7 . ..i. Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear Saturday specials that should crowd these depart ments to their utmost capacity. Prices represent but a fraction of worth and tho dependable quality is in every offering. Come early. Indies' Kenmles Hosiery Manufacturer's samples, regular value to &0c pair; black and rolors, on sale In two lota. 15 and 23 1 Sample CJloven at 40c Act'ial values to $1.25, In glace, kid, mocha, cape, etc., black, browns, tans and white, lined and unllned greatest snap ever, Saturday 49 .3 7 . PI THE RELIABLE STORE KM fall . i 1 II I ' 4 J A Mm 93.60 All Wool Sweater Coats, In white, gray or red; on Kale Saturday S1.9S Ladies' All Wool Sweater Ooata, all colors and styles, values to 15.00: on sale $8.45 and 13.98 Don't Mist These Underwear Specials Saturday. Children's Fleeced Uiln Suite, heavy quality, all alzes; on sale at BOO High-Class Union Suits, all wool, ens arm wool. silk and lisle; match lens bargains' . choice $8.98 and $1.98 Women's AH Wool and Silk and Wool Vests and Tlfhts, very npeclal bargains. .$1.60 Women'e Union Suite, In heavy fleeced cotton; on ale Saturday .. .980 and $00 Women's Underveets and Vents, heavy floeced- on sale at 880 and 6O0 Children's Under Tests or Pants, heavy fleeced, on sale at, garment S5o Children's Heavy On ting nan. nel Gowns, special at... Mo Children's Wool Undergar ments a big Una for selec tion; on sale at greatly re duced prices Saturday. Buy now and save. Noice Extra Specials in Drug Dept. for Saturday DOc Java Rice Face. Powder (ono box to a customer), at 880 2,r,o Swansdown Face Powder, for I80 1125 size Kd. Ptnauil's Kxt. V'PKatal Toilet Water 69o Large size Pompelan Massage Cream for 40 2fic Uoaellne for 17o v 2fc size pure Hydrogen Per oxide. 3 Lotties for .850 11.60 oriental Cream for $1.03 60c per ounce locust Itlossoin or White Hose Perfume, per ounce 85o ldo Jap Hose or Palm Olive Soan. two hare for 15c lOo Williams' Shaving Soap for 80 10c Shlnola Shoe Polish for 60 11.35 Gloria Rubber Hair Brushes for 8o 7Sc extra heavy Hard Rubber Pressing Comb for 490 $3 00 Wellington Pyrin and Pottle, guaranteed for five years, for $883 12 60 Female Douche for only $! $128 S-quart Fountain Syringe for Wo Big Shirt Sale Saturday .An immense purchase of Men's Laundered Shirts sur pluses of prominent manufacturers go on sale Saturday in two big lots. Men's Colored Laundered Shirts $1.00 and. $1.50 values, in all newest fall patterns French madras, ginghams, cham brays, mercerized coat style every 6hirt warranted per fect; on sale at 49c Men's High Clas3 Laundered Shirts-$2 to $3 values, fine French flannels, imported madras and chambraya, percales, etc. very newest colors and patterns with or without col lars; at .....,... .98c Special Underwear Bargains. Men's $2.00 Union Suits, all colors and srees ; snap at 98c Men's Undershirts and Drawers, all wool, values to $2.50, at 75c 98c $1.25 Men's $1.00 Work Gloves or Mittens, lined or unlined; on sale at 49c Men's Outing Flannel Gowns, values to $2.50, all kinds at 49c 75c and 98c Special Furnishing: Bargains. Men's 50c Suspenders, in all best makes; big special pur chase, at 25c Men's Winter Underwear, values to $1.00 garment, in fleeced or jersey ribbed, all sizes and colors. .39c, 49c Men's 25c and 35c Howlery Shaw knit and cashmere, all colors, on sale Saturday, pair... 13Hi Boys' $1.00 Blouse WalBts, all col ors and sizes, on sale .... 