13, coon fMlTTTcuAnnrD 1 yuvj r t.r EMPLOYEE1 3 nc. ..... ,.,jmiiiii iff-- -- rqfr. 1 1 imimi'e. IT I wj vmmmm off V- A.) 1 'II 'VCiV - I i V If I J I 1 I u mil f .11 ft EMI Want - Ads Waal ada rooelved at aay tlsao, iasaro proper elasslftoatlea be areseated befere .'clock (or the eveala edltloa 7 ISO clock ( areloas T"lm5L enln aad Inikf edltleas. w" 4a received aftes have their tint laeertlem bra In "Too Late Claselt'. Hat., apply eltner Tbo Dally Snaday Always eoeat si wards .to a llao. CAiH RATE! rOH WAKT ADS. nEOCUH 01AIiriCATI0X Oao Insertion, 1 1-1 seats r war aad coat er ward for oack . ombaeaat lasertloa. ' Bach laaertloa made dd days, 1 1-a eoata aer word. $1.60 per llao par aaoath. Want ada for The "bco mar bo left at aa? of tho (oUotrlit: drasr stereo ao la roar "eorner dragTa-lst" tkey are all breach . of flcca for Tho Boo ad roar ad will bo Inarrted Jaat aa prooaptl.w and aa' tho aanao ratea aa at tho mala office la The Bee bolldlag, eteateeatk aad Farnam at rectal Albach. V, C., 40th and Kamaio. Bcranak. . A., 10 . Itn lit. fajrton Pharmacy. T & lth t Hnon Pharmacy. Benaon. Nab. Kemla Park Pharmaey. M and Cumins. Blake-Bradiih, ttl tmrmtn Ava. Caiigblln, C. ft, ith and Fierce Sta. Cllton Hill Pharmacy, flU MUltaiy Ave. Hlntorlon Drug Co., Hat Ave. and Far am ML Crlnaay Pharmacy, Mth and Lake. Cooncy Pharmacy, 1231 8. lttb Sk Cormaok. Kmll, l!4- 8. 13th 8L Ehler, P. H., not Lyr.worlh. 1'oatrr St Arnoldl, 113 U. ttlh lit. Prtytac. J. J.. lU N. Mth tt. FregRcr Drug Co.. 1901 N. llth St. Florance Dru Co., Florence. Neb. Grean'e Pharmacy, Park A- h"11 P0n& Ortenough. Q. A 16 II. lUih BL Graenouch. O. A 10th aad Hickory. Hayden. William, tftt Farnam BL Hanscom Park Pharmacy, lsOl A. th Ave. Holm, John, Vi N. 10th fit. Huff. A. U. 3M4 Leavenworth 8t Johanaoa Dru Co., Mth and Spalding. King. H. 8. . tSS Farnam St Kountze Place Pharmacy, ISM N. Mth. Mares, Fred L., 2U19 Central Blvd. Patrick Drua Co.. 1624 N. t4th St Lathrop, Charlea fc.. U24 N. t4th St Uoldman. Pharmacy, Mth aod Uearea- orth eta. tiaratnta Drva; Co.. 24th and A me Are. m hatr a Cut Price Drug Store. Hth and Chicago SU. rchaafxr, Aac, ffiJl N. Wth. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th aid Cuming ftta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy7. 40tb and Cuming. DUATI AND I'HCHtL NOTICE EHLKRS Dorothy, October 6. 1910, aged 71 ycara S montlia and 26 daya. Funeral servlcea will be held at family rcairtence, 817 south ssth atrect, Sunday, U tuber V, at 1 p. m. Frlenda Invited. He mntna will be taken to Davenport, la., for cremation. MAHIUAGK LICENSES. Marriage ileenaea were Issued to the fol lowing couples today; Name and Residence. Age. Jon-prt L. Hicks, Farnam,. Neb 27 Clara lrwin, city.. Peter Holt. city.:. , 56 Hllma Pa. stroin. city Clarer.ce Ackles, Elgin. Neb 26 ttylvla 8. Smith, LoulRvllle, Neb 18 Oliver A. Stoops, city X, UUle Johnson, city 18 George W. Wadsworth, Portland, Ore.... 42 Coral Peleracn, Molliie. Ill 31 Thomas F' Hunt, city 2 Gertrude Klbert, city 20 Eli A. Blue, elty ,.. 23 Nettle ttroff. city.. 2s Manuel Adereon, Fremont, Neb 26 Pauline Hack, Fremont, Neb it Helnrlch Ruler. Lewiaton, Neb 23 Ur.ile Knora, city.... , 23 Ksmuel T. Holllday, Falrbury, Neb 4u UeUb Rosa, bleele City. Neb 40 MtUtHI NOTICES. ' MASONIC NOTICE. The funeral of Brother Lewis Hiram Kll bourn will be held from Masonic temple on Thursday, Oct. i. at 0 o'clock a. m., under the aunplcea of Nebraska lodgo. No. l. Members of the fraternity are earnestly re quested to attend. DEAN UREGG, Master. Members of Omaha council. No. 1, are eai neatly requested to attend the funeral of Companion Lewis Hiram Kllbourn on Thursday, Oat. 6, at 9 o'clock, a. m., from Masonla temple. PAUL A. FROELICH. Master. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. llirtha I N. Beera, 2301 Giant, boy; Charles Battelle, 1312 South Thirty-third, loy; Albert Joluu on, 2'J12 Eritklne, boy; Fred Thaller, lon$ Not tn 'i eniy-(ourtn, girl. Dcatha Louis H. Kllbourne, Fort Omaha, lb; John P. Newman, O Nelll. 63. ANNOUNCEMENTS . . - J A. GENTLEMAN CO.,,- inbalnieia, 11U4 ChrvagO- 1J- 1- B-16U. I P Priplfc,vU Kngr.. paving, saner. Vritai, ,tc. aj4 Brandela The ater D. 420 COAL At cut prices. ALL KINDS. We save ) ou 6i)o to 11.50 a ton. Quantity and quality cuaranteed. ROSEN RLATT '6 CUT PRICK COAL CO.. VU NICHOLAS aT. BOTH '1'HoNEe. SAVE . YOUR EYES COLUMBLVN 01TICAL CO., 200-211 So. ICth iSt., ; 1 YEARS IN OMAHA Eyes Examined. G kisses Fitted. MONEY TO LOAN LOW It ATE, In iidii to suit. 310 Bee Bid. 