The Omaha Daily New "Phono Number All Departments OMAHA DF.t TYLER lOOO WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska tJcncTnlly fair. For Iowa (icnorally fair. Kor weather report aoe iaf. 2. VOL. XL-NO. OMAHA, MONDAY MOIiNIXU, OCTOBKK 3, 1910 TLX PAULS. SI NULL COPY TWO CENTS. CUTTING KXL'ENS ' litchell Corn WOUK Ut CABlNE,iVV,,alace Closes AUTO DEATHS MAY BAH GllAND PRIZE Possibility that Automobile Club of America Will Call Off Coming Motor Event. Danger in Delay NEW YOliK FIGHT WILL 15EJI0T ONE Attitude of Old Guard and of Hearst Will Have Much to Do with Outcome. Successful Year President and His Aides Consider Many Problems of Moment to the Nation. BUSINESS METHODS TO BE USED Good Wheat and Corn Are Shown from Counties Originally Regarded as Part of the Stock Belt. ENTHUSIASTS HOLD THIS VIEW PLEDGE OF SUPPORT ASSURED New York Business Man Appointed to Make Suggestions. HOPE TO SAVE MANY MILLIONS Postal Savings Bank System Comes Up for Discussion. FEW INSTITUTIONS AS STARTERS Judicial Appointments lirct-lvr Con elderatlnn and All Have Good Word for Governor Ilnghca for Chief Justice. (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' WASHINGTON. 1. C. Oct. 2.-( Special.) At no cabinet meeting within ao short a time have ao many subjecta been dis cunaed aa engaged the attention of Presi dent Taft and hla ministry at their series of house partlea commenced Monday. All were there except Secretary of War Dlek inaon, who la yet in the far east, and will probably not return to Washington until November. Largely engaging the attention of the president and hla nearest counselors has been the effort authorized by law to re trench expenditures along the suggestion made by Senator Aldrlch that aome hun dreda of million of dollars might be saved the government. The beginning of this re form was Uie appropriation of $100,000 to start an Investigation of the business methods of the departmenta with a view to cut down expenditures. A New York business man, Frederick A. Cleveland, who has had much experience with large busl neaa and municipal corporation In work of thia kind haa been appointed by the presi dent to superintend the adventure. Also of considerable Importance to the country at large, two subjects lm dlately concerning the Postofflce department were seriously considered. They were Postal Havings bank system and the advlsabllltj of putting the third and fourth class post' mantels In the classified Civil service. The president and Ms business-like com patriots also discussed the situation wltb reference to the United States supreme court, and all had a good word to say for Governor Charles E. Hughes of New York aa fit for chief justice in place of the late Melville W. Fuller. If appointed, the New York lawyer will be the ninth ohlof justice of the supreme court since its organisation. Three were appointed by President Wash. Inglon John. Jay of New .York. John Rut ledge' of South Carolina and Oliver Ells worth of Connecticut. None of these held office after Washington's second term ex pired and their tenure of office was com paratively brief. John Marshall of Virginia, appointed by President John Adama, came along for the longest time any chief justice haa ao far been able to aerve thirty-four yeara. His predecessors had resigned from the bench. Jay served but six years, Kutledge but one alttlng of the court, hla nomination having been rejected by the senate, and Ellsworth but four yeara. Roger B. Taney of Mary land, like Marshall, had a long aervlce in the exalted office twenty-eight years. The other ohlef Justices had terms aa follows: Salmon P. Chase of Ohio, nine yeara; Morrison R. Walte of Ohio, fourteen years, and Melville W. Fuller of Illinois, twenty two yeara. HASKELL TURNS DOWN ROOSEVELT RECEPTION Governor of Oklahoma Aeeaeea Colonel of Official Mlacon dnrt la Paat. , OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl Oct J.