EVEHY- I O B Y 5Tri 'IT WAmML READS D EL. E W A "N T A O S M if SI I 8ati? Want - Ads Want ad received at nay time, Wu la Inssre proper classification mn a presented before 111 'el" for the evening edition an befor Ti.lO o'clock of preTloaa evening fo' Moraine and Sunday edltloaa. ada received after snea hour vll 8ae their first Insertion mnder tbi heading "Too Lata to laaalfr." Ilatee apply to either Th B" ' aa.lar Tee. Always coual al word, to a II aa. CABII ItTR FAR WAffT ADS. RRGCLAIl CLASSIFICATION On Insertion, 1 8-a eeata per word and rent per word for each enbaequenl Insertion. Kneh Insertion mad" " dd day, 1 eeata per word. f1.5 per llaa per month. Wnnt ml for The tlco mar he left at any of the following drag atoreo ae la roar "corner droMlat' they re all branch offlrea for The Bee ad yuai ad will ba Inaerted lnt promptly and oa the aame ratea aa at the mala offloe la The Ilec balldlas. Seventeenth nntl Fnrnam atrectsa Albech, W. C, 40th and remain, rxrianeic, B. a., iwi e. ini tor ton Pharmacy, 7 8. 1ft b t Puma Park Pharmacy. 33d end Cuming. ltlske-Bradish, Wit Sherman At sughlln. c. H., (th and Fierce 8U. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. KM Military Ar ftlnterloiig Drug Co., flat Ave. and Far tarn L Crlseey Pharmacy, 4h and Laka. Conney Pharmaoy f228 8. lth Cermack. fc.mil, m 8. 18th Bt Ehler. P. H., 8909 Leavenworth, fuller at Arnoldl, 1U N. ttib t'nyUf, J. J lklf N. Mth St. Fregger Drug Co.. IX N. Uth St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Nh. Oraen'a Pharmacy, park Ave. and pao.no, Ureenotigh, G. A.. 1UB 8. 10th 8L (jrwnnuvi, Q. A., 1ft h and Hickory. Hayden, William, tn Fernem Bt Hansooin Park Pharmacy. luOl 8. th A Holt, John. 624 N. l;n Bt Huff, A. L.. 24 Leavenworth St. Johamon Drue Co . Mth and Spalding. King, H. a ma Farnam 8L Kounua Place Pharmacy. 1304 N. Mares, Fred L.. 8W,9 Central Hlvd. Patrick Drug Co.. 1(24 N. 14th 8t La thro p. Charlea E 1324 N. Mth St Goldman Pneimaoy. Mth and Leaven- orth Hta. kaiatoKa Drue Co., Mth and Amaa Aye. Mchaefer'a Cut Price Lru Store, Itth hnd Chicago But. richaeftr, Aua., PJ1 N. Kth. fcchinldt, 1. H., Mth and Cumlnf Bta. Malnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumlnf DEATH AND FUNliRAL NOTICES NIEDERWIESER Mrs, Margaret, aged 67 years, t months, 13 days. funeral from residence of daughter Mrs. J. U Krage, 2763 South Ninth street, Satur day at a. in. to -St. Mary Magdalene church, Nineteenth and Uodge streets, at 9 o clock. Interment German CaUiollo ceme tery. South Omaha, THOMPSON Mrs. B., at her residence, 7C2 South Twenty-ninth street. Funeral from residence to St. Peter's church on Saturday morning at 8:30. Burial In Holy Sepulchre cemetery. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.,1 embalmera. WU Chicago. D. 1669. B-1661. COAL At cut prices. ALL KINDS. W aava you Wo to 11.60 a ton. Quantity and quality ROSEN BLATT S CUT PRICE COAL CO. Va NICHOLAS BT. BOTH 'PHONES. SAVE YOUR EYES COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO, 209-211 So. 16th St., 17 YEAHS IN OMAHA Lyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. COAL AND LUMBEK UEARa. Let us show you ths new out undsr. CENTKAL 1MPLKMENT CO., iMl li'axnaia touu MEKCHAN i' LUNCH. r. t wp A. Jfc'i'Eii. lm Douglas Sc PIANO pUysra repaired. Walker. D. 70. OK KENT office room. Ui. located oa top floor, facing court, ft aiiuaia feet. In cluding vault; renu for Uf per month. Xtm 4i.Ji) iiUiLLXNU COAlfA-NI. a. H. Cola Sign Co.. D. I7ta. Ulf Farnanj. fAMILY L11uor Huuse, full measure and pure goods, our mono. Eiull Hansen, prop., im Chicago St. 11. V. Wurn- OiUclan, 443 Urandela llldg. HEAVER HOARD Instead of lath and planter. American tiupply Co., 11U Farnam. Lumb er CHEAP Carnival grounds, 16th and Douglts Sts. IXElTtlitAND UOTEL Pd'IrdTut Turkish Bathj IIAUOAKU Van tt Storage. Pack, move, store and ship li. H. goods. Li. 14si. B-Ml. Mangiameli Bros., ,KyC niacaioui. New Omaua factory. 1116 Jackson. .LEVATORS REPAIRED, freight, pas-' enger. J. K. EsunsUy. Iu4 S. Uch. D. ail. EAT KOSHER HOME COOK1NU. Arkms. Sib S. lbui, upsia'rs. BARQA1NS ln w,cn. Jelry. Eto. " i"-i Friedman s Loan Ut.uk South Uth St.. cor. Douglas. Tel. D. fwij. DOUULAS PrtnUng Co. Tel. Douglas 64, PRACTICAL nualng. Ug N. &aL D. t;u. MADAME EDWARDS, masseuse. Ladles' oniy; strictly private residence, nil S. Ailh. Duugias kiji. ANCHOR FENCB CO. Iron and Wire Fence Cheaper Than Wood. . 