1 JJ. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished; Heosna Ctlawed. run Ht. r Furnished? itotni In good (7i i. Jain Bl. Full RENT Very Onslrable rooms, mod- in. k'huI location. 24ol Hatney e3t. Full RENT Single ronrn In private ei a-t-nent hnusr. 41o d. th Avi. tun nr..- j -.ir oniioi paj-lor for two r mora, w4 uougiea 81. FOR BKNT-Tbrw nice room neatly furnished. 41U M. Jkih Ave. Foil RENT Very nlca rooms; good lo attun. Ukl Harney FOR RENT Nice front room, good lo- atlon. 1M1 Chicago HI IXJR KENT Mra large rooma. (or two or inree gentlemen, u N. 17th St. FOn KENT-Flna lili Sherman Ave. , X- rooma, all modern. FOR RENT Nicely fnrnlnhed rooma, good location. Inquire MIS Corby 8t- Foil KENT Two aingla rooma, private "amlly. ails Davenport t. FOR KENT M"ly furnished rooma for oung man. II in. itn m. FOR RENT Two eteamheeJed rooma. snvata family. 121 Case St. FOR BENT-Couple suites of rooma, for housekeeping, lsa caas et- FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, de sirable for two. bath and gas. 2710 Howard tit.- FOR RENT Nlca large front room, for three, ill B. loth Bt. for FUR RENT Nicely furnished rooma. 214 N. ZT.th Bt. FOR RENT Nloely furnished rooms. W ? '"th BV FOR RENT Couple fnrnlshad rooms for housekeeping. 1807 N. 17th St.- FOR RENT two single rooms, good cation. Wo N. 23d Bt. lo- FOR KENT Four rooms, main' good location, 53 8. 2fit ri Ave. floor, FOR RENT Large ftirnltihed room for couple of gentlemen. 44 lodge. NICELY furnished rooma. 22U Burt. LAROE front room 191a Capitol avenue. eultable for two. FOR RENTk Lame front room, desirable for four, tl N. lHth' St. FOR RENT Two nirely furnished rooma. am all family. Hit 8. 2M St. FOR RENT Strictly modern rooma, walking dlstaace. 124 Webster. FOR RENT--Large room and alcove, private family. 1671 Dodge St. FOR family. RMNf-Furnlshed 1D0 Binney St. room, private FOR, RENT Furnietaed room, cation. M3 8. 22d St. good lo- FOR RENT Large parlor, good location. voii 4Japtol . A.ve. FOR RENT Modern room. XI N. lOin U. team heat FOR RENT One furnished room, good I location. li Webster St. FOR RENT Nice room, for two gentle Hen, private family. 63 8. iklh Ave. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, :atiop. 210 Douglas St. good lo- FOR rooms. RKNT Two nicely tm Douglas St. furnished FOR RENT Nice room, good location. K48 Chicago Bt.- . FOR RENT Modem, furnished room, private family. U S. 27th St. for RENT-rumished rooms for house- ... ua u A.W W a I EXCELLENT rooms, 1.M week. Call evenings. 2119 Leavenworth. LA ROB front room, lower floor, for two gentlemen. 2023 St Mary's Ave. t TWO single rooms, separate: strictly modern, hot water heat, convenient to two car lines; j rlvate family; choice neighbor hood: breakfast if desired; electricity and gas. 3419 Davenport. ' FliHNlSHED room for light house- keeplng; gas and stovs. Leaven worth. , 1 NEWLY furnished rooms for gentlemen. All modern. 2624 Cass St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room In private family. 2318 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Large room for gentlemen, good location. 24 N. 20th St FOR - RENT Three furnished rooms, breakfast If wished; good location. 1726 6. Ulh Bt FOR RENT Rooms for three or four students, 3043 Howard St. FOR RENT-Neatly furnished room, conveniences. 2812 Farnam St all FOR RENTv-Nlcely board If desired. 1 N. furnished Kid St FOR RENT One nicely furnished room; good location. a N. 24th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room modern house. 723 S. Uth St In FOR RKNT Largw south room for two gentlemen. 2221 Farnam St. FOR RKNT Two large rooma, 10 eaoh. zt4 Douglas bt. Harney vi. n-. ' ' 1 " r 1 ' FOR RENT Modern room, fine location. I 610 S. .ltt Ave FOR KENT Housekeeping rooms, sons ble. 311 Dougias.- FOR - RENT Three ' furnished rooms. main floor, II 60 per week. 506 N. 16th St. FOR-RENT Fine front room for two gentlemen. 410 8. J4th St. FOR RENT Two separate roon private family. JU1I Davenport FOR RENT Nice room for two gentle men. ii N. run St. FOR RENT Two mcely furnished rooms. good location, private lainiiy. :ox Daven port St. Harney FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping.- i;M N. ttitn. FOR RENT Room, desirable for one or two. 2111 Dougiae St. FOR RENT Nice rooms for housekeep ing; gooa Hxation. i a. itm. FOR RENT Modern reome; board If de sired. lM n. 11th St. FOR RENT Rooms pressing privileges. 2t27 tor young men; narney bt FOR RENT Nloely furnished rooma, ftiia Farnam Bt 110. FOR ' RENT Furnished sleeping rooms. 10 N. I4th St.. FOR RENT Larc steam-heated rooma; gentlemen preierreu. iwi LMMige bt. FOR RENT Uood si led furnished room, souui si-Js. for two men. Farnam FOR RENT Lovely room, modern, good location. 410 s. Zoth Ave. ..O UOT . t. im . w...m ... Ing. 2118 Dougiae St FOR RF.NTThree nicely furnished rooms on main floor. Ne N. Uth St. FOR . RENT Desirable front room for two gentlemen tie S. Mth St. VKHT neatly furnished rooms; walking dtataa.ee. . .luk Mai ney; prices reaaonaeta TWO aultea clean, well furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Free Kelt phone; centrally locwieu. 