ir Ph T A I T EDITORIAL TACTS 11 TO II 1 TT Whose fcirtiiil.i v Today? look at The Hcc'n birihdsy boos on the editoiial jure of each Kaur. It is uo 'o Interest vou. VOL XLNO. 12fi. OMAHA, SATIUDAV Mol.MNC.. NOVKMIiKli 1.'. V.MO. MXiSU; COPY TWO IT.NTS. ... J. ill .a r ( 00 r X 10 Rochester morlo -1 iilUUt "ijilcn's Suits tad Overcoats Saturday $15 fin "We will pell Saturday these beautiful Rochester made men's clothes, in navy, tan stripe and Scotch mixture materials, all wool worsted and serg-e, at an actual sav ing of from $5.00 to $7.00. Time suits are "every one" this'l garments, made for The Bennett Company. No better value anywhere, sold the town or for $20 and SS2.59 Hattirdsy, one day 15-00. Ask to see our line of $30 suits or overcoats, they r the unequaled kind for hand tailored In beautiful fabrics that add trace and character to every man who wears them. Rm "Extra Good Vabcs" Frcni Oar Annual Thank sfmn Dinnerware China Sale 100-riixn pisxf.h sirrs English Seml-Porcelaln, Rose pattern, set. . -4.fS English Seml-Poroelaln, St. Elmo patterns, 125 value t S14.9S English Semi-Porcelain, Bhamrock. $25 ra., 814, OS English Semi-Porcelain, Regent, $27.50 Ta., 10.50 English Semi-Porcelain, Etheral blue, $24.00 value. t 16.50 American Semi-Porcelain, Maryland, $25.00 value, tor 18.50 American Seml-Porcelaln, Holland bordered. S2h.00 et for 18.50 English Feml-Porcelain, Wood's pheasant, $3li.60 mine for 25.00 American Semi-Porcelain, French border, $38.50 value, aet for 25.00 Hundreds of rare values offered on ample pieces special prices on Havtland and Austrian patterns. This treat sale offers wonderful opportunities to replace your broken piece. We carry all patterns in open stocks. mm UAL HE STOIC WHM IOK rOLLOWt Shopping Elsewhere 1 it lASiisr, RATiarac- - EVERT TRAKE ACTIOST. fi If la EstraTagante. j ITim Exceptional Candy Specials for Saturday BO lbs. Bennett's Flufferta CI c olatee. with the flow inir cen'.-r. Saturday only zto FrMh dipped chocolate caramel. reular 4c a pound We ma them special for Haturolav on'v. '" 25c Fresh Yankee Peanut Brittle. fi tilarly sold for ifc a IK Satur day for 15o r t pounda for 95o Ut Yojr lable Flowers Ficm Bennett's ...".'0 iMHiniftil fn-Mi tut Chrys anthemums. Special hat unlay pru-fs fur th foot ball g.,m"s. 2.T.00 fr li Hoses sold every vbere for ll.f'O and tl 1'5 --!!,-rial Saturday, for 39c Carnations, cut Saturday morning. FJiTlal selling price Saturdav. f-r ,l"7.-ti iio Iirce buncfu' of violeta. Just re celved Suti:rday, for 90c larlj Xmas Shewing DOLLS aND TOYS r BaEa e n i e n1"' r.!'!;. fr tl"1 i-r 'ia toy mid d''ll - i o" lii ru t b.M. l.OOOa cf naw itawea. 1 ocoa or new dotla. The raadeat duplay aver aea la Oniaaa. r-1'1 K i i 1 t-nN -I r'-nrli ;i.inl.i. inoin e,e. . (to iot.a--mii. nn.l f '.ock i inris , rfifiiUr ' 7.". (siiaiuiy rA,- - -Mi'.inli.y 75e o"f Itati-lBome I'reorii iirted loK-. ht iioo tTa e ei 4 j.eCV t.i move null tly. lo0 alue. Siiliiria- 19c Oaniea Pirate and Traraler Niw, lni ru ti e atoi a kvv Himisir fh'iic. o(nintf iia" le. this regular 1 0 rr-..-for only 59o nil A prei'y book will he cnu to eerv rli'M aC(Kmpau ifil by of te parent. We eall tooda now and will de liver them at any fotnra date wanted, liii l our y of beip inp the early tthoppere. Our Big Xmas Handkerchief Ecoth Is Ready Saturday we will open the greatest Xmaa Handketchief sale, which will continue until Xmas, that was ever introduced to the Omaha buying public, llooth located at rear of main aisle. Thousands of beautiful new, dainty patterns, initial, embroidery edge and corners special values at JJ and 10c Saturday TonH