TTIEBEE: OMAHA", FTJIDAY. OCTOBr.R 21. 1010. f k GRAIN AND PKUblCt MAKRE1 Wheat Opens Steady, with a Slight Upturn ia Pricei. CASH . COKN OPENS UP item "ill4; No. 2 nurthern. $l.v4i106; December, 944i Ml. HATS- 3l4i.1'c. BARLEY Camples, ""(,744c. ".I Offrrlac Ar la (a the CaAttltloaa. aa I.lht Htrfltl lasettleal Weather klfifat Art ricklagr l. ., ""' l ' OMAHA. Oct. ?0. v .teal topcned steady but featureless. Jlaitere. Inclined t fa. or an upturn, but ,(rou Argentina and proepecte of heavy wprld's shipments offset the reports t better- flour lnistness by milling con cerns. -fho general situation continues bcarieili,.. . . . . The com market showed a better tone, weather over th belt favoring a swell as farm deliveries have drrmscd. With elear-ng- weather the movement showed In crra, than further deillnea ere liable. "heat was featureless early and acted heavy on the lack of stimulating ni. Shorta late covered and atarted lata cover ing and - started a aliarp rally, but cash avuff .remained dull with values a shade lower. UnHft'enr'n mi firm and aold up 4c on lMt fering and light receipts dtia to the unsettled weather. Primary shipments are Pirkijig up, w arranllng ome aupport of war marfTetby cash houses. -Parma ny mint reoelpta were fH,0f)0 bush els and., jthlpments were 611.000 bushels. aHiiiai receipts last year of 1.492,000 bushels and shltrments of 77.1.(100 bushels. Primary corn receipt were 46K.O00 bushels ana ahlputenta wer .0o0 bushel, against T.npia last year of. 2o4.ti0 bushels and smpmente or Til. 000 bushels. tearam-es were 219.000 bushels of corn. i.ww bnsieie'wVf cat and -wheat and Tour euuai tiushels. Liverpool closed't.i1 Inwar nn wheat and 4a higher on corn. " ' Oaaaha' C oel FTVaW. WHKAT-No. M,,rj, !,A'pStc; No. 8 hatd.-S4'o2r: No. 4 hard, SUtftsSu; rejected hard, 7to. No. $ spring, K4lrr9;l4c; No spring, rS924.o.. . CrMlN Ho. T white, WHc; No. S write., ayvnieV: No. 4 white. 444$ 4f4c : No. 2 yellow, ,46')H4o,; Mo. S yellow, 444j454c; No 4 yellow. 4Vg44c; No. 2. 444464c; No." 3, 4jtV(c; No. ' 4, 444t444c; no grade,. M4,To. ,OA,TS-&o. wklt,.'292)c standard, 89nac; Nn. S white, SaW'Ac; No. 4 No. -4" yellow. KiitriNVie. BAICUKV-Now I (i.Wc; i'ii rejected., MTffflc, ft IE-No. I, 7i V'V2Vic; No. 1. 70H71ViC .' criot Reoelpta. i i ,-. f, wheat. Corn. Oat a. CWoaiti)' ....rtl.f............ 29 2M 301 Mlnapoll . ...... Omaha Dulytb , yellow, SSViftZSc No. 1 feed, SO KW HIRK t.F.F.RAl- MHItKKT (laetatloaa ( the Iay oai arloaa tanano41tta. NBW rORK, Oct 30 FLOIR Steady; aprln patenta, $,VlMin.4n; winter PtralKhta. 14 I0-M..V.; einter patents, 4.6"i1j4 0, eprlns; cleara. I4.1.'M4.4; winter extras. No. 1. W.M .7; winter extras. No. 2. H.ijJte; Kan sas stralKhts, ,4ti.vr4m). live flour, steady: fair to Kood. I4'j4.2i; choice to fancy, M.2i4.40. lluckwheat flour, uulct at l- per in) lbs. COUNM I-IAI Steady: fine white and yel low. 11.20r11 2.-.- n.F. li i Hi- kiln (fried. $j i(i. - ' HKAT Hpot market firm; No. I red. Wc elevator, and l no f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern lMiluth. 11.1.14 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was easier at the start on cables, but rallied and gained strength on covering due to buying l.y a larne opera tor and on smaller receipts and moderate Improvement In the cai-h demand, closing c to lc net higher. December closed lUtf1; May closed $1 07H- CORN Spot market, firm; No. t. B7c, elevator; domeatlc basis to arrive c. I. f., and 67V,o f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was without transactions, closing 'to net ad vance. Dei ember closed 66Sc; May, 6xc. OATH Spot market steady; atandard white. Wc; No. 2. iWc; No. J, 3Sc; No. 4, 'c; No. 2 mixed. lUifl asked. Futures marset was firmer, with wheat, and on covering, closing at He to 'ijC net advance, October cl-wed, fic; December, .Tc; Alay, KKED Quiet; western spring bran. In ion-lb. sacks. 121.764i2l.fcM standard mid Ollng. lwib. sacks. 23.0(K323.S6; city, 100-lb. "AY Klrm; prime, $115; No. 1, $1.10; ii y. i. i.trn.0ii; No. 8. (tw-foll 00. "OPS-Firm; state, common to choice. ijz.u; imtt. 17-Q20.:; Pacitlo coast, litis, Hip l. c; hhw. ltMfi4c HIDKB-Plrm; Centitil America. 21c; LEATHKR-Firm: hemlock tirsts. 2340 i.i'-dc; second,, 2i',fcj2Jc; tlilrds, lDMc; re lecta, lWilTc. TALLOW--Steady; prime city. hhds.. in-. country. T'aViic. PHOVISIONB-Pork. firm;- mess. $J1 00 fnmlly, Ui.W, short clear, tX.0V$ Zo.&o. Heef, msrket steudv: mess. l!f)lVi In : family. tl OOrH'Hl 00- K..f l,.ma I '.SSOli io.W. i.ul meats, firm: nlckled bellies. 10 to it lbs., $lo.0011.0O; pickled hams, $1450a m. 'm. iara. easv: m f i a i nrime u.tx(il.7a; refined, steady: continent lis :: fouth America, $14.09; compound, f9.7u4VIO.flO. POLLTKY Allva, easy; spring chickens, 13c; fowls, Iodine; turkeys. IJffi li. Dressed ii regular; western broilers. Ujj 20c; fowls, laralHc; eprlna turkeva 14Ar-'Sc BUTTKIt (Steady; creamery specials, Kc"; CH1UKSB steady, unchanget. r.-jus uteady; fresh gathered, extra nrsts, WjJUc; firsts, mftllc; seconds, 24 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONUb Speculator! Tend to Hold Aloof from Buying: Mo?ement. CHANGE IN AUSPICES BELIEF ...287 ... IS ... DO 34 12 CHICAGO GRAIN r AMD PROVISIONS tValiiNi of thai Tradlas as4 Cloalaaj - f i Prlaa xMa BrI of Trade. OitlCAtJO,. Out. tatt. Anxiety of export concerns to get. as much grain to tidewater ss possible, before an advance In rail rates November l-'wa Instrumental today in hoisting Hve. pt4:e of wheat. Another cause was ,he renewal of assertions that rain came too lata In northwestern Argentina and 'that crop damage there la Irreparable. The f liMie-w strong at a net advance of 7,c (o l',c. A. gain of W to Sc over last night' was scort-d by corn and H'aJ4c to ills' by 'oats. Provisions made a ragged fmlHh. a Uline up to a .quarter of a dollar decUii..,... , . - In tlit wheat pit selling was overdone early and 'an elevator concern picked up ttafe laaik of the- offertnga at the ensuing UewHtwN CpiUlnuod buying of the same kind sluils-'t a. train of purchasers by shorts and "the movement seemed to gather force with each advance. Tha July wheat option In par tluuLao showed strength. Primary re ceipts were reported, as only a little more than 1lalf those of a year ago. What bear ish news thtVre -was cams-In the first half linur-tof tending,, and consisted chiefly of Indications of huge world shliiraents. Tlis rise after that ym was practh-ally con atant lecembef ranged from KiVic to MHc, atMt closed vlcup- at W-tc. , Tlusra was a little bualnoss done here In new corn for export. December fluctuated between'' 4iir and 47Mk-. closing strong at 4CV,,''tls"Oti4c'r4'tasti nia-ht. 4ash ooi ii -wan (Jroif Su.