Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Lower Cables So Not Affect Local
Wheat Values.
4s Future,
Kebt uary. 4a Zri.
stesdy; January. 4s!rHd;
Kr tly Ordrri Are Readily Filled, hat
'lliey Are Soon t.lmltr4 aa4 aa
Easy Tone Rftilt C loe
Ia Price .
OMAHA, Oct. 2 1?10.
I.ower cables did not effect local wheat
valuta, prices ruling slightly higher than
yesterday a clone.
lx'trmnd from cash balance u more
active and weak shorts were run to cover
when the market ahowed firmness
The corn market waa firmer wheat
ak.(i '1 buying by elevator concerns.
Pressure of country sales was light and
offerings on the floor were readily
The strength In wheat early aoon played
out and weaker Kuropean cables and un
changed reports from gave s-.ll-ets
another opening to press values and
the market closed easy and slightly lower
for tho day.
Corn turned weak after the cash mar
ket cloed on the weakness In wheal.
Early order were readily filled but order
were soon limited and an eaxy tone resulted
at the close on lack of support.
Primary wheat receipts were 842,000 bush
'els and shipments were 4ti.0'V bushels.
gainst receipts last year of 1.46o,000 bush
els and shipments of 60,000 bushels.
Primary corn receipts were 642.000 bush
els and shipments were 6I8 bushels,
against receipts last year of a77,iKX bushels
and shipments of 491,000 bushels.
Clearances were 13.000 bushels of corn.
4 ft") bushels of oats and wheat and flour
equal to 32o,0 bushels.
I-lverpool closed V&V41 lower on wheat
and Vtd higher on corn.
Omaha Cask Prleea.
WHEAT No. t hard, 8RMfi03c; No. 1
hard. MV&Mo; No. 4 hard. MVa -7Mrc; re
ected hard. ;7f81c; No. 2 spring, WVWiMVsc;
No. 11 spring, )a.3Vo.
t'ORN No. 2 white. 4V4g44c; No. t
white. 4Va44'4)C; No. 4 white, 43-!Bc; No,
2 yellow. 4',tuc; No. 3 yellow, 44(j44Vio;
No. 4 yellow, 4JH4!4.c; No. 2, H&Uc;
No. 3, 44'a44'.c; No. 4. 43VH4c; no grade,
u-ij 42c. , .
OATS-No. 1 white. 29Vv2J0c; standard,
2rV.'(iae: No. 1 white, :.29S4.c; No. 4
white, tW'Q.'9c; No. 2 yellow, 28?29S4c;
No. 4 yellow, 28a28Hc.
BARLEY No. 3, 63(.69c; No. 4, 565Vtc;
No. 1 feed, 64irf9c; rejected, M'.ifc.
KTB-Ne. 2. 7lVi72'c; No. 3, 7tVtf71Ho.
Carlot Heee-lnte.
Wheat. Com Oats.
Chlcsgo 109 340 237
Mlnneaoolis 2II2
Omaha 12 44 19
Dulutn 199
Feat area af the Trading and Closing?
Prices oa Board of Trade.
I CHICAGO, Oot. 26. Good action was the
feature In all the grain markets today,
fluctuations being more freuuent than
for some time past. Closing prices, how
ever, showed omy slight changes compared
with last night wheat ttic higher; corn
unaltered to He up, and oats without any
difference to an advance of a shade,
Provisions were 2o dearer to 20o less ex
pensive. Renewed buying of wheat followed two
particularly sharp setbacks and there was
a firm tone at the finish. Paradoxes
abounded In. the newa Liverpool was re
ported us trying to resell Manitoba car
goes. On the other hand Winnipeg as
serted that exporters were buying. Kansas
Cltv was receiving large Quantities of new
wheat and waa also sending word of cash
wheat sales to Kansas mill. The world's
available supply decreased from last week
but remalneu much larger than a year
ago. Karly In the day. a powerful aid to
the beara waa found In dispatches that
the Argentina. Australian and general
Kuropean crop outlook was good. Tho
bulls though had possession of the pit.
December ranged between 92To and 924o,
closing Wo up at 92Ho
Borne fairly large shorts covered In
corn. December fluctuations were between
4;'.'iiH4fiViO and 4Ktl",c, with the close Ho
del higher at faic. Cash demand was
fair. io. 2 vellow finished at 46wa49o.
New support developed for oats on all
-weak spots notwithstanding free sales of
futures here by Nebraska speculators.
December varied from 3oWa0o to 3l4a
and uloaed at eOJ. a gala ot a shade over
last night.
The provision market appeared easier.
At the end of the day pork was off lOi
15c, lard 24j up to 12HUl5o down, and
ribs at a decline of lOyjic.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
ttaotsif lone of the tier aa arloaa
t nmmndlllea.
M'W YORK. ict 16. KI.OUR Active
arnl eaoier; spring r-HH-nts. t'lliwn1;
winter straight. $4 1 1 ' y 4 . ; winter patent. I
IMOH4.75; spring clears. 14 I.V4.40. extra
No. 1 winter, :i ,:( ,; extia No. 2 winter,
83.2r.-u3 .; Ksiihhs straights. $4.isii4 7'. Rye
Hour, steady: fair to good, 84 ""-(J 4.26;
choice to fancy. ;titi Buckwheat
flour ear-v, $2.1ik.i2.?0 per cwt.
CORN MKA i t- aiv , fine white and
yellow, $1.2)141125; kiln dried, 13.10. I
WHEAT fpot market steady; No. 2 red. I
97"c, elevator, and 9-v. f. o. K, aflost;
No. 1 northern Diiluth, 11.14. f. o. !.,
afloat. Futures market was nervous with
prices generally above the previous close I
on sctive covering on smaller slocks and
steadier cash markets In the face of r.-tr-
bearlsh rubles, closing at unchanged to
He net advance. Exiwirt sales amounted to I
fourteen loads. I (eretnber. !;''gll.i"'i,
doed st 1.H; Maw, $1.05 5-1'Vm 1 isi IVI'1, ,
closed t $l.f.. Receipts, 146,200 bu.;
shipments, l.H;.Xt.7 bu.
tOHN Spot market stoady; NO. i. .H'4.
elevatr, domestic basis to arrive c. 1. f..
and 5t4c, f. o. b.. afloat. Futures market
was steady on moderate covering, closing
at c. decline to 'c advance. December
closed at MV; May, a6V'i. closed at wiV
Receipts, 2a.62.i bu. ; shipment, none.
OATS Spot market dull; futures maraet
was firm early, but lost most ot the ati-
vance under liquidation, closing Irregular
at 'c decline to '" advance. Octooer,
3hVfi;r7Ho, closed at .iHc; December closed
at ;,( . Mv. 3yc, and JUiy, c. re
ceipts, ItAll bu.; shipments. 3,i"0 bu.
HAY Uuiet; prime, xi.i2-.yiii:: i-o. i,
.10: No. 2. II OiK.Cl.On; No. 3, fW-iWk!.
HOPS Stenilv; common to choice, J510
crop, IX'rr'Xr; 1W crop, ltrmc; l'aciiic coasi,
1S10 crop. Initio; V. crop, wine.
HIDKS Riendy; C entral America, w; Bo
gota. Jl'tL,L"4iO.
LKATH KR Firm ; hemlock, firsts, viwp
K'sc; seconds, 21M:'g-io; thirds. W-'k; re
jects, livftWc.
PROVISIONS Fork, steady; mess, J-a.w
V2.W; famllv. $25 OCVS SO; short clear.
$20HiD3.H. Reef, stadv, mess, 16.0y-tl6.SO;
family, 19.0Ca 20.00; beef hams, 23.WV& 25.00.
Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14
lbs.. IlS.00.ril8 .00: pickled hams. 14.&0Tc lu 10.
Iard, steady; prime middle west.
12.65; rellned, steady; cont.nent, s.w(mu..-j;
South America, $1400; compound, $.76'd
TAUOW-Steady; prime city, 7ic; coun
try, SHc
RUTTKR steady ; oreamery specials, aac;
extras. 30Hc; third to first, 24U-c; cream
ery held, second to special 2fw32c; state
dairy, common to finest, 2.Vi29-sc.; process,
common to siieclal, 23(ii27c; Imitation
creamery, first, 24-j2fic; factory, June make,
231i24c; current make, 2Ka23c.
t il hit-Hlv Kteaay ; state wnoie mint,
special, irH'i'ltc; average fancy, small
white, 14o; small colored, 15c; large white,
14Nc; large colored, 16c; October, colored,
large and small best, 14ic; skims, full to
spwlal, 12rti'12c.
YAHiti Steady; state, fennsyivania ana
nearby hennary, white fancy, 42rl45c; gath
ered white, 33n38c; hennary brown, fancy,
8Vn35c: gathered brown, 3Ku33c; fresh gath
ered, extra first, iW'USOc; tirst, ajrz.c;
seconds, 2426o; fresh gathered dirties,
candled No. 1, 21 ft 22c; No. 2. 19?0c; re
frigerator, special mark, rancy, tvaaxi;
firsts, 24H!&c; seconds. 22Via4c
1 ec.
