1 1 TEMPIOTER AMBITIOUS TJOMLSHC JS" ENTER PRlSrNG a, w v iv-". a .J c I , f ?t rr RCTAILER rr ,y . ennswr ' "J ' 11 ' 1 ' SC aT Tt 111 llr' r 7T-4 n v if ' i Mil 7 l J I 7 ; w.iv iTJ r? 'JUW BUYER If ft IE 111 till r-,.k VL- J HI I n- i 1 1 i f i ,r ,,vMKl.WMWA..iMlillIU 1 tmiT T iV Want - Ads Want ad received at nay time, "i latere proper claaalf leatlon bsbs v presented krfore 12 o'eloek " Jar the evealas edltl 7 130 o'rlork f prevloaa ' nornln. mA Bandar edltloaa. Wa-t -d receive after aacfc hoara frill ave taelr flrat laaertloa 4' " hradlnc "Taa Late ClaBBlfr." Hatea applr to either T Dally Daaday Tee. Always eoaat al warda to a llae. CASH HATES FOR WAWT ADi. REGILAH OLASSiriCATION Oaa laaertloa, l 1-3 eeata aer for aad 1 rent per '-rrord for each abaea.aea.t loaertloa. Each laaertloa aade a odd da, 1 1-3 cratr per word, f 1.6 VT Una per moitk. Waat ada for The Be may he left I mnr at the followlaa; draK lorea one a roar "coraer drlili" they are all branch offlcra for The Bee and real ad will be laaerted Jatt as promptly and on the earae ratea as at the mala offlet In The Bee balldlnc, aeveateenth and Paraan atreetai Albch VV. C. 0-'h nd rarua heranek. M. A.. W9 8. lth St. ryt'in rv-nnoy, M R. lfittl t Bmiboii Phammoy. Bunion, Neb. hemi Krk I'hrmaov, S3d and CnmlnB. Blake-nradiuh. Kll Bnrcr.n Aa. TetiKhlln. C. R., 4th and Pierce Bt. Clifton t J 111 Pharmaoy. X13 UlUtary Are, Mlntertont Vrug Co.. tut Ave. and Far cam ft Crlraey Pharmacy. IMh an1 Laka,. t'oney Pharmacy. 1223 8. 16tb HL Cermack. tmll, lM4- 8. IStb SL Khler. P. 1L, fti tareaworth. Koicr A Arnoitll. Ill ft. tblh Bt. f'rtyui, J. 1914 N. Htb Ht. fiercer Dru Co., 1X01 N. ltth St. Florence Drue Co., Florence. Nb. i Green's rtiarmacy, Psrk Ave. and Padno. OreennuOt. O. A.. ltS 0. 10th Bt Greennu(ii, Q. A., 10th and Hickory. Hyden. William. tiiDO Fmm St. flanicom Park Pharmary. 1601 8. tb Ae. Holet, John, 74 N. 16 Ih St. Ho.'t, A. U T3U Leavenworth at. .lohanaon prntr Co.. Mth and Bpaldlas. K I tiff, H. 8. TO Farnam Bt Kountie Place Pharmacy. KM N. Mta. Haren. Tred L... S01 Central Blvd. Patrick Uruff Co.. 14 N. 14th Bt Lathrop. Charles ... 13M N. ttth at. Uoidman Pharmacy. IMtb and Leave worth Kta. 6ratoca Drua Co., Mth and Ames Ave. fcrhaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, ltth and CbloaKO BU. Whaeftr. Aul, TJi N. Mth. fk'hmldt, I. H.. ttth and Cumlnf Sta. W alnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. BIRTHS AD DEATHS. Births William Ferryman, 1344 South Twenty-e'enth street, boy; Louis Jensen, 406 North Twenty-fifth street, boy; Charles B. Schnell, 1S24 Spring street, Ctrl; Karl Fust, 1718 South Eighth street, boy; Joe Llpsey. 214 Nicholas street, girl; Warren Kecd, 4.113 SaratOKa street boy; Albert Simon. 2717 Miami street, boy; William W. Thomas, .South Omaha, girl; Jacob Adler, 1201 Uurdette street, girl; Adam Psian owskl, 2411 Caft-llar street, girl. Ieaths J. V. Johnson, 3038 Meredith avenue, 69 years; Vera Lock wood. Bayard, IT years; Walter Smith, hospital, 28 years; Mary Vols, 714 South Sixteenth street, 13 years; Patrluk Tobin, hospital, 67 years; Charles J. Davis, Ansloy, Neb., 18 years; Herman Newman, 112 South Thirty-fifth avenue. 67 years; Dena N. Krun, 1&20 North Twentieth street, Infant; InKa Olson, 707 South Thirty-ninth street, 75 years; John A. Lynch, 1711 Cuming stret, W years Ellen Dougherty, 3J-H Leavenworth street, (I years. MAHHIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been granted: Name and Residence, Age. Oeorge A. L.' ranee, Bennington, Neb 23 Olga UJor, Florence, Neb U Hut;h B. Thoman, Denver 26 Ai,-ues U. VS'iller, Omaha 3 Hugh J. Boyle. O'NII, Neb 24 Ethrl M. ltoukv ell, Cambridge, Neb.... 3 William V. Kodgers, South Omaha 23 Lulu Lattlmer, Soutu Omaha 16 John K. Hound, Omaha M Mary Cumming, Omaha U2 Arthur M Graff!, Detroit, Mich tfS Kate Dawes iloorei, Omaha Zi John H. Huff. Lincoln, Neb 2 blanche Milligau,. Lincoln, Neb 18 J. Garnett Smith, New York, N. Y S7 Anna K. McDuriel, Sacramento, Cal.... 'J6 Jees N. Mct'oimlck. Carrollton, Mo 21 Edith Cochran, Carroliton, Mo In James L. Hartsock. South Omaha IS Edna Fowler, South Omaha 18 J!ole!ov Bukowski, Omnha 37 Annie Cserneunka, Soutlk Omaha 38 E. I). Scrogln, Bradentown. Fla over 21 Lois May Bcnedlet, Omaha over 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., r"- ambalmeis. 1614 Chicago. D. ltfcA B-1063. 3P Pr!lr c,v" Enr . Pvlng. sewer. . 