Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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    mi: ui:e:
18. inin.
Ut Bites Said Over the Body of the !
Dead Banker. i
ons Arr tb Aotlir Pillhrarfn
W hll- llnnorirr rallbrarrra Are
Pome of Omaha' l.raillav I
lltlrras. I
Tha funrral of tha lata John F. Cotd l
Ofld Monday inornhiK at M. Cetlllas church
ia;innlnK at lu rtYluck. The presence In
the chancal, rhnlr and nave of prHiitt-s
Hid tuuny clergy, of men and women IiIkii
tn public life and of oilirii t more iiumble
lk.s all irHtflert to thn if (t aid and te
sprct wltli which Mr. C'ciad wan held In hi
Th sarvf. e ti simple and Impressive.
At the wish of the rurally no eulogy was
pronounced and wlih respect to floral
tribute, many uf wlilrh were sent to the
home, there as a complete lack of osten
tation. On the ilifl lay one lovely floral
piece, an ofi'erlng of Mr. Load's own
Tua casket as borne Into the church by
Mr. Coud s elfcht sons through a lane
formed by the honorary pallbearers who
represented thn bench and bar, leading
fiduciary inHtltutlonx ami city officials.
Honorary Pallbearers.
The h'n,,iar iilil.cnre i were the.e:
J, 11. Millard. ! . i,. Davis,
iulher Drake, Jeaac Coiikuoii,
A. Vv. Tiumliull, h. i.;. Howell,
Milton Haiiow. r. j, ;mylh.
H ? Hostwu-k. Frank Hamilton,
Fred Clarke. i ooiiias r'lvnn.
Joseph H ill ii, K. V. Slmeial,
Henry T. iutes. W. A. Hedlck.
Th rerjulem runs was Impressively read
by Hv. U. li. llarr.tniton, pastor of .St.
Ceo! lias. Tli" absolution was solemnly
pronounced by lilshop t-cannell. clad In his
pontifical robes. Keis. J. W. f-ttnson and
John O'Grady were masteas or ceremonleB.
Other priests In attendance wore Very
IUv. i. ' Jpsnnutlt),' Keva. I '. W. Morlarty,
I. F. 'McCarthy. F. Carroll, Charles
SluKan, V. A. MuUovern. Martin Hronw
Iteest, H. J.; Charles Klnsella, S. J.; P. A.
Flanagan, Hernard Slnne, Stephen Powd
and Kdward Oleason. Father tlleason, as
sisted by Father Hronsgeest and Slnno
and ths Knights of Columbus quartet, sang
the music of the niass, the other strikers
being Harry llurlcley, Io Hoffman, John
Urennan and John Oleuson.
At th end of the service In the church, a
solemn corlPKe moved toward the outer,
doors, beaded by the ushers, Charles I).
Beaton, John Mullen, Frank Mo
Cattery and Prof. Crowley. Mr.
Cnad'a sons followed, and then came the
bier. Women of Mr. Coad's family
brought to a close the sad procession.
Interment took place In the family lot In
Holy Hepulcher cemetery, where Falhnr
Harrington read the committal service. He
read tula service over the body of a man
who met death as bravely as he had lived,
a pioneer of Nebraska, who had completely
succeeded In life In face of many handi
caps, and during .whoso protracted final
lUness, while suffering the most excruciat
ing pain, uttered not one word of com
plaJnt, and whose sole thought was with
respeot to the future of his family and
regret that they were suffering in his
Fur Exhibit
Tells of Winter
Magnificent Display of Costly Felts
and Made-Up Garments Beady
for Inspection.
In the splendid exhibition of fine furs
which lc being held this week at the La
Book at Yost parlors lurks a very pretty
compliment to the good taste of the women
and men of Omaha and vicinity, for the
display is not only double In monetary
value to that held a year ago, but is more
than double In beauty of furs displayed.
The skins which are the fur workers'
material are a fascinating part of this
year's show and they have been used by the
decorator to good effect. For Instance
over a large pier glass Is an archway of
valuable skins, ermine spelling the word
welcome on a background of seal, and
sables forming the draperies. Otter, enough
for a ooat, covers the pillars at the side.
The value of the skins In the mirror decora
tion la over ftM). Curtains of splendid seal
hang In one of the doorways, sable skins
again relieving the color. Belgian hair,
Russian pony, caracul, all of unusual soft,
f:ne quality, are other skins shown.
