TTIF, r.EK: OMATTA. FRIDAY. XOYKMTVF.n 4. 1010. Council Bluffs Council Bluff? Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Minor Mention Tht, Coaucil Bluffs officii of Tli Oifcaha Ha la at IB Scott Btrset. Both 'piloses 43. lilllURS lOi)K'.l 1 lit JAIL Roy Green 'Must - TT a tt ff xi 1 Face Atlantic ! County Eastiie Declared Unfit Place , to Keep Prisoners. ' Robbery Charge of one of Ihr mrnil"is. wire delivered So murli ctri-nN was laid upon the injuno tlon ran fully to Inquire Into the condition ot the jnlls of the county. hospitals and similar institutions thHt the jurors Ulsie t.airird lontj t-mahllHlietl prectUent In such inaltprx and took up the duty of examin ing into the condition of the county Jail ns their first net instead of making It the Until part of their work '1 hey dlwregarded another pr cedent by immediately making a report to the court. The jurors went over to tli jail Imme diately after otganitliiK and spent an hour or more making a careful examination. They peered Into every nook and cranny, InvefHiKaied the plumbing, heating and ventilation, took m asui'inenls of the cells and corridors, looked Into the private quar ter of Jailer 11111 and Ids family and then uent back to their room and diseased the tjueation of mukiiiK the strongest con demnatory report possible They scorched Hcvcial sheets of paper and used language that startled the t Downtime machine in The work will be followed i ,,. ,.,, ,n.n rr,.ir,a i, n.,,,i, to make It printable, evolving a report I 'avis, dross. on lgaiifi. undertakers 'l'honen US. r.MM' m-:ku .vr-jwiosps- hckkrt Majestic ia;i(-ev. 1 C. 1 e Vol lldw. Co. l'iclur framing. .Jinifn. Ma -unic templu. Woodi ing L nd i iukIiik cotnpuny. Tel. I.fvl ( utlir. futieial flirt ctor. '1'horie Id". Sec TorwIcU first for iain:iim, 211 S. Mum. Kim I.M IIANGIJ UK UKAL, K STATU Tity tiWAi's. Mrs. Hilen Heeley left yesn-rday for a business tup to .New Yolk. Schii.,l.:i and .-.tola' Malt hxtract for fiiii !' j. .1. Kline t.u.. It. J liiuuilwuy. Mi and Mm. Ceurge Hill itunutn.rit ti e t 1 1 lit of a boy at toclr home, i1j Iowa a tiiue. '1 he lioyal Order of Mion Wilt inec t ' ' 1 ri 1 1 It t ior the consideration of iTiiportHni business. Have your 1hncs fitted or repaired by J. W. Terry, optician, 411 riroadway, office with (leoigt" Otrncr. l)o no wall papeilm; un'.rHsi jou see Jrn Ken fiist, Ma-sonic lumitle. It pays. IJvery thimt.lij the latest and best wall papers. Miss Maiv 1 littrvi n of .sew Voik l ity nil Mm. K. J. Nicholson of Walworth, W Is., are visitiriK nl iho Home ol nr. unu Mis. llaverslock. The W linouu.-is club will meet this after noon u.l tin) home ol Mrs. J. I'. li tlniin li p;l hieluii avenue, ut i :M o'clock. All Inembeia of l.lly camp No. 1 are uryed to attend. Mrs. Jennie Whedon of Wlntorset. la., who Is oepaitnii'tii piesidint ot the Woman h Ittlitif i:ur)n of the. lirand Army of the Itepubllj, is me Kiitsi ol Airs. L). R. Mltur. Ivanlme Pommandcry. KnUhtH Templar, will Hint In special ( on vin ti Imn at Masonic hall Krtday evening for wink In the order ot the ti triple by a drill. Mrs. A. H. Merrick and daughter, Marjorie, have n turni'd to their home In Chicago after spending six months at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Cavin, Mrs. Merrick,'! parents. VniiT wlmer overcoat and stilt may nee1 presume and cleaning. Lt us have them early. We guarantee to please you. No garment too delicate fur us to handle. Illuff l.j Uaimury, liry Cleaning and Iiya Wot ks. Oeorge Paker; engine foreinnn at the I'nion faoilc transler, Is suffering from painful .Injuries -austalnrd by a fall from tho to)i ot, fe freight car. One Rnee was dlslocatnU wind he sustained many other painful btittsas. ills Injuries are painful, but not dangerous. T. A. Cochran. 