Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    uir, rr,r.:
Miwiyy). isyssjys. psi
V arm-Non-Irritating Underwear
A large, all inclusive showing
of the world's best makes for
children, misses, small women
and young men just at the
right time.
Cotton for those who prefer it; bal
brlggan for those who dealre it; Me
rino nd wool and mercerized Bilk, In
a wide variety, and all Bisea of each
style, Jet your choice be a union suit
or separate garments.
Hope to Arrange So that Church
Property Stays in Society.
I'nion Sulfa fur girl uml mill tin
men o th re. r.brate i
Mn or
mulct suits
$1-$1 2541.50
Sepsrate Garments, 50; to ll.i'l.
I'ni'm Suit fur boi ni rjir In
SOc to SI.OO
Scpsrste liarmpnti, 25c to a .00
Union Suit tor young men
to S22S
Separate Garmentts if 55 to i'l,
chert mean re
50c to SI. SO
I I D 1 F 1 1 1-7I ' 2
j sm -
Jnria of Iowa laprrmf Trlhnnal Mar
Secnre I'nsttlon on Com
merce Co rt Tkonm la
DfTS MOINKS. Oft. IT. (Special Tele-1
gram.) In order to prevent the division of
proceed secured by the rale of church
property among the members of Raptlst
congregations after the churrh organlsa
tlon nan been defunct through the removal
of members tn rural churches, a resolution
was presented before the Raptlst conven
tion urging the legislature to pass a law
requiring that such proceeds be turned
over to the state Baptist organization.
The problem arises because many rural
congregations have dwindled by removal
of members to the cities and In many canes
the two or three members remaining sell
the property and pocket the money. Other
denominations are said not to be. bothered
In this way.
Met lain for Commerce Coart.
Judge Emlln McClaln of the Iowa su-
i preme court ia said to be considered for
appointment on the newly created com
merce court, whose members will be named
by President Taft.
Judge McClaln has not made known his
Intentions in the matter, but It Is said that
his candidacy Is being favorably considered
by President Taft.
Clean Hill for Thomas.
The State Hoard of Health, after con
sidering the matter of the alleged dis
crepancy In the accounts of former Secre
tary Thomas and hearing ail the evidence
In the case, decided that he wars entirely
right and that there was no fault to be
found with him. In fact, It was found he
had kept the finances of the state board
In excellent shape. Grave charges - had
been made against him.
to defend Itself. One cannot help being
curious to know how many more yeRrs it
will take to exhaust the generation which
feels' Itself Injured by the war. It Is safe
to aay that never did a generation display
such remarkable longevity." And,
Whereas. The toreg'ilng editorial from the
hand of Gilbert M. Hitchcock, at this date
candidate for Trilled States senator from
Nebraska, appeared In the columns of his
paper, the Omaha World-Herald on the
date given above; and,
Wheras, At the date of the writing Mr.
Illichcoek was not a candidate for office
and the article may be Justly considered
us an expression of his real opinion, his
final estimate of his country's veterans,
therefore, be It
H-solved. Thst the spirit of this deliver
ance by Mr. Hitchcock Is worthy of close
attention. He would "not complain if it
i pension pay melts) were an honest debt,"
but declares that a large proportion "was
never earned by any act of patriotism or
heroic service." He characterises the pen
sion payments as a robbery of the govern
ment by asserting that the government Is
"held up" and "despoiled" atnd "seems
helpless to defend itself."
Tnen comes the crowning sheaf of criti
cism Mr. Hitchcock regrets that a few old
soldiers still cling to life and pursue their
humble way amid a succeeding genratlun
for whom they preserved a nation and a
, liovernment, and gives voice to the thought
in his closing words: "Never did a genera
tion display such remarkable longevity."
'today Mr. Hitchcock Is seeking the votes
of the veterans of Nebraska for the high
est position within the gift of the people,
'iiai makes It "all different" now.
Hut can the Nebraska veteran forget the
real Mr. Hitchcock, as he photographed
himself In the above article, when listening
toi the Hartley-venee.-ed Hitchcock of to
day, pleading for votes?
U Beats All."
This ia quoted from a letter of M. Stock
well. Hannibal, Mo. "1 recently used
Foley's Honey and Tar for the first time.
