oentie. men prstenred, Ts ei, Har. aat fcU Geo. Ave. Agtartaaeate aad Flats. THE Irving, rooms and board. 2102 Leav enworth. FLAT for rent. 8Me Ht. Mary Ave, 81. Cbrtta Boyer, Id and CuoUng. Dotglaa 8v or U ISHA FIVE-ROOM heated apartment, 8811 North 20ih bt.; front and bu porohea; I'urirlaln bath; poilhed floors; cioae to nr line; to l urlv witlmut oill'lren; price liv). J. N. Marsh. 123 Locust bt. lis w 7 -room modern fiat. 1k44 N- Uta ft. i.m!ii. luyuna ua 3. iuiii bt Ceil Wes. is:;. TWO new doatrahle ai.iiii"U with gas ransrs; waliiii ntnrice. tuit ai 1 Cul Aj,piy 44 ti. iLu. Til. D. s.-A. OFFERED FOR RENT g-artsnesits end Flats- Coetlaaed. '. Bt. IjCuI flat east of ITanscom Dark. ttth and 24th cars. Tel Harney . CESTIUL itrim heated. 6-room fiat. 120 N. M. 1 6-Iioorn artrtment In the most attractive partment lionse In the cltv. OHN W. ROWB1N3. 1SU2 FARNAM ST. 6-ROOM modern flat. 2d floor: M block south of William St. 14U 8. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 2992. 4-ROOM apartments, all modern, to quiet couple; also double parlor, furnished or un furnished. Harney 4725. HANSCOM PARK-Kacing entrance. 6- room St. Louis upp'T flat, strictly modern. ne home. is. 1611 Park Ave. Dr. C ark. lout 8. ttth Ht. THREES rooms, modern, str-am heat and Janitor, ground Hour, Hunter apartments. 1U xso. 2.tn St Tel. D. 4133. Fsrslihtd HesMkeeslag Rooms. COKT heme rurnlshed complete fof housekeeping; four large beautirul rooms, cloeet. pantry, electric lights, tls Bo. 4ftli Bt Leavenworth car one and a halt blocks. THREE beautiful rooms, furnished or un furnished, modern. 820 N. 2h. NICE larra roam, furnished comblets for light housekeeping. 2024 Harney. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms. modern, furnace heat: Dtivste entrance. Centrally located. 21 North S3d Bt. FOR RENT Two nice housekeeping rooms; good location. 1703 Leavenworth feL TWO housekeeping; reams, 2018 Davenport NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, also room and board; one-half block from treat car Una. 1012 Faclflo St.. Douglas 7oaa. TWO front rooms, furnished complete for light housekeeping. 7ua s. letn tit. 1st net. THH) MANUEL. Twsnty-flrst and How ard; 2-room apartment; beated. I23.0U. FOR RENT J wo nicely furnished rooms. gas range and sink. Kl South ISth street FOR RENT Nice suite rooms, splendidly furnished for housekeeping. (Ut bouth lata St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 22W) Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Nice well heated rooms for light housekeeping. W California Bt. FOR RENT Nloely furnished rooma fof housekeeping, cookingr gaa, laundry prlvi leges, kui'l Ht. Mary s Ave. FOR RENT A suite of three nicely fur nished rooms for housekeeping. 706 North lath street. Phone Douglas Ui. FOR RENT Two nice south front rooma furnished for housekeeping. 2024 California) street. TWO front rooma for housekeeping, fur nished complete; gas for cooking and light Xtu Leavenworth. Two larce rooma In Dundee with use ot Kitchen, u or better to arr.au tamiiy, Harney 4871, week day. 100 N. 48th Ave. ground floor) gas, range, modern except neat. .ass tu FOR RENT Two nice south rooms, fur nished for housekeeping. 1H California.-- FOR RENT Rooms furnished for house keeping, light, beat, cooking gas, and laun dry privileges, mil xuuney cl - FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms. privilege ot houae completely furnished. HA per roontn. mt i FOR RENT Furnished rooms for house keeping. 18 N. lit BC FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for housekeeping, steam neatea. uut ti. Hit a SU FOR RFiNT Four rooms furnished for housekeeping; fine location; references re quired. M N. eoth Bt. FOR RENT Furnished room for bous keeping-. 711 8. Kth Bt FOR RENT Couple rooms for house keeping. 1018 bher man Ave. FOR RENT Nice rooma for light bouse- kseplng. 2M)l Dodge uu yon RENT Three nice stied rooms for light housekeeping. Hi N. Kth Ave. Har ney jus. rnt MmNT Nine reomo for housekeep ing, furnished, gas, and beat, ton Dodge Bt FOR RENT Twe neatly furnished rooms for hounekeeptnfr; nrat, ng'K, gas. Data, good location. 2710 Howard at FOR RENT Nice rooms for light house keeping. 