Tina Special Men" Japonette H a n d k e r- Children's TT. P. White Plaid in iaoiea rur l. men iniimi cnirn, on n eicn; Kai- nannaercnieia; reeular f,r Handkerchirfa for Bo urtlay Bo quality 8o For Friday Special $1.19 f These corsets are made of a fine grade of coutil and batiste, in ten diBtinct models made with extra sheer string at bust line, extra long skirt, well tm g boned and hose supporters attached Bennett's famous $2.60 mi' I value on sale Saturday for only $189 r we One More Day Boy's Suits Tlmrsdav we offered some exceptionally good suits for boys; our regular $.1.00 and ,50 kinds, for $1.81); and Fold dozens of them. In order to give the boys w bo ar going to school a chance, we mak the same offer for Satur day only. These suits are heavy all wool worsteds and cheviots, serges and fancy mlxturea. with knlcker bocker pants. Dandy good suits for $8.00 and 4 $3.60 Saturday JS I M4 only $1.00 Boys' Knickerbocker Pants. Saturday only 45 Heavy Boys' Orercoats, from $2.t0 up to 3.00 New Vehret Shoes fcr Women, SrvS'nU T.? $3.50 We have Just received the new Telvet. short vamp, stage last, in plain toe, button ladies' shoes, la all siren, that are so popular this scaaon. These shoes are advertised as actual $5.00 () Cf and $7.00 shoes Saturday, exceptional offer, for only.. if O UU Sale of Men' and Women's Sboee In the men's are ahown the new rtuo toee and high arch ln-els, heavy aolem, either button or lace; very appro priate for street or dreaa wear. In the women'a are ahown an attractive line of dull leathers, patents, tans ail siaea In button or lace. Thea- shoos are mad, fur u from skins chosen by ue, In styles we know are Just the kind beat liked In Omaha. They are ehos that actually are worth from 13.00 to $4.t0; our regular selling prlte, only Men's ahoea at Kalf prioe; regu lar I4.U0 shoes fur (4.00 We bought last summer a lot of ehoea. In all size and leathers: heavyi a inter weather soles ahocs made to sell (pis A A for 14.00: Saturday iZ.llll the entire atock for $2,50 Si-a Top Saoea for Child: Juat the shoe for winter wear, made of patent colt, vicl kid and dull leathers. No better shooa onload.: - 958 tO 259 pricea from M III 800 Ladies' Suits and Coats That positively are the best values ever offered. Finer Suits tailors can't make. These values include the Hyman Cohn and Wooltex Garments. Here's The It j man Cohn Suits, and they are finest s'lits we ever offered at this price. They come in wide wale diagonals and two tone striped materials, that for quality of fabrics are dreams, and tailored won derfully in 30-inch semi-fitting jackets, all skinner satin lined, come In 6 different styles, in chestnut brown, black, navy and , gray. Each a disiinctive model, and we are selling them for only 25.00 No I-ess Remarkable Coat Values Uc have 50 tan diagonal cloth coats for Misses' and Indies' sizes, full length, with long roll collar, 2 big patch pockets and turnel cuffs. No coat In town can match these for less than $25.00, Saturday at Bennett's for only 10.00 ' A Smart Assortment of semi-fitting Scotth mixture. In black and white and brown i arid white, with drops of red to add life j to weaver SO-inch jackets, velvet collars; beautiful satin lined, remarkable value, for only 19.50 Stunninz long Scotch Mixture ats In the mannish fabric, elegantly tailored, velvet collar. A snap, Saturday for I only 19.50 i We Have a Ixng Black Coat In all wool I panne cheviot, with large shawl collar in laid with velvet, for only 15.00 Long Black Broadcloth Coat Semi-fitting model, lined to waist with beautiful satin, collar long roll effect, embroiderel with eillt, unmtachable value, Saturday for on,r 19.50 lien's Furnishing Specials $1.00 heavy double breasted blue shirts at': .69c $1.50 wool and cotton ribbed union suits ..