Tim BEE: OMAHA, TTIfftSDAY, OCTOBER 0. 1010. OFFERED FOR RENT Paralahea Rmb eatlaaed. STRICTLY imxlfrn rooms; private family. Ui S. liA. IjuuiIu 64., h L IT id of rooms (or I or 4 parties. A1103 i'aclftc. Klrgantly furnlahed front room, suit able lor two. 1041 bo. 23d. NICWLY furnlahed room; every modern convenience. U14 Chicago fit. NICELY furnished room In new modern home, private family, (or gentleman. 121 No. Slat Ave. VKH1 desirable r6oma, private home, strictly- moUern, walking distance. Doug. 4JU). ilt Kft Unit at. . MCE, light, double rooma, suitable (or I our genurmen or man ana wue; moo ern. Ind. B-i.li. 622 No. 20th. TWO nicely furnished rooms In strictly modern nouse; cloae In. Tel. Doug. 71 A 116 Jo, 80lh St i NICKLY furnished romri, strictly mod ern, oloea In. 201 st. Mary's avenue. bath, gas. electric light; walking distance! Iiv. sivq uewey. iiarney im. HEATEU front room; gentleman pre ferred; easy walking distance. M Boutn inlh street. Harney till. CARNIVAL VISITORS, NOTICE Nloe rooma. mi t. Mary's avenue. NEATLY furnished room (or carnival vl hi tors; -walking distance. 421 8. lath. FUKNISHKD rooms for on or two young nun. LM rarnam. CARNIVAL VISITORS NOTICE Nice ruoms. 6X4 M. 20th. , CARNIVAL VISITORS NOTICE Nice rootns, 2t76 Harney; walking distance. LA1KJE room for four gentlemen; mod eru;;rnt reasonable. 678 Harney. NEWLY furnished rooms In strlotly mod ern new flat; cloae In, tail Davenport St. NICELY furnished front rooms, with or without board, 2114 Can. 2 corner sunay rooma, private family, no children; block from I car lines; genus men (referred. 2404 N. 22d. Tel. W. 64a). TWO nloely furnished rooms, close in modern. Mi 7 Dewey Ave. CARNIVAL VISITORS NOTICE-Nioe rooms, 702 Ho. 17th St. i FURNISHED room In modern, private home for business gentleman or lady. 820 No. 17. CARNIVAL VISITORS NOTICB-Nloe rooms. 2674 Harney. LARGE room, modern; walking distance. 04 Bo. 26th Ave. a n v a i j3t y tuiiiiniivu iuviug( iuwh- rn bouse. reasonable rates. iUii Valley fit TrtH " a t tW.l auanawaaa Mai-aa sma.. . Hotels mmd .4 part men fa. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for n tlsmen. THE CHATHAM. 11 S. Uth SI . DODOS HOTEL Uth aod Dodge. All out- tide cool rooma; special rates by the week. THE IKVINO Ilooms and board. tlOt Lear. HOTEL liUUBARU, uth and Howard: a place (or the common people; prices right. GEORGIA HOTEL, European Plan, meal ticket, iou a zvth St. - Harney tel. MADISON HOTEL, thoroughly modern close lu; quiet and homelike. Doug. 1713 or ZhX; zist and Chicago. STEAM heated rooms, $3 to 27 per week, ogden hotel, uouncu mulls. . . llonsekerplaa; Rtoai. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. In strictly modern house; good neighbor nooa; private ramuy; walking aiatanee. w bouui stn at. THREE nice unfurnished housekeeping rooms, zoos image ux. t OR I nicely furnished front rooms, main floor, complete for housekeeping. 2018 Dav- rnport St. , 2 APAhTMfcMT fnoat rocme.unf uralehed, 201 Davenport St. Apartmeats ead Flats. 2311 DBWET AVE.. 6 roomy, all modara. cloae walklnk distance, $30. Glover Realty .aynaicate, mi- uy jxau. uana mag. ARE YOU YOUR OWN JAN1TORT DO YOU PAY CARFARE7 Get away from all this trouble and ex pense. Rent a cosy flat In THE STERLING (Apartment Building), 18th and St. Mary's Avenue. We furnish shades, brkaa curtain rods, hot and cold water, steam heat, gas range, Janitor service. Three and four-room apartmenta; rent reasonable PAYNE, RUST WICK & SLATER. Sole agent; 6th. floor N. Y. Life Bldg, OCTOBER isv we will have 1 4-room and 1 t-room strlotly modern, heated apartments for lent to parties without uhlldren; front and back porches; convenient to three car lines. 2KU-284I Florence boulevard; price. $. Inquire J. N. Marsh, 1IM1 Locust St, 4-ROOM apartment in the most attractive apartment house In the city. Apply to JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FAUN AM ST. FLAT for rent, 2M6 St. Mary's Ave., $46. Chris Boyer, lund and Cuming. Douglas 2v4 or B 2042. ONLY A FEW STERLING FLATS LEFT. Strike now before ail are gone I Call at The sterling apartment building, 18th and St. Mary's avenue and have the Janitor show you the apartments yet to rent. We furnish heat, hot and oold water, gas range. Janitor service. No carfare; no coal bills. Inree and four-room apartments' rent reasonable. PAINE, BOSTWICK St SLATER, Sole agents. 6ta floor N. Y. Life Bldg fafasalaaad - iasi FOR RENT-Three rooms, 21 a month; baaement. 6 California St. . FOR RE N T Large , unfurnlshsd front room, lous N. 17th. t2.Fi?2Lr m mo,,ora tM -fOJR.R.NftC0UI1 1r P" rooms, 274 N. 2th Ave. f ROOMS at 4414 Farnam. Hralaaed Uoaeaa. FOR RENT Small completely furnished flat; oloao In; strictly modern. Reierenoes required. Dou Howard at. Bee at once 4-ROtXM furniahed modern cottage for the winter; reasonable rent; good location; reieieuccs teuued. Phune li. 173s. Meases aad C-ottagea. GROUND FLOOR SPACE. There la a large space Just if the court ou ground tioor tbat wul be remodeled te suit satisfactory tenant. 'Ihia iwu.uon Is near Farnam aireet, twuveaieal le "va eutiaoee af building. Look aeiure renuug. Duu t rent before looking. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY R. W. Baker. Supi. 17 tA and Faraaia. I FOR KENTg-room new modera brick bouke; coiiibinatlou bxturee; east front; car td and W abater SL; rent, 2-room tuwaern brick tioiUM, sorth part of oily; Us. 4-rouw apartment; city water, gaa; Urge tot; N. Uth be; IU.S0. 