THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1010. Saturday Economies Yorth While --Now's the Time to flake by Spending MAWfj Silk dresses, wool dieNc, some II j J " M worth to $;M. Kalurfl; OflC M II A if iS In Kverjr uonun in Omaha should ao th lr-f hp on l'5J95 Saturday at " nI3 U ii 7$8.95 nl For your unrestricted choice of n splendid line of Tailor Suits. Entire sample line of one of New York's most prominent makers. They're mnde to sell at $:.U00, $22.r0, $25.00 and $:m.00. Tlie hig "")gest bargains we ever offered the greatest you ever seen ( are shown in the 16th street windows your choice 77 day your choice a THE RELIABLE STORt TKI RELIADLE 1TORJE Two Coat I! i Less nan nary Clearing up our make room for Goods. Don't miss it. Ribbon at if Ribbons at 2 Ribbons at 3s Ribbons at 5 Regular 2c to 35c Values $2.00 Fitted Hand Bags Saturday 98c A fine all leather bag with fittings. Fall Hize All leather leather Lined Hag, with purse. $2.00 value 98 frl.OO Fancy IHtPil Hand Hag, at $2.98 Big Shoe Sale Salurday Introducing ti celebrated "FIDKI.1TY" $.50 and $1.00 Shoe for Men and Women. These goods have been on display during tlio last week and have attracted a great deal of attention from those people who have been paying $1.00 und $1.50 more for shoes that re no better. All the new lasts and leathers In O Cfl this line. Our sale Saturday at our Introductory price Men's and Women's good value $3.00 shoes, lace or button, viel kid or patent leather, Good year welt, English welts and McKays, new lasts -f QO and patterns. I M Boys', Youths' and Little Gent's Good Value Shoes, worth up to $2.25 a pair, including tan or black; high cuts with straps and buckles for youths f Cf and little genu MJU Boys', Youths' and Little Gent's Patio and Kangaroo Calf lilu cher School Shoes, worth up to $1.65; Saturday f -f Q f Kid Gioves ,J ltayner's, Fowne' I ail thu modish lngs. Your eve supplied here at $1. $1.25 ltayner's, Fowne', Vergmea's In modish styies ana color- very wish can be 55. 31.50 to $2 Snmple Kid tiloves $ i.00 and $1.25 quality, at 40 g) Mocha, Suede, Glace, Capes values seldom, if ever, duplicated at so small a price. Women's ( liaraoisetto Gloves All colors and sizes 500 ilk Idnsd Cuknart OloTaa 0o .iiiillu Saturday 5o Children's aunlltt CHoree Lined or unlined. with mar and lace on cuff; to 1. UO value, at oe Big Cut on Sleel Ranges $0 Vniverial Range only $39.98 mi Mt,..l Huniia ls-lncli oven. 6 hole. wuiian.ei' in . . ,-:Aif"9S '-burner Oas Plates, worth I2.n0 . f 1.40 1 -burner Uu Plates, worth $l.&0..S9e perfection Oil Plows, my o We are agents for the (iarlund, the Detroit Jewel ana tne univen stoves. DUN'S RKtlKW OF TRADE Trade Recession Checked and Opti mism is More Prevalent. INCREASE OF A' I1VITY SUGIIT tier Stopping Itetroarade Moi" meat olable ;ala la Cmnsld erallua at Heudlaa Hallruad Itate loutrovers. XKW TORK. Ikl 2s. -R i Pun Jt Co s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: While the volume cf business is sfll below its productive capacity, It is known I hat trade recession lies clearly been checked and a mure optimistic view as to the future developed, based larselv on the treat corn and oats crop and the hltfh values of farm products. tt Is true that no marked advance has he;n made toward Increased actlv ty, but the mere stopping of the retrograde movement Is a notable sain, espec ally as the railroad rate con troversy Is still unsettled. While manv consumers of Iron and ateel still show conservatism In the r operations, signs ef actual improvement In bus ness are not lacklna. The trend of drv goods values continues upward, owing to the hlsrn prl--e of rsw material. The demand from distributer for spr ns ha been fair, but not a -tlve Men's wear is show ns Improvement, while drees goods rule verv quiet. Worsted and woolen yarns are being ordered with mor freedom. The cotton twdj market held ststtdy at advanced levels and the nulls are rrsduallv getting into working order on full time, but Dot f ill complements of machinery. ii sue in footwear continues to Improve, . I at 1 f iMhE Best (n A.yers Sarsaparilla Bloom big Ribbon stock the new Holiday Ribbons at , Ribbons at