- 2- yellow finished at In oats; shorts kept values on an as cending scale. December sold from 0Wo to 3lS -"d la 'the final transactions was at SlVuliai'c a net advance of MjVn Congestion In October lard made foreign aild local shorts' buy In lively fashion. In the end, pork was unchanged to 10c up. lard 5o .higher, tp 2Hno down, and ribs a shiide higher to '251 decline. The leading' 'futures ranged as follows: 'ArlWlcs.l Open. I High, f Low. Close. Yes'y. CaiagPBtlaa la tailed States Steel Etea tireater Tbaa laaal a ad Glvea Hlae 4a Sasplelaa Hlae Cantlaaes. NOT YORK. Oct. 20 The deallnsa on the renewed upturn In prices today were congested even more than usual In Tnited tal-K Bteel. The action of that stock be got the suspicion that the new movement represented a change In the auspices under w men tne market ODeratlone were con ducted, tin that account, partly, there was uuie iioiding aiooi irom tna new nuying movement. 1 ha rise in United Plates Steel plaoe-d It wen aoove tna previous level touched on the present movement and. In fact, above any price touched aince June. Then the stock readied 7!4j. but fell precipitately to tne lowest or the year, iv. less than a month later. The potent factors In the immediate movement which carried United .States .Steel today to 7 undoubtedly were the crop conditions disclosed by the Octo ber government report and the report, re ferred to by the Iron Age today, that "prominent railroad officials have advised steel manufacturers that a much more liberal policy In placing orders for equip ment Is to be ntpected after the election next month." Tho & per cent discount rate established by the Bank of Knsiand today may ause a question of easier financial conditions. The conviction is general that the new step taken by the Hank of Kngland Is de signed to check these borrowings and to conserve London money supplies for In tended capital flotations in that market and for active trade needs la Ureat Britain. International exchanges all turned ' In favor of London In response to action of the Bank of .Kngland. The call money market In New York was unaffected. Pro nounced dullness in the discounting of commercial paper Is a feature of the money market. Bond were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $2 )18.000. I nlted States bonds wera uiicoangea on can. and leading Quotations follows: Rales, High. Low. Ciena. $ro-,: t, J..41i.n.'. tal balance In general fund, ew lark Moaar Market. NKW YORK, Oct. 30. M NK Y-On call, steady at SU3' per cetft; closing Mil. i per cent; olfered at S'i per rent; ruling rule, J" per cent. Time loans, easier; sixty days, 4fil4 per cent; ninety days. 4ViiS P"r cent, six months. 4'ti41 ei- cent. rULVKK Bar. M7c; Mexican dollars. 4. BON I S Oovernment, steady; railroad. Irregular. PUIMU MEUCANT1LE IUEH-6Vai per cent. STKHMNO EXCIIAXOK-Slrong. with actiisl business in bankers' bills at $4.S.UV i4MT5 for sixty-day bills and at $ lor demand. Cloning quotation on bond today wera as follows: ...1n1nt. M. M. 4m ...1M4 Japan 4 ...lll4 So 4V ..rr. iH K. . So. Irt 7J ...116 1.. S deh. 4 int.... M' ...llnH'h. N. "til. 4a.... ... 7M . K. T. let 4a. 7 ...l"?1 oo in. M Am. T. T. ci. 4..l'X-4 Mu. Fatttlc 4e Am. Tobicce 4a tS N. K. K. of M. 4S. a4 do to Ki4. Y. O. I va.... Armour A (Xl. 4s.. do deli. 4a. MV OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kindt Coming- in Smaller Supply. K0GS RECEIVE A SEVERE BLOW Another Fair, bat at l.arie R Sheeai and Lambs, V. hlle 4i I aaad la Qalte (ieod aad Prleea Steady. V. 1. r.t. Is, r do coupon . , . C. . a, rrt ... ao coupon ... V. 8. 4. re... do coupoa . . . . Allla-tTial. lit Am. A to Number of sales on stocks were aa WEATHER I! THH OR A IK BELT ladtratlaaa Are for Coatlaaed Cool Here Friday. . OMAHA-, Neb. OcL 20, lSlO. ine western area of high pressure has continued slowly eastward during the last twenty-four, hours and now overlies the country from tho Mississippi river west er tna entire xtocgy mountain region, with Its crest over Wyoming and the west- em portlona of Nebraska and South Da kota. The cool wave, accompanying the high pressure, has spread over the cen tral valleys and upper lake region, and decidedly cooler weather prevails this morning everywhere from the Kocklea to the Alleghanles. Temperatures at or below freezing are reported In the upper Mississippi and upper Missouri valleys, west over the plains states, and throughout the Kocky mountains and northwest. The weather has cleared In the extreme upper valleys and northwest, but continues un settled In the lower mountain districts and central valleys, and rains are falling this morning In the southw .at, the oentral val leys and upper lake region. A light rain waa falling in Chicago at 7 a. m. with a temperature of 52. The south Atlantic storm Is continuing up the coast and la now central off Cape Hatterhs: The weather will be partly cloudy and colder In thia vicinity tonight, followed by clear ing and continued cool Friday. lClO. 1009. 1909. 1907. Minimum temperature.... - 44 51 n Precipitation T .13 .00 .09 Wormal temperature for today, 53 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since .March 1. 12.76 Inches. Deficiency corresponding- period In 1909, 2.01 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 190J, 3.SS Inches. L. A. WELStf. Local Forecaster. Wheat I I I le.A. SGUflSr """"ii 1ay.jtWai ll I July,..! . nuin i Dc.'.'.l4ffHj47 ; Muw.f -M July ,.t04'osJ Dec tta Purs" ('"'' I W. I ,. Mai. i y.;i34 4J i I 47 4iJ Wa! 51 loOV, '41 9.1V S4V4I i m I OOW I i'-sl I 47Hi W'-'i, '! I 93H 1 00 '. 47 . Vs aOi etc, 4', 4IC, I 12i 40 734, l'4Mi V, llhS 1RK7, 95 S3 i 100-4 107S 3014 7SI4 IMS 11,00 U4 8J 3iyv, 14 !Wi Sl'.ff 'i WH,34Wl. Jan..., W.Znu. 17 42'4 17 XS 17 40 17 30 May., , I li iu A j ' 1 UMl 1 4i 1 14 40, i:ard- I I 1 Kt.-..i is so fit uo 1 n 10 1 ia 10 i is 10 r.Vw.'..H 66 I U IsHkl 11 00 11 11 674 JK0. 10 KW 10 4o I 10 37Mi 10 42' 10 4i ' .M4V...I 9W I W &!j S7Hl S0 ftths I V ! 1 Jon..'.:f- S"15 "1 Hi Mm 17i 9 17i, iayT HW 0v 4 ! SOU 1 tt , - -.-r-T. . 1 -' No. S CSHr'u'iotatloiis were as follows: KLOCH Steady t wlntur patents, $4 304 4Jia; winter, stvaUhtS, $4,0044.75; spring siruights, llfoui ii; spring patents, best hard. $6. 30 . bakers, $3.liirf.'.0i. RYE No. 1. Ih'ifile. UAHLklT r'ned or mixing, totrtuc; fair to choice malUn,, ?ti'j'74'4v Slil'J ),S h lax, Jo. 1 southwestern, $J ".": No. t' horthwestern. $ Timothy, $i.oow 9.t). Clover. $.Wi!i 14 00. I BHOVIfclONS i.Mese pork, per bbl.. $lh.00 SjU SS. Lard. ier HW lbs., $18.10. Short ribs, aides tloosel, $if.0O"i 10.S7; short clear sides (boxed), $11.60io 11. tL' - Total clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 463,0ilu tiii frimary receipts were s04,O) bu., coiniiared with 1.4i.0uo bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Katimaled receipts for tomorrow . Wheat, 70 cars; corn, " Cars; pats, 1U3 cars; hogs, 10.000 head. t'lilcago Cash Friers Worst: No. I red, M-'iiyi'ii;, Ni.. t red, S'-'-sftc; No. t hard, ,. ;V' No. 3 hard. SJiiiHtic; No. 1 north em spring, $1 1 ; No. t northern spring. II ti 1 r No-.'- 3 spring. $l.Mrri .05. Corn: Nil i'WI. 4f.e4ac; No. 4 cash, 4',c; Nu, i white, 4a".ftjc; No. $ whit. 4ioa4i,i:, Nn i yellow, 4Vi0c; No. :i yellow,- 4M,fl4914c." Oats: No. 1 white, ftl Nex w hite. Xi ikIIVo; No. 4 white. !': alandaid, Hi'MS-c. BCTTl-'R steady, creanierlea. 