tiii: r.i;i:: omaiia. wf.dxksday. (rtobku 2;. inio. 3 Belicr, Clolhino For the Coys The tendency of the times is toward better merchandise. It has not always been so, but to day tba" pbpwlar price here fdr a boys' overcoat or suit ranges around $7.50, Plenty of others at lower or higher prices, but the vote of the majority of cus tomers (based upon practical experience) is, in favor of gar ments of the better sort. The lowest priced suit wo think north white for you to buy is J5.00; or ovpVcoat ai:3.75; the' best arc 10.00, M wlthiti that range is a bis collect ihii of citlier. The new stocks arc complete, and no better tim to tiiit js riming later. allor, aorfolk, BnuUn and Doubl Bratd Bait KnlB and Bok Orarcoat In reds, gray, lo, black, navy, tc. for boy 8 to IS years. -I i I'll i m II 111 v: vr ytert la an? 12)18-1520 FAENAM STREET . TRIPLE DISASTER IN ITALY ' ri ; ' Howard charred o him and abido by the result. ' . ' ' A he refuse tv lake chances -on Hart ley' proposition, UWe l no one around hete, who. btdleve he'wUVnsli Mr. Metcalfe to talk. " . 'N -i 'u . HIK M K , MI) AT iOLUinu Mmall Crowd Listen' to Ilia 1'lea. (or lor1 at. folia. COIATUBL'S. -Neb.. Oct 25.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Ther ;wa no sleep In democratic state headquarters In tlifa city (ant night. Hartley's partner. U. M. Hitchcock, had been advertised to" appear hare thl morn ing; to make an address, and all the power and all the siriev of t,h state committee, were exerted! yesterday and last pight to Or im up a crowd,! to-' mak. a showing for the, man who hejpsd Hartley create the hall-million dollai treasury shortage. The meeting had bn; advertised for Magnner chor. hall, but i'sajriuam Byrnes thought It more spcotamilar j-to -have ait' automo bile '.parade throush' '.H', streets, with, the peaking In the flty.jpark. , tVben Mayor- rahlman appeared in Co lumbus a few w eks 'attache had a splendid crowd, but It .'fa'. PQt storked up for him by the state, cuntmlttee,.; by hla real trk-nda and . dmlri.-r'-. After all the ef fort of the,' gtiato,' n.O(ii))lttee to get a crowd for . M Uofiock 'in Columbus, after all. the api-ctautilar .'display and expense, he was greeted tiy ,Ji;t. 'people by actual count. If auil'iijn .iore .was needed to show the sentiment of the'state committee hyUs enthusiasm' for Hitchcock and lack ot IptTepts In Dalilnian, It came this morn ln t this meeting... . ' Dsslsiis't Knemr to Fore. The man selected by the committee to Introduce and eulogise Hitchcock was County Attorney Hensley, who has-. beau , gtintrally regarded us the nmnjvlio has said and Is saying more mean, W(?rds about Mayor Dalhman than any other ten mep In r Nebraska, from morning until night he devotes hla entire time to denouncing, Ihe'damocratlc nominee for governor, and ot, this .la lli,,lii8D slecLi-4 by, the demo ciatlo state cotnnilttce to preuent Mr. Hitch cock to a Columbus, audience. The coming uf Hitchcock to Columbus and hla presfiitation to a Columbus audi eyce by a violent enemy of Mayor Dahl man has opened the eyes of Mayor Ualh man's friends to the true situation, and llit-y are not sleeping now. They have die covered a dangerous foe In the democratic i amp, and from this hour they will be or guard. In his address Mr. Hitchcock refused tc UU the people anything about his pari In the Hartley shortuge. He did not sa) just how much money he hud secured from tne state treasury, and he declined to a how much he had paid bark cither to Hurt le or to the state, .... UAVEKLY BALKS - ON ORDER County i Clerk Refuses to I Machine MBallots. Prepare COMMISSIONERS ORDER MOVE Resolution from Three Members of Hoard Would Force 'Clerk to I e Machine, and Latter Re fuses to Com pi r. HITCHCOCK A H .4XDICAH rrlrads of Cf'rBasn I.atta Object to Joint CamiMilBM Trip, TKKAMAH, : etH-t. ..ti.