Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Fogel Makes Dooin Trouble in Prospective Base Ball Deal; Cornhuskers Bu 1 3
mi; r.i:i:: omaiia. TnrnsDAT. ocronrji
HKir.L BluCRi BAIL DEilj
Pictident of. Philadelphia Ball Club
Start Bow in League.
frnpoaed Tm(fr ml leo Hflnrra
liiclnnntl . and Philadelphia
1 niii' HlaKcat Kind f
tlr la I riiir. U.. n. y,. - l. ail fight
the laFt ditch to carry nut the del be
ln the ;inrlnrietl and Philadelphia Na
tional league bao lull clubs. If President
Fogel of the Philadelphia cluh can call
off a ttade after It hai been signed anil
witnessed, then the foundation upon which
oigatiizrd base hall tar!ds In taken ivty."
Thin n Hie atatament made today by
President August Herrmann of the Cin
cinnati club, when shown a telegram from
Manager Charles 8. Dooln of Philadelphia,
which read:
"Fond blocked deal and railed It off."
Thla mnsetge revealed the fact thai
Hor ace Fogel. president of the Philadelphia
olub. la seeking to stop a trade by which
Cincinnati getn Outfielder Hates. Third
Baseman Oraot and Pitcher MoQulllen and
Moren In echange for Outfielder Paikeri,
Third Baseman 1-ohert and Pltchera Beel,,.
end Koin. President lletrinan and Man
ager Griffith of Cincinnati have for five
days regarded the dal a consummated.
"Thla deal has beo pending for winii
months, " shH 1'rexldent Herrmann. "Nu
merous letters have been exchanged be
tween our club" and Hie Philadelphia club
and President Fogel n thoroughly posted,
for he engaged In the correspondence ami
i hse let I era from Idm. loo In as.uind
us tliat he had authority to act as Friday
noon the wholn matter wa consummated
by the signing of the agreement by Man
ager Griffith and Doom. I was tup ult-
"1 do not aee how Kogel has any chance
to back out now."
Uvula om Ills Melllr.
riiiLADllLt'HlA. Oct. M- if tin- dial
1 nia4e with Clnclnhatl does, not go
through then J am done Willi 111.' I'm, an?, -phia
club," said L'harle H. iooln, nun
afar of the local National league nam i.i
Ui Associated Press today. "The matter
la uu entirely up to Piesidmi l-ogei.' ue
added. ;
I ooin slated that i'lesldent 1'ogel Knew
of thi negotiations as long a.i tm n; monliia
a Mo and that he has lour uitne4es to
piov e II.
r ta.ueiii Kogel Win nitiinoon aae the
A.'ociHud I'less aMatf.uiiiii, ill v,,icu j
si. , s : . .
i not aware that .Mai.aacis Koolii
'Kim (.-cj. "o t-.iii oa a dial, injcu
ii-s u ui ii,i , a.iHund one. until the
i . ju..t i It b eft ei uay.
...iii I li,. c, .itAiii iii..s ),,upuxcd ileal ..i ,.tt'ii.' A..3gr Am tt uit I In--
a. rlhi-' lu-i $U'--Mtuit:,' ' looin not
io l' -ii;. uu. i. itf ', a until I had u
1 "1 , ' f(il'-l-M auu a."o to tele-
- 1 ' .",'!. vi'nf I i.l not
,.. .'-u .i.j. .( i ' ..i.i.ui lu.t. lor the present
i.. ).. .. il, ' nit! deal and that he
s.. ,io.ti. t :- ,t ' Hhritrtinoiment f lit
lit t Hn..,,.,yt.v , Ki.ati flood lie was to
i ii ui . o l iii . a. n..ii..r. , .. - . . .
.li., no.?..'.,, ' .,imI Mr. lieitmariJ
a- i ' '- -S'
" t ., n. , iiiiSr,cion' dear Mtitil ' I have
ban a lalli, ttliu , imuiii. nj . ma l nut
tin n.' .
i a.iro wied' President ,yncii that I
would not sanction tne deal."
Orjfflta satlaflcd.
li Ii .cii), Oct. is.-Cluik Urlfflili, uiaiui.
Mer oi tne Ciiiciunatl National league club,
woo urn In cn(v yeateiday, declarei'i
that the 1 hliii(itlitii'Ciiicliuiatl deal In
1'l.iyeis was bs aood aa settled.
'I ho deal baa lieen made and this talk
about President Kosel Is non.ien said
Oriinth. "He caue.back out. Mr. Kooin
and I made the trade, it a In writing ami It
and It suits both ofus.
'lint aren't you getting about liu per
cent the better of the deal.'" listener aug
Cested. "Not at all. I'm tfulng ,u(lie uo,4 1)leIl
but so la Oooln. Patron of tne game want
U aee changea In 'the teams ut both cltlea.
New men la their cry It' will help both
UhJaCUt.H TO TALti rotlT M4I.I,
aad Naurrlatenileal Daildiva
Will Address siadeat.
