Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Booth Dakota
lent Inued.
I HAVE 1 iitm, 11 miles from Ot
tumwa. Stanley Co., S. p.: will offer for
quick rale at 11,2.0.00. P. U. Box 204,
lierre. 8. 1.
FOR FKW DAYS ONLY We are offer
ing ." acres. MILE.S KHuM FIKKHK,
B. I. Well Improved lu tan In aifalfa
t acres In crop 3 .'! rrm of RICH VAI
I.KY I.ANP ail fine for cultivation. lTlce
$n per acre. Can curry rr,(i hack on
land 6 years at ier cent. A. II. Lathrop,
4Z1 J 'co Building.'
FOR SALE 40 acres In Sherman county,
texas: price II per acre. This la a bargain
for Rome one. Address J. H. Meyer, 2u9 W.
Id St.. Jiavenport, la. Tel. 3v.s8.
Invest your money In logged-off lands
and grow rich. Any alio tract, from 10
to 116 per acre.
I'll II 8. LOCKE. Aberdeen. Wash.
9 ACHE LEVEL LAND. M ealtlTated.
balance pasture, l-room houaa. large barn,
ehlckan bouse, spring and trout brook ns)
farm, I mllee from station, school oa Ian.
ll.sOO. aasy tcrraa Tom O Uttoo. laiaaj
City Btata bask, Cu in bar land. Wla
HARDWOOD ttmWered laka frontage
farm at barraln; M acres In Polk coun
ty. Wla, to mllea from twin cities; heavy
clay loam soil; half mllo laka frontage; lota
f hardwood saw timber; small clearing:
old buildings; good neighborhood; oaly
11.200: on aaay tarms if taken at on-oe.
Owner N. Bos A, St CroU FaJla, Wla.
RA V-sj yon A FARM FOR 8 A Lit on,
TRAPSE T Or do you want to buy one?
Make your wants known through TUP) DK4
MOINES CAPITA! tha want medium o
Iowa. Rataa: 1 cent a word for aaeb lnser.
Moo. eanta a Una. 70 canta aa Inch. Cir
culation. 41.000; largest of any Iowa dally.
Olva us a trial. Address Tha Capital
Tai4 rient ree MnlnM la
1100 to 110.000 made promptly. F. P. Weed,
w'ead Uli1 lltb and Farnam.
WANTED f?ltT loans and warrant W
Farnam Smith & Co., 1220 Farnam St.
IMA to K.0M on Omaha borne. O'Keefs
Jteal Estata Co, 1011 N. T. Lata. Poug. of
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
always on hand and for sale at
amounts from $300 to $3,000.
412 N. Y. Life Bldg.
GARVIN BROS., Id floor M. X. Ufa. Wt
la tioo.outl on improved proper. No delay.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
310-313 Urandala Theatar Bldg.
LOAN 8 to homo ownara and borne build
ers, wltb privilege of waking partial pa'
aoanu semi-annually.
lot First National .lank Blag.
MQNKY TO I.QAN-Psrne Invaatmant Co,
IF your property la for colored people,
rant or sale, list with tha Home Investment
Co.. 101 8. 14th St Have tenants waiting.
Phona Pouglaa Hit,
, A clear farm In Nebraaka worth $3,000.
Will trade for good automobile.
468 New York Life Bldg.
Phonea Red 1999, A-17IL
WB azebanga propartlea of merit H. H.
Culver, 812-611 N. Y. Life. Pouglaa Tsui.
MUST leave city at onoe; will aell my
real estata bualneaa at great aacrlflca, or
trade for Neb. land; business paying (2,604
year. Call or write 66s New York Lite
mug., u ui ana.
- I ROOMS, atrlctly modern; Jot tOxlM;
lovely home. Price, 17,000. Will trade for
K.i ixew ion l.ue rJUg.
'Phona Red 19), A-172X.
WANTED ta borrow, 12,000 at once for 1
year; gilt-edge security; will pay $500 for
uae of same, money fully secured. Answer
at once. Address U lot. Bee.
BE8T prlca paid for Id-hand furniture.
carpets, clothing and shoes. TL p. tun.
Second-hand clothlna: nartv r.
dresses. John Feldman. P. 2L28: A-2t.SK.
WANTED Small bone mill to grind
Chicken feed. A. T. Ayrea, 4VJ7 Seward St
WANTED To rent on shares aulte in
modern apartment with lady or married
YOUNG man desires place to work for
bokrd and room In private family while
attending college. Boylts College. Both
unable to be on his feet. Can do office
and telephone work. Care E 302, Bee.
POSITION wanted by lady stenographer,
M years of age. In some town In either Ne
braska or an adjoining state with from
l.ta) to 1.000 Inhabitants, (iood references
a to character and ability readily fur
nished. Addresa Y 71 Pally Bee.
WANTED Ladles' clothes to launder by
first-class laundreea. Call Pouglaa kvfl.
ELPERLT lady wanta light housework;
m good, plain cook; no washing. A. C.
811 N. d.
WANTED Place to work with child 14
months old. Pauline Miller, Fairmont.
Minn.. R. . Box 69
In order that tha advertiser may gat lua
best reaula for money Inveated, he must
reach the buyer by the moat direct and re
liable channel. The Bee la that channel.
Quartermaster, Cheyenne, Wyoming,
October IS. 1910. Sealed proposals In tripli
cate, will be received at this orfice until
9 30 a. m.. mountain time. tlday, October
Is, 1910. at which time they will be opened
In public, for the construction of a steam
heating plant In Subsistence Storehouse
No. 6A. (post plans!. Fort p. A. Ruaull,
"Wyoming. Plans No. 4-10M. Plans and
specifications for the Inspection of bidders
are on Me In thla office; also the office
cf the Chief Quartermaster, Department
of the Missouri, Omaha. Nebraska; Chief
Quartermaster, Department of the Colo
rado. Ienver, Colorado, and tha Secretar'
of the Builders' Exchange, St. Paul. Minne
sota. lYoposed blanks and general in
tructlona to bidders may be had uKn an
juicatlon to this office. The government
reserves the right to reject any or all
bids or any part thereof Envelops con
taining proposals should be Indorsed
"l'roposals for heating plant subsistence
Storehouse, No. 6A. Fort P. A. Russell,
Wye., to be opened Oct. K 1910." and ad
dressed to F. 8. ARMSTRONG, Captain
A Qr. Mr., 9tb U. H. Cavalry, Constructing
Quartermaster, Room 3. Keefe Hll,
Cheyenne. Wyoming. Ootl7-la-13-39-20-37
ISIO.M STATION Train and Marry.
tatloai rariric .
Fan. Fran. Overland L..a 6 15 arn
China A .Is ran K. M...a 4:10 pm
Atlantic F.v;res
Oregon Express a 4 00 pm
l.oa AntriM 1 .united. .. .a II i pm
Colorado Special all 4 pm
I'enver flpeclal a 7 am
Colorado I:xpres a I W put
Orecnn-Wanh, IJmlted.al2'h0 pm
Nnrth Plana Local ... a in am
Grand Island Lucal a I 30 pm
Lincoln Beatrice Local.. bll. 40 pm
Chicago A Korth nrtirra
Twin City Express a 7:nfl am
Fioux City Local a I 46 pm
Minn. A Dakota Ex a 7 M pm
Twin City Ltd (ex Ps') a ti pm
Twin City Ll (Sat only). Il:b6pra
Omaha Express a Too am
C hicago Local all 06 pm
Colorado-Chlrnao a t.10 pm
Chicago Special a 1:02 pm
I aclflc Coast-Chicago.. .a 1:06 pm
los Angeles Limited ...a I iO pm
Overland limited all:t6 pm
Iienver Special ali 40 an
Carroll I-ocal a 4:30 pm
Faat Mall a l ao pm
Llnenln-Chadron a 7:60 am
Nofolk-Pallas a 7:60 am
all ao pm
a 6 .46 pm
a 4S am
a 6 :10 pm
a ' pm
a 7 41 am
all so am
a 4 w pic
a S .20 pm
a 4 4.S pm
a 10 30 am
b 1: pm
10 29 pm
alt pm
a I IS am
a 7 30 am
a 7.3U am
all Si am
a 1 11 pm
a l:s pm
a 7 6. a rrt
a I ti pm
12:20 pin
a 3 45 am
a t.u am
alO oo am
a l.ii put
all. 00 am
10 45 pm
b 6:10 pm
b 6:20 pm
a 6:iv pm
all) am
a 1:64 pm
Iyonn Pine-So. Platte. ...b 1:16 pm
Hsatlngs-Superlor b 116 pm
Peadnood-Hot Springs.. a .. pm
t aper-uan5er a B:u
..O 6: pm
(hlcago, Rock Island and Pi
Rocky Mountain Ltd...al2:3S am
Chicago I 'ay Lxprese. .a S 46 am
Chicago Ixical Phub bl0:Xi am
Les Moines lxcal 1'aaa.a 4:oo pin
Chicago Express a 4.40 pm
Chicago Limited a 6:08 pm
Chi. -Neb. Ltd., Lincoln. a 8:20 am
Colo. & Cal. Hup a 1:2.". pm
Okl. A Texas Express. a 3:30 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd....al0:66 pm
Chicago, Great Western
Chicago Limited .a 6:48 pm
Twin City Limited a 6:3u pm
I f. in City Expicaa a 9.00 am
Chicago Expreua
a 4 30
a 1:15
a 8:02
a 6:47
a 4:30
a 1:20
a 7:.M
a H:M
a 1:46
Chicago, Mllnaakee
A a t , .