2002 California. Bt FOR RENT Couple furnished rooms modern, for light housekeeping; private family; goon location; neat, gas ana isua dry. 218 b. 2tA Ave. Harney ILU. THREB modern fur. rooms for light housekeeptng; furnace. mJiM Webster, ii. i- TVV'O rooms In m4era houae. warm tvnd clean. Harney 246. VBfaraUhed HeekelasT Keenaa. rn wttnT Faj-lor floor, unfurnished for housekeeping, gag and water. tnul Dodge Bt TWO rooma, partly furnished; strictly modern; reasonable. 82 N. xSd. FOR RENT Nice, modern housekeeping rooms. 118 N. kta. FOR RENT aulte of three rooms, mod ern except heat. SUI e). kist bL STRICTLY modern unfurnished rooms. board If desired, walking distance, one block from car; references exchanged, tM nun tst FOR RENT Two modern housekeeping roouis, guod location, tlu N. ld bt FOR RNT Two nicely furnished rooms. heated, . gas lor cooking. uk et wary Ave FOR RENT -Modern rooms for house keeping, gas range. 2u.D Hurt Bt tjafarwtokeel aiMaaa. THREB unfurnlahad rooms, prlvat bath, small store rouin and ouialde porch, all modern ecpt heat; ne etuldreo. ami N. Ulh Bt FOUR rooms, H70 aV Isth Bt; Vow rent Tel. Harney lud. THRJCS rooms, modern, complete. Xl2g Uia bt- TL Douglae toU. THREE unfurnished rooms and alcove. with belli, eiactrio light and gas; furnace heat 2ul lHKise Bt . FOR KtiNT Four nice rooms four blocks from court houae, (18. W3 boum auth bt FOR KENT Three nloely heated m.dern rooms. good location. private . family, lot aturt bt Douglas atitt. FOR RUNT Two nice Uugs rooms. Leavenworth St. 8uas FOR RENT Couple of rooms on second floor, water and gaa. lots buuth auth bt. FOR Rt:NT Two nice rooms, enable. Hi.' North 24th suset MODERN, furnished, for four sentle meu, fiirto single rotaa. Si3 S. 26tn. 11-R'iOSt n.otm brick rld!ice end tarn. Iiv4 B iZ& avenue, facing lunMoin i'n K, V o. W. l.uttil.N U.-i FAJrLNAU ST.' OFFERED FOR RENT I'Mfnrnlabed Rooms -Con tlnaed. PTRICTLY modern 4 snd B-room flats, I'.SO and tJ per month; fine residence dis trict. Telephone Harney 2v23. XT-tiS DOIJGLAS ST., 2 rooms. 827 50. NEW 7-room house, strictly modern, hot water heat. 2713 Chicago 8t. Tel. Harney 204. 7-RlOM. strictly modern. 2S01 N. 24th St. cor. Maple; low rental. Tel. owner, Harney 23ut FOR RENT Strictly modern, 7-room house, 4W2 Florence boulevard, H block to car; et front; larga grounds; auio house; paved rnad and cement walks; every oom beautifully papered; cistern water in ot'se; ever) thing In pcrrecl condition; ery cheap rent. TeL Web. 711. Wm. I. Kierstead, Owner. I ROOMS strictly modem: very cheap If aken at onoe. v!4 Burt St. Nowata Land and Lot Co., 6T8 New York Life Bldg. Tel. Ked 1999, A-17V1. N. 17th St. -r. mod. apartment, 830. 1H20 Cuming St, 4-r., apartment, 86. 203 Bristol St., 4-r . all mod., barn, 825. . W. RASP CO., 888 BRAN DEI U BLDO. Famished Xleeses 8-ROOM modern house, West Farnam istrlct. 'Phone Harney 1002. AS YOU read tm ad. so will thounanda read your want ad. If it le la The Bee. T. W. BLACKBURN, lawyer. 408 Paxton block, has a furnished house to rent for the winter. Mo.eises aad Cettasea. Office, Red 2639. Residence Douglas SOU. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE Combination fixtures; east front. 23d and Webster, 840.00. t-room ail modern St Louis flat 718 N. I'd St.. 830.00. 7-room ail modern house 8208 Locust ot. 12500. s-room brick an modern house, zoot wn llse Ave., fo.00. 4 rooms In apartment flat. Ii28 N. 18th Bt, iiz.su. C. M. BACH MANN, 488 Paxton Block. B1X-ROOM modern house excent heat. 818. B0. 2815 Kinney Bt Tel. Web. 1782, West Farnam street. rooms, all modern. 2K.00. NOWATA LAND at LOT CO., 858 New York Ufa. Phones Red 1898. A-S721. iiBniTNn trrrjoR. mrn There Is a large space just off the eouri en ground floor that wlu be remodeled to suit satisfactory tenant This location Is near Farnam St, oouvenlent to mala entrance of building. Look before renting. Don't rent before looking. THE BEE BUILDING COMFANT. R. W. Baker. Supt 17th and Farnam. 118 8. 86 .VH AVE. house; new hardwood floors and newly oecoraiea. rntu w. mvuin BT.iTinj rn Bote Agents, Sth' Floor, N. Y Lite Bldg. rnoot LiouKiee luis. EXCEPTIONALLY convenient, modern. compact, t-room brick; finished one year ago; caoicest neiguoornooa, asa and Pop. pieton. , inoiuaea water, care or lawn. snow, etc Peters Trust Co., N. X. Life Bldg. t-R.. modern reeldenoe. 41st and Cali fornia, 822.60.Tel. H. 436, evenings. OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, move store household goode; storehouse, 1120-24 N. Isth: office J e. 17th Bt ''el. Douglas 1868L PARTLY modern. 