Omaha Daily Bee The 1 'Aii w ml. '"" m wbw as1 hi1' iy:(r,iigirigy WEATHER FORECAST. Tor Nebraska -Fair; roldor. Ir low h - Fair; colder. Tit wcaihcr report sec- page OMAHA, FRIDAY MOKNIXC, OlTOHKH I.H)--TWI-.1.T. PAIJKS. SINCLK ropy TWO t'KXTS. VOL. XI-NO. 11::. M'VANN HALVES TERMINAL VALUES Blue Coats Off in Relays; Lose ButTcn Days' Pay Omaha Manager of Traffic Bureau ( Show. Assessed Value of Lands Tohct DuernrnA ,s Solved Satisfac j Less Than Estimated. - torily gt Meetin(f of Corn. missioner s. PUTS ACTUAL WORTH AT MILLION ; FAVOR BUKKETT, SAYS CUMMINS; I I Iowa Senator, in Speech at Lincoln, Urges Voters to Return Him to Congress. Bereft 1 I Hiring the month of November and I e- SERVED WITH GRF" ,ELTTY t Witness Says Roads Paid Fifty Per !-"'" "..i.r ui be short twe,,tv-io-ir Sets - . . 1 1 - a - 1 11 I I.. 1.1 I . Cent Too Moth. 1 policemen hui Horn of the men will be laid I off permanently, and inch man wilt lu".c .only ten da-s' pay. TIiIh was ilecid-d ' -iumber. negard to VALUABLE PROPERTY LEFT OUT Savs on Cross-Examination Figures Do Not Include All. OMAHA PROPERTY CONSIDERED j onth Ornnlii and f.lbaon Yarda o Included In "Ward's :atl nmte and Omitted br MrVann. j upon hv the Hoard of l""ire and 1'nllce Commissioners Thursday afternoon, when 'the chef hum lo captains erf cal'ed 1 before It 10 d-cide which twenty men should be dropped because of the 1 shorts ge In f unds. A n-commendation was made to ti men suggesting that they ask for f-n tin 1-ave without pay and if they agree, as tliry prohahly will, tlx- chief will arrange it so that they can ho gone twentv-foiir at a tlmr. Then If any of thr-m have not hn off after January I. tlpy will take the r leave thrn, hut the money will all lie deducted, half from the November and half front the December allowance. I The patrolmen have been anxiously . HICAUO. Od 27. The sluppei who op- awaiting the settlement of the matter and poe tlve freight rate nhatim at- ' have been besieging the chief and the lucked certain valuations planed on their ' captains to find out how the prot-lcm propery hy railroad witnesses, when K. J. j would he solved. Mort of them will lie McVann, manager of the traffic bureau j Kind enouch to hold their jobs for the sac of the Omaha 'ommerclal club, took the rlflce of ten days remuneration. If I should happen, however, tluy do refuse, twenty of them will ba. e to be discharged outright from the force. tand before the Interstate Commerce, com !iolon today. N ttnrss ruthlessly reduced the valuation of t:;.;:t,nOrt placed on the Burlington road s terminal property by tieneral Manager Ward of the railroad at omaha. The as sessed ve hint Inn of the terminals, witness Mated, was nil,3Xi. "Tils," continued Mr. McVann. "la about ' per cent leas than the actual value, which makra the hitter about tUi.iV. I found that the railroad In Omaha paid about M per cent more than the actual " xaiue of the land ho that Mr. ward s e-, Decreases Holdings in Hill Companies Union Pacific Sells and Buys Railroad Stock jilve the correct value of the terminal lunda." ! Tne witneas declared that similar condl- tlona obtain at ait. l'aiil, Minneapolis and j liuluth. The roads at thosn points, he and Increases Interests in North western and N. Y. Central. NRW VOKK, tjct. '.That the Colon -aid. liave paid more than the actual value j Pacific Itallroad company has disposed of for their terminal lands. 1 certain of Its holdings In some railroads Hefore he waa excused from the w unit- and acuu'red additional securities In other si.ind. McVann, on cross-examination systems. Is disclosed in the annual report aid that his figures of 1X31. is as the as-i of the company. m:ide jiubllc todty. With fcrsed valluation of the KurllnKton terml- j the exception of 7.249 shan-s of Northern riala in Omaha did not Include the South 1 Securities "stubs." the Colon 1'aciflc has sold all the stock of the Northern Securi ties company, the Great Northern Railroad company and the Northern I'aclfio Rail road company. The Cnlon Pacific has sold MM.Oflft shares of preferred stock of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and has in creased Us holdings In New York Central and Chicago A Northwestern railroads. huaha nor the Gibson yards of the rail road nor the right of way throtiKh tha city, all of which Attorney Mawson as serted were included In the S3.300.000 esti mate of reproduction value given by K. l;. Ward, general manager of the Burlington, with which Mr. McVann had compared hla estimate. Operating; Ciprnin Jimp. Mr. 