Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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I 1-
Wide Velvet Ribbon Trimming
Things You Vfaiit to Know H'
Jovrnnient t Work
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tith vF.r. -. omatta. tttt:sp.y. orronKn is. imo.
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I Th eactreme Klniplirlty nr tHIn little din- darker thnn the atln of the frork.
tir frorjt does not (rlVe fven an Idea of the 1 In the equare dreoletaKe gold colored
rick erilors used In the ttindoL, for the mu
tartm.1 la gold natln chuntvnmFti with a Kllnt
f edtra giwen, the 'embroidered bauds are
In a j-rerr-gxld tone and the velvet ribbon
aaad In bretella and aa-h effect, la a shade
tins ni rnt n.srnniisnrnpnron r
It la Bald that ttte most (feiieroua person
tiaa one pet economy and that the nwrnt
parslmonloua Individual U reckloBs In some
particular reopett.
' Now tha apeclal eeoiiomy of tha Bona of
(ha Establishment was In messenger ser
vice. AlthouKli ' extravaBant In every
other way. there were few ' occasions in
Ufa which seemed to him to Justify the
expenditure of a half-dollar or so for a
messenger boy. (
His wife knew his Ullosyiu'rasy and
usually In one way or aiiutUer gut around
It, or under It, or by It.
But on t)J PttiikuUr occasion It was
Sunday morning alia had tailed to remem
fcsr It ' . , .
"Ara.lha Jouea. conUnx .o dinner?" the
Boss bad auked. .... -
No," bla wife explained, "They're going
to spend tha week-end with Mrs.' Jones'
coualna. 1 forgot til aJout wnung wmu
when you suggested It and know they're
loo stingy o have a Uiephune, ho I had to
end a boy from the drug store with a
"I thought we moved to the country to
save money," 'tha Boas murmured, sadly.
"Hu are we aver going to do It If you
throw money Around In that reckless way?
I'm Hscouraed! Hy nature I'm Just as
t foolish a spender as you are, but 1 have
"curbed my natural Instincts and put a
brake on my po kttbookl But what's the
User N
It had never occurred to the Boss" wife
xjor, Indeed, to the Boss., until that moment
that their migration to Ihe sulmiba was
for any other juanon than because they
wante to have tires and grass aboui
But .tha. Bos' dejection was so genuine
that she fell a switl couulilon and o.ut
the next hour le.idlug an article on thrltl.
I , "Which U
I i liu.ussni
t ' 'tents a
lilcli told bow one O'Uld build a flfl.-eil
nd-dollar iioinestmd by tavlng 6
week on prune.".
, The Boss, having expressed hla views on
1 the folly of useless exp iiuUure, would
bare been ijulie ready to tike bis wife to
town and seaitr a good portion of bis
week'a salary on a dinner and a allow.
tVlih him words wen deers, so far as sav
ing money Was concerned and a household
lecture on economy nude nlm fuel iuue as
I rich aa another hundred dollars in tiie
But tils wife had a looser memory,
i , After dinner" when the new domestic
j J paragon had uV aried for her afternoon off
! and a slow raid of .dlng leaves fluttered
i j past the opi n wlnduws, the Boss' wild
looked out opoii her rustling lawn and
; j murmured half to hetaelf;
"Uttni hae their 'Inn to fall and
t flowers to Witlur in the north winds
' J Vrtath." ' ' '
f j Vut It ou'. oaJled Mie Boas, ungra-
, Vlously. "It's in the l.-aae that no poetry
" - ali a 11 be uvtui uyAI on Hies ji eiiUsea."
' y i ' Vou don t .sui'i.jj 1 arute iliat?" the
lady answered. "I oitty 1 had.
I'm not caiabl of H "
" oa I know." eeid the boes, passinust-
. .... .)
cJt)t.L vtok-w -
chiffon Bet; this Ir Inld over flesh colored
chiffon to produce the effect of a deep de
colletage, though aa a matter of fact, audi
a deep yoke could scarcely be worn without
a lining of some sort.
He KxpresscB Ills Views
Ically, "you're capable of almost anything."
"Not of raking those leaves," said the
Boss' wife, lapsing suddenly into the prac
tical, "and yet they ouKht to be raked up
right away. I think It would be perfectly
lovely to make a bonfire of them tonight,
don't you? I asked the man who came
around to help you with the pictures bow
much he would charge to rake the lawn
and he said I thought that was too
much money, so I wouldn't give him the
Job. It doesn't look o very hard. In faot
It looks as If it might be fun."