49f Modish Tailor Suits and Dresses On oolo Ratiiriav of t.Vio mil at. WOTirlei- fill hnrtriTi nf tliA eAacnn.thft oiitiro Kiir- V fctvAj0 plus of two of New York's best known mak ers included in this sale at one price. Tailor Suits Made to SeU to $35.00 In delightful assortment in which aro shown nearly all tho newest fashion touches; fabrics are tweeds, diagonals, fancy mixtures, broadcloths and basket weaves all latest colo rings, satin lined throughout as shown in the window. Beautiful Dresses, Worth to $30.00 Twenty different styles for your selection, messalines, taffetas, fancy silks, panamas, serges, etc. over 500 in the lot; on sale Saturday at $1150 Your money back if you are not satis fied after purchase in this sale. Many Other Magnificent Bargains. f Big Book Bargains Saturday The. 20th Century American Encyclopedia, a new, up-to-the-minute publication. An encyclopedia for the masses, in one large volume; about the size of Webster's unabridged dlctlonery publisher's price $2.50 special sale price QRf ' r w Saturday The Yoke, the Hlverman, Paid In Full, Little Shep- Former Firing Line, The Barrier, The Man In Lower Ten, herd of Kingdom Come, Cf .08 fifnvac Jewel 8 Story Book, The Rose- ' "- shepherd or the Hills, 49c Beverly of Graustark, The Round-Up, Red Rock, Etc. Fighting Chance, land at Redgate, 64-40 or Fight, Chip of the Flying U, Etc Books Worth up to 75c, Saturday at lOe Home cyclopedia, San Francisco Horrors of the Earthquake, Tattllngs of a Retired Politician, Glimpses of South Africa, Famous Orators of the World, Dr. Chase's Standard Receipt Book, and many others to close at 100 White House Cook Hook, Saturday only 70J New Neckwear All the latest novelties In fancy Persian and lace collars, ties, bows, Jabots, etc. Very special, at 25 49 1.50 Lace Yokes G5 1 75 91.00 Lace Yokes, at 49 Ideal Hair Brushes. Big special purchase, regular $1.00 values, at 50 lion City and Elyria Wash Lace We are the manufacturer's direct representatives for these beauti ful laces, and have the exclusive sale In Omaha. See the specials, at, yard 5t- 7HS 100 o;. . CLLj C l Satur- Oiy JiiUC befits day The greatest line of Shoes ever brought to Omaha to retail at TWO TirTT a pair gun metal, lace and button; patent colt, lace and button; with or without the cravenetted cloth tops. Each and every pair sewed on the OooUyear sewing maohlne very flexible and none of y Kfl - them worth less tha nlng n $1. 00; Saturday. . . , Men's llhoes of almost equal value. In all leathers, lace or button with plain or tipped toes, high heels and high tuns, actually J tj1 worth i.lO Men's and Women's Shoes, In all leathers for dress or semi-dross button or lace, heavy or light sultiu, Including a genuine patent colt cloth or kid top button for wouiun and a genuine elaskin shoe for men. sold for $3.00 every where; Baturday $i.9S Men's and Women's All Felt or Felt with Leather Bole Slippers the very kind you have beeu waiting iotrs7.".!. 50c and 39c Women's 11.(8 Itubber Heel Juliets and line and Two-cUrap Slippers either patent or kid 1 QQ vamps ' .$1.50 Misses' and Children's $160, 12.00 and 2.25 Good School Shoes, lace and button (exefept the one for 11.00), shoes that we can guaran tee to give good, honest wear &8tw.bl $1.50 and $1 Women's $2.25 Patent Pumps or Kid Pumps, or a Woman's White Kid with strap and bow at Children's brown or black button or lace Shoes, turn soles, worth $1.00 and 75o a pair Tt. -n(J Crt- in two big lots.... fc ana jvg All the new Stetson and Crossetta are here for men, and they are per fect models. The new Queen Qual ity and Grover shoes for women have come In, and they are beauties. Aak to see them Baturday, as a look will convince you of'the merits of either shoe. Red Book Slates for the children Baturday. In the Family Liquor Dept. Saturday The very best high grade whiskeys, such as Weldoii Hpiiiitfs, Cedar llrook, Gutkeuhetmor, Ovorholt, all 8 year old goods, on salo here. Hayden's full quarts, at $1.00 Per gallon $3.50 Maryland Rye and Tennessee White Corn Whiskey. 