r, 1 TTIK r.KK: OMAHA. "Wr.DXF.SDAV. OCTOr.Ftt Cfi. 1010. Cole Puts Cornhuskers Through Scrimmage; High School Players Urged On HULDREGE BOIS PROVE FAST Game with Kearney Military Academy Showi Th'ir Strength. HARD CONTEST WITH YORK NEXT Battle ifbPflal4 for rdr with If I ark. chMl Team of that CHy Heaviest of IriMa for farm. Cornhuskers Put Through a HarJ Workout Cole Shifts Lineup Often and Flans to Have Plenty of Subititutes Available. I.IXCOI-N. Oil. a. (Special.) Scrim mage was the order Hsued by Coach Cole Tuesday night ami the varsity Riven nesrly an hour of solid work against the fieshrmn and the scrubs. Special attention was given to new formations, but the varsity wan alow ami the nlav vm lai-klmr In ginger. Co'e The new field la a hard no pavament and the men will be taken to the state HOLDRKOE. Neb.. Oft. 25 .-(Special. - j Loc al enthusiast of foot ball are fo;i- ilderably elated ovf the .defeat of the' Kearney Military academy team by th 1 1 . I . I . .1 lllh ...frw.,.1 C r .....1 .- !,i I thin rlty. The visitors were ojtphiyed ! u: lat a ,,,e w" " In eery department of the (tame, and 1 oul " "- r hP n1wt satl-factory of although the final score wax only 1.. to :. j 11,0 Tllp management will take no Hint did not lr,.llrat the superiority of the rnam'es ol lnJU,y wu"e u,e ,v""'"' locals over the, Kearney cadet. The Ipriii wnrk of tba 111 tt h school lad I was the t. et ever seeij on the loo.il g.-ld-I f''"" ror tn areater portion of tlx; next lion both offensive and defensive nlnvinc weens, wnere coie s iroirBr ...... being of a flec.ded'y stellar variety, for 1 k -hlnd closed doors lileli iIkuiI mill. ten Kifirnil ami Klninmin. 1 ' "tale farm the two local ends, put up a same of un- practice there will eliminate many of Usual strength, and time after time threw th liinr injuries which have handicapped the cadet back for Urge louses. Wade, ; "I" ",oe tlle inception of the ( w hose work In the line has been causing on- much favorable comment of late, played a ' rrl ' shifted jils lineup considerably in bard frame, his catch of a forward pass ! the last few days. This Is taken as an Indi an.) subsequent fifty-yard run for a touch-j cation that he doe not Intend to be caught down being one of the features. I'clander, napping- without available substitutes. Ttus the husky fullback of the Iloldrege team, i sell I playing half with Kl well as a running made his ausual consistent gains .and mate. Russell Is a good player, but lacks FAVORITE IIANCS OS UNCti Pete Lochs against Krick Son. OMAHA HXYCLK IM'IAN Klamk . Jesuit Runs Away in the Glenmore j f-olollion Steeclechae. CARPENTER NEEDED TO FREE HIM '.ilbrailh Zaip Total ... ''I" Jockey Hatllv Injured In Kail Hare (ion tn II) Ma. IIK sain llnll "eeond and It am pane Thin!. Coffey ... Kos Cochran Kerr Totals 1, I'iJ !"' .144 IV. r.i if. .::!,- sr. A.n S'j l. S ft.il.TS. jn;; p.'i 174 v. -jon 1 T'J .14; l.S -I- .iv.: i.s Ml Ii7 1"' ,,.;ii wu ff'l I RATE HEARING GOES OYERlOklahoma Lands Arc to Be Sold at Public Auction Inquiry at Chicago it Postponed Until This Morning. "Imtann works on figures r:!l Ilelnj- la to Alluvt Dinahs 4,K Kerl lime In Which to loin I raffle 2,f. I llete The grounds are covered with turf played a strong defensive game. Horg, Wilson. Richardson, Tewell and McGill all played excellent ball against Kearney. The, biggest game ever scheduled by the Iloldrege team will be played at fork next Friday against the high school team of that place. The fast work of the locals In Saturday a game haa caused the hopes of victory to run high In the breasta of local fans, and It Is confidently expected hero that the lads will return home with the Yurkites scalpa In their belts. Coaches Rennet and Logan are putting in a great deal of time perfecting several new plays which they hope to work with success against the fast" York team. Hixteen men. besklea the coaches and Prof. Dunlap, will ,b taken on the York trip. AttellX Fight with Kiibane is