12 ? ! I i I l i I Want - Ads Want ads reeelveer at any tteae, tint fa lasnre proper tlul(litl annet fee anwrslrt Wfor IS 'elerai m., far evening? edition fcefeve TiSO o'clock af the nrevleee rslf far ! aif editions. WmI received after tirk kaara will kirt their (Int Insertion aader the heading- "Tn Uli ta Classify." Rates apply to either The Dally Itilaf Bee. Alwin mat l r ta a llae. DEATH AND FCRIAL NOTICES ORIMLET Jsmes, aged 23 years, at I ha home of his unci and aunt, Mr. and Mr. Frank J. McArd!, and the Misses McKhane, 2418 Hamilton street. Funeral Saturday morning from resi dence to St. John's church, at V o'clock. Interment Poly Bepulcher cemetery. . BIRTHS AND DEATHS Birtha Alexander Britton. eat outh Mxth, boy; William R. iMtakIn, 114 North Twenty-Fifth, boy; Fan Francis, 1124 South Thirteenth, girl; John H. nti, 870 Marcy. girl; Walter James, ixa Fierce, boy; Andrew Jensen, Fltey-second and Spalding, boy; John C. Ml lot a, 2449 South Seven teenth, boy; Benjamin Molgard. 219 Franoia, girl; J. C. Stenner, 2I7 Mouth Thirty-first girl; James Watson, 708 Bancroft, girl. Deaths Francis Williams, 1714 William, M years; Mm. Nallia Cavanaugh, Omwva, Nab., 61 years; Nela W. Bwanson, Swod bnrg. Nab., 42 yeara. MARR1AGB LICTClVgBg. Tha following marriage llcanaea have keen granted: Name and Residence. William M. fichipke, Omaha Fannta Bailey. Omaha (u IJnd, Benson, Neb Amanda Anderson, Benson, Neb.. Raymond K. Boyd, Dea Molnea ... Mildred McOavern, Des Moines... Oordon D. Keatlnfc. Creaton F.lla Johnson, Creaton t William H. Schellberg, Omaha .., Marie Yeulek, Omaha Ag. 27 22 45 11 22 19 17 83 29 2.i ......22 George L. Friend, Omaha .. Mary V. Allen, Omaha IS ANNOUNCEMENTS a a np.MTT.wvr wn unper em maimers. itu unicago. U. 1669. B-1669. COAL At cut prlcea. ALL KIND Wa aava you Wki to II. SO a ton. Quantity and quality guaranteed. ROSENBLATT'S CUT PRICE COAL CO 1233 NICHOLAS BT. BOTH 'PHONES. TONUK. first-class tailoring, cleanlnr. repairing for ladlea and gentlemen. too pacific. KLKVATORS REFA1RKI), freight, paa- a.... ..... 1 t 1- J... .1 .. 1 i .1 k 1llk. -v .. itiihoi. af. i. n.rnnuuj', irt c. uiu. MAGiAKI Van & Korag. Pmck, move, loir and Hhlp 11. H. ffoodn. J). 146. &-2iJ&, IWaiitfiameli Bros., o marai'mil. New Omaha factory. 1116 Jackson SAVE YOUR EYES COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO, 209-211 So. 16th St., 17 YEARS IN OMAHA Lyes Examined. Glasses Fitted, Lumber Carnival grounds, lath and Douglts Sta. AUCTIONEERS. BOYER tt TULLY. SCO New Omaha Nat'l Aeiik Bldg., old. eat In the middle west. Wa can furnish you man adapted to your line Correspond wnn us or can lei. uougias seo. JOHN C HIMOK. shirts, S30 Pa ton Blk. MONEY xa; ItA 1 1), In sums to ult. Hi) tt9 Bldg. i'hone Ijoug. ItlsH. UNION LOAN CO UOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH f JliTKS. mi Pouglaa Street. j UALI'H'S MACHINK 8HOH RliPAlR. JNii foiv nt'vveil 'me; nailed toe; heels ic tviine you wait iu minutes; absolutely line worn. m eouin ioia bi. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prlcea HOME FI UNITUKE CO., Twenty-tourih and L fctreeta. South Omaha LYN1U1 BROS. m-MBlNOAND " 11UAT1.NQ. REPAIR WORKS. KOS Jackson tit. t. 1477. CHILI ANO CHOP SUKY PARISH VilxuA j,,ST 0.KNEL), Bverythlng iimi-cwM, upstairs; uue uouga. Tyler COAL AND LUMBER GEARS. I .t ItU StmW V All tha. (nous ala . CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO., 1U7 Farnara L-AV1D COLlfl CREAMERY CO. Ladles' and gents' shine parlors. tM 8. 15. IKJUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas Mi. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fence Cheaper than Wood Laats a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th St. 'I'hone Red H4. Filters, filter repair, ma Howard. IX 8913. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafark make oiear, white skin. By mail too and at. outruinn tt aicoouneli Drug Co., Omaha, B. T. Wurn, Optician. 443 Brandela Bldg AUCTION WU1 aell at our auction bouse. 21 8. llth treat, Saturday, 3 and 7:!J p m., to the Bigheet bidder the following: Sewing na ahiiie, organ, dreasera, chiffonier, china ciosei, ceus, complete sanitary couoh, din ing and can tar tables, one Nlaaarai heatar. nearly new; chairs, rockers, ruga and other things too numerous to mention. Tula will be your opportunity to get goods at your own price. UAViU at MILLER. niutti ruuiu tusnuLTii: axpe woik on your developing said flnlanln expert It iviv iunicrii9 IlIllKlied StC Koll of I IMIUTA d.V.ll.lMhl lite.' ma rt.lait W. six jou one-tourtn on superior caineraa a unnlU. V.' . , . , 1 . . ... - va nd iuu.r wr our line X Photo Book. LaTlin Co., IA P&xtoa b OuiaJia, Neb. a a.. C. T. Dickinson has moved bla office to room nt, ruuis tfioca, 1'nona Doug. lsoi. ILEIt UIIAND HOTEL TX'UiXlrSZt Twkish Baths PRACTICAL nursing. N. Ht. D. STiaX MADAMK EDWARDS. Biaaseuse. Ladies' nly; atrutly private residence, sol b. Ivtn. t-'ougias t4. W. C. CAT LIN, plumbing and heating;' tew and repair work, vie N. ub. D. li. El) JtOTHKRV ch' No- t i-viii LD.IIU1I1LI.I hn. uf hlJuor, 4 fBigare. Cafe In connection. HI bo. lttb fci. IIIANK BARKER UKO. BARKER, JR. AL. LARKtK Jod. liAKKr.H. BARKER BROS., I 'A INT CO., 16'4 FARNAM ST. BOTH PHONKji. felierwin-Williams paints and tarnialie. white lead, Ke atone. g.an, lulrroia. biasa pultxliea, brushes, lubriiuting oll. window" shades, wall paper, glaslng and framing. 