till' jr,i; v'.w.Mi.i, ii.kiLiui.u, uv. nynbn Wet Grounds Delay World's Series; Giants Win the New York Championship y H RAIN PREVENTS BIC GAME roarth Conteit ia World1! Serie. Toitponed at Chicago. WILL BE FLAYED OFF TODAY fthauld Ctntraito Mia the Fifth Com-, M Will Ala R Faeabt Oat om (rali r that Mr Header la Rax. CHICAGO. Oct. 'il Wet gronds and a drlrsling Intermittent rain caused a post ponement today of the fourth scheduled world's championship team between the Philadelphia. Amrrlctni and tha Chicago Nationals. It will be played off her to morrow. Should Chicago win the fifth gnm will be fought out en the local ground also. Chairman Herrmann made the announce ment after an examination of the grounds. The umpire found the whole field satur ated. There waa likewise the official pre diction that more or lea rain would fall throughout the day and there wan nothing to do but to order the postponement. The forecast for tomorrow la "fair and cooler." Forecaster David Cuthbertson raid the weather probably would begin to clear to night and there might be even a bit of sunlight tomorrow. About TOO persons, Including a number of women, were lined up In the rain waiting to rtlio ticket wlndowa to open when the announcement wai made. -There also were many boys who bad hoped to sell- their positions to late-comer. If there is any. advantage . to anybody In the postponement.. It Is to accrue to Chicago on the theory that any possible change uffeotlngi them In their present gloomy position can be only for the better. A day's rest, however, can do Philadelphia no harm. In : the unexpected event that Bender should he lilt freely tomorrow. Coombs with a day'e' recuperation to buoy him tip. fould bw used aculn. Brown and Cole, either of whom may pitch for Chicago, are' In no particular need of a vacation. Cola haa not pitched so far and Brown has not worked, since Tuesday when Phil adelphia hatted him from the box. Chance Is Hopeful. Captain Chance said-the day of Idleness might be the turning point in the aeries. Connie Muck accepted the Incident as a morn delay of twenty-four hours In annex ing the world s championship emblem. Average of players and teams based on the three games already played showing a big margin in favor of Philadelphia. The latter have scored twenty-five runs to their opponent's nine; they have made thirty-six hits for a total of fifty-three bas.-s against Chicago's seventeen hits and twenty-four banes. They have batted an avciage of .I compared with .189 by their rival. In fielding1 the fhliKBos are fifty-nine points under Philadelphia, their respective percentage being .HM and .XA. Philadel phia ha won her games with the use of only ten men,: while Manager Chance has eii. ployed eighteen. Following are the bat ling and fielding averages of the players to date: Philadelphia. Ilalor Collins 1 Oavta ,. I 'ooiub j Harry Ileinlcr v .Murphy 'lunulas I .fid Mi-nuk ream average Chicago. Tinker Schulte '. Ilornian i lance Field. .H44 1.0m .!'.' . l.tKI 1 .KMI l.OiV) 1.0' r'leld. .tW. l.kKI l.( .m , l.omi . IAHI , . TK . ."il Bat: .4. .1.5 .444 .TM bat. Siieckarcl .. .ininierinan Kllng Sielhleldt .. Ileautunnt f .1!7 .1) .tK3 .OIK) .IXMI A i chcr Needhain urn .Mm 1 vei all (My .(mo Meintyra CM .out Hlown r m .mat Hlchle ( .(Kit) Hciilhach ' luii i..t I'leialer ; i.ooo .0ia Kt ne : feam average sm ,isa The national commission has decided that In the event It is necessary to play t sixth name It shall he played Tuesday U Philadelphia, allowing Monday for th luhs lo make, the trip from Chicago. IM.KHS l.ll-: WAIT FOR AMtS l lukoarlans Hop to Shunlng Attains) COi.rMIUA. Mo., Oct. Missouri is in pretty fair Allies Saliuoaj, Kijcl If Make Good Aaales. 