J J i 1.. if. EVERYBODYREAD 3 BEE WAMT A. D 3 9 o 0 VT A4 r A' I t-4 2 7 it,)'! i r r V OFFERED FOR RENT Fwrwlskesl HM Cllt4. NICEST furnished, south front room, large eloeet, modern home, on cr Una, easy walking. 14 Capitol Ave. TWO rooms, beautifully furnished: parlor and bedroom; prlvata fslmly; private en trance ana lavatory; walking distance; eaat front; one block eoutb of Leavenworth car, quiet neighborhood; two gentlemen or man and wife who take meal out. 0$ 8. 2th SL STEAM heated room; breakfaat If de sired. 261 Dodge, tlarney 4741. LARGO room suitable for two; private; bath, steam beat 2bo$ Harney St. SOUTH W EST room, etrletlv mad mra- nri. rate family. 1620 a I Oth Be NICELY furnished steam-hee-ted rooms; good location. UU Farnam. TWO single rooms, swparate: strictly mevdern, hot wvter heat, convenient to twe car lines; private family; choice neighbor hood, breakfast If desired; lectrialiy and aaa. i- von port. FOR RENT Neatls- furniahod room. k. . -1 . vi4 avwvjt Ave. FOR RENT-TWO south rooms, modern, ood location, lout Dodge St. FOR RENT Modern rooms, good loca tion. 1)17 Cass St KOR RENT-Btrlctly modern room for nutmiu. lie a. mm. uoug. WBO. FOR RENT Nloely furnished room, pri- FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for ro icniiemen, sou in room steam heated farnam Bt FOR RENT Four rooms nicely furnished." FOR RENT Furnlnhed reema, modem, On car line. 2222 Vinton St, Red 6330. FOR RKNT-Two nicely furnished rooms lor iiuuiffKefping, (oa 0. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, fine ocuoii. oia 01. Aiary a Ave. FOR RENT Larg-e south room modem. pnvat family, breakfast If desired. ZZQ verace o v. weo. uih FOR RENT Three rooms for bousekeep- run K-K.vt South room dealrable for two. jsia iiamey 01. FOR RENT Single room steam heat, pri vate family. 410 ft 26th Ave. Doug. fiWo. FOR RENT Two furnished room. and hot water. 638 & lith Bt Doug. 3714. FOR RKNT Room with bath for couple of two gentlemen, private Camily. 241 Corby. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room south room closet good location. SOt Caotlol Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room swita ble for housekeeping. 23u Leavenworth FOR RENTt-Furalshed or unfurnished rooms, good location. 2i N. loth St. FOR RENT Lares room for couple of gentlemen. 1060 Georgia Ave. Harney 1767. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, steam heated. 311 Farnam St Harney FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, gen tlemsn preferred. 710 S. 17th St- FOR RENT Two modern rooms for light housekeeping. 2678 Farnam St. FOR RENT Nice room with steam heat -ood location. 2240 Langdon Court Doug. $167. tR RENT Lariy room, good location. 8. 10th St. Do 0. FOR RENT-Steam heated furnished rooms. 1204's Farnam. FOR RENT Two nlcelv furnished rooms, good location. 150$ N. 14th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, ood location. 1322 Capitol Ave FOR RKNT Two nice rooms, furnished. M03 N. 20th FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, nht houaekerpins; room. Wl S. 11th Bt. FOR RENT Nicely furnished seated rooms. JXa farnajn St team FOR RENT Nloe parlor for four; heat path, good location. U24 Douglas 8t ..F-,R RKNT-Furnished room, close in. a rarnam St. FOR RENT Largs front room, suitable for two gentlemen or couple. 410 N. Wth. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, suit oie lor gentlemen; use of piano. 1121 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for jouple gentlemen; board it desired. 244 wnM 01. WARM, newly furnlahed rooms for sleeD- ing or housekeeping; modern; phone; walk- .i.uivv. m. vi iooge Bt. MODERN. In new house, near to splendid "'"in iwuaaa. ivi u. atn Ave. 1). 6484. FURNISHED front room: private fam- ut. tit st. n,ui et. lei. Red Wli. itxKr.s rurmsned rooms, atrlrtly mod- u. m rmi. 1 vt. n eoeier w'lS. s lis Hi larga teanvbes.tea rooms, w. M. nuiai, is Bk Min Aft. A NIC 15 room for two gentlemen. N 19th. ni n k.miihd room, with board; also large room ior two. Wl bo. list St. Tel. naniey iiij. Uotele aad Apariatata. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS for gen- Til 'IJ A TU A 1 . . . . 7 iiruirn. viiy. Aim 44 . iiv a. 1.111, CM. DODQE HOTEL Uth and Dodsa All out side cool rooms; special rates by ths week. STEAM heated rooms $1 to $7 per week. I'saeri botei, council liluile. lTKsl U up; meal b preferred. Tel. Har. 661. 