0 years old, died yester day at the home of his brother, J. R. Cochran, VW Houth Sixteenth, after a long Illness. Jle In Survived by one sun, Ray mond Cochran, and four brothera, J. It, R. K. and t '. of Council Bluffs, and A. W. Cochran rf Blair.. Nrt.,' and one sister, Mrs. Mary Hollvy'bf Tacoma, Wash. Mayor . Maiouy, Chief of i'odce Kroom and DeTeeUva.'t'allaihtin repreuented the Council ' Bluffs exoouuv department at the funeral ot Captain J4ostyn In Ornuha yesterday morning. They bore the t.lbute of the UiUfi';il Jsluffs police d parlaient, a 1 anU'-' of white chryuanthemums, vhioli was puiued on Uie 'Cachet whoa It va c in rli d to the hears. Charles b. Hcalon, who stole an over coat from A. i). Frost,' a railroad man and was caught by Frost, within a few minutes, was In police court again yester day for final adjudication of inn matter The hearing; had bn urtjounied several times awaiting the presence of Mr. Frost. lie did not appear yesterday to prose cute and Heaton was discharged. The annual banquet ' or I'nion Veteran legion No. It will be held on Friday evining at trie association's hall. The b.-iniiuet Is being prepared and will be spread by trio members of the woman's auxiliary ot the legion. It is designed only for members and none others will be admitted. An entertaining program has been prepared, and (he entertainment will have' inauy, pheasant features. t Burning soot in a chimney at the home of the nursea employed at the Jennie Kd- tnundson hospital called the fire depart- I NO LIGHT OK GROUND FLOOR Caught Here by Detective Calla-han. He Tries to Escape Identified by Atlantic Hotel People. Plnrr- Too Small for I hoar (on fined anil tacilllies for Safety and Ventilation Aw fry Poor Indeed. They n. When JuiiKC i.n-fii conven-d district court at :iO o'clock cst-nlay morning the instructions to the giand Jury, which bal Hoy Green of Oinala, wll known as pr.ifeshiotial und expert hotel tiiief, ar retted scores of time-.- iin-l once sent to prison from Council Uluffs, canie to town estirday afternoon. lietili.e Calla ghan happenetl to see him as lie passe. 1 the postofflce and invited lilm to stop beoi deferred on account ot the absence , .... ,.,,.,,,,.. fjrpi. .l.-nif i his lil,,n- II. i". Thomas. ' ' ! t. I r,i'-:;nl. Maml ITnuvh. Mr Mabel olio ptind. Harry 1to ne. T. l'o ne. Kinily Man sin H ss Hoyne. J. A Af.thlen. Frank j Mni.,v. 1'iarl Morris. Arthur. Aduiph and! Klsle Klgan. j Iftna rm Notes. j H JA N Willi A. I'.. Thivnell presiding I court coiiMicd In Logan y.'tiiday. I I ' K! '!'! i A lorn niikln.; machine In! t'ie "latest wrinkle " in tnis scrtion. l-'snn- I eis nre hat. dug together' h n I buying the niachiiie. as It will do tile: oik of inaii men In gathering the corn. STORM LAKK Mrs. S. I! fox. who w ! ffail ii y burned in an explos on of a misn- I I nc mm e ut her home here Satuidnx. died of her in lHti, s last night. She is survived I b two daughters, f RI S I '.N 1 HMSion Supetintcndeut W. 0 Cunl is iii t'lucagn assisting Roomers Driven From Beds by Midnight Fire v Twenty People Rush Out Into Chilly Atmosphere Clad in Sleeping Garments. " 1 this week, w.ieie he is uswtinif In framinie a new time card that Is expected to go into effect on the! attempt to put it out. Twenty or mute frightrr.ed rooniei j clad for the most put only In Dsjamas and nlelitruhes. rushed madly out of the i house and Into the stteet. when fire broke out in the loomliiR house of Mrs. Nancy j Simpson, nt ;i:0 North Twenty-eighth av I cnue. at 11H o'clock last night, j Walter Simpson had s'tieiled smoke about I 11 o'clock and searching for Its source. I foi nd a small fire blazing in a rear room. 1 The lad burned his hands severely In an After finding this us nient to 1012 Kant Piercs street last evening A neighbor, unserving sparks riving from the chimney, had turned In an alarm. The firemen found the nurses enjoying a com fortably heated room unaware that the spurka from their fir had caused alarm. The ownera of the Greek pool hall at Kit Uroadway were again reminded that the Iowa laws and the local city ordi nances prohibiting the presence of minor In pool halls must be obeyed. They had been warned a number of times and made frequent promises and yesterday Chief Kroom ordered the uncut of one of them. The chief declared with n.uch earnest ness yesterday that the laws re.gnlr.tlns; mich plttcea will be vigorously enforced. Mrs. Klina. Qrundel died at her home near Weston yesterday of apoplexy, after