1.' V J I LV Liquor House, full measure and pure ).'hhIs, our uioiiu. Fmil Hansen, prop.. Chicago; St. EAT KOSIIKR HOME COt'iKlNtj! Arkiua, iJi 8. Llli, uhlans. ANNOUNCEMENTS (l ontinued.) CUUDL OIL BUIINEUS rilKAP rrr.L FOR FURNACE, heating nil cook store; wa do not sell rount) rights, but pell bur nets; write for informa tion: ninnufnctured by Hi el e . Muira), Orand laland. Neb. T.A11IPV! old hats made over, new hats AAfLirjf , order. feathers clesnei or dved. Idif Pepper Millinery Parlors, I4 S. JKh. Phone Harney FOR RENT--Office rom. 1. l(K-ated on tp floor, facing court. 7'l siiuare feet, ln clud'tig vault; rents fir IS per month. THE HEH BUILDINU COMPANY. S. H. Cole Sign CO., D. 37tai. l.tl Fsruam. Kobortson's Ikstaurant 'iVifi?": ba.ement): cool. llRht. sanitary, quick service, popular prices. For ladles nnd gen tlemen. Table d note dinner Sunday. PIANO f' yers re pa Ired. W ajk ei-jJ.iO. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "PKID" Into a post. "TEAR" your ton. And brine tt to the best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUMMOND Corner ltth and Harney Sta. AUTO DRIVERS WEAR Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. Autoraintini? miwpht iio it iiuimaiuiiui. ... nrices now. ANDREW MURPHY & SON. 1412 Jackson. AUTO and carries Painting, repairing- and trimming; dead storage. Wm. Pfelffcr Carriage Works, 2."th and Leavenworth. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Tel. Harney 6W7. BARGAINS in Used Cars eriiVor Counci: Bluffs Auto Co., f10 Pearl. Auto Renin rinc tio"x con'P'! p1" -iiuiu itt-p.UIlIlg ,n the wost iManioiul Tires, U-hand cars, storage. The Paxton Mltchell Co.. 201-l liarney. D. 7iSl; A-aWj. New 60-horse power four-cassenger Moon car; will trade for J.I.'WO city property. Wallace Auto Co.. agents for Stearna cars. FOR SALE, AUTOMOBILE Stanley steamer. 1D10 model, 20-horse power full equipment, perfect condition. for sale, or will trade for vacant Omaha property or for farm land; value li.auu. Telephone Douglaa 681 or Harney 1874. Write for list of automobile bargains. H. E. Frederickson Auto Co., Omaha. SAVE TILE PIECES. We weld all broken metal parte for au tomobiles and machinery. BBRTSCHt MOTOR COMPANY, , Council Bluffs, la. Moterryclea. Write 'or "t of used motorcycles, "iiic We carry a full line of motor cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO CRT In or nut of hnalnnaa nail nn OANQE3TAD, 404 Hee Bldg. Tel. D. 2367 CASADY Ua. real estate loans and vikjzxAx Insurance. Ijut your prop erty for sale or rent. Quick returns. S. W. corner Htri and JJouglas. Tel. Doug. 1520, CONFECTIONERY, cigars and light grocery, with good living rooms; rent ;5; will sell at a bargain If taken at onoe. 2416 Cuming. LET me Incorporate your business; good onea easily obtain money selling their shares; am helping others, why not youT Proofs what baa been dona, Promoter, els Paxton block. tprtT in it' ' Bl . . . I . . i i j i iii i 'i lii.b. on real ea Ute. tlS.OJO; usual rate and Urms. Address tvf OaV FOR RENTOffice room, iU, large room on fifth floor. N. W. corner of building, especially fitted for architect. There la C3 square feet in thla space; 4t per month. THE BEE BUILDINU COMPANY. O. D. C. CODDINQTON, ti Board of Trade Bldg., business chances, loans, In surance and real estate. FOR SALE The only Jewelry and opti cal stock In good western Iowa town; rre. son for selling, poor health; must sell at once; a steady run of business. Address Y 7&2. care Bee. FOR BALE Splendid atock hardware. 33,600, eastern Nebraska. Address, Y-23L care Bee. I.OW FIRST mortgage per. cent gold bonds of Husra Lead company for sale; secured by .0t" acres In southeast Mis souri lead district. Thos. R. Oibson, 403 Baker block, Springfield. Mo. LEAVINtf CITY MUST SELL AT ONCE Nicely furnished fourteen room rooming hoiixe, all modern, excellent location. AL WAYS FULL; great opportunity for In vestor. BARGAIN for quick sale. ACT AT ONCE. Tel. Har. 6617. FOR SALE Meat market; good location; no competition; town of 40. Address O. E. Farrlngton. Henderson. Iowa. A LOCAL manufacturing concern In business over three yeara successfully de sires additional capital In small amounts. Address Commercial club. WANTED A doctor. Location free; plenty- of business. Address Y TS4. Bee. LARGE FIRE insurance com- ixiVlWVjri r llblU PXNY jUat entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount f atock for sale. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted. Casady Co., Fiscal Agents, 8. w. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. Tel. D. 1L20. HARD WARHV-f 10.009 atock; best new town of ISoO in Neb.; sales Mi.600; partners cannot agree; either half for sale, signed: D. C. Patterson, Any., Patterson Blk., Omaha. FOR SALErAT A BARGAIN The lead ing hotel In splendid cmnty eest town In southern Iowa; 1 rooms; well furnished; water, heat and electric lights. Address Jackaon itros., Dallas, 8. D FOR LEASE Leading hotel In splendid county seat town in Iowa; -od terms to right party. Address Bo 127. Dallas, s. D. Heaatsigr Hearseer fee le. A DESIRABLE 4-room apartments, new, Mt. 174s i7th St Harney SaaO. BARGAIN Am compelled to leave city and will sell my ten-room rooming house at one-half Its real value: everything modern, best location, full highest class roomers; Sii cash or terms. Address B -3, Bee. A UoOD paying wall located rooming bouse. Small amount cash, balance ery "y" NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., u New York Life Bldg., Phones: Red IMA. A-l.1. TWKNTT-TWO rooms, modern, close in. full of roumers. li-'-24 Burt bl. FURNITURE of 4-room flat; usd two months; one room rented for -0; t0 will handle. Red TXS. DRESSMAKERS S. & C. KNEETER, Ladiee' Tailors. We fit and remodel suit and dienaea; id floor Coouueutel Lik., en trance i-ifi and Louglas. Tel. D. l.ti. BiiESSMAKINO and alteratlou noik doue. Mia. M. lieru.ody. MKi lavenpoit Su liREStiMAKlNO and alteration, flrst cUu work, prices 1 ranouuriie. Midi I 11 la bel n O'Connor, "I5 N. lsth. Web. 1410. FlK-ST-CLAbd dre.sau.aUng. 2411 Dodge .-U PARIS dresmakli.g parlors. XX Neville blk. DKEMAK1NU-Atlss' drvsava, i; plain skiru, ti. ltls N. l th bt. MISS STURDY, til S. t4th St. Tel. D. 7111 Tk-RRY'S dressmaking per'ois. Vlth aJ Firntm. FlH-ST-CLAb.-. DRE6SMAK1NU: Chnst has article. TYLER 11.4 iA S tl'i. tioWNS and ladles' tailoring, rru Dewey Wis. Lowusaa.clOidran'f dreasmakiug. DANCING MiiRAN I 'S Dancing School, lMh and liarney. Leasone Mon. Frl., I P- Hi. 'Phone Dong. IVA. Private leneona daily. DETECTIVES Omaha Secr et Service Detective age, Inc., bonded, 4i!i- I'axton blk. D. i:t; lnd. A-1.11J. OPT T. ('ORMACK. M7 KARHACll BLK. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. liOo Farnam St. Douglas Wr7. DENTISTS BAILEY A- MACH. 3d floor. Psxton. D. 10'. EDUCATIONAL 1910 FALL TERM ROYLES COLLFfJR now open in the Hav and Night sessions. Students admitted any div. Complete Bimlness Course. Including Banking. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Couse. Complete Clvtl Service Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branches. The Year Book Is ready. Apply for It. H. B. BOYLES, Pres. Bovles Bldg.. Omaha. Mosher-Lampman LeoI? Unexcelled courses In Business. Short hand. Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and nle'U ses sions. Most Interesting catalogue published In Omaha. Snd for one today. MOSHEH t- LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam Sts.. Omaha, Neb. ST. ANPRKW H school for boys, 41st and Charles. Fall term, September 14. tev. y, D. Tyner, 3I.4S Cliarlea. H. 1S3. FLORISTS ... DONAHUE, 1007 Far. D. 1001; A 1001. HESS & SWOIJODA, 1415 Farnam St. BRANDKI8' cut flower dept., new store. THE ANNEX flower shop, Theater Bldg. J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, la., larg est greenhouse in went; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Douglas 12ft. J. H. BATH. 162 Harney. - Douglas SO00. FURNACES AND REPAIRS STOVES made as new, good baking guaranteed. 17 1U Cuming. Tel. lnd. B-1C3. WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water hcaieiH. Thermostats anu tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repdir Works, COt-Uktt oougias St. Both phones. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED A good masseur, mu be scientific. 310 Bee Bid Apply p. m. 1NTELL1UENT WOMEN of education can secure permanent and lucrative employment In the enrollment bureau uf an Indiana university. City and traveling positions open. Names for pros pective students provided. No house-to nouse work. tl.Mu flrwt year to those who qualify. Address, C Bee. IF you are an experienced STENOGRA PH Eft, see us at once, aa we have THREE POSITIONS that must be filled before MONDAY. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1402 city National Bank Bldg. Factory amd Trades. GIRLS to learn halrdreaslng; price rea sonable. Oppenhlem Parlors, 231 City Nat'l. Bank. D. im. HELP WANTED Nonpareil Laundry Co. Douglaa Ult 1708 Vinton St WANTED Gordon press feeders. Raber, Printer. Bee Bldg. WANTED First class women pressers; wages no object If you understand your business. Dresner Bros., Dyers and Dry Cleaners, ' 22U-U Farnam St. Housekeeper amd Domestics. WANTED Gir! for general housework; no washing. 1134 E. Pierce, Council Bluffs. Mrs. C. L. Felt. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call Harney 5613 or 130 Park Ave, WANTED Nurse girl. UUT Leavenworth St d floor; call rt oncev GOOD girl for general housework. 1304 E pence r street. Phone Webster UL COMPETENT girl for general housework; small family ; good wages. Ill No. 38ta Ave. Tel. Har. 2642. WANTED Girl for general housework. 191 Blnney. NICE girl to help with cooking by the ZBth. zauo casa. WANTED First-class cook, U per week to the right party; call at once. Suil Wool worth Ave. WANTED A competent girl In a family of two. k12 Harney. Mrs. W. J. Burgess. COMPETENT cook. Good wage. Apply run Farnam St. GOOD GIRL for general housework. lDOt Capitol Ave. AN experienced second girl, small family, good wages. 