21. I Special.) shape to meet the "ehow-me" laus lose i;o enousea an he offered. Only lt ol ulitt uilfcM he called "regulars" ill he ah.vent I:. .m im. lineup when the ligoiK face the AgKirs. and Conch Hollen hack ha: snhMliutcs Mho can fill all eleven places on tn- uair, if neceasury. While not ovei -coiuiileiii. Missourians have fulih In .iIisi iiiii i in nin iYoiii (lie Iowa farm- ers a feat never et pcrfui med by a Tiger eleven. iihIioukM Hie Maine lat seat-on re- Milted in a .Iruw. H to i. The two who will be niixhiny from the lineup on ac- count iC injuries me Haines, the lSj-pouud guard, and l.e Mhi, the sterling halfback, hut llor.Mim iiiki Hall will likelv (ill their Ic live ,-im..ii- iii acccutaMe majiiier. I I 111 UlleV ik -ml ..-m tlwii Uie call at inai lei naeh ...iii,,ii am! ill start the name Kuuuihiv an iot inali. The line hx.k.4 fairly vimmI with Thompson, center Cupialu Tliacliei and Houston. giardw, (liaes ami .luhnson. tsrkles. and Shuck ..im nun rs. enus. in ihe trio of buck i, ,,"";,, '.'"'" '""back, and Curtits and Ha l will ih tiiclr test to einaah through i nun ai-oiiiiii tlie Aggies' defense. Two of1 I hese -Nowell mul Hall are aood nuniers . and will hold tlielr own If the game, like 1 tile low a ciMl'e.-t a kicking match. Mioiini resolve Itself Into ' uol weather today brought iov to the I I met- K.ii.ad and the l-st scrimmage prac-I ice of ihe year wa-. pulled off between Hii.Ii i nhack s regulars aivd I i . Cibson a i Hcruhs. Alter an hour f riKhtlng that' laleli mini nlnhtiall neiiher eleven acoied ! rnd, la-st of all. none of the men eiected to Mart the Ames game were Injure,!. I lei iok. last yeai track captain, and Kami, another new man on the s.uHti Fhoned well in the scrub defense and give I ,-ioiiM.-,- in diamine some. i, the i aitt:tiates huMle for positions. v arfity OHK Ot I PI. S Htot lNt.l MK' 'Hub Sfkool lien VI air Hard Hattle, Knrilaa IO la . MUK. Neb. (vt. il .-i Special Telegram ' In a game played today, resulting ivt to U. 1 "stings iligh K'hiKil ws oirir!a-Md and! utla.vHl xcept id the last qiiai tt-r. w hen ' i-ik eiie,l io tir.-. HaMinee was able'; to hold York Horn scoring. In the first ! inartei-. Yi i d ina,e s. second (juarter. (i; i third ouaite.. 5. failing to kick goal from' field in me liiiid unarler. i Hastings waa inmMe to s.-oi , aUi st no I tune was Yoi k gosl In lUntrr. Hastings'! hesl flavei-s -re NHn k. Ihit on. eagle i n lui Ciipdiin liker. WI ev wa-. ea,ilv Ihe I siar for York, big H.av er. Hlo, d. .Mi.ler and Maps laed a great game. lataua t He hanapilnn. XUUhMI-K. Neb.. Oct. 21-iSpeeial Tele Kiain.) Moniuna .Ick ultln of .ei,l ; li, w,o u-.M night In Norfolk knocked' o.it Kid .io ..f Norfolk in five iinimin ' of a twenlv -ronml .o twlav i-UIiiim the. I'lldiilrwe gill ehaliipiol.ehip f ,Uf wolij. ! He fnuuM pinnlev Keiciip) io a twentv--loiitid draw at Hntit, .Altvnt.. four ears' ego and whipped Jiuiiiue KIvbb. w no beat 1 I'spke. In onler that the advertiser may get the ! M-xl results for money Invested, he must each the bu er by the most direct anrt re aabl anannaw. Tin ta thai rhaantl. j Raus is Chosen For First Team By O. H.S. Coach Stan of Former Yean at High School Are Now on University Fresh man Eleven. In the presence of the foot ball squad of the Omaha High school at Vinton street park Wedensday afternoon, Harold Raus was chosen by Coach Burnett for Uie first team. This Is Raus' first year on the grid Iron at the high school, although not his first year playing foot ball. Kaua hails from Bellevue college and was a member of the track team there two years ago. Raus Is unite fast and will probably be used as an end. Word was received yesterday that Mar old McKinney and Robert Thompson, two lormer members of the foot ball team, are playing on the freshmen team at the lnl- versity of Nebraska. Harold McKinney piayed on the high school team three years and