-Oov-ernor Charles N. Haskell, today informed George XL Beldlng, of Little Rock, Ark., secretary of the Arkanaaa Fair asso ciation, that ha declined an Invitation to be present at the reception to Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt at Little Rock, October 10. The governor declared that until he change hla mind towrad the "official mis conduct of Colonel Roosevelt In the past or hla attempt to deceive the people In the present" he could not consistently place himself In the position of approving the Roosevelt policies. PRINCE SUIN ISN0T ALARMED V'ncle of the Emperor Sera No Proa pact of an I'prlsing In China. NEW YORK. Oct 1. (Special Telegram.) Reports of another uprising in China, to guard against which It Is reported tnat the American army In the Phllllpplne islands is being hastily prepared, are de clared by Prince Suln, uncle of the em paror of China, to be greatly exaggerated. Ha said he thought the news reports were unduly alarming and that If any uprising occurred It would be found to be of a purely local character. Prince Buln, who is staying at the Plaza, aald he had been much gratified by the courtesy which he had met on all sides in thia country and that his first visit here had bean one of the most pleasant occaslona of his life. Prince Suln today went to the Brooklyn navy yard with Admiral Salt and four na val offlcera Just back from Newport News. They went aboard the Connecticut and In spected the ship. Prince Suln, however, would make no comment for publication. VACCINATION KILLS THE BOY Jaaaea little Habe Off Ilia scab and Lockjaw Makes Ita Appear- SPRINGFIELD, Mass., Oct. I Spe cial Telegram. ) -Compulsory vaccination la held to have caused the death of James Little, five years old, of lockjaw. Tha boy waa vaccinated three weeka ago to comply wltb the law which makea vac cination a pre-reo,ulstte for admission to the public rchoola. Tha Irritation resulting from the vac cination prompted the child to rub or scratch the wound, which became in fected with tetanua germs. Pronounced ymptoma . of lockjaw appeared and though tha boy waa promptly taken to the Springfield hospital and given anti toxin treatment, be died after forty-eight J'-uare' agony. MITCHELL, S. I)., Oct. 2 (Special.) When the twelfth annual corn palace closed Saturday r.lght It finished a week that was one of the most successful In the history of the enterptlse. The dosing day, Saturday, really outdid any other day In the week. It being set apart for the Elks of this city to hold their cornerstone exercises, when the ceremony was gone through with late In the after noon. Sioux Falls and Huron Elks with bands came to Mitchell on special trains to the number of 6u0. With the parade In the afternoon when fully LOO Elks were in line and lead by three bands, the exercises were concluded with the ceremony. The county exhibits displayed Just what had been accomplished throughout the state In a remarkable manner. Wheat is a good quality and in most counties it is graded as No. 1 northern and brings the topmost price on the market. Wheat In Spink 'county is ranging from fifteen to thirty bushels. Oats are averaging thirty to fifty five bushels, and flax Is good for eighteen bushels. Fall River county, until within a few years a stock county, shows good corn, but alfalfa Is the blKgest crop there this year, running five tons tin the acre In three crops. Clark county shows wheat that yields from sixteen to twenty-five bushels; oats twenty-five to fifty bush els and flax that goes as high as thirty bushels. Minnehaha county mude its first exhibit this year and won second prize In the palace contest. Wheat Is going from sixteen to forty bushels; oata running thirty to eighty, and two farmers are showing corn that will average 100 bushels. Han son county Is making an entirely corn display, and It will yield, from what has been husked, all the way from fifty to seventy bushels. Davison county is ex ceptionally fortunate, fur its wheat is turning out from eighteen to twenty-five bushels; oats from thirty to lxty bush els and Its corn from thirty-five to seventy bushels. Sanborn county, which took first prize in the contest, Is showing macaroni wheat that, yields thirty-one bushels, and black bearded durum at thirty-five bush els, Oats range to fifty-five bushels and barley Is yielding about thirty bushels. Mc Cook county has a good display that shows good crops In that county. The exhibits have been viewed by thousands of people from this state and many from the eastern states who are out this way looking over the country, and find a good view of the state In, the exhibits. PILOT KILLED IN SPRINGFIELD Young Kaee Driver Thrown Into) Fence at Side of Track. SPRINGFIELD, III., Oct 2.