i.MU. aA iiuj niiiv: v'.wiii..i, imjiuii'Ai, yi-1 vni tit, CRAH AND PRODUCE MARKET Chortf Ar Inclined to Take the Bay in I Side of Wheat COBS STARTS STEADY UTWA1D eels- a teta-aek elllagr a tit Held Ra aa Rraw Cle ( th Harkit. OMAHA, Oct. $, 1810. There au no feature to opn ht on, but ahiirta were Inclined to taka tha buy ing side, figuring that values would rally for a turn. Milling demand oil some what Improved (I vine batter tone to the cash. 0rn trader anticipated an advance and buying by heavy ahorte resulted In a sharp tally of short duration. Unfavorable weather seams to ba the one factor bulla have left to further an upturn. Wheat opened firm, with a ahade better. Buying waa fairly general and short cov eted their aaJea, giving a better tone. t aeli wheat was "trong and better quality wheat waa eoid quickly Vtflo higher than yesterday. Corn atarted ateady and worked higher en ahorta covering. The full advance was not held, however, and a setback on re newed aeillng came at the close. Caen corn waa Heady at n advanoe. Primary wheat receipts were 0i.0f)0 buehel and ahlpmenta were 77100O busheda, against receipts last year of l,ftl.G0O bush eis and shipment of 628.009 bushels. Primary corn receipts were 46s."00 bush els and ahlpments were 80o,it bushels, against receipts last year of 47.000 bushels and shipments of 242,OuO bushels. Clearances ware 4.000 bushela of corn. 3.000 bushela of oats, and wbeat and flour equal to 4t3.000 bushels. Liverpool closed unchanged to Vtd lower oa wheat and unchanged on corn. Omaha Causta Prleea. WHEAT Na. I hard, 9ff4o; No. hard. 84SS3Vc; No. 4 hard. 8m38c; re- iected hard. iwifSl1:; No. 2 spring, 8oVi394c; 4o. t aDrinar. KU'fttlAa. CORN No. 2 white. 44Ulf444o : No. white, 44i,,4?44Ao; No. 4 white, 434414c; No. 2 yellow, 44"a4Vo; No. S yellow, 44 44V; No. 4 yellow, UVgHc.; No. 2, 44V0 44,o; No, I, 44ff44w; No. 4, 48440. OAT54-N. 2 white. 2.ra 90VC ; standard. afVo-auo; No. I white. 2n4j'Vo: No. 4 white. No. I yellow, 2Hv?29i,c No. 4 vellow. &iir,2KAto. barley No. s, 6dto; No. 4, yy5c; ralened, MMrifciHHo. KVE-No. 2. liHtlto; No. t. TWo. Carlet Receipts. Wheat. Com. Oats 2 lis 179 241 44 171 turkeys, 13V0l5V:; ducks. Receipts Shiptn't. , 7 s . 2K.' R." H) .. .4ti.t4) 7X.'S springs, iv,, , lie; geese, loo. Dour. bbls. Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oals, bu .... !KW VUHK CJK KB. l. MAHKF.T tat4a,tlea oa Varloaa 44 12 Chicago , Minneapolis Omaha Duluit, , IHICAUA OR A I AJTD PROVISIONS Feature of tha Trad leal sad Closlaaj Prleea oa Board of Trade. CHICAOO. Oot. 26. With receipts at prl nwirv markets less than half those of a year earn and with shipments from the same points Increased 60 per cent, wheat today advanced In a manner that made short sellers nervous. The close was firm at a net train of ViS to Sc. Latest figures for corn showed a rl of SWM to lo over last night. In oats also there was an Im provement of to 'ViSc Provisions formed an exception, finishing In general at a small decline. Thero was heavy buying of December wheat by elevator houses and that month was relatively stronger than May. On the bulge In prices the same concerns sold the far away delivery, first aid to the bulls came from hints of smaller world's ship ments this year. Then It was noticed that ex port clearance were larger than usual and this was followed by complaints of Hessian fly In Nebraska and of dry weather In the northwest. What gave the hear side a sure-enough fright, however, turned out to be the primary receipts, 801.000 bushels against l.tiul.000 bushels a year ago. Ship ments from the total at the same cities reached 77H.0O0 bushels In contrast with 623,000 bushels twelve months previous. Cov ering on the part of the shorts now began In earnest. December fluctuations were be tween MS'ifW and K3ViW. with the last aalea So up at 93Sc. Corn advanced chiefly because of wet weather predictions December ranged from 4&V- to 47o, closing strong at 6c a net gain of mo. Cash corn was firm. No. 2 yellow finished at 49&'49o. Cash, grain houeee were buyers of oats today along with the shorts. December sold from .sr7 to SISc, and in the end u II(fr31Vac, an advance of Mio over last aiKht., Pork c lowed .U'i to Zic down, lard off t't to 10c and ribs varying from a decline of I'MJuc to an advance of a dime. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yesy. f the Day Cmaaodllea. NEW YORK. Oct. K -FIOCR S teadv and easier; spring patents. $51"u6.40; winter stralKhts. $4 rv,4 winter patents, $4.4'q4.76; spring clears. $4 15114.40; extra No. 1 winter, $8.403.711; extra No. 2 winter, 23 2663. 40, kanvas straights. 4.b"t7 4.7. Kye flour, steady; fair to good, 0"u4;K.," rholce to fancy, $44). Buckwheat Hour, quiet. $2.Hu2.20 per cwt. CORNMIaAL Firm; fine white and yel low, ll.Iii'ul.v.".; kiln dried. $3.05. WHEAT No. 2 red. 9s'c, elevator, and Mc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern inilutli, 81. 141, f. o. b. afloat. Futures market wa. quiet, but firmer on the cables, firmer on reports from outside markets and predic tions of smaller receipts in the northwest. Offerings were small anil shorts were mod erate buyers. At the close prices were Sc net higher. December closed at 81.W ; May closed at 21. W. CORN No. 2. 67c, elevator, domestic banl to arrive c. I. f., nnil i'T'c, f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was without trans actions, closltm at '-vft'sc net advance. De cember closed at iLc: Mav, ."sitsc. OATS Spot market firm; standard white. 37V4c; No. 2, S7?c; No. 3, i"-tc; No. 4, SHo; No. 2 mixed, nominal. Futures market was without transactions, closing V So net advance. October closed at ic; De cember. ITSc: May, 40',c; July, GSc. HAY Quiet ; prime. 21 W.nl 15: No. 1. 21.10; No. 8. 21 .Ofttfl.OS; No. S, HtHiHOe. HOPS Steadv; common to rholce. 1"10 crop, lifilc: crop. It.ilSc; Pacific coast, 1910 crop, lalHc; li crop, HV'jltc. HIDKS ouiet; Central America, 21c; Bo gota. 2iu.'v?. LEATHKK Firm; hemlock, firsts. 25Sc; seconds, 2lSii2.1c; th.rds, 1SU 2"c ; re jects, ltit 17c. PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; mess, IlLOO -'l.W); family, $1S OOJiZi 60; short clear, $i2.0ou"23 60. Beef, st'ady mean,- 16.vd'ir..; family, 219 00 20 00; beef hams. 33.Oiy('r,.o0. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 lbs.. 216.00r,i 18.00; pickled hams, tM 60r 16.'0. Lard, steady; prime middle west. V'l tr.-rr 1-..V; refined, steadv: continent. 212. .'); .South America. 2I3HO; compound, 8H.30fn.7o. TAL1 )W julet; prime city, 7c; tour -try, 7S'&S4c. Bt'TTKR Firm; creamery specials. 32c; extras, 80iSic; third to first. 