Easy Workout Champion Featherweight Hai to Ex ert Himself Strenuously to Get Close to Opponent. KANSAS CITT, Mo., Oct. 25. Abe Attell won a decision over Johnny KUbane of Cleveland. .. arter ten rounds of fighting last night. The champion's title never wan iu danger from the start to the finish. "He. certainly is Jumping Jack," com-, meuted Audi after the fight. And that remark tella the story of the battle about la well aa It can be told. Kiibane, except In the eighth round, was on the retreat. Attell continued to follow Ills opponent about the ring, hoping to get near enough to .l&Ml Uul the champion usually had to ftct, .ttio Clevelander In a .-orner before he could put In telling punches. AUWI Uiract-'d the majority of Ida blows tor the wind, but lie drove home Htougli choppy lefts and rights to KUlbane'a head to bruise tno floater much. No blood was drawn by either man. In the eighth rounJ Kiibane braced him self against the champion's rushes and managed to drive several rights to Attell' Jaw. This encouraged the featherweight king, he thinking Kiibane Intended to mix. At the beginning of the next round Attell dropped his arms and asked KUbane to tome In, but the Clevelander was wary and stayed away. Teddy Peppots and Attell posted a SOW forfeit at the ringside for a fight for the title. experience and knowledge of the game. K.l well Is a comer and should pro.'e a goo! substitute 'for K. Frank. Minor has been given more work at quarterback In case he Is culled to relieve Warner. The coaching staff still continues to work with Kldell, but he Is new to the game and will require much seasoning before he Is available In tho bnckfleld. Ills main fault is forgetting signals. Assistant Coach Kwlng Is taking the freshmen along at a fast clip. McKinney and Robert Thompson, two Omaha boys, have reported for practice. McKinney looks to be varsity material, while Thompson also has a good high school record. Nell Dunn Is another promising freshman who has re ported for practice. Dunn formerly played at Hhattuck. A double header la the bill for Saturday, Uncoln High school and Omaha lilgh will meet In the opener, while Doann and the Cornhiiskem will close the bill. The inno atlon of the Black Masque during the l'enver game In securing a girl's rooting squad will be preserved during the re mainder of the season. The senior organ ization haa taken some care In the sale of the tickets and the rooting last Saturday waa a decided success. Assistant Coach Kwlng was very much Impressed with the Jayhawkers last Hat iirday. Kennedy refused to unearth any of the trick plays, which la taken to mettn that the Jayhawker fox Is laying for Ne braska, lie used twenty-two men In the game. Tommy Johnson was played at full back for a short time and used aa field general. The Kanaans displayed a strong attack and were also far above expecta tion on defensive play. The bear reports which have been coming from Lawrence are discounted by Ewlng and he expects the Jayhawkera to play a strong game ag.aliut the Cornhuskers. BAhTIMORK. tie. 2',.-An accident to Jesuit, the favorite in the O'enuiore rteple- cl.ase. gave t e ra.e i llyllg at llnillco J today. Jesuit s accident occurred e.irly In the race ami al'icr running: nrouud the course once he tried i.i hurdle the fence and got hung up A i art en e - and his a got him free Kenmith. v ho has been con sistently winning tlirouli the field, had the mount and w;is badly Injured In the fall. S:inimari h: Ftrst race, five ami one-half furlongs: Capsize (h to 1) w on liv a neck. I r. Inienner second. The Kascal third.1 Time: I :os. Second ra c. mile an. I tot lv vuuls: Mack ford (Ih to ) won. Mult ip M'cond. Iol of I.nngdon thiid. Time: 1 .t'3f.. Third rare, six furlongs: Nick Stom-r ol to 1 won. Summer Night second, Uuinnnce third. Time: 1 : jr.. Fouit'i race, steeplechase, two miles: MvUta US to .) won. Sum Hall second. Man ner third. Time: 4.tj. I'tfth race, mile and a sixteenth: Fauntle roy (7 to 1) won. itu-v second. I'ructlcnl third. Time: l:ltl4n. Sixth iace. mile: lletherhrootn 3'i to H won, Moltte S. second. Touch .Me third. Time: 1:4Hi. Seventh lace, fixe unci o ie-hall' furlongs: Foct Print t! to Jl) won. Plmroah second. Time: l:07?i. Only two starters. LATONIA. Oct. 2Y John rteardon demon strated his class tn the feature race today by defeating? a good field In fast time. He laid behind Jeff lit rnsteln until well Into the stretch, when he worked up to even terms and won by a head. I.eumence was third, half a length hack. Summaries: First race, five and a naif furlongs: liutterball (straight lll.MOi won. Komple (place S. 10) second. Ililllken (show SU.'.ni) third. Time; liks. Second race. six furlongs: Merrick (straight $..n won. Jeanne d'Arc (place K2M second, Selwlk (show $2.40) third. Time:: 1:13V Third race, six furlongs: Ttound the World (straight 4.) won, IJttle Father (place I2.H0) aeeond, Gov. Gray (show SlUU) third. Time: I:i:iv Fourth race, one mile: John Ueardon (straight $.1.20) first, Jeff Bernstein (place $:!40i second, Leamence (show $(!.S0) third. Time: 1:3 Fifth race, mile and seventy yards: Fair Louise (straight $10. W) won. Stur Port (place fi'.lc) second, Topland (show $...50) third. Time: l:44fc. Sixth race, mile and three-sixteenths: The Peer (straight $S.90) won. Mamie Algol (place :; 4o ecnml. First Peep (show $ii.40) third. Time 1:5V Horns Rule Less Strong. v Opposed Ills lnalls Met Wtlcs. uf Idea as Fust . Step Toward Federal Empire Likely to Become Work ing Policy in England. CHICAGO. Oct. -m. At of the Imerstutc Commerce commission rate hearing today, testimony whs heard for an hour and u half, when adjourn ment was taken until tomorrow, the ship pers being uupicpaied to proceed with the presentation ft their contentions against proposed rate advances. Attorney John P. At wood, representing; Kansas City shippers, explained to the tnviM'iV Oct "t- iiii idea of home rule commissioners that K. J. McVann of all around as the first step toward the j Omaha, on whom he had relied to pre renJization of a tcilofal mpirc appears ilkelv to become a All Unallotted Territory of Five Civil ized Tribes and Forest Areas in Choctaw Nation Included. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2...-.MI the unalloi ted lands of the Five Civilized tribes of Indians In Oklahoma, approximating 1. i (AM acres and the forest area of the Choc j taw nation, amounting to about l. i.-Vnoj the i emimnlion 1 a''rSl " r ,f ' rl,,,llt" auction, nc- WOl'hiUK polict. pure an analysis of the statistics pre The I sentcd by the railroads had been unable fact that the Times has Just puunneu scries of articles advocating a compromise and urging that the situation is quite changed since the "bloody eighties,1' and that the unionists might now with dignity acquiesce in. although they could not Initiate o policy of home rule, shows how unionists' hostility towards home rule Is w anlug. It is reported that the w liter of these articles is a dose friend of A. J. Ualfour, the leader of the opposition 111 tile House or Common, and Austen Chamberlain. Additional speeches ty the master of Kllbank, chief liberal whip, who spoke at Helfast a few nights ago, and other party leaders point to the probability that the conference on the veto power of the House of Lords will be converted Into a round table conference for discussion of federal homo rue. This plan would suit the desire of both liberals and conservatives and post pone the general election until after the coronation. Yousem Colts Win Two Games from Peoples Suffner Tailoring Company Captures Two from Rangers Indians Lose a Contest. Rapid City Loses, Wesleyans Win School of Mines Loses, Six to Noth ing, in First Game in Two Years with Mitchellites. Hastings Team in iine Shape College Foot Ball Squad is Well in Line for Nebraska Championship. HASTINGS, Neb.. Oct. iu.