24&J)o; dairies. jaiiXo. ' KiiiiS Steady; receipts. 3 Me cases; at nark, taaes include,!, lS'iil'c; . firsts, ;ik.'; pi line firsts, ovc. CliEEtfli Steady: dUies, 15"c- twins. l4'c; oung America, l-o; long horns, 15'-irl5v'. I "OTA TOES Firm: choice to fancy. Wi i;.c; fair to gooil. 40ni 4..o. JtJL'l.THY Kav; . turkeys, l.'ic; hens. III ,; )I1K. Uc. VlA 1, (Steady ; to lb. ts.. J10c; Mt to lu-lb. nts,, joyllcj, SS to llo-iu. wis., ll'-rul".1!. ' ' i-'liicaitu He.-eiljt-T"d,v: Wheat. 4 cars: corn, i.o cars; ,it". Sol cars. Kxllinateil in. n.onon : Wlirt. ii; corn, 310 cars; oats, isj tais.' Kaaaas 4 llr tirala aad Prwvtaleaa. KANSAS CITV. Mo.. tK-t. iO-WHEAT-ie M',V:V bid: May, STp. Caah. unchauved:. Nm. hard. SS'tlit'c; No. i, stxi :': No. t red. HboOu-; No. $, .viSi,c ttiHN !einl.r. 4.m,4.c, bio; May. 4 'ti 4" aellera. Cash, Kn lc higher; No, i mixed, 4N-; No. 1 luixed. Wjc; No. $ white, 43V'i4'c; No. 3, 4!'i4;4c. t)ATS I'nchenged to v! lilsher; No. 1 white. 3.v334o; No. $ unxtid. Jxnl-aC. KVI'--No. J. 74ti77c . I I ,v Y I "clianued; choice timothy. SllUVi; )l,r .'l. I'l all I. $12.10. Bl.'TTKK Creamery. ic; firsts, Joe; sec-tui-is. '.c; packing stock, 2ivc. i;UOS Kxtras. S7c; firsts, iic; eeoonds, 17c St. Loala Ocarrsl Market. ST. LOUIS. Wo.. Oct. SO. WHEAT Fu tures, higher; December, iij4sjc ; May $l.oi,ai.olV Cash, firm; track: No. t red 7eu1.00; No. 3 hard. S4KcQ$1.09. ' CORN Futures, higher; December, 45To; May. 49VC Cash, higher; track: No. t Itvpiic; No. 2 white, SloHic. OATS Futures, lilsher; December, BVio; May. 33Hc. Cash, firm; track: No. t, 310; No. 3 white. JL!VjS3e. FLOCR Dull; red winter patents. $4.WS) 5.10; extra fancy and strsight, $4.00-4.60; hard winter clears, $3.30ru3.8n. HEEDS Timothy, $7.?i5i8.00. CORNMKAL $2.60. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track. ltW3c. HAY Market steady; timothy. $l3.ofl(a) 18. M; prairie, $11. Ontjj 14.00. BAOUINti-SViC. lll' .M P TWINE "Sc. PROVISION'S Pork, unchanged : fobblna. I $18.7i. Iard, unchanged; prime steam, $12.60 iyi..tio. wry salt meats, stoady: boxed ex tra shorts, $12,324; clear rohs, nS.e-iS; short clears, I1187S4. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, $14,124; clear ribs, $14.12V; short clears, $14 374. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 12c; springs, 12c; turkeys, lti!9c; ducks, 124c; geese, Vac. BITTTER Steady; creamery, 26e30c. . EGOS Steady at 124c, . Mlaaaaaella C.rala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oot. . WHEAT De cember, $1.034frl.i4; May. H.0sS91.04; No. I hard, $1,064; No. 1 northern, $l.tVa 1,064; No. 2 nortluoin, $1.01fu 1.0S4; No. $ wheat, Stk !&$l 02. FLAX-Cloeed at $2S44. CORN No. 3 yellow, 464(ft 49c. OAT8 No. 3 white, I&iv Me. RYE No. J, 714&7S4C FIXL'K First patenta, patents, $4 808i.; first second clears, $2.1UK7:j.4U. Alllahalmers Did .. Amalgamated t'oppar 32.aH) 71 v Anirli'n Agrlcullural .... 1,7ih) 4P-H Amerlran Boet Bujar l,a : American Can 3IO ' Ameil.aii c. A F. , u4, Amerlran OoMotl Oil I.IHH) 74 American H. A U p(d leo ti Am. lea Becurltlea t Amwinn Uinned 3-a) lz4 American IsconintlTe 1,W0 414 American B. A It 14.2IO "7S Am. s. A r. prd tw luf.s. Am. Ptel Kounrtrlaa l.lHie 434 Am. Susar tunning Too American T. A T J, (XV) 140 American Tohacco pfel 200 American Woolan 100 B.I . Anaconda Mining Co 1.70 434 Atchlnon 20,3(10 105S Atchlaon ptd j Atlantic Coast Una VUI l Baltimora A Ohio 1,10a 11W4 Bathlehom Steal 4.4W) 32, Brooklm Rapid Tr .00 74 Canadian Pacific 1,7110 Its Oentral Leather 16,200 US Central Leather pfd Onlril of Nw Jersey.. Cbenapeake A Ohio.:.... fhlcago A Alton Caliagn o. W., nw Tno 2S4 c. u. w. pfd aio (04 Chicago A N. W.j 100 :., M. St. P 13,i)0 I2t, C C, C. A St. L.. Ooloraiio r. A I l.jno Colorado A Southern 400 Consolidated Oaa t.SOO Corn Products 1.3") Dolavar A Hudaon I.SOO Denver A Klo (Irando 1,200 D. A R. O. pfd... , Dimmer' Sacuritles 500 Rrla 4,300 Rrla lat pfd l.too Enia 2d prd 100 Otfnorml Ktoctrlc tVKj Oraat Northsm Or etfa.... 7 lllinola tlantral l.onO International Met 4.2M Int. Met. pM 7. Out) international Harveaier ... II, 4U0 Int. Marin prd 100 International par , luO International rump , ' Sol) lwa' Central '-SilO Kansas Ctty Ho Dot) K. V. Bo. pfd Laeled Oaa ,. ISO Loulavtll A NashTlll l.tno Minn. A St. Lou li M0 St.. St. P. A 8. B. M - M., K. A T 1,100 M., K. A T. pfd 1"0 Mlaaourl Paaino 8,0)0 National Hlvutt National Lead 700 N. R, R. or M. 2d prd too New York Central 34. M0 N. Y.. O. A W 7W Norfolk A wtm North American Northern Feclflo Pacific Mall , 1,00ft Pennsylvania lt.ntio People's l) 1,300 p.. v., c. A at. L Prasaad Btael car 200 PTeued Steel Coal :io0 Pullman Palace Car 11)0 Railway Steel Spring m Resiling 121. 7 Hep ub I lo Steel S.7U0 HepuMla Steal prd &"0 Hock laland Co K.700 Riak laland Co. ptd I. Ml St. U. A g. F. 3d ptd l.J-o 8t. Louie g. w oo St. U S. W. prd foo 8!oe-ahfrtei4 I. A 1 Oouthern Paclrle 14.800 Southern Railway l.neo So. Hallway pM 8) Tennae Copper 34.400 Tuaa A Parldo 400 T., SI. U A W l.lia) T.. St. U A W. prd " tlnlun Pact Mo 101, 6uo t'nioa Pacific prd 3uo V. 8. Healtr, ex-ie United State, Hubber t'nited BUMaa Steel it,30 I'. H. 8uw ptd 3.1(H) Utah Copper . Va. -Carolina aiemical .... l,hm Wabaeh ) Wabaeh ptd lUMO Wealern Maryland euo Weeilngboue Klecolo 4.400 Western t'nioa l.'&K Wheeling A U K Total sales lor lb say. I,60 atiaraa Atchlaon gen. 4s. ao cv. 4a. do cv. i At. C. L. lat 4a ... lie I. A Ohio 4s..., do l'a do S. W. t'as.... Bniok. Tr, cv. 4a. tn. of t)a. be ten. Leather la..., '( . or N. J. g. ila. MH N. T. N. H. A 11 ,.1'VJ ct. 4a 1" ..UT N. A W. lat con. 4a 4 .. M't de rr. 4a 14 .. WeN.' Tacitlc 4a 1"" .. r-v, ada j, 7114 ..40 o fl. L. ring. 4e ... 3 .. 4,renn. or. 34n tl.. 14 ,.1074 to'nm.- 4 1H .. Siew Ilenrtlllg gen. 4a K .li4 St. L. A S. F. tg. 4s 1 'hea. A llhlo 4We. .!(' d0 gen. Se. do ret. im lutl U 5. W. t. 4a. t'Mcaga A A. J'.,a.. 7t, do let gold 4a... C. B. A Q. 1. 4a.... sat. Seaboard A. L. 4s.. do gen. 4a 'Ho Pao, ool. 4a.... C. M. A a. p. g. ji l do cv. 4 C R. I. A P. n, la.. do lit ret. 4a do rfs. 4e So. Hallway ta Colo. Ind. kt 7to do gen. 4, Uolo. slid. 4a 70 In Ion Pacltls 4a... C. A 8. r. A . 4Wa 7 do cv. 4 D. A H. cv. 4a. 11. A R. O, 4a... do ref. 6a Clatillera' ia Krie p. 1. 4e do gen. 4n do cv. 4a. sar. A do eerlea B ). Kiec. or. 6...14S HU Cen. lat ref. 4a. ?'. Int. Met. 4,a.... Bid. ot!d. t- do lat A rf. 4a... 6 V. 8. Rubber 4a.... I4 t. 8. Steel td ea... 7 Vs. -Cars. Chm. to 4V4 vt abaab lat 6a do let A ea. 4a... lt.i yVest. Md. 4s 71 4 went. Klec. sr. 6a.. evu. central ea.... Mo. Pac. ov. 6 IS . 7G4 . Hi . 714 . M . n . .14 . 7H .101 .104 . 7K .10114 .11 . Vt .lt4 . . it . m SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 20. IMS- Hogs. l?hP 17P7 4 .S3 Mil r.r 6.240 13.430 W.ltS-i li.775 lvi."70 13.437 KV4MI 21. s3 m.soo Recelnta m-A... Official Monday.. .. Of fhial Tuesday Official Wednesday... Lstimate Thurcday Four days this week. Seme davs ia ,i. Same days 2 weeks ago. .!4.!N.1 Same days 3 weeks aao..41.4S7 same dsys 4 weeks ago..40.!2S Same days Inst year 3o,l13 The following table shows the receipts Of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dale as compared with last 1.V7.N0! 