2'aAf. cream ery heiu, second to special 2oU'c; state dairy, common to finest, 'i'Myiic; process, common to special, 23'iUio; imitation creamery, first, luiSc; factory, June make, ad(i4o; current make, 2rn2:c. KiHtS F.asier; state. I'eunsyManla and nearby hennery, white fancy, 4'd4.ic; gath ered white, Sa'ttlWc; hennery brown, fancy, 3Vu.ttc; gathered brown, 31ia.'13c; fresh gath ered, extra first, artiSoc; first, 2t;j27c; seconds, Wu24c; fresh gathered dirties, candled No. 1, il'rt22c; No. 2, IW.'H:; re frigerator, special mark, fancy, 6Uf(i 2tkr ; firsts, 24144126c; seconds. ?J'ruic. POl'LTRY lresed, easy; western broil ers, Vqiiih-; western fowls, lirgUc; western spring turkeys, Wa't2c. .NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONUS Seprenive Forces Have Most Influ ence on the Market. MONEY MARKET GROWS FIRMER Technical Poeltlow la Favor of Party of Heaetloa as Result of Acca nnlatloa of Ileldlags for Profit Taking. Wheat I I eu. May Julf Corn Dec. Atny July Ouis I o. .Vl.iv .1 1 1 v I'ork : .Ian. M.iy Lurd t ct. Nov, Jan. , May Hlhs ot. Jan. May isrsi I 4.r7m''H4fl 49'H'UV MSI si'si 1 97 WSl MS! -S lS 'S I 46Sl 46S 47 4S 4XS4S'H- SOSOS-uSl SS- I I I SIS' ansisisiHi 24 I 34 I I I 14 10 4T, 41 H4' 33S 3 WEATHER I?l THE GRAIN BELT Cooler Weather la Hilled, with Prob ably Showers for Thnrsday. OMAHA, Oct. 2R, 1P10. A barometric depreslon of considerable engery has developed over the Missouri and upper Mississippi valleys, with Its cen- i-r over eastern Nenrasxa ana western Iowa. Hhowers. In the unoer lake realon. precede the disturbance, and It Is followed oy rains 111 the Mlack Hills and on the northern Rockv mountain alone. An area. of high pressure, accompanied bv cooler weather. Is moving in over the west and northwest, and this high will follow the low over the central valleys and will bring cooler weather over this vicinity tonight and Thursday, wlth-prubably rains tonight or Thursday. Minimum temperature and precipitation as compared with the last three years: 1910. 1909. IJtW. 1907. Lowest last night 60 45 37 42 Precipitation no .00 T .00 Normal temperature for today, 48 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, 13.14 inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1909, 2.18 Inches. I eficiency corresponding period In 1908. J. 9 lnchea L. A. WELSH, Loral Forecaster. NEW YORK, Oct. 26 The waning in fluence of some of the factors which have been relied on to lift and hold the prices of stocks became evident in today's mar ket. The growing firmness of the money msrket made a more positive force on the side of depression The technical position was In favor of the party of reaction as a result of the accumulation of holdings In t.ie course of the advance, with no other purpose than to resell at a profit. Such selling was heavy at times, but closing prices were above the lowest. The subtreaeury operations took another large sum from the bank, bringing the total for the banking week to I4.lkt0.0i1. A credit balance for the government institu tion at the clearing houe pointed to an other large addition to the week's with drawals tomorrow. The Interior demand for currency has expanded attain unexpectedly this week. This meets the necessity for preparations for November 1 settlements, which Include the maturity of large obligations in Lon don. The stiffening of the call money rate yesterday and today Is looked on. therefore, as a mere preliminary to even higher rates next week. It la suspected that the rise in the discount rate In London Is having the effect of inducing transfer of Canadian bank balances, which are large In New York, to the London market. The fall in British consols to 7SS marked so rapid a decline In that security as to demoralize Investment Issues. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value. 82.674.000. I'nitcd States bonds were unchanged on call. Number or sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: aalas. Hlrtl. Low. Clrxe. Aiiw-i-naimeri pnl Am. tvipr Am. AvrlnlltunBt Am. Bet Sugar Am. Can Am. Car a Foundry Am. Cotton Oil apparently, that no one wants this erst while premier security. As a result, when ever a holder Is forced to sell it is at a sacrifice. There Is nothing In the foreign political situation to Justify the unbroken slump. talloa Market. LONDON. Oct. 3R American securities opened steady and unchanged t'day. Iater good buying orders wei e received and prices advauced. At noon the market was steady with vaJues ranging from unchanged to li above yesterday s New York closing Tf i-u licuiavtiia is .. :n M., K. T... .. TH. N. T OnlraJ .. Norfolk A W. ..ion So pfd . .104H Ontario W.. 1114 Pnrwylrm.nla .)7tKan1 Mines.... . W. ReadlTic . 2ft Southern Ry., .11 do pM . 11 4 Southern . 4 I'nion parlfic .71 (In pf1 . II H V. s. Stael .11 in pfi . 40 Wahash . &Ti do pfd .l.4 Ap&nloh 4e steady at 26 16-1'h! MONEY-4W14V Per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 4.1?4" per cent; for three months' bills, 4 per cent. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Steady to Easier, Feed ers Steady. Consols, money . do ecoootu Amal. lopper Anaion1a Atchison o pflS Paltlmora a- rHilo. . Canadian Parine... rheaapaax a O ... filcao u. w Chi.. Mil. A St. P.. Pe lr lx-nror A Rio O... do pfd Brl do 1st pfd do li pfd Orand Tnmk Illlnola Cantrml LVKR Har. 4 si S 441, s 1S Pmlflo 12 l;"1 ', u:1 l 41H 1 per os. HOGS FIFTEEN TO TWENTY LOWER HeaTjr Decrease In Sheep and Lamb Iteeelpta, While Trade Is Active and Prices (Meadr to ome Stroaater, SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 20, 1810. Am. Am. Am. Am. H J A I., nrd Ire securities Linseed LoromotWa A Ret.... Kansas City drain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 26 WHEAT De cember, MV10; May, 9CHc; cash unchanged to Sc higher; No. 2 hard, SirofMc; No. 3, Mljirtc; No. 2 red, BSruDoc.; No. 8, Mc. COHN December, 44Sc; May, 47c; July, 4HSc; cash unchanged to h higher; No. 2 mixed, 4ia4S"ic, No. 8, 4iV4e; No. 2 white. 48Sc; No. 3. 4Sc. OATS Unchanged to Sc higher; No. 2 white. SHErSSc; No. 2 mixed, 80Mii&32c. RYE No. 2, 7S&76C. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, 818&03 14 W; choice prairie. $11.5012.00. BUTTER Creamery'. 28c.; firsts, 25c; sec onds. 23c; packing stock. 21Vc. EUQS Extras, 27c; firsts, 24c; seconds, 17c Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Wheat, bu 87.0(0 11S.O00 Corn, bu 13.000 4G.OO0 Oats, bu 8.000 6.000 17 17',! 17 30 MU &7V 16 97S 1 I Pi 2iVb 16 OiVfcl 1 trjv 16 16 I I'.t 10 I 13 10 I 12 90 1 18 00 I IS 071, II i;',, 11 A. I 11 6S 11 66 I 11 67 I 10 27i, 10 32S, 10 17 S 10 17V4j! 10 17'., V ,imi 'i iv u IK t 10 M 9 06 8 Si SO 10 8 90 8 82V.I t 00 8 iCai No. 3. Cash quotations were as follows: r'Lol'Kr-Steady; winter patents, 4.J 140: bakers, 83.ouU5.00. KTK-No. 3. 76Sc. BA RLIO Y Feed or mixing, 63&c; fair to Choice malting, 67V72Q. SEl-Jti Flax. No. 1 southwestern, 8264: No. 1 northwestern. t2.ii. Timothy, I .'.too. 9 10. Clover, 8iv6iK14.0i). PROVIolONS Pork, mess, per hbl., $17 76 la.uw. Lara, par its 10s., .j.uu. bmoii .lis sides i' loose 1, $1o.ool0.87S; short clear Bides (boxed I. tUOk'tfll. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 4l.uuv bu. Primary receipts were ail.ulo bu., ooin pared with 1,061.000 bu. the oorreaionilltig day a year ago. The world's visible supply, shown by Bradatreet's, Increased l.lUo.OdV bu. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. It cars; corn, 206 cars; oals, 111 cars; hogs, 1 0)0 head. Chicago Cah Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, 4SkiKSc; No. $ red. 93d4c; No. 8 hard, 4Vu.u7c; No. 3 hard, MiJ '.He ; No. 1 northern pring. $l.0fi106; No. 2 northern spring, $10U1104; No. 8 spring, Hoc'fl41.02 Corn: No. 2 cash. 4;n4!1': No. 1 cash. 484Sc; No. 2 white, 4tS9fidc; No. 8 white, 4VtC; No. 3 vellow, 4Sc; No. 3 yellow, 4Sff4'.1c. Oats: No. 2 while. SZHfrV; No. 3 white, ;Wf32c; No. 4 white, MlviuJlc; standard, I;.iso. CHEESE Eaay; daisies. 16tc; twins. 14'c: young Americaa, lic; long horns, 1440dC. POTATOES Steady, choice to fancy, Hirw: fair to irood, 404t4io. VEAL-U-ady, 6m to kv-lb. wts., 9-olOc; (u to ao-lb. wts., hkuUc; 86 to llD-'b. wts., ll'trU'ic. Car Ixt Recetpta Today : Wheat, a cars; corn, -'IS cars, oats. 179 cars. Estimated Tomorrow: Wheat, 80 cars; corn, as) cars; oats, 774 cars. HCTTKR Steady; creameries, H.3'Jc ; dairies, 2aH(27 EGOS Steady; receipts, 4 363 rases: at Diitrk. rases included, 18Si21Sc; firsta, 84ltc; frlme flrhls, 3V. POULTRY Firm; turkeys, 14c; hens, 11c; springs. He. at. l aila . Ocaeral Market. PT. IUIA. Oot. 26 WHEAT Puttirea.1 h'Kher; December, 9c: May, ll.ft'Vll.Ol. Cash, higher; track. No. 2 red, cittl.00; No i hunt. 3fti$1.0u. COHN Futures, higher; Iecembr, tifi 1. '.'v'; ila.y, 4oV- Cash, higher; track. No. 2, 4IN-; No 3 white. 4ji-4So. DATtl-. Futures, hither; December, S: Way, CJi.c. .'ash. higher; track. No. 2. Sl'nc: No. 2 white. Sc. RVE I'nchansed at 7!ISc. KLOl'R Quiet; red winter patents. $4 2tM 4 4u. extra fancy and straight. 8j,a4 la; bard winter clears. 3-t 3tH 1. . SEKD.S Timothy. .ttt.u0. HH AN Unchanged; sacked, east track, 11 A f Weak : timothy, $ltOOyi8.O0, prai rie. I1VIUIII4U) PKy V LSlONtt Pork, undianr; Jobbing. lls.UO.. I. eld. lower: prime steam, $12 joa U.40 ' lr sail meats, unchanged; boxed eatra fhorts, 1ISc; clear ribs. ll'c short c I earn. U -.o, liacn, unchanged; boned ex tra shorts. 13Sc; clear ribs, USc; short Clears. 1SS.O. HI TTKli-Steady ; creamery, 2f.tf30c. rvisi H inner at iiWc.. POL LTHY Lower; chickens, lo'c" Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. S.-WIIEAT-December, I1.0JS; May. $1.07T; No. 1 hard, $1.0b; No. 1 uoitliern. $1.04Sff' 1.0&V No. 2 northern, $l.O0S'l.O3Sc; No. 3 white. 98cfc) 11.01',. FLA X Cloyed at $2.iK',. CORN No. a vellow, OATS No. 3 white, W)r,i'J0Sc. RYE No. 2, 71Va4i73c. BRAN In 100-lb. sacks, $11.iXMcl8.50. FLOUR-First patents. ".0i.30; second patents, $4.fttVi.a: flift clears, $3.40?i3.tio; second clears, 11 lf2.40. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 26. BUTTER Steady. Extra western creamery, 33c; nearhv prints. 34c Ki J Firm, good demand. Pennsylvania and other nearby firMs, V. ('., 30c at mark; current receipts In returnable cuses. 2: at mark; western fiiets, F. C, 30c at mark; current receipts, F. C. 2Sc at mark. CHEESE Steady. New York full creams, choice, lao; fair to good, 14'H1-; October full creams, 14jl5 Am. Hlneltlng 00 pri Am. Steel Poundliee Am. Susar Kaflotng Am. Tel. A Tl Am. Tobacco pfd , Am. Woolen Anaoonda Mining 00 Atchlaon , do pfd , Atlantic Coast Una , R. A o Itethlattem ftteel , Prooklyn Rapid Tranrlt..., Canadian Pacific Central Leather , do pfd Contra! nf N. J Ones. A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago ii t Weatam. new. do pfd C. N. W C, M. A St. P C, i, C. St. L Colo. Ful A Iron Colo. Southern Con. Oaa corn Product! 11. A. Hudson D. A n O do pfd Distillers' Securities Brie do lat pfd do 2d pfd General B)-trle Great Northern pfd do Oregon otfa Illinois Central Inter. Met do pftl Inter Harvester I Inter Marine pfd I Inter. Paper Inter. Pump I luti Central I K. C. Southern I do pfd. Laclede Oas L. A N Minn. A St. L, Minn., St. P. A s.- ate U. M.. K. A T do pfd., as-div. ........... Mo. Paclflo National Blecu't National Lead Nat l R r of Max. M pfd.. N. T. l"entral N. T.. Otit. A W Norfolk a W North American Northern Pacific Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania People' Oaa p.. c. c. a at. L Plttaburg foe! Pressed Steel (ar Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring... Reading Republic Steel do pfd .Rock Inland Co do pfd St. L. A S. T. Id pfd. St. loull S. W do pfd SICM-Kheftleld 8. A I. So. Pacir.r So. Railway.. do pM Tenn. Copper Teias A laciflc T. , Bt. L. A W do pfd Vnlon Pacific do pfd V. S. Realty I'. S. Rubber f 8. Steel do pfd I'tatl (Jl4iJ . Va.-t'aro. Chemical Vtabfuili do of d , . . . . Western Marylaod Weetinghoune Klecrlc... Western I'nlmi W A Lake Krl 2t.on ?.n l.ano l.btxi 1 4(K) 600 2111) I.O'l W) SOO M.rmi 100 wo MS 6ft 34 M U", H 7K l.4 4' 74 47S S7 MS SI't 1'. I? S!'S 4tt (.t00 140U, 1J9'i 10O 00 1. HO JnO 00 1,100 U0 1.400 82 S 41 S IfHU, 101' 117 104 St r,- 14 3:4 lfS 101H ll 107H II 1SS 17 4 84V to 47 i er.S Ml, lVfc 12 X H, et 1 IT4 13S 4 3'i'i 41 Local aeearltles. Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker & Co., 448 New Omaha National bank building: Calhoun Co. (la.) warrant. ( per cant.. City National hanlt bld la. 1 Colorado Tel. Co. 7 per cent folumkus. Neb., B. L. Be. 1M4 pner O. A B. per cent notes, ltll Kaat St Louie A Sub. 6a, 133 Fairmont Creamery lat . 6 per cent.. (lerman Fire Insurance Co Hardy. Neb., municipal (a Iowa Portland Cement let a Kansas 0 A E. 1 per ct. pfd. Wichita Kar.aaa City R. A U oa. 1 lng Bell Lumber ga, 114 Lawrence Co.. 8. D.. (s 1911 Nebraska tNence Co I war. I per cent Morris A Co. 4, 1M1 OmaJia Water a, lHa Omaha 4 C. B. Bt. By. pf. I per cent Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. oa. 1K Omnha St. Ry. A Bridge pfd Omaha Oaa , 117 gt. Lotila, City of, 4a eimmona Hardware 1st pfd I n Ion Stock Yards stock. Omaha Bid. Asked. 1"0 M ins 61 M 0 i:- f9 I'M : H n dv 1110 I1M14 luo HI I'M) 101) M t pn 100 1"0 M4 1 . n ess 1 14 T H (IS 4o . ( 7S 1V 11 o MS Haatsn BOSTON, Oct stocks were: Alloues Am. per Am. Zinc. L, A 8. Arts. Commercial. . Atlantic Boston A CCA 8 M.lti Butte CMtlltlon ID Calumet A Arlsona.. (g Calumet A Hccla....6H Clostna (orka. 26 Closing quotations on Centennial Copper Range C. f.o, fiHt nutte C. Mine., Franklin lllroua Con 101V oranby con , 1014a Oreene tnanee. Kerr Lake Lake 'Copper La Balle Copper Asked. Liverpool lciln Market. LIVERPOOU Oct. 2! . -WHHAT Spot, dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock; iuiuree, quiei; vicioDer, is 'u ; Oecomber, 7s Sd; March, 7s 7d. CORN-Spot, eaay; American nied, 4s Hd; futures, quiet; Januai y, 4s 3d; Feb ruary, 4s 3Sd. Mllwaakec t.reln Uarkct, MILWAl'KEE. O. t. 28. PIjOT R Dull. WHEAT No. 1 norvnern. fl.0f.Jj 1.0R; No. 2 northern. $1 0:Vn 104; December, D3SC. OATS aValtiSc BARLEY-Samples, WyTlc. Prurln Market. PEORIA. Oct. 26 CORN Higher; No. I yellow, 47;4 S l',',,c; No. 3 yellow. 