waa one of the best halfs Omaha ever had. Last year McKinney tried out for the Creighton team, and made half, and starred In several of the large games. Rob ert Thompson waa Omaha's star punter for two years in 1908 and Thompson was reputed to be the best punter In the state then playing on a high school team. AMONG THE LOCAL BOWLERS lloapra n Trro Uaniea from Adros In Omaha Howling l.eagae Individual Scores. SpliU were the ord. r in the games at the ouiaha Bowling league last night at fr ianciHco h i alleys, Hospe Company were in better foim than heretofore sud won two games-trom the Advos, tleing the last game with an equal score of SSI, and los ing on the roll-off. The Hospe high team 'VJ""'.,4"' Tn Advos were high with I he lieloa loot two games to Metz ."Z.-1 the former having high team score J";, .w.nll vie, Bros., were high with Jot. High Individual scores for the night were: iseale, Mets Bros., l4; Conrad, MeU Bros., M; Blankeney, Mets Bros., 202; K. .itzinan, Hospe Company. 'Mi. Haines, Hospe Company, 2cju; Jensen, Advos, : Simmriman. Advos, ail; Ooff. Advos, 'iri, and Stuns, Items, til. The scores: HOSPE COMPANY. 1st. 146 i:w ..... 1K6 ITS 21 . a 2d. 181 lS 12 1.V! a .Id. IjO I'M IKi u Total. 41 63 CJeddes W. fcltiman Haines Busline!! K. ZiUman . Handicap ... Totals 850 x ADVOS. C handler 163 S3 t.m 2d. 14 141 ai iw . 3d. 141) 14 n ut wi Total. ; 4i5 574 'racy Jensen lt.4 31 Zimmerman Uoff , Totals.."., I " ...... 838 REIOS. 1st. I'i2 S KM 2,564 'id. 141) 1S8 m ' lid 47 M. Total. Norgard .. Zo5 4!"3 527 Sutter . DJ4 1.4 4T innmmy 14 flung 4.'1T Vuusem ... Handicap . Totals.. 170 4T 6.10 141 !I7 953 MKTZ BROS. SJ 2,742 1st. ... !4 ... am . int ... I'M ... 'Ml 2d. 1!'4 lui .mil 1S2 3-1. 175 211 147 185 131 Total. Neale Conrad Uuiimaii ,.. Huntington ... lilakeney ...... 568 6" 476 5H2 t15 - Totalie. Wi SI S19 2,740 Tli Omaha jUicycle Indians made the St, James'..amoke up last iiigiu on the Metro politan alleys -by taking all three games, llinrich had high single game with 224, while the "war horse," Zarp, copped out the high totals wtrh a score of The game between the I'Yanks Colts and t'Bilen's Monte Chriatos is postponed. Tile score: OMAHA BICYCLE INDIANS. lt. 2d. 3.1. Total. Klauck isi 'oi 211 67 Hlnrich 1W 170 t4 bi Ooden 2o8 ' 177 14 ails Gllbreatn Iti2 I Hit 1S5 5.1.1 Zarp lit 213 22U b'M Totals m S"K fSg 2,73 ST. JAM lid. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. K. Moyna IM lbi 112 32 Wilson 171 140 ISO 441 Weymuellur 131 lb.' Jn 457 J. Moyna 1:3 142 1.x 513 Hcaunell I'M lis 1T1 504 Totals Shi Ttl 750 2,307 Derby Woolen Mills took two out of threa from the Dally News, tichoemiian of the Derby Mills hud high game of 1M and high total of 46. BaynlHli t.adUiigh game of 1.5. I and Barton had high total, t., lor the Dally News. The score: DERBY WOOLEN M1L.LS. lat. 173 150 147 id. 1)6 3d. l.,D 154 154 Total. 441 410 4 A in sclen .... Lemon Schoenman Totals. . . L... 479 407 DAILY NKWS. 1st. lid. l: 118 pil it.l 1,5 153 451 3d. 1 1JU lit) 1,337 Totsl. 41 444 Behems Burton , Saynlsh Totals.. 4'fl 432 397 1.2S Fruluy. October il. Post Olfica against Independents. In the Mercantile league the Equitable Lite team won all three games from the ! Ak-Sar-Hens. The Kipiltahle Life team : lolled high team total game of the league i Willi 1.5S. Plckard of the same team rolled high lolal with 5M pins and high single I game with iol pins. Toiiialit in the booster leauua the Ttunar- i era lll have a fight to the finish with 1 anions Oinulia I'etluing company team. Score; AlC-SAK-BKNS. 1st. 2d. 14! ltd 153 J53 174 1NJ 47l 4M EyL'lTABLE L1FKS. Sd. ITS 14 Total. 4M 44 SUM - - a 11 Y. . I l,.ii,nfl H UaUHitan . Totals. . 4Tt 1,448 Jd. Total. 117 4 174 m; li7 X' 1st. . 174 . m 2d. ivl ho M Vultee ... Hlniid Plckard . Totals. 