" . Corhuskers Go to Learn Fate, Big Crowd Wish Them Well; Missouri May Come PLAYERS OFF FOR L.WVREMK Nebraska Toot Bill Warrion Go to Defeat or Victory. BEAU TALK LOOKS LIKE DEFEAT K nana Mimr l.r-lt " ' l.lnroln Hp. mala I nm (rrd Lrk of "ar lie. hlne" I. In. Iatros Kffectlve ness of Wkw Tfm, Cornell Goes to Intlianola to Meet Simpson Iwo Weeks Without Game and Husky Iowa College Boys Feel Able to Win. ! SIT. YKI1NON. Ia., Nov. 3. (Special I Telegram. ) With tin; rousing cheers of t nearly Son enthusiastic Cornell students LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. 3. Special Telo- ! r" f0ot ,,aU "v"ui lefl Mt Vcr .in..)-0,M.rt by S.M wildly ..died I io' 10 ,nnpt tl" '"P"" '"'- f t niiorit twenty-two foot ball isriirs CHANCE TO BRING TIGERS Missouri and Creighton Lack Game November 13, NEGOTIATIONS WELL UNDER WAY lllahlanal Park Tram III Arrive Tonight for .nme atarfla Illlltoppera Mmt Work Win. i presenting the Vnlvrrslty of Nebraska left at W.X Thursday night over the Mis souri Pacific for Kannu City, thence to Lawrence. hfif they Vne.'t the Jayhawk r Saturday afternoon. The irlooni of the last few days nave way Thursnav night miner the moat en tlonat Indlanola tomorvoAv. The team mi accompanied to the train by the col lege hand, followed by some 400 or 500 students. Through the fact that Highland I'ark cancelled the game lust Saturday the team ha been Idle since the Monmouth game and la In the very best of condl- . ... I I ... .,.! ,.nln,nff In tlnisiasttc sendoff ever accorded a Corn- "" "- factory conditions busker team. . . Drawn. through the streets 1 ' tlmI""m I,oraM' , V V ,,' T , v.of iNovemner i . arm me iuuun.ng urdny meets Orlnnell. of IjIih oln In the old band wagon, w hich : has not been used since Jthe victory over j the (iophcra In IflOli, by aeveral hundred frphni(, the team was -followed by Ihei baud aid tlifi students. ,, Three hundred toithes wite,i.s.il by the psrader. the; different fraternities marching In a body ' to the train, r.ach member of the feam was called fur Omaha Base Ball is Reorganized An effort will be made during tiie next few days to arrange a name With the University of Missouri for the Creighton eleven on the open date caused by the withdrawal of Washburn from the locals' schedule. Three members of the foot ball quad of Colorado university are down with smallpox and the management of the western school has decided to cancel their game with the Missouri Tigers. If satls- are agreed upon the foot ball-enthusiasts of this city may have an opportunity of seeing this fast aggrega tion In action this season. Their work upon the gridiron so far this year has been warmly recommended and many fans hope that the Creighton management will be able to bring the Mlssourlans here for a game on November 12. Everything Is In readiness for the High land I'ark contest. No henvv work has and given a rowing cheer prior to a h t i Improvements FlsUined Pa RoUTke : been given the men for the last few days speeeh. In the party leaving Thursday,1" , , I and the players feel that thev are In first- ttaa a unance ai ncicucr- All-Star Scheme. night were Coach Colt. Manager Karl O Kager. Trainer Jack Hest. Assistant Coa'h Harry Kwing, Captain Temple. Channel. llornberger, Collins. Harmon. Shonka, Luf- gren. Klllott. Warner, O. Krank. K. Frank. A new lneol ,,orated company was made Minor, ltathhone, Swansoii, (ilhson. Hay, j of tlie 0ni,na jjat,e uttii t.iub Thursday, Klwell, .sturmer. Sldell. iiderson, KreitiK , whin artcie- t ,h6 effect that the cap and Kussell. ltal .fork ()( , company was $.v.in. of The team Is apparently 'in good physical wnlf.h j,5flnn wag preferred, paying per condition, although It Js doubtful It some j C()ll Bprp f;ed wllh Couniy clerk Hav of the Bien are prepantd to enter a hard eriy crntest Just before leavlhg Thursday Cole i Tl"ls I11(lve , taken preliminary to the mado another shift In the defensive plV-i nn-infr of a new cement Riandstand .terry uarner was taken from the defen-1 na., ,ark costliig 3.m und other slve quarterbaik position and placed at half. Warner Is one of the best tackier the university has and the change wil strengthen the defense. Sllnor and K. Krank will both play against Kansas, al though It Is not known which one will be started first. Sllnor has been playing half most of the lime this week. Sol at All Confident. n the day before the Cornliiisker in vasion of JaylmwkciUom there waa gloom In the Cornhusker ranks and the confi dence of the rooters Kus been shaken by the ragged work of the 'varsity In the preparatory workouts for the big con test. The