'McVann centered hla testimony on I lie liurlington, the Santa Vt. the Chicago A .Northwestern, and the t.'hlraifo. Mll-j waukee A Nt. f'aul railroads, which, lie' mid, were the Kovetnlng factors In west-! . ein rallwav affairs. ' .n exanninK ... operating expend, or !Chftrl Sandstedt is Paralyzed by these four roiuls. ' snld the muhi raff n J J Wind Blows Man from Vaon Seat HITCHCOCK ON STOCK WATERIN0 j In House Voted Down Proposition ' Introduced by Dolliver. j DEMOCRATS OF SENATE OPPOSE toman llepnnllcnn 1allrort Hill j One of .reart IMeree of Leg Is- Intlun to enra Word for Hayward. il'iom a Staff Correspondent LINCOLN'. Neb.. Oct. IT ' Special Tele-aram.l-Se'nator .. H. Cummins of Iowa to a Uiicoln audience thl afternoon en dorsed the record ,of Senator Hui kett In congress and appealed to the voters to seo tu it that be Ib re-elected. He ulso put in a good word for Will lla.yward and ex pressed the. hope that he be cent to con Kiess from thin district, and Imped that .luck Minor, candidate for the house from; ijuicaster county, with whom he once j worked at the carpenter trade, would be j elected. j The meeting was held in the Oliver the ater nnd every seat on the lower floor and many In the balcony were occupied. Candidates for state and county offlcen oc-I cupied seats on the state. which was deco- rated with flags and pictures of prominent republicans. 1 The V'nion Veteran Republican club acted 11s escort for Senator Cummins front the j Unilell hotel to the theater and Senator ilurkett presided at the meetiiiK- ; The endorsement the Iowa senator ga e , to Senator Ilurkett was unqualified and j unequivocal. After addressing himself to; the old soldiers Senator Cummins said he 1 had come to Lincoln for the purpose of; helping elect' "iny associate and my friend, I Klmer J. Ilurkett." ) "I have known him long and well." con- j tinued the senator. "It Is Idle, In view of the happenings of the last congress, for , . ITVIintT PfDM IP Tl T) T lr I I T V T he and l have been in absolute agreement L t A U U 1 VlLUjI 1j I l L V A Uj M and have votod the same on all questions. A Kalthfol Servant. j "i believe after witnessing his work in jDr. Mary Noble Discusses American two of the most severe struggles of the ' Cnlted States that lOlmci t J. Ilurkett voted I I .tXtravagance. as I'd." cons lence dictated, lie has served you not only with great fidelity, hut with NINE YEAKS AGO F0K 1UTC1IC0CK jTime When His Taper Was Ringing Changes Anent Borrowing from Bartley. MORE GHOSTS FROM HIS TASI Record Rises to Haunt Editor oi World-Herald. CARTOONS THAT FIT HIM NOW Lampoons and Editorials Both Come Home to Roost. UNION VETERANS SPEAK OUT ( Ite Attltnde of the Taper that la Owned and Controlled hr the Present Candidate for Senator. 1 From a Stuff Correspondent LINCOLN. Oct. 27 tSpeclal ) In th World-lleiald of October IS. I'.mi. appealed an article on the editorial page under th caption 'Where. Io You Stand?" It had reference to the treasury shortage. The article Is here reproduced, with tin name of the "republican parly" changed to "tl. M Hitchcock, democratic nominee for fulled Slates senator" and the date November ." changed to November ! otherwise the article Is as It appeared lD From the Washington Kvei.lng Star. Rumor that Revolution is On in Greece Force of Fall Head First to Street. 