1 . Vl Ita. ,tc. jirandele The- ater V. 4206 " At cut prices. ALL Ub. w ,.v. We to II W a t m. intlty and aualitv cusranleed. ItOSEN BLATT.'S CUT I'KICE COAL CO. U13 NICHOLAS BT. BOTH 'PliONEii. SAVE YOUR EYES COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO, 2UU-211 So. 16th St., 17 VEAK3 IN OMAHA Lyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. TlAT?n ,n Watches, Jewelry, Etc. iiALUUiNiJ Friedman s Loan liauk. South 13th St., cor. Douglas. Tel. D. UX. Choice mall paper 4 price, 2uus Faxnatn St DOUOI.A8 Printing Co. TeL Douglaa 644, PRACTICAL nursing. US N. 21at IX 7S1 MADAME EDWARDS, muHiut. Ladles' eiuy, niicily private realdence. Kul 6. isyth. Doutims tuJi. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire r'euce Cheaper Than Wood. Laote a LKctiine. rJT K. 17th St. Phune Red 114. Ftittra. filter repairs. 1S10 Howard. D Mil EAT KOSHER HOME COOKIN'J. Ark.n. 116 & liih. upsta'rs. BEAVER BOARD Instead of lath and plaster. American Supply Co.. 1111 Farnana. ARSENIC and IKON complexion waters make clear, white skin. By u.ail sue a ad l u bherinaa MoOonuell Drug Co Omaha. Choice all paper to price, luot Farnara 6t RAIJ'H'H MACHINR SHOE REPAIR, Ivn Koles sewed 7&c; nailed toe: heals Rk . m kll. .., t 1A n. 1 n i i u ' . ...I l Ll.i U fin. nil erk i a lih tt. MUTT AND CHOP SlEY PARI.OR V,llllJi jot OPKNKIV Everything tirst class. 1'vsta.rs, li- Dodge. Tyler It- ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) PIANO players repaired. Walker. D. C7 FOR RENT Office room. Zi. located on top floor, faolng court 170 square feet tfr eluding vault; rents for !2t per month. THE BEjB BUILDINU COMPANY. g. H. Cole Sln Co.. D. 17a. Ul( Farnanv CRUDE OIL BURNERS CHEAP Fl'EL FOR FURNACE, heating and cook stoves; we do not sell county lights, but sell burners; write for Informa tion; manufactured by Spera & Murray, Grand Island, Neb. ED. ROTTIERY Rj-f 'ftuo'r. cigars. Cafe In connection. Ill Bo. 14th St FRANK BARKER AU BARKER. GEO. BAITER, JR. JU3. HAIlftl.lt BARKER BROS., PAINT CO., lMKt'i FARNAM ST. BOTH PHONES. Sherwin-Williams paints and varnishes, white lead, Keyatona, glana, mirrors, brass poll shea, brushes, lubricating oils, window shades, wall paper, glaalng and framing. TWENTY per cent less thm Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO., Te nty-fourth and L Streets. South Omaha. Choice wall paper V price, 2008 Far nam St LYNCH BROS, p L Hiea t in q .n d REPAIR WORKS. 1708 Jackson St. D. 1477 Robertson's Restaurant "It""! (baseMent); cool, light, sanitary, quick service, popular prices. For ladles and gen tlemen. Table d'hote dinner Sunday. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. TONGE, first class tailoring, cleaning, repairing (or ladles and gentlemen. 8il Pacific, MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit. 810 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Dou. 2M4. UNION LOAN CO. AUOTlONEEIiS. BOYER A TULLY 860 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., old est In middle west. We can furnish yon ma i adapted to your line. Correspond With US Or Cflll TAl linn.!., nK r Choice wall paper Vi price, 200$ Farnam St COAL AND LUMBER GEARd. Eet us show you the new cut under. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO.. 1117 Farnam ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight a seriger. J. R. Kennedy. 104 S. UUi. li. iittl. PAMXLY L'ltluor House, full measure and pure goods, our mono. nsen. prop., 1218 Chicago St. B. F. WurrjOptlolan. 443 Brandels Bldg. ILER GRAND HOTEL Tlnata Im u Turkish Baths loth and Howard Sta. MAGGARD Van & Storage. Pack, move, store and ship H. H goods. D. 1496. B-2428. Mangiaineli Bros., inTbui niacArpnl. New Omaha factory. 1116 Jackson. LADIES ola hat m"J OY". new haU made to order, festhers cleaned or dyed. Miss Pepper Millinery I'ariora. 614 S. 28th. Phone Harney 2801. Ladies' and genu' shine parlors. 220 S. 16. GOOD MKRCHAN'io' LUNCH. A. JETES. 101 Douglas St 5 err. C. T. Dickinson has moved his office to room 411. Psxton Block. Phone Doug. 1804. AUTOMOBILES Antrt PAinrinr"MURPHY DID IT." auio rainungGet our rtctB oow ANDREW MURPHY & SON. 1412 Jackson. "Smash up" your auto. "SKID" Into a post. "TEAR" your top. And brine It to the best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMMOND Corner ISth and Harney Streets. UTODRIVERS wear Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. AUTO and carriage painunK. repairing and trlmmniK; dead storage. Wm. Pfelffer carriage Works. &th ana Leavenworth. BARGAINS in Used Cars aeor Council Bluffs Auto Co., 1.10 pearl. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kltsus of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK vJASEd ana CASTINGS promptly repaired, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMlHAN v. Council Bluffs, la. Anto iienairirie- iot complete plant .A.UIU Xicpaniug ,u tn wett Diamond Tliea, Id-hand cars, storage, ihe Paxton Mitchell Co.. flUo-l Haiuey. D. IM. A-AilL AUTOMOBILE agents wanted to repre sent a well-established line in their own loctkllty. Men of good local standing and ability as salesmen required. This is A hlgi class, popular-price seller and re quires no capital. Address M 232, Lee. FOR SALE Model T Ford touring car, almost new; l'0. F. E, Marlowe, 13S Grant St., Council Bluffs. NEW W-horse power four-pansenger Moon car; will trade for 13.UO0 city property. Wallace Auto Co., agents for Stearns cars. Choice wall paper H price. &)Q8 Farnam St WHITE tor list of automobile bargains. H. E. Fredertckson Auto Co., Omaha. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Tel. Harney 560T. Melererelee. for list of used motorcycles. tVe carry a full line of motor Write cycle rarts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call ca GANG EST AD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel D. ii7. LET me Incorporate your business; good ones eauiiy obtain money selling their sliaies; am helping others, why not JouT Proofs hat has been done. Promoter, 610 Paxton block. WELL established new and second-hand clothing and gents' furnishing good near depot, 1&12 Webster ft. Inquire 1 Fried man, 201 to. lllh bt. Tel. Douglas U2j. ruh RENT Office room. 622, large room on filth floor. N. W. corner of building, especially fitted for architect, ibere Is ! equare feet In Uua Spaxe; (all per month. THE BEE BC1D1NG COMPANY. LARGE FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY juat entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of slock for sals. DIVIDENDS Agents wanted. Casady Co., Fiscal Agents. S. W. Corner 141a end DougUa. Outaha, lei Doug. UJb. O. D. C. CODDINGTON. K Board of Trade Bldg., busmeee chances, loaua, In surance and real estate. IF TAKEN THIS WEEK. 1X0 will buv a real estate bus ness worth Il.OuO. Ad dress L t. Bee. Choice wall paper V price, 2U4 Farnam Bt. FOR PALE One-half Interest or all of one cf the best re.Mnursnts In the city. Doug. as zsit- POK SAIJi-De Haven s diux store; good rwl aim k antl bby i a at ' lamia hAav i ....... I Bluffs. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) BOARD OF TRADE SHARE. a iirrru me munev, win boh iii j oim ur. hare tor $1,800 cut). Address A 238, Bm. FOR SALE The Fullerton Mill company having decided to go out of business, of fers its entire plant lnr sale; until Nov. 1, 1310. bids will be received as follows: 1, on the property as a whole; 1, for the machinery, or any part of tt; 8. the mill building; 4, the elevator; 5, ground and water power; 6, flour house, corn cribs and other small buildings; fix your own price and send us a bid; everything goes. Address Fullerton Mill Co., Fullerton, Neb. rjAKADY Co.. real estate loan and wnj-a-Lj. Mur4nc-. u,t your prop erty for sale or rent Quick returns. B. W. corner 14th and Douglas. Tal Doug. 1680. ALEXANDER'S ART STORE FOR SALE Long-established and good-paying business. In present building eleven years. Reason for selling. 111 health. Will sell or rent our building. C. E. Alexander, 333 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. WELL established new and second-hand clothing and Junk furnishing goods, near depot 1512 Webster St Inquire I. Fried man, 201 So. 13th St Tel. Douglaa 5325. 4 HUMPHREY a thriving town of l,&tf, on the Chicago 4 N. W. and U. P. railroads. 25 miles north of Columbus, Is badly In need of a boarding and lodging house for labor ers. Address Commercial club. Rooming- lloneea for Sal. A DESIRABLE 4-ruora apartment, new (20. 1748 7th St Harney SS80. 13 ROOMS, modern, close In; full of roomers. 1621-24 Burt 11 ROOMS of furniture In corner brick flat near car line; a good reason for selling. Red 7808. 12 ROOMS, modern, full of roomers; cheap rent; for 1400 cash If taken soon. 16x7 Cass. TWO flats, 10 rooms each, close In. bar gain. Apply 716 North 17th St Choice wall paper H price. 2008 Farnam St FOR SALE Furniture of 12-room mod ern home. 1918 Capitol Ave CHIROPODISTS DR. ROl. 1606 Farnam St Douglas 6487. DANCING Morand's Dancing School, 18th and Har ney. Lessons Mon. and Frl., 8 p. m. 'Phone Doug. 24. Private lessons dally. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age, lno., bonded, 42i- Paxton blk. D. 131; Ind. A-1314. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 611 KARBACH HI.1C DENTISTS BAILEY & MACH, 3d floor, Paxton. D. 1035. DRESSMAKERS S. & C. KNEETER, Ladles' Tailors. We fit and remouel suits and dresses; 3d floor Continental Bik., en trance 16th and Douglas. Tel. D. 3742. FOR plain sewing In families, phone Harney 4i5. "GOWNS and ladles' tailoring. 27U Dewey. DRESSMAKING and alteration, first clans work, prices reasonable. Mlsa Elisa beth O Connor. 2018 No. Utn. Web. 1410, INFANTS wardrobe, hand or machine made: table linen hemmed. Mrs. Lowmao, 84k S. loth Ave. Dressmaking. KtS St Mary's Ave., D. 4431 DRESSMAKING and alteration wnrlt ttmi., Mrs M. Dermody, 260 Davenport street DRESSMAKING, plain and fashionable; reasonable price. 