4-room apartment; uty water, gas; newly papered; $iv.u. C M. BACHMANN. Office. H-26M. Hu., L-bOuL 1-ROoM cottage; araa and water In house. 1614 a. 2uth bL nuuae. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE modern except furnaoe. JW Pierce atrveL FIVE-ROOM bouse at 4404 N. 2lat St: $14. Key la rear. MODERN, 2 rooms, 2UU2 Cass. $40: 204 N. vim, ri rrm uravvu-urin, SJU. - O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016-14-17 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. TWO OOOD HOUSES rooma. partly moaern; isrse loia: near car; 116. L It Bl'CK A SON, Ha New Omaha Natl. Bang muf. wue1 e-. t RIM M MS. all modern, large lot. larre iHtra i nninty. ixowata lno: and 11 Co.. 4 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red iwf or a itii. 2 ROOMH, all modern. Wast Farnam, $,. Nowata Laud and It Co., l8 New York Life bldg. 'phoue Red 1W9 or A 1T.1 OFFt.Kfc.1) F0K RENT lloaars aad t ettaaee 4 oatlaeed. FOR RENT To m. r...lhl. . Strictly modern detached house, a rooms and bath, nt e yard. 641 8. 2th Ave. In quire on premises. Six-room modern anertmant. lasm. shade, paved street, tl. 2112 Miami St. Hi KA U mntlarn o.nl r ft I a.rAtm f 1 ft , KM N. lid. 5 Rooms $20 6WH Florence Boulevard. Harrison & Morton Koueaa. riate. Garvin Br a, M flour N. T. U - Will if I kaaaj Tj-, pnl 11 Mva a) KU Caldwell St.; adults only. ITI VK-..StrifIU CrTTinn mutftrn errant furnace. Pierce St. 12 r., lir.l N. Hth, mod., V. t r.. 27U8 Caldwell, new, mod., $27.50. r., 1M-4 N. Slet, 17. r., 2110 N. 27th Ave., 214. t r., 1A) S. 28th Ave., tk I r., 2a14 Chicago, $15. I r., 2zi; Ca.is bt., part mod., 215. I r., 17th and N Kts., So. om., $10. 4 r.. 1M7 N. 17th, $14. 4 r., 1403 N. Wth, $10. RL'tiSKLL A M KITRICK CO.. D 167. 438 Ramg Bldg. 410 N. 23D ST. rooma, modern; rsry de sirable; fine locstion; walking dlstaaoe; decorate to suit tenant. W. FAKNAM SMITH 1420 Farnara St. 10-ROOM modern house, with garage. In best re-ldoncs district, $&0. iters at oruce. A. E. Becker Co., 412 See bldg. SEVEN-ROOM modar house. 2404 Dodge street. SIX-ROOM cottage In Dundee; good re pair; very reasonable, weoster use. OMAHA Van A Btoraae Co.. rack. move. store household goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th; office, M 8. 17th SC TeL Douglas lies. SEVEN-ROOM, all modern brick house; gooa repair, nth and laar. U. iurkiag ton. Sui Use Bldg. LIVJUO-UO Crelgh Sons Co.. Bee Bldg SIX-ROOM cottage In Dundee, In good repair. Webster ftlfta. SEE our list before renting. Save time. money, am sixes ail price PAYNE. HOST WICK A SLATER, th Floor N. I. Life Bldg. TWO 4-room, modern cottages, very nloe. beautifully located lis bouts V7th street phone Webster 2ft. t-ROOM modern heuae except furnace. Young. Webstsr 2743. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite Ui N. Y. Life Bldg. JUd IM HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded! cheap freight rates; moving and atorlng. Eapreaamen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 24. ARE you In trouble T Let us manage your rentals. PAYNE, BOSTWICK SLATER, 4th Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. 4-ROOM all modern brick veneer, slats roof, stone porch, cistern, barn. Everything tn first class condition. $.10.00. 3460 Hamil ton St Tel. Douglas 2387. ON account of leaving the olty, have va cated my home. $& California St. Beau tiful cottage; lawn, shade, etc; will rent at reaaonabls price to strictly first olass ten ant. If taken quick. W. K. Potter, at Mer- rlara Hotel. 2-r. modern house, with hardwood finish throughout. West Farnara district. 240. -r.. modern louse. ZK! California St.. 24& 2-r. modren briok house, right kind for winter, UM s. 2lst St. $80. 2-r., house, modern except furnaoe, 2B42 uavenport St., zs. SEE ME FOR OTHER GOOD HOUSES. JOHN W. ROBBINS, U02 FARNAM ST. 4-ROOM modern house. 2612 Chicago, NEW cottage seven rooms, modern 3832 Hamilton. FranX Carey, 18th and Howard. , 2-ROOM house, 29th and Chicago, $45. Tel. Harney 3U72. FOR RENT Modern, t-room brick house! 201 S. 26th St. Apply 3424 Farnam St. FOR RENT 7-room house, 886S Seward, 2 DIUCKI iroiil vnr, invurii vkwv iuiukuv nam, uur aiu, v, .1 iv uftvkftvjvvvv. 214 FIVE-ROOM cottage at 4812 N. 2Sth St.t modera except heat; fine coal house exoellent neighborhood; one block from Ames Ave. oar. Tel. H. 411MJ. OOOD six room cottage, modern exoeet neat, pavea street, tins location; water rent paid. Kent . rnone wio.,awi. S30 N 26th St.. 5-room house, modern, ran os rented tor the coara 01 ids owner. Turklngton, Bee Biag. FOR RENT $30.002632 Bristol St., ( or 7-room, modern. $27.602810 N. 22d St. 7-room modern.. Shimer & Chase Co., 202 S. 17th BL Omaha, bterea aad Offlcem. STERLING STORES At Uth and St. Mary's avenue. In the new Etarllns- build. Ing, we have a few stores yet vacant that we will rent to desirable tenants. These stores are large, commodious rooms, thor oughly up-to-date and well located. For further Information see Payne, Boatwlok biater, sole agents, tn iioor, n. x. Lire. FOR RENT Off loe rooms, til and XU: de sirable eulte of of floes on third floor, with Bortk and weet exposure. A wide oorrtder extsnds around the atu-aoUve court 4 these effloes affording easy aooess to this place oi ousiness. item lor suite sol. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY, STOREROOM FOR RENT. tniilhuu Mrntf lath and hnual,, . room 24x70 feet. Poasesslou glvsa about' . . . , laiA ' CITY NATIONAL BANK. T1ZARD home from Europe. Tboee who have applied on meat and grocery stores or others, cooler at office, & N. 23d. OFFERED FOR SALE Fasaltara. ANTIQUE, solid mahogany fiddle back and other chairs; also library table. Big Bargain, ieaviue; oiiy. uu waas aireei. MUST BE SOLD this week. Parlor, dining room, uea room ana xiionsn luralture. Nearly, new. lsus boutn ana Ave. GOOD aa new, maaalve brasa bed, box sprinss, hair mattress, Viuiok Msal range, eiilffouier. comoinaUoa bookcase, oriental and domestic rugs and drapes, all aiaee. 17 W illiam. KITCHEN range, 2 Iron beds, 2 dressers, lounge and settee. Phone Harney Ills. Masleal laatr aaaeata. FINE upright piano; latest style, $Ua. Owner leaving oiiy uu vase. ORGAN for sale; first class condition $10. Apply u norm iiin street. Steve. M stoves, hsaters and ranges; got to be sold at once, liis luuung. BAbE BURNER, good CuadlUoa; cheap. 2414 tturt BU A GOOD RANGE must be sold at oar a. W1U sell very Uieap. Call 24.4 south 34tb bL Tf pewrllesa. - BUY in L C Smith g Bree. typewrite B y. Swanaou Co., Distrtbutaxs, u. rarnam be YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter wUfe oak stand. $3 monthly, tram manufacturers. most interested m sausiacuoa given. Oliver rlpewnter Co., Dou,rl,a EECOND-hand tyrewrllere sold, repaired, Coausl Typewriter Exchange, la Faraaia. Typewriters for Rent. 1314 sarcam ou. uuiaJia. REMINGTON,, perfuct oondltloa $U cash. 27 $ Burt St. llarnay OFFERED FOR SALE llununued.) a4ieellaaeeaa. A boot e feet of 2 Inch diameter No M us, galvanised pipe, with teur 46-lnca elbows and T. This u used for Ventiiai- ng Durpvsns, and pipe is in good condiuoe. Ibe Be Publishing Co.. 11 in aad ('areata. FURS Leaving on steainshin Lusltanla tor extended tour through auuthern Eu rope, will sacrifice furs Just brought from New York. Beautiful lio eastern nilnk Set, large animal effect ohawl collar and open rug muff, over lu heads, tails and paws. lor .v. Aieo gentleman s 1,5 rur-Ilned oat. lined with perfect ekinn. ImuorteH French broadcloth shell, beautiful tight curl Persian iamb collar, cuffs and facing. or 24u. Also young ladle-' black hare lynx aet, long eilky hair, large rug muff, animal effect shawl collar, silk lining, many heada and tails, value (7U, price t-t Call at my residence. Melvin, lit! N. 2fth St, BIX hundred cords of four and five foot maple and Cottonwood cord wood to sell Will deliver one and two cord lots. Prioa $.2s tier cord. O H.H.K. B HEAL ESTATE CO., 1014 Omaha National bank Bldg Phone Douglas or A-21&2. GOOD paying tailor shoo. Address E 181. Bee. DRUGS at cut prices, freight nald on an lit orders, eataloeus free. Shermaa a MoConnsU Drug Co , Omaha Neb. SAFES Overstocked wllth second-hand safes, all slsee and makes; bargaios American supply Co., 1110 Farnam SL NEW 21 range, used only a few mnntha complete with hot water front. Will aeli tor 13 11 taken at once. Harney 1174. FOR SALE New and Second-hand Miliars and pool table. We lead the world In cheap nar iniur, i.ir paymente. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 49T 8. 14th St WB HAVE on hand a number nf Ink barrels which we will sell for B0 cents esrh Theey are fine for rain water or ashes. Call st press room, nee rtinn-hing Co. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, 204-2 Rrandels Theater Bldg. 4 natnryn rvitoias, roi-g uranaoig l neater. PAihWlii D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red IIU WILLARD EDDY, reaistered practlUoner In U. b. Pat. ollloe, 41s Paxtoa Blk. R. Wei PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOITT OPERATION OR PAIN.' PAY WHEN CURED. DR. W. C. MAXWELL, 624 BEE BLDG., OMAHA. DOUG. 1424. Xf A ilMWTTf! treatment. Mme. Smith. I 1 W.im.ftW CM u Uth. Third Floor. PRIVATE HOME during confinement! babies tor adoption. Good bamaritaa Baal- taiiutn, 740 1st Ave.. Council Bluua, la. W1(1S -hl loupes for men. Griffith, MME. ALLEN of ChiCkRO. baths, salt glow and masssge. 1606 Dodge St., opposite postonioe, aa iioor. Tel. Doug, itfeo. THE SALVATION ARMY sollctU csst-oft clothing. In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair aad sell at 134 N. 11 th St., for cost oi collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4136 and wagons wui can. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world Sewer." at all hook stores; price $1.66 TTKIVN Independent orchestra furnishes the best up-to-date music for th least money, uet my prices, rn. Har. ua PRIVATE home for women during con flnement. Address box 117, Florence, Neb. fount lorenoe iwx. THE SUCCESS of the century. Mme. Frayer's addellght nalr food, grows hair.' removes dandruff.. Megeatn Stationery CO 14fti f arnam. DR. SOGERS, private confinement home. 1614 Martha, Omaha. TeL Doug. 4U30. - HINDOO TABLETS Will build. brace. strengthen. 60o. BELL DRUQ CO. TK A TITS Scientific massage treatments, ibii uoage bu i a. . m., 2 p. m, Howard St., 2d floor, front room. Closed p. m. VACUUM CLEANERS rented. Tel. Web star 2771. Manicuring, shampoo, chiropodist. W-tav7. MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Rlttenhouse. Room 208 Old Boston Store Biag., 4tn iioor, elevator entrance. 120 u.wtn. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited te visit the Young Women' Christian association building at Seventeenth St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or other wlas assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at tha Union station. TRY Magic Roach Powder. Douglas 1870. Kcpitrhflg from combings, $1.60: Mrs. S. DWHUiCB aiathewe. 2u4 NsvUle blk. D2. WE RENT and re Dal r all kinds of saw ing maenmes. ina. A-it63; uougias ls. s. 16th and Harnsy Sis. A HOME fa. woman duiins confinement. We find homes for babies whose mothers eaanet care lor tnem. asbies boarded. Far terms address Mrs. Martha U. Lea. 401 Bancroft Sr.. Omaha, Neb 'Phone Douglas YOUR credit Is good for the best balr goods possible to purchase; we will sell you oraias, puns, swucnes, etc., atisoiuteiy upon credit. Largest dealers In Omaha. Call at ttoya system, bou ttamge Bldg. STRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; bablee for adoption, Zulu uavenport at. . MAGNETIC) Treatments. E. Brott. 2224 A NICE, healthy baby boy for adoption at loi juartna ct. tei uougias bi. PRINTING LEW W. RABER, Printer Bee Bldg. Eo trance on Court. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co. 102 S. 14th. Ind. A-3624 MILLER JAMIESON. 1212 Doug. BoU paocoa. 'PHONE IND. A-26M for rood crlntlns. Lrngstad Printing Co.. 14th and Capitol Ave, REAL ESTATE . ABSTRACTS OF TITL2B. PETER JESSEN. JR.. TeL Douglas 291 24BA1, 2CSTATB DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Fst 1252; prompt Samoa; get eur pnoes. stsj nranaeis theater. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. CITY rBOrartTY FOB SALB Lots In Florence W have several good lots in Florence, cloaa to car. that we can sell for I1TS each on terms of $6 down and $o a month. Also some on the east slope within IS blocks of car, that ws can sell for $&0 and $3&9; terms of $10 down and mi a month. 1 sees lote will surely be worth a great deal more In a short time on account of so many Im provements being made In Florence since the new street car line runs direct to the business district of omana without trails fer. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1(14 Harney L ONE-ACRE PLAT. With good five-room cottage and some fruit. Rich, level land and with exten tlve and beautiful outlook. $1,260, $2ut caan, balance use rent. McGLE REAL ESTATE CO. 14 Pearl St. Council Bluffa 7-ROOM all modern houae. lot 60x120; lo cated at 4Tu6 N. 2Mb St. Owner must sell and has cut price to $2.f00. Terms on part. see it. ' P. O. NIELSEN A CO.. 70 N. T. L. Bldg. Phonee IX 22041 A-4340. REAL ESTATE CITY Pit tlle; It 4 Y IIIH BALM fCoatlnusd.) On Farnam tnxrs. cor. 2nth. l'.Os. S7xl32. nsr lint, 4..iou. 44x122. neat 1st Nau, $46,000. Harrison & Morton. Close In fKxl.12, near, p. .a.. t-tl.OOO. rtx!. 20th. near Fa mam. rs.OOO. 64x132, near Thompson. & Bel den. $lB.onO. Harrison & Morton, 5-ROOM COTTAGE, $1,G00.00. Corner lot, 50x150, . Nice Place. W. II. GATES, GU N. Y. Life, Phone D. 1294. 7 LOANS We have several choice .mortgages, se cured by first-class Omaha real estate. which v.s csn place at this time. We will Iook after the collections free of charge. Loan department. "'" HASTINGS & IIEYDEN, 1614 IIARNEY ST. FOR SALE Houae 7 rooms, water, aewer, toilet, etc.; nice trees aud anrubbery. tut couth 31st be . , . , PRAIRIE PARK Two more houses, lust camrlofed. ready for occupancy; six rooms snd hath; hard wood finish first slor.; fall ecnented base ment; one-fourth cash, balanoe monthly; agent, 2703 Fowler Ave. ' Paxton Roa.1 Es tate Co. FOR SALE 4-room house, barn and other out houses. 31st Ave. and Jones St., to be removed at once. Apply at Chris Boyer, 22a and Cuming Sis. Douglas arm B 2019. ' Five-Room 8. 12tU St. Modern exoeet heat, only $400 cash. balance easy monthly payments. Price NOWATA LAND LOT CO. 5S New York Life Rid f: Phone Red 1IS. A-172 A NINE-ROOM" HOUSE With furniture. hot water heat and laundry and large barn. 2428 Decatur St. Terms easy; half blook from 24th St. oar. .. , FIFTY year lease on 122x132 ft, cloae to buslnsss center. N-200, Bee. MUST sell three rood modern houses: 2870 Dodge St., 2-room, good bam; 1508 N. 19th St., 7-room; 4706 N. 2th St., 7-room. AH strictly modern, well -finished. Make offer or write for price on either. A. M. Peter son, Kearney, Neh., FOR SALE TWO lots. 132 by 140. on Sooth Kith St. near ...Vinton; all special taxes paid. Will sell as One piece or di vide, willing to sen at sacrifice Apply st H36 South 21st St. . a, FOR SALE 6-toom house, strictly mod ern, built less than two years, 2 minutes walk trom car iin. on business street. Call at 221 N. 1st Si i Tfc ati ind., Cououii Blufta OWNER Wants $2,800; best new, - strictly modern house for price asked; one-halt cash; near lianscom parx. iei, nrney osoo. ; REAL ESXATE FARM AND it AN CM UAll FOR gALE - Call tar . , f A FINE 10- ACRE I'ltAtm ORCHARD 111 Ontariu, Cal., value 4i.uuu, to traUe for good atinneaota pioperiy uoui aauie, value; con alder Dakota vt blduX Falls. - Several floe California oiaiiga aiovts. Hum llu.uvO uu Sale and trades. Have one called the finest place in souinern taiuyi inu, price luu.uuo. Beautiful property wui pay big returns also. If you have easteru property to trsde lor souinern Carolina, send descrip tion. Trades effected anywhere. Faithful personal aueuuoa sivea to your mattera Insuranoe, sales, . trades, rentals, invest ments, etc.. rveierences