team has rot xhown up aa It should, the la)yr. haw lacked ginger and the players had shown a'crudeneas which Is alarming for the lateness of the sea son. The defensive, play la fairly satis factory, but the tenm has been subjected to considerable criticism when It comes to advancing the hI. Nebraska has felt the want of a star In the bm-k field for the last three years and haa lost foot ull game because of the lack of one. Cole has had a big task during the last Reek. Several of the alumni promised (i .return, hut failed to show up and the in tire work jpf preparing the team for :he one big' gpifiit of" the year has fallen n Cole .alone, tlfbe i'Ncfci-aska coach has l.yided his .'tUne tleu the line. 1 the aclj field and the ends. ,t Had . MkMKwtogrMie. Practice. Tha practice' "Wednesday night was far from saUl'a!lwv.. The varsity ran through the signal practice without a snap and though the r'ays ran smoothly, the work was a disappointment to the coaches. When the varsity was In scrim mage Willi tne ir. snrii.;n, they round It nearly pouth Omaha High svhool team will meet all they could do to hold their own against , the scrappy first year men. Three touch- I downs were all that the varsity score while the freshmen scored touchdowns. Improvements totaling !.0U0, on the grounds, including the enlargement of the field by moving the two rear fences forty feet back. The officers under the new articles ure: W. A. Rourke, president and treasurer; Pavld J. Rourke, secretary; and James V. j Kourke of Orand Island, vice president. Practically all ur the many players who received one of the now famous checks from Fletcher In his all star proposition, have either returned them or turned them over to the heads of their own clubs. Kill Kourke of the omaha Base Hall club was, us he thinks, given u chance to turn the would-be promoter down. Just after the close of the Athletics-Cubs series he received a telegram over the Northwestern line from Chicago, asking if he and the other Omaha base ball men would favor the promoting of an all-star series here. "I will, provided Fletcher has nothing to do with It any way," was his reply on the same day. Since that message was sent he has not heard further from the proposition. and tho players feel that they are In first class condition for the annual contest with the Iowa team. The return of Hubbard to the eleven last evening was the source of much rejoicing In the Creighton camp. "Doc." has been out of the game for awedal days past and his absence ff-om the keystone position was noticeable In last week's battle against the Kansans. Hubbard Is one of the best men on the blue and white eleven and the loss ol the sturdy youngster would handi cap the hill-top team considerably. Highland Park will arrive In the city late this evening. Word received from Des Molncs Is that they expect a hard struggle, but will send the fastest eleven that ever wore the purple and white to defend their colors against Creighton. They expect to reverse last year's score by a good margin and to accomplish this Coach Hice will send his men Into the field well coached to meet the various formations used by Miller's proteges. Oldfield Tries Law to Secure Right to Racj Speed Demon Loses Three-Hour Legal Contest to Remove Disqualification. ATLANTA, C.j.. Nov. 3. Harney Old field today fought for three hours a legal contest for the right to enter tomorrow's automobile meet here nnd lost. Attorneys for the American Automobile association held that Instead of an In junction to force the local racing asso ciation to allow him to race In defiance of his disqualification by the American Automobile association, Oldfield should have sought a mandamus to secure rein statement. Oldfleld's attorneys brought suit for 120.000 damages against the American Au tomobile association and one for $0,000 against the Atlanta Automobile associa tion along with the Injunction proceed ings. The hearing was before Judge O. L. Bell In the Fulton county superior court. Oldfleld's attorneys claimed that he had been disqualified by the American Automobile association without a hear ing and that the disqualification of his 200-horsepower Bent racer amounted to confiscation of property. The at torneys argued that his race with Jack Johnson, which caused the dis qualification, was Justifiable because It would tend to discourage Johnson from future competition with white sportsmen. The opposition counsel replied that Old- field's disbarment was automatic under the rules he himself had signed, both against himself and his car. Judge Bell, after three hours and fif teen