191s inicago. UHdK front room and alcove suitable for two or more persons, gentlemen pre. ferred. NO. win. TWO rooras. furnished or unfurnished for light houaekseving.t " o liu bt blur la. 6c; cailara. 2c; ouffa, 4c. CARhlT Hotel and Laundry, iwa and Howard. FOR RBNT Room and alcove, suitable j (or 1 Oood location. ei a. aia Ave. ROOM-4 for one or two; ail conveniences. lwey Ave l.AlctiE modem 100m excellent neigh-kuibuoe- U4 si. nih iv OFFERED FOR RENT Feralabed Hna loaltanxl. I MCKIiY furnished rooms. 13 N. lsth St. TWO well furnshed loomv moitfrr; fur- par heat; phone; boarding near; centiaiiy located, ill N. Xth rf. UTRICTLY modern, walking distant. reference required. -UO Dewey Ave. TWO flno front rooma In private home. new houae, fine furniture, steam heat, all modern, walking distance. Pti 9. Wli Ft. H'XCRIOCSLT furnished parlor room; private home; everything new and strictly tlrst-ciaas. - ixuiaa pi. Faralebed Heeee l-ROOM. modern furnished cottage, to adults everything new and first claas. with referenre. phone Ind. B-168 Hatela mm Apartaaaata. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM! for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM, 110 8. 13th St. IK5DGE HOTEL ISth and Dodge. AH out side cool rooms; special ratea by the week. THE I R VI NO Rooma and board. JIM Leav. MADIBON HOTEL, thoroughly modern; close in; quiet and homelike. Doug. 1713 or 2X8. 21st and Chicago. 8 TEAM heated rooms, tl to 17 per week. Ogden hotel, Council Bluffs. BT. JAMES HOTEL, IS week tip; modern. GEORGIA HOTEL Steam heated throughout. Phono Harney 661. 1012 Geo. av. paraeots mm Plats. 2T11 DEWEY AVE., I rooma. all modern. close walking distance, $.W. Olcver Realty Syndicate, 1219-22 City Nat l Bank Bldg. .FLAT for rent. 2M Rt. Mary's Ave.. 14ft. Chris Bnyer, 2id and Cuming. Douglas &M9 or B 2049. The Colonial 38th and Farnam Sts. High Class Apartmeiits Rents That Are Right. 4 Kooms, $45. 5 Rooms, $45 and $50. Steam heat, gas stoves, shadas, curtain rods, hot and cold water and janitor service are fur nished. Apartments open every day for inspection. Payne & Slater Co. Sole Agents, 6th floor N.WLife. MODERN FIVE ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. 119 Park Ave., corner of Harney St: poa- aesalon November 1a Call on or phono the owners. , TATE-EHRHARDT COMPANY, Doug. 4403. 3JU-24 City Nat. Bank Bldg MODERN apartment In the most at tractive apartment bouse In the city. Apply to l-ROOM modern, corner flat 2401 Leav enworth Bt. 118.00 7-room modern flat, 1846 N. Wth St., upstairs. Inquire 4o S. lKb Bt. Call Web. 1K77. FOE RENT New 5-room flat, modern in every detail, 2813 Jackson St., $35.00. R. U. Lan dervou. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. e ' THREE rooms, brick, 18 per month. aost So. 18th. Famished Hoaeekeeslas; Keasas. FOR RENT-Couple Blcely furnished rooms for housekeeping. Mrs. Ruddy, W staple sit FOR RENT our modern neatly fur- nislied rooms. 2710 Howard St FOR RENT Furnished rooma for light housekeeping. el 8. 13th St. ALL modern furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2917 Mason HI. l'bone liar. MW. IIS 7-room. modern flat. H4 N. lth St.. upstairs. Inquire 4o 8. 10th St Call W. 177. lafarnUhed Uoaaekeeylas Raoaas. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; good location. 2o4 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Four rooms; goa and water. 1331 Maple St. FOR RENT Couple comfortable rooms: good location. ius w. ziat ail. FOR KENT Three unfurnished rooms: gooa location. iM ieavenwortn Bt THREE nioe unfurnished housekeeping rooms, save ioage ov. TWO nicely furnished rooms In striotlv modern house; close. Tel. Doug. 7924). ui N. 20th Bt. ......... gTE AM -HEATED modern furnished and uniurmsned two and three room Hats. Light housekeeping. 47ee NO. 24th. TWO beautiful front housekeenlna rooms, newly furnished, reasonable, 2(H1 The Manual, 21st and Howard. 2 room apartment, peated. 2.v. e-room. 334. TWO ROOMS, strictly modern. with heat furnished. 1510 No. . 17th. THREE unfurnished housekeeplns- rooms. Strictly modern, walking distance. 224 cepuol Ave. COZY HOME, furnished. 4 larre rooma. closet, pantry, eloctrlo light; Complete. Ill IB. 4UtQ. Aear heaven w or ia car. L'af aralahed kejaa FOCR rooma. with toilet, bath and gas, 111. L'pstalra, tut Fierce. Fhone Doug. 4133. THREE connecting, light unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; firet floor. 2643 cm pit 01 Ave. FOL'R, modern except furnace: flna lo cation; use of heating stove. Harney 4266. FOR RENT Two rooms for housekaan. 1 us , gooa louwiion. via i.'avenport rt.- FOR RENT Room, neatly furnished tar light housekeeping. 2M4 Dodge St. FOR RENT Rooms for light house keeping, sll N. 17th St r OR RENT Two furnished rooms tnr ugnt nouseaeeptng. JU1J Chicago St. FOR RENT Two furniahed rooms, good iwxnon. tail Mason Bt. Foil RENT-Two auitee for light bouse Keeping, uu i;nicago at ZSli DEWET AVE., we have 3 large rooma, all modern except heat, for only I1J60, and at tne same location we have ,"l'"" '"- 'l" I U T ., nln inciuuea. i. r. uodft at Co.. With nell Blk. FOR RENT-Three neatly furnished rooms, good location, mw N. 17th St. FOR RENT Nice. clean, furnished rooma for housekeeping. 