1S2.ti) l;:2.7ii ir.4. a 1.10. 4I W.944 34 feeders. X) coas..., 13 cowg.... M steers... 2ii cows.... 13 cows.... 14 steers... fW feeders. 42 h'lfers., 14 cows.... 23 steers. Pfi F. a. 1$ steers. ...1113 4 4 70 4 it B. Nlcol Wye. 4 :v II steers F. Writ' Wyo. , W 4 t .lM .1(175 T. . sa R. .11H) . K43 . tutr. 4 7S II steers... 4 30 It hulls..., J. Martin Wyn. 4 00 12 cows..., H. Homer Neb. 5 40 l:0 feeders, t 00 31 feeders. 4 : .1101 .1"75 $ no 4 30 rt $ o .101$ . H7 4 00 Pat t 'alley Wyo. . Ilii 4 00 fee1crs . -$ 4 t F. Alkman wyo. .1100 4 0 23 etecrs....10 year Cattle Hogs Sheep The Inc. S9.729 Dec 1910. 1900. ". STSW HitT .in; l.13.Ki 1 ir7.MK 2C4,sj2 $.355,613 1,73,124 602,S4 ., folio. Ine- tahle iimera the average Prices 0 hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons. Dates. I 1810. 190.18O8.l(sr-.llK)6.1305.19O4. Oot. Oct Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. 11... 13.. 13.. 14.. 15.. 16.. 17... 1$. 19. Oct. 20..., S 1341 7 4J7 a 4 151 SO) 4 ) I 44 ' 414 7 701 S S9 111 $ll 6 07 S 31 $ '-4l 7 611 6 7 I 21 $ 04 1 17 S $7 7 401 6 Ml Wi I 6 101 It 4 T 481 6 (W Oil 83 I I 12 I 7 46j 6 60 t Ml 2.1 B 11 6."4I I 6 42i S OS I 16 6 101 t 02 S M 8 61 8 37 7 371 14 m 19! 6 10 4 f8 7 Sl 6 21 Osl 201 6 121 S 02 7 41 6 2;! I U S 141 S New York Carts Markrt. The followlnit tpiotatlons are furnished by l.osan & Br an. members New York Stock exchange, 31u South Sixteenth street, 1144 60 i;a l-'4 ss4 1SH4 11 17IVK 34 'siii 104 61)1 34 V 41 13.14 W4 6 114 I"1 ia 44t 14 ' ior.ii 14K it IS24 8.14 ID 67 424 s4 li!, 434 1004 l.-:34 14 54 1S 4 ir.4t, S 7H 16 t, 4S4 4 .'14 644 lit' 244 i 40H n', 2S'4 till 1754 K14 'a4 it Liw, S14 tit IK. 3D 4 4H, 144 73 324 40 1.17 174 1 49 314 4 4 ' 164 69 1"2 224 61 104 1ft 134 4.1 r4 W4 i44 147 324 1314 36 8 64 I4 334 llhS 4 M4 iiK4 S3 1S14 l')4 '2J4 3.'i4 114 n4 1614 l4 W4 rs w, 424 in 4 II 644 118 M 404 4 34 374 to J7S4 W4 874 74 U4 ry4 444 114 3.4 44 71 71 314 '14 49 40 644 47 214 Si 774 106 474 l)k4 is4 9r4 324 43 I0..4 1004 i4 104 3?4 74 ln4 4 10d 25 14 40 X 604 144 l-'4 70 V.4 4ii, 1374 74 1704 84 744 314 804 50 3t 16S l 1M4 224 64 1144 14 124 444 1S4 34 10S4 144 30 1.134 364 eft 64 1104 U4 1194 4:14 101.4 4 121S .rji, IS34 Ion M 3.14 3i4 If J 344 164 M'l 97 !4T4 47V 4.14 4 '14 u 1144 I4 14 404 at 374 u 1764 934 t 374 '4 120 614 a.4 184 4 44 1.14 71i a 4 t)n,aliai Adventure Ar.aona Com. Allouea AtlanUc Cel. A Arizona Cel. A Ileula... Centennial .... Copper Hang . Daly-Weet Kaat Hulte .... riret National HanoiH-k Helvetia Indiana Iale-Royale .... KewllAW Lake Copper ... La Belle Masaachuaelta , ... 9 Michigan ... 1)4 Miami ...48 Mohawk ... 74 N'li'laalng ... 40 North Hulte . ..ilvr " Dsceola ... r-4 Old Dominion , ... 72 Vu'ncy ... 44 Rev i on , .. K4 Hhannon 8 11-14 Superior Copper ... 24 superior A U.... ... 24 Tamarack . .. 144 u: s. s. a it. ... 2i4 do pld ... 84 Utah On. ... 34 Wolverine ... 11 Yukon liold ... ... 44 Boeton A Ely.. 44 204 61 i4 u HI 41 74 214 12 .... 61 IK 41 Co.. 8D4 44 ..... 244 l.Hl ,..3 16-11 14 Sunday. Receipts and disposition ' or II ve stock st the l nlon stock Yards, Mouth Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at S p. m. yesterday; RECEIPTS CARS. Cartie llrive Khun ll'r'a - xm . " ' - - 1,1. DI. f 1 Wabash MlKsourl l'aclfic 42 C. & N. W., cast.... 2 C. A N. W.. west 44 C. Bt. P. M. A O.... 2 C. B. & Q., east 3 C. B. & O.. west STi C. R. I. A P.. east.... 1 C. It. I. P.. west... 3 Illinois Central , 6 c. o. w.. Total receipts Hoston BOSTON, Oct stocks were: Allou Amal. Coppvr .... A. Z. L. tc 8. Arliona Com. .,1. Atlantic II. A C. C. A 8. V Hulte Coallt,:nn .. til. A Arizona.... Cal. A Hecla Centennial Cupper Range C. C Kaal Butt C. M ... Franklin Olroux Con. . Oranby Con orean Cananea ... leia Koyale Copper. Kerr Lake Lake Copper La Salle Copper Miami Copper Aaked. Closlngr Stocks. 20. I'lirHlni; quotations on .. 444 Mohawk .......... .. 71 Nevada Con. .. 274 Nlpteaing Mine . .. 1S North bivtt .. 4 Korth Lak .., .. l'.OKl Dominion .... . . )4 Ovceola ..44Parrst 8. A O... ..&.V) guincv .. 214 Shannon .... w. 71 8u pert or .. 84 Superior A B. M.. .. 114 Superi or A P. C. . .. 4 Tamarack .. 34, I'. 8. C. A O. 7 4 1). 8. 8. it. 224 so P'i . 14 Ptah Con. 3114 Winona ... 14 Wolverln 30. M. .. H4 .. 314 .. 114 .. 13 .'. 4 .. 41 ..181 .. 14 .. 74 ..12 .. 624 .. 74 .. 124 .. 40 .. 414 .. 4 .. 44 .. 334 .. 10 ..1J0 Bask of Gogla4 Statement. 1 LONDON. Oct. SO. The weekly state ment of the Bank of 'England shows the following changes. Total reserve decreased 1.551,000; circula tion decreased, 12,000; bullion decreased, 1.813.3&H: other-securities decreased, fl,2tl.'i,- 000; other deposits decreased, f3,6i4,0o0; pub- ti4D.ow; increased, ile deposits serve decreased. 1.878.0; government sec urities unchanged '.-. The nrooortlon of the tfank reserve to liability this week is ,46.4, per cent; last week It was 4.8 per cent New York Mlalna Stacks. NEW YORK, Oct. TO. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: 1 Alice 2o0 Little Chief Com. Tunnel stock., it oo bunde Con. Cad. A Va., Horn Silver Iron Silver Leedvllle Can. . oriered. Ill 1"0 . 37 .160 . 14 Mexican Ontario Ophlr . wnilard Yellow Jacket 7 . 114 22- 126 46 60 4 SR .HOtls Dullness In the hog market wss so pronounced at the opening this morning that the trsde was practically at a stand still for two hours or more, lloth packers snd shippers kept their orders well In hand, the few bids that were made ap pearing all of J.V6 i XV lower than esterday's sverage trade. Nothing was done on this bsxls earlv and the morning wore along with the bulk of offerings still In first hat ils. Supplies were fully normsl and wires from other points aere lower, both conditions operating toward lower price levels locally. When trading finally started, most of the business appeared to be right around a quarter lower than yesterday's general market. Heavy hogs, offerings of which were more plentiful than other weights, tanged from $. 2ou SO. Best lights on sale brought $S.7o 30e less than yesterday's top price. Mixed grade went at small pre miums over tar.i weiguts No. 60.. 11.. 6... 64.. SO.. 41.. .. 60.. 6.1.. 61. . 64.. 4K.. 61.. ....3-7 ...,S7I JoS ... 8Si .... 1IV ....SS7 ....377 .... ...rt ....III ....200 .....HI7 .... 8 b. 40 19 40 240 40 160 Pr. I :s 1 as I 26 8 ? I ,0 4 an 4 m I 8.1 I 3f, I 86 I 1.1 I 34 I 80 STAtlS. 4 6u I ... No. 60 4d 61 6 4n 45 64 70 64 J t U A. . .:!" . .) , l'4 , .94 . 0 ..244 .214 ..227 .22 Sk. 340 20 40 Pr. I .1.1 4 40 I 40 I I 40 I 46 4 45 I 60 8 ; I M I 0 I 16 4 6 hi 67 5 . .. - 4.1 6 2 .. It & 2 1 2 3 1 log 111 2 .13 Lofysi'Ho.i-HtlAD. Cattle, ilok's. ijlieep 2-"l 1.IH9 l.lidt 83i 1,011 ii.Oiii 4 l.nM 1,142 M t.Ool l.lbo 10 4H loo 04 ol S.I atn w M oi o4 4o 6 1-0 lt.5 :w 1M) ..... S4 ' 11 41) 7 400 31,808 $6 OtKtiu.20: sex-ond clews, U.iiiii3.60, VVheatv bu; bu ff Jlecel pi 1 K rh.100 ... DUO Shipments 14.OoO Liver aval 4rala Market. I.IVFRPOOD, Oct. 30 WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 2 red aestetn winter, no stock. Futures, steady; October, 7a$4d; Decem ber. 7s2Tad: March. 