an Illness ot three days. She was 72 years old. She was born In Germany and came here, when a young .girt. For thirty-five years she resided near I'nderwood and for tlui last eleven years at Weston. Three sons survlie her, C. J. of Weston. John K. of Kvanalon, Wyp., and Frank M. of Marysvllle, Mo. The Tuneral will be held Fnd.iy morning from the Catholic church at Seaton. Thw residence of F.dward Parker. aou2 Fourth avenue, was badly damaged by fire yesterday aftornoon which caught from a deft-otive chimney. When discovered the en lira half of the roof was In flames. The firemen were obliged to' throw large quan tities of water to control the flames, and nearly an oi me iuriutura was badly dam axed by wuter and smoke There was In surance to the amount of $S0u on the build ing and fuu on the furniture, and the loss win approximate close to the Insurance. Frank Campbll. strong and healthy and SI years old, picked up a green hide lying in rronr ot tin unowy nine House on bouih JJaln street. Tuesday afternoon and started away with It. Lindsay and one of his employes tttarted In pursuit, and al though the hide weighed nearly loft pounds CmpbH lis'l a cliapce to win out in the mee if 1 Imd not bumped Into a police officer while looklnr backward as he ran. He Im .uo explanation when arraigned in police, oaurt ) -terda, morning and ,lud,-e Knytler pt him to tli, county jail for thirty daa. Miss Jesele Williams, nged 2ft. died at the home -of her mother, Mrs. I-eonard W ilnms, at No. S. Kast "Washington avenue after an Illness of elelit months, from tu berculosis. Miss Williams came here eight months ago from her home at Marshall. Mch .. to visit her brothera, John B and Frank Q. Williams, who have had charge of the sudltoilutn ska'lng rink, and re mained In the hope of benefiting her health. Her mother, who accompanied her also remclncd. The body will be returned today to liruff lke. Mich., for burial. A short service wHI be held at the residence, conducted by Rev. F. A. Case. Charles William Miller. a Harrison rinii'.tv farmer, rcsming near t.ot'un, yes categorically condemning the jail In all its functions. Details of Report. Following Is the report: The grand Jurors would respectfully re port that they have Inspected the county jail at Council Uluffs. This jail Is about twenty-two years old. The main part oi the Jail consists of a revolving cylinder three stories nigh, with ten cells on eacn story -and two Iron bunks In each cell. The corridors opening off of each story do not contain to exceed 3110 square feet of floor space, so that there is very little room in wnicn tne prisoners can exercise. The steel bars In this corridor are ex ceedingly hard and brittle and the jail has been broken out of many times. In repairing these breaks the spaces have been filled with steel sheets, so that the little light that was originally available Is now almost wholly cut off from the cor ridor. This is particularly true on the ground floor. At the present time there are confined in the Jail thirty-one prisoners. The accom modations for the Jailer and the facilities tor cooking for and taking care of the pris oners are very poor, and the Jail is so poorly arranged that proper and safe supervision of the prisoners cannot be made by the Jailer. We think that the lack of light, lack of ventilation and almost total lack of room for exercise make the place unsanitary and very In jurious to those who are ao unfortunate as to ba compelled to stay there, and also call attention to the fact that the Jail is an insecure one in which to keep pris oner. All Parties Represented. As the members of th grand Jury comprise both democrat and republicans whose residence are well distributed over the county It cannot ba charged that the report ha any political complexion or 1 the result of the dtalr of the people of Council Bluff and tha west end of the county to Influence the voters on election day In favor of the proposition that the county board ba placed upon the offi cial ballot authorlmlruj the laauanc of bonds to the amount of 175.000 for the construction of a new county Jail. The effect