'Phone Douar. 23 UNION LOAN CO. ED. ROTIIERY kjl ru,, cWars. Cafe In connection. Ul 60. luh St. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha Diicaa HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Streets. South Omaha. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arkius. I16 R linh, upstairs. LYNCII BROS. plS"tingxnd REPAIR WORKS.! IN Jackson St. D. 1477. RoWrtson's lvstaurant !M8S- iwin St., (basentrnt); 000I. - light, sanitary, quick service, popular prlrea. For ladlea and gen tlemen. Table d'l.oto dinner Sunday. SPECIAL !LV !' l" "K" Oll isIa Friedman's lan Hank, South Utb St., cor D'mla. Tel. D. 6 DAVID CUL& Creaiuw, 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.! ROST?I Art Store moved to tit S. ! we w, Ao . frBmlBg at half price; WE CARRT A full Una of art goods. TON OH. first claaa tailoring, cleaning, rrlr-ln. fnr 1.. mr,A nnllimilL IUD r acme ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight P- aancer. J. R. Kennedy, 104 S. llth. IX !. PIANO playera repaired, Walker. D. 47. PAMTFjY Liquor HoOse, full meaaure lauuui nd pur, BOOJii our motto. Kmll Hanaen, prop., 122S Chicago 8t B. F. Wura, OpUcian, 44t Brandela Bldg. FOR RENT Off I oe room, C2S, located on top floor, facing court 170 square feet la eluding vault; rente for $26 per month. THM BF.H JBUlLILNO UOMFANf. B. H. Cole Sign Co.. D. I7M. 1X11 Farnam. CHIT J AND CHOP BUET PARLOR VJAAJ--'A JUST OPrN'En. FvBrvthlnr first claaa. Upstairs, 1608 Dodge. Tyler 142. PRACTICAL nursing. 6M N. Cst D. 670. MADAMR EDWABns. masseuse. Ladlea" only; strictly private residence. Ml S. 20tn. OLIVER A. HALL, ARCHITECT, announces removal of hla office to tt City National Bank Blog. Phone Doug. 1281. DOUOLAg Frlntlng Co. TeL Douglaa 044, Iron and Wire Fence Cheaper Than Wood, i . - . -. . 2OT K. 17th 8t. Phone Red 1t Filters, filter reralrs. 1310 Howard. D.3913. COAL AND LUMBER GEARS. Let lis lhn vmi th. nr aii tinrlftr. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO.. 1117 Farnam FRANK BARKER GEO. BARKFR, JR. a v stv -j lb. JUO, DfllHv Ulk BAHKEB BROS., PAINT CO., K. JU. UAHKKK JOS. BAKK.KR. f ABNAM ST. BOTH FHUIsnia. Pherwln-Wllllams palnta and varnishes. "imc iu, jeyaiona, Bjiaaa, mirrui , uiw pollnhos, brushea, lubricating oils, wlndjw "ww, wai'. paper, giaaing ana irvuiut, . RALPH'S MACHINJ0 SHOE REPAtR INO Solee sewed 76c; nailed 60c; heels 26o while you wait 10 mlnutea; abaolutely fine work. 618 S. ICth St ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the went. Mth and Howard fits. Turkish Bath 4 MAQOARD Van A Storage. Pack, move, tore and ship II. H. goo. la. D. 149o. B-2428. ilangiameli Bros., ,nBd0b9utv0I,a'.,;, mccaroni fiom Omaha's new factory. UK Jackson street. LADIES' old hata made over, new hats made to order, feathers cleaned or dyed. Miss Pepper Millinery Parlors, 614 B. 28tn, Phone llarncy 3308. Ladles' and gents' shine parlors, 220 8. 16. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. A. .1ETES, l0i Douglas St 5 CT. UMBRELLAS recovered and repaired; ,'ery Kind or repairs. WESTERN UMBRELLA CO., UJ2 Farnam. Red 7471 C. T. Dickinson has moved his office to room 441. Paxton Block. Pnone Doug. 1S0. AUCTIONEERS. BOYEll & TULLY M0 New Omaha Nat l Hank Bide, old eat In middle west We can furniali you mat adapted to your line. Correspond with ua or call Tel. Dougiaa aoot. AUTOMOBILES Run Your Auto Into Bump against a 6treet car; smash up your auto "All re pairing and painting at no-kick prices. DRUM&OND UTH AND HARNEY STI'.KETSl. iuio i ainiingGet u rlceM now ANDREW MURPHY & SON, 1412 Jackson. AUTO DRIVERS WEAR Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. AUTO and can lag painting, repairing and trimming; ueau atoiags. Wax. Pftlffer Carriage Woika, &jth auu Leavenworth. BARGAINS in Used Cars i ouncil Bluffs Auto Co., LlO Fwirl. NEW BO-hora power four-pi8rng:r Moon Car; will irsuo ior 90, ww tnj yiviJenv, M A .. gn a 11a 1. t u fna Utan ti aa nan t Calltak-O wWM livo iui - v iin voaa v. Auto Repairing .t?.Ukl Tlies. 2d hand cars, storage. The Paaton Mltchali Co.. UJlO-lb Harney. D. 7 Mil; A -Jul I. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All klnda of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASEH and CASTING promptly paired. ALL kvurin. uuAitA.MKKU, UEP.TSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council blutfs. la. WHITE fur Hat of automobile bargains. II. E. Frederlckaun Auto Co Omaha. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Tel. Harney 56u7 Mvtoreyelee. WItn. for list of used motorcycle. "'"' We carry full line of msui. cycle parts NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINE CHANCES TO ubi in or out or ouaineaa call ou OA.NGb.blAU. U4 iiiug. lei IX iMl. FOR SALE De Haven's drug store; good stand, stock and sales; terms easy. Council Bluffs. LET mo incorporate your business; good otea caaily obtain money selling their snares; em helping others, why not your proof a, what baa bean done. Premolar, i lauua block. lAOAlY Co- r'' loans and CX3i 1 insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent, yuick returns. S. w, corner 14th and Douglas. Tel Doug. 1630. BARBER to equip and run a shop In the best suburban location in the cltv. Call Harney 6M2. or address S3.T7 South IMth St. ACTIVE partner wanted for offire bust, ness established S munthn; can easily be made to pay liO a day; Small InvsMtment Addrete L 216, Bee. OFFICE man who ran be depended upon; Snaltion of trual; others do the labor: must eposit 126 cash security during employ ment; rapid advancement; salary to lein at 1100; give phone and street nnmber. Ad dress Company, P. O. Box Sso, Omaha. FOR SA LB-Fireproof wood preoervlnf proceaa. (State right.) Mrs. Steese, ltaM Howard St. Id Floor, Room 1. FOR RENT Office room. 622, laige room en fifth fioor. N. W. corner of building, especially fitted for architect. There Is 3 auu era feet In this space: tu per tnonta, IMK BEE to U I DING C'UMfANI. ' I- FOR SALE S-room hotel, furniture and 4-year leaae: will stand close investiga tion; good paying proposition. J. W, Tur ner, Randolph, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) LARGE FIRS. iNSimiNrn COMPANY Just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of stock for sale. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted. Casady Co., Fiscal Agents, 6. W. Corner 14lh and Douglas. Omaha. lei. l-Klug. ua. WILL HKI.I. ntKAP-CinnA savins Ice plnnt; must be sold at once as I have to go out on my land In South Dakota; 1 Ice houaea, 60x28 and good barn room for 6 horses; fine living house; located 100 rods from Cutoff lake; will trade for a good team of horses and a little cash; deal direct with owner at one. Jens Christ en sen, 417 Avenue K, East Omaha. Everybody Looking Looklna- at sky eoraDera. fat hoes, prise poultry, big pumpkins, electrice Illumina tion, store windows, people looking, look ing! While you're looking. Look at Ralston Nice car ride only forty-five mlnutea from the city hall, Omaha. See stoves, automobiles and trucks made In the three big going concerns. Ample termlnl facil ities for twenty more InduHtries The only suburb offering Free Factory Sites Electrio Dower, llsht and teleDhone serv ice, only half a dozen blocks from the beautiful residence section. Lots sold on eay-to-buy terms, $10 down, $2 weekly. Growth in population means Increase in all values. Buy now. Call for plat and Illustrated booklet and see RALSTON. Ralston Townsite Company. Lots, Suburban Acreage and Factory Bites, oU9 south 1 tn si., umana, or nth and Mechanlo fits., Ralston. FOR SALE. Drug stock In live south east Nebraska town. A bargain If taken at once. Sickness reason for selling. Ad dress. Y 2S7 Bee. a. D. C. CODDINOTON. 220 Board of Trade Bldg., business chances, loans. In surance and real estate. VAUDEVILLE and moving picture thea ter: Drlco. 63.000. Particulars. John J. O'Donnell, El Paso Building, Colorado Springs, coio. grocery, with good living rooms, rent well sell at a bargain If taken at once. 2416 Cuming St. WELL established new and second-hand clothing and Junk furnishing goods, near depot 1612 Webster St Inquire I. Fried man, aoi go. uth St Tel. Douglas ms. FOR KAI.tT. Onltf meat market In Shod live town. For nartlmlar write Conrad A Conrad. Orafton. Nh r VOtJ BIT C rl... - . 1 - - ,AltKI kiial. ness for woman or elderly man: owner leaving city; must sell Immediately. Apply city scale office, Hth and Cass Sts. 41UMPHREY a thriving town of 1,600, on the Chicaao & N. w. and IT. P. railroads. 26 miles north of Columbus, is badly In need of a boarding and lodging house for labor ers. Addresa Commercial club. Raoaalaa; lloaeea for tale. A DESIRABLE 4-rvom apartment, new 120. 174V 27th St. Harney 3&0. 22 ROOMS, modern, close In; full of roomers. 