2674 Harney M FOR RENT Rooms for llaht housekeeD. Ing; modern, gaa for cooking, furnace neat, private pnone. 614 . 28th St. t- FOR RENT Room and alcove: flna for ugnt nouseaeeping. jw a. 20th Ave. FOR RENT Three houeekeepln room. modern. 17(1 Burt bl -Three modern heated rooms, welkin Aim. taace; pi lvate family. t'2 Burt St. Ht .,n Douglas &S33. Heaaes aa lattagtaa. OMAHA Van A Storage Co.. pack. move, store houaehold goods . storehouse. 1120-24 N lath; olflce tu S. 17th St. TeL Douglas l&5 HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA UNI) AND LOT CO. bone 4.4 New Vvik Life Bldg. Red VJrt. OFFERED FOR RENT Haaaea a ad oftaaes I oatlaaed. SF'.E our lift before renting. .Ssve time money. .VI ai"s all pr.e. I'AYN K - M.ATKIt CO.. Sixth Flour .New York Life Bldg. 410 N. Till .ST. Nine rooms, modern. vei pirlilr. fine loailon; walking dis tance; desolate to unit tenHlll. V. FA ll.V A M jvMITM CO . I.-.JO Farnant ft. HOl'.-EHOI.i GOODS packed, forwarded: cheap freight rates; moving and storing. KilTiMmm i lellvery Co. Tel. Doug. 34. Houses In sll part l.'relgh Sons a of Co.. tlie tiee city HI, If S-ROOM modern house except turnacv. Young. Webster 3743. Mil MAPLE ST.. -r . modern. 117. 6-ROOM house; all modern; newly papered. S77 N. J4tli Bt. 21. Tel. Web. 1M0. Houses, flats. Cat v ln Bros., 3d floor N.Y.L BRAND new 6-r. house, strictly modern. Pr, (Shirley St.: half block to car; 130. Harney JM. -ROOM flat, all modern ex. ept heat, water Included, only fin. l'W N. 24th St. N. P. Podge ft Co., loth and Hamcv. -ROOM modern house. 2bi Chicago. -RCMJM, modern, good neighborhood, 1.1. 2010 Kim St. Tel. Harney 1610. -lt MOD. cottage, verv nice, beautifully Una ted, J. 719 S. 37th St. Web. Zo'.n). FOR RENT 9-room modern house In best part of Dundee, l"0. Benson & Car mlcbael, Hi Faxlon Block. 7-KOOM house. 3Sr8 Reward St., modern except furnace; barn; large yard; key next door west. Tel. Harney 1721. 10-ROOM modern house with garage, In best residence district. ISO. Keys at office. A. E. Becker Co.. 413 Bee Bldg. SIX-ROOM all modern house. 2444 Spauld Ing street. Tel. Webster 3..6S. KOOMS, close In. modern. 110. 2!37 Davenport. Harney 2729. Inquire 2-68 DOUGLAS street. I rooms, U7.50. CENTRAL, do equal, 4 rooma and bath. 2.0 N. lid. 5-ROOM cottage; gas and water In house. 1514 S. 26th St. FOR RENT Kight-room new. modern, brick house; combination fixtures; east front; car, iJd and Webster St.: rent, 40. Nine-room modern brick house, north part of city; H6. Four-room apartment: city water, gas: arge lot; J521 N. Wth St.; Itf .50. hour-roc m apartment: city water, gaa; newly papered; llo.H0. C. M. BACHMAN. 43& Faxton Block. riionea Office, R. it. Residence, D.30S6. 108 South 36th St. An 8-room, strictly modern, brick house, witn hard wood floors ami oak timsh. in a choice location. Will decorate to suit tenant. Price, 47.50. PAYNJC SLATER CO., Sole Agents. 6th Floor, N. Y. Life. ll4o S. 8th. I-r.. city water 110. W 121 Howard, 8-r.", clone 111 llo.Oo 648 S. 2nth Ave., 4-r., part modern 14.1ki 3oi tsetvard, 6-r., city water 14. 2111 N. lutn, 7-r., all modern .0.Uu lol S. tod. -r.. all modern tw.0o 2124 N. loin, S-r.. part modern 116.50 816 S. 3tth Ave., i-r.. new: ail moi..('6.i low Davenport, i-r., close In 126.00 U4i Manderson St., 6-r lb.U0 THE BYRON REED CO.. New location, 212 S. 17th Si. 'Phones Douglas 2"J7, A-3834. GROUND- FIXX)R SPACE. Thers is a large space lust off the court on ground floor that will be remodeled to suit satisfactory tenant. This location la near Farnam St., convenient to main entrance of building. uook. before renting. -Don t rent belore looking. THE BEE HI'll.IlINu COMPANY. It W. Baker, Supt. 17th and Farnam. FOR HBNT Detachable eight-room house, nloe neighborhood, two blocks from car line, 30. Phone Red 6100. HOUSES FOR RENT. Swellest home In Omaha. 14 rooms. Quar ter block of ground; garage and stable; all modern. NOWATA LAND aV LOT CO., 68 New York Life Bldg., Phone Red im. A-.1721. NEW I-room Bt. Louis flat, strictly mod ern, 117.00. 2124 Miami bt. 8PECIAL I ROOMS. Block to West Farnain-N. 40th line; en- thely modern; paved street. Lease tor year; attractive ngure. OKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1011 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-I162. NICE! 6-room cottage. 971 N. 26th St.: cistern, barn; Also fine 10-room house, 20th and Howard. Possession November 1st to 6th. References. D. S7, lnd. A-3o7. Put nam Co., 824 Brandeia Theater Bldg. NICE warm cottage, near car barn. 2006 8. 8th. I : r iVK-nuuu cottage, moaern except heat, located at 3011 Decatur St. three block from Harney street car, 116 per month. W. J. DERMODT INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Douglas 786. 1614 City National Bank Bldg. I-ROOM COTTAGE for rent 2&19 Binney. Phone Webster 1174. A l-ROOM cottage exceptionally well finished with all tne latest modern Im provements; rather expensive, but close in and a beauty; references required. N. P. Dodge ac Co., 16th and llarnev. I ROOMS, strictly modern; choice cation; no children, ell N. Wth. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. K New York Ufe Bldg. Phone Red IK; A-172L lo- l-ROOM. all modern house. 1317 S. 32d St. This Is a bargain for !. water Included. N. P. Dodge t Co., liin and Harney. NEW 7-room house, all modern; hot water furnace; oemanted basement, walks; paved street 1713 Chicago St. Tel. Harney art. SEVEN ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN Except heat close in, choice location. 6I3 So. Mth bt Apply First door north. r MODERN, 10-room bouse. 131 8. 22d Bt. Inquire next door south. ROOMS, CLOSE IN. Look at 10 N. 21st tit., a strictly modern brick house, within eaay walking distance. Price, I'O- PATNB A- SLATER CO.. Bole Agents, lib. Floor, N. Y. Life. EXCEPTION A LLT convenient, modern, compact, i-roum brick; finished one year ago; choiceal neighborhood. Hid and Pop pleton, lio, lncludea water, care of lawn, snow, etc. Peters Trust Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. VVALKJNii distance, fine l-room houee, reception hall, oak. nearly new; easily heated. Phone Harney 2017. BEST RENTAL SNAPS FOR 1 MM EDI ATE OCCUPANCY. I-r., I lots, good location. 111 N. 47th Ave., 110. 4-r. house, new, remodeled, 734 Bancroft St., 10. I-r., part mod., choice, 3217 Cass, Hi. 4-r., mod., newly remodeled, IM N. list, I-r., city water, 17th and N, S. Omaha, $10. 7-r., all mod., select, new, 3704 Caldwell. $ 27 M. 12-r., mod., close in, 1151 N. Uth St., $35. 4-r , mod., cloae, 17.47 N. 17th, 114. 0 Rl SdCLL A M'KITRICK CO., 433 Rainge Bldg. loth and Harney. tares aat Offices. STOREROOM FOR RENT Soulheaat corner ltiih and Douglas Sta ; room 2x70 feet. Poasesslon given about September 1, IK 10. CITY NATIONAL BANK. NO equal In city; grocery and meat mar ket with fixtuiea Apply 230 N. Ud. 4.4 8. nth St., large storeroom with base ment. $40. 714 8. 14th St.. 44xtK. C. W , 40. BIRKETT A TEBDENS. 421 Bee Bldg. Tels. D. 4704, A-IT54 OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare. ANTIQUE. aoUd mahogAnv fiddle and other cliana. alu huiary table, bargblo. Leaving ill). 4-3 N. Uiu. OFFERED FOR SALE irallare -lontlaaed. PININvJ latle china. inuic and kitchen ;Miit; aiiitar coucii and pad. etc., I nearly new. N. lUih Vmuli IX) KEMUVAL rillOK to removal we dcelre !o sell our hou.efirnlsnlniis to wtvale larties Call forwnocm. iltt S. JJd (', I a- new, niHSyive lose" bed. to springs. Iialr mstties; yulck Mesl range. clilffinler, combination bookcase, oriental and doiiifxiic rugs and drapes, all aiaes. s-l.i William. NEW roller top desk, table and office cVikh f-r sale st lig xacilfice. Call at I3 Bee Bldg. after it p. in. Maeleal laeiraaaeale. CHICKER1M1 upright piano; Rosewood ca?e. Fine conUitioii. 1429 oo. ;ilet tt. FINE IFRIHIIT flANo, mahogany case; leaving city, must sell; bargain. Ihi;i Davenport. laves. 10 stoves, heaters and ranges; got to he sold at once. 11 Cuming. BIO BARGAIN. 110. good base burner: good condition, fit Rugglea St. RKCKW1TH Round Oak stove No. 18 with magazine for burning hard coal, llo. 14K. N. 40th St. HASE H.irner and rubber-tired runabout. cheap. Phone liar. 4111. Typewriters. Clearance Sale Large stock of typewriters, slightly used Olivcin. I'miet woous, ReminglotiF, Mon arctis, L. C. Smiths and others at lowest prices ever offered. Price 310 and up: machines many of them good as new; full guarantee. Call or write for tlie lint and offer. li. F. SV ANSON CO., 1316 Farnuin St. Typewriters for Reiit BL,FMAwan- 011, 1316 Farnam St., Omaha. SECOND-liand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. BY an L. C. Smith A Bros, typewriter; B. F. Swanson Co., Distributers, 131S Far nam St. YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter with oak stand, 1.1 monthly, from manufacturers, niont Interested In satisfaction given. Oliver Typewriter Co., .Tim.. Mlacrllaaeoas. About 40 fet of 28-Inch diameter No. ) guage. galvanised pipe, with four 46-Inch elbows and T. Ibis was used for ventilat ing purposes, and pipe in In good condition. The Bee Publishing Co., l.tii and Farnam. FOR SALE New and second-hand bll Ilnrd and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments, liruns-wlok-Balke-Collender, 407 S. loth St FoR SALE 6-room house to be removed, 611 N, 83d. Make offer. Apply Chns Boyer, 22d and Cuming Bt. Doug, and B-204. lilUli GRADE PIANOS THAT were used for concert work only to be gold At greatly reduced prices, and fully guaranteed, spot cash prices, on very easy terms. These pianos will sell quickly, so act at once. aCHMOLLKR &. MUELLER PIANOa CO., 1311-1313 Farnam St. FOR SALE A 20-h.p. Iiorlsontal tubular boiler; in good condition; II art lord inspec tion guaranteed; Just .the thing for a heat ing piant; will be sold at a very low price; ali-o a 15-h.p. steam engine at a bargain. Inquire, May Bros., Fremont, Neb. I '( H 1 , Furnace lUtnn a ton (l ()0 tUAij Harmon 4k US a th. Web.848. V.AJ DRUGS at cut prices, -rrelght paid on all llo orders; catalogue, free. fciierman & McConneil Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. SAFES Overstocked , w ith second-band safes, all aises ana makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St CHICKEN AND STOCK FEED for sale cheap. Best ever for sheep. Uncle Sara Break faat Food Co., 2)5 th Ave. and Sahler. WE HAVE oil hand a number of Ink barrels which we will sell for 60 cents eacn They are tine for rain water or adties. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. A GOOD wagon coal box for sale, cheap. 1915 Capitol Ave. EXCELLENT condition, beaver coat; original cost was $lu0; will sell for $40. 821 3Hth Ave. HORSE blankets, heavy white canvas storm blanket; 14 per pair, worth u.5o. 1 Bennett s Harness De.pt, basement FOR SALE Doaen duck decoys and hunt ing suit case, cheap. Address U 264, Bee. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, S06-I Brandels Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. 134-1 Brandaia Theater. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. WILLARD EDDY, registered prsctltloner In U. S. Pat office, til Paxton Blk. It 2M1. PERSONAL PILES CUltED WITHOUT OPERATION OH PAIN. PAY WHEN CURED. DR. W. C. MAXWELL, 124 Bfc-E BLDU., OMAHA. DOUU. 1434. 1)R RlTliKFi Specialist in diseases of UK,. D J 1X1.SU womu- N, K- cornsr Ulh and louglas, Omana. Call or write. MECHANO THERAPY. Massage treatment, stomach trouble. Dr. Margaret Halloran, 22 Neville Blk. D. 771. MAGNETIC t treatment Mme." Smith. Third Floor. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adoption, (joud Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. WIHSJ and toupes for men. Griffith, r XVJO u anJ M FRENZER BLOCkv. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and manaage. lift Dodge St . opposite postofflce, 3d floor. Tel. Doug. ItHjb. OMAHA Stammerers' 1ns. Ramge Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 14 N. Uth St., for coat of collection, tu the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4U and wagons will call. YOUNU WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strsngers are Invl.ed to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Seventeenth stroet and St. Mary's avenue, where tbey will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Ixok lor our traveler's aid at tha Union station. 1IFYN Independent orchestra furnishes A' the beat up-to-date mualc for the leaat money. Oet my prices, ph. Har. PRIVATE home for women during con finement. Address Box 117, Florence, Neb. 'Phone Florence 3V2. JOSIE WASHBCRN b book. -The Under world Hewer," at ail book stores. Irlce, II. uO. K-inilJirv HAIRDRE881NU PARLORS. UUUUUI; Take Manuello maasages for a good complexion, eol Paxton Blk. D. 4S71. HINDOO strengthen. TABLET will build, biaoe, toe. BELL DltL'U CO. YOLR credit Is good for ths best hair goods possible to puroaaaei we will sell you braids, puffa, switotiea, etc., absolutely upon credit. Largest dealers In Oniaba Call at Boyd Byalem. sue Raoige Bldg. A HCME for women during confinement. We find homes for babies whose mothers i cannot care for them. Bibles boarded . 1 For terms address Mrs. Martha I.. Lee, oi k I Bancroft tt., Omaha. Neb. Phone Duug- "ia.a. PERSONAL iConttiiued. i It VTl K'1'1""1'1' mswagc, Ui: podge St. llk ' l;aeenient fiat. It) a. in.. 9 p. m ""vACyUM CLKANKRS rented Tel We. . ; Hfr I'll. ( mr. emil kueijs I Blk., 16th Harney, former ly with Hrao- eels. We make old bats look llk new WASSAUK., niHRnettc treatment; etrt maeeuse. ISt Howard St., id floot. CHINA painting lessons, firing, order work, stenciling; fnlnn. cull snd deliver. Mrs. W". V. Irwin, 2l Blondo. Tel. W. 3W. PERMANENT Erbene Chemical Co. lnlh and Duilge Ms. removal of auperflu ens halt; no pain. 310 McCague Bldg , MASSAGE AND li All IS Dr. RltlenrMiusr. R. M Old Boston Store Bldg.. 4th floor, elevator entrance. ISO S. pith. STRICTLY' private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption. 2518 Davenport St. WE RENT and repair sit kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-U.1; Ivjualas IH3. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, loth and Harney Sts. DR. EOGERS, private confinement home. 1MB Martha St.. Omaha. Tel. Douglas b'2m. f AfJ V VTIPTrestments. K. Rrott, 2224 iUflU.Mjllv; ,Sln st Tfl Uour Xwifrlipy from combings. $1 50. U3 Mathews. 3n Neville I Mrs. S. blk. lxi.1 PRINTING Lew W. liber, lrinter,;ou11pah,on1 isia. Bee Bldg. Entrance on Court. RIE8-IIAI.L Ptg. Co. 10 S. 14th. Ind. A-:t524 TRY Magic Roach Powder. Douglas 1.T70. PRINTING BILLS MADE LESS. We give our customers the best to be hsd In all kinds of printing and blank book work at quite a little less, berau.e our expenses are less. We are particular and prompt printers. Randall, McKee & Co.. Spencer, la. "PHONK IND. A-2020 for good printing. Lyngxtad Printing Co., lttth and Capitol Ave MILLER JAM1KSON. Both phones. 1212 Douglas St. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PETER JENSEN, JR., Tel. Douglas 2291. REAL F.BTATF, DEALER. IF you want to buy, sell or exchange city or farm properties, phone us for Interview, either at our office or your place of buslnes. DEAL WITH THE OWNERS AND SAVE COMMISSIONS In the purchase of a farm or unim proved land. IDEAL LOCATIONS RlliHT PRICES. TATE-EHRHARDT COMPANY, (Members of Omaha Real Estate Exchange) S20-2i Cl'y National Bank Bldg., Tel. Douglas 440;! REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. tHM; prompt service; get our prices. 