-iSpecliil.) CoDgi-easinatt V. '' litta's democratic li I nds are -onsldnably piturbed because ot his lading a trip through his district accompanied by the dt-mociutlc candidate loc Cnlt-d States beuutor. ICilllor H.tcli cock of the tlmulu Worhl-Hrald. The recent disclosures of Mr. Hitchcock's con nection with Joe Bartley Is causing so much unfavorable comment thut they fear Mr. I.ktta'a chances for rc-leciion will he greatly Injured. His Intimate fr.cnda think Uitchvock ! a handlca that ctinnot le overcome. Tlic' hve been In hopee that Mr. Iuitta wuujit l'-o tit' and make hla uwu cauiiMian. In this. th home county of Mr. I.HlU,li!ie tpe republlcun ma Joiliv la strong, Mr, .Ijit'.a has lost nearly. If not all. the republloin support h had to veaia a;o. ,4( ho tuna & hundred ahead of his purt lickat ht; will have to con' sldor hinimf fortunate. His friends, do i.U kTV 'fi.' his- tmi.-'ortlng with Httehcock. tailniu. a'V oiheia of tlas. thut TlW Wviather KOU NKBR t.SKA--Pair." rVU 10VA-.roij , . Upon receipt of the communication from the Board of County Commission ers ordering him to prepare voting machine ballot for the coming elections. County Clerk JCaverly filed- yejUefdny evening an absolute refusal to .comply. The clerk pointed out In a complete man ner all the facts Involved and explained his position. The clerk declared" it was his determination to; give everv candi date and . every voter their entire rights and therefore had'' no recourse titan to discard the machine's from con (titration an prepare instead the Australian ballot. The board Issued its order Upon Hav erly. as . he result of a special meeting In the afternoon at which Commission ers Brunlng.' Bedford and Tlckard were the ruling faction, opposed to. Commis sioners" Trnuton and Grant. The minor ity two-voted against the resolution. Hasnrly'a Anewer.'" Clerk Haverly'a reply was, TTI i with Henry Ostrom, clerk of the board. Fol lowing was ita text: t-ienllemon: tJn Uctober 8( JW I UH J oy k reaoiutiun bi sued j tty yout to prepare- all voting inaciitnea.Vf.wned by' Douglas county lor use at. -the November election, and I was directed by said reolu tion to use said machines at fctUd election. Suftseo,uent to the receipt of that reso lution there were duly and regularly filed In my office four candidutes by. petition for the office of county attornev.' aixl five Candidates by petitions for the Mflce 'of county commissioner, short term, in addi tion to the regular party nominees for said offices; and thereafter on the ninc tetnth day of October, I transmitted a let ter to you advitnK you of these petition nominations, and that, under the luw, an i was anvixen, anil as 1 myself understood the law relating to the uee of said ma chines. It was and Is Impossible to use said machines so as to legally and proper! place thereon these petition candidates and the regular party nominees. I am now In recelDt of viuir roxnlutlnn nt October 25. ordering ine to prepare two ballot labels for each of said machines, j Of course, this last resolution was entirely unnecessary, for under the law it Is. mv duty if the machines could be lawfully used to prepare and furnl.