47''c. OATS Steady; No. 2 while. 32c; No. 8 white, 31c; No. 4 while, 3oSc; standard. JIVaC. 1.600 loo 400 "ion ,M0 i.ax 4.400 ,soo 1.6") no 1.100 'i!io 3.sn INO 10) 1.800 l.no) 900 (,400 1,1'H) too l.ioo '"joo too "'706 7f0 10 luO . , 400 M0 . . 00 I0. . 1.400 4rt) 4H0 100 . 3.100 W0 . 4.400 . 3,000 IW 300 400 4"0 KM .120.60 . 1.000 .! . K.oOO SuO I'lO 300 ... 11.100 ... 1.7(V 6") ... t,70l 9 ' ... 4O0 ...ue.tto oo 4) )0 ...3M.C04 900 ... t.vo ... ,'00 ... 1.411) ... (.100 !o ... 3100 Jf) i00 10 H 3ft 33S 149 3'i 34 U, (IS IMS 1744 1SS 3JH 33 80S 4H 87 S 1M 127 S (9S M SO 110 ITS 13 iS 82s l(H 144 1J4 36S U 110 fV, S2H 117S 4!S 9SS (7 11S IMS 10S14 97 S 2S 84 17 80 IMS 34 S 97 14 S ft 42 IS U 23S 149 114 us 0 134 '. KKS as it 39 Vi 4 ITS 1S4S 14 57 '4 2S (S 108i s lt is H 104 14IIS 134 84S MS 110 (9 33j 114 42S 91 (7 iiS 83 181 107 S 97S 30 34 IttVi 84 l.Vf, .18 s MS 3fS 4 S 41 MS 11S 2S 87H 374, 27S f,S 17:t4, V 73 8fiS 78 S 1IH DO Mi !' 40S 43 78 13 (' MS ins JUS IVIrV 31 S ?7 MS 171 S 92 S 70S 3S 7' 11 I94 S4 1S 304 4S 12 72S 114 1078, 304, 77 S 1S .US in JsS I3S 40 3314 47 14 13444 7(i 38 (014 U 17 14 8y, 7&s 314 1S s 37 S l.V44 lS TS 131 324 S 103 1T1 i: 42S . 19S Ki 6 1"44 11 1S 18I 34 S 4V4 n 68'4 M IKS 42 M4 HI HMt 3 131 1078, 'V, Si) 3:144 147 36S 1HS S3s 9!4 38 64 41S M'i MS Ills :: (os :i 27S S6i bKS 17S 93 'J 38 7744 11944 0S M us 3S 47 72 71 . 44 Miami Copper IDS . MS Mohawk &o . 37 Nevada Con ?0S . 17S Nlplsslne. Mines 11 . IS North Butte 8 North Leke S Old Donation 40 Osceola 130S Parrott, Silver A C. . 13S 20 Qulncy 7e 70 Shannon 12S S Superior 60S IIS Superior A B. Mln.. 7S Superior A P. C S 3JSTamarack (0 I . S. Rm. Itef. A M. l 21S do pfd 48H H I tah Oon 23S 37 W inona BS 10 Wolverine 123 New York Cnrb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Ixigan Bryan, members New York Block exchange, 816 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Amer. Tobacoo 430 lneplratlon Bay State Oaa 34 Laroee Bieiton Cons Butte Coalltluo Cactua Chlno Chief Cona Fraotlon Davla-Paly Ely Central Ely Cons Elv Witch franklin ., Olroui Gnldfleld Plorenee, Ooldfleld Daley Greene Uananea.... 7 Nevada Cons ., 19S Newhouee ........ ,. 83 Nevada-l tah ,. 20S Ohio Hopper .. 14k Rawhide Coalition.. ,.I1S Ry Central 3 114 Sw'ft Pka Co ,. 30 Seara-Kuebuok Co.. .. 2S Sliver Pick ..11 Superior A Pitta... .. US Tonopah IMntng.... .. 744 Trinity Copper ., 3 North Lake .. 4 Bohemia .. 7S0Jlbway .. 9 4 13-II .. 31 .. IS .. IS 1 13-14 .. I .. IS ..104S .. (W4 .. 8 1HS tteceipts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday Estimate Wednesday Cattle. ...12.614 ... .it ... Hogs. Sheep. 2 119 2o.747 6i7 4.tsJ0 3l.tll 17.2-6 Three dAvs this ig Same days tast week. . . .ZK.T-'s Same days 2 weeks ago..23.)OI banie days 3 weeks ago. at S.ime days 4 weeks ago..36 3M bame days last year. . . .2l.H.!o lie loiiowing tab e shows of cattle, hogs and sheep at Sout or the year to date as compared ll.7 74 631 lrt.lti M0.34. 6.7i! 1..3H 11.724 123. 3-a 12.7'iH 121.772 V.IM i.4o tlie receipts th Omaha with last J'."'lr: 1H10 W. Inc. lec. t Mtllo l.Orki.OJS il v4 112.202 Hogs 1 tan u 1 aa-l '.Kl !! 730 S"P'P 2!t:i4.073 LICsj.'mO 627.2S8 Ilia following table shows the average prices of hogs at houth Omaha for tha last everal days, with comparisons. Dates. I 1910. 190V. lWI..;i!W.l?06.l!i.ll. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct OcL Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct Oct 17. 18. Is. 20.. 21. 22 23. ..I 24. ..I ( 6014 25.. .1 8 47 2... 8 2& 3 " I I 42: 061 IS S 10 $ OJ 8 1 I 7 871 I 6 0i li 6 101 4 8 61 17 8 21 1 (Mi 20; K 12 t 02 37V 7 411 6 221 16 131 6 141 3 OS 3Ui 7 M 6 291 ( 981 30 6 14 8 4l 7 62, 6 43 6 87 1 6 18 618 I 7 62 6 42 & 70 S 13 6 14 I I 5 411 6 47 6 12 5 10 6 22 I 7 26- U! 13 6 0l 6 30 7 54 1 6 60; I 6 13 4 M 6 01 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I'moii Mock Yards. South Omaha, for twenty -four hours and at 3 p. m. Wednes lay : RKClilFTo-CARs. Cattle llogs.heep.II'r's. 1.. m. it at. f Wabash - Missouri Pacific I rnon Pacatic C. At N. W., eailt C. & N. W.. west.... C, tt. P., M. O... C. H. A (J., east.... C., H. A J., west.... C, H. I. aV P., east.. C, K. I. A P., west.. Illinois Central Chicago Oreat West. DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4 2 1.. 1 1 1 3'.) Ill 32 3 3 2 2 1 128 22 U 1 8 1 2 7 13 82 14 24 1 2 1 1 6 2 1 273 74 . 72 10 .1. Denece S D. 10 cows 97W 4 2 1". steers.... 7s 4 ?3 .1. J. Telgen-s. I 26 cows 371 3 to) II Tetrault-S. D. 23 feeders.. WM D ; 10 calves... SM 4 M 10 cows e 4 Oil K C.reenhaw S P 12 cows no; 8 Sc. feetlers.. 903 4 50 .1 II Ph'Illps H. I. 20 feeders.. 812 4 4i- II cows 907 4 10 s. U Denton-S. D. cows low 8 75 24 feeders.. 819 4 60 J. I'enece S. 1). 13 steers. ...1LM 6 30 14 calves... S31 4 7i I heifers... 741 3 56 9 calves... 32t 4 75 111X18 Puyera on shipping account op ened the market uulte early this morning hy picking up a few of the hest hogs that just suited their purpose at prices that were only 6'iflOo lower, but the demand from that source wss limited and compara tively few hogs changed hands on that basis Pnckers were all very bearish and they held back without trying to do any busi ness until the shipper were out of the field and then they forced a decline of If. (20c as compared with yesterday. The trade was slow even at the decline and the morning was very well advanced before anything Ilka a clearance waa minis. The reason for the decline Is not difficult to find. A glance at the Chicago papers of yesterday will show heavy hogs selling around 83.00. or to be more exact, from $7 So for poor heavy packing hogs, up to $3 15 for the best heavy pnckers. One of th big droves of heavy hogs cost up there only 302 yesterday. With such reports from Chicago staring buyer In the face It Is not surprising that they pounded prices down at this point. Representative sales: IH Omaha Packing Co.. Swirt and Conogjiy Cudahy Packing Co Armour Co Schwartz-Holen Co Murph,v, shippers Stern Meat t o W. 14. Van Sant & Co.. Henton, Van .Sant & ii. Stephens Hros Hill A Son K. H. Lewis Huston Az Co J. B. Root & Co J. 1 1. Hulla U Wolf McCreary & Carey 8. Werthelmer Ijehmer Bros Rothschild Polsley & Raker Mo. At Kan.-Cal. Co.... Sol Degan , Cllne A K Other buyer t4 .1.F.WI .1,062 .LOW . . 7b .. 212 .. Ill .. 41,1 .. 156 .. 14U .. 311 .. 170 .. r26 .. 111 .. 466 .. 52 104 .. lf.9 no ..1.065 l.oort 1 l.sr.t :iot 2b6 80 2. 2,1...' 2;2 1.124 20,918 ret., Dalata tirala Market. Dl'H'TH, Oct. 2.