Overland Limited ...
Omaha-Chicago Kx. .
Omaha-Savannah Ex.
Colo. -Calif. Ex.
Colorado Special
.all:41 pm a 7:69
,0 i:lo am b 9:.i
.o 7:16 am c 9:10
.a s uo pm a 1:4
.a i 6T pin aU:33
,b 6.16 pm bll.Ou
Perry-Omaha Local ....
Omaha-St. Louis Ex....
Mail and Express
Stanb'y Lei (from C.B.).
Missouri Paciflo
K. C. & fit. U Ex
K. C. & Bt L. Ex., ex
cept Saturday
K. C. & St. L. Ex.. Sat
urdays only
Illinois Central
Chicago Express
Chicago Limited
Minn. St Paul Ex
MUin.-St Paul Ltd
Burlington ta.tia
Denver & California....,
Puget Sound Express..
Nebraska points ,
Black Hills
Lincoln Mail ,
Northwest Express ....
Nebraska points
Nebraska Express ,
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local ,
Schuyier-Plattamouth ,
iJlAttamntlth-lOWa ......
a 1:30 pm a :
a 7:30 am all:16
b 6:00 pm b!0:li
a 1:10 ana a 7:11
aU:15 pm a 6:60
. 11.00 m
.a 7:00 am a 1:45
a :00 pm a 8:00
.b 7:00 am
a :W pm a g.oo ai
-Tenth A Haas,
a 4.M pm
.a 4:10 pm
a 8:20 am
.a 4 JO pm
.b 1:20 pm
.all 26 pm
a 8:20 am
a 9:16 am
.a 7:26 pni
.b 1:06 pm
.a 9:18 am
.al!:30 pm
.aU:26 pm
.a 7:11 am
.a 4:20 pm
.a 6:30 pm
a 9:15 am
.a 8:30 pm
.a 4:30 pm
.aK):46 pm
..a 9:U am
.a 4:10 pm
a 1:46 pm
a 1:46 pm
a 6:io pm
a I 45 pm
all:lo pm
a 7:00 am
a 6:10 pm
a 810 pm
b 9:08 am
a 7:60 pm
bl0:20 am
a 8:60 am
I pm
a 7:00 am
11:06 pm
a 1:06 pm
a 8:00 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
11:46 am
a :46 am
as. io pm
Bellevue-Plattsmouta ..
Colorado Limited
Chicago Special
ChlnavA TT nT'DI ...
Chicago Fast Express.
Iowa ixcai
Creston-Iowa Local ..
St Louis Expresa
K. C. at St Joseph
K. C. A St Joseph....
K. C. Ac St Joseph
Webster Station loth and Webster.
Missouri Paclf to
Auburn Local
Chicago, It. Paul,
b 1:50 pra bU:i5 pm
Minneapolis at
Bloux City Bxproas...
Omaha Local
Bloux City Paasenger
Twin City Paasenger .
Bloux City Local ,
Emerson Local
.b 1:00 m
bU:4 am
0 8:20 pm
b 9:10 pm
.b 6:30 am
.0 8:35 am
.b 6:66 pm
(a) Pally, (b)
ICiin1sv onlv
Pally except Sunday, (a)
BUTTER Creamery, No. L delivered to
tlte retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 31c; No. 8,
In 80-lb. tubs, SOe; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons,
29c No. 8, In 60-lb. tubs, 17Vic; packing
stock, solid pack, 22c; dairy, In 60-lb. tubs,
2a24c. Market changes every Tuesday.
CHEESE Twins. 17V818c; young Ameri
cas, lc; daisies, ISc; triplets, 18c; llmburger,
l.Sc; No. 1 brick, 18Vic; lmportad Swiss, 3c:
domestic Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, 22c.
POULTRY Pressed broilers under 1 lbs.,
15c; over 2 lbs., 14c; hens. 15c; cocks, 10Vc;
ducks. 18c; geese, 15c; turkeys, 26c; pigeons,
per dox., 11.20; homer squabs, per dos., 14.00;
fancy siiuabs, per doi., 13.60; No, 1, per dox.,
13.00. Alive: Broilers, 16c; over 1 lbs., 10Hc;
hens, lOc; old roosters, 7c; old ducks, full
feathered, 11c; geese, full feathered, 10c;
turkeys, 16c; guinea fowls, 20c each; pigeons,
per dos , Vc; homers, per dox., J3.00; squabs.
No. 1, per dos., 11.50; No. 2, per dos., 60o.
FISH (all frozen) Pickerel. 12c; whitefish,
18c; Pike, 16c; trout. lc; large crapples,
20c; Spanish mackerel. 18c; eel, 18c; had
dock, 13c; floundera, 11c; green catfish, 18o;
roeshad, 11.00 each; ehadroe, per pair, 66o:
frog legs, per dos., 40c; salmon, 14c.
BEEF CUTS Rib: No. 1, 14Ho; No. X
13tc; No. 8, 8e. Loin: No. 1, lc; No. 2.
18c; No. 8, 9c, Chuck: No. 1, 64o; No. 1,
6"c; No. 8, 6o. Round: No. 1, 7c; No. 1
7c; No. 8, 6Ho. Plate: No. X, ie; No. 2,
4c; No. 8, 4 Wo.
FRUITS Oranges : California Valenclas,
all slses, per box, 85.00fr6.26. Lemons;
Limoniera, extra fancy, ot else, per box.
17.00; S0 size, per box, $7.25; choice, 8U0
lie, per box, 80.50; 360 else, per boxlS.75;
140 slie, 60o per box less. Bananas: Fancy
select, per bunch, t2.25tfT2.60; Jumbo, per
bunch, 82.76'S3.76. Pears: New York Kelfer
per bbl., 14.50; California Winter Nellis, per
box, 12.86. Apples: Home-grown cooking,
per bbl., M.6fl4.00; Missouri Jonathan and
Orlmes' Oolden, per hhl., 14.75; Missouri
Ben Pavls, per bbl., tiJ; Missouri Wlne
sapa. per bbl., 1400; Missouri (, per
bbl., 13.75; other varieties, per bbl., $4.00;
Colorado Jonathan, per box, 81.75; Cali
fornia Oravensteln. per box, fc 10; Cali
fornia Belleflower, per box, $1.80; Washing
ton Grimes' Oolden and Jonathan, extra
rancy, gs to ia sixes, per box, 13.26. Orapes:
California Tokay, per crate, 81.36; Con
cord. Michigan and New York, per 4-lb.
basket, 30c; Malaga, 00 to 66 lbs. gross, per
keg, lft.OtXfi6.60, Cranberries: Per box. 12.06;
per bbl., 16.76. Patea: Anchor brand, new.
So 1-lb. pkgs. In box. per box, 1200. Figs
New California. 12 12-o. pkgs., ft;; Jg 12-os
pkgs., 12 26. Quinces: Per box, 81.86.
V 1JGETABLEB Pnjtatoea: Early Ohio,
In sacks, per bu.. 9oc; Iowa white stock,
per bu., ifve. Sweet Potatoes: Virginia.
per bbl., $2.85 Onions: Iowa, small red
and yellolw, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate.
11 36. Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb..
irc; re a. per id., iso. tgg fiant: Fancy
Florida, per dox, 11.00. Celery: Michigan,
per dos. bunches, 3&c. Rutabagas: Per lb.,
lc. Cucumbers: Hot house, 14 and I
dos.. per box. II 25.
bage: New. per lb., 2o. Tomatoes: Per
bskt., 50o0o. String and Wax Beana: Per
mkt. bsk., 76c. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf,
per dos., 46o. Parsley: Fancy home
grown, per dos., bunches, too. Turnips:
Per mkt. bsk.. 85c. Carrots: Per mkt.
bsk. 4"c. Beets: Per mkt. bsk., tf.o.
MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Black, per
lb., so; California No. I, per lb.. IRe; Cali
fornia No. 1. per lb., 14c. Hlckorvnuts:
I-arge, per lb., 4c; small, per lb., fo.
Cocoanuts: Per sack. 16.00; per dos., 660.
Honey: New, 24 frames, 13.65.
Coffee Market.
tures opened steady at a decline of 847
points In response to lower European
cables. Offerings were not heavy, but
there appeared to be very little demand
and the market closed quiet at a set leas
of T'lilO points. Sales, 6 baga October
and November, 1.65c; Pecember, .70c; Jan
uary. ! 76o; February. 1.77c; March, I Wo;
April, 8.11c: May. 1 12c; June. 1 13o; July,
August, 8 Wo; September, I Mc. The weak
ness at Havre as attributed In part to
tha Influence of the French railroad strike.
Havre closed at a decline of l' franca;
Hamburg was V,0'- pfg. lower; Rio. 60 rela
higher at 6 :a. Santos. 60 rets lower; 4s
8 10; 7s 6 1A0 Brazilian exchange 6-33
lower at lTd. Reoelpta at the two Bra-
xtllan W.rts. 71 0o bags, against llO'atO bags
last year, junaiany receipts, bags,
against 76.200 last year. New York ware
house dellverlea yesterday, 16 628 bags,
against 10; bags last year. Kpot coffee
steady; Rio No. 7, 10'eJllc; Santos, No. 4.
UVU40i mild steady; Cordova, llWflllo.
Wheat Price Steady, but Trading is
Corn Values Itule Firm, Owing to
Hesitation on Part of Holders to
I nload W eather Conditions
Are Favorable.
OMAHA, Oct 15, 1910.
Wheut ruled steaoy but quiet ail duum;
the short session, v alues Were narrow and
me market as without special lemurs,
iraoeia Mere inclined to be pitmen and ex
pected a rally, ihe can ueuiaiiu was very
Corn ruled firm early, later became weak
on iltimuation and fev country offerings,
ilio weather continues very tavorauie
throughout the belt. With tne movement
ot now corn values should work lower.
Cash wheat offerings were liberal amain
today, and as outalde markets were weak
aim lower tne buyers were not Inclined to
oe anxious to take the sample offered,
values were easy at ViO lows.
With country offering old corn freely,
the spot corn market ruied heavy, showing
signs of dullness and lack of buying
uemand. Values ruled weak at c to lac
lower on the sample floor.
Primary wheat receipts were l.OM.OOO
bushels and shipments were 491, (."M bushels,
against receipts last year of l,271,lX) bush
els and shipments of slO.OiiO bushels.
Primary corn receipts were 63,o00 bush
els and shipments were 2W,tf0 bushels,
against receipts last year of 265,000 bush
els snd shipments of 212. onO bushels.
Clearance were 46.0O0 bushels of corn,
1,000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour
equal to lTCOoO bushels,
Liverpool closed Vd to hd lower on wheat
and d lower on corn.
Omahs Cash tneee.
WHEAT No. 1 hard, 9164c; No. 8
hard, ftxiftMVic; No. 4 hard, Mru0tyc; re
jected hard, iSVvfltSHxc; No. 2 spring, 92V!
c; No. 3 spring, w'J94CiC.
CORN No. 2 white, 45Ai(64r.Vic; No. 8
white, Vxtt4te; N0. 4 white, 44"8"c; No.
1 yellow, 4&46V: No. 3 yellow, 46 8450;
No. 4 yellow, 44V 1746c; No. 2, 4f-46Hc; No. 8,
4545'c; No. 4, 44MiiJ-46c; No grade, 40342Vc.
OATS No. 2 white, 29Vic; standard,
ZSVtiSMaC; No. 3 white, 2!u29MrC; No-
white, V-Wrtl&c; No. 8 yellow, 2Sg28Vc;
No. 4 yellow, 2Sc.
BARLEY No. 8, S(ak;i No. 4, 60c;
No. 1 feed, 66y0c.
RYE No. 2, 71(uT2c; No. 8. 7071o.
Cnrlot Receipts.
. Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 91 880 277
Minneapolis 367
Omaha 61 82 20
Duluth W
Features of the Trading and Closing
Prices on Board of Trad.
CHICAOO, Oct. 15,-Taklng a hint from
continental European markets, all of whloh
closed today at an advanoe, wheat here
finished- with a net gain of Ho to St?
c. The end of trading left corn down Wo,
oats ofif a shads to and hog products
varying from 2Vo loss to a riso of 15o.
Although Liverpool at night was slightly
lower for wheat than twenty-four hours
previous, continental quotations were de
cidedly firm and were supposed to reflect
less favorable Argentina crop reports. Ant
werp advanced l'c, and on flour Paris
was up 2"c.
Faltering prices northwest and corn weak
ness locally counted against the bulls, but
theSA Influences .r. mnp. r.t .
the fact that primary arrivals for the week
nom o,iw,imj nusnais less than a year ago.
Expectation of smaller world shipments
rormett annlhap Aa n .
. . . . wi "uiui v. i nrouajn-
out the day, as a whole, short sellers were
inuuaviy roarce ie noi aotuaily timid. The
close was firm at nearlv h..i nH.... A . v-.
session. Pecember ranged from 4o to 97Hc
and 97Vo, with final sales Vo up at 96&o
to 96Vio.
New low records were again In corn. De
cember fluctuated between 46T4o and 47V40,
cioning; net lower, but nrm at 47Hc. Cash
corn ruled weak. No. 1 yellow in tho latest
"ul,,i wma aro IO atac.
Oau rallied a little with wheat at the
last. Pecember sold from Sd'io to smo, and
finished a shade off at 10o to 80',o.
Provisions showed flrmneas. Final quo
tauons were unchanged to 6c to 7o higher
for pork; 2Ho down to 2o to 6c up for
lard, and with ribg at an advance of 2a
to 16o.
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close ! Yes'y,
Jan. May
. Oct
I MHSH9mJ 94
ITWft, 96-i964('94fS95
1 01H 1 00i i OIVs lOuVTi
97 97 k
48t4 48 48
f t 47H 47
49"W 49 60
Mh bu 5(Hk 60H
S4WglH 3 H 14
S31 83 88 83
17 7V 17 60 17 86 17 67
16 80 16 6THI 1 70 16 70
12 87V4 U 86 12 H5 It 87U
11 80 11 75 U 77H 11 75
10 72H 10 66 10 67i, 10 65
10 15 1 10 U 10 16 10 UH
U 00 10 87 H 00 10 86
) 9 87i,9S7986
980 9 t7 9 30 9 27
1 Ul1
4714 "4
17 66
1 77V4I
12 87H
11 77W
10 17
10 16
10 87HI
9 37tt
8 27V
No. 1.
' Cash quotations were aa follows:
FLOUR Quiet; winter patents, 14.80fN.96;
straights, 84.Olrtf4.76; spring straights. 14.56
G4.76; bakers. 13 606.05.
RYE No. r 77a
BARLET Feed or mixing, 6utff66o; fair
to choice malting 71(37o,
SEEPS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, 1162;
No. 1 northwestern, 12.66. Tlmotliy, 16.60a
8.50. Clovet, 18.Oiai.78.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 118.09
fflS.26. Lard, per 100 lbs., $12.86. Short ribs,
sides, (loose) 10 03U.OO; short clear aldea
(boxed) Ul.2611.60.
Total clearances of wheat and flour ware
equal to 166,000 bu. Primary receipts were
1,064,000 bu., compared with 1,271,00(5 bu. the
corresponding day a year ago. Estimated
recelpta for Monday: Wheat, 43 cars; corn
237 cars; oats, 130 cars; hogs, 26,000 head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 8 red
&K-&970; No. 8 red, 92'896S1o; No. 1 hard'
96J99c; No. 8 hard, 9jj96c; No. 1 northern
spring, 11 ll! 12; No. I northern spring
tl.0cal.ll; No. I spring. tl.O6Dl.10. Corn: No
1 cash, 494e40; No. I, 4RVir49c; No. 1 white'
48S49c; No. t white, 4e'8'49Vc; No 2
yellow, 49Ji4C4c; No. 1 yellow, 4i9v.c
Oats: No. 1. SOe: No. t white. Sasavc' i3
I white. tO31o; No, 4 white, 3u!01a.c:
standard, 8iM.832e. '
BUTTER Steady; creameries, 14929c:
dairies, 211270.