Friday noon, there wll) be an opro mar
meeting; on the high achool grounds for the
8me Saturday with Uneoln. Manager
Cams has arranged to have leaii tl. A.
l-;.vcher of Trlullj Cathedral and Super.
Intendcnt W. M. Davidson of the city
achool to apeak. Leun Ueecber during Ills
even years' work iu Omaha ha always
taken n Interest In the high acnool, bolt)
In tha cuts room and in athletics. Moper
Intendvnt ialdson has not spoken at the
mass meeUnga thla year yet, but lust yaai,
and In -other jaj, ;Mr Unvidaon was on
fcnid to give a word of cheer for tha team,
whenever ha coujd.
Arrangement b"en mad by tilt
Uiicoln'aihooi,' wiierea the Omaha rooter
ill be aeated in a body, including the
band. The lilj-h acheol band will lead the
rooiera in all of their aonga and will have
prominent place oil the ataud. A large
crowd of boya aad girl iiag eiprasasd
their intention of going to the game. Most
of them will go bgturday morning about
o'clock, either on the Burlington or on
the Rock Island. The train leaves Lincoln
Saturday evening about o clock. The
..iiloi and the Junior are golug In great
ciuwda. and'Will be decked out lu the
purple and wMte. The uiiderclansmen, a
usual, are not ery atithusuitlu about
Suing, but after the niasa meeting on Fri
day afternoon, thre will prokaUly be aiany
who will go. . The gaute wtll be played on
Hie university gridiron. After the tlaialia
lncoln gaimt the Cornhuskera will meet
Kansas unlveratty. ,.
The junior aia reserud. I have aeld
inoi U.keU lor the foot ball games up
to date, not Im-luiileg tbe veaeon ticket,
in which the Seiuuis won, Uiau ever before
t thla time of Ui acon. Th btn, of
eillng ticket for Ihe foul ball game will
be adopted for Hie basket bell awutve and
at the class tret k meet. Tbe final result
of the ticket selling contest w:ll probably
be averaged,: taking- into consideration
Hi number of point. ,
Monday ((e,u.)ti,i, the first pirating of
ths yea.r wa l..J far iha purpuse of
oiganlsing the debating team. Mr. Auder
run. wlia wa In cliaige f debating for
lu&l year, ooudueud lb inrotli.g Arrange
ment were tnede to prepare for the
nrulliuluarlee, Vo determine who will com
prUe tli etiud thi ar. November T
h( the date -t tor tha pretlmlnarte. Ilia
lufstlon, wMi h wll) tie debated upoa, la:
' heaolved, TSst g ConsiltuUunal Amend
kiend huU b Aeop, Prevtdlug fur be Vote )..y the People for Tnt'ei)
I sle Henatora." 1 bte eueatlijn will prob
t .y be used lu the iirellinlnarles tar the
. .uiiirk MtU the ansae City debate.
Peia.tnt AOvvrtl.uig is the HVd la ag
hlU4 b 1
Follow Clue in
Chapleau, Ont.
Plan of Sending; Another Balloon to
Search for Missinj America
May Be Abandoned.
T. hUt'lS, Oil. M.-Ini Hpindlci. rep
resentative of the Aero Club of St. Louis,
' In the search for -Man H. Hawley and
I AiigUKt Post, the missing pilots of the
' America II, which left lute In the Intor
I national balloon rare October 17. today
stalled from Toronto to C'liaplciiu, Onl. liu
telegraphed the local officials that John S.
lingers, chief of the Ontario provincial po
lice, had assured him that the report that
the America was seen at Chapleau Tues
day night. October in, was auth .nilo.
Acting upon this Information. Mr. spind
ler mill spend his time at Chapleau and
Mudbury. ont The America was reported
as passing the former town at U o'eiock on
Tuesday night. The local Aero club of
ficials do not accept the slatcmrnt of Mil
waukee weather bureau officials that then
Is a probability tuat Hawley and Post
were caught In contrary winds on Lake
j Supeior Tuesday hlgnt and forced to de
scend fci the lake.
It Is probable that the Idra of having t.
l.(.uls Von I'hul and Joseph M. o'Ttellly,
crew of tne Million Population club bal
loon, blurt from Saull Ste. Marie. Miciv.
In the St. Louis No i as a relief party
In ncuicti of ilie New Yorkers,
abandoned. The plan was considered se
riously Monday night at a meeting ot tut
Aero club.
Movement of tleu, as IJeslunaled tr
the llrpartmril of War at
VV asbluatou.
W AMIINUTON, 1). C. O. t. L'li. tpecial
Telegtain.-Army order.-i Issued lo'lay are
as follows:
Kirat t.lcutcnMnt Arlliur li. Uliinoecit
will proceeu to ort lis . ai d. New Mexico,
1 ohtniai 1 1 41 llicnt.
upis.n i.lli, am . . Jiamllton. coast ai
tliiny corps, ima been retired by tne picsi
dent. i n.-t i.ieutinaiil Francis 11. Cameron. Jr.,
ban bien iiauvlerrcu lrom the Firteentii
i" me .icvpiiin cagiry.
i' lift I. if ineiiai.i in., ion
t. HliN.ei iu iiorn t vllllll
ai an ) .
