'I UK lil-L: O.M.MIA. H.IIA ' U(. 1 1 fill-;!. !.' KUU. rn ( t J GRAIN AND I'kOiru jH ARRET "WTifat Pricei Remain Unchanged at Low Level. CORN TRADERS ARE ACTIVE No 1 northern, 1 0 g 1 0 ;,. No. t heat, I I A X - Insed l 12 :' I'iPliN-Nii, 3 j allow. M'if, HATS No. 3 hlt, "i'n-. II Y l' Nr. J. V:V'.:. 1;RAN-In I' lb aks. fl i FI )l."R Flrt palmtv $5 nt'tiri .'. aevN.nd patents, M '"'l S'O. t'rst (leal. 1 li.J. e inl clar, $2.1'2 .40. 1f)DK I.FNF.h ll, M H K KT OK 4 erloaa t.pr4era Report Mow Trade o 4 beat. While- Corn Trader Hail 4 Prlcee I . 4tatloea of the Pay Commodities. NEW YORK. Oct, 27 - FLOl'H -Sternly ml easier; spring patents. $5 .Vnf 4; winter straight. Jt lo'.M.; Inter patents. I4.4fwi4.75; spun clear. 4lv.tl40. extra No I w'ntcr 1.1 efVJ, 3 7ft entra No 2 wtn'er. 'I3.4U; Kansas straights. ) '"!' i" V, . OMAHA. Oct. 27. MO. Thera waa no marked change In the heat aituatlon. F'-alping trades ruled the anarket and declines were followed by ralllea. Exporters report very dull trade and the general situation continues bear ish end cash brielnesa rhowi no Improve ments. Corn shows more ertivlty, mostly on weather oondltlnn and light country aell tng. Shorts ana gradually covering, strengthening valtiee. Wheat flrmad up after a ehort period of waakneaa at the atart The market acta n a fighting haats and reactions are aharp War anv marked decline. The caah arti cle rather alow of sale and value Just teady. IJght racelpta and a cold wave, over the corn belt rava the market a better tone, valnes advanced slowly and held firm. 'ah corn fajrly active, and sold V higher for the day. rrlmary wheat receipta were Ka'on bush ala and ahlpmenta were StdOno bushels. sinst receipta laat year of l.afti.om busn- and ahlpmenta or kzxmw misneia. rluiarv corn receipt were 415.000 bushels and shipments were 2I5.0W bushels, against e.ceints laat venr of T,W buahela and shipments of buahela. Clearances a era 4.ii buahela of corn. ' rone of oata. ami .wheat and flour eiual to 4.4 ) buahela. Uverpool closed H'&H'l higher on wheat a ad unchanged ta ld higher on corn. Omaha (oak Prices. WHFiATNo. 2 bard. KVmr; No. l.ard. 4WiVy.: No. 4 hard. KlthaHc; re ; jeofail hard. 7''i1,-ic; No. 2 spring. ftOU'SOec; X.3 spring. Si93i-; No. 2 durum, 814c. CORN -No. 2 while. 44tt'4",c: No. S white, 44Vij47m; No. 4 whit, 4VH4 ':; No. 2 eltaw, 44V(T44cc : No. 2 yellow, 44V(i44Vi; SM. 4 vallow, 44&44c; N. 2. 4444c; No. 8, 44. Vll 44-1,0, No. 4, 4.1V4a4lac; no grade, 4fr42. (UTSNn. 2 white, SiVa 304c : atanrtard. SAH ',; No. 3 whita, Sot:)1:; No. 4 whlta, JSatjUtViC: No. t yellow, 2s1. ti 29V" N'o. 4 yellow, WWaZHr. BARIiEV- No. 3. 64ic; No. W(M; ra tacted. amtitfio. RtB-IVa. 2. 72fTnc; No. S, lUlc. ' ' Carlat Re-ealpta. ' Wheat- Co't N tV YOKR bTOCRS AND BONUb jgj'; $n:..; '; a;Htr c V ,hpr dollaia of i. rtlflcatra outstanding Professional Traden Inclined to Tol- low Upward Price Movement. OPERATIONS CLOSELY CENTERED More hrerfnl Sentiment llaa 1 rentlve In Retention of Bank wf t.naland HUroaat Rata at Klra Per tent. 4a . 7 Oata U4 10 "hleao 20 Minneapolis Omaha Iniluth. (HICAGO GRAI! AMD PHOVIalOJIa K tares of the TrndlnK ad t loataa; Prtraa on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Oct. n Sharp fighting In the wheat pit today ended In a drawn battle. Cloalng prlcea were 'c higher to Ho lower tian twent -four hours prevloua. News of .the abutting down of flour mllla mads Ihe final tone a bit weak. In corn there waa a net decline of Vsc to ''US'-. h" nB, rinlahed in up to 'Vcr'ic off. Iiteat fig ures for hot? producta were irc leaa coaily ta a ahado dearer. foreign advices clta wheat had bearish front and held tha bulla In check. It was asserted that Franca had already pur- chaaea.tialf the estimated Import nwda, i.nd that the docks at the chief porta there, were overstocked. On the other hand, receipts ait primary markets In thl conntry proved decidedly llBht, and Rave promise of becoming much smaller, espec ially northwest. Caah demand fov wheat, however, was poor and tht flour market weak and flat. Then came newa of the topplnx of a big flour mill at Minneap olis. Jiuvlng. wbioh had been lively In the wheat pit here, became now lesa urgent and a hard-won fractional advance waa practically wiped out. lMcember ranged from IWJi'uTiO to closing 'c off .Hc. Horn' weakened on clear cold weather Instead of the rains predicted. IVcemhw rhirttas ted' bet ween 4i and 4:i!C, -wlthf nal snlea Ho to ,c down at 46ti4trVv Cash vorn,, waa firm. No. 2 yellow closed at 4''V!(.'Wc. Tli.ru waa n active tVade In oata. De cember varied from SIIiWkc to llc ind finished 'V'i'.aC off at .!l'.jc. Offerings of. provisions oulnrew the de sire to purchase. The end of the session reft All options unchanged to.l.'ic lower, e capt that there waa a shade advance for jbs January .delivery or nus. flour, stea.li : fair to aood. 4.i4.i; i liolee to fancy, fO'M Buckwh'-at flour, quiet, t.v pai2JU per cwt. cornm kAI-Khv; fine white and yel low I1?in 1 V,- kiln rirleil l.'1'. VII1:AT-Spot market steady; No. 2 red. 'c elevator and ::"- t o. b. aflout. No. I northern I'uhith. II US f o. h. nflott. Futures market was Irregular at the slurt with selling bv loial tradets and moderate foreign buvlng. Ijiter prices declined on favornhle crop advances and a poor cash demand, but rallied on coering a.id closed unchanged to 'c net lower. lece-n'r li mii-mii ot : closed tl tOV; May II .' 1 1 l"it 1 ID.',., closed 1 .. Keceipts. 111. sh! monts 14.TS10 :i RN-Smt tiisrkrt easv: No. '- corn, elevator domestic basis lo arrive c. I. f and n7i: f. u. b a float. I'm ores market vas without transactions. rloln to down to ,: up pecebcr closed t ''; M.iv closed 57c. Receipts, 2i..H75; shlmienls 1H imrt OATS- Spot market firm: standard white J7S,c; No. 2. c; No. a, 37r; No. 4 :; No. 2 mixed, nominal Futures market wss without transactions cloalng at '-ic net advance " (ctolu r closed :;7'ic; 1 ecemher. :i7-V:: Mv, 4-c; Julv .Mc. Receipts 100.- HAY liull , prime. $1 UViiI.I'k ' It IO; No. 2 timvolOT; No. 3. NV isfx-. HOI'S - Firm; common to cnoice. i.mw crop. 1w:'3c; l'VI crop. Pi-rlfc; Vsciflc coast. 1910 crop. 136 liic; IX) crop, lVf1lc. IIIIF.S tjnlet; Central America. 2tc: Ho gota. 211,22'ic. I.KATHK R Steady, hemlock, firsts -I'd nV. seconds, 2lL'!-.""c; tli.nls, l'tJOc; relecta lwuUc. I'RoVISM N-Pork. ateyily; mea. I.I.H" l2l.t; fa mil'-. Sl.niyii'i:...VI; short clear. ?2 (112.1 f Heef. stead v; mesa. IR.0f l fmilv ) ItVal'i 00: hei f hams. Ki.Wri'.l. Cut mMta eaHV: nickeled bellies. 10 In 14 lbs.. $ir. oo-rtlH (Hi; pickled hams. JM.Wf le.tl). lrd. firm; prime middle west. 111! ?.Va 12.3."i: refined steady; continent. l'..".0; South Anierlcn. tlS."e; compound. $!.MVi lb. TA 1,1 )W Steady; prime city, 7',sc; coun- trv. 7k,'a-'vc. Rl'TTKlt Firm; creamery specials. I.'-'if"; entraa W'it Ulc; third to first. 