1622-24 Burt 12 ROOMS of furniture In corner brick flat near car line; a good reason for selling. Red 7808. 12 ROOMS, modern, full of roomers; cheap rent; for t4u0 cash If taken soon. 1617 Caaa. 41S N. . 17th S-room rooming house for sale; receipts $72 per month. Call after noons. TWO Hats, 10 rooms each, close In, bar gain. Apply 715 North 17th St. FOR SALE At 1F14 Chicago St, 10-room rooming house cheap. CHIROPODISTS DR. KOi, 1606 Farnam St Douglas W97. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS OLD ROOFS IVZlTH slate. tile gravel. Sohroeder-Hum- phrey Roofing Co., 627 Paxton Block, phone Douglas (102a. BEAVER BOARD Instead of lath and plaster. American Supply Co., 111! Farnam. DANCING MOKAND'S Dancing School, 16th A Har hey. Lesone Mon. and Frl., p. m. Phone Doug. iM. Private leaaona daily. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age, Inc., bonded, t-a-v Paxton bik. D. 1219; Inu. A-Lua. CAPT. T. CORUACK. all KAKBACH MCiJ OENTISTS BAILEY MACK. Id lioor, Paxton. D. 10- - DENTISTS Office rooms In Physician's suite. Arrangement and location the best Addreba L 136. Bee. DRESSMAKERS GOWNS and ladles' tailoring, tili Dewey. DKK-jaMAKLNU and alteration, fitat cUu woia, prices reasonable. Mis Eliaa bttn O Connor. JMU No. loin. Web. 14iu. INFANTS wardrobe, hand or machine made; lauie linen uemnieu. airs. Lowaian, 64 tt. 2ih Ave. Dressmaking. 2666 St. Mary's Ave.. D. 4432. 1KESSMAK1NG, plain and fashionable; reaJiunatne price, lklit N. lth bt MADaM itidiey, fashionable dressmaking, SisO geneiai .t-patnng. Ki aouih liin bt. MISS STURDY, 621 S. 34th bt Tel. D. 7214. TERRY'S dreasmaklng parlors, 20th and Farnam. - DKESbMAKING and alteration work done. airs. M. McDerinody, 264) Daveu poit stTeet TERRY COLLEGE. 20 Ui and Farnam Sta. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. 2423 Dodge St EDUCATIONAL 1M FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGB sow open In the Dey and Night aeassKna Students admitted any day. Complete Bualaeaa Course Including bank log. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Couree. Coniplete Civil Service Course. Conipi'te Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branches The Year Book la read. Apply for II H. B BOYLES, Pres.. Boylea Bldg . Omaha. Mosher-Lampman colleoI OBSscelled oeurses Is Business, bnort and. Penmanship aad English. None but experienced teacbera Day and night aee slona. Most InisraeUng catalog publishes la Omaha- fend tor one today. MOSUER A LAUftl AN. Ljtu aad IIimui OUews ttinslis. Nee. EDUCATIONAL (Continued.) GYMNASIUM i Y. W. C. A. Eight Classes' Twice a Week Ladles Beginners Advanced Pupils Children $5 00 Per Year-Children $4.00 BT. ANDREW'S school for boys, 4lst and Charles. Fall term. September 14. Re. F. D. Tyner. U Charles. H. 24S2. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON , complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mall 6O0 and 11.00 Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. ' S. & C. KNEETER, medalists In refitting ladles' suits, dresses and remodeling; 2d floor Continental Blk., entrance 16th nd Douglaa. Tel.. Doug. 8742. CHINA : pointing lessons, firing, order work, atenclllng; firing called for and de livered. Mrs. W. V. Irwin, 861S Blondo Bt Tel. Webster S499. anitnrtr ItAIRDRESSINO PARLORS, OdlUiary Tak, Marlneiio massages for a good complexion. 001 Paxton Blk. D. 4071. FLORISTS HESS e 8W0BODA. 141 Farnam Bt A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-100L J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la larg est greenhouse In west; beautiful ,tlowtn for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. b. L. Henderson. ltl Farnam. Doug. 12tt, J. H. BATH, lata Harney. Dtwflaa FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaoea and combination hot water heaters. Thermostat nd tank .heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Wcka. ia-Ln Douglas Bt. Both "phones. STOVES made as new: good baking guar anteed. 1710 Cuming. Tel. Ind. B-1423. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agreata aad Saleswomen. WANTED Experienced saleswomen In art needlework department; alao aaiea women experienced In the handling of lsoes, embroideries and hosiery. Apply superin tendent Brandela Stores. - . Clerical and Office. WANTED LailT assistant for office. Omaha comnmiv. ta lee.rn our ovstem. Qualify later for assistant secretary. Posi tion of trust: 175 a month. Muat aTve cash security as you handle .money. uive former employment phone and street num ber. N 217. Bee. . .T "... a ' Factory- aad. t Trades. GIRLS to learn halrdr easing; prices rea lonable. Oppenhleni,, Parlors, 3t Ctt) ".'at ! bank. D. 23sfl. .1 WANTED experienced Telephone opera,' tor. Answer fully, stating age. Experience present salary, etc. Platte County Inde pendent Telephone Co.. Columbus. Neb. ' WANTED Coatworkera, alteration roo.n. Thomas KUpatrlck Co. atoaaokoemora Doaaoattoa. WANTED At once, a good cook; highest wagts psld. Tel. Dousr. 177a. WANTED A good gtrt for general house work; ho washing. 229 Harney St WANTED oirl for general housework. Call Harney 6611 or 1306 Park Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Good wages; no washing. Phone Harney 2192. Mrs. W. J. Coad. M a ... k r -. WANTED A good cook, aloo a neat kM,.a.M..J . I Y . 1 111 O Q (. . I. liuupoiii.ju, in I m. c, rv . liuiidi a . i . .,. WANTED For general housework, ex perienced cook; no laundry work; 2 in fam ily. Mrs. Lee MoShane, 6328 Harney St Tel. Harney 1M.' WANTED Young ertrl to care for chil dren and help with housework. Call U10 N. 36th St. WANTED Girl for general housework. No laundry work. Tel, Harney SIM. WANTED Nurse girl, with references. for child of seven. Mrs. D. Baum, Jr., 128 a. gbth st rnone iiarney oa. WANTED Good cook, family of three, best wages, no washing. Mrs. D. Baum, jr., 123 S. 36th St. 'Phone Harney (26. GIRL for general house, work, must be cook and laundress, wages y per week Mrs. blubbs, iii f arnam. WANTED Girl for general housework best of wagea. 1707 Jones St WANTED Nurse girl. 1S17 Leavenworth Bt. 3d floor; can n once. GOOD girl for general housework; good wsges; no furnace or outside work; two in ramiiy. ' Apartment . Winona lists. won uewey avenue. MIDDLE-AGED woman for housswork Small family. D. 1044. GOOD girl for general housework. U04 epencer street, rnone weDster su. WANTED A girl to ksep house or gen erai nousework; 1 In family! no children; very easy place; no washing or baking. 621V S. ith rw,,i tic - i.uv. WANTED A e-lrl fnr aanaral housework no laundrv. Mr, fim'l Rlirna. 1r.. IO laiinrirw t.' 1 D....,a Ir AM A 4flth. Harney 46. OIRL wanted for general housework, ..aiiiajr. , COMPETENT Kirl for aeneral housework small family: good wages. 112 No. 88th Ave. lei. liar. ajz. GIRL for general housework; muat be good cook; $30 a month. 108 N. list Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; two In family; no outside or furnace work. Mrs. Frank Crawford, No. 6 The Winona, 26th and Dewey Ave. Gir.L, for general housework; must be competent 102 8. S6th St. Hartley 44. WANTED Bohemian girl for housework. 2316 S. 14th St. A GERMAN lely for housekeeper for father and daughter; good home. Box $71, V eat Point Neb. WOMAN for general housework. 609 8. !4lh Ave. WANTED Good girl for housework; small family, good home and wages. SltX Douglas 6t. . WANTED Girl for housework; no laun dry work; $26 a month. 710 N. 36th St. WANTED High school airl to work for room and beard and small wages. $11 N. 21st St. 1 AN EXPERIENCED girl for housework; no Isundry. Mra Samuel Bum a. Jr.. 4 8. 40th St. EXPERIENCED maid; 7 a week. 123 S. 26th Ave. WANTEI Good girl for general h'i work: no laundrj; $6. 414 S. 36th bt iiar ney IttM, HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoasekeepers aad Domestics Cont'd. WANTED Waitress in nrlvate boarding house. Mrs. Woodruff. 2U06 Ft. Mary's Ave. GIRL for housework: no laundry work. 116 S. 3lth St WANTED An experienced second girl. 9010 Mason. WANTED A-l cook: IS per week. 2302 Woolworth Ave. WANTED Girl for sreneral housework; good wages. 322 S. 96th St Harney 919. GIRT, tnr nn.r.1 h,ll.au.-nrk n. 1033 8. 31st St Harney 4. GIRL for housework. 1613 N. 26th St.. South Omaha. WANTED Otrl for housework. 1401 Spen cer St WANTED Girl for housework: small house and family: 1116 S. 33d St Harney J7S7. EXPERIENCED airl for housework: no rooking; four In family. SB2 Marcy St Harney 2317. WANTED Reliable rtrl to assist In housework. 2101 Wirt St Call Mondays and Tuesdays. GIRL for . general - housework, 110 8. 34th St WANTED Girl for housework. 310S Marcy Bt Harney 2421. WANTED A rlrl tnr aeonnd work. Mra R. F. Hall, 3224 Farnam St. GOOD rtrl for kitchen and laundry work. 1618 S. 10th St. ' WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry work. 3722 Paclflo St Harney 1260. . GIRL for' housework, 1020 S. 36th Ave. WANTED Girl for housework: small family;. 