of the condemnatory report cannot. however, be other than favorable for the proposed bond lsru. Judge Oaesn adjournad court last night until November 10 to permit the county officers, who are looking after election matter to have a better opportunity to do so. Tha grand Jury will remain in ses slon today when it, too, will adjourn un til after election. inference. tity and his name and started away with progiessive ppeed, which developed Into a sAift run when Callaghan ordered htm to stop. Callaghan has had severul los ing foot races with Green in the past, and when the fugitive dodged Into the alley in the rear of the Dodge Light Guards armory Callaghan drew his revolver and fired several shots In 1m vicinity of his feet. Green continued to run, leaping over alley and lawn fences and was finally caught while attempting to lift an out side cellar door at the residence of Mrs. Amy Hammer for the purpose of hiding. When taken to the station he was founu to be carrying a loaded revolver and he wa9 held on that charge and for the pur pose of investigation. Kress reports yesterday contained an ac count of the robbery of landlord Daly of the Tollman hotel at Atlantic, when a sneak thief broke into his room, pried open a desk drawer and stole $-" In cash and a check for S50. The women of the hotel had seen a man prowling about the corridors of the hotel and had ordered him away.' The description they gave and the method of the thief's operations fitted Green so snugly that when Chief of Police Froom called up Sheriff Duval of Atlantic, he was pretty nearly pre pared to say he had the hotel thief In cus tody. The Cass county sheriff came to Council Bluffs yesterday in company .with Mrs. Daly and the chambermaid who had encountered the thief in the corridors and they Instantly identified him as the man they saw whom they met face to face. Green was then wearing a natty blue suit, but when arrested here was clothed in a new suit of widely different color and pattern. Sheriff Duval took Green back to Atlantic yesterday afternoon and he will have to stand trial on the robbery charge. The Omaha police department made an earnest demand for Green be cause he was wanted on three charges, but Chief Froom concluded the man would stand a better show of retirement, If con signed to the care of the Casa county authorl ties. Green has been arrested .scores of times In Council Bluffs and Omaha, buf he has always been too shrewd to be convicted. The last time he robbed the Grand hotel, County Attorney Hess had him Indicted under the common thief act and he wo given a term at Fort Madison, securing his discharge last spring. He has served one term in Nebraska. Bent up from Blair. HI specialty is hotel Jobs and the police Bay he is one of the most adroit and success ful In the country. FOURTEENTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY SURPRISE Friends of Mr. and Airs. Frank Elaan Invade MIomv and,, dive Conple . Unexpected Entertainment. Exhibits Piling in for Fruit Show Superintendent Eeed Find Hit Abil ity to Core for Them Taxed to the Utmost Fruit for the exposition I arriving; at the rate of a car a day. and Freeman Reed I finding more work in connection with his position as general superintend ent than at both of the previous big hows. All of tha stuff offered for exhi bition must be receipted for by him and must be sent to the Bloomer Cold Storage plant where It Is cared for free. An other car waa received yesterday from Payette, Ida., and numeroua small ship ment were coming lit all day today. Rt quests for more space and applica tions for reservations were numerous. George H. Smith, representing the Com mercial club of Twin Fall. Ida., came her for the purpose of securing space for an enormous vegetable exhibit. He wanted to, fetch enough to fill about half of tha annex buildings, but got room for several car loads. Another feature of the rush ot applica tions that came in yesterday was the In terest shown iii the exposition by the fruit growers around St. Joseph, Mo. Failure to secure the exiiositlun for Bt. Joseph this year was declared by the 8t. Joseph