Jon. .
r-- -
I 1
92 (gi'il 92i
46-4Hl46 H4.H'(r,4i
4SVilO'! 4S-4I 48H
W 4tf'.
91T4I W 4
17 40
14 30
13 15
11 75
10 42',
11 10
I 20
IT 40
W 32-1
13 15
II 7i
10 42is
11 10
8 22M(
17 !0
1 15
17 20
16 15
13 07H 13 07V,
U 67's
10 27H
10 90
V 0b
t 87H 8 86
11 RT
10 27V
8 72H
10 90
8 05
8 S5
17 S5
lt 26
13 05
11 70
10 424
8 2',
U 10
8 20
8 86
Contrary Forcei in Stock Market
Hold Fricei Suspended.
Ilea I In Fall
Aelltltr In
to Low Pol at ot
Intervals Between.
Transactions on Large
Scale t lose Weak.
Na Important Chance Is Predicted for
This Vicinity Wednesday.
OMAHA. OcU 26, 1910.
The only precipitation shown anywhere
within the laat twenty-iour hours, oc
curred on the north Pacific coast, In the
northwest and extreme upper Missouri
and Mississippi valleys and east along
the Canadian border, and light rains con
tinue in the extreme upper Missouri vauey
and lower loke region this morning. The
weather has remained fair la all other
portions, and It la generally clear this
morning everywhere except along tne
northern boundary. A slight but general
tall In temperature occurred in the upper
valleys ana upper lake region, but gen
crally warmer weather prevails In all otner
portions. There has been no marked
change In conditions In the west slnce the
preceding report, and tne weather win con
tinue lair in tms vicinity tonignt ana
Wednesday, with no Important cuange in
Minimum temperature and precipitation
as comparea with the last three years:
1910. 1MW. 1J. 1907.
Lowest last night 4 . 42 26 43
1'recipltatlon 00 .00 .06 .00
Normal temperature lor toqay, degrees.
Deficiency in precipitation since March 1.
13.07 Inches.
corresponding period In 1908,
dollars. $m.Cir,.0or: silver dollsrs of 10,
UVt; ai.ver certificates outstanding.
$i MS rto.
Oeneral Fund Standard silver dollars In
gneial fund, tt .Stl.W: current liabilities.
$u9.2lvHhi: worklrg balance In treasury of
fices. .i.074.)M: In bunks to credit of
treasurer of the t'nlted States ttt.fto."":
subsidiary silver coin, $1 7. i. "!; minor
co n, ,'.4J6; total balance In general fund,
Vs5. 30P.4XO.
2.11 inches.
1.01 Inches.
corresponding period In 1908,
L. A. WEL811,
Docal Forecaster.
Cash uuotatlons were as follows
FLOCK Steady, winter patents, $1.2U
4,40: bakers, $3MKU'00.
HYB No. 2. 7i'.c.
BAKLKY Feed or mixing, 601164c; fair
to choice malting. WffliJHc
SKblDH Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $2.54;
No. 1 northwestern, 12.87. Timothy, $7.6Kgi
1.10. C over. SS.50M14.00.
FROVlSiONft-Mess pork, per bbl., $17.75
4M8.00. Lard, per 100 lbs., $13.07H. Short
ribs, sides, loose, $10.00'(j'U.OO. Slio clear
Miles, boxed, $11.0111011.26. v
Total olearancea of wheat and flour were
equal to 32S.0WO bu. Primary receipts were
tli.OUO bu., compared with I.eX,") bu. the
corresponding day a year ago. The world a
visible supply, aa shown by XSradstrttfjl's,
gwrvased 92.0U0 bu.
Kstimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
$2 cars; corn, 2LB cars; oats, 178 cars; hogs,
U.Ouo head.
I'hlcagu Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red,
H"tMWc; No. 8 red, 9liHc; No. 2 hard. 1Mi
Vav; No. S hard, 81ij'J.ic; No. 1 northern
lr(ng, SLOTuLOi; No. 2 northern spring,
.1.021.04; No. 3 spring, $l.wn.rl.02. Corn:
No. 2 cash, H1!'-: No. 8 cash, 47Vrf
V; No. 2 white. 4w491kc; No. 3 white.
tVallo; No. 2 yellow, 4SHi4c; No. .1
icliow. 47i4Uc. Oats: No. 2 while, 82V0
t'c; No. 3 white. Jl' l!3lo; No. 4 white,
iS1i:'ic; standard, 'iXyiKta.
Ul.'TTKK Steady; creameries, 24T2c;
alrles. SiutZia.
KOUS a. 6.641 cases. Market
iedy; at mark, cases Included, 18VjC;
firsts. 21Vtf4c; prime firsts, 2tHc
POULTRY Kasy; turkeys, 14c; bens, Uc;
tprlngs. 1o'n-.
CHKKS1S Steady ; daisies, 15Hc; twins,
lilf-ic; Young Americas, 1Xho,U,v,c; long
burns, 15'.T-ir.V-c.
POTATOKH steady; choice to fancy, 60$
V-: fair to good, 404jc.
V K A L Steady; W to -lh. weights. Q
1V; M to K6-lb. weights, lvXtfllc; 86 to 110-lb.
WfU-hts. llVitlSHc.
Re-elpts Today: Wheat, 108 cars; corn.
840 cars; oats. 207 cars. Kstlmated tonioi
row: Wheat. 92 cart; corn. 218 cars; oats,
i; cars.
Kaaaaa CUy Orala aad Provlsloas.
cember, fl'kc, sellers; May. IKc, sellers
t ash. unchanged; No. 2 bard, Na
8. !inuS2c; No. 2 red, 9WiS4c; No. 8, 9o4)93c.
CORN December, 4,i4'j43"o, bid; May,
4Tc. bid. "an, unchanged to bin her;
No 2 ioixe-1. fci4HAc; No. I. 47c; No. 1
While, tynnv J 17VS4.1C.
OATS I'm hanged; No, 2 white, 81c; No.
I mixed. Milif.
Ill' K No. 8. KlrTiO.
II A Y l'uhaiis-d ; choice timothy, $13.68
Cl U : cbolee pialrle. I 1 oi 12 00.
bl'TTKK Creamery. Sc; firsla, 23c; sec
onds. J.K', packing stK-k, 2lHo.
KUGij K.xiraa, Z',c, firsts, ac; seconds,
IvirLTRY Dressed. weak; western
broilers. KiSUu; western fowls, llli'yj;
western spring turkeys. lfa :Jc
e i"s. Biitpments.
St. Loals Oeneral Market.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 25. WHEAT Futures,
higher; December, 94c; May, $100-. Cash,
higher; track. No. 2 red, ft9c; No. 2
bard m4Hc.
CORN l-'utures steady; December, 44Vxc;
May, 47T4'u4o. Cash, higher; track, No. 2,
8Hc; No. 2 white, 49c.
OATli Futures higher; December, SOVio;
May, 33hkC. Cash, higher; track, No. 2,
Wv.Al31c No. 2 white, 32a2Hc.
KE Unchanged at 7KVic.
FLOUR Steady ; red winter patents,
t4 2o.jj4.40, extra fancy and straight, $3.8uitf
4.15; hard winter clears, 3 804 3. SO.
bEKD Timothy, $6.00itf9.00.
BRAN Weak; sacked east track; MVr
HAY Steady; timothy, $13.0018.60,
prairie, llO.IXKy 14.00.
PKOVlSlONd Pork, unchanged; jobbing,
$18.00. Lard, unchanged; prime steam,
$12.40(412.60. Dry salt meats, unchanged;
boxed extra shorts, li!c; clear ribs, llvfcc;
short clears. 12'c; bacon, unchanged;
boxed extra shorts, 12c; clear ribs, lt-c;
short clears, 130.
POULTRY Weak; chickens, lie;
springs, 11c; turkeys, l&Sl&c; duuks, 13o;
geese, lOo.
HUTTER Steady; creamery, 2&30c.
EOUS Firm at 23a.
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls 7,4-0 lO.stW
Wheat, bu 48,000 67 0
Corn, bu 2S,000 81,000
Ol-.ts, bu 83,000 83,000
and Canada ds
and Canada de-
and decreases re-
Avallable Sappllea of Grata.
NEW YORK, Oot. 25. Special cable and
telegraphic communications received by
liradstreet's show the following changes in
available supplies, as compared with pre
vious accounts.
WHEAT United States, east Rockies, in
creased 607,000 bushels. Canada decreased
6i9.uon bushels. Total United States and
Canada decreased 92,000 bushels Afloat
for and In Europe, unchanged. Total
American and European supply decreased
92,OnO bushels.
CORN United States
creased 731. OuO bushels.
OATS United States
Cleaned 943,000 bushels.
The leading Increases
nnrlnl this week follow:
Increases: St. Joseptw 63,000; Omaha, 66,000.