544 5J7 5 1.5H My Gloves Certainly Make Your Hands Look "Dressed Up.' H, & P. Dent's x Pcrrins ' ' ' 52.25, x I " i i ir i) H ,, ihibu i ... I WO GOOD GAMES TODAY Foot Ball Enthusiast. Have Choioe of 0. H. S. and Creighton Matchei. FAST MARQUETTE LADS IN TOWN Mllwaekeeaaa Mill Plar 1 alrer- elty Dlaaasuad, While hea'adoah aad Omaha High Trams Meet at Y luteal Park. Two close games of foot ball are prom ised Omaha fans for Saturday afternoon, the Creighton-Marquette contest at the Creighton field and the Omaha Hlgh-f hen andoah High school game at Vinton rark. Marquette college In Its trip through the west has proven Itself a tartar for a num ber of fast teams and Is now to meet Creighton. Coach Miller of Creighton. who has been hard at Work since the game with Mornlngside last Saturday Improving j the offensive work of the squad, thinks that the visitors will find themselves up against able opponents, although he Is not at all confident that the blue and white can triumph. Since the defeat of the York High school last Faturday the Omaha High school has been at work developing Its machine In the po'.nts In which It showed up weak. The Marquette university foot ball aquad arrived In the city late yesterday after noon over the Union Paclflo from St. Mary's, Kan. The party. Including Coach Juneau, Mrs. W. J. Juneau, Assistant Coach Foley, Manager Carroll and As sistant Manager Anderson and a squad of twenty-five players, travels In a private car. Their headquarters while here will be at the Paxton. Marette In Good Condition. The entire squad la reported to be in first-class condition. The lineup: CRSUOHTON. Hlbhtrd C.iC MARQVFTTC Wemftrhagan Tamt UO. R.O.. Hall R.U. L.(l... IrfS (C.) I..T. It.T.. Youna R.T. L.T. .. Omor RE I,K... Hot UK U.K.. PhllMn. O'Neill Q.H.lQ.B... Kl, Marron R.M.IL.H... lTr. Hronek UH. H.H.. Morfanthalor F.B.If.b... MH'.unker HnuMey Elftrn ..... Kanl7 (C.) rmwu Curtain arhaller .Huecl. Waldrori Vnelksl . MunMll, Bchroeder Coach Burnett of the Omaha High school was pleased with the work against the York squad and thinks his team Is in good condition for today's game. Shenandoah gave the local team a hard fight last Reason and has easily as strong an eleven this year. The boys on that team have hopes of taking In the Iowa championship this season and are espe cially eager to defeat the Omaha eleven and wipe out last year. Omaha Linens) Little Chanced. Omaha will have the same lineup as laat Saturday except that Raus will be on the end. Before the game which starts at t o'clock the second high school team will play the Deaf and Dumb Institute eleven at 2 o'clock. All spectators are urged to see this game, as it will be a contest be tween the speed of the second eleven and the strength of the opposing team. A mucii larger crowd Is expected today than at tie game with York, as the admission will be one-half that charged in the York game. The school band will be on hand to play for the local team. The lineup will. be as follows: OMAHA. Pajns Anitrui Vorsll Ractor ... BaldrtR Rarhman Vojrla Ractor .... (iali Kl Howaa I'nderhlll SHKN'ANDOAH. ....US. ....L.T. L.O. C. ....no. ....R.T, ....R.K. U. Perkins UT... 1.0... c rt.o... R.T.., R.K.. .u.. I,.H.. F.B... K.H.. . Aldhana . Redrlrld .... Bnltla Oren Hill Black Surn , Simmon Oalt ... Baulta Blackburn ... Q B. ....UH F.B. B man . .R H Delamatre, Millard. .Sub. Referee: J. T. Maxwell of the Young Men's Christian association. Umpire. Cedric Potter of Cnlon college. Field Judge: H. H. Hamblin of Bellevue. Head linesman: Callahan. Bellevue and Tabor. Bellevue college meets Tabor at Tabor and is In for a real foot ball game. If reports from Tabor are true. The Bellevue team haa been having considerable hard luck this season and Is handicapped by the fact that although there are eleven good men