3609 Jackson St "W A VTT-IPTA A' mi, ma m. t. nnmit. tent 3002 Dodge St. Harney 1410. GOOD cook. 'Phone Harney 649. 131 N. 32d Ave. M Iseetla aeoaa. TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 6t Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look tor our traveler's aid at the Union (station, uiiuo-for overiooKing, cnecaing ana folding; must be 16 years or older. Apply tiemls Omaha Bag Co. v WANTED Transfer girls and cash girls. Apply superintendent Brandels Stores. HELP WANTED MALE Asjeats, Kalesaaea aad Solicitors. WE have salesmen's positions open where you can - earn good money while studying our course. -Practical School of Salesman ship, Cleveland O. AGENTS We certainly have the easiest legitimate money making proposition ever originated; worth upwards of (300 a month. We Will consign this territory to the first man answering the necessary require ments. All or part time satisfactory. Ad dress O 218, Bee. -1 ' WANTED First-class salesman for work In southwestern Iowa towns. Steady em ployment Can spend Sundays at home. Address E. F. Lalnson, 111 Pearl St, Coun cil Bluffs, la. eye, WANTED Strong boy for Ice cream room. Apply R. C. Phelps, candy dept. Brandels Stores. WANTED Several reliable noys. Westers Caion Ttl. Co. 213 a Uta St WANTED Transfer boys and cash boys. Apply superintendent. Brandels Stores. BOY wanted at 115 S. 16th St ' Clerical aad Office. BOOKKEEPER, 176. Mall Order correspondent $100. Voucher clerk, 10. Office cierk, young roan, good penman, $60. Traveling salesman, young man, $65. Stenographer, young man, fob. Stenographer, $00. If you can fill any of these positions we can place you at once. Call or write for complete list of vacancies. WWl'KiRN REF. & BOND ASS'N., INC., 762-4 New York Life Bldg. (Est. 8 years.). ANYONE who wants a position can find It' by leaving their name with the Ne braska Help Supply Co., Room 16, over tit B. 16th St. WANTED Man to assist in office, later act u assistant secretary or assistant manager. Must prove responsibility;" $500 cash security requirea. vjivb nouse ana pnone number. M 216, Bee. WANTED Clerk; also dining room girl, Hotel Eno, Fremont Neb. . OFFICIO man who ran be depended uDon: others doing the labor; must deposit $25 cash security auring employment; rapid advancement; salsry to begin at $100; give phone and street number. Address Com pany, P. O. Box 666, Omaha. Factory aad Trades. Drug Stores 'msos). Jobs, stalest Bee bldg GORDON press feeders wanted at Raber's, Be Bldg 1 boys or girls. A GOOD FIRST-CLASS COUNTRY JOB PRINTER WANTED BY LEW RABER. PRINTER. OMAHA; MARRIED MAN PREFERRED. ANSWER AT ONCE. Mtseollaaeoaa. 100 MEN, to to 40 years old. wanted at once for e lor trio railway motnrmen and tonductors; too to (luo a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write immediately for application blank. Address, Y 261. care Omaha Bee. WANTED Janitor, references required. Apply emiaha News company, southeast corner l&th and Davenport LABORERS wanted on building construe. Hon woiic on the new Morrell Packing plant at bio ix reus. d. u. wages 14.20 per day, and $2 40 per day after the first two weeks service. Report Immediately on Job to Collins Bros.. General Contractors. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Average salary, $1,1OT. Examlnatlona In Omaha. November U. Common education sufficient. Free preparation. Bend name immediately. trinkitn institute, Dept 2H-IT. Rochester. N. T. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks required. Best paying work within the reach of poor man. Wagea up to S20 weekly, fimall capital starts shop. Few barbers take apprentices. Demand Increasing. Write for free particulars. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St. WANTED Live subscription man on sal ary ; write tuny, atate ex;.rience, eta. Cement Era, Chicago. W ANTED Young; man to learn trade. Champion Iron Works, 16th and Jackson tits. YOUNO man for deliver and collectln small security required 1 give addreaa and phnne. Addreaa A-J&A. Bee. GOOD BUTCHER WANTED A good all arcn' d man, capable of doing blor k work and hark room, riteady errpl'iyment. Good position, write Box 17, Yankton. B. D. W A NTF.D Good all around butcher; steady Job by tne year; best of reiVreruva required. Addresa. Mall OiniUtcu. Weal- I fieid. la. HELP WANTED HAI,K AND KKMAI.I WANTED Men or women solicitors, in city, making good money. Why not youT Call and Investigate. E. Martin. 