Decreases: Manitoba, 1.0u0,O bushels;
Minneapolis private elevators, loO.OOO bush
els. Mlaaeapolla Grain Market.
cember. I1.0CH: May. $l.O7ftl.07i; No. 1
hard, $1.06; No. 1 northern, $1.06(ijl.O4;
No, 2 northern. $1.001.02; No. 3, 87Vc'ii
FI.AX-Closed at $2 .t
CORN No. 3 yellow, 48c.
OATS-No. 8 while. 25r,aJOc.
RYE No. 2, 7m'o.73c
UBiN-ln too uound sacks. $18 OwiiU.MI.
FDOl'R First patents, $5.O0(6.2O; second
patents, $4)sun00; first clears, 83.4oy3.tjO;
second clears, $2.10uZ.4O.
Wheat, bu. ...
Coin. bu......
OalSk bu......
1 uti
. 32.0110
12.' (
a mi
LlrersMl Grain Market.
Iull; No. 2 red western winter, no stork,
utures. steady, tvtober, 7s VJ; Leceaibr,
ts d; Msrrb. 7s
CORN pet, oasyi Amertoaxt mixed.
Philadelphia Prodnee Market.
Steady; extra western creamery, 3c;
ny.rhV nnltita. 24c.
Etll-4rirm; r-ennsyivania ana ouier
nesrbv firsts, free cases, iwc, at mark;
current receipts In reiurnaoie cases, 2to at
mark; western nrsts, iree cases, s si
mark: current receipts free cases, 28o at
CHEESE Steady; uncnaugea.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Oct 26 CORN-Strong; No. t
yellow, 40JitU.'tc; io. s yenow, vt-r,, .-no. a.
OA T! mgner; io. wnite. a.c; rso. 1
white, 80V831C
Mllnaskt Grain Market.
WHEAT No. 1 northern. $1.0cVal.oti; No.
3 nonhern, 11 u.w1.0sS; I 'ecemher, 92to.
OATS Standard. 31S !2'-.
BARLEY Samples, tHta V4'c.
Dntnth Ura
rH'U'TH, Oct 25.
la Market.
-W HE A T-Decem ber,
May, $1.07: No. 1 northern, $1.03-tk;
No. 3 northern, H.UOVSjl.ulV
ligsr and Malasaea.
steady; mujMovado, 8v test. 887c; rentrifuial.
M teat. 8.sic; mulum sugar. 88 teat. 3 12c
Kefiucd. quiet; crushed, 1.60c; granulated.
.c; powaexea, two.
24.10O MH 4- I
4 47S 47 Sk 474 '
20 87 7' 3?'
1..VK) S tS S
M"0 Mt M't Mi
8l 4 2"1 2?'i4
400 20-t 20
H) 4i4 404 40
86.900 77 w 17
n 1(4 10 104
. 4!'4 44 4IU,
Ml 117H 117 117
fklO 1M4 m
IftO 4Vt M
l'O 83 1 SV, 2H
ftW 42 414 41
7,6"0 104"4 lns HO1
iro 101 101 1 101
ino li4 lis 117
I. ono in 107 icr4
l.lno 83 UV4
l, 7H4 77V4 T7-4
SKK) 17 IMV4 1974
1.100 84 4!4 34V4
1,600 Vi K 421
no 244 2314 K
100 4S'4 4814 4KH
I. w 14'4 14 14104
t,wo iaT4 ty, 1S
4Cfl 4 S-1t4 Vt4
70 40 Ki4
4,100 13844 1!W l3
see lTvtj 1714 1714
400 170 It 1
700 Kl 8314 8S14
100 74 74 t14
8.0.10 ! M 8914
1,700 n 2V4 S914
400 4044 44 40
100 3d M 3
1.000 16A14 1M 1M
t,KQ 1ZSS 127U, 137U
8,so r'4 (" t
ino 131 4 1114 U114
II. ton r:s t244 22'
24,200 'H 6 OH
1,100 110 110 11014
300 1714 1714 1714
8u 124 l:V4 14
tOO 1 14 1914
800 1314 8214 4
no 10444 10414 I'M 14
600 1414 14414 1414
3, 800 13414 131 1S314
00 8444 4 34
100 47', 1734
00 6614 44 U
100 11014 11014 11014
300 40 U14 69
1.000 83 12 824
II, 100 US lit 11
8U0 41 44 4-3
8U0 N44
, ; 4T
4,104 ltO lift 11
2.0110 3314 S24 S24(
8,200 13214 13114 13114
800 H 7
200 )V4 20
14 8414 24H
100 144 14 14
14. too 1M14 1&214 16114
00 t4- 34 84
4)10 0714 7 t44
4.100 34 8344 t14
SO 4614 444 4414
8U0 42 42 42
100 61 61 (14
14.100 111 117 117
toO 214 84 24
600 40 6 fcH
, 1,") r 34 4
HO 84 87
too 27 r4 tV4
404 M!4 64 67
. 18,700 173 17t 171
too 44 II
800 77 37 l
.U1.H10 74'4 T7 11
, 1,000 11 13 IH14
, 8,100 60 4t 4S
, 8.4U0 46 44 44
00 13 It lft
, 8.104 4u tr
400 4t 47 47
700 72 72 72
, 100 71 11 11
NEW YORK. Ort. 2fi The contrary forces
In tne stock market today were suftirient
t uold the price movement almost sus
pended, liealmgs were highly concentratde
both on the buying and selling sides. This
a true, not only of the congestion of
nictations In Hire-- or four stocks, but In
tru- large orders executed bv siiisle firms.
The dealings fell to a point of activity
In .he Intervals between the transactions
1 n a large scale. The rise In the call money
rate Khiited the waverlna- sentiment to the
side of depression and made the close weak.
An attentive eye was fixed on the depart
ments in foreign money markets In conduct
ing oiwrsticins in stocks. There was consid
erable pressure of selling orders for foreign
ucrotint in the opening dealings and these
were an element In the early weakness dis
played by stocks.
The subtreasury absorbed another large
sum from the 'New York banks, bringing
its total up to $2,842,000. The call money
rate went to 4 per cent In the afternoon,
the highest since May and counteracted the
London money Influence.
The price of copper declined In London
and there were weak points In the metal
Honda were Irregular. Total sales, par
value. $2.91,000, United States bonds were
unchanged on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Rslas. Hlsk. Low. CIrm.
Allls-:nilmert fM
Amalgamated fnpor
Amrun Agricultural
Arnerlran Peet Sugar
Amwlnan .an
A American nar A Foundry.
American Cotton oil
Asa. Hlds leather pfd...
American Ire Rorurltles
American Unseed
American Locomotive
Am. Rmelt. A Rerng
Am. smelt. A Herns. PM.
American steel Foundries..
American Sugar Rcftntaig...
American Tel. A Tel
American Tobacco pfd
American Woolen
Anaconda Mining Co
Atchison ptd
Atlantic Coast Line
Baltimore A Ohio
llethlehem Steel
Brooklyn Rapid Transit....
Canadian Pacific
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd
Central of New Jersey
Clieeapeake A Ohio
Chicago A Alton
Chlnago (It. Western, new.
Chicago Ot. Weatern pfd...
Chicago A Northwestern...
Chicago. Mil. A St. Paul...
('., C, C. A St. Louis
Colorado Fuel A Iron
Colorado A Southern
Consolidated Oat
Corn Products
Delaware ft Hudson
Denver A Rio Grande
Denver A Rio Grande pfd.
Dlatlllers' Securities
Erie let ptd
Erie 3d pfd
(leneral Electiio.f.
Great Northern pfd
Great Northern Ore, otfa...
lllnoli Ontral
Interborough Met
inter boron ah Met. pfd.....
International Harvester
Inter, pfd
International Paper...
International Pump
Iowa Central
Kansaa City Southern
Kansas City Southern pfd..
Laclede Gas
Loulavtlle A Nashville
Minneapolis A St. Loals....
M , St. P. A Sail It Ste. M.
Missouri, Kansas A Texas.
Mo., Ken. A Texas pt. ...
Missouri Faoifte
National Blsmitt
National Lead
Natl. Kya. of Mea, M pfd.
New York General
New York, Ontario A West.
Norfolk A Western
North American
Northern racllle.
Paclfla Mali
People's Gas
Pittsburg. C. C A St. L.-
Plttsburg Ooal
Pressed Steel Car
Pullman Palace Car
Railway Steel Spring
Kepubllo Steel
Hepubllo Steel pfd
Rock Island Co
Hock Island Co. ptd
St. I A San Fran. Id pld.
St. Louis Southwestern
St. Louks Southwestern pfd.
Sloss-Sbeflleld 8. A I.'.....
Southern Pacific
Southern Hallway
Southern RaJlway p4
Tennessee Copper
Texas A Pacific
Toledo, St. Louis ft West. .
Toledo. St. U ft West ptd.
t'nlon Pacific
I'nloo Pacino pf
ITnlted States Realty
United Slates Rubber
t'nited States Steel
ntted States Steel pfd.....
ri,h CoDuer
Irgtnta-Oerpllna Cbaanlcal.
