16 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, NATTKIUY. OCTOBER 15. 1910. mm Boa Blf Special Bale Ad on r Tern. 5) ra Wtc!l randels Window Every Bay Tor Eitra Special MlM. SPECIAL SALE OF HOSIERY Women's Pore Thread Silk Hosiery at 85c Black nnd colors srlicod soles, double heels and toes worth nn tn fc1 9JV Women's Pore Silk Hosiery at 98c-51.35 ) wide welt tops, lisle soles, heels and toes. IVnmrn'c Imftftrfpd 1 JcIa Thread ??nt.jrv Silk embroidered boots, allover lace and lace hoots nnd fancy clocks, extra spliced soles, heela and toes; black, white and colors worth up to 50c 9f a pair, at UvXt . tlU . hi L J- . . ,. 2 aF Women's Fine Mercerized Lisle Hosiery at 35c Pair All dull finish, allover lace and laco boots, fancy em broidered, double heels and toes black and all colors. Women's, misses, .boys' and j Odd Lots of Women's and men's fine cotton hosiery- worth up to 25c a 4 Ol- pair; at, pair. Men's" Silk HosieryLisle tops nnd lisle soles; 90, at, pair Otit Kayscr Italian Silk Vests for Women at $1.25 Each Fine Italian silk silk ribbon and crochet trimmed all colors. Women's $3 Pore Italian Silk Vests at $1.98 AJl over eilk embroidered fronts pink, blue and white; all sizes. Misses' and Children's Jersey Rib bed Flefcy UikmI Union Huita All sizes up to 14 years, worth 35c; at, a suit 19 Boys' and girls' fine ribbed Vests, Pants and Drawers, medium and heavy, fleecy lined, worth up to 36c; at, each. . . . , .25 Monsing Underwear is the Best Vests, Pantg and Union Suits women'i, misses', children's and boys' light and medium weight, part wool and all wool at, per gar ent 49S 08 and. $1.50 W emeia's Hih Grade Kid Gloves : Women's two-clasp real French Kid Gloves Paris point or heavy em broidered backs all the newest shades of gray, tan, blue, green, champagne also black and white. Fitted to the hand d mr Main Glove Counter at, pair Women's two-clasp French Lambskin Gloves gray, blue, Van, green, black and white all sizes. Fitted to the hand at, M Ar Plr--- Women's Taffeta Gloves black and white fall weight, worth 35c palr' at '.25 if 111 The Most Complete and Perfectly Equipped Corset Department in the West. Our new enlarged corset section at the west end of our main floor is stocked with the highest grade of corsets made in Amer ica or abroad. Every woman in Omaha can be perfectly fitted. Special Demonstration and Sale of Famous La Vida Corsets Miss M. E. Nolan, the manufacturer V representative and expert corsetiere, will be in attendance to demonstrate the super ior merits of La Vida Corsets. The new models are perfect in every detail. WEST ARCADK SPECIALS IN CHINA DEPT. Ilich English rorcelain With an exquisite double gold band, made by Johnson Bros., England, and in it they have em- aj Ar bodied all the beautiful touches of French china 100- N I U. U piece set , V-i-TeitJ Open stock, 20 .per cent discount. Flown nine English Roast, Fish i Genuine Carrara Hand Made Mar. iti":.. r.1.3 . . . $3.45 j ab!e i0.:;; . . . $3.95 12-inch Carrara Marble Busts at $4.85 BR ANDEIS STORES CLOTHING COMPANY THE D EST CLOTHES SERVICE CLOTHES SATIS FACTION ALWAYS YOUR Next Suit am Overcoat should oome from here. There, ar no unoertalnltlee about our waarlna; apparel aa they ar mat from par woolon fabric by America's fore moat tailors. Every desirable style and color is hara In our wall aaaortad stocks of Suits ana Overcoats at TEW TO TXXJITT SOLLIES. EXTREMELY GOOD VALUES AT Of (n O b fni b SPLENDID FITTING TROUSERS Our trousers ara mad by tronaar makers who know how. TSX OBEATBST TXOUSE1 VALUES Ilf THE CITT, at 1.90, SS.50, 93.00, 93.50, 94 00 93.00 and 96.00. UNDERWEAR SPECIALS Man's madlam wolfbt ribbed nndarwcaz' 7 So vajuaa, at ....45c Complete Unas of un- Cooper's celebrated darby Ion salts for fall and I nhh, w?01 nrweer, " a 91.50 ralna, special for wlntar, at 98o to 93.50 Saturday, at 91.00 ,T3E2 .0E C!S (Mto craaB cro CTOiBi CSB5 CW5ajl t ft 1 .7 V J Omaha Pure . Food Center. 