Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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Boss ol the Establishment
A lltl Abacnr Mow
1 Then I" HHlnHi
AM Marrlwt Mn.
New Style Opera Bonnet
in Fro vmi'
mi; iu;K: omaha. tii-sha,. m .-..mhmc i:uu.-
fA. Vr:'- - Y
. .. , . PHOTO r U FSDfcK. i
M'mi- 111. iir'Jrletital.'TicaddrrMi than a
staid aodcMJiventhtiial bat In tlia doliitht
fully piquant little opera, bonnet which In
worn this season with rich evening coats.
Thin little, bonnet (akm the place of the
scarf wUTl h- many women twin led over
their hair fir i Fhort Journey through the
i roots o tn a, public vonveyance or taxi-
cab to theater or opera last winter.
The bonnet In, of rouree, feather tlirht,
anj Is usually soft and crushable and easy
to take care of wlimi one's wraps are re
moved. Thin headdress la of gold lace
with a border of Mold fringe, and the
sweeping aigrette Is in the fasltlonable
Offers a , Bonus on All Babies
' Born in New Flat Houses
jNAMC WAttf fir?
(h LETTER. 1
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ho Work fOR J urt
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Were toui
Ju4T an5l0 scrap op
"Tun won't be Umenotue. will you?"
asked the Hons' Wlf. tiovofiilly .
"Imeaomrf I should say not! stoutly
dxclalme.1 the Kum of th Kaitabliahment.
"1 won't know yon are out vt the noose."
With the a-stuken-ss of hi kln l. th Moss
thouuht he a doln his 'If-' a service
by s.vsurlnK her that she wo.ild not be
mlsenl on the Joumsy sh waa aNnit to
undertake and he was sl'ahtlv dlsmased
by her pouting look of dlsapplnt!nt-tit.
"What will you do all dy Sunday she
aakrO wistfully.
"What I always do." the Hos repih'O.
"Sleep late, have tnf breakfast aiound 11
clock, read the Sunday paix-ra. an.1 I
k nd of think I'll e1ve the collie a shampoo
and eoinb snd brush that hide of hla."
The Boss' Wife preserved a long and
Wounded xlleuce. When she finally oke
It was In her shallowest and most lurtaH'o
"With thnt throbbing program before
yoU," she said, "I cn see how foolish 1
was to think that you would mind whether
I was here or not."
"You know vwy well that I don't cure
about your mlnar." the llimi ndnilttod. "but
you've only one aunt and she's 111 nnd hns
sent for you, and I axroo wtlh yon that In
common decency you oiiK'ht to no 1'e
sldes," he ndded. tulschlevouslv, "vou
know the proverb, 'A little absence now
and than is relished by all married men.' "
tn his secret soul the Woss cherished a
futile hoiK thet his wife. If properly
(ron.led. might give up tho proposed trip
violently to belnc washed or even combed,
and the Boss made only tlia most perfunc
tory effort to overcome the ohjaotlon,
He decided HhI Woof-Woof was un
grateful, unreliable and not worth the)
money ha had paid for lilm.
Altogether It waa a melancholy, de.leetadi
Pons that sat down to a solitary mid
day meal, snd later went out In the back
and spend her Sunday at home with hlm.j-ard tr, rake the leaves. '
Strange a It tnay eeent there la a land
lord' In New York -city who. Instead of
refusing'. to' rent to families with children
has announced that he only want's chil
dren In hi houses, but that he Intends to
give a goodly .donation tii cash to the fam
Ihjr whlolt Shalt -be-His 'ftvs to glv w-el-coine
to "Iootor Ptorh' In his flats. And
further tlian that, this really stranRo
landlonl of v flat houh-e rays that be .nay
not confine tke giving of a donation for
th first visit of lr. Stork, but may give
something vry tlmo there Is a child born
In his flats.