minutes argument ruled that he had no Jurisdiction. The three days' racing be gins on the Atlanta two-mile speedway tomorrow at 11 a. m., with eight events, ranging from time trials to a jw-niHe race for a trophy and a cash prise of 11.000. LELNAWWIKS 100-MILE race Drivers Honor Livingstone's Memory During the Funeral. VICTORY IN THE LAST HALF MILE Winner Has Lead of One llnndred 1 arris Over knluhl aV Finish Contenders llandlrnpeil l . . Tire Troubles. Two-Cent Fare Case to Be Argued Suit of Railroads Attacking South Dakota Law Comes Up in Sioux Falls Today. ATLANTA, tla. SIOCX FALLS, S. P.. Nov. ,1 -(Special.) Sioux Falls will on Friday of this week bo the stene of arguments In the case Insti tuted In the federal court some time ago Nov. 3. A drama new j Involving the reduction of passenger fares South Omaha High Will Play O.H S and Will Play Hard at Vinton Park Saturday. South Dakota Pedagogues Meet Association of School Officers Recom mends Number of Changes in State Laws. Hl'RON, S. D., N'. :. inpecial.) The twenty-eighth annual meeting of the 8011th Dakota Educational association was opened here yesterday afternoon with the address of welcome by Hon. K. L. Abel, response by Prof. W. E. Johnson of Aber deen. Following . the usual opeulng exer cises, which were Interspersed With music, " " j President McDonald delivered the annual Eleven from Packing Town is Strong "in hWerre-i w " n " I heen m eeomollshe t.v fhe asuoeln I Ion and I what It purposed doing In the future. He I paid high tribute to Oeneral Beadle, the pioneer educator of Dakota territory, and j spoke of his heroic fight In behalf of the AMONG THE LOCAL BOWLERS Maseupae Gather In Two Games of Three from Nlora Malta Other Games. In the Booster league the Voegele & Din ning company's Mazeppaa won two games out of three from the Htors Malta, rolling the classy total of 2. Ml points. McLean of the Malts rolled two MO games In a row and got the high with w pins. Howlev of the Candy Kids rolled high total on his teum with fK2 pins und high single game with zlb pins. The Omaha Bedding company won two games out of three from the hprague 1'IJls, Changstrom rolled high total with 630 pins and Chtistenson rolled high single game with iw inns. In the Mercantile league the Carpenter Paper company won two games by close margins and lost the last games by four pins to the Onimods. Johnson rolled high total with 628 pins and high single game with 214 plus. Tonight Jettera vs. Mets Bros., liospe Co. vs. J. 8. Cross, Kqultable Jfe vs. Hartley's Colts, Scores: SPRAQUJB'8 PILLS. ' 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. vilSB 14 IKS iMH 141 lo ...! 171) ITS ...... ..n 17J 10 ....I.i4 157 141 1 juhe-. - .T....,..;74 74 847 OMAHA BEDDING COMPANY - 1st. . 2d. lid. Total Kldsqn '...1.IMS 12 182 re WllleV .l 174 170 144 4 Johnson ..178 ' 161 177 6a Hose 12ti 1.1 7 127 4H Changstrom 1M) 1ST 16;; .'O two Colo gave the varsity a severe shake up allur a half hours scrimmage und filled the places with substitutes. The first team playrd belter ball with the sub stitutes in the lineup than when the vaistty 111.11 were playing. As a result of the piactlce during the last two days very 1 little Cornhusker money Is In sight. The odds arc even but the Cornhuskers are not belting and the Kansas money sent to Lincoln has not been covered. At the lust moment the band decided to make the trip to Kausus and will leave Friday evening uu the regular excursion tmln over the I'nlon Pacific. The Omaha HlKh school team and the ; pui'iio scnoois or tne state. A. It, Blgelow of Iad, president of the on the gridiron Btiturday afternoon at Association of School Officers, submitted Vinton Street park. Prelmvnary to the j the report of the legislative committee In regular game, the second teams of the a twenty-eight-page pamphlet. He spoke two schools will play a splendid team this year been scored against. to American automobile racing was en acted on the speedway Just before the start of the 100 mile race today. With the strains of "Nearer My Hod to Thee" floating from the grandstand bund, nine big engines lined up at the starting wire, their engines stilled for fifteen min utes, while their drivers, with bared heads, waited for the last prayer to be said In another part of the city at the funeral of Al Livingstone, w ho was to have started In the 100-mlle race, but who was killed In practice here two days ago. After the hymn there was a long silence, respected by all the thousands In the enclosure. Suddenly the band started a two-step, the racing engines coughed and Living stone, the "king of