2715 Douglas: Drioe reaJsonauie. HOUSBHOIJD GOODS packed, forwarded: cheap freight rates; moving snd storing. .xpressmen s Delivery co. Tel. Doug. BU4. (-ROOM cottage: modern, except furnace beautiful lawn and trees. No. 2204 South S2d Avs. Rent only $26 per mo. Telephone Douglas 4040. 8-ROOM house, strictly modern: hot water heat; newly papered. Tel. Hed 2177. Houses In sll parts of Creigh Boos gt Co the city Bee Bldg. T-room house, near park, 802. 1511 8. 18th. av jgrr ...iie.ill- lecatea, in. lit ts. t in ot weo. somil Houses, flats. Garvin Bros.. 84 floor N.Y.L s-ROOM modern house. 8618 Chicago. MODERN T-reoaa bouse. 828. 1807 8. tSth. 8-ROOM house, modern except beat 833 South 21st street Tel. Harney 2706. BEST located roomlns? house In Omaha. 12 rooms. 4U Dodge Bt. Nowata Land as Lot Co.. 568 New York Life Bldg. 'Phones Red 1S98, lnd. A-1721. 1406 N. 26th bt. I rooms. Phone Harney 8U94. HOUSES 8PECIAJL INDUCEMENTS FOH HOUSES RENTED DURING NOVEMBER. 1781 Central Roulevaid. 8 rooms, modern, oa rinisn, . 411b Farnam, 8 rooms modern, 832.60, luo7 6. Uth, 7 rooms, modern, VA. . 1.11 8. 2xth. 8 rooms, modern. 2.& IVil N. Kith, 7 rooms, modern exoept far- naoe, t'Ji. SUA Ohio, 7 rooms, modern except fur nace, i.L N. 2-d. I rooms, modern. 820. 86 N. Stiili. 4 rooma cltv water. 220. 2M0 N. iUHh. 6 rooms, modern exoept fur- nau-a. 819. S " 6122 N. tid. t rooms, modsrn except fur nace, lis. 414(1 Burtletto, 1 rooma, etty water, gas. its. 2W Capitol Ave., 6 rooms, city water, 1& idjs i. iio, rooms, moaera axceyi tur naca. 814. HA S. 28i h, I rooms, modern except fur nace, 812. 4312 N. 2t th Ave.. 4 rooms, city water 811. 88 N. 2feth St.. 8 rooms, city water, vis. GARVIN URO&V S64 N. Y. Ufe Bldg. Tel. Douglas tiX 1848 S. Kth, 8-room cottage 410.04 1' H Howard, 8-room, close In 1S.O0 M 8. 21. i a ave.. 4-room. close In 14 00 Seward, 6-rooin, city water 14uv 2111 N. lath. 8-rooiu. all modern 80 00 Kii S. 85th Ave.. 7-r.. all mod. new.... 4000 1:143 Manderaou, 6-room 15 U0 2:io Parker. 8-room. mod. ex. heat.... lrf.00 117 8, 26Ui Ave., 8-room. all modern.... 80.00 P'J6 Spruce, fc-rooiu, modern 17 60 812 B. 11th. 8-room. close In I2.U THE BY RON KEiU CO., Phone Doug. fcrt. A-ia!t4, 812 S. 17th Bt I 6.60-tVroom. modern. 14M 8. 16th St, up stairs. tli.00 8-room, modern, Iiwt N. 16th St, up stair. $50 00 t-room, modern home, TO N 80th St 2-'8 fcw T-room, modern home, 2218 Webster. t J. Clo 8-room, modern, corner home, 7u2 N 8uth Bt. ROBINSON & WOLF. 'Phone Douglas 2418. 438 Paxton Block HAN 3COM PARK DI8TRIT. 8-room modern, brick flat, on car Una, only 8J0 to deMirable tenant WRlOUI 4k LAsBURY, 608 H. 18th Bt PUine, Doug. 13. 716 N 21 d Bt, t rooms, modern, and larg ham. &. 10-ROOM modern bouse with garage. Is beet residence district. t-A Keya at office. A. KL Ibecker Co.. 416 Bee BMg. NICE, warm g-reom cottage at 2311 8. 13th. TO PERMANENT tenant, good 7-roora housn. inuiiern except heat; adults only. ti. Caldwell. Web. 37. TVS O eight-room brick apartment houses, all mrierii. nortn part of cltv; Just newly remodeled and will be ready In a few daya; good location for awimlng house. C. M. BACHMAN. t54 Psiton Blk. Office Phone Red V; lid'je PUwue Dougiaa WA. OFFERED FOR RENT Ileeses anal Cettaarea lostlanril. GOOD five-room cottar. No. Xm Patrick Ave., only 8!2 SO. Omaha a Mutual Realty Co., Paxton Blk. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite U4 New York Ufe Bidg. Red 19, 8-ROOM, sll modern house, paved street, one block from car. 2444 SpaulUlng Bt. Phone Webster 8407. 6 -room house, $10. 4029 Miami street. 2218 MAPLE St.. S-room, modern. 217.00. -ROOM, strictly modern house on S8th Bt., near Farnam, 846 per month. Call Har ney tZ3i. CONSTANT GAINS. 1.E0O Inches gain for Omaha Bee. 1,100 Inches loss for nearest competitor. This is the record for want ads for October com pared with the corresponding month a year ago. NINE room, strictly modern house on JSth St., near Farnam, 846 per month. Call Harney D234. FERRIN Exp. ft Storage. 1M1 Cap. D. 2138 7 rooms, modern, 112H So. 21xt, $S0.00. 10 rooms, modern, 101 S So. lino, 2J&.0O. Conrsd Young. Doug. 1571. 408 Brandels Theater Bldg. t- kioht-room house, modern; location central. Inquire T. J. Beard A Bro., 1410 Douglas Bt Phone Douglas 256. tht3 So. 21th Ave., r.. all mod.. S37.8& S29 So. 24th Ave., 7 r., all mod., ". 1424 No. 2tth St. I r.. all mod.. 230. 