for a team the squad Is small and development Is alow. , ttllMV WOt 1.1) I F.WK t K.NTHAI. Hascatlsie, la., naali t Seeare Place la l.eagae, CHIOAGO, Oct. 21. At a meeting of the Central association of professional base ball clubs here the Quincy, III., team to day sought to withdraw ,its membership. H. F. Hoefer, president of tha (Juincy base ball club, declared Qulucy drew the largest crowds of any team In the as sociation ana mat the residents of the city I demanded that the club enter a higher class league and would rather drop out of bas ball altogether than remain in the Central ' association. He says iuincy desires to ' enter the Three-I league. Muscatine, la., made application for 1 membership in the association, but nu ' action w as taken on the request, pending I a decision of the plea of yulncy to with- I draw. Travis Hlai Unit Mate. ATLANTIC CITV. Oct. 21-Walter J. Travis of Garden City, easily won his match today lu the first round of the an nual fall golf tournament of the Atlantic City Country club at Northfleld. W li Shackleford of Atlantic City, lika opponent was beaten f up and i to play. Falrbarr Team Oatclaaaeat. HVATHII'L- v-k .o . . ... .n. .i.-rwiai i eie le- giam j i ne rairtniry foot ball team re- ceived a severe drubbing here this after- noon by tha Beatrice High school eleven by the score of til to 0. The visitors were easily outclassed and the game wss never In doubt from the start. A large crowd attended tha game. Have you ever noticed how lumy orae fellows' hands appear ia (.loves. It Is the fault of the gloves. They don't look right because they don't fit right. That ia because they are not cut right. Every glove factory doea not have good cutters but the ones that make my gloves do. Tbey use the finest skins. When you want a pair of gloves that will fit and look right and that will wear right, come in and let us fit a pair of these on your hands. ' 51.50 to S2.00 52.75 and 54.00 00 , , 52.25 Giants Defeat Highlanders for Championship National League Team Takes Four Out of Seven Games in Post Season Series. NEW YORK, Oct SI. With Christy Math ewson In the box, the New York National league team won the 1910 baseball champion of Manhattan today, by defeating the American league team, I to , thereby taJc In if; four out of seven games. The games stand: Nationals won four; Americans won 2; one game tied. The Americans outbatted their rivals to day, but played poorly In the field, their errors enabling the Nationals to get three runs. Doyle's home run in the third Inning, with two men on the bases, was the fea ture of the game and scries. Score: NATIONALS. AMERICAN. AB.H.O A R. AB H.O.O.l Perora, If.... 4 OWnltar. If.... I tlfmphlll. rf. Ol'haw. lb OKnlKht. ... OlTe. cf OKnarh, tb.... Or'naer, a.... 0Mluh.ll. a... owarhop, p... OFonl. p -panlala lAuatlo, tb... I). .yl a, Jl.... 6 H'lw, rf-rf. Murray, rf.... 1 SmMlKTaj, ct 0 0 0 13 BrldwFll, as.. 41 Devlin. Ib ... 4 Mfrkla, lb... I Myara. c I Matbawa s. 1 1 Totals 30 37 li ' Totala.... Hatted for Ford In ninth. ,.S5 10 34 11 4 Americans 0 0 10 0 Nationals 0 0 3 0 2 0-3 6 Two-bate hit: Hemphill. Home run: Doyle. Sacurice hits: Hemphill, Hoach, I evore. Sntxlgraas, Wolter,. Stolen bases: Wolter, Becker, Murray, Doyle, Devlin. In-ft on bases: Americans, 8; Nationals: 8. Klrst baxo on errors: Highlanders, 1; Giants, 1. Struck out: By Waihop, 2; by Mathew- son, 8; by Ford, 5. BaHe on balls: Off War- hup, 1. Hit by pitched ball: liy Warhop, 8. Wild pitch: Matthewson. Pasned hall: Myers. Hits: Off Warhop, 3 In four Innings; oft Ford, 5 in four innings. Time: 1:55. Um pires: Klem and Kvans. Shamrocks and Waterloo. The Shamrock Foot Ball club will play tha fast. Waterloo team at Vinton street park, Sunday at 8.30. The Waterloo team has the reputation of being one of the best