the dirt track," had passed forever from speedway events. New speed kings were throwing the clutches Into position and the big race was on. Dan son Jumps Into Lend. Joe Dawson In a Rlarmon Jumped Into the lead and held It for ninety-eight miles. when he was nearly two minutes ahead of the official record for 100 miles for Class H cars. Then a shaft broke and he stopped at the pits for repairs. Six miles behind were his nearest rivals, Uelnaw's Eal car and Knight's Wescot car, which for more than ninety miles had been running nose and nose often with scarcely an arm's length separating them. In the last half mile Oelnaw pulled ahead and won by 100 yards from Knight. Dawson returned to the race Just In time to take third place. Helnemann's Marmon and Basle's Pope Hartford, both contenders up to the sev entieth mile, were hopelessly handicapped by bearing and tire trouble, respectively. Time of winner: 1:26:17.62. There was nothing balmy about the breeze which blew across the course to day. It chilled the drivers and things did not warm up until Joe Matson, left at the post by a quarter of a mile In the ten-mile free-for-all, got sizzling hot un der the collar. Joe'a temper was evident In his actions. He was atarted finally by a daring feat of his mechanician, How ard Hall. Matson's trouble waa In stop ping his engine dead by throwing on the high speed too quickly. Hall seized the cranking rod and with the high speed still on gave the engine its first turn. His arm was wrenched painfully by the Jerk from tho engine, but this same Jerk helped to toss him to one side out of danger aa the car leaped forward straight toward him. Matson, still visibly agi tated, drove madly, passing every driver In South Dakota from 3 to 2 cents per mile At the time the various railroads In Inter est secured an Injunction restraining the State Hoard of Uallroad Commissioners from putting the reduced rate Into effect. J. Howard Hates, a well-known Sioux Falls attorney, was appointed by Judge Carland of the United States court as a master In equity to take the testimony In the case and hear the final arguments. The work of taking the testimony was concluded In Chicago some weeks ago. It Is understood that Samuel A. Llnde of Chi cago, counsel for the various railroads In tciested In Ihp casp, will be present and make the argument In behalf of the rail roads and against the proposed reduction. The arguments In behalf of the state of South Dakota and Its Hoard of Kallroad Commissioners and In defense of the pro posed reduction will be made by S. W. Clark, attorney general of South Dakota, and P. W. Dougherty, assistant attorney general and counsel of the State Board of Kallroad Commissioners. As soon as possible after the arguments have been made Master In Kqulty Gates vill make his report and findings to Judge Carland of the federal court. Chriatenson . C. Mitchell .... F. Klce Ocander . II. Mitchell .. Totals ....... "outli Omaha has j of a number of the more Important changes and has nut ; proposed and explained In detail some of In a closely fought game with Nebraska City, South Omaha won by the acore of to 0. October 23. the eleven won from Weeping Water High school by 20 to 0. South Omaha makes a greater part of her gains by atralgut foot ball. The Hue is quite strong, and the lackles are considered to be tne uesi me school has ever had. Ilne-up for Saturday: those to which objection Is being made. A large part of the proposed code Is taken from what Is known as the New York scl.ool laws, which are considered among the beet In existence. The association Is coi aldertng the advisability of adopting the report of the committee, and much discus sion Is being had both In favor and In Following Is tle opposition to the proposed laws. The attendance Is In the neighborhood of r.29 411 417 531 417 2,415 Totals .814 HA1 73 2,4.14 CAKPENTEK PAPKH COMPANY. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. I. Smith -125 113 171 W Klnley 160 14H 177 473 Johnson 214 1S1 133 uJti Iowa Lineup For Ames Game O'Brien Will Play Center and Buck ley and Hoerlein Will ' Be Placed at Ends. IOWA CITY. la. Nov. 3 -(Special. ) -The 1.. ilo w let team will constitute the eleven that start the gams for Iowa in the loiitesi with Ames Saturday on the Agliies' home grounds: Buckley, left end: lloeiieln, right end; No. left tackle; Al exander, rislil tackle;. Weeks, left guurrt: OMAHA. Payne iC.l... ... It tor v . Rulor ...... Ha long 1 Atutrui I (-mi j KlotH O-iileu 1 HtiWM r,--nian In.lrrtilll HUl'TH OMAHA. .U.K. - H O I..T H H ,.U(I. H.T,.... '.. M l- .H.T., I..C!..,.. B K. l-.T 1 K.O ! I., hi . y B., y.u ,.L.II. II. II.... .K.H. L H ..K.H.l ' 8 1.200, all being well etiy entertained. Uvrlll'. I . .... rhihi' I .... elltrMs Lit ! . ... Ionian 1 R'mir I '" ! Llill ' 'wil're.ldent Khn (1 .) i-ared for and prop- PROMINENT MEN ON , RED CROSS COMMITTEE Totals 4S9 440 481 1.4K ONIMODS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total. Amlilxem 14 14 1W 4(0 Haaker lt 1K2 lb4 VX, Molly 120 113 133 371 Totals ;.448 424 4Ko 1,3.17 STORZ MALTS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Hall Us lis F.astman 140 200 112 4.12 Lyons IM IS.'