'there v, as a long, significant pause.
"Don't you think you could show me how
to do It?" she asked In her sweetest voice.
The boss started. But one seldom
evolves a theory of avoiding a trap until
a'ter one is caught by the leg. The Boss
heard something snap behind .ilm.
"We haven't any rake," he sa'd. feebly.
"Oh, yea, we have,'" rejoined his wife,
eagerly. "1 bought one yesterday come
see It!"
Reluctantly the Boss permitted himself
to be led toward the garden tool which
was to be the Instrument of his expiation.
Having so recently urged his wife to new
economies, be could not refuse to do bis
share in them.
He saw the rake and his duty and
bravely aeUed upon thein both.
l or the rest of the afternoon, while his
wife In her coolest frock and her serenest
manner stood by and advised, he tolled.
Kor the first time In his lire be did really
work. J'ersplratlon poured from hla fore
head. A hundred Imprecations were bot
tled in his heart.
That wus the first stage. But later a
tentle melancholy fell upon him. The
fallen b-aves became human leaves and he
tne ruthless reaper of them.
Now and then it occurred to him that he
was victimised, or, as he phrased It to
himself, that he was a goat. But whose?
lie had talked of economy and be was
cioiiomlnlnif. That was all there was to It.
And meantime bis wife stood near and
Final, y the last pile of leaves was raked
and LI- brown mounds all over the lawn
rose as monuments to the Boss' toll. Then
they went In to supper.
During the meul a high wind sprang up
uiul the yard In w hlelt the Buss had
worked so long and arduously became a
whirlpool of swtrlHiK leaves. Soon there
uas not a mound to be seen.
The Boss' wife surveyed the scene of
wreckage with a philosophical smile.
"Well, we saved tl.75, anyhow," she said.
(Copyright. li'lO. by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
Te save Time.
It Is an excellent Idea when a houses
keeper la nut blessed with stationary tubs
In her Utundiy to try purchasing a two
Inch sanlto hose and attach It to the
faucet. In this way aha can let the water
run In the tubs and boiler without lifting
a drop of water, which gives the laundresu
extra time which otherwise Is wasted.
IVrsistenl Advertising Is the rload to Big
x 7 fJOW. IF THAT EN-"i "ZSPT 7 rwFsir5pPFn wm
tfYOO ARF 7yI!T f Disrri- 1 1 P J-'r.? TO btna
L k V V UKVCi. J!
Friday The country is lovely at this time
of the year, but sometimes I long to be
living In town again. Everything Is so
exciting there. Even the subway Is thrill
ing. I could stand for hours and watch
the expresses go by. They have such a
dashing way of tearing by a station that It
always makes me think the people Inside
are very superior, somehow, and I ache
to get In one and go whizzing by the com
mon, ordinary local stations, too.
It's so fascinating to watch them com
ing. Two big lights like eyes In a charger,
approaching nearer and nearer, and how
they must ha'e to stop at all. It seems
quite wonderful to me, though I wouldn't
let anyone know It, as they might think
It childish to climb on one and go tearing
alung through the darkness. I tried to ex
plain what a really delightful sensation it
was to Mollle Turner once, but she couldn't
see It at all. ' .She was a little bit better
when It came to understanding about dif
ferent days of the week having their own
Individual smell, I will admit.
At Aunt Harriet's, one time when I was
staying there, I tried to explain It to her,
aa the variety Is more distinctly marked at
her place than any other. I told her that
Sunday had an entirely different smell to
It than Monday or Tuesday, and Saturday
had still another, and she nearly had a fit
and raid she would have all the rooms
aired at once and almost insisted on send
ing to the village for disinfectants.
It Is simply fearful the way one has to
restrict one'a conversation with most peo
ple. I have felt so often that If I only
chanced to meet the White Queen or the
Duchess from "Alice In Wonderland" sonie-
Items of
White Is the most difficult of any shade'
of hair U) keep clean, because the delicate
color quickly shows dirt, and If tonics are
applied as cleansers, unless they contain
no oil. the silvery whiteness Is Immediately
Of nourishing scalp and hair applica
nt ns none Is better than white vaseline,
put on sparingly. If the roots seem dry.
Of course. If the scalp is naturally oily,
more grease Is not required, and when the
head has an excessive amount of natural
grease the hair Is almost necessarily yel
lowish. " .