EGOS Steady, at mark, cases include.
lSWS21c; receipts, 4,964 cases; firsts, 24c;
prime firsts, 2Hc.
CllEtEi Bteaoy; aalsies, leHfllPsc;
twins, 14(X16c.', young Americas, 16 Wo; long
horns, lfc.
POTATOES Steady; choice to fancy, SO
56c; fair to good, efff45o.
POULTRY Steady; turkeys, 17e; owla,
11V; springs. llc.
VEAL Steady; 50 to 60-lb. weights, 310c;
80 ot al-lb. weights, 9VvaiOo; 66 to UO-Ib
weights. 1213e
RYE Cash, 77 o.
BARLEY Cash, OT77.
Tl MOTII Y Cash, 17.60(38.60; March, tl 90
frl 40.
CLOVER-Cash, tU.03U.60; October,
114 26.
Chicago Receipts: Whest 91 cars; corn
810 cars; oats, 277 oars. Estimated for Mon
day: Wheat, 48 cars; com, 137 cars; oats.
1M cars.
Kansas City Grain sal Previsions.
Pecember, 94B'94Ic. sellers; May, 9t(
aaVf Kl A Pa.h lln(h,nr. ,A 1a I...
No. 1 hard, IScfltl AO: Na 8. 9l4Va; No. I
red. 47c; No. I. 94troc.
CORN Pecember. 46 c, sellers; May, f!
ajiec, seuera tun, unchanged to He
lower; N. 1 mixed, 60c; No. I, mixed. 30c:
No. 1. white. 60c; No. 1. bOe.
OATS Unohanged; No. I wkite, 13C86c;
No. 1 mixed, llftS2c
RYE No. 1. TCc.
HAY Unchanged; choice tlmethy, tll.60
cnowe prsine. 1X9.
Bl.TTER Creamery. 28c; firsts, Ke; see
ends Wc: packing atoek. llVte.
EcVGS-Extraa, 27e; firsts, ltd; seoenda.
Recelpta Shipments.
wneat, bu l r 123 oeo
cxrn, su 14 eno 13 i
Oau. u 11,080 gotja
St. Louis Aeneral Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct 11 -WHEAT Fu
tures, higher; Iecember, 97ii4e; Mav. 11 MS
Cash, weak: track No. t red, rcOU;
No. I bard. lOcCll 91
CORN Futures, weak; Pecember. 4e;
May, toe. Cash, lower; track: No. 1
uc: No 1 white, 81c.
OATov-Futtures, ateadyi Peoember, 80o;
May, Cash, lower ; track: No. I, rj
3lc; No. 1 white, auiic.
RICE W mk; 7ic.
FLtiUR Sternly; red winter patents,
I4.X0W 6.20; extra fancy and stramht,
4.ltni4tiO, hard winter Clears, 3.46m
SEED Tlmothv, 17.50flS.50.
t't'KNMKAl, 1'2 40.
BRAN Weak; sacked, east track, 901)
HA Y Steady ; timothy. 114.0019.00;
prairie. 1 1 l.i'0-i 1 4 00.
14 ;i -sue
Hi:. MP TWINE 7 c.
1'RtiVISItiNS l'ork. unchntiRcd; Job
bing, IIS. 75. I.Brd, weak, prime steam,
t I2.o0j 1 2.60. Pry salt meats, steady;
boxed extra shorts, 12c: clear rihs,
124c; short clears, l!c. Bacon steady;
boxed extra shorts, 14c; clear ribs, 14c;
short clears, 14 lac
Recolpts. Shipments.
Flour, bhls 1L K.
Wheat, bu Sn,o1 4S.M
Corn, bu ". 2.u0 lo."0
Oats, bu.
of the Pay on
NEW YORK. Oct. U.-FLOUR-Qulet ;
Prtng patents, t5.&Va6.50; winter straiKhts.
l4; winter paienta, 14., '4 M; spiinn
clears, 14.15(84 40; winter extras, No. 1. W.5o
3. i; winter extras. No. 2, 13.;t'a'l.55; Kan
sas straights, ,4.7t34.!tO. Rye flour steady;
lair to goon, choice to fancy,
14 2634.40. Buckwheat flour, quiet; 12.35 per
1(10 lr.s.
COHXMEAL Quiet; fine white and yel
low, ll.jtiwl io: .,u.e I. A..? I X..' kiln Hrlel
WHEAT Spot market steady; No. 2 red,
11.00, elevator, and tl.o4, f. o. b., afloat;
No. 1 northern Diiintti ti mv f n h
afloat; futures market was tiuiet, but
pneca were steady on week-end covering
and better cables than expected from both
livemool mrA i V. ...... A n( l .
net higher. Pecember, 11.02 9-l"l.t3; closed,
i'"1!. ny, si.ui tin i.oi'a; ciosea, IL.O14.
CORN Sot market steady No. 2, 67-4c,
elevator. llOtnentfn httals ti nrlv'A a .1
67V4C, f. o. b afloat; futures market was
without transactions, closed unchanged to
40 net advance; Pecember closed, 55'Ac;
May, 60c.
OATS Spot market steady; standard
white, 374c; No. 2. 8!o; No. 3, 37c; No. 4,
86c; futures market was without transac
tions, closing Vi4o net advance; October
closed, 37c; Pecember, 37c; May, 394c
FEEP Quiet; western spring bran, In
100-lb. sacks, I21.76ig21.86; standard mid
dling, 100-lh. sacks. 123.00(8 23.66; "ity. 100
lb. sacks, 122.60.
HAY-4Steady; prims, 8L20; No. 1, 11.124i
1-l.No. 1. tl.uO.ul-',; No. 3, 96ciall.ti0.
.."OPS Steady ; state, common to choice,
JMJ, , lv23c; 1900, 17(920c; Paciflo coast, 1910,
14(ffl7c; 1900, 10ul4c
1U PES Firm: Central America, 21c;
Bogota, 214d'224c.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 23HS
254c; seconds, 214(i23c; thirds, UaJ0o; re
jects, 1&017C,
TALLOW-Steady; prims city, hhds., 7o;
country. 7HCHc
JfROVlSlOiSS Pork, steady; mess, 121.00
,L V, ,a,m".v. Wi-00; short clear, 122. OoU
nrat, inaraet steady; mess, 116.00ii
60; family. 119.00(ff'20.o0; beef hams, 122.004
1 "iiiei; picKica Denies, 10 to
lbs., tl5.00fal8.0u; pickled hams. $11,609
.00. Lard steAdv miHiiA -. ..-i ... . --
e .u' .reflnpd steady; continent 113.20;
intJi nca' 14UUi compound, $10.25
."SfsSSS' creamery' heId- ,econd
E(40 Plrrn gftta T 1 . -
nearby brown, fancy, 84-if36o; state, Penn-
IV 1 yck tfxh a ni4 hAnl,. - . 1
1- . u ,1'?' gainerea Drown. 81
3c: fresh ont h el 1 M, .
. " - liiai,, 7VU .WK. ;
fresh rir.i. icti ,-.-, ,r"-
gathered seconds, 24(g(J5c; fresh gatherd,
el J..0' c"dle. l(32: fresh gath
ered, dirties. No. 2 candled, 1920o.
1 ,i, "tate, whole milk, tpty
ISl. 16lA.it7o' fnnm. ui- .
-w , cnoit-e, 1
t.C,l "ZkiJ0 p1me' "'S'Hci common to
fa r. ll(ul3.o: kim (,,11 m .r..ii . o.
p - - - .,oi.nw, a
POULTRY Alive, steadv; anrlna- ehiAk.
ens, 14c; fowls, 14160; turkeys, 12'al5o.
Pressed, quiet; western broilers, VKuiSc;
western fowls, 14ijlSo; western spring tur
keys, 14fJ 250.
tlok la for Continued Pair Over
Sunday, with Little Change.
, OMAHA, Oct 15. 1910.
Fair wreath m...... , .
oen7r-.l V.n.J. .i'"'Lu". "or' ,n lne
iui, ""ougnout tne west,
with the sxceptloi of showers that have
ufiir.l 1 r r a , Ih Ha i . , ...
ih. 1... . . ""eme aouinwest witnin
unset.Li Zi ir hour8- and generally
.ZT.iX -"ivivjn in.i prevails in tnat
secuon this morning-. Considerable cloudl-
II P HJM ft r 1 I 1 Fl tdS XT Slls In 4k. a a 1 , a
vall.v .7."". Mississippi
i.i.V.i l"e lane region to tna
f.,. H co!u but ,h wether Is generally
Iti .1t.hi.V,h,oat th? Mt- Temperatures
ftf V 1,htl? lowJr "lonI th AtlanUc coast,
n the west gulf sUtes and throughout the
lake region. Ihey are higher In the Mis-
nil 11 V st 1 1 as r e.n.41 a. u .1
M.hA. n'T. " "'a norm west, ana are
l" x-acmc slope. An
area of high pressure continues over the
Pl.D ..h rAI-,(An . . ' . . . ... .