-li ballot labels therefor; but under your first resolution. as well as under the law, as I understand n. it is also my duty to arrunrer-Or causa to he arranged, these ballot label on Utee mauhines in a proper way. that fs to say. In a legal and proper manner and place thereon. This, as already advised you. I cannot do, and therefore. I am constrained to now decline to either prepare or' place these ballot labels for or' upon said ma chines. My duty under the law without direction from the board Is plain to the effect thHt I as county clerk should prepare the of-,: filial ballots or. In a proper case ballot labels, but when it Is legally impossibly to prepare ballot labels uud use thotn' oil the voting machiiiea now owned by the county in conformity with law, then I as a public official refuse to do an illegal act. even though directed so to do by your honorable board, and will ' prbceed lit a Ihit:i.1 mulinpr anil ni'Kiiunt.uiwI .HIrll,ntA for use at the coming election the Aus-t Iranian iwl.ots a method which wlllatford every candidate eii.l facilities and , i igljis upon the ballot and every voter a simple and plain method of voting for his choice of rand nl tne. I can fully and clearly comply: -with tills last method for preparing ami distributing ballots and will not thereby jeopardise the rights of any candidates and will afford each voter and every candidate every rlf?ht guaranteed them under - the noiiNtituthin and laws of this state-rights and privileges fehli'h in my Judgment ..would he denied them by pursuing the course directed by ou. ' - COLONEL CAMPAIGNS IN RAIN ct'oiitinlued from rSrst Page.)'' Tornado, Two Eruptions and Tidal Wave Do Great Damage. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DEAD Coasts ( Hay of Naples. UmH of Sa lerao fad Two Islaads Devastated hy laosaal Combination of F.lrments. XAri.KH, Oct. r.. Tho beautiful coa.t of the Hay of Naples and the Gulf of Hal erno and the Islands of Ischla and Frocida have been devastated by a peculiar com bination of the elements. The exact num ber of victims has not been learned, but 2.7) persons are said to have been killed. The monetary loss Is great. The disaster appears to have come in the form of a tornado, having three cen ters, the first over the Island of Ischla: the second over the town of Torre del Greco, on the cast coast of the Fay of Naples, and the third sweeping the Oulf of Salerno. Accompanying the wind were a cloud burst.' a , tidal wave and violent eruptions from Mount Vesuvius and from a crater rudcbnly opened on tho summit of the lonir extinct Mount Kiiomeo, on the Island of Ischla. Ischla and the adjacent Islands suffered most. No Americans are reported In the troubled: sons, foreigners having recently given that section a wide berth because of the cholera epidemic. Throughout the night much confusion existed, us the failure of the electric and telegraph wires left the territory In dark ness and without means of easy communi cation. Admiral Jconanll, minister of marine, lsvat Ischla organizing the relief, for which IfU'.oOO Is already available. The coasts of the mainland, which yester day were beautiful with their growth of f.orahge, lemon and mandarin trees, have been overrun with rivers of mud and ashes from Mount Vesuvius. Human bod ies and the carcasses of animals have been discovered. The unique hlnh road from Sorrento to Amalfl anil Salerno formed by terraces in the mountain cliffs and bordered with fruit trees and vines are unrecognixuble today. At several points landslides have occurred. Next to the loss at Ischla the greatest damage was done in the towns of Fortlcl Torre del Greco, Keslna. Amalfl, Sorrento, Malort, Kavello, Angrl, Ponle Cagnao, Cc tara and Monte Corvino. Tho station master on tho railroad ot Vletrl, a mile and a halt west of Salerno, was klllwl by an electric shock while at tempting; to telegraph the news of the disaster to other points. Keports from Ischla describe the situa tion there as distressing. The famous baths of- l.ucullus have been destroyed. At some points the lava from Mount Kpomeo is twenty feet deep. When the cyclone was at Its height, enormous hailstones fell and huge rocks, detached from the mountain peaks, came tumbling down. At Torre Del (jreco the roof of a building was blown off and the floors collapsing, carried a sailor, his wife and child of' 13 months Into the cellar. The woman was killed and tho husband, with the babe In hla arms, escaped from tho place only to be drowned In the street. The baby wns rescued. Later and more accurate reports reduced the estimate of fatalities to about 100. The greater number of deaths were at Cetera, on the north coast of the Gulf of Salerno. . 