7s 14d. CORN 8pot. steady; American mixed, 4s U41. Futures, quiet; January, 4 44d' February, 4s 441. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Oct. 30,-CORN-No. 8 white. 47c; No. 3 white, 47c; No. i yellow, 47c; No 8 yellow, 47c; No. 8. 47c; No. 8, 47c; No. 4. 46c. 41AT8 Higher at SlT,c; No. 2 white. l",c: standard, 31'jc; No. 3 white, 04j31c; No. 4 white. 804c. tvltaa Market. NKW ' TORK. Oct. SO. COTTON The market opened tteady at a decline of I to 11 points and soon sold S to 15 points net lower under heavy liquidation or local bear pressure. A report came right after the opening, however, that it was snowing at Aiuarillo, Tex., with the temperature down to 80 degrees and prices quickly shot up to a net advance of about 2 to 8 points, tin this advance there was a renewal of heavy aelilng bv old bull leaders and the market later ruled very nervous and Ir reki'lar. Futuraa opened steady; tk-tober. 14..Dc: November, 11.20c-. leceniher. 14 c; January. I4.40r. March, 14.4c; May. H.uec; July. 14 iHc, offered. r-pot dosed umei and unchanged; mid dling uplands, 14.4ic; gulf. 14.70c. Bale, e. 75 bales. Futurea closed barely aieady. Closing bids: tK'tober. 14 26c; Novemher, 1411c, De cember, 14.J2c; Jsnuary. 14.2sc; February. 14..''4c; March. 14.40c; April Hbc; May, 14 61c: June. 14 61c: July, HMc. UAI.Vt.eTON. Oct. 20-CoTTON-Steady at 144c. PT IXDUIH. Ott. .-OTTON-Active; middling, II'iC riales, 1S1 bales : receipts, - 7M Kales; sliipraeiits, J,77 bales; atock. i.iiiUii-j. " tuinhed by Imogen A Bryan, member New York Cotton rxoliange, Uti South bix-tec-nlh street. Otnavha, Nsb. Optiona l Open. lllgh. Dow. Cloa. Yes'y, Loadoa Stack Markrt. LONDON, Oct. $0. American securities opened a fraotlon below parity today. Light buying followed and prices recov ered partially. At noon the market was quiet, with values ranging from 4 higher to 4 lower than yeaterday's New York closing. u 1-11 Louleviu. x .. M., K. A T .. 714 N, Y. Central , .. l4Krtlk A W ..1"7 4 do pfd .104 Ontario A W ..1104Penneylvenla a4 Hand Minaa , 664 heading '4 seathei-n Kr P.. Ill) do ptd 114 Southern Pacitlt.. 8e4IJnleat Paettlc 794 d srd , 84V. g. Sceel.. 614 do pld 4u4 WebaaU n da pld 8 Bpaslrb 4a 90 firm at 2t4 per ounce. Ceneol. money., do account Amal. Copper Anaconda Atrklaon do pld Baltimore A Ohio., tranadtaa reeirio,. Clieeapeaka A O... Chicago U. W.. Ctil . Mil. A St. De Bears Denver A Itte O... do . pld In do lat pfd ia td pid Orend Trunk Illinois Central,... "SILVER Bar. ..11:4 .. .14 ..1-124 ..1IC4 .. 42 .. 44 .. S4 .. 14 .. 71 ,.. 24 .. 41 ..177 ... 9 ... 4 ...m ... 14 ... 40 MtiNEY 34 per cent. The rata of discount In the open market for short bills is 44 per rent; for three months' bill a, 44U44 per cent l.eeal Seearltlra, guetattona furnished by Burns. Brinker A Co.. 441 Omaha National bank building: bia. Aske'l. tA.W'f I I'l.ooO fan, 1 '' Italaltt- Urala Market. MU TH ' ct 80. WHEAT No 1 noitnrio. I1X4: No. I nottiiem. $1,0241 1 u ,; I ..eiu tier. ti. IS i4c. t $ioo'; May.', (K'l.. le- Jail Mch... Mav... July... I 14 37 14 J 14 4.1 H 6S( It 70 14 US 14 43 14 62 14 S3 14 70 I 14 24 !14 li 14 3n 14 8s 14 47 14 60 14 r 14 2i 14 2S 14 40 14 61 14 61 14 88 14 40 14 44 14 64 14 M 14 U Milwaukee tirala Market. VOi H ACKKK. Oct m-FU UK-Dull l(tAl -t m fiangcd; .No. 1 northern, II 0 Uaaalta Iter Market. tiMAHA. Ck-t. 30 IHY-Nu. 1 upland. $1. 00: No 2 upland. $10oo; pa kirig , ov; ailslfa, $13.00. i-tiaa: Whtet, $a.00; r,e. $7 00. oa is. $J 4 Adams Co. tla ) warrants, 4 r eaat. C. 84. A St. P. Kj. de. 4. 19114 Ml lorede Tel. Ca I per cant 63 Ceiunibua, Neb., K. U ia, lt 90 Daovar O. A K. 4 per sent netea, 1911 99 p'elrmout tvmry lat g. 4 Per aat.. 94 Oermaa Fir In. Co lot Hardy. Nek. IMenlclpel) 4 9 luwa Portland Cemn4 lat 4 94 kaneee O. A I per c p'd. Wluhlta 9 kaoau tXty R. A L, 4e. llll 9 Lng Bell tuoiber , 114 S) Iterance (., 8. D.. 9a. 1919 Nekreaka (Nanc Co I war, 4 per seat Neoreeea Teiepkona Co 1014 Morrta A Oe 44a. I19 904 Ouval.a Water ea, 194 44 Dual., water td pfd 0 Oman A C. . St. tty. prd I per not 13 Omaba A C. B. St. Kr. ae. 19M 9 Oman St. Sr. A Bnege ptd 914 Ovnaiia Oea ea. toll 97 taioa Stuck 1 auee stack, tvataaa 9 lo 914 4 '4 10 l' 1044 ll la 1 94 lal o lot 'iii. 4 Treaaarp Sta4eaaeat. WASHINGTON. Oct SO. The condition of tna treasury at the beginning of busl nsss today was aa follows: Trust Fund Oold coin, lAWlJ.44S sst); silver dollars. $4f).ir.'s.4juu; silver dollars of l.saO, $t 2 ti1; silver certificates outstanding, $ 0m tieneral Fund Ktandard silver dollars in general fond, l.i 0uj..l4o; current liabilities, $iiki.7n 20; aniking balance In treasury of fires, $1 lM).7t2. In banks to credit of treas urer Of the United fiatea. ti, .2vtt6; eub giulary silter eoln. lil.Htl.K. minor coin, Bank Clearing. OMAHA, Oct. 20 Bank clearings for to day were -.!. and for the corre spending date last year, $3.047,473. 3. OMAHA WHOLESALtS FHICKS. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1 delivered to the retail trade in.l-lb. cartons. 81c; No. 2, In 80-lb. tubs, SOc; No. 1. in 1-lb. cartons. 2!c; No. 3. in 60-lb. tub, 274c; packing stock, solid pack, 214c; dairy. In 60-lb. tubs, 23 y 24o. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEEBE Twine, 17:(aioc; young Amer icas, lito; daisies, 18c; triplets, ltic; 11m burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 184c; Imported Swiss, 32c; dernestlo Swiss, i4o; block Swiss, Kc. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 2 lbs., $6 00 a dox; over 3 lbs., 14c; hens, luc; cocks, 104c; ducks, 18c; geese, lou; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per dox., $1.20; homer squabs, per dox , $4.00; fancy squabs, per dog., $3.60; No. , per dog., $.'i.00. Alive: Broilers, 15c: over 2 lbs., 104c; hens, I040; old roosters, 7c; old duxks, full feathered, llq; geese, full feath ered, 10c; turkeys, 20c; guinea fowls, 20c each; pigeons, per dog., euo; homers, per doc, $3.00; squabs, xv'o. 1, per doa., $1.60; No. 2. per dog.. 60c. FISH (all froaen) Pickerel, 12c; whitefish, 1c; pike, loo: trout, 14c; large crgpples, 20c; Hpanieh mackerel, lsc; eel, lHo; haddock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, lsc; roe shad, $1.00 each: shad roe. per pair, 660; frog legs, ler doc, -toe; salmon, 14c; hail but, 12o. BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1, 144c; No. 2, ijxc; rs o. 0, ov. i.ouia; r o. 1, joe; io. 2. 184c; No. 8. Sc. Chuck: No, 1, tic; No. 2, 54c; No. 3, D4c; Round; No. 1. 74c; No. 2, 64c; No. 3. 4v Plate: No. 1. 