Already there are cheers arising In AY li
the owner of this Idea
hese a)arttnents are to
one among the poorer
classes of Wllliamxbtu-g wants to know who
this landlord tiklgrt be. Kor not only docs
he want babies In his aiuutiucnts, but he
has made a.mtUer propokltlon that really
astounds, t)iua who ltve to py rent and
l AJreaoy mere are
llanisburg, where tl
Uvea, snd where tin
be erected, .Kvery
-!. 1 1 (,
It being the Intention of Mr. Schwenk to
rsxe them and erect on the site a large
tenement house, forty thousand dollars
waa paid for the property, and the work
of racing the buildings has Just been
started. When the new tenement has been
completed, Mr. Schwenk will put Into oper
ation his original Ideas on what he calls
oo-ouratlon between the rent payer and
the rent receiver.
Mr. Schwenk, In telling of his novel plans
for the betterment of the tenants In the
house he la about to have built,' declared
that these Iduaa have been formulated
after a thorough study of conditions In
Williamsburg for the last twenty years.
The soctlon, he says, la not losing by the
change In population that has taken plane
xlnce the opening of the Williamsburg
bridge. The new residents are loyal oltl
zens and work hard every; day. All loyally
raise large families and should .be helped
In thus showing their fine citizenship.
Artistic Window Draperies
J3Y :f :Fi
RK MMJ C&i. m BaM gSMrssa
that i.lriglit-(iliK lo oui-r landlords who
chase the almighty dollar. This Indeed
novel landlord, says that he believes poor
families ara flng tuo high rents, and
he proposes that this Shall be remedied
In bis apartment-"
Several weeks ago this ownar of property
and original Kleaa of hllanthropy, Mr.
lAdlslaus W. J. Schwenk, who is a banker
at Iledford avenue and Urand street, was
passing through the sm-tion aiound his
buaineaa place and noticed that as It was
a hot nlKht th men, women and children
of the crowded, .neighborhood were -sleeping
in the doorways. It struck him that
conditions like he saw should not prevail,
and he forthwith de.rided to relieve them.
The two frame buildings at tl and 59
Beaiford avenue were purchased soon after,
A touch of artlatlo Individuality may be
displayed tn materials for window, hang
ings that are Inexpensive, as one woman
whose Income Is limited and who likes
pretty surroundings has proved by select
ing attractive hangings from cross barred
crinoline such as Is used for stiffening
dress materials.
When purchased, tho material) which was
white and barred off With a fairly heavy
cord In squares of about aalf an Inch, was
stiff. This she put Immediately Into a tub
und rinsed, dried and rinsed again to re
move all starch. Then, while the fabric
whs .(lump, she pressed It with a heavy
Iron and when done the material resembled
one of the coarse lace nets so much In
vogue for windows. This u. as every one
knows, costs more than five time tho sum
paid for crinoline.
The curtains hung to the sill, from the
top of the frame, and were finished with
deep hems, put In by hand. Ball fringe
makes them more dressy. The material,
treuted In that way, bad smartness, and
will wear Indefinitely.
Very coarse unbleached cotton In natural
color Is another Inexpensive material whloh
Is effective for windows. For a bedroom
having two window four seta of what
might be called sash curtains were made
of the muslin by thla same original woman.
The curtains had deep hums and were
finlshtd down the front edges and across
the bottom with tiny cotton ball fringe.
At the tops of the window frames were
small brass rods and other rods were
placed across the windows In the middle
where the top sash stops. Each of the
latter rods held a pair of curtains. The ad
vantage of this arrangement is particularly
obvious for dty use, where windows must
be covered, yet light admitted. The top
aet can be pulled back leaving the lower
pair together, or vice versa, or when wished
I both sets may be pulled back.
Seersucker makes pretty curtains and It
does not require Ironing when washed.
Monday Tom has written me such hor
rid letter. He wants to know In the most
casual way what has become of me, and
asks why I don't come to town. Whenever
I used to go up for gome shopping I would
telephone him, and we would have tea
together somewhere In the afternoon. He
wants to know If I don't like the brand of
tea he serves.
I wrote htm that It was such fun down
here I haven't been able to find time for
the city, and that his tea was very good,
only, I thought, as long as he asked me
I did prefer Kngllsh breakfast to green.