teams out in the state. The Shamrock team was formerly very fast and a great game Is expected. Fagan, ("alia nan. Coady, Waller. Cavanaugh, Jack Fitzgerald. Kay Miller are some of the old-timers In the lln.'up . It is hoped that Joe Mitchell will Join the ranks. There Is also some good ma terial consisting or Joe Crlilen, Yost, Kee- gan, Schel, John Beverly and Frank Miller. The game will start promptly at 3 p. m. Rubel's Kubel's Saturday Social. the silver-plated ware set - w itely executed and the pattern is justly called the "American Beauty." The bowl f 4-KCr, , J l,,n.:i l4..y T i. i .-it ii ,i . ui luia ojjjuu ia uctivii tomer. These spoons will mnrnlnfi1 until trio oiuiniiixr """" vjt.ivi.inj uvv uaa urru KUiimiy MIU. Yt) ituvise you to call early so as not to be disappointed as were many hundreds who WPffl linnh A in KPPIirA t ip - " Price, at, each. Roman Chairs Made of selected solid oak. finished in golden. Karly Eng lish or hand polished mahog any finish. These chairs are exceptionally strong and well built, have broad, comfortable backs. They are upholstered In the best grade of French Verona or Chase leather; eas ily a $6.00 value. Kubel's Spe- wi1,.8"1.'. l.r.'r": $2.65 - : p- - ?3 i v 1 J 7 , Va : G-T ' I' et Universal Base Burner Heater Ve offer for Saturdays liu.in.ijts itaae Hurner Heaters, made t.v lie est manutact urers In the Culled States. This heater Is euaraiite.l very (lartuular. It Is of doni.io construction, is a oowerful un.i omlcal heater. It is richly nickel trimmed. An unbeatable barium at ?r7. $23.50 1513 KOEHLER'S MEN ARE UN Dt CKJ Denver Expected to Make Nebraska Work for Victory. CORNHUSKEES MAKE NO BOASTS till Drnlaed from Klant at Ml anolla, Cole's Men Plannlnar to right liar lo Defeat Coin radoana Today. , IiINCOLN. Oct. 21. (Special Telegram.) The Cornhuskers ran through a fast sig nal practice Friday night In final prepara tion for the game with Denver university tomorrow afternoon. Bruised In the Min nesota game, the Cornhuskers are still In poor condition for a hard game and the rooters expect a low score. Hornberger has a bad hand, while Dof gren Is suffering from a sprained ankle. In anticipation that some of tthe veterans will be compelled to withdraw from the lineup, Cole has been giving the subs the hardest workout of the season. Russell has been tried at halfback with Klwell and has been doing excelleent work. A new feature was added to the game by Manager Eager. During the halfs a 100 yard dash will be held. Captain Reed of the track team. May. Powers and Racely. a fast sprinter from Bellevue, will com pete. As the four. are the fastest men In the university an Interesting race Is looked for. Rooting Leaders Oberfelder and Moore- house will attempt to organize the rooting squad In preparation for the Kansas game. Several new songs will be prepared fur the Jayhawkers and may be tried against the Mountaineers. Cole has announced that he will shift the lineup during the game, but will prob ably strt with the same lineup as against the Gophers last Saturday. The Nebraska mentor has been outlining a series of plays during the week and may spring a few surprises against Denver, although he would prefer to cover his hand. Kennedy will have scouts on the side lines and un less the Denverites prove dangerous, straight foot ball will be used throughout by the Cornhuskers. The Mountaineers reached Lincoln Fri day afternoon and In spite of the long trip are In perfect trim. The squad had a hard battle with Marquette last Saturday. Coach Koehler la credited with a fast, heavy team. The Marquette team stopped over In Lincoln Thursday night and the Saturday The special for this week is that it is our intention to place until you have had an opportunity ' ot silver-plated ware. It is guaranteed by the