2f'i-"c; cteauierv held, second to special -o'u '12c ; state dairy, common to finest. 2T'!".'Vr.'C; process, common to special, 2Wi27e: Imita tion creatnary, first. 24-'o2So: factory, June make. 2;Vo24c; current make. 2r2oc. KHOS Steady; state. I'ennsvlvania and iwarhr hennerv white fancy. 42'a4Rc; gath ered white. 3n'irSSc;h ennerv brown, fancy. W(.T.c; gathered brown. .'Ufa 3T.c ; fresh gath ered etra first, 2O'30c; first. KYnI7c; seconds. 2:v24c; fresh gathered dirties, candled No. 1. 2iro22c; No. 2. lW20c: re frigerator, special mark, toncy, 2r.'Vd2ic; first. 24Ufili'.c; seconds, J2U.1f2tc. POI"lrRY Alive, steady: spring chick ens. 14c; fowls, HI'ifrHc; turkevB, l.Vihic; dressed stesdv; western broilers. 1Vf22o; fowls. nWjUin'c; spring turkeys. 14t2-:o. Oetieral Fend - Sib Mlard sl'er dolla-s In gen.M.-il fund. a-';". .ilv cuient liabilities. Hl'i ;iST'l, wutklng balsiue In treasurv of-fl'-es, ,..! . 111 banks to crad.t of ttfa.-'irer of thn I 11'le.l Ktatea. $.lf..744.1 ;y. auliKidtary s'lver coin. H7..lio.V)i, minor In, .:. Ti'tal balance In general fund, l-.4.soMes5. London atoek larVt. l'Sii)N, Oct. 27 American securities opened firm and a fraction higher today luring the first hour prices Improved under the lead of Fnlon Pacific and South ern Pacific. At noon the market waa firm and from VtiiH, above parity. do OMAHA LIVt STOCK MARKET Receipts of Cattle Very Liberal for a ! Thunday. NF.W YORK'. Oct. 27. The resumption of operations for tha advance In prices of slocks today was credited to the same fpeoulHtlve forces that were active In Its Inception. The prestige of this supposed leadership had an Imposing effect on the rank and tile of professional trad"!- In Hocks nnd they were inclined to follow the movement. Their operations centered in I'nlted States Steel, fnlon Pacific and Reading, with a notable supplement In American SmeHns. I'nlted States Steel made a new high leiel for the movement at SO. but the staggerlnx burden of realizing sales at that price caused a reaction, which made the closing irregular. The more cheerful speculative sentiment had Its Incentive In the retenttou of the Hank of Kligland discount rate at 5 per cent. Resides the Rank of F.ngland action the Fnlon Pacific annual report and the in crease In tha Consolidated Uas dividend rate were supplementary Influences on the rise In prices. The disclosure In the Fnlon Pacific report of the sale of Its Atchison holdings was regarded aa strengthening tue company's contention of nor control of competing lines. The corporation Increase In holdings of New York Central and ChlcBKo & Northwestern wns a strengthen ing Influence on these stocks. I rion Pa cific was affected by the consideration of the broad margin over dividend require ment of the year's earnings. Honda were Irregular. Total sales, par value. 2, 417.OOO. Fnlted States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Sain-. Hish .1. moos)... aci-mint Amil. Cupper Ana.-nnnn Airhlson iln pfd Bsllimore aV Ohio 4 antd'an Pacific. . T...-i.aW o... t hl. . tl. W ... nil., mil it en. r Ie Bern Den tt Pio o 4o M.... F.-i do lai t'fd to lit r-fi rirund Trunk., llllnola onlral SII.VFR-Har, 9 I II U uixIHe A N If 1 1, R T M . . 7i N. V Ontral .. Norfolk W l'l 'l . in: ilo pfd. ' . .I-' OTitari'o W" 4 . .11!', rnn lvola .iSiIUnd Mine 4 .. llpdlK "' .. f4 pkmthern T.y !H ..1J do td WW .. 1 lu Pnutlipt it I'a. iftr 121 .. . 4 fnlon Pi-lllc 1T' . .. 7i do pM ",li ... IS f . W. Siel Hi .;. so do pfd l-V . .. S Wahaah In1 ... 1 do pfd 41 . . .1.! gpanhih 4e " dull at 2.7'd ier oun. ,H0GS ARE TEN OR MORE HIGHER j sheep and l.amhs Are I. ess Active I Than I anal and Mrak to as I Mnch Ten (rata ! I. oner. fatuel a top eeterday of 1x7" The mar krt on Ihst htvl of hogs was In a very siitisfiictorv condition from start tj flnih Medium welKht Na.1i were also ao-ihl aftei- at I'll.es tlat generally looked jOc hoihes. Ileavv hogi at first were neglected, buv ers g.lng afisr the lighter weights, b it as lie latter weie cleaned up the heavies be lian sel'ing and the toark't on that kind uas generally MV higher. The big hulk of all the li i changed han.ls In ery gjod season 111 the morning. y' RerrtsenUtn e ssies MoNKV-IU'nl'i ner cent. The rate of discount In the open market ffir short bills Is 4'n4T per cent; for three months' bills. 4 per cent. SOFT 1 1 Receipts were. Official Mondav- ... Official Tuesday ... iffiiia! Yrslnesda Fstlmated Tliu'sday OMAHA. Oct Cattle. Hogs 12314 S.lliO 7 t!!i) i.:n 1 1 r. p.iv.7 4.4..; 3.1; n Four days this w eek. ..t.7fir. 14.7.V1 Same days last week... ..t:.!! 1. o." Same das 2 weeks ago. 39 3x 13.24 Same (lavs 3 weeks jn..J4 N is. I Same davs 4 weeks ago. 41.47 l"v77.i Same dava last vear ....:tnl: 12.fWW 1 ne Tollowlng table shows PHO. Sheep :;.77 ..m;i IVMO ... !i.s71 FA 142 1.12.71 ir.4 2"( .oral f urnl; New terarltlea. bed bv Riirns. Brlnker Omaha National bank HKITHKR IX THR GR4.IV BKI.T riie leading Titures r inged as follows. Open. I High. I Low. Close. Ya'y Aftlnle IVpeat I 1 ice. Mav Uuly H'orn lee. May July Oats : Deo. May .luly Tork , Jan. Mav Lard -.Oct. Nov. .Ian. May May - No. 1. UleS'o I ! 7 4ti 4)i ;4fi t'i Fair Wralkrr la Predicted, with (' tinned t old Tonight and Friday. OMAHA. Oct. 27. l'UO. The disturbance overlying the central valleys Wednesday morning, la now cen tral over the lower lake region. I nscftiea weather continues with the disturbance and light rains were general In the upper .Mississippi, the lake region and )hio val ley within the last twenty-four hours, and continue In the latter section ,th!s morn ing. An re of pronouncedly high pres sure has spread over the entire country west of the Mississippi river and the weather in decidedly cooler throughout the upper lake region, central valleys and the wcat. Freealn weather prevails over the upper Missouri valley, the mountain d s trlcts and throughout the northwest. Tem peratures down to 14 above ero were re nt I ported In the extreme northwest this morn ing, and temperatures ranging iroiu 10 lio.were general In the mountains. 1 Ught snows were falling at Pueblo, Colo., and at St. Paul and Duluth. Minn. Fair weather will continue In tlua vicinity tonight and Friday, with mtich-colder tonlght and con tinued cold Friday. Minimum temperature and precipitation aa com paled with the laat three years: 1816. 1901). l'JUS. 1907. Lowest lust niaht 37 15' Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 48 degrees. Octicli ticv in piecipltation since March 1, 13.21 Inchea. l etuieiicy corresponding" period In W09, 2.27i Inches. I letter iicy corresponding period In 1D08. I 3.02 inchea. L. A. WKLfH, 1 Local Forecaster. Allla- sa.imera pM.... Amalgamated Cfsjipr Amerti-an Arncultaral American Rust Sua.r Arnerlran tan Amsrt..