iurnisned. Jamsa u. van jeuaaa, sue ftii aaajr siag.. rasadana. CsX 41 ACRES Finest Orange land Fresno. California, $1.6y F. Baa. near SELF-SUPPORTING HOMES In tha la us fruit district southern British Com,.. Die ior aiw caso man iv urantniy, without imereai. Auuua. urwiita. ewv to ai.uuo i, acre. Orchard, garden, poultry! scenery, nuuuui, iwuiuii vuftuui, ufuiauui, warm cUmate; cburoh, school, poatoffice, store, big aawmlll; daily trains; cloae to markets; unlimited demand for- products. Write quick for maps, photos, free information. West-Kootenay Fruit Lands Co., Dept 1l Drawer 1047. Nelsou. BrlUsh Columbia. Colarada. - COLORADO LAND. I have 8,000 acres of Improved and unim proved land for sale at from $10 to $36 aa sore, within from one to ten miles of town' all goo Ullage; write me for particulars D. O. BEAN. OVlNA. COLO. FOR RELIABLE. . best located fruit traots In Colorado, on, aasy terms, lowest prices, write Rev. W. H. Collins, 1010 U Uth Ave.. Denver. Colo. Florida. FLORIDA We have millions of acres of Florida timber, cut over, farm and coloni sation lands. Before purchasing send for Florida Real Estate Journal.' Big bargains, nice homes; we can suit you. National Realty Agency. Jacksonville. Florida. 200,000 acres prairie land, DeSoto County Florida; some rouok frontage Okeechobee' wholesale, 6.0u0'acre minimum.. Klsslmmea Prairie Land Co.. Stillwater,. Minn. USB. -1 IOWA FARMS. Writ for my large Illustrated list of Madison county farms, from 20 acres up to 440 scree, all prices; -good liberal terms. Bee Madison county before buying. Best all around county In tha state. A dress 1. G. SHRIVER, Wlnterest, la. 47H-ACRB IOWA FARM, miles of Council Bluffs, all fins land but J or 4 acres, which is seeded to alfalfa. I-arge houae, good, barn and all kinds of outbuildings. Fins orchsrd snd vineyard. With a little care the fruit Will more thaa pay lntereat on entire coat of the place. Good spring and one of best meadows la the stats; wss green all through this dry summsr. Farms 00 bettor have sold fer $16 per acrs. We offer this for $116. M'UEE READ ESTATE CO., 14 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, IOWA FARMS. For bargains in Iowa farm land, write or call on Iowa Laad Credit Company, Ma son city, Iowa. IOWA LAND, $18 PER ACRE. 400 acres In Harrison county. 42 mil.. from Omaha; 100 acres uow in corn and 100 acree mose should be; balance could be Sbeded to clover; only 40- acree subject to overflow; good soli; fenoed, but no build ings; this Is not junk and the price does not indicate the quality. It will bear careful inspection and la the cheapest land that has been offered In the Missouri bottoms fur years; only $3,600 caah required. Let me enow It to you. WUI T. hledentopf. Council Bluffs. Ia. WANTED Elthsr In Omaha or Council Bluffs, three rooms completely furnished lor light housekeeping or two rooms with board for man and wife and 2-year-old House must be modern. , Address K, Bee office, council xiiuiia. , Kaaaaa. 1S4 ACRES tn Anderson coo uty, Raa. M acres pasture, balaaue saw land; price. $11 per acre. ixeai-stowaMta a-aaa t-eu. uar- aett. CRAWFORD CO.. Kan.. N:re smooth rich prairie, with Umber along the creeks. beat corn, clover and timothy land In S E. Kan. Send for descriptive list. James wiiiuna, wainut, jt-aa. a - ftRtAL ESlATE e A R AMl it AXH l.M H)lt S4I.K Kaaaaa -t Oatlnaed. ALFALKA lauo, laim larda in waiters K.ansaa. I quote, suojeel to previous aaie, a. W. snaiiov. aater ailaua laud at $ per acre; a1 nulea trom McCua. N. E. li-lj-a-, guou w o.at or browuioorn Moil, $il per acre; 4 miiea Irom Manning, va Mo. lie u. D. V-aro. atoti city. avaa. Mlaaeealau I See ais about Minnesota farms of all de scriptions lhe are priced right. THE HONEST LAND At AN, H. i. BLLlftla. WAotUA, MINN. 240-ACRE farm, wlth.n & miles of Minne apolis. 4 milu from the county seat; rial lu acres under cultivation, baianre timber and pasture, all high land; Drue Ilk oer acre, one-bait caan, balance on easy terms; land Is aituateu on main iravsieJ road. I mile from acnovl This Is a bargain and will bear the moat rigid Invest. gallon. For further particulars write M. H. Ruiher lord et CO., i'liuceton, Mina. roR Sale Cheap Good farm, 124 sores: ail undef cultivation; small buildings; i miles west of riawiey. Ciay county, atiaa. Address box i. Musaoda, aiina. - IM ACRES, clay soil, well timbered, with bard ood; located near this city; a tog bargain. Price, lie per acre. f. K. IDIa man. St. Cloud. ai-U. GREAT BARGAIN Fine 200-aore Im- provsd farm near M. Cioud, Minn.; iu0 acres cuiuvatea, v acres iiiesuow, v paatuie. (air buildings, A per acre, eaay terma. SCUW All imua., 123 Guaranty Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Mlaaoart. BARGAIN so-acrs farm; 4 miles from Warsaw, Mo.; tt acres cultivated, balance pasture, near schoui and cnurch; pnoe, i,(XAi, terms easy. Address T. 44. Owes, arsaw. aio. IN MISSOURI. 200 acres, 1H miles southeast of Kansas City; S6 acres fins Uottoni land In cultiva tion, balance four pastures; nicely watered, fine two-story frame house; good tenant house, good barn, cribs, etc; all fenced with wire and ooard; 1 mile to tow a. school and churpf. For quick sals $ par acre; uo trade. 3EORGE KUMPF, 202-306 Sheldlng Bldg.. Kanaaa City. MO. ' A SNAP If taken la SU days Fine valley. 