TA;; .V ti t w. west na tne out
look Is favorable for continued fair
weather In this vicinity tonight and Sun
day with no Important change In tern-
Temperature and precipitation In Omaha
k ,h twenty-four hours, compared
...w rinouuii inroe years, IS as fol
lower Ifi.n ,n.,A ..
;,, , . . im ivui.
Minimum temperature.... 62 38 e 47
riuiiiiuiin o .00 .00 .00
iMormai temperature for today, 55 degrees.
Deficiency In nMlnli.iU- , " , .
12.41 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1909.
1.60 Inches.
Peflclency corresponding period In 1908.
1.68 inohes. .
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
cember, 11.06; May, ILIO"; cash. No. 1
hard, tl-OS; No. 1 northern, $1.074(j 1 08;
No. t northern. $1.08i44j)l.o; No. 8, tL01l.04.
CORN No, 3 yellow, BOe.
OATS No. 8 white, 2Sn2f39o.
RYEJ-No. t. 71 4 724a
BRAN-tl850(8 19.00.
FLOUR First patents. tC.101r6.30: secnnit
patenta t4.90rjje.10; first clears, 13.5tX4.3,70;
PVVIIU VlCfxl B. f iSln'VJ aJ.Wa
Philadelphia Prodaee Market,
mm .A DTTT .VII T A - n lKOTTrTyrii.r.
A. ' A. A-AA - "-.A. A f W. M AO.-AJ k A A JQj j
Firm; extra, western creamery, 82c; nearby
prints. 13c.
EGOS Firm; Pennsylvania and other
nArhtf flrKta KWi a, marl., a. . .
celpta. in returnable cases, 27c, at mark;
wrdiciu .iiviA, im uiiri, z&Q at mark
current receipts, free cases, 27o at mark '
CHEESE Steady; New York full creams
choice, 154o; fslr to good, 1413l64o, '
Liverpool Grain Market.
dull; No. I red western, no stock; futures
quiet; October, 7s 14d; Pecember, 7s 34d;
MlAIUJl, I A U ,11.
CORN Spot, easy: American mixed la
lOd; futures dull; January. 4a 4Vd: .Feb
ruary, 4s 44.
Peoria Grain Market.
PFnni net ievirni... xt a
yenow, nnu . o, e yeiiow, 9o; xo. M,
itc; No. 4, 47 c; no grade, 464o.
. ma ....... 1 . v. a . . . ....
1 o u iiuimjiaru , wmie, wic;
standard, 811332oi No. 1 white, 31'4e; No.
4 white, 80o.
Leeal geearltlea.
. Aakae.
W i7V
U 64
u rata
h in
M 100
1 144
Ml 10
1 m
M 10
t at
" 4
t ai
M 141
1V at
4 41
ft M re. (Ia.1 warrants I ser cent. .
gaalrlee Oaajnary all
Calarada Tai. wire a
CMlahr racktag Oa. Ib.......
..i k.... k . . a L. 1a 14 a. a" ar eant nataa Ull..
raiment uraunrr a a. V oaiu
Oarmaa Flra ! Co....
flartr. !. Msnixvslaa
lntamaUanal Oa. Cf., eitk aoaua...
Iowa yeriuia C"aiit Ut
kanaaa A y eu f4. Wlahlu
Stanaas Clt R A L aa. 1U
Linceln. Nak.. . a. asm
Nabraaka tNant Cc.) war. I far eant
Makraaka Talahaa Co
MarrU A Co. 4Vaa, 1M
Omasa Watar K 14
Omasa Water Oa. 14 at
Omaaa Si. J- a ia
Omasa A C. . R A A t
Omaas 0 . "17
Vnlt-4 RaJlear pt
Ceiaa (ieah Tarea stack, Osoaha.
New Turk Oern Market.
The fellewlng quotations are furnished
by Logan A Bryan, members New York
teck exchaage. 111 South Sixteenth street
Umt. Tabaoce ....
kta.f St AM Oaa.
411 p-l ration 104
llVitarnee 4
Butte CAalltlon lla Nt. CenaolloaUe.. l!
(ectua M Krwkeuae 1
.!.' Canax114ata4.
tiaTteDaJr -
yir Cantral
I t Cnastl4a.ta4 ...
Ii, Witak
Goldn14 Floranra .
g Ohio Copper
1 Rakl4a OoaJltlaa .. 44
a Hay Cantral IS
lewift rvi re im
16 tar Rnaaack Co. ..110
BlITOr ne
1 SuaArtac Plttaburt Wi
Mining .... 1
H lYln tj Copear
1 Nortb Laka ..
Ouldttaia Uaa,
4 BotiAinle
tareaae CMaAtaa t a Ollkweji 146
Few Cattle Arrive, Ilardly Enough to
Establish a Trice.
Open a Mckel Higher and Move I p
ward aa the Morning Advances,
the Demand being; Very
KnT-Ti r . 1, .
Neb., Oct. 15, 1910.
Cattle. Hots. Sheen.
I T?..
Official Mnnd.iv
Official Tuesday
official Wednesday...
Official Thursdnv
Official Frldav..."
Estimate Saturday....
1.S.S 413.714
3.9l 44.7.V.
8.04i 29.-.9
4rVl 44.;:.11
3 570 14.2T1
S.iOO 1.03O'.M
.. 8.tfJ
.. 6.W3
.. 1.094
-1X flays this week ... .40.510
same days last week .V, s2
Same days 2 weeks avo. .42,fV."
aine days 3 weeks nRO.,42 219
Snme days 4 weeks a0..42.6Vi
Same days last year....35.So5
It:. 711
140 20
ihe following table shows the receipts
or cattle, hofss and sheep at South Omaha
tor the year to date as compared with last
. mi ;
Cattle .,
Hogs ..,
Sheep ,,,
1910. Inc. Dec.
. 942.475 !W,929 103.546
.1.597.3IM 1. KM. 491 257,163
.2.197.714 1.674.443 523.571
The following table shows the average
prices of hows ut South omahA for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Datea 1910. 1909.19d8.1901.1908.19o5.19(.
I 8 40'.,, 7 CT
I 4741 7 641
I 8 2741 7 Rll
I I 7 6il
6 311
6 W
(5 2111
6 20
8 151
5 Do!
6 791
6 6S
6 5S
I 6 311 6 031
6 931 i 8 Kl
8 071 6 80 6 0
6 071 3u 6 06
6 111 6 251 5 061
6 15 20 4 991
6 111 21i 6 07
I 6 261 6 OS I
6 091 I 5 10
6 01 6 S3 1
6 ft)
5 SS
5 ra
6 46
6 31
5 17
6 11
6 12
10. . .
8 2.TM 7 97
" 4:1
8 3541
8 37
8 49V
7 701
7 611
7 401
7 48
Receipts and disposition ot live stock at
the Union stock yards. South Omaha.
Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at S
u i-iuca p. m., CICl. In. 1I0:
Cattle. Hogs, Sheep.
C. M. ft St
Missouri Paciflo
Union Pacific
C. & N. W., east..
C. & N. W. west..
C, St. P., M. A O..
C, B. A Q., east
C, R. & Q., west....
C, It I. & p., east.
Total receipts ....
Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co
... 399 200
owirt and Company 833 31
C-udahy Packing Co 1,615 6fi4
armour & Co 849 129
wtner Duyers 4,016
AOtais 8,697 4,630
.u. ttI Receipts of cattle were so small
this morning as to be equivalent to noth
ing but for the week arrivals have been
Lar'.the total bel" 40,510 head as against
86,802 head one week ago, and 36.S36 head a
year ago. Considering the large run the
market, as a whole, has been In very sat
isfactory condition as viewed from a sell
er s standpoint.
The beef supply has consisted almost en
tirely of cattle from the western range.
At the beginning of the week the large re
celpta created a little easier market, but
any decline that may have taken place
was fully made un 1st er on and at the
close beef steers are safely strong to a little
niKner man last week. Cornfed steers have
been scarce throughout the week and, as
there has been some little inquiry for
them, they have generally commanded
good, strong prices, and at the close of the
week are selling a little higher than last
Cows and heifers showed some weaRness
at the beginning of the week, but they
too, strengthened up later on and. at the
close of the week, are "ullr steady with
some of the best grades possibly a little
stronger than last week. Bulls have been
good sellers all the weak at steady prices.