1 niown ftoin his scat on a Cadv Lumber expart. "I found there has been an unpre cedented Jump In operating expenses In l'.'W. aay 'unprecedented' because none of the. railroad, witnesses would say that the increase was normal." from examination of railroad reports to I tt'ml'n' wgon. C'harlea Sandstedt, a the Jnterstata Commerce commission, wit- (driver, struck upon his head at Tenth and ness found that the Santa Fe maintenance L)uugla streets and was seriously injured account increased L'ii per cent In 1!'!0 over abo"t " "'l1"'k Thursday a' 1110011. The IWf. and its transportation account ad- ' lnur,',l :i"n wa" taken to the police sta vanced per cent during the aame period. I lloM a,u' r",'"1 tu ' suffering from Tim maintenance account of the North- ' P"1''."1" fr"m waist down as the re- weatern road increased per cent'""" of f"' and tha transportation account 21. per j f!an,1",e'lt llve" t U Hamilion street, cent In lt'10. as compared with the preceding I He "y" hl" fa" was due llv to a sudden year. The Hurllngton's maintenance ac- coiispicuoua ability and we wiio have some ' DOLLARS GO Ao bwlilLi Ao liiu-a i Telegraphic Inquiries Sent from Ber- definite idea of what Is to ' bo done in j I . . , . - the future want Elmer J. Burkett In the. I"l t0 AtHeiH Bring 0 senate rather than Gilbert M. Hitchcock. Korrrnn ner of Missionary Juhit Response. "I .have been atuunUcil to learn ujion ,. Oellrrra "lerestH dilh-'M ' BOOSTERS BRAVE "WEATHER Snow Fails to Dampen Enthusiasm of Travelers and Hosts. CHILDREN FORM RECEIVING LINE Might Vleetlna nt t hurch. BKUL1N. Oi t. 27. There is n nerslhteiit ; rumor In financial circles today that a. I revolution flas bi-oken out at Athens. Tele I graphic Inipiirles sent to the Grecian capital was tliei thla afternoon have elicited no response. count Increased 1 5 per cent and the trans portation account IT per cehi. Mr.. McVann said that the Increased busi ness normally would show an incrcaae In operating expenses before h advance lu maintenance expenditures. He made this stnirment In contrast to the Tact that the buna Fe s maintenance account Increased n-,civ It: triir...por;;U,n acouui in inuo IHiO. That might be explained, he said, by the puruhasu of construction material for future uss. , After dlfcusslne ta items of gTuss rofit. the percentage of empty cars huuled by :he roads and th increase In the minimum .-arlnad weight,. Mr. McVann gave his opln on of the proposed Increased freight rates. "It Is my honest opinion," he said, "that 'he increases will not add to the revenue "f the railroads, but will decrease their revenue by Its effect on business .n a of the movement of goods." Moth time waa spent by Attorney John II. Atwood. counsel for the shippers, In dle-uu.-lng the comparative increases In the maintenance of way and the cost of trans portation accounts. Present Conditions Ahnarmat. "I do not think." said the witness, "that freight rates for the future should he based on the show ng of a year such as 1M0. With Its abnormal conditions and in creased expenses." Mr. McVann testified that In 1S10 on a gross transportation income 'of S74.0no.0i), ihe Northwestern road received a gross profit of M.7 per cent: that the Santa Ke on a gross transportation Income of flu6.. 00a. received Sti tj cent gross profit, and the Burlington, on a gross transports- 1. on income 01 fwmw, received a Kios profit of S3.) per cent. "The items of taxes, depreciation and debt." the witness atd. "were not included ,n the computation." "I'o lull mean that any business house would figure a gros profit without de ducting taxes?" as'.ed Attorney Chetcr Jmwo of Ihe Burlington To arrive at a gross profit t would." answered Mr. McVann. "but 1 exoresslv h!J that the taxes and other items were el mlnated from any computation of Jross transportation income and operating e- I tiH witnen declared that the percentage ; of empty csra hauled by the BurlinKtun decieasvd In llt) from the percentage hun lied In 11M tl. u. M lute of Nevada, la . a rnemPer I of the Corn Belt Meat Producers' asyocta- j tlun and mis of the for the ship- I pers In the movement against permitting 1 the proposed freight rate Incre tae to be-I gust nf wind. OIL STRIKE AT SHELTON First Traces Funnd and Driller Saym Large Quantity Is Ken- Feel Hrlen. KKARNKY. Neb., Oct. 2T. (Special Tel- eyratn.) .