Ribbons at 70 100 12K Ribbons at 15 Extra Size All leather Tan Leather Lined lUg, $3.00 value, at $1.48 $1.00 Fine Fancy Hand lis its, at $2.25 wmm w - The Little "Wonder" Shoes for children, $1.00 grade. .' Turn Sole 75, Misses' and Childs", also some Ladies' sizes, worth up to $2.25 in viol kid and box f QQ Felt Slippers, with felt or leather soles, all sizes and plenty of them, worth 75c a pair in T:oUT: 50c-39c Stetson and Oossett shoes for men, Grover and Queen Quality shoes for women. All the new ones are here. See them before buying, for they are right for the "good dressers." THOMSON'S GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS The name in itself is expressive it says snug, graceful, soft and pliable, it snys beauty and comfort in plainest terms. Both the name and corset have proven themselves for more than fifty-five years, and because of this we can safely guarantee every purchaser their money's worth and more. Perfect style, perfect com fort In a Thomson's Glove-Fitting Cor- '!". 1 to $350 althoiiKh LuNinrss is considerably below normal. Butanes !n leather Is more ac tive and prices firmer. In hides some un us'.ialW large transactions were effected, sales of domestic packer hides aKUtexatine 2la.'.oi" hides liavina been made, and a breaK in prices from ,Jc to o. IHMKDim DELIVERY. American lieet knttar empauy Will Silo, Rasalaa- la All Ueels. The American Beet Sugar company has Irsued open orders to Us many (lowers for Immediate deliv-v of their crop of beets, and in a few days it will be s.lolng from to 14, 000 tons at Its main de livery tuitions of Overtoil, Larr and ller oliey. This is a new departure on the part of the company In dandlii.g the beet crop, and tf it is a success, as the company has every reason to believe It will be, it will eliminate the necessity of the former having to do this work and will also en able him to harvest his entire crop as fast as pogitble, starting Just after October 6 each year, taking no chances whatever in losing hi crop tiy trees. ng or by the roads being to bad that hauling would be Imposnlble. which is more or less in the month of November and De cember. In tin- way the harvest cC the beet crop will compare favorably with that of sny uther crop Uiat Is grown, besides giv ing the grower the proceeds from Ills beets at least two months earlier than If lie were s.lolng them himself. ll is hoped that this mode of siloing will le a success, us if it is It will no doubt Influence a laige number of farmers to grow sugar beets who are not growing them at the present time. iff fi-fgr Speciais Long Caracul Cloth Coats Made to sell at $20.00, farmers satin lined, just 100 in the lot, at $12.75 Stylish Novelty C 1 o th Coats that cannot be duplicated for less than $23, all the new models, pretty chick stripes and fancies, at 14.90 $15.00 Waists at $4.95 Beautiful chiffon waists, Persian messalines and taffeta silks, satins and nets, newest colors and styles to $15.00 values, at $4.95 Misses' One-Piece Dresses, in Peter Thompsons and tailored effects, all new colors, at $4.95 and $6.93 and up. Children's School Dresses, in checks and plaids, val ues to $2.00, choice 98c $2 Scarh at 98c A swell line of full length Scarfs, in fancy crochet, plain and Persian silks; $1.50 and $2.00 values; on sale at, choice 9S Magnificent Bargain Offerings in Millinery Saturday. Three very fortunate cash purchases of show room hats, all in most clever new designs, over 600 hats for your selection at About One Half Regular Retail Worth. Lot 1100 Trimmed Hats, .worth to $15.00, all at one. price; in Saturday's sale, at Beaver Hats An immense assortment of new styles like qualities priced at $10.00 and $12.50 else where; on sale at $5.00 GROCERY DEPARTMENT Kugar is still coming down. We look trade at Hayden'a. 20 lba. Bet Granulated Su(tsr $1.00 48 lb. aacka beat High Patent Flour $1.20 6 lba. Good Japan Rice lc t lbs. beat Rolled Breakfnat Oatmeal, 23c 16c package Uolden Hod Macaroni ..10c 10 lba. beat white or yellow Cornmeal lBo Good Cooking Ralsina. lb bo The beat Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb.. 7c 2 lb. cans Sweet Sugar Corn 7 Ho 2 lb. can Wax, String, Green