Good, light, native calves have sold fully
steady, the top on that kind being 7.0.
Heavy and medium calvea on the other
hand have broken badly, being around 5j
11.00 lower than the high time a week or
ten days ago.
Strictly good to choice yearlings and 1-year-old
cattle of good colors have com
manded fully steady prices all the week,
and have been quite active sellers. On the
other hand plain cattle of Inferior grades
have all shown more or less weakness
and dullness and at the close are 15925c
lower than one week ago. Still at tha close
of the week everything Is cleaned up and
the market Is In a good healthy condition.
Quotations on nstlve cattle: Ooed to
chelee beef steers, S6.604T7.60; fair to good
beef steers I6.6O36.6O; common to fair teef
steers, 14. 6006. 50: good te choice cows and
heifers. 14. 25.36. 26; fair to good cowl and
heifers, !3.4t4 25' common to fair cows
and heifers. t2.50$3.40; good to choice stack
ers and feeders. t4.40fW.85: fair to good
steckers and feeders, I4.00tfj4.49: common t
fair stockers snd feeders, 13.2604.75; stock
heifers. 13.00414.25: veal calvea. U.KVTM.OO;
bulls, stags, etc.. $1. 6036. 00.
Quotations on range cattle: Choice te
prime beeves, 15.75176. 25; good to choice
beeves, $5.265.75: flr to good beeves 14.60
456.20; common to fair beeves, !3.70fr4.49;
good to choice heifers, 14.006.09, good to
choice cows, 14.0054.66; fair to good grades,
13.604.00; canners and cutters. 12.75ti3.60;
good to choice feeders. $4. 80S6.99; fair to
good feeders, 14. 264. 7S.
Representative salts:
Hlggens A Knightent Wyo.
T4 cows 946 4 05 79 cows 916
69 cows 825 8 30 89 heifers... 902
79 heifers... 63 4 00 12 heifers... 678
68 calves... 2.12 8 00 43 calves.... 359
3 S3
4 55
4 00
4 65
4 00
I 25
4 70
68 calves... 344
4 25
6 50
4 40
4 40
60 calves.... "l'i
29 steers.. ..1116
67 steers.... 681
IB steers.. ..1298
18 steers.... 927
62 cows 1015
HOGS Hog trade opened fully 60 higher
than yesterday and Improved as the morn
ing advanced. The extreme eiesa found
prices Just about 1L3 Higher, indicating an
average advance of fully 10c. Supplies
were moderate, consisting mainly of heav
ies, and with the demand from all quarters
active, a complete clearance was made
within two hours after the opening.
Heavy hogs moved around 11.36 3 8 45 with
good mixed grades of various weights at
18 50 and better. Bacon weights were
scarce and commanded the usual premium
over lard hogs, best lights Selling at U 83.
A few pigs were on sale, prices paid In
dicating a spread of t7.60tri.00 on this class
of stock.
Moderate receipts during the week and
freer movement of provision stocks re
cently, are credited with most of the Im
provement In hog prices. Net advances are
right around 15030c, all weights selling
more readily than last week.
Representative sales:
Ne. At. Bh. Fr. No. Av. fa. FT,
i 371 ... Ill 31 S21 ... I 46
67 r 106 I 10 ll ... I 46
13 DM ... 136 6 ..! 44 I 46
19 301 ... I t M lit 11 I 41
U 10 I 44 41 tor) 4 I 4ti
4 317 30 I 40 44 117 130 90
41 1" 120 I 40 70 i4 M IH
41 ill 126 I 40 II 14 l IM
it 317 ... I 40 64 116 M IH
SO p 44 I 40 r5 44 I M
4 as 40 I 44 1 114 ... II
66 ' M I 4 ti V 44 I M
4 304 ... I 44 It Ml 13 I M
It Ill SO I 4 17 rt 44 I to
47 SOI ... I 44 4R f ... I 14)
67 311 I4 I 34 aa t ... IS
10 207 44 I 424, u V 40 I M
8 14 40 I 46 M !1 10 I II
17 r7 ... I 46 to 14 SO I U
41 14 ... I 41 lit t 10 I ITVi
41 ... I 46 (7 ri ... I M
46 Ml Ml I 46 TI. Kit M I"
41 SA4 SO I 41 M ! M I 44
ti Ml 40 I 41 HI t7 ... I 7
u tot k 111 n rri u Tl
14 t 130 I 41 14 tit ... I 71
II las ... I 48 II H4 ... I 71
IT t4 40 I 4$ 41 1S1 ,.. I at
W 117 4 I 41 TR 1ST ... I 16
1 ,oa
1 1 ... T 34 WO T M
J 410 IK 1 410 M I Tl
1 410 HIS 1 4H II IN
1 : M I 14 1 IM M I M
1 11 I 14 1 4V It lit
1 3M H I Ti I M IS IN
1 HO BO I 7
SHEEP The few doubles of sheep aa.
lambs received tesay made Up a eapfly
too small fer building up a market and
the list ef values remained
Trade during tha weeit has been heavily
supplied at all times, Mensay's run break
ing all single day retards at thla feint and
the week's receipts surpassing the racers
made two weeks ago fy 11Xi head Right
around 1I7.O0 head ef sheep and Iambs
viii received, fully 71 per eent Of tnis
number consisting ef feeders.
The demand fer this class of stack, whlls
ample, was not active enough to sustain
last week a level ef prices and the market
broke sl.arply en Monday aa a result,
dlmw that time, the general trend to
feeder values has been steadily duwuwaid,
current quoiatious averaging up the low
est of the season Lambs have suffered
"(or than any other cias of stock. In
I'ctw.'eti kliuli especially, and nrt tie. line
amount to .VvdV.c. lt.od, fleshy srsdi s
have l.eeti g..tnji back Into the country
around 15 'A -sung sn extreme limita
tion of $575. Medium weights have teen
."iling around .n. and with iambs on the
pee-wee order ss low a $4 Oo.
Feeder sheep are also lower, but compe
tition from 1 a. kers has been more pro
nounced In this branch of the trade and
good kinds do not show reductions greater
than ss cunparea with laot week s
el... Fleshy wethers are quotable up to
.!!( or b-tter. while the ame kind ot
stock sold little. If any, higher a week ago.
Ewes the brunt of the de line noted, ones selling under I-VM. Feeder Vflr
iitii, while scarce, weakened in swpathv
with lamb declines, and arc closing 1.'mi25c
lower. Oood handy weights are quotable
up to 14 Tf-ntvOs.
The marnet for fat stock opened a little
lower, but sorts have been light and aov
early weakness has been regained, the
general trade closing on mm r 4he s.ime
I'Ssis ss a week ago. High dressing lambs
are wanted at M ;-:. 76. while wethers as
high as 14 10, and ewes at $3 6tin3.65 are
saiely quotable. A few airings of short
fed stuff were Included In the week S run.
hut packers are not taking klndlv to half
flnlsii and farmers are urged to keep tola
class of stock off of the market, at least
until the western run is out of the wv.
Pally clearances of both feeder and fat
offerings have been vcrv good, and today
s finding only a few odds and ends still
in first hands. At times, of course, all of
the stuff did not reach the scales on dav
cf arrival, but this condition was largely
flue to more or less contingency In delivery
nd sorting alleys.
Quotations en grass stock; (-inert ta
choice lambs. I so.u n 75 ; fair to good lambs,
l'(iA5".i; feeding lamr.. t4.0txff6.78; handy
weight yearlings, tl.83 J5.25; heaw rear
ll'iss. 4.4tviM.S5; feeder yearlings, t4.Bi6 0O;
good to choice wethers, $3 8.-(4.10; fair to
'f,00.'1, wethers. !5.4dy3.s5; feeding wethers.
3 -iiflt.Oti; breeding ewes, t4.0utuA.00; fat
ewes, $3.25J3.SS; feeding ewes, tl.25(r3.00;
canners. i1.6V-4SJ.oO.
Ripresemauvs sales:
f1; 7yo ,mb". f"cders. culls.
I;, ..'" lambs, feeders, culls.
246 W yomlng ewes, feeders
J.J v. yomlng ewes
e5 W.y0, w"'. feeders, culls..
J"J ".yomlng lambs, feeders....
JJ yomlng lambs, feeders....
. ),yo lnmb9. feeders, culls.