1-asta a Lifetime. KT N. 17th St. Phone Red lit Flltera, tutor repairs. 1310 Howard. D Suit ARSENIC and IRON complealon wafer make clear, white skin. Py mail f0o and 11 im fcl.sruiaa A McConuell Drug COv. REAVER BOARD Instead of lath and plaster. American Supply Co.. 1111 Farnam. RALPH'S MACHINE HOB REPAfR. INU Soles sewed 7&o: Balled toe: heela Ue while you wait 10 minutes; absolutely fiae work. (II 8. lth St. TONOK. first class tailoring, cleaning, repairing for ladles and geuilemen. iui I -rifle. nillJ Slt CHOP SlEY PARUHl VllllJX JI'.T OPKSKl). Everlhm first cUvaa. VslaJra, toof Dodge. Tyler H- ANNOUNCEMENTS (Contlni'ed.) CRUDE OIL BURNERS CHEAP FX'Kl, FOR FURNACK. heating and cook atovea; we do not dell county riKhta, but sell burner; write for Informa tion; manvfactured by Sucre A Murray, Cirand liland. Neb. ED. KOTIIERY p;f l clsara. Cafa In connection. Ill Eo, 14th 8t FRANK PARKER OFO. RARKFR. JR. AU RARKKFl. JOS. RARKFR. BARKER BROS., PAINT CO., IC-Wi FARNAM FT. BOTH PHONES. Sherwln-Wllllamii paint and varnixne. tvhlt lead, Keyatona. lilaxa. mirrors, brass pnllahea, bmahna. lubricating oil, window hadea, wall paper, glazing and framing. Robertson's R-estaurant 3i63th5st; (basoment; cool, llnht, aanltary. quick st.rvlce, popular prlci. For ladles and gen tlrmcn. Table d hoto dinner Sunday. LYNCII BROS. l'LHiisIAITiNo.ND REPAIR WORKS. 1708 Jackson tit. U. 1477 TWENTT per cent less than Omaha prlce HOME FURNITURE CO.. 1 wenty-fourth and L. Streets. South Omaha. MONEY TO IAN-I,OW RATE, In sums to suit. CIO Bee BM?. 'Phone Doua. 2004. UNION LOAN CO. AUCTIONEERS. POYER A TULLT s0 Now Omaha Nat'l Hank Bids;, old "t In middle west. We can furnish yon mai adapted to your line. Correspond with ua or call Tel. Dougias 3065. LADIES old hot" tnkdo over, new hats " made to order. fathers cleaned or dyed. Miss Pepper Millinery Parlors, 814 8. 28th. Phone Harney J908. DAVID COLE Creamery Co T,m11i.i' snd ent)' shtne psrlor ?2" 9. If AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "SKID" into a post. "TEAR" your top. And bring It to the beat place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUMM0ND Corner lsth and Harney Streets. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN CITY STANLEY STEAMER 4 passenger, in good condition. Must be sold. Make us an offer quick. s Can be seen at "DRUMMOND'S" 18th and Harney St. AUTO DRIVERS WEAR Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. Auto Paintinc murpht did it." vutu aiiiiiugUet our prlce, now ANDREW MURPHY dt SON. 1413 Jackson. AUTO and carriage painting, repairing and trimming; dead atersge. Wm. Pfelffer Carriage Works. Kth and Leaveaworth. BARGAINS in Used Cars BejJ- Council Bluffs Auto Co., 610 Pearl. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of HROKEN CYLINDHRS, CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. . BEKTSCHY MOTOR COM HAN V. Council Bluffs, la. Auto Repairing Tires, Id-hand cars, storage. The Paxtoa Mitchell Co.. auio-u Harney. D. IMl; A-2UU. ' NEW 60-horse power four-passenger Moon car: will trade for 13,000 elty property. Wallace Auto Co., agents for Stearns cars. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. Frederlckaon Auto Co.. Omaha. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Tel. Harney MU7. Writo tor "st ot used motorcycles iive We carry, a full Un of motor cycle parts. .SEHRASKA CYt'1.10 fit. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call oa GANGESTAD, 4o4 He illdg. Tel D. 3s7. FOR SALE One-half Interest or all of one of the best restaurants in the city Call Douslaa 3DJ0. L-O-O-K NEW PRESS eVT'1 only BRICK HOTEL .-ted"; . 100 Pr month. Clear of encumbrance; will trade for Im proved or nonlinproved land, hardware Implementa, shoes, groceries, general mer chandise or livery stock. J. G. COOPER, OSCEOLA. IA. Any Good Industry May Secure Free Site with ample trackage, electric power and light within Omaha switching district, and taking t'ie Missouri river rate. No city taxes; room to grow; three going con cerns have availed themselves of the above privileges, vis.: Rogers Motor Car ram limy. Howard Stove Works and ftroun Truck Mfg. Co. Let us tell you how to fet a fiee site In RALSToN and send II ustrated booklet. Ralston Townsite Company, Free site for manufacturers 309 S. 17 Ui St., Omaha. Neb. WANTED 1.0u0 to luO.000 to Invest In prosperous and growing bualut-s In un.aha; five ytars old; 7 per cent guaran teed and best of security giveu; full tilans and details explained. Address D til Bee. CONFECTIONERY, clgara and lltht grocery, with good living rooms; rent 115 will sell t a bargain if taken at once. Cuming. LET me Incorporate your business: good ones ea-tlly obtain money selling . th.