-Laru Vreden burgh, aged 2t, was Instantly killed In the twenty-mile automobile race at tha state fair grounds track late this afterlfoon, when a Stoddard-Lay ton car he was driving plunged through the fence and he was al most decapitated. Sitting In the amphitheater was his bride of but a few months. ' She fainted and was taken away In an ambulance. The accident happened when the cars, with Barney Oldfleld leading, were on the eighth lap. As they swept around the west turn Vredenburgh's oar skidded and plunged through the fence, turning over. Vredenburgh's body hit the top rail and waa thrown several feet from where the car atruck. The fair officials called off the rest of the races. Walter Brocklns, who made the record brealkng aeroplane flight from Chicago to Springfield Thursday, announced that out of respect to the dead boy he would not make his scheduled flight today. Brouklns and Vredenburgh were close friends, Brook Ins having been the guest of Vredenburgh during the former's stay in this city. Laru Vredenburgh was one of the' best known young men in central Illinois, waa a member of a wealthy family and waa very prominent In aoclety. Last June he married Mlsa Mildred Holmes of Pottsdam, N. Y. Aeroplanes Meet Head on in Midair Aviators Are Seriously Injured and the Machines Are Completely Wrecked. MILAN, Italy, Oct 2. (Special Cable gramsThe first collision on record be tween aeroplanes In midair occurred here today at the aviation meet when the ma chines of Captain Dickson, an Kngllsn army flyer, and a French aviator named Thomas met in a head-on collision while speeding through the air fifty feet above the ground. Both machines were dashed to the ground with great force and the two aviators seriously Injured. Captain Dick son Is not expected to live. The machines were completely wrecked. An immense crowd witnessed the acci dent and for a time a panic waa imminent. The accident was caused by Thomas los ing control of his biplane and, although he shouted frantically to Dickson of the danger, the machines were too close to gether to allow the English driver a chance to get out of the way. PRACTICAL JOKE IS FATAL Mlsa I : iii in a Hall of Mollnr Jnmpa from Moving tar When gome one Yrlla "Fire I" MOLINE. 111.. Oct. 2. As the result of an alleged practical Joke, Miss Emma Ball, aged 21 years, cashier of a local depart ment store, Is dead and Mra. John Guess ford, wife of a railway fireman, la dying In a Moline hospital. Both were riding on a Moline, East Moline and Watertown ln terurban car. last night, when the fuse burned out and In the darkness an uni dentified man yelled: 'Car's on fire, jump." llaptlat Pastors at Grand Island. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Oct. 2. (Sjieclal.) -There la a good attendance for the open ing day of the Baptist State convention. Several hundred pastors and laymen are in the city and It ia expected that when the attendance la at Ita crest the number will reach 300. The program for today was rather more along tha line of the usual services with a sermon by Rev. Sarber of the Flrat Baptist church at 11.00 a. m , and addresses this afternoon by Rev. J. o. Staples of Warrensburg, Mo., Mrs. R. A. Huntley of Pawnee City and Prof, S house In the afternoon. This evening Rev. W. M. Martin of Huldrege occupies Uia pulpit. Put AUTHORITIES LIKELY TO ACT If Automobile Officials Do Question Will Come Up. Not, ONE SAD INCIDENT OF RACE Mrs. Harold Stone, Wife of t'olnmbna Driver, bat In Grand Stand Wait ing to See Husband, Who Va In Hospital. NEW YORK, Oct. 2. (Special Telegram.) It is posslblu that the international auto mobile race scheduled for October 15 will be called off aa a result of the casualties at the .mderbllt cup races. If the Auto mobile Ciub of America does not act, the authorities may withdraw permission for the race to be held. While no definite action In the matter has been taken, the race enthusiasts who gathered at the Garden City hotel after the cup race were doubtful of the probability of any grand prize race. The many injuries and deaths