P.. IiOWlllsIl is
to r'itteenin
i.,i irutinant Kiank Lahm. Seveiuu
aa..y. w,n n.rriu to Foil Myer, Va
iu, . ..u'O. ai y dui y.
'i.ti iii uv nam llccs Jaokson, Twelfth, i.i relived trom uutv in depart
ment of Columbia and will sail lrom tMn
miicu-u auout November I tor duty in
umi of absence: First Lieutenant
Kits jaikxon, i weiuli infantry, oue inoiun;
I' ii .-i I .letitenani David 1. Hogan, medical
ivs.ivn uoiv. one month: Captain Jo, in
J. tliB'liey, acting Juuge advocate, four
Ak-ar-Jeaa Ula Two of Three
Ueiuca from Uuarterntaster'a
In the Mercantile league the Ak-ar-ben
won two games out or tui-ee trom the yuan
termaster iwpartment team. MsCariny
toiled high a.tuie xme with 20 plna am)
men total ultl) :,r: pins.
in tne Omana leanue the Wroth'a Special
won all three garuee from ttie Keloa. Mann.
01 ihe W tout's ahuclals rolled high single
gaino with pine and high total with.
V.nsi. - ,1 .
i he Btora Triumphs won two games out
of three from the Advtis. Anderson of U8
'J'riuipplis rolled high, total with &81 pina
and Jensen of the Advos rolled high single:
game with pin.
Tonight in the Hooeter league Bpragus's
Pills vs. Hoves Mpeclals and IStorz Mu,lis
vs. Hangers. ,
Tonight In the Mercantile league OnlmoUs
t. A. o. C. W. No. 17. Hcores:
1st. iU. Sd. ToUI.
Rowland IM i ls tus
M. iElg TS 15 17 4a)
Itutherford r,i lu, lia 4ih
t'.'U 3H0 4i 1.311
. Is2
. lf,7
. Zi
Sd. Total.
m 673
l: .!))
hii ti)i
-' 4S 6i l.ilt
3d. Total.
Ii4 Mi
J7 4rti
Ha 4hy
164 M
N oma i d
I irummy
Btun ...
Sutter ...
its .
U'i ;
.. Mel
' . M4
Pudoe ...
Richel ...
Weber ...
btaftord .
....... 'M
l , ti
...... i.-
fv'.S) I
.Mi !
(H litf eiS3
T.d. Total.
S'2 . uSO
i:w 4it
ill 4hS
1." (KK
IM '' i2.
S4.; M aog
' . 11. l. Sd. Tatal.
17 list ms Ki;
1!J 174 HS M
1 H iMi 4H1
IM ' IM iM 5H
ii IS ll .!
Totals..... W una tn S.l
tleselin Mixers took- twa out of three
from the Andy s Colts. Weonesuay. October
!, Sunklst against Dally News. Aeore
lt. 2d- St. Total.
"Dick" Schneider I'jJ l4 1,4 4H0
lilgglna ' 147 . lo lsi j
Pearson liy 1 j42 W4
Totals 47t Kb but 1,416
1st. m. td. Total.
McCoi mlsk li 2i I.i
Antiy W 1"! . 1:2 ,ilo
Pensemaii i l4 m i, wj
Toul 4) 4ki 4:0 jlivi
Pete loch look Ihrea straigbt frm lot
li. r rtik at 8un team. Bixei ' had h ah
game of 21S and high total ot 674 tor Pels
lcii Mower had high total of kit). Hill
Keyt broke In the game and shot a total
of tit), t) Martin look a slump and got
Just over the 6u0 mark, but I till leading
the leaau by a few pins. Movie;
. 1st. . ed. Sd. Total-
Thomas ..1..) 14 inn 111 646
Balser li 1,4 1m f..4
Hosfotd - In? Jil ' 4H
Keyt ..1m.. lsi 17.' . t
Martin, B 1.7 IM 147 Uii
. .Toul .. .... :.. rt . is . m ' aTIu
M. FR1CK at BoN.
1st I'd. 3d. Total.
Moian Is lr.2 UJ 41
Seiine.der . i: 1.4 4ii
(iottht-iniar- 177 lo? 147 41
f olry UI W ia 4, I
bower 1m) lutf . ui n ,
-Total 82S MM T( i3M j
ghaaaroob's wis.
1st. Jd.
i n
i:a la
1.S4 1.,
ivs i;
rlAKKqiS BAKkltH.
s li M7
'. I.i 1-W
HI !
UI 174
t. Its Ik
Iplnaki ,
I'shar ....
Fagao ...
1iadd ...