75c quart; 6 year old, per gallon $3.50 Fine California Brandies Grape, apricot or banana, on sale, at per quart 750 Housekeepers Profit by Trad ing at Hay den's for Groceries You reduce the cost ef living over ti per cent. Read theae prices: II lbs. Best Granulated Sugar.. $1.00 The Best White or Yellow Cernmeal, per sack 150 48-lb. Sack Best High Patent Flour, at - 1.S5 10 lbs. Best Rolled Breakfast Oat meal lea. Choice Japan Rice 25c 1- lb. Pkg. Best Self Rising Panoake Klour Vo Bromangelon, Jellycen or Jello, pkg., Rt Grape Nuts, pkg 100 Corn Flakes, Breakfast Food, pkg., at o The Best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb 1o Fancy Assorted Cookies, 40 varieties, per lb 10o The Best Crisp Pretzels, per lb., 5c New Honey, per rack 17Vo Gallon Cans, Table Syrup 35c Half-gallon Cans, Table Syrup ..J0e lb. Cans, Table Syrup 8'nO Golden Rod Maccaronl, 15c pkg., 10c OH or Muttard Sardines, per can 4 HO BUTTim, CIIEII AMD BUT. Tzanra iali Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb., $2o Fenty No. 1 Country Butter. lb,.30o Fancy No. X lalry Butter, lb. . .2o Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb. 18c-20o Fancy Brick or Llraburger Cheese. per lb 20o The Best Imported Swiss Cheese. per lb 35o Neufchatel Cheese, each So 2- lb. Rolls Good Butterlne 26c 1-lb. Rolls Extra Good Butterlne, 35o Fancy 1-lb. Cartons, better than lots of so called creamery butter, lb., 25o fU MARKET FOB TKB PEOPIiB OB TMSBM VEOBTA.BX.Xa Frash Kplnach, per peck Bo Freeh Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, Tur nips or Rutabagas, per lb 2o Fresh Wax or Green Beans, lb. ...4c (1 pound Is equal to 1 quarts.) 1 Stalks Fresh Celery 5o Large Heads Cabbage, each 5c Fancy Cooking Asples, pek ,...2&o 1 Heada Fresh Leaf Lettuce 5c 2 Bunches 'resh Pie Plant 6o Large Fgg Plant, each 5a 8 Bunches Fresh Radishes 5o Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, qt, 7 Ho Fresh Denver Cauliflower, per lb., loc 4 bunches Fresh Green Onions.... 5o Fancy Sweet Potatoes, per lb 2o $ Bunches Salsify or Oyster Plant, 6o L-siWw Y7 k Hand- kerchiefs at Half Price A general clearing up of hand kerchief stock. Children's Swiss Ilandkercliiefs, regular 6c values, at .... 20 10c All Linen Handkerchiefs, on sale, choice J 15c All Linen Handkerchiefs very fine, choice 70 Pure Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, 10c values at 5 Fancy Embroidered Swiss Hand kerchiefs, 25c and 35c values t 150 25c All Linen Handkerchiefs, very fine quality, at 12 WO All Fancy Handkerchiefs at Hall l'rice Saturday. Men's $2.50 and S3 Hats Big sample line, all newest styles and all colors and sizes $1M9 57 AH Leather Suit Case Linen lined, with shirt fold on sale at $1.98 CLOTH COATS Fine Imported seal plush and caracul coats, handsome long garments worth $35, choice, at $24.90 Long Black and Nov elty Cloth Coats, all newest styles and colors; on sale at S14.90 Kilt tX).TS Gen uine American Beaver Fur Coats, made to sell regu larly at flOO.'.OO matchless at 09 liOiig RusMaii Pony Fur Coats, Skinner satin lined, a beauty at $1J) We want to show you the beautiful new Crown Jewel Tailor Suits, at.... $25 All who see them admit tlielr suprem acy from every point of view at this prlco. In the Children's Department Children's Dresses, worth to $4.00, all sizes 2 to 14; all sizos ami col ors as Bhown in 16th St. window; on sale at $1.48 Children's Bearskin, Cloth and Ve lour Coats All colors; regular $4 and $5 values; on 6ale $2.95 S .. .1 I4 ft : mm . ! essssssssssa.ssssssssssssB ssstssssss.ass.sissssss.s.B-sBBssss Women's House Dresses Worth regularly to $L00; all sizes and styles 98c Long Crepe Kimonos Bogular val ues to $4.00 $1.95 Percale Wrappers All , sizes and colors; regular $1.50 values.. 89c Dressing Sacques In dark and me dium colors, worth 75c, at...39c Dress and Walking Skirts-r Entire manufacturer's stock, iu serges, panamas aud fancies many worth to $10.00; on sale Baturday " $2.95 In Our Busy Candy Dept. Chocolate Creams, Saturday, per 100 Special Mixed Candy, lb. . . 