Incidentally white hair must be sham
pooed wlla care and aoap should not be
mysclf placed next to the Mad Halter at a
dinner. But I don't suppose I ever will.
where I should get along beautifully with
them. How heavenly it would be to find
Although Tom Is so clever and sensible,
he can be terribly silly occasionally, and I
don't know what I should do without him.
I can talk to him for hours sometimes
and not show a ray of Intelligence or sense
and It Is most enjoyable. He knows that
I believe In ghosts and things of that sort,
too, though no one else does. At least J
won't say I am positive of their existence,
but I think It Is best to give them the
benefit of the doubt. I feel that If I say
too much about not belle clng in them It
would be so easy for one to suddenly ap
pear some night and give me a lesson.
Whereas, If I am respectful enough behind
their backa they may let me alone alto
gether. Still, I prefer not to be in the dark my
self If I can avoid It- If I am too polite
about them they might arrive on the scene
with the Intention of making friends.
The idea doesn't appeal to me at all.
Tom Is very sceptical about anything like
that, though he Is awfully nice when It
comes to understanding and U'usaing my
vlewiwlnt. I'm glad he Is, as It would be
frightful to be with him wnere there Isn't
any light otherwise. That night when he
walked back from Mollle's to Mary Whit
ney's after dinner It would have been aw
ful If he had been petrified, too, at those
peculiar noises and the bat that flew at us,
and very dull also. There la something
about a bat that Is perfectly horrible to
Interest for the Women Folk
used, because of the alkali It contains.
Isinglass makes an excellent cleansing'
agent. To apply It an eighth of an ounce
softened In half a glass of water, should
be mixed with ten drops of ammonia. This
mixture must be rubbed over the scalp
before wetting the hair with water. It
must then be carefully washed out, for
the sticky quality of the mixture causes
dust to adhere. White hair must not be
dried by heat.
Many persons like to give a final rinse
In bluing water after sh-mpooing. If pure
indigo Is used the wash Is harmless and
piany times is beneficial. For this bath
the water Is colored to a light blue.
Brushea used on white balr nust be
me, and when a dark object flew at us
and he said It was one I couldn't breathe,
and when I thought of u trying to get
In my hair I felt the way I do in a night
mare. He said the only thing to do was to
hide my head on his shoulder, which I did
Immediately, though we had had a fight
and I wasn't speaking to him. It took
him ages to get rid of the bat, and nothing
would have Induced me to lift my head up
unUl It had gone. Finally, when I was
beginning to feel suffocated, he said It was
all right.
I thought as he had been so brave It
would be only decent to go on speaking
to him after that. But It certainly was an
escape. Ho said they always go straight
for a woman's hair. That's another thing
I admire about Tom he always has such
presence of mind and Is so courageous.
The evening the window curtains flapped
so, and I said I was sure there was a
burglar hiding behind them, he went right
up, without a moment's hesitation and
looked to Bee, even after I said I was posi
tive I had seen the shadow of a revolver
against the shade. He discovered that the
window was open a little end the wind had
made the curtains move.
Whenever I do or say anything that ag
gravates him I lay the blame to a horde
of little red devils that are supposed to
exist behind the sofa we usually occupy,
and there have been moments when I
wouldn't have dared look behind it, they
have been so real.
If they made him as nervous aa they have
me we would have had to move to another
given scrupulous attention lest they become
greawy. If they do they will yellow the
It Is wise to rinse them In ammonia or
soda water to cut whatever grease the
bristles hold.
Any curlers used must be white kid or a
kind containing no rubber or wire uncov
ered, for the sulphur In rubber will yellow
the locks and any uncovered wire la more
than apt tj rust after being used a few
times, and, of course, the rust would rub
The fellow who tlls a girl he would die
for her may later on be forced to cat hnr
angel cake.
IE jjy
In addition to the departments and
bureaus deacrlbed In previous articles
there are a number of Independent organ
izations In the government service. Fore
most among these Is the Bureau of Amer
ican Republics, whose principal aim Is the
cementing of international ties of friend
ship between the various republics of the
New World. Trior to IS) there was only
a half-hearted understanding between the
United States and Its sister nations In Cen
tral and South America, and much was
to be dewired In the way of International
comity. In that year tho foremost states
men of the Americas necame Impressed
with the belief that the best Interests of
ail the republics would be conserved bv
holding an International American con
ference. In which t:ll the governments,
from Canada to the Straits of Magellan,
would take part. Such a conference was
held at Washington.