1 iV Specials for Saturday S pkgn. Aunt Jemima Pan Cake Flour ror .... ... . ...sso iv-ni. aiu-K wnoie neat Flour 4aa f LaiKe tin Mulr'a Imported IferrlnK IftO J SOc tin lotted and HoneJesa Meats . f"r 40, (ullfornla Hlpa Ollvee. In tins . rh 30o, 60o and 91.50 fr I-ra Jar Apple rinttcr r. . .56o V 5o bottle aHoitad Stuffed Ollvea 90o I nllifldtial Una ARparaguv ISVO fJ Lotu Vinegar (for table use). Quart t bottle- ....15o K 8-lb. sack Aberdeen "Snow White" .1 Fl"ur 9L75 Pure' new Sorghum. In tins. at. each . ... ... i t-la. tins Sur Flutter. ! . .as 10-lb. sack new crop Buckwheat . .40 Citron, urange and Lemon Peel, per soo Tlireo cana Tien Hur Corn S5o EOO AID CHXKBI DM. ! jfi BUTTZX. M I.otua Butter tin rurtona), lb . fl Oar beat Country Hutter (In aanlt lf Jara). per lb ' V Frsa. atrlotly freah, par dos. . ' lorr n.'iir.liatel Cheese lOo J 1 Cia cf Ct cC3 CCc3S 3&o ary ..330 inirr iiimi i -II iei i neese lOo . Iw Pearse'ji IimIui ,i'k.... ..... for sAndwtchea, Iutch lunchea. er-.. 'n jars B&4 V have fine Old Ptllton Full Cre.nt Fdams. Pine Apple. Itoquefort and blue I.ahol Cheene. , N lime Menl, In Jara each . ao, 5o and T5o Bauer Kraut, per quart . lOo iii! Pnkle per dozen... 15o and too im X31H ill TIOITalU ' f-TMEMI. Four Plain Lettuce ae Uoma Urown Sweet Potatoea, per peck Lie. Frssh Eg, Plant each 6o BOO bushels Sandhill" Potatoen. in sacks, per bushel . tl lirussula Sprouts, New Nuts Mushroonis, Artichokes, ' TMoj onvei i otaioes, , Ca'ery. Mint. Kto. tO lildgway s faniuus Tea, prepared El In Ixmrlon. jl nllsh Breakfast, per Ib.l 5o ft Oolong, per one-half lb eso V f o c lock, per lb at. J o'clock, per H lb ."400 O 8 o Clock, t-lb cans 93.60 41 Peanut Butter, made dally il Jar" ; - lOo and 50a 3 Peanut Butter, made dally bulk, per frl pound .... ' .... KIM t-ourtney'a Lotua Ankola Coffee, un equaled for flavor nnd etrength per lb.. 35c 1 s lba. for 91.00 Lotua Spices, per can. lOo, 15c and SSo ! OUB POPULla X.IQUOB DEFABTMEBT. -year-old or wiua, Knarry Win. ,r 01lt9 "K 3 bottlea f5r 91 Gallon l.aa S gallons aaaj . Bottle. 3v V? J"'1", ati.cky WUskay lba purest 7-yer-ol,l il,uor In the market gallon, 94&O1 Taraa al tons. 910.50; full Vuart. . t?oo -year-old Fort or aHarrr Wlni gallon 91.6l full quart . .. .".7. 60c ,'.M? .Walakayllgi i,? ;fLS Jllon .CK, full quarts T5o hlta eka- wine, bottle. .... so2 l &rga bottle Tlrg-tnU Daro eZ f, I,.:: Choice, tralfht Wklakay, full quart . ' MoDograia rniakar. full quart' Oold.a aaaf w niiiay. f ill Ai,p!.l-y-oM full St. Mall Orders Promptly rilled. Is Your Husband Often Late for Meals? Do Members of Your Household breakfast at differ ent times and do they want their toast, coffee cake or rolls crisp and hot? Is it easy for you to have them so! DO YOU know many more annoying;, unsuccessful and wearisome domestic experiences than trying to keep foods warm especially on gas or other flame stoves? " DO Y0U'Want to. crisp corn or rice flakes shredded 1 I. wheat biscuits or crackers T DO YOU not avo f008 rom dinner every day of the world, which you desire to render more palatable and appetizing for luncheon, by wanning them over! t DO YOU want to burn tne gas to heat your oven to do this work? DO YOU find a successful Food Warmer when you do " heat it or does it dry or burn your foods and does it not require your