Kennedy ,
Msncss ..
Griffin ...
Wolfe ....
Til 1,4411
4 4
t-1 . l.oti
Mn. Otto Nestman Drives Bound Cir
cuit in Fast Time.
local Dealers ItonscH to Mnale I'ar
pose of Hrstlsg Klrestoae Meet
Takes Place fcnterda).
I Pieparatorv to enterlne ie a utoinobile
lace." at the Omaha speednay Sunday, a
numb'r of local women were out tuning up
their machines on the track Tuesday and
Wednesday. Mrs. Otto Netmnn estab
lished a stood unofficial mark for the
women contestant, by making the circuit
in one minute and twelve seconds.
The ladles' race Is strictly un itiinnaiion
j on the local track and is arousing con
I KiUemble Interest. A number of entiles
J have been made heady.
I The races bcxln at 2:30 Sunday afternoon
with a free-for-all race open to local deal
ers. Tin- purse and for this event
were contributed by the dealers, only three
falling to contribute to lliem. There will
be three for the ladles race, donated
by three local retail concerns. The third
event will he one for car costing under
t2.i". A rH tiophy Is offered for the
. grand free-for-all. This tiophy Is to be
held n a perpetual pilzc, for competition
I year after year. A money a.vaid to be
paid in monthly installments, also Is given
; to the winner of this race. There will be
! seven events nltoaether In the race meet
! ihK.
All the local dcaleis are keyed up to high
cnthusiam over the purpose of beating
the douchti Firestone-Columbus, which
captured all the best piizes In the last
meet. Many of the prospective competl-1
lilI'U llacliila lliut l.n... 1
..,.. li.itmuini laciory
cars mat can inuKe the circuit it) one ntln
ule flat a.-ilv
Go ten iays for
the Russian Lion
Says He Will Return to "Work" if
the Big Fellow 'Crosses
the Fond.
Frank (Jolcli reiterates ins purpose to
retire from wrestling and he ha told an
, Omaha friend within the laat week that
, he will not "work" any thla winter, quall
i fying bis statement with thla one excep
tion: "If Hackenschinidl comes over here this
winter, as 1 understand he may, I will
.." nivalin or leave me country.
1 11 la. ........... U.. . .
... icjwiumj tuwL nKLfe proones 10
came back to the I'nited States and pick
up a little easy money, now that he hears
Uotch has oult the mat. It will be remem
bered that Uotch, after defeating the Lion
in Chicago, went to England and did hi
best to get another match with the man
who complained of the American's treat
ment of him in their match over here. But
be was unable to force Hackenschmidt Into
another match. Now, If the so-called Rus
sian Lion comes over this winter, Uotch la
determined to make him meet him or leave
the country aa an acknowledgment that lie
Is afraid tor. , y ;
FranU Jobasou ' Play a Ureal Oaase
oa the Mouuonth . Col
lege Sqaad. '
Frank Johnson, right half on the Omaha
High school fool ball team In 1S07, la re
ported to be playing great ball at Mon
mouth college. He has shifted from half
and is playing quarter for the Illinois col
lege. In the game with Missouri university a
couple of weeks ago Johnson saved his
team from Ignomlnous defeat by his punt
ing and with the ball and held the I
Htrong university team to 9 to U.
Referee r'raak boleh Ulvea .Hatch to
Wlaaer oa forfeit.
UlNNKAIfJUa, Minn., Oct. 26 In a
wiestling matcii in ttie au. murium 1Ki.
tonlKht, referred by Frank Uotch and an
nounced as for the wrestling champion
ship of America. Henry Ordeman of Min
neapolis, won over Charles ("Kid") Cutler
of Chicago. Cutler ton the first full In
forty minutes and fifty 'seconds, with a
crotch and cro-lock. Oiueiuau wua the
second fall In five minute and thirty sec
onds, with a toe hold. Cutler wan carried
from the stage, and five physicians pro
nounced his knee cap broken in two place
Jotoh declared the match n. if plied to tjrdc-
v -
I K It
Battlla Uaae Mead Defl fr
vember 14 at Kaaeae I'ltr.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct. SS.-Hauling
Nelson telegraphed "Cas" Welch, match
maker of the Urand Avenue Athletic club
tonight that he would meet here on th
night of November 14 any opponent th or.
Spoliation might select for him. The offer
was Immediately accepted, but Nelson's
opponent was not selected. The proimsed
fight between Teddy Poppers end Abe Attel ummn canea on. Attel claimed Rentiers
oould not make the featherweight limit I
Attel left here toniKht f..r .h. ...7 ij "'.
pacts to have one or two fights befire he
meets i'rankie Conlev In New 1 iri.r,.
.'o ember 3,
tracts aad Releases.
.KN l.,YO,;K fct- S -Praidni Lynch of
the atlonal leaxue tonight announced the
following contract and releases:
lontracts-With ndcago, William B.