-V,'HKAT December, $1 044; May. ti.os',; No. 1 northern, 31.04S; No. ! northern, $1.01V(;1.J2V OATS 30!c. (of fee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 21 OOFFEIv-Opened s'eady at an advance of 2 to 6 points In response to the fairly steady showing of the Kuropean markets and rviKirts that big American roasters hud been good buyers In Santos. It was also said that firm offers from Hrazil were steauy to a shade higher and with private cables claiming that San- 10a oners naa lieen pretty well cleaned up. local demand showed some Improvement. Tha market closed steady at a net advance of 6 to v pointa. Sales, 31.260 bags. October and November, S.4c.c; December. 860c; Jan uary. t.6c; February, t lino; March, 8.t::,o; April. eVooc: June. 8.71c; August, 8.72c; Sep tember. 8.74o. Havre showed an early decline of V14 franc, but rallied, dosing net unchanged to franc lower. Hamburg waa net un changed to pfg. lower. Rio unchanged at 6s&u. Santos unchanged 4's, & tMt; 7's, f 8u. Hrazlllan exchange on I .on. ion 1-pwi lower at 17 7-16d. Receipts at the two Brazilian ports 64.000 hags against 94. 0 lat ear. Jundlahy receipts 40,;uu bags, against U.3uu last rar. Spot coffee, ateady; Klo No. 7. 10c; San tos No. 4. ll4j; Mild coffea. uulel; Cordova llSrl3a V. i ref. !a. do coupon , C I. Ss. reg., do coupun I". ?. 4i. ref do coupon . Allla-fhal. 1st Ss Tsui aalea for the day, M,6oo shares. Tim York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 26 MONEY On call, firm at 2-'fi3 per cent; rullnt? rate, 3H per cent: offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, firm and very dull; alxty days, 4'"jiO'4t Per cent; ninety days. 41ii per cent; six months. 41 per cent. PRIM K MEKCANTIL.K PAPBR-SVvfM per cent. STKHI.INO EXCHANGK Steady at de cline, with actual business In bankers' Mils at $4.S2;ifp4.S2iiO for e!.xty-day bills and at 8.sfc0 for demand; commercial bills. ti.Xlffi 4.82H- SILVER Bar, 56;c: Mexican dollars. 4c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Steady. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were oa follows' eill. Cen'l lat ref. 4a .lnox Infer. Met. 4S "' .10' 1 Inter. Marine 4S"-. .10144 ej.pan 4s S .116 do 4Sa 94 S 115S K. C. So. 1st 3e 74 . 78 Lake Shore d. 4a, 1931 S Am. Agricultural im .lots L. A N. uni. 4S .... 1 Am. T. T. cv. 4.lo4S M.. K. A T let 4a.. 97S Am. Tobacco 1 W" do gen. 4Sa Ik'. do e liWS'Mo. Pacific. 4e 774, Aimour A Co. 4S Nti H'y of M. 4.,a Ai.tila.1 gen. 4s....j) N T. Cwiti g. ISs do cv. 4s 17S 'do deh 4a MS do cv. is l'"SN V.. N il A H c. (s.l:4 Atlxntlc C L. lat 4e 94 Norfolk A W in c.4e DOS B. V 1) 4a S do cv. f do IS 34 So. Pacific 4a l'S e.lo S. W. I'll. Si do 3e 71 Brooklyn Tr. if. 4s. 88 S Ore. 8. L. rfdg 4e.. 9'S Central ot lia. as ..17 Penn. cv iSa, 1:&. tS Central leather OS .. ', do con. 4a 1"S'4 er.ni of N. J. g U YS! Reading gen 4e Ms Chce A Ohio 4Sa ..I '1S St. U A 8. F. Ig. 4s SIS do ref. om V do gen. am sf nu, ago A A CSs.. 71 9t. L. 9 W. cel. 4a 71 C. . H. A g. )t. 4a.. ''s 'iln 1st gold 4s 91S do gen. 4e P74, Seaboerd A. L. 4a.. 72 :,. 31. A St. P. So. Pacific col. 4s... -'S gen 3S 9i4 do cv. 4a i C K I. A P. : 4e 74', do 1st ref. 4e 4'4 do rig. 4s 80S So. Railway is I'M Colo. I rid. as 7s do gen. 4s 7S e.'olo. MldisTMl 4a 70 I'nion Pacific 4e.... 1"IH Colorado & aouthem do cv. 4a 104S ref. an.1 eat. 4a.. 74 do lat nvd ref. 4s 97 Pel A Hudson cv. 4a Ir-S V. A Ruhoer s 10;S eP. K. u. 4a . ... 4S I' Kieel M U .... 10'Ai do ref. a 924 Vi.H ro. Chein. U K I'lsllllera' it hm Diioc do gwu 4e ToS Western Md. 4a KS do cv. 4s. aerie, A 10 West Glee cv. ia. . K do cv. ea, series B 49 Wis. Central 4a K) Geni Ele-'Oir cv. ea.l4Sklo. Psolc ev. ia.. 94 Bid. ifter4. Treasnry Statement. WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 26.-The con dition ot the treasury at the beginning of Luslness today was aa follows: Trust Funds Gold coin, $900,201,669; silver dollars. 8487.744.000; silver dollars of IH'-O. 83.623.000: silver certificates outstanding, 84N7(744.OO0. General Fund Standard silver dollars In general fund, 82,105.646; current liabilities, 3109.205,6217; working balance In treasury of fices, 329.441, 323; (n banks to credit of the treasurer of tli(r United States. f36.675.SK9; subsidiary silver coin, $17,342,121; minor coin, 8694.631: total balance In general fund, 884.96,7,73, OMAHA WIIOLKSALS PRICKS. BUTTER Creamery, No. t delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons. 31c; No. 2. in 30-lb. tub,- 30c; No. 2, in 1-lb. cartons. 29c; packing stock, solid pack. 21'c; dairy. In 60-1 b. tubs, 23g24c. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twin. 17'c; Young Americas, 184c; daisies. 17'ac; triplets, ISc; limburger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 18S;c; Imported Swiss, 32c; domestic Swiss, 24c; block Swiss. 22c. POULTRY. Dressed broilers, under 2 lbs., $5.00 doz. ; over 8 lbs., 14c; hens, Lf.c; cocks, Wc; ducks, 18c; geese, H.c; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per dog., $1.20; homer squabs, per noi., $4 00; fancy so, until, per doss., No. l, per uoz., 3i.ou. Alive: wroiiers, lbc; over 2 lbs., fc'ic; hens, 11c; old roosters, 7c; old ducks, full feathered, 11c; geese, full feath ered, 10c: turkeys, 18c; guinea fowls, 2lc each; pigeons, per dots., 60c; homers, per dor., 3300; Biuans. jno. 1, per dor... $1.60 No. 2, per doz.. oVOc. FISH (all froren) Pickerel, 12c; white fish. 18c; pike, 16c; trout, 14o: large crap ples, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, lNc; haddock, 13o; flounders, 13c; green catfish, 18c; roe shad, $1.00 each; shad roe, per pair, 65c; frog lega, per dz., 40o; salmon, 12c; halibut, 12c. BEEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. L 14c; No. 2, 12Vo; No. 8. 8c. Loins: No. 1. lfJo; No. . 13',c; No. 3. c. C!huck: No. 1, c; No. 1 6V,o; No. 3. 6c; Round: No. 1, 7Hc; No. t. 6ac; No. 3, ',c. Plat: No. 1. 6c; No. 1 5V.C; No. 3 3c. FRUITS Oranges: California Valencies, all sizes, per box, to.OO-no.C. Lemons: Limonlera, extra fancy, 3ut) sis, per box. $7.00; 360 slzs, pr box. $7.26; choice, 300 size, per box, $6.60; Sou size, per box, $6.76, 240 size, 60c per box less. Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch. $2.2oft2.u0; Jumbo, per bunch, $2.76S.76. Pears: New York Keifer, per hbl.. $4.50; California Winter Nellls, per box, 92.86. Apples: Home-grown cooking, per bbl., 83.6O.j4.0w; Missouri Jonathan and Grimes' Golden, per bbl.. $4.7i; Missouri Hen Davis, per bbl., $3.o0; Missouri Wine saps, per bbl., $4 00; Missouri Gano, per bbl $3.76; other varieties, per bbl., $4.w; Colorado Jonathan, per box. 11. .6; Cali fornia Gtavensteln, per box, $2.10; Cali fornia Belief loner, per box, $1.60; Washing ton Grimes uoiuru inn jouattian. extra fui.cy. MS to 12s sizes, per box, $2.26. Grapes: California Tokay, per crate. $1.36; Con curd Mi'higan and New York, per t-10 basket, 30c; Malaga. 60 to 65 lbs. gross, per keg $5.0ue.r5 Cranberries: Per box. $2.66; per' bbl., $u-75. Dates: Anchor brand, new, to l-lb pkg. In box, per box. $2 00. Fig: New California, 12 12-oz. pkys.. .; 36 12-oz. ckus l'"i yulm-es: Per box, $1.86. VEGETABLES Potatoes: Early Ohio. In sacks, per bu.. ifoc; Iowa white stock, per bu.. kfto. Bwl Polatoes: Virglnlu. per bbl.. $3 35 Onions: Iowa, amall red and yellolw. per lb.. 2c; Spanish, per crate, $1 26 Gaiile: Extra fancy, white, per lb., lie; red. per lb., 16c. Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per doz., $1.00. Celery: Micl.lan. per doz. bunches. 36c. Rutabagas: Per lb., l'4c. Cucumbers: Hot house, 1H and 2 doz,. per box. 1.2$ HOME-GROWN VEGETABLES Cab. bage: New, per lb . 2o. Tomatoes: Per bskt., DCtfOOc. String and Wax beuna: Per inkt. bsk., 75c. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per doz., 4ic. parsley: Fancy home grown per dos.. bunches. 3oc. Turnip: Per n'ikt. bsk.. 86c. Carrots: Per inkt. bsk. 40c. Beets: Per mkt. bsk., 3jc. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts; Black, per lb.. 2c; California No. 1, per lb.. lic; Cali fornia No. I. per lb., 14o. Hlckorynuts: I-arn. per lb.. 4c: small, per lb., 6c. Cocoanuts: Per sack. $6.00; per dos., luc Honey: New, 24 frames. $3.06. Totals 8,267 4.375 26.841 CATTLE There was a very fair run of cattle here or a Wednesday, but the sup ply was not excessive. The market as a wnole was In fair condition, out not so strong and active as Monday. In fact, the wire edg was off the market yester uay and the close was lower. This morn ing the trade opened about where It lott oti yesterday. The supply of beef steers was quite liberal, but in view of th fact that the market at this point was fully 26o higner last week, while all other market were that much lower, made buyers rather bear lei) In their views. They seemed to feel that they have been paying too much for their supplies at this point and accord ingly were not. very eager buyers. As a result, while some cattle sold fully sumsvly, the feeling on others waa weak, and it Is safe to quote beef steers around 10c, and. In some cases, ltxaibc, lower than the high close last week. Cows and heifer were In about th same condition as beef steers, that Is. steady to easier today, with prices about UuUc lower than the extreme high point last Friday. Feeders, at least the desirable grades, were steady again today and In very fair demand. The maj ket on the more desirable kinds of feeders ha shown comparatively little or no change this week, prices being about where tney were at the clone last week. W notations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, $6.75iy7.&0; fair to good beef steei'B, $6.75u6.7o; common to fair beef steers, $.i.OOt(6,75; good to choice cows and heifers, 4.w6.5, fair to good rows and heifers, 13 4t(i4.26; common to fair cows and heifers. J2.6mu3.40; good to choice stockers and feeders, $4. 40'i 6 86 ; fair to good stockeri and feeders, $4.00(4.40; common . to fair stockers and feeders, $3.25u4.75; stock heif ers, $3.0iX(('4.26: veal calves, $3.6037.u0; bulls, stags, etc.. J3.00fu6.0o Quotations on range cattle: Cholc ta Crime beeves. $5.7606.26; good to choice eevea, $5.25jj6.76; fair to good beeves, $4.60 luG.ro, common to fair beevec. $87oa4.4u; good to choice heifer. 14. (K 5.00; good to choice cows. J4.0uji-l.uo; fair to good grades. 13 6014.00; canners and cutters, $2. 76'(r8.60; good to rholce trcacve, it.rJSS.SO; falr.ta good feeders, $4.26(4.76. Representative vales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. J 1060 4 10 14 1130 4 36 24 94 6 10 80 134.) 45 10U9 6 70 40 U13 4 90 It lino i 90 11 1450 7 3t 33 1116 I 10 COWS. ' 18 1st 3 It 1 914 8 48 11 740 I U 917 I 46 I soft I IS 7 tro 4 00 1 700 I 31 14 liavf 4 09 9 114 I is 10 WO 4 10 t r'Kl 8 i 1 1160 4 1 0 8 747 3 0 10 m 4 16 1 771 8 40 4 1117 4 60 HEIFERS. $ 616 I 48 It 149 I t 677 3 M 30 907 4 30 t (.90 3 66 9 tot 4 IS 071 I 66 1 WO 4 40 741 I 76 BULLS. t 400 3 U 1 1410 3 M 1 1740 8 ii 1 1410 I fio 1 1170 I 66 1 1430 I 90 CALVES. 4 471 4 16 10 !S0 (71 X, 34J 4 76 3 140 I 7 I a..o i 01 3 2o 4 in T, 314 t 5.". 1 310 4 6 BTOCKEKS ANL FEEDEUS 8 333 3 40 4 7M 4 33 8 lo0 I iO 11 M Oi M t.v I 75 i 411 4 60 i 70 4 00 16 4. 4 M II 5 4 (6 4 1IM6 4 M I 702 4 IS 10?l 4 si la 901 4 36 2o 1000 4 90 is ui tis 4? lorn t m 1 718 4 SS St M t 10 WESTERNS. . Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 36 - DRY GOODS Th cotton goods market holds firm with trad ing generally quiet. At an auction aale of cotton blankets mor than 4.0U0 cases were disposed of at prleea varying from 7 to 10 per cent under the list. The attendance of buyer waa large. Seaaunabto underwear la In better demand. Uaaaaa Har Market. OMAHA, Oct. $S-HAY-No. 1 upland. $11 on; No. I upland. $ uu: packing. 3o 00; alfalfa. $12 00 Straw: Whaat, Jb.oO, ry, $7.00; oats. $3 00. nJtv. j.n, ct,.n a. i... ! tober, $l.4.i i2 .o ember. o ?,SV.-, T'lat a? l December. $12 4.V.; 12.60; January. $12 r,w lien 4a . a.'S do 1st and est. 4a. ta London, quiet; spot, j7 Is 3d; future New York Mlalng Hocks. NEW YORK. Oct. 21. Closing quotations on mining slocks were Alloa Coin. Tunnel stock n. K.,n,1- Con. Cal A Va Hum silver Ir..r stiver eiMdville Cut uttered. .3 . 31 . II . 96 7 .lo0 . 10 eLlttle Chief... alexlcan finlarto lUlr fjM.tard Yellow Jacket. . I . 96 Ifl'i .Hi . 41 . 46 fs I.o w He cor el for Cemeole. IXNIKJN. Oct. Ss. 4'onaols for money de clined to 7SV, and made a new low record today. Th rat of Interest Is so small. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 26 METALS Stand id copper, steady; spot. $12 4.".n 12 r; oc- i tober, $li.4."i (i 12 November. 1. 4 u 1. io. 1 12 t.n. ree. ..i 2a 6d. Custom house returns show exports so far this month of 2o.2 tons. Lake copper, $127ir'i! IS 00; electrolytic, $12.7.v 11 874. and casting. $12.37 V 12.('.-'H. Tin. firm; spot, $S; ir.:tt 'O; October. $J6 lfq :i 4o; November, $i lon3ti.30; December, $n;.l'-"'u-3ti.26. and January, $3tj.071fivS.25. Unduii, strong; spot. 1M I'm: futures. fll4 7s bd. Sales were reported locally of five tons of December at $:; 10. and five tons same at IM 12. I-ad. uulet; $4.40ii4 60. New York; $4 27".i4 32l. East St. Iuls. London spot, 113 s 3d Spelter, firm; $r, .70a-a.7"., New York; $A.bdi!i6.i&, East St. louls. London spot. 24. Iron. Cleveland warrants 4.s ad In Ixindon. locaUly Iron was quiet No 1 foundry northern. No. 1 foundry southern, and No. 1 foundry southern, soft, $.6 Tig W.2S; No. I foundry northern. $ir..6.'n lii ou. ST. IXCIS. Oct 18 METALS I-ad: Firm at $4 30. Spelter: Strong at 16 jV Progan Bros Neb. 10 rows fcSS 3 60 36 heifers... 904 4 00 40 feeders.. 875 4 70 3 bulls 130 8 60 F. MoFadden-Neb. 1 stockers. b'M 4 7f. 73 heifer... 691 4 00 J. Wehling Neb. 28 feeders.. 1002 45 11 feeder.. 107 4 66 J. A. Wisherd Neb. 44 Steers.. ..1040 6 2f 3 steers. ...1043 4 60 W. G. Pshaby Neb. 11 feeders. .1000 6 27. H. K. Peckham Neb. It feeders.. 1140 4 60 33 feeders. .1140 6 35 W VOMI.Mi. 13 steers... .1045 61 rs A-hfrs. K30 M steers.... 7HK 32 feeder 30 steers.. 4 90 4 25 4 40 4 36 4 ill 28 steers. . 24 cows. . . 91 steers.. 139 steers. . 14 heifer. P9 K. A. Walker-Wyo. 26 feeder.. 