. 210 ,iwi McLesn ....1S4 201 2lh w Durkee 135 177 IrtK 4i( Drummy 127 104 2!U EVESTS OX 1 UK KlSSISd TRACKS John Reartlon Takes the Feature Race mt Latonla. LATONIA. Nov. J. John Reardon won tho feature race at Latonla today, a mile and a sixteenth, from a fair field. John Keardon went to the front early and was never overtaken, winning by a length and a half notwithstanding a challenge by Le amenlo In the stretch. Summaries; First race, mile and seventy yards: Wander (straight, SI) won, Donder (place, SU.aO) second, Alice Baird (show, S2.70) third. Time: 1:4;. Second race, five and one-half furlongs: Stafford (a:rlgiit, 11. W) won, C. H. Pat ten (place, ST.lu) second, Delaney (show, J7.20) third. Time: 1:WV. Third race, mile: Lesh (straight. S30.70) won, Ellanette (place, J7.H0) second, Sir Dawn (show. $3. 611) third. Time: 1:41', Fourth race, mile and one-sixteenth: John Ileardon (straight, $6.30) won, Leamenlc (place. S4.50) second. Dr. Holxberg (show. 12.r,0 third. Time: LI7H- Fifth race, seven furlongs: Merrick (straight. M 40) won. Camel (place, U) sec ond. Sinfran (show, X.40) third. Time: 1:2. Sixth race, mile and seventy yards: Cere monlus (straight. $0.60) won, Montclalr (place, $4.90) second, Aima Boy (show, $4.30) third. Time: 1:4(1. NORFOLK, Va.. Nov. 3. The form play ers at Jamestown received a Jolt today as favorites went down one after another with the exception of Field Mouse, who was returned an easy winner of the Monti- cello purse, for which she was a prohibit- Bluffs Boy Upon Dartmouth Team Has An Accident C. P. Dudley, Right Halt on Second Team, Has a Broken Collarbone. BOSTON. Mass., Nov. 3 (Special Tele gram.) -C. P. Dudley of Council Bluffs, rlnlit half on the Dartmouth second team. Is In the hospital today with a broken collarbone, the first Dartmouth victim In the current loot ball season. Dudley waa one of the most premising candidates for the bacKfleld. and the accident coming at this time hns caused much concern In tha team. The accident happened In a scrimmage with tho varsity, one of the most strenu ous of the season. U will be some time befoie the young westerner will be able again to don foot ball logs, the doctor t,ay: SKIOMI TKAMH SVH.I I I. ASH Omaha and South Oumlin In Prelim inary Satnrda. A game between the second team of the South omaha High school and the second team of the Omaha High school has been arranged for Saturday as a preliminary to the game between the first teams of the two schools. In former years Omaha has easily won from South Omaha, but accord ing to a report from the manager of South Omaha's team they have a fast team, al though It Is quite light. Practice for Omaha's first team still continues to be held at Vinton street park. Burnett will perhaps use the whole first squad Satur day and save as far as possible his men tor the Lincoln game. Players Renew Contracts. DBTKOIT, Mich.. Nov. 1 diorge Slul lln and Oscar Stallage, pitcher and catcher respectively, of the Detroit team have re newed their contracts for the 1911 season. Both players are now on their way to Cuba. except Caleb Bragg in a Flat in the first vj " ... . 1 Aunuunera Personnel f II oily Ibat Will Tak Charae of Fsnil, Ooane and Kearney WAS Plav This Week U""ow.' J j Bed Ct Crete Tigers Determined to Have Look in on Intercolleijiate Honors This Fall. Totals Slatlhes Powell .. iluwley Stunz ... Schmidt 770 MAZKPPAS. 1st. AK Ifil '.IKS 17K 1.14 2d. iiy 144 2I li Ulj 3d. 1 11 177 213 171 2,627 Total. 527 470 Trf2 672 4fM) mile and a half. Bragg's engine worked badly and Matson -won easily. The races will continue for two days more. Tomorrow there will be eight eventa, featured by a 100-mlle race. One mile time trials: Best time by Flat (liragg)' 41U2; Mkrquette-Bulck tBurman) 'coiid. 41:M; Abbott-Detroit (Montague Roberta) third, 65:63. Twelve-mile stock chassis, 151 to 230 cubic Inches piston displacement: Won by E. M. F. (Witt); Abbott-Detroit (Montague Rob erts) second; Abbott-Detroit (Mortimer Roberts) third. Time: 11:05.33. Free-for-all, twenty miles: Won by Mar mon (Harroun); Simplex (Matson) second; Lozler tMulford )thlrd. Time: 16:20.77. Ten-mile i-tock chassis. 