10U) Cro. Ave. ST. JAMES HOTEL $1 week up; modern. Agtartaaeata mmi state. The Colonial 3STTI AND IUlN.Vil STS. HIGH CLASS APARTMENTS RKNTS THAT ARU RIGHT FOUR ROOMS. $48. FIVE ROOMS. $46 AND . team heat, gas stoves, shades, curtain rods, hot and cold mater and Janitor ser vice are furnleheti. Apartments open every lay lor I iia.ee Uon. PAYNE A SLATER CO. v Sols Agents, ih Floor N. V. Life Bldg l'hone Douglas HUl THS Irving, rooms and, board. Hot Leav- n worth. FLAT fur rent. UM si. Mary's Ave.. IO. Chris Boyer. aid and CunUng. Douglas tt er u mil CENTRAL, steam heated, (-room tJt N. d. flat FIVE-room heated anartment 21 North "U at i eat; front and back pore he; porcw ain bath: poltubed rloora: rloae ta car line' to party wit.iuut til 1.1 re it . price. I 4. si. Mauau, lau Locust street OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments aad Flats CoatlaaeeL II 00 T-room modern fist. 14 N. 1Mb St., "I'Malri. Inquire - S. itnb bt. Cail Web. 177. aa S. 16th Ave., about Deo. 1. Sea It FOR LEASE on the flrat dav of Novem ber, the 10-room flat. 141! Hodge street Ask K. B. Kennard. U24 Dodge street S3 strictly modem t-room Bt. I-ouls flat. ground floor, east side and 2th St car Una. Tel. Harney 8HA. 7-ROOM FLAT: 1 Farnam. Inquire tA Farnam. raralahed Hoaif kttalaa Reoeae, COZT home furnished complete for housekeeping; four large beautiful room, closet, pantry, electric lights. 1S Bo. 40th Bt. Leavenworth car one and a halt blocks. 9 Ft'K. room, modern except heat: reasonable, l'hone liar. 1413. WELL furnished houaekeeplng rooms, modern, furnace heat; private entrance. Centrally located. 116 North Ud St. TWO housekeeping rooms, 2018 Davenport S OR 4 front room a part's, elegantly furn. for light housekeeping. Main floor. 2MI Davenport FOR RF.NT Suite of rooms for house keeping, neatly furnlahed; gas for cooking; good location. U)0 S. 2Cth Ave. FOR RFNT Two housekeeping rooms; good location. 60S S. Uth Bt FOR RENT Three housekeeping rooms. 1201 S. lllh St. FOR RENT-Two nice housekeeping rooms; good location. 1703 Leavenworth St- FOR RENT Two rooms complete for housekeeping. tO) 8. 17th St. FOR RKNT Four rooms for light house keeping, partly furnished; heat and gas range. 20.'G Meredith Ave. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms; good location. 407 S. 2&lh St FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, location. KM Leavenworth St. fins FOR RENT Two large rooms for house keeping. WH Harney St. ' TWO front rooms, furnished complete for light housekeeping. 7U6 S. 16th St. 1st flat. FOR RX;NT Three large rooms for housekeeping, ground floor, two closets, phone, city water; one block from oar. 1710 N. Mth St. FOR RENT One room and kitchen, light and heat furnished. bLI N. Slat St. FOR RENT One larga housekeeping room; steam heated, one front parlor, lot 8. Uth St FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for light houaekeeplng; good location. Inquire room , third floor. lls Howard Bt FOR RENT Two nloely furnlahed front rooms, for housekeeping. 2001 Burt Bt FOR RENT Two large rooms for Ught houaekeeplng. Mtt Leavenworth St. FOR RKNT One single and two house keeping rooms. Ill N. 16th St. FOR RENT Two nice tU Farram St. housekeeping rooms. FOR P-ENT Fcir rooms for light house keeping; parlor floor. 151 S. 10th St FOR RF.NT Two housekeeping, good lo cation. 422 N. 17ih St FOR RENT Two nicely furnlahed house keeping rooms, 418 S. loth St. FOR RENT-Parlor floor to oouplo of gentlemen. 604 S. 27th St. FOR RENT One large room for light housekeeping, 1618 Webaler St. FOR RENT Two rooms modern for housskeeplng; references. 2007 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Parlor floor for housekeep ing. Ul Chicago St. FOR RENT Furnlahed rooms for light housekeeping. 24o6 Cuming St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, south front, for light housekeeping. K44 Dodge. FOR RENT Large rooma for housekeep ing. Ill N. 20th St FOR RENT Two rooms for light house keeping, gas, phons, heat Hie Chicago St. FOR RENT Two large rooms and al cove, for light housekeeping. evM 8. Zsth St r- WELL furnished housekeeping rooms; modern; furnace heat; private entrance; centrally located, lib N. 23d St. t'afaralahed Besirkeevlsg Rooms. FOR RENT Parlor floor, unfurnished, for houaekeeplng, gas and water. 2004 Dodge St FOR KENT Nice, modern housekeeping rooms. Ul N. 20th. FOR RENT Suit of three rooms, mod ern except beat. 808 8. 21st St. FOR RENT Two modem houHekeeplng rooms, guo4 location. 410 N. 2Sd St FOR RENT Two nicely furnlahed rooms, beated, gas for cooking. KOe St Mary's Ave -4 FOR RENT Modern rooms for house keeping, gas range. ss.-O Burt St THREK mooera tur. rooma lor ngni houaeketiplng; furnace. r.ss. Vis Webster. H. Cafaralahed Hmbi, FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms with beat. 2U70 Wooluurth Ave. Uarney 1.0. FOR RENT Four basement rooms, mod em extent heat 27XJ7 Pierce St. Inquire ld S. &ih Ave. 4 Rooms downstairs at 441 Farnam. FOR RENT Ideal rooms for winter months; lines neat, comfortable, sunny rooms. 174 N. 27th Ave. FOR RKNT Two nice south rooms; good location. 2U0 Burdette St. . , 1 FOR RENT Two 250 Jones St. unfurnished rooms. St'ITK of two or three rooms, gas, mod em. 10-J2 N. 2lst St FOR RKNT-Urge unfurnished rooms, good loiauun l.,io btierman Ave rn itr-rsi i wo unrurnisneo; rooms on two tar lines. 24J N. 24ih St. FOR RKNT Three unfurnished rooms, good location. 10 N. lMh St. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, desirable, lodt 8. loth St. FOR RENT An unfurnished alcove suite, good location. $17 S. 2Ut St. FOR RENT Twa unfurnished rooms, al rov for housekeeping. 2631 Davenport St. THREE unfurnished rooma private all modem except heat; no children. N. lath St. Farwlakedl Hwweee) FURNISHED house for rent at 2610 Pop pleton Ave. Pbone louglua 1111- AS YOU read tide ad. so will thousands ra4 y uur waai a J. if tt la la Abe OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Hawass ill Cettagea. 41 N. 3D ST. Nine rooms, modern; very desirable; fine location; walking dis tance; decorate to suit tenant W. FARNAM SMITH CO.. ISM Farnam 8t -ROOM house, modem sxoept beat 134 Seutn Bat street Tel. Uarney run. 1701 Farnam. rooms, modem, 150. 1407 S. 14 in. I rooms, modern. MO; heat if desired. 1104 Webster, It rooms, modern. $46. S42 North 40th, t rooms, modern. iQ. 2 815 Hurt, f room, bath, 1. 1124 Clark. 7 rooms, bath, $11. RINQW ALT BKlW., BRANDEld TH:ATKK HU1LDINO. RENT REDUCED FOR WINTER. 2SJ1 Bristol, e-r., modern; $27.60. Shliner A Chase Co.. toe S, 17th St Both phones 107, IN Florenoa. flvo-room cottage, all mod ern; finished In oak; one block from car Una. Tel. Florence 140. Small cottaa-e at 14th and Ohio, for col ored people only, $7.60. Light lovely large rooms, all modern, for only $, water Included. 5-room flat, all mod., ex neat ciosa in. ouiy HiW. 2M6 Dewey Ave. At H N. ta St. we nave a eemi-osee- ment, 4-room bouse, close In and cheep for n . l-r. fiat, 1K1 S. ISth Bt, only J7.W. X71 Hickory St U -II f IO V. Dodge As Co., Uth Harney 8t SIX rooma and bath, north part ot city, hot and cold water, gas and sewer; good neighborhood. $16.60. Light rooms, oil modern, oak finish, UK Park Ave. $W. Kight rooms, all modern, near Bemis Park, one block from two car lines; south front $36. Tv.0 large beautirul homes, w. rarnam; everything modem and up-to-date; each, h-ignt rooms, an modern, new, one djocb from Farnam car line. $4b. Nine rooms, all modern; hardwood finish lot 100x136 ft; large barn; best part of Dundee. $o0. Two storerooms on Farnam St., between 10th and 14th, one 20x76 ft and other 41x40 ft; both new; metal ceilings, steam heat See us for particulars. We have other bouses In all parts of the city for rent. We write Insurance of all kinds. J. H. Dumont & Son PLons Douglas ittu. lu Faxnam St, Omaha. HOU8E8 FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND IsOT CO.. Suite 6M New York Ufa Bldg. Red 19M. rEJRJUN Exp. 4k Storage. 1611 Cap. D. list ROOMS, all modern; West Farnam street: $.00. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. 'Phono Red 1M. 'l'hone A-17IL Sols Agents, 4th Floor, N. if. Life Bldg EIGHT-ROOM house for rent modern except heat Close to church and school. One block from oar line, or will sell cheap. Call Uarney IM. NICE new l-room cotlaire. modem, ex eept heat water paid. Rent $20. 2uui) Wirt Street FOR RENT t-room cottage, 2606 Frank lin Street t-ROOM house. Hanscom Park district; medarn, and In first class condition. In quire at 211 Padflo St., or Tat Uarney U4L EIGHT-room house, sUTcOy modern. In quire K14 Caldwell. $.12.60 Brand new, strictly modern, (-room house, two blocks east of Hanscom park will deoorate to suit tenant. Harney SWA. I 4S40 KRSKINE An 8-room all modem home, hot water heat $30 per month. The Byron Reed Co., 211 S. 17th. 'Phones Douglas 27, A S34. t TWO eight-room brick apartment house., all modei ii, north part of city; Just newly remoaeieu ana win oe renay in a lew uays good location for rooming house. C. M. BACHMAN. 436 Paxton Blk. Office Phone Red 2639; rtesioencs) rnono LMugiaa duos. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Two 8-room modem flats: new. hard wood floors: on car line: only $30. Wright aV Lasbury, 60$ So. 10th St 'Phons Douglas s-nouM modern house, close to new Catholic cathedral; reduced rate for next .tlx mouths. 'Phone Douglas ai4 or llarnsy Vis evenings. EXCEPTIONALLY convenient, modern. compact t-room brick: finished one year ago; choicest neighborhood. Xid and Pop- pieton. He. Includes water, care of law.-i. anew, etc. Peter Trust Co, N. T. Life Bldg. OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, move. store household aood; storehouse, 1120-24 N, Uth; office S. 17th St. Tel. Douglas Itos. Houses In all parts of Crelgb So&s 4i Co- the city. Be Bldg. t-ROOM MODERN HOUSE-Combination fixtures; east front. 23d and WcbHter, 140.00. -room an modern ot. Louis rial, ao in tid St.. 130. 00. 7-room all modern house 2203 Locust St 126 00. s-roem brick all modern house, lout wil- llse Ave . 130 00. 4 rooiiis iu apartment flat U23 N. Uth cl., alXjU. C. M BACHMAO, 4M Paxton Block. Office. Red 2iJ9. Keetdence Douglas 6064. OROUND FLOOR 8JACE. There la a large space Just off the court a ground floor that will be remodeled to suit satisfactory tenant This location ta near Farnam St., eoavenient to mala enlianoe ot building. Look beiora reutlug. Don t rent before looking, THE BEE BL'ILDINU COMPANY. R. W. Baker. 