-151.00 Sweater Coats from the Ab cot mills, in all shades, at. from $3.50 to 98c Hats Our Men's Hats are the cele brated Croftit k Knapp and J. B. Stetson kind. All new styles and season's shades, from $2.00 to 3.00 Eat re Sample Lse of Post Card Albums Fiesa A. C. UcCior j ' - - Civ tl. t Qt eat Satin! Tfceee samples -contain every site ' and every possible new style post card album known on sale Sat urday at prices from. .3 to 3 Only one of a kind. Big Sale of Standard Bibles from 60c to HI .08 All well bound, some with the thumb Index. We are' making room for our great Xmas stock. Prices on all lines of books greatly reduced for Sat urday only. We are alno showing a wonderful line of beautiful long broadcloth coats, at 25.00. 29.50 nl the Wooltex ooats, at 35.00 One Hundred Xew Fine French Berne Presses With modified hobble skirt effect, waist has the Gibson pleats over shoulder, slit seam down front, piped with velvet, frogs and button trimmins. tinsel lace yoke. These dresses come in navv and black onlv 15.00 rieanelette (km, dainty pink and : blue and white facing materials, j cut as the above models, except ! trimmed with braid, for Satur- j day only tl Xdlea' Tailored Waists White linen finished materials, one style hns six aide pleats down front, other atyle, plain shirt effect, laundered collars and cuffa, spe cial for C1.85 Ladles' Sweater Costs Button close up to rteok, turnover .-ollar. two patch pocketa? sml fitted. In red, white and Bray, for Satur day, only S3 Saturday selling for only Women's Flannelette Oowws Yoke front and back, turned down collars or without collar. In pink, dull blue atripea for Saturday only 7 So Bi Sale d Hair Gcois Saturday . Natural Hair Cluster Puffs, all shades, 75c value, for 392 Natural Hair Cluster ' Puffs, all shades, $1.00 value for.. 50 Natural Hair Cluster Puffs, all shades, $3.00 values, for 1.50 Extra large Human Hair Clusters, will cover entire head regular $5.00 values. Saturday only at 2.50 18-lnch fine W'av 7 -Switche, 2.o0 value, for 1.50 22-inch fine Wavy Switch, $3.60 value, for 2.00 S4-inch extra fine Hair Rolie, oOc kind, for 3SO Large Filk Auto Note, all alaes and shadee two for Bo We carry a very larae ana com plete assortment or imponexi grade hair at pricea very low It y considered. high ual- Still Another Sows Made 01 rtne soft teas eldown, in strives, checks and plain white, lih or without col lar for only.... SI. 95 Xenrth . flannelette Under skirts With plain hemmed or scalloped edge, lleht and dark collar, each BOo Xoas Klmonoa, ersiaa Xtoaig-ns Made of fleeced back materials, some loose, other fitted models, at, each (11.95 Beautiful Keaealine Bilk Petticoats JO-lnch Bunburat flounce. In gray, navy, black, tan and white, special, at, each S5.9S UnJcrwear Wn.rien's Mrir Ytg and Parte $i.t fcfa'ie. partner 1 50 Women's liray fVece.l t"r1'" Su.ts. 7f.c prsde ...BOo Women's hi v fieecvl t'r'-'n Mitts, tl OP grade 790 Children's fleered V'nderTrcar I iis ( to It 19e ItaHan allk i. pink, blue a?"1 white. $:C0 graile 91.95 Italian Silk t. heavv embroid ered. .