In making up the furs this season more
thkn In previous years that quality which
distinguishes expensive fur from the
cheaper qualities, Is much emphasised,
that ia Its soft luxuriant quality, Its plia
bility. The employment of satin or silk In
making1 - up the fur aids In emphasising
this quality. -"Ttie large soft muffs shown
at the exhibit, the graceful coats, and the
new motor hoods of fur and satin, com
bine to call forth exclamations of de
light from every visitor.
rough estimate of the value of the furs
shows would be IjO.Ooo. It should be re
marked In connection with the exhibit that
Omaha la an exceedingly good fur market.
both from the purchasers and the purvey
ors point of view; that la exceptional good
values are given to the customer, and the
dealer finds that the fine quality of hi
goods is appreciated by the purchaser.
The exhibit lasts all this week.
Our near
pot for
tt and
Lin .
dTn)i li
Is that
Sale cf
I. ace
ru i tj
ueveresi new oiyit-s 'f:'fj"
Women's Suits
Very Specially Priced
Hero nn the newest arrivals in wool
suits for fall nil tin. favorite vv
ors; very well tailored
mnl m special bargain
rian'c 1 rtn
black Coals at
Broadcloths, full satin lined,
also lieavv mixture coats.
' i ir v
New Voile and Panama
Skirts at
Very newest pleats anil stvle
I s-
features black and colors.
In pleated styles many with
embroidered fronts.
(Jood quality of taffeta black
or dainty street and evening shades.
Wash Val Laces, Linen Torchons, etc., 5c yd.
Also Point d 'Esprit Ibices, a great variety in desir
able widths, worth 10c yard.
HOSIERY worth up t 35c, at 15c
AVomenV, men's and children's black and fancy lisle
and fine cott.m hosiery, worth up to 35c pair on bargain
Next Monday Will Be the Most Re
markablc Sale of Lace Curtains
Ever Held in Omaha.
We bought the entire stock on hand from a hard pressed Phila
delphia manufacturer. He accepted big loss to get cash.
We also bought an entire stock of Imported lace curtains from an
The bargains next Monday will be wonderful.
! B
1 f J I
'mm, li
j ilt Add prestMre to roar shopptrur by haTlnf one of
Bennett's 68 delivery wsg-ons delWer roar purchase
American Tailored Suits
for Women
Tailored Suits are not best made In
Paris or In London or In anywhere else
but in this country. The Americans excel
in tailoring. Americans first Joined style
with modern skill and produced a stylish,
durable garment.
Women feel they must come to Ben
nett's for their suits because we show the
best American tailored suits.
Right now our Fall stock la at its best
and we promise you that nowhere will
you see such beautiful fabrics so harmon
iously designed, in plain and fancy suits.
They are found in all shades, Including
black and navy, with the narrow pleated
skirt, regular semi-fitting, 30-lnch jacket.
Beautifully satin lined.
We take the liberty to suggest that you
come In Just as early as possible as we
want our customers to see these Amerlceu
tailored suits when they are the newest and
These suits would sell at other stores
up to $30.00; our price
Spot cash secured for us the choicest of mer
chandise values we've had in many months from th?
Forced Reduction Sale
Of a Well Known Eastern Jobber
Seldom before have such values in high
class new merchandise been offered you, even at
all the
Watch ths
Ads and
Come early
$20 Silk Dresses for 56.95
200 of them in the lot. fancy silk, nioiros. Kaialis, pretty one
pieiM? designs, in .ill colors, made to sell to
bargain you'll seldom, if ever, aga
Women's Military Coutst, $7.50
values, black only; in Tuesday's
sale $2.9r
o sell to $'J0 , 13
uu duplicated
Long Silk Kimono $5.00 values
very pretty patterns; on salo
at $2.03
Caricul and Seal Plush Coats Skinner's satin lined -IQ AA
social at IVJU
Here's Some Specials for Tuesday
Our Linen department always leads when it comes to
giving genuine bargains.
Window Shades Best v.- Lace Curtain Stretchers
ter colors, 7 feet long, 3f bass wood with uon-nista-
inches wide, at 25c ble pins, special .... 9Sc
Question of Thirtieth Street Bridge to
Be Again Taken Up.
Foot Brldsce tor Klshlcrnth Street Is
Now AttkIUbk the Actios of the
brestt Western Dodjfe Street
Hrldsje In Court.
A resolution determining the necessity of
the viaduct which Is proposed for Thirtieth
trset in the Sheely district will bo Intro
duced Into the city council this evening
s.nd will be followed by an ordinance ordering-
the specifications accepted and ex
ecuted by the three railroad companies, the
I'nlon Pacific, Burlington and the Mason
City A Fort Dodga. This viaduct has been
fought about for some time and is now
out of the courts again and ready for fur
ther legislative action.
A foot bridge viaduct ordered for Eight
eenth street between Leavenworth and
Marcy Is awaiting the action of the Great
Western. The railroad has been given Its
official notice to build the bridge and
plans have been made, but no further move
has been made by tt to bigin construction.
fhe Nicholas street viaduct Is being de
layed by the council which Is planning to
widen Nicholas street, and when that Is
accomplished the work will go on. The
Dodge street viaduct Is still In litigation
In the federal court.