around the circuit, it was said, might cause the board of governors of the Automobile Club of America to withdraw their sanction of the races scheduled for October 15, even if the Motor Cups Holding company, wished to conduct the contest according to arrangements. As the Auto mobile Club of America is court of last resort on International automobile affairs in this country, the grand prize race could not be un if the sanction were withdrawn A. L. McMurtries, chairman of the techni cal committee of the Automobile Club of America and one of the last to leave the course, said tonight he had heard nothing about the abandonment of the grand prize race. It Is the duty of Mr. McMurtries' committee to examine the cars before they enter the race, and he said that he had re ceived no Instructions to abandon the races. Wife Watched In Grandstand. Not knowing of the disaster that had overtaken her husband, Harold Stone, driver of car No. 12, who was probably fatally In jured when his car plunged from the course as he was rounding out the third lap In the Vanderbllt cup race, Mrs. Stone, a bride of only a few weeks, sat In the grand stand and eagerly watched for her husband to complete the circuit. Cheers and shouts ascended as the speeding cars flashed by and each one Mrs. Stone scanned eagerly, trying to catch a glimpse of the one whom above all else she hoped to see drive his car to victory arid carry off the prize be- fore the day closed. He did not come. j Then Bhe began to make Inquiries and was told that an accident had happened to his j car, but she was not told of the nature of I the accident until after the race was over. At the close of the race two officials broke the news to Mrs. Stone and she waa In formed her husband was probably dying. Mrs. Stone collapsed and was hurried away In an automobile by two sympathizing women. Stone Is a native of Los Angeles. He came east to Hartford, Conn., some time ago to work for the Columbia Motor com pany. His bride is the daughter of Dr. Bowman, chief surgeon of the Union Pacific railroad. They had been married only a month and were to have started on their honeymoon last night. Nebraska Counties First and Second Exhibits from Pawnee and Nemaha Capture Two Prizes at Missouri Valley Fair in Kansas City. off the agricultural honors in the Missouri Valley Fair and Exposition at Electric park. The awards for the county exhibits were made Saturday. Nebraska took both first and second prizes. To Arnold Murtin, who has been called the best small farmer In America, Is due the credit ror Nebraska a success. Mr. Martin has charge of the exhibit for Paw nee county. It was given first prize. The same county won first prize at the fair last year. The county exhibit prize is the largest cash prize offered for one exhibit In the agricultural section. The prizes were awarded in this order: Pawnee county, Nebraska, first prize, $323; Nemaha county, Nebraska, second prize, $3o0; Franklin county, Kansas, third prize, Leavenworth county, Kansas, fourth prize. $110; Wyandotte county, Kansas, fifth prize. $75. More than half of the products In the Pawnee county exhibit were raised on the twenty-acre farm Mr. Marti a owns and were cultivated by hlin. Wyandotte county, which won the fifth prize, took first place In the county exhibits at the Kansas Slate fair in Topeka two weeks ago. Five states were represented In the county competition In Electric park. DR. COOK REPORTED TO BE IN LONDON NOW Discredited F.aplorer Mill (Unas Statement that He Itearhed Pule. to NEW YORK. Oct. 2.-Dr. Frederick A. Cook has been found In London and the World tomorrow will publish an Interview attributed to him. In the Interview Dr. Cook said he will yet prove he discovered the north pole and hopes to return to New York shortly. In London, according to the interview, he occupied a seat In Albert hall last spring and heard Com mander Peary lecture before the Royal Geological society. "I atood twenty yards from Peary at the time," says the Interview, "and none recognised me." The doctor has made Ira headquarters In the English capital since last May, taking occasional Jaunta to the eontlnent. Most of the t me he has had hla wife for a companion. Ilia children are In European a in