10 acres, Improved, In the heart of Cass county, Missouri; 2 miiea from county seat; deal with owner; save commission. Addrsss Box 74, R- F. D. No. 6, Harrisoavllle. Cass county. Mo. THREE high-class Improved northwest Missouri farms for sale; corn, clover and blue grass land; your choice. $76 per acre. Writ for partlculare. Basel J. Meek, owner, P. O box 1, CuUUeothe. Me. BIG BARGAINS. 440 acres In Lawrence Fork creek valley. near Heddington, Neb., about 18 miles southwest of Bridgeport; large portion fine valley land; good water 16 to 30 feet; only 13. la an acre, write rrea unman, Heading' ton, Neb. Htslse, LANDS MEXICO I have for sale several rise tracts of tropical lands and transportation especially suitable for fruit and stock rslstng. t;neap on quick sale. Live oor reapondenta wanted. None but responsible firms or parties need answsr. References given ana requirea Aa areas, j. ferric Kent. Tiacotalpam, Ver Mexico. Nebraska. Big Bargain 640 acres, aoout 18 miles from Dal ton Cheyenne county, Neb. Over 400 acres In Lawrence Fork Creek valley; good soil; excellent water, 15 to 30 feet; only $9.76 an acre. . . HICKS, 219 Board of Trade Bldg. 1,200-ACUE RANCH In Holt Co., Neb., clone to railroad; good 'Improvements, partly Droae. r-nco sio.vuv. i-art cash. This Is-a good proposition. ' P. O. NIELSEN St CO.. 703 N. Y. Life, Bldg. . Omaha, Neb, FOR SALE or exchange, at a sacrifice 80 acres tine Cuming county land adjoining the city of West Point; a genuine bargain; Can be resoia in acre tots at a Dig profit. Desirable Omaha income property consid ered In exchange. John H. Llndale, West Point, jveb. LAND for sale at about your own price In tturt CO., 1NC0., irom 40U to iuu per acre. Fred weymuner, agent, uuutna, iseo. . FORTY-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND $13.60 AN ACRE. Ruv land where It rains, rains, ralna. Wa own and control al.ouo acree of cheyene county, Nebraska's choicest farm land not on the market. The heaviest orop yielding county in tne state. Alfaiia also a leading crop. Write for free literature and full particulars At once. Agents wanted every where. ' FUNDINGSLAND INVESTMENT CO., SIDNEY, NEB. Oklahoma. 820 ACRES, 200 level. 200 crop, 100 hog tight, two nouses, wells, spring, five-ton ecale, shop, four mules, four horses, six cows, seventy-five bogs, tools. Price, $14.0uo. Three smaller farms, rent or sell. Owner, William Rarlolc Clifford. OkL oath Daketa. WHY PAY HIGH RENT? Mr. Farmer, come to South Dakota; atop paying high rents; own your awn farm, spend the money fr your Improvements that you are paying 'n Iowa In hlh rent. We own twenty quarters of land here that we can sell you I'or 2J6 to $30 per acre a terms yon can t iieat; $1,000 to $1,600 down balance on payjnenta at 6 per oeak Come here before th anapa are all gone. For full information write Dixon Bros, or Bank' of aeneoa. Faitlk county, H. IX "THE IDEAL HOME" OF 440 ACREA situated In the Big Sioux valley, four miles south of Caatlewood. the county seat of Hamlin county. South Dakota; 440 acrea ot deep black loam, uuder yearly cultivation; luv acree In pasture and 100 In the beautiful spring-fed Lake Florence, with Its sylvan soenes and aparkling waters, deep and pure and filled with fish and game la season, rn.il S!uity't t.'ie home, a lourtoen-room house, large barn, two granaries, chicked bouse, bog house and woven wire pasture, corn alio, machine house, small barn and aumerous small tulldlngs. all In good con dition, with windmill, three wells and ols tern. all surroundod by a beautiful grove. Price $25.0u, on good terms, by M. J, Ruasell. Caatlewood, 8. D. FARMS IN THE CORN BELT. An Improved quarter section In Gregory county. S. D., 4 nUlea trom Burke, 4V4 miles from Gregory; all fenced; small eel of Improvements; 80 acrea under oultlvatloa. fries pw per acre. 140 acres, ons mile from town. Trips county; piles 84 per acre. A half seotion. iht tulles from Wlttsu. Price per acre. A half section 4 miles from Carter; prloe $30 per acre. A nice half section 8 mllss from Dallas 9 tulles from Colomb. Price $46 per a ore T. F. HARRINGTON, Ball 1342 Iowa Bldg.. Sioux City. Ia. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. Do you want to buy a good townslteT Ws have It Just fresh from the government, with period title. 10 lots now surveyed aad about 10 of thsin sold with about at buildings now completed In the town on a railroad that has six dally trains, with ax callent eervtce. Thle townalte Includes 144 acrea of the vary best of sscond bottom land with fine timber for parks and alaa a fine stream of water running through It. Fine openinga lor aimoat all kinds of bus! beea. especially a bank, botal and elevator. A grand bargain If Bold In thirty daya. Ad dreaa Powell Land 4k Loan Co., Poasll, Stanley count, a D. SECTION of Gregory county. South Da kota, land for sale. This section has tlia bsr, running watsr fsd T springs, lota of nay, 40 acres broksn, .IM auras can bs plowed, all fenced; oieo-balf mile from school, three tulles from ens railroad town and six miles from another; good soli and the very bast all arouud farming and stock talsing section In Gregory county, boutn akota. Call wa or write to Charles Miiasi, owuar. runai. a. ia. I Wtaeaaala. HARDWOOD timbered lake frontage farm at a bargain; sa acres iu i-oig coun ty Wis.. 60 miles from twin cities: haavv clay loam soil; half mile lake frontage; lots el iiarawooa eew umoer; email clearing; ed bulldmge; good neighborhood; only si.rw; va easy tertua u taaon at onca, Owaar ti.