1818 N. 17th St MADAM Rld.ey, fashionable dressmaking, also geneiai icpairing. 810 South 11th St. MISS STURDY. 821 8. 24th St Tel. D. 7314. TERRY'S dressmaking parlors, 20th and Farnara. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. 2423 Dodge St Choice wall paper U price. 3008 Farnam St FIRST-CLASS DROSS MA KING; Christ mas articles. TYLER 1414. 516 S. 22d. EDUCATIONAL 11 FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE now open In the Day and Nlgut session Student admitted any day. Complete Business Course Including bank ing. Complete Shorthand aud Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Servlne Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branches. The Year Book Is reedy. Apply for It H. B. BOYLES. Pres.. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Mosher-Lampman bCollkgb Unexcelled ouieee In Business, Short hand. Penmanship and Engliwh. None but experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most Interesting catalog puoiianed Ut uuiaiia. Send fur one today. MOoilKH A LAMPMAN. 17th and 'arnaju Streets. Omaha, Neb. GYMNASIUM Y. W. C. A. Eight Classes Twice a Week Ladles Begin nera Advanced Pupils Children 16.00 Per Year Children 84.00 ST. ANDREW'S school for boys. 41st and Charles. Fall term, September 14. Rev, F. D Tyner. RMS t'harle. H 131 FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. HESS SWOBODA. 1414 Farnam hi J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la., larg est greenhouse In a est; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped any whore In U. 8- L Henderson. U18 Farnam. Doug. UM. J. H. RATH liili Harney. Douslss XXN. FURNACES AND REPAIRS STOVES made as new: good baking ruar. amt 1718 Cuming. Tel. Ind. B-1423. WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination het water heal era. Thermostats and tank heat, ere. Omaha Stove Repair YYorka. UUe-UUg Douglas i Both 'phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Saleewamea. LADY solicitors, house to house; prefer those experienced In organising cluha or stamp solicitors. Room 1. 116 S. Uth St. Clerical and Office. V,'E MI ST have stock girls and cash ! girls for our isdies' cloak and suit de- lariwenl at once, js'ett. Clollj og Co. HELP. WANTED FEMALE (Continued.) Factory n4 Trades, GIRLS to learn hairdresslng; prices re sonable. Oppenhlem Parlors, 8i City Nat l bank. D. 2396. WANTED Experienced waist finisher; also bright apprentice girl. Mlsa Hartell, 190tf Cap. Ave. WA NTKD Three hairdressers; must be experienced. Apply to H. J. McCarthy, Hair Dressing Dep t, Brandels Stores. tte aee keep re and Demestlea. WANTED-Girl for general housework. Call Harney tell or 1306 rarh Ave, WANTED Girl for general housework; best of wages. 1707 Jones St WANTED Nurse girl. 1817 Leavenworth Bt 8d floor; call .t once. MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework; Small family. D. 1044. COMPETENT cook, no waahlng. 411 South &th St., Tel. Harney 3138. W ANTED Experienced girl for general housework, family of three, no waahlng or upstairs work. Tel. Harney 4760 or call at 38i6 Harney. WANTED Girl for general housework, no washing. H33 E. Pleroe, Co. Bluffs. Mrs. c. L. Felt. GOOD girl for general housework. 104 Spencer street Phone Webster 621. COMPETENT girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 118 No. 38th Ave. Tel. Har. 2033. NICELY furnished rooms; colored peo ple; on car line. Douglas 7706. GOOD oook. Phone Harney 649, 181 N. 82d Ave. AN experienced girl for general house work, small family, good pay. 'Phone Hsmey 890. WANTED Girl for housework. 1618 N. 26th St., South Omaha; good home. Choice wall paper Vs price, 2008 Farnam St COMPETENT girl for general house work, good wages. 110 S. 34th. A GOOD cook; also a neat housemaid. urs. n;. w. Dixon, 117 bo. 39th. GOOD rlrl for general housework. Bt. Alary s. WANTED-A competent girl for general iiwubcb o it, kuvu wages, mum llKe C1UI dren. Mrs. 13. E. Kinberly. 4811 Chicago. T . U ll lit. A uuuo wi livy iw. WANTED Nurse girl or elderly person to take care of baby; must be reliable, 2301 Howard. COMPETENT girl; no laundry work. 3316 Burt St. Telephone Harney 1026. WANTED Girl for housework, beat of wages, 603 8. 2th St. WANTED Girl for general housework, no laundry or cooking, good wages. 24 Cass St WANTED Competent girl for housework Mrs. Rich, 8319 Dodge. Harney 3284. WANTED . by young man In country, housekeeper 'Of middle age, for himself and two chtildren. Reference required. W. E. Cunningham, Henderson, la. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family. 