220 to 230 Inches displacement: Won by Marmon (Dawson); Marmon (Helnemann) second; Kal (Ool naw) third. Time: 8:34.70. Ten-mile free-for-all: Won by Marquette Bulck (Burnam); Simplex (Matson) second; Flat (Bragg) third. Time: 7:42.62. Twenty-mile stock chassis. 460 to 000 Inches displacement: Won by Lozler (Mul ford); Lozler llloran) second; Simplex (Beardsley) third. Time: 16:13.02. One hundred miles, class H. 301 to 4.VI inches displacement, for trophy and $600: Won by Fal (Gelnaw)Vs Wescott (Knight) second; Marmon (Dawson) third. Time: l:2fl:17.2. Nobody la Too Old to learn that the sure way to cure a cough or cold Is with Dr. King's New Discovery. 50o and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. DOUBLE-HEADER FOOT BALL AT VINTON PARK SUNDAY (S to 1) won. Cnoney K. second; Arondack. third. Time: 1:13.. Second race, five and one-half furlongs: The Nigger (2 to 1) won, Csrdlff, second; Semi-Quaver, third. Time: 1:0SH- Third race, five and one-half furlongs: Cherokee Rose (4 to 1) won, Monorief, sec ond: Idle Michael, third. Time: 1:08. Fourth race, one mile: Field Mouse (1 to 6) won, Reybourn second; Coinpton, third. Time: 1:404. Fifth race, one mile: Dress Parade (1 to 3) won, Bang, second; Spes Nostra, third. Time: 1:4. Sixth race. 3-year-olds and up. selllnf. mile and a furlong: My Gal (95. Sweenev. 4 to 1) won, Lad of Ingdon (107, Long, even) second, iaugmng ces (Kii, oavts. 6 to 1) third. Time: 1:66. Cheech and Aukhurst also ran. I.oaan and Onawa. LOGAN. Ia., Nov. S (Special. )-A foot ball game between the Logan High school and Onawa High school has been booked for Saturday next, November 5, on the Logan grounds. SB! ev. 3 rrTrii 3 If you haven't tried them before, smoke one today. You may not exactly wor ship them but you will de clare that they are mighty good cigars. '' They 1 are made by band, every sprig of tobacco having been im ported. A good old-fashioned wholesome smoke which you will find incom parable at the price. Recommended bg McCORD - BRADY CO. OMAHA Totals 864 8f.il DOS 2.K11 City C took two out of three from ihe CoKcorela Cozier had high game of 167 for City C. L)ons had high game of 172 and high total of 479 for the Coscorets. Nelson had high total of 443 for City C. Scores: CITY C. 1st. 2d. O'Conner 137. Nelson 126 167 Coaler Totals 112 153 136 3d. Total. 13 3S7 164 134 Tilcky, rlKht guard: O'Brien, center; Curry, tonne hupporteis are entliely satisfied with ti, .11 it'itiuck; Miir.niv, rixht half; Thomas, ' Inr ,holiig made by the Douue team. Tltr lilt half, mlund icupiuln). fullback. Tne 11 1 no substituits which will conclude the iiiitup oi tut' S'i..i. are Clemens, NeMlg. He as. Htookaii. Jones. Callander, lim ncit. l'onell and Pnntou. Tne entire train- ASHI NGTUN', Nov. 3. President Taft today announced the personnel of the new ment fund committee of the National ross. The Hed Cross at present Is without any endowment In this country, t but It Is hoped that through the efforts of the committee named by the president an 1 ample fund will be obtained. President Taft. ns president of the Na tional Red Cross. Is the ex officio head of tiie committee. Secretary of the Treasury . SlcVelgh Is numed as chairman and Charles! Kav : D. Norton, secretary to the president. Is I Lyons . vice chairman. I Kuppert The entire membership of the commit lee Is nearly two hundred. Among the most iirntn iini n., ,n t, .-u ........ .1.. ... ..... 1 " ....,. a 1 tt liuijfi i iiul'uh alio Murvevs votis. mo..,, or ' ' ' u,,Vll C. Orlscom of New York. George j Saynlsh had high game of 1ST and high university against Peru and Doane up.el . w ., .e(J u ..'. - I total of ulS for the Daily News. Moyna had any calculations that some were intilned . . ,,.,,,',, .,.' , ' .'',,' high game of 163 and Nelson hud high total to make on the Peru-Doaiie 0 tu 0 game sane ia still in the field for championship CRHTK. ..eh, Nov. 3 - (Special. 1 Doaue college played a good game of foot hall last aStuiday. Coach Johnson and the 430 COSiXJKFTH. 1st. M Ul 1 J-t 401 13'1 172 164 inu staff will Mccomi any the team on Totals .KM 46-' 41S Daily News took two out of three from of K. to 0 and 6 to tl made by the ' , . 7 V ' . n.Au. ium it, rruncitf and Kolla VII- L w Murvv iv.it- of St. Iou.y. CharlVtf I. Taft. J. i Sohrniil-1 ThurBilay n.Kht, November 3 limn U 1." lull,. 1 1 a I..H.... .,.. I'nlta u Taft'i tit uf ! u I u Sf-i.r- ''. iwftuiin iiiu j urn v eiH Hi lull - " ----- - - ...... - honors in the intercollegiate series ant. win i, ,.,,.,,.. ,,.,. ... 