1 , lowed this greeting up by taking memliers of the pnrty to their stoies where they had taken from their full shlve of Omaha goods, big window displays and everything fioin Omaha. Omaha canned .goods pelhd out the fact that Klgin is an Omaha town. Fvery member of the psrty was out for the march tinder sunny skies. Fvery-tl-.lng nas in perfect working order except the siren whistle, which had grown a little rusty as a result of its long rest. Automo biles and carriages brought hundreds of people into Albion and It was Omaha day long before the boosters' train arrived. The party was met by a reception com mittee of twenty-five A'Ho" business men wearing white badges and bidding Oinahatis welcome. "If the seed e are siwlng bears fruit and yields as well as the seeds we plant In the soils about Albion. Omaha will reap a bounteous crop," said F. S. Thompson of the' First National bank, in speaking to the Oniahans. Stacks and fields of corn, the finest of carriages and scores of automobiles owned by farmers of Al bion was the Answer. The Itinerary for Wednesday Is as fol lows: lioave. l.X, a. m. f j a. m. 8:10 a. m. 9:e a. m. 9:f a. m. Slanton. Neb Fllgor. Neh WlNtirr, Neb Heemer. Neb West Point. Neb..., Crowell, Neb , Wlnslow, Neb Fehlliig, Neb. ..'.7: Itoi-Hlie. Neh Walthlll. Neh Winnebago, Neb. ,, Homer, Neb Dakota City. Neh' Jackson, Neb. New Castle. Neb. , Maskel, Neb Obert, Neb Wynot, Nell. Ponca, Neb Arrlce. . . 7 An a. ni. TiiVi a. m. .. S:i a. in. .. :I,r a. m. . . S n. m. ..10:05 a. in. 10:10 a. m. Arrive. Ijeave. ..in in. 12:10 p. m. ..l:Lt p. m. J2:; p. m. .. 1:31 p. ni. 1:."4 p. m. .. 1:4( p. in. 2.M p. m. .. 2:i p. m. 2: p. m. .. 2:4ti p. ni. 3:ill p. in. 'Arrive. Irf-ave. .. 4: in p. m. 4:'J0 p. 111. .. 4: K p. in. 4:i0 p. ni. ::Hi p. m. R-4 p. m. .. ('. p. m. :0,', p. m. ,.. fi t 2 p. in. 8:1" p. m. .. 6:XS p. m. :4:" p. m. .. 7:45 p. in. 10.00 p. m. L-1ES WHILE MAKING ARREST Doctor, Subject of Warrant, Trie to Rerive Officer. OTHERS STEP IN AND FINISH ACT Urs Vlnlnra rhalelan. Accused n( Serlona orfense. Denies Complicity Baptist Ministers Hold Confereore. The Key to the Situation bee Want Ads. tl'rom a Staff Correspondent. 1 DK.S MOINES. Oct. :.. tSpeclal Tele gram.) The sensational death from heart disease of Detective lJrunnemer while en gaged In making the arrest of Dr, O. 11. V. .Shoemaker tislay was followed by a serlcn of startling disclosures. lirunmmer was known to be suffering from a weak heart and In the excitement of serving a warrant he died. The doctor ho was about to arrest tried hard to revive hint, but with out avail. Then Others arrested the doctor, who Is accused of aiding In criminal oiwra tions on two women, one of whom lias slated to the officers that her child was burned in a furnace. Shoemaker was head of a medical school here for many years snd Is an old man. but he denies all criminal action. Shortage of MloUtrrs. Tho State Association of Paptisls today elected J. W. Graves of this city president of the conference and Harry Secor of New Hampton secretary. The state niectins here disclosed the fact that there are many more churches in Iowa than ministers und that the shortage of pastors Is becoming serious. Perfectly RMe Garments 'very uarmcnt initial out by lis It iniarnntcctl to jilr satisfaction, tmtti as to material anil wot WinansMp. 