representatives who attended the annual meeting of the congress last fall, a certain means of preventing any of them exhibiting at the 1M0 exposition or tak ing any interest In It. Among the appli cants fin' spaee yesterday were many of the leading fruit growers In th St. Joseph district. A large space was ass.gned yea- Frank Elgan, manager of the Nebraska Telephone company, and Mrs. Elgan cele- bra-ed their fourteenth wedding annivers ary Tuesday evening in a manner that was rather unexpected. They had planned a quiet evening at home, but during a brief call upon friend in the early part of the evening their home wa Invaded by a party of decorators under the guidance of L. E Renaud, who garnished the rooms In a tasteful manner, the parlor in huge yellow chrysanthemum ' and the dining room wltft pink and white roses. When they re turned they were greeted by a large num ber of their friends, who had prepared a program for the evening amusements. A mock marriage was one of the features with Harry Uoyne and Mrs. Mabel Olm atead as principals and Miss Bess Boyne and Frank Hober a attendant. The of ficiating minister was Gall Garretson. Some especially good music and singing was enjoyed, given by Miss Maud Hough and Mr. Mabel Olmstead. Carda and dan cing were also in the evening entertain ment. Lunch was served at an early hour. A handsome fern dish ot hammered brass waa given to Mr. and Mrs. Elgan, also the good wishes for the coming years. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Meneray, sr., Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Elgan, Mr. and Mr. W. A. Boyne. Mr. and Mr. RurlliiKton along this division and branches Sunday at noon. OKI KNT Jonathan Hurst, an aued resi dent of Orient, is dead ft m Unguis dis ease, contracted in Florida, where he wi lit a few months ago. previous to moving scuth Mr. Hurst was a long-time reldent of Sac county, Iowa. He waa over Go years of age. IOWA CITY Frank C.lhson, a black smith, was shot Monday evening while re turning home from work, the ace. dent pre sumably arising from some youngster's H ul low e'en prank. The In Hired man Is im - ' proving nicely and no serious results arc ! anticipated. , CKKSTi N The death of Hotace A. Sea- j mans occurred at Cottage hospital In this, city yesterday morning, from cancer. Mr. Seimans was a young man and his early j life was spent In Taylor county, near Lenox. He Is survived by his parents and three sisters. AMES Valuohle platinum cups, dishes and other vessels, of a value of .-0, which were used In the chemical laboratory of the Iowa State college, were stolen from the laboratory some time Inst niRht It Is be lieved the vessels will n cut Into pieces and the platinum sold. There Is no clue. FORT IOlK!E The recently orRanlted Civic league, the members of which are opposed to saloons, and banded together to defeat them at the coming election, has secured Mayor Don C. Love of Lincoln, Neb., to address a mass meeting at the Fifty-sixth replmental armory next Sunday. CO RYION The Iowa Equal Suffrage state convention convenes In Corydon Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, No vember 15, 15 and 17. The sessions will be held In the Methodist church. Splendid programs have been arranged for the three dates. Dr. Harton O. Aylesworth, national lecturer and organizer, has been slated for the principal address. BEAMAN From InHirles received Sun day evening while riding home from his work, Wlllard Allen, a young farm hand, died here today. It IS believed that his horse was frightened and he was thrown to the ground, fracturing his skull. He was found in the road, the horse standing along side of htm, and the theory that the horse threw him Is the only satisfactory one that can be advanced. FORT DODGE The Elks' lodge of this city ha closed a five-year lease for the entire third floor of the Butler building, one of the large brick business structures on Central avenue, and already remodeling Is under way, that the new quarters may be occupied by January 1. Convenient ar rangement of rooms and artistic finish of woodwork will make the new lodge quar ters among the