Wyoming yearlings, feeders,
iso w yomlng ewes
?a JJ'J'Oflng lambs, feeders....
1J? Wyoming lambs, feeders....
IK w yomlng lambs, feeders
?r2 Wyoming ewes
158 Wyoming ewes
609 Wyoming Iambi, feeders....
206 Wyoming ewes, feeders
125 Wyoming ewes
104 Wyoming yearlings
I'll Wyoming lambs
495 Wyoming Iambs, feeders....
StOI Wyoming lambs, feeders....
730 Wyoming lambs, feeders....
Oregon ewes, breeders
397 Oregon ewes, feeders
Ar. Pr.
40 4 50
4 .3 4 50
94 2 50
lOS $ 40
S3 1 75
45 4 75
44 4 75
tU 8 25
GO t, "0
1 9 25
57 6 IS
59 t 2
45 4 50
92 1 78
98 8
64 I "6
Si 2 88
100 3 M
74 8 00
56 6 10
62 6 25
40 8 95
,66 6 ?
,88 8 75
80 1 55
1 45 6 50
1 48 5 15
87 4 60
1 87 4 50
I 77 8 65
, 47 6 25
47 6 25
250 South Dakota ewes, feeders,
118 South Pskota ewes, breederi
219 South Pakota ewes, breeders
oM Wyoming lambs, feeders
Demand for Cattle and Sheep Stesvdr
Hosts Hlaher.
CHICAGO. Oct. 15. CATTLE Receipts
estimated at 200 head; market steady;
beeves, 14.75iT7.86; Texas steers, 14. 25(30.60:
western Steers. 14. iVn 6 &5 : atockera and
feeders. 13.4035.76; cows and heifers, $2.25
w.ov, caives, fi.&CKgiu.ou.
HOOS Receipts estimated at 6.000 head;
market 6fT10c higher; light,;
mixed, $8.3oJI9.30; heavy, $S.10tf8.96; rough.
tS.10gS.30; good to choice heavy, t. SOW. 95;
pigs, t 3039.10; bulk of sales, 18.50fi8.95.
SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts esti
mated at 1,000 head; market steady; native,
12.6(Vf4.25; western, 12.95(34.25; yearlings,
t4.3t.$5 40; lambs, native, $4.40(37.00; western,
St. Loals Live Stock Market
ceipts, 1,000 head, Including 300 Texans;
market, steady; native shipping and ex-
ort steers, 14.45(y7.50- dressed beef and
utcher steers, 14.50 U 7.60 4 steers under
1,000 lbs., t4.00f6.00; stockers and feed
ers, 13.600 6.50; cows and heifers. 13.00
tie. 00; canners, I2.60Q3.10; bulls, 18.25(31
1.00; calves. !6.2Mi.G0; Texas and Indian
steers, 14.00 7.06; cows and heifers, $8.00
HOGS Receipts, 1,700 head; market,
19s higher; plga and lights, I8.60Q9.2241
butchers and best heavy, 19.06igl.214.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 100
head; market, steady; native muttons,; lambs, 14.OOTJ7.10; culls and
kueks, $2.6001.00; stockers, $2,25 4? 3.75.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady. Na
tive steers, 16.0a!! 1,00; southern steers, $3.80
(76.20; southern cows. 12.76fi4.25; native
fews and heifers, 12.76y.60; stockers and
feeders 11405.76; bulls, $3.0fff4.25; calves,
$3.76r8.O0; western steers, 14.006.75; west
ern cows, 2,7aQ6.0a
HOGS Reeeits, 1,080 head; market strong
te to higher. Bulk of sales, 18.6O.7f9.O0;
heavy, $8.6018.78; packers and butchers,
M-TtH.801 light, $8.90(49.10.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,006
head; market steady. Muttons, $3.6004.50;
lambs, $6.75iH.90; fed wethers and yearlings,
t4.001J5.2i; fed western ewes, $3.5uQ4.00.
St. Joseph Stock Fair Opens.
ceipts, 900 head; market steady: steers, 14.50
C7 25; cows and heifers, $2.0045.76; calves.
HOGS Receipts, 1.000 head; market
steady to 6c higher; top, $9; bulk of sales.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 100 head;
market steady; lambs, I.26u7.00.
Sioux City Lire Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 15. CATTLE
Receipts, 100 head. Market steady.
HOGS Receipts, S.000 head. Market 60
higher; range of prices, la.aa'8.76; bulk ef
sales, $S.JOu8.45.
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock ait the five prin
cipal wceieru uiainria yeaieroay:
Cattle. Hogs.
South Omaha . .,. 28 3,200
St. Joseph ...... 800 1,000
Kansas City .....2,000 1,000
St. Louis 1.000 2.700
Chicago 200 6,000
TOUU 3,821
New York Money Market.
NSW YORK, Oct 16. MONEY On call,
nominal. Tune leans, firm; sixty days. 414
4J44 per eent; ninety days, 4'k,a4; per cent;
six menth, 444434 per cent
TILE PAPER 64'T per cent.
actual buslnets In bankers' bills at 14.820-9
III for sixty-day bills, and at 14 M for de
mand. Commercial bills at $4. 82J4 H4.
SILVER Bar, 660; Mexican dollars, 45e.
BONPS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bends today were
as fellows:
S. rat. 3s, rag.... lew Int. M. M. 44a 14
do ooupon
. .ir japan aa
..1HH do 4. I4H
..Wt'K. C. S&. let la..... 71
..114 L. a Ua. 4a 1M1....
..111 L. A N. tail, aa l i
.. .1 M. K. A T. lat 4s... rr'i
TJ. t. la, rag
ae oaupan
TJ. . 4a, rag
Io coupon
Allls-Chal. lat 6a..
Am. At. la
.lllti lo ran. 4ia M'4
Am. T. A T. . 4a.. 14
Ma r.olflc 4a.
a. lt
Am. Tebaece la fvt N. It. a of M. 4 Via. H
4Va 4a ld N. T. C g. 4
Arrr.aar A Da. 44.... H la Aak. 4a 4St
Atchison tan. 4s N. T , N. H. A H.
Io ev. 4a let av. to 114
41a T. Is 1IN A W. lal a 4b... M
At. C. L. lat 4a.... M la ev. 4a inn,
Sal. A fhle 4a H Me. facltla 4a........loaA
la ma 11 '4 la la Ti4
4a a W. 14a
rook. Tr av. 4a...
Oa. ar Oa. av
Ton. LaUr Is
O. of N. 1 g la...
Chea, A Okie 44a..
da raf. 6a
Cklaag A A. IVt..
wio. s. u rrig. 4a..
14 rana. er. 1,1 1111
1SV4I, o awn. aa
wK Raaduis aaa. 4m...
. MS
. MH
inSt. L t I. f, (g. 4a II
ll so gaa. la II
l4st t. a W. a. 4s.. If
Tl4 Io la gall IS 11 H
r4laaaar41 A. L. 4s.... 7I4
43. a. a a 1. 4a....
gaa. 40 (ISM. Paa. eal. 4a fl
Hi. tl. a t. 4. 4a ! Io . 4a n
C, . I. A F. a. aa . tl la 1st raf. 4a
la Kg. 4a ". aallwar U 114
(Vie. Int. la Tl Ie fan. aa T4
Cola. alii. 4b 4 Cm an raeirie 4a 141
e. A 9 r. A a 44b. N e. a iet
S. A H. . 4a MH le lat a rat. 4s.... '
. A It. O. 4a 4C. f. Rabbor a, ... let
I f(. as M.e.. WT. I stool Ib.....i4H
ptrtlllars' la ......... TI41 Va,-Car. fmi. I..le
SJ I II. v, . 6 WW
sgmla . L 4a 4 Waamsh let aa
4s goa. aa Ti t la lat A ox
Io av. aa, aor. a.... '44 Western !
Io Barlae a. tl Wen. Blaa. at. 6a... tH
nn. g.aa. trt. la. .. .14m Wla. raatral 4a ft
111. . Ut raf. 4a. nstllo. Psa. av. as MP
lot Mat. 4v,a tl
OMAHA. Oct 11 Baak clearings fer to
day were 13.749.411 61 and for the corre
sponding date last year !! : Ill o. Clear
ings fer the week were 117 411 4IN and fer
the corresponding week of lief they were
til. 184. 212. 04.
ltof 111
Monday $ t IM .76? 1 $$.211.01148
Tuesday $.437.174 99 1 450.114 72
Wednesday 1 .W.3.912 04 1 944) 311 13
Thursday l.&XMM t,V44,i4vW
.!?. 451 44
1.7-5.77.1 ft
1,749. 4VS 51
t!7.4r.?.?43 9t
Clearlnar House llnnk Ma teiwent.