The fate of the old Eleventh street brtdgo
which Is being disowned by both railroads
and city Is not yet settled, but it is the
general opinion of those concerned t'jat It
will be completely rebuilt.
Mrs. Molly Stevens Asks Jedsxe Snlton
(or Aid Snrs Son Is Shot
and Dylna.
Declaring her 17-year-old son was shot
nd probably dying In a hospital at Lock
wood, Mo., near Kansas City, Mrs. Molly
8tsvens. almost Insane wtih grief, beggid
Judge Button for aid In Juvenile, conn
Monday, but the Judge could do nothing
tor her.
Eonie months itgo the young man, I-eh-man
Stevens, was sent to the State Indus
trial nchool a Ktarney. II was paroled,
returned to C aha. and shortly was In
trouble axaln. Pent back to Kearnoy by
the police, he broke anay and went to
Lock wood. Mo. lie was not heard of lint 1
a report came to Omaha that the town
marshal of Loekwood shut him when h&
was trying to break Into a freight car.
Since the lad Is out of the state there la
nothing that the officer or courts here
can do.
Mrs. Stevens said her boy is In a terrible
condition. Khe said she has been to I.ock
wood to see him and knows he cannot live,
"lis Is paralysed from the waist down,"
she said, "and ths hospital won't care for
him. He Is so bad because he Is paralysed
that a private hospital won't take him,
though I am willing to pay."
Mrs. Heller ol the Detention Home com
forted Mrs. Stevens and will take such
steps a are necessary to aid her.
. Totnl Kt'llitee
of the functions of stontacli. liver, kidneys
and bowels, la quickly disposed of with
E'ectrlo Hltt.-is. 6o. For sale by llealon
lrug Co.
L-0 U U O
The Ideal
Shoe for Men
and Women
Of all the shoemakers in the
world today none has excelled the
house of Hannan. Shoe progress
has been typified In the footwear
turned out by these famous mak
ers. They are termed the shoe with
out a hurt and Justly so.
The llanan shoe conforms to
the foot as a kid glove conforms
to the hand; and they wear like
Iron. We are well stocked with
the latest styles from the famous
makers, and our corps of expert
fitters is ready to assist you In
selections. Prices:
$5.00 $5.50 "1 $6.00
$5.00 SC. 00 and $7. 00
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam St.
Regular 15c Pillow Cases, 42
x'M; Tuesday, each lOVC
Bleached Sheets, 72x90, reg
ularly sold for GOc; Tues
day, etch 39C
Hope Muslin, 10c goods
Tuesday 7V2C
Unbleached Table Damns1,
popular at 30c; a rare bar
gain for Tuesday. . .17VsC
Bed Spreads, in all colors
and a snap at 73c; Bennett's
Tuesday selling price 59c
Crash Toweling:, regular
8V2C goods Sl-ii;
$1.50 Mercerized Napkins, already hemmed; Tuesday, per
dozen $1.00
Some Magnificent Jewelry Bargains
25 per cent to 75 per cent Saving at Tuesday's Prices.
Gold Watches Elgin or "Walt ham movement, 20 OA AJQ
-year guaranteed case choice of men's or ladies' V 1
watches, at
Rhine Stone Hat pins, regular $1.00
values; big assortment, at..50
$5.00 German Silver Mesh Rags, on
sale Tuesday $3.00
$2.00 German Silver Mesh lings, on
sale, choice .9S
91.(H) German Kilver Mesh Hags, on
sale, while they last 50
Solid Gold Cuff Links, $4.00 and
$5.00 values, beautiful patterns, on
sale at $2.00 and $2.50
Rhine Stone Hat lins, regular $2.00
values, beautiful designs;; on sale
Tuesday, at , J)SJ
Misses' Solid Gold Rings, signot or
set, $2.00 and $3.00 values; on
sale at.... 50 and $1.00
Engraving done Free.
Made ByTheinORKER
V 1
1 r" i
1 e 1
NEVER before have " Dorothy Dodd
shoes been so uniformly fine. Nor
have more perfect specimens of shoe
making been produced at any price.
$4.00, $4.50 and $5.00
Order Your Paeonies Now It's Planting Time
a.k for Oar Bpsolal Tall Catalog-. 7 TslspaoB. or MaL It is complsto .o3oifaln. planting .n.iructlon. and accural, dsaor ptlon. ol U our
bMutlful I varTsties and pVlces. Othsr piants tor tall planting ar. Includad. Wa wlli
raoa.s: BsU 873 i Ind. 613. Blst Bt. aad Ay. A OonaoU Mlait., Iowa
Tail's Denial Rooms
Uaa Dollar fcr ltsr.