Wabaeh pfd
Weatern Maryland
Weeilnghouse Eleotne.,
W est era Lnion
whMimk ft Lake Erie.,
Tola! salsa lor us oar, B . , r v snane.
London Stock Market.
LONDON, Oot. 26. American securities
opened a fraction lower today. Later
prices advanced on light buying, and at
noon were irura auuvs 10 y vsiuw yes
terday's New York closing.
Consols, money iwt iuiaiiie e 10U14
do account Tti-M., K. at 1 v
Amal. Cooper 11 N. Y. Central 120
Anaconda 4 Norfolk A W 101
New York Money Market.
NRW YORK. Oct. SR. MONEY On call,
steady at S.j4 per rent: rilling rate 3 per
cent: closing bid. 3 per cent; offered at
t per rent. Time loan fairly strong;
sixty days. 4w4t per cent, and ninety
days 4&6 per cent; six months, 4Vh4
per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bsnkers' hills st 84 SiV.f
4 266 for sixty-day bills and at 76 fur
demand; commercial bills. $4.2i(4 WHi.
r-ll.VFR Kar. WlVdc; Mexican dollars, 4m!.
HON I S tiovernment, steady; railroad,
c losing quotations on bonds today
as follows.
..1fm Inter. Met. 4s...
..10 inter. M. M.
..10 Jpri 4a
..101 tlo 4s
..114 K. C. 80. 1st ts..
,.ll.Iakr 8. dch. 4s (l!l) 41
.. 74 L. ft Nsh. un. 4a... 7
..101 M.. K. A T. 1st 4
..14 do gen 4a
.. 4" Mo. Pacltlc 4
10. N Hva of M. 4V,s
M N. Y. C. gen. S's.
V. 8. r.f. as,
do coupon
0. S. ta. reg
4o eeupon ....
V. i. 4a. reg....
4o coupon
AUI-(Ti.l. let 4a
Am. Ag. te
Am. T. A T. cv.
Am. Tobacco 4s.
do 4s
Armour ft Co.
Atchle"m gen.
no cv. 4a
do ev. 4m
At. C. I. 1st 4a
Dsl. ft Ohio 4s
do !
do 8. W. 8s
Brook, Tran. cv. 4s
Mo deb. 4
...10N. Y , N. H. ft H.
...10 cv. 4 1
... H N. ft W. 1st con. 4
... MV4 do rv. in
Northern Pacific 4e..lOO'4
0 Northern Pacific 3. . 71'4
43 Ore. 8. L, rfrla 4s.. J
Cent, of Oa. 6s 1M Pwrm. cv. 2s llBIHl IK'4
Central Leather 8e... SQ do oon. 4a 103
. of N. J. gn. is .1?J Heading gen. 4a s
Chcs. ft Otilo 44s.... 101 St. L. ft S K. fx. 4s 1-2
do ret. 5e P do gen. 4 R7'4
Chi. ft Alton ... 70St L. B. W. con. 4e 74
C. R. ft Q. It. 4e... Sf. do 1st gold 4s frl'i
do gen. 4s 87V4 Seaboard A. I.. 4s.... 7?
C,. M. ft St. P. gen So. Pacific col. 4s.... "2
8s J'4. do rv. 4s
C. R. I. ft P. col. 4s 7S do R. R. 1st ref. 4s s
do rtg. 4s -8o. Rsllway 4s 10
Colo. Industrial e.. 70 do gen. 4 1H
C. A 8. ref.-ext. 4s. 7Vnlon Pacific 4 ll
4 do rv. 4s 101
! do lst-ref. 4 7
2f. 8. Rubber s 1!!
7t IT 8. Steel M 6a.. ..104
4o Vs.-Caro. Chem. 6a..lno
TCWahah 1st 4a lo
do OT. 4s. series A. 74 do 1st sit. 4s 47
do cv 4s. series R 70 Western Md. 4a 4
Oen. Electric cv. 6s. 147 Wen. Blec. ev. 5S... 42
111. C. 1st ref. 48... 7 Wm. Central 4s
Dels, ft Hud. ev. 4s.
D ft R. G. 4s
do ref. 8s
Distillers' 4s
Krle prior lien 4s....
do gen. 4s.
Cattle Receipts About the Same a
Last Week.
Sheep nnd lambs In Fair Soply.
Mblle the Trade Is At-tlro nnd
Prlees Steady to Soma
Receipts were:
Official Monday .
Kaumate Tuesday
OMAHA. Oct. K,
Cattle. Hogs,
Two days this week . . . . 20. SM
Hame days last week . . .20.SSS
Maine days 2 weeks ago.2n.7i.
Same days 8 weeks ago. 23.4'
Same days 4 weeks ago. 23.1X1
Same days last year K173
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date an compared with last
year: 1110 l!'(ti. Inc. . Lec.
t'altle P!W,7t .ivrflS 112.168
Hons 1.IIH.WJ l.s7!.r.7
She-p 2.4ll,4;'.9 l,7f0.u00
Ths following table shows
prices of hogs at South Omaha for ths last
several days, with comparisons.
Dates. I 1910. 109. 11908. 1907. 1006.li06.11!0.
I 7 4S 6 fOI 5 Ml 27 I 111
I 8 421 4 OKI 4 lb1
7 871 I 8 09! 8 19' 6 10' 4
7 l E 211 6 081 6 201 5 12' J 0J
7 411 6 221 16 181 5 141 8 08
7 811 8 29' 6 m I KM J )4
7 62 5 4.' B K7I 6 18 I 6 U
7 62 5 42' 8 70! 8 li B 14
I K 41 R 471 121 B 101 R rt
Ul D
the average
4 10
7 to
P. l a Ve'gtie Wyo.
11 steers ...K-M f. 00 20 cws-hfs. 81'7
1S cows ! 8 4-1 calves... 1.7
V. W. Coats W yo.
Steers.... 1M 8 0i 12 steers. ... 840 4 00
8 cows KH0 4 10
A Kastnusscn S. P.
21 feeders. .
23 steers....
34 feeders.
13 cows.
11 cows...
11 cows...
14 cows. ..
IX steers. ,
18 calves..
IS steers.
7 steers.
1 30
2 75
J 70
S 60
4 !
i 80
Oct. 18. ..I
Oct. 17. ..I 8 fifiSil
--cu IS... J s 1
Oct. 19.. .1 8 Gl
Oct. 20.... I S 87
8'7 4 70 IS rows.
Hush Pros s n.
9f 4 no 24 con s.
J. tV. McParlsnri-rt.
89S 4 2S 11 cows...
s V. Rrvant-H P.
M)2 8 10 9 rows...
It. Kecne S. I.
R'l 8 U, 13 cows...
! 3 3."
Y K Mlnturn S. P
79.". S 2Ti 1H cslves.
iS B '"1 22covts...
.. 367 4 W
W. H. Merrymnn Mont.
..120S B SO If. steers.... SS.1
..H;i (si cons Its2
tl. H. Comstock Mont.
15 feeders.. IH 4 B6 11 cows 797
litx.s Prices mostly a dime
bought the big end of sunnlv In the hog
yards this morning. Offerings consisted
largely of heavies, but receipts were fully
normal and several loads of bacon weights
aers, Included In the run. Peimuid from all
quarters 1111 reasonably active and a fair
clearance was made In good t-eason.
Lights commanded the usual premiums
over heavy and mixed grades, best lights
selling as bign as 81.90. Mixed went at
Mfrw and better. Heavy hogs brought 8S.36
liis.46 as a rule, quality and wrlghl deter
mining the price.
Clo.-ng trade was dull and weak at prices
noted, but any weakness lata In the session
was Just about offset by a few sales made
early that were hardly worse than Bflloc
lower than yesterday. These lesser de
clines were sratteied and were obtainable
only on light and light mixed hogs.
4 (X
4 66
4 40
8 44ii
8 B0V4!
8 47 I 7 26!
B 29 6 13! B I
Receipts snd disposition of live stock at
the 1'nion Stock Yards. South Omaha, for
twenty-tour hours ending at S p. m. Tues
Catrle. Hogs. Sheep.H'rs.
stocks were:
Amal. Copper
Am. Z.. U ft 8m.
Alisons Com
Closing; Storks.
25. Closing quotations on
41 Mohawk
4444 Nevada Con
il'v Nlptssln Mines....
l. North Butte
H North Lake
B. C. tt ft 8. Ms. 14 Old Dominion
butte Coalition 14 Osceola
Calumet ft Arliona. . 6Suj Parrott 811. ft Oop...
Calumet ft Heels.. ..66 Qulncy
Centennial 22 Shannon
Cop. Hange Con. Co. 70 Superior
East Butts Cop. Mlns S Superior A Bos. Mln.
. 4
. 21H
. 1
. I
. 1
1 1-14
. 4
. 1"4
. us
. 644
. S4
. 44fc
. 4
German Bank Will Not Rnlsa Rates.