1 liey air IXM-fcrtly fitteil and Unci! with the let material ami cut mi as to hold their shape as Ion a the Hoods lasts. Our MM'k of fashionable falirlcs, inrludinii wood l.rouiis, blues and grey a, is one of the largest lit Omaha. We are pre pared to turn out good and promptly. Make Selections. Suits and OverroatN 'M U li'hlls J oil are Injured. CHICAGO. Oct. Si. D. M. Dale, a county Judge of Wichita. Kan., suffered serious internal Injuries today when a street car run Into an auloinolnile in which he was riding. W. A. Pratt and Mrs. Pratt of Pawpaw. 111., who were in the machine, were less seriously hurt. 9 TO H Crnel MUtnkc Is to neglect a cold or cough. Dr. King's New Discovery cures them ami prevents consumption. 50c and 11.00. Sold by Iieaton Drug Co. MISS LEMii b NOT 'CUILT. tContlnued from First Page.) he took upon his own shoulders the re sponsibility for not putting Miss Leneve In the witness box. rv)rd Chief Justice Alverstone, who pre sided In summing up for the jury' said he saw no reason why Dr. Crippen should have told Miss leneve a story different from that which he told others. As upon the occasion of the physician's trial, the court room was crowded with members of the legal profession and as many others, a majority of whom were women, as could secure places by right or Influence. There was this difference in the audience: If Crippen had any well wishers they kept In the background, while there was a noticeable sentiment of sym pathy for the girl, who for love of a man nearly twice her age, had sacrificed her reputation, deserted home and friends and remained true to him, even when their association made her liable as ail accessory to a brutal murder. 7 On the Front Steps . cleanliness makes the , mat impression on tne visitor Swift's Pride Cleanser W - - ' Cleans Scours ' - 801111)3 Polishes The housewife's greatest aid since J' ?y v "'1 brooms wcre invented A ' A pure, natural cleaning powder liMtsrrmmZ which makei the modern Jf ' " r"5 mer'cn nm clean jfj i rll'lTS AMI OVKHCXMT8 OIIDKU 5!5 A Nil IP, How you are arrayed de termines how soon you got that coveted audience with that "big man" the "captain ot fi nance." The distinctiveness the character the atr of true worth that invests a Alac Carthy - Wilson tailored - to -measure garment makes it a good invcslmeut. Every garment guaranteed perfect in fit and style. hcCarlhy-Wilsoi Tailoring Co. SU406 South 1 Btli St.. Near Far nam St. WAXTKll. A high-class man of character and re sponsibility who has at present good em ployment, run secure an excellent open ing. Must ho s good personal producer Willi executive shillix, to assist in creat- ing an Agency oi Ksnl.atlon. only tnen of experience need apply to toiler slating all fscts in first letter. Th. vonKnlf, lien rial Agent, 63S-t4i Urandcls Uhlg , Om aha, Neb. AMI Mill F.M'S. OUIT SCHOOL FOR BOOSTERS (Contlniued from First Pate.) Temperature at Omaiia yrsterday; i, 1 1 Hour. 1 'eg. I . -s.' , h. m.,.i.., 'T1 " - J ' m.'.'....'. V r. , , , . . . I S a. m .V,. V a. in It a. Hi , - V . II ii. m ot j'eV ) 11 m '! ; v- rT' 1 I-. m J it: MS p. m -55 7 t p. m '' V p. m ,;1 ' I , a p. ra W , - , i ; '.).'. i ... nervous and securing the cheers of the trade boosters. Shrrit Uella aud CuI, ' ALBION, Neb., Oct. r.. (Special Tele gram.) Oee whla, come on fellers, there's manner and prepare and distribute , enough sheep bells and candy in this here train to cover up all the tracks ot them JJncolii and Houjt City fellers." exclaimed' an Albion youngster this morning as he struggled to carry the souvenirs unloaded on him'by the Omuha business missionaries. Regardless of the early hour all Klgln was out to greet the train at tho first stop this morning, and Ike Wolf, one of the merchants of