3122 Chicago Bt Harney 1644. GIRL for houstework, must be competent family of two, Mrs. E. H. Lougee, 301 Oak land Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Girl or housework, small family. No laundry best of wages. 8 29 Park Ave. Harney 1430. WANTED A competent second girl. Mrs. II. W. Yates. 81st and Davenport Tel. Har. 69. A GIRL for general housework. 2109 California St WANTED Colored girl for chamber maid. . 816 S. 26th. WANTED Girl who can cook. Good wages. Mrs. W. M. Bushman, 8004 Farnam St.- GIRL for general Housework. 640 S. 24th. WANTED girl for housework. 312 N. 88th St., Phone Harney 11284. A GOOD girl for permanent place; plain cooking. 4123 Farnam St. 'Phone Harney 3440 WANTED A good girl for housework. Small family. Good wages. Uu6 Park Ave. WANTED a housekeeper for two girls, 7 end 8 years, by night watchman. 8114 S. 22d St.- GIRL for general housework; must- be competent. 2116 Blnney St. 'Phone, Web ster 1016. COMPETENT girl to help with house work and care of child. 8308 Poppleton Ave. A GERMAN cook; small family. E. H. McCreary, 8916 Burt. Phone Harney 1969. WANTED Nurae girl to care for child. 19M Capitol Ave. son St., Phone Harney 2468. WANTED Good cook for private board ing house. 417 N. Zfrth St. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; no laundry. 443 N. 38th Ave., Phone Harney 1334. WANTED Girl for a-eneraf housework: small family. 8006 Spencer St. 'Phone v eDster . WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. Adams, 1306 S. 35th Ave. Phone Har ney 2230. WANTED Colored girl; good wages; may do laundry work If desire to. 616 Georgia Ave.- WANTED a woman to do washing. 1737 Park Ave. A WOMAN to do washtng and Ironing. 404 N. iM 8t - W ANTED Girl for family of three. $4. 1311 S. 33d St. WANTED a housekeeper for country. 2121 Webster St WANTED Girl for housework; amall family. 113 N. 42d St. WANTED Cook, laundress and house' maid. Mr. H. V. Burkley. 1101 8. 3nh Ave. WANTED Good girl for housework. 1609 Burdette St. GIRL for housework; smsll family. 823 Park Ave., Phone Harney 4S8. WANTED Girl to assist with house work. 29:1 Pacific St. M laretlaneeaa. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers sre 'nvlud to visit the Youa Women s Christian Association building at Bt. Mfcry's avenue and Seventeenth street where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at the Union Station Choice wall paper S price, lot Farnam St. LAD1E8 Make sanitary belts at home; material furnished. .112 60 per l'A stamped, addressed envelope for particulars. VS est vllle Mfg. Co.. Westvllle. N. J. WANTED SB GIRLS. APPLY LOOSE WILLS BISCUIT CO. AS YOU resd this ad. so wl'l tho iai d.i read jour want ad, li It Is In The Bee. HELP WANTED MALE lUcltars. WE have salesmen's positions open where you can earn good money while studying our course, practical School 01 Batesuian shlp, Cleveland O. SALESMEN wanted to carry side line of pearl buttons; our cabinets sell on sight; references required; state trrltory. Standard Pearl Button Co., Muscatine, la. WANTED A high class bond salesman. Niobrara Investment Co., Boo Uj6 Brandels Theater Bldg. Choice wall paper price, 2008 Farnam St. AGENTS The smallest Bible In the world; whirlwind seller: sample 10c: doien 76c; gross J7.M. Swift Supply Co., 227 East Twenty-second St, Chicago, 111. Beys. WANTED Several reliable hoys. Westers Union Tel. Co . til a 18ti St Clerical and Office. TRAVELING salesman, $121. Office clerk, l6. Stenographer, $60. Stenographer, out of town, $76. Collector, $50. See us at once or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N.. INC.. 762-4 New York Life Bldg. (Est. 8 Years.) WANTED An experienced bookkeeper; one competent of taking charge of office In large retail store In city. Address J 29, Bee. ANYONE who wants a position can find It by leaving their name with the Ne braska Help Supply CO., Room 15, over 818 8. 16th St. Choice wall paper H price. 2008 Farnam St V WELL experienced drug clerk, 26 to 36 years of age, permanent position. Salary $6 tr start Address Station 6, Omaha. DON'T FAIL to see us if seeking em ployment. 'OUR SYSTEM" Is the best CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., (Originators of the Bulletin idea.) 1402 City National Bank Bldg. . . Fa c A err anal Trades. Drag Stores 'snaps). Jobs. Kn'.est. Bee Mrtt WANTED A good all around tailor (German). Louis Marquardt Laramie, Wya, Bee Bldg ; boya or girls. WANTED Good general blacksmith and horseshoer to locate In Denton, Neb. No blacksmith. Population. 