2ut Brandels theater. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. CITY PROPERTY FOR BALE. Great Bargain In a new, modern residence with recep tion hall, parlor, dining room and stairway finished In oak, plate glass used In doors and windows; three good sixed bedrooms; bathrodtn and linen clost on second floor: good cement basement under whole house snd good furnace; electric light and gas. This house was bvillt for a home and the very best ef material was used through- out.' Is located neai' th and Hamilton street! and in one of the best residence districts in the city. Price $3,800. W. J. Dermodv Investment Co., Tel. D. 7M. 1514 City National Bank Bldg. E Z Terms Only $.-.00 cash, bal ance monthly pay ments, buys the -room. 2-story house st t12 S. 37th St. Lot is 10x140 ft, with east front on 37th (paving paid) and west front on 37th Ave. Close to- good school and half block to car. Only $3,600. A double house of I rooms each, modern. Always rented for 140, and water. Only $3,760; 11,000 cash, balance one, fwo and three years at t per rent. Call for K. W. Stoltenburg, with SELBY, 436 Board of Trade Building. Phone Douglas 1610. Cosy Bungalow Near Kountze Place, 6 extra large liv ing rooms, fine bath, big ball, all well arranged; fine combination lighting fixtures; choice lot. This is a great bargain If taken at once. Exchange for other Omaha property considered. Price reduced to $2,750. Can arrange to handle thla on small cash payment. J. W. Rasp Co., 689-691 Brandels Bldg. 44x132545,000 Next Flrat National. Harrison & Morton. 66x132 $10,000 Corner 17th and Webster. Harrison & Morton 66xl32-$35,000 One block of postofflce. Harrison & Morton. 66x95-$25,000 Twentieth, near Farnam. Harrison & Morton. Desirable Homes V06 Blondo SI., l-room cot tage, built for a home; city water, gas. good barn, fruit and shade trees, close to car and school; only 2 o.4. Lot 70x427. See thle at once. North 24th Street Home tTO N. I4th Bt., good 7-rooin house, not new, but in good condition, modern except fur nace, paved street, esst front lot. on street car line; owner lea'vlng the city and can oiaka price right. Easy terms. Walnut Hill Cottage 4.V4 Be ward St., 7-rooro house, psrtly modern, large lot, fru t and ahade trees It will pay ou to see this $2.iiM). R. H. Landeryou , 442 Board of Tied-. Tel. Doug iUaL lnd. A-2LL HEAL ESTATE ir rnoriinn rtm til (Cont.nued ) Look TlllS LelSt OVCT Du iidce between 51st and l.'d ttiets. north aide I'noeiwood Ave, I,"V tin Farnam Hi., just west 41st street, psied stieet. II. aw. 00 Fioiem-v bmilevstd and Laird street, fine lot, $.!. on th stieet north of Hickory, paved street, ti mm. on Csniden Ave , Just west of 27th stieet. 1400. .th snd Duoont streets, two good lot. l-SCll .M). :tlel snd llk or Kvans Sts, two lots paved street, each Itio. CRE1U1I, SONS & CO., Tel. Doug. 200. oAS Bee Building. MODERN COTTAGE S-room cottage, sll modern except heat. Built last year. At the aoutheaal corner of th and Lake Sts. Full lot. Price, 12.500; 1300.09 rash and balance monthly. A. l Tukey & Son, 444-445 Board of Trade U',1 Phone Douglss 21S1. FARNAM DISTRICT. NORTH FORTIETH We have three entirely modern houses, with new paving paid for. In this location. 7 rooms, modern, barn, 4L'20 Farnam. $3,500. I rooms and hall, M N. SHh St.. tl.uvVV S rooms, square, nearly new, iW-foot lot, 3MM Cass, 16.500. For terms on the shove 'phone us. OKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1015-16-17 N. V. Life. Douglas or A 21. V. Evening or Sunday; Harney U34. il 1 . v , 1,1K per acre, orcnuiu. garuoii, poultry; Choice lots in different part8i;0't,Iie,, hunting, turning, boating; deiighi of city, $1.U0 cash and 50 cents! per week. W.-J. DEItMODY INVEST MENT CO., Telephone Doug. 78G. COTTAGE HOME At 4228 Burdette Ft. we have a l-room house with full lot at $2,000. House Is In good condition and within a block of street oar. A. P. Tukey & Son, 444-445 Board of Trade Bid. 'Phone Douglas 21H1. Owner Must. Sell Choice five room cottage, new and strictly modern. Read the description: Novel and attractive vestibule with col umns; good slsed parlor and dining room, the latter with bay; conveniently arranged kitchen with one-pieoe enamel elnk and built In. closet; two nice bedrooms on east side of house, with windows on two sidee; elegant bathroom with modern sanitary plumbing; cemented basement, with first class hot sir furnace and sink; fine com bine Hon lighting fixtures, Including artistic dome In dining room; big, fine attic, floored -with narrow flooring. Cement walks, full 50-foot south front lot. In a desirable neighborhood, close to car. Handy to stores and school. This property must be sold by November 1 and It will pay you to Investigate. It can be bought on eay terms. For price, terms, etc.. Inquire of SH1MER tt CHASE CO. , 109 South 17tu St Both Phones. BUY A LOT NOW- BUILD IN THE SPRING. $64 each, three lots at 6th and Homer, facing east. $100 48th and Military Ave., facing north. $100 each, two lots, 37th and Fort Omaha Ave., facing north. $175. several at 33d and Sahler. $160. 