9ofi 4 75 iicnwi.,. E. Itthon-Wyo. 3 steer. ...V 4 NO 13 cows... McKran Bros Wyo. 1172 6 20 4H heifers J. C. Shaw Wyo. .1047 . K72 ,. 742 . nl3 . 70 4 90 t 75 4 60 6 of. 4 10 36 steers. 83 etr. 33 steers. 14 steers. 6 steers. ... 12 cows 17 heifers.. 13 cows 20 cows 25 cows 4 cows.... 14 rowj.... 8 calves.., . 910 3 TS .1018 4 73 ,1004 I 0 Weare W o. 122 steers.. 7 steer. . .1049 4 50 Braun A .. !lo 4 56 ..1121 600 ..hs.3 6 00 o. N. Hughes Wyo. .. 9f.l 4 16 10 cows. ... George Crane Wyo. 7o7 4 40 6 cow s. . . D. R. Kussell Wyo. 9n2 3 35 20 feeders. 932 3 76 A. P. Olson Wyo. 9-'.2 4 Of, 3 rows. . . .laa. Swanson Wyo. 910 3 25 10 cows .. Nela offerdahl S D . HZ 3 40 12 calves. 323 $ 00 19 steers. ...1.TJJ4 4 60 .10M) 1067 .100 S 00 4 65 4 06 4 00 IS 4 'M 9o8 3 SO 8S 8 75 .2H3 6 ' No. Av. sh. Pr. No. A. h. r. il 841 ... I 0s 84 r tt I 33 M 144 130 8 10 74 "7 130 8 IS 44 8M IS) I It C2 1S.1 I Vi 4 lii ... I 10 U 33 130 I 34 63 I1 ... t 10 si -in ... I (4 sa 90 111) . 3M 34" $ W 61 fA 40 I 10 il M7 40 I 30 M 131 9 I 10 l 810 40 8 Jo 0 3W ... 16 4 SOI 19 I ?0 6" 81 III !. 374 . . I ) ! 3f. ... I 16 49 JM 10 I M I! tf 90 I 16 a. 194 120 8 30 60 314 to I 16 it 301 80 I 80 ri lot to I 16 fi : so 8 so 47 311 0 I 1.5 il ?4 90 I 30 4 208 ... is tl 314 180 I :li 30 276 90 8 16 14 Ill I 41 W0 lit 8 16 17 SUA 40 8 W n Ill ... t 30 80 :'M ... I 44 3f 3 111) 8 (0 li 311 40 8 40 47 V 130 8 HI 74 lift I 40 44 2s, a.) 8 10 71 2.H.4 4 I 40 41 Ill 340 I 9) 1 94 ... 9 49 40 119 ... 8 20 4 Hi ... 8 46 2 7H4 13 I W K 1, ... ISO ii irt ... I 30 II 340 ... I 6o 81 1X1 K'O III N 86 ... I 10 6: 31 40 8 US 71 36 10 I 70 t 24 ... I 36 46 110 ... I 78 STAU3. 1 750 90 8 36 fill DADS INSPECT DAIRIES SHEEP Receipts of sheep and lambs were small this marnlng. In fact, smaller than had been anticipated. It would ap pear that a good many who had Intended to ship this week failed to secure cars. Then, too, the season la getting late and smaller receipts on an average are to be antici pated. Taking the week as a whole, up to dute there has been a decrease as com pared with the same daya last week of almost one-half In th number of head ar riving. In the face of light receipt this morning there was an active demand. Packers all seemed to want a liberal number of fat sheep and lambs and the market, was steady to stronger on all desirable killers. Good western lambs sold at and around $ti75, with a few pretty decent natives at $7.00. Good killing wether sold around $4.25. The most of th tuff that would do for killer sold In very good season In the morning or about as fast as It arrived and could be put In shape to be shown. The big barn waa full of country buyers looking for feeder sheep and lambs, and In addition to that the demand for feeders was brisk. The trade opened early and stronger and the market wu aa active as th late arrival of some of the trains would permit. Price on lamb were especially trong, being in many case as much aa X.'unOc higher than th low point last week. Everything conlsdered, the market was in splendid condition and entirely to th lik ing of owners. Quotations on glass stock: Good to choice lambs. $6,504:6 90; fair to good lambs 6.26ti6.50; feeding lambs, $4 354100; handy weight yearlings, $4.905.35; heavy year lings, S40tu4.W; feeder yearlings, $4.66(0 6 16; good to choice wethers, $4.tfj4.40; fair to good rethers. $3.7.V(j4.00' feeding weth ers. $3.40a4.10; breeding ewes. U.00OS.00; fat ewes, $3.253.75; feeding ewes, $2.25itf 325; canners, $1. 5032:3. Representative sales: No. Av. 217 Wyoming awe, feeder 99 143 Wyoming ewes 109 154 Wyoming yearlings, wether 93 319 Wyoming.-lambs, feeders-... 63 ; 301 Wyoming lambs, feeders 88 100 Wyo. lambs, feeders, cull... 32 694 Wyoming lambs, feeder 60 1.19 Wyoming lambs, feeders 44 INS Wyo. y'rlings, weth's, fd'r 74 374 Wyoming lambs, feeders 44 106 Wyoming yearlings, feeder.. 77 200 Wyoming lambs, feeders 46 148 South Dakota ewes, feeder. 87 148 South Dakota lambs, feeder 66 360 South Dakota lambs, feeder 66 209 Wyoming lambs, feeders 40 274 Wyoming lambs, feeders 49 149 Wyo. lambs, feeder, cull.. 39 t,V7 Wyoming lambs, feeder 65 79ti Wyoming lamb, feeders 66 340 Wyo. lambs, feeders, culls... 43 109 Wyo. lambs, feeders, culls... 43 427 Wyoming lambs, feeders 64 133 Wyoming lambs, culls 45 198 Wyoming yearlings, feeder 76 617 Wyoming wethers f" 134 Wyoming ewes, feeders 80 22 Wyoming lambs, feeders 41 496' Wyoming ewes, feeders 92 143 western ewes, feeders 80 211 western ewes, feeders 85 1 western ewes, feeders 82 928 Wryomlng wethers 93 346 Wyoming ewes 96 623 Wyoming wethers 107 320 Wyoming wethers 107 260 Wyoming ewes, feeders 8S 416 Wyoming wethers 98 1509 Wyoming wether 93 Pr. 8 10 2 Tfi 4 25 $ hO 1 60 6 66 5 30 4 75 6 30 4 76 R 30 2 70 6 AO t 60 5 .30 E 30 4 40 6 75 & 70 4 60 4 40 6 75 4 on 4 60 4 00 3 00 6 00 2 76 2 75 2 SO t 75 4 ?5 5 70 4 15 4 15 2 90 4 25 4 25 andv with 9. A' t...i. r..i r.l. - i . tirw IVa Tn . ii uwiiui laic vi tiic nsj " specting Wai Done. 'TILLAGE FATHERS" IS BETTER llverarera of the Metropolis Fill Their Pockets with 4inal1 Hot tie f Cream from the llalrle Visited. The newest form of Junket and th on most popular at present with the cltr officials i the dairy Inspection tour. Like all other Junketings. It I taken for an obviously good cause, and ha th advsn lage of being no drain upon th city treas ury and of small damage to anybody but the much inspected farmer. Tuesday afternoon several erlou minded village fathers, who wer called on the way hack th "pillage fathers." ac companied by newspaper reporter and a few extra attaches of th city hall, who were thrown In to fill tip the seoond auto mobile, started out to do th wert ld es tablishments. The trip was not talcan a a Jolte. We hasten to nay thl for fear a trnthftil nd unexaggerated account of It might lead to that opinion. The. councllmen wr courteous and ktnd to th dairymen and. pried Into their familiar premise charitable and well meaning sviltoltude. dairy Inspector proper wss along whosei business It wa to see that dairies which had materially Improved wer th one visited, and h had no difficulty in prov ing that recently there ha been a great advance In sanitary oondltlon. This was especially easy, a after th first dairy waa visited th word was passed along th line by telephone and th dairyman would be found clad In a boiled shirt and his new shoes, carefully putting the first brushful of whitewash on his ham. Since the one brushful would nwver hnve been put there If the Inspection had not been made, that much good wa done anyway. Official An Besoarcef al. Rut after an hour or o of tramping around In a farm yard, discoursing irk a civil engineer upon the relative merits of cement and til drain, th necessity of screens In the w!ntr tlm and heated barns In the summer, Inspecting, that I, more inspecting, become somewhat mo notonous. But city official ar