64c; No. 2, 54c; No. 8 8c. FRUITS oranges: California Valenclaa. all sixes, per box, $o.OO(j6.25. Lemons: Limoniera, extra fancy, 3ui site, per box, $7.00; 30 si so, per box, $7.26; choice, 300 sise. per box. $u.50; 300 sins, per box, $6.76, 240 slsa, 6O0 per bug leas. Bananas; Fancy select, per liuncli, $2.2042.60; Jumbo, per bunch, $2 75tXo. Pears: New -York Kelfer, per bbl., $; California Winter Nellis. per box, $2.86. Apples: Home-grow u cooking, per bbl., t3.6OTj4.00; Missouri Jonathan and Grimes' Golden, per bbl., $4.15; . Missouri Ben Davis, per bill., $3 60; Missouri Wine saps, per bbl., $4 00; Miasourt Oano, per bbl., $3.75; other varieties, per bbl., $4.00; Colorado Jonathan. p-r box, $1 .0: Cali fornia Oraveiisleln, per box. 62.10; Cali fornia Rellrflowsr. per box, $1 ; Washing ton Grimes' tlohien and Jonathan, extra farcy, K to 136 alio, per box. $3.26. Grapes; California Tokay, per ctals. $1.35; Con turd. Michigan and New Vork. per k-lb. basket. 30c; Malaga, 00 to tt Iba. gross, per keg. $T..OiXft5.50. Cranberriea: Per box, $2.66; per bbl., H.7&. Dates; Anchor brand, new, aO 1-lb pkgs. In box, per box, $2.00. Figs; New California. 12 12-ox. pkga., auo; 34 ti-oc pke-a.. $2 26. tiuince: I'r box, $l.os. VEOETABLEti Potatoes: Early Ohio, In sacks, per bu.. Due; Iowa white stock, per bu., b-Vc. tweet Potatoes; Virginia, per bbl., $2.35 Onions: Iowa, small red and yellolw, per lb., 2c; Bpanlnh, per crate, $1 2s. Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb., lie; red, per lb., 16c Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per dog., $1.00. Celery: Michigan, per uo. bunches. 3c. Rutabagas: per lb., 14c. t'ucuiubern: Hot house, 14 and 2 doz.. per box. ei.So. HOME-GROWN VEGKTA BLES-Cab. bage: New, per lb 2o. Toniatoes: Per bekt., 60UUOC. tjtring and Wax Beans: Per mkt bxk., 76o. Lettuce; Extra fancy leaf, per doc, 4fcc. parsley: Fancy home grown, per doc bunches. Turuipa: per mkt. bsk., 85c. Carrots: l'er mkt bi-k. 4c. Beets: Per mkt. bsk., 3-ic. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Blnck,- per lb., 2c; California No. 1, per I U. . i -c; t ali fornla No. 2. per lb., lie. Hickorynuts; ltrge, per id., c; anian. per ID., bO. . Coooanuts: Per ssck, kiS; par alas., I5v. j Honey: New. 24 frama, Ala, OmHha Packing Co. owut et to cuuany Packing to Armour A Co twnanouKs Packing Co.. Cuuahy tor Denver Omana lor Denver Omaha for Kansas City. w . z. vaiisunt to Benton V umuuit & Lush mil 6 Hon.... F. B. Lewis.'..:....:.... Huston & cu J. K. Hoot Ac Co J. II. Bulla..: ' Lb f . ntihz , L. Wolf iUcCreary 6 Carey 8. Vertiiolmer .,.,.,.,. H. F. Hamilton bullivan Bros i-ee Rothschild Mo. tt Kan.-calf. Co.... Bol. Degan Kline dx C Paulsley & B Other buyers ToUl 4,632 ,02( 37,307 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were mod erate today, although there waa a fair run tor a Thursday. Several trains were late In arriving at the yards, so that there was J-1""3 any great number of cattle on sale. The market as a whoie was In splen did condition as viewed from a eeller'a standpoint Packers were till out in the yards early in the morning, but there veil hardly enough beef steer in the eany recipts to make a fair -test of the -market. There were a few scattering loads of .westerns belonging to speculators and a very few cornfeds. The feeling on all kinds was strong and the sales as a rule looked 10 higher than yes terday. Cows and heifers were active sellers and It did not (Hke buyers very long to clean up everything in sight The prices paid were satuly 10c higher than yesterday. Speculators had the best demand for feeders yesterday afternoon that thev have experienced in a lum time, the cettie sell ing about as fast as they could be gotteu ready for sale and before night pretty much everything in the yards was cleaned up. As a result speculators were all out early this morning looking for fresh supplies and everything offered was taken up greedily at prices safely luc higher than yesterday. It was, In fact, a very strong and active market and one entirely to the liking of sellers. Quotations on native cattle; Good to choice boef steers. $6.51X37.60: fair tn ireuut beef steers, $.60(y6.6o: common to fair heef I t 490 ISO 4 60 240 M I 18 1 M0 90 I 40 : HX, 140 I 7 SHEEP Yesterday' clearance In the sheep barn, while late, was very fsir, con sidering the heavy luns lately. Fat sheep held firm, ss a rule; fat lambs were slow to a shnile lower snd feeding lambs were very uneven, as usual. Good feeder sheep are silll wanted, however, and the demand for this class of stock Is active and broad enough to keep values at levels. j Aiiuiuri uia lull was poeieu iuiie., a total for the four days of over 167.000 head. Not enough stuff was received early to make much of a market, of course, and the bulk of business was transacted in the afternoon. Inquiry from country buyers was brisk and apparently ample. Indicating a good, healthy trade and promising a very decent cles ranee. In point of prices the trade In feeder lambs this week is rather hard to quote. Almost everything hss been selling I'ovvsr, but declines are uneven, strings of similar quality and weight going at wide ay-cads on all days. Bulk of sales would indicate an average net decline of about a quarter good medium weights selling around $o.00 (4.2S. Best fleshv feeders are quotable up to $o.60. while the extreme quotation at last week's close was $o.7o. Common and trashv grades have been moving around $4.0tKu4.75. Good feeaef sheep are attracting more Competition than lambs and show little"; If ny, weakness, as compared with last. Fri day s sales . , Fat sheet, are fully as high as a week ago, but fat lambs ate In less active de mand than recently and Hie selling a little lower. $0.60 buying good ones. Quotations on grass stoctt: Uonrt tn choice iambs, $0.3sii4.0; fair to good lambs, $6.1nii'.3.'i; feeding lambs. $4.00!f.i.76; handy weight yearlings. 6ErR.26: heavy year lings. $4.40'-i4 So; feeder yearlings. $4.6O4Tft.0O; good to choice wethers. $3.fcvti4. 25: fair to good wethers. $.S.40i8'3.S3: feeding wethers, $3.2o4,00: breeding ewes. $4,nofii : fat ewes, $3,253 85; feeding ewes. $2XJT;U0; cauners, H.&Oifii.OO, No. 377 Wyoming lambs., feeder.... 13.1 Wyoming ewes, feeders..... 300 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 201 Wyoming lambs, feeders 302 Wyoming larnba, culls 644 Wyoming yearlings, feeders 16 Wyoming yearlings, feeders. 24H Wyoming ewes, feeders 3S6 Wyoming wethers, feeders., , 1304 Wyoming lamb 168 Wyoming ewes 733 Wyoming- iambs, feeders.. 132 Wyoming lambs, culls 409 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 1673 Wyoming Iambs, feeder. 261 Wyoming latnlsi, oulls 576 Wyoming wethers ......... 007 Wvomlnar wetheia 577 Wyoming yearlings, feeders. wrs Wyoming ewes, culls 2.V, Wyoming ewes Snd buck.. 6 Wyoming lambs, feeder..... 7,11 Wyoming lambs, feeder..., ISO Wyo. lambs, feeder culls... 421) Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 2M Wyoming lambs, feeders.... feeders.... feeders.... feeder. .1 . " .' .'