Many Deaths and Injuries Damper Upon Speeders. WOMEN TO WORK FOR BALLOT Suffrage War to Become Big Feature in New York Politics. MRS. MACKAY TO LEAD THE FIGHT Army of Workera la to Swoop Down Upon Albany and Invoke the Aid of the Leglsla tare. NEW YORK, Oct. 2 (Special Telegram.) With the return of Mra. Clarence H. Mackay from Europe, the last of the suf frage leadera to take up the fall campaign work, the activities of the 100,000 suffrage war In New York state will soon be Inaugu rated. All the organization heada who gave out their plans want It known that money will be no object this winter In the "votes for women" campaign. Realising the necessity of sufficient campaign funds to carry out the large and active ju ayrs.m outline the suffragists have united to raise the money by the big state suffrage fair to be held enrlv In Oerumher. In which all the auf- fraKe club of tha ,tate w, tak, part for a week. It u expected that a subatantlai Btart wlll ba made on tne work of financing tn.. winter s campaign. sfriarlsis are anx'loualv awattina- the disclosure of Mrs. Mackay's plans for the season, which, thoBe who discussed the pro gram with her last spring say, will add Just the right social touch of dignity to the whole winter's campaign work. One of the Plans. One of "Jlis. Mackay's proposed plans Is to give a series of tableaux In one of the large theaters, which wlll show the Indi vidual achievements of women throughout this country. Another plan is to put on the road a couple of suffrage plays. Miss Caroline Lexow, secretary of the Collegiate Suffrage league, who has been elected field secretary for Mrs. Mackay's Equal Franchise society, will begin her work October 10. Mrs. Mackay's society has rented an additional office adjoining the handsome suite now occupied by the society In the Metropolitan tower. Mrs. Mackay's society, from a member ship of 200 a year ago, now has a member ship of GOO. The fees have been reduced to $2. The two newest members are Miss Olga Nethersole, the actress, and Mrs. Stanley Mortimer of the exclusive four hundred set. Ida Tarbell to Talk. Among the many activities of Mrs. Mac kay's society wlll be six lectures on suf frage in Maxine Elliott's theater by well known men and women, including Miss Ida Tarbell. The season's program, us announced yes terday by various organization leaders, pre sents sufficient activities to satisfy the most ardent suffrage worker. "We are going to have the busiest suf frage season New York state haa ever known," said Mrs. Harriet Stanton Blatch. "Particularly will we turn our attention to the legislature after the numerous fall demonstrations for suffrage are over. Criti cism was made last winter that we did not have enough workers at Albany. One of our best friends In the legislature told us that we should Increase our army of work ers there. 1 guess no complaint of lack of numbers will be made of the work to be done there this year." GRAND ISLAND Jones & Brandea of Hastings have closed a deal whereby they lease a space liUxtt feet In the business section of the city for five years and will Immediately construct a large garage, truss roof and entirely open Interior, covering the entire space. Wholesaling and distributing is contemplated. Grand Island being re regard, d by them as the best point in central Nebraska for such a concern. Thousands of visitors arc here and more are coming They are engaging rooms now. Have you a spare one? Now Is the time to tell them of It. Say where it is. How many minutes' walk from depot. Near what car lino. Whether in residence sec tion or business section. And what it is worth. Visitors are watching The Bee for this Information. Call Tyler 1000 and you will find cheerful gulf ready to alt on you ' I if" Next Tuesday is Registration Day in Attempt to Rob Antelope County, Bank Failure Robbers Blow Vault, but Are Unsuc cessful in Opening New Style of Strong Box. OAKDALE, Neb., Oct. 2. (Special Tele gram.) An attempt was made early this morning to rob the Antelope County bank. Burglars gained entrance 'to the bank through a rear door by breaking a heavy plate glass in the door. The vault was blown open, but the safe, one of the new type and evidently too difficult to crack was not disturbed. Parties living near the bank say the dynamiting occurred about 3 a. m. The attempted robbery waa not discovered, however, until the bank was opened late this morning by one of the bank officers. It la reported that nothing of value la missing. ' Sheriff Miller waa quickly on- the-Rfounr. and everything possible la being done U get trace of the robbers. Postal Savings to Dig Big No More Panama Bonds Will E. Issued if Banks Prove Success Anticipated. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2. If the postal savings banks prove In any measure to be the success which President Taft and Secretary MacVeagh believe they wlll no more Panama bonds will be Issued and the big ditch will be dug with money loaned to the government by depositors In the postal banks. After conferences with the president Secretary MacVeagh has de cided that the treasury wlll take advantage of the portion of the postal bank law which allows the Issue of postal bonds for replenishing the treasury. Under the law 05 per cent of all the postal savings banks deposits may be Invested by the president in bonds or other securities of the United States when In his Judgment the general welfare and Interests of the United States ao require. The treasury has already advanced 119, 000,000 for building the canal with the ex pectation that bunds would be sold. Secre tary MacVeagh has declared he will Issue no more Panama bonds until the circula tion tax on the new issue and those out standing was equalized. Prospects of legis lation to this are said to be doubtful. By using postal savings ac counts, provided they flow In as expected, a further Issue of Panama bonds cun be avoided. Senator-Elect Broward Dies Former Governor Passes Away as He is Placed Upon Operating Table Campaign Had 111 Effect. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Oct. 2-Fotmer Governor Broward died today at 12:20 p. m. Senator-Elect Broward's death occurred as he was being placed on the operating table. Mr. Broward had been ailing for some time, the recent strenuous senatorial campaign having had Its effect on him. Jaundice and gallstones, added to the other complication, alarmed the doctors and his family, but It had been hoped his strong constitution would pull him through. PARK THOMPSON GETS HIS MAN Outcome of an Oklahoma Fend It e anlla In Killing of thief of Police England. M'ALESTEH. Okl., Oct. 1. (Special Tel egramsGeorge England, chief of police of Colgate, was shut and killed this morn ing as he was leaving a restaurant by Park Thompson. The killing waa the re sult of a feud. Six yeara ago a brother of Thompson waa chief of police. He was removed and Eng land was put In his place. A quarrel fol lowed and England killed Thompson. He was tried and acquitted. Six weeks ago I'ark Thompson returned from the Philippines and went to work In a livery stable. He lay In wait for England as he stepped Into the street and siiot him dead. England was one of the best known men in t lie eastern pait o' the etate. He waa formerly a cowboy and champion roper. Omaha. military men to the fore Troopers, Artillerymen and Foot Sol diers All in Camp Today. DILLS TO BEGIN ON WEDNESDAY Ample Accommodations Provided the Drill Grounds for Kluht aeera of Large and Small Puree. Beginning this afternoon, the military man will have the attention of the people of Omaha and the visitors who are here to make merry with Ak-Sar-Bcn. General Fred Smith and those members of his staff who accompanied him to Des Motnea arrived home Sunday, and the af fairs of the ' big encampment at Fort Omaha at once engaged their attention Most of the troops will arrive today and I the making of camp by the new arrivals will not take much time.' Today will be tlven over to. preparation for the exhlLi- i;ms nn the program. Arrangements have been made at Fort niaha for comfortably taking care of the l.ousands who will go there to witness the Irills on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and aturday afternoons. A tan bark arena as been constructed of sufficient dlmen i' ins to accommodate the various organ izations during their maneuvers and around this arena a grandstand and a row of boxes has been built. The grandstand ...i ucouiiiinodate about 6,000 