11AHVKYS COLT uperlara and Kxcelalors nnd Diets and Benton Teams to Mix on Gridiron. Next Sunday out at Pa Rourke's Vinton street park, the attraction will be a double header foot hall wrangle. The first contest will be between the Superiors and the Excelsiors and the sec ond argument will be a battle between the Diets team of Omaha and the Benton i,,k lTin tha Sunerlors and Kxcelsiora 412 get together foot ball rooters are assured or seeing a warm rracas. as mene two erews are made up of giants with the fighting soliit. Smith. the Superior's I riniifhtv little auarterback. had his shoul- 3d. Total. ' der thrown out last Hunday. consequently 136 4(3 ! he will be out of the game for the balance 146 47 ! of the season. Rapp. formerly the star quarter back for the South Omaha inch school, has been secured to hold down the quarterback Job. 436 13." 437 1.26 41 1,300 -Jr ft 1 im JII Aaf J. Family Trade riuplled bj CIi . Sturx, Fbones Webster 1M); lndopcndea U-lSOl Andy's inxni. stopping oieriimiu at Marshaittown , ' The Injured piayers are rap:tiiy recovtr- j .. .i ,.:.. . . .i. . ' . .. .. - i,.....t et I . until wnivn itatt-- moitii) r.uu, nio-imc iteuev uc ..... ..r.e,... - ..o.- Thomas Nelson Page and Bear Admiral Brownson of Wasidngtuii: .lutlge Henrv id Gen for lira, lit e on Tuesday. Luke will be In vim po to play '; he special train bearing the half thou sand rooters, members of the substi tute stiiiad and freshmen leani leaves 4 td.tr l.apl.ls early Satm day morning Harvey and Korah. who were ul.llged in . i .... to iM.r t... e .... "c. - tfll4 jameM A ,, :,.. I A Stock bridge. Bernard N. Baker I James A. Gary oj Otis of Cleveland; this week. Hl.llie. 1,0 . ,,,,.,,, ..." , ' Coach Haw ley kept his men at scrimmage sprained an ankle early In the i-eason, and iior,rrt T i.i0.,in ' i.,h..r, j it Ualn this evening, not permitting them to 1 m did nt,t make the first team, vill play j Kotlllutat v,ctor F lMWMtn MMulir't uck U on the hard dull tbut he hai.uuid on the second team. ! Cudahy and James Keelev of 'i'i.i..,. Doare has two games to play tl ' j Former VI..-. President Fairbanks. C.over Tnt -Varsity' Mill play Kearney Norniai J Thom..s H m.,i-,ii k- .... at Kearney on 1 U.lay and the sec .nd team ier of iniiianapohs. I will play tne eme inn stnonu i.'a.u i tm neeied them through this season. No IhmIv has l.een hurl wllhlu the lust few nights of practice ami rath tlay 1,im... ;c I. opts for a victory over Ames go higlier. Money Is changing hands (r.rlv on c . , n bel.H, Ames steadtstly refusing to pve odtis. 1st. 2d. . 3d. Total. Nelson '. .'.164 141 lio n Moynu l-' 16'. 131 422 i Master '. U-ti I6t Hi isi Totals 414 4.1N 422 1.2M4 DAILY XLWS. 1st. 2.1. 3.1. Total Barton 14.. I mi 1.12 4i Llmmil , .12s 141 l.il 4m j Saynlsh 1.6 l-;si is7 !,s Totals .-.l.44S 406 470 1324 THREE DAY DRINK CURE THE HEAL WAY Is Located in Dinaliu. An Aver age of Forty Patients Cured Per Mouth. (ilHI.V TBI '4I.NTKVr Kn ht Crete on Saturday. By agreement withjMRC MARTIW IC mPCtlTDlo . ''..'ZTIZ--- - Weslejsn the second learns oiisi.it of any "". I J LlyUUIIiniO ...-..r TiKxlav afternoon t4ie girl's (eunis tnuin ament came to a close, tilth Laura Zim merman as w inn-r. iter ;.). onenl :s t'.ayers afler Ihe fust filten liave been a-ltle on the re-peclive "vaiMiLva." tl.H II MII4 PI-:i Mil Kilt) 1 . Jack lias Itoahle. HASTINGS. Neb . N '(Special Jack Jeffries, brother of the ex-champion. 1,-a ilwru nlw'tl t-rtu.i.K oere denouncing Ni:V HAY I-.. . ..in., Nov. :; li is ,t. .,-rin w i,o recent I v in Persons led him beie. . The mull no ci iiea nimseic .n.'K .leflrles was here several days. The siennltie JacK be has not lm out of l.os ,iu:ela since the recent fight M lleno Uul l'o Irirrum on Trau on (be Injnrr I )tfe.?jlile luJt In ikie came with Bruit 'i here Salon!;' Yale wi'l b vvlilioiit ihe st rt ices i f lue only iwo veteran players f toe 'run.. Kilvairlt k. wi.o as injure I .sler.la. Is siifreiiiig rom a bail :nii cle sliaiu i'l .lie side und while he wlil 1. (i.le to plsv it is kpecte.l that tne aci.es Mill deem it best to keep him out jl the gnme. The ul ifi- lel.'ian. .'apiain Daly, hs llarretl Is ' VlUsikrr. MIl.W Al'KKK. Wis . Nov. ITesi.lenl Charles S lia tenor of the Milwaukee American association base bail ci.ih today it b. en in any of the soil iiinage of '.iw si.ioiuied ' Jliitinv ' Barren niHiuti.