BERLIN. Oct. 25. President Havensteln
of tne Kelchsbank at a meeting of the cen
tral commutes today said that the position
of the bank again waa normal and satisfac
tory. Tho tendency of the rate of discount
waa downward. Heron need not consider
the raising of the batik rate. Whether the
present rate would hold -until the end of
the year depended., ilerr 1 tavensteln said.
on foreign exchange;- The excess of gold
Imports for 1910 up, to last Saturday was
t6,2M),000, of which, the Kelchsbank held
Atchieon IX 14 do pra
so Dfd 104 Ontario ft w
Baltimore ft Ohl....llH4 Pennsylvania
Cana41an Pad do rj, Hana Mines
Chesapeake ft O M Keealng
Chtcaco O. W St. Southern Ry
Chi., Mil. ft Bt. P.. .! o pf4
re Beers livt Southern racine.,
Denver ft Klo 0 44 linlon Pec It 10...
do pfa
do 1st pfd
. 47 H
. 4
. 144
. 8444
. 42-4
It de pfd 86H
14 V. 8. Steel 40
41 do ptd
40 fVabash Jk
84 do pfd 2tH4
114 Spanish 4s to
SILVER Bar. quiet at abftd per ounce.
MONEY 4 per cent-i
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 4 per cent; for three
months' bills, 4H&4 per cent.
do M pfd.
Orand Trunk....
Illinois Central.
Local Beenrltles
Quotations furnished by Burns. Blinker
St to, 449 .MW i.suuiuu ueutn
Calhoun Co. U.) warrant. per cant
City National bank Dlda. as, jsju st
Colurado Tel. Co. 1 per eent u
Columbua. Neb.. B. U . rM
benver U. ft K. 4 per eent notee, ltll P
Kast St. UU1S ft Sub. 4a, 1J nw
Kalrmont Creamery let f. 4 PT esnt..
Germaa Firs iiisursnos Co 104
Hardy. Neb., municipal es r
lows Portland Cement 1st 4s.
Kansaa O. ft 47. 1 ft el. era, wicbii
Kansas l lty K. ft U 4e. 1U
Llia Hell Lumber ta, lit se
Uawrence Ce., S. V.. 4s 1414 44
Nebraska t Nance Co.) war. per eent
Morris 4k Co. 4WS, 1W
o.neh. Walev te. 1444 44
Omaha ft C. B. 8t. Hr. p'4, 4 per een
Omaha ft C. u. St. sr. ss, isis
Omaha Bt. Ry. Bridie ptd
Omaha Oaf 4s. 1417
at Louis, mr ot.
glmmena Hardware 1st pfd
Unlou Slock Ysxtls stock. Omaha..
. 44
Franklin ...
Olroui Con.,
Oranby Oon.
Orene Cananea...
Isle Rorall Oop..
Kerr Lake
La Balls Copper..
Miami Copper....
ll4Bup. ft Pitta Cop..
7 Tamarack
u v. a. roai ft on...
4'4 U. 8. 8m. R. ft M
tiv, do pfd
inwtah Oon
10H Winona
, 21
, 82
40 V,
, 74
C, M. & St. P 4
Wabash 1
M.nsourl Pacific B
linlon Pacific hi
A N. W.. east S
C. & N. W.. west D7
C, St. P.. M. & O.... 8
C, K. & Q., east 6
C, B. & g., west 152
C, R. I. & P., east... 7
R. I. & P.. west.. 8
Illinois Central 1
Chicago Qt Western 2
Total receipts 343
New York Corn Market.
The following quotations are furnished
by Logan A Bryan, members New York
Stock exchange, 116 South Sixteenth street.
Amtr, Tobaooe...
Bar State uas
Boetoa Cons
Butte Coalition...
Chief Oons
Davit-Daly Central
Hlr Oons
Ely WHch
Ooldfleld Morenos.
Goldfleld Daisy
Greene Cananea.....
. 48
. 7
. 1
. 3
Nevada Cons
New house
.. ' 14 Ohio Copper
lit Rawhide Coalition.
.. SIVh Ksy Central
.. I Bwlft Pkg. Co
.. 23 Sears-Roebuck Co...
.. 40V4 silver Pick
.. 12 superior ft Pitts...
.. 114 Tonopab, Mining....
4 Trinity Copper
2V4 North Lake
4 Bohemia
Omaha Packing Co 005
Swift & Co l.twi
Cudahy Packing Co 1.219
Armour & Co 1,204
Murphy, shippers
W. B. Vansant Co 326
Benton, Vansant & Lush 2S2
Stephens Bros 219
Hill & Son 829
V. B. Lewis 204
Huston & Co 8
J. B. Root & Co 118
H. Bulla 223
L. F. Huss 191
"Wolf m
McCrearv & Carey 19S
S. Werthelmer 239
H. F. Hamilton IS9
Sullivan Bros 33
Lehmer Bros IS
Lee Rothschild 85
Polsley Ac Tucker 10
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 77
Cllne & Christy 19
Sol Degan 83
Other buyers 1,227
Steel Combine Declares Dividends.
NEW YORK. Oot. 26. The" directors of
the United States ISteol corporation today
declared the regular quarterly dividend of
14 per cent on the preferred stock and 1V4
per cent on the common stock, for the quar
ter ending September 30. The total earnings
of the steel corporation for the quarter
ending September 30 were 27.365,187. 'The
net earnings for the quarter ending Septem
ber 80 were 81,048,725.
New York Bflningr Storks.
NEW YORK. Oct. 25. -Closing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Alice an
Com. Tunnel stock.. 81
do bonds It
Con. Cal. ft Va 100
Hern Sliver 17
iron Sliver ISO
Leadvtllt Con 8
Little Chief...
Ontario ........
Yellow Jacket
.. 8
..116 ,
.. 44
.. W
Bank Clearing;.
OMAHA. Oct. 25. Bank clearings for to
day were 12,430,183.19 and for the corres
ponding date last year 82,318,798.13.
Coffee Market.
tures opened steady at a decline of 4 to 5
points under scattering liquidation in the
absence of prompt buyers, although cables
reflected steady European markets. Trad
ing was very quiet during the middle of
tho day and prices showed very little
further change until late In the afternoon,
when offerings became heavier, owing to
the resctlonary tendency at Havre and
the market here closed barely steady at a
net decline of 9 to 11 points. Sales were
reported of I.n0 bags. Closing bids follow:
October ar.o' November were quoted at
840c; January, 8.60c; February, 8.50c;
March, 4.60u; April, 8.41c; May, 82o; .'une
snd July, 8.63c; August, 8.84c; September,
Havre wii to H franc higher early,
closnd net unchanged to Vt higher. Ham
burg was to l' pfennig higher. Europe
sold here In the late traaing. Klo un
changed at 6 8A40; Santos No. 4 unchanged
at b 8-J6G: Santos No. 4 unchanged at 5 VM'
No. 7 fifty rols lower at 5 80. Brazilian
exchaiiKe on Lonlou unchanged at
Receipt at the two Brazilian ports, 88,000
bags, against l.l,Ki &t year, junaiany re
ceipts, 61, OUO bags, ugalnst Si. 900 last year.
New York waier.ouse deliveries yester
day. 12.048 bag a. HA-ainst 12,683 last year.
Spot coffee, quiet; Wo No. 7. 10c; Santos
No. 4, HVvo; wild coffee, quiet; Cordova,
Cotton Market.
NEW YORJv, Oct. 26. COTTON Spot
closed aulnt -id steady to 80 points ad
vance; middling uplands, 14.60c; gulf, U.&tO.
hates, e.tifj lalea
Future closed firm; October, 14.84c; No
vember i.45o; December, 14.48c; January,
11 sjurj February, 14.52c; March, 14 59c; April
It i:::: May. 14. 66c: June, 14.66c; July. 14.630,
changed, middling, 14lic; sales, 222 bales;
receipts. Z.P41 nates; siupments, z.out Dales,
stock, 2,357 bales.
Furnished by Logan Bryan, members
New York Cotton exchange, 115 South Six
teenth street. Omaha, Neb.
Boston Copner Market.
The following quotations are furnished by
logan Bryan, members Boston Stock e
change. 115 South Sixteenth street, Omaha:
Arlions Com......
Calumet Arts...
lalumet ft Heels.
ru.per Kange
Iieijr West
Kast Butte
K ret National.....
lele lurale
lke I'u
00 per...
Vats? i
7 Mioiusaa
.. 14 Miami- ,
.. 4JH Mobavk
.. 4.4 Nlppissing ,
.. 40 Nurtb Butte
..64 Oeceola ..............
.. Kl'OId Dominion .'.
.. 7- teulncy ,
.. Kay Cons
.. 4-e Shannoo
.. t Superior Copper
.. Vi Superior ft boston. .
.. 2 Tamarack
.. loH V. . g. ft Ret. Oa.
.. 84 do Md
.. 44 t tall tons....
.. 4 Wolverine ...