8upt 17th and Farnam. l-ROOM brick, all modem, very cbeap. laiok ai .-w Hllll VU V 11I1H Ave. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., New York Life, Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Red Dv. A-1721. HOUSEHOLD OOODH packed, forwarded ehtan frelxul rates: moving and storinv kxpressraaa's Delivery Co. Tel. Doig. &4. ie-KOt)M modern house with garage. In best residence district, M. Keys at office. A. L. Becker Co., 416 Bee Bldg. 4-R. MOD. cottage, very rice, beaiilifull locates, s-a. lis a. i'ta bi. wea. XuW. 1405 N. SOU. Kth St. 1 rooma Phone Harney l-ROOM modern bouse. 2611 Chicago, W14 MAPLE ST., room, modern. $17.40. MODERN T-room bouse, $26. lf7 S. 2xth. Houses, flats. Oarvin Uros . Id floor N I L 2608 Douclas St., 1 rooms, $27.60. '"FOUR-ROOM MODKRN COTTAGE. KM N. 2ih St.: poicelaln bath and toilet new floors; all freshly papered and painted tlirougnout: ne electric light and gas fix turos; paved street; cement waiki; one blo.k to car line. Only 117.60 per inonih. key at 27,4 WeOater St. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., 1614 City National bank Bldg., Phone Douglas 186. ROOM modern house except beat $1160. m Blnney. Tel. Web. 17U-' MODERN 10-room housa 6 SI 8. 12d St Key next door south. 114 S 16 TH AVE. AN l-rooni. strictly modern, detached houae: new hardwood floors and new I decorated Price $4 PAYNE, SLATER CO. Sole Agent- btli Floor. N Y Life Bldg fbuue UuugoL lull OFFERED FOR RENT Houses aad Cottages Ooattaeed. GOOD five-room oottsge. No. S Fstrlek Ave., only U.M. Omaha Mutual Realty Co., Fazton Blk. tores aad Of flee. DESK room In well lighted office, with Independent entrance, centrally located. Address. K 119. Bee. BTORKKOOM FOR RKNT Soutneaat corner 14th and Douglas Rta: room 2i70 eet. Poaseeaion given about September 1. 1910. CITT NATIONAL BANK. ILAV1D TOU SEE2SI The Sterling Stores 1S10-1S24 St. Mary's Ave., new retail dis trict, new pavenunt new walks, eight new, modern, steam heated stores; five rented, only three left; low rentals. Ask Payne & Slater Co., Sole A rents, cth Floor N. T. Life. 'Phone Dvuglss luls. NO eoual In city; grocery and meat mar ket wlin tlxtuiea Apply 120 N. Md. -4 WE HAVE several nice offloe rooma In ths Patterson block, 17th and Farnam; good terms. 160 Dodge. 'Phone D. 41S. OFFERED FOR SALE faraltare. DININO tabe. china, muiwo and kitchen ibinsta: sanitary couch and pad, etc.; nearly new. Hott N. lslh. COOK stove, ass stove, hard coal burner. couch, upholstered chair. 30lt Mason bt. GOOD new. maaslve brass bed, box Drtni;s. hair muttrme: Uulck Meal range, cliirrionler, comblnaUon nooncase, ontinn and dotnestlo rugs and drapes, ail sisee. 116 WUltam. Maateal Iaatramea ta. KIMBALL upright piano, T5. 10$ McCagua. MANDOLINS, Qultars and Banjos, $5 and up. Gibson Mandolins and Oultars old on small payments. Francis rotter, Barker block. Stove. M atovea. heaters and rang; 80S. te be sold at once. 1711 Cuming. FIRST-CLASS gas range and gas plate. cost $30; will sell for $16; call at on. 117 N. 40th. Phon uarney 4it. WANTED To sell almost now has burner. Phone Harney 4&4. STEEL. RANUB. 6-hole. wood, heating stove; lion bed with springs, cneap 10, cash. Q. 292, Bee. Tywrlters. 'rnn,4..I,fn.P.n -LL M A K KB Ajuc"'Kiu uvut 3 j-. Swan on, 1316 Farnam St. Omaha. BY an L. C. Smith 4 Bros, typewriter: B. F. Bwanson Co.. Distributers, lills Far- urn 8t YOU can rent an Oliver tyeewrlter wit oak stand. U monthly, from manufacturers. most Interested in satisfaction given. Oliver Typewriter Co., Dohtf0ne2n. SECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1007 Farnam. Clearance Sale Lara stock of typewriters, slightly used Olivers. Underwoods. Remingtons. Mon- ircha. L. C. Smiths and others at lowest prices sver offered. Price $10 and up; machines many of them good as new; full guarantee. Call or write for the list and efter. B. F. SW ANSON CO., 1316 Faniam St Bllacellaneoas. WI HAVE on hand a number of ink barrels which we wll. sell for 60 cents each They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call a I press room. Be Publishing Co. WANTED Good wide-awake traveling salesman to enter bis sales force of a re liable mercnunuise store; dik opportunity to good, hard-working man. Address e. DRUGS at cut sriMa fralsht caid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman 44 UcConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. FOR BALE New and second-hand bll Hard and pool tables. W lead the world la cneap bar fixtures; easy payments, uruas wiuk-Hatke-Collend. 407 S. iota St. About 40 feet of 28-inch diameter No. M giiage. galvanised pipe, with four 46-lneh eiDoes and T. 1 nis was uaeo tor veniuai- ng purposes and pipe is In good condition. Tba Bee Publishing Co., 17th snd Farnam. 