continued presence and attention in the kitchen? , THE "TRIPLE-TRICK" Is the Only Family Food Warmer on the Market. It absolutely solves this ever present and most vexing problem which daily confronts all housewives, and solves it Over One Top Burner the smallest burner at that with a minimum fuel consumption and without danger of burning. Saves Your Food, Your Fuel and Best of ...all YOURSELF. The "Triple-Trick" Roaster is The Bee's Newest Premium HOW TO GET ONE Subscribe for' The Evening and Sunday Bee, and pay 15c a week for six months. This pays for both the paper and the roaster. ' ' 1 i I i full n Rpp flffipp and Ieave your subscrip- jtlll til DC C UlUtC tion, or phone Tyler 1000 and our representative will visit you. Values every time and all the time no matter what you select or when you select. With business concerns as with in dividuals, merit alone will con tinue to win. Mere claims do not count, deception will not serve for any extensive period. The discriminating public only recognize and patronize demonstrated supremacy such as is revealed in, and univer sally recognized in, the famous Hart, Schaffner &Marx Clothes $18 to $35 or such clever style, excellent quality and perfect workmanship as you'll find in the locally famous Hayden "Wonder Clothes" at $14-50 Such quality and style supremacy at a given f.vce is tlie whole secret behind the prosperity (if this big tlore. We never rest on part success the best of today is regarded as merely the index of im provement for tomorrow. Thp Rrsr ClnrhpQ Arp Hpr vati iain nsn iuaHHcr s jr wrm We firmly believe we have the biggest and best selected stock of Suits and Over coats in Omaha and we're not alone in the belief. The "Brown Craze" is on with re newed energy and if you are curious to know why, just step in and look over the splen did line. You'll see shades of brown you never dreamed of; beautiful stripes, checks, plaids, diagonals. and mixtures; in light, dark and medium tones in worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres, velours, etc in designs proportioned to suit all kinds of figures tall men, short men, fat men, slim men; all are provided for. If browns are not for you, turn to blues, grays, mixtures or jet blacks; you'll find almost unlimited assortments for se lection. Remember you get full value every time and all the time, whether your selec tion is made from the great range at $10.00 to $35.00 or from the foremost popular grades. Our specialties: $12.50, $14.50, $20 and $22.50 Hayd -BroSo The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes BBJ3ESO Order Your Paeonies Now Its Planting Time Aak for Our apaclal Fall Cataloru. by Talapbona or JPoatal. it Ta complex Pacony book conialna planting- inauuctions ana accurate description ol a.i our beautiful varieties ana pneea. Otuer nam tor fall panting ura Included We wi I mail It at once. Yeeaafe seed not be aant. - i i BU,tJV" Vfl ct)r' " you lte tn Omaha or Council Blnffa. x . w 4yix.iNi!iitAX UKioUxiW l -XiUKSEity COMPANY, rnoneai Bell s?a Xsd. B13. Blt Bt. and Ave. A Council Blaffi, Iowa FOR SALE .. ... k ,2'henbu"',n'"u'. thh'l by Nrh Perry for twenty yeara an.l lately orranlzeJ by the Bryaon Btoaeware Co.. conslatinR of jars, jugs, crooks, earthenware, bottl's etc.. with the warehouao building, on track,' at Slxtwnth and Mcholaa Street la Dffered for aale. Ji:l Inventory about six thouuand dollars, and la a splendid butil neaa proposition. Information furnished by w uu'', Saturday Boys' Day -AT- DREXEL'S We know the boy is hard on his shoes, but a great deal of the poor wear he gets comes from lack of knowledge In fitting as well as poor quality of shoes. Perfect not only means wear, but comfort In his shoes. For Quality We offer our celebrated Steel Shod Shoes shoes that have Btood the test and are no experiment se lected quality of leather put to gether and made by the best shoe makers In the world. The factory and a Prexel guar antee back of ever; .r. Boys' sizes 2 to 5 Vs S2.50 Youths' sizes, 1 to 2 $li.i25 Little Gents' sizes, 10 to 13 Va at $3.