To say 1 ifm pleased doee not half express
my feelings. It beats all the remedies I
ever used. I contracted a bad cold and was
threatened with pneumonia. The first
doses gave great relief and one bottle
completely cured me." Contains no opiates.
General Sympathetic Strike of Gar
ment Workers Ordered in Chicago.
Konanloa Workers Are Attacked at
Rranch Iloose and serersl Are
sllghtl.T Hart Three Ar
rests Made.
CHIC AGO, Oct. 27. Peace, expected to
day In the strike of union garment workers,
particularly those employed by Hart,
Schaffner Si Marx, was put to rout by a
general call for a sympathetic strike, and
by a small riot which led to the srrest of
three strikers early In the day.
Kmployes ent -ring a north side branch
shop of the tailoring firm were assailed by
union pickets and sympathizers. Sticks
and stones were thrown back and forth,
but Injuries were too slight to be taken
cognizance of In police reports.
Three of the assailants were arrested by
the detail of police who had been on guard
since the first riots a week ago.
(Continued from First Page.)
I Special for Saturday, 525
1 We have 22 special patterns of $30 and Ho goods in
Suitings and Overcoat from which selections may be
made Saturday only for
We have had tremendous business on these Spec
ial Sale Days. AH garments lined and made up perfectly
and guaranteed. Make selections first.
f sT ,
The Weather
For Nebraska Kar: colder. .
For lowa Fair; colder.
Tempers ture at Omaha yesterday:
e.r J
f a. in....
5 a. m
7 a. ni
8 a. in
l a. m . . .
10 a. in ...
11 a. m
12 in
1 p. m....
2 p. ill
J p. in....
4 p. m
5 p. m
8 p. m....
T p. ni...
t p. m
... 41
... !)
... H7
.... as
... o7
.... w
.... 40
.... 41
.... 41
.... 41
.... '0
.... 4:1
.... ss
. ... :w
.... 3
.... 3.1
Drivers aad Helpers Tie Vp Traffic In
w York and Jersey City.
NKW YORK, Oct. . 27. Kxpross strike
troubles on the, New Jersey side of the
Hudson river multiplied today. Besides
the drivers and helpers of the Wells Fargo
Express company, who went out yester-
i day In sympathy with the striking cm
! ployes of the United States Fx press com
pany in Jersey City and Hoboken, the
helpers on the Adams Kxpress company in
Jersey City went out this morning. They
number 7.
The express strike took firmer hold on
the New York side of the river today,
when the helpers of the Adams Express
company at the Grand Central station went
out, and the helpers employed In the West
Sldo depot struck. It was stated that 200
inent were out at the Grand Central and
seventy-five, at the West Side station.
The service was completely tied up at
these two depots. The strikers declared
their expectation that the American Kx
press company's men would join in the
strike movement this afternoon.
The men are striking for ten hours a day
"no doubling up" or night trips, and no
handling of bundles before the time they
are to report for work.
abundance of farm product on dlsplflv to
demonstrate the ability of their soli to
grow these staplo food products. As the
boosters filed back to the train from
Orchard each carried either a big yellow
pumpkin, several potatoes or a head of cab
bage. Some of the cabbage heads weighed
fifteen pounds each and but a few of the
potatoes would fill a bushel basket. They
were presented to the dlnl. car service of
the Northwestern with tnc request that
they be served. Climbing the hills to the
towns in northern Nebraska In the blind
ing snow has given every member an appe
tite like a golf champion, and though the
Northwestern has provided delicacies,
stewed pumpkin, boiled Nebraska cabbage
and the giant baked potatoes are esgerly
sought on the diners.
I.yman Sholes. division passenger and
freight agent and Superintendent F. K.
Nichols of the Omaha road, Joined the
party at South Sioux City and the Bur
lington officials left for Omaha while
fifty volcea aang. "They Bay Old Man
Smith, He Ain't Got No Style, But He's
Style All the While, All the While."
Wayne Wants Closer Itelatlon.
WAYNE, Neb., Oct. 27. ISpeclal Tele
gram.) Wayne business men are keen for
closer business relations with Omaha and
are boosting for the proposed Yankton
Omaha line of railroad. Of course, they
want it to run by Wayne, but are game to
offer to assist the enterprise by taking
off their ooats, raising money, securing
the rlght-ofiway or otherwise pushing a
way Into Omaha direct. A committee of
Bloomfield business men met the Boosti
era at Wayne. It was lieided by Mayor
John liolphln. a prominent member of the
State Association of Commercial clubs and
a staunch friend of the Nebraska me
tropolis. Others in the party were Kd
Bagky and B. Y. High.