manufacturer for five years. The design of this spoon cannot be surpassed. It is a cluster and border of American Beautv Roses exquis juuieu.. xu no instance win we be on. sale from nine o'clock K(V l,oo V..... i: 1.. J tt- tonumnna loof ttI- l?,,l,lo 's 'M'.Jivvi.o iwoi ri (xi, itU IJ1 V, Reliable Brussels Rug This Kug Is one of the most effec tive ever produced the smart color ings and correct designs are very fahcinating-theee rugs are large enough fur any ordinary sized room; and are the products of one of the country's foremost mills, and guar anteed to give the greatest satisfac tion. We urge you to lnapect these an opportunity you can hardly afford to miss. We have marked 1r'7'; them to sell at only . , , I I IMI Library Table Special The Library Table we are offering this week, as illustration shows, la one of unusual beauty. H is excep tionally massive In dexigii and is coiuilructed of selected y ua. ter-eavv .( oag throughout. These libr.iry lahlea are exdulsltely finished In hand-polished inaiioKany or -toide.i o; flnlih, or in the rich waxed Karly Kughsh. Only the best oak is 'ie I in tmlr curiftrucllon, alet:led wltu :i view (o beauty of grain: and wo dare -.i-v that thle it ti e greaieM iihrnrv tahle f.... special ever otrerert in the northwest. Kuliel's Special i-alc lriie $1675 - 1515 HOWARD players reported that the Mountaineer were fully as strong a In IS. A former Nebraskan In writing to Cole said that he saw Denver play two wefks ago and that the steven was better than last yen. The game will start promptly at 3 30. Following la the lineup: NEBRASKA. ! PENVKB. Ctiaunor -UK. ;K Llr Shotita UT . U T Taylor llaminai LO, oilim i ll..rnlw.rr R.O TVmpla tO ) H T, N.fn R B Warnor y.K. O Frank UN, K. Frank H H Rathbona F.B. R.O DanlTi Ftk. 1. il Starlltis l,.T irtla L K Bailor y B Walkae RVI nrtiwlar L.ll Hammill F. B Koonamaxi EVENTS Hl'XXISG TRACKS Helen Barbee Kinds (iolden Hod Sen ilis Stakes F.aar. I.OriSVILl.F.. Ky.. Oct. fl.-The Golden Rod selling stakes, calling for 2-year-ohls at six furlongs, and worth 11.500. was the feature at tha Churchill Downs this nfter noon. The race resulted In the hollowest sort of a victory for Helen llarbee. who opened up a big gap at the start and was never In trouble. Summary: First race, one mile nml twenty yards: Ceremonious (straight. It.W) won, Aspirin (place, ln.!0 second, Dollv Bultman tshow, 113. 10) third. Time: 1:42. Second race, five and a half furlongs: Husky I.ad (straight. $11.20) won, V. Powers (place. $5.00) second. Bright Maiden (show, $o.. third. Time: 1:08. Third race, bit furlonus: T. M. Green (straight, $6.70) won. Koal Captive (place, $2.il second, Jack Parker (show, $2.50) third. Time: 1:12-V Fourth race, six furlongs. Helen Barbee (strslght, $13.30) won, Helene (piare, $13.30) second. The Hague (show, $4.30) third. Time: 1:134. Fifth race, five and a half furlongs: Im prudent (straight. $l'i uon Abrasion i place, $3.20) second. Da ntv Dame (show, $.'..H) third. Time: POT'. Sixth race, selling, purse $500, 3-year-olds and up, one mile and a sixteenth: Charles F. Grainger (103. Davenport) Won, Console (lt, Koernerl second, Olllo ( M7. Grand) third. Time: 1 :4T.- Topland, Olivia. Mlekle and J. H. Reed also ran. BAI.T1MORK, Oct. 21. A heavy track and threatening weather cut down the at tendance and resulted in many scratches at P.mltco today. In the Mt. Washington steeplechase Davidson was reprimanded for his riding of The Welkin. The race went to Jesuit, second choice in tha bet ting. The Stafford purse was scratched down to three siarters. Montgomery looked all the class but refused to run In the mud and Reybourn won. Track slow. Sum First race, six furlongs: Kulia May (4 to 1) won, Llllle Hoy second. Rampage mary: third. Time: 1:1R4,- Second race, one mile and a