-'hc'.tor. Is In a fever of excite ment over the finding of nil (n the well that has been drilled there during the summer. The promoters have sunk a weil to a depth of fit feet and today the earth thrown out was moist with crude oil and when placed In the river nearbv caused a coat of oil to form on the surface of the water. The man in charge of the well is 70 years old and has seen service on many oil f elds and he states that oil In large quantities will be found a few feet further down. The promoters have worked under great difficulties to sink the well to Its present depth and the first Indication of success came today. arrival here that some people are of the j opinion that Senator Burke tl voted aa.liist; free lumber. 1 ought to know how he 1 voted on that question. I watched that 1 struggle. It Is due to him and to the ' .,eo.,le of this state that f set you right., "An appalling seme ,of luxu Ilurkett was one of Ihe leuders In advo-;wa i.r. .um.v .ouie, nr mi"i"ii.i, ""m; eating what I believe a righteous cause, j India, who was liie chief speaker at the' There has been much Ill-feelitiR at Athens free lumber." conference held Thursday afternoon at the ) recently against the national assembly, Senator 4'uinmins had only one hour In j V'mng Women's Christian association as I culminating in the dissolution of that body which to speak 8.11'd through the dinner 1 the opening of the National Woman's For- j last Tuesday. hour nrrlved before he concluded, he held eign Missionary Jubilee, characterised her j The afHembly was especially elected for the gnat audience almost to a man. He first Impression of this country when she the purpose of undertaking a revision of gave only a short time to the tariff bill, returned to It from a several years' real- the constitution. At the reuuest of King saying lie had voted against tt and would donee In the orient. Hi urge, M. Vonezelos, the Cretan leader, do the same thing again because he be- "1 felt it." she said, "when I first stepped formed a cabinet on October IS. The mln lleved it did not curry out the promises j on an Ameilcan steamer In Kngland and l.-try. was not rereivei In a friendly spirit of the party platform. (it Increased a1- 1 neured America, and by the chamber, the members of which re- o Itevenne Tariff for Him. landed in New Vork. I was amazed when I nrjte.lly abj-ented themselves when Premier The applause that greeted this statement I 1 entered the Pullman In New York. 10 Yenezelos attempted to secure a vote of waa drowned by that which as given tne come wcsi. m n i..u. ... ..i n apeaker when he said though this tariff bill j incuts of travel, to 00 am,.. 00, .,,.. did not suit Mm. "I would vote for It a amage.1 by the r.altgatioti that these and thou-and times before 1 would vote once kindred lusurle. are taken no a matter of for a tariff bill which provides a tariff for j necessity by the American people. Why. revenue onlv." A tariff bill by a mo-1 today we spend a dollar without thinking cratic coi.ress. he said, was an impos-j of it twice, while ten years ago we would Tii- den.ncrstie oertv does not I not hae spent a quarter without turning -L ,nsideratli,n the cofcl of the! It over rrveral times and com-idtriMg th . n.oMofa. iii.rt t,: 'es at home and cost several times abroad, whiie . i' publican party stood for a tariff ivlihj . nadc the Import duty the differ cm 11 "n,it at home and abroad, Including Ci c-.-it of labor. Most of .he -ciiator'e speech was devoted - .o..,,oUi., the rriilatlon of cor- the North India School of Medicine, was porations and transportation companies. sieaking of the interest In missions and, lie urged nn amendment to the present ( declared that though the churches today t laws which would provide that no stock do give more money than eir before to j 'could be issued by a transportation com- niiannms. their gifts are not commensurate I pany which did not represent actual value) with the people's way of giving to them lor if it was to be discounted the matter j selves and their luxury-lo lug sense. She I of the discount ahould be passed on by the 1 furthermore stated that while there is a Interstate Commerce commission. 