150. Good terri tory. Snap for right man. Choice wall paper hi price, JOOS Farnam St. allscellaBeoBe. FREE. IF THOSE who are Interested In a LEGAL EDUCATION will call at the ad dress below they will learn something of Interest to them. THE AMERICAN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF LAW Is the oldest and best In the world; will give TUITION ABSOLUTELY FREE. None but those of GOOD CHARACTER need apply. Call for Mr. McDonald. HAP.WOOD REALTY CO.. 448 Bee Bldg. Tel. Red 4204. WANTED A good solicitor for sick bene fit insurance. Address Y-742, care Bee. WANTED Young man to learn trade. Champion Iron Works, 15th and Jackson fits. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Average salary, $1,100. Examinations In Omaha, November lit. Common education sufficient. Free prepsration. Send name Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept tll-U. Rochester, N. T. YOUNG man for delivery and collecting; small security required: give address and phone. Address A-188, Bee. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; practice furnished by free work; careful In structions by experts; few weeks completes; tools given; bosrd secured; experience In shops before completing; catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. HELP WANTED MALE AMI KKWAl.B WANTED Cook and helper; steady po sition. Telephone Douglas 2263. WANTED Several young ladles or gen tlemen; guaranteed salary; easy hours. Call at room 101, Millard hotel, after 8.30 a. m. f Choice wall paper H price. 2008 "Farnam St LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Dogs and Pets. FOR RALE Young male pit bull terrier dog. 2316-A, So. Omaha. MILK goats for sale. Sheep Barn, Union Stock Yards, South Omaha. Horeee aad Waitaa CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion: almost your own price. Go See Johnson-Danfortb Co., 10th and Jones Sts. DELIVERY WAGON". HEAVY TEAM ING GEARS, FARM WAGONS AND HARNESS. JOHNSON-DAN FORTH CO. Tracks. TBB Brown Truck M'g. Co., builders of trucks of every description. You cannot name a truck we can't make We want your work and will bid right to secure It Office 1611 Harney. Tel. Doug. 2964. LOST AND FOUND LOST Eastern Star pin with keystone bangle, between 21st and Ames Ave., and 30th and Fort. Telepnune Webster 14i8. LOST Woman taking child's sweater from Loyal theater Sunday night, will please return same to 2812 Charles St. A LIBERAL rewaid to party returning pocketbook containing Western Union card, money and papers. Call Douglas 2069. Choice wall paper H price. 2008 Farnam St. LOST Pocketbook. 'Phone Douglas 6067. FOUND Some money In C. B. Brown's jewelry store, 16th and Farnam. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONKS-Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES. 60c postpaid; samples free. Sher man A- rConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. BEST nei-ve biaoer for man. Oray's Nerve Food Pill. 81 a box. postpaid Sher man A McCrnnell Drug Co.. Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sts. : special attention paid to confine ment esses: all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas 11.7, Calls answered day and night DR. FELKER. PHYSICIAN AND SUIiaEO.S', for the past forty-three years. Five years spent In the European hospitals. Will treat and cure all diseases without CUT TING. A CURE GUARANTEED In every case or money refunded. Hours, 9 to 12 a. 111.. 1 to 6 p. 111. ROOM Ui MILLARD HOTEL PHONE DOL'GIJtS HO In order that the advertiser may get the best results for money Invested, he must reach the bi:yer by the moat direct and reliable channel. The bee Is that channst MONEY TO LOAN IALAHY AM CHATTH8.B. $$ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC 1$ HELP DOWN THE 1X?AN TRUST tt tt DO YOU KNOW tt It that there Is a trust to maintain high tt tt rates among the loan companies of tt t$ this city? $$ tt DO YOU KNOW tt tt that we are a NEW CONCERN, or- tt tt ganlied to FIGHT THE TRUST and tt It to HELP THt3 WORK1NUMAN tt tt when financially embarrassed. We It tt loan to any worthy workingman tt t$ owning HOUSEHOLD GOODS, tt tt PIANOS, ETC., or HOLDING A tt ft SALARIED POSITION, any sum It tt from $10 to $.'.00 tt tt at the rate of 10 per year tt t$ JUST THINK YOU PAY tt tt $ 1 00 Interest for $ 10 for a year. $$ tt $ 360 Interest for $ 26 for a year. tt tt I 6.00 Interest for $ 60 for a year. tt tt $100 Interest for $100 for a year. tt tt All OTHER SUMS In PROPORTION tt tt We can loan for these low rates tt tt because we have Interested MEN OF 11 tt LARGE MEANS, who are satisfied tt ft with a REASONABLE RETURN on tt ft their Investment. Reasonable ap- tt f$ praisement charge. tt tt CALL AND HE CONVINCED. tt ft EASY PAYMENTS. NO RED TAPE, tt tt LOANS MADE FROM 1 MO. to 1 YR ff tt St ft INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. tt tt tt ROOM H WITHNELL BLDG., tt ft Phone Dong. R04.V 1Sth and Harney. 