Klrwaii and O. K. flark, 1HI1; with Olncln
nati. t lark C. (Jriffith. Bob Ueacher and
i?,m"oA-t!ularke' Wn Wlth Nw '.
Willis B. Shontx. lsi l; t'harlea Tesrw.ii
with M. Louis, iloy Golden, 1H; Arnold J
llauser. '
Releases-By Brooklyn to Boston, Na
tional league. II. Ferdue. (claimed under
i- ' 10 "oc-nester, Kaalern It-11
Ut ue.
aianxer ana r rank H
Dessau', to
auanta. Huuthem association. i'ii-n..
Miller; to Sew Haven, fonnectlcul Htate
eague. J Helslgl; by Cincinnati, to Brook
lyn,. National league, Thomas McMillJan
(claimed under waiver rule); to t'hatta
tosMe' Soutl"""n lusl'lon, Harry Cove-
DefeVrr., Tre.toa,
OHKSTOV. la.. Oct. 2ti.-( Special )-The
I rest on High school foot ball team met
tlie first defeat of tile season In a return
game with the Ion High achoul haturday
afternoon on the Leon ground. Ths con
test was i-plrlted. but ths Leon boys out
weighed the home team considerably, and
though beaten tn their game here two
weeks ago. administered a severe dose tn
them on their own ground, by a cor of
Si to 6.
S'reskmau Rale Resrladed.
WASH1XOTO.V, Fa.. Oct W.-The Ath
lete association cf Washington and Jeffer
son unl vers! tie today resoindsd th one
Var agreement rule which prohibited
freshmen from taking part In r.tnletic
events, The step was taken a a result of
of th condition of the foot ball team,
which has seven men laid up Willi Injuries,
the material frvm the upper elaaar being
Aeeeata Match.
NKW TOKK, Oct. 3.rtha Mv King,
alio claim ta womau's uli-iiii.nhrlp at
ptket billiard, today auouaced acceptance
of th rhallengM of Miss t'learmater of
1-m.t.uir for a match of 4 points. I n) i0
be played oa h night, for a trophy and aid
bet. the games to be pli.yed In Nw York
111. Him king usgis Noin,lr 14 16
U and li aa the uatcs Ur th match.
iOidfield Wiser
Than Jeffries;
Beats JohriSOIl
Sped Fiend Says White Pugilist
Might Better Have Taken on
Neiiio While in Prime.
NF.W YORK. Oct 2 The ambition of
Jflck Johnson, champion heavyweight
puxullst. to annex other hiiors at. a rac
Int, automobile driver reeelvid a bli4iU
here yesterday at the hands of Harney
Oldfield. Johnson showed to poor advan
tage in his new role and Oldfleld, 'n one
heat of their five-mile race at Sheeps
Jiead bay toyed with the big flyhtcr. Only
two heats were needed to settle the ques
tion of aupertoriiy. In the fit sit I, eat Old-
field ran away from Johnson. He was
quicker to get away and Johnson's cat
never showed ahead. At the flnlali Old
field led by about a quarter of a mile.
His time for the five miles was four min
utes and forty-four seconds.
The time for the second heat, five
minutes, fourteen and four-flths seconds,
or thirty and four-fifths seconds slower
than the first, tells the story of the heat.
Both men were alow in starting and Old
fleld after gaining a lead several times
slowed up to allow Johnson a chance. He
always held the rail, however, and In
rounding: the paddock turn took a lead of
fifty yards, which he held to the rinlsli.
Between the first and second heats of tha
mat tace Oldfleld drove iiis "Blltien
Hena." a ?00-hor8?pow er car, one mile from
flying- start in - :y-four and three
fifths seconds. This beat the Brighton
Beach circular track record by five and
one-fifth seconds, but after a flying run
trom the chute to the starting point lo-
day, Oldfleld had only two turns to nesu-
!.:, ...... ., ...
nine, w nue tne Kriglilon Ueach course lias
f.illl' I ,.'., a
Oldfleld Issued the following- statement:
"I raced Jack Johnson lor neither money
nor glory, but to eliminate from my pro
fession an invader who would have had to
be reckoned with sooner or later. If Jef
ries had fought Johnson five year ago.
the white man would have won and after
Jeffrie retired he . would never had to
fight him again. If I had Ignored Johnon
for a year or so he would probably have
gained much experience on the track and
bought high powered cars, while I am not
getting any better from day to day. I am
glad if ny victory over Johnson today will
haw my effect on the 'white man'B hope'
Crelarhton Determined
A veuare
Defeat of tear Ago.
Creighton next Katuiday will meet tne
Kansas Aggies. The farmer defeated
Creighton last year by a large score and
efmply outclassed the blue and white
eleven in every department of the game.
Every member of the team lg determined
to reverse the score this year against the
Kansans and to accomplish this Miller
haa been devoting mpst of hi time in
correcting the defect of the warrior In
his charge.