2S10 Doug las St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Uorsee aad Wasreas. Wagon Umbrellas Wagner. SOI N. Hth. CAFJUAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almost your own price. Go See Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. DELIVERY WAGONS. HEAVY TEAM ING GUARS, FARM WAGONS AND HARNESS. JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO. Tracks. THE Brown True Mfs. Co.. builders of trucks of every description. Tou csnnot name a truck we cen't make. Wo want your work and will bid right to secure It Office 1511 Harney. Tel. Doug. 2964. LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear LOST A silver pin. O. H. 6.. In downtown district. Reward. Call Harney 1646. ( . A lihekal reward to party returning pocketbook containing Western Union card, money and papers, call Douglas iM. LOST On 16th and Farnam. lady's black Picketbook containing money, cards, etc hone Harney 162R. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES. 60c postpaid; samples free. Sher man & icConneil Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelfc'hton Modlcal college, 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; ail treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas U67. Call answered day and night BEST nerve bisctr for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sher man A McCrnnell Drug Co., Omaha. DR. FELKER, PHYSICIAN AXD SUiiOEON, for the past forty-three yesrs. Five years spant in the European hospitals. Will trest and cure all diseases without CUT TING. A CURE GUARANTEED in every case or money refunded. Hours I to 12 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. ROOM 34a M1U.AKU 11U1JU. PHONE DOUGLAS 240. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CUAITslta, NO MORtt HIGH RAT ICS. $ CUUAf MUNtUY 11 NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. U This la a new firm organised ty the $i LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF tt OMAHA TO LOAN K $10 to $600 - ' JJ to any honest person owning HOUSE- & HOLD GOODS, PIANOS, eU or hold- $$ log a salaried position at the rate of & tt ui yiiK 1 ran lUAK, 44 U JUST THINK YOU PAY S & ' $1.00 Interest on $10 for one year G U til Interest on $26 for one year u U 16.00 (merest on $60 for on year & t$ ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION u 8 KASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS? & Reasonable Apprsisement Cbarsea, li u INDEPENDENT LOAN COJ ! g Boom 904 Withnell Block. g S N. B. Cor. lath Harney Sts.. Id Floor u 8 phones Douglas 6045; A-1304. ' fi tiiimmmnm.,... ..... 4 whwwi Mimai Cash Quick on Easy Terms t ana fYiavtia on fumltur. nlsRA. - . teams without mvaJ; small and easy payments; "- payment on i $60 losn for 60 weeks: other amounts In the asms proportion. Mall or 'phone ao- appllcaUons receive our prompt attention. iZ, i Ar Inkton Blk.. 1511 rv-. "i. A wu ... . - - v ol OIaIa M ftrtffo rvA I .sn. I Plate iuui igugs iou KAJ 'Phone Douglaa 2466 or A-2465. $m$$tt$$iwww $$ on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. 8 U You Borrow n U H0 O0 yo'. pay back $11. 00 0 It $26.00 you pay back $27.00 8 rto oiner cnarge. t$ OMAHA riHANClAU CO., gi U Room 310 Brown Blk.. 907 S.rlth St u $$ Cur. Douglaa St. Douglas 2034, A-2036. ti tttttttttwittti$$Ttt$mtttttM$$iiwnnnoW HAVEN'T YOU HEARD That we have money to loan on SALARIES AND FURNITURE? At lowest rates and easy terms. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board of Trade Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Room T, Crounae Block, Corner 16th Capitol Ave. Opposite Footofflc. Both Phones Doug. 13CC A-136. LOANS NEGOTIATED, $10.00 UPWARDS. As low ratea as made by others QUICK SERVICE, CONFIDENTIAL. Courteoua Attention, Square Deal. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 16th and Farnam. Room St. Board of Trade Bldg. Doug. 22H6. Tel., write or call. DIAMOND L0ANiAT5 W. C. FLATAU, k IIAVTL'V 1iaVrVTT,l) Qi T. A PIDTl Dt7J-kEsr th XJ y J g, - a a- a a Mt X Mldr LEi, WOMEN KEEPING HOUHE AND OTH- jrtn, wiiimui awusii., .-7 payments. Offices in 06 principal cities. Tolnmn, room 603 Omaha National Bank Bldg. chattel loarji, aaiary loans, every kind of loan froue private party, rty. 6M Nes York Life ttiog. The Bee printed more business announcements the last four weeks than any other two publications. It is interesting to watch these little treasures work and grow iNews Phono in Your Ads If TYLER 1000 MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VevN A ITORAOH CO. ciesns carpets on your floor. F.leetrle vaouum system. 