1 more general Interest in missions and their work, there Is not such a deep Interest aa It might be better." she Vane Hnslneas Men si lloser Bnalnes Relations erlth Oninha and Srek to Farther Pro posed lload. EMKKSOX. Neh., Oct 1 Special Tele Mr. Hitchcock s paper. It Is as follows: WHEKB DO YOU ITAHOt "The public school money Is precious. "(,. M. Hitchcock, democratic nominee for fnlted States senator. P afraid to teil the people what he l doing with their school funds. "Is such a party entitled to a ote of confidence? "The people will answer tills question on Nov ember 8 " IMifn lltlelicoek I nnded. From the time the republican state con vention nominated II. I., tioold, charged by the World-Herald with being a ben eficiary Of the Hartley shortage; until cltc- 1 tlon day Mr. Hltehci ik's paper kept up a constant fire on the republican patty for elevating such a man to a place on ita ticket. Pay after day the repuhllciui paity was denounced and Its leaders referred tu as "w lilted scpulcheiu." even though Mr. Uoold withdrew from the race. Mr. Hitchcock Is now in exactly the same position In which Uoold found li;m- self, except, that Mr. Uoold Issued no I false statements In his own behalf, w hile the editor of the World-Herald grossly misrepresented the facts. Mr. Uoold did (not say he refused to pay his debt be cause it had been outlawed, while Mr. Hitchcock, over hla own signature, said lie. had done this very thing. It w.-ls hot necessary for charges to be filtd against Uoold with the stato committee to get him to withdraw, but Hitchcock declined to withdraw after the charges had la-en filed with the democratic state committee and he even refused to permit (he demo cratic state committee to investigate the charges. He declined to meet the man, grani.)-The fact that snow bus flurried I before the committee, who had saved his And it Is contagious, this spirit of considering the luxury' the need; we are all arreted, hardened or quickly become hardened to the s-nse of luxury." The missionary, who Is connected wltii opposed 10 me lecent assembly was the ministry cordially suppoi ted hy the king and the populace. The latter have recently made friendly manifestations toward the king and the government and criticised the assembly. Bank and Several Stores Robbed Cracksmen Get Quantity of Nickels and Whisky at Galva. Ia. Steal Preacher's Team and Escape. Peacemaker Mortally Wonnded. SALINA. Kan., tvt. 27. Hr. O. P. How, a dentist, waa shot arid mortally wounded in his office at Hill City, Kan., last nt-'hl bv C. A. Yerke. Verkea went to t lie dentist's office in search of a man whom he charged had ruined bis domestic happi ness and In finding the man there as saulted him with a chair. Howe went to the man's assistance and was shot. Yerkes was arrested. Illlehenek's Heeord. .m.ndmeni was introduced bv Sena-1 ln fori"' V- ... . . u . dec ared, "to have our interest g-umcwhat tor Dolliver, he sld. Ullbert Hitchcock , . . . 0 . less than a miln w de and more than aji voted against it ln the house and Senator 1 11 . " . ,, . ,, v. t , ,"..,..,,,.,. . nch deep. the talk of Hr. Noble, who Burkett voted for it. All but lx democrats " . . ... .,, ... , j ! said she was a forerunner of the 'jubilee 111 the senate voted against It. .......... . , , , . , ,M . , . . troupe scheduled to arrive later In the ' lnaddition to this subject, s-enator Cum- I " ' ,, . . . , . . , ; afternoon and not a star Just a satellite, m na discussed the regulation and adjust- ment of Import duties, the tariff and the conservation of the Natural resources. Any - (Continued on Secoad Page.) Forgetful Porter Blocks Federal Railway Commission some of the current hazy and erroneous Ideas of missions. She especially decried the prevalent Interpretation of "heathen" as s nonunions with "savage, barbarian," and declared that In this sense there are feier heathen in India than there are In An erica. In fact, she sppke for a belief in missions which should be like the belief of an engineer in bis enirln. a knowledge of the engine and ils powers, and a foro siwlit that the fuel and supplies necessary , 1 I Tir It to properly accomplish its purpose . iclglit be available. mediately urgent and foigot all about the' This opening essoin was largely at- A few ininuiea after changing ! tended and enthusiastic. Mi.