finest In the state. RI'RIilNOTON Injunction proceedings against sixteen more saloons and eight drug stores at Burlington were filed by the anti-saloon league agent. The league's action Is stirring up a regular hornet's nest and in a called meeting of the Com mercial exchange strong resolutions scor ing the anti-saloon league for bringing the Injunctions were adopted. It is claimed the saloonlsts are and have been comply ing to the letter with the mulct law. LOGAN B. E. Edquist, civil engineer of Omaha, reported last evening to the Busi ness Men's association of Logan. In session, that the sewerage system being under consideration here could be put In effec tive oDeratlon at Kl.WO. Erection ot a standpfpe to give better fire protection to West Logan, also water supply for house, lawn and gardens, and extension of water mains, were improvement discussed. Mr. Bullock of the Omaha Bullock Public service and Judge A. B. Thornell were also present, the former discussing elec tric lights to be rurnlenea by the Bullock company from the plant at Missouri Val ley, and the latter commenting upon the Improvements and future growth of Logan. in. possible he at once turned In an alarm j The fire department soon got the fire under control, and it was extinguished be fire much damage was done. The damage to tho house was estimated at Jo0 and ' the damage to the furniture at an equal amount. The building was a three-story frame structure. Received Highest Award World BAKING POWDER inu powders Calumet. Wontlerftll in its raisinj rowers its uniformity, its never tailing results its purity. Wonderful in its economy. It costs less than the hiRh-price trust brands, but it is worth as much. It costs a trifle more than the cheap and bij can kinds it is worth more, nut proves its real economy in the baking. Wja'! Use CALUMET the Modern Baking Powder. At all Grocers. Pure Food Exposition r "I am pleased to recommend Chamber laln'rf Cough Remedy as the best thing 1 know of and safest remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchial trouble," writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold of Denver. Colo. "We have used it repeatedly and it ha never tailed to give relief." For sale by all druggist. CORNHUSKER CLUB GROWING Clob in University of Aflchlajan Ad mits to Membership Vast Mom ber. All the officers and member of the Missouri Valley Alumni association of Michigan university are now members of the Cornhuskers' club, according to the action of the club. Word has been re ceived that the Cornhuskers have thirty member out of the forty Nebraska tu dent in the University of Michigan. The purpose of the Cornhuskers' club Is to spread the fame of the Michigan school far and wide, and also to let the students from every section know what a great state Nebraska Is. Lame back U one of the most common forms of muscular rheumatism. A few applications of Chamberlain's Liniment will give relief. For sale by all druggists. DEAF? Ie Will Cure Catarrhal Cause terdsv filed an application for relief from I terday to the 8hoshone irrigation company h!s debts through the bankrupt?!- court. . ...l... : ..,1,ii,,rie will, a leUirranliie He schedules his total llulill;.-s ai V Cv xi 1 "f ,rtaho !" -om pilar., e wlllt a telegraphic Sim hn i order. irnt At the meeting of the congresj held last evening It was decided further to enlarge and assets at 11 Cv, of which claims as exempt Among tlie cred tors are the First Nntlonsl bank of ii- , , .1 tr-i . x . i.,. i 1.....1. - m The Woodbine bun holds Miller's!00 nnex nl aa'' at,OUt '" n,orc I tian-T to the vn'ue of W'.I.O.',, of (,-eh sijuare feet to the atldlt'on of 'i.'ifO p.-ov ded 1 t feu Is secured hv chattel mori truu'e on f,,r on the dav previous. The extensions ; farm slock and the I ui-iti InMlto-'on '.s j , b niadis ln Bryant street an- I Ms obligations to the amount of 1771 7" j I'i .f which is secured 1 ne tot i' of tl- ncx. paiilallv secured c:a'ni " : und 1 thorn wholly unsecured fvx.10. The A. Hospe Co. stock of pianos are! not a cheap bunch of Instruments bought for tho purpose of conducting a sale, but their regular stock of high- 1 grade and artistic pianos. Including or gans, small instruments, etc.. that must be sold by Nov. 10. us they must vacate building. '-' I'ear! St. and '.'S S. Main St. j If suffering from Catarrhal deafness write til for Free Samnle of "Konrlnn's" i'i'il Dermanent. safe auii SDeedv cure ... 