A' SDN DIAL FOR OREGON TRAIL itl" IUu'IIHS ON SPELDtrtjlFricnds Mention DOCTORS SAID INCURABLE- RELIEVED BY PE-RU-fJA. Marking the Path of Empire Monument is Unveiled Saturday with Fitting Ceremonies. County Commissioners Ordei' Country Roads Patroled. THK OMAHA SUNDAY 1WK: OCTOBER IS, 1010. ..... jo ( '. )' ' i"t , -.- ft PLACED IN RIVER VIEW PARK To Mark the Spot Wkfr the Finnii Trail Rater the State of Nebraska Maaf Trin 4o. Milking the opot where the old Oregon iran entered the mate of Nebraska the aun dial erected by the Iaughter of the American Revolution waa unveiled with appropriate ceremonies Saturday after noon. A number of distinguished visitors were present. Including the officer of the lowa chapter of the order and of the Ne braska chapter as well aa Secretary Payne of the Nebraska Btate Historical society and many men of prominence In Omaha civic affair. Governor ghallnnberger and Mayor Iahlman, who were expected to speak, ,wre unable to come. Mrs. J. J. Htubbs, vice regent for Ne braxka, presided OTer the proKram, which be Kan at the alte of the dial at the en trance to the park and waa ended with the addresses In the pavilion. The veil waa drawn from the aun dial by Mine Kathryn Helby and Mauler Wlllaid U. Wlllard. It atanda upon a granite mon olith at the loft aide of the road that leuda up the hill Into the parif. The In acriptlon on Die west aide reads: "Erected by the Omaha Chapter, Daughters of the American Involution, to Siark the En trance of the Oregon Trail Into Nebraska, H4!Mft&i." Mra. A. K. Uault, vice prealdent of the general national socletv of the limnhii of the American Revolution, made the pre sentation speeeh, Mating the purpose of the monument and giving a short account of the movement which resulted In Its erection. On behalf of the city Comp troller C. O. Ixibeck made the response. Darldaon l r presents (Jovernvr. W. M. Davidson, superintendent of the Omaha schools, made the address at the pavilion that was to have bean given by the governor. Mr. Davldnon described the early days when the Oregon trail was teeming with settlers going acroaa the desert. "It Is well," he ooncluded, "that the Daughters of the American Revolution are preserving to our children the memories that make us proud of the achievements of the past. "It la good to see such an organization taking an Interest in the commemoration of historic places. May the time oome when we will see other monuments to mark other places of hlstorlo interest. Others TTave caught this spirit from you and will further the work you have begun. I congratulate you upon having done the greatest service one generation can rendor to the one that has gone before It." Mrs. Oreal 8. Ward of Lincoln, state regent, gave the concluding address. "By placing these monuments as visible evidences of heroic deeds and hard-won victories before the present and future clt laens of the United States we may foster In their hearts the desire to give of their best to their country' service," said Mrs. Ward, "and the inspiration may come to them to strive for the higher patriotlo Ideals of American cltlienshlp. And may this quaint old sun dial record the rising of the sun upon a tidal wave of patriotlo enthusiasm that will sweep the length of the famous and hlstorlo old trail it has been placed here to mark for all Ume; and may the results of that patriotic spirit be aa proud and far reaching as that of the old trail Itself." The Invocation and benediction were pro nounced by Rev. T. J. Mackay and pa triotlo airs were played by the Fourth in fantry band. INSPECTORS LIKE OMAHA METHODS OF PROTECTION ar that They Will Apply the Rales In Force Here to Other Cities. The meeting of the Western Association 6f Electrical Inspectors Just closed in Omaha resulted In a movement to spread to a number of other cities a principal of house protection thi has been in use here. "It Is one of the rules of our Inspectors," ays City Electrician Mlchaelsen. "that In all tiled rooms and in all bath rooms where there are ground connections the fixtures must have ground wires. This Is a precaution against the chance that the fixtures may become charged, and when they do a person with wet hands or touch ing the fixture with one hand and a pipe or faucet with another part of the body would be liable to get a heavy shock. The ground wire, however, will always carry off the charge before It can do any dam age. The Western association discussed this precaution, and as a result it probably will be