or Lima Beans, for 71jo I lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy or Apples, for 7 He Bromang-elon Jellycon, or Jcllo, per pack age , 7 He Grape-Nuts, package . ...lOo Th best Bulk Peanut Butter, lb 15o Don't Forget TRY Republicans Se Good Done Ticket Exposure of Hitchcock Scandal Alien ates Many of His Friends Bryan Hires Hall. I From a ttf Corrsspondent.) U1KCOLN, Oct. a. Special Telegram.) The republican state committee met to night and discussed the campaign as far as It has progressed and mads piam for tlia future. Sioio than iwenly uitiubi ra of the committee were presuut and each told of conditions hi his part of the state. It ass the opinion of many that the exposure of Ur. Hitchcock as a beneficiary of .ths bartiey treasury shortage Dad lust the Omaha congressman many suporters and had lined up many lukewarm republicans for ths republican ticket. W. J. Bryan has retiud the auditorium in Lincoln for Monday msht without waiting for Uis aid or consent of any old demo cratic slate committee, and lis will talk to ths people of Lincoln on the Issues of Hie day. 1'eihaps he will explain why he Is supporting an anti-option candidate for governor In Iowa and In Indiana and flgnt uig an ami-option candidal In Nebraska. Perhaps he will tell wny Mr. Hnrhcors should be defeated and perhaps he may not. No advance information could be se cured before his arrival in the city. LEMON RATES TO NEW COURT rirealt Jadaes Itestrslu Interstate I uiu mrrrt 4 oubmlsslosi from Es farelBC Hedaee Tariff. fT. PAUL. Minn., Oct. 2s Judgea Van devanter. J-anliorn and Adams n the I'nlted fttatea circuit court tale this after noon handed down an order rvstra ning the Interstate Commerce coram salon from putting Into' effect a reduced rat on Uni ons from southtrn California to the At lantic seaboard The lemon rate, which is chullcmjed by mm. v.--ra mm V i1 US I J3-50 Veilings at Wc One more day to clean up our stock of fancy Mesh Veilings; all styles, all colors 25c and 35c values at. yard Jo r. .... . . v iot(2 200 Trimmed Hats, worth up to $12.00; your choice in Saturday's sale, at $5.00 for It to go still lower. It pays to OMASA'S GREATEST MARKET TOM EBK VXaXTABI.ES Kreh Spinach, per peck Bo 4 bunches fresh Hothouse Laf Lettuce 6C Large heads fresh Cabbage o 4 bunches Fresh Green Onions 5o Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb 10c Frenh Beets, Carrota, 1'arsnlpa, Turnips or Rutabagos, lb 2o TECH xast or Til KXBrriSB FliES TOM CANNXVO H-bushel banket 15c Large market basket Green Tomatoes, per basket , 12 Via Large market basket Green Peppers 20c L.arg market basket Beets, Carrots, or Turnips far JOo TOUT OlAPB SPECIAJj Large banket, containing from 8 to 7 pounds, per basket 36c HAYDENS the railroads, is what Is known as a blanket rate of Jl 00 per 100 pounds for the transportation of lemons in carloads from southern California to any po.nt be tween the Kocky mountains and the At lantic seaboard. The present rate is 11. 'A per 100 pounds. KUHNS GENERAL SECRETARY Lather l.raaue of America Chooses Uuiaau 31 an fur Office Stuever Is President. PITTSBl'RQ. Oct. IS. The Luther league of Amnrlca, which Is holding Its ninth an nual convention here, elected these offi cers today: President, V. C. Kioever, Philadelphia; general sec retary. Luther M. Kuhna, J Omaha, Neb.; assistant general secretary, lla.ry Hodges, Philadelphia; treasurer. C. T. A. Anderson, rhicoo; secretaries. Rev. C. K. Huriton, Salem, Va.; Ilev. 1'. H. Roth, Beloit. Wis.; Rev. George 11. Schnur. 8t. Paul. According to the report of the statis tical secretary there are l.tud organisa tions In the country, w th a membership of 4s. 1W. MISSING MAIL POUCH FOUND Sack Made I p at Nebraska City DIs- rutrrril by Sectluu. Hand Near Leavenworth, Kaa. l.EAVKN WORTH, Kan.. Oct. IS . A mall pouch lost from a BurllnKton train on Sep tember 2i was found near this city tonight by a Section hand. It had been reported as missing at the local poslofflce. The pouch contained letters from the northwest, having been made up at Ne braska City. ' v s rWSsW 1 Furs Furs Genuine American Beaver Coats, 30 ins. long, worth $100, here at.. $G9.00 XXXX Near Seal Coats, with