-. Ut-orge Til- IPA UUOVK. la. Oc;. 2-1. -(Special Telegram.)-Three men blew open the vault and safe of the Ualva State hank at Ualva, in this county, at 4 o'clock, but could not get into the money safi inside, and secured but J:i0 in nickels. They broke Into the safe at the Conger & Hall eleiator, and se cured 1100 and went from there to a saloon, where they secured a quantity of whisky, after which they broke into Ackert A Lanck's hardware store and stole a shot gun and a revolver. After finishing their task they stole lv, C. A. Anderson's team and fled. The team was found at Alta this morning, hut there Is no clue to the rob bers. It is supposed to be the work of three strangers who got off the passenger train at '1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. through the valleys of northern Nebraska practically all day has taken none of the enthusiasm from the boosters nor the people who have been planning for several weeks to meet the party. Starting at day light the wind has swept down from South Dakota all day, carrying with it at times white clouds of fine snow, which thicatetpl to be a serious menace to the trip. eWai Ing their overcoats and with wind tears streaming from their ees, the trade ex cursionists have kept on their marches with a determination becoming Omahans. Not until the train headed south In the middle of the afternoon did the sunshine seem to have any warmth In It. Regard less of the bleakness, schools were dis missed and children with hands red from cold reached eagerly for souvenirs. Children tirect Visitors. Osmand ( hildren gave one example of determi!-.l spirit Puhlle and parochial reboots were dismissed and the children lined up with their tear hers to form a re crlving lino for the visit' Almost blown over by the wind, the little ones fell Into good hands and every booster carried oi led a little child from the depot to the little city several blocks away. The town has a new school house of which It Is very proud, and this was shown to the boost ers. Leaving the lines of the Burlington to again make a trip on the Omaha road, the j business and his reputation. For years he kept himself in the clear by denouncing the republican party for nominating a Bart ley beneficiary. For nine years he has been crying "Slop thief" at the time he was carrying around a part of the treasury shortage. Cartoons I n to Date. In the World-Herald of October 21. lynl. appeared a cartonn which applies equally well to the present situation were the figure In the picture that of Hit-hon k Instead of State Treasurer Stuefer. The cartonn pictures the state treasurer wildly frightened, with bulging eyes stHrtng nt the pointed hand, entitled "Nebraska Tag; Pr-per," asking the question: "Where are my school funds'.'" The stHte treasurer answers: "I dare not tell; I dure no! tell." Beneath the cartoon is this line: "And he i ari'1 sel o-it ,f I ho corner." Another cartoon nppearcyl In the World Herald of October 11. 1S01, which could be used at lliia time with the name of Uoold changed to that of HIt-iicock. the demo cratic nominee for fnlted States senator. The cartoon shows the face of a man representing a composite picture of a large number of delegates to the republi can state convention which nominated Uoold. The man Is piclureu as saying: ex- urslonlsts found themselves with almost I l-uck. I wonder if they are on to m two hours of time on their hands and pro ceeded to make the best of It. A. 13. Smith, assistant general freight agent of the Burlington lines, entertained the party hy singing a number of songs and the