8 A FES Overstocked with second-hsnd refes. all sixes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 rarnam St HORSE blankets, heavy white canvas storm blankets; $4 per pslr. worth $6.60. Bennett s Harness Dept., basement. fOAT. "uc luniti ton tfi on VAAaL Harmon Wrath. Web 841 HORSE FOR SALE Fine family drlvlna- horse, harness and ouggy lor fioo. diaries isara, ill leuport bt Tel. Duug. 442. FOR BALE $-room house to be removed, fill N. ttd. Make offer. ApdIv Chris Boyer. 22d and turning bL uoug. and -u. FOR SALE 30 shares United Wlrel preferred transferable stock; will transfer in vuyer a name: 114 per anare. ueiuei Co., Box 76. Little Rock. Ark. $6 26 PER CORD. For maple and Cottonwood, delivered I Omaha: located H mile west of Millard can ship In car lots. O'KEKKE REAL E8TATK CO., 1016-10-17 N. Y. Life. Omaha, Neb. FOR BALE) Lady's fur coat 11M. l'hone W OSTEOPATHY A bee Johnson. XM-1 Brandeie Theater Rldg PATENTS WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In U. 8. Pat office, tl A'aiuuia Blk. R. Awil D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Rd 7U7. PERSONAL 1'ILES CURED WITHOUT OPk-RATION OR PAIN. PAT WHEN CURED. DR. W. C. MAXWELL. 624 BtlE BLDG . OMAHA. XIJU. 1424. A LADY of middle age who may be lone some and feela the need of good comrade ship, niiaht find har Ideal by writing, care M-i. Omaha Be- vTlV'TTffHFs,rom eomolng. $160. Mr, h 1 1 1. HI "M. L. Peck. 1U0 H. Mlh St. B epi TUvapor. aleohol and massaae 1e 1 110Dodae, Ad floor opn. poetoffice. Unit Alien el Cblog4. D. iwi. PERSONAL (Continued..) D!i TUflHv V Specialist In diseases o Uli. UU UIVI w'OII1-n. N E Cornel f ner Ktb and Douglas. Urn ilia Call or write MECHANO THERAPY. Mastage treatment, atotracu trouble. Dr Margaret Hanoi an. 124 Neville Blk. D. 7741. M AD KVTTP ' tment. Mme. Smith. nmuiLiiij jj, 8 wta 1.urd rioor PRIVATE HOME during confinement: babies tor adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 Ut Ave.. Council Bluffs. Is. PH1VATK hone for women diirina con finement. Address Box 117. Florence. Neb. el. Florence Sat OMAHA 8tammarsrs Ins. Ramge Bldg. JOS1K WASHBURN'S book. "Tba t nder- world Sewer," at all book stores. Price, U . Mil. EM1L KUEBS l"x StiH Blk., ifith at Harney, formerly with Bran- data. W make old bats look Ilk nsw. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing In fact, anything you do not need. we collect, repair ana sen at i.t im. utn St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4U3 and wagons will rail. TJ A Til Scientific maisajre. 1617 Dodge St. DAlUi3j,w,UM,nt fimt 10 a. m. 9 p. m. VACUUM CLEANERS rooted. TeL Web ster fTTt CHINA pa In ling les.tona. firing, order work, stenciling, firing, call end deliver. Mrs. W. V. Irwin, 2016 Blondo. Tel. W. lis. MASK SUITS to rent at LI EH EN'S. PERMANENT removal of superflu otis nair; no pain, Erbene Chemical Co., 210 McCague Bids.. 16th and Dodge Sta. WTfJS k""1 toupes for men. Griffith, STRICTLY private home for conf ne ments; excellent car; babies for adoption. ZBUi Lavenpori tst. TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strsnunrs are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian Association building at seventeen tn atrest and Ht. alary s avenue, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Ixok for our traveler s aid at the Union station. KunWnnr HAIRDRE8SINO PARLORS. tuutMuj Take Marinello maasases for a good complexion, eul Paxton Bik. D. 4UI1. HINDOO TABLETS will build, breoe. strengthen, too. HU.L.L, LRUU CO. A HOME for women during confinement. We find homes for babies whose mothers cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mr Martha I- Lee. 401 Banoroft St. Omaha, Neb. yuone Doug' las 1S2L DR. EGGERS. private confinement home, 1514 Martha St, Omaha. Tel. Douglas &2U0. KwitpViP from oomblngs, $1.50. Mrs. 8. OHlltUM Mathews, tui Nsvills bl. DW T.AnTPK' coats rellned. Miss Chase, WE RENT an repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-1093; OouRlas lOOa. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, 15th and Harney Sts. MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. RIttenhouse. R. 90S Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance. 110 S.lOth. LAGNETIC T,r"t21.en7f.?-."' Suggestive Therapeutics C. S. Weiss, graduate and oraotitlonar from the Weltmer Institute. Will treat or teach at your home. Address 704 8. 24th St 'Phone Red 0400 or Douglas 174i. WANTED To know whereabouts of Charles West, formsrly of Cuba, Republic Co., Kanxas. Has stiff arm. Address Y care Bee. f KAPKtti' thjsatmcnt, physical, scalp. Mrs. Steele, Ul S. 17th St., 2d floor, Rm. 6. PRINTING Uw W. Raber, Printer ffiwn Bee Bldg. Entrance on Court PHONE IND. A-2630 for good printing. LiDgslud Printing Co., lMh and Capitol Ave KILLER aV JAMIESON, 1111 Douglas St Both phone. RIR8-HALL Ptg. Co. 10 si. 14th. Ind. A-1624. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OF TITLB. PK'fXR JESSEN. Jr.,Co. Tel Doug. 21 IlKAL KSTATH DEALERS. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandela Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. 