' , . ' Tkis nolid quarter-sawed wik table e'r
j tncA f'y "'' extendi to Sfettclaw
toot Tydcn uo style lurk 1
Store News
Monday, 8 A. M , on our second
floor we hold our mill remnant sale of linoleum the
event of the season. "Watch the papers and our
south show window.
Next week we are going to' sell
500 pairs of lace curtains at $17.50 pair values up
to $23 and $30 pair. Full particulars in Sunday
papers. Curtains shown in north show window
beginning Friday.
Orchard & Wilhelm
C. L. Hyde of Pierre, S. D., Charged
with Misuse of Mails.
Three t onal Alleaje Misstatements la
l.ltaratare Iscd to Advertise
Lots that He Offered
I T 'or Pale.
(Continued from First Page I
8IOCX 'FALLJf, 8. D.. Oct. 27 It de
veloped 'j that the United States
grand Jury returned an indictment
against;. Charles L. Hvde, a millionaire
real estate man of Pierre, on tha charge
of misusing the piails. Mr. Hyde was re
leased after furnishing a bond for $2,000.
The Indictment against htm contains
three counts. The substance of the three
counts is that he used the mails to ad
vertise lots and other parcels of ground
and sent maps and literature Indicating
that Plerrs haI two street car lines and
giving tha lota a value In the minds of
Intending purchasers which they did not
Your barber is glad to give
you a snampoo with the
Fitch Dandruff Remover.
It's his best, trade builder
and eliminates your dan
druff troubles.
(Dandruff" Remover.'
AM CSKm'kX '!'..
fa a ConotUutlonal Diaoaaa.
The quicker a cold la gotten rid of the
less the danger from pneumonia and other
serious diseases. Mrs. B. W. I. nn
Waverly. Va., says: -i firmlv hu...
1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be abso-
lutely tha best preraratlon on the market
It manifests Itself In local aches and for colds. I have recommended it to my
pains tnflsmed Joints and stiff muscles i friends and they all agree with me " For
but It cannot be cured by local applies-! sale by all druggists.
Hons. I ,
It requires constitutional treatment. ! sCOTBMBJTTS OT OCBAg BTXAltgHIYS.
mistakes that had been made In the tariff
law. he said, would be corrected by a re
publican congress.
In discussing the regulation of railroad,
the senate rsaid In the future he Intended
to use whatevtr Influence he may have In
trying to defeat those persons who had
voted against the Dclllver amendment. The
r&llruad blU which was passed, he said,
was one of the most Important steps ever
taken by congress.
Senator Burket: and Will I lay ward each
made a short talk, both of which were
well received.
Persistent Advertising Is the Koad to Big
North Suspended.
Oct. 27 H. H. North
commissioner of immigration at Angel
Island. San Francisco, was suspended from
duty today by Secretary N'arel as the re-
sun iu riiai'Kes inco oy r . n. Atnswoi tn,
a special impector at the San Francisco
Autoists Use
to Avoid Dust
Hub a little "KondonV in
th nnatrlla before the start.
Catches the dust and kills any
germs qutcklv.
Write lor
Free Sample
Komlon's contains
' do cocaine or harmful
I drugs. At your drug
' gist's Id convenient.
sanitary oc anu ouc
tubes, or write now tor
liberal free sample.
Ho don Mia- Cs).
MtaaeaMth. sUaa.
and the best U a course of the
Mood purifying and tori medlrlns
great fort.
I NKW Utili
New vuhk
Hocd'u QarsaparlHa p-;;;.:
wMrh corrects tha arid condition of the i sr. mm ii'iacLs.'.
Kort and bolide p the system I hond koxu
Oat It today lnVu.1.( Mo .Id fort, or OHA
chocolate Ublat. ea.led rs. Ithat:
Chin Mtru.'.'.'
. rnij)tiiii
. Pr. tlrant
. 'i'utunic
. M)iinMO!