61st and Pacific, 100 ft. east, facing north. I $176, southeast corner 43d and Miami, i , 47th and Grant, 17 feet east, facing I north. joo each, southwest corner 4h snd Pinknoy. ! $:). 46th and Charles, facing north, j $;t76, ftth and Jaynes, several, fronting ( south. i $126 for both, two lots. 4Stlt and Center. I Any of the above can be bought on terms. ( PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, I Southeast Corner 16th and Farnam Sts. ; . ' j ON FARNAM STREET ! l-room house, fully modern, larre lot; $3,506, onlv 1500 caah, balance easy. Nowata i Land and Lot Co., 6I New York Life Bldg. ! Phone Red 1 or A 1721. 3030 Ames Ave. A very choice, new, 6-room home, all modern and up to date; extra well built; choice 60-foot lot. We Invite you to inspect this home before you buy. Price only $3,000; $600 cash. J, W, Rasp Co.. 689-691 Brandeis Bldg. OWNER must sell I-r., house, 65-foot lot. cement cellar, cistern, chicken house and yard, Hhade, lots of fruit; one block from csr and school. 4211 Grand Ave.; 11,700. Terms. 1 14 -ROOM rnomiiur hduse with bath, fur niture in alx rooms Included, large lot with shrubbery, well and cistern, Vmtnute walk from Burlington shops. A bargain at l,W. Ten acres of land two miles from property, ran be purchased witn same at CIO per acre. Address P. C. Petersen, Plattsmouth. 23 ACRES NEAR OMAHA CHEAP Hmall house, land all cultivated. Nowata Land and lt Co., tt& New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1MW or A 1721. OWNER Wants $2,100; best new, strictly modern house for price asked; one-half cash; near Hanscom park. Tel. Harney ifM. 5-ROOM HOUSE Large barn, chicken house, shed, etc., lo cated 4114 Brown M , a decided snap at 1 1. Ml. Payments: 1W cash, balance $J0 a month. 13EMLS-CAR LBERG CO., 811 Brandels Theater. WE have a seven-room bouse, all oak finish downstairs, modern in every respect, nice lot, walking distance. This place Is cheap and good terms can be made. " GALLAGHER A NELSON. 490 Brandels Bldg. Doug. M82. OWNER is leaving city and will sell his new eight-room, sll modern house at a bargain; vestibule, hall, parlor, llbraiy and dining room; finished In oak; kitchen, pantries snd four bed rooms in hard pin; choicest loiailou In Dundee. 'Phone liar uey HDi. TWO AND A HALF ACKliD. I ROOM HOl'BE. large barn, fruit ciUokea house, tint water, near paved street. Cheap. NOWATA LAND ac LOT CO., 461 N. V. L. Bldg. Phones: Red 1. A-1721 FOR KALEHwuje 7 rooms, water, sewer, toilet, eto.; nice trees and shrubbery. 833 south Hat It. 7 ROOM 8. 2 FULL LOTS. East front lots, 10uxl6o; easy walking dis tance; very cheap. t-3 H. loth HI. Look at it. Nowata land a lot Co.. M New York Life Bldg. TWO LOTS AT PRICE OF ONE 60x130 feet each; price. ts); adjoining lots are held at $700 to tJ0 each. Nowata .and and Ixt Co.. u. New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 199 or A 1721. FOR BALE Modern. Oak finished seven room house, reasonable: built for home; location good; lot excellent; cement walks and steps, cistern; paving paid. Owner now occupying It. Addrees J !1, bee. REAL ESTATE .ity riioi'Kiur rtiK mai.r. I I'HIUHUOJ, Full Htl.K -Tun lot. n.Nlto. on soiitl lth tt in hi lnton: sll KprclHl taxr tid. Will ell one rteve or divide. NVilling io. at fHviifKi. Appl)' at S-'i Houtn .It ft. SOUTH SIDE Close to cm line, t lo'.a wtih a 1 ooi, noose, very reasonable and at eev terms. FRED IIADR.V 50 N. Y Ufe HUlg. D. 41.4. REAL ESTATE FARM AMI ItA.MII L.t.Ml FOR S 4 II Alabaaan. SOl'THKUX colonlxatlon bargain; .0o acies; good Innil; 0 miles Si. Alarv a rticr fronts,-; Ideal climate; fine fishing and hunt nn. onlv per acre; worth J.i. Wal ter K. Barnes, Avomiale Station. Unming ham. Ala. Arbaaaaa. BARGAIN RO-acre farm, near Waldroa. Scott county, Arkansas: 4" acrrs tilled and" In meadow, balance timber; good houses. ,. barn, excellent water. I'rice. $1.0w). G. Cox. Waldron, Ark. '" ARKANSAS FA RMS Rig list; special,,,, burnains; s nt free. Wr.te tooa.v. Captain, , Rigga. Fayettevillc. Ark. lallrvrnla. A FINE 10-ACRF. PEACH ORCHARD lr Ontario, cal.. value i.iiJ. to trade for good Minnesota pioperty about same value; con sider Dakota or Hioux Falls. Several flua California orange groves, from 10uu0 up, sale and trade". Have one called the flneai piece In southern California, price JIJU.KV. Ilea.ii 1 1 fu I propei ty will pay big relume slso. if you have casteru pioperty to trade for southern California, send description. Trades effected anywhere. Faithful pel sonal attention given to your matters. In amen, e sules. tradeK, rentals, investments, etc. Ketereuces f ui uielieil, James M. Van Deusen, 20S llraley Willi, Paaailena, Cal. 40 ACRES Finest OiaiiKe land near Fresno. California. (l.Si. F i. Bee. Canada. SELF-SUPPORTINU HOMES In the glor- 1 Ions fruit district of southern Bntian j Columbia for 410 caxli and 110 month I v. without lntrrest. Annual proats, tsitl to warm ciiinaie; ciiurcii, acnooi. poli ce, store, big sawmill, oally trams. close to market, unlimited demand for products. Vv rite quick for maps, photos, tree information. WeniKootenay Frull Lande Co., Dept. D, Drawer 10ti. Nelson. British Columbia. Colorado. COLORADO LAND. I have 8.000 acres of Improve. 