4oa So. UUx St. WANTED Experienced second girl. Mrs. El W. Dixon, U7 South Win St, COMPETENT girl; no laundry work. tUi uurt et. tel. Harney lvzs. WANTED resident laundress also maid to do chamber work and mending. Apply to Mrs. Artnur j. hmitn, urn park Ave. GIRL for general houework. 119 So. J7l.li St. Harney b0. WANTED A girl to care for children; can go home nights. Phone Harney V0)i. , WANTED A iaundress. 104 Park Ave.- A GIRL for general hosework; best wages. jfcrfH woolwurih Ave. WANTED A good girl fur general house' vork; no laundry. 8722 Pacific St. WANTED Girl for housework; good wages; small family, zuo s. gbtn Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework must be competent; s0. :'104 Douglas St. LADIES WANTED Take work home steady, profitable.- 315 Hrandels Theater. WANTED Girl for general housework; should be good cook; no laundry; small family; good wups and a des ruble place. Call at Mis. Stubbs, Ml Farnam. '1'trone loUglS i4J. WANTED A competent girl for genera) Housework; no laundry. Mrs. J. W Siiulree. Story St., Council Blufis. WANTED A girl for general housework; one who has had experience. 1X11 Chicago St. 'Phone Doug. 4i4f. I WANT a. good school girl to help with work and for companion. StJ N. 201b bl. Web. IOoA WANTEIi A girl for general housework; one who can cook. iAii S. 4otn St. Harney 171 WANTED A competent girl for house work. :4 N. irith St. WANTE1 A girl for general housework and cooking. 2t34 liarney St. Hurney 403. , , WANTED A giil for hounekeeplng and co-iking: reference. Doug. ai.'. , WANTED A girl for housework; small family. Dodge St. V WANTKD Cdrl for general housework: no laundry. JUlti N. 20tli Si. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 3707 Juues St WANTED A woman of middle age for housekeeper 1500 Park Avo. AN exrx-rtenced girl for general bouae- work and care tor child; good wages. $:j Poppleton Ave WANTED Competent girl fur general hounvwwik; uo aesliibg; 1 0 SCi Cass I 8t.- HELP WANTED FEMALE II oese keepers wad Depaeatlce Coe Cd. WA NTI 1 1 Competent aecond girl; smsll family. 4U S. sth Ave. V.NTE1 Girl to help with housework. 2U S. Uth St. WANTED At onre, good cook; ,good wage. 2.'4 N. id Ave. WANTED A girl to help with house work. 104 S. 34th St. Harney WANTED An experienced girl for house work; small family; no clrildien. 210a Blnney St WANTED A competent Hecond gill. 4S2 S. a!th Ave. Harney t"74. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small family. -'1 louKlas St. A GIRL for housework: with or with out washing; best of wages. lfH S. 35th St. A COMPETENT s-cond girl; references. t&i S. 3,'th St. HaFiiey 3237. WlMI-'lul romnrant rnnk: heat of wages. 30iO Mason St. WAN"TE1 Experienced girl for general houseuork: small family. VUl Capitol Ave. WANTED Competent girl for htfuse work; small family. 1341 S. list St. WTANTED Girl not younger that 14 to work out of school hours; good home. ffiia Jones St. Harney 4020. WANTED Good girl to help with house work. 2t0 Manderson St GIRL for housework; good wages. 1612 S. 10th St. 'Phone Doug. 66S3. WANTED Girl for housework. 1S24 Sherman Ave. Web. 4025. WANTED Woman to work by day. 736 N. 2bih St., South Omaha, WANTED A young girl attending school to work for room and board; Catholic pre ferred. ltXKi Missouri Ave. WANTED Experienced Blrl for general housework. bla S. 21'd St., between St. Mary's Ave. and Howard St. Douglaa UN WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no washing. 115 S. 85th St COMPETENT girl for general house work. I'hone Harney 171. ' Miscellaneous. strangers are Invited to visit the Young uiiir.ii n v.iiri"uan Association Duiiuiiig ai St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where they U'ill V... rflrvt. n .ill I n I.I. . . nl,n.. or otherwise assiaied; look for our traveler's no ai me union station. WANTED Experienced bindery girls for Saturday. Sunday and Monday. L. A. Medlar Co., 414 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Teachers for Bplnk county rural schools; must hold unexpired second grade certificates or higher, or take ex amination; 7-month terms; 345 to J-0 per month; certificates and recommendations must accompany application. Address W. H. Beckman, Co. Supt., Red field, 8. D. WANTED Experienced bindery girls for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I. A. Med lar Co., 414 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen sad ollcltors. WE have salesmen's positions open where you can earn good money while studying our course. Practical School of Salesman ship. Cleveland, O. WANTED Agents to sell cigara direct to consumers. Apply for Information, M Sth Ave.. Room 820, Chicago, 111. WANTED Experienced salesman for men's clothing, good wages. Apply Ben nett Co. Boys. ' WANTED Several reliable boys. Western Union Telegraph Co., 113 8. 18th St. BOY wanted, 18 years old, for) delivery, with wheel preferred; good wages; steady work. 2807 Leavenworth. WANTED Strong, reliable errand boy. 414 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. Clerical and Office. WE ran use several first-class bookkeep ers and stenographers and office clerks. Call at once. See us If open for a position. WESTERN REF. A BOND A8S"N, INC., 762-4 New York Life Bldg. (Est yeara.) ANYONE who wants a position can find It by leaving their name with the Nebraska Help Supply Co., Room If. over 218 8. 