11 t$$tttt5$tf5lV tMWRttttMtWjtttf 1$ tm$$ww$m?t$j$M$ffj4$tft$.ttt$t$ttt$t?w5t n CHEAP LOANS. tt on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. tt $t You Borrow $4 ft $1000 you pay back $11.00 $1 $$ $25.00 you pay back $27.00 $j $t $60.00 you pay back $64.00 $$ f$ No other charge. tt $ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., f $8 Room 310 Brown Blk., 207 S. 16th St. tt 1$ Cor. Douglaa St. Dour-ins 20.16, A-2M6. $$ Cash Quick on Easy Terms Loans made on furniture, pianos and teams without removal; small and easy pavments; 11.20 Is the weekly payment on a $60 loan for 60 weeks: other amounts In the same proportion. Mall or 'phone ap spplicatlons receive our prompt attention. Room 12, Arlington Blk., lbllhi Dodge St State Mortgage Loan Co., 'Phone Douglas 2466 or A-2465. LOANS NEGOTIATED, $10.00 UPWARDS. As low rates as made oy others. QUICK SERVICE, CONFIDENTIAL. Courteous Attention. Square Deal. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 16th and Farnam. Room US. Board of Trade Bldg. Doug. 2Ju5. Tel., write or call. Choice wall paper H price, 2008 Farnam St. CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. Room 7, Crounse ' Block, corner 16th and Capitol Ave. Opposite postofflce. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Both phones Doug. 1SS6; A-136. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 114 Dodsra. Tel. Red Mil HAVEN'T TOU HEARD That we have money to loan on SALARIES AND FURNITURE? At lowest rates and easy terms. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY 80S Paxton Block. Tel. TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates to you. Rellsble Credit Co., Douglas 1411, A-141L j MONET WANED SALARIED PEOPLE WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolman, room 603 Omaha National Bank Bldg. CHATTEL Ioam. salary loans, every kind of loan from private party. 668 Nee) York IJfe Bldg. MOVING. STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA V.N at STORAGE CO cleans carpets on your floor. Electric vacuum system. 808 a 17th. TeL D. 1668. EXP. Delivery Co., offices llth and Dav enport Sta. Warehouse. Z207-O9 I sard St. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and BMaa CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tea piers" 1818 Capitol Ave. BOARD and rooms. 828 8. lfth. VINE rooms and board; boms cooking. 2'.10 Dewey Ave. FIRST CLASS HOME COOKING, meals 20c. in a. mh. FURNISHED room and board; desirable neighborhood. 640 So. 24th St. Choice wall paper price, 1008 Farn,m Bt LARGE room, with board, home cooking, at 2226 Howard St BOARD and room. Home cooking. 623 Pierce street. Phone Red 4831. NICE single room with board, also large front room for two. Walking dlstanoe. 1918 Cass. Phone Doug. 1476. GOOD table board. 808 No. 20th. FOR RENT Fine largr room with home cooking. 2-J22 Howard St. FOR RENT Nice room, south side, with or without board. 3112 Mason St. 'Phone Harney 4uo2. FOR. RENT Delightful east room, desir able for two gentlemen. First class board. Private family. Phone Harney 6235. FOR RENT Large front room, good lo- ...... k. .. ........ "7. Li r..r0la L . . .. FOR RENT Good slxed front room and alcove; board if desired. 2b26 Charles St Phone Webster 6100. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. Good board. 769 8. 29th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, home cooking. Phone Douglas 7sl6. FOR RENT Desirable room, board If de sired. Reasonable. 714 N. ISth bt FOR RENT Rooms, board If desired. 2114 Harney St. ) DESIRABLE home for 2 gentlement, with board; fine location. Phone Florence 101. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. with board. In private family. 607 N. 19th St., South Omaha. EXCELLENT parlor for two men, home cooking and privllegea. Reasonable. 818 S. J&th St. FOR RENT Nice room, with board. 1651 N. 17th St. famished Rmbi. FOR BENT Nloeiy furnished front roess. 07 . tth St Very convenient to business NICELY furnished rooms; private family, modern, close. 2507 St. Mary's A vs. EAST front room, electricity and steam heat, fine neighborhood, walking distance t.74 S. 2Mb St NICE warm room. walking distance. Splendid location. 4"7 No. mil St. Yol'NG man to share comfortable f'ir nihed room; reasonable terms. 2.o Far i.am. Phone Harney lt73- NICE rooms, suitable for two gentleman or mairlsd coup is. Uil Capitol Ave. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished H ootni- ronttnaed. NICELY furnlsheo rooms. 633 So. 22d SI. THhi UACHEUHtH. otn and Farnam. DEWEY European Hotel, 18th and Far DBDl. NICELY furnished front room with bath and t.ewt, suitable for two young ladle or gentlemen. Private family. Mla Myrtle Ave. FRONT room, neatly furnished, olosa In. 527 S. tf.th Ave. FURNISHED room for two gentlemen; private family. M2 Cass. 