-r of week 1. -cause of a strain which will n :ike t,B team to succeed Joint t. M7 ;tosley. :i Ip.i l i-l'le for him to get Into Salur- i '. na a k no. , . Biliousness is due with Field I tlou ol lil stoma li. namoeriain s iai f Woman 4hargrd nilh M order of Dauabtrr Tells of I'raitlvs. I NKWARK. N. J , Nov. 3. The alleged et ct nrrlcity of Mrs. Caroline U. Mart.n, uccusttl of the murder of her daughter. . her stvle of serving was Letter than Miti ' Ocey W. M. Snead. the l-:st Orange 1 Fellers. .Julte a croud of high school "bath tub" iclini was related u hen . -Ills watched the fin sli of the tournament h-MriL i . ' . '-'fl "ben a and lne piling was fast throughout. TI,,,, Hearing (o iiclermlne Ihe woman s snlt tournamctti between the girls ,,t (he o ca:, a j was resumed in the conn of over ainl ll'.sh school, which has flnl-ii.d so s ic Prominent among Omaha Institu tions for. public good and betterment is the Xeal Institute al 1502 South Tenth fctrcet. Omaha, Neb., where the Neal three-day drink habit cure Is ad iinnUtcrcU under a guaranteed bond ana contract to effect a perfect ure in l.ucile Fellers and the score was 4-6. 2-6. : uaS or refund the i. e. With the 6-4. -6. u-2. The final match was tec, , "lice u. interesting, as both plavers are considered to-operat loll iitld lnr.orsPn'ien'8 of BU.ii good piBei. J.iri .......in n.nii SIlOHetl httle more experience in her playing ar,. terminer today. The firM witness iviin Hit Sjllett. a colored maid who worked for Mrs. Martin during 1D04 and 1!H at Chaiiottesburg. S ". The maid tesiified that Mrs. Martin o a disi.rtiered contll-l'"" "lr,'w "anoiuis or Hollar bills shout me s. noolroom floor. The nitness said cessrull.v , win pro.iauiv ce i.iiiOMeti n an other one next fall. Miss .wart. ..):,, until a fetv ivet as ami t ss in cbarce of 111. tournament. tboui,l.t that ti grU l.a iied more from the tennis match, m iiia.i from an eiial amount i f runasluni work Hn.alln.fts lo! 4a.t.es. Ht .1 1.1 .Kit Colo.. ' Nov . l-The men a: Mayor bahlniau, Dean Uefchcr and many of the Catholic cU-igy and other people of all lasges, this Institute has heeu able to reclblni over three-hundred men from ihe diiul. baljit sUice ii . stablishment lust IVh ruary. In aiMl Ion " tho Omaha In gtilute there are over forty Xeai In BtinilfB in successful operation over al! America. including tliobe ;it Dei i ti.ui.. ' ....... .... !. . . ii.. t. t...i.. i he Was kellt bus liiekin tin fl.A I. ill. si. tl rteiity, i p i i i m , r . hii.i iivwr, iu.i- lets aiw ' ntii.wm; ,i.i,i, umiitiuv. - " .... - - - - - - - --. , ...... .. intended especially lu a. I on that o.gan;. W Itnesa said she was awakened one night ; '",. J.'fo' .Vove.Iiw'V.h . v..'.'.:.'',';:''' and Orand Island, Neh lined Hp ag.'ti.t the mb for a thirty-j W .leans it. strengthen It, toiiv.aiid in- . uy pistol siioi. she round Mrs. Martin ,,, ta e been postponed he.ai... ,,f ii.e . information. 1. 8'lmonialu Bill indors 1'iiiiuie set u.ttitagc, tui t m unaoie iti i vigorate it. to ieiui.tr t.. iner aim t'j - - - !,.. uu niscoi ei ... .mrr . ar ,. ,n4:i ih X ;,i ort. I.wnlsh biiitftusness Itsltivlv .hii tiffe f ..t i a l - Moines, oavenpon anu .k.ui t uj , ia , at)(l Uillid JBiaou, .t-o. i-tii . uui.irif banish biiitttisiiess tsitiviy .mm Th. Kty to th. o.tuatioa-Bt.. Want Ads. I Uv.l. or sals by all diukgiais. remurklnn. the iin.s sal.l. If this revol ver had killed me you'd be rich." In .ini'tersin lere ii -foh,, riark. a 1 meii'a address the rseal Institute (J. H., Member f the fo .t ball learn, is one oi j ,-y-. 3oulh TfUlh slreel. Omaha, Nth. I tu. victims. v- An Ideal Office is nc im whick cwrivcntencc ml Uct tin iscombiBcd with first class serv ice. An opportunity t secure such an office is nw offered by The Bee Boiiding A few rooms are vacant and yea are invited to La pped them. Large ground floor room facing Farnam street just west of entrance to the building. One of tbs finest office rooms in the city. lias un exceptionally large vault and Is well lighted. Also has an entrance from tho court of th. building. Itoom fl'-I.TOn (be slxtb floor, with 110 square feet of floor space wltb a vault and stationary wash stand. Price $25 ui) per month. Itoom :iU On the third floor, wltb over 4)00 square feet of floor spare. Vault and s.alioiiary wash stand. Fins north light. Specially adapted lor draughting work. Price $40.00 per mouth. Hot. in o2J On th. north side, fifth floor, with a par tition dividing tho room Into two. Stationary wabb stand, hue over L'nii square feet. Price $ 1 8 00 per month. Itoom 4 1 k On the west side of the building, on the fourth floor, facing lh city bail. Has a stationary wgtB aland- Size of of room over 27i tquar. fvti. Pries fiiO.UO per uioulh. THE. BEE BUILDING COMPANY 3ee Business Office 17th and Farnam Sts. t M