15th St INTELLIGENT MEN of education can secure permanent and lucrative employment In the enrollment bureau of an Indiana university. City and traveling positions open. Names for pros pective students provided. No house-to-house work. 31,600 first year to those who qualify. Address D 2uti. Bee. BOOKKEEPER and asst. manager, $1,600. Bookkeeper, wholesale, 376. Oftlce clerk, $00. Cashier, 876. Stock clerk, young man, $45. If you wish a POSITION or desire to MAKE A CHANGE, see us AT ONCE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1402 Caiy National Bank Bldg. Faetery and Trades. Drug Stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest, Bee bldg. 1 GORDON press feeders wanted at Raber's, OW W wvjm v. A 1 " WANTED At once, a first class sausage maker and butcher; good wages to right man; one who Is willing to stay and la sober. F. R. Hufsmlih, Creighton, Neb. WANTED Gordon press-feeder. Raber, Printer, Bee Bldg. WANTED Watchmaker, Engraver, as sistant suleaman; permanent position; good pay to the right man; short hours. Ed J. Niewohner, Columbus, Neb. WANTED Registered druKgist to oper ate drug store. Address P-260, Bee. ENGINEER wanted at the Auditorium. WANTED Cylinder press feeder. Lew Raber, Printer, Bee Bldg. WANTED Busheltnan. Write at once. No foreigner, booner or dead one need apply. "The Pressorlum." Kearney, Neb. Miscellaneous. WANTED Young man to learn trade. Champion Iron orka, ljth and Jackson Sts. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Average salary, $L.10a Examinations In Omaha, November 12 Common educat!nn sufficient. Free preparation. Send name I mined ately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 21i U. Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG man for delivery and collecting; small security reiuird: give address and 'phone. Address A -is. Bee. WANTED At once.- man to care for horses, drive carriage, look after bam, milk cow and tend furnace. AddreKS F -K4.. tlee. WANTED Young men to prepare for po sitions as automobile repairmen, chauf feurs, salesmen, we make you expert In ten weeks by mail; aalst you to good po sition; pay big, dnrnand for men great; free model of automobile with course: sam ple loaeon and particular free; write to day; terms reasonable. Krnnlra Automobile Institute. Rochester, N WANTED Three young men who have had exper ience in handling' boot and shoea to work lu atock in a wholesale store; stste whether married or single, give age and reference. Address M. -o4. care Bee. WANTED Experienced porters for store work. Musi be well recommended. Apply suerliiiendent, Brandela Stores. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hrsea and Wagaai. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion: almost your own price. Go Bee Johneon-Danforth Co.. 10th and Jonee Sis. FOR SALE Team weighing 20u0. ex preaa team, little aecond-banded. good workers. 151. Leavenworth. fFLIVERT WAGON". HKAVT TEAM IN'G ') IT ADS. FARM WAGON AND UARNki. JOHN SON-DAN FORTH CO. LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's geld watch and clviin, Oc toher iPHh. Reward. 413 North t.tli St. I'hone Douglas 71.X A LIBERAL rewatd to party returning porkethook containing Western Union card, money and papers. Call Douglas 2U3. LOST Alligator grip. Finder report It to Bee. LOST Brown water spaniel: pup; I months old. Dr. Scott. H. !!. Reward. $15.00 REWARD for returning brindled Boston bull terrier, female, answers to name of Lis, heavy leather collar with name plate worn smooth. Return to inii VI St.. South Omaha IX'ST Diamond pin. Wednesday evening, October l!i. Reward for itturn to 3i-3 Har ney street. MEDICAL DR. FELKER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, for thepast forty-three years. Five years spent In the European hospitals. Will treat and cure all diseases without CUT TING., A CURE GUARANTEED in every case or money refunded. I have great aurccsa In treatment of piles, ca tarrh, rheumatism, rupture and all skin and blood diseases, etc. References. T. J. Foley, Kd Rothery. also Thos. Maloney, mayor of Council Bluffs. ROOM 842, MILLARD HOTEL. 'PHONE DOUGLAS 240. FREE medical and surirical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment esses; all treatment supervised hv college professors. 'I'hone Douglas 1107. Calls answered dsy and night. PEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. $1 a box. postpaid. Sher man aV McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. , HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Rest rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60o postpaid; samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. MONEY TO LOAN IlLtKY AND CHATTELS. t$ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC $$ $$ HELP DOWN THE LOAN TRUST $$ DO YOU KNOW $$ that there la a trust to maintain high $$ rates among the loan companies of $$ this city 7 $$ DO TOU KNOW $1 that we are a NEW CONCERN, or- 3$ ganlzed to FIGHT THE TRUST and 3$ to HELP THE WORK1NGMAN $$ when financially embarrassed. Wo 33 loan to any worthy worklngman 33 owning HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 8 PIANOS, ETC.. or HOLDING A SALARIED POSITION, any sum 33 from $10 to $600 $$ at the rate of 10 per year $$ JUST THINK YOU PAY $1 I 1 00 Interest for $ 10 for a year. $$ $ 1.50 Interest for $ 25 for a year. $$ $ 5.00 Interest for 3 60 for a year. 3$ $10.