-an ' lar V Foundrr. Amartran Cliittnn Oil Am. Illdn leather pfd.. American Ice HerTurttiea. . . . American Ilnaeeil American Ijrnmotlva Am Smelt, A ReCng Am. Smelt, ft Rsrng pfd. American Hteel Foiindrlea. American HUKa. Refining.. American Tal. ft Tel American Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atrhtmm Atrhlnon pfd Atlantio Coast Tlna (ialtlmors ft rado Rsthlehem Fteal Brooklyn Rapid Tranait Canadian Paclfis ('antral liaathar tntral leather pfd I'entral f New Jeraay l liaeapeaka ft Ohio Chtcaao ft Alton Chlcaao Great Waatern.... Chicago tit. WrMern pfd., Chlcaao ft Nort.!iiretern... ( hlcagu. Mil. ft St. Paul.. t'., '.. C ft t. Iinla Colorado Fuel A Iron..... Colorado ft Southern Conaolltiated Uas Com Producta Pfllawara ft HU'lpon fienver ft. ftla firande. . . . .. Penyar ft Tllo (Irande pfd. Becurltlas !( NX) 4 S 10 SiA 4 ! ., 47', 37 4 10 5 US'. Jno Je, 20 )) 4.1 2u0 41 P. 'J 4a 5.3I 1114 two l.aofi in) soi no TOO l.f 4.7') r.ot 4;'i 12 IIS IH'l . 1 ' 1fH in 7S w "iz " PM', 12 US 1UK 31 '4 77 W 1"4 34, 10 Close. 7:'t I '' "s M', (Hi 14 401 103 49i in no :ia S3 4;"i Quotations A Co.. 4-1 a bulldirg : Calhoun Ce (la.) warrant. Pr rant.. Clt .National bank bin, t. man Colorado Tel. Co. 1 per is-nt (niumhiia. Nan., K. L,. a, 1:4 Pnsr li. ft E per rnt noiaa. 1U .t !t. Loula ft SuK ta. V1 falrment Creatoarf ial g. par cam.. (jsrman Klra lr.iuranca Co Hardy Nsti., muTi'.cli-al t.. los-a T'tftland Cement lt a Kanaaa O ft B. 1 per ct. pfd, Wicblta Kanaaa City R. U 5a, 1: Lrtna Hell Lumber 4a, 1D. Lawrence r.. a. p., : 191 Nettaaka (Nance Co ) war. par cent Mnrrla ft Co. 4V. ll Oaiaha Water as. ! Omaha ft C. P Ut. Fy. p'd. t per eent Omalia ft V. B. SI. Rr. i. l-' OniKiia St. Hr ft Bridie pfd Omaha (iaa ra, 1K13 St. Ioula. City of, 4a aitnmnne Hardware let pfd I'nlou blork Yarde siuok. Omaba Huston ".tocVs and llads. BU. A'kM. l' l1") S 1") 7 '4 M i It PM) p'4Uj t I'O n 10 M :o M Mi ID . M If'l MO TOi Dili . ttttj m 'li Tl I 11 k . VfV Hi n Nt lim reeitPia of Cattle hnn mnA . . Knuth Umatia for the year to date as compared with last "ar: litjo iw. Inc. Iko. "' 1.012...7i pni.nv; lit).!H , Hobs 1 c ... .... ....-c C"WI W ... " i.n...inii I . c". 1 1 I Mieep 2.1n!.;il;l l.iLU'..lt.7 5:4 .14" ! Ihe following table shows the average prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons. lates. I mo. liw.iipjv iW.llsOC.IU"'.!!- Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. o A eh. rr. Ne r. h Tr. 41 it ... i " r.t ... i 4; ' Sl li l .Hi l'-n i (.; ' m " 0 S 4 11 '5 4, .41 1 ) . .".4 : !: 4- ' W ).,.) ?0 SO 2 4.1 If. 1 Jvi ... : t :'4I 10 I M I ,e ... . ... '-" 24 i ... t r. J7 t -.1 4' in l 4i W "V .V .'" IsO I 4 - .. H ' ' 4! ? 4ft I 4s I .' .. Sr.4 ... i"i 1 ' " 4 i: t . s "a . 4s ; " ,7 ;4 a SI i 37 4 1n f ft, 3 VI 40 a -ft , j!t 1:m a M j , 3 fc J" 4 Ml I .'4 I .. 11 ... l ! 4f I H -,"' -XA st US" 7 f HO ... 74 it' " :". 1-0 n 4. ' . aa ... .?i w t t ir vtt W so f li" ... IS fft 2 Ml M 21 ... P SO I . MM Sl W 1S . I 15 J lf 130 I '?'4 HOARS 1 -40 ... (a STAOS 1 .... an 11 4.) 1 . to 4" SH r".F.P Thai e waa a fair run of ah In equity I Saturday 1D...I X I T 37' I no i''...: til 1 2. ...I 37-v 21. ..I I Hit., I 44't 23.. 24 . 2.".. . 2S.. 27.. I I I Mi, I 8 47 I .1 a 2; .! ( 8tH! n an 7 41' R 221 I 7 P1! S 2: 5 '51 I 4 5 S7 7 521 r. 42' S 7rt I S 41 fi 47, 2fi; I 6 3D i .r. mi 4 0 r . r. 12 a t. r r. '4' R I 6 20' 14 li 1 ;t 6 121 t 1.1 7 54 6 60i 16 1, 18 S 14! f, 111 5 7:1 b dll G 20 4 M 5 ll Sunday. Receipts and disposition of !ie slock st the Fnlon Stock Yards. South Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m . Oct ?r. 1910 RKOKIPTS. t 'a t tie. Hogs. Sheep, fir's ... 3 C M. & St. P .. H'abash Missouri Paclflo 1 nlon lacific BOSTON. Oct. : stoi'ks were: A Hones Amal, Copper Am. Z. U Sm Aricona Com Atlantic H. ft ('. C. ft 8. M Hutte Coalition Calumet A Arizona. .'losing (quotations on I C. ('. A N. V N. W., St. P. M. B. Q , H. & o east. . . w est. . O... cast. . . west . . Calumet A Hrrla. . . .ofs. Qulncy 4.1V, Mohnwi tt (K.Neva.la Con l5 27v,Nlplsalns Mines sj VI . west in North Hutte 34 C. It. I. P., east ', North lke i I . H. 1. & P., west. 1740U1 Dominion 4H, I C . U. V. 19 Oacenla Vh " Farroit (Sll. ft Cop.) 14' 100 UH 10.700 i i Ontenntal . Cud. Kanaa (n. Co. w K, nutt, cop. m... IftlL, I Kranklln mroux Con Oranby (nn (Greene Cananea Ills Koyale (Xp.l... Kerr Lake Lake Copper La Salle (.topper...... Miami Copper Asked. Penyer ft Dlaliller' Krt at f, 1 I 4t'4 is) 73 4iT6n'a)j 31 ft SI ti It't at- 17 14 10 11 50V, 10 S 1 w i S1H SlfiUsI 34!l;S4tf,l 34'a; M I 17 124 1 12V, I 12 7H 11 V. 10 2.1 ;24j 07V. baV,i 111 97, 1 0J, I 12 SO 11 50 10 15 9 67'. 9 00 31', 21V()' S4, :s4Vi 34', i Jt 16 7V, 16 97'., IS 02S 16 02? 12 85 I 11 nO 10 1ft t7V, 900 8 not 11 5.". 10 liV, 70 9 00 8 S2 v lie V -a' Cash oilotstiona were as follows: Fll.'K Weak : winter patents, H-JOy! 4.4V; bakers. fAtftl 00. KYli-No. 2. iv,a77c. HARLdSTY Feed or mizlnc, 56(&4xic; fair to aholoe malting, estjtiSSo. . ahiKDaV Fia. No. 1 aouthweatern, Ho. 1 northwoateni. 12.6a. Timothy, I7.60i 10. Clover. M fVi 14.00. PH,OV181(JNl Mess pork, per bbl., 17.7i jlh UO. lrd. per 10V lbs., 112 b'hoit t lk. (Idea, (loose). P" (Ai 10 7S; short clear Idea (boxed). ill.OUta'U.. Total clearances of wheat and flour were euual to 4UO.0UU bu. Primary receipts were e4,uut bu., conniared with 1.4V7.t)0 bu. (or the corresponding day a year ago. ' Katl mated reo-ipts for tomorrow: Wheat. M cara; corn, 24u car; oata, 4il cariy bugs, li.OO head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red, fctCsoWo; No. I red. Kli'ic; No. 1 hard. 4itt;o; No S hard. ir.'Mc; No. 1 northern prlng, H.OHil-OtiV,; No. 3 northern spring, jl.4Xstrl.0a; No. 3 spring, Jl.tAjl.03. Corn. No. I cash. 4SVj4!eVi; No. S cash, 4Lsc; No. 2 whit. ot,eVSc; No. 3 while. 41rt attc; No. 1 yellow, 4., 8 60V, 0; No. t yellow, esVlMVc, Oata: No. 2 oaah, 82Vki)SlK': No. 8 white, JlVl,.; No. 4 white, ltf ile: standard. 'Jic. MCTTKK Steady ; creameries. 24829Vic; Ir'ea, Uifjaia lA(i Bleavdy; Receipts. S.0al0 cases; at niaxk. caaea included. 18VsR!l Vac ; flrsta, icV; prime flrets, i1!?. CH tlf-lts-Hteauly; daislea 15t)15V,o; twins, ,4il 14V: young Americas, luluV,c; long borna. 14Vtfl. FOTA1VM Kteeuly; choice to fancy, Kag &c: fair to good. 4tf4fc. POL'lTRY-; Firm; turkeya, lie; hens, 11c; aprlnga. 110. KAl-taavdy; 10 to lb. wta. aioc; eo lo 80 lb. wta., l'jllc; 86 to 110 lb. wta, ll',Ull'Vc. Receipts Today: Wheat. .2 cars', corn, care; oata. 114 cara. F.atlmated tomor row: Wheat. X uara; oern. 240 cars; oata. IS! cart. St. l.ouls t.eneral Market. ST l.OFIS. Oct. 27. YA'IIKAT Weak; Ueceinber, 5c: Way, ll.OOft; l Oty,; cash, higher; track No. 2 red, Wico Il.lH); No. 2 hard, S;U"it $1 00. CORN Futures, lower: December, 44T,c; May. 18Ve4V: cash, track No. 2, 4!jl 4i! No. 2 white. 4Hj4'4c. OATS Futures, weak: Oecemher, 3W,c; Mav, UHtrXlVao; cash, firm; track No. 2, 32'tt :VJ',c; No. 2 whlto. S:c. RYK Fnchanged at 7&V,c. FLiOL'R Firm. Red winter patents, 14 20 64 40; extra fancy and straight, ia.