sixteenth . Harvey F. (7 to 2) won, yuestion Mark second, Golconda third. Time: 1:50. Third race, six furlongs: Cherish (3 to 1) won. Babbler second. Horizon third. Time: plliVi. Fourth race, steeplechase, two miles: Jesuit (2 to 1) won, The Welkin second. Judge Cronin third. Time: 4:06. S the second of the senes ot on sale Irom week to week to purchase the entire set ,i i tit- ei? or tinny pieces. ve oner for this week's special the sugar shell. This sugar shell is of the famous Royal brand sen more man one to a cus t one to a cus- lie Saturday rt 1 : - I special ta)e Hall Rack Just think of buying a complete Hall Kat-k. like Illustration, at the won derful low price quoted. This hall ruck has a heavy 4-Inch frame, made of quarter-sawed oak. Finished in Karly English or Golden Oak. Filled with two brass hangers: cast-brass coat and hat hooks. Mirror Is a heavy French plate with beveled lK edge fi. Oak Heaters A heavy serviceable Ciak Heat er at an ui. beatable price. Tola Oak Heater i mule of .-.ivy gauge cold rolled steel. Call ings are heavy and well fifed. This .-love tint full nil !el trim-min,-. including nlci.ei I 11.1. foot resi. SIT.W drafts. KWlng top anil urn; It fine I vvH.i draw grate; check draft ami ash pun; lltibel'H ,ie- aiL ar mil Sale i ll. ont:. v-v. aw STREET PURELY VEGETABLE HE CXL 5 ATE BLOOD RDHDT It Is a generally recognized fact that medicines taken from the botan ical kingdom are better adapted to the delicate hnraan system, and safer in every way than those composed of atrong- mineral mixtures. Amonj the very best and aafest of vegetable preparations is S. S. S., a Mood rued cine made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, in such combination as to make it the greatest of all blood puri fiers Rnd the finest of all tonics. S. S. S. docs not contain the least particle of mineral in any form, and is an absolutely safe medicine for any one to nse. While purifying the blood, this great vegetable remedy builds up every portion of the system. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Constitutional Blood, Dis eases, and all impurities and morbid conditions of the circulation. It is perfectly reliable and safe for children; and little ones who have been weak ened with scrofulous affections or other inherited blood troubles, can take this mild vegetable remedy with good results and without the slightest danger. S. S. S. is unequalled as a tonic ; it invigorates every portion of the system, and the healthy blood it creates largely assists in overcoming any derangement of the stomach and digestive system. If you need a blood medicine you could do no better than to take S. S. S. It has been in nse for more than forty years and is still recognized as the best. Book on the blood free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPXCiriG CO., AUaata, Os, t laa i ' 1 Q nj"-' made just'as you want them, are ready to try on right now Will you? r' If you're not ready to buy, come in and see those Florsheimsof yourss:;:: We'll be ' pleased to save them for you. S A complete showing at $5.00 Some fern styles $6.00 ft. aA S btarr-.ungman Shos Co., 315 So. IQihSt. (Formerly Hanson Caf9 3D tiw?,t ere Have You Ever Had Made - to - Your . Measure Shirts ? There Is. s "comfy" feeling about llieiu that aipeals to most men. Tlie collar band sets Just right There Is no surplus of fabric around the chest. The hIccvcv arc not so long as lo reinilie arm bauds, and what Is more, they look as though they belonged to you instead of hav ing he'-n made for ,'aonieone else. You II appreciate ' such shirts, and you'll like our s heller tliau any oilier order" hhlrls In town. I'rivi-s from S2 to Tom Kelley Co. 816 Be. 16th St. Tout Xsllsr Jack aXoQalllaa The paper that goes to the iioniPH brings 1 vertifru the lnt rpturnf. i