He will be dreadfully Irritated at that
I am sure. I am rather disappointed In
myself that I don't feel more badly about
him. The day he left here, and ha said
goodbye so coldly, and he acted aa though
he didn't care whether he ever saw me
again or not. I felt awfully unhappy all
that day. I hardly ate any dinner and
was sure I should not sleep all night. I
wns prepared to pare the floor for hours
and weep quarts. I went upstairs very
early, as I felt too heartbroken tit read
or do anything like that But how do
people pace the floorT I couldn't paoe a
bit. I threw myself on the bed. expecting
to burst Into tears, and thought very hard
about Tom.
Tha next thing I knew I realized that I
waa wondering whether I'd hava my black
chiffon made over green satin this winter
or a lovely shade of pale blue I saw the
other day, I was disgusted with myself and
sat up perfectly furious. I couldn't resist
must If she Is engaged tD him. I suppose
I had better write and congratulate him,
however, or he may think I am piqued.
The country la getting so cold that I am
glad I am going to New York so soon. It
' neLkJ'' ihac story very well"
JY. Hs koealuUing it fur
The t old fetorwge Wall.
"Say, Boss. I worked off some of that
cold-storage butter today," said tha new
clerk, wltii an air of one who expected a
"Indeed! Well, that's good! Who .drew
the prlxeT" said the pleased grocer; for It
was getting to be a difficult thing to do.
"Why, I sent It to Mr. Hash around on
Board street."
"Oh, thundering guns!" exclaimed the
grocer, hla tone changed and his faoe
drawn in a pucker. "Why, you blamed
Idiot, I baid at that woman's house!"
Llppi neon's.
laetllable Heaalt.
Mrs. Oabshaw How will we know when
women T-ave succeeded In politics? .
Crabfhaw As soon as we begin talking
stout the woman higher up Judge,
is simply freezing when one Is driving and
my hands get so cold I oan hardly hold the
reins Kumetimes. Amy goea to the vIUkkci
with me every day, und abuses my driv
ing. I think I drive beautifully myNelf,
and can do so with one hand, and read a
newspaper with the other, and never run
Into anything. And It isn't as though the
horse was an old cow. He's anything but
He has been known to execute a regular
can-can at the mere sight of. an automo
bile. He Is so acouHtomed to my touch
now that he Jogs along in the most quiet
way usually.
Jim said scornfully once, "Pooh! Who
couldn't drive that horse. Here, I'll take
him up to the blacksmith's while you're
In the shop," and he started off, and In a
few seconds was a mere speck on the
horlion. He appeared again In the village
in about a quarter of an hour, looking
rather fatigued, and still saying, "Pooh,"
only not quite so carelessly.
The darling (I mean the horse) does run
away occasionally, but I don't mind a bit,
as It shows he's In good form. It was too
bad he should hava behaved so badly and
run so far the last time Aunt Georgette
was with me, but she was giving me a
free lecture on how to converse with a
really nice young man should I ever know
one which she doubted and the possibility
of such a thing made me so neyrous
quite lost control of the reins. When Amy
got out of the cart thla morning she had
a very scant skirt on, and when she
started to walk forward found herself
held buck by the hem of the skirt, having
caught on the step. I roared. Ehe did
look so odd. Th express man stopped at
that moment and told us there was a large
box of candy at the express office. I
said: "It's for me, lnn't It?" He replied
with a hideous grin that It was directed
to Miss Amy. She laughed loudly then
and we drove to the. express office Imme
diately and found It was a box of woolen
uhdcrvestH that Aunt Oeorgctte had sent
down to her. Amy Is goln to credit them
as soon as she can.
This put her tn such a bad humor that
she began to criticise my driving again,
and said she supposed 1 mode that kissing
It was Inpursuanoe of this Idea that he
remarked casually. "Really dear, you don't
need to worry about me. If I pet at all
lonesome I'll run up to town In the after
noon. There'll be some sort of show open
stared concert, maybe or at any rate, I'll
run across some one of the follows I
If anything could have halted the lady's
proposed exourslon It would have come to
an end there and then.