. '. . ... i- i" AFFAIRS AT SOCTil OHADA Nick Greenawich Arrested for Threats. Ag-ainst Priest. HAS BEEN STAYING IN CHICAGO tetara Folloeela. Attack Upoa III Wife Not Plstloae lotll Threat W era Made rahlle. Nick Greenawich, a Lithuanian, ws ar rested yesterday afternoon by Detectives 8heean and McGutro on the complaint of a Catholic clergyman that he wa making throats against the life pf Rev. Father Anthony, pastor of the Catholic Lithuanian church. The complaint waa tho first Inti mation the police had that this man waa back agalu in the city. Four month ago he had made an attempt on the life of his wife and then fled, the city. He fired flva shots at the woman but ! fortunately) was able to get away though Greenawich barely escaped being Indicted for murder as one of the bullets struck the window of a house a couple of feet away from where several children were playing. He got an ay by train the same night and It was only yesterday that the police learned he had been living In Chicago. Ils came hack Tuesday night and It was In consequence of his threats against Father Anthony that his return was made known. He Is charged with assault with Intent to kill arising out of the shooting at hi wife. Another charge may be preferred today. Fire Does SDOO Damage. The four-room cottage ot Peter Hassett at Twenty-eighth and Jackson streets was destroyed yesterday afternoon by fire csus- Ing daman estimated at between $800 and 1 1 . 1 . wen eusuiiMvu - ,an nu.,. ., r,n i,., In a Into the place when at about 6 o'clock the house vtaa found to be on fire. An alarm was sent In to the fire department, but as there Is no hydrant within two blocks of the place the firemen were unable to do a u t hi 1 1 ii to stop the progress of the flames. The cause of the fire Is believed to have been a defective flue. Pre llallewe'ea Dotage. In the east side of tho city juveniles have so soon begun to anticipate the advent of Hallowe'en as to put their particular police man. Officer McAuley Into a temper and to cause hi in to intake threats how many he will soon haul before the Juvenile court. A favorite game hf these more than young sters Is to grease the street car rails on the Albright line on Missouri avenue be- 1 tween Twentieth and Thirteenth street and complaint has been mad that this ' was done recently. Shamrock Clab'a Ball. The ball of th Blianuook club Tuesday night was one of the most enjoyable func tions of the kind In the olty for some time. It wa patronised by a large at tendance and Rushing hall, the scene of the festivities, waa prettily decorated In the colors of the club, green and white, while palms placed here and there, about , the hall enhanced the ap puarance' 6f the building.' The arrange-, ments were In charge of John Mover. Luke Casey and William Curran. who had the, assistance of th president of the club, i-orgeant William Corrlgan. Tetna Wis Agcata. At the Central Bowling alley last night Tela a Cuba team agtaln defeated Gatch's Tailor by 2463 to 2147. Murphy wa high man with, the score of 200. Score: I i TETWA'S CUB.. 4R3 Wyoming lambs. 646 Wyoming la nil s, 772 Wyoming lambs, 3"i0 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 747 Wyoming iambs, feeder... Av. Pr. , 45 . 4 sli .82 4 00 . 44 4 Ho . , 4.1 4 65 , 37 8 65 .76 4 75 .74 4 66 1 88 8 So .95 3 60 ,74 40 .. 15 8 50 , .- fi 5 25 , 25 3 85 .43 IM . 44 4 70 .38 3 75 .96 1 75 .94 3 75 .72 4 75 . . K t 35 . . 77 4 00 .61 6 00 .60 4 00 . 50 3 00 . 69 . 5 25 . . 59 6 25 .67 S 40 .50 6 00 .60 t 00 1 .51 R 00 . . 47 4 65 . aad. Provlalaaa. aa-FLOUH-Ouiet. i red winter, 7c larlaaall (irali CINCINNATI. Oct W H EAT Steady ; No till .00. , t'tltN Steady: No. $ mixed. 50 OATS Easy; No. 2 mixed, S2',tf33c. R VE Firm: No. 2. 7!'islc. PROVISIONS Lard, sleady; prime steam, $12 4ujl2.iD Bulk meats, eaey ; abort lib. IU.0U. Hacoli. firmer; short rib side. CHICAGO LIV E . STOCK MARKBT Ilemaad for Cattle Steady If oas Weak Sheep Strong. CHICAGO, Oct. 20 -CATTLE Receipts. T.tK) head: market steady; beeves. $4.60" 7.S6: Texas steers. $.7.40ifi.').7O; wesjern steers. $4.1oSt6.80; stockers n(l feeder. $4.afl5.0; cows and heifers. $2.258.30; calves, $7 26(9 10.00. . , HOQ8 Receipts. ' 20.000 had: market steers, $4.fj0ii.50; good to choice cows and I weak', light, 8.7$r9. 40; mixed. $; pollers, 4.tfxH6.2o; fair to good cows and lienors, common to ra r i-nei onrt heifers. $2.5oV3.4o: good to choice stocker and feeders, $4.4v"u5.K.r.; fair to good stockers and feeders, $4.00u4.40; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.26ftj475; stock heif ers, $3.0tyu4.25; veal calves. $3.607.00: hulls stags, etc., $3.00416.00. Quotations on range cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $.76(dti.26; good to choice beeves, $6.25ji5.75; fair to good btieves, $4.5o igo.20; common to fair beeves, $3.7or4.40; good to choice heifers. $4.0t.t.00; good to choice cows, $4,001(4.65; fair to good grades J3.WH) 4.00; canuera and cutlers. good to choice feeders, ll.fc'itf 6.6O; fair to good feeders, $4.264' 4. 76. Representative sales: - BEEF aTEEHS. Ko. Av. Ft. No. Av. Pr. 4..n 1047 4 t 87 1171 7 $0 14 Ult 6 40 29 1U8 7 g) , OW tt. l"! 14.... ii v'.'.'.'. V)'.'.'.'. .... 4o0 .... 73 .... 9M .... WO -4 . . . . 1040 .... 6:l .... Mi, ....1030 .... 670 .... 4-4 .... 612 .... 470 .... 140 .... 606 .... mli 794 .... 481 810 176 $ 10 8 84 8 90 I 40 8 46 8 66 I 66 1 b., 3 71 HEIFERS. a 21 I !6 3 li, i 60 I I I 46 I 16 4.. I. CALVEw. I 10 1 4 00 I I no ....lono ....1246 M ...1110 ....1'K3 ....10u lolO looa .... 914 .... 470 .... 641 .... M2 .... .... loO . ... I'-i .... 146 ...U1D .... 810 .... 170 I 14 8 90 4 00 4 tai 4 00 4 10 4 16 4 16 4 60 $ 74 I 10 I 86 4 Ml 4 o 4 26 4 Is 4 24 4 84 1 as bTOC'KEHd AND FEEDERS. , 610 3 60 I 684 , HI III t 16 . 710 8 90 9 141 .494 4 16 .:, 176 , 117 4 f 1 403 .437 4 16 U 6H3 , 4.5 4 26 1 ;! . 900 4 2o WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. ' . 895 8 2i 31 cows . 924 4 00 31 cows . 924 3 40 37 feeder.. . 776 4 60 WESTERNS IDAHO. 30 feeders. . 9x0 4 70 Meteera.... 4 44 4 41 4 46 4 60 4 60 4 T6 4 76 29 cows.... 68 cows.... 11 cows.... 20 feeders. 822 Ii9 801 21 steers.. 10 cows... 31 feeders 65 steer.. 44 cow... 761 4 00 . 720 3 40 .917 4 60 Trumbull .1123 4 73 IS cows.. 77 stockers. 721 S58 94 3 Si 4 60 4 80 4 40 5 Ml 4 40 9s7 C. 23 feeders.. I21 18 steers... .12.01 R. 26 feeders 820 11 cows.. 14 cows.. 980 . 8VK 10 calves.. 11 cows... 13 steers.. $14 124. el CiAR-Pteady. 277 9'H 920 H 21 heifers... 962 10 alters.. ..1019 K. 14 heifers... 6)8 J. 17 cows 17 13 yearl'g. 9i6 C. 45 cow 91') 4 06 .lames 29 heifers... 3 40 10 cows 76 24 calves. . . Z'A 1 15 steer... 12 J( II 31 etfers....lo0 G Bros. Mont. 16 steers. ...122S I 25 4 25 13 cows 960 3 SO Tufkln Mont. 6 10 . 11 cows 109 4 30 6 86 L. 8se Mont. 4 45 24 cow 827 3 76 NEBRASKA. 4 ) 19 cows $51 3 30 W VOMING. 4 50 II heifers... 711 3 90 4 10 1 cowg 798 4 10 4 60 G. Wrare S. I). 4 60 20 steers... .1124 4 90 4 36 17 cows 744 I 25 H. Stacey Neb. 3 65 6 cows 784 J 26 F. Keeler Neb. 4 "' 15 cows ftki 3 36 4 75 B. Spencer Neb. cuK's... 2 5 00 Boll-Neb. 22 heifers... 677 3 K 11 feeders. . 