'Phone Tyler 1304. GOOD furnished room In modern bouse; reasonable. 7So S. lMh St MODERN, steam heated rooms. U0 N. 23d St FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman; prl vata family; walking distance, bui S. 38th St NICELY furnished room In new modern home, private familv, for geutlemau. 1X1 No. 31st Ave. VERY desirable rooms, private home, strictly modern, walking distance, Doug. 4J08. 722 No. 19th St LARGE front room, nicely furnished, bath, gas, electric light; walking distance $10. 2.0(1 Dewey. Harney Uet. NICELY furnished or unfurnished room, modern; steam heat. 818 ri. 8th St 1 FRONT room, for gentlemen; hot water heat Tel. Douglas 4C78. STEAM heated, running hot and cold water. 406 80. 24th Ave. NICE front room. 814 So. 25th Ave. ONE nicely furnished room. 1038 Sa. Z-d St ' NICELY furnished front parlor for aea- tlemem 118 No. 2tith. . LARGE room for four gentlemen; mod em; rent reasonable. i78 Harney. NEWLY furnished rooms In strictly inod ern new flat; close In. 207 Davenport St FURNISHED mod urn housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 202 N. I9th. . LARGE front room for gentlemen: mod ern; private. 808 N. 18th St NICE front room, modern, for two gen tlemen. 1713 Leavenworth St THE LAN DON nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern, fill So. J4th. FURNISHED rooms, modern, til So.' 16th. 8d floor, flat 7. , NICELY furnished rooms, modern. ZSli Dewey Ave. NICELY furnished rooms, modern. So. 16th, id floor. NICELY furnished rooms with board.' 1812 Chicago. ' r LARGE room with board, home cook ing, at 1226 Howard St. NICELY furnished rooms, fl rat-class colored people. 2218 N. Hat St Mrs. W1L son. Phone B 1976. TWO comfortable rooms, to man and wits or two ladles; close In. 1023 N. Slat St. TWO newly furnished rooms, $11$, Chi cago St. or call Douglaa 7901. DESIRABLE rooms for gentleman. mi N. 19th. i . . . VERY desirable room, fine location, walking distance. 211 S. 15th St GOOD rooms, walking distance. 416 South ltth street. Third floor. FURNISHED rooms, modern, prirat family. 826 8. 14th. Douglaa 7661. NICELY furnished room In private home, walking distance, suitable for gentleman and wife or for two gentlemen. (Ml S, 28th. FURNISHED rooms In modern home. 1911 Capitol Ave. TWO nicely furnished modern rooraav olose In. Tel. Red 6386. 1834 Webster St FOR RENT Two nloelr furnished rooms. $10 each. 2664 Douglaa St Phone Harney 1667. FOR RENT Very coxy south room for lady. $10. Phone Harney 4994. FOR RENT Nioely furnished room) Juat Ave blocks from poatofflce, toil Chicago 6t- NICELT furnished room, good location, 8681 Harney St FOR RENT Neat, well heated room for two gentlemen. 316 S. tCth St Phone Doug laa 6&6.- FOR RENT Furnished room. Steam heat 1910 Capitol Ave FOR RENT Two rooms; modern except furnace. $8. 3620 8. llth St FOR RENT Furnished room, good lo cation. 1404 S. 8th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, private family, 703 B. 2ftth Bt A YOUNG man to share suit of nioelv furnished rooms. Reference exchanged. gTa Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, board If dealred. lsus Davenport Bt FOR RENT Furnished room, desirable for two. $3 a week. 1101 Douglas St FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, steam heated. 3216 Farnam Bt. FOR RENT Furnished room for gentle men. 1902 Cass St Tyler 1304. FOR RENT Suitable room for two. s08 8. 26th Ave FOR RENT At 2001 Burt St, mode rooms for gentlemen. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, 1T11 Douglas St FOR RENT A modern front room, $7 a month, 2624 Chicago Ht Red (1828. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, KM Cass St FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, rea sonable. Private family, good location. 2e07 8. 17th St. " FOR RENT A furnished room, desira ble for couple of gentlemen. 2426 Caldwell St.- FOR RENT Couple of nicely furnished rooms, ressonable. 1629 Maple t. Mra Ruddy FOR RENT Nice, large furnished room, desirable for two. Good location, 2669 Bt Mary's Ave. . "FOR RENT Two rooms, connected, mod ern. H403 N. 30th St. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 2207 Dav enport St. . FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms, for housekeeping. 2103 Douglas St "FOR RENT Furnished room, south front private family, good location. Breakfast it desired. WJi Grace Bt Web. 1276. FOR RENT Four nicely furnished rooms, 616 N. 17th St., South Omaha. FOR RENT Two rooms furnished or un furnished, $8 00. 611 N. Cld St. FOR RENT Fine soutn room for I I; good location, 2i77 llarm-y Bt. FOR RENT Single room Mary's Ave TTV Bt FOR RENT South room, private family, to! g. 26 ia Ave. Red 74V