genuine be a v er shawl collar, a great bar gain, at $49.00 100 Sample Fur Sets In Russian lynx, fox, blended squirrel, the $15 values, in newest shapes, great bargains at $8.90 Children's Cloth Coats Sizes 1 to 14 years, in all colors, bearskins, friezes and faucies, to $7.50 val ues, at $2.95 Other Splendid Values in Children's Coats, nob biest new styles, at $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 up. Pe5rsL Weclcivcar 25c A beautiful line of the latest nov elties in Ladles' Neckwear; plain and Persian designs, regular 60c quality, at 25 Lot 3 300 Trimmed Hats, regular $6.00 and $7.00 val ues; in Saturday's sale at one price $3.50 Liquor Dept. Specials 6-year Old Whiskies- Maryland liye or Tennessee "White Corn; per quart 75c Per gallon $2.50 8-year Old Whiskies Weldon Springs, Cedar Brook, Over holt, Ouckenheimer, Shenly, etc.; full quarts $1.00 .Per gallon .' .$3.50 Bottled-ln-Bond Whittkles Golden Sheaf, Winchester, Iler's Pure Rye, etc.; best high grade goods, qt $1.00 FIRST it Pays Fattest Man Visits Omaha Ernest Schleuning; of Eapid City At tracts Attention at Hen shaw Hotel. If you see the fattest and all-around big gest man you ever saw strolline along r'arn&m street, you may know that you have met Karnest Bchleuiiing of Rapid City, B. D., for he is registered at the llenshaw and It is his custom to take ex erclss ,by walking uround the front of the hotel. iir. Schleuning weighs pounds, and despite his avoirdupois, he is remarkably agile. A few yems ajju he run a foot lace with a Oeadwood amateur athlete and Won the. me. hi nee then ha has hud nu merous other offers to run, but none of the challenges have been accepted. He declares fool racing Is too niucll like work and that while ha does not object to work, ue wauls the woi k lo be of a kind that yields some beneficial returns. Mr. Schleun ing is agent for a brtwery and has chaige of a larye section of South Dakota territory. He Is a lilai k K'l'ls. pioneer, being a compatriot of John Treher, one of the first settlers of Deadwood. lid is accompanied by ids daughter, who is doing some extensive shopping in Omaha's big stores. Mr. Schleuning will remain here several days. HOLDUPS TO PLEAD GUILTY Men Who Hebbed Walaat Hill Phar uaey llroagbt Bark and Will Take Mealrlae. James Evans and Charles Marlry, the two men who are charged with holding up the Walnut Hill pharmacy a short time ago, were brought in from St. Joseph last night by Detectives Ring and McDonald. The men weie arrested In ut. Juseph lat Matchless Values in Winter Underwear For the Young and Old, Big and little, all sizes and Qualities, from the Big Manufacturers' Purchase, on sale Saturday at Abou Half Regular Price Men's Underwear Complete llange of SUes I'nlon Suits, worth to $6.00, very finest quality wool and silk and wool garments; on sale Satur day at, choice $2 and $3 I'nlon Suits Worth $2.00, in heavy fleeced or Jersey ribbed; Saturday fJS All Wool Shirts or Drawers, val ues to $2.00; in all Colors t 75 OH Shirts or Drawers, heavy fleeced or Jersey ribbed, to $1.00 val ues 39 and 40 MEN'S FVKMSHINUS Outing Flannel (towns, in all col ors, $1.50 values; on sale Sat urday 75 Sample (loves and Mittens, lined or unlined, to $1.00 values: at, choice 4t) Illue Flannel Shirts, $2.00 values, all sizes )8p Men's Colored Laundered Shirts Shirts with or without col lars; up to $2.50 values t 49 1 98 Sweater Coat, worth to $10.00, at $2.50 $2.98 S3.50 $1.00 and $4.50 There's real comfort for the kiddles in Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments. We show complete lines here. Extra Specials in Drug Dept. For Saturday 10c Java Rice Face Powder for.BBo 2fin Panitnl Tooth Powder for.. 190 10c Jap Rose or Palm Olive Soap at two bars for., 1 1l)r William ' BimVlne Soap for. Bo lOo. Shinola Shoe Poltxh for So Five bars Wool Soap for lo One bin lot of 10c Toilet Kohp. h- sorted, will no at, bar 6o; 6 for 93o Hardware Waffle Irons for To Coal Hods for 90o Brooms for 3SO Furnace Shovel, fits inside furnace door worth 75o lone to a customer i, for 3 Galvanised Wash Boiler for S0 Large Wash Tub for 8o Medium Tub for Small Tub for ejo 'ails for 1 week. Hi. Nelson, who