O. M. A. S. organized. This la the boosters' organization which was born to take rank with the famous Amoctss, the Bell Ringers and the Comet club, boosters' organizations resuming from former trips. More than an ordinarily cruel initiation was prepared and during the da all took the obligation of the order, George West being author of the ritual. The towns of Antelope county had an (Continued on Second Page. I Will Hitchcock Put It Back. ilrinlt by message his clothes to go on the tr.p in 1 a new . den. president of the local committee, pt e- A Hessian colonel look an extra land Ihe buttle of Trenion was won Washington and Ihe cause of freedom iavrd. The battle of the shipx-rs against sp, ck and xpan aitire, he threw the coat ' shied. M:. Franklin Kelly of China led the railroads trembled h the : balance :n containing the wire into his locker and the devotional exercises Miss Ul v M. Chicago because Joe I.evs, iKirter at Uie locked this locker. 'strong, g secretary or tne 1 mcig Commercial club of Omaha forrrot to de- i Catue morning in Chicago, hut 110 figures ' Women s Christian ussoc ati hi, si.ol.e of liver a telfgrain. being concerned with get- . for McVann. Came noon, but still no fig- 1 the asso-latlon's inlet eat In ml -.sinus t ng a telephone message to hir. wtfe and j urea. The commission met and McVann ' through its student workei s. Mis. K. L. babies before h went on the trade trip. , ami!.' expla ned he must as!, for a .lav s ' Ma" mission. ny to ti 111,1. lokl how the Notes trotn Ihe I Igor Boa. IJcavrr City Tillies-Tribune. The World-Herald lias been publishing 1 1 mo day to ua. an editorial headed, "I.tavcs Fiotn the Ceroid." For a varia tion ii nilgiil now change to "Notes From tin- Cigar Box." and reports from Fdgai llowunl would indicate that that story could lie continued from day to (lay. also 1 W. A. Montgomery I wi.ii . v..iiir-,i lie inimi Mm. l.-r S liaVS. .- - j On such trivialities does htstorv some- delay. The Commerce commlss.on k-ranted ! women at 1 e ran bel seie ti.e woiu-u times depend. '. lh:s and Mr. McVann went out to burn up K. i'J. McVann. manager of the traffic the wires between Omaha and Chieaun I bureau of the club, wns to give most lm- : Several telegrams were exchanned the ! P"k'" from ,Ke tneinber of the home portant testimony In Ch cago before the Western fnion interrogated and Its mes Interstate Commerce commission. lle'senger boy quizzed, and the trouble finally needed some figures w h ch he had tabu- traced dow n to Joe Lewis. Mr. Lewis ii lat-d and collected in his office here and silll diss-mlnatlng sheep bells and booster I he sent sn urgtnt wire to the club. Tins ; I terature in northeastern Nebraska and I'll or Miindm. - hiw is et a Case where ltrnnran.A i. ,.-i,K. The telegram came in that evening. th- 1-hss. . i v ni'' ix messenger boy giving It to Lewis. That I At the Commercial club it was the -lis-worthy was a most besy man Just before position to attribute his forgetf ulnens to i the boosters" trp began. His duties and 1 his duties preparatory to the trade trip, 1 paj statements of operating tiiwnxi out responsifcil ti-e wei numerous ami onerous hut "Henery" Williams who h substitui jf all proportion. I do not mean lil uy ' nd incessant calls of "Oh. Joe." do this Ing ihere for 1- a. thinks differently. ' Jin Honesty was uned. but the maintenance i n' 00 that, rang in his ears. He want ao blame b-isv," save Wil- -.t.srgee have been increased and anoe a! tammed the telegram inio the liamj "He wall thinkin' alxi-u calling up j of rsapoaillnf decrease la revenue." po. ket of hla coat, did aooietlunf im-ilhal wife and ihetu babius of his a " j illiliiiilou In the Woodpile. Ii. UCI Cil Tlnie-Tl il.unc. in the east. Mrs t . I.. Dickinson of Omaha. Tie la- ' remains, which Hitchcock docs and Mr-. Ros- P.' Wilkinson of Kim woo. not , 1 c 1 1 i . that he bm rowed money from a republican state office hold- r. An this c'.etv standpoint of mission possibilities. I m 10 keep a democratic newspaper from The speak, rs at the luncheon at tilt going