$0 value S1.9S Neckwear-Veiling Mercerised knitted Wufflera, r.i'i alue 95o .Silk Veiling, all colors. SSc ml .ie values, yar-l lOe I'erslan Nec kwear, new Jabuta end boms, 6o values S&e i'rochet JaUn. Imml made, fc. kind, for 9 So Hosiery lieauliiui Hilii llnsf, fair.O'i u x brand. maOo by l.nrd A Taj Jor in l'la'k j'td f"ho-. pl:ilo ri'1 em hroidered. Values up to tl special sale 89c Sef tie window diply Women's fast blaok, eea-no's niercerlied Hose. lie prad..l5c SOO pairs ladies' fancv e-in,.ie Hoe. rectilar 5c to Mr '.tsos. slightly soiled; Satuula tor nl. per pair ,.19o Boys and girls' medium and heavy ribbed seamless llos 2(e values iBo Gloves Indies' Kid tjloves. i large pearl buttons. In black, gray, white anci champagne, heavy embrhtrt ered: regular $2 00 alj"s. Sat urday for 91.BO Women's Oauntlet Olovee, mostly tan. 9 1 .CO value Otto ladles' and rhlldren'a Qir Gloves regular S0c kind 9Bo 12 and l-button Kid Gloves, reg ular ti.f valuea. slightly im perfect: Saturday 9B0 ..owhere irtih Yoo Mod COATS FX)R GIRLS Ages 6 to 14 years, all wool Melton cloth, in navy, brown and red. Satur day, at 5.00 MILITARY CAPK COATS Made of all wool Theblt cloth, deep cape over shoulder, military col lar, brass buttons, in cadet blue, tan and red. at 12.00 CHILDREN'S SWEAT K K 8 Double breasted, ages 2 to 5 years, white and red , at 1.25 Children's Clothes I5&ctET AGKS 6 TO 14 YEARS Coats of all wool cheviots, also plush, all shades, Saturday, for 10 00 COATS FOR THE LITTLE CHIL DREN Ages 2 to 5. In cloth and velvet, at 3.95. 4.95. 5.95. 0.95 to 10.00 AtiES 6TO 14 Coats in Cari cul, also navy, black, brown and red t 7.05 SWEATERS FOR GIRLS 6 to 14 years. In white, red and gray, for only 1.75 Exception! "Geoi Values "Sitor. day ia Lrc$ asd Tciltt Articks $ 1 .00 Plnuham'e Vegetable Compound for ., Se $1.00 "Vug" Hair Brush TBo 11.09 Durfy'a Pure Malt S9o lac laxative Cold Tableta S00 2Sc While Pine and Tar 80o iOc Martin's Houp Cure 5o tl 00 Hcott's Emulsion, 45o and 89s 15o bottle Anti-chap for chapped hand 13c lr.c black bristle Hair Brush 19H 2ic celluloid handle Tooth Brunei for ....12e TOIXSTS tOc LaHlanchc l"oo 1'ovider 45o lie Colgate's Uemai ?reaii Iso tOo Mexican ( old Cream 95c Ibr Mexican Cold Cream lee 0c Carmen Cold Cream 460 lfr Parma, Ua Trefe, Jeckee Talcum for ec 10c Jan Hose Soai 7c 10c Palm olive hap. ....To Ec Cocoanut fill fcoan ... 4c J",c It. & J. HI. e Powder 9Do 10c Bet io Hiitterm lk loap Be tOc Cralwpple. Kily of the Volley Perfume, per outirn ". ...95c inr Tetlov's Talcum 4c lie Colgate's Talcum ISo 75c Hudiintlne Kaoe Powder 50 o T6c I'ompelan Masaagc Cream . . . .6e 60c Poazonl's Face Powder 6c Turkish Hath Soap. ; cakes.... 95c 20 Swell New Fall Hat Models Including Turbans, Sailors and Some Big Picture Hats Our Regular $10.00 as. These arc not a stock of all-alike patterns. They arc most all different styles and EXTRAORDINARY VALUES Cook Toor ibukifiTis Tnrke; in a Lisk Roister, Oi Sale Saturday A IJsk sanitary self-tasting roast er ia made from one piece of the finest quality ateel, covered with four coats of Liak enamel. These roasters are fully warranted with money back after JO day If not absolutely satisfactory. No turkey can be. cooked better than a Lisk roaater ia certain to roast it, 6-1 b alxe. regular. 11.75 value; Sat urday 91.60 1-1 r. alxe, regular S: .08 value; Sat urday 91.79 12-lb. size, regular $2.95 value; Sat urday 91-93 K-lb. aiae, re-ular tl'iS value: Sat-- urday u 99-39 20-lh. alxe, regular $1.00 value; Sat urday 99.50 IS-1K aixe. regular t J 60 value; Sat-' urriay j S9.9S Other Roaster apeciala atuiduy: t: 00 taory lioaater for 98o t-' I'S Savory Hoaster for fl-S Tiiese are exfeptlonai valuea and should prove exceedingly popular to the Omaha economical housewife. Heats fcr Saturday Fresh Dressed Spring Chicken, at, per lb 12 K Pig Pork Shoulder Roast, lb., at 10 e Fall Lamb Lege, per lb. 10tt Choice Pot Roast. 9c and 7e Veal Shoulder Roast, lb. 9c. 7H Veal Chops, per lb 13 H? Loin Lamb Chops, per lb.. . 