made a part of the rules In a great many other cities that do not have it now." WORK ON NEW RAILROAD HEADQUARTERS IS FAST ! llaadred Tans of Iroa Work Already la I'aloa Paclfle Balld la Valt. Belaa; Mailt. Work on the new Union Pacific head quarters building Is progressing finely, the basement and the first story of the steel being done, a total of 7u0 tons having gone up In the last week. Thla makes Just one-fourth of the Ironwork up, the whole amount of the Iron structure amounting to I. WO tons. Work of laying the heavy foundations for two big vaults also began this week. These two big receptacles, each 40x88 feet, are to hold the Immense volume of records that the railroad keeps on file. They are both Of fireproof reinforced concrete construc tion and are located in the basement of the new building. Driok work will begin on the headquar ters In a ahort time. Hy the time the brick Is started the steel will be almost up. BRUCKER SAYS DAIRIES BETTER Aetlaaj Mayor Flats that Dalryaaea Art More Generally Coaaplylaar with the Law. Results of the new regime of dairy In spection are very tatlatactory, according to Aotlng Mayor Frucker. to whom a re port Is brought daily by the Inspectors undsr Dr. Connell, E. M. Bonce and A. J. pasmon. "There is a decided Improvement te be seen from these reports." said Mr. Brucker, "and next week the council will probably make another tour of Inspection. Screens, dialna and oement floors are all being attended to. Several milk dealer have been threatened with revocation of their licenses, but they have always, done what we demanded before that was neces sary." WAVEWLOCK WARMS THE BCAU. promotes circulation, increases flow of se cretions In sebaceoua glands, feeds the hair follicles, induce hair growth. At drug flats, barbers and hairdressers. Persistent Advertising la the Road to Btg Return. i i r. . PI CTTKT T"TAT mt--.i I m-j AT KIVERVIEW PARK. P H vX? EFFORTTOREDUCE FIRE RISK Insurance Committee of Commercial Clnb Has Another Meeting. ASKS FOR EXPERT ADVICE Experts Tell of Some Things Which Might Be Changed to Remedy Some of the Existing Evils. The Insurance committee of the Com mercial club has taken up the question of fire losses and rates In Omaha in deadly earnest and has complied some figures which are startling. "To begin with," says the committee, "let us remember that the annual fire waste in the United States Is something like $3M,OU0,0O0, or enough to build a Panama canal every twelve months; that this, reduced, represents a fire loss of W0 a minute, or 13.30 per capita for the United States, as against a range of to cents to SSH cents in Europe, "Here In Omaha the per capita tax for tire protection is 2, much higher than most other places in the United States. . "In Insurance, as in the payment of freight rates, the ultimate consumer pays the bill, and it might be well for those who are trying to solve the problem of the high cost of living to Include In their calculations the enormous tax on every man, woman and child caused by careless ness and negligence and the unavoidable sources that make this fire loss possible." "The insurance committee knows that it has g big task before it, but It believes It has the backing and Interest of not only business men, but of every citizen of Omaha in bringing about an Improved con dition pertaining to fire losses, whether this be with respect to losses by water and smoke, Inspection laws. Inadequate equip ment or otherwise." The insurance committee held another meeting Friday and J. R. Rahm, the chair man had secured the presence of A. Q. Beeson, fire Inspector of Nebraska, and E. R. Townsend of Chicago a national author ity on fire insurance matters. The confer ence was for the purpose of learning Omaha ratings and the advantages and disabilities thereof on an insurance basis. Mr. Townsend sharply erltinized the city for allowing frame additions to brick buildings In the business district within fire limits. He also named seveial other conditions which he said ought to be promptly remedied suggesting more fre quent inspection of buildings, among other things. Oscar Allen, E. M. Andreesen, M. F. Funkhouser, F. P. Klrkendall, I. W. Car penter and H. E. Palmer were also at the conference. M'CAGUE BUILDING REMODELED New Eatranre oa street Level and Elevator to Modernise Straetare. A contract was let Saturday by the Omaha Loan and Building association for the remodelling of the McCague building at Fifteenth and Dodge streets, W. II. Par rish getting