The most Important outcome of this con
ference was a resolution favoring t lie es
tablishment of a bureau to be supported
by the combined efforts of the American
republics. The mission ui this bureau was
to bring about such a state of Interna
tional neigliborliness that the Americas
should be united In one great governmen
tal unign for purposes of commercial inter
course. How well the Bureau of American
Republics has fulfilled this purposo Is 11
lustrateu by the present feeling of friend
ship between the people of the United
States and those of the republics south of
the Bio Urande. Under the directorship
of John Barrett ..lis bureau naa encour
aged the upbuilding of profitable trade re
lations between the United States and her
southern neighbors and has Improved
every opportunity to bring about interna
tional co-operation for tin? best Interests
of all the republics. The bureau Issues a
publication known as the Bulletin of the
Bureau of American Republics. This bul
letin gives a monthly synopsis of a., mat
ters of Pan-American Interest and pub
lishes such literature as enables the United
States on one hand and the Latin-American
republics on tne other to get one
another's viewpoint on questions of Inter
national concern. It also publishes a list
of all Important opportunities for extend
ing trade relations between the various
republics. The Columbus Memorial library,
maintained under the auspices of the
bureau, contains the finest collection of
Pan-American literature In the world.
The United States Geographic Board ren
ders flnul decision as to the name and
proper spelling of the hundreds of thou
sands of places In the United States and
Its possessions. In the publication of Its
literature the government must have uni
formity of name and spelling, so it has
decided that the geographic board shall
canvass each case of disputed name or
spelling and make a decision. In doing
this It may write dozens of letters and In
other ways make Inquiries as to what name
or spelling has the best sanction of usage.
Its decisions are final, and are published
annually. The postal guide and all other
governmental publications conform to these
decisions. This board also has advisory
powers with reference tev the making of all
maps under the government Jurisdiction.
The national home for disabled volunteer
soldiers has nine different branches, situ
ated in as many different localities in the
United States. Any volunteer soldier who
has been In the military service of the
United States may go to one of these
homes whenever he deBlres and find a
haven of refuge' from poverty. These
homes are supported by appropriations
from the federal government. In addition
to the homes there is a sanitarium in South
Dakota where those who are suffering
from tuberculosis and like diseases may go
for treatment.
There is also a national home for veter
ans of the' regular army. This home Is
situated on the outskirts of Washington,
surrounded by some of the most beauti
ful and well-kept grounds In the United
States. It now has about 800 Inmates,
of whom 260 are bedridden and need the
constant care and attention of the physi
cians of the home. Each month every
soldier in the regular army has 12 cents
deducted from his monthly pay and this
goes toward the maintenance of the home.
Any disabled soldier and any soldier who
has served for twenty years has a right
to live here. Here he can feel that he
la in no way the recipient of charity, as
he has contributed his share toward Its
maintenance. Those veterans who desire
to work need not go outside of the homo
to do so. An allowance of 4I cents a day
Is given to those who help care fgr the
home and Its surrounding grounds.
When Abraham Lincoln waa president he
found at his home a retreat from the cares
of state, and other chief magistrates since
that day have gone there for rest In what
la known aa the president's cottage. The
old soldiers constitute a fitting j'.uard of
Parents Should Encourage Their
Children to Stay at Home
One of the most difficult duties of
mothers is to make sure their children do
not meet undesirable acquaintances at
school, and the best way to avoid such
contingencies Is to encourage boys and
girls to bring their young friends home.
Then the parent can study the strangers
and should have no trouble in deciding
whether or not they are suitable compan
ions. All boys and girls are influenced by their
school friends, especially where the latter
are a year or two older. For Instance, a
"I consider ntra at honest aa th
day la long.
'Yea, but the daya axo gectaf
honor while the head of the nation rests
among them. Tho home was founded
through the active work of General Win
field Scott. After the Mexican war funds
were available through the confiscation of
property, and General Scott, seeing that
many of his veterans needed a home In
which to spend their declining years, ad
dressed himself to the task of founding
tills Institution.
The Government Hospital for the Insane,
known locally as St. Elizabeth's, Is ono of
the most remarkable Institutions for the
feeble minded In the world. In addition
to caring for all the Insane of the District
of Columbia and of the army and navy. It
cures for the constant stream of poor un
fortunates who seek the aid of the presi
dent, congress and the departments In
righting Imaginary wrongs or protecting
them from chimerical foes. Few weeks
pass that some poor crank does not turn
up at the While House to enlist the aid of
the president. Some of them are armed
and dangerous. One finds In St. Eliza
beth's tho man with the perpetual motion
scheme; the woman who was converted
by John the Baptist and is one of tho
characters In the wonderful prophecy of
Revelation; the deluded fellow who thinks
every man In America Is against him, and
who was caught with court peals and
other equipment In his possession through
which he fabricated Judgments for dam
ages amounting to $.10,000,000; and the de
mented citizen who imagines he la "Uncle
Joe" Cannon.