90S 8. 17th. TeL D. 166s. EXP. Delivery Co.. offices 16th and Dav enport Ats. Warehoue..x!(i7-09 I sard St OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Rooaae. ..v.vr. iwma wnn ooara, iw xwsa4 plars." igil Canlto! ava. BOARD and rooms. 29 8. 19th. FINE rooms and board; home cooking. 1610 Dewey Ave. NEWLY furnished suite of rooms for lwo,JhrS or four! be-srd if desired. HA No. 22d St Tel. Red 6S67. TO THI15R IUIl,. tr.m . - - ... ..... .v.. living wiiiiUK anu home cooking; ratea reasonable. $18 8. 16th. ,f?.(,A.R?. ttn(1 rom. close In; first class. 1919 t. Mary s. SINGLE rooms with board to gentlemen with references. In private home. Apply E. & Rubel, 1613 Howard bt CARNIVAL VISITORS NOTICE Good board. Ill . 17th St. FIRST-CLASS room and board, close In. 810 S. 21M St YOUNG man wishes room and board in strictly private family. Hanscom park dis trict preferred; iicrmanent; references ex changed. Address K. 214 Bee. SOUTH front room and board, private family; modern house, furnace heat; Kuuntse IMace, on N. 24th Ht oar lino. Two gentlemen or young married couple preferred. Terms reasonable. References required. Phone Webster 99L 4 FOR RENT Desirable room and. board, for two, private family, good location. Ty ler 1196. FOR RENT Two single rooms, homo cooking. 119 St Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Modern rooms, walklna- dis tance. 128 8. 26th St. Doug. 6628. THREE large rooms on main floor, board If desired. Dundee. Harney 26.12, FOR RENT 2 or 8 large rooms for two, board. 2112 Douglas St FOR RTSNT A room with board In pri vate family. $5.00 a week. 2631 Davenport St FOR RENT The very nicest front room, south side, modern house, private family. Board If desired. No children. Two gentle man preferred. 8306 N. 84th Bt Web. 99L Reference, 1 Vanished Keens. FOR RENT Nioely rarntsned front room. til 8. 36th Bt Vsry convenient to bustnaais CLEAN, modern rooms, three blocks from Ak-Sar-Ben grounds. 62$ 8. 90th St MODERN furnished rooms; electrio light 619 a 84th Ave, EAST front room, electricity and steam heat, fine neighborhood, walklna; distance. 678 S. 88th St LARGE front room, suitable) for four gentlemen. 2023 St Mary's. NICELY furnished rooms; private family, modern, close, 2667 Bt Mary's Ave, , MODERN rooms; private family; wla lng distance. 704 B. 84th Bt " FRONT room, neatly furnished, oloao in. 627 S. 86th Ave. VISITORS NOTICE Nice rooms, 10 8b Mary's Ave. NICELY furnished rooms. 638 So. 824 St. FURNISHED rooms, modern, - private) family. 126 So. 84th. Doug. C6U. SUITE of rooms, partly furnished or" unfurnished; Hanscom Park district strictly modern. Phons Harney 146L STRICTLY modern rooms, walking' Ola tanc. (83 8. 34th Ava. NEATLY furnished room. 8081 Burt ' NICELY furnished rooms for rent 1714 puru FURNISHED rooms: strictly avodern. 628 & 16th., Flat U. 3d floor. THE BACHELORS, 90th and Farnam. - VERY desirable room, fine locatloav walking distance. He B. 8fitl St DEWEY European Ho Ml, 13th ana s'ar GOOD furnished room In modern bouses reasonable, 726 a. Wth Bt MODERN rooms, excellent nsJj&berhood. with bath. 811 a 23d bt VERY neatly furnished front room;walk lng distance. 638 So. 24th Bt ONE room, double bed, tor carnival vlsl tors; walking distance, 661 80. 86th Are, MODERN, steam heated rooms. 829 N. 83d 6t FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman; pri vate family; walking distance, 601 8. 98 Lh Bt CARNIVAL VISITORS-Good rooms; rtH spectabls place. 719 S. 14th. NICELY furnished rooms: colored poo. pie; on car line. Douglas 7706. I HAVE 4 comfortable rooms, all modern, all nswly furnished and any convenlencea to suit If taken at once at $2.00 a week eaoh, for four to eight gentlemen. Fine location and walking distance. 631 8. 22d St STRICTLY modern rooms; private family. 1083 6. 22d. Douglas (423, NEWLY furnished room; every modern convenience. 191( Chicago St. ' NICELY furnished room In new modern home, private family, for gentleman. 131 No. 31st Ave. VERY desirable rooms, private) home, strictly modern, walking dlstanoe, Doug 43os. 722 No. 19th St. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, cluee In. 9U18 St Mary's avenue. Omaha Bee .World-Herald You Can't Come Down I, ar I io