-(Speclal.)i-The Hastings foot ball squad has made marked progress In the last ten days of practice and with one victory and one tie game to Its credit, the local followers of the game believe the team bit au excel lent chance to win the atate championship. Hastings haa yet to play Bellevue and Peru. The local management has been un able to schedule a game with Doane, but the game with Peru will afford a meana of comparison between the Hastings and Doane teams In view of the to 0 struggle between Doane and Peru Saturda). Coach's Holste's pupils have- already de feated the Kearney Normal teaui, and last Saturday they played Grand Island 0 to . The team returned from Grand Island sorely disgusted with the decisions of Referee MITCHELL. . II. net 1 w" "ea walker or Hasting Telegram.) The Ilauld City Hohool of!batk "l'r tuchlown from the twenty- In the Booster league the Yousem Colts won two games out of three - from the Peoples Store team. Charles Klce of the Colts rolled high series of the league, with &8 plus, and high single game, with li'J pins. The lluffner Tailoring company, with Speed o Itlchmoiid in the lineup, won two games out of three from the hard-working Hangers. Armateln of the Hangers rolled high total, with 567 pi rut. and tied for high single game with iSage of the Kuffncrs, getting ;ftu pins. Tonight in the Omaha Itugue: Triumphs against Advos, Wrolh's Swecluls against Iteloe. , Tonight, Jn the Mercantile league: Alt- Sar-itcn against Uuarterniasler'a Department. YUCSEM'S COLTS. 1st. 2d. inl Wt Mines team was defeated by Dakota Wes- leyan university i to 0 at root ball this arternoon for the first time In two years in a game that waa sensational In the matter of defensive work, both lines be ing Impregnable except at (he start, when Mitchell broke through for the only touchdown of the gum with two end runs and Hue bucking. Mitchell sent Huger over the line, followed by a goal kick. Several tme Rapid City thieat ened. but they were held consistently by Mitchell. . , t:H.Ta ON HI.X1AU TRACKS therryola, Wla. Latuala laaaaaral ' 1st lirlvlaiK Fialafc. LATONIA,' ttct. f,v cheiTyoia won the five yard line. He alleged that Hastings had fouled by tripping In the Interference. but was unable to point out the culprit and the Grand Island man who was said to have been tripped, afterwards said that no such a foul had been committed. The referee's decision waa enforced, however, with the result that Hastings failed to ge credit for Walker's touchdown. With extremely limited material Coach Ilolate, an ex-Maroon, star, has brought together a formidable machine, one which la expected to do aa well, or better than either of the two previous team whlcu he has had here. The success of Warner of the Univer sity of Nebraska team la source of much pride to Hastings foot ball enthusiasts, for that player who .developed by. Uulste here Latonia Autiiiiin inaugural, a mile ami a ! two yeai s ago. lie plaved ouarterback sixteenth race, tojy by naif a length In a uriving rmisn iicin the heavny hacked Couiiues, wltu, lorn . Uaywaru a close third. , , , Tlie opanthi; day was marred by an acci dent. Milton wliile .running In second place In the btg race, tailing. jocKey Aus tin struck l.cvi.y. but. was uninjured, nummary: .' Flrt.1 race, five ami a half furlongs. Hrlit MHiawht. M -') -won, Planutess tplace, $4 o stnond, War Jig (show, u VJt tinrd. '1 iin: , l.b.'v ftocond raid', ut. fviiiongi.; Sidney R tbtrwight," won, Mctvcr ipiace. $j) s. cond, staf Charter (show, $a.w third Tune: l.U-. 'ihlrd !. mils and aavenrv vlM.. Camel (siTMigiu. Ii;jj won, Uueen Msrgueril ip ace, S no second, ( ail to,. U. (ehow, ft.w. tliird. Time: 144 Founh tc, i ionla .Inauguiul, mile and a sixteenth! Cli iTol (otiaight J. u von. Countess m xce. aeooiid, Teni Havward i.iio', vo nurd, 'lime- 1 uL liftli race, j: turlongs: Melisanoe tktisigiil. K.U) ur. prints (pU,-e j tjyi second, &H iUion third. Time: l:n Three sisrlni. 'o show betting Mi.in rr. pv r at, aIui . gntn. selling: Koy.. lteport tt'A Daveiinorti first, Charles F. tiramger (hd. Martini second. Ao (to5, Koruer) third. Time' l.bi Alma Hoy, C!