(Ku4 15; hard winter clears, Sl.aOaXsO. RKF.IV-Timothy, ITi-OoOGO. Ct RNM KALi 82.50. BRAN Higher. Sacked, east track, 92 Cc. II AY Steady. Timothy, ll3.00jrl8.XW: prai rie. Iio-Oivn 14 no. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: Jobbing, $!"). IjikI. lower: prime steam. I12.1fxiy 12.25. rry salt meata. lower; boxed extra shorts. 114,0, clear ribs. lTc; short clears. 12c. Bacon, lower; boxed extra shorts, W,c; cleur riba. 13V,c; short clears, ia',c. IHil'KTRY Steady; chickens. 10'.o.; springs, lov,c; turkeys. la'lSc; ducks, I-; geese. 10c. PFTT1CR Steadv; creamery. 25Cg0c. KCHl.S-Flrm at ZtV,c. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour, bbls 8.0r .0f0 Wheat, bit 70 ho.tioo Corn, bu 49,04) il.ftnO Oata, bu Ou.uuO 46.WI0 Kris let pfd Krle id pfd General Rlectrlc Great Northern pfd ()rct Northern Ore. ctfa. Illinois Central lnterltoroua.il Met Interboroush Met. pfd International llarreeter Iuter. Marine pfd International Puper International Pump Iowa Centi-al Kansas Cite 8oulhem Kansas Uhy Southern pfd. Laclede Oaa Loulavllle ft Naehellle Mlnneapolla ft St. Ixnils... M . St. P. ft Sault (11. M. Mlaourl, Kanaaa ft Texas.. Mo. Kan. ft Texas pfd... Missouri Pacific National BtaeuU National Lead Natl. Rvs. of Mei. td Pd. New York Central New York, (mt A West.. Norfolk A Wertarn North American Northern Hadlflc Pacific Mall Pennaylvanta People's Gas Plllahurg, C. C. t. L PHtatnirg Coal Preened Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Hallway Bleel Bering Heeding Hepuhlio Steel Republic. Hteel pfd Hock laland Co Ruck leland Co. pfd St. U ft San Fran. 2d pfd. St. Louta Southwestern ft. Louie Southwestern pfd. glme-shef field 8. ft I Southern Pacific Southern Raitwar Southern Railway pfd Tennessee Cupper Texas Favlllc Toleilo. t. Louie ft Weai. Toledo, St. L. ft Went. p(d t'nlou PaciHc t'nlon Pacific e I'nlted males Reallr lulled elatee Hubber Pnlleil Htalea ateel Inited settee Steel pfd ... I'tah Copper Vlrglila-t4ircDina Chemlcai Vi'aliaah Wahaah pfd Weetern Maryland Weetlnfhouee Klectrlc Weatetn I nlon Wheeling ft Lake Krle Total aalae lor the day. l l.jno Ei.iioi) rvm ''Ml 200 ' ' '&' (.H0 iVHI 11m 1. Rurt Lies iv) no S.4H0 111. 6-iu 2. SiKJ .14 61 11H 17V 1Hk " 4 S IMS 127. f.!4 IMS )' 1I0S, '4 nois, i:c 17 111914 S2 'S2vi ar 40 '4 1.V. 127 5 111e 22' M"a WO lS 13V, 4O0 l.oeo 11)0 4U0 1.4D0 m 1,100 100 ana 100 KM) I. SII0 1,K) 0 100 1.4H) 31 II. i0 1.710 100 00 100 1D0 0.1 0l I. too 71 n) 400 11UO l's J0f 14"N4 II K'-tH S Tvi UJi, n sr4 HJ't 4J t 47 lit', 3 1331, lims in ii 117 MVi 11.4 mi '14 f.'. 4;k 14 3i, 467, 10414 14.".i II lt V 'm'h 1US, bi IIB', 42, D 47 ll4 a.",, WH hns 7 S(S 1(17 S-'.Vi 152 xs ' 6414 42 l.OuU 20 ZID u0 H) a, I'm ouu 409 ISe.Mi) ' "t'oj 242. 40 eoo . l.soo e.4ou io l.l'O 400 1.400 &00 Sit'i 119W, s 0, 7' ti J7 1741 n a7Mi w 120 60 eo' , 184, 4l 4'. 74 US' :t'. 17JV, 2 74 78 11', "4'sj l4k 5s t, 4 in., 1'', 77 -1 irs--. 10M, 2.-. S3 1, 4.1 23 S 14) 1W4 75 ;ui 1J7', 17 14 ?:, 7.1 24 in 4H XH14 ll'7'i f9 1M 2J74 ITS 1H 42 1 .13 (4 4i a-ii, 66 14 W 6SH 321, 117 43 4 ', 44 IIS14 31 1 13 HW'4 ; ko 164 SiVi 1.VIV, J41, SH 3:V M'4 43S u 63 1 lNi 37i 27VJ ci M 174.4 M4 3ui 7tn lltwj JSiV Shannim 70 Superior 8H Hup ft 11. t. Mm... IJ'.mii. ft Pitta, fop.. 7 V, Tamarack 43 V. B. Sm., K. ft M 74 do pfd tZ t'tah Con t ten (Nipper Co fH4Vt:nona 10'i ewulrerlna 14 12-4 iu' 4HV4 4 132 Bank of Enarland tilstemesl. IONI")0T. Oct. 27. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve, decreased. X7S4.0W; clrcula- .1 1 .. I . I 1" A. . , . V...llln (loll, lllciruiini, u)4,vw, uuiicm, . aV647.0l7; other securities, decreased. iTilS.dOv other deposits, decreased, l,3sl.Ol)0; public deposits, Increased iHl.OOO; notes reserve, decreased, a.7f8,O0O; government securities, unchanged. The proportion of the banks' reserve to liability this week Is 46.11 per cent; laat week It waa 46.48 per cent. Total receipts 4 52 4 ...10S ... 1 . . ;t ... l ...214 3 l:: i; M s 104 Co. Co. Co & Lush Omalia Packing Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Armour & Co. .. Cudahy St. I".... Murphy Sh V. H. Vansant Henton Vansant J. lyobman Stephens Pros. Huston A Co J. B. Root & Co J. If. Bulla I.. I'. Husr. I.. Wolf McCreary A Carey.. a. W'erthelmer H. V. Hamilton .... I-ehmer Bros I.ee Rothschild Mo. aV Kans.-Calf. Co Paisley Baker Kline & Christy Other buyers '. IUSPOS1TION". Cat tie. Hogs. Sheep. fi.-C) ...1. 4( ...l.wri ...1,207 ;iii .3M 1,0., I ;fli 1.7H: 1.271 ;i.:Vi:t 2, 24.1 23V 14 10! 22 HI !V 14". 10 20ri 32 i;i7 247 22ti 2R 12ii 37 74" and lambs ausln this morning, but as noted yesterday, there has been a decrease of al most one-half In the size of the receipts s compared with the same days last week. The cause for the decrease In the supply Is to he found In the fact that a good many outfits have finished shipping, ahlle others acre unable to secure cars this week. 'Ihe maiket opened this morning rather slow ami weak on both fat sheep and la ml in The supply of good killer from the range tan small, but In addition to erassers there was a sprinkling of cornfed stock Hint added materially to the number Ion sale. Yesterday the market was ery I Btroim and active, but today packers seemed to feel that they had been paying too much for both sheep and lambs, and were pointing lo the fact thai the stuff was costing too much here as compared with the cost at eastern killing points. The result was that practically sll kinds of killers were slow and weuk to loo lower than yesterday. The attendance of country feeder buyers was not so largo as yesterday and the trade on that kind of stock nas also much slower than usual at this point with prices generally a utile easier limn v r-i-iy. ' The feeder mai ket has been so active all tha season that a little hesitation on the ' part of buyers makes the market appear ery dull In contrast, j quotations on glass stock: flood ta I choice lambs, $; .ritKurl 7.V. fair to good lambs. ! 'l .2VoiS.50; feeding 'lambs. $4 3.',li6."0; handy I weight vearlings, e4.HOifi.25; heavy year- Hugs. J4.00fu4.H0: feeder yearlings, U R5r 5.16; good to choice wethers, M 00'y4 .25; fair 1 lo good wethers, ,3.75ii4 00 feeding wet ti ll era. ,:t.40(14 10; breeding ewes. $4.0vnT.lA; ' fat ewes, .1.2.Vo 3 .7." ; feeding ewes, flSit !S2,"i: canners. I1.502.25. Kepi esc:. tailve sales: NO. I 1X3 western yearlings, feeders... I 30 western ewea. feederg IKK western ewes, feeders.. 12:11 Wyoming lambs, feeders..., 450 Wyoming lambs 210 western lamhs. feeders ewes, feeders, culls. lambs, feeders lambs, feeders lamhs. culls ewes, breeders ewes, breeders , 11, (173 Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Oct. 27. Bank clearings for to day were e2,724,l(T7.15, and for the corre sponding date last year S2,57(i,833.13. OMAHA 1VI40I.lSsiAL.ii: PRICES. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1. delivered to the retail trade In 1-lu. cartons. 31c; No. 2, in SO-lb. tuba. 90c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons. 2Hc; packing stock, solid pack, 214c; dairy, in 60-1 b. tubs, 23&24C. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEEShT Twins. lfVe; young Americas, 18Vc; daisies. 17vic; triplets, 18c; ltmburger. ISc; No. 1 brick, isttc; importau twin, w; domestic Swiss, 24c; block Swiss. 22c. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under i lbs.. ti.UO dos. ; over 3 lbs., 14o; hens, 15c; cocks, WVtc; ducks, 18c; geese, 15c; turkeys, 2rk'; pigeons, per doa., 41.20; nomer squaws, per doz.. 4 0(); fancy gquaos., per aoz., .',.&; jso. 1 er doi., $3.00. Alive: tiro lers, Uic; over lbs., 9'c; hens, 11c; old roosters, c; old ducks, full fiathered, 11c; geese, full feath ered, 10c; turkeys. 18c; guinea low Is, Lio each;' pigeons, per dog., eOv; homers, per doe., $3 00; squabs. No. 1, per doz., $1.50; No. 2 per doe.. aOc. FI8H (all frozen) Pickerel, 12o; white fish, 18c; pike, 15c; trout, 14c; large crap- ples, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, lsc; haddock, lsc; iiounoers, green catnsn, lSu; roe shad. $1.00 each; shad roe. per pair, 65c; Irog legs, per aoz., eve; aaimon, iic; halibut, 12c. BEEF CUTS Rlbi: No. 1, 14',4c; No. 2, 12Hc; No. S, fcc. Loins: No. 1, 18c; No. 1. lSWc; No. t. Sc. Chuck: No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 4",c; No. 8. J'ic; Round: No. 1, 7Vic; No. . 61c; No. J. Plat: No. 1, Lc; No. 2. 6'ic; No. S Sc. FRUITS Oranges; California, Valencies, all sizes, per box, eu.0o-i.i6.25. Lemons: Llmonlera, extra fancy. oo size, per bog, $7 00' 360 size, per box, $7.2t; choice, 300 size per box. $6.0: tuO slae, per boa, $tLifc; 140 size. tOo per bog less. B ana nan; Fancy aelecL per bunch. $2.25jjl2.l0; Jumbo, per hunch I2.75S3.7R. Pears: New York Kelfer, oer bbl.. $4o0; California Winter Nellls. per r an fit Totals B.ihVi 3.ti76 20.51 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were liberal for a Thursday 193 cars being resrted. This brings the total for the four days up to 34,7b5, s gain of over 2,00 hi ad as com pared with the same days lasi week and of almost o.fmo head as compared with a year ago. The market as a whole wag in , Wyoming ewes feeders fair condition, but not so snappy as at the ' IePU,rs 122 western S7H western I plti western I 200 western ; 452 Idaho I 1HH Idaho 1 20") Idaho lambs I M)7 Idaho lambs, feeders I 153 Wyoming yearllnas, feeders 2n3 yomlng wethers, Teeders. 101 Wyoming wetherH. feeders. 252 Wyo. lambs, feeders, culls. 82ii Wvo. lambs, feeders, culls. M Wyo. lamhs. feeders, culls. 4tS Wyoming wethers fil'i Wyom.ng wethers 315 Wyoming -ewes 272 Wyoming ewes, feeders 34H Idaho lamhs. feeders :30 Idaho lambs, feeders .Sril South Dakota lamhs. feeder 270 Wyoming ewes feeders 2K1 Wyo. ewes, feeders, culls.., 039 Wyoming lambs, feeders 731.500 shares. 1H t.l 44V4 734, 71 ' 4 Philadelphia PrWaee Market. PUHjAriF-LPHIA, Oct. r.-BinTFiR-Steady; extra western creamery. Sic; extra penrbv prints, S4o. K.titiS-FIrm and unchanged, CHEEBK Steady; New York full creams, choice, lfec; New York full creams, fair to good. 14(il44c: October fancy, U'V'&Mdc; fair to goo-, lql4vg. l.lvrrooel Ortls Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 27. WHEAT Spot dull; No 1 red western winter no stocg; futures steady; October, 7a d; Pecember, 7s l4d; March, 7s lV,d. CoP.N Siajt. eauiy; American mixed. 4a SVid; futures dull; January, 4s3Sd. Febru ary. 4s8Sd. Peoria Market. PF)RIA. Oct. 27 CORN Lowar: white, 47)c; No. I yellow, 47h48i yellow. 47i47V,c; No. 1, 47c: No. 4, 4JATS strong: mo, 1 wmte. c; white, IOVjC. No. No. 4o. No. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 17. MONEY On call, steady at IWi per cent; ruling rate. Jv per cent; closing bid, per cent; offered at $ per cent. Time loans, stronger and dull; slxtv days, 4Vifc4f, per cent; ninety days, 40 per cent; six months, 4Yif5 '"pRISiE MERCANTILE PAPER-5VHj6 rveur m-11 1 STEKLINO EXCHANGE Steady at de cline with actual business In bankers bins at $4.i23(f4. 8260 for stxty-day bills and at $4 845 for demand; commercial bills, $4.82 lipi.824. SILVER Bar. Wo; Mexican dollars. 4V. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were aa follows: U. g. ref. ta, irg....lsH Inter. Met. 4m tl do eoupon II. . ta. reg Aa ooaipon V. . 4a, reg dO OOIUKJO Allle-Chal. let 4s. Am. Ag. 4S Am. T. at T. or. Am. Tobaooe 4e. . do ta JlflClVio; No. 4 white, 3XHc; standard. Kaaeaaa I lit (Inia ss4 Provlalnna. KANSAS CITY-Oct. I7.-WH E-4T-De tainher. DlHnDlaO; May, srSStlaC unchanged; No. 1 hard. P-MAKfe-; No tie.c: So 1 rest. ec: No. i. 2c. CORN December. 4P4tt44Sc: May, 47) 7c; July, 4To sellers, each ant hanged to y.f higher; No. 1 mixed. 4Kv4o; No. J, 474, t)4r; No- I white, 4V". No. 3. tavn. OATSr-l nchanged; No. 3 white. S2c I mlaed. ttSfielV ' BY E No. 2. JJsiJoc. HA Y I'nchanged; choice timothy, t)4J. choice prairie, (11 4n.TJi2.uO. HI ITER teanery, Joe: tirala. 35c; aec. sde ."HV. packing stork. hc. 1-AJOii-Eairfca, -7o; firsts. MWc Hrcelpts. Shipni'ta. Wheat, bu 174 ia IM.tkA Corn, bu ti.OO 0U0 Oats, bu tWal 10,00 cash J. 8 No. $1150 Dulath Gratia) Market. Dl'I.I'TH, Oct. rr WHEAT December, tl.04lj; May. $108,: No. 1 northern. $1.04; No. 2 northern, U.Ol'ati 1.0:'. OATS 30V- Armour 4V Oo. Sa Atchieon gen. 4s do ev. 4a do e. (a At C U let 4a Bel. Ohio 4e do S',a do i. W. Ve. ... Bruk. TraJielt cr. ( ecetHre.1 ot Ua. ie Cen'ral Leather 6a. uvs Inter, it. M. 4Wa... 44 loi'VJapan 4a n ....10144, 4a 4is 4, ....11 K. O. So. let ta T34 ....lleHLake e deb. 4a (lbU KIs, .... II L 44 Nash. an. 4a... . ....10144 al , K. 4V T. 1st 4a. 7 4e..l'' do sen. 4Sa td .... M Mlatourl Paclfle 4a... lt ....)ues4 -no ct. he S3 t N. Kra of M. 4(a. 4"4 .. " c. 1. 1 Ben. J. . ss . 1'SIS 4o 4ea. 4e MS ..leliN. Y . N. H. 4V H. .. 44 CT. t lfltsj . . W. let con. 4 M .. rs1, do cr, 4e loo . . M Northern Part fie 4a. HO e. 4lS 4a 3a 71 sj ..loeOre. S. U rf4g. 4e .. Fsirenn. ct. (llt). M ' of N. J 'V 4a VSb 'do con. 4a 1CI4 echea. 4V Ohio 4Se .1014 Reeding fen. a tWa. 4a... 'A wlleeaakea Urala Market. MILWACKF. Oct, k rLOlH Steady. WHrtAT-No. 1 northern. tLurai.04Vt: No. I nurtoern. 41 I''rtTl ov; Deveinber, ejc. OATS -;uvu :-'. I'AKLKt .-Hampies. 4M75o. Hiaarssoll t.rwla Market. VIl.VNKAPt'l.l.K Oct 27 WHEAT-De-reiuber. (1 itf-,n l.u3'c; May. $1 07'c; No 1, hard. ',; No. I Borlaem. U.iMX&l.Uo1. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 27. METALS Stand ard copper, dull. Spot. Ortober. November, loeniber and January, $12 37M 12 50. Lon don, steady; spot. 5ti 13s d; futures, 4:57 15s. Custom house returns show exports of copper so far this month of 30.8H2 tons. Lake copper. $12.S7'itfU 00: electrolytic, Iti.75gil2 87v, and casting. $12XMo II .624. Tin. firm; apot and October, $: 26iKI 75; November. $36. leVkfj 3A 4TV fecember, HS KV, tt3dS2S and January. $38.2Ui3V6&. Ma lea. twenty-five tons December (port of New York) at $.eV2f London, firm, spot and futures at 42106 Iead. quiet, $4 4fp4..I0. New Tork; K27'fl4 2S. rst St. Louis; Ixnden. apot. 4711 4a Sd. Spelter, firm. $5 .78 (to 86. New York: $6 70rrS 80, East St. Loula; Ixndon spot. a. iron, . levviana war rants, 60a In Iondon. Locally Iron waa out. No. 1 foundry, northern. No. 1 foundry, southern, snd No. 1 foundry southern soft Slft.T5tTi(.M; No. t foundry, northern. $H etVrM.00. ST. l.Ol'IS. Oct 27. METALS Lead, firm. $4. spelter, firm. $6 46. Drr fiooela Market. NEW YORK. Oct 27 -DRY UOOPH Cot ton goods market holds steady, fetaple V nnts aie selling well for spring delivery, arus are firm, with light tiadlng rrpo.ted. Haw ailk la higher. do ref. ee. Cbl. 4V Alton C. B. Q. it. do ren. 4a ec . VI. 4V St. T sea. 4Se C . R. 1. AV r. oo4. 4 4o rfg 4e ei'olo. Imtueuial 4a. ei'olo. Midland lU'iSt U. AV S. F. fg. i "do geo. as. ";4 8t. L. 8. W. con. . ;' do let gold 4a.... Beabord A. U 4a. J Ho. Pacific eol. 4a 1 T4 do ct. 4 , do H R. 1st ref. . 17 $0 Railway 4a . 74 do sen. 4a ec. 4V I. ref -est. 4 14 I' nlon Pan Tic 4s.. erela. 4V Hud. ev. 4a M do ce. 4a I). AV . Q 3 .. I.' s. 74 4a ..ua ... 74 . . . pll . ..l' r7 44 do 1st -ref "144 V. S. Rubber e 7 I'. g. steel 14 ta Ptn, H V -Cero. Crieni. ea. leni TSH Webash let 4a I'd 14 4o let-eit. 4a CT44 10 Weetern M4. 4a 14 Weal, l.lec. ct. le ... I 1 Wie. (aetaral 4a at P.tlllere' ea gria prior lien 4a... do ren- 4e do ee. 4a, aerteaA 4o ee. da, aerlee g Oen. Elecu-le ct. 4a. Ill C ls rei 4a.. Bid. eAaked. Meee York Mlalagr Stooka. NEW YORK. Oct. T!. Closing quotations on mining stocks wre: Alloa Com Trannal etock . i .H . tr .14 . 14 untie Chief... Veil ceo. (inu.ne Ophlr Standard Yellow Jacket. .. t II . ..114 bog- S2.80. ppieoi nunn-iunu cvuaina, per bbl., $3.W4j4.00; Missouri Jonathan and lirlmes' oil", Pr fel!.. $1-75; Missouri Ben Davis, per bbl.. $3 50; Missouri Wine aaDS per bbl., $4.00; Missouri Uano, per bbl ' $3 76; other varieties, per bbl., $4 00; Colorado Jonathan, per box. $1.76; Cali fornia Qraveusteiu. per box, $2.10; Cali fornia Beliefiower. per bog, $1.60; Washing ton tirlmea' Uoltlen and Jonathan, euttia far.cv 88 to 12a sizes, per box. J 26. Grapes: California Tokay, per crate. $1.25; Con cord Michigan and New York, per K-lb. basket, 30c; Malaga. 80 to lbs. gross, per Eea IfiOWe.60. Cranberries: per box. $2. be; So 1-lb P- n box- Pr boxi tTS-OO. Figs; rr.t caiif 01 nia. 12 12-o.. pkgs., hhc; it 12-jx. kgs $2 2i yuincet: Per box. $l.ki. VBbfcTABLF 3 Potatoes: Larly Ohio, alcka. per bu.. oc; Iowa white stock, ba 5c. Bwwet Potatoes: Virginia, Ler bbl.. i Onions: Iowa, email red and yellolw. per lb.. 2o; bpanish. pe,- Crnim. ! uajllo: Fxtra fancy, white, ptr lb., ti,- red. Pr lb., lbo. Kn Plant: Fancy iT'-iS- or doa.. $100. Celery; Micfigan. ner dox'. bunched, lac. Rutabagas: Per lo., lo. Cucumbers: Hot house, 1 and i oos.. Par box U8. -cr.-w baae New, per le. ismaiuea; r or hakt BOujbOc. btrlng and Wax Beans: Per mktV'bsk., 7bC Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, ber dox. 46c. Parsley: Fancy home Ilrown per dox., bunches, toe Turnips: mat- amm.t " . - . bak 40c. Beets: Per mkt bsk., too. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Black, per lb 2c; California No. L per lb., lao; CaU fornla No. I. per lb.. 14o. Hlckorynuta: Large, per lb.. 4c: small, per lb., o. Cocoanuts: Per sack. $6.(4); per doa., tsc Honey: New, 24 fraoiea, $3.5. 1 fsfle Market. vmw YORK. Oct. 17. COFFEK Futures opened steadv at an advance of 10 to 15 points on higher Kuropcan cables, con tinued reports that consuming countries were better buyers In Braxil and reports of higher firm ol'fors from the primary marketa. Buaineaa waa not extremely active, but there seemed to be Some fresh buying on the talk of a better trade de mand and the smaller receipts, aa well as covering by shoits. on wliich prices at one time during the aiternoon snoweu net gains of about 17 to points on the active months. The cloee was only a little off fiom h best under realizing and steady at a net gain of 14 to 14 points. Sales, 44.- 7M bugs. October and November, me; December, 85c; January', 70c; February, $75c; March, t 90c; April, t.Mc; May, t ele; June, S.S5c; July, S-KTo: August, 4atc: Sep tetnlier. 4 S9o. Havre was lf net higher. Hamburg waa l-glpfg higher. Rio. 100 reia higher at $5 0uui.ia). Santos, steady; 4 100 rets higher at lji(oW. 7s 50 reia higher at 4 15 00. Receipts at the two BtsEillan ports were 47.ua bags, against . Oaj bags laat year. Jundiahy receipts, 34 2o0 bags, agalhet 6fl.6ti bags last year. New York warehouse deliveries yesterday, 1147 bags, against 22.13K bags last year. Spot coffee, stnady; Rio No. 7, )','( 107,c; Santos No. 4, ll:lH.c; mild coffee, quiet; Cordova, llV'&13vc. beginning of the week. The first cattle to sell were desirable kinds of feeders, which were In active de mand at good, firm prices. Everything an swering that description changed hands in very good reason. On the other hand medium and common kinds were alow and more or less neglected. The best grades of cornfed beef cattle were steady, soma good year. lugs selling as high as $7.25. On the other hand the warmed-up grades were slow to lower more or leas neglected. Range beef was fuily steady and fairly active. Good cows and heifers and also canners and stock cous were fully steady with yes terday. On the other hand the In-between kinds showed more or less weakness. The big bulk of the receipts changcu hands In very fair season in the morning and the market as a whole nas quite Mtllstuctory, especially considering the size of the re- 1 ceipts and prices pie ailing at oilier selling points. j wuuiaiiui.o 011 native caui". uuwi iv choice beef steers, tti.75'3 7.50; fair to good beef steers, $5.75gi.7&; common to fair beef kteers, $5.uOty6,7b; good to choice cows and heifers, 4.ioy6 u; fair to good cows and heifers, $3.40a4.26; common to fair cows and heifers, 2.fjo4i3.4i; good lo choice stockers and feeders, $4.4u'i6 .c.5; fair to good stockers and feeders, $4.0U'a4.40; common to fair stockers and feeders, $2.2544.76; stock heif ers. $3 0O((i4.25; veal calves, W 5)7 uO; bulls, Etags. etc.. 13.(Kt5.0u Quotations on range came: cnoic to prime beeves l&.75'(0.2; good to choice beeves, $5.25i75; lair lo good beeves, $4.rt 4j5 20; common to fair beeves. e3.7i4.4u, good to choice helfere, $4.ot','Q.oO; good to choice cows, $4.0l4o. fair to good grades, (3o04 00; canners and cutters. J.;i.aA.eO, good to choice feeders, M-MeS-tX); fair to good feeders, $4.2604.76. Representative Bales: BEEF STEERS. No. At, t 116 1 SSJ 358 Idaho lambs CHICAGO 1.14 Ac. Pr. . 7:i 4 75 ,H0 2 50 .75 2 50 . 57 10 .AS 4 66 . 