-ir shares; am helping others, why not you? proofs what has been done. Promoter, 10 Paiton block. IF TAKEN THIS WEEK. 10 will tuv a rral estate bus.ncs worth II.ima Ad dress L ao BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) LARGE FIRE, 1N.URANC VMPAMT JuM entering Nebraska. V ; 4v a limited amount ef stock for sal . '1DEND8. Agen's wanted. Caiady Co., jT.ual A (tents, 6. W. Corner 14th and Dougioa. Omaha. I el. Doug. lsU WELL established new and second-hand cloirilng and rents' furnishing goods, near depot, iili Verster St. Inquire 1. Fried man, 201 S. ISlh St. Tel. Douglas 6335. FOR RENT Of flee room. Ml. large room on fifth floor. N. W. corner of building, especially titled tor arciutecc There is 441 square feet In th s sr-ai-e, iu per month. '1 HE HEE ML'IDING CuMPAN I. THE RAPIDLY Increasing demands for best standard goods direct frem our factory to user (business men, farmers, schools and practically ever body requires open ing a distributing office In every good county. To acceptable resident manager we allow to list monthly salary and commissions, also office snd other ex penses; $40 to $1,J cash required to carry slock filling Immediate orders; position lermanent; references required. "Liberty" Manufacturing Association, MO est Huron tt., Chicago. ('ASaI)V Co- re"' stat loans and Insvirauce. List your prop erty for sale or rent, quick returns. S. W, cot nor Uti: and Douglas, lei lioug. loan FOR BALK Interest ln Kood Omaha bus iness; opportunity for eua? business man er la.ly; references required; conlldentlal. Address S-260, Fee. O D. C. CODDINOTON. 2J0 Board of Trade Blug., business rhaacea. loans, In surance and real estate. A UNIVERSITY engineering graduate desires employment and citn invest some money ir tierensaiy. m anuiscturing pre- fei red. Address P .".5, T.e. ffi.OfO or more t invest by young man w ho def res to change his business. Address O at. Bee. RosmlSf Iloeses for Sale. A DESIRABLE t-rmm anartmeat, new tX. 1743 27th St. Harney 8SM. 13 ROOMS of furniture In corner brick flat; modern; close ln; snap If taken at once. lied 75S. CHIROPODISTS DR. KOI, 1505 Farnam at Douglas W9I. DANCihG Morand's Dancing School, 15th and Har ney. Lessons Muit. and Krl., 8 p. m. 'Phone Doug. JSfA. Private lessons oany. DETECflVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age. Inc., bonded, 4:3-9 Paxton blk. D. 1319. InJ- A-131H. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARHACH HI.K. DENTISTS BAILEY & MAC1I, 8d floor. Paxton. D. 1035. DRESSMAKERS S. & C. KNEETER, Ladles' Tailors. We fit and remodel suits and dresses; 3d floor Continental Blk., en trance lith and Douglas. Tel. D. 374 GOWNS and ladles' tailoring. 2Ho Dewey. DRKSSMAKlNll and alteration, first class work, arices reasonable. Miss Eliza beth O Conner, 3018 No. 18th. Wsb. Ilia INFANTS wardrobe, hand or machine mads; table llnea hemmed. Mrs. Lowmaa. (4 8. toth Ava. Dressmaking. iiuS 8L Mary's Ave.. D. 4431 DRESSMAKING '"rt doe,aMu M. Dermody, 2020 Davenport street. DRESSMAKING, plain and fashionable; reasonable price. 181 N. Uth St MADAM Rldiey, fashionable dressmaking, also geneial epairltiu. lilt) South 11th St. MISS STURDY. 831 S. 24th St. Tel. D. 7314 TERRY'S dressmaking parlors, 20th and Farnam. FIRST-CLASS dreHsmaklng. 2423 Dodge St. I FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING; Christ mas articles. TYLER 1414. 016 S. 2!d. PARIS dressmaking parlors, 325 Neville blk. EDUCATIONAL Friday Classes Y. W. C A. 10:00 a. m.. Gymnasium, Ladles Class. 4:30 p. m., HeKinner's German, f li p. m., Gymnasium, Advanced. 7:15 p. m., Cooking. Course I. 7:15 p. in.. Advanced German. 7:15 p. m., English Grammar. 7;5) p. m., Engl'.sh for Forclpnors. 7:30 p. tti.. Gymnasium, Beginners. 