TT1E m:E: OMAITA.RATIlinAV. XOVF.MTi:T? 12. 1010. I Brandela of Tin BrtiMf Saturday. e Ad Page Ponr. Yomcn's Yarm Women's extrn heavy fleece lined medium weight cotton vests pants gray, cream and white ular and extra sizes f Q, worth 7.M-; at, each ' . Women's Fine llihbcd Ootton Long Sleeve Corset Covers -Taped waist and .neck, reg ' nlar and extra sizes special, ', 1ftf each Women's Italian hilk Vest Embroidered fronts, silk ribbon trimmed; pink, white nil sizes, worth 2.75; special, at Women's Munslntf I'nlon Kults. VpU and Tants Fleet lined, medium weight, part wool and all wool. Prices 40S 98S $1.50, 51.08 i $2.08 i Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose I' , WJrlo lmm inim. lislo solos, heels and toes Wide hem tops, lisle soles, heels and toes Mack, tan and at, por pair i Impor cd Lisle 3 fl Fancy embroiuere clocks-black, U cerized with lisl up to 50c, at, pair a-oC Men's Tura Thread Silk Hosiery, Worth 80c, at 29a Some with lisle soles, double heels and toes black, tan and JQp colors, worth 50c pair at. pair ' Fine Kid Gloves Made from finest selected skins, two-clasp effects. All the newest shades, including gray, green, blue, tan, brown, cutawba, black and white; Paris point or broidered backs. Fitted J..t0.$1.75-$2 the hand; ut ,pair . 'n'nman'. MnrhR and French Lambskin Glove gray, black, Urn, green and blue. Fit- 4 OC ted if desired Bt. pair iltutf Women's English Walking Gloves now tans; also mocha gloves, Bilk lined, worth up to SI. 25 pair gain square at, pair . Saturday Specials Pompslan Saturday is Maple DayAll Maple Confec- tions. lb.. ..fclliv r Extra SpeclaJ - nut Bon Dons, as sorted flavors, hom made, 25c IHr quality, at, lb. Iwt The daintiest of luncheons Cafe. The prices are moderate. Drugs and Toilet Articles 25c Sanltol Tooth Powder. .12 15c S5c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder for 14 2Gc Ltlac Talcum Powder. 26o bottle Peroxide 8 75c Pompolan Massage. . . -40 GOc Java Hlce Powder 2G 60c White Hose Perfume, per ounce . . 10 Williams' Suavlng Soap 4 25o Woodbury'a Soap 15 Pompeian Studio Photographs and' Portraits. $3.00 Portraits in Folders, Saturday at ..... ' $1.98 $4.00 Portraits in Folders, Saturday at .". .$2.49 Post Card Photos, Four for 50c Your Photo on Post Card while you wait, 3 for 25c BRANDEIS Fhin!t of W a.r always a atep aliaa'l In Quality, a step tn-blml Hi I'rle. 8ieoial wirj , jjlvou phontt ordera. rtOtTB Prtda of Omh 4 tb aack $1.89 nsa Imported, flneet and Uiseat. rrtwsh and Juicy, r pound . . l&O alPlBiOVI-Tlpt, ' ntw pack. i..c can for Alio rS I.OIW "ho!, lb..,.15o OT KOABT-Ujiii, tender an.! Juicy, pr lb So BAX.T Bft table. S-Ib a&ck lr o Tom Johnson tota and Xka . TalS Wab. 1578; Ind. H-1578. Try, Nov U all depuda on ht klml uf a ataak it la whailur It crvta aaUy or nut. A wU cured steak bought at Ihla market U Jutev. tendrr and full of nutriment. Try on. of our alrloln or iHirterliouie attaka and you wl.l at ua wwnt tii'.r au.ncati. Kur tia oval meala of uil .'.r.jHu fail the brat aulti In Omiha Imy of ua you'll St It and It n i (i any mure man you pay lor Infnior uiuat that utlirrs aril. Bliil Ohlcken r'rlnio Jui-y I'ot Itouiil Frmio Juli-y Iiiu Kut , hh lu.n t'UnK t . , Hound eIk ' i:.c lwt jw'. ic A- a ad Ui're ..