mi: hkt;: omatta. sati udav. novkmiuik :. i ;io. D D Oar Bit" ft pact al sale All on rages Voir and Tan. Saturday is the Day for All Who Are in Search of a Piano Bargain CLOTHING COMPANY SUITS and OVERCOATS 20 iAlllM'A!mia'Ma'i.Mt.fTg : iB l l a v 7 fir v ur .p .ar m r if d w m r m w sr r riri . j rr w m- m j- w mm m jmm m r j j a? f x J mi - a I lift iiiw 13 'I n F:: - ii ni 1 A SPECIAL SALE OF UNDERWEAR In medium and Heavy Weights Women's Fine Rlbbsd Cotton Fleece Lined Union Suits Pun white, tfood quality, nil sizes, spe cial for Saturday, worth up to f!Q $1, nt, each " "JL Women's longsleeved Corset Covers Finn ribbed, t.-ipe waist and neck repu- lar and extra sizes 1 0 '''' stieeinl ULf ' Children's Vests, Pants and Drawers V X-'m ir .... 1 1: :i.i rttflf i!f':W fleeced grey, white and blue ir Q V-Itl extra pood quality, each svv 7.':.!; . Misses' very fine ribbed cotton & fleeced Union Suits Oeam colored extra good quality, all sizes yQ special LvKj Munsing Cndsrwear for Women, Hi3ses and Children In fiiK- ribbed cotton, fleece lined, part wool and all wool. Union suits, vests and pants garment 49c 98c $1.50 $1.98 up to $2.98 ; '. Women's Italian Silk Underwear It&lUn atlk vpsts plain with silk ribbon trimming pink, Mue nd white worth 1.98 f ar spfdal Women's Ita iai Silk Vests Fine embroidered fronts, very dainty patterns all Blzes, pink. blue and white worth $3, at $1.98 KIB GLOVES Women's 2-Clasp Gloves Finest Grenoble kid-black, white, tan, grey, blue, green and all fancy shades. Fitted to the hand, np Qf) pair .$lldmQU Women's one and tww-clasp French lambskin and mocha gloves black, grey, blue green, tan and white at, 1 9C t.U Cliamolmtr Gloves Extra heaTy, brown, blue, black, grey and chamois color, at, pair 50c pair Women's 1-Claap English Walking (JloYen New tans. All sizes, Bargain square worth $1.25 pair, at Children's Astrakhan . Mittens Mocha Palm fleece lined brown, grey and white, worth 60c pair, at pair. 85c 25c AND Suit US) x k Ml W apprccUta th jrt satnand for Bulta and Orarcoata at thaaa popnlar prtcaa, asd ara allowing- our trada apaoial valuaa. Tbaaa Ir manta ara tailored parfaotly, from ebolca fabrlca, dnrabla lintuga and otbar trlmminga, anj ara poalUTaly worth fifteen aad Twenty Dollara. Positivsly the Bsst Trouser Values in the City AT 1.90, 93.50 and 93.00 wa have trouaera that ara built extra atrong to wltb atand tba hard every day atraln. k Tronaara any man can wear with pleaaure. AT 93.50, 94.00 ADD 9r 00 wa allow an exceptionally fine line of troneere. Beau tiful pattern, cuatoui tail ored from choice fabric. Your made-to-ordr tailor would charge you double for the equal. Sweater Coata, In nil new colors, at 9ea and 91-98 Boya' Winter Cape, fnr In band, a 6O0 value at 95c Man' tJnlnn Bulta B80, 91.50 and 91.93 1 HOSIERY SALE Woman's pure thread heavy silk hos iery all silk and silk with lisle soles, double heels and toes, wide hem gar ter tops black,' tan and light evening shades worth f 1.60, flfip at, pair tOL k Women's Imported lisle and cotton hos iery fancy silk embroidered silk clocks, all-over lace and lace 'boots black and light col ors at, pair Men's Pure Thread Hllk Hosiery-Some with lisle soles, double heels and toes black, tan and 9Ql UOKj fancy at, pair Women's Iure Thread Kilk Hosiery Odd lots plain silk, wide hem gar ter tops, aUo Richlleu ribbed, spliced soles, double heels rn and toes, pair DSC . BIT2APJDE1S STOKES an- . ji wa.t.ww im.i, ai .. i wm Aua ,1 1 i I Mil RIETOR3 A 7 Year Old 1 WHISKEY Bottled in Bond The smoothest, mellow est whiskey on the market and a' revelation to users or ordinary lour or live- ft rear-old brnnds. Tlie :un m