1128 So. 36th St.. T r.. all mod., near Field ciun, j.ju. 677 So. 2th Ave., 6 r., all mod.. 2T3. fflfl Decatur St., r., mod. ex. neat, 85. W?8 Emmet St.. t r.. mod. ex. heat. 817.50. 24 Spalding St., 6 r., mod. ex. heat, $18.50. JMS Leavenworth St. 6 r.. mod. ex. heat $17. 5a 2621 Charles St., 6 r., city water and bath. 2siz webstor, 6 r., city water, 815. 310s Peward St., 6 r., city water. 815. IC10 So. 20th Ave., 4 r., city water, $10. M'CAGUB INVESTMENT COMPANY. U08 Dodge St. Phone, Doug. 415. IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. 104 and V 8. 86th St.. two very ffne, strictly modern, brick dwellings. In choic est residence district In the city: will decorate to suit tenant Special price to ncnt party. PAYNE ac SIjATER CO., Sole Agents, th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1016. MODERN, 10-room nous. (31 S. 22d St Inquire next door south. 6-r. house, part modern, 717 N. ff d, $11.60, e-r. new nouse, si n. itn. iwng, 6-r. modern, 3430 N. 28th, 81800. 6 r. modern brick, 2411 Hamilton, $22.60. -r. modern, 2124 N. 27th, 318.00. 8-r. modern. 1911 Cass. 828.00. 8-r. modern. 8. B. Cor. 21st and Webster. aii.tm. THOS. W. HAZEN. MoCague Bldg. 'Phone D. 1300. SEVEN rooms, Dundee, modern: near car and school. I'none Harney 4itig. 6-ROOM cottagfa, 1415 N. 38th. 1H34 N. 20th, I rooms, 830. 2T8 Douglas Street. 8 rooms, $7.69. JOHN N. FRENZEr! BOTH PHONES. FOR RENT 6-room house, $18. 1816 So. 6th St FTV B-ROOM house 811 South 24th. Mod ern except furnace, $18. 6-ROOM cottage, modern. 2202 No. 11 th Street NINE-ROOM modern houae In Hanscom Park district: bouse In first-class condi tlon. An Ideal home for the rlsht party. Can be seen any time. Call at 612 Faclflo street or phone Harney 2346. Stores an A Off tees. STORE FOR RENT Haa bake oven for bakery. 23i N. 24th. - 8TORH.nOOMJ FOR RENT fontneast corner 16th and Douglas Sta: sm 28x70 'eet. Possession given about eptsmner l, laid C1TZ NATIONAL, BANK. NO soual In cltv: groosry and meat mar- st witn oxturea Appiy ns ei. tao. OFFICE room, 118 N. 18th St., opposite nostotfloe, $7 per month. 408 Brand eis Theater Bldg. Conrad Young. Doug. $20.00 Large store room In brick building. good lor butcher anop ana grocery. vm N. lfltb. Bt. tSO.OO-Btore. 1204 N. 84th St. ROBINSON at WU1JT. Phone Douglas 2418. 436 Paxton Block. OFFERED FOR SALE ' Feraltare. CHINA cabinet, mahogany, beantiful piece, cheap. Apartment 6. The Winona, otn ana Dewey. naruoy imi. COOK steve. see stove, hard coal burner. couch, upholstered chair. 8ult Mason fat FURNITURE of 4-room flat, very cheap owner ill; rent reasonable. RASE BURNER, steel range, soft coal heater, table, chairs, sideboard, china cloaet combination bookcase, wardrobe, lady a desk, Deusprings, mattress, sanitary couches, carpets, rugs, rocaers, gas range. washing machine, naiitree, aitcnen cup board, chiffonier and many other furniture. 8o N. 24th Bt BA6EBURNFR, sewing machine; Just as good as nsw. IM 8. 17th. baok door. DINING table, china, rousle and kitchen cabinets; sanitary couch aad pad. etc. nearly new. M N. 19th. Msjeleal iBstravsaeata. KIMBALL upright piano, 276. 108 McCarua mandolins. Guitars and Banloa. and up. Gibson Mandolins and Guitars aold on small payments, jrrenula Potter, Barker block. UPRIGHT piano, standard make; owner leaving city; win sen cneap. iub Chi cago bt Sieves. STEEL RANGE. 8-hole, wood, heating stovei Iron bed wita apruiaa. caeasi iv.' cash. Q. EJ. roLR aoft coal beating atoves for sal cheap. Apply The HedUeu, 413 So. iwta. $36 BASIS BURNER. Good condition, $1A mil Parker bt HARD eoal store, used one season; cheap. 2618 Burt. Typewriters- BTJY an L. C Smith g Bros, typswrltor B. '. Bwauaoa- Co., Distributers. Ul ar ea m St 6ECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, louT Faruam. FOR BALE New vlalble No. 10 Bmlth Premler typewriter. A. L. Baldwin Co., 610 Flret NaUonal Bank Bldg. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, large stock Standard Vlalble Writing aiauhiues and ethers 4 8-6 infra.' prices, for sale or rent; rent spplled. Ask for list and of far. B. F. Swan sun Co., 1216 Faruaio. REMINGTON No. 8, little used. $3. A 344, Bee. YOU can rent aa Oliver typewriter with eek strnd. 83 montnly. from nanufacturera moat tutereated In aatiafactioa given. Oliver Typewriter Co., OFFERED FOR SALE Mlaer llaneeaa. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink artels which we wll. sell for (0 cents each Trey sri fine for rnln water or ashes. Call t press loom. Bee Publishing to. FOR SALE Cheap, a number Of eecond- and Jumbo letter flies; also some Glohe- ernicke document file transfer caacs. Standard Bridge Co.. 1302 City Nat. Bank Ulilg. DRUGS St cut prices, freight paid on all 810 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A IlcCoDitell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. TH"! OVERCOATS. Rlichtly used, st a bar "w gain. A. B. SINGliR. 41S N. ltith. WANTED Good wide-awake traveling talesman to enter big sale force of a re liable merchandise store; oiif opportunity o good, hard-working man. Address 8-342, Bee. FOR SALE Lady's fur coat Phone W 1194 FOR SALE New snd second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead the world la rheap bar fixtures; easv payments. Bruos- wtck-Balke-coliender. 407 H. torn bt About 40 feet of r-lnch diameter No. ! guars, galvaniited pine, with four 4R-1ncH elbows and T. This was used for ventllat- nw pumosea snd nine la In good condition. The Bee Publishing Co.. 17th snd Farnam. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all slice and makes; barrains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam Bt HORSE blankets, heavy whits canvas storm blanketa; 84 per pair, worth $6.60. Bennett's Harness Dept. basement Pfl A T. Furnace lump a ton f! tuiUj Harmon & Weath. Weh.848. O.OW FOR WALK 8-room house to be removed. 811 N. 82d Make offer. Apply Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming Et Doug, and ONE butcher's Ice box. 8x8, cheap. 1813 St. Mary s Ave. STEEL RANGE. , 6-hole; wood heating stove; Iron bed with springs. Cheap for cash. O Pee PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TU7. PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT OPERATION OB PAIN. PAT WHKN CURED. DR. W. C. MAXWELL, 624 BEE BLDG., OMAHA. DOUG. 1424. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th tit Web. 3663. Ind. D-1836. SCALP massage a specialty, sure our for baldness; facial massage. manicuring and shampoo yvork; satisfac tory work guaranteea. 416 waxton iiiocx. l.lDlvtiN v ior oar. uravcr . punsr. n til be to his interest to. call at the Loyal hotel. Ask for Mr. E. L. Mahassey. MECHANO THERAPHY. Drugless treatment, stomach trouble. Dr. Margaret Hailoran, 22a Neville Blk. D. 77til. SPEND the chilly evenings at the Parlor Theater. Moving pictures - and polite vaudeville. Matinees dally. CWTTPTITTRtrom ccmblngs, $1 60. Mrs. w . t iiwjj, I. peck, 1630 N. . 24th St V? ATT IS Vapor, alcohol and massage, L,'"--1-LL,J 1606 Dodge, 3d floor, opp. poat- office. Mme. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 7t6. PROF. DINJIAN Oriental massage. 441 Brandels Theater. 'Phone D. 8ti3. M A ON hlTTn tieatmsnL Mme. Smith. PRIVATE HOME during confinement: babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 748 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. PRIVATE hone for women during con finement Addretus Box 117. Florence, Neb. Tel. Florence 32. OMAHA Stammerers Ins. Ramge Bldg. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book, "The Under world Sewer," at all book stores. Price, l 64. THB SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off e'othlng In fact, anything you do not need. we collect fepair nna seu at i: ro. uttt Bt, for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4136 and wagons will rail. MRS. I. A. SMITH Exhibit and sale of band-painted china for Christmas. Phone Doug. 4248; Res., Doug. 8737. Room 307 1614 Howard. E L. LOVEJOY repairs sewing machines and warrants thcra. 2JU2 N. Hat Web. 6u. T A TIIQ Scientific maasa-re. 1617 Dodge at, Ii Bucnani f iat. 10 a m. n. tn. CHINA painting lessons, firing, order work, stenciling;' firing, cell snd deliver. Mrs. W. V. Irwin. 2616 Blondo. TsL W. tut. STRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption, tfcla Davenport St SHOPPING and errands promptly and correctly executed In New York City. E. Keegan, Kaat Rockaway, N Y MASK 6UIT3 to rent at LIEHEN'8. WIGS and toupea for men. Qrtfflik 12 and 14 FRENZttR BLOCK YOUNO WOMEN ce mingy le Omaha a st ran sere are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Seventeenth street and bt. Mary's avenue, where they will be directed to suitabis boarding places or otherwise assisted. Ixok for our traveler's aid at the Union station, ?Dnifnrv HAIRDRESS1NQ PARLOR OalillttiJ imke Manntllo iim.Mtiio for a good complexion. 