- and ljt- '-c ani t'tiuok hla ..U"o kinl Me Iloiike M.ido Vrk nauauso IS1 lluuia Iwuuojtd lird J:s. Eal's Cash r.Tzrket ltl raraata Mtrat- Brandels Big lilt Ostrich Plume. See Special Ad on Page roar. n I r 1 s Underwear and and &faS2 reg- --f AtXf blue ana $1.93 light colors very social G9c and 98c end Cottoi Hosier inr ti t t orn ss iiTitfl mile an and colors,' black mer le wide hem tops worth heavy em in Candy Dept Room Cocoa - P o m p e la n Bitter Bweeti, all pure fruit and nut centers regularly 40c lb. Saturday only qfl. -at, lb. served at our Green Room Llquozone Soap. ...... . li' jli 'Pom Mi n :baN..:85c 10c Shtnola 7 10c Palm Olive Soap 7 Five cakes Ivory Soap. . ..10 Double Bristle Air Cushion Brush, special -31.49 35c Chamois .JT We guarantee Retail Hair Tonic to stop your hair from fall ing out. We refund your money If it falls. STORES Boys' High Cut Shoes Our high cut shoes for the bos' winter wear are a very, sensible, comfortable and dur able boys' shoe proposition. A splendid Investment. Durable black or tan waterproof leathers. , Heavy oak tanned soles. Sizes for boys of all ages. $2.25. 82.75 to $3.50 High Cut Shoes are Ideal Shoos for school wear, for coasting, skating and stormy weather. A great protection to boys' ft-et. KIips for boyi all ages. tht) Of FRY SHOE CO. run iioiii, lata aad SHm-ia Btu. i 1 A . r 1 w CLOTHING BUSTS AT AO 0 These Sl"ITS and OVKItCOATS are from our own Itrgular Stock, and are exceptionally good values, nt R1H.OO to $22.50. t I fi L, f Th Salts are of the newest wmtm of I fi Cfl wKWiQU chariots, tweeds and worsteds, In a great (jiMlvU rariety of handsome mixtures and plain I colors (Including- blue and black) all alcea The Over- I ooata ara ia atapla and f ancy materials and mads In I Conservatives, Presto and Anto stylos. J SI8 to $22.50 Sul t ani Ovareoats $14.50 Sale ot llen'o Trousers 700 Pairs Itf-fl' )(fft Well r.ladeT " 25 dlfferant patterns in a splendid aaaortmant of fabrics woratada, cheviots and caaeimeres to salaot from. Every pair perfect fitting-, naat and dressy positively worth $3.80 and $3.00. Vary special, at $1.80 Saturday.-Specials "Uteful Thing at Little Prictt" One Day Only, Sat'y, N ov. 12 Cross Stripe Curtains Cross stripe colored curtains for bed rooms, in red, green, blue or yellow regular 95c a pair; Saturday r Q only, special, pair. . .". . .... .-' Is (Flrat Floor) Couch Covers' Persian Couch Covers Oriental designs, (X) inches wide and three yards long; special Saturday only,- 2 Q 5 : (First Floor) Blanket . Specials Full size eleven-quarter Cotton Blanket, in either gray or white colored borders; Saturday special, only, QQ . i (first Floor) - 1 Basement Special 3-qt. genuine Strunsky Sauce Pan baked white enamel in side every , piece guaranteed Saturday only, 40 C (Basement) Or char d& A. MEW MANAGER B. F. Marti, who has been our city salesman for the past fifteen years, is now the manager of our store at 313 South 16th street, where he will be pleased to meet all his old friends. A full line of the popular brands, Ileio and Mercedes, as well as all the popular brands of clear Ilavanas will be found at this store. Robertson Bros., Wholesale and Retail Clfjar Dealers LOW RATE EXCURSIONS Nov. 1 and 15 VIA South Southeast Stop-ovar Pririlafaa 25 Day Ketura Limit Tkkata far tkaaa EzcvnSaaa mrm an Sals ( at Lvar kataa aa Maa f owta aa Alabama, Florida, Georgia Louisiana, Missitsippi Norti ani South Carolic Tennessee and Virginia Far fufl PartictiUra A4draaa . P. W. MORROW. N. W. P. A, L. A N. R. R, CLicag J. E. DAVENPORT, D. P. A, t. V N. R- St. UaU : Dontlotry iP Tail's Deaial flooins 1 STUDIO GRAND U08 FARNAM STREET 0V1.T ruvsT oiaaa aruoio OMAKA aaaklns- Kifk Oraa CaMaata for SJ par deaaa. Opaa Saadara. COMPANY VERCOAIS Wit helm row's the day ana Nota'a the hour" .-. Burn THE BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT HOME uatna icTRiauTin JOHN NITTLER 3224 SO. 24TM 8TRCCT Luxuries At Necessity Prices Qur.ii Olives. 