But though she wore during th rest of
the afternoon a worried and puzzled look,
she persisted In her departure snd hade
the Boss a subdued farnwell at the station.
The Boss walked away from the swarm
ing depot with a light heart.
It wan not unpleasant to stroll along
Broadway wtlh no thought of having to
catch th .: to get back to Mountalnvllle
In time for dinner.
It would be very agreeable to dine 'n a
chop house, he knew. If only he could find
some one to keep him company.
But the only frlonds he encountered were
all married men . resolutely homeward
bound, and tha 6.45 for Mountalnvllle found
him In hl acoustomed place, jogging home
aa sedately as If his wife were giving a
dinner party.
He spent a iolttary evening nnd devoted
some portion of It to wondering why he
had not relished the exceptionally good
dinner hla wife had ordered for him.
Woof-Woof, the dog. laid an Ingratiating
nose upon his knee; hut, missing his cus
tomary welcome, wandered sorrowfully
away. '
Next morning the Boas did not feel any
better. The Sunday papers were stupid
The gloom of autumn had never entered
the Boss" soul before, but now he watnhafl,
tho scurrying leaves as If they were be
ing swept upon his own grave
Oolng Inside the house he heard the reat-
lees patter of Woof-Woof's feet on the
second floor, and going up found the dog
wandering and sniffing from room to room,
and littering every now and then a faint
whimpering Inquiring whine.
There was r.o cloi:ht about It! Woof-
Woof wan searehlns for his absent mis
tress and tho Boss was pleased by the
performance that he took him down to the
dining room and fed him two lumps of
In the ordinary run of events Woof
Woof never got sugar except when the
Boss waa out of the house and knew noth
ing about It.
After this Incident the Boss Hood Un
certainly for a few momenta. Suddenly
he spoke:
"Woof-Woof's got more senso than I
have," he observed. "He knows what's
the matter with him! . Come on Woof
Woof, we're going to take a little walk
down to the station!"
When they were nearly at their destina
tion the Bosn encountered his next door
"Keeping bachelor's hall. I hear." said
his fellow commuter, pleasantly. "How're
you making out?"
"Splendidly," the Boss answered, "Woof
Wroof and I have been iiavlng the time of
our ' lives."
Then he stalked solemnly Into the sta
tion, called for a telegraph blank ' and
wrote two words: .
"Come home."
it seemed to htm. Woof-Woof objected tCopyrlght. 1910, by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
VEST8." getting the dress out of the closet, though,
and trying It ever samples of blue and
green. After I had decided on. the blue I
thought of the sleepless night I was going
te pas, and went to bed and fell asleep
almost immediately,
I did feel rather blue yesterday after
noon and oould sea myself a lonely woman
in the years to eonie. I should never
insury, probably, and would occupy a.
quiet little villa In Italy, and would always
have some bright young girl staying with
me whe would never be able to pierce my
reserve. Bhe would confide her home af
fairs to me and I would look sadly on at
her Joyousneae, Then I thought that I
might go on living her all the year round
and marry tha profvtutor.
He at least would always be faithful
and true.
To my amaaement air. Wilton told me
this morning that he Is engaged. Imagine
his being engaged. It Isn't posklble. Why,
he's quite an old man, and so frightfully
ugly. It seems dreadful VI rs. Wilton says
his fiance baa known him fur years and
la gray haired and quite middle aged. It a
really quite awful to think of. Heaven's 1
weuder If ahe kluaea him. Of ceuree ahe
sound 1 1 knew It was rotten form before
she said so Just the same), out of sheer
force of habit. Really, at times Amy Is i ...i,,twt i, w (inirt
Daughters of Famous Men
fc 1 1 " " " e . M r.e.C I. vT'
Twill fVlTA'T SV a 4MIMlfc,M
Miss Gertrude Kingston, the English ac
tress who has attracted special attunlion
recently by opening her own exclusive little
theater In London with a classlo Greek
play, was born In London In 18t, although
her father, Hugo Konstani, was a Ger
man, while her mother whs an Italian. Hhe
was educated at, Bavaria, by
private tutors, and at Bedford college,
London. She married the lale Colonel sil
ver of the famous "Black Watch" regi
ment. After leaving school Miss Kingston's am
bition to become a painter led her to Paris,
where she studied In the studio of Coralus
Duran. Hhe was attracted to the theater
after her success In uniateur theatricals,
not only disgusting but distinctly vulgar.