Creighton seem ta be lacking no far
thl season in Interference for the ruan
carrying the ball. Thl fact proved tbe
undoing of the varsity. agaJnst Marquette
au aaorningHde. Kvery effort will be
demoted during the next few days to our-'
feet an offense that wH he consistent tor
advancing the bull Into the territory of
their opponent. Scrimmaged will tdao be
held to develop tackling gmong the men.
Last week s encounter with . Juneau's
youngsters emphasised the necessity of
downing the runner, as on various oc
casions the man with the ball evaded a
mass of players through the tackles being
The Hllltoppers expect a hard game
against the Aggies, as this Is perhaps as
strong an aggregation as the Marquette
squad. Thev defeated tha ,.h.,..
M,nw '"at week by a large score, Rolla
having played the Lnlverstty of Missouri
to a standstill the week before. They are
neuvy and rely chiefly upon mass playing.
Most of their formations are built around
Ruol. a giant tackle, who seems to be a
phslcai wonder.
Most of the regulars will be back in the
gariio Haturday. Morganthaler ha re
covered from his recent Indisposition and
will be found in hia usual place in the
backfleld. Haller was out in uniform last
evening, but It la doubtful if the youngster
will b In condition for the next game.
Hibbard Is out for a jllme with an injured
hand, but it is hoped that Doc" will be in
trim before th end of the week.
TltirJHt TU MSiTlifcj KOOMSHt
Missouri Kyt Hall Teaia Baaly I sea
I After Ataes (aine.
COLl'MUIA, Mo., Oct. isi Special. )-Not-witnstanuing
the gruelling Ames game
Saturday, wnieh left MIsaoiiH a team crip
pled more or less. Cieacn Hollenback vei.
terday put the Tigers through one of the
hardest workouts of th season In prepara
tion tor the Oklahoma game next Friday.
As the sooner are to be played In Joplin,
the team must leave here Wednesday
night, and thl give Hollenbeok little time
to reorganize the team that both Iowa and
Am8 hv battered. Hem e th etrenuoua
kout yesterday snd today
The problem now confronting ui.u
. ' uu"o up an eriective bat-k- i
field. Lemire. the star halfback, whose I
plunge were responsible for Missouri a !
victory over Iowa, is still laid up with a !
bad leg. and may not accompany the team '
southward. His absence was sorelv fi. ... '
the Ames game, arid In this latter contest
iKowell, fullback, was sent to the hospital
with aeveral knee ligaments torn, so that
puis his participation in the Oklahoma
game out of the question.
Knoebel end Mills are being worked in
tha backfleld at present, but it is thought
that Hackney, slmw forward pass in the
last quarter practically tied up the score
with Ames, will get the tall on the full
back 011 account of his drop-kicking
abilitv. Missouri's teamwork and Inter
ference waa ragged In the Ames game, and
Hollenbeck, rather than give the men new
play, said today ha preferred to pf-rfect
the play lie now had in the hort time be
fore the Oklahoma contest.
On account of the heavy team which
Benny twna. Yost's old pupil who Is
now coaching tha Kooners, is known to
have, it is probable that Missouri will
rely more on Hackney s drop kicks and
forward passe than on straight foot ball
to win next Friday's game.
Mail I'arrrlaar Rerord.
CHARLES CITT. la.. Oct. 1 -(Special
lelegram ) A. L, rilkln. rural route carrier
No. t. broke all mall delivering record to
day, when he made his twentv-flve and an
eighth miles In n automobile in flftv-thrre
minutes. He delivered HO pieces of mall to
11J buxsa. aold SI 14 worth of stamps and
collected sixteen letters and one post card
Postmaster I II. Henry. A. L Kllkin
Mailing t lerk R L. Brown. Joe Treat and
Driver C. C. Hicks composed the party
Congressman Haugen witnessed the atart
I'aske K aacka oat Wllllaai.
KYDNLV. N. H. Wl. Oct. Ji-BHIy Hank
who claims ih middle-weight champion
ship of th world. , today knocked out
VMIliama, ehamplun of Victoria, in tii
sixth round.
A Life froblew Solved
by that graat health, Klectric Bitters,
is the enrichment of poor, thin blood and
strengthens the weak. iOi. Kor sals by
Beaton Drug Co.
persistant Aawrtlsiag ui the Road u Big
Jerrv Warner's Ininrv More Serinu.
Than Coach Cole Thought.
Kansas Mill Meet Tram Foil of New
Tricks of l.lmr Mastered lu
Hard Practice Hi-rlninaaea
I nder Conch Cole.
LINCOLN. Nib., not .V i.-peual.l
Jerry Warner, the star quarterback of the
Cormiusker. has been out of the game
since the lienver content la-t Saturday.
While running with the ball Warner was
tackled and thrown In such a manner as
to wrench his spine.
Nothing was thought of the injury at the
time, but Warner experienced some pa'n
Sunday and Cole thought it best for the
little quarterback to rest up before don
ning Ihe moleskins again. Mia Injury Is
not regarded as serious, but It will prob
ably keep Warner out of practice until the
latter part of the week.