is vouched for by the gov ernment stamp. If you want a whiskey that is really worth while, a whis key absolutely dependable for sickness or all home purposes, use Hiller's Old Standard. Order some today. Full Quart Biltle, $1.25 1 IIAYDEN'S PIANO DEPARTMENT will be the busiest spot in town Satur day, providing the readers of this advertisement tako advantage of the wonderous saving offers. If you ever intend purchasing a piano for your home, DO IT NOW, IT WILL PAY. You can afford to give your old piano away and furnish your home with a new high grade instrument. We are offering these pianos at such low prices because they are sample instruments not carried in our regular line. Here are a few of the values we offer: $200 Upright $125 $275 Upright $150 $250 Upright $175 $275 Upright $200 $300 Upright $225 $350 Upright $250 $375 Upright $275 $400 Upright $300 Compare the qualities and prices on the above pianos with any of the so-called piano bargain offers in Omaha and you will AT SIGHT BE CONVINCED THAT FOR REAL PIANO BARGAINS HAYDEN'S is the place to go. Call and inspect our PLAYER PIANOS. We have the finest line of PLAYER PIANOS in the city. Note the following makes: Knabe, Emerson, Angelus, Fischer, Cecilian, Milton, Schaeffer, R. S. Howard, Price & Teeple, Stratford and others. We will sell one of the above PLAYER PIANOS, 83 note, full size, fully warranted, on Saturday for $375 with 25 rolls of music, bench and scarf. Highest of qualities, lowest of prices and easy terms, with all pianos. Free Stool, Free Scarf. AY -BRO Trie Old guni'vrana Egrsgsra msnBMwwLa .D .i-a 1 i75Tn sjgjfV E33BSU3C CPS33CBE Fcur Full Qinrls, $4.40 Six Full Quarts, $6.50 Case 12 Qiiaris, $12.00 Four quarts or more ship ped prepaid. If it' comes from Hiller's it must be good. Hiiler Liquor Co. 1309 Farnam 'Both Phones Prompt City Delivery. a jwi'i III 1UP H..IL"-!i.JI'.yi 5 Our Young Men's Shoes We ran meet the Young Man's fancy In nwell footwear. We've some very radical styles In Kail Shoe. Most or those very Natty Young DreHsers keep their rye ou this Shoe Store for the right uhoes, and we always deliver the goods. Thore are Shoos of BliW'k and handsome new colored leathers Freak. SmIuk and Straight laats, Military hwl Drop toes, per forated Ul, ViiiHi, etc. All the wellnes than ran be worked Into a pair of shoes. $a.50 $1.00 J $5.00 We've a blooming garden In Shoe swartuess, that Young Meo will fully appreciate, and we deem It a pleasure to show our shoes. JUST FOR Saturday ! $3.50 Per Pair Instead of $6.00 l L Gold Filled Eye Glasses or Spectacles ' The lnM. of cours. will be the wry s"fl of crystal tliHt haa made my optical department (amoui. The fitting will be In . charge of a HKALLV expert graduate optl laa. There U only one difference 'twlxt til'R optician's work and that of a hi ifh-priced occullst a, and THAT'S TH B 1'KK'K. Remember 5 00 (laraea for 1M. TJandelberg 1522 FARNAM ST. At the Prices Meat Sayden Market ros. are 6elling at, they should not be only FIRST, but 6houId get all the trade; especially those who have little to spend, as a little money goes a long way at the Hayden's Market. The prices below will convince you : Mutton Leg Gc Mutton Slioulder Roast 5c Mutton Stew, 7 pounds for 25c Mutton Chops rib or loin 3 pounds for 25c Boneless Hib Roast 1212-' and 10c Pot Roast 8c, 7f and 6c Shoulder Steaks, 3 pounds for 25c Pork Ivoast Ill Hams .. .. 