15 Lamb Shoulder Roast, lb. 7Wf Lamb Stew, per lb fC Veal Stew, per lb 5 91KS HUU HAMS 6,000 lbe. of Calumet brand aklnned Hams, skinned and fat removed. 10 to l-lb. arerage; Saturday at. per pound 1440 Imported Holland Herring. tln...5e New Mackerel, each Bo BABE MX ST Fruit Special Saturday Extra, Fancy Potatoes, bushel 85 PoUtoes are high now and bound to go higher. These potatoes we bought with an early order, for later delivery. Here is an oppor tunity for you to buy right the same as we did. PoUtoes will go' as high as $1.25 this winter. Fancy Colorado Baldwin or Green ing Apples, bushel box, Saturday at 1.G5 Fancy 8weet Potatoes, peck. -30c 2 large stalks Michigan Celery 5 S large heads Lettuce 50 Fancy California Quinces, doxen SO Fancy Red Onion, lb aVs Old Carrots, old Beeta. old Turnip per peck " New Mixed Nuts, excellent Quality per lb BASZKZVT Here Are Seine Ccrkiag Goid Specials From Oar Grocery Ce;t. Pride of Bennett's FJour, sack.. 91. 30 Bennett s Best Coffee, 3 lbs S1.00 rm EE I&rge salad bowl. aauce dishes or cup and saucer. Tea, asorted, lo. eso 'KEE Large aalad bowl, sauce dishes or cup and saucer. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb. can for 4So niE Kngllsh blue and while cream pitcher. 680 grade Teas, assorted, special, per pound 4S0 Tea Siftlngs, special, lb. pkg.,..12o Bennett's Capitol Pure Pepper, 'i-lh. can 100 40c Jar Tea Garden Preserves .... 2oc 10c can Franco-American Soup...l5o Queen brand Vinegar, qt. bottle.. 90o Rub-No-More Powder. 4-lb. pkg...l5o Hartley's Orange Marmalade Jell v. per jar SOe tiamond Cryatal Table Bait, t sacks. 6 stamps too French Cut Loaf Sugar. 19 alamos. per pkg iSo ' Xtoavle Stamps em Battsrtae aad Cneeee Currants, cleaned, 6 stamps, lb. ..19e Kellog'a Kire Flakea and Hlce 111'- culis, 2 pkga k...S5e fnliler'a Po: and Beans. IS staiois. per can 150 Lily Glycerine Toilet Hoap, ( tH fur 93o Monarch Cut Aaparagua, larf.e iati. 10 stamps 9o Fterllng Gloss Starch, X 1-lb. pkga. 8 Do Hulled Beans with Chicken, 10 stann.-. per can IBo B. C. Baking Powder, 20 stamps, l-lo. ran 9eo Peanut Butter, Jv stamps. 2 jars ujo Dutch Hand Soap. 10 stampa, I caki-, foi , S5o Bennett's Oapltol Pure Maple Syrup: Oallon can SlBt halt gallon can 70c 1 Quart can, special Saiurdsy 95e Oaillaxd's rare Olive Oil Specials Gallon ran 9X75; half gel urn cm 91-45; quart can 75c Peoded Italsina, 10 pkg 19'ia Citron, lxanon and Orange Perl, can dled, 10 Btampa, lb 95o Special Cookie Sale Cream Honey "ookl-e. IU 190 Ittn Tourlat and Graham Cruraers. freh and crlap, 10 alainps. pkg toe Double a tamps on Granulated 8ugur BASKET CARRIERS FOR MAIL oitoffico it to Hate OTerhannff Syittm in Few Day9. I foe tncrecaing the efficiency of the Omaha postoft ce, lias for some time advocated the Installation of this system, and Friday postoft ce, lias for some time advocated I I sii-kt-mne raui vml f f 1 as I I n f rxt-lri as t Inrt to the effect that hi pic had bo-n grvntM A ITW CITIES HAVE IT rMlaaitrr Ubm Hoeelvee 'W'orel tkat Isimesieat Wilt Be " stalled la few Daya lsr svt Office Nearly Heady. minutes before closing time or It will lay over until the next train. With the basket In operation, letters go to the canceling macfitne juat aa fast as they come In. hence there Is notable gain of time. and that tnere would be but little. If uny T The baaket will also be used In various o laj In establishing i. e baskets. 