Secrecy Is the word in the Cornluisker
camp. Kven the faithful few are not per
mitted to lounge around the bleachers and
the work behind closed doors will be
Irictly enforced until after the Jayhawker
contest, on Thursday and Friday nights
Cole will permit the rooters to see Ills
proteges in action, but during the remain
der of the week the work will be secret.
The necessity for secret practice lias
been deeply felt at Nebraska. While the
mar-igement gives the neighboring schools
credit for sportsmanlike conduct. It has
been felt that the close supervision of the
rooters before the crucial game of tbe
schedule Is necessary.
New Klada of Offeose.
Along with the extra work which Cole
is doing In preparation for the Kansans
is Instruction In several new shift for the
offense. All of the time usually devoted
to elKiial practice has been given over to
mastering new playe and the Cornhusk
ers rooters who accompany the team to
Lawrence will see the mutt spectacular
exhibition of football played in the mid
dle went outside of the big nine. The
game will abound in forward passe for
Kennedy le a master of this department
of the play and Cole haa also had auoce.
no Biiiiuiriaee Wednesday night wa
not so encouraging. Several of the veter
an were out of the line up when the
scrubs made their best showing against
the varsity but even then, the latter were
able to advance the ball consistently. The
Cornhuskers offeree wa the one redeem
lug feature ot the practie and the men
tore through the "freshles" for long
gain around the end
The air was bracing and the player put
more ginger in the practice than on the
preceding evening when Cole'e pupil
rainier slurred through the evening.
Deacon Koehler waa a visitor Tuesday
evening with the permission of the man
agement. Koehlera last Instructions ware
to administer a beating to Kansas.
Koehler waa previously a member of the
Cornhuskers before going- to Chicago and
later back to Denver, where he was en
gaged to coach ihe Denver University.
Bellevae aad WeaUyaa.
Considerable Interest has been aroused bv
ths Bellavue-Wesleyan game to be played
' Uni"y Wace Friday afternoon. vBoth
teams are regarded a possible champions
in ths Intercollegiate association and the
result of the game will probably determine
the championship. Dope seems to favor
Reijevue, but the Msthodista are known
to be strong and a reverse soore would
occasion no surprise.
The athletic hoard win supply the Corn
husker squad with blankets In time for
the Kansas game. The blanket are to be
red with a big white "N" in the center.
The board bad been considering the award
ing of blankets, but the blankets will be
the permanent property of the university
and the players will recelvo sweaters as
In the past.
In spite of the refusal of th Missouri
valley conference to allow the first year
men to schedule a game outside of the
university the freshmen are responding
liberally and one. of the best freshmen
elevens In years has been developed by
Coach Jawing. Th first year men will be
" straight whisker,
whose excellent qual
ities have long been
recognized throughout
the civilized world.
ih J TtJtt... .. Ai r-i n I I
,, ne united states Gor- H, , i ifll
1 .A
sap" - -
r ... . A
s. . ' ,.i- - ?
vars tv n a r guler
ot n Sa t be
Wife's Ljvc tor
Om t a Extrem
Charles Spain. Suing- for Divorce,
Alleges Spouse Wouldn't L?ave for
Thousand Dollars a Minute.
Mr. Charles J. Spsin liked Omaha so well
that she told her husband she would not
leave the city and go to Ienvr with him
If he could make tl.Ono a minute In the
Colorado city, according to fpaln'a petition
for divorce, filed In district court Tuesday.
He says his wife staid out late at night
snd be secured a position In I'enver and
proposrd to move there, hoping lo gel her
away from associations that were doing
her no icood. In his declaration of defeat,
the husband avers neither love nor money
can gel his 'vife out of town.
Roatlne HwslneM Iraasarted at Reg-
aiar Kresiaa tndf r.s.rrl.
Case la Dismissed.
At Jheir regular meeting last night the
Fire and Police board transacted routine
bunlne. It wa decided to call the fight
between Fireman James Anderson and
Klchard N'orris. which occurred while the
men were on duty In engine house No. I
i) a draw, and the case was dismissed, no
ill feeling having been engendered be
tween the men.
Ilpenian Edward C. Ilavdirk and Pa
Irolmim John Casey, upon recommenda-
uon oi meir respective cniers, were ap
proved for the regular force, the men hav
ing been on trial.
The case of Fireman Craig, who left
hia engine house without leave, was con
tinued until the next meeting.
Several hundred dollars of surplus which
the Police Relief Fund association has on
hand, was ordered to be placed with the
Commercial Building and Loan association.
New station Rdlflce Bel.. r-
atrarled Raptdlr far Holiday
Beslnees Rash.
Before the ruh of holiday mail and pack
ages begins about the 1st of December the
new station postoffice will be In operation
and taking charge of a great part of the
business and wholesale houses' mail.