resourceful and th trimmings that were put on tha remainder of the tour wer marvellously gnicceBsfiil. At first It wa necessary only to ask for a drink of cream to get It, but appe tite grew with th advance. Merely for the sake of proving that ha did not sus pect that the milk Wa typhoid laden, one official lifted a half pint of cream and sneaked It Into his automobile. As th car sped on he produced thl proudly and thought to create a sensation with his thoughtful provision for th family break fast. But Instead of that they called him a piker. Everybody els had at least a pint of the richest yellow cream, and on had a pocket fulf of eggs. From that tlm on It was systematized and th passengers In one car did the Inspection by examination and steered the owner around into th back barnyard while th other party did the .inspection by test and rifled th milk house Icebox. Some dty bred camp fol lower who heard that raw eggs wer good, broke a tooth on a china egg, and then frightened the rest of the party by throwing It Into their midst. Th adventures, hairbreadth escape and thrilling episodes that tn pillag fathers want through with, wer a exciting a a council meeting on a windy night. Invi tations to go on these trips are now the chief political favor that ar being dis tributed in th city hall. CHICAGO I.IVU STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Slow Hog Lower sheep Strongc. CHICAOO. Oct. CATTLE Receipts, 24.000 head. Market slow and weak; beeves, $4.aU'fi"i.nit: Texus steers, $;t.3.v-n6.ii6: western steers, $4 0tHii 66; stockers and feeders, $4.20 &ro.0; cow and heifers, $2.UCK(i4.:i6; 'calves, 7.;6'y 10.00. HOUS Receipts, 2B.000 head. Market 10c lower than yesterday's average; light, .$8 50 p,.i&; mixed, $8.M(9.05; heavy, $,.76CaH.Hft; rough, $7.76414 96; good to choice, $7.96(i K.X&; pigs. $n.luu.t0: bulk of sales. tA.oxuo.uf. SHEEP AND IjAM BB Receipts, 4O.n00 head. Market strung; native, $2.76'a4.3.5; western, $3,004)4.36; yearlings. $4.50'i6.t0; native lambs, $4.75jj'7.0u; western lamb, $5.0txa7.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 19,000 head, Including 1.000 southerns. Market, steady to 10c lower. Dressed beef and ezport steers. $n.6o('r6o; fair to good, $5.uoa4;.5; western steers. $4.ui4i.OO; tucker and feeders, UUKftiM); southern steers, $3.76 (oii.2&; southern now. $2.7Mi4.0o; native cows, $2.".5'u6.5; nali.e heifers. $3 7641.75; bulls. $3.2!.(4.s; calve. $4 (AX.j. 2f. HOOS Receipts, 7,ourt head. Market, 20 to 25c lower. Hulk of sales. $H.K(itj.6i; heavy, $s5tn70; packers and butchers, .Sae.); liar lit. 3x.76.ci8.90. SHEEP AND IAMBS- Receipts, 6,000 head. Market, steady. Lambs, $f. SOW 70; vearllnsts. 34.40tii. .00; wethers, $4.0041 4.00; ewes, $.1.60-4.10; stockers and feeders, $276 4J4&0. st. I.oals I.lve htock Market. HT. IOUIS. Oct. 26 CATTLE Receipts. ho head. Including 2.2J Texans. Market steady to loc lower; native shipping and export steers, $5.757.45; dressed beef and butchers' steers. $5.7647.46; dressed beef and 1 OKI lbs., $5 oo''o.SJ; sto kers ufid feeders, $:! 75'u5 4o; cows and lielfrrs, $3 io-H 7.00 ; can- neis. $2 iiOfti J.2S; nuns, u.uo.uu; caives, j.ju SiD.ov; Texaa and lnd an steers, $4 .IWii.u"; cowa und heifers, $l io'4.75. HOOS-Receipts, 8.3'KJ head. Market lOftf 15c lower; pigs and lights. $Y jO-yH.06; pack ers. .v.(!S no; butcheis and best heavy, $8.8'i9 .. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rerelpls. 5 Hon heau. Market Meady; native muttons, $3.;5 ru4.2u: lambs. 5:...7 25; culls and bucks, 12 5irj3 00; stockers. $2.r(t .75. t. Joseph I.lve stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. (Jet. 26 CATTLE Rece.pts, 3.0.AI head; market, steady; steers. 34 ';. 0o; cows and heifers, $2 'y6oo, calces. $.1.0uix.26. H XiS Rec.elpl. 4 500 head; market, ltof 2"' lower; top. $ 00, bulk of saloa, $S.4.tf $.'.). SHEEP AND MM US Receipts, 8.000 htad, market, steady; laiiiba, $4.5uo75. stork la Mailt. Receipt of live stock at the five princi pal western niurkels yeateruay: AGED MAN CHOOSES JAIL RATHER THAN HIS LIBERTY Andrew Murphy Tell Jadge Why He Wa la Trouble 8o Mark Like It. Naively remarking that he would rather be In Jail than out of It. Andrew Murphy. 76 years old, explained to Judge Crawford Wednesday morning why he wa arraigned in police court o often. For the thirtieth time in the last year Murphy was brought before tha Judge on a charge of vagrancy. "What' tha matter Andrew, why are you in trouble so much?" Judge Crawford asked. "I'd rather be in Jail than out of It," replied Murphy. "What kind of a sentence do you want thl tlms7" the Judge Inquired. "Oil. about thirty days." Judge Crawford kindly sentenced the aged man to that term of imprisonment. rotto) Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 2.-COTTON-Spot closed ateady at 16 points decline; middling uplands. 14.46c; middling gulf, 14.70c. Sales, 2.032 bales. Cotton future closed easy. Closing bids: October, 14.30c; November, 14.16c; December, 1AIJ20J; Jsjiuaof, JllDo; February, 14 let; Man-h, 14.J5c; April. 14.28c; May, 14.3i; June, 14 80; July. 14 26c. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 28 COTTON-l'n-changed', middling. 144c; sales, 129 bales; receipts, 4,63 bales; shipments, 3,837 bales; stock, 3,203 bales. Furnished by Logan A Bryan, member New York Cotton exchange. 116 South Six teenth street, Omaha. Neb. Options Open. Hlgh. Low. Clos. Te'y. Oct 14 64 ITTbU 14 30 14.30 14.84 Dec. ... 14 49 14.55 14 22 14. ti 14.4ft Jan. ... 14.65 14.67 14.19 14.19 14.49 March . H.oti 14 68 14.26 14 26 14.69 May ... 14 73 14 72 14.31 14 32 14 wi July ... 14. 4W 14.70 14.26 14.26 14.63 'Tarpeatln Market. SAVANNAH, Go., Oct. 2A-TCRPBN-T1NE Finn, 7se. Kales, 424 bbls.; re ceipts, 7tSl bbls.; shipments, 16 bbls.; stock, 19,639 bbls. ROSiN-Ftrm. Sales. 2.214 bbls.: receipts. 2, ltll bbls.; shipments. 200 bbls.; stork. 72,3mi bbls. Quote: B. $o.Hi5.96; D, $6.9rVy 00; E. $.jftV(f0.0; F. $6.064H.16; O, $o.liiii 20, H, $H 16 5(4720, I, $d.30; K. $6.36; M, $6.36; N, $8.55; Wli, $4.66; WW, $7.06. iagsr aad Molasses. NEW YORK, Oct. 26 SCtJAR-Raw, Hearty; muscovado, 89 test, $.$5c; centrifugal, 96 test, S xc; molasses sugar, oa j.iw, special, LW12V- Haak Clearing. OMAHA, Oct. W Bank clearing for to day were $2,874,706 82 and for the corre sponding dale laat year, $2,862, 659. 41. Wool Market. BT. LOCIS. Oct. 2ti. W04JL Steady; ter ritory and western mediums, 18u23c; fine mediums, lT'utfic; fine, lKu'liq. Herbert . Cooch Co., Brokers and Dtilers K AIM aVOTIIOaTa TOOKg). Omaha Office, 11$ Board of Trad ctldtv toe 1 1 Pbon, Ixiug tl . Ind . AUAL OLOIST AMD LllOtlT KOSa 31 A'ata STATS. South Omaha St. Joseph I Kansas City . I St iuuls 1 Chicago I Totsls Cattle. Hojih. Blieep ...i. 3st 4 .'set 17. -i" . . . 3 ll 4 .) ...19.ii.tl 7t . .. 6.4O0 8.:s ...24.OO0 2i.oJ .... 7o0 49,300 73,HI0 1 L. liTvfiTrra?)! I V. J mm M I J ft V 'J V I I