. . T ukon Uold . .
.. r 8siUMI ft gly
n i
. 24
. 4H
. 1
Treassrr 4nlesnent.
WA8HINOTON. OrL 25. The condition
of the treasury at the beginning of bust
Besa todav was as follows:
Trust 'undo Gold cola, 8u4l.TM.6S; stlvtsr
Options I Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close Yes'y.
Oct. ...
I ec. ..,
J an. . . .
Mch. ...
May ..
July ...
14 19 14 5 14 10 14 64 14 06
12 KG 14 4 13 85 14 48 13 81
14 3 14 50 14 06 14 49 13 12
14 24 14 60 14 23 14 83 14 03
14 25 14 68 14 23 14 66 14 07
14 24 14 64 14 23 14 63 1 14 03
Oils and Rosin.
TINE Firm: 7ET75'Ae; sales, eighty bar
rels: receipts, 778 barrels; shipments, 811
barrels: stocks. 13.06 barrels.
ROSIN Firm; sales, 2 OeO barrels: rs-
relnta. 2.7U2 barrels; shipments, 8 & bar
rels; stock. 651,747 barrels; B, 86 80; I).
85.86; E. 85 86; F, 8: . H 10; H. 86 U;
I 86 80; K. 84.26; M, 86.85; N. 86 U; W O
86.65; W W. 17 05.
Dry Ooods
YORK. Oct.
25 DRY
but quiet. Jobbers sre doing a
lla-ht current business and a very fair ad
vance Liixirt trade la quiet. Yarns
remain firm. Men's wear markets show
some slight Improvement.
Uastt liar Market.
OMAHA. Oct. 25 HAY No. 1 upland.
1:100; No. 1 uolaad. 88 00; packing. 84U0:
alfalfa. 81100. etraw: Wheat. 80 uO; rye.
87. vu; oats, Is 00.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
48 ..
10. . .
M. .,
47. ..
.If 4
14 JiK)
. .SWT
. . .1-2
. J0
4 14
8 ar.
I 90
a so
l sr.
4 4
I 3d
i 40
8 40
4 40
I 40
I 40
4 40
8 40
4 40
4 40
4 44
4 40
4 40
4 44
I 40
4 40
4 40
8 44
4 46
I 46
... J7
. .. .25
. . . . 2M
. ...2
4 4!t
4 44
6 4fi
8 it
I 60
I 6-1
4 M
4 40
4 to
8 40
4 40
4 M
8 6
4 ("
6 40
8 44
8 64
4 4S
4 44
4 4ft
4 74
4 74
8 7(V
8 44
4 Li
8 44
Totals 8,748 4.277 17.81C
CAT 1 Lu. There waa a fair run of cattle
this morning, making the total for the two
uays this week 2o,8e4 head, about the same
as tor the corresponding days last week
and over 4,0uo head larger than for tne
same period a year ago. The market opened
up a littie slow and dull, buyers loaded up
very heavily yesterday and apparently they
were not aa anmous for additional supplies
today. The result waa that the wire edge
was off tho market on practically all kinds
of stock.
Beef steers, while In very fair demand.
showed more or less weakness, owing to-l
tne tact that advices from otner selling
points were unfavorable and that this mar-
net naa advanced sharply wniie eastern
markets have suffered considerable de
clines. Still the market as a wnole was
in pretty fair shape and entirely satis
factory to the sellers.
Cows started out a little slow and the
feeling at first was rather weak, but the
prices paid did not show very much change
as compared with yesterday. As a mat
ter ot tact the movement was not so active
and buyers were not quite so anxious for
tne stun, out still thev bo unlit the most
ot It at about steady prices.
f eeders, tnuugn in pretty good demand
today, were not quite such brink sellers as
yesterday. Sull prices did not show very
mucn ensnge, ana as a rule operators on
the market are quoting It as about steady,
some of tne less desirable kinds possibly
selling a little easier.
Uuoiauons on native cattle: tjood to
choice beef steers, 86.75(g7.50; fair to good
Deer steers, .(t'utt.Yb; common to fair beef
steers, 8o.w6,76, good tc choice cows and
heifers. 84.2646.26: fair to good cows and
heifers, 83.4iKu4.26; common to fair cows and
heifers, 82.5vXU3.40; good to choice stockers
and feeders, 84.4Vu5 W.; fair to good stockers
and feeders, 84.0ug4.4O; common to fair
stockers and feeders, 83.254.75; stock heif
ers. 83.00tuv4.26; veal calves, 83.60x.v7.vV; bulla
stags, eto., ti.uvXtfo.vo.
Quotations on range cattla: Choice te
prime beeves, J5.7fmti.26; good to choice
beeves, 86.26iij5.75; fair to good beeves, 84.50
ii6 20; common to fair beeves. 13.7o-iz4.40;
good to choice heifers, 84.O0tj)6.0O; good to
choice cows, 14.004. 06, fair to good grades,
13.50414 00; canners and cutters, 82.7648.60;
good to choice feeders,, fair to
good feeders, 84.25m 4. 76.
Representative sales:
Pr. Mo. At. Pr.
IH 8 Ss ci
4 10 6 4i4 4 80
4 10
. 40 8 74 4 1441 4 84
4H0 4 34
14 feeders..! 138 6 80 12 feeders.. 1160
86 feeders.. 1106 6 26 11 heifers.. 8u3
11 feeders.. M8 4 65 25 cows I11IO
17 cows 1069 8 86 21 cows 925
3S cows 778 3 40 40 cows 791
58 cows 14(08 4 30 22 feeders.. 1133
48 feeders.. 107 6 30
42 feeders.. 1U10 4 Ml
4 feeders.. Iuv8 4 80
A. 11. Feterson Neb.
12 feeders.. 1066 4 65 28 steers.... tl
W. F. Stafford Neb.
S3 steers.. ..1218 4 6 77 feeders.. 1200
Cahy Bros. Neb.
24 feeders.. 1056 6 06 19 cows 858
F. O. Burr Neb.
18 cows 1046 4 00 24 heifers.. 790
Babcock Bros. Neb.
14 feeders.. 1028 8 00 11 cows 1047
8 80
4 10
4 00
8 30
4 76
49 feeders.. 926 4 80
4 76
4 90
I 80
8 86
SHEEP Inquiry for sheep and lambs of
all kinds was remarkably brisk this morn
ing in spite of the fact that posted supply
was liberal. Both packers and country
buyers purchased freely from tne opening
and the morning's clearance was the most
complete in many weeks.
In point of prices yesterday's advance
was easily sustained, feeder lambs selling
at figures strong to possibly some higher
than those noted 'on the first day. Light
lambs, including strings on the pee-wee
order that sold around 84.26 last week.
are moving readily around 84.90q;5.00, but
Improvement In fleshier grades is not quite
as pronounced. Good fleshy feeders sold
as high as 85.85 this morning, Indicating a
quotable top of 8.00. ,
Feeder sheep have been good sellers on
most days lately, and are not subject to
the sharp reaction that has affected lamb
trade. Current values are little, If any
higher than those of last Friday. De
mand Is equally active and broad, however,
and good kinds show very small margins
as compared with sales of the same class
or stock at points farther east.
Fat sheep and lambs ruled firm with
yesterday's sharp advance, fat wethers
bringing S4.16ig-4.2r, and fat ewes reaching
83.60. Strictly choice ewes are quotable up
to 83.75. Lambs suitable for killing sold
as high as Sri.00 early, but made-to-order
kinds were not available. Prime ones
would doubtless move at 86.75 or better.
Quotations on grass stock: Good to
choice lambs, S6.50fr8.90; fair to good lambs,
6.2fii6.50; feeding lambs, Ii.3;.ii6 00; handy
weight yearlings, 84.90(65.36; heavy year
lings, 4.00Yg'4.90; feeder yearlings, f4.A5Sp
6.16; good to choice wethers, 84.0ivu4.40; fair
to good wethers. 83.7.V&4.00-. feeding weth
ers, 83.40. 10; breeding ewes, W.OCno.OO:
fat ewes, S3.26fr3.75; feeding ewes, 82.25(0
225; canners, l.Wy2.2b.
300 Wyoming lambs
203 Wyoming ewes, feeders.
329 Wyoming ewes
828 Wyoming lambs, feeders
140 Wyoming ewes, feeders.
1: Wyoming ewes
607 Wyoming lambs
117 Wyoming lambs, feeder culls
118 Utah ewes, feeders ,
190 Utah lambs, feeders
33 Utah larnba, feeders
170? Idaho lambs, feeders....
(175 Colorado lambs, feeders.
121 Colorado lambs, culls....
158 Wyomln? lambs, feeders
627 Wyoming wethers
2-J6 Wyoming yearlings, feeders
262 Wyoming wethers
49i Wyoming lambs, feeders
2S7 Wyoming yearlings, feeders
361 Wyoming ewes, feeders...
451 Wyoming ewes, feeders...
153 Wyoming lambs feeders..
2f4 Wyoming lambs, feeders..