The first story of brick walls is now com
pleted and by this evening th derrick,
which was raised Tuesday morning, will
have set In place the main columns, lintels
and girders for th first story of steel con
struction. H. B. Jeffries, foreman for Oould
A Sons. Is pushing everything rapidly, hav
ing over thirty men at work on thi struc
ture of 40x60 feet. -
Jars- Flada that laadore Harwlti Did
' Nat Falsely Talae Property
Raral Flaehaaae.
Tht Royal Exchange Insurance com
pany must pay Isadora Hurwltg. proprietor
of th Paris- studio, $3,140.66 unless It wants
to appeal, to th. supreme court flora the
verdict of the Jury and the judgment for
that sum. The verdict was returned in
district court Tuesday. The company had
refused to pay Hurwlu tor a fire loss on
the ground that he had tried to represent
bis fire damage as gceater than It really
was, and in so doing had voided ths policy.
JJoha I.. Wtbstrr . Declare Jadaa
Saaaara Took Merely rorsaal
Discussing the report from ft. Paul that
Judge Sanborn had oome to an agreement
with the Omaha Water company relating to
an account. John L. Webster, attorney for
tha Water board, yesterday declared the
Judge's action was purely a formal one. Mr
Webster explained that It did not change
tha aspect of the litigation between the
city and the water company in any way.
yiien work asainst th
gunte, probably on tti
fore the Turkey rtnv I
The United States Gov M P,rrt Ctmu
ernment docs the ageing Clubs, Bars and
nd bottling. The Gov
ernment's green stamp ASK FOR IT
overlapping each cork h CLAME BROS. 4 CO.
ccmnes to age and 1
1 'I li'A LarrMt ku
wsgiiiasia i,"r4wyAw aSaarV
Today is Home Day.
Read the bargains in Real Eitate and
, Lands.
Now is the time to buy your home.
Hundreds of people hate bought and paid for their homes on the easy
term plan and are now looking for a chance to Invest . hdr money acquired
by the lesson of thrift they learned when paying for their first home.
Tbeae people would not invest In anything but Omaha realty.
Why don't you follow ihelr 'end and buy your own home?
The real ei-at columns of today's Bee will be t-uo k full of choice bar
gains advertised for sale on the easy term plan. A few hundred down, bal
ance monthly like rent.
This Is your opportunity to get your own home.
liAlllLN itl.NBUi h :ljM:
Little Warship Destroyed by Explo
sion Off Point De Tail.
Ten t.eaerals Mkn Were I'.nroate t
Armx Posts la Department at
the North Are Among;
Ihe victims.
PORT AC PR1NCK. Hsytl. Oct K-Th
ITa I tt.-n tunl'oat Liberie has been lost ai
sea off Port He Pal, following an
plosion on hoard. It Is est mated that sev
enty pirsons were either killed or drowned.
Twenty others were rescued. News of tht
teeident was received here today.
The Liberie sslled from thl port o
Mondav lat, having on board ninety per
sons. 8o far known, only twenty o.
these escaped. Anionff those who wr
lost were ten Hsltlen general. Who Wert
on their way to tke command of the ser.
'ral dlvlsons of troops In the Department
of the North.
Details are lacking, the only definite In
formation being aa lo the loss of life aad
the fact that an explosion occurred.
Albert Mitchell Robbed of Dollar I
I haage aad Certificate of
A wrinkle altogether new In the annali
of Ihe Omaha police din Introduced la
right when a negro woman held up Alben
Mitchell, a tJertnan machinist, at Flfteentl!
and Dodge streets at the point of a re
volver, relieving him of a certificate ol
deposit on tha Omaha National bank foi
$40 and about a dollar In change. Mltchel
cam Into town Saturday night from Kan
sas City, looking for work and has been
stopping at a lodging house at Sixteenth
and Hurt streets. He was so excited h
could give the police no description and at
first said the gun with which he had bees
held up was a rifle.
Coagrreaalnnal Candidal Hesslaglf
Applanded After loan prach aad
Attempt to Cease Talklnsi.
When Judge A. U Sutton had spoken
for an hour at Calhoun Monday night, he
tried to deslat, but shout of "Go on! Oo
on!" cam from all over the hail, and the
republican candidate for congress was forced
to speak for another three-quartets of an
Real Quality
Quality underwear Is the kind
that remains soft and pliable after
repeated wtshiegg. Lota of so call
ed quality underwear behaves right
tbe oppoglte. We veil Munslng aud
Lewis underwear because It la the
best underwear to sell. Looks good
whed you buy feels' good wheu
you wear it.
Munslng 91.60 to Sj.YOO Suit
Ijcw is Ready or made for you
2.00 and up.
Cashmere hoee for fellows whose
feet object to eoltotig In cold
weatber 25c aud fiOc
Tom Kelley Co.
316 Bo. lth Sit.
Tom Keller Joha McQuillan
atr w m .1 9 1 ii
MflTOKuuXr-" '