I The following la the New York clearing
house summaiy of th weekly statement
of banks for the week October 16:
Clearing house banks' dally averajes:
pe reus
11..4 f5.0" lit. V?
1.227.24 :t.i) ;i."..ni4l
48 IIS. OtiO 'I Kii'.im
24jo.m t.o'i.ixi
f.3s.4.0im ajio,,,pil,
, sm.::-i.iio 1.9:'.'. "tw
, l.Mfi .000 6 471. OHO
7.4100 M72.O00
7,s;!4,000 1.474.000
1-cgal tenders
Rr serve
Reserve required
Ex. U. S. Peposlta....
Clearing house banks
tha day:
actual condition
.ll.2l8.P2S.o00 tl9 2?7.ft
. 1.31S..v9.(IO 19.730. Od
4S. 159.0O0
. 24X SV.(1
P7.171 0e0
. 818.759OH0
,. 304. 689,0110
Legal tenders
Jteserve required
Ex. U. S. depos ts
11,676. OuO
State banks and trust companies of
Greater New York not reporting to the
clearing houaa:
Loans $L1.067.000 $11.32.000
Specie 123.287.000 984 Out)
Lesal tenders 21 976 000 184.000
Total doposlts 1,202. 092, 000 2.53000
London Stork Market.
IaNPON, Oct 16. American sscurltlee
opened steady here today and about un
changed from yesterday's New York clos
ing. Covering orders Improved the list
especially Canadian Paciflo and Amalga
mated Copper and the market closed firm
and from 4 to 4 above parity.
London closing stocks:
Oniwla, for money K'4. bouliTtlla A Nash. . ira
fin, for account ... ll Kss. A Taxaa U
Amal. onppar 11 N. T. Oantrai 111
Anaconda It, Norfolk A Wast am. Ill
Atcbison 10; do, sfd aa
P'u I1' tmtarlo m west
Caltlmoro A Ohio . 1I PannarlvaiUa ....
Canadian Tao Rand Mines
Chesapeake A Ohio. Ill Kaallng
rlilcagi.. O. W l Bouthery Ry ..
Chi.. Mil. A St. P.. 129V, ao, ptd. . ....I
... ............ oAauiarn rum inu
Denver A Rio O.... 16 H talon Paolflo iri2
do, pfl TTVaj, Io, tl S3 Z
Efia I11( U. . Stool , 77U
. 00. pra i4
do, aarnnd pfd. lYunk
WAiMak iiaI
rtk . m. ............ 4
1 M . ..'-.V. rr a a
llllnola Central
BJXJaurssJU rvlUl (,,,,, p$t
MONEY 1431 per cent
l'h. Ml. A l .W. .
- , . uiBuouni in loo open marKet
for short bills Is per cent
New Yerk Mining- Stocks.
NEW YORK, Oct. IBClosing quotations
v.. ...u.iiB Biui.a were:
Little Ohlef ....a..
f Mailearj HO
. II Ontario t?a
.107 Ophlr ,.UB
. IT Itandard af
150 Tallow Jacket aa
Com. Tunnel to(.
do bcnai
Con. Cml. A Va
Horn s.:iTr
Iron BIlTOf
Laadjrilla Con.
Movement of Bullion.
to10.. ei- IS-DulIlon amounting
to ,,000 was taken into the Bank of Eng
land today and 1.226.000 was withdrawn
for shipment to Egypt. "
Cotton Market.
market opened steady at a decline of iS
SM,,?U',KUndr r'l''n and In .ympatny
wU'i4he,;Pl,0'ntln' cables. '"nplny
May, 14.90c; June. 14.9-io; July, jijtc' Au'
gust. 14.85c. Spot closed quiet- middling
uplands. 14.91o; middling gulf, 14.15? Sales!
New Tork cotton market, furnished by
Logan & Bryan, members of the New
street Cttonh'xchne- South Sixteenth
Friday ..
r 1 1 1 11 ...
...... .ri rir....v, ucioner, 14.77c: N ovemK-
1471c; Pecember. 14.76; January UkI
March, 14.91c; May, 16.02c; July. 16 04 '
Cotton futures closed barely' ateodv
Closing bids: October. 14.73c; Novemh-?'
14 69c; Member U.72c; January Ti
February. 14 KAe- M..h w a,. . 17 ..
Option. Open. High. Lew. Close. Yes'y.
Oct. ... I 14 75 14 78 14 78 147J i71T"
Dec. ... 14 74 14 83 14 71 14 73 14 M
Jn 14 85 14 II H JO 14 14 u M
March .1 14 90 14 9 14 90 14 M JJ
May ... 16 01 16 08 14 98 14 M g Tg
July ...lfi0J 11 01 J4 9I 14 M j , ft
Evaporated Applea and Dried Prulta
APPLES-Steady, with .torki , fthi.
ter grades small, little demand; on th.
spot, fancy Is quoted at 10c; choice v
94c; prime, 84c; common to fair 1a17i1a
PRIED FRUITS-Prune. are qulet bUt
f..VrJl,hV an1 r""" ly; que-
j,om oe vo loo for Call.
TiV,," .r" .1U'' and
13c; fVncy: li4.r. P'ea" e? ar. not a
tive. but offering, are moderate and prl",
are steady; choice, 7740; extra choice
in, 1 1 rt g fj III II Kni fag
quoted at 64Me for 2fi3 crown; cholc.
fancy aeedeit S1XTa. , , . wmjuto IO
' . .c.u.rp, . .T(jO ; 1 . I
don layers, $L3tti.38. . " ' ljn '
Sugar and Srnlaasea,
NEW YORK Oct. 15.-Rgar-R.w
!tea7y:.-muBcova'10' 19 8.40c- centri.
fugal, 96 test. 8.9O0. Molasses suga? go
test. 3.15c Refined, quiet; crushedf ,?
granulated. 4.&O0; powdered, 60. '
Turpentine Marekl.
penUne. firm at 747440. Rosin flruT
type F. 16.15(86.20; O U 20(96. 35? '
Wool Market.
ST. LOUTS Me.. Oct. 15.-WOOL-Steady
Pass lTp the Bottle, Forget the Oa
Been uaiy the Nonreflllable
".f, y!f " hV' the bottl mndod
a bottle that can't be refilled; yet gome
how It never was landed, with all their
experiments skilled.
But new. say the New York dispatches
If. time for the plaudlta to ring; a .oldie,'
he ups and announces that vsry desirable
Now, it may be this soldier has done It
and It may be th. aoldl.r has not. Bo
often the .tory'. been .pun it needs evl
dence right on the spot But. leaving that
pertinent guestlon for later advloes to de
cide, we hasten to make th. suggestion,
perhaps with natural prtd.. that 'stead
of a bottle declining again to be fllled-or
a can the country Is certainly pining foi
a real, nenreflllable man)
Seme men read a "slop-over" paper, with
silliness reeking and "guff," with no more
of brains than a tapir, and yet very full
of th. stuff. They carry th. earnest im
pression around they are filled to the neck
with all that Is worth the pessesslen; and
then when they meet with a rkt
the facts and the views are exploded, they
so oacK. mesa innocent men, all empty
and nice and unleaded, and get themselves
filled up again!
And ethers stand 'round while a sheuter
wnn wrinkles all back ef hi. head,
famous, a fool out-and-euter, works
volte that would Jostle the dead.
He aa-
erts sll Is wrong; they believe It. He sayt
he 1. right: thev "anthnu " t .
the law; they receive it He abuse like
sin; tney abuse. In a word, they are Just
what he wills 'em: and i)ia-. a. .
- "I "A 111
stand on the spot, that particular orator
mis em wim a load ef particular rot I
The time passes tjy; th.y awak.n-fe
rnnetlmes such peeyle awakeana find
they were muehty mistaken' ik. am.. 1.
nothing but fake. But e these same peo-
pie roTueai i. ae nun with his twaddli
again t Do they pointedly fail to "enthUBy
te the "sttrff they were rwallowiag then?
Why, bless you! thev rlnx.. a.
ever they cluaneraal Defers; they want
to get nrlea up so eulckly the fellow must
find It a bore!
Whloh is why we remarked in beginning
that a bottle that ean t be refilled 1. a
thing that la awful and winrilnr-that la
If it works aa It's billed! but the .....!
at present Is needing much more than that
Biyio 01 can, seme scheme of a genlu.
exceeding fer a real Denrof lllakle gnaal
Chisago InXe Ooeao,