1 and unim proved land fur sale at from $10 to $25 a acre, wllliln Crom one to ten miles of town; all good ttnuge; write me fur particulars. D. O. BEAN. BOV1NA, COLO. FOR RELIABLE, BEST located fruit tracts In Colorado, on easy terms, lowest prices, write Rev. W. 11. Collins, 1010 K. lath Ave., Denver, Colo. 1 Florida. FLORIDA We have millions of acres ol Florida timber, out over, farm and coloni ration land. Estate Journal. Big bargains nice homes; we can Suit you. National Realty Agency. Jacksonville, Florida. FLORIDA LAND. Florida You cannot lose on any well se lected property In Florida, but are sure ol quick and substantial profits'. We have many good properties for colonlxatlon, fruit and vegetable lands and Improved farms. Pope at North. SOI Atlantic Na tional Bank Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. FLORIDA LAND BARGAIN 17.00a acres finest of farming land; two crops yearly; deep water landings; two railroads; 14. GO per acre. Walter E. Barnes, Avon dale. Ala. Iowa. FOR 8ALU-M40 ACRES. Good alfalfa corn land. Rood Improve ments, good plaoe fnr ' feedln cattle, 31 miles from Sioux City. Addresa H. H. Peterson, Whiting, la. ' IOWA FARMS. Write for my large illustrated list of Mn ill son county farms, from 20 acres up to Mo acres, all prices; good liberal terms. See Madison county before buying. Best all around county In the state. Adrels J. G. 8HRIVEH, Winlerest. la. 67-ACRE IOWA FARM. I miles of Council Bluffs, all fine land but I or 4 acres, which Is seeded to alfalfa. Lnrge house, good barn and all kinds of outbuildings. Fine orchard and vineyard. With a little care the fruit wilt more than pay Interest on entire coat of the place. Good spring and one of best meadows in the state; was green all through this dry summer. Farms no better have sold for 1160 per acre. We offer this for 1116. M GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 14 Pearl tit., Council Bluffs. 2M-ACRH Improved farm, northweet Iowa; three-quarters mile from town; lot acres tillable; f per acre, clear. Owner will trade for good- business, . take balance back on lnnd. . . i JONES LAND CO. Peterson. Ia. FOR SALE 479 acres, well Improved, at $67.50 per acre for short time only; M seres, all valley land. Improvements cost, about 4,0O0, A bargain at f70 per acre. Terms. W. II. KENNEDY", CASTANA. IA. uM EASV TERMS 159 ACRES within 10 miles of Omaha post office and b miles from Council Bluffs. 12 acres Is rough pasture, balance. smooth and now in cultivation. II acres, corn; 12, alfalfa; 20, timothy; 44, wheat; V acre orchard. Two fc-ood bouses, one is new. Fine, new large bsrn and enclosed crib: brick lined cow and , hog stable, granary and chicken houses. Fenced and cross-fenced. Wlndwill and water ia piped to houses and stables. Hchool house on farm. Electric tine station. Vt mile. Price, HS.Ooo li.swt cash; n.Hio March I, 111 and then l.J"0 each year, at 6 per cent. Owner helpless and must sell. Not only are the terms easy, but the land ia priced at per acre less thsn the land across the fence. Price le good for one week only. Wend for . description. Will F. ftledentopf, Ji Baldwin Block, Council Bluffs, la. IOWA FARMS. For bargains in Iowa larm land, write or call on Iowa Land Credit company. Ma son City. Iowa. KIMBALL COL MTV SNAP 1 WANT some one to buy ouickly ant half of fine section in. Kimball county for lli.uo per acre. Terms easy. Just as good aa any llo land In the. county but toi much for me alone. Address ii, tvl, car of Bee, Omaha, Neb. Kansas. 160 ACRES in Anderson county. Kan.; 80 acres pasture, balance new land; price, $11 per acre. Neal-Bowman Land Co , Uar- ' retl, Kan. BARGAINS. I'M acres choice land; 1.000 acres of It In wheat; well located, we" Improved; $-'.iitf per acre; will exchange for smaller. A fine plantation of nearly 2.000 acres, well located and well Improved; Louisiana: . & per acre; trade. Modern loo-barrel fleur mill and elevator. doing good business; central Kansas; oou, and cash for ranch. - iUO acres good wheat, etc.. land, rent-al Kansas; SJI per acre; for rental. 1 have some choice firms and ranches in eastern Kansas and wewt'rn Missouri, in" alxa and pr.ee you want; some will ex- change. When you want to buy, sell or exchange land, merchandise or anything else of value. 1 would lll.e lo h-ar from )uu. FRANK UEE, Lawrence, Kan. ALFALFA land; farm lands In western Ivansas. 1 quote, subject lo previous sale, S. W. IS-JO-rii. shallow water alfalfa land, at $''. jt acre; J'i uillra from MoCue. N. E. 11-17-22. good wheat or broom corn land. t per acre. mllea fr.im Manning, on Mo. Pac. U. D. Card, ticott dtv, Kau. Mr s loo. LANDS'. MEXICO 1 have for sale several fine tracts of tropical lands and transportation especially suitable for fruit and stock rais ing. Cheap on quick sale. Live corresiHnd ents wanted. None but responsible firms or parlies need answer. References glvea snd required. Address J. I'errin Kent. Tlacontalpam, Ver Meitc