(K) Interest for $100 for a year. $$ All OTHER SUMS In PROPORTION tt We can loan for these low rates U because we have Interested MEN OF" $$ LARGE MEANS, who are satisfied $3 with a REASONABLE RETURN on It their ' Investment. Reasonable sp- tt praieetnent charge. 33 CALL AND BE CONVINCED. 3$ EASY PAYMENTS. NO RED TAPE $3 LOANS MADE FROM 1 MO. to 1 YR INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., ROOM KM WITHNELL BLDG. Phone Doug. B045. 15th and Harney 3t4x4tt3t$ttmW3$$31$3W333133txt33m$3 3m38333333333tttW3tt3313WW33t3333333Wt333$ CHEAP LOANS. on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. AT PER CENT A YEAR? Can You Beat These Rates 10 for 8 months 16c 25 for i months 76e $ 60 for f months $1.60 , $ 76 for months 32.14 $100 for t montha 83.00 Bmall charge for appraising. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. Room 110 Bropvn Blk., 207 8. ISth St. opposite orp-uaais. iwu(. xum. A-2n36. s3H.4sH.4.3W33m334t333333m3txt Cash Quick on Easy Terms Loans made on furniture, pianos and teams without removal: small and easy payments; 3120 Is the weekly payment on a $Tj0 loan for 60 weeks; other amounts In the same proportion. Mall or 'phone ap plications receive our prompt attention. Room 12, Arlington Blk., 16114 Dodge St. State Mortgage Loan Co., 'Phone Douglas 240fi or A-24G6. DO YOU NEED MONEY 7 We will loan you money on your furn iture, pianos, live stock or any other se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or 'phone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D. 135. Ind. A -1356. 230 Bee Bldg. VV. H. THOMAS. No stringency In money for loans on Im proved Omaha property. Loans for building purposes and money advanced as build ing progresses. Borrowers may pay 10 per cent to 'M per cent of the principal on any Interest date. W. H. THOMAS. 603 First National Bank Bldg. HAVEN'T Y'OU HEARD That we have money to loan on SALARIES AND FURNITURE? At lowest rates snd easy terms. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 437 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, without security; easy payments. Offices in i principal cities. Tolmau, room 603 Omaha National Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN, come In and let us exulaln our low rates to you. Reliable Credit Co.. 308 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglaa 1411, A-1411. CHATTEL loans, salary loans, every kind of loan from private party. 608 New York Life Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 1614 Dodge. Tel. Red w-13. MOVING, STORAGE CLEANING OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. clean, carpets on your floor. Electric vacuum system. 309 8. 17th. Tel. D. ISSH. EXP. Delivery Co., offices l;th and Dav er.port Sta. Warehouse iLi'7-0t) Izard Si. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Hoooia. CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tem plars. " 118 Capitol Ave. FOR RE NT Large room, suitable for two; private lumlly. 114 S. 15th Si. BOARD ar-d looms, feat at. lath. GOOD table board. Sua No. Zulu. FOR RENT Fine large room with bom, cooking. 222 Howard St. NICELY furnished rooms and board; atrlctiy modern. s.t S. 24ih St. FOR RENT Three rooms, furnished private family. iJ Pierce St. Red 4M1. NICE single room w.ih board, also lari-'e front room for two. Walking distance. I'.t; Cass. Pboue Doug. 1476. FOR RENT Large st am heated room, board if tlesircd. desirable for two. 4514 N 24ih St. FOR RENT Two rooms, suitable for four men; home cooking. 1710 Chicago. FOR RENT Ixvely room, desirable for two gentlemen: board. 21 1 J Douglaa St. THREE furnished rooms with board, private family. tL'J Pierce St. WANTED two gentlemen to room and board, private family. Harney 4v. FOR RENT Three rooms, with private bath, deairable for six gentlemen; fine board, iolv) Harney St. FOR RENT Large. nicely furnished room; goud board. 700 S. St. NICELY furnished room with board. Ln3 Jones fct OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Roemi -Contlnaed. f'OH RENT Nice furnished front room, steam heat home cooking. 4M4 N. 4th St. FOR RENT Desirable room for two g -n tli men, home cooking. 2111 Douglas ML WANTED A couple of permanent board, ers who can loom together. 2VW Corby St. DESIRABLE room with board for couple of nice young Jewish gentlemen In private Jewish family. Webster 1SK2. FOR RENT Room with board; also large room for two; good location. Douglas 1474. LADIES Hsre It I. nlr. Innm with board, $i0 a month. 1M7 Corby St. FOR RENT Large room, suitable for two; private family. 114 S. lSth St FOR RNT Desirable rooms; board If desired. 711 S. 17th St. FOR RENT-Furnished room with board. Xu2 Jones St. TWO nice large front rooms and ont single room, modern. Board If desired. U10 Douglas. FOR RENT Fine, large room with home cooking. 2Z:i Howard St. FIRST CI-ASS home cooking meals, ISo. Ill 8. 17th St. WANTED two young ladles to board; Private family; msy use sitting room In evening. References. ltt?4 Maple St. Farailahed Rooms. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 217 8. 26th St Very convenient to business. YOUNG man to share comfortable fur nished room; reasonable terms. 1701 Far nam. Phone Harney 2S71. r- NICELY furnished rooma 613 8. 2:d St DEWEY European Hotel, 18th & Farnam. NICELY furnished front room with bath and heat; suitable for two young ladles or gentlemen. Private family. 3316 Myrtle AVO. OOOD furnished room In modern house; reasonable. 7 8. l$th St. MODERN, (team heated rooms, 120 N. 23d St. . NICELY furnished room In new modern home, private family, for gentleman. 131 N Slst Ave. FOR RENT Furnished rooma 804 N. 20th St. NEWLY furnished rooms In strictly mod ern new flat; close In. 2207 Davenport Ht t ROOMS, very rice. 1911 8. 10th St t CORNER sunny rooms; private family; no children; no other roomers; breakfast ir desired; block two car lines. 'Phone W. 5420. 2404 N. JBd. NEWLY furnished rooms, private family; strictly modern. 2317 Dewey Ave. ONE nicely furnished front room, mod ern, for two gentlemen. 1909 Webster St. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, steam heat; walking distance; con venient to three car lines. 101 ti. 26th. r- DEL1GHTFUL room for one young man: modern; lavatory; quiet; good family, splendid location. Phone Florence 10L EAST front room, electricity and steam heat; fine neighborhood; walking distance. 678 S. 28th St FURNISHED ROOM All modern; suit able for two gentlemen. ISiO No. 17th St NICE, large front parlor, steam heated; reasonable; private family; close In. 260$ Capitol Ave. FURNISHED modern housekeeping and sleeping rooma 202 North 19th. FURNISHED room near depot, block from atreet car, 809 Pacific LARGE front room for gentleman; mod ern; private. 08 N. 19th St ONE nice room. 1038 S. 22d. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 1, with board. 3o8 N. 22d 8L Phono Red 8367. NEATLY furnished room for two gen tlemen; close In. 6-TJ 8. 20th. MODERN rooms: In private family; walking distance. 2C04 Marcy. PLEASANT room to lady in Park avenue private homo. Harney 49M. 3 FURNISHED rooms, with or without light housekeeping privileges. 606 N. 20th. STEAM HEATED room; breakfast If de sired. 2&3 Dodge. Harney 4731. TWO nicely furnished modern rooms; close In. Tel. Red 62!to. lt4 Webstar. FURNISHED rooms, modern, private family. - 8. 24th. Douglas 7u51. HEATED front room; gentleman pre ferred; easy walking distance. 6uo South vxih street liarney 3111. MODERN rooms, nicely furnished. Lunch served If deelred. 1906 Leavenworth. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. 213 N. 25th St FOR RENT Furnished room, -in private family, for couple of gentlemen board if deBired. References. 261 Lake St FOR PENT Furnished rooms, good lo cation. 620 8. 2uth St. Inquire basement, middle flat FOR RENT Furnished rooms In good location. 616 N. 19th St. FOR RiCNT Very desirable rooma, mod ern, good location. 2401 Harney St. FOR KENT Single room In private apart ment house. 410 8. 26 til Ave. FOR RENT Nice double parlors for two or more, 194 Douglaa St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, de sirable for two, bath and gas. !710 Howard St FOR RENT Nice large front room, lor for three. 211 8. loth St. FOR RENT Couple furnished rooms for housekeeping, 1807 N. 17th St FOR RENT Large furnished room for couple of gentlemen. 2644 Dodge. NICELY furnished rooms. 2J18 Burt. FOR RENT Furnished room, cation. 842 8. 22d St. good lo- FOR RENT Large parlor, good location. 2508 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Modern room, steam heat 20J N, 20th St. FOR RENT One furnished room, good locat on. 19U Webster St. FOR RENT Nice room, for two gentle men, private family. U) 8. 20th Ave. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, good lo cation. 210 Douglas St FOR RENT Two nicely rooms. 2i4 Douglaa St. furnished FOR RENT Nice room, good location. 264k Chicago Bt FOR RENT Modern, furnished room, private family. 639 S. 27th St. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for house keeping; references 3t N. oih St. EXCELLENT rooms, $1.60 week. Call evenings. 2U9 Leaven worm. LARGE front room, lower floor, for two gentlemen. MS St Mary's Ave. TWO single rooms, separate; strictly modern, hut water heat, convenient lo two car iinec; (rivate family; choice neighbor hood; breakfast If desired; electricity and gas. 3419 Davenport. FURNISHED room for light house keeping; gas and stove. 2ol2 Leaven worth. . - ( NEWLY furnished rooms for gentlemen. AM modern. Z'i Csas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in private family. 2218 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Large room for gentlemen, good location. -4 N. 20tlt St FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, breakfast If wished; good location. k,Zi t. 2Mh St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, good location, private family. Jwg Davan port St liarney U4-i OFFERED FOB RENT Faratahed Hoani tlnaeeV FOR RENT Roomp for three or four suid.nts. 2o3 Howard St. Ft i R RENT Neatly furnished room, aft conveniences. 2912 Farnam St FOR RENT-Nicely furnished roe Ml board If desired. 