Them are a number of other Independent
organizations In the executive service ol
tho government whose activities are full of
interest and fraught with many possibili
ties. The Isthmian Canal commission li
directing the great task of dividing tha
Americas and uniting the commercial
world. It maintains a staff in Washing
ton, through which the home end of the
operation of the greatest commissary and
supply department In the world, an Im
portant railroad system, and a complete
steamship line Is directed. The Philippine
commission Is to the legislative assembly
of the Philippines what the senate is to
the congress of the United States, and
upon It devolves the administrative end of
giving to those Islands a stable government
suited to the needs of their Inhabitants.
The library of congress Is not, accurately
speaking, a part of the executive branch
of the government, but Its duties are
closely related to the executive service.
It Is the custodian of several million books
and pamphlets, the supervisory agent of
the copyright organization and the practi
cal head of the American library system.
Its card Index of literature Is one of the
most complete In the new world. Just now
It Is engaged In the work of establishing a
card Index of all literature In the libraries
of America, thus amalgamating their treas
ures Into one vast collection. No library
In the country has a complete collection of
literature. At every one of them works
are frequently called for that cannot he
supplied. It Is the aim of this new sys
tem, to. Create a sort of literary flying
squadron, made up of the rarer publica
tions, ready to move to the demands of
the serious student, wherever he may be.'
It will take years to work out this sys
tem, but what already has been done
gives promise of ultimate success.
When the library was built It was
thought to be large enough for many years
to come. Every facility for efficient ser
vice was Installed a book carrier that acta
with almost human Intelligence; a hydrau
lic curtain closer which will close 100 win
dows by pressing a button a single tlme
and on underground book tunnel that car
ries books to the capltol quicker than the
fleetest messenger. But recently a new
stack was found to be necessary. In equip,
ping it they have bo planned that even tin
electric lights are put out by a clock sys
tem. It Is supposed that the attendant
finishes his mission to the shelf In flvt
minutes, bo the light Is cut off at the end
of that time. If he has not completed his
task, he must press a button to turn tb
light on.
These articles have dealt only with tin
executive activities of the government. The
legislative branch Is confined entirely to
Washington, and while not as large as tin
executive It la more powerful. In
that It controls the funds of the nation,
and unless It loosens the purse strings tha
hands of the executive service are tied se
curely. But even the legislative branch Is
not so powerful aa the Judiciary, for the
supreme court can completely tie the hands
of the president and his fellow workers of
the executive force. It is true that con
gress and the president, acting Jointly,
may enlarge the supreme court and pack
It tc meet their views, but this has been
a power seldom resorted to.
Tomorrow la Base Ball Hoasstf
little boy always longs to Imitate a big one,
and a small girl has the same mental atti
tude towarda her own older friends. There
fore It Is of the utmost is? porlantsj to
know with whom they asbociM.e, but how
the undesirables are to be f' .nlnated Is a
matter that each parent must decide, al
wuys taking Into consideration the Indi
vidual temperament of the children.
Many mothers do not encourage their
children to play at home after school hours
because the young folks are noisy. Of
course a parent need not expect the little
one will speak in muffled whispers, for
shouts are the natural manifestation of
youthful spirits, but they need not yell,
and a mother who has tact will not find It
bard to suppress a riotous game and sub
stitute something quite as amusing.
When undesirable friends have been ac
quired, to separate a boy or girl from them
without at the same time making children
feel that the discrimination is unjust, take
last and watchfulness. For active young
sters who are given to understand that
certain boys or girls should not be played
with, may find the tabooed children al)
the more attractive for the faults they
are supposed to possess, so It behoove
a mother to display the utmost caution Ik
such exigencies. UoSANNA SCHUYL.EH.
What a Weuaa Knows.
Here Is a bit of conversation that Is a
clear-sighted as It la witty.
"So Erma Is engagod," said Eleanoi
with a curl of her Up. "Well, I'm sorrj
for the n an, that's all. She doesn't kno
the first thing about keeping house."
"Oh, yes, she does, though," waa Fan
nle's assuring reply.
"Well, I'd like to know what It Is," Waa
the doubting response.
"The very first thing, which Is to get a
man to keep bouse fur," Judge.