1: la obvious Unit this plan will greatly facilitate the handling of mail. Cnuer the old arrangement th letter boxes in whtch j the public dropo mail along the front of uie Duiii:ng, were irequentiy lau ly wen filled before the letters were tak-n out. j and thtn it waa necessary to transport tht.01 aeroNS the bvillding In a email push can. To carry them over in small minrhca ould tiave coiiavimed t o much tltna. I Noiv t!:e-e is t tie a man sta'ioned at the Ithia a few days the Omaha postoffice j urojj windows Those ole duly t ill be to ill be e-iu.i.ped w th hat it known inpii. t!i letters up aa fast as they come lostal parlance aa "t-,e overhannlng baa- in. .osa iliem into the jurk a evci j ket system." Peraon.s not vraed In post-j and aend them s;eJinc ov er to th dcak tffiee teci.niije mav not comprehend the tf toe canceling clerk. hr letters are s gniflrano of the ovrt h.nd barket at first 'made rrady to go out on trains to their glance. Vit ever) body is familiar with the trolley aystem when by department at re iash Is at from counter to wrapping station. The poatofric overhead basket Works along the saute principle. Its miasno bHng to carry letter a fiom the drop boxes to tbe front of the build ng to the cancel ing machine In the rear. I-'ostmaster Tbomaa. ever on the alert various destinations. other ways. A special delivery letter, for example, will be conveyed by basket In staittaneoualy to the desk of tbe special delivery clerk. Instead of the more primi tive n.ethod of sending It across the val floor apace by a messenger on fwt. In fact, there are multitudinous uses for the banket,- and Postmaster Thomas purposes to exact full mcaaure of service from the Invei.tioa. Cht.-ago and 81. Lcula are the only citiea went of Philadelphia a here the basket Idea Is In for--. Ft. Paul. Minneapolis. Kan&ai City, Ienver and various oCicr citiea of lirportance are behind Omaha in this re spect. ' We hope to be using our depot station by the flrat of December or soon there after." said Postmaster Th'.mas Friday. "The roof Is now bctiij finished ar.d the building la practically icajy for occupation. Wholesale men are enthusiastic over tola AGED PIONEER PASSES AWAY John W. Eicholi Diei at Hii Home Friday Yorain.. BODYGUAED TO ABE LINCOLN Waa Ceardias the White Ilvaiee the Msht Presldeat l.lacola Waa Asaasslaated lived Here KQrty-Tstei Years. White House on the night of Lincoln's as sassination. Mr. Nichols was a native of Pennsylvania and had lived In Omaha forty-three years. Prior to accepting a watchman's place at the federal building he waa employed by a local Unseed oil company. He leavea a wife and six children. Had he lived until January he would have been 7t years old. Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed, but tl la probable that tbe Odd Fellowa and Grand Army of the Republic will Join In the obsequies. ! RICHMOND WOULD BE CLERK jAijers Hair Vigor . Stainless Mirk Tlsae Sated. This means ia maay instances a tweiie- hour urinf c.f time la the arrival of t ; tilrincemstit, as It lnautea tr.tra much letter, for It Is possible under the basket earlier delivery of mail, and I hare re system to get a letter into the mall al-jcved nuroeroua congratulatory letters on moat right up 10 the minute of departure the Installation of the depot aervlce." for the railway station. For Instance. It ia I now neoea:y to mall a letter several CONCERT PAYS FOR PIANO 1 - as j 1 af-tu -a. u.u. v Affair Katse Faal ler laatrasseait. A lare gathering attended the musial cunrtrx riven by the cor.grt t-j...n 0( First Ewedieh Methodist Kpls opal church Friday nis'ht. The concert waa beld for tbe purpose of raising funds to pay for the new rnurca piano. Miss Kdlth Collais piesied tbe avMllence wllb several eungs. John W. Xlcholb, for ten years a federal ! building watchman, died suddenly