1601 and 1602 City National Bank Bldg. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1861; prompt service; get our prices. Zot Brandels theater. CITY PHOP1CKTY FOR gAI.B. m ACRES finely lmprove.1 (2A) $ room house nearly new, large barn, fruit Near paved meet. Improvements are worth price asked. AIho 7 acres. 7-room house, barn and fruit and the best lm proved 2o-acree tract In Nebraska. Let us show thein to you. Nowata Land A Lot Co., fc N. Y. Life. Phones Red 1D!-A-1721. FOR PALE Fine building lot south of Hanscom park, on boulevard, lei. Har. 48. 90 M. sq. ft. $50,000 Cost of duplicate Bldg., $S0 M.; 1 piece of Belt Line trackage. Harrison & Morton, FOR SALE-Two iota. 112xl40, on soutlt lith bt. near union, ail special taxes paid. Will sell as one piece or divide. Willing to sell at sacrifice. Apply at ta bouto list bt ON account of my transfer In business to the eat. owner will nacrlflce his nt-w room, ail modern home, close In. N-S-Vi, Bee. t6IX ROOMS, tUOO, $200 CASH balance $16 per month. Let us show It to you. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., t.s New York Ufe Bldg., Phones Red ltK; A-171. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE-lioi.se 7 rooms, water, sewer, toilet, etc.; nice trees and shrubbery, all bourn (1st ct REAL ESiATE FARM AND HA.MtH LAUD FOR CALM Alabaaaa. SOUTHERN colonlxaUon bargain; 4.00S aciea. good land, $ miles SL Marys river frontage; ideal climate, tin flailing and bunting, oniy per acre; worm Wai ter fc. Baruo. Avondal Stauon. Blrmlng bam, Ala, Arkaaaaa ARKANSAS FARaf S Big Hat; special bgius. ut f ' -e Write ttxtay. Capleuu HKsa. ayellevllle. Are. BARGAIN 0-a re farm, near Waldron. Bcoll county, Arhi.naas, 40 acre Allied and In Dieadow, balan-.e tUir, good house. taru, rxcellrtu .iter. Piles, llvuu. u tui, Waldiou, Alt. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HACH LAND FOR SALE (Continued ) CallKrala. A FINE tt-ACRE PKACH ORCHARD In Ontario, t el.. value $6,000. to trade for good Minnesota property about same value: con sider Dakota or Sioux Falia. Several fine tallfornla oraiise arovee. from 110.U0O un. sal and trades. Have one railed the fmeit lace In southern California, price $130 'eaulitul property will pay big return! also. If you hsvs eastern property to trade for southern California, send description. Trades effected anywhere. Faithful per sonal attention given to your matters In suiance. sales, trades rentals. Investments et. References furnished. James M. Van DeuseD, sOs Braley uidg.. rasadena. Cel. 40 ACRES Finest Oranra land Fresno. California, 11.800. F 4, Be. Canada. SELF-SUPPORTING HOMES In the glor. lous fruit district of southern Urines Columbia for $10 cash and $10 monthly, without Interest. Annual profits, 00 to $1,000 per acre. Orchard, garden, poultry; scensry, nunnng. nsmng, ooating; dellcht fu). warm climate; church, school, post office, store, big saw mill, dally train close to market unlimited demand for rrnducta. VNrite quick for maps, photos, t Itiformstlon. WeMKootenay Fruit Lands Co., Dept. D, Drawer 107. Nelson. BrlUsh Columbia. Colorado. COLORADO LAND. 1 have $.0u0 acres of Improved and unim proved land for sale at from $10 to U an sere, within from one to ten miles ot town; all good tillage, Wilis me for particulars. D. O. BEAN, BOVINA. COLO. FOR RELIABLE. BEST located fruit tracts In Colorado, on eaay terms, lowest prices, writ nev. w . n. uouins. luiv ai 13th Ave., Denver. Colo. Florida. FLORIDA LAND BARGAIN 17,00$ acres, finest of farnung land; two orops yearly; deep water laadlnga; two railroads $460 per sure. Waltr hi. Baraea, Avon dale, Ala'. FLORIDA W have millions of acre ot Florida timber, rut over, farm and coloni sation lands. Estate Journal. Big bargains, nice homes; we can suit you. National Ksalty Agency, jacksonvUl. Florida. FLORIDA LAND. Florida You cannot lose on any well se lected property in Florida. vt re sure ot quick and substantial proms. We have many a ood properties for oolonltatlon. fruit and vegetable lands and Improved farm. Pop A North, V01 Atlantlo Na tlonal Bank Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA TRAVERSED BT THE ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM at ATLANTIC RAILROAD. In1s adaptable to the widest range of crops; all ths money crops ot tne soutn plentifully produced. For literature treat Ins- with this coining country. Its soli, oil mate, church and school advantages, writ W. H. LEAHY, Oen'l Passenger A-t Dept K. Atlanta, Ga. lo FOR PIGS CHICKENS AJJD FRUIT. ltO aor, 10 mile from Council Bluffs, lVs mile from C resent; 70 acres cultivated, balance pasture; conalderable Umber in the draws; all rich soil; t-room house and other buildings; fine well, with steel tram windmill. PRICK $40 PfcR ACRH This land Is rolling and the pastur land is rough, but look at the price and location. A thrifty family with children can put part of this land In alfalfa and grapes and get