44 5 50 .74 2 20 .40 6 75 . 4fi 5 fid . M 4 25 . R5 .1 "0 .44 2 75 . b.1 6 75 .50 0 (at 1. 72 4 75 . D5 S 15 . n 3 X5 . 44 4 00 .51 5 50 . 50 5 50 . !4 4 25 . Dfi 4 25 ,. Ss S ' . SI 3 00 ,. 02 5 0 . 63 5 HO s 4U 5 40 , . 2 2 75 ..75 2 00 , , 50 5 115 , . 08 2 0 .. 64 6 75 at AIIKF.T LOBECK ASKS FOR MANDAMUS HfBriiifr on Voting Machine (dilution Set for Saturday Morning;. JUDGE TROUT TO HEAR THE CASE 1. J. Dam. Joel M. West aad Frask T. Haiaeosa Appear aa Altnraeya ta Ttt te Fore 1'se ef 1ke Maehlaee. Mandamus writ commanding t ouuiT Ork P. M. Haverly to execute the order of the Hoard of County Commissioner" that he proceed (o hold tha November S election In lougls county tilth voting machines was asked by Charles O. Loheck. democratic candidate for congressman from the Second congressional district. In dis trict court Thursday. A hearing of tha case will be had before Judge A. C. Trouu court room No. . Be building, morning. Shortly after he received notice of Ihe Liheck application County Clerk Haverly received the. secretary of state s certifica tion of the official state ballot. The county clerk maintained his stand In tha matter of his refusal lo use tha voting machines and declared that he will proceed with tha preparations for an election by paper ballot until ordered to do otherwise by the colli".. The action for a nmnamua writ Is In the form of a motion. 1. J. punn. Joel TV West and Frank T. Ransom, acting -attorneys for Lobeck. filed the mot!G Immediately County Clrrk Haverly nev summoned lo appear before Judge Troii? Saturday morning to show cause why tha a l it prayed for should not Issue. The lxibcck motion Is accompanied by au affidavit, which seta out the grounds for the action In auhMunce as follows: "Several years ago the county approd. authorized and ordered the use of votln machines, the use of them being entire!'' praetlcahTr. About two months 11:0 11. Hoard of County 1 Commissioners made general order that the machines be use.d a1 the November election. On October 25. the board adopted a special resolution orderin the county clerk to prepare ballot label for the machines and to proceed to hoio the election with the. machines. 'flier county clerk refused and Indicates that b will continue to refuse to execute the onlef unless compelled to do so by the courts Kxpert Arrives. A. N. Gusiavson ot Jamestown. X. special representative of Ihe Empire Vv ing Machine company of Jamestown, whii h aold tha machines to the city and count j. reached Omaha Thursday morning an went Into conference with Commissioner.'. Pruning. Plckard and Red ford and Cus todian Rldgway. He approved Custodian Kldgway's plan for slugging the machine to make them carry additional names t petition candidates, but did nut exptertl himself regarding the possibility of slug ging the machines In time for, the -eo?" .r. He merely said that the machines couio be so slugged that they would record tU votes accurately. Thursday afternoon Rldgway and Oil) tavson began operations to slug the nuv chines with the brass slugs which Rldgway 4s having made. Deuiaud for (a.. .U lloas Slow Mice . leady. CATTLE Receipts, s.iw head. Market, weak. Reeves. $1.50-it 7. SO; Texas aleers. $3.85 fiiS.iG; western steers, 14. toy K. Co; stockers and feeders, jl.20'(i5.5C; cows and heifers, "J j 2. 20-n 0. 20; calves, $7.25'(tlfl.0. n(l W, U l lf.,.ulr. IUll I....I Mai-bAt rather alow. Light, $x.55i0.1O; mixed, $.0u (fl.!5; heavy, $7.MK(i)l.!tri; rough. $7.HJkii.oi); I good to choice heavy, gS.O041S.tT1; pigs, Is. 15 ' (iiK.nO; hulk of aules, $S li"riS.s5. SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts, lili.OOO i head. Market, steady. Native, $2.75Vi4.40; I western, $3.00j4.:4i; yearling. M.F4kii6.tji; I lambs, native, $4.75'ii7.10; western, Jl.rnVno.uO. Mt 14.. !.. It'" I4 7uO M 4io 10U0 Del) 1034 til 4i : M V4 is t)TOCK 41'4 rM4 1UT 401 Pr. No. At. Pt. 4 13 I" 1177 4 1 4 a5 It. 127 COWS. 1 74 1 110 I M i 14 i 110 t M t 0U 1 1014 I i 20 li Ml IK U 13 17 4 . . I ii 47 1014 I 10 50 1 26 HEIFERS. I 'A 4 40 4 1 I U CALVES. ID 11 t 4 4 M 1 IU ti 4 UU 4 1m 4 e 4 ) 4 4 4 ER9 AN l Fh-EUElt.S. I 70 II HI 4 tt 4 on It M 14 4 04 1 IMi 4 40 as 11 4 K 4 to sra 1114 4 a WESTERNS. St. I.oala Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 27.-CATTLE Roceipts, ,50u head. Including 2.4K) Texans. Maiket. steady to 15c: lower. Native shipping and export steers, $5. i'Mi 7.50: dressed beef and butchers steers, tu.jOu i.OO: steeis under I. 00 lbs., $5.nilf47.'j0; stockers and feeders, t.'Miid .25 ; cows and heifers, $.1 do'yT.oy, can aers, $2.511141 3. 25; bulls, $:i25.W; calies, $5.26 U'J,'; Texas and Indian steers, $4.50477.00; cows and heifers. $3.75. IKH-Kocalpts, 6,000 head. Market, 10c higher. Plus and lights, $.s. Ufg'i. 15; packers, $S.50iis.75; butchers and best heavy, $K.mtrif II. 15. SHEEP AXI) MMHK- ltoceipts, 1700 head. Market, steady to 15c lower. Native muttous, $3.75'i4. 15; lambs, $5.2:U7.1i; culls and bucks, I'l iova 00; stockers, $.'.25tf3.75. VVcllman's Mate Visits Omaha Major Henry Hersey, Who Wat to Try for North Pole, on La ipection Trip Here. Major Henry li. Merger, Inspector weather bureaus, is In the city. Owing 1 to the fact that Forecaat Official Welsh, In charge of tha Omaha bureau, hag been so long In the service and has made auch a uniformly clear record, the Omaha In spection ha come to be a mere formal ity. To the credit of Dr. Welsh and the city of Omaha It may be said that there has never yet through all the yeara of the present administration been a single black mark against the local bureau. Major Hersey was scheduled to go with Walter Welman to the North Pole as a representative of the weather department, and had Wellman made tha journey Major Ilersev would have been one of his chief lieutenants. Major Mersey Is a veteran In the weather service and It la said that he can cent a storm even though It Is origi nating a thousand miles away and that, too, before the government Instruments give tha record. 54 feeders. 7 feeders. 23 feeders. 10 cow. 15 feeders. . 626 4 10 11 feeders.. 424 6 00 Mrs. H. 10 cows... 14 cows... 41 cows... 18 cowa It calves... e a. noa Oaa. CatL 4V Va. Hern Silver Iron Stiver eLMSvtlle Com... Treats air Itaieaaeat. WASHINGTON. Oct. K. Thai condition of the treasury at the beginning of busi ness today waa aa follows: Trust Funds Oold cola. ev4vrl,.; silvor Tsrsestls Market. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Oct. 17 -TVRPEN. TINF Firm at T6Vc; aalea, (it bhla ; re ceipts. 4M bbl.; shipments, 137 bbls.; storks aO.147 hbla. ROS1N Firm, aalee. l.Xel bbls : receipts. I (i3 this.; shipments. l.U bbls.; slocks, 7:'..010 bde. Quotations 44. pi 4); I), 14 15; E $6.1004 20: K. It) lieu 30; O. (5!aVuA; N. $6 26; I. $ (C-.W . K , Mat: M. (.; N, t4; W li, fc.bi, W W, B. O. Ilnney Neb. ios'4 I 60 20 heifers... 921 4 50 UU0 6 10 t feeders . 