the Job, which Involves the expenditure of )30,000. When the work Is completed the building will have a new street level entrance on DodKe street and will have been thoroughly modernised. It la planned to put In new elevators and to make the main corridor a handsome affair with marble walls and tiled floor. The work, which will be done under the You Can Feel Your Eczema Heal (From the American 1'rug Reporter.) "Enema on the head and scalp isva Common occurrence of a most Common disease, and It is to be regretted that mo.tt remedies for ecxema which produce cureu when other parts of the body are affected fail to give good results when used for ecxema on the head. "The new drug qulntone Is different from other ecxema cures offered to the public, for It proves an excellent remedy for all forma of salt rheum, tetter, ring worm, psoriasis and similar skin dlseax-s, and purchasers report that 'they can feel It heal.' "A ecxema on the scalp causes annoy ing itching, dandruff and falling hair, the sales of quiuione are rapidly increasing and it la probably the most popular 'home treatment' known. AH that is necessary is to dissolve two ounce of qulntone. In a half pint of hot water and let it cool, ror ecsema on the head rub qulntone lo tion well Into the scalp with the finger tips. For ecsema elsewhere a cloth sat urated with qulntone lotion is applied for a half hour twice a day to the affected surface. Qulntone atope the itching at once." (Adv. Hi i . . I 1.T V.T-Wl supervision of T. R. Kimball, who has drawn the plans, will take three or four months to complete. The Omaha Loan and RulldlnK association will move about that time from Sixteenth and Douglas streets to Its new home. Oynamlte M reeks IlnlltHnas as completely as coughs and colds wreck lungs. Cure them quick with Dr. King's New Dlccovery. DOc and $1.00. For sale by Reaton Drug Co. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. --. allilinx Permits. Fred Jensen. 2S1S Nicholas, frame dwell ing. $1,P0-. Fred Jensen. , 2814 Nicholas, frame dwelling $1,000; Paul Scnf, 909 Do minion, alterations, 11,(00; William P. Dev erell. 133 .South Thirty-second avenue, brick dwelling. $7,200; J. Moskowltx. 402 North Twenty-fourth, frame shed, $60. FOR T'S PLEASANT to elfort and cash to possess and enjoy these better things in the home. The numerous special offerings contained in tins announcement give you an idea of how small the cost if your selections are made at the right place. If you want to realize how low in price these specials really are, just com pare them with the best offerings of any other store whose advertisements appear in The Bee today. You'll be won over to Hartman's in an instant. But it is in the "feathering" of complete "nest" that we offer the greatest advantages to buyers of home furnishings. Our outfits are for complete homes of various sizes, from 3 to 12 rooms. The prices begin at 93J1 and run upward according to the number of room unci the scale or magnificence to be displayed in the furnlslilnKs. We've found by actual comparison that our splendid Foiir-Hoom Outfit, which we will Install in your home for $U.75, is equal In every way to outfits offered hy other merchants In Omaha for We have found that our Kour-Hoom Outfit that we price at $93, Is of much higher standard of excellence thnn theirs at flirt, And so on throughout the line. We take pleasure in showing these outfits. We urge you, as you appreciate this greater degree of elegance In home furnishings and a saving in cost as well, to not select your furnishings anywhere until you have seen our mag. nlficent outfits. Credit terms to suit your requirements. j . Hill" ,rYmTsi-m-Trv -" 1JW" v r r?l ' I 9s W Morris Rocker Solid This Horker 1 exceedingly niasslve In design and repre sents an effort well worthy of your consideration. Frame I of American quartered oak, curved as Illustrated. I-ar, comfortable adjustable back and full spring seuL Uphol stered throughout in Imperial leather, which iiaB the appear rice of genuine. Look In any store in thl city and you cannot duplicate this value. Special this week A ud from THIRTY FARMERS COMPLAIN Complaining Residents Hottril Ttlar l.lrenae am hers for Front and Hear of .Mnehlnea Motor, eyrie Men on Watch. Complaints made to the Board of County Commlslonrrs by about thirty farmers liv ing on the country rond leading Into Omaha, when the board met as a com mittee of the whole yesterday afternoon, led to a decision to have the sheriffs of fice patrol the roads