147 Idaho lambs, feeders
505 Idaho wethers and yearlings 107
I16I Wyoming lambs, feeders.
1256 Wyoming lambs, feeders
1040 Wyoming ewes, feeders.
160 Wyoming ewes
1SS Wyoming lambs, feeders.
3V) Utah lambs, feeders
122 Utah ewes
359 Utah lambs, feeders
300 Utah lambs, feeders
514 Utah lambs, feeder culls.
116 Utah ewes, feeders
24 Wyoming lambs, feeders.
Wyoming lambs, feeders.
818 Wyoming yearlings, feed
3H1 Wyoming ewes, feeders..
In Wyoming ewes, feeders..
200 Wyoming lambs, feders.
3S0 Wyoming lambs .
Demand for Cnttle nnd Hoes Weak
sheep Steady.
CHICAOO, Oct 26. CATTLE Receipts,
14.000 head; market slow and weak; beeves,
S4.6ix7.80; Texas steers. S3.S64(6.r5; western
steers, $4.00rri6.80; stockers and feeders,
4.2Vo5.50; cows sjid heifers, 2.25(.S0;
calves. 87 26(10.00.
HOG 8 Receipts, 17,000 bead: market
weak, 10fH6o lower than yesterday's aver
age; light. SHO0ii26: mixed. 9.16a9.20;
heaw. 87.85f58.96: rotisih. S7.85uS.16; good to
choice heavy. 8 lf.'(i.95; pigs, S8.20.90;
bulk of sales, 88.204(8.70.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, n.'"u
head; market steady; native, 82.75i4 85;
western, 13.00ft 4. 33: yearlings, 84.50-ciS 60;
native lambs, $4,7647.10; western, la.Ooftl.OO.
Av. Fr.
,87 6 75
103 8 40
114 8 75
, r.9 s 6.1
89 8 00
, . Hi 8 26
4 6 20
I 40 4 66
,92 1 00
,46 4 75
,46 6 10
,59 6 90
,53 6 75
,40 4 80
,45 6 75
, 7 4 15
I 69 6 00
,87 4 25
,49 6 66
1 71 2 65
, 71 2 65
,74 2 90
.63 6 60
,61 5 60
.53 6 30
I 107 4 25
, 45 6 25
, 45 6 15
,84 2 96
,93 3 30
, K9 4 23
,53 6 60
,102 3 25
,54 6 50
,64 5 60
,46 4 85
,98 3 00
,49 6 60
, 49 6 50
I 72 6 00
,83 2 45
,77 2 46
,39 4 50
.49 6 76
6 00
3 30
6 00
28 cows 949 8 95 10 cows 847
8 cows 1040 4 10 7 feeders.. DM)
it. J. Donner Neb.
46 cows 973 4 05 37 cows 101 4 05
48 cows 9u6 8 60 17 bulls 1416 S 60
R. Taylor Neb.
43 feeders.. 1053 6 25 4 steers.... 880 4(0
Easiburn & Reed Neb.
SOoows 707 8 60 23 cows 860 $60
12 cows 828 8 76 41 heifers.. 421 3 80
14 feeders.. 6W 4 60 72 heifers.. 618 4 00
J W. Williams Neb.
11 feeders.. 1127 6 20 22 feders.,1084 $20
F. McFadden Neb.
61 yearlings 694 4 75 73 heifers... 691 4 00
28 cows 8X3 S 30 11 cows 1027 $ 75
12 feeders.. 726 4 36 13 calves... 212 4 76
1$ cows 621 8 60 12 steers . ..1220 6 30
Beaver Creek C. Co. Wyo.
47 steers.. ..10H3 $00 13 steers. ...1010 4 60
4 16 64 heifers.. &40 4 40
Carl & Son Wyo.
4 10 14 cows 847
18 cows 947
J. B.
29 heifers.. 7U6
6 feeders.. 913
27 feeders.. 767
4 20
11 feeders.. 10u $ 2$
6 26
4 7$
C. F. Roberson Wyo.
77 feeders.. W $ 3o 17 steers.... 990
71 rows teot 4 50 89 cows lei
81 cows 1013 8 76 - 6 stags. .. .1231
6 bulls 1376 $ 60
John Pflster Wyo.
..J.177 6 15 7 cows 817
H. F. Smith Wyo.
.K'24 6 Mi 12 heifers.. 1078
MO 4 26
Weltner Bros Wyo.
17 rows
12 rows.
16 feeders.
V calves..
12 steers.
19 steers..
7 heifers..
4 80
4 60
8 60
$ 30
$ 00
87 heifers.. 763 4 "
25 cows. .. .
12 feeders.
12 cows ...
14 calves. ..
1 80
1 SO
4 So
4 26
; 8 no
47.7 4 60
9 t4 8 Mi
M ii
Charles Olsen Wyo.
41 feeders.. 866 6 24) 16 cows 993 4 40
Thomas Odle Wyo.
68 cows H0 4 30 21 cows 974 8 75
t". It Calvert Wyo.
84 feeders.. 1020 6 15 9 steers. ... 87S 4 40
88 heifers.. 83 4 66
A. P. isomers Wyo,
84 feeders.. 10uS $10 18 cows 101$ 4 40
market 5-q?
$8.60(09 .30;
and best
St. I.onls Live Stock Market.
BT. LOUIS, Oct 25. CATTLE Receipts,
7.300 head, Including 2.000 Texans; maraet
steady to 15o lower; native biiippihh "
export ateers. $5.7(Vn7.43; dressed beef and
butcher steers. 15 50(17. 50; steers under 1.000
pounds, $5.00-117.90; Blockers and ''':,
$; cows and heifers, $1 50.00;
canners. $3.6-i4.26; bulls. $3.2ffl6.00;cHlves.
$5 26H9.00; Texas and Indian steers, $4.5txi
i.V), cows ana ncuci.. ...-
HOGS Receipts, 8.00 head;
10c lower; pigs - and lights,
nackers. SS.7.Kii8.90; butchers
BHEEPNli LAMBS Receipts, 4,00
head; market 10150 lower; native muttons
13. 5.-.26; lambs. $5 50j7 .00; culls and
bucks, $150-83.00; stockers, $2.563.76.
Kansas City Mo Stock Market.
citv rnt K-T4TTLE Re-
AAllPnn v . . . , . ' - -
celpts, 25,000 head Including 1,400 southerns:
market weak to lc lower; oreseeu ue
and export steers, $tS.5txu7.sO; fair to good,
to 0O-ui 40; western steers. $4 0rVn.2S; slock
1 .. a t-Arm t-i fjm.ii. f ji Mniithern steers.
M0ftM.60: southern rows, $i75u4.26; native
cows 2.lyo.w; native iiriit-io. eo.trvii .w,
lioOA Receipts. 7.0u0 head; market
opened 60 higher, closed 6c to 10c lower;
I.:.... ..1.. tu7tIwc heavv. S70uj95:
packers and bulcbers. $8.bta9.10; light,. $9 00
"silEEP AND LA MBS Recel pis, 19.00C
hesd; sheep, steady; lambs lio to 25o
lewer; Iambs, 86 2fci.70; yearlings, $4.40-4
6.00; wethers. $4W"4 50; ewes, $3 6y4.2J;
stockers and feeders, $2 77-114 50.
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
BT. JOSEPH, Mo.. Oct. 28. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 8.2.10 neaa; mursei steauy; sierra,
$4 ooul.uO; cjv.s and heifers, $2.f6.5C;
calves, $3.K(i8 26.
HOGS Receipts, $600 bead; market too. $9 16: bulk of tales, J 5o(i'j. 10
sHKKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4 000
bead; market slow; lambs.' $t.50u-65.
Stock la Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the five princi
pal western markets yesterday:
K Cattle. Hogs Sheep
South Omaha
Ht. Joseph ....
Kansaa ITty .
St. Louis
3. f"0
6 .
80 JiO
18 0iO
4 4
4IM4IIA WMtlimi.8 PR It ICS.
RUTTKH Creamery. No. 1, delivered to
the rcisll trails In l ib. cartons Sir; No 2.
in h. tubs. V; No 2. In 1-lh. esrtons.
?c; parking stork, solid pack, 2l'c; delrv.
In n-lh tubs. 2Jit:ic. Msrkt changes
evrrv Tuesday.
CIIKKSE-Twlns, J7e: Young Americas,
ic; daisies, 17e; tr.plets, ISc; I mburger,
l"c; No. 1 brick. H'ic, Imported Swims, SJc;
domestic Swiss, 24c; hlnck Swiss. 22o.
l'On.TRV rrsd bro.lers. under 1 lbs.,
1 w rinx.; over 3 lbs., 14c; hens 15c; cocks.
lc'vc, ducks, IT; gcr-se, U.o; turkevs, 2p.
Iilceons. per dos., $1 .20; homer squabs, per
do., $100, iancy anuahs. per dos., 81.60; No.