'wuuauUuiti.i.iUt.iUaiiiiuuiiilliiil aromatic, soothinc nleasant. henlmo-. fli T T.I1iotnl Vttf Cfimrkl rna mMMwaw a a vv uusiijsv Kspccially valuable In aural affections of children mild, pure, in sanitary tubes. Especially recommended by physicians for children with cold in the head, which so odcii brines on chronic nasal catarrh. Contains no harm ful drtics. Sold only In snniurr. convenient lubes and recommended by over .lo.OiW druggists in L'5c and 50c tubes. If yours hasn't Kondon's, a 2oc or f0c tube will be sent you postpaid on receipt of price, or absolutely free sample by Kondon Mfg. Company, Minneapolis, Minn. iJjiiizi:;i:!n:iniiH!in.iiiniii!iiiiiHiii.2::niiizmiiiini:i!!!H!i!ni!irniiin!in HOTEL GOTHAM I i (It Ileal IXate Transfers. The follow ins transfers were reintrtrd to The Bee November II by the Pottawattamie Oo'-ntv Abstract company. Council Uluffs: W IllKtn C. Webster and wife to Wil liam J. Sehlkt, IMit se', nc1, of 27. und part e .se', iT-7ti-44. w' d I 4.W7 Paul Mowry and v!f.- to Kdwln Par ker and Annie Fold, n1- lots 4 and f. In lock S. Beer's addition to Coun cil Bluffs. Ia., w. d 4.1iO Chailes Kogers to If. J. Iiollen. lot In b.ock 3 In iudson's S-c.nd addi- lt- n to Neola, I., w. d 1.4.V0 Jesiirn J. sii'deiitopf it ul to lle'Ti- tta F. Cti.-itilv t7'1 feet of lot In O. P. of Cuurcil IUurf. U c d... 1 J, ep!i Perron mid wife to IV J. U:tt tie lots 1? a ul H and n et i f lot 11 In block 1 In Fvans' Br1d n l lUhp t I'oui'iii Bluff-, la . w. d 1 J. -.rn'l Ferror ;1ed wife to " 1 Mir-'e , t is t vl. at an f !l In t 'if k ".. in Mo'ce pla e addition to r, ,:nri Pl-iif . 1 . w d 1 SCSI Marriage Licenses. M.irrUge lice is v.r - i:ed ye teiday j to the folloulus na i'ci person.-: I N'ii i c ncd ce : Henry .1ohnnburg. Council Rl .f.'s. i t 1,1 1 .'olini'Ot . t o i ne i n jus. L. H. Carter. I'tiiincH ! iliit r.s h. 1. Si l.roeiler. Count:! l.iulfs Juc tb Schiauk Omaha I'cuil Frai'ces i!il!nkl. Council Bluffs l-etirv !. I.orii', Cuuiicli lilu.'fs Mabel K. Frits Hk.iliHwa. in A!v Pell. Till', r. ia i8t).eiiin' M. Wnriur. Council l.lufts Fred H Clvffot ide. Warren. Pa . lars. iiofr.t olt.n.lm- ) '. Age. ... li ... Li .... i.( .... 1 1 'i.f i : ; '-r .'i.'!,(J.r A Hotel ofrcfmecJ el egance, located ia NcwYorks social centre Easily accessible to theatre and slicincL districts Single IXiom i(h F.:h I to3?? boubJc UeoMwuk &tkt3 iStQ&iJi Wetherbce tfWood fifth Ave. Fifiyvf?f?h St NEW YORK. CITY EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES WANTED. APPLY AT ONCE. )RKIF DOUGLAS STUEET STOKE READ THE FOLLOWING TELEGRAM: NIGHT MESSAGE tuts wEsnnin urixoxj rniTiaiinj?ii coinPiLrinr. IMOORPOPJATIO 23,000 OFFICES IN AMERICA. CABLE SERVICE TO ALU THE WW Hi. v. air oa ondlltosa Ibsmnc l BsWIItr.-wliloh awiMd n r vmwwamtn i"""? " 1 L 1 J , b2k ti M nrtlnVin fnr cnmtiuM ao U Otmtpsay will not. ''f'VStll'A u wm puj UMraoA. nor la friar emmm Mn im cm ui e " " and DIUTSM xTtil ajratnfrl mlr by rressUD a air. , tw nan M tmafrtad uilntl totmry ot V arapaml ciompn tmruari tha amoani g 'i-ZZTTZurml ri cTm Ia6 a. aa.1 i. J.kiI br raonaaa ot aW staUar. uxlir the ixaWtoa FIOBBRT C.JCLOWHY, PraaMant and Oaoaral Mana-rar. New York, Nov. 1, 1910. Orkin's Douglas Street Store, Omaha, Neb. Purchased fitm Rujena & Morton entire stock of five hundred and sixty high class tail ored suits at fifty cents on the dollar. Advertise the greatest sale Omaha ever knew. J. B. Orkin. greatest sale of high-class, new fall and Omaha has ever known. ORBIFS iimmm i mmmn mX- T :: , ,., : a. - -at , 1 IT .'.'...I . i iiit . 