100 Veilings and Scarfs A beautiful new line best assortment in Omaha. A special lot of Fancy Veil- .. ings, 25c and 35c values on sale Saturday, yd,.10c Women's Fancy Scarfs An assortment of all the new ideas that leaves nothing to be desired by the most particular, 750. $1.00- $1.50 to $3.00 Ladies' Belts, iOc Values from 25c to SOc A big Job lot of leather and fancy silk Belts biggest snap ever of fered at . . . . ; 100 saBW NH - If J .... "S Millinery A Very Popular Corset Style this Season is the C B. Model 740 here represented. It's designed specially for long waisted, stout figures, and is physically easy as well as fashionably perfect. The boning is light, flexible and strong yielding easily and naturally to every movement of the body, yet retaining its natural elasticity and original shape. No. 740 has medium bust, extra long skirt, made of imported French coutil, double boned and bones tucked; trimmed with lace and ribbons; two pairs of hose supporters in front and one side, all 6izes 18 to 36; prico $3.00 vWe show other models at. . $1.00 up to $5.00 mm II Uenutiful new designs with a touch of the ex quisite in every line. The choicest assortment and values ever shown in Omaha. Beautiful Dress Hats Prices from $10 to $150 the most elegant pro ductions of the foremost American and European designers. Nobby Tailored Hats Al most unlimited assortments most attractively priced, at $5 to $25 Show Room Hats Worth to $10.00. All newest styles. Over 500 to select from. at $2.95. $3.95 and $5.00 School Hats Two Immense sample lines values to $2.00, at 690 Cut rimmed Shape the bargain of the sea- son, latest styles, worth to $2.25... 9g We mark all millinery In plain figures hero and save you money always. . Buy Coal Hods Wow 25c Tour choice of any size Jnpsnned or galvanised Coal Hod, worth up to 60c, only a&o Rake up the leaves 24-tooth Lawn Hake B9o Parlor Brooms no telephone orders tor lBo Big Sale of Wringers Domestlo Wringers, guaranteed three yearB, regular price $4. 60; one to a customer only $8.75 Bicycle Ball Bearing throe-yeiir guar anteed Wringer extra large sUe. worth 15. 0U only $3.33 Grand Wringer, No. 110, worth $2. 7&, only l.7 Take our advice buy a wringer now. No. 8 Galvanized Wash Boiler only 790 Heavy Galvanized Red Band Tubs with wood handles, worth 1.S5 only BOO Large size Galvanized Tuba .at euch 490. 69o and 60 90 Clothes Pins (3 boxes) for: . . . .lOo Ileuvy All Copper Wash Hollers, best quality made, worth 14. 00, 14.50 and 15.00 each: on sale, for one day only for .12.60, 13.78 and $2.08 y Hay den's r NLWdUAiailhrORTliliCLljB Commercial Club Soon to Take Defi nite Action ott Home. ( SEVERAL SITES BEFORE BODY Woodmen of World Would Like to Have the (lab Occupy One or Two Kloor la Its Now . . -Dalldln. " After dallying with the nnestlon tor two eurs, the Commercial club has decldmt to go ahead and settle definitely the matter t.f new quarters. Two definite propositions are now before the clubi one Is a whole floor In the new Woodman of the World biilMlns; the other Is supposed to be in the W. II. Thomas building at Seventeenth and Harney. Tr Harold Ulfford would alxo like tu accommodate the Commercial club In his piojecied building at Seven teenth and Pouglas. At tho. lust meeting of the executive rommlwoe. the two definite propositions were tone Over In detail and discussed pro and con In every respect. ChairmiMi W. M. purgetis of the special committee on new location wtvs Instructed to take two weeks to reduce the matter to quite definite form and to engige the services of an architect to draw plans for the space In the bulld lnK under consideration The question of a new location was then made a special order of