929 4 60 heavy. $8.009.10: rough, $8.OO4rS,20: good to choice hesvy, $t.20'r9.10; pigs, $X.2Vr9.00; bulk of sales, $ SHEEP. AND LA M BS Receipt s, 40.000 head: market strong: native, $2.60074 30; western, $2.76rH.20; yearlings. $4.2.V.'v40; native lambs, $4.507.00; western lambs, H754f4 85. St. I.oata Live "Mock Market. PT.' IXUI8, Oct 20. CATTLE Receipts. K.8O0 head, Including 3.300 Texans; market steady to stronw: native shipping and ox port teer. $6.5o5i7.50; dreBsed beef and butcher steers, tri.o0tiiK.00: steers under l.'kKl lbs., t4.00v7ii.j0; stockers and feeders, $3 .50ftt 5.60: cow and heifers. $3.6oti8.76: canners, $2.50fr3.S: bulls, $3.2f4i5.0o; calves. $5:Vn00; Texas and Indian steers. $4.503r7.00; cows and heifers, $3.OUvi-t.&0. HCK1.S Rec-ipts. 7,900 head: msrket 108 15c lower: pigs and light. t.SC4rS.:M; pnek er. $Ji.7o S.90; butcher and best , heavy. t.ork(4).3i). SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipt. ' 1.5O0 head; market steadv; native muttons. H.76 Hi 4.25; lambs. $5.507.00; culls and bucks, tJ 5ik'8.00,' stockers, $2.254i3.75. - Chase '. Toman Wells '. Dunbar Ham 1st. 1 159 1S2 17 181 2d.' : 149-, 187 l;ii 165 ' 153 " 3d. 14!l 193 1VR 1 196 130 Total. 4..7 667 4o8 527 464 Totals. .49 - 839' 825 3,453 GATCH'S TAILORS. Marietta Greene . Murphy Usher .., Boal .... 1st. 133 111 136 127, 144 2d. lo4 166 l.-W 104 137 3d. Total. 313 150 2t 176 178 400 4o? 4,1 457 467 Totals.. 680 . 697 770 $.117 light Magrlo City Go! j. For Rent-Steam-heated room for housekeeping. 614 No. 24th St. The women of the West Side church will hold a bazar and dinner this evening. Mr. and Mr. Bernard Larkln, Thirty, ninth and (j streets, are rejoicing over tiie birth of a daughter. Paul Boodagh, "The Man From Persia," will lecture In the Baptist ehurch Friday night. Rev. Father Carroll and hi sister. Mis Carroll of North Platte, were the guest of Mrs. John Considine Monday. 'Phone Bell South 868.' ImTependent F-1803 for a case of Jetter Gold Top. Prompt de livery to any part of ctty, William Jetter. A special meeting of the men and offl cera of the Presbyterian church hss been called by Rev. Dr. Wheeler for tonight at the Brewer chapel at 888 o'clock. Don't trifle with a cold I good advice for prudent men and women. It may be vital In case, ot a child. - There 1 nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in children. It Is safe and sure. For sale by all druggUt. Kaasaa tltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITV. Oct. 20.-C ATT LR-Receipts, 9.000 head. Including 1 300 anuthern' market steady, westerns strong: rireserj beef and export steers, fair to good. western steers. $lN0fn.60: siocKers snn Teeners, lo.40t10.6O; steers, $J.T5'(; southern cows, native heifers'. t3.7o4j,4.50; bull, calves. $4.00018.25. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market 15ft 20c lower; bulk of sales, $x.wfi9. ft; henvv, $X.&013 8 00; packer and butcher. $8 90GJ.9.15; lirht. $9009.20. J HHEEP AND LA M B r? Reoe j pt s, SOW head: market steady; lambs. $6 7.Vh4 75 yearlings, $4.4(5.25: wethers, t.'t soii 4 50 ewes, $3 604.25; stockers and feeders, t! M (4.4. - southern $3.75i-4.0U; tJ.r-orii 4. W; ( ouimlaatoarr Maker , lteslgtns. NEW VORK, Oct. 3U.-Pollc Commls sloner Baker lat this afternoon announced that he had resigned his office. James C t'n.iiMev a I-tronklvn lawvcr. mas aworn in aa (Tomnilaalonar Baker's successor. A Ton ot Gala could buy nothing better for female weak nesses, lame back and Kidney, trouble than Electric Bitters. 60c. Foe sal by Beaton Drug Co. St. Joseph l.lva stork Market. 8T. JOSEPH, Mo.. Oct. 20. CATTLE Receipts, 2.4O0 iiead; market steady; steer t4.5"4f7.uO; cows and heifers, $2.60ra5.M: calves, $3.00718.25. HOUiS Receipts. ' 4,500 head: market opened 6c to loo-lower, closing 15c to 2".c lower; top, $9 25; bulk of sales, $x.6.'.9 15. HHEHP AND LAM Brt Roceiiits. 1,000 head; market steady; iambs, $4.604160. Stokk la ght. Receipt of live stock at the five pal western market yesterday: Cattle. Hoes. South Omaha 4 000 5 Bt, Joseph 2.4 Kansas City.. -..i. .. & i St. Ionia. 5 1) 7 !mi Chicago 7. 60O 200IJ0 Total receipts. princlr 8hei. 7.nsii I.O"0 0l 1 3"0 40.0KJ .2X.7UO 45,600 76.100 l) 14 feeders. Lnvllle Wyo 6 la) 11 rows. . J. Faust Wyo. 4 70 8 rows.. Cross Vo .I00O . 912 4 14 3 30 858 4 50 20 eyas. R Green Wo. S59 4 30 Philadelphia Prod are Markrt. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 20. -BUTTER-Steady; extra western .creamery, 33c; extra nearby prints, 84. EGGS Him; peiinsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, at mark; Pennsylvania and other tieai by current re ceipts, returnable ,iaies. 2S' at mark; western firsts, free carea, COo at mark: western current receipts, tree cases. 280 at mark. CHEESE Steady: New Yolk full creams .-li.,)., 1&40; fair to good, 144il54!. Tarpeaiine Markrt. SAVANNAH. -Oa.. Ct. 20 -TCRPt-'V. TINE Finn at 774o; sales. 343 bids.; re ceipts. ,S77 bbls.; shipments, 215 bbls.; storks. 19.078 bbls. RoSlX Firm; sabs, none; receipts 1 4: l.lils.; shipments, 722 bbls; stocks. ' 67 lem bbls (juote: B, $5 95H6 Ou; D. kO 'iitl);1, E. $6 2", F, t'J i-j4.J7'5; O. $6 i 42V II Io4'44j6 4v I, fik-: K. S6 474; M. $0 50; N'l lb .624; 'G. $.,60. WW, $4 76. Metal Market. NEW VORK, Oct 20. METALS Stand ard copper, dull; spot, October, November, December and January. $13.!t0r( 12.60. Lon don, dull; spot. 156 15a: ' futures, Ci7 15s. Arrivals icpurted at Near York today, 240 tuns. Custom house reports ahow export of 13,182 ton so far thia month. Local dealers quote lake copper at $12.K74'y 1'iou, Electrolytic, $t2.75'u12 .-4; casting, $12.87H'( 12.624. Tin. firm; spot $:i7.toi63o 00; Octo ber. $37.16'"r7.ri0: November, $J6.70,i37.2S; December, $36,30437.00; January, 4..o.l.. on. 10. j.uiiui'11, eiitfua. "l'l, ZI10. luiurev, 161 10s. Lead, steady; $4.4ou.4.45, New York! $4 2,'.y4-30, East St. Louis. London spot, 113 6s. Fpelter, ' steady: t5.60'i(6.60. New York; $6.40 u 50, East St. Louis. London spot. 24. Iron: Cleveland warrants, 4:' oil In lAindon. locally iron waa quiet. No 1 foundry northern. No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft, $16,754 16.25; No. 2 founiljy uoithttn, $11251' io. 75. t'otfe Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 20. -COFFEE Future! cloaed steady. OcUiber, November and De cember, 8.50c: January, 8.600; February, 59c; March, 8 2c; AprtK 4c; May, S.6uc June, kbbc; July and AiigiiNt, 8.6Sc; Sep t. i nber, a.OSc. Spot, quiet; Itlo Ne. T, I'.cl Santos No. 4, H4c, Mild, qulot; Cordova, U4'il34c Drr Goads SI ark t. TORK. Oct. 20. The cotton goodi tnoi d NEW market is steadier and nil I In aie now willing to accept late contracts as a conse. qiience of the cliunce to get cotton at price they will pay. Haw silk Is firmer. Ya rule rum, with transaction limited, ru Sugar Market. NKW YORK. Oct. aa-SUGAR-Firm; nii'scavado. W test, 2.4oc; ceuti if ugal, 941 test, 8 tax ; nsolasne, 89 test, 3. Uc. Refined, quiet; crushed 6.55. ; granulated. 4.$5c; puw. dered. 4.96c. j Herbert E. Oooch Co., Brokers and Dialers mAitf rztOTisiosra btooki. Omar Office, lis board of '1 red Bilk fell llions. Injuf .l. liul A14L OX.OSiB7C etsrn LAkOblY SvtfOhA ta i3 hTATI