was the party held up, having identified the picture of Uarley In the rogues' gallery at the police station. The men will waive preliminary examina tion and plead guilty. RUSTIN INSURANCE TRIAL TO BE HELD IN LOUISVILLE Test ( as to Un to a Jsry, with Moat of the Testimony by Dep ositions. Mrs. Frederick llust.n left Omaha Fri day for Chicago and Louisville. At the latter city will be Called November 7 In district court the test case whereby will bo determined whether Mrs. Rustln Is to receive the t:!Q,tic0 worth of accident in surance taken out by ker husband. lr. Rustin. A stipulation has been signed by the at torneys on either side that the result of one case shall ipttle all. Depositions were taken a few weeks ago In Omaha and Denver for this trial and most of the evi dence of the plaintiff will be presented to the Jury In this form. A good deal of the defense's evidence will also he given In this way, including the testimony of Abble Itice. which was taken in Denver following tlie deposing here. The defense Is confident of victory on On Sale ffS '"1 I II lite A food compounded from Wheat, Oata, Rice and Barley. Most palatable, nourishing and healthful food. Ask Your Grocer, Ladies' Underwear Complete Ilange of Sizes I'nlon Suits, worth to $2.00, Jersey or Swiss ribbed part wool or flperrrt medium u or heavy weight v v I V -if ' ' ... i i I - V nix I'nlon Suits, all kinds and colors, worth up to $6.00, at $2.."0 $2.98 and $3.0O Harvest Mills In derwear, vests or pants, worth to $1.50, at--75c" and 08C Fine I'ndervest and runts, all wool, gray or camel's hair, to $2.50 values $1 and $t.50 Jersey Hibbod and Fleeee Lined Vests and l'aiit.4, values to $1.00: on sale at 25 39 and 49 LADIKS' Fl HMSH1X(;S. Outing Flannel Gowns values tQ $1.50; choice. 4o 75c 98C Manufactui-ers' Sample IIohp Lisles, mercerized, some silk embroidered; also fine cash mere, values up to 75c at, choice 25J Warm, Dependable Underwear for the Little Ones Greatly I'nder Ileal Worth. Children's All Wool I nion Suits, regular values up to $1.50 at 98 Heavy Fleeced I'nlon Suits, $1.00 quality; in Saturday's sale 49 Shirts and Drawers, heavy fleeced or Jersey ribbed, 50c values, all sizes, at 25 50c Manicure Mlssors for ISO 60c Nail Ruffers for 3So ) i6 arUHrt Knpid Flow Fountain Syringe for B9o $3.00 Syringe and Bottle, guaranteed for one yetr, for 91.96 $2.60 Wellington Hyrlnge and Bot tle, g-uaranteed for five years, for 19.00 Lindsay Magic Inverted Light, complete with globe and mantel 49c Two Manteh Inverted or upright; Saturday . . . .15? Red Wing Toilet Set Slop jar, wash bowl and pitcher; Satur day for 08 English lllue Willow Oupa, Sau cers and riates, IS pieces; Sat urday 89 Baking Dishes 6, 8 and 10-Inch, tor 10 Deparlment ISO Hatchets for 38s iuod Hntchet for 9 So Men's Handled Axns, worth $1, 6UO 'lisco Lanterns for 49o lrontiif Board, with stand rv 1 lleamers for ...ISO ar Prow nil- lloasters for 960 1 Uilp I'ans for 100 I Vfc blue enameled white Inside 16- a quart Water falls, only 40 4 liisv enunuded for 360 . .Wo y the ground that the policies provided that the Insurer should not lay violent hands upon himself, and a "suicide pact" would come to the same thin. Also It is la evidence that Dr. Kutin swore that ha had no other accident Insurance at the time of taking out several of (lie policies. 'i'ho plaintiff basts trust In the mystery Nurroundlng Dr. Kustln's death and the fact that the suicide compact was not so well established as to convince the Jury which tried Davis. Tlie theory of the de fense is that how Dr. Rustln died no one knows or will tell for certain because It cannot be clearly shown he committed sui cide or procured some one to kill him, thia defense, says the plaintiff, is not good. CADETS MOVE UP A NOTCH I Several Promotions Are Announced la Military Wlsi of Omaha illah ftchool. Promotions have ben made In the cadet regiment of the Omaha Hitch school and went Into effect Tour-day, October 27. Several changes in the staff weie made In order to fill vacancies canned by cadets leaving school. Following are the promotions: Captain and quartermaster, M'yman Becbe; regi mental quartermaster sergeant, Malcomb Us 1SN