bulnvs for the nu:lng of the executive coauulitee a week from the coru lug Tuesday. - Members of tho com nil t tee and al! ether flub members feel thct new quarters have become imperative. The rooms Ic the Board of TiaJe building are Dot nearly targe enough to begin with, e-cd the equip ment and furnishings have become danger ously near shabby. They would have been replaced some time ago but for prospective removal. TALKS ON PRESENT DAY CHINA LUsleasat Charles K. Gammon to Do liver Three Lectures la Omaha Next Week. "Present Pay China." a question which la Interesting the whole world as the great eastern empire develops, is to be given In a series of lectures In Omaha by Lieu tenant Charles F. Gammon, formerly mili tary Instructor at the Imperial Chinese university and vice consul tor the United skates at Tientsin, and now on the China staff of the American lllble society. Mr. Gammon's lecture 1s Illustrated by over a hundred colored stereoptlcon slides, made from photographs made by hiuiaelt In Inland China, and also a number of Views of street scenes and characteristic) Chinese festivals. Including umong them the funeral process; on of the late Emperor Killing Hsu. The lectures will be given at the West minster ITesbytertan church October IK at the First Congregational church October la, and at the Young Men's Christian as sociation Octoler 30. No admission will be charged at any of the lectures. JUDGE SUTTON MARRIES PAIR Harrison Insisted that He Weald Have No One Els bat His Old Friend. retermtned to be married by no one but Judrfe A. U. button, whose friend he had been for j'eara, William H. Harrison of Beilevue. sought out the judge and was married by htm to Idlas Phllomeaa I hi of Bellevtie Thursday nlfc'ht. Harrison Is the proprietor of a shirt manufacturing buai awsa I Ceremony for Unveiling of Sun Dial Arranged Governor and Mayor to Be Present at the Ceremony at River view Park. Announcement was made Friday of the elaborate program which la to attend the unveiling of the sun dial In Klvervlew park Saturday afternoon. The ceremony will take, plaoe at the entrance' to the park at Valley and Tenth streets, where the sun dial atands. on a triangular piece of ground, and at the pavilion. Governor and Mra Shallonberger, Mrs. O. S. Ward, Mrs. C. B. Let ton and Mrs. Frank Ringer, who will arrive at 12:15, are to be met by a committee of the daughters of the American Revolur.on and will be escorted to the Hotel .Rome, where a luncheon will be given in honor of the gucsta General G. M. Podge of Council Bluffs, who was to give the history of the Oregon trail, Is reported delayed In the eaat. The program will include. Invocation. Rev. T. J. Mackay. Music, "Star Ppansled Banner," Fourth Infantry band. t nvetling of sun dial, Kathryn Selby snd Willard B. Millard. Presentation of sun dial to city of Omaha. Mrs A. K. Uault. vice president general of National society Paughters of the American Revolution. Acceptance of sun dial, James C. Pahl mn, mayor of Omaha. Music, "March," Fourth Infantry band. Program at pavilion, Mrs. J. J, rUubbs. regent of the Omaha chapter, presiding: Address, Hon. Ashton C. Sliallenbtrger. governor of Nebraska. Music, "America," Fourth Infantry, band. Prominent Iowa Paughters In attendance will be Mrs. Drayton Bushnell, Mrs. Thomas Metcalf, vice state regent, and Mrs. Montgomery, vloe regent of the Coun cil Bluffs chapter. Tries Twice to Jump Into River Each Time Henry Tipple is Stopped by Watchman at the Bridge. A prisoner, for twice attempting to Jump off the Pouglas street bridge, Harry Tip ple, of Tabor, la., told Judge Crawford he still wanted to take his life. The man declared he had been robbed of his coat and shoes and lis and uupplk-d w.tn the frajed garments of the thief, wh.le he was drunk. He Insisted that life was not worth living. A toll keeper at Hie. bridge caught Tipple In tha act of climbing to the railing of the the bildb'e Thursday evening. The keeper grasped htm and placed him In the hand) of a passing citizen. The stranger per mitted Tipple to go when he promised to desist from suicide attempts. A few min utes later the toll keeper caught Tipple again and turned him over to the police. Jodb'e Crawford gave him five days tu re cox er. A serious Breakdown results from chronic constipation. Ir King's New Life nils cure headache, stomach, liver and bowel trouble. 