15tf Picnic 11am 12ltC HEATS DOWN Fresh Dressed Chickens, per pound 10V4 8 lbs. Jyeaf Lard, at $1.00 FIR Pork Roast, per pound 10 tt Native Steer Steak, per pound 10 bittr Pot noust 8tt and 64 Boiling Beef, per pound EV4? Young Lamb's Legs lO'i Lamb Chops, per pound Ii3? Lamb Stew, per pound 4Vi Young Veal Roast, per pound 10 n1 84 Young Veal Chops, per pound 10 Young Veal Stew, per pound Prime Rib Roast 10 Morrell's Bacon, per pound 20 3 pounds Pail Lard, for 40t? 2,000 Jbs. Cudahy Hams, per pound 16 Armour and Cudahy Bacon, per pound 19 FROM 7 TO 9:30 P. M. PORK CHOPS 15c PORK ROAST OVaC HUTTKK, EGGS A XI CHEKSK. Package Creamery 32 Strictly Fresh Eggs (every one guaranteed), dozen 27 C Fancy Table Butterine (In cartons), pound 20 Pure Peanut Butter (In bulk), per pound 20 COAL WOOD COKE Try Our Public Market Special Nut, per ton. $G.00 Lump, per ton $6.50 Yellow Pine Wood for furnace or grate, per cord. . .$8.50 Rock Springs, Saginaw, Benton and Carney Soft Coal. Pennsylvania Hard Coal all sizes. Kindling Wood with Each Cash Order. TELEPHONE DOUG. 5842; A-3642. Partridge (EL Thompson Co. DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE AT 10:80 A. M AN DSP. M 1610 Harney St. Phones, Doug. 2144 and tad. A2147. The boy will wear out more shoes than all the rest of the family unless you let him war Our Boys' Shoes That's a strong statement when it is applied to the av erage boy's shoes, for the boy has very little regard for shoe leather. But with our boys' shoes it is true. , 1 to 5i Sizes- $2.09 lOi to 13i Sizes for- $1.75 These may cost a trifle more in the beginning, but you will find them worth all the difference. We guaran tee every pair to be satisfac tory to the boy and parent that is two people to satisfy, but we do it. Saturday is boys' day at Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. EaSEBaSflESS FRY SHOE CO. tii iioiai, latk aod Boafla Street. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER lae Dollar I'rr War. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER i (p) In a F'cw Days (T?) Christmas will be here. Now ouia no a good lime A BEE WANT AD wtll rant il TMUt aMi, (Ul tkaa Taeaot rvoaua. ar ihm - mm. amatX ae M rwy Try It. I Jy- to select your glfu and have them laid asKle. A f ! yf few suggebtlons a watch, diamond,' silver piece Yf I ( u 1 ifur the uble t'let Bet mantel or small clock, foun- I tif k J I V J taia pen, cuff buttons, brooch, signet or stone ringA fJ I J and hundreds of other articles to selet from. V i i- r Siend a few minutes in our store. " V-vfV I LOOK FOR TUB NAM HJ I S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1510 Douglas Street Highest Quality A Hib Roast from Bath's alWHya commands Hip highest appreciation from tha best of judge", because It Is inn very best meal the market ar il id The aaiiia thing Is equally true of our iHinh. mutton aim veai ..' ,an.l.r a nit de lcloua or the ! ',.Mu.v. uuailty high, iirbea illK'i- l" " " H.jilng Thlckena 1'i.rk Chops l-ink Hteua J.amb hops . . . . Hll loin Steak . . . . )uiinc .stl-.tit fhiick Uteak l'..t Koaat ltlh llil ,,, tleudaied I.ird Hme-Mad I'oi k fauhafce Jos. Bath's Cash Market 131 Tamam Str.rt. 15o 1T'0 , lfro lOO .... ISO and 16o . .16o and ia:e . la'-jo and loo . .loo, SO nJ so So " 16o 131 6 r Bavarian Malt Extract Will ton up the system, per bottle 10c Kicellent Cooklnc Brandy, per quart bottla 1 llock and Rve, a remedy for colds, per quart bottla 700 & j r. old Kentucky Bourbon Whlskev per quart fl.OO, gallon $J.OO Maryland Rye. per quart bottla. . . .tc tiallun a8, Uon.e Wade tirape Wine, rod or htta It aailou. at 10J Mall and Telephono Ordera Promptly I 'll lad. P CACKLEY BROTHERS, Wloa Saerehaata 131 sr. ISta Btra. Opp. 3ostofflca Muh ttnul Here's lip JliquidX vs. THEBEERYCUUKE IMACASE SENT HOME. CONIUMIRS' OlSTRiaUTCN JOnN NITTLER Z2i So. 2kii Stri Deua. iNBu A-1410 J Roliablo Dontfstrv tovTafPsDeoial Rooms