people and scats will be sold at 2a cents. These .ickets can be procured at eBaton & Mc Ginn's downtown or at the grounds. Box r.tats will be sold at CO cents each; tue boxes hold eight chairs and are sold at H for a single afternoon or $12 for the sea son of four exhibitions. These boxes may be purchased from Luther Kountze at the First National bank. The money from the i-ale of seats goes entirely Into the prize fund and will be distributed among the soldiers who take part In the competition. Around the arena Is ample standing room, as all are admitted to the grounds at the fort free of charge, and the exhibi tions are absolutely free. The sales of seats Is merely to provide comfort for thcyie who care to pay a little Bomethlng for It, assured at the time that the money spent goes to those who are providing the entertainment and not to any private pur pose. Drllla liealn Tneaday. The drills will be given on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday after noons and will be the same aa are pre sented at all army tournaments. On Thurs day afternoon the great military street pa rade wlll occur. For this day a general holiday will be proclaimed. The railroads I have already agreed to close their freight depots on Thursday afternoon, and Acting Mayor Brucker has announced his Inten tion of issuing a proclamation, calling on all business houses to close on Thursday afternoon, bo that everybody may liavea chance to witness the great military spec tacle. Tuesday evening a display of fireworks will be given on the carnival grounds, as a aort of appetizer for the grand entry of the king Wedaeoday evening. Today and tonight the usual go-as-you-please merry making will be In full awing on the grounds, with the two open air slides for life of Jack Justice as the spectacular fea ture!. Wednesday evening's rarade will begin to move at 8 o'clock and precautions have been taken to assure an uninterrupted ! progress through the streets. All the floats are completed, and all the knights, whl wlll man them are ready, as are the horse men and their mounts, and the footmen too. Formation of the military set for Thurs day afternoon will be made ut Sixteenth and Cuming and on the surrounding blocks and la scheduled to start at 2 o'clock. In many respects It will differ from the mili tary feature last year, and those who know assert It will be a great event. Friday evening the Coronation ball will occur at the Den and modistes In Omaha and elsewhere have had occasion to know that this social founction wlll be a real one from the standpoint of dress. The managers say It wlll also be the cap sheaf of the social funetlona of the week, and every detail will be smoothed ao that everything will move like clockwork. Sionx Falls Eaglea Will Build. SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Oct. I Tha local Aerie of Eaglea, whlcb la In excellent financial condition, haa purchaaed ground altuated directly across the street from the city auditorium, upon which the order wlll erect a fine lodge hall building. The structure wlll be 41xs fret In size and three storlea In height. Tha work of con struction wlll commence at once. When completed the building will be one of the finest lodge atructurea In tha city or atate. Losers in Saratoga Fight Promise to Aid Ticket. GOTHAM EDITOR ANOTHER SORT Impression is Hearst Will Endorse Stimson or Name Ticket. DIX ON RECORD AGAINST HTM Holt of Democratic Nominee In 1 flOrt .Not Likely to He Repaid with Ardent Snnpnrt at This Time. NEW YORK, Oct. 2. (Special Telegram.) -Leaders of both the (Trent parties In New York are plnnning f.r what promises to ho the most spectacular campaign seen In the Empire tate since the days of David B. Hill and drover Cleveland. Oyster Hay Is th center of republican activity and nftor the return from Roches ter the democratic leaders probably wlll make New York the campaign headquar ters. Two factors In the campaign which are Important and uncettaln are these: Will the "Old Guard" forget the wenrlng out It got at Saratoga, fall In line behind Stim son and Cole, and work loyally for tha ticket? Will Hearst endorso either of the tickets and which, or will he run an inde pendent ticket? Upon the answer of these two questions