8:15 p. m.. Literature. llf FALL TERM toOYLES COLLEGE now open In the Day and Nig lit seaaiona Students admitted any day. Complete business Course Including bank ing. Complete Shorthand aud Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branchts- The Year Hook Is ready. Apply for It Ji. U BOYLES. Pres.. BoyU-s Pidg., Omaha. M osher-La lnpin a n HI'SI.N KS COLLEGB Cnexcelled courses Ir. Business, Short hand. Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and night sea alona Most Interesting catalog lyubiisued la Omaus Send for one today. MOSHER LAMPMAN, 17th and .'rum btieeis. winaha. Nab. ST. ANDREW'S school for boys, 41st and Charles. Fall term, t-eptemner 14 Rev. F. D 'I'veee I'r.irlee M IhS FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 10U7 1'ar. D. 1U01; A-lOul. HESS it SWOrODA. 1415 Farnam .-t BKANl'EIS' cut flower dept., new store. THE ANNEX flower shop, Tinatcr iiidj. J. F WILCOX. Council Hlults, la., larg est greenhuUBU ln west; beau:itj flowers fur any O'-caalon shipped anynner la u. S. L. Henderson. 1811 Farnam. Doug. Ifis. J H HVi i' 1l:' Hsrney ixuva FURNACES AND REPAIRS STOVES made as new ; good baking guar anteed. Lis Cuming. Tel. Ind. 11-1 til WATER fronts, furnace and stove r pslrs. New furnaces and combination hot a star heatera Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Ret air Works, 1308-ijia) !.- itfiaa Hmh 'pnc.nes HELP VJANTEDFEMALE Agents and Salesladies. LADY solicitors, house-to-house: prefer thu-ie el"eil.i.ceu In ortianizing clubi oi siauiy suiiuiwis. IUivi 1. 3if d. lata au HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. WANTED Iarty solicitor; experience un nrcfHtary; lary and commission. Call 8 o'clock, 301 Karbach Rlk. Clerical and Office. WANTED Bright office girl. Call 8 o'clock. Room Sol Karbach Blk. Factory and Trades. GIRLS to learn hslrdresslng; prices rea sonable. Oppenhlem Parlors, iji City Nat l bank. D. 26. WANTED Experienced waist finisher; also bright apprentice girl. Miss Hartell, i:w c ap. Ave. r- W A NT EI) Hinder slrls to work In folding room. Lew Raber, Printer, Bee Hldg. Ussscktfftrt and Domestic. WANTED Olrl for general housework. Call Harney 13 or 1306 Park Ava. WAN-TED Girl for general housework, no washing. 1133 E. Pierce, Co. Bluffs. Mis. C. L. Felt. LADIES wanted; take work home; steady, profitable. 315 Brandels Theater. WANTED Nurse girl. 1817 Leavenworth St. 3d flour; call ft once. MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework; Small family. D. 1044. COMPETENT cook, no washing. 411 South SJth St., Tel. Harney 3145. WANTED Experienced gill for general nousewoiK, family of three, no wasninrf or upstairs wnra. Tel. Harney 4u0 or call at 3i Harney. GOOD girl for general housework. 1S04 spencer street. Pliuue Webster 3t COM PETENT girl for general housework; small family; g,,od wages. 1U No. 3ttu Ave. Tel. liar. 4032. COMPETENT grrl for general house work, good wages, llu S. 4th. WANTED Girl for housework, best of wages, tK3 s. 29th St. WANTED Girl for general housework, no laundry or cooking, good wages. 2U Cass St. WANTED Competent girl for housework Mrs. Rich, 3318 Dodge. Harney 32S4. WANTED by- young man ln country, housekeeper of middle age, for himself and two clitlidren. Reference required. W. E. Cunningham, Henderson, la. WANTED Girl for general housework, small lamlly. 3122 Chicago St. Harney 1,44.- GIRL for housework, must be competent family of two. MrB. E. H. Lougee, 301 Oak land Ave., Council Bluffs, la. , WANTED Girl for housework, small family. No laundry, best of wages. 8 28 Park Ave. Harney 1430. A GIRL for general housework. 2109 California St. WANTED Colored girl for chamber maid. 31t S. 26th. GIRL for general housework. 640 S. 24th. WANTED Girl who can cook. Good wages. Mrs. W. M. Bushman, 3uo4 Farnam St. A GOOD girl for permanent place; plain 3i40 123 Farna,n st- 'i"hoe Harney WANTED A good girl for housework. Small family. Good wages. 606 Park Ave. WiKTfn - i m . -- iiuuneivwior lur iwg a'ria, 22dSt yar"' by n'ht wtohman' 8114 8 GIRL for general housework; must be competent. 2116 Binney St. 'Phone, Web ster 1015. WANTED A g-lrl for general housework; boulevard. I'hone Doug. C535. COMPETENT girl to help with house Ave ' Car 0f ch"d- 1'oPP'eton A fiEIiMAN cook; small family. E. H. Mccreary, S!H Hurt. Phone Harney IWO. 'A,N'TRI-Nurss girl to care for child. 1920 Capitol Ave. WANTED girl for housework. S552 Jack son St., I'hone Harney 241'. WANTED Good cook for private board ing house. 417 N 25th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wanes; no laundry. 