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. S3 ro2 HOT AND COLD DRINKS When duck shooting did you ever sit In a "blind" waiting for a stray duck to pans over and be come chilled through and through, plow nice It would have been, and what wouldn't you have given for a nice drink of HOT COFFEE We'va been there, and that's why we recommend you taking along on your next shoot a JANUS DOTTLE They keep drinks hot or cold (as you prefer) 48 hours from the time of filling. Tints 13.00 quarts, $5.00. PERFECT FITTING Soys' Shoes! We take the greatest cara in providing boys' shoes that are formed to fit growing feet. An 111 fitting shoe for a boy means poor service and injurr to his feet as well. 03mffiG2&i: m V? .a. ii ! i u I ' Hr, J. FENFOLD, 1817 Douglas St. (i! ! per . . .f So . . eoo . . TSc 1.00 l-S 75c Bottle Queen Olives 45c Imported Olive OU. quart 75c Strawberry Brandy, made from the real fruit, quart ft. Home Made Grape Wine, red or white,' gallon $1. Standard Brands Bottled-in-Bond Whiskey, quart Lottie at.... 51. Mall and Telephone Orders Promptly HI led. CACiUEY CfiOi. Wine Mereaaata Ml V. lSta fcuee. Opa. roetofflee t a rtM . Steel Cut and Siitsd The IMl'KOVED Coffee The PKRFFXT Coffee All dust and chaff removed. No egg required to settle it. We are the only producers In Omaha. IP YOU WANT ItETTFR COFFEE TRV OIKS Uocbi Minora 35c; 3 p:inds for SI. GO Eicelslcr Lla.id, 25c ' V. L. Hasferman & Co, "THE COFFEE MEN" ! Fountain-Pen Sale Closes Saturday. Mr. Burkley, a fountain-pen expert, has been holding a sale of fountain-pens In our store for the last two week. L'p to to-ljy he ban soli over fourteen hundrei fountain-pens at ridiculously low prices. If you need a pen it will pay you to call at our more bel'ne tne sale Clares Saturday. Myers-Dillon Drug- Co. 16th and rarnam fits. ! C Boys' shoes of several sturdy and choice leathers. Natural shaped lasts broad, and substantial heels, splendid shoemaklng In every detail. Button, Lace or Blucher style $2, $2.50 or S3 Bring In the boy and let us do the fitting and there will be no boy shoe troubles In your home. FRY SHOE CO. T II E 8 II O E It 8 10th and iKiuglus HU. LLlWIIBIlimilBMMjlpjjJ. Rolfablo Dcrriiotry Tafi's Denial floams TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMFR "Now'a the day i !)) Now's the hour" (B Burn$ r1 THE BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT HOME eensjMtas' oiarmauTtii JOHN NITTLER 3224 SO. 24TH 8TRCCT ind. a-iato eeu. tee Mimii are ou hrthhv. Mow bK..,,. . dinner? lmnl forKet, . please that It is a feature of cmr bulnea. We nav particular attention to having every lliln oi tin my ,t ouallty ai'i pifnty to chooae from Katurday You will lie doing your pocket ami 'your iU.-live orria oou IUrn hy f,uy. i' T your fcuuday'a meat at our marliMt npi ihk i. rucaena . , i i riri iiuuHe -steak Mrniln Kteak Jl'iunrl Mckk I 'Mirk ht. ak Kil. Itoaxt .. I'ot liriiiiit . . , Kin li VI .. f'oik CI. ops 1'ork Hteak ilome-rna.le J'ork KausiiaM isvto auo lfto 100 lSo rX' li.'o . . .180 lSo IA . ioc, so a so . . 0 .ISO . 16a Hath a ripeclal Jlome lcmjerel i.ard Try Our Home Cured Hacoo. lfto Jos, ath's Cash Market 1931 rarnam B treat. A V Ooe Dulls l'r tci