- Bog A. St. Croix Faiia, Wia REAL ESIATE FARM A.D M4.NCH l.M FUR SAI.K Wlaroaala- satlaaed. 4 ACRES LEVEL LAND. a tuiuvai-d. tSiante paalur. 6-rooai iioua. laise barb, tinckeii nouae, eprmg and uwut tiieva ea I arm, I uiliea from etaliou, acnwol om iaoa, ll.sua, eaay leiiua. ioui u ataaou. iMal City State bail a, Ctuaserland. Wia Wyaaslag. K.aoi ACRES JUST OPENED. Carey Aet lauoa at Waeattauu. Wrtv Obtain a nemo now mat's suie to produce sua double in value before paiu lor. r'ioiii, e( water now oa to laaa. Also seiiia4 choicest farm lands m lowa toiou, Mti Cneyeane. oreat altaita aud graiu crop, groau aara eery year. Heaitoieal climate, purest waiei, auod iiiarkaua. rur excuraion iais. Naiuauie uiapa, laws, ante iiaituug Lsou Cm., special stale aasuta, Cueyeau. tvia. Mtsrellaaeoae, HAVE (OU A FARM FOM SALE oil fRADUf Or do you warn to buy on ! alaae our waiita kuoan thruugn 'iliE ut.i MOINES CAPITAL, tne want medium ol iswa. Rates. 4 ot-nt a woia ior eacn iaei uoh. 4 sea la a line. IV ceuts aa inch. tJir. wuietion. 4t,wu, largest of any Iowa dau. Ulve us a tnaL Address The Capital Laud Dept., use Moines, ia. FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE Ode good quarter ol farm iana, rerkine couoi, jseurassd; tao gooo quartera in Seawiua county, Coloiado, ISO acres of wheat laad in Aibsrta, caasda; tasnty acres and a town lot in tne 01110a eait ox lexas, last two piuptuUes Clear. Vvill take a good leadater autouiooiio ana gooo anving noiss or priviug tssm as part pay. AUoraea oa M, A.1DJOU, REAL ESTATE WANTED IF your property Is for colored people. rent or sale, list with the Home Investment Co., los a. lttn bu llsve teoants waiung 1 aoue Duugias 1119. REAL ESIAib LOANS $10$ to $10,eu uiade piouipUy. S. IN ead Bidg.. lata anu 6- ai naua. LOANS to home owners aud horae auiid re, alta pilvneae of ataaiug parua. ati Biauu sanu-auauaiiy. tv. n. inuasa -608 Dtrat Naliouai staua feuog. GARVIN BROS., d floor N. V. Ufa tens to litM.vws on iuprevHt piopar-s. r.u aeiajr WANTED City loans. Peteis Trust Co. LOW RATES. BEM1S-CARLBERU CO. 210-412 Brandels Theater Blug. WANTED City loaAs and warrauu. saiuaui ainitn A Co.. Ulv Feruaiu St $648 10 $6,000 oa Omaoa nomas. O' Heels Real Estate Co., 1U14 N. I. Life. Doug, of A-X162. MONEY TO LOAN Pay ce InvestmsBi Ce. SWAPS t. room house, bath, toilet 1 lot OOxlM. clear. Trade ior wild laud lu Nebraska; land must be clear. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 868 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red luvsi A-1721. WE exehange properties ol merit. H. H. Culver, sti-axa r. x. iin. weuaiaa isva. TO EXCHANGE FOR GOOD FARM. A first-class stock of clean hardware, will In voice 16.o0u. Want good lunn clear. Ad dress with all particulars. Lock Box 214, smith Center Kan. SWAPS. 800 acres In Nance county, Nebraska, 600 acrea In orop. Can all be cultivated. Price, $t6 per acre. Will take $U0,o00 Income bear ing property; balance easy terms. NOWATA LAND St LOT' CO.. ffig N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Red 19D9. A 172L WANTEDTO BUY BEST price paid for Id-hand furnltuta carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. WTL BECOND HAND clothes, evening anil party dresses. John Feldman, 218 N. l.tf bt; phones Douglas 2128. Ind. A-2421 WANTED SI i UATIONS YOUNG MAN deslrss place to wera board and room la private family waits at landing school, boy las College, ouu ubonee- WANTED A poslUon as companion for Invalid or elderly lady. 'Phone Harney 1848. FIRST CLASS oooK and second girl In nice private house. F 210, Bee. HOUSEKEEPER, exceptionally neat and a good cook. Address or call m S. 8th St., Council Bluffa. t AT LIBERTY Professional moving pic ture operator; also excellent at wiring. I never take a back seat Address F. C. 8., Box 12, Lexington, Neb. MARRIED man 27 years old, wants poal tlon with established house; desires chance in dn road woik: willing to begin on nom inal salary. Can furnish best oi referenoes. Q 211. Bee. EXPERIENCED stenoxrsphsr wants po sition ; good references, i 213, Bee. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 46, CEDAR COUNTY. STATU OF NEBRASKA, will receive sealed bids for the erection and completion of a HIGH BCHOOL BUILD ING In the city of Randolph, Nsbrsska, In accordance with the plans and specifica tions of the Black Hills Co., Architects, ot peadwood, S. D . until 1 o'clock p. m., October IB, 1K10. Plans and specifications can be aesn at tha office of S. O. Reese, Secy., Randolph, Neb., or at the office of the said architects, in Deadwood, 8. D. It Is required mat an bias os accompanies by a certified check of $769.00, payable to A. E. Cook, Treasurer, as evidence of good faith. The light to reject any or all bids Is reserved. 8. O. REESE, . Secretary boats oi tuiucaiion. Dated Randolph, Neb., Oct. 1, 1910. Oct6-d In order that the advertiser may get the best result for money Invested, ha must reach the buyer by the most direct and reliable channel. The Bee la that channel. "About 60 dart sko ws placed a small a4 under Bnal nets Chances. It bai broufht ui more reaults tbaa we bar got through advertising la 10 or 15 years. J. N. CASADY. JR., CO. Investment Bankers.' This is the way an Omaha firm; which has been advertising in about every publication in Ne braska and Iowa, writes of Bee want ads. "I filled my furnished rooms and secured the help. I wished in one little ad in The Bee" This Is what a lady said on Davenport street , ' 4 GOVERNMENTNOTICES OFFICE OF THE CVN:TKri,TlNU yiiHrtrrnisiter, Fort RuMnaoit, Nel., Sep tember 21). IHIH Sealed plvpneals lor fur nishing all nistrriai and labor lor tne In stil. alion of Meel Watering: liougna Ht Fort Robinson, Neb. N III ! teceueil here until 11 a. m., ictober li, l:'irt. fiank pro posals may be obtained at this oriirf. 