443 N. 3Slh Ave I'hone Harney 3334. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. Adums. 1305 S. 35th Ave. I'hone Har ney 2230. WANTED Colored girl; good wages; may do laundry work If desire to. 615 Georgia Ave. WANTED a woman to do washing. 1737 Park Ave. A WOMAV tn H, n-uul,ln. i - u ....... g 1.1 "1 llUIllllir. 104 N. 22d St. WANTED Girl for family of three ; 1312 S. d St- WANTED a housekeeper for country 2121 Webster St. C A VTL'll Al.l i.. .. . . .... . . . , -li i .ui iiuuw-nuiK small family. 123 N. 42d St. n.Mi.iM.ora, laundress and house maid. Mr. H. V. Burkiey, 1103 S. 3Jth Ave.- WANTED Good girl for housework. 1GGU Burdette St. GIRL for housework; small family. 823 rark Ave., Phone Harney 4'.HS. WANTED First-class cook. IS per week to the rlnlit party; call at once. 32iK Wool worth Ave. WANTED Girl to assist with house work. 2921 I'aclflo St. WANTED w.xperlenced cook. second girl and resident laundress. Apuly to Mrs Arthur C. Smith, 1303 Park Ave. COMPETENT WOMAN for general housework, family of 4; references. 2221 C'n u tot Ave. Doug. 7872. GOOD girl or woman for housework. Carey Hotel, 18th and Howard. COMPETENT girl or woman for general housework. 10w Hurdette St. COMPETENT girl for general house work; good wages, small family. Mrs. F. Walter, 3119 Harney si la.'vliane-ona. rOUNQ WOMEN coming to Omaha ss mancers are 'nvited to visit the Younu Women's Christian Assoc atiuii building at ft. Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street where they will be directed to suita'jli 1-narding placeu or otherwise assisted: look for our traveler's aid at the Union Station HELP WANTED MALE Agents, tslisists anil Inlleltara. WE have salesmen's positions open wher. you can earn good mon-y while study v our curs. . Practical School of Salesman ship. Cleveland. O. WANTEI Man for contracting wood anu steel bridges, one who Is acquainted wltn ti.e business west of the Missouri river preferred, ylve references and experience In first letter. Address S. G. Hunter. Hox iJ'u oinutia. AGENTS wanted New auto specialty, l'n.tliii Llg. Ecliji.se r-peciulty Co., lilj Utulwui Ave, Chicago, 111. HELP WANTED MALE Agent and Salesmen Con tinned. WANTED Salesmen for our Adjusto close fitting petticoats, Kendall washable sun bonnets, a pi ens and doll sun bonnets. Liberal commissions, monthly, credit for reorders. .--nap for specialty men. Ne braska. Colorado and other territory open. .n.Mwi icau oun ronnri .o., iatnrop, mo.- nwanitr-m? smallest ruoie in tne world: whirlwind seller; sample lec; doien 76c; gross $7 50. Swift Supply Co., 227 East '1 wenty-seeand St, Chicago. 111. THE Whitehead A Uoag Co. of Newark, N. J., manufacturers of advertising novelties, who have been successfully represented In Omaha for over 12 yeais by one agent, desire to come In contact with men who want to be con sidered In connection with tha position of local representative, which Is open. Address 612 Brown Block. Boys. WANTED Several rellsbla boys. Westers tnlon Ttl. Co. Ill & uth 8t Clerical and Office COLLECTOR, HO. Assistant bookkeeper, 75. Advertising solicitor, 0u. Write for complete list. WESTERN Rt-.F. tk BOND ASS'N., INC., 761-4 N. T. IJfe Bldg. tEstab. 8 Years.) ANYONE who wants a position can find it by leaving their name with the Ne braska Help Supply Co., Room 15, over 818 S. 15th St. DON'T WASTE TOUR VALUABLE TIME looking for employment. Get your record on OUR DAILY BULLETIN, which Is mailed to the business men of Omaha. Council Bluffs and South omsha. Call and we will explain "OUR SYSTEM." CO-OPERATOU REFERFEKCE CO., (Originators of the bulletin idea.) 14 city rsauonai Bank Bldg. Factory and Trades. Drug Stores 'snaps). Jobs. Kniaat Be bldg ELECTRICIANS WANTED FOR IN SIDE WIRING. APPLY TO WESTING HOUSE. CHURCH, KERR & CO.'. HAVE LOCK, NEB. WANTED A good all around tailor (German). Louis Mbrquardt, Laramie, Wyj. GORDON press feeders wanted at Raber's, Be Bldg ; boys cr girls. WANTED A competent man to take charge of manufacturing galvanized sheet metal tanks; pipe top style. Address Y 207, care of Omaha Pea. WANTED Operator for view work; on with own camera preferred; good money to right party. Apply between 9 and ll:So. C. W. Ward, 118 S. 20th St. EXPERIENCED bushelman wanted at once In Men's Clothing Dept. Nebraska Clothing co. Allaoellaaeoaa. WANTED Young man to learn trade. Champion Iron Works, tftn and Jackson Sts. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED A vet age salary, 81,100. Examinations In Omaha, November 13. Common education sufficient. Free preparation. Send nam immediately. Franklin Instltuta, Dept 2L3-U. Rochester, N. Y. YOUNG man for delivery and collecting; mall security required: glva addresa and lion. Addresa A -18. Be. WANTED Chicken pickers; 8 dry pick ers, 1 scald picker; steady work. Richard Webber, S.eux City, la. WANTED Men hustlers; can make good mny; new proBOSitien. Call 8 o'clock, 301 Karbach Blk. WANTED A registered drug clerk; sin gle; age 21 to 28; salary, 890 per year; no aead on need apply. W. L. bargent Ot tumwa, la. CISTERN repairer wanted at 1137 N. 2th. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Waajoaa. CARRIAGE and top kuggy, good condi tion; almost your own price. Go S Johnson-Danfoith Co., 10th and Jones Sts. STANDARD bred 4-year aid mare fer sale, fast pacer, Allrton bred. Thon Web. 4828. 2614 N. 17th 8l. DELIVERY WAGONS, HEAVY TEAM ING GEARS, FARM WAGONS AND HARNESS. JOHN SON-DAN FORTH CO. SEVERAL good, odd slz. second-hand milk wagons for sale. Both side door and express style. Inquire 1812 Farnam. Call Douglas 411. Trucks. THE Brown Truck Mfg. Co.. builder of '.rucks of every description You eannot r.ame a truck we can't make W want your work and will bid right to secur It ',-Ifica 1511 Harney. Tel. Doug. tM. Doe and Pets. FOR SALE A good, first class watch dog; English bull terrier. 1419 N. 24th St ENGLISH Pointer bitch, whelped June 7, lis; n!ie Is by Young s Vlcex Helen Jing, bred by Theo Wisinan. Clias. Cerny, l:&u So. ltith St., Omaha, Neb. LOST AND FOUND LOST Diamond brooch, between Park Ave. and Boyd theater. Liberal reward for return to Bee office or phone liar. 2t42. IF party will return scarf pin, lart:es' picture In center, small diamonds around, lost night of electrlo parade, liberal re ward will he paid and no auestlons asked. Ask for Raymond, care Putnam Co., 821I Brandels' Theater Bldg. A LIBERAL rewaid to party returning pocketbook containing Western Union card, money and paper. Call D-iuglas 20s9. LOST 1'ocketbook. 'Phon Dougla 6067. $10 00 REWARD Lost, Sunday, brown Scotch collie shepherd dog; white neck, tan back; collar, nickel chain. C. H. Gregory, 33d and L St., Lincoln, Neb. LOST Small black Boston terrier; wlilte breast; answers to name of Judy; wears red mor.jcco collar; reward If returned to J. H. Millard. bJ S. 3m h St. Tel. Harney 77 MEDICAL DR. FELKER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, for the past forty-thiee years. Five years spent In th European hospital. WU treat and cure ail diseases without CUT TING. A CURE GUARANTEED In every cas or money lefunded. I have great success In treatment ot plies, ca tarrh, rheumatism, rupture and all skin and blood diseases, etc. Rereieucrs T. J. Foley. Ed Hothery, also Thos. Maloney, mayor of Ccuncll Bluffs. ItouM 4l MILLARD HOTEL. 'PHONE DOUGLAS 240 KKKE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghtoa Medical coilea. 14tb and Daven port Sts ; special attention paid to confine ment case, sii treatment supervised Dv colleg profasaora Phone Loutol Li,; Calia auid da and night. MEDICAL (Continued.) BEST nerve biacar for man. Gray Nerv Food Pill. $1 a box. postpaid. Shr man A McCrnnell Prug Co., Omaha. HAZEL L EAF PILE CON ES Hest rem tdy for Itching, bleeding or protruding TILES. 60c postpaid; samples free. Sher man ik ?ucConneil Drug Ca.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. 88 88 8$ 88 8$ II NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC HELP DOWN THE LOAN TRUST DO YOU KNOW that there I a trust to maintain high rates among tha loan companies of this city? DO TOU KNOW that we ar a NEW CONCERN, or ganized to FIGHT THE TRUST and 8 $8 to HELP THE WOR M when financially emboli (I lean to any worthy v ORK1NGMAN rassed. Wa y worthy wurkingtnan $8 owning HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 88 PIANOS, ETC., or HOLDING A 8$ SALARIED POSITION, any sum 88 from $10 to $500 88 at the rale ef lfl per year 88 JUST THIN K YOU PAT 8$ f 100 Interest for $ 10 fer a. year. $8 f 2.50 Interest for $ 26 fer t year. $$ 8 6 00 Interest for $ 50 for a year. 88 810K) Interest for $110 for a year f$ All OTHER SUMS In PROPORTION it We can loan fer these low rates 8$ because we have Interested MEN OP 88 LARGE MEANS, who are satisfied $$ with a REASONABLE RETURN on It their Investment. Reasonable ap- 8$ pralsement charts. 