08 4 60 J. H. Howard Neb. 903 4 80 2 feeders.. 900 4 00 T. O. tlolden Neb. .1002 li t0 7 cows t DO J. A. Harahfield Neb. 27 beirera... 776 4 50 22 calves... 263 ( 00 Ross Neb. 2 COWS 104 U 21 cows 901 3 25 Pierson Bros. Neb. . 871 i to 52 feeders.. 830 4 65 .. 448 4 00 C. L. Eggerton S. D. .. 813 3 66 44 cows 79 S 2S August Fredlund S. 1). .. Dot la) 10 corn s S46 4 60 314 4 50 E. M. Ilg-8. 4). 16 rows S28 S 15 11 feeders . 75 4 M teeders.. 018 4 60 T. H. Richards-S. O. 2S feeders.. 1134 4 65 scows 800 4 00 SOUTH DAKOTA. . 2 $ 15 17 steers. 8 35 16 cows. . . 41 U) 10 steers. HO Armstrong Wyo. 3 05 17 rows Soo t It NEBRASKA. 4 0) 46 feeder.. 937 t 75 16 cows 1012 4 26 lis steers.... 1044 4 35 18 cows 8.V4 4 dO 25 rows tJi W YOM1NO. 4 36 22 steers... .11411 llug 4 10 15 heifers. ..1213 R. 1). Fitzgerald .Neb . 464 4 15 34 cows... ,. 714 4 60 U calves.. . 80 3 20 A. D. Hammer Wyo. . SM 4 75 27 calves.. 4 75 81 rows... 4 00 42 rows... $26 25 feeders . 104 t 00 26 feeders.. 7o4 Spear Proa wyo 14 steers.. .1132 t 00 IS steers.. ..If 6 00 H041S Buyers all wanted good light and light mixed hogs this morning and went after them In a hurry, with the result that the cream of the receipts wa sooa disposed ol at prices around lOwioc higher than yes terday. The best lights sold up to $4 15, s,i Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 27. CATTLi R4r ceipts, lo.iioo head including i.3uu south erne. Market steady to 10c higher; dressed beef and exKrt steels, $ti. lf'(7.5(l; fair to good, $5.2fuJ 26; western ateert-, $4.utra4i.i)0; stockers i.nd feeders, $:1.5o'ti5.50; southern steers, $3.75'u0.75; southern cows, $2.76'(i 4.25: native cows, $2.75'o5.00; native helfera, $3.4 64 50: bulls, $3.04.3u; calves, 4i.uO,, aM. HlM,a Iteceipts, 6.7U) head. Market steady to 10c lower; bulk of sales, $S 6otf t so; heavy, $8.6Kc'8.6a; puckers and butch ers. !osti i; light. x ;wis.ih). PH EEP AND UMBS- Receipts. 7,W head. Market steady; lambs. $5. 2&4rt. 7u ; yearllnas. $4 kJijjo.Od; wethers. $4.0KuH o; ewes, $:i.aiylj4.; stockera ana reeaere, jih 4)4.50. St. Josepk Live Steele Market. ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 27. CATTLT--Reeelpts I.ouO head: mai ket steadv; steers. $4 5o'q 7 00 ; cows and heifers, $2.5b'Q5.tO; calves, jVOcr-ji 2S- HOGS Receipta 5.0W head; maiket steady; top. $8 80; bulk of sales, $K.uOa4i 85. Bllh.lL.i" ANO UAMBB-nareillta l.vuu head; market steady; lamhs, $4.oOt4.76. for Mar Thai at Three Deeadte Foley's Honey and Tar has been a hour, bold favorite for cougha, colds, and all menu of the throat, chest and lungs. Con ialua ua opiates. Sold by ail 4r'waSiets. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. Stork la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal wetnern marketa yesterday: Cattle. HogH. Sheep. South Omaha &.20O ::,l'i J3,uuu St. Joseph $.'i"0 fi.Ov) l.Ou) Kanaaa City 10 OtW 6.70O 7.1M) St. Louis U.rasj 5V 5.J Chicago 8.000 1D.IKJ0 35,000 Totals 33.200 87 71.800 Saaar and Molasses. NEW TORIC. Oct. 27.-StTGAR Raw. steady; muscovado. 8t test. t.Soo: centnfo- fal, H test, 8.86c; molaasea sugar, 8t test. 10c; refined, quiet. Wool Market. FT. 131'IS. Oct. 27.-W'OOL-Steady. Ter ritory and western mediums, Italic; fine mediums. 1720o-. fine. HQc. llama liar Market. OMAHA, Oct. 27. HAT No. 1 upland, $11 00: No. J upland, $9.00; packing. $4 4V); alfalfa. $12.00. Straw: Wheat, $v00; r, $7.00; oats, $S00. Special Announcement $25 One Pitce Dresses $8.95 M cows... 17 cows... 27 feeders 14 oows... 10 cows... . s7 . 4 )8 .. 71 E B. ,. 758 21 feedert.. ". 18 cows 87t 13 feedera.. 778 14. heifers... ami it steers.... 8K2 S7 )14 305 30 heifers... S3 aiecra. .. 14 calves.. 61 heifers. 21 cows..., 22 calves... 10 feeders.. heifers... U cows 41 feeders.. 811 673 tilt 8.(1 BSO 714 r7 t 00 4 10 5 20 4 K a 45 4 56 8 14 1 96 R 10 i 25 S 30 i 00 287 " 70 S 04 4 10 5 30 t ( 4 75 Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. fX-t. 27. EVA PORATET APPLEd In somewhat better demand and stocks are small; prices are steadier, on the apot fancy Is quoted at 10c; choice, laVW'ac; prime, 7V'J'iciV'"l"mon 'uf' 4W'u T'c. liHllJJ FRI'ITS Prunes are In fair de mand and prices are firm, especially for the large vlzne. Quotations range from 5y 10c for California up to jue-40s and i aj- ft'jc for )s-ti0B. Apricots are quiet and steadv; rnoice, l-" u '-c; emra cnoice, le fel'l'c; fnnu , Uijfillc. Peaches are mod erately active arm prices are steauiy; dholce, 7'i7'-.c; extra choice. KcjS'je; fancy, 8V1Dc. Ralsina are very quiet and prlo are barely steady. Ixtnse Muacatela are quoted at 5Vl'"'4c; choice to rancy seeded, fii,-f77',c: seedless, 5tc; Ixmdon layers, $i.20gl.25. (ottoa Market. NEW TOR K", Oct. ST. -COTTON" Spot closed quiet at 30 point higher: middling uplands 14 75c, middling guir. li.c. Sales. 8 100 bales. Futures olosed steady. Closing bids: October. 14 5kc; November, 14 47c; ifecember. 14.43c; January. 14 47c; February, 14 61c; March. 14 51c; April. 14 5Sc; May, 14 67c; June. It 55c; July. 14 61c. ST. Lol'IS, 4 set. 27. ,OTTON fwer Middling. 14e.i-. Sales, none; receipts, 2.618 liales; shipments. 2.229 baiet, stock, 1,504 bales. Saturday we place on sale the second and largest shipment ot those beau tiful silk and wool dresses from our New York purchase. Bigger assort ments, superior values to those of last Saturday some worth $S5 Satur day they go at. . . .. $8.95 Haydon Dros. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE OONSTRCCTINU Quartermaster. Cheyenne. Wyomlnu. October 22, 1S10. Sealed proporals In trlpli cat will be received at this off.ee until ::'. A. M , Mountain Time. Monday, Necemhnr 14, 1810. at which time they will be opened in public, for the completion ot certain Items of construction in Administration Building. Rear Annex and ward Wings t and 4, new post hospital. Fort I). A Hue sell. Wyoming. Also for the Installation of plumbing fixtures, heating fixtures and electric light fixtures In said Ward Wlnsa Nos. t and 4 ef said new post hospital. Plans, specifications and general Instruc tions to bidders, are on rue In this office. also the offices of the Chief Quartermaster, Lepartinent or the Missouri, omana, Ne braska; Chief Quartermaster, Iiepartment of the Colorado, lienver Colorado, and the Secretary of the builders' Exchange. St. Paul. Minnesota. All bidders should ex amine the genera) Instructions to bidders before submitting proposal. Proposal blanks may be had upon application to thio office. The government reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing rropoaals should be indorsed "Proposal or completion, new post hospital. Fort I'. A. Russell, Wyoming, to le opened No vember 14. 1I4)," and addressed lo T. K. ARMSTRONG. Captain and or. Mr., tOi V. S Cavalry. Constructing (juartermss ler. Room e, Keele Hall. Cheyenne. Wyom ing. OctJi- 24-27-24- Novll-II a I)