1. per dog.. $.4.00, Alive: Hro Irrs. 160; over
2 ll.s.. 9'c; hens, lie; old roosters 7e; old
ducks, full f-athercd, 11c; geese, full feath
ered. lOo; turkeys, Kc; guinea fowls 2oo
rach; pigeons, per dos., OOr; homers, per
dos.. $.: 00; squabs. No. 1. per dot , $160;
No. 2. per dos.. 6O0.
FISH tall froxen) IMckerel, 12c; white
fish, ISc; pike. 15o; trout. 14c; large crsp
cs, 2o; Spanish mackerel, ISc; e1, lic;
haddock. l:c; flounoers. 13c; green catfish
luc; roe sbsd, $1.00 each; shad roe, per pair'
Sc; frog legs, per dos., 40o; salmon, !.;
halibut, 12c.
BEEF Ct TS-Rlbs. No. 1, 14Hc; No. 2
lSc; No. S, 8c. Loins: No. 1. lc; No. i.
13,0; No. 3. 90 Chuck: No. L 8c; No. 1,
6c; No. 8, 6,c; Round: No. 1, 7Hc; No. 2
4o; No. 3, 6Vc. Plate: No. 1. 6Vc; No. t
61c; N.i. 3 3c.
FRl'ITS Oranges: Csllfornta Valencies,
ail sixes, per box, 86.00-rr6.86. Lemons;
Llmonlera, extra fancy, 80O sue, per box.
$7.00; 3i0 slxe, per bog. $1.26; choice, 800
slxe. per box, $-.60; 8 slxe, per box, 18 T5;
240 size, 6uo per box less. Bananas: Fancy
select, per bunch, la.2jtf2 50; Jumbo, per
bunch, $2.7.Va3.75. Pears: New York Keler.
per bbl., $4.50, California Winter Nsllis, per
box, 12.85. Apples: Home-grown cooking,
per bbl., $1604.00; Missouri Jonathan and
Grimes' Golden, per bbl.. $4.76; Missouri
Ben Davis, per bbl.. $3 50; Missouri Wine
saps, per bbl.. $4.00; Missouri Uano. per
bbl., $3.ii; oiher varieties, per bbl., $4.00;
Colorado Jonathan, per box, 81. 16; Cali
fornia Gravensteln, per box, 82.10; Cali
fornia Belief low sr. per box, $1.80; Washing
ton Grimes' Goiden and Jonathan, extia
fancy, 6S to 126 slxea, per box. $2 26. Qrapea:
California Tokay, per crate. $l..i5. Con
cord, ilichlgou and New York, per 8-lb.
basket, 30c; Malaga. 60 to 66 lbs. gross, per
keg, $5.0o-(i5.60. Cranberries: Per box. $2.6a;
per bbl., $i.76. Lates: Anchor brand, new,
30 1-lb pkgs. in box, per box, Uw. Figs;
New Calltoinla, 12 12-ua pkus., a,c; 36 12-os
pkgs., $2.25. wulnces: Per box, $l.Ki.
VkVQETA BLES Potatoes. Early Ohio,
In sacks, per bu.. Uuc; Iowa white stock,
per bu., 85c. bwcet Potatoes: Virginia
per .bbl., $2.36 Onions: Iowa, small red
and yellolw. per lb., 2o; Spanish, per crate
$1.26. Gaillo: Extra fancy, white, per lb,
16c; red. per lb., 16o. Egg Plant: Fancy
Florida, per dos., $1.0$. Celery: Mtrlrlgan,
per dos. bunches, $oc. Rutabagas: Per lt.,
lHc Cucumbers: Hot house, 1 and 1
dot,, per box. $1.26.
bage: New, per lb.. Ho. Tomatoes: Per
bskt, 6U)c. String and Wax Beans: Per
mkt bsk., 75o. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf,
per dos., 45c. Parsley: Fancy home
grown, per dos., bunches. Sue. Turnips:
Per mkt. bsk.. 85c. Carrots: per mat.
bsk. too. Beets: per mkt bsk.-, S5c.
MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Black, pet
lb., 2c; California No. L per lb., 18o; Cali
fornia No. 8, per lb., 14c. Hlckorynuts:
Large, per lb., 4c: small, per lb., 60.
Cocoanuts: Per sack, $5.(4); per dos., 660.
Honey: New. 24 frames. $3.0$.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26. METALS Stand
ard copper, quiet; spot and October, $12.4i
4112.50; November, $12.46ii 12 80; December,
$12. 45-q 12.66; January, $12.50i 12.70. Loision.
steady; spot. 67; futures, 68 Is 8d. Ar
rivals reported at New York, fifty toons.
Custom house returns so far this month,
20,263 tons. Lake copper. $I2.87Vo 13.00;
electrolytic, $12.7Mi'12.$7ts; casting, $12 37Vi
izsii. Tin, weak; spot, 35.&oi.Sn.00; Octo
ber, $.16.46.1! 35. S6; November, 8'l5.60fy.'l5.76;
December, $:in.45(iii.15.76; January, $6.25!n;i5.75;
Ixindon, firm; sxl, lti2 7s 6d; futures,
162 15s. Lead", nulet: $4.4tft'4.50. New York:
$4 27(04.32 East St. Louis; Ixindon spot.
4.24. iron4.ieveiand warrants 4s 9d In
Ixsndon. Locally Iron was unchanged. No.
1 foundry northern, No. 1 foundry south
trn nnd No. 1 foundry southern, soft, $12.73
i 12.66; No. 2 foundry, Northern, $15.60n
ST. LOUIS. Oct 25. METALS Lead,
firm, $4.30. Spelter, firm, $5.65.
Evaporated Apples nnd Dried Fralta.
APPLES Steady with a quiet trade. On
the spot fancy Is quoted at 10c; choice, 8Vtt'
9c; prime, 7Vn8Vc; common to fair, 7Wc.
DRIED FRUIT Prunes are barely steady
for the large eixe and but firm for others;
quotations range from falOc for Californlas
up to 30-k, and 7aHc for Oregon 80
60s. Apricots sre quiet but firm on small
offerings. Choice, LfVu'LiSeC; extra choice,
13'qnii3c; fancy, IStvttMc, Peaches are
steady, with stocks moderate and In few
hands; choice, VctHc: extra choice, 8ti14c:
fancy, 8Vxra9c. Raisins are dun ana oniy
about steady; loose muscatels are quoted
at 64&6Wc; choice to fancy seeded, 6'48c.
Illinois Bribers'
Trial is Opened
Senator Pemberton and Representa
tive Clark Face Jury on Charge
of Furniture Graft.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Oct. 24,-Openlng
arguments were mado and the Introduction
of testimony begun today In the Sangamon
county circuit court In the case of the peo
ple against Senator Stanton C. Pemberton,
of Oakland" and Representative Joseph 8.
Clark of Vandalla. charged with conspiracy
to obtain a bribe In the awarding of a
contract for new desks and chairs for the
senate and house of representatives.
In the opening arguments. Slate's At
torney Edmund Burke, declared tho state
would prove conclusively to the Jury that
the defendants are guilty of the crime with
which they are charged In tho Indictment
and that this could be done without the
testimony of Senator D. W. Holstlaw,
whose confession to Mr. Burke was the
wedge which resulted In several Indictments
In this county of members of the state
Following the argument of State's At
torney Burke, Attorney Hugh Graham, sou
of Congressman James M. Graham, mads
an address In behalf of Senator Pemberton,
the defendant being represented by sepa
rate counsel.
Attorney C. P. Mortimer of this city,
representing Representative Clark, declared
the defense would show Clark had always
enjoyed a good reputation for honesty and
that his neighbors and business associates
would be brought here to prove this.
...$7,800 40,308 04, 800
Thomas 8. Conway Fonnd Not Gnllty
of Robbing: Postofflce nt
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Out. 25. (Spe
cial.) The case of C. A. Spurllng vs. ths
Dempster Mill Manufacturing company of
Nebraska has been called for trial in the
Ucited States court In this city. Th
plaintiff seeks to recover damages for
personal Injuries In the sum of $18,000.
Considerable tune was consumed In secur
ing a jury, both sides exercising extreme
care and questioning the jurymen st
length. The trial of the case proml4
to consume several day a
After the trial of Thomas 8. Conway, 8
young man Indicted on the charge ot ab
stracting money from the postofflce al
Hazel, had proceeded for soma time, Judge
Garland directed the Jury to return a ver
dict of nut guilty, which waa done and ths
case against the young man was dismissed.
Conway was employed in a newspaper of
fice in the same building as the post
office, and during that time the money
disappeared. The returning of a verdict
of not guilty fully exonerates him from the
serious chsrge made against him.
Levi Clark, under Indictment for counter
feiting, when arraigned before Judge Car
land, entered a plea of guilty snd he will
be sentenced later. He already has served
three or four terms In the penitentiary for
the same offense. -
On motion of the government the caa of
the United States vs. Nels Nelson was
dismissed. Nelson was indicted fin- the
alleged theft of a steer from the Rosebud