- - dia, Shapdale. Neihsr miait and Stolypln also ran HALTlMoHt;. Oct. -The Greater Balll Biore stefpleohasa at Itnulco today was simply an outing Xor Seleetus. who took tlie meaui of Jtmmy Laoe and Thiatie dale. i'he eet-und lace f jhs day, at a mile and seventy yards for I-esr-lds arid up. went itult.p In a prity finish buiuuiary: Hist race, six furlongs: Chilton Queen (! to 11 Htm, fharile Hsrgrav. second lonlata third. Tinie: 1:11 brcolid race, six fuiionga: High Flown '. to II .m.i Jodoia aecmid. Molh U. third liiiio: 1.14S. Third race, mile and seventy yai-ds: Hill Top tl to 3) won, Our Hannah second atalltine thlid Time: I 4Slm. Fourth lace. Greater bsitimor steepls chase, to itMlea. i electue isvaui aW TuiiltSi aevocd, Jui, in y Laue third' lime: oiS- the Hastings tii team, the same positlou he now o.-cupiei In Cole's crew BIG BASE BALL' DEAL NOW ON Kaehaage ( Players Het Trees, Phillies mm Heels Expected te Vt Close4 lsaaaedUtelr, CI NCI N NATL O Oct. 26 . What Is f.,ra wasted to be one of the largest deals in lh hiatal y of base ball, is satd to be In urocea of completion tontsht tn'fhe mn. IKised exchange of more than half a dosn !"" onween ine rniisneipnia and Cin CJcnaU National leaaue riuba . President August Herrmann to the A.. elated Press tonight stated that the deal would be consummated within the next twenty-four hours. r - The men slated for exchange, ' according iu lumuia, an among me neat moan pia eis of the two teauia. Leads tat Match. tvtw TOH.t. Oct. .-"Wllli" Hoppe took a coinfortahie lead tonlarnt over ti. berl G. Cutler, the Hostoti shortstop. In the first WO-point block of an l.suo-pulnt billiard match here. Hoppe, piaying ll io tns bostnntan 112. was the w Inner by a score of to 171 The match Is for a purse of Suuo. RUSSIANS WON'T ARBITRATE Fngllsh Proposal In tuaaretlon with Steamer oldhaiula Ulspate aud . American Request Ilecllned. PITTSUL'HG. Oct. 24. The Russian gov ernment has declined the Fngllsh proposal to arbitrate the Hteamer Oldhamla dispute and Die American reyuest for compensa tion for the cargo on the ground that the decision of the Russian courts that Uie cargo was contraband was final. Tho steamer Oldhamla was captured by tho Russians on May 111, 1106, during the Russo-Japanese war, while bound for Yokohama with a cargo of Kerosene con signed by American citizens. On May 27 tht: Oldhamla was recaptured by the Japanese during the buttle of the tfea of Japan and taken to Sasebo, where its cargo was sold. The consigners and the British owners of the vessel in July, W06, placed their case In the hands of an at torney of St. Petersburg, who was em powered to ask the prize. court to act as adjudicator. , - Falconer . . C. Kica .... Koessig .... Kruggeman toman . .... ad. 1U7 lbi l.i 11 Itxs l.o ibl Totals 4i kjti s4g PEOPLES eiroRsj. lut 'J.l Perkins 1MI 11 Abbott lio 17'J Aldrlch i4i jm Hall 163 i,,B Uengele Lis 171 id. 1.1 14.'. 170 Totals 7;i ftm m RCFFNtR TAILORING CO. Iu l.4 Ratekln va i-m 175' 'sg'e .. In n U4 Howell 14 ltii lol Richmond ua ixi i.:k Weluin its iaa 1,0 Tot. 63 his 4HL' Wi 2,ro'A Tot. 6t5 r!4 bii ' tit iMl Tot. 4f.6 U,2 4Z 470 HYMENEAL 1 - llsrillagIrnlB. MADISON. Neb..' Ock 24.- Ospecial.) Married, at. tho hoatef.f the. bride's par enta in this city, Sunday, noon, Rev. II. McCTaghaii of tlw, P-resby terlan church, officiating, AV HI la in II. Harding of Meadow Grove and Miss Florence lrwln, Miss Kditti Allen waa tho inatd of honor for the occasion ana Ned Irwin the beat nan. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. lrwln of this city and the groom Ih the son of John Harding of Meadow Grove and the cashier of the Se curity Klute bunk uf that place. to complete his figures. Mr. At wood asked that the hearing go over until tomorrow and the request was gt ahled. The questions in cross-examination centered lurgely on the valuation of tho properties ut tho railroads. Comp troller Robinson of the Northwestern rail road said that In the subsidiary, lines of his company the yearly depreciation In values was included In the reports to the I inteislaje Commerce commission. ortU western Improvements. In response .to questions from Attorney i Frank Lyon, coun, I for the commission, Comptroller Uobinson said that in the fiscal year of 1!10 the Northwestern spent :tl .4AK.t s, the principal items of expense being track clovullon and tho building of 1 the new station In Chicago. "About ji.oiJ.000 worth of stock wan sold," said the witness, "to meet the ex penses." Mr. Uobinson agreed to produce figures showing the amount of slock Issued by the Northwestern road for a period of yeaiN and a similar agreement was made by William Kills, commerce counsel for the Chicago, Milwaukee & gt. I'aul rail road, regarding the common and pre ferred stock Issued by that company. There was some delay In calling the wit nesses for cross-examination and Commis sioner Lane Inquired: What does this mean gentlemen? Haven't you got your witnesne ready to go on with the shippers' case? You cannot be cross-examination for the purpose of delay ing the hearing." Attorney Clifford Thome, representing the Live Stock Shippers' association, admitted, that he had no witnesses present and said that hv Was desirous of showing what he- declared to be "the gross exaggeration of values" by the railroads, Krelirht anil Passenger Ilsralsga, Air. hlllis was then aaked by Attorney Thome If ho would separate the expenses of the freight and passenger traffic of the Chicago, Milwaukee 4t St. I'aul. The wit ness replied that the separation of the two accounts' would be extremely difficult and would be of little value, except to satisfy "statistical curiosity." , . "I have made various estimates of the freight and passenger traffic," said Mr. Kills, "and 1 do not, tl)!uk that tho pro portion of expenses wil vary hirgely .front the commonly accented forfnu)u . of one third! to I'ais.-enger and two-thuds to the freight service." Attorney At wood read into the record tiie prices at which the common and the pre ferred stock of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. i'aul sold from lsw to 1M). and made his plea for a continuance. cording to a decision r ached by the sec retary of the Interior today. The decision to fell these Indian lands came us ti result of the re.ent visit of Secretary Halliner and Commissioner of Indian Affairs Valentine to Oklahoma, and conference with President Taft. The l.inds will be sdd by counties con tinuoutly from November SI, IhIO, to March 1. 1HU. The amount to be sold Is divided as follows: Seminole nation, 3.4i) neres, divided Into 110 tracts. Creek and Cherokee nations. 114. OOO acres in 4,000 tracts; and Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, l.DIO.oOo acres in It). 00) tracts. The minimum prices which will be ac e-pied Is ilcclsinl In each mix I ti - on v, ; . .ui.l the terms in 1 for per cent nt time of sslc. Vi per cent IM six nio.tv 1 I'll ''I per cent within lv inonihs wlih int'ir-t 11 : t per cent. The sue of the loies:cd an 1 of the Clioctan ration v. Ill take -1 .1 later. I'niler the Inn Hum" laiior. winch g.i gale about l.:'...0i siics. will not he m.1.1 In tracts larger than (10 acres each. Tener Files Libel Suit Republican Candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania Bring Criminal Charge Against Editor. PIIILAI'I'.I.PIUA. Oct ?4.-John K. Tener. republican candidate for goernor of Pennsylvania, toclav sworn out a war tMit for the arrest of K. A. Van ValUen btirg. editor and prishhnl of the North. American company of this city, charging him w.th criminal libel The warrant I based on an attack l.igun hv the North American on October 11! acainst Mr. Tener business Integrity. T he charges h,ie been reiterated dally. t klcaxa Police Charge Strikers. CHICAGO, Oct. 25. A squad of police oharged a crowd of striking garment work ers today to disperse them from a factory which, it is alleged, they were trying to enter. A dozen prisoners were taken, all more or less bruised and cut. Totals A rnsteln Pickett tilauailter lantelson Weeks .. 