rich In a few years, bee us at onus If you want a bargain. J. 1L DUMONT V SON, ' 16C0 Faruam St, Omaha. Phon Doug. 090. FOR SALE 471 acres, well improved, at $47 60 per acre for short time only; 440 acres, all valley land. Improvements oost about $4,000. A bargain at $70 per acre. Terms. W. H. KENNEDY. CAKTAWA, 1A. 18S-ACRE Improved farm, northwest Iowa; three-quarters mile from town: 109 acres tillable; M per aora. clear. Owner will trade for god business, take oaianc back on land. ' JuNES LAND CO. Peterson. la. IOWA FARMS. Write for my large Illustrated Hst of Madison county farms, from 20 acres up to (40 acres, all prices; good liberal terms. See Madlsoa county before buying Best all around county In the Stat. Adress J. O S1IR1VER. W interest la. FARM BARGAIN Near City Sclioola. . l(t acre. 1 miles from Council Bluffs city limits. Electric line station V mile; level road to city. School nous on farm. Two good noueea, large new barn, new enclosed corn cribs, cow ana nog siaoiea. giajimu, chicken houses, tool houae, windmill wltn water piped to house and bain, good or chard and vineyard and, In fact, every thing that goes with a btgn-graoe iarm. All now in culiivauoii except lu-acr pas ture. Price $110 per aor on unusually easy terms. March settlement. If too big, neighbor would buy 4o acres. Surrounding farms all valued at $12e per acre, but nut one In the neighborhood for sals at any price. Just the p. ate fur a man who does not want to spend naif bis time on tne ruad, wishes to have his family to have the benefit ot almost city conditions and to educate his children In the illy schools. Land near the city and car line will go to i.vo per a re quickly. Send for description. Will F. Sledentopf, ij Baldwin bik.. Coun cil Blufta, la. Bell pnoue Blk. 774, In dependent MO Blk. 7W-ACHfcl IOWA FARM. I miles of Council Bluffs, all tine land but j er I acrea which Is seeded to alfalfa Laiga bouse, good parn ana an sinus oi outbuildings. Fins orchard and vineyard With a little car the trull win more tnaa pay Intersat ou emu coat of tne place, tiood ei'ilng and ons ef best meadows In ti.e ataie; was ttreeu all tiirough this dry summer. Farms no better havs sold for tiM per sere We offer this fur $11 M OKE REAL ESTATE CO., 14 Pearl St., Council Blufta ACRES, $ blocks of Omaha car line, In Council Bluffs, and walking ilmtance ot Omaha. 1 he very flneat of garden land and can be cut Into city lots aud sold sny lime. 2,6uu buys It. MOKE RKAL F.ST AT K CO. 14 I'e.ari St., Council Bluffs. FOR lens than Its value, s well Improved HT.-acre fitrm near Council muff, r or i,t th uiuiM uddrn W ii. Becker, Ju02 Cuming bt., Omaha, JNeu." Kaassva. BAROAINS. 1 2M acres choice land. 1.0O acre of It In wheat; well located. Well Improved: $2.60 per acre, will exchange for smaller. A fine plantation of nearly g.uuO acrea Well located and well Improved; Louisiana. jl per acre; trails. Modern l'-barrel flour mill and elevator doing good business; central Kansas; $&. vuu. and cash fur ranch. U acres good bat. etc.. land, central Kaaaae, $40 per cr. for rental 1 have some choice farina nil ranches In eastern Kaneaa and west, rn Mi.un, any aixe and pr.u- you want; some will ex chsniie. When you want to buy. sell or exchsoge land, merchandise or anything else of value, 1 would Ilka to b-ar from yeu. FRANK GEE. Lawrence Kail REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HANOI LM FOR Kanaaje t nlaed. Ml ACTtF.! In Andersor. county. Kan.: acres pasture, balance new land: price, $14 per acre. in eai-Bowman una v.o., uor- eti. Kan. ALFALFA land: farm lands In western Kansas I nuote. subject to previous sale. W. 19-20-M. shallow water alfalfa tana. St $25 pr sere: H miles from Met 'tie. N. E. 11-17-S2. good wheat or broom corn lana. in per acre; f miles from Manning, oi Mo. ao u. u. Card. Kcott ill v. nan. BIG LAND AUCTION NoTtmlwr 9 and lo, at Howard. FJk county, Kansas, seventeen iniprova nort valley farms. Partlculara, W. T. Lewis. Howard, Kan. Mrtlre. LAN DB. KTCTTPO I have for ssl avral fin tracts of tropical lands and transportation especially suitable for fruit snd stock rais ing t heap on ou ck sale. Live correspond ents wanted. None but responsible firm or parties need answer. References given snd required. Address j. rernu svanh Tiarontalpam, Yer Mexico. Btlaeoarl. RAntlATN -cr farrn-. mile from Wareaw, M ; t seres cultivated, balanr. past or; n.r eeliool an l i en) lull a 1: ,iP0; terms eaay, Addiesa T. U. 0n. Warsaw. Mo. 10 ACRES 1 miles to town; good. Uvel, 'ell drained land; on mall route and sch sol house on on corner of ths farm: 7-room house, new; bsrn 80x00: hog and cow house, windmill, plenty water, about 8 acre timber. This Is a good piao price at $06 per acre. L. n. CKUiuiih.it. I'rexei. uo. MISSOURI LAND for aK M aores to 1.000 aores; terms and prices to suit pur chaser. Writ for psrtlculsrs. W. M. Utevene. Clinton. Heiry Co., Mo. i IMPROVED farms. Central Missouri. $11 to tM sere: easy terms; mild, beautiful climate, farm, fruit graslng lands: circular from G. It Bakeman, luwisg mo. HALF INTEREST, 40-acr farm, under laid with slno and lead. T. Chapman. Webb City. Mo. ant ACRES AND 40 ACRES IN GOOD Id Cass county; 60 miles from Kansas City; both wall improved; line uiacx. limestone lend; bsrgaln: choice $06 per acre; good term. E. V. Burdett Garden City, Mo. A SNAP If taken In 0 days Fin vallay. 