'imm-m-m CvX I HafJ Dm J a ' 3.1 Wt m itm ffi l f we& I I i I 1 1 I 1 :;.:l-.i : y0 7 1 " Tbe bulk ol utoraobllet are bought by the real people who do the work that make this country what It la. Xbey find a car earn Its keep by aavtng time, promoting health for every member of the family. Don't Spite Yourself Of course the automobile, like any other good new thing, has suffered from some of its friends. The "joy rider," the conscienceless "speed merchant," the "road hog," the "dust thrower," the "horn maniac," the blatant "sport" and the "cut-out kid" have all been abroad in the land. But to let these fast passing evils, which are de cried by every reputable dealer and manufacturer, prevent you from having the benefit of a motor car would be a good deal like going without dinner be cause the cook swore at the ice man. But don't forget that while you were standing on the corner criticising the man who made a holy show of himself through misuse of hia car, a dozen sane, sensible, everyday, honest-to-gracious American citizens slipped past you in their cars. They slipped past without noise, without excitement, going about their own business with speed and efficiency, with fresh air in their lungs, and satisfaction in their hearts. The bulk of automobiles are bought by such men as those who conduct stores, manage factories, operate uilroads, build Fhips and bridges, run banks, sell goods, write books, edit newspaper! and magazines, direct corporations ; doctors, lawyers, farmers, engineers, contractors,' business men, printers, artist, real estate men in short, the real people who do the work that makes this country what it is. These men find that the automobile helps them in their business, that it pays high interest on the investment and earn its keep by saving time by enabling them to do more things by promoting health by affording change and recreation in the out-of-doors. They find that a car is of equal benefit and pleasure to every member of the family. They find that as aoon as a car is bought it ceases to be a luxury and becomes a necessity. They find they couldn't possibly get along without one and they never try to any more. Chalmers Cars appeal to this class of people because tbey have beauty and style and distinction a cer.-ain way of their own. There ate quite a few people nowad.ys who really prefer vety fine and beautiful things to the ordinary sort. Decide Upon Your Car by Comparison Some people do not object to saving as much se (iouo to $atiuo in the pur chase of a motor cur iiiat will emwer every pcaeible requirement. The Chalmers "FortV appeals very strongly to such people. This famous car has ell the power anyone can ever need; strata for ueveo if cetired ; luxurious finish ; beauty and style; the quality tu wear. The price of 311750 includes Loach magneto, Preat-O-l.ite tank and (as lsnips. It ia an eaay matter, of course, to spend more for a car, but If you start out some day seriously to find enough more in one to justify a higher price, you have forty-eight in fifty to fail, and you will put In tha hard cat day's work of your life. In the end. you will probably con clude there is 110 other value ao con vincing as the Chalmers "forty." Thia car ! in iu fifth season. It is one of America's truly lumoua cara. 1 he f rat one we ever made is running yci. 11 rune an fay, every oay. Detroit, aa a factory errand car. The man who owns a "Forty" will tell you there is no better car. He is a little prejudiced, cl course, in favor of a beautiful and laithful friend jutt as we are. But if you think of buying a ctr, yoa can diaccunt this prejudice by ex amining the " Pcrty" for youieelf ia compurieon with otners of any price. If you can buy more dollar (or dol lar value anywhere, of courae you will, but wail, we think yuu will buy a "Forty" alter you have looked into the matter thoroughly. The 1911 model, big. handeome and com now on our floor. We invite you to come and see us. !!. E. Fredrickson Auto Co., Omaha, Meb. CHALMERS MOTOR COMPANY, Detroit, Mich. LicmnfJ MHdtr SmlJtK Patmt N .''x' if 1 The above telegram fully explains itself, and the entire stock of 560 high-class, tailored suits will be placed on sale Saturday the same as bought, at 50c on the dollar.. Watch Friday night's papers for the Winter suits iOUGUS - STRBET STORE j N. f - Plumbing Co. Tel. Zi. Niht, L-1IU. el transfers, total... ..iia,3u