Friday ! mornlnn while sitting In . chair st hia 1 home. Z'U North '!' enty-wihtli avenue. Heart diseaxe, it is suppored. was the liri- mediate Cause of death, allhoukU the vet- I eran watchman had been aifferine from a oomiditallon of ailments for several weeks. "I don t feel quite right this morning." be aaid to tiia wife, a few minutes before the death atroke came, but there waa noth ing In hia appearance at that time to Indi cate that the end waa near. Mra. Nichols walked across the room to ber busband s side when be remarked that be waa not feeling well, and he breathed hia last almost at. soon as the reached him. John W. Nichols was a tOKlier for the union trroujehout the civil war, and hia Intense lo)lty to the federal flag goes w.tu j him to bia gra.e. He waa extremely patriotic, belnti literally willing, say ttue who know him beat, to gise b.s lite fur bia country. During a Part of the trouultaom da s of the 'aua Mr. Nichols served aa bodyguard to Abranain IJncvlii and he was a duty with other aolatcra guarding the Newspaper Maw aspires to Pewltla thief Clerk, f the Uwri lloaae at l.larela. of Colonel IL C. Kli hmond, well known to the newspaper fraternity, will be a candi date fur chief clerk of the house at the impending ealon of the a Late legislature. Richmond announced to friends Friday that he had fully made up hia mind to enter the race, and that he did so upon the request t a number of old members promi nent la affaire of the last session who have been re-elected. Mr. Richmond was a candidate art the last session and failed to oonnect by a slr.rla vote. 'Since ao many of the old membera have aaaured Die their aupport, I feel like getting Into the game." said Richmond. "It la an Important poaljon, reasonably lucrative ar.d legitimate, a id 1 think It entirely worthy of the ambition of anyone." Moat Htsirrfal Ilewllsis. After suffering mar.y j care with a sore. Amos King. Port Byron. N. waa cured by Burklexi'a Arnica t-'alve. ZrC. For aale by Beaton Drug Co- Mrs. H. P. Haze, Oldest Resident of the City, Dies At Afe of Kinety-One Teari Pioneer Fuses Away, Leaving Severity Two Grandchildren. Mrs. H. P. Hare, eald to hare been the oldeat inhabitant of Omaha, was hurled Wednesday afternoon at Pel la, la., follow ing funeral services at the home of her I daughter, Mrs. A. Doedyna. In Omaha. ! Mrs. Haze waa 91 years old and la survived 1 by eight children, seventy-two granchildren and sixty great-grandchildren. Death was due to old age. Mra. was born In Holland. Khe came to Amer ica with her husband in 1K4. She waa tbe mother of twelve children, Tboao of tbe children who survive her are Mra. A. Doedyna of Omaha, Mra. Walter Vanrti-r-creek of Omaha, Mrs. If. HuisiuKh cf lluil, K. D.; Mra Simon Plooster of Orange City. Ia. ; Mrs. P. Koopman of Omaha, A. Kaae of bheldon, la.; II. P. Haze of O Dan and Andrew Haze of Pelia. Ia. SPECIAL FOR CRETE FANS Foot Bait Warriors to Be Accaai awale4 br aa Bis Sqaad of It o I era. Bellevve'a foot ball team, acconripanie-l by a number of rooters of the school, will Journey to Crete. Neb., next Saturday, No vember It. to meet the warriors of that place. Both the Brilevue and the Crete elevena have had exceptionally fine records for such small colleges In tins teasor. a games, and they are about evenly matchid. ao a good game la expected. A special train over the Burlington has been ar ranged for ahd the Beilevue supporters In tend to Invade the Crete men's terrltoty and Sid their team to win. t K t ; In this food you get all of the nutritive properties of cornbir.ed cereals Wheat, Rice, OaU nd LUrlcy. Try it Ask Your Grocer.