753 RANGKR8. 1st. . 1W 1S4 1DI 114 iisl tM 7 2,46.5 2d. Itl7 IHi .137 l.a 14 3d. a IrtO 14 i:i lis Tot. 5.".7 h4i 47IS 404 444 Totals 81 SOI , 7S3 1,43 The unexpected happened last night on the Metropolitan alleys when the Bicycle Indiaas lost a game to the Frank's Colts. Gilbralth rolled three games, all over the M mark, with a score of 259. Tonight CULLED OVER THE WIRE Alton H. Parker and Dr. M. W. Stryker. president of Hamilton college, were the trlnolpal sneakers at. a niaaa meeting In Itlca, N. . The tentative budget of New York City for the year foots up tl71.606.7b7.sti, an In crease of more than M,w).uoo over the bud get fur 1910, aa finally adopted. The attempted assassination of Major General Pino Guerra, commander of the Cuban army. Is still a mystery owing to the failure to identify the suspect, under arrest, who remains Incommunicado at police headquarters. Forty proprietor of soft drink stands fave up their government liquor licenses ullowing the decision of the Tennessee state supreme court Saturday1, that the holding of a federal liquor license was firtma facie evidence in Tennessee of tiie llegal sale of liquor. B. .V. Shlvely, who has been suffering for a week from an Infection of a toe. which followed paring a corn, was sent to bed . at his home In South Bend, ind , by his physicians and it waa announced that to prevent danger of blood poisoning, the toe probably would be amputated later In the week. The body of Henry Preecott Butler, a well known New York lawyer and mem ber of the Union League club, was found In the Hudson river. lie had been mlsalng for eight days and it is supposed that while walking along the river front- as was his custom, he was stricken with heart trouble and fell Into the water. The FALL SHOWING of SHIRTS In the window of the leading retailers in this city THIS WEEK reveals -'lhe,- best' product of the leading makers of fine shirts. You will be Unable to find again this season such a large assort ment of patterns, colorings, and fabrics as you can RIGHT NOW during CLUETT SHIRT WEEK. Every Ouett Shirt bears a CLUETT label ixb lite? inrdyi mA& it If si 1 1 m iMiffl it jmm mm & . Lrff ( ( j C(Xyp V J 1 - ( H Mdkos Life's Walk. Eas Attell Matched with ( aaley. NKW CRLhlANS, 0. Jo. Announcement was ma tonight that Abe Attell. the title bowler, and Frankle Conley of Keno sha. Wis., will uiaet in a twanty-round bout at th West tld Athletic club a Hunday. November 11 for the world's featherweight iihamplonhip. llaroa.Aherdeew Uate Ihaasjeal. IICRON. 8. I.. Oct. fV-A game of foot ball betmeen Aberdeen Normal and iluion college teams, scheduled to take place heie November 7. has been changed to NovemU-r 3. Much Interest lu me aa pieaciung game la inaioiwiod y friends ut the teams of both liuililuuuu .5 V VH.-.-.VEST of fbotomfort awaita you in the new Cr on sett models. Dozens of snappy, "young man" styles. Wear Crossetts this season. $4 to $S'cerywlere.. . Lewis A. Croseett, loe. Maker, ; nana Aaiaatsa. Ma HaydonQ' aro cellinc acr3 In Omaha, HcbrasEia. for tho Croocott Ghoo. e 1 Thursday is Home Day. Real Estate Dealers will have some thing of interest to say. Now's time to buy land Read the offerings. Start a saving account with yourself as banker by purchasing a home on the easy term plan. , You pay a few hundred dollar down and the balance monthly. Every dollar you pay over a apeclfied amount brings you closer to clear ownership. You will learn how to save money to apply towards the paymenta. The whole family will telp. " This is a saving plan with a definite object where the rate of intereit is-high and the principal increasing. You can get homes auch aa are advertised for sale on the eaby term plan in Thursday's Bee, and follow this plan. ... 4 ""a