the little city addressed the party at the train. "Klgln is your first slop," he said. "We want you to remember it all the wuy around. You wrote us you did not want us to prepare anything for your reception. Wo have not prepared anything more than you see here almost the entire population of Klgln in fact, the entire school popula tion, and then some too small to go to school. Hut we would be glad to have had something prepared for your reception. Klgln needs Omaha as does all the rest of the state of Nebraska and we want you to remember this city as yuu go the rounds in northeastern Nebraska. It's a city in the very heart of the great state of Nebraska t and one of your best customers. The town ! Is yours. Oct acquainted with It!" Borne enterprising Klgln merchants fol- j Thcra la Only Ono That Is USCO THC WORLD OVER TO OUftE A COLO IM ONE OAT. Always remember the full name. Look for this signature on every box. 2?5c. (lobby uvercoats ade from 'Tilusfy'' Ones Shake tie moth balls out of last year's oveiWal; nee how soiled, musty, crinkled it is. True,, .it looks aa though it's "gone." Hut that's FAR from the TltUTH it ISN'T "gone" $1.50 and a telephone call to the originators of the "Clothes Hectoring System" will result In practically a NEW coat. To fasten those telephone numbers upon you we again repeat: Tyler 130 or Auto A-2225. U you live out of town, make au express bundle of your coat and send it in. We pay incoming charges oii work amounting to $3 or over. DRESNER BROS. 2211-13 Farnam St PHONES: Ooug. 1041. ina. A-IJ41 AMERICAN 18th and Douglas HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE QmAKD SOUTENIS WEEK Today 8:15. Tonight 8il8. A 1 2. ri on T.adlo' Hut git m aa, POSITIVELY TREE, every afternoon. Bee window Hrandels Ft ore. Due t-'lu.UO R. B. MOTOICTCLI glen away, POSITIVELY rife, at the) end of week. et, omuha Motorcycle Co. isth and t'npitol Ave. OS1.AT au) avow. Matinee loo and 85o Evenlnss . . 10c aso mil ko Kote Mew show starts every Sun day Matinee. Piices: TONIGHT UNTIL AFTEB SUNDAY BLANCHE WALSH in TBI OTKEI WOMAN "ANTONIO SCOTTI. NOV irVp.l. BOYD'S THEATER Songlaa 1919. B5o. Matinees. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. MISSKVA LANQ and Company in Old Heidelberg, Next Wdk Tho Olrl of tho Ooldea West AlVACt;D VAlDbVlLLU Matinee Kvery JJay, 2:15 Kverjr Niliht, 8:15 Mr. Kdwards Iiavls l.M. A.) "The Picture of Dorian Gray;" Taylor, Kranzman and White; l'our Cliftons; Fol lies and How man; Hurry Atkinson, Sainarott and Sonla; Special l-'eatu'ru Kxtraordinary, "At the Waldorf;" KlMouroiiic; oipheum Concert Urchea tra. lrk-c- Matinee, lOo and USc. Night, lOi-(.uac,aai"'AOt BBHaosBBzasMEsaaa ETCH I IM G Our specialty 133-line sine half tone at two-thirds of the price of copper halftone. 1311 Howard Street, Omaha, HOTKl.ft AND HRSOHT9. KOC.IAN BOHEMIAN VIOLIN VIRTUOSO LYRIC THEATER 19th and Farnam FRIDAY EVENING , NOVEMBER 4, 1910 Assisted by Mini. Jsjissn-WyUis, Soprano Advanoe Bale or Seats at Sohmollsr It MneUera, Exchange Ticket a Box Office Thursday, November 8. f Prices $1.00 and $1.50 'OMAHA'S TUN CBNTEB." m - - fi'r Ern 15-89-60-76 4&ll?Zf auy Mat, 16-89-800 .YtLL S LOIIOOH BELLES - XXTHATAOANSA AID VAtTSEVILLB Will M. fampheil Hennett and Kose Alt Models Johnny Weber The Mi Hards Yaiw Uee Itisalle 4 Ulg I'.eauty Clioru-A lteaV j Kun Hhow. j Ladles' Siino Matinee Zvery Week Baf. ;J 'a H !fRUGTHEATER 1 W prices lBo, 85c, 500. TONIOHT, 8:15, MAT. WKhNKSbAf ' THE lil'KGOMASTKK with Gu Weinburg. ThliTsrOaALiNP'arBEP PATB Utterly IVrctchsd Marvass rrtratlaa Lone Endsrod Bofttrs RsMiady was PoMnd. Mlaa lilnorsa Hjulni(er,' I'mer Bern. Pa., wrttes: ""For er.U ysara I aad nroia prostration.' aad wm utterly wretched. 