26c For Bale by Beaton Drug Co. Seven Members of One Family Have Typhoid Home of Oscar A. Carlson is Visited Seven Times by the Dread Disease. of the greatest powers for good in the world. Seven rases of typhoid fever have stricken the family of Oscar A. Carlson, Ohio street. In the last seven months, and four members of the family are now suffering from the disease. Krnest, the eldest son, was taken down first with the illness In February, tlx weeks ago the baby. Annie, and her sister, Hanpah, were Infected. Two weeks later the boys, Elmer and Victor, became victims, and several days later a sister, Ksther, and Mrs. Carlson were stricken. The four patients now suffering are re potted getting along well toward recovery. The unending physician gives It as his belief that diseased milk caused the epi demic. ' JUDGE SUTTONAT CITY MISSION Addresses Women on the Subject of Mother Love and Duties of Mothers. Mother love and the duty of mothers to their children were dlncuMsed hy Judge A. L. Button, republican candidate for con gress, In an address al the City Mission Thursday afternoon. The room was crowded with tired women, whose eyes bilghtened at the words of encouragement. Judge Eutln said that mother love is I lit most biuutjful attribute of woman and on SEATS FOR THE CONDUCTORS Street Car Company to Provide the Fare Collectors with Places to Hit. The street car conductor will soon have a chance to take fares from a comfortable perch behind his railing on the pay-as-you-enter cars and the policy of keeping him In one place at the rear end of the car will result In a further change that will make him comfortable. This has been decide by the officials of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company and will be put Into effect as soon as possible. The question of seats fur conductors fol lowed naturally after the establishment of seats for motormen, which have been provided for a number Of years, but on the old style cars the moving about of the fare Collector made It Impossible to give him a place of his own. .since the introduction of pay-BH-you-enter cars friends of the street railway men and several eouncllmen have been discussing a reform. It was thouKht that an otdlnance might be parsed by the council compelling the company to takjf action, but Councilman Charles M. Pavls, who was furmerly a street lalluay man himself, called upon President Wattles Friday morning and was assured that the company Intends to put In seats as soon as possible. CONSTABLE DISMISSES CHARGES AGAINST KAS$EL llensel Decides Not to Provocate) tho Man Who Took shot, at 111m. . Constable Hensel, who was shot upon by R. C. K asset when the constable attempted to serve papers on him, dismissed charge against Kassel Friday morning. Kassel apJ peared In court, with his wife and several children, and the plaintiff decided he didn't want to prosecute him. Brash-Workers Horsford's Acid Phosphate in especially recoumutuied for rextorinif bruin lorve or nervous energy, in till cunes) where the nervout yBt(-m has been reduced below the normal elamJard by overwork ns found in lawyera, teachers, aecotintaiiitt and brain work era generally. Horsford's Acid Phosphate B on-Alcoholic. Ayers Sarsaparilla Temperance