. Rottsrl m
Book Dent.
f-llMm'iLjilO IJ JUL IlMU-lO Mnin Floor
A great big book, hize !xll inches, 1,7()4 pages, thumb index,
colored jilatt's, contaius new words, bound in tan cloth looks like
leather, wears better. iTk 1
. This is the genuine 'Webster,': published V.V J tvXiTH
by (i. & C. Mem am Co., the authorized pub- ft y (y
lithers of Webster
A few yeara aga people paid aio.oo for vns
matter that la la this book.
Tiie 20m Century
Historical. Biographical, Scientific a comprehensive, acrurate and de
pendable storehouse of universal knowledge, embracing the 16,000 aubjecta
known to be encyclopedic
Simnle language no cross references every subject treated under Ha
proper heading rp.TO-llATK IX ALL DKPARTMKXT8.
S-OOfl Illustrations are used in the Tent Bound in tan
buckram, n arbled edges, leather labels stamped in gold,
weight 5 pounds, site 1U9 incho. We offer this
remarkable book at Hie aMoiiKliingly low pri of....
Brandclo Stores Book Dept.
lETiiT !i-.bTV 'TIT -Vii'i i i' i'- isii'ii T - i T ' . " ' J"
possess. ' j
rK 1
-.uiivtt c ..-zf-tsrnraitiHnrar" i
Tonight Bat. and Ban. Matins Bat.
In Bsr Beat Tly
Monday . . rXAVOXB STAmB
Antonio -cottI
Assisted by Adams BuelL pianist.
Prices 11.00, 11.60. $2.00.
Tickets to Btudents at naif price for
aii . uuurts. aiudsnt l'lcketii for
Bcottl on aala Tuesday at A. ML
Dooglsj 36o.
Matinees. Tuesday, Thursday, aturday.
MISS EVA LANQ and Csmpmy in
Old Heidelberg,
Neat Wek The Qlrl of tlie Ooldta Wesl
irraieu nuuer its
I i ' . i : j i s- . .
AUV.WLhtt VACUKVll.l.ti,
Matinee Every Day, 2:15
Lscry Mailt, 8:J5
Mr. Edwards Lavii (M. A.) "The
Picture ot Dorian tiray;" Taylor,
Kransmun and White; Fmr Cllfions;
Forties and buHiuau; Hnuy Alk;!.iin,
Hamaroft and honia; bpeciai l-'eature
txtraoi dlnary, "At tlie Waiuorf,"
Kinodronie; uipheum Conceit ortliea
tra. I'riec Matinee, 10c and 25c.
Mght, 10c, 25c anil SO.
In many walks of life the
well-dresaed Is usually the pros
perous one.
He Is the man who has his
attire made for him. His gar
ments do not hang on him with
that "made-for-anybody" look.
H "steps out" on the business
street er the boulevard In gar
ment, every step In the tailoring
of whtrh Is iade to pleas his per
sonal taste to conform with his
pei-sonal appearance, to enhance
the Individual impression that he
Kill personally make on each per
son he ineeia.
That lu HK steps forth in gjr
nients nide for him by us.
MaeCarlhy-Wilso i
Tailoring Co.
04-SCX1 South ieth ML.
Kear Kama in 8t.
Couf. tt4 1,
ma. M-IJ4I
loin and Lt.uglas
Today 2:16. Toogai 8:15.
A l-'i Kadles' Hat glw away,
POSI?IVXiY rttEE, every ariernoon.
bee window iirumli! stores.
One .'l0O0 K. a. ttuiUBCYCLE
given away. rsiil,
at tlie eaa of week. nee Oiuln
Motorcycle 'o . ISth and I'uintui Avo
Dfirpc- Malinse loe and 36o
riibC). cvanings. . . 10e, 86c and 60o
Bots Biw gnow starts every Bun
gay ataunee.
You Noticed
that our advertisements are less fretiuent, smaller
and more natural than many others?
We tlon't advertise unless we have something
special to say.
We save in spaee and not in merchandise value.
We. confine ourselves to unexaggerated state
Pure Silk Italian Vests White, pink, sky, elabor
ately embroidered, selling usually at $4, Friday
at $2.50 each.
A few all thread silk ribbed vests, in blacks, were
$4.00, nt $L50.
Heavy Weight Mercerized Vests Beautiful finish,
white, pink or sky, regular $l.'Jo, Friday 08c each.