New Automobile Veil
Now that fur and marlhou are so popular' I any ae between 17 and seventy years may
for trimming evening gowns it may be well
to give a word of caution as to Its ar
rangement. Kor Instance, the cuff of fur finishing the
short sleeves Is exceedingly fascinating
when seen on the display figure, hut unless
vtir tl,em successfully.
The blaok and white effects are exceed
ingly smart, while those In the Iridescent
tunes are lovely.
A blonde should rhoose a hut of the
laiter kind, for the soft greeny blum and
woman has an etpecially good figure It I flashes of bronze will h euei'la!tv I
Is seldom becoming, because the hands cut
Ohe figure and Incidentally shorten It.
When one Is In doubt the better plan will
be to take a narrow fur and trim the sleeve
In snake fashion, starting at the lower
edge, inlday between the Inner seam of
the sleeve and the outward edge of the
arm, passing under the latter and appear
ing again In the front an Inch or m re
above the lower edte.
The upier band stops about two Inches
from the Inner seam of the sleeve.
The Pocahontas fe-athera, standing up ail
around the hat, aie seen thla saaioii after
being In the background fr.r many months.
Though a good father Is lather expwn
ene, it is al-o tconoinical, because no
other It ncensary aud it will a I. so
en to iOvi defu Irucles of a naif worn
peared as I-ady Hilda In "Broken Hearts."
Her training In Sarah Thome's company
at Margate gave her the necessary experi
ence to make her successful professional
j Cue little i:t4ni.V !.os are made from
i white bio je embroidered a.n.1 tr!mm
The roeettes or fancy Jewelled buttons ; ,lle to w h f j f
may finish the ends of the fur. row l,fad,( '"
The new father are charming Ml" h y , ,U,"n Tt,,s '"' ' ' l
end so generally becoming that women of ar1
debut at the Haymarket In 1958 In " Part
ners." with Fir Herbert Tree. Hhe next
appeared In "Woodbarrow farm" at the
Comedy, and "Now Lamp or Old" at the
same theater.
In her next role, that of Kachael Dennl
son. In "Tares," she proved her powers
as a tragedienne, returning to comedy as
Mrs. Helwjn In "A Tool's Paradise." After
several other Important engagements she
was Invited by Wyndham to represent a
different type In "The Case of Rebellious
Husan" at the Criterion. Hhe created Mrs.
d'Archy In "The l'aisport." Connie Uage
In "The Maneuvers of Jane," and other
roles at Terry's, the New theater, the
Court and other loading Lundon houses.
During the Boer war aliss Kingston vol
unteered as a nurse and her service were
so efficient that sh was mentioned In dis
patches by Earl Huberts In September, 19ol.
Despite her activity as actress and now
as manager, Miss Klngxton has not fur
gotten her earlier art study. Hhe has Illus
trated several books for clilldren "Dreams
Dances and Disappointments," "The May
pole" and "The Paby's Debut," In which
she shows a s mpathetlc knowledge of
young folks.
Bhe has written a number of short
stories and magazine articles,
(Copj right, lain, by New York Ileiald Co.)
He gold you were lacking- In
Jut one thing."
"And that wmg ?
Daily Health Hint.
Every line of the human figure should
be alive, flowing, changeable, according
to Dr. Woods Hutchinson In Outing.
Whenever we try to fix It well, we fix Itl
As our Indian wards aay, "fix It plasty.
The less we do In the way vf "Improving"
our figure, the lers ued they will have of
improvement. Take care of our play and
our figures will take care of themselves!
What's the I ae. .
He bought an mrh!p new and trim;
Ntxt thing the pour man heard,
His wife desired It on her hat
iiecause 'twas such a bird. T. J5. it.