8$ CALL AND niO CONVINCED 8$ EASY PAYMENTS. NO RED TAPE 88 LOANS MADE FROM 1 MO. to 1 YR $8 INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. 88 ROOM 204 WJTHNELL BLDO.. 88 Thone Doug. 64e. 15th and Harney. rim wwiv ws n muittwnnuiiiiili $$ CHEAP LOANS. ' II on Furniture, Tlanos or Salary tt H AT PER CENT A YEAR? K 88 Can You Beat Thes Ratea? ' at 8$ $ 10 fer 8 months 15e 11 8 $ 2f for f months 7Do it 88 $ 60 for months $1.60 j M) 3 TS for f months $2.36 tt 8$ $100 for months 83.00 it $$ Small charge for appraising. tj M OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., jj $8 Room 310 Brown Blk., 207 S. ltith f?t Jj $$ opposite Brandels. Doug. 2033. A-2-JG6 88 $(4eMRf8M8W8884SU8$8U8$s8itn Cash Quick on Easy Terms t n msrie on furniture ni.nn. ... teams without removal; small and easv payments; $1.20 Is the weekly payment on a $i0 loan for 60 weeks; other amounts In the same proportion. Mall or 'phon an- teams without removal; small and easy appllcaaens receive our prompt attention Boom 12. Arlington Blk., Hllii Dodge St State Mortgage Loan Co., 'Phono Douglas 2461 or A-2401, DO YOU NEED MONEY? We will loan you money on your furni ture, pianos, live stock or nnv other se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phone aria convince yourneir. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D. 135. Ind. A-135S. 220 Bee Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. r LAl.AU, H14 rwi. Tel. Rod 8(1 L HAVEN'T YOU HEARD That we have money to loan on SALARIES AND FURNITURE? At lowest rates and easy term. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates to you. Reliable Creole r- SOt Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411, A-14U.' MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Offlces In 66 principal cities. Tolman, room 83 Omaha National Bank Bldg. CHATTEL loarA. salary loans, ever) kind of loan from private party. US N York Ufa Bldg. MOVING. STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VmN A STORAGE CO clean carpets on yaur floor. Electric vacuunytom. 809 & 17tn. Tel. V. 1568 EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport Us. Warehous. 120T-09 lxard 8C OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Raansa. CHOICE room with board. "Tha Tom plars" 1818 Caaltal 4a 2 CORNER sunny rooms; private family; no children: no other roomers; breakfast If desired: block two car lines, 'phone W. 5420. 2404 N. 22d. BOARD and rooms. (29 8. Uth. FINE rooms and Board; homo cooking 2f Dewey Av. FIRST CLA-S3 HOM E COOKING, meals 26c. Ill 8. lit J. LARGE reom, with board, homo cooking, at 2226 Howard St. GOOD table beard. 208 No. 20th. FOR RENT Fine large room with home cooking. tt2i Howard St. FOR RENT Nice room, south side, with or without board. 8113 Mason bt 'Phon Harney 4li2. FOR RENT Delightful east room, desir able for two gentlemen. First class board. Private family. Phone Harney 6235. FOR RENT Large front room, good lo cation, heme cooking. "U9 Georgia Ave. FOR RENT Good slxed front room and shove; board 'If desired. 2525 Charles St. Phone Webster (100. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. Good board. 7(9 S. 29th St. FOS RENT Nicely furnished room, homo cooking. Phone Douglas 7816. FOR RENT Desirable room, board If do sired. Reasonable. 714 N. lKth St. FOR RENT Rooms, board If desired. 2114 Harney St. DESIRABLE home for 1 gentlement, with board; fine location. Phono Florence lnl. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. with board, In private family, fx7 N. 15th St., South Omaha EXCELLENT parlor for two men. home cooking end privileges. Reasonable. 818 S. 25th St. A young lady on Burt street, near 22d, lost her watch. A little ad in the lost and found col umn of the Bee returned it to her with in 12 hours. There you" are. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and 11 ooms Continued. FOR RENT Nice room, with board, i.v.i N. l.th St. faralshea Koeiua. VR RENT Nicety furnished front room. (17 8. 85th Bt Very convenient to buslne EAST front room, electricity and si.-am beat, fine neighborhood, walking dlstunce 678 S. 2Mh St NICE warm room, walking distance. Splendid location. 