Wool Mixed Vests and Pants In sanitary mixture
a splendid winter garment, Friday 50e, each.
Hand Made Cluny Center Pieces Twenty-inch, rep
ular price $1.'2, and $1.3,"), Friday 80c.
Linen Towels (irass bleached huck, size J3x4b, rc
ular 4.V, Friday L'Oc.
Cluny Laco Doilies ( inch hand made French, reg
ular price 25c, Friday l6c.
Women's Silk Waists A clean-up lot of soft silks
black, white and colors sold up to $7.00, Friday
at. $2.08 each.
Women's Cloth Dresses Made from panama and
serge, in the nobbiest effects, yet practical, splen
did values, from $10 up.
Out Size Suits For stout women or any unusual
proportion we have a good style selection up to 48
inch bust measure.
French Lingerie Our own direct importation of
hand embroidered garments.
Note our window display. See our new special
''(piipment in the department for its care and dis
play. Two special lots for Friday,
f 1.2.) Chemises for 70c. $2.00 Chemises for $1.10
Children's Section New dresses, winter coats, lint
y and bonnets. Special for Friday $3.00.
Sweaters, all sizes, $1.98.
Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.
Your Magazine Order
And Renewals Yill Earn
$5;000 for Organized Charity
I positively
mast hare
6 mora
the X.adlsa'
Heme Jour
nal anil tha
Post in
October to
sum the
rtrst 330.
('' . v.'t 'V'.t ; -
I J f I -I I '
LAST FALL, when I so strenuously announced the fact that yoiw mags- '
zme order would earn $1,000 for the Child Saving lnbtltute you probably
doubted. I'nKHitily you suspected fraud or duplicity, and presumably dismissing
the matter as an Invalid's septinient, yon sent your order dlreot.
You see, f know, because it took rue five long months to earn tlie first
lit, nt an expense which would have purchased every subscription obtained.
XETEBTHELI8S, despite every ohsluclo, over $1,000 was earned lor
the Infants' Home, which whs paid by the publishers Msrch the 2d even it
I did have to sacrifice my profits on all other business to suocesd.
OX.XTEB, WtMSILL HOLMES sayx: "When you find a person a little
better than his word, a Utile more llbersl than his promise, a little mora
than borne out in his statements by his farts, a little larger in deed than In
speech, you recognize a kind of ehi"enc In that person's utterance not laid
aown by Blair or Campbell."
Perhaps you will believe me this fall when
1 tell you that your magazine order and
renewals wlli earn $3,000 to $5,000 for or
ganlzed charity.
You save five per cent. Your order makes you a co-partner. PubllO'eo
opcratiun will make every subscription worth from 60 cents to f 1 00 IMOt
in prUes should be realised.
(lj which properly Invested
CI to lie deeded to some charity
(3) ujt otclded by the vote of my subscribers
(1) will not only provide for an invalid's malntainance for life, but laier
put a nurse's wages in the Interest of charity or endow a hospital cot for
ever. .My booklet eplalnn. Write for It.
rVBTKIlHOtl You are jonltively guaranteed the lowest price quoted
on any newspaper or magaslne published. Write for catalogue or uss any.
I duplicate any printed offer.
Telephone Douglas 7 1 63. Addiess
Gordon, the Magazine Man
Xvga la-8S-eo-75o
Dally Mat.. la-as-SOo
, ill H. Cainpbe.l - Henneit and n.j.-e - Art
Models Johnny Weher-The Millard.s Yan
kee l'o He -Hig iloauty Ct.urj-A ltwul
Kmi Shew.
X.adlsa' Dime Matlnse Every Wash Say.
hull. e Week: The lireat Ho iun Show.
" m w Prloss 15c, to, 60c
Tonight BUS- BCat. Wed.
Sunday BTanlan's Buperba
We are goiiiR to sell .r00 pairs
of Late Curtains next week at
$17.50 a pair; values up to,
$."). KJ and $:).0l). Watch the,
pajers and our north window. ;
Special Announcement
$25 One PSeci Dresses $8.95
Saturday we ilaca on aale tha second
and largeat Bhlproent of those beau
tiful silk and wool driwi from our
New Vork purchase. Digger assort
ments, superior values to thota of
last Haturday some
worth ih Satur
day they go at
Haydon Droo.