40 acres. Improved, in the heart of Cass county, MlHsourl; I miles from county seat; deal with owner; save commission. Address Box 78, R. F. D. No. 6. Hat rieouvllle, Cass county Mi Mrweaota. FOR Sal Cheap Good farm: 11W aoreei all under cultivation; small buildings; I miles west of Hswley, Clay county. Minn. Address Box 4. Muskoda. Minn. THREE high class tmprovsd northwest Missouri farms for sale; corn, clover and blue grass land; yoi" choice, $7$ per aor. Writ for particulars. Baxel J. Meek, owner. P. O. box 107, ChllUootn. Mo. $20 ACRES, clay soil, well timbered, with hard wood: located near this city; a bis bargain. Price. $15 per aor. P. R. Tbiel man, St. Cloud. Minn CHOICE FARM LANDS In Rook and Pipestone counties, Minnesota. $36 t $01 per acre; easy terms. Addresa ENOKBRETSON LAND CO.. Jasper. Ulan. Hsbra.ak.ak. FOR SAIJC-vAt from $$ to $15 per acre, about fourteen sections of ranch and farm lands near North Platte, Neb. Will sub divide to suit purchasers. Call on or writ the owners, The Grand lirf Goods Co., Grand Island, Neb. 2.440 ACRES deeded land, 4W acres school land, leased, all In Wheeler county. Ne braska, near Arden; l.loo aores of fin black, loam, valley land, balance erasing land; far house; good larg barn ana other outbuildings; well fenced; worth $.40, for quick sal $17.50 320 acres, ten mile northwest of Alns worth. Well Improved. Price, Including stock on farm. 114,000. BARGAIN. 240 acres, seven miles northwest Alns worth; well Improved; $1,400; cheap at $10,000. A. B. LATHROP, 421 Bee Bldg. 80-ACRK FARM IN Greeley county. Neh., only 4 mile to town; Erie only $1,100; $.00 cshIi, easy terms on al. This In a bnrgain. 8VHA RICAL HSTATH CO., 712 U. Y. L. Bldg. FARMS AND RANCHES FOR BALM. 2OS0 acres well equipped ranch, six mil from railroad town In Nebraska, $1$ per acre. l.AX) acrea school land given In free. Will take $l0.0oo to $12,000 Omaha property as pan pay. Tliii NOWATA LAND A IT CO.. 6.M New York Life Bldg Phone. A-1721 and Red DU. Oklahoma. INDIAN" LANDS rvD OCUl acres of rich black corn land In UO,OW EASTERN OKLAHOMA for ale, trade or rent Write ALLEN & ILYRT, Owners. $08 Commerce Bldg., Kansas CUT. MM or Claremore, Oklahoma. AGENTS VVANTivD. goal Dsksla. WHY- PAY HIGH RENT? Mr. Farmsr, come to South Dakota; stop paying high rents; own your own farm; spend the money for your improvement that you are paying In Iowa In high rent We own twenty quarter of .and her thai w can aall you fur 2i to $bo per aor on terms you can t beat; $10ou to 11.6u0 down, balance on payments at 4 per cent. Coin her before the snaps are all gone. For full Inclination write Dixon Bros, or Bank of Seuuca. Faulk county, a. D. "THE IDEAL HOME" OF 40 ACRES, situated In the Big Moux valley, four mile south of Caaiiewuod, the county seat of Hamlin county, bourn Dakota; io aura et deep black loam, und:r yearly cultivation; luu acres lu pasture aud lwi In the beautl lul sprint fed '-ak Kloieiice, with It sylvan scene i and sparkling waters, deep and pure anl filled with fiah aud game la season, and nearby la Hie home, a 14-room house, large barn, two granaries, chicks houi.e, liug house and woven-wlre pasture: corn silo, machine houae. small barn ana numerous small hul.d, na. all in good Con di lion, with windmill, line wells and cis tern, ail surrounded by a beautiful grv. rice, lltMrj. on good leruia. by M. J. stua etl. Casllewue-d. B. D. DOUBLE YOUR MONKY Do you want to buy a good lowualte? AVs have it Just 1 1 can from the government, with perfect title, lui lota now surveyed and about u ot thein suld with about At build Ii. now coiiiplett-d in tne town on rail ibad that has six daily Wains, with ex. ctiieut servlc 1 ills townaila Includea tut S' its of the very best of second bottom snd with fins Umber fur pa. as and an a fine stieam cf water running through lu F.ti openings fur almost all kinds of busi ness, especially a Laws, boiel and e.evaior. A grand bargain if sold in thirty days. Ad ! .. Powetl land 4k I-oau Co. Powell, b'.anly county, s. 'J. SF:CTION of Greaory county (South Da kou) land for sale. This section bas tim ber, running Water fed by springs, lot of bay; M acres bioken, liiO acree can be plowed; all fenced, one-half mile from school, thres uules from one r'lrd town and six liilias Irom another; good soil and tlit very bai all-around farming and stuck rairing section in Gregory county, Soutn Dakota Call ou or aril to Cuarte MUtier, wmr. Fail fax. fa. l. persistent Advertising Is the Rod us Big It. lu) na i I