01 paxton Blk. D. 46VL A HOME for women during connment n find homes for babies Imw mothers cannot cars for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mra Martha L, Lee, 4i4 Bancroft Bt, Omaha. Neat. 'Phone Doug las 1W1. T A TYTTC!' coats relined. Miss Chase, iluiu M Paxton Blk. Tyler Uua WE RENT an repair all kinds of sew ing machines. lud. A-16&; Douglas fciU. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, l&lh and Harney BLa. MASSAGE AND tfATIlS Dr Rlttenhouse, R. 808 Old Bost.n Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance, lev k) loth. It A fjM VTl f! Treatment E. Brott. 2214 M-AUiNrHO g wu, t Tel. Doug. It. HINDOO TABLETS will build, braee, strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUU CO. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re moved, no pain, no lues ef time, no Injury to the skin; all work guaranteed; lady at tendant. No. 310 McCague Bldg., 16 lb and Dodue 8ts. Ft!? RTTRTT'P Bpeclallat in dlaesses of JJ II. J-UlliVi olnen. N. E. Corner leih and Douglas, Omaha. Call er write. REFRESHMENTS and eervice by Alfred J uua. head waiter at Omaha Field club ,aat season, lei. H. ItiA nd. A-4J.A PR. EGGERS, Private confinement home, 11,14 Martha bt, Omaha. Tel, Uuuglas Q-ilnU, from combings. $160. Mrs. B. OWllCUeS Uathsws, 3ui Nevllls blit. D-vl D117I flO Millinery. Emll Krebs, til A xu.n-v Neville Bik. Old bale made nsw. THE OMAHA HOUSE and WINDOW n.KAN'I.NU Co., furnaiel fired au1 bae n it nt kept cioan, storm wln.iows waaned and put up. 'Phone Red 42.' 3. f AKS5 (1E "'i't Mrs. Stee'.. HI B. LiWOiVJ u 17u fet j4 iluor 1U)gia fc POULTRY BRADLEY'S Strain Barred Rocks. This year s breeders for sale. Cockerels, 8 aO; Luliets, (I Ml. Yards. 4U6 Franaiin. Phone Webster U,L Call Sunday. PRINTING R1ES-HAI.L Ptg. Co. 108 8. 14th. Ind. A-.-X Lew W. Kaber, Printer .To!.. Bee Bldg. Entrance on Court 'PHONE IND. A-7630 for good printing. Dogstud Printing Co.. 16th and Capitol Ave MILIJ3H ft JAMIESON, 1C12 Douglas Bt Both phones. REAL ESTATE AOS I It 4CT9 UP T1TL28. PETER JESSEN, Jr..Co. Tel. Doug. Midland Guarantee snd Trust company, bonded abstracters. 1714 Farnam St. REAL EST ATK D SCALERS. BEN7AMIN R E. CO., 477 Brandels Mldg REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. 1501 and 1602 City National Bank Bldg. RF.KD ABSTRACT CO.. Kst lsM; prompt service: get our prices. Ztst Brn.lela theater. CITY PROPKHTY FOR SAL 88. 1 BACK TO THE FARM Back to the source of all wealth. Back to comfort end Independence. Back to re Rained health. Start with the soil and build up a poultry, dairy, garden and fruit business of your own. Enjoy the freedom of the country with the conveniences of the city. Buy within a half doxen blocks of electrlo car, school and church privileges, with a market at your door, THERE'S A DIFFERENCE between land distant from town and pub lic utilities and acres at the threshold ot the metropolis of Nebraska, with Its excel lent educational advantages and splendid live stock, grain and produce market. Why la It these talks on The Call of the Country appeal to so many people, far and wide, who WTlte for our literature? Because of an universal Interest, tn suburban acreage. People cannot help but think on this sub ject of the betterment of their lot. They realize they are growing older. They Know the Income from a house and lot will not provide for old age, while a few acres will. The "next year" people never seriously consider any proposition. The progressive element In a community selre every op portunity for advancement. Every person gets In his own class. RALSTON ACRES Immediately adjoining Ralston, and in sight of Omaha, Is the best yet 2V4, 6 and lo-acre tracts. Terms: One-fifth cash, bal ance monthly. The Interested folks will write or call for free Illustrated booklet of KAL6TON. RALSTON TOWNSITE CO., (Free Factory Bites.) 800 8. 17th St., Omaha, Neb. Monarch Loan and Land Co, $23 Bee Bldg. An attrlotlve home fine 8 room, striotly mod., completely finished, with full base ment, mantel, laundry, porches, gas stove. oak finish, full lot. Just north of Ames Ave., 4,iAJ. uood terms. A bargain. FOR SALE Modern 10-room residence on one of the flneBt streets on West Farnam hill, fine plumbing, bath, lavatories, tiled floors, hot water heating, etegant mantels, eto. uan give quick possession. Price, $16,000. HICKS, 219 Board Trade Bldg. $100 down buys new 4-room cottage, one block from Hherman Ave. car line, con venient to school, ohurch, grocery and meat markets. Largs lot, nice garden, strawberries and fruit trees. Address H, 361 Omaha Bee. . $800 Cash BALANCE MONTHLY, buys 8-room mod ern houi-e, gilt edge location; 4 good bed rooms; paved street; close to car, school and stores. Price $4,60. $73-78 Brandels Bldg. Douglas &s, A-3Jb6. Ten acres on paved road, with house. barn, chicken houae, two horses, wagon. buggy, etc., an tor UM. A great bargain. RUED BROTHERS, 204 Brandels Theater Bldg. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY Six-room modern house, 44 feet front, JO feet alley, rnce iJ.ouu. itrmi. NOWATA LAND 4k LOT CO. 6i8 New York Life. Omaha, Neb. Phones A-17ZL Red lUtt. NEW cottage and full lot In Benson. $1,700. This was built for a home; has cement walks, water and bearing fruit Easy tcrma. TU.KK.lNUi UN, Bn.li; BLDU r FOR BALE Two lota. 131x140, on soutk !0th St. near Vinton; ail special taxes paid. Wiil reli aa one piece or divide. Willing to sell at sacrifice, Apply at 826 Bwutg Cat Bt NEW COTTAGE Five Isrge rooms and bath, pedestal open ing between parlor and dining room; floored attic, cemented basement, furnace and laundry sink, in fact, completely modern; paved street; four blocks north of Amee avenue car. Bargain price on reasonable terms, phons W-3134. 23i Fowler Ave. 8-ROOM house, lot 60x120; fine cellar, city water; fine school, two blocks from car. If sold noon, big bargain. Call on owner, 3214 Ohio Bt FOR first payment on small home, a Ralston lot, price $4X. phone Webster 1210. FOR SALE Fins building lot south of Hanscom park, on boolavai.L Tel. Har. sa NEW 7-room. all modern house, oak floors and finished In golden oak; cement baaement and laundry; combination fix tures; adjoining West Farnam district; was built for a home; can be bought at a bar gain; location 714 a 8tlth bt.; will be open from 3 to 6 Suuday. Tel. Harney 6i3 or Harney 168. KOR SAT.K Lot en locust street, be tween Sherman Ave. and loth Street, In quire 1631 No. 18th St ' WANTED TO BUY one or two houses with ground, for Invest ment. Aldress, giving price end exact location, C i4. Bee FOR BALE Houae t rooms, water, sewer. toilet, etc.; nice trees and shrubbery, ui fcuuiD flat St, I RELIABLE FL'RVETP C. M. Plum, C. E By,,.,.,,,, tot brown Bidg. Tot p. Uii. REAL ESiAlfc rng and HANm t.Axn rort ftt-s Alabama. (SOUTHERN colonisation bsraaln; g.008 acres; good land; 6 miles St. Mm v s river frontafte; Ideal climate: fine fishing and hunt ng: onlv 86 per acre; worth $J.V Wal ter E. Barnes, Avondals Station, Birming ham, Ala. Arkansas. ARKANSAS FARMS Rig list: special barualna; snt free. Write today. Captain Rlggs. Fayettevllle. Ark. BARGAIN 80-scre farm, near Waldron. Scett county, Arkansas: 40 acres tilled snd In meadow, balance timber; good houses, barn, excellent watsr. Price. $1,000. U Cox. Waldron. Ark Callrorala. FONTANA orsnge lands Is tha best In vestment In Southern California- $2.0 and easy Installments buys five acres and Inde pendence. Either live on land or company will plant ami attend orchard. Write f'r terms. Fontana IWeloptnent Co., 617 Wil cox Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. CALIFORNIA. . LANDS Juat arrived with a few tracts of choice lands. An opportune time to make an In vestment Buy before Panama canal Is ct n.picted ami triple your money. Stopping nere ior a tew aayi. can ana see us at Room 4, Bee Bldg. Hardin & AsbiU. A FINE JO-Al-RH FR4CH UKL'HARD lit Ontario. Cel., value 8.Y0P0. to trade for good Minnesota property about eame value: coe. aider Dakota or Bloux Falls. Several fins California orangs groves, from $10,008 un. ts'e and trades. Have one called the f ne! place In southern caurornia. price 313) (Vs. Beautiful property will pay big tetur-ii also If you have eastern property to trvle for southern California, sand description. Trades effected anywhere. Faithful per sotial attention given to your matters. In. suiance, sales, trades, rentals. Investments, etc. References furnlahed. Jamea M. Van Deusen. 208 Braley Biag.. Pasadena. Cal. an ACRES Finest Orange land near fresno. California. 