the result of tlwi campaign depends. In republican circles It la asserted with apparent confidence that the "Old Guard" will work loyally for the success of the party. It Is the best opinion among unpre judiced observers that while Barnes, Wood ruff and the other deposed leaders wlll not bolt. In fact, most of them have said so, that they will not kill many snakes In an effort to fix the hold of Colonel Roosevelt on the party machinery. As to the course of the Independence league and Mr. Hearst, the Impression seems to be that they either wlll Indorse Stimson or name a ticket of their own. Democratic Candidate DIx bolted the nomination of Hearst In D06 and said some pretty hard thing" about the candidates when he did It. Hence, It Is not thought possible the Independence league leader wlll be found heaping coals of fire on Mr. Dlx's bead. Democrats and republicans differ widely In their estimates of the Independence lesgue strength. The former profeas to be lieve It will not be sjrflclent to affect the result, while tha lnur claim It will firing1" enough votes to Stimson to offset any "Old Guard" disaffection and render hla elec tion sure. NKW FACES IX KKXT CONGRESS Some Old Members Are Defeated and gome Retire. WASHINGTON, Oct, .-(Bpeclal Tele gram.) To date seventy-eight members of the present congress have failed of a re nomlnatlon. With the elections still to be heard from, the chance of a large colony of "lame ducks" In Washington during the coming winter Ib proportionately Increased. The list of senators and representatives of the present congress who will not be In the next congress aa already decided, ia aa follows: Alabama William B. Craig, retired. Arkansas Charles C. Reed, retired; R. Miner Wallace, defeated. California Senator Frank P. Flint, re tired; D. E. McKinlay and James Mo Laclilan, defeated. Connecticut N. D. Sperry, retired. Floiido Senator J. P. Talliaferro. de feated. Georgia L. A. Livingston and William M. Howard, defeated. Idaho T. R. Hamer, defeated. Illinois II. S. Boutell, defeated and It M. Snapp and F. O. Ixiwden, retired. Iowa A. F. Dawson and W. D. Jamieson, retired; J. A. T. Hull, defeated. Kansas C. F. Scott, J. M. Miller, W. A. Culdeihead and W. A. Reeder, defeated. Kentucky D. C. Edwards, deleated. Louisiana Senator McEnery and Repre sentative Gllmore. deceased. Hale and Allen Retired. Maine Senator Eugene A. Hale and Rep- ! resentatlve A. L. Allen, retired; J. P. bwasey and E. C. Burleigh, defeated. Maryland John Kiunmillcr, S. E. Mudd and G. A. Pearre, retired. Massachusetts C, Q. Tlrrell, deceased; J. A. Kelllher and J. F. O'ConneJl, defeated; E. N. Foss, retired. Michigan Senator J. C. Burrows and W. Gardner, defeated; C. E. Townsend, re tired from the house and nominated for the senate. Minnesota James A. Tawney, defeated. Mississippi Senator H. D. Money re tired; Thomas Splght and A. M. Byrd, de feated. Missouri-Senator William Warner, tired. Nebraska O. M. Hitchcock and E. ra il. Illnshaw. retired; Hitchcock nominated fur senate by democrats. Nevada (1. A. Bartlett, retired. New Jersey C. N. Fowler, defeated. New York J. Van Olcott. defeated; James S. Havens and Charles L. Knapp, retired. North Dakota Senator William E. Pur cell and A. J. Grunna. retired; Gronna nom inated for the senate by the republicans. Ohio Ralph I). Cole, defeated. Oregon William R. Ellis, defeated. Pennsylvania T. D. Nichols, ii. W. Pal mer, John M. Reynolds, C. F. Barclay, Q. F. Huff, A. F. Cooper and J. K. Tenor, ra llied; A. B. Garner, N. I'. Wheeler and W, II. Graham, defeated. Tenor nominated fo' governor by the republicans. Rhode Island Senator Nelson W. Aldrlch, retired. More Changes Expected. South Carolina Jamea O. Patterson, de feated. Tennessee W. P. BrownlOw, deceased. Texas Gordon Russell, resigned; O. W. Gillespie, defeated. Virginia Senator J. W. Daniel, deceased; II. L. Maynard, defeated. Washington Senator 8. II. Plies and Representative Miles Poindexter, retired; I'olndexter nominated for the aenate. W. W. McRedie, defeated. West Virginia.-W. P. Hubbard, retired. Wisconsin W. 11. Stafford, defeated; C. II. Weiss, retired. Not all atatea have yet completed their congressional nomlnatlona, notably New York, where there will ba a few mora