to the wall. This waa certainly Home hotel this main will Include:" Mrs. I an Kihioplan concealed In the load of cobs x-me permanent, testified today before the! Interstate Conimeioe commission In the I cats bearing. He asserted that he had el-! sinlnsd the statistics presented by the rail- j roeJi and said. I "1 saw there a tendency to lucres or : of Hi Chester, N. Y., national worker; Dr. Noble. Mrs. V. T. Ktmore and Miss Florence Miller of Louis- t. iiiiev.'liere. For a democratic editor to tie iiuppiied Willi funds from the republi can who has been the ru-isl rtennunc"-d for his misdeeds of any public official In the hsikh bad. to come ha- k to Nebraska ami tell all he knew about it If the chairman of the riem-orath- state central committee would allow him the opportunity. The chairman knows the people of Nebraska want to know, but he said no. It Is apparent tiiat the fine Italian hand of Utlbcri M Hitchcock, dem ocratic Candida- for Fniied States sena tor was behind the refusal. VV hat's lie Mrsld (If f Alliance Tlnirp. ..e k of ihe World lieiaid 1 : iiu li.-ifle-, ti.e stale trea.-uter. w no served j a p.-ito.tinrv term fot losing the people t ', inonr), a bis-kuiallei , Ml. lisrll- offei-J oh, Hear, Kesr lis rl ley. St. Paul Republican. In an attempted repiv to the (barges of Kiigar Howard that Hitchcock had bor rowed state money fiom defaulting treas urer Hartley. Mr. Hitchcock balled things up badly. He admits that he had bor rowed money of Hartley, but claims that he did not know that It was state funds. He admits tha' one loan was never re paid In full, but says that (h- paper out lawed. He admits wilting to Hartley m melons times while the latter was treas urer, but says he had no intimate relations with him. He evidently had not seen the photographs of leu. rs in his own hand Hiitlng dated while Hartley was treas urer, which begin "Deal Baitley." After leading the leply of Hitchcock- carefullv, we behete firmly that the cnarsta made 1 ad of piiiiiotmin l.c HaunJ ,1. if, 1. .government Is held yet'! The man is looking at a front pm;e of the World-Herald on which la printed this: OKEIM7BX.ICAN HTTOCKXCT IIPOICD. St. I,. Ooold Republican Candidate fog mee-ent of the State University la a Beneficiary of the Bartley short age to the Extent of Over 91 000." Over the top of the cartoon In big let ters Is the word "scared ", When Hartley (.are In. That was all published in l!e. It w-es Just three years later that Ullbert M. Hitchcock forred Joseph S. Bartley, then In sore straits financially, to settle a debt of about .( for 1.VK He made Ban lev take Jl.ono cash and his note for 7V. This note was afterwards paid. Bartley had loaned Hitchcock the money when Hitchcock admitted he had no credit and was about to go to the wall. Then Jtart ley was sent to the penitentiary and v-hlle there the Hitchcock loan outlawed Hitch cock took advantage of the fact anil re fused to settle except- on hla own term. And all durlrg tho time those cartoons and those editorial were appearing In the World-Herald, about Uoold being a Hart ley beneficiary. Hitchcock hud his share of the shortage. Hial the rterans Par. At a meeting this afternoon the I'nlon Veterans' Republican club adopted the fol lowing resolutions: Win reas ( n (lie editorial page of the World-I lei aid for Nm ember i v lv.i;, ap pears the following silicic: "A UI1KAT I -KFICIFNCY. "The nexl session of 4-oiigiess will hae to wrestle wllii one deficiency of 1 1-i.lKXi 0-x. This M 011 ace , mil of pensions. The appro puaiioii for pensions for the next vear must be not less ll-an l"iO.(ln0.uxi. It is therefore easv a rl 1 h me tic to that the appropriation that congress must make for pensions nexl session must aggiegala not l.-m than $I-mvkhm;1. "This I reincri.loim mini would In iiself be enough to run a reasonable sovei nment (ine wooid nor 1 omp.ain if It were an nolo si dent. Put a large proportion is not a rl- hi ber uui-' it was never earned by any heroic servlie. Th lp and despoiled of no mean p-.iti--n oi this, and it veems heipleex