1 lld on trad and beef tea aoauM nr stotnaca would not retain jijiruaf els. 1 tooa many reniedlea. but btainod no relief until I took Hood's erM.rtila,..wria I, bsssa sain at er-e. Am or- eared. ' Hr, rich bloud makes Kd. strors serves and this l w Mood' a Sara-Pi-fiia, which purifies sod in 'hn tr.s blood, r.woa " I'trmun -l.t. iir It uer it ns'isl I'i'ild funn or ehoonUtsd tablets caiitd made at Albany yesterday that he had been connected with the so-called wall paper trust. - Mr. llx eaid the, Standard Wall 1'aiH'i- company, with which he was con nected, was not affiliated with the com bination aud thut the Stundard company mentioned in the decision of the . I'nited Slates supreme court declaring the com bination an llleual one waA a concern which went out of existence in l9o. which had nothing to do with the concern with the same name, subsequently formed, in which Mr. iix is at present a stockholder. Mr. IHx demanded that Colonel Kooseveii 1 uiHiloKlxe for v.hal he said was a misrepre-t sentation of the fuels. Colonel Flooseveit today made it clear thai lie bad no Inten- J tiou of making an apoio. "There was only one StsncjarA V all . Taper company In existence at lie time the decree, uf lhe scpretnij court mas' handetl down.'" he wid. "The Standard Wall l'aier rompan was mentioned In ' that decree. 1 know nothing o? what Internal arranttements wero made.". , The original Standard company. Colonel lloosevelt said. w. nt Into the trust and difficulties arose, and Ihe trust entered suit ajgainsl on of the jhrldiary. concernw. th Vomht company. Tli HiaarUrd com-, pauy. he said, was a partv t.i the suit through the trust. -.'. . '.. f "Mr. IHx became a director In the Stand- ' ard Wall Taper cumin n- fu June, IW?.1- he continued, ' and Ihe supreme court de- ' t-lston s not rendered until lebruarv. IX"." .. , The Key to tlin Hilualiooii V aul Ada 1 i. Knon Mats have mastered the ques tion of artistic head dress. F mIc at oui eencin every wbere. ennett's Unequalled Carpet, Rug and Drapery Sale More Than 10,000 Pieces-More Than 3,000 Designs !::;ttse We announced this sale Sunday. Monday and Tuesday have been unequaled days in volume of business of the Carpet and Drapery department. No sale ever carried with it such unfailing confidence. Our salesroom was crowded all day Mon day and Tuesday with fortunate buyers. They told us that our prices were unbelievable. Everybody was glad that they had read our Sunday ad. , ' We mention a few prices to give you an idea of the wonderful saving that this great sale means to you: i ma. Rugs and Carpet Values $40.00 Dobson Wilton, !)xl2, for $44.00 Hartford Wilton, !)xlL for $40.00 Jiovul Wilton, !xl2, for $22.:0 Wilton Vt-lvet, OxlL for $1L!S Brussels, 9x12, for . $10.50 lkon Kevcrsible Brussels, 9x12, for $13.50 KYversible Brussels, 9x10 C, for $8.9S Dckon Ifeversible Bra scls, 9x1 O il, for .... $5 $20.00 Imported Scotch ... 910.00 Saxony, (9, $124.75 $22.50 $30.75 $27.25 $12.8 . . $9.98 .$7.98 ...$8.98 Curtains and Piece Goods Values These prices, quoted are on pair lots. tiO-inch Nottingham, regular $2.25 value, pair for.. $1.37 54-iuch. Xottinghains, regular $1.50 value, pair for... .9SC 54-ineh' Arabians, regular $2.75 value, pair for $1-89 2.25 Snowflake Curtains, this sale at .75c 75e Swiss for, per pair, this sale 39c $1.00 Unfiled Muslin, Su'-inch curtain, pair ..C5C - ID) r $L''..0 UartiorU Body Brussels, ) 1 I I - fixfl.fur $10.50 j ). n.wt' $8.00 Smyrna. fix!, for $1.75 iLJmJ' Y w land, u7-(, at $.'!7.50 Hartford for T7T3Fniirn3? I will riady bandl any mall order -that toll pick out tf order wanted at such and od prtc , Nets 50c Net, 54-ineh 25o 20o Net, 40-inch 12c 25c Nets, 45-inch 18c 30o Scrim, 40-inch 22C. 50c Scrim, 42-inch 35f! 15c Kxtention Jods, special, each 7V2C 1 f 1 A m3 tumm