In search of auto mobile speed law violators at frequent In tervals, and arrest all men driving cars In violation of the law. Driven almost to desperation by the al leged speeders, the farmers waited on the board In a body nnd declared that some thing must be done to protect them. They fald that the sight of an automobile dash ing along the road at a rate of thirty-five or forty miles an hour Is a common one. They suggested that automobile owners be required to carry larger numbers on their cars and carry thetn on the front as well as on the rear of their cars. The board members explained that the board has no power to require this, and, further, that owners of machines cannot be punished for speeding unless It can be shown that they themselves violated the law. This makes prosecution difficult, as it Is easy for an owner to make the defense that someone else was operating his car when it exceeded the speed limit. It was agreed that the only way to Btop the speeding practice is to station sher iff's with motorcycles on the roads. TJie motorcycles will he equipped with speedo meters. Deputy Sheriff Foster was called down to the committee room and ordered to have the roads patrolled. The farmers went away satisfied. Among those who made complaints were: H. C. Gllssman, Wm. Jensen, West Center; II, Avery, West Leavenworth street; C. and John Bull, Elkhorn; J. Arm brust, Millard; Henry Krure, Benson. FOREIGN MISSIONS THEME Bishop Oldham of Mngnpore and Dr. Nicholson of New York Address Dakota Conference. MITCHELL. 8, D., Oct. 15.-(Speclal Tele gramsForeign missions occupied the afternoon session of the Methodist confer ence today and this evening was partici pated In by Dr. Thomas Nicholson of New York, secretary of the Board of Education. Bishop Oldham from Singapore made the principal address. This evening Bishop Old ham spoke to an audience of l,2u0 people In the church on foreign missions. At the conclusion of the service a re ception was tendered Bishop Nuelsen and Oldham xy the laymen of thf Methodist church of this city, and was participated In by 1,000 people. Uu3 observe the greater degree of elegance displayed in the homes of Oak Frame 611 Wilton Velvet Knf Of new fall design and pat terns, durable and pleasing coloring, would sell ordi narily at $20, spe 85 COLE'S HOT BLAST HEATERS The body is of heavy gauge rolled . steel; double cast firepot, orna mental base; legs are extra large, beautifully nickel trimmed, patent screw damper and swinging top. They are absolutely guaranteed to hold fire 4 6 hours. We're showing -u.ri.n.ri.n.i A Urn M a m all styles and rn sizes, tirlcex 1100 . . . . IU CATALOG FREE TO OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE 1414 Miss Sullivan tor Head oi Teachers Instructor in English in Omaha High School Spoken of for President of State Association. Friends of Miss Mary Sullivan, for nine years a teacher In the EiikIIsIi department of the Omaha High school, have of late been mentioning her In connection with a movement to secure the election of a woman president of the State Teachers' association of Nebraska. Mls Sullivan Is at present in Eimiand studying under Dr. Charles W. Wallace of Nebraska univer sity for her doctor's degree, but she will resume her work in the Omaha schools early In November. During her aboenoe and without her knowledge she has been spoken of aa one of the particularly well qualified women of Nebraska for the presi dency of the association should the women of the body secure this honor at the No vember meeting In Lincoln. Miss Sullivan has been connected with the Omaha High school English depart ment for nine years following her gradua tion from Nebraska university and she has since taken a master's degree. She has specialised In Shakespeare and Is already the author of several ouenttnnnlres thst are being used in school work In this state, and that have run through several editions. Miss Sullivan has been working directly under Dr. Wallace In his search for new Shakespearean materials In London and Stratford and In an article he has written for a September magazine he has given her credit for two Important discoveries In this line. For two years Miss Sullivan has been presiding officer of the literary section of the state association and her Omaha friends, it Is said, think whe.-. her name is brought before the teaeheis of the state it will meet with Instant recognition. KLEPTOMANIAC AGREES TO OPERATION, RUNS AWAY Man Steals Twenty-One Canaries nd Doctors Would Cure Hint. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 1R. -Convicted of the theft of twenty-one canary birds, Walter Qastetter, In police court rather than to go to the work house agreed that an operation should be performed upon his brain for the correction of a criminal tendency today, but he escaped from the hospital while the nurses were preparing for the operation and was still at large to night. Oastetter, It was shown, had entered the home of a woman whose bobby was canaries, and had carried the birds off. He was arrested and the birds recovered. His father brought to court a physician who told the Judge he was sure he could reform Gaatetter by a surgical operation. After his escape his father told the police that his son was only frightened and would return. ARIED pi1"' immmm JTlTTTm 1a"U m . Dl i; II I I I li K I J T v;-.:.lis:V.-..i 'r - - i .s n 1 $ Combination Bed; Mattress and Springs At the price of the value of the bed alone. This massive bed has heavy continuous posts, heavy fillers and steel rails, handsomely enameled in various colors, including the gold bronze. Mattress has soft top, durable ticking and taped edge, spring f90 of sanitary maple, frame woven wire. A moat won- l-l derful bargain, special " Greatest Rug Values on Earth 9x13 Seamless Vel vet Bags One of our very be-xt val ues, nuiiju of the finest materials, high, deep pile, soft and luxurious, no seams, Al quality, value, special xla French Wilton Hug l'Jxceptlonal quality, close, firm weave, no mitre seuniH, a choice se lection of .superior designs sold regu larly for ISO, re duced, special 37 Iff' 1.1 i - nn n - 141 6-14 1 8 DOUGLAS ST. if Mrs. WestM V' Catarrh Msum. mi or mil) tit? Zimimm ' : mil I' v -r&ii!M ?fiiiiiiix - - fi& fife ?: mm - -:- it & ? ; m , . - : - fey ;.-. f M Robust and Strong Mr. F, West, 13T Malti St., Menasha, we have used Peiuna In our family for a number of year and when 1 sny that It is a line medicine for catarrh and colds, 1 know what 1 am talkiug aoout. "I have taken it every spring and Fall for four years, and I find it keeps me robust, strong, with splendid appetite, and free from any Illness, "A few years ago it cured me of catarrh of the stomach, which the doctors had pronounced incurable. "1 am very much pleased with Peruna." Bowels and Stomach. Mis.i Mary Jones, 7818 Reynolds Ave., Chicago, 111., writes: "I can recommend Penina as a good mt'.diclne for chronic catarrh of the bowel and atoinaoh. I have been troub led severely with It for over three years. "Onn venr a.ro ! bean to take Peruna, ift'ftn,i.rf n I ronln for women, njid noticed a wonderful Improvement at , "I was persimded to give Peruna once. I took six bottles In succession and trial, and the first bottle proved a gou I alwavs have It on hand to take some send, and after taking ten bottles I havt now and then when my cough is bad. received a permanent cure. Order Your Paeonies Now It's Planting Time Ask lor Our Bpeotal Jail CauUogu. by Telephone or Postal. It is complete Paeony book contains planting instructions and accurate descriptions of ail out beautiful varletlen and prices, other piants lor rail planting are included. We will niatl it at once. Postage need not be sent. . DellTerle to your residence, free of obarge, If yon live In Omaha or Council BlnffiXj Fhonsst BU 879: Ind. 513. 81st PEO salaried people of tho present day. IT ILalLi iolid Jak Chiltonier Has five large drawers, with brass pulls, mad. of se lected Bolld oak, highly polished. Construction of the Very best and absolutely guaranteed. A f 10 bargain at $9. no, reduced for this sale to H the unbeatable price of " " LINCOLN Guaran teed BASE BURNER Full reversible flue, double heat ing Uase liurner. A stove that has stood every test. Very heavy de signs, handsomely trimmed with nickel; durable fire pot, patent Duplei grates, double heating hot air flues. Automatic gas cover, swinging top, large size magazine nickel reflector, air tight draft register, iiest Ila.ie earth st the CREDIT TO PEOPLE EVERYWHERE Splendid Appetite. Wis., write: "Words cannot express my praise foi your tonic. 1 weighed only ninety pounds before taking Peruna, now on hundred nineteen pounds. Catarrh of Internal Organs. Mrs, H. II. Jackson. H. F. D. 6, New iTisn. i:a writes: ''I have hu.l catarrh ?atarm i than f 1 fllhout J of ihe Internal organ, lor more Oih i year. I tried other medicine wl I I anv benefit. Ut. and Ave. A Council Bluff, low And it costs so little now in mi i Vic I i i . T i! K