407 No. lath St. YOUNG man to share comfortable fur nished room; reasonable terms. 2.02 1 ar- t.am. i none itarney 2b3. NICE rooms , suitable tm two gentlemen 7 uple. Ibl3 Capitol Ave. nished rooms. 633 So. 82d si. . or married co NICELY furnisl THE BACHElAma. 80th and Farnam. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and rar bam. NICELY' furnished front room with bath and heat; suitable for two young ladic. or gentlemen. Private family, ajiu Mjrtla Ave. FRONT room, neatly furnished, close in 627 S. 26th Ave. FURNISHED room for two gentlemen, private family. 1W2 Cass. 'Phone Tyior 1304. GOOD furnished room In modern house; reasonable. 725 S. 18th St MODERN, steam boated rooms. 220 N. 83d St FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman; pr. vate family; walking distance. b02 S. 2Mb St NICELY furnished room In new modern home, private family, for gentleman, ui No. 81st Ave. IiARGE front sroom. nicely furnished, bath, gas, electric light; walking distance, 810. 2,05 Dewey. Harney 8206. NEWLY furnished front room; gentle men preferred. 410 8. 84th. Doug. 6944. NICELY furnished rooms. X218 Burt NICELY FURNISHED rooms, modern, close in. 1018 St. Mary's Ave. FRONT room, with aloove, for gentle men; hot water heat. Tel. Douglas 4578. NEWLY furnished rooms for gentlemen. All modern. zv24 Cass street- LARGE front room, modern. 1814 Dodge street. NEATLY furnished room. Walking dis tance. Everything clean. 1323 Howard St FRONT room, for gentlemen; hot water heat. Tel. Douglas 4578. STEAM heated, running hot and cold water. 400 Bo. 24th Ave. NICELY' furnished front parlor for gen tlemen. 118 No. 26th. LARGE room for four gentlemen; mod trn; rent reasonable. 2578 llaniey. NEWLY furnished rooms In strictly mod ern new flat; close In. 2207 Davenport St. FURNISHED modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 2u2 N. 19th. LARGE front room for gentlemen: mud ern; private. 808 N. lath St NICE front room, modern, for two gen tlemen. 1713 Leavenworth St. THE LANDON, nicely furnished rooms strictly modern, ill So. 24th. rooms, VERY desirable room, fine location walking distance. 21s S. 25th St. LARGE, MODERN room, excellent nelah. borhood. 114 So. 26th Ave. "ngn- $ 6 ROOMS, very nice. 1912 S. 10th St. ROOMS for one or two; all conveniences 2t'i2( Dewey Ave. "' NICELY furnished rooms, modern 2611 Dewey Ave. ' FURNISHED rooms, modern, Drlvata family. S2 S. 24th. Douglas 7651. ",val9 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms. $10 each. 2664 Douglas St Phone Ha?n"y FOR RENT Very oozy south room for lady. $10. Phone Harney 4994.- FOR RENT Nicely furnished room- lu-t five blockg from postofflce. 2013 Chicago fete""" " ttS1HaroVstn-hd rm' '00d locUon- FOR RENT Neat, well heat.d room for two gentlemen. 816 S. 25th St. Phone Doua la 62(. " FOR RENT K'urnlsh.rt rr., u. . . , , A , -, - - .ww.... neat. 1910 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Two rooms; modern exceot furnace. 8. 2620 S. Uth St.- FOR RENT-Furnlshed room, good lo cation. 1404 S. 8th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, private fsmily, 702 8 . 29th St. FOR EVTMli..l e,.T7i..v.. - --- - - - .t4iiiipiif.il rooms, board If desired. IV Davenport St. FOR RENT Furnished room, deslr.il.lo for two. 83 a week. 21u9 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished steam heated. 2216 Farnam St 810 COZY, small room, suitable for one or two permanent people; furnace heat, pas, nice bath, hut water, both phones! (H St. Mary's Av. FOR RENT Furnished room for gentle men. 19u2 Cuss St. Tyler 13U1. FOR RENT Suitable room for two. a. 26th Ave. FOR RENT At 2001 Burt St., modern rooms for gentlemen. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, 1914 Duuglas St. FOR RENT A modern front room, 87 a month, 2524 Chicago St. Red 6.V8. STEAM-HEATED room; breakfast If do slred. 253 lxxlgu. llainey 4i21. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, iiti Cass St. FOR RENT A furnished room, desira ble fer couple of gentlemen. 2426 Caldwell St.- FOR RENT Nice, large furnished room, dii-iiable for two. Good location, siij'j SL Miry Ave FOR RENT Two rooms, connected, mod ern. 243 N. 201 h St. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 2207 Dav enport St. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms, for housekeet Ing. 210.J Douglas St. it