7Sc bottle.. ."; Imported Ollva Oil, par quart, at 7fc" Bavarian Malt Ktrai't. beat In tha land, per botUe .... Ho Claret Wine, per yuan bot tle Jfce, 85c, tOc Cooking brandy, par quart bot tle 76c Old Kanturkjf Bourbon Whle kry. a years old. per quart boltle II Gallon HW Maryland Itye Wliifkry. per. quart bottle 76c; nullon II uo. Home Made Grape Wine, red or t,lte. gallon II 00 Mall anl telephone videra promptly rilled. Cackley Bros., Wlua Merchanu X21 N. lh Bt. Both Phonta. Oppoaite ioatofflu. 4 1 V'" -yr ' ' A ma. aiaae J TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER UK Dollar I'ar tear, A 11 Prefer ouscs Our aim is to conduct the best Music Store in the city. Also to give our customers the best Pianos for the money. You have here, the best line of pianos to select from that you can buy. We have the Knabe, the world's best Piano, that all artists say is the best built. man, Smith & Barnes, Schaffer and many others. There is no risk in purchasing one of these well known makes. They have been tried and have stood the test. We earnestly extend to you a cordial invitation to visit our sales room and be con vinced of the superiority of our pianos and listen to their beautiful tone quality. We will make terms to suit every purchaser. A small payment down and a little cash each month. Just come in and let us show you our beautiful line of Pianos, whether you wish to purchase a piano today or not. LI II The Old llllill l I' wmwiawsaiMBBsT. au ' Mi .... 1 1 ii. Hi,!... ...jaiBB If you want to aee shoe leather ground to pieces, Just leava it to The Boy For wear and tear on shoes, the boy leads the family. '. We realize this and have a spe cial shoe for the boy It is not steel, but it wears like steel, and we call them itecl hoco They are a match for any boy, and we guarantee them to out wear two pairs of ordinary boys' shoes. ' ' BOYS' SIZES ' CQ CA . 24t'6H ..l.U YOUTHS' SIZES 2J LITTLE GENTS' SIZES tf 9 10 to 13 tt We have a full line of high cut storm shoes, with buckles, In all i sizes and widths for boys, youths ' and little genu. Prices , $2.50 to $4.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. ' tRigpiiijrit : iJ5fflJl7i1liH': s4 Special Ucnsssskers1 Hales Scuihvei To Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, Kansas Tickets on sale first and third Tuesday in each month. Ptopovers allowed on both '.he going and return Journeys. TII0S. F. GODFREY, Paaa. aad Ticket Agaat, It 1488 remain atrael, or Untoa ktatlua, Oaiaka, Hakcaaas ZJ yLss rr r iiSllliUlD to Deal With Reliabe That Do As They Agree In addition we have the following high gTade Pia nos that have pleased the music lover for the last twenty-five years: The Sohmer, Fisher, Estey, Chickering Bros., Hines & Co., Price & Teeple, Weg- Reliable Piano House it: Qwvuv, ffS cwaa QG Omaha's Pure Food Center Specials for Saturday Old faahloned aun-drlad Sweet Corn, per lb ISo "I.otua" Sweet Cider, quart bottla 16o gallon jug BOo Home, Made Mlnoe Meat, Jars SBo, 45a and 7 Bo Large Queen Ollvea (hulk), qt...6oo Aaaorted 8tuff(d Ollvea, bottle... B5o fcteero & Olo Bouillon Oubfwi, tins 15c and S6o Peeled Tomatooa (domethlng new) tin laio and BOo Sardines In ollva oil. regular price per tin 16c: to clone nut. Der tln....lOo 600 buahela Wyoming Potatoes, per biiHhel, by the nark SI. 10 Ui Courtney's Excellence Flour, per aark eSo and 81.38 ?j Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel, per E pound SOo -lb. eack Pancake Flour 88o Standard i-o. Lemon and Vanilla J Kxtract ; loo e Black Walnnta, par peck 40o 5I Hlrkory Nuta, per lb To 5 3 pkgs. H. C. Corn Klakea SBo y BTTTTEB, BOOS and C HUE SB SEPT. 0"!niiH" Butter (cartnni) per lb. 3Bo