610 N. &d St FOR RENT one nicely fnrnUhed good location. 9.16 N. 24th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room ta modern house. 725 S. lkth St. FOR RENT Large south room tvr two gentlemen. 2&.H Farnam St FOR RENT Two large rooms, $10 each. fSM Douglas St. Harney 1667. FOR RENT Modern room, fine location. 610 S. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooma, rea sons hie. mm Douglaa. FOR RENT Three furnished rooma main floor, $1.50 per week. 606 ti. 16th St. Foil RENT Fine front room for two gentlemen. 410 S. 84th St FOR RENT Two separate rooma private family. 8419 Davenport For RENT Nice room for two gentle men. 6U N. 17th St FOR RENT Furnished rooms tor tight housekeeping. 1902 N. lath. FOR RENT Room, desirable for erne or two. 2J11 Douglaa St. 1 I FOR RENT Nico rooms for housekeep ing; good location. 710 8. 14th. FOR RENT Modern rooms; board if de sired. 2oos N. lath St. FOR RENT Rooms for young meal pressing privileges. 227 Haney St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooma, Hfc 2912 Farnam St FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms. $10 N. 24th St FOR RENT Largs steam-heated rooms; gentlemen preferred. 1901 Dodge St FOR RENT Good slsed furnished room, south side, for two men. 2X.8 Farnam St FOR RENT Lovely room, modern, good location. 610 S. fcth Ave. FOR RENT Nice rooms for aeusekeetv Ing. 2118 Douglaa St FOR RENTTbree nicely furnished roam on main floor. 606 N. Kin 8t FOR RENT Desirable front room tor two gentlemen. 410 8. 14th St VERY neatly furnished rooma. walking distance. Jtiul Harney; prlcea reaaonaoia. Shirts, to; collars. In; euffa, 4o. QAKDI Hotel and Laundry, lava and Howard. FOR RENT Room and aloovo, suitable for 4. Good looatloa. 407 8. tnh Ave. ROOMS for one or two ail oenveala 262b Dewey Ave. LARGE modern room, xoaUeat neigh borhood. Ut 8. 86tb Ave. NICELY furnished rooma. 142 N. 18th St TWO wall furnished rooms; modern; fur nace heat: phone; boarding near; centrally located. 214 N. 86th St TWO flno front rooma In private home, new house, fine furniture, steam heat, all modern, walking distance, vut 8. 16th St. LUXURIOUSLY furnished parlor room; private houie; everything new and strlotly Ilrst-class. 2220 Douglaa St FOR RENT desirable rooms, In private family, good location. 2401 Harney St. FOR KENT furnished rooms, desirable location. 90S No. Uth St. FOR RENT furnished steam heated rooms, good location. 1910 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT furnished rooma, modern and flno location. 613 N. 22d St. FOR RENT neatly furnlahed room, de sirable location. 2018 Chicago St. FOR RENT nicely furnished room, newly decorated, desirable for two gentlemen or man and wife, one block from Hanscoin park line. 3012 Maroy St., Harney loss FOR HBNT lovely front, room, modern. $7.00. 2648 Chicago St. Red 6825. FOR RENT modern room, private family. 639 So. 84th St. Harney . FOR RENT nicely furnished room for gentlemen. 1630 No. 17th St. FOR RENT Two front rooms In private family, laundry at home, good location. 310 N. 24th St FOR RENT neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms, good location. 2408 Cuming St. FOR RENT Two modern rooms, fine location. 2022 Burt St. FOR RENT three rooma, ( young couple. 311 No. 2Sth St. FOR RENT three furnished rooms, large, modern. 832 So. 28th St. , & FOR RENT nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 60$ No. list Bt. Doug. 67B9. FOR RENT nicely furnished room., rea sonable, gool location, 829 Bo. 19th St. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. 2601 Dodge Bt NEWLY furnished rooms; private family; strictly modern. 2317 Dewey Avo. FURNISHED room for two gentlemen; private family. leo2 Caas. Phono Tyler 1304. CLOSE In, nloe front parlor, steam heated; private family; reasonable. 2u Capitol Ave. Famished Hons C-ROOM, modern furolehed cottage, everything new snd first class, to adults with reference. I'hone lnd. H-1GS7. Hotels and Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13th St. DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge. All out side cool rooms; special rates by the week. MADISON HOTEL, thoroughly modern; close In; quiet and homelike. Doug. ITU or 2M. 21hi und Chicago. STEAM heated rooma, $3 to $7 per week. Ogden hotel, Council Bluffs. ST. JAMES HOTEL, $3 Week up; modern. GEORGIA HOTEL Steam heated throughout. Phone Harney 61. 1042 Geo. av. Apartments and Flats. 1311 DEWEY AVE., 6 rooms, all modern, close walking distance, I'tO. Glover Realty Syndicate, 1219-22 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. 6-ROOM strictly modern beated apart- ment, .'-i North 20th street, inquiro J. N. Marsh. D23 Locust St 628 SO. 2fith Ave., none better; sis rooms; 720 Hrandels Theater. FLAT for rent, I'M St. Mary's Ave., $45. Chris Boyer, 2-d and Cuming. Douglas 8049 or B 2049. The Colonial 3Sth and Farnam Sts. High Class Apurtments Rents That Are Right. 4 Rooms, $45. 5 Rooms, $45 and $50. Steam heat, gas stoves, shades, curtain rods, hot and cold water and janitor service uro fiu nished. Apartments open every day for inspection. Payne & Slater Co. Sole Agents, Gth floor N.Y.Life. a-ROOM modern, comer flat $401 Lear euwoitn bu If I 'V t V I i.