1'ians snd oecllicatlons rurniahsd uiHirr receipt of certified check for $10 to Iname I heir re turn. Envelopes " Cohtalnlng ' proposals should be Indorsed ""Fruposnle for Furnish ing and Installing catering n-oiiknii and Sitdrrssed to 'T'sptsln Malvern Mill Har- nuni." Conetructlng vjua i-rinaurr rort Robinson. Nebraska. Jii Ji-u-t-i In order that' the advertiser mat- get the best results for money Invest d,' he must reach the boysT- by- the most 'itlrect and reliable channel. The Bed Is that channel. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION. -Teath aad Marry, taloa Paeltlo Leave. Arrlva San. Fran. Overland L. a 816 am all pra t lilna A J span . H .'.l t tu pm .a a w pni Atlantic kxurraa a 46 am Oregon Express.......;.. 4:00 ptn'4 6:W pin l.oe Alllia.va linileO.. .S 11 .l i.u , m o pin Colorado Spsclal . all v pm . a 7 U am Denver Special a s:i a n bk.w aia i .ir.irn.1.1 i iumn . . .a : u.n ' S ; pro Oregon-Wash. lsmlted.&U 50 pm a 1:20 pra Noun 1'iatla Local ....a a. ill am a -. iih Grand Island Local ....a 6:J0 pm a 10: 30 am Lincoln Beatrice Local.. bll:u pm o i.av poj tkleago, Great Westera Chicago Limited , a 6:48 pm Twin City Limited...... .a k:3o pin a 7:&l era iwln City express :w am i:s p Chicago Expisss a 8:46 pa 4 h lea go, Mllvraakee at si. raol lu-.ri.nil Limited ......all:43 pm a:68an Omaha-Chicago Ex. ....b 7:1a am o .J aw Omalia-Savaunah Ex....c 7.16 am , c 9:30 are Lolo.-t allf. S.X a :w pin a .a pin Coioiadu epecial a 7 oi pm all:4 pin Peiry-omaua Local ....o 4:i po Oil .04 pi V abash Omaha at. Louis Ex.... a 8:38 pm S 9:26 an Mail and Expreas ai .Jtfaiu all. II pa blaub'y 1 ci ttroiii C B..b 6:u pm .,0,10.16 ant -Ulssoart Haclllo K. C. at. L. Ex a 9:20 am a 7:1$ am tw. C. 4k St L. Ex ail:16 piu a 6.60 pm Chicago Nonhvrestera , , NORTHBOUND. ,. " Twill City IkXpiaa a ..MSiA al9 24 pm tloux CRy Local ......a 3:4a pm 4.24 pm Aiiiiit. st iakuia HftX a 1 :W put 9.16 am 1 m City Ltd ten &aw-a . piu . A :v aiu ' IwinCity Lttaaioniyj. ll;vt' put a J.aj aui EAS'4 BOUND. Omaha Expreas ,..,... ,. in ill:HMl Chicago Local aU:06 pm a 8:4 pm Cuiuiauo-cuii-ago ..a :w pm a.l.sa poi cnicagu bpeviai a ti.w pm a i.M.m l acitio Cuaat-CiiUag0...a k:iu pin a put Los Angelas Lliiuteu ...a:uvpiu tU.si .at Overland Limited all.t pm 4 i:ii am Denver 'special al. :W u .4l uu Carroll Local a 4:v piu alV.Ul aui Fast Mali a 4;v put a .sb put WESTBOUND, .' Llncoln-Chadrou .a l:o0 am ' all KM am Nofolk-Dalias .......... .a V bM am aMiia pm Long Pina-ao. Platte... .0 Vila pna 6.M pus Hastinga-supei'ioi' . b 2;U pm ' 0 1 plu Leadwuod-itot aprmgs..a s:as pw w s:swpiu Caaper-Lanuor ..a :oo pm ail:iw am reiuoul-Albion ...... Illinois Cealral Chicagu EXpieaS CniL-ago Liuiiled .... atiiiia et. i'ui Ex.i. Miiiu--ak paui Ltu... .. b:m put a Lee put ..a ?:0 am a I 44 pni .a 4:uu pm a k:w am ..u i.w am ..a put a :w aiu Ckloaga, Moaat Islaad at Pact tie EAST. ' Rocky Mountain L.u....al3:38 am al0:50 pm Iowa Local Pass, a :6 am a 4:40 uu cuioago Dauy ex. ...... a i :4 am a : au Cuicaao uicm rM...,iHv.i am uiv.m put uea Moiiioa lAioai rasa. a 4:tM piu aii.jy piu cuicaao jbxpiaaa a 4. u piu a 1:16 pm cuicaat biuuieu ...... ..a a.va yul a 41U4 aui tv EST. Ibe Moulair.eer......n.ia 8.60 am 1:06 ana cni.-.eo. Lanooiu.a a.aa am a B.i pm V.010. at Can fcx...n ..a l;aa put a 4:30 put OKI. 4t Texas r-pia.a .M piu a 1MM pm Itouay Mountain Lid....ei.o pm al4.al pot Bartlngton StatloaTenth 4k Usaea. rllntaa Denver California.;... a 4:10 pm 1:48 pra puget Bound Express... 4U0 pm a 1:44 pm Neoraska polnu a 4:it0 am a 6:10 pm Black Hills ..a 4:lo pra a 8:46 pm Lincoln Mail P 10 pm al2;ls pni Northwest Express ,u.ail:6 pin a 2:uc a in Nebraska pom is a b .M am a 6:10 pm Nebraska Express ......a 9:16 am a 6:10 pm Lincoln Local .. b 9:04 am Lincoln Local .........a 7:26 pm a 7:60 pot Suhuyier-Plattsmouth .0 I Wo pm bl0:20 ani piattamouth-ioiaa ......a 9:18 am a 8:60 am Ballsvue-Piattamuuth ..al2:i)0 pm a 2:40 pm Colorado Limited ...... .all:i!6 pra a 7i00 am Chicago special ........a 7:16 am all:06 pm Chicago Express ........a 4:20 pm- a pm Chicago Fast Exprsss..a 9:M) pm 8:00 am Iowa Local a 9:15 am al0:30 am Creston-lowa Locul ...a 9:30 pm al0:30 am SU Louis Express ...... a 4:30 pm a.il.46 am K. C. 4t SL Joseph alt): 46 pm a 6:46 am K. C. 4c est. Joseph a 9:16 am a;10 pi K. C. bu Joseph. .....a 4:30 pm Webstet Station 10 tn aad Webstsr. Mlaaoarl Pacific Auburn Local b 1:60 pm bll:U pin Caloaga, St. Paal, , Mlaaeapolle sa Oataha ' " Sioux City Expreas b 1:08 pm t)H:4S am Umaha Local J I Mpm Bioux tity rmwuw ,, Twin City Paaaenger'...b 1:20 lm '; 1:20 pin Sioux City Local .,.,..,.0 8:86 am Emerson Local b 6:e4 pm b i:lt Am (a) Daily, lb) Daily axctpt Sunday, (o) Sunday only. THE SUNDAY BEE Is anxiously awaited bv those who are specially interested in lands, the sort that bny. and sell and encourage others to do likewise. : t