Our Beat Country Butter (in sanitary ? Jara) per lb 340 J Rtrlctly freah Kgga, per doz Silo p York State Full Cream Cheeae, Octo- l ber make, per lb 8 So Best Imported Swlna Cheeae. lh.;.33o r Homentlo Swiaa Cheese, per 11). ..flao Neufphatel, Blue Lhel. Waukeahaw, ? Kdam. Rooupfort, I.lmnerer. Brick. ? Pine Apple In fact, the largeat aa- jg aortment of Clieeee In the cllv. 9 rBEsa ritTTIT and VEOITABLB DBPAKTa5KT Concord Ornpei, per basket 35e t ntalka Celery jjoo I heada Plain Lettuce 60 Freah Muehroome Egg Plant Caro C4 &xt Q?3Fv& Saturday Drug Sale The Sherman & McConnell Irtiff Htores carry stork; so complete1 In assortment that it is no exaggeration to state that we have every, thing in the tlrug line for which any local demand elHi. Our output is so large that we know each article sold Is frPHli. Coke Dandruff 49o and 69o Colgate Tooth Powder... ISo and 2 Be Colgate Talcum Powder 1 60 Cutlcura Hoap 800 Herplclde 4 80 and 8S0 Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 80 Peroxide Hydrogen .. I80, 8 Bo and BOo Java Hlce Powder 33o LaBlanche Powder 4Bo Llaterlne SBo, 46o and 89 0 I.yuii'e Tooth Powder 19c Malted Milk 4O0 and 76c Oriental Cream 98o I'acker'a Tar Roup ISo 1'ond'a Kxtiact 8 So, 4So and 890 Pluaud's Kuu de Qulnlna Sc and 89o LJquozona 45o and 89c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Wt ara sure that no atorea have better facilities than oura for the com pounding of Physician's Preacrlpt lone. In this department we have recently greatly lncreaee.1 our room, and are constantly andlng llnea of chemlcaja and pharn.a-autUala aa reiulred by the medical profalon of Omaha and the neur-by ataiea. siiEnr.mii & mcCoihieli drug cj 16th ind Dode Sti OWL DRUG CO., lGth and Harney Sts. The Bee Prints the News Myers r -T.aWfciia iij QF&rxz C5 OSuSj. co Bmaael Fprouta Cueumhers nu ana nrrm rtmei Homalne na Cauliflower Hplnach Head Lettuce Mint Perelmmona New Nuta Mates OOrFEB and TBA DEPAKTaTElVT Courtney's "Lotui Ankola" Coffee uneaiialed for flevor aivd atrenKth; per lb. SRc; or three ha. for. .$1.00 Kldgway's Famoua Teaa, prepared In London Rngllah Breakfast, per pound. S9o Oolong, nor V, pound ...e8o J' Ive O'clock, per pound ;..7Bo Vive O'clock, per pound 40o Five O clock, per 8 pound . . . . fa fla Courtney'a "Lotus" brand Japan Toft no equal for flavor end atrength KLUbJ- 6Bc: H"lb- Pk,r...S5o Lotus Pplcea, per can, lOo, ISo, 85o UQTO BZTAXTMEITT Star French Cognac, per quart 11.00 Hinuggler, Uyear-old Scotch, per quart 11.B0' Canadian Club Whiskey, quart.. SI. 3 Atherton 8-yr. old, bondtil. qt...$i.5(. Old Taylor Whiskey, per quart. .$1.60 Monogram Whlnkey. per quart. . . 75o Cedar Brook Whiskey, per quart il.OO HpanlHlj rry Hherry. per quart. .$1.00 Tarragonla Tort, ner oiiHrl Sinn Fort, Sherry. C la rat, leaburg Sallon tl. as n Larue bottle 350 til 8-year-old Angelica, Mtiaoat, Sherry t. or Port Wine per gallon 81. 78 -'( Full quart 8O0 1 Ratnrday Only (Betweon 5 nnd S - P. M. ) 1'ltF.K a bottle of wine with . each full qunrt of our $1.00 , old "IHia'' Whiskey. V1 We prepay trimaportatlnn charges on all liquor ordera of $3.00 and over, ; , Cisvf C C VaHellne Be and lOo Olycothymolliie ....8Bc, 4Bo and 890 Formuldehydo 80o and BOo Propliylactio Tooth Brueliea, this week ISo Kuhlfoiuri 19o Woodbury's Facial rioap 18o Snow Llnlmcut 8&0 and 4&o Woodbury's tenlnl Cream 19o Arnica T.oth .Si.hp lo' Sitnitol Tonth Powiler 13c I'almolKe Koap 4 for 8jC Scmpie llolne 9o Malvina Cream palmoll vo Ci enn 8o HHiiderine 85c, 4Bo and ao Plnkliam'a 'omimnnd a Laxative Hroinn wulnina 8Bo Forty kinds of Mulled l lxt: ac ta - two bottles for ifff.piT doisoii $1.60