81.400. V K Bee. Caasda. SELF-PUPPORTINO HOMES In the slor. lous fruit district of southern Hritlsn Columbia for $10 cash and 310 mcmthlv, without Interest. Annual profits, $ioo to 81 0U0 per acre. Orchard, garden, poultry; scenery, nunung, nsning. Dialing; aeilaht ful. warm climate; church, school, post office, store, big sawmill, daily trr.tne, eloee to market unlimited demand for rroducts. Write quick for map, photos, tee information. WeatKootenay Fruit Lands Co.. Dcpt D. Drawer lotf. Nelson, Brillsn woiuuioia. Colorado. ' IF YOU are interested In "Grand Valley. Colo," fruit lands and want reliable in formation, ak for en as. a. umith or N. A, Glasco, at the Colorado exhibit of the ap ple show, Council Bluffs, up to the li'tn. COLORADO LAND, 2 have 1000 acres of Improved and onlro- moved land fer sale at from $10 to (23 aa acre, within from one te ten miles of toes; ail good tillage; write me for parficuUra. Aa u. s&an, auvina, iuuia FOR RELIABLE. BEST located fruit tracts In Colorado, o easy terms, lowest Br Ices, write Rev. W. it. Collins, 1010 ai. ith Ave. Denver. Colo. Florida. FLORIDA LAND BAROAIN 17 000 acres, finest ef farming land; two crops yearly; daep water laiaings; two railroads; $4.60. per acre Walter U. Barnes, Avon dale, Ala. FLORIDA We have millions of acres et Florida timber, cut over, farm and coloni sation lands. Estate Journal. Big bargains, nice homes; we can suit you. National Realty Agency, Jacksonville, Florida. FLORIDA LAND. Florida You cannot lose on any well se lected property In Florida. v't re sure et gulck snd substantial proms. Ws have many good properties for colonisation, fruit and vegetable lands and Improved farms. Pope 4k Neith. 801 Atlantis Na tional Bank Bldg., Jacksonville. Fla. lewau . . 8PA-ACRE 'improved farm, northwest Iowa: three-quarters mile from town; lot acres tillable; $u8 per acre, clear. Owner will trade for good business, take belaaue back on land. JONES LAND CO. Peterson. la. IOWA FARMS. Write for my large Illustrate Sst of Madison county farms, f rota 86 acres up to 840 acres, all prices good liberal terms. Bee Madloosj county before buying. Best all around county In the state, Adres J. O. BHRIVEK, WlnteresU la. 4 ACRES, $ blocks of Omaha oar line. In Council Bluffs, and walking dlatance of Omaha. The very finest of garden land and can be cut Into city lots and aold any time; H.lJ buys It. M'QEB REAL ESTATE CO, 14 Pearl Bt, Counoil Bluffs. Farm Bargain Near City Schools 160 acres, 8 miles from Council Bluffs city limits; electrlo line station 4 mile; level road to city; school house on farms two good houaes, large new barn, new enclosed corn cribs, cow and hog stables, granary, chicken houses, tool house, windmill with water piped to house an 1 barn, good orchard and vineyard, and. In fact, everything that goes with a high grads farm. All now la cultivation ex cept 16-aCre pasture. Price, 3110 per ens on unusually easy terms. March settle ment If too big. neiahbor would buy 49 acres. Surrounding farms all valued at $126 per acre, but not one tn the neigh borhood for sale at any price. Just tlie place for a man who does not wsnt to spend half bis time on ths road, wishes to have hie family to hvs the benefit of almost city conditions and to educate his children In the city schools. Land near the city ana car line win go to $100 per acre Quickly, bend for deaurlptiou. Will V. Kludentopf. 36 Baldwin Biofk. Council Bluffs, la. Bell phone, Blk. lis; muepeiiueuu sis 11. 67W-ACKK IOWA FARM. 6 miles ot Council Bluffs, all fins land but f or 4 acres, which Is seeded to alfalfa. Largs bouae, goo barn and all kinds ot outbuildings. Vine orchard and vineyard. With s little cure the fruit wll) more thsa pay Interest on entire cost et the place. Good spiing and one ef beet meadows le tlie state; was greeu all through this dry summer. Farms no better have sold fo $i4iS pr sn We offer this for tlli. MO EE REAL KSTATU CO.. 14 Pearl bt.. Council iiiufie. TEN Improved farms for rent or sale on crop payments. J. Mulhall, Bloux City, la. i t FOR SALE 473 acres well Improved, at $7.60 per acre for short time only; 6,4 acres, all valley land. Improvements ooat about 84.UW. A bargain at 80 per acre. Isrms W. H. KENNEDY. C A STAN A. I A. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA TRAVERSED BY THV ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC RAILROAD. iAnis adaptable to the widest range ot crops; all the money crops of the bouta plentifully produoed. For literature treat ing with this coining country, us soil, sll male, cnurch and achool advantages, write W. If. LEAHY. Gcn'l Passenger Act Dept K, Atlanta. Ga. Persistent Advertising is the Road te Bis Ketura