Thursday is Home Day.
Look over the list of home bargains
which real estate dealers will give you.
Buy your home.
If you wait to save enough money to buy a home for cah,
you will have to wait many yeurs. You pay rent in the mean
time. "With the easy term plan you ean buy such a home as is ad
veitised for sale in Thursday's Bee for a few hundred dollars
down, balance monthly like rent.
This gives you the home at a less price than you would pay
if jou saved for a few years and paid cash for it. Buy your
homo now.
Veilings and Laces
At Bankrupt Prices.
Values you'll not soon again
find duplicated. They'll go quick
at these prices.
85c Veilings, at, yard 10c
A big lot of. All Silk Veilings, In
the staple colors, regular 25c and
35c yard values; on sale Tues
day, yard 10
Beautiful New Laces.
Vals, Torchons, Point de Paris,
Orientals, etc.; on sale at
2S 4H 70 and 15
Dress Trimmings at Bank
nipt Prices.
A full line of fancy Colored Braids
a sale at
5S 7U S 10 and 15
Ribbons & Embroideries
At Bankrupt Prices.
Undoubtedly the greatest values
ever offered In clean, ffesh mer
chandise in Omaha.
35c Ribbons at lOo
Extra heavy All Silk Taffeta Rib
bons, ft and 6 inches wide, all
colors, regular 20c to 35c vaues;
sale, price, yard 10?
Three Rousing Embroidery
Bargains for Monday.
JOc E.-nbroiderles at 2H
85c Embroideries at. . .' . . . JJ i f
50c Embroideries at. ...... .
ri a i srvivsrijnj'Tnnrvi
Winter Underwear and Furnishing Goods
Six Rouslnf Specials In Tuesday's Sals
Women's $2.00 Swiss Ribbed Union
Kuits, medium weight, long sleeve
or ankle length; Tuesday, at 9S
Swiss Itibbed Vests and Tlglila,
$1.00 quality, silk finish, In white
only, garment 49
Women's Muslin I'nilerakirtn, $1.50
values, with two rows of lace in
sertion (limit two to a customer),
l 40e
Women's Fine I'nlon Suit, $3.50
values. In silk and wool; on sale
t $1.98
Women's Outing Flannel Johiih,
white and all colors, are values to
$2.50; on' sale Tuesday
-49S 75 and 98d
Wool Sweater Coats, values to $6.00.
all colors, newest styes; on sale
t..$1.98. $2.45 and $2.98
Extra Specials for Tuesday
No 66 Gray Blanket,
good size and weight,
always sells $3.00;
for this sale.. $1.98
No. 1175 Blanket. 11-4,
extra good value at
$4.60; for this sale, at,
a pair $3.39
Bllverwood Cotton
Blanket, full size, al
ways sells $1.98; for
thia sale $1.39
I. X. L. Cotton Batts,
for this sale. . .QHt
German Eiderdown for
hath robes, good pat
terns, 40c values; at,
a yard 25t
Outing Flannel, light
and dark colors, 27
Inches wide, extra
good values; at a
yard. gj.'c
36-lnch Bleached 'Mus
lin, good heavy grade,
lOo value; yd. . . .7
Specials in Liquor Department
Pure Home-Made Grape Wine, red or white, per gallon. ; . . . .-. .'J$1.00
High Grade Banana and Apricot Cordial, per quart,...., 750
Pure Calirorna Port and Sherry Wine, per quart. -29S 35 and 5()
Per gallon $1.00. $1.25 -nd $1.50
Beat White Tokay Grape Wine, per quart , v50
100 Barrels of Keiffer Pears from Missouri
These were shipped us on consignment to sell for the grower. They are
extra fancy, every one hand picked and in excellent condition, and as
long as they last we will sell them, per -bushel basket. 1 .... . . 55
You can put up preserved Pears as cheap as potatoes.
GREEN TOMATOES FOR PICKLES Large market basket. ... .12 H
Boost for Hayden's Grocery Department it pays. We save you
from 25 per cent to 60 per cent. t,
Monday's specials on all Groceries, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Teas,
Coffees and Fresh Vegetables.
',iiXtoiirsTsr'vvsrsJsr-si s r y- ,-iv"s-'iiisr-sii-irir
P.. Vie Know the Bride .f,